All posts made by Pajulapoiss in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 19510343 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

I see people desperate about making money with btc value growth, and being worried about having missed the train of making millions. But it's not all about that. Even if you don't make any profit from bitcoin growth, why not still use it? The future is not in gold coins, it's in bitcoins! Bitcoin (altcoins)  & blockchain will change our way of living. In ten years it will become the new mainstream, cuz people are waking up!

2. Post 19564993 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on June 14, 2017, 10:29:56 PM
is this BitcoinCore/USD and BitcoinUnlimited/USD on

Can someone please explain the difference, and the backstory?

3. Post 19567810 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on June 14, 2017, 10:38:43 PM
is this BitcoinCore/USD and BitcoinUnlimited/USD on

Can someone please explain the difference, and the backstory?

A years long civil war is about to come to a head. Tl;dr? Really?

 Thanks for the witty comeback, I have read about the scaling issues, and August 1st. But haven't been able to get a good overview of the whole thing.
I know it's between hipsters buying coffe with btc, which will increase the tx amount; and BTC being the Swiss bank equivalent in crypto world, high fees, and security.

I've only been in crypto for the past 3 weeks or so, and there's so much stuff to learn.
I think what I wanted to know was, what will happen to the small amount of BTC that I own. Who will make Te decisions regarding future use? And when?

Quote from: European Central Bank on June 14, 2017, 10:39:31 PM
Can someone please explain the difference, and the backstory?

a few months ago it looked like bitcoin unlimited, which is now being mined as emergent consensus in block signalling, looked like it had ever rising hash rate and people thought bitcoin might fork.

bitfinex introduced a futures market to trade tokens between the two ideas to see what demand would be like. it didn't go very well for unlimited and their fork proposal faded away as most players rejected the idea.

now the same people are back with another one.

I've never sayd that before, but Thanks European Central Bank Wink
Who are the same people? And what was their proposal about? What's the difference with the new one?

So what are the newest winds blowing about messing up the good-old Bitcoin blockchain?   Is it gonna be for hipsters & coffee or for safely storing value over time?

Quote from: deepcolderwallet on June 14, 2017, 10:45:34 PM

Where have you been since 2015?

Back in 2015 I was just a stupid little shit , most of the time working, drinking through the weekend, and then working again. But hey, they do say, better late then never.

4. Post 19593274 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

I only recently started taking crypto world seriously, I remember doing research about mining BTC  back in 2014, unfortunately I only read some Estonian forums,  where was said and confirmed that mining isn't really profitable, and I lost all interest.

Young and stupid back then, knowing nothing about life beyond working 8-5, drinking every weekend, not giving shit about anything that goes above my head, the perfect modern slave.

 3 years later, ~ 3 months ago I got approached by someone offering GAINBITCOIN (which is probably a Ponzi) cloud mining service, and the guy was constantly sharing fb news, how BTC had reached another ATH after another.

Having been traveling Australia for the past 1.5years, I have become so much more wiser in every aspect of life. + I have managed to stack up some dough.

That reached my newsfeed and I have been progressively learning and getting more & more involved and interested about it ever since.

I find that bitcoin goes perfectly with my new understandings of LIFE. Banks are robbing people, money has no real value. Medical industry is all about profit! War's are being created to sell weapons! Water is being poisoned, forests cut down, most countries in the world are totally corrupt! People are being waged against each other, divide and conquer every day, all day! And the worst thing is, not so many people even understand that all this is going on, that it' s being done to profit the very few. The very few who are doing everything in their power, to stop people from waking up the from the illusion. They want to  make people dependent on them and stop people from decentralizing their lives,  they are taking more and more extreme action to lessen privacy, limit free will & speech.  Seeding powerlessness and fear into the human consciousness.

BUT WHAT A WEAPON BITCOIN IS! A weapon of TheVeryFew  destruction. That of course if the so to speak enlightenment reaches critical amounts of people's minds.

I hear talk of the bitcoin community everywhere. ICO's threads, posts, news, comments. But where is that community that everyone is talking about? I hear about scaling issues, I don't know the technical of how to fix it, but that's not important, I'm sure there are people who have a fair idea of how to do it. Do it in a way that  maintains the very essence of Bitcoin. Keep it as decentralized as possible. Don't mess anything up! GIVE THE POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE!
If that means not highening the block size, so be it. "...Well but the network fee is too high then!" well go use some other coin to pay for your coffe if it's too high.. One should use Bitcoin as a cryptocurrencies vault, from where one can send a larger amount to another wallet, which is to be used for daily purchases.
 Don't close the door on the guy who has his miner in the basement. If there is no people, there is no value.

An account where you only deal with bigger sums. Why?
 because it's  as safe as it gets and the fees are too high for daily purchases!
Its not that hard to understand really...

Now coming back to the community, where is it? Where can I join?
If  it's not here,  then we better start organizing, because the enemy is not sleeping, they're lurking in the shadows, waiting for the chance.

5. Post 19594148 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on June 16, 2017, 10:28:08 AM
... lots of good stuff about the cruel world snipped ...  bitcoin community ...
There really is no such thing. That's like saying 'http believers'. It's just a computer protocol, which more or less works.

Ah..i now see the problem. There is no community, instead there's religious lunatics?  Grin I mean they're just believers aswell.

Anyway, as you said, if there is no real community, and if it's true, then I truly think that this is not in favor of the people. But if it's not for the people, then what's the point? I may aswell go back to the bankzters, and not go through all the trouble if it's gonna end up the same anyway.

6. Post 19595805 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: Torque on June 16, 2017, 11:02:00 AM
Actually what LotV8s said is a little misleading. It's true that at it's core, Bitcoin can be seen as just another technology that works, like the internet.

But I would disagree that their is no community. For a form of good money to be seen as 'valuable' among a growing group of individuals across the world, there has to be belief. Belief that it (Bitcoin) is more valuable than other forms of money, or at least as valuable. It's a bottom-up, voluntary approach. Hence: a community of like-minded individuals forms around that money. Call it a tribe, call it whatever you want, but it's still a community.

In the same way, it can be said that Goldbugs or Silverbugs are a community.  Same can be said with communities that form around other private money like the Totnes pound.

Fiat currency has no community, because individuals are forced to use it by their respective governments for most things. It's a top-down forced approach.

Well said!

But it's a bit of a sad, not to say greedy tribe, if the only thing that connects the people in it is only about, well money basically .
True that it's users are volunteerily signing up to it, but think what kind of people does such an understanding of Bitcoin attract?

Now what if people heard about bitcoin as a part of a bigger movement, a push for a better life for all on this tiny specle in the middle of nothingness. A  cornerstone in a part of a bigger arsenal of apps to use for braking the damn shackles once and for all. I mean - it's a ever-growing innovation that is happening, who knows where we'll end up in 5 - 10 y time.

It's here and now: whether the future will be again for the corrupt & greedy, or for the people.

Quote from: Last of the V8s on June 16, 2017, 11:06:11 AM

Yuh it's not a socialist experiment, or a libertarian dream. It's a capital phenomenon - makes money real again.

With that comes responsibility and reputation - you won't last long if you're a dishonest bitcoin bank.

What trouble? Just buy and hold.

Yes we can take it as a capital phenomenon, which itself  isn't a bad or a good thing.

Trouble as getting the coins, paying fees, feeling some stress about it and u can't help but notice the uncertainty of future decisions. So is there any value left on my account after August?

Where can I read more about who are the people making decisions about bitcoin future? I think it does come down to their worldviews, counciesness and awareness really.

7. Post 19611240 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: Richy_T on June 16, 2017, 11:13:58 PM
I don't know the technical of how to fix it,


I don't know the technical of how to fix it,
but that's not important, I'm sure there are people who have a fair idea of how to do it. Do it in a way that  maintains the very essence of Bitcoin. Keep it as decentralized as possible. Don't mess anything up! GIVE THE POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE!
If that means not highening the block size, so be it. "...Well but the network fee is too high then!" well go use some other coin to pay for your coffe if it's too high.. One should use Bitcoin as a cryptocurrencies vault, from where one can send a larger amount to another wallet, which is to be used for daily purchases.
 Don't close the door on the guy who has his miner in the basement. If there is no people, there is no value.

And you betray yourself with your followup. You are belittling people, many of whom have very technical backgrounds who happen to disagree with the way Core is handling things and who do not see this "decentralization" argument as more than a scare tactic. You claim you do not understand well the mechanisms then fall back on relying on authority. If you really don't understand the technicals of why people are pushing for a block size limit increase, I suggest you educate yourself but I suspect the "I'm just a simple rube" act is exactly that.

And for what it's worth, high fees are devastating for the small miner.

I'm not trying to belittle anyone.  So what is so scary about Bitcoin being decentralized? I think this is where human consciousness is moving, slowly, but surely. 

Relying on authority is the very thing that has been helping create the unjust world we live in today, So I'm not gonna rely on "authority" who only have their own porfit and wellbeing in mind.

But in the end I guess none of it doesn't really matter, because it's the user, who will decide where he want's to put his money and which mentality to follow. And the WISE will know and gather round, the greedy, well, their struggle never ends.

I suggest you learn the difference between education and intelligence. The first does not guarantee the last.

Can you explain how higher fees are devastating for the small miner?

8. Post 19613982 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: FractalUniverse on June 17, 2017, 12:10:48 PM
Hello cryptoworld!

i am realy new in this world, you can see it, buy the number of my post. Can someone explain to me the grapf BlacFlag made? Should i buy or wait? Some tip would be realy appreciated!

Kind regards

Noone really knows for sure what will happen, we are all just speculating here. i dont know how many bitcoins you want to buy, but i wouldnt buy whole amount at the same price. better buying slowly when it goes down.
But its just my opinion, not instructions for you what to do Wink

Yes, I ended up buying in like that, and I ended up saving. Divide your investment by 4-5, invest one portion a day, or every few days.

Definitely worth to take a few weeks to get to know crypto world. And keep an eye on the charts. Always investigate your investment objects

9. Post 19686206 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.13h):

Quote from: eXpl0sive on June 21, 2017, 06:59:19 AM
Nobody should be ruling this decisions other than the full nodes.

The whole idea of Bitcoin was to put power in the hands of "individuals". Back in that time, the miners & nodes were all individuals. Now since the mining has become centralised in the hands of few giant pools, it shouldn't give them power to do whatever the fuck they want. If the power is taken from the individuals, the whole ideology is gone for toss.

Let the nodes rule the world.

Yes, that is exactly how I see bitcoin aswell. But as always, with money there's corruption.

But I see that new opportunities & platforms are popping up, which in a big scheme of things, does give the power pack to the people, because one can just choose to move  their ssets, while not exiting crypto world. = more freedom, more privacy. Whether Bitcoin stands strong, or gets taken over by corruptants and loses it's beauty.

So it will be a great innovation either way. ,

10. Post 20187306 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.14h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on July 17, 2017, 11:15:08 AM
so AGAIN a proposal

the person closest by new ATH guess to recieve 0.25 BTC  paid direct Wink Wink Wink

come start shooting

August 7th 2017

I feel lucky

11. Post 20230839 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.14h):

Quote from: ivomm on July 19, 2017, 06:58:28 AM
It seems that the danger of segwit-failure-fork is (almost) gone. However, there still remains the HF in 3 months, so the price won't go as far as we wish. Besides, Roger Ver and Jihan Wu still want to make use of the situation and fork their own altcoins. These 'inverstors' like to buy new coins and pump them with the help of their associates in Poloniex. They may have a general notion of blockchain but they are ignorant of the cryptography  embedded in the white papers of the leading altcoins like ethereum and zcash. Unfortunately BU and/or ABC can emerge anytime and survive as forks even with their present hashrate. As always, the common bitcoin holders are at the mercy of the big whales. I would prefer a POW change that will make useless the asics and return the mining to the gpu's and cpu's. Btw the above mentioned altcoins have a code that prevents the asic technology to take advantage over gpu's, so the china dominion would be over for good. Then we will have a really decentralized bitcoin.

Yes to the decentralized bitcoin!People would love bitcoin so much more, If they knew, they could use BTC to Stick it to the man.

I hope for another big dump on the weekend, didn't get any coins last weekend, FOMO i guess, specially seeing people write about dodgeing the fork. I need FUD Grin

12. Post 20317467 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.14h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on July 23, 2017, 05:35:22 AM
after bip141 locks in there is another 2016 blocks grace period before it goes live on the network ... maybe around August 21 which is dun-dun-dun ... solar eclipse day over North America!

coincidence!? i think not.
Yeah, but who cares about going active, right?  
What significance does going active have?  
Isn't the locking in the important event?

not so fast young padawan Smiley ... until it goes active then we will never really experience a block with segwit transactions in it such that it could be rejected, split the chain or be accepted and cause no forks (as per the signalled intentions). Potentially, if a majority of the miners were just spoofing the signal that they were segwit-enabled but in fact were preparing for a chain-split attack then this would be the time it would be performed ... very unlikely but we wont know for sure until that day that segwit transactions are committed to a block and that block is committed to a chain and that chain with the new consensus rules demonstrated does not split the network.

My bet is satoshi is watching over us from on high and the segwit activation and total eclipse August 21 is not a coincidence!!

I would love to get more into that. Has anyone produce any literature about the eclipse and btc subject?
This is so intriguing, cuz I do believe in this kind of stuff Cheesy

13. Post 20343348 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.14h):

Quote from: luckygenough56 on July 24, 2017, 08:18:28 AM
i heard segwit is a trojan horse from illuminatis to take over bitcoin

That's sure sounds interesting, I think I've seen someone's signature stating this aswell. Where did u learn about this?

14. Post 20444523 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.15h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on July 28, 2017, 11:01:36 AM
bitcoin already has huge future for cross-border, settlement, censorship-resistance, off-shore flows, gambling, global supply-chain finance, etc, etc but I think Lightning network will be bitcoin's killer app. In the future we will look back upon August 2017 as bitcoin network's "Netscape moment" ... when the GUI web browser demonstrated to Joe 'n Jane mainstream what the geeks already knew about the utility of the information superhighway. Lightning will make 'real' the utility of bitcoin to the average intelligence person who wants stuff that 'just works'. Bitcoin does not need the mainstream to adopt to achieve a significant market share of currency float, since the mainstream probably only commands about 20% of the wealth, but it would be great if the mainstream got in first and the wealth re-distribution moved towards reducing the inequality gap. Lightning may strike into the core of the Facebook, twitter masses who expect money-on-the-like-button.

This is about levelling the playing field.

Money on the like button, now that sounds pretty awesome!

Can someone explain, what does the shorts will get REKT means?

About price, I think we'll see one more major dump before aug 1. Why? cuz i wanna buy some more cheap btc  Grin

15. Post 20487219 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.15h):

Quote from: r0ach on July 30, 2017, 09:24:56 AM
There is no fucking scenario on this planet in which metals don't skyrocket because they are the Schelling point when debt based currencies blow up.  You can live in some alternate dimension pontificating on some random bullshit Nick Szabo said, but none of that changes this objective reality that will occur.  Stocks are also garbage in this paradigm because they're mostly based around infinite consumer growth as well, but the govt may or may not manipulate that market to whatever number they choose before it all blows up.

Point is, i've been waiting for fiat to blow since people starting saying this on the internet about 15 years ago. It's coming.... It's coming.... but it hasn't come yet.

If it doesn't come in my life time, frankly I couldn't give a shit, and my kids can deal with it Smiley

So, Roach if you are so sure its going to happen, please give me some numbers, how likely a 'currency blow up' is, in 1, 2,  5, 10, 20 years. Put your money where your mouth, and make it quantifiable, or are you content with it's coming, but have no idea when?

I typed it up into a full r0ach report:

I agree that there will be big trouble in fiat currency's within the next few years and the system blow-up is more or less inevitable in the long run.

But why silver?
I could see some independent crypto-currency as a safety net, whether it'll be btc or something else - time will tell. If we do get sucked  into hyperinflation, the btc price will only rise, compared to fiats - because the latter is dropping in value.

16. Post 20600534 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.16h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on August 03, 2017, 10:22:20 PM
Bet CLOSED! Let the game begins...
Thank you all for supporting this game and I wish you all good luck. Let's make contact when ATH touched.
Final list:
20/07 Siggy Sad
21/07 Mr Frog Sad
22/07 Protokol Sad
23/07 Bitcoinaire Sad
24/07 Lost_in_base Sad
25/07 rjclarke2000 Sad
26/07 Globbo Sad
27/07 Poolminor Sad
28/07 TeeBone Sad
29/07 Ted E. Bear Sad
30/07 bahty Sad
31/07 Infofront Sad
01/08 Vin Sad
02/08 Steelboy Sad
03/08 D_eddie Sad
04/08 Bitserve
05/08 Bikerleszno
06/08 Last of the v8s
07/08 Pajulapoiss
08/08 Imbatman
09/08 Mikenz
10/08 Machasm
11/08 Aesma
12/08 doc12
13/08 Fluidjax
14/08 ShroomsKit_Disgrace
15/08 Fragout ---- slow death
16/08 Orpington
17/08 sirazimuth
18/08 Ivomm
19/08 Elwar
20/08 Oblox
21/08 Haciendo
22/08 Boba
23/08 ErisDiscordia
24/08 Ludwig Von
25/08 Hazukison
26/08 SportbetMaster
27/08 Nanobtc
28/08 Vamos1
29/08 Paashaas
30/08 RayX12
31/08 BinaryReign
02/09 Patrisorvieto
05/09 Entons
06/09 Oinas
09/09 Edgar
11/09 Buwaytress
15/09 MinermanNC
17/09 Spaceman_spiff
21/09 undeadbitcoiner
01/10 K.Ehleyr
02/10 Petemoss2
04/10 Herman Hesse
13/10 Cryptoqueen
05/11 Chainsaw
21/11 Icygreen
12/12 Kurious
23/12 Fractaluniverse
14/01/2018 In the silence
05/02/2018 savetherainforest

Who's going to be lucky mooooooon!!!

Jejeey! My chances are looking pretty good at the moment, cmoon... Few more days Cheesy

What was the prize, 0.25 btc?

17. Post 20602434 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.16h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on August 03, 2017, 10:58:54 PM

Jejeey! My chances are looking pretty good at the moment, cmoon... Few more days Cheesy

What was the prize, 0.25 btc?
Yes .25btc and another .25btc if there was an technical word about why you think the price going ATH @ this date

Can I still add my technical word, or is to too late? Cheesy

18. Post 20806365 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.17h):

Quote from: infofront on August 12, 2017, 01:22:32 AM
I'm frankly starting to get a new kind of trouble with where prices are going. Used to be I had to Do Stuff to Get Money from Others. Now I'm closing in on true financial independence. And I have no idea where to go from here.

Now you get to sit down and ask yourself: What Do I Really Really Truly Want to Do with My Life? *

Take all the time that you need composing your answer. Then go do it.

* as opposed to what the Masters have been telling you that you Should Be Doing

I've already decided that I'll move somewhere warmer for half the year, like Florida, Texas, or Philippines, study computer science full time, and start giving back to Bitcoin and related projects.

Good man Infofront!

I'm still in the beginning of my crypto journey, but just today I had taste of a similar feeling- financial independence, when I saw I had made great returns with one of my investments. I still have to work cuz the profit was ~3k $, but I could visualise living off purely by doing smart investments.

 What a great life it would be, definetly something to work towards!

19. Post 21562186 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.20h):

Just read this...

Quote from: d_eddie on September 06, 2017, 02:34:47 AM
While we're talking about speculative articles, what do you think about this?

Dear Crypto, You’re Being Played By Wall Street

And then noticed this weird symmetrical bouncy upward movements on all top 10 cryptos?

Are the wall street bastards sending us a hidden message? Cheesy

20. Post 21637207 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.20h):

Quote from: yrtrnc on September 08, 2017, 01:47:03 PM
Did China ban crypto again?

Haha, good one.

But srsly tho, I though I come check in here, to get a better idea, but it really seems like this a shocker to most of us Cheesy

21. Post 21662554 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.20h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on September 09, 2017, 10:11:09 AM
oo a guy from wizsec re MtGox on Breaking Bitcoin live stream
Jimmy Song earlier
it just stated, that MT Gox was robbed on sept 11?!?

Coincidence you think?

Wanna guess when is the IRMA hurricane going to hit the coast of Florida?


22. Post 23437806 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.24h):

Can someone explain the hate towards btg?

I don't know much about it, but making it mineable with gpu's should make it more decentralized, or no?

What's so wrong with it?


23. Post 23440914 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.24h):

Quote from: bones261 on October 24, 2017, 01:33:09 AM
Can someone explain the hate towards btg?

I don't know much about it, but making it mineable with gpu's should make it more decentralized, or no?

What's so wrong with it?


Well, so far Trezor and Bittrex have indicated that the code is not ready. At least what they have to review. Furthermore, they want to premine 100K coins. Although the futures are going for about .083BTC on Yobit, now, that is meaningless. I am certain that as soon as BTG goes live, which may be much longer than the Nov 1 target date, this will be probably dumped to a very low value. It might not even be worth it for a whale to figure out how to claim their coins. I certainly hope this doesn't become a trend. I'm sure exchanges and wallet vendors have enough to do than arrange for ways that their users can get every new forkchain. Maybe if BTC wins a resounding victory against the S2X fork and the BTG fork quickly become irrelevant wil discourage this from continuing.
If you want a GPU mineable coin, there are many hundreds to chose from already. Why does the chain have to share most of it's history with the BTC chain?
Thanks for the answer to you and other!

I see... You make good points, and its true, you can gpu mine something else!

Quote from: Elwar on October 24, 2017, 01:42:52 AM
Just thought I'd tell you this one. I'm sure you all have similar stories.

A friend of mine back in 2013 laughed and joked about Bitcoin and I was laughed too for buying it and preaching to everyone that this will be big. This friend then joined forces with other friends and we all went snowboarding in Feb 2014 and once again Bitcoin was mentioned (not by me this time) and once again it was all a big joke.

This friend asked me around 6 weeks ago how to buy bitcoin so I sent him all the information he needed but without the preaching. In my mind preaching about bitcoin is a bit 2013 for me and not something I do anymore, in fact I try not to talk about it at all. This friend said he has money saved up and was going to buy some btc (at least 1 coin, maybe more).
My reply was that's great news, someone I can chat btc with and I wished him luck.

Today he send me messages saying he didn't buy and now wants to buy some.

Do I bother to help? I feel like he is wasting my time. He's asking me when is the right time to buy and what would be a good dip to buy?

Personally I think he likes the idea of owning btc but doesn't have the balls to push the buy button.

Another issue is I don't think he has done any research of his own at all.

Who else has a similar story?

I have several people asking me about Bitcoin, especially knowing I am retiring because of it. One guy at work who obviously hates his job sees it as a way for him to retire too so he asks how to get into it, then sighs when he realizes that he would have to wait. Sort of depressing every time I talk to him. They just want to get rich quick, I know he doesn't care about Bitcoin and I would rather not help but I will for the sake of being cordial.

Most people that are overseas I remind them that Bitcoin is a cheaper way of dealing with money than the way they are currently getting their money (going to the ATM to get dollars, taking those dollars to the overpriced exchange to change it to Won). I also ask them if they ever buy anything on Amazon, and tell them that they can save 15% on all of their Amazon purchases with Bitcoin (everyone out here buys a lot on Amazon, one guy had over $60k spending history in the past few years). I try not to encourage the "get rich quick" folks even though that's most people. After the early phase of "we need Bitcoin regulations" (so the price will go up) people seeping into the community I know better than telling just anyone about it.

Though when they ask me when is the right time to buy I say any time is the right time to buy. I tell them about an order I had in when the price was $230...I got greedy and put my buy order in at $ never reached that price again and I had to eventually jump in at $600 to get my money off of the exchange.

Great stories guys! IT does take some balls to pres the buy button. I had a great adrenaline rush when I did my first purchase just in june this year!

So did the bitcoingold snapshot take place? where can I read about that?

24. Post 24324260 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.26h):

Quote from: realr0ach on November 10, 2017, 02:31:53 AM
tonnes of scope for Ver to scam people for the wrong bitcoin

There isn't a right bitcoin because nobody ever solved the problems of decentralization or scaling.  Not to mention decentralization is a problem that's not possible to solve in craptocurrency, rendering the entire exercise pointless and inferior to gold and silver as money which already existed beforehand.

The only way bitcoin could theoretically derive some type of value is from transaction flow and not stock, since it's mostly an imaginary idea/thing in the first place.  You can't store value in an imaginary asset.  It's value could only come from whatever possible utility it provides.  It doesn't have value just from existing (stock)...because it doesn't really even exist.  Gold and silver have actual scarcity.  Bitcoin is based on artificial scarcity.  This makes it similar to fiat from an economics point of view, in that any value over zero is technically a bubble, it's only a question of how long the bubble lasts.  But the market will eventually take the value back down to zero again.  It could come quick and painful like Venezeulan fiat, or longer and drawn out like USD fiat.

So, without trying to take sides on any dumb tertiary issues that I dont' care about between people like Roger Ver, Maxwell, and the Gavinator, the fact is that bitcoin is not decentralized and never will be decentralized, so whether your blocks are big or small doesn't really matter all too much.  From the economics point of view, the bitcoin value should be HIGHLY correlated to scaling (flow) and zero to do with stock because it's a fucking imaginary asset.  So if your goal is just to try and increase the value of your pump and dump (let's face it, that's all bitcoin is because without solving the problem of decentralization, it has zero fundamentals and it's not possible to solve), then you would want to raise scaling at all costs in an attempt to inflate the pump and dump before it inevitably impoldes and people park their money in non-imaginary assets instead.

I remember a time when Roach was posting meme's about his trading profits. I saw a happy Roach in that time.

Roach is not so happy these days, he loves shitting on Bitcoin...i know why!

Roach sold at the bottom Kiss

No, it's amusing to see the price of bitcoin rise when it's just some fringe thing, but not once you can see the endgame getting closer:  a federated digital only slave currency run by jewish money changers.  Fox just the other day was trying to float the idea of social security being issued by "blockchain", so you'd have your identity tied to the thing and they dole you out your stipend that way.  It's pretty fucking obvious they would also expand that to the entire monetary system and then you'd have your digital slave currency they've always wanted to implement where everyone would be forced to transact under the "social security blockchain".

Where does that leave bitcoin?  Bitcoin is almost entirely centralized so they can just attack the giant PoW farms or outlaw it and it's gone instantly and then they force everyone onto govt chain.  Anyone that values freedom should be boycotting anything remotely connected to digital currency at all.  Since it's not possible to solve decentralization, the only possible evolution of craptocurrency WILL BE federated chains run by govt and/or corporations.  Anything related to "blockchain" will be detrimental to humans in general while the only way to defeat the jewish money changers and their debt based slave systems is using physical gold and silver in native coin form.
But... the jews and governments already own like 90% of the gold (made up fact). The price of it will be set according to their best interest.
An avarage joe has better chances of gaining the upper hand on governments, jews and banksters by investing in crypto.  Yes not only in bitcoin, but by diversifying investments.

25. Post 25429451 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.29h):

Quote from: bitcoinPsycho on November 29, 2017, 11:35:24 AM
$11000 incoming
according to coinmarketcap it already incame  Grin Grin

I'm not too thrilled about bitcoin hitting 11k, cuz I'm not even hodling a full bitcoin :/

Did anyone see the "post from the future" Where bitcoin will be worth millions, and when you have .5 you can easyly spend that until the rest of your life. That's something that would excite me  Grin

26. Post 27195178 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.36h):

I knew it, that this thread was going to be full of crybabies.

I hate to break it to you guys, but bitcoin has been compromised long time ago. There have been bilderberg connections published. And besides that in it's current form it is becoming obsolete.  

Too high transaction fees will greatly reduce the potential investors from using bitcoin for smaller investments, and will make people avoid moving bitcoin around.

Instead they will start looking for cheaper alternatives like bitcoincash. We may even see Dogecoin rise from the ashes- I only realised recently how many trading pairs Doge has avalable.. And I was a bitcoincash skeptic at first as well. But in the last weeks I have become to realize, partly  thanks to certain anarchists who are doing a good awarness campaign, that bitcoin- out of the core developers stubbornness and closed mindedness (and probably caused by the bilderberg connections too) have put themselves (BTC) in a pretty bad place. - Keeping in mind the big picture.

found this funny quote  from here: which maybe even true?

Is it possible that guys like Blockstream CEO Gregory Maxwell /u/nullc and Blockstream CTO Adam Back /u/adam3us are simply so immersed in programming that they've never even heard of the friggin' Bilderberg Group?

I mean look at this vid from this timestamp:
 An invetview with Blockstream CTO Adam Back. This guys sounds very unsecure, and the quote seems pretty spot on. Meaning they have been given a near impossible task to come up with some complicated system, which could be easily repaired with bigger blocks. And that's what these genius minds have been paid for, and they are just doing their jobs.

Also this video explaining how lightning network should work, and how making bigger blocks makes the backlag and high fees go down.

Now i'm not a very technical person but I do belive I have a pretty good logic and bitcoincash's approach seems to be the simpler and more obvious way to go. Plus the reason I got involved in crypto was to give power back to the people, but the people are not benefiting from the enourmous fees and slow transactions of bitcoin. And the ties to bilderberg are in my eyes a serious sign of some sort of control or political agenda.

Now I am skeptical about bitcoin because there's secrecy and perhaps stupidity (closed mindedness) involved. Even ripple seems pretty good, because they are at least upfront about being in the same boat with the banks. But DeepOnion remains my favourite project, it just seems totally sovereign- that is what I value about projects. And of course as the madman McAfee even said- privacy is the future! Privacy that is DeepOnion.

That is the truth, and I understand that many will disagree and even get upset- feel free to do so!

Good rant, Do with it as you may.

Have a great end of the year, and a happy new one!

27. Post 48149881 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.14h):

Quote from: Kylapoiss on November 23, 2018, 06:19:37 AM
how's it going old friends? haven't really said anything here since 2014.

4 year cycles and all that....

blitz u still around? shroomsie? richie? risto?

Some of the old faces are still here in bitcointalk, not necessarily this thread. I think Risto is living like a king in his Castle. He’s always on Monero thread.

I haven’t been here a lot recently but I pop back.

Risto´s castle burned down a few months ago, I only have an Estonian article:

Some pictures:

Jõudu külapoiss!

So the username of the castle owner is Risto in this forum?

28. Post 52133254 (copy this link) (by Pajulapoiss) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Lol at: I'm (a) jewish moron.

Funny stuff, why do people hate themselves so much?

All in all I can see how cryptocurrencies are a threath to the jewish "elite" or as some people refer to them ("zionist jews"?)- in other words, arguably the most powerful and influencial group of ethnic people in the world.

/But it takes a long time before the avarage Joe begins to comprehend the value that cryptocurrencies, or community currency can bring to the world. But we'll get there anyway!