All posts made by cspeter8 in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 4027669 (copy this link) (by cspeter8) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.42h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on December 18, 2013, 04:12:03 PM
I am so angry, I missed buying at 400, still waiting for my F$%#%$ deposit to be credited !!!!

Me too. Virtexed again.

After waiting a month and a half for account verification, they turn a "2-3 business day" deposit into a week.

When I deposited $10k in my bank in October, I was hoping to get 50 more coins. When prices surged in November, I was hoping this long-anticipated correction would give me the chance to buy ay least 20 more coins before the next rise.

Too bad. Virtex used to be such a good exchange. I even bragged them up in these forums last spring because of the speed and ease of deposits. Now they seem to have gone to hell.

Virtexed again.

they have 1000's of poeple asking for account verification, and i really dont think thats going to slow down anytime soon, they hired more poeple to help speed things up.

Virtex is gr8, dont hate on virtex.

I don't hate Virtex. I own shares which I bought last April for cheap (<$100) coins, because I believed in them.

I hate what they seem to have become. When they announced that they were processing verification requests received weeks after mine, while I waited for weeks after having my new ID verified, my anger grew.

I just with they'd get their shit together.
Virtex appears to be a Canadian business.  In the US I am glad we have Coinbase.  It really is working quite well for me - being able to buy 10 btc when I woke up this morning at $500 /btc is really nice, even with the 1% fee on transactions.  It takes too long to send money over to Slovenia to react at these unexpected oppportunities,  Keeping a sizable fiat position on an exchange for months at a time feels risky, and the time required is too unpredictable to wire money back to the US.

It's a good thing for us true believers to buy in when it is lower (like now) to smooth out the volitility, and to profit for ourselves as well.

2. Post 5286561 (copy this link) (by cspeter8) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.15h):

Quote from: arklan on February 21, 2014, 06:46:39 PM
You guys think there would be any interest in metal "paper wallets?" like take the info and encrypt it so I can't see it, then etch or engrave into metal (something they won't corrode.)

Wouldn't have to worry about paper degradation or such then.
like this in stainless steel?

3. Post 5711002 (copy this link) (by cspeter8) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.26h):

With a new downtrend apparently established, is it perhaps time to update the poll question, from

Question: markets will overcome the resistance at 700 soon?

to something more like 

Question: markets will establish a new base below the 600 level soon?

4. Post 5711485 (copy this link) (by cspeter8) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.26h):

Quote from: Spaceman_Spiff on March 15, 2014, 01:38:41 PM
With a new downtrend apparently established, is it perhaps time to update the poll question, from

Question: markets will overcome the resistance at 700 soon?

to something more like 

Question: markets will establish a new base below the 600 level soon?

Bit early to call an "establishment of downtrend", no?
Just looking at the price action over the last 7 days, I see an upward support until March 13, and since then a reversal into a downtrend.  But now as I look at it more, it does seem to be plateauing for the last 12 hours with light volume. 

Seems to me though more likely to continue to break further down than further up in the short term.

5. Post 7206924 (copy this link) (by cspeter8) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.51h):

Quote from: Arghhh on June 09, 2014, 03:07:51 AM
I think the top trendline fits the data better if drawn a bit steeper, crossing at a lower price, a day or two from now.  What do you think of that?