All posts made by Nodari_Cindicator in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 20517076 (copy this link) (by Nodari_Cindicator) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.15h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on July 30, 2017, 04:18:58 PM
All aboard the gobbledygook train

Hybrid Intelligence for Effective Asset Management

Millions of decentralized financial analysts enhanced by AI

Hi, let me explain our technology for you.

Our goal is to create Hybrid Intelligence infrastructure to get very precise forecasts in every area of human life. To start we chose financial markets, as investors and traders make thousands of forecasts every minute.

Hybrid Intelligence = Collective Intelligence + Artificial Intelligence

Collective Intelligence is almost "wisdom of crowds" but much better.
Artificial Intelligence means data science, machine learning and automation modules.

So, we have a Collective Intelligence platform (it's easy: iOS and Android Apps, later will be website). Today, almost ten thousand of people (we call them forecasters) around the world make their forecasts on easy questions like "what will be min and max of Bitcoin next week" or "will Bitcoin price jump to $3500 till September 1". In the first case, an answer is two numbers, in the second: the probability of this event from 0% to 100%. For each right answer, a forecaster gets points and top 2% of forecasters every month receive money (we paid about $40k up to date).

Then we aggregate these forecasts in our Artificial Intelligence module to get one precise forecast. We look at every user's accuracy, experience, rating, professional background etc. We made a lot of research work based on data science and machine learning. So now we know how to weight each answer to get most precise forecasts.

So, we took forecast number 1 and a weight of this forecast, then the forecast number two and his weight etc. After that, we have one forecast of the Hybrid Intelligence with impressive accuracy.

After that, our trading bots (and traders if the forecast is made for decision-support) use this forecast for trading in crypto and traditional markets. After we got some profit, we share it between our forecasters to make motivation stronger and improve their accuracy.

Is it clear now? In the real world, things are more complicated, but I hope the idea is clear for you. You can subscribe to our newsletter  Wink

By the way, take a look at this link, here you can find a clear explanation what we do:

And we have public proof that our technology works well: (original article in Russian: MOEX is one of the 10 largest exchange platforms for derivatives trading globally.