All posts made by aztecminer in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 8931137 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.15h):

Quote from: ssmc2 on September 22, 2014, 09:03:25 PM

 Roll Eyes

usd dollars is the biggest scam of all time.
if you are carrying your dollars in your own pocket you could become a target to hood rats.
if something goes wrong and hood rats stick u up in a dark alley and take your dollars that is in your pocket then you may never get them back.
"If you're storing your virtual currency dollars in your own computer pocket, you're basically on your own if your virtual currency dollars is stolen. There is no other party to help you."
and the usd dollars can be used anonymously to launder money or drug-trafficking.
if you keep your bitcoins dollars in an exchannge a bank you run the risk of that bank being unstable, collapsing, and having your dollars bailed-in.

2. Post 9021669 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: findftp on September 29, 2014, 07:27:49 PM
Don't worry people.
Just hold tight!

finally. somebody who makes sense!

3. Post 9032424 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: findftp on September 30, 2014, 05:49:42 PM
I think we can get back to $400 within a 7 day window.   I really don't understand the reasoning behind the downward pressure we have been seeing lately.   Who has run the numbers on the cost to produce 1BTC (through mining lately)?   It has to be close to a loss right now, correct?
Well, it's the same they say about gold and silver.
That price should also be below mining costs,.. however,.. price is still declining

edit: just buy and hold. Just bought some additional silver

gold and silver are without a doubt manipulated down which is why u should buy some.

4. Post 9032440 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: mmitech on September 30, 2014, 05:53:18 PM
I think we can get back to $400 within a 7 day window.   I really don't understand the reasoning behind the downward pressure we have been seeing lately.   Who has run the numbers on the cost to produce 1BTC (through mining lately)?   It has to be close to a loss right now, correct?

maybe people realizing that Bitcoin price was really a bubble ?  beside, the cost of mining a bitcoin is not that important for price discovery, price is mostly based on supply and demand, if miners don't like the current price they have two option: 1) hold and wait for the price to go up again 2)or simply shut down their mining operation (which will be painful in most cases).

this price is great for miners in the us because we pay income tax on bitcoins at the price they were mined at.

5. Post 9032503 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

as can see from this graph the dollar is rising for it's third peak in five years.
each peak is followed by a crash.

6. Post 9032602 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: FNG on September 30, 2014, 06:37:38 PM

as can see from this graph the dollar is rising for it's third peak in five years.
each peak is followed by a crash.

Crazyness...but understandable in the sense that every currency wants to devalue against the long until the madness ends..

maybe when the dollar finally makes it's final crash; which is likely sooner than later.

7. Post 9036970 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: mmitech on September 30, 2014, 07:14:30 PM
I bought in the first bubble at 28 but I dont bitch around like a girlie man.


oh, you've got it all wrong, I didn't lose a penny, in fact I was a lucky bastard, but most of the people I know that came around the end of 2013 and start of this year don't appreciate your retard attitude ... you need fresh blood to make your investment worthwhile, and you don't give a fuck about what will happen to these people, of course you wouldn't care if Bitcoin continues to slide to $100 your average cost is way bellow this, but others do.

the difference between the stock market and Bitcoin is that you want to sell this technology to everyone in the world: "everyone must know what Bitcoin is", "Bitcoin is freedom", "people just don't know it", "you have to buy bitcoin"...  let me tell you something: "bull shit"

well you never lose or gain until you sell ..
although honestly i am not sure having usd is really winning .

8. Post 9036988 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on October 01, 2014, 02:44:29 AM
Seems like a text generated by the bitcoin text wall generator.

Everything to say that the bigger the price, the harder to form another bubble and many things will need to happen until we reach moon?

What are you...a goldfish*?

Precisely why this thread can be such a waste of time: people just shouting three sentence slogans without any reasoned argument.  Then, when someone constructs a coherent argument (and here's the clincher for me - an understandable argument that's not littered with obscure references to Metclaffe's Law and the like), they criticise.

If you don't have the patience/attention-span/intellect to read more than "to the moon", perhaps keep your comments to yourself?

*Actually, recent research has shown goldfish have far greater memories than commonly thought, so I'm probably giving you more credit than deserved.

Currently, amongst my favorite three word slogans:

"Cut your loose!!!!!!!!!"

I like it because it is free to be used by anyone - bear, bull or hodler.

ok i'm cutting my looses. converting as much usd as i can!

9. Post 9044298 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: hyphymikey on October 01, 2014, 04:28:11 PM
I hardly see anyone cheering anymore every time we go down. What's the problem? Are all these cheap coins not so much fun anymore?

because there is no such thing called "cheap coins", coins will be cheaper and cheaper therefore less and less people want it

those who yelling for "cheap coins" are permabulls or scammers, that's why only few trolls are cheering about it


The permabulls you're talking about are just miners dumping their coins like no tomorrow & they're trying to get suckers to buy them for as expensive as possible!

Perma bull here. I don't mine.

Permabull here. I mine and don't sell.

+1 mine but don't sell. i'm cutting my looses and converting usd currency into other assets as much as possible.

10. Post 9044523 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: BitChick on October 01, 2014, 05:11:51 PM

But no... don't even so much as breathe the word 'manipulation' on these sub, lest you get completely ridiculed and called a tinfoil hat wearer.  Even though the whales' intentions are so obvious an 8-year old could figure it out with the data.
I'm of the opinion that a large buyer is purchasing off exchange blocks and dumping on exchanges to build a massive and cheap stash. Nothing else makes much sense. Sure people panic but many of the sales come when you would least expect someone to panic

This guy already has a massive stash. This behaviour is not of someone selling to buy back cheap. It just isn't.

It's not buying back. It's setting his price on exchanges so he can buy off-exchange.

Miners / bitpay, ect use exchange prices to sell blocks. Drive down the exchange price and you get a lot more btc for your money

You would think that the miners could figure out a way to manipulate the price upwards then, for their own benefit?  Perhaps seriously slowing down mining when the price is this low or using some cash reserves to pump up price to sell higher?

well mining at this price is good since usa miners have to pay income tax on bitcoin mined at the price they are mined at.
so while everyone is panicking i am continue mining!
with the latest mining gear we appear to be good for mining into the beginning of next year.
maybe first few months of next year unless some new mining gear hits.
this decline in bitcoin, gold, and silver started as the dollar went up .
we are at our third peak in five years and each peak has resulted in a crash of the dollar.
it is possible we are at the run-up to the final crash of the dollar.
i heard a rumor when blood is in the streets then is time to buy!

11. Post 9044649 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: Dalmar on October 01, 2014, 05:50:22 PM

well mining at this price is good since usa miners have to pay income tax on bitcoin mined at the price they are mined at.
so while everyone is panicking i am continue mining!
with the latest mining gear we appear to be good for mining into the beginning of next year.
maybe first few months of next year unless some new mining gear hits.
this decline in bitcoin, gold, and silver started as the dollar went up .
we are at our third peak in five years and each peak has resulted in a crash of the dollar.
it is possible we are at the run-up to the final crash of the dollar.
i heard a rumor when blood is in the streets then is time to buy!

The federal reserve is ending QE while the ECB is starting QE-like programs. As the euro has a 57.6% weight in DXY it's unlikely to crash any time soon.

they are not ending QE. they are moving their QE buying to Belgium.
they are fukd if they end QE. it aint gonna happen.
they are planning the death of the dollar .

12. Post 9044791 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: Dalmar on October 01, 2014, 05:56:46 PM
they are not ending QE. they are moving their QE buying to Belgium.
they are fukd if they end QE. it aint gonna happen.
they are planning the death of the dollar .

Well, they are ending their public QE program. That's the only thing that forex traders care about.

don't get caught holding a wheel barrel full of usd and stocks and bonds is all i am saying.
i doubt anything goes down economically before the elections.
they will maintain the illusion of economic recovery at least till then.
stocks are at all-time highs ?? maybe is good time to SELL.
maybe is good timing to go against what all the sheeple are doing.

13. Post 9045900 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: vhaasteren on October 01, 2014, 07:20:13 PM
Please back up your claim with some kind of proof.

Here you go...

Proof that 1 = 2:

Step 1: Let a = b.
Step 2: Then aa = ab.
Step 3: aa + aa = aa + ab.
Step 4: 2(aa) = aa + ab.
Step 5: 2(aa) - 2ab = aa + ab - 2ab.
Step 6: and 2(aa) - 2ab = aa - ab.
Step 7: This can be written as 2(aa - ab) = 1(aa - ab).
Step 8: and cancelling the (aa - ab) from both sides gives 1=2.

Yeah, right. You are dividing by 0 between step 7 and 8. Only allowed if you are Chuck Norris, which you are not.

yeah but he canceled (aa - ab) from both sides so technically he is not really dividing by 0 since those were canceled.
i am totally convinced now. firm believer that 1 = 2 by an amazing genius display of mathematical skill. undeniable proof.

14. Post 9093775 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.20h):

Quote from: btcprice on October 05, 2014, 05:17:06 PM
BTC drop exactly coincides with USD jump up. Hmmmm. Conspiracy?

 Roll Eyes

just in time for elections ?? in the five yr graph each peak is followed by a crash.
gold and silver being smashed down too.
i am holding bitcoin to the very bottom.
i can afford to lose what i have in bitcoin.
i bought more gold/silver during the smashdown.
and i am mining full speed ahead.
low bitcoin prices means low income taxes on mined coins.
i don't panic when blood is in the streets. i buy more instead. hhahhahha.

15. Post 9534864 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.31h):

Quote from: noob2001 on November 13, 2014, 02:22:22 PM

Trading guide for noobs

i been trying that strategy for months . problem for me is i always never sell so i never can buy back.

16. Post 9594234 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.33h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on November 19, 2014, 06:18:42 PM
So the gov believed the price will tank in June and they were right (Draper got bull trapped), the gov (not DPR) believes again the price will tank, guess what...

Civil servants do not get a cut of the money from the auction; that money goes to the Treasury (or to some general fund for the public good). 

stop trying to fool us! the confiscated drug money is used to buy more batteries for their flash lights.

17. Post 9605450 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.33h):

Quote from: Walsoraj on November 20, 2014, 05:40:59 PM
This RIPPLE thing sounds pretty interesting, could somebody please tell me something about it! Thanks

White papers here:

Bitcoin = AOL. Ripple = the internet. The smart money is currently moving into Ripple.

ripple sounds like a scam where a private bank prints all the money for a country except in this case it is a private company.
i have a hard time believing that a private company is someday soon going to replace the usd as a reserve currency.
i feel like i am trying to watch a great show and i keep getting spammed with someones latest scammercial.

18. Post 9605515 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.33h):

Quote from: Walsoraj on November 20, 2014, 05:50:24 PM
This RIPPLE thing sounds pretty interesting, could somebody please tell me something about it! Thanks

White papers here:

Bitcoin = AOL. Ripple = the internet. The smart money is currently moving into Ripple.
How? Ripple Labs doesn't sell stock shares.

See previous posts. XRP is like a stock that Ripple issues as the market develops. More issued as liquidity increases. Can buyback if liquidity fades. Much better mechanism for distribution than mining.

sounds more like printing more money than issuing more stocks...
problem is that racket is already been tried and FAILING very badly.
wait! with ripple we can now 'unprint' the money if we want too!
yeah i can see how that is superior technology /sarcasm.

19. Post 9606883 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.33h):

Quote from: mah87 on November 20, 2014, 10:10:39 PM
Still waiting for your question Jorge.

tell us again about how they make xrp coins out of thin air when they need liquidity ..
and when they are done with them 'unmake' them back into thin air...

20. Post 9606926 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.33h):

Quote from: mah87 on November 20, 2014, 10:19:51 PM
Still waiting for your question Jorge.

tell us again about how they make xrp coins out of thin air when they need liquidity ..
and when they are done with them 'unmake' them back into thin air...

Not possible. The same way you can't create bitcoins at will you can't create XRP like that. 100 billions have been created and this will not change.

that not what your buddy said:

Quote from: Walsoraj on November 20, 2014, 05:50:24 PM
This RIPPLE thing sounds pretty interesting, could somebody please tell me something about it! Thanks

White papers here:

Bitcoin = AOL. Ripple = the internet. The smart money is currently moving into Ripple.
How? Ripple Labs doesn't sell stock shares.

See previous posts. XRP is like a stock that Ripple issues as the market develops. More issued as liquidity increases. Can buyback if liquidity fades. Much better mechanism for distribution than mining.

21. Post 9653475 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.35h):

Quote from: macsga on November 25, 2014, 05:01:24 PM
30% of total BTC in circulation for the last 6 months. Almost minimal days destroyed. Yet the price is being forced down to this.

Must be LambChop shorting...  Grin

well most of my coins stay dormant too.

22. Post 9739248 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.36h):

Quote from: rebuilder on December 04, 2014, 02:44:46 PM
"Dollar averaging" is not a rational thing to do, it is only a psychological pacifier, right?

If one bought 100 coins at 800$, buying 100 more at 400$ does not compensate or alleviate the loss of the first buy.  It only mixes a vexing mistake with a minor mistake to make a double dose of a medium-strength mistake.  The loss from the first buy is still there.  Right?

AFAIK it's a common strategy for long-term investors. By spreading out your buys you reduce your risk of buying at a local high but also reduce your chances to buy in on the cheap.

i call it 'buying all the way down' when converting usd into accumulating something else like bitcoin.

23. Post 9748605 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.37h):

Quote from: macsga on December 05, 2014, 03:03:37 PM

T'is the Season Boys!!!1 Grin

yeeehaaaaw!!! wooooo what a ride this has been.

24. Post 9748620 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.37h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on December 05, 2014, 02:58:06 PM
If someone bid 1$ for all of those coins that alone is 50k "in bids"

Like secondmarket would even accept such a ridiculous bid. I think most of the bids are not far of the market price, maybe -20% max.

Secondmarket have for now 134K coin. 127K more buys would double their BTC stock  Tongue

Even 20% below the price it's almost $40M

Ok, how many people here understand that you can't buy 127K BTC at an auction selling 50K BTC?

well nothing stopping them from trying to buy 127k btc from those guys.

25. Post 9777305 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.38h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on December 08, 2014, 02:17:48 PM
How's the pump and dump scheme doing?

Cheap coins dude. Cheap coins!
This is what you begged for for months and months.
Why aren't you guys extremely happy?

well since you asked. here in the usa we pay taxes on all coins we mine at the price they were mined at.
since i have been mining all year long i can say that I am very happy with the prices i mined my coins at this year.
i will be even more happier with it next april when i have to pay taxes on all those coins i mined this year.
it looks like mining is still good going into next year for the small home miners so i am not really rooting for high prices just yet.
i think price might rise when mining difficulty reaches a certain point (i dont know when that point is though)
as for last month volatility i made my fist sell high and buy low with some my bitcoin change i had sitting on an exchange.
i suppose i should be mad about the price of silver being down too except that i have been 'taking profits' ie buying..

26. Post 9777344 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.38h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on December 08, 2014, 03:35:17 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland. Still going sideways I see.

Small dump with standard bounceback overnight. Nothing new.

I guess everyone's waiting for the auction payment deadline.

yup pretty much.

27. Post 9777543 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.38h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on December 08, 2014, 04:33:33 PM
Something not right about that.

yeah my address is missing from that list .

28. Post 9789707 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.38h):

Quote from: macsga on December 09, 2014, 04:47:43 PM


you need to get on it because the 'bail-ins' could happen at any moment and you don't want to miss that investment opportunity right ??

29. Post 9789723 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.38h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 09, 2014, 04:51:01 PM
Hey billy well played sticking to your guns.

Thanks. I think $320 is a false bottom. Even if it is the bottom, it will be tested several times so there is no need to jump on the train the first time. Don't expect help from the BearWhale's millions above $300.

For those of you who say you're holding no matter what- why are you watching the charts? Do you enjoy pain? Let me spare you the suspense: It's prolly gonna creep up enough to give what-ever's left of the permabulls and the naive a false sense of security, and then we're gonna hammer you again.

<YAWN> ... HODLing .

30. Post 9808613 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.38h):

Quote from: truetalkci on December 11, 2014, 03:40:10 PM
Welp time to shovel some snow. I dont think the microsoft acceptance has really rolled through the collective mind just yet.

the microsoft acceptance is no different from the paypal acceptance.
I think we will see some rise then a big dump, no different from last time

Very correct!
Microsoft recently add one more way to accept USD from bitpay company, however many fake news about "it is accepting bitcoin" came out and some of us buy this troll,

The bitcoin price is going to crash even harder after this "delay" caused by fake news same as PayPal made their announcement, you know what happened about the price crash

Microsoft does not accept bitcoin
Microsoft does not hold any bitcoins you pay to bitpay company
Crash incoming!

not sure that it matters if they hoard bitcoins.

31. Post 9818096 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.39h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on December 11, 2014, 08:12:23 PM
Mate, you're delusional.  This is all obvious stuff that's known to every 13yr-old, and the local lunatic fringe chooses to ignore 'coz it don't jive with their "I's techno vizhunary & guna b rich!" fantasies.

@inca:  I posted data regarding the way things are now.  Get back to me in 5 years, then we'll talk.

bitcoin is a developing technology .. don't let that thought hurt your brain as you think about it. meditate on it and you might grow some new grey matter .

32. Post 9818132 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.39h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on December 11, 2014, 08:26:03 PM
dumps on Microsoft news, seems so bizarre-o world to me.

Accept the fact that Bitcoin is a purely speculative commodity, and you'll understand. 

maybe newegg should accept gold and silver as payment ..
or maybe they should accept government bonds as payment.
or maybe they should start accepting derivatives and equities as payment.
imo i think your definition of bitcoin is slightly flawed.
it appears to me bitcoin is more than just a speculative commodity.

33. Post 9818296 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.39h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on December 12, 2014, 04:27:39 AM
By that logic if newegg, overstock, and dell stopped accepting BTC it'd be great cause now people can't spend their BTC so we go to moon  Huh...

Most people who "invest" in BTC don't do it to shop at Dell & NewEgg.
They might want to believe that others buy BTC to shop at Dell & NewEgg, but they themselves don't.
Because after the novelty of buying with BTC wears off, the sheer stupidity of it begins to sink in.  Imagine:

1. Spend fiat to buy BTC
2. Send BTC to a payment processor, who
  2a. Sells your BTC for fiat &
  2b. Sends fiat to the merchant that "accepts BTC".
3. Re-buy BTC you spent, probably from the same payment processor but at a premium, because "investment."

Funny as hell, doubt it happens too much tho.  Now for someone with a BTC stash from way back...  Nah, that would only create sell pressure, so won't happen Smiley

you have no vision. only thing u can see is what is right before you right now.

34. Post 9820169 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.39h):

Quote from: thewayshegoes on December 12, 2014, 04:42:06 PM
I don't understand why Ripple continues to go up so much. I guess the XRP trolls were right?

np i will go buy a bunch of ripple and end that problem. hhahhahhahha

35. Post 9867660 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.39h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on December 17, 2014, 12:32:30 PM
Is there any obvious reason as to why BTC are crashing atm?

Guys need to buy jewelry to keep wives. Bitcoins gots to go.

fuk that. buy some britney spears perfume and your good for another year. girls love that stuff!

36. Post 9867692 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.39h):

Quote from: Steve D on December 17, 2014, 12:53:52 PM
Can you not see.

Well done Ripple pump squad lol

The same people shorting and drumping Bitcoin are pumping Ripple.

They have decided to do after several months of a Bitcoin bear market when they know noobs will be squirming and will probably dump Bitcoin and put into Ripple just as they are exiting with huge profits.

Do not worry it will not last forever. Check previous peaks and troughs. Market cycles. Low liquidity. Pump and dump groups. Nothing new to see here.

You are right perfectly executed by the ripple squad.

wierd thing about ripple is they don't want your fiat, they want your bitcoins.

37. Post 9867811 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.39h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on December 17, 2014, 02:13:05 PM
Price sucks ass but we HODL in hope.
I'm probably a fucking idiot hodling onto this many coins but I've made my bed now, I might as well die in it.

you HODL like a boss!

38. Post 9869034 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

Quote from: dakota neat on December 17, 2014, 03:36:44 PM
Should I start mining Ripple? How much of it was pre-mined? I'm not going to consider it if over 10% was pre-mined.


Ahh nice, so 100% was not pre-mined?

It's not even mined. It's created out of thin air like fiat.

and then traded for bitcoin.

39. Post 9878910 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

Quote from: elasticband on December 18, 2014, 11:33:14 AM
good morning day traders.

feeling lucky today?

No! I decided to buy back last night make a few BTC profit, around $314 on btc-e

Woke up 4hrs later at 5 or 6am and looked at my phone. saw the price, logged into my btc-e account and sold some BTC at the price the market was offereing($306) then went back to sleep. Woke up at 10am and the price was about $312 - $314 again. I only sold about 9 BTC and 2.5 of which had been earned from the recent drops. lesson learned, I am a bad enough day trader i should not try sleep trading again.......

edit: i was pretty much sleeping when i did this

BTC/USD   sell   3.71193 BTC   305.002 USD   1132.14607386 USD   18.12.14 10:33
BTC/USD   sell   0.352253 BTC   305 USD   107.437165 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   3.83422 BTC   305.001 USD   1169.44093422 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   0.01642 BTC   305.001 USD   5.00811642 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   0.222 BTC   305.002 USD   67.710444 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   0.0564058 BTC   305.022 USD   17.20500992 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   0.0511118 BTC   305.05 USD   15.59165459 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   0.0191468 BTC   305.212 USD   5.84383312 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   0.05 BTC   305.71 USD   15.2855 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   2.12 BTC   305.71 USD   648.1052 USD   18.12.14 10:31
BTC/USD   sell   0.481061 BTC   306 USD   147.204666 USD   18.12.14 10:31

that is how ya do it. buy high and panic sell low. keep up the good work.

40. Post 9879600 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

Quote from: Feri22 on December 18, 2014, 04:05:27 PM
I am starting to feel the desparation here...Good, good...We need more, more of it!! We need fuckin' bloodbaths, slaughters and shit...Fuck off weak hands, even if i will have to buy all the coins alone on the way down, i will not abandon this ship

Also Satoshi, if you are there somewhere and i know you are...Can't you just step up man? Now it would be the great timing, as BTC people need you now...If you would come back as a core developer, i actually believe, we could win this fight...

i will HODL until they are valueless.
praying to the invisible satoshi god probably isnt going to work.
go load up on some cheap gold and silver on it's way down while u HODL.
or ... if you want you could sell all your stuff now before it goes lower.
and then if wakeup to higher prices then just buy back .
and if it tanks again just panic sell again before u lose a bunch.
and don't worry cuz when it up again u can just buy back higher again.
some people cannot handle all the blood in the streets.
me being a miner is loving these cheaply mined coins right now.
i think my hardware buys will even out my earned income for tax time.
really i think my hardware will be more in fiat than my earned income.
however in bitcoins i am well into the profit thanks to bitmain.
i think bitmain is like the asus of mining hardware.

41. Post 9880753 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

everyone... note that after every rise in the dollar is followed by a crash in the dollar.
note that we seen this same phenomena prior to the 2008 crisis.
everyone... please be safe as we prepare for the dollar crash and the next economic crisis.
be sure you fasten your seat belts and remove all extra cash from the banks.

42. Post 9880853 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

Quote from: Malin Keshar on December 18, 2014, 06:31:03 PM

everyone... note that after every rise in the dollar is followed by a crash in the dollar.
note that we seen this same phenomena prior to the 2008 crisis.
everyone... please be safe as we prepare for the dollar crash and the next economic crisis.
be sure you fasten your seat belts and remove all extra cash from the banks.

I'm waiting for the crisis for years.

I'm speculating what will happens when the US state budget is going to be discussed for year, since in 2014 took some time until it got fully approved.

i am converting usd into commodities and other assets while the dollar is strong and commodities are down .
when it happens it is going to happen quickly . be sure to sell all ur bitcoins and precious metals now while they are low.
do not worry you will be able to buy higher when the dollar crashes again. buy high sell low!!

43. Post 9880988 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on December 18, 2014, 06:46:46 PM
everyone... note that after every rise in the dollar is followed by a crash in the dollar.
note that we seen this same phenomena prior to the 2008 crisis.
everyone... please be safe as we prepare for the dollar crash and the next economic crisis.
be sure you fasten your seat belts and remove all extra cash from the banks.

I'm waiting for the crisis for years.

I'm speculating what will happens when the US state budget is going to be discussed for year, since in 2014 took some time until it got fully approved.

The Republicans control the house. They will make it a priority to get it through and Obama will let it through in order to look like he is someone they can work with. They will both claim it as a victory and try to move on to issues that's been postponed due to republicans acting like babies when they didn't have control of the house.

congress is preparing for the collapse: URGENT: 3 NEW SIGNS TOTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IS IN PROGRESS  -

44. Post 9976808 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.42h):

Quote from: ejinte on December 29, 2014, 05:16:38 PM
USD is up against almost all other currencies, not only crypto, I find this strange.

it's not really strange. the same thing happened before the 2007-2008 economic crisis.

45. Post 9976824 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.42h):

Quote from: noobtrader on December 29, 2014, 05:20:13 PM
USD is up against almost all other currencies, not only crypto, I find this strange.

usd is finding new oil boom by new methods and technology, nothing is strange about it.

pretty sure oil has nothing to do with it. other countries are devaluing their currencies against the dollar.

46. Post 10049175 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.44h):

Quote from: Omikifuse on January 05, 2015, 03:42:54 PM
How do you think Stamp hack will affect bitcoin price when they open trades again?

Will price drops?


depends what happens in the next hours and days. If everything back to normal soon and trades get reestablished, then prices probably will recover.

If things keep as they are or people can't withdraw money things will get worse

i think its going to get worse. obviously they are rehashing last years gox that brought bitcoin down.
next will be china banning bitcoin again for the umpteenth time. (sure ya banned it this time for reals)
and then maybe the us economy will enter into crisis mode again.
with the dollar at ATH's we are sure to see something happen.
we can't have the dollar higher than it was in 2007 and it just stay that high forever.
it never has before, it always crashes back down. ALWAYS ... gravity > usd. get ready for the usd to crash again.

47. Post 10053422 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.44h):

Quote from: relm9 on January 06, 2015, 01:13:01 AM
I really doubt Stamp has to resort to market buys to get that BTC. They probably can buy it in bulk from one of their partners. 19K is a lot, but not a crazy amount either.

I really wonder why you would put 19k in a hot wallet. Even when you have to transfer them to clients.
19k live ammo is a bit high.

I would have kept much better safety with those coins.

Yeah, agreed - no idea why they kept 19K in a hot wallet.

well.. if ur security is too good then something cant happen to the bitcoins .

48. Post 10053486 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.44h):

Quote from: Spaceman_Spiff on January 06, 2015, 02:55:33 AM
This shit is f-ing crazy.  
I had a game plan in mind (ugly spike downwards, decent recovery, then hopefully stabilization and slowly into new bullrun), but this Stamp hack makes everything so unpredictable in my book.

1) hacker has 19k to sell, bad press for bitcoin, exchanges probably trusted even less (although I expect bitstamp to survive and to be as fair as possible to their clients --> compare the swift response from the Stamp team to the months of doublespeak, lying and inconsistencies from Gox)
--> Bad

2) If Stamp keep their "capital reserve" in USD, I expect them to buy up a whole bunch of BTC in the short term to compensate for the BTCs lost.  This will probably happen sooner than the hacker is able to find a buyer for them.
--> Good in the short term

If we weren't at a pretty low price already, I'ld sell a bunch for trading purposes.  Now, I am clueless.

genius. they can buy back their own bitcoins... see there is no problems with bitcoin... what problems ?? 

49. Post 10072011 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.45h):

Quote from: gotmilk_ on January 07, 2015, 05:22:00 PM
i call 300 before friday

I kinda have that feeling too. Dont see a dump after goxstamp reopens Smiley
Prepare for the pump, here it comes Wink

Could reach 294$ in 2 hours, but IMO that will be a local top.

There is 23600 shorts on finex... traders could start closing them if we go up enough.

Stamp coming online soon!  Smiley

well that is one way to do hardware upgrades and migration i guess.
they should use quality hardware and not the cheaper "everything on one device" hardware..
i have cisco and sourcefire in my network for security myself.
i bet they got a checkpoint "all-in-one" and called it good. (save $50k - $60k)

50. Post 10093404 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.45h):

Quote from: YourMother on January 09, 2015, 03:08:59 PM

The bitcoin tribe is filled with people that live on short memory. Once Stamp will (if) reopen their whorehouse, people will be like " Uhhhh, it was not so bad. " and they will continue to trade there. I remember this happening with Mintpal and other exchanges. They will stay until the website will be hacked again and closed forever and that will be the moment they learned a lesson.

But of course, things could go differently.

that is amazing that you think the same thing that i think and we are both right that either bitstamp goes to complete hell eventually or things could go differently. it's just like bitcoin prediction for january that we think it will stay sideways although it might go up or there is a possibility it could go down. if you want you all can subscribe to my newsletter where i send out predictions like these weekly .

51. Post 10094011 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.45h):

Quote from: 79b79aa8d5047da6d3XX on January 09, 2015, 05:00:17 PM
Anyone who got goxed & proceeded to get stamped is a certified fool.

we gonna be looking back on these days of people getting goxed and stamped as 'remember those days when there was no regulations, security, or anything" .. and we will remember how crazy we all were trying to trade bitcoin on all these 'fly by night in moms basement' exchanges . the good ole days of bitcoining when you could still mine a full bitcoin with only a few terrahashes. like how people used to use teachers school linux accounts to get to the internet and create hidden directories in their school hard drives to hide all the latest warez so they could go upload them to their favorite bbs for download points because there was no security at all.

52. Post 10125365 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: poncho32 on January 12, 2015, 02:13:34 PM
well, you were laughing at the "bearwhale" and his 30 k, but now I think it is clear what was his agenda: to destroy producers of asics and centralized mining centers. this is only the beginning. prepare for 100 $ coins.
His "agenda" was simply to GTFO and take his 9-10 million dollars out of this free falling mess.

He waited too long to dump then, he could have got 20 million dollars or more if he dumped earlier.

he bought high and sold low. it will be ok cuz he can buy back higher later again.

53. Post 10127102 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: riiiiising on January 12, 2015, 04:51:39 PM
This forum (especially this particular thread) is full of trolls & trolls sock puppets.
It's really gone to shit.

Nobody minds the battle between bears & bulls, they both have genuine reasons for cheering different scenarios to make money, that's fine.

There are so many trolls though, it's really quite pathetic & I feel embarrassed for them.

Trolls are people who refuse to make choices in their own pathetic lives and thus feel the need to judge the choices of others. Ignore them and they don't exist.

Trolls are people who refused to dump their money into a get rich quick scheme and tried to warn you all for months, but were mocked and ignored. Everyone makes a choice, but clowns like you made the wrong choice. And now you're just pissed off and looking for someone to blame.

Hopefully in the future you'll make the correct choice of investing in stocks and bonds in order to accumulate slow steady wealth, instead of magic beans.

stocks and bonds Huh really Huh while the federal government gives illegal immigrants id cards so they can open up bank accounts get their money into the bank before the bail-ins start happen Huh
i just can't wait for all that paper that you claim will 'accumulate slow steady wealth" !!! ... right into the banks and federal govy's pockets.
there is one thing about the following graph: usd appears to be suspect to the force of gravity. don't look down.

we are hoping that the dollar surpassing 2007 - 2008 highs doesn't foretell the next economic crisis.
unfortunately i will not be able to 'have faith' in 'god' for the federal reserve to print more money to save usd again.
yeah i am going to run right out and back the truck up and buy tons of stocks at all time highs! yeah! i can't wait!
buy high sell low biatches !! no just this time. do it all the time!

54. Post 10127564 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: podyx on January 12, 2015, 05:46:11 PM
@Adam, you can go ahead and just delete this thread now.  Failed experiment taken completely over by stupid sockpuppet troll accounts.  No good information here anymore.

"No good information anymore" That would seem to imply that information during 2014 was... good?


For the first time, information is great! No longer do we have all the bulltards drawing lines on graphs and trying to convince everyone that we'll be back up to $1,000 soon. No longer do we have shills like reptilia tell us about the exponential trend line, or mental midgets posting photos of rocket ships and trains every day. "To the moon!"  Cheesy Cheesy

Bitcoin is finally being exposed as a pump and dump, and people are beginning to realize that it's in the final stages before falling into obscurity. Accept that fact, and save yourself from further butt hurt.

You do realize that for every day we go further down, the closer we get to a great bullmarket, right?
Unless it was to fail and go to $0 of course but there are no signs of that.

it seems like we must be at or very near bottom due to bitcoin barely dropping any when stamp almost stamped everyone.

55. Post 10127714 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: luckygenough56 on January 12, 2015, 06:25:23 PM
But...but...the fundamentals are good, bitcoin is still in its infancy guys !

well yeah it seems that it is still in it's infancy. we are mining and bitcoin is developing.
a low bitcoin price is the *BEST* time for mining. low bitcoin price = lower income taxes on mined coins
when halving happens then will be less new coins every month . everyone probably be buying like crazy for halving.
it seems like we should gained confidence after we almost got stamped and bitcoin barely moved down any.
if it drops too much further we will all start frenzy buying them. it seems we are near or at the low.

56. Post 10127824 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on January 12, 2015, 06:43:45 PM
a low bitcoin price is the *BEST* time for mining. low bitcoin price = lower income taxes on mined coins

When BTC price finally hits zero => no taxes at all => everyone buys mining gear => hashrate explodes Cheesy
You guys are logicians IRL, amirite?

like i said.. it seems we should have gained confidence after we almost got stamped and bitcoin barely moved down any.
you had the perfect storm opportunity to crash bitcoin on down and yet here we are still uncrashed to 0... barely moved.
i do not believe your scenario will happen before halving based upon this alone.

57. Post 10132838 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: xxxgoodgirls on January 13, 2015, 02:35:12 AM
Do you guys think it will ever recover back one day?

when in doubt: sell low buy high .

58. Post 10141730 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.47h):

usgs is evaluating long term persistence of the polar bears:
see there is nothing to worry about. all these bears you all have been on about are being evaluated and ranked right now.
we are doing the stamp got coins stolen smash down. it is a bit delayed but we got the smash down finally.
i am evaluating the bear situation too if should take advantage and buy bitcoins now that previous bottom was broken..

59. Post 10141990 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.47h):

Quote from: solex on January 13, 2015, 08:13:24 PM
On the way to the airport the Indian taxi driver AND shoe shine boy both told me my fortune would lie in bitcoin. They know their shit - they talk to a lot of important people every day.

Shoe shine boy should have been preaching at $1100

maybe he was predicting the dollar @ATH will come crashing back down (like it always has in the past) and send bitcoin roaring right back ??
they put in stop gaps to control how fast gold and silver will rise during the next dollar crash.
the usd dollar is suspect to gravity so don't look down.
and oil was manipulated to $100+ to cause inflation and now it is going down and the inflation with it .
we are seeing nearly the same environment unfolding that we had prior to the 2007-2008 economic crisis.
when the economic crisis hit then we saw silver rocket to $50+ oz.
the markets are being manipulated to drive the herd to where they want them (money in bank, stocks, and bonds) before the next crisis.
dump gold, silver, and bitcoins and follow the herd! buy stocks @ATH's and put the rest ur money into the bank!
buy high sell low and get bailed in!

dollar source:marketwatch

brent oil source: wikepdia

crude oil source: wikepdia

60. Post 10142158 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.47h):

Quote from: POM on January 13, 2015, 08:31:19 PM
I'll buy in at $150

you are an inspiration to all of bitcoin! i think i will do the same thing!

61. Post 10146114 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: noobtrader on January 14, 2015, 03:23:17 AM
with bitcoin market like this anyone can sleep at night Huh what will happen tommorrow ?


don't worry, they still got to get all the illegal immigrants money into the banks.

62. Post 10151811 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on January 14, 2015, 01:06:11 PM
Blood in the streets.
Is anybody going to buy?
I'm a lot of $ down but would anybody recommend buying now?

yeah. i am evaluating the bear situation with the USGS as prepare to buy.
unfortunately i just got back from california and decided i needed this firebird that was used as an undercover by the LA police dept.
so i wont buy very much cuz i dont have liquidity on hand atm. and because of the threat from polar bears that are being ranked.
probably be more time to buy though cuz they still have to get all the illegal mexicans money in the banks w obama's new 'illegal immigrants get ur money in the bank' cards he is about to issue.
the coins i am about to buy will likely be used to start trading with since my mined coins are hoarded in storage. i am evolving from a miner to a trader.
it's hammer time, blood is in the streets, it's time to buy... imo.

63. Post 10151825 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: gotmilk_ on January 14, 2015, 02:21:11 PM
What will friday bring. Cheesy
(guy who twitted about stamp problems 24h before stamp went down...)

yeah we need keep our eye on adam guerbuez. when he talks about bitcoin shiat happens.

64. Post 10152597 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: Totscha on January 14, 2015, 03:16:37 PM
Prediction: Lost of mining equipment being sold off cheap, some of which will be purchased by bitcoin enthusiasts who will hold rather than sell.

I doubt it - the mining co-ops are just idling their equipment and trying to wait it out.

If diff is too high and price too low. It's a perfect time to get some maintenance done Wink

the price really isnt 'too low' for mining unless you planning on making a living at it .
otherwise if mining to hold long term then a low price is best since pay taxes on bitcoins mined at the price they were mined at. (in the usa).
mine now while low price and shut down miners when it rockets higher. (unless your mining to make a living then u would do the opposite).

65. Post 10152933 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: criptix on January 14, 2015, 04:01:18 PM
Im buying target reached Smiley

i just bought a couple to send to my trading account (cuz my mined coins are hoarded in storage).
buy a couple now and if keeps dropping then buy more. buy all the way down. that how i do with gold and silver.
although later on i might send some coin to bitmain when btc price goes up substantially to make worth to buy.
unfortunately i do not think in dollars atm so 1.75 btc seems a lot (good price in $$$ but obviously i think btc is way under-valued atm).
so i am HODLing and waiting. coins heading to trader account next week. hammer time.. blood is in the streets. time to buy!

66. Post 10153709 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 14, 2015, 05:20:25 PM
probably has something to do with the North American Bitcoin Conference launching this Friday, 16th January!

buckle up everybody Smiley

Could be, Winklevii are keynote speakers.

They aren't speakers

Derp, thought he linked to the ETF conference in Florida this month. The twins are speaking there.

since this is the speculation forum, I just throw this in

Let's see what happens when the "Regulation Panel" commences on opening day of the conference..

I wonder what the "significant uptick" in price would be if it were to happen? $10k? I do believe to price has been pushed down by someone on purpose to get in at a lower price. Could be a crazy weekend coming up.

People seriously still believe this? No way?

we still got time to buy!
all the mexicans (illegal immigrants) still need get their money into the banks!
they will get to enjoy the benifits of being a bail-ins! get your money in the bank everyone don't miss out!

67. Post 10154117 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: Christ is King on January 14, 2015, 05:51:46 PM
Bitcoin and stock market are both nose diving today. I guess no more early retirement for me. Given my bitcoin losses this week, it seems that the Lord wishes for me to die with my work boots on.

And another Jesus nutter. Great.

I take it that your not a believer in our heavenly Father? If you have faith in Jesus, then you are already a wealthy man. How many bitcoins would you trade for your life? Or for your arm? Jesus bestowed those riches to each and every one of us.

i not have faith in trusting in god for the federal reserve to print usd.

68. Post 10154153 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 14, 2015, 05:53:41 PM
Why are we still going down? Where is all the big money gobbling up the cheap coins? Was it all a myth??

what are your talking about ?? i bought (gobbled up) two bitcoins just this morning!

69. Post 10154959 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 14, 2015, 06:28:42 PM
This comment is just ignorant and shows lack of knowledge about what you are so adamantly against. Im sure you form  most of your opinions based on elementary research, and yt videos based on what you just said.


Mostly some HOLY voice speaks to me. He knows everything and is really kind. And he likes boys with thight asses.

The comment doesnt even bother me, just makes me shake my head at you. Disagreeing on religion is fine, but basing that disagreement on on an irrational argument or lack of knowledge about a complex subject is pathetic. That actually applies with any topic.

As complex as snow white or any other fantasy story.

that might be true but it's not nearly as complex as say 'santa clause' or the 'easter bunny'.

70. Post 10155368 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: hiddenbatman on January 14, 2015, 07:28:06 PM
2 days ago im offline when btc still $270 then go to sleep . when i woke up .. dang $220
Yesterday before i go to sleep btc still 230 , when i woke up ... holy shit $180
Now $170 ...and im affraid to sleep  Sad

i think next time i want to buy i will set my alarm for like 2am .

71. Post 10155892 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 14, 2015, 08:03:12 PM
The 'bottom' does not looking too bottom'y to me. I guessed ~120$ when we were @220$ and its still looks like a pretty decent guess now.

Er on what basis, other than you want to buy in lower and missed the bottom thus far?

Edit: no real arb from huobi, fuck these empty Chinese exchanges..

On the basis that we have been going down for 12 months and there is not one reason why we should stop here.
You know, the same 12 months you have been saying daily that we're about to go up. Based on nothing more than you holding a few coins and wanting to get rich.
Also the months that you started lending out coins for 2 dollars profit a day so people could dump them on the market and take the price down. You fucking tool.
You are seriously one of the biggest idiots in this part of the forum. Rarely do i see people as clueless as you are.

we could just base it on 2016 reward halving and be totally legit.

72. Post 10156460 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: luckygenough56 on January 14, 2015, 08:36:07 PM
The 'bottom' does not looking too bottom'y to me. I guessed ~120$ when we were @220$ and its still looks like a pretty decent guess now.

Er on what basis, other than you want to buy in lower and missed the bottom thus far?

Edit: no real arb from huobi, fuck these empty Chinese exchanges..

On the basis that we have been going down for 12 months and there is not one reason why we should stop here.
You know, the same 12 months you have been saying daily that we're about to go up. Based on nothing more than you holding a few coins and wanting to get rich.
Also the months that you started lending out coins for 2 dollars profit a day so people could dump them on the market and take the price down. You fucking tool.
You are seriously one of the biggest idiots in this part of the forum. Rarely do i see people as clueless as you are.

we could just base it on 2016 reward halving and be totally legit.

Reward halving = basis of this ponzi scheme. Pumpers know it and used it well as a psychological moment to push the price up each time in crypto. Except it doesn't work much anymore since people have been burnt in bitcoin and other alts and thus educated. Without interest, usability, developpment etc it won't save bitcoin.

i did not say it would 'save' bitcoin. i'm not sure bitcoin needs to be 'saved' .
we have 3600 new coins mined everyday that has to play a role.
gold and silver is down too. everything is down except fakelands papers.
and ......... we will be lucky if the us economy can last until then.
u think bitcoin is down because it is dying.
i disagree, i think there is much more going on.
microsoft putting bitcoin on their website ??
yeah they aren't planning anything.
sure there's no development going on at all.
ur must be right that bitcoin is total useless.

73. Post 10156723 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: Richy_T on January 14, 2015, 09:28:38 PM
Asks flat but nobody buying, Stamp effectively out of the game...

The next 24 hours are critical.

i'm learning scalping at btc-e. they have buyers over there.
according to marketwatch now is great time for traders all the volatility.
hammer time. buy low sell high. blood is in the streets.

74. Post 10156747 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: Erdogan on January 14, 2015, 09:39:09 PM
I dont agree with your personal beliefs, so ill call you names and publicly judge you and passive aggressively impose my own world view on you

Yeah, just believe in jesus. He will give you a meal an warm you during the winter.
All hail jesus, the fucker of young boys.

This comment is just ignorant and shows lack of knowledge about what you are so adamantly against. Im sure you form  most of your opinions based on elementary research, and yt videos based on what you just said.


And you on the bible?

Some relevant stuff from the bible. "The king" is in current era the same as the group of government persons: (Samuel 8 )

"10 Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. 11 He said, “This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights: He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. 12 Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. 15 He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. 16 Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle[c] and donkeys he will take for his own use. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. 18 When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”"

Except, bad prediction, the slaves do not cry out for relief, they cry "More, more, hit me more"!

i feel like i am at church now.

75. Post 10157288 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 14, 2015, 10:03:31 PM

Yes but what does this have to do with Bitcoin. I seriously hope you don't believe that these people then would move to Bitcoin or something.

The question was merely what would be the most bullish for Bitcoin. I believe the collapse of the Greek economy would most definitely be that. I would expect some to move (some of) their money to Bitcoin but the majority movement would be speculators as it was with Cyprus.

I never seen any evidence that Cyprus was the reason for Bitcoin to go up even 1 dollar.
And nobody in Greece is stupid enough to put their money in a highly volatile hard to use currency that has been going down for a year.

you not supposed to buy gold and silver either.

76. Post 10158163 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

this smash down has to be stolen coins being dumped.

77. Post 10160208 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 15, 2015, 01:05:48 AM
Well, that was the bottom. I picked up a shitload of super cheap coins. Thanks to you idiots selling at the very bottom.
Thanks for playing.

i thought you was getting your money into the bank ??

78. Post 10160240 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 15, 2015, 01:23:51 AM
So which one of you tools sold at the bottom?

wasn't me. i didnt do it.

79. Post 10160400 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: outahere on January 15, 2015, 02:57:23 AM
Who are the "Four Punch Raiders?"

i just learned about the 'four punch raiders' tonight .

80. Post 10165462 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: mmitech on January 15, 2015, 12:20:37 PM
Bitstamp | Total bids: 3230081 USD. Total asks: 8699 BTC. Ratio: 371.29663 USD/BTC

This doesn't mean anything, you are overlooking it... a correction to $250 is possible maybe followed with some stability for few days then the downtrend will continue till we hit the bottom (double digits, lower double digits)

Sure, I smell another drop coming, but I'm not sure if lower double digits is where it will end. There would be major capitulation at sub $150. Not sure if there would be enough people willing to sell at sub $100 to drive it that far.

I love bears. We just had a massive calamitous decline with a huge volume reversal, after a never ending 13 month bear market. When the market finally turns up they predict doom. As i said yesterday we will see who are just trolls/useful idiots to the whales controlling the market and who actually follow the trend.
Those aren't bears, they are either bear cultists (permabears) or pigs.

I'm not a permabear, I'm just not convinced we have reached the bottom. Maybe it was yesterday. We'll see... No way to be sure until it's tested and retested.

As for mmitech. He's just permanegative. He loves to see things burn...

you must be new here, I am not negative... I am optimistic and bullish when the market is bullish, and pessimistic and bearish when the market is bearish, as simple as that.

BTW 1w chart is still showing a huge chance for a continuing downtrend (unless we recover to $450 in the next couple weeks)

I don't see despair yet, when it hit most of you will abandon the ship, only then I will buy back, at this point my money is safe and stable in my bank account  

all illegal immigrants (mexicans) now get a free 'get your money in the bank' id cards so they too can enjoy the same benefits as first class citizens (instead of being second class and left out of the benefits). first class citizen benefits: get abusively taxed, get obama-irs-scheme-cared, buy stocks @ATH's, .... buy high sell low, and get bailed-in!!

81. Post 10165619 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: ivyleague1985 on January 15, 2015, 01:38:49 PM
short squeeze ! Tomorrow big news Cool

What news do you know for tomorrow?

hammer time ?? four punch raiders ?? adam guerbuez ??

82. Post 10166004 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on January 15, 2015, 04:15:30 PM
all illegal immigrants (mexicans) now get a free 'get your money in the bank' id cards so they too can enjoy the same benefits as first class citizens (instead of being second class and left out of the benefits). first class citizen benefits: get abusively taxed, get obama-irs-scheme-cared, buy stocks @ATH's, buy high sell low, and get bailed-in!!

What can we do to stop these mud people, aztecminer?  The Jews and their government puppets (look who's the president now, those people are shameless!  It's as if they are mocking us!) have colluded to impoverish the decent, full-blooded Americans like you and me.
What's To Be Done?!

the reason for any bail-ins will be because of an economic crisis. i think making sure your own ass is covered. i think still some time left though cuz they gotta get the mexican's money in the bank's .

83. Post 10166324 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: tarmi on January 15, 2015, 04:39:21 PM
as a miner who pays 0.06 $ / kWh I look forward to some serious difficulty adjustments downwards.

i heard hashrate went up ?? probably from the new antminer .

84. Post 10166422 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: Stevenirving on January 15, 2015, 04:57:56 PM
For once a majority of people are saying in the poll it will go up within 24 hours.
Why is this?
I have been away for a couple days.
I really want it to hit 240$ per BTC ASAP.

Anyone mind filling me in?

hammer time! blood is in the streets! it's time to buy! (that pretty much covers what ya missed)

85. Post 10167206 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

ATTENTION BEARS .. all fundamentals (the hammer time) suggest that you will be short squeezed with-in hours following the next 'four punch raiders' smash down. save yourself the grief from adam guerbuez's "roller coaster that make the current roller coaster nothin".. u should know by now .... it's hammer time!  

86. Post 10170428 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: elasticband on January 15, 2015, 11:18:02 PM

Mark and ashley barr

87. Post 10171264 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 15, 2015, 11:53:11 PM
is anyone paying attention to the macroeconomic picture? The Swiss National Bank shocked world markets by removing it's peg to the Euro, causing it's value to skyrocket. Two systemic Greek banks are using an emergency liquidity tool at the ECB to try and prevent a bank run.  Oil Tanked and Gold spiked. This is 2008 all over again only worse this time.

How this will affect Bitcoin is anyone's guess, but I'm starting to think even my 2.5% margin long was way too premature.

Bank runs mean extreme DEFLATION of national currencies until the central banks ramp up the printing presses, start accepting used toilet paper as collateral and various other forms of counterfeiting.

Wealth is going to evaporate, credit is going to dry up and markets are going to crash with the exception of the safest government bonds (U.S., Swiss and maybe a few others).

I've warned many times for everyone to get their coins (and even fiat) off the exchanges if you aren't going to trade, but now I am saying it may soon be time to get your fiat out of the banks. 


still some time . they have to get all the mexican's (illegal immigrants) money in the banks.

they making them feel like they are first rate citizens getting free obama 'get ur money in the bank" cards.

88. Post 10171305 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: AmazonStuff on January 15, 2015, 11:58:49 PM
This is my theory, Mark is not A DPR, Ross is. Ross is the mastermind behind SR and when you are dealing with something like SR, its not easy to cashout. So he probably made some sort of money laundering agreement with Mark to help him cashout. Authorities found connection by tracking bitcoin movement and they pushed Mark. Mark is not a hero, he is probably afraid of his own shadow and he probably broke and made an agreement with authorities to reveal who DPR is and agreed to hand out 850 000 BTC for his freedom, to destroy biggest btc exchange and to vanish and never get involved in bitcoin again.

89. Post 10171450 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 16, 2015, 12:09:41 AM
is anyone paying attention to the macroeconomic picture? The Swiss National Bank shocked world markets by removing it's peg to the Euro, causing it's value to skyrocket. Two systemic Greek banks are using an emergency liquidity tool at the ECB to try and prevent a bank run.  Oil Tanked and Gold spiked. This is 2008 all over again only worse this time.

How this will affect Bitcoin is anyone's guess, but I'm starting to think even my 2.5% margin long was way too premature.

Bank runs mean extreme DEFLATION of national currencies until the central banks ramp up the printing presses, start accepting used toilet paper as collateral and various other forms of counterfeiting.

Wealth is going to evaporate, credit is going to dry up and markets are going to crash with the exception of the safest government bonds (U.S., Swiss and maybe a few others).

I've warned many times for everyone to get their coins (and even fiat) off the exchanges if you aren't going to trade, but now I am saying it may soon be time to get your fiat out of the banks.  


Potential bank run in the small Greek banks? So what.

What's the worst that can happen? The ECB step in and take over the banks' assets and loan books?

And besides, Greece is about 1% of the Euro (if even).

Greece is the canary in the coal mine. They are not having a liquidity crisis. They are having a solvency crisis. They owe an ass-load of money to Germany and if German banks are forced to write off those bad loans, it could very easily trigger a cascade as Portugal, Italy, and Ireland are in almost as bad shape. Just like when a margin call sets off a string of margin calls in bitcoin, these things can spiral out of control very fast.

Many many People, companies and national governments owe an extremely large amount of money that they can only make payments on by taking on new debt. If credit dries up, it presents a systemic risk that can only be halted by massive new liquidity injections from the central banks. But this only kicks the can down the road, as the crisis of 2008 was only postponed until this year. The only way to really fix it is to let it happen.  We need a massive severe depression to transfer the malinvested capital to competent managers.  But of course the banksters who run the world will not let that happen, so we'll get another round of QE counterfeiting to kick the can once again.

there are several other german divisions facing greece in this matters . if greece wants another bail-out then they might have to trade some of their gold reserves .

90. Post 10175779 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 16, 2015, 02:13:06 PM

Why would i need to fasten my seatbelts?

during the cyprus bail-ins the federal reserve bernanke mentioned something about bail-ins becoming contagious .

91. Post 10177417 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: roslinpl on January 16, 2015, 04:53:57 PM
Could we now please go sub 200 to prepare two-digit prices? Grin

2 digit prices are such a selfish request.

It's almost a one way street, literally nobody will think bitcoin is a good investment if the bubble collapses at a lower rate than when it started, after a full year of VC's and overall pretty good news.

If it does happen though I think I'll double down my investment, but I certainly hope we don't, I'm tired of these smug bears shitting up this thread with their doom and gloom circle jerking.

Tip: Bitcoin is not an investment.
Bitcoin is a digital currency.

Think about Bitcoin as an investment and you will fail.

oh yeah ?? well adam guerbuez said that "the #fail would be your attempt to get closure on the big news to come today" ...  "nice try though but #nope".

92. Post 10178159 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: cheekychap on January 16, 2015, 06:08:49 PM
We need this guys engaging with BTC to achieve the mass adoption. Also sony, xbox and whatever technology you can imagine of. Let´s launch ideas, don´t mind if it seems improbable or absurd, just launch it to the table. Maybe it can make click in the mind of other reader and connect the dots. This is how brainstorming works

You mean free bitcoin with every nintendo device you buy ?

hey everybody did you hear that ?? the big news today get free bitcoin every nintindo you buy!

93. Post 10178528 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: ronald98 on January 16, 2015, 06:29:58 PM
So WTF was the man in twitter talking about??? Nothing happened....yet

yeah whatsup with the fat Adam guy, anyone has news? Must be Miami conference related, right?

Why not just tweet the news yesterday? Probably because there is none.

maybe if we all start pounding on our desks and chanting adam then maybe he will leak the news early ??

94. Post 10178766 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: BitChick on January 16, 2015, 07:03:36 PM
I am very bullshit on bitcoin at the moment.

That feeling is a sign it is a VERY good time to buy IMHO. Wink

When we all feel euphoric it is time to sell.  

Look at yourself, you've been swimming in this delusion for almost a year now, telling everyone it is a good time to buy and how you feel this is maybe the launch and about how your guts feel it...BTW, did you pray today so your lord can save you from your ignorance ?

Wow, anger much? How did this turn into a debate about religion? I think you're going a bit off topic here.

Because this is a person who said God talked to her friend and told her to buy coins. People like this deserve to be ridiculed.

But what if anything under $1000 is still a good deal in the long run?  Maybe we are all being a little short sided here?

But that said, if you guys really want me to leave this thread I will.  I would think that having someone from a different walk of life with differing view points might add some interest here but if I am not wanted here I will leave.

ya musta missed hammer time .. it went like this: hammer time .. blood is in the streets .... it's time to buy!  

95. Post 10179322 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: ronald98 on January 16, 2015, 08:01:57 PM
So WTF was the man in twitter talking about??? Nothing happened....yet

yeah whatsup with the fat Adam guy, anyone has news? Must be Miami conference related, right?

Why not just tweet the news yesterday? Probably because there is none.

Pay attention.

Lyft or Uber would announce Bitcoin support?

Making sense to me, coz these two are competing fiercely. Using bitcoin to do a free marketing is definitely a no-brainer for any one of them.

According to this thread it looks like Tether is going to soon become operational on Bitfinex. Could this be the big news?

Tether stinks of being
- centralized
- tied to USD

Woop-dee f*cking do.

Tiny developer community, hardly any cash and no influential backers.

Join the club.

If it is then I'm disappointed. I was hoping for bigger news than that.

breaking news: aztecminer has evolved from being just a miner into a trader too. that's bullish...... will be big time waves.... wave after wave everyone... wave after wave!

96. Post 10181572 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 16, 2015, 10:44:22 PM
I personally picked up a lot of coins at the bottom and sold them again at 210-230. All that money now is going into silver and gold, just like the last few months. I'm already seeing crazy profits there.
Only a few delusional bulls are still buying coins because they think we will go up again. Poor guys.

your not seeing crazy profits in the pms. any gains are smashed down regularly. that shiat is capped. ur claiming ur seeing crazy profits in pm's proves that your full of fud. what you are forgetting is that.... it's hammer time!

97. Post 10186164 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 17, 2015, 09:14:28 AM
I'm 100% sure now world is entering deflation. If central bankers decide to fight it with printing for inflation it will probably cause worldwide hyperinflation. Anyway BTC is going down before going up. There's no place to hide right now. Fun times ahead.

Oil, EURO, CHF ... big moves. It's like a domino.

Because if we go down first we will magically go up after.

yup... magic.

98. Post 10186483 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on January 17, 2015, 01:38:23 PM
Perfect timing and price for buying more cheap Bitcoin. We are still early adopters.

Haha no you aren't. Stop fooling yourself.

probably still are in early adaption phase. last year was all mining. due to the release of new mining hardware late last year then is still very good for mining. these low prices are GREAT for miners (us miners that is) due to income taxes are paid on the value of the coins at the time of mining. the reason some people are shutting down their miners at these low prices is because they are trying to make a living mining and they can't do that as well at these lower prices. but if your mining for hoarding coins then there is less reason to stop mining unless you believe bitcoin is going to die.

this really is a matter of point of view. you look at it from the trader's point of view but bitcoin is really the miners game right now. as long as i have a mine going i am constantly buying new coins (due to the income tax has to be paid). now the price of bitcoin is low enough that i am starting to straight out buy them instead of buying hardware and mining them. i need more than one wallet now to keep separate coins that i mine (which i am hoarding) and the coins i buy (which i will trade or use to buy upgrade mining hardware).

what is going on in bitcoin is the same thing we are seeing in pms. if i could transfer a pm through the internet then i wouldnt need bitcoins. pms are not going to suddenly be worthless.....ever. pm's will always be worth something. atm they are manipulated down by the central banks. they just recently added in some rules to control the rise in the prices of the pm's (kinda obvious).

the truth is your not really on top of your game here. your just in here trolling and lying to people. you claimed you made a bundle from trading bitcoin and bought pms and your seeing profits in pms. that cannot be truth because no one is seeing great profits in pms because they are being manipulated down by central banks. they will have a bad bank smash that shiat down so the other banks can buy on the cheap. jpm has completely loaded up on silver at these low prices. jpm has foresight into the metals or they wouldn't buy millions of oz's of something that is worthless.

it is easy to see your faith is in the dollar and fiat:

us dollar index - source:

USD per 1 EUR - Source:

99. Post 10186674 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: Mirsad on January 17, 2015, 03:01:08 PM
Sucker above:
Who fucking cares about $ and €?
Tax evading is best in CHF.

Learn to invest and do not blame all the banks. Just get over it.
You can always invest in a hooker business if you dont thrust banks. Great return rates garantueed.

invest in what ?? stocks and bonds ?? i should buy stocks @ATH's ??
i already have my ass covered. if the next eddie of economic crisis hits this weekend and tshf then i am good.
learn to invest in food stores and lead bullion and stuff like that too.

100. Post 10187189 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on January 17, 2015, 03:35:00 PM
invest in what ?? stocks and bonds ?? i should buy stocks @ATH's ??

You can probably find some penny stock that's tanking as hard as Bitcoin & invest in it.

i don't do 'stocks and bonds'. if your money isn't in something other than fiat then your bearishness on bitcoin is really you being a fiat-tard.

jan 22nd go QE fiat-tards get your money in the bank!!

101. Post 10195802 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: octaft on January 18, 2015, 12:22:05 AM

Nothing to add...

I can buy 30% less smack now than I could last week. Bloody ridiculous

Silly me, I spent some BTC at newegg.... BTC is only used to buy drugs? I must have missed the boat on this one...

You're kind of missing the point. You can also use a credit card at newegg, which for the vast majority of consumers would be easier and more convenient than using bitcoin.

Can't use a credit card to buy drugs, though.

hey everybody... we need to be careful using usd because it has very bad reputation for being used in anonymous crimes such as buying drugs, money laundering, and fraud. it's ability to not be tracked by any means makes it a favorite amongst criminals and terrorists. you could get held up and mugged for your usd cash and there is no way to track where that usd went or how it was spent! very very shady.

102. Post 10197655 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.50h):

Quote from: The_FluffyBunny on January 18, 2015, 02:07:18 PM
Why do I even try to trade.
I just keep making the wrong decisions and losing my btc. Sad

it hasn't been doing what i think it will do either. i have not lost any btc....yet. ..i'm a newb at trading though. i think i can figure it out as i go though.

103. Post 10205850 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

don't worry everyone.. i made sure that bitcoin will not dip below 160 again ever.
i am thinking to buy a bunch of ripple too.. that act alone should crash take out the ripple.
all i have to do is buy into something and it will crash within a year.
i have proven this to be a scientific fact by reproducing the phenomena multiple times!

104. Post 10205929 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: ronald98 on January 18, 2015, 05:27:49 PM
Why do I even try to trade.
I just keep making the wrong decisions and losing my btc. Sad

it hasn't been doing what i think it will do either. i have not lost any btc....yet. ..i'm a newb at trading though. i think i can figure it out as i go though.

I know the feeling, I am no good at trading.

actually i am great at trading. if i want something to go down then all i have to do is buy some of it! lol .

105. Post 10206134 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: Eamorr on January 18, 2015, 11:02:59 PM
What is going on??? Why is the market so dead?

pretty sure is because i posted a trade and now no one knows what to do.
if the price goes down then i get more bitcoins. if price goes up then my stack is worth more fiat.
i got the market pretty much locked down at 200 at this point. lol .

106. Post 10206788 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: mrkavasaki on January 19, 2015, 03:24:21 PM
it is just a matter of time before ripple or bitshares will replace bitcoin
there a much better coins out there than bitshit

a fiat crypto-currency is not going to be different next time around as it was for the usd and euro :
hopefully at some point men will realize that "trusting in god" for the fed to print tons of usd has been a failure .
now we supposed to trust in ripple labs to 'make money out of thin air'.

107. Post 10207242 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

swiss central bank depegs the franc from the euro ..
the Dow Jones sinks over 2%, while silver went up 7% and gold went up 4.5%:"
bitcoin being in it's own world is.....down.
it seem like something wrong in bitcoin world .

108. Post 10207498 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: GaliX on January 19, 2015, 05:09:05 PM
swiss central bank depegs the franc from the euro ..
the Dow Jones sinks over 2%, while silver went up 7% and gold went up 4.5%:"
bitcoin being in it's own world is.....down.
it seem like something wrong in bitcoin world .

remember, even if currently about 800k $ get invested into Bitcoin, it will only cover the inflation. You have to add every merchant instantly selling + regular sellers.

That's a hell of selling pressure every day. That's the main reason we will most likely stay in this bear market until something drastic happens. Like a Fiat Currency Crashing  (€, $ or  Ą).
If nothing magical happens, the next halving of the mining reward would at least take out some pressure so the currency could grow in value.

yup i do remember the inflation of 3600 bitcoins everyday. i agree with your assessment. i think the swiss didn't unpeg from euro and hurt their own economy just for the heck of it. somethings going on.

109. Post 10207802 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: Davyd05 on January 19, 2015, 05:23:41 PM
swiss central bank depegs the franc from the euro ..
the Dow Jones sinks over 2%, while silver went up 7% and gold went up 4.5%:"
bitcoin being in it's own world is.....down.
it seem like something wrong in bitcoin world .

remember, even if currently about 800k $ get invested into Bitcoin, it will only cover the inflation. You have to add every merchant instantly selling + regular sellers.

That's a hell of selling pressure every day. That's the main reason we will most likely stay in this bear market until something drastic happens. Like a Fiat Currency Crashing  (€, $ or  Ą).
If nothing magical happens, the next halving of the mining reward would at least take out some pressure so the currency could grow in value.

yup i do remember the inflation of 3600 bitcoins everyday. i agree with your assessment. i think the swiss didn't unpeg from euro and hurt their own economy just for the heck of it. somethings going on.

There was an influx of money into their country ..its pretty much made them de-peg. I'm basing this off one article I read though

that is the original reason why they pegged to the euro due to influx of money cause the franc to rise to high causing exports costs to be to high.

the reason why they depegged is because the eu central bank is about to print more QE and that would have forced swiss central bank to print too.

110. Post 10208176 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

the ongoing drop in btc price appears identical to the pm's drop in price.
the pm's are smashed down regularly and will reach a new low then capped in that new lower range.
we are seeing the same thing in btc where each 'crash down' or 'smash down' leaves btc trading in a new lower range.
i do believe that 3600 coins daily inflation and selling pressure but the similarity to pm's 'smash downs' is remarkable.

111. Post 10208373 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: ronald98 on January 19, 2015, 06:49:34 PM
the ongoing drop in btc price appears identical to the pm's drop in price.
the pm's are smashed down regularly and will reach a new low then capped in that new lower range.
we are seeing the same thing in btc where each 'crash down' or 'smash down' leaves btc trading in a new lower range.
i do believe that 3600 coins daily inflation and selling pressure but the similarity to pm's 'smash downs' is remarkable.

What does pm mean in this context?

gold and silver .

112. Post 10210068 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: Phillis on January 19, 2015, 09:12:11 PM
looks like there may be some steam to the next leg up. Smiley

don't worry i get my two new bitcoins from coinbase on weds!  i have a very complex scientific formula to guarantee bitcoin crashes down more.

exchange + money(buy btc) = btc + btc crash

i have tested and retested this formula it is solid! i can manipulate the formula like this:

exchange - btc(sell btc) = digital usd + btc pump

now i just have to figure out how to work this formula to my advantage (which i havent just yet). science!

113. Post 10215711 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: fonzie on January 20, 2015, 02:15:30 AM
Stop crashing Bitcoin, or even the last real world usage for Bitcoin beside child porn and terrorism will be gone!

“Out a couple of thousand over this,” writes one dealer. “Bad f---ing time to start up. I really hope it bounces back and stays there. I can’t believe how fast they’re dropping. $330 to 280 to 220 in just a few weeks. Bye bye profit.”

“I am losing losing 10-20% on all orders in escrow now!” says another. “Make that 30%!!! There goes all profit! FML.”

One deep web cocaine dealer spoke to Business Insider about the price crash. “It’s pretty damn sad,” they said. “We have worked so hard over the past 3 months, and for profits to get halved? It’s hard to swallow, simple as that, but what can you do. It’s a gamble, whether you hold or sell.”

They'd cashed out and had a massive payday during the bubble in November 2013, so they weren't immediately hurt by the dropping prices. But it’s still “hard work down the toilet.” And other, newer dealers don't have that luxury: they’ll be forced to sell reserves at a loss just to keep going (and potentially forcing the price down even more in the process).

"It´s a death spiral! If it it doesn´t end soon, we (the vendors) will have to switch to something more solid and reliable, like DOGE!"

these guys are morons to sell drugs using something that is traceable.  the usd is much better to use since it is totally untraceable if using cash like a normal drug dealer.

114. Post 10216322 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: DaRude on January 20, 2015, 11:39:20 AM
Stop crashing Bitcoin, or even the last real world usage for Bitcoin beside child porn and terrorism will be gone!

“Out a couple of thousand over this,” writes one dealer. “Bad f---ing time to start up. I really hope it bounces back and stays there. I can’t believe how fast they’re dropping. $330 to 280 to 220 in just a few weeks. Bye bye profit.”

“I am losing losing 10-20% on all orders in escrow now!” says another. “Make that 30%!!! There goes all profit! FML.”

One deep web cocaine dealer spoke to Business Insider about the price crash. “It’s pretty damn sad,” they said. “We have worked so hard over the past 3 months, and for profits to get halved? It’s hard to swallow, simple as that, but what can you do. It’s a gamble, whether you hold or sell.”

They'd cashed out and had a massive payday during the bubble in November 2013, so they weren't immediately hurt by the dropping prices. But it’s still “hard work down the toilet.” And other, newer dealers don't have that luxury: they’ll be forced to sell reserves at a loss just to keep going (and potentially forcing the price down even more in the process).

"It´s a death spiral! If it it doesn´t end soon, we (the vendors) will have to switch to something more solid and reliable, like DOGE!"

these guys are morons to sell drugs using something that is traceable.  the usd is much better to use since it is totally untraceable if using cash like a normal drug dealer.

Think you're missing the point of silkroad 99.0 and all the other ONLINE market places.

the point must be to get your ass busted.

115. Post 10217512 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: BrewCrewFan on January 20, 2015, 02:41:55 PM
The NYSE thing confirmed by coinbase via twitter:

good to hear. hope they invest in good security. i use them mostly like a gateway to get my usd turned into bitcoin. it usually never stays there long since i will send it to either an exchange, or to bitmain, or to my cold storage wallet. i have never turned any bitcoins into usd so i don't know how that works but i assume is same as buying it.

116. Post 10217536 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: abercrombie on January 20, 2015, 02:54:09 PM
Is it time?   Woke up 7:30 AM Eastern Time, Bought 26 at $210 and saw it go straight to $203.  

Now $213, maybe I should sell the news?

buy high sell low! it has been oscillating between about 215 and 200 since the weekend.

117. Post 10217637 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: BrewCrewFan on January 20, 2015, 03:01:09 PM
The NYSE thing confirmed by coinbase via twitter:

good to hear. hope they invest in good security. i use them mostly like a gateway to get my usd turned into bitcoin. it usually never stays there long since i will send it to either an exchange, or to bitmain, or to my cold storage wallet. i have never turned any bitcoins into usd so i don't know how that works but i assume is same as buying it.

Yeah I have not used that USD wallet they just put into place. IMO, you should never store money there ( or anywhere for that matter ) at least for the time being....cuz you never know.

good policy. stay with it. think security all the time. only keep on the exchange what you can afford to lose. that is another reason why i do not advise peeps to buy bitcoins is due to the security problems and that i would have to teach them how to use cold storage. i tell people to be very conservative and only buy what can afford to lose. if can't handle those requirements then is best to buy pms (gold and silver).

118. Post 10217963 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: Elwar on January 20, 2015, 03:34:38 PM
Why is the price going up in reaction to good news?

Is the topsy turvy world being flipped right side up?

it seems like is pretty good news even if the trolls are trying to twist it into bad news. the reason why it's not going down is because the 'four punch raiders' haven't been raiding lately. apparently no new whales have appeared to harpoon yet. or something like that. i think bitcoin might be set to start moving upwards again soon. i like see go up but we could use more time down here in these lows too.

119. Post 10219555 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: WeltMaster on January 20, 2015, 05:54:16 PM
Please delay the rocket for me guys  Cry

Just a couple more days till the rest of my deposits clear

+1 lets delay the rocket launch for couple more weeks so all of us can be sure we have our space suits on right and seat belts buckled.

120. Post 10219657 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: redsn0w on January 20, 2015, 06:12:45 PM
Hey  guys , what do you think now ? The bitcoin price will  rise or not ?  I don't know what should I think now... hold or not hold  Cheesy.

when in doubt buy high and sell low!

121. Post 10221619 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: Wekkel on January 20, 2015, 09:57:15 PM
I give it a maximum of 36 hours before we go down again.
i keep this post in favorites area to check it soon

Just sharing a prediction, no guarantees  Grin

When the 6hr MACD goes red, its down again. 36 hours, my friend.

it will go down again when the 'four punch raiders' decide it is going to go down again .

122. Post 10227994 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: DaRude on January 21, 2015, 05:15:57 AM
Whats the story with 'four punch raiders'  Huh

they switched sides

Huh  Huh that didn't help. Who are "they".

if you want to find out who the 'four punch raiders' are then just go post a 30k btc ask wall .

123. Post 10228069 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: mmitech on January 21, 2015, 12:43:18 PM
Our exchanges are run by amateurs and criminals and they are the biggest bottleneck in Bitcoin's valuation.

I agree, Bitcoin price in an open and transparent market should be at double or single digits by now.

bullshiat .. drug dealers selling drugs using bitcoin are dumbasses looking to get themselves and their clients busted.

any drug dealer stupid enough to use something that records every transaction in a ledger that is completely traceable deserves to be busted.

fiat cash is truly anonymous because there is no ledger and much more difficult to be traced.

at the end of the silk road trials we will learn that bitcoin has an ability to bust criminals and terrorists .

124. Post 10228260 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

got my two new bitcoins today. yeehaaaa ... i have to buy new bitcoins to trade with on exchange because i won't touch my hoard i mined. i try to do everything with new money. i think the price of bitcoin is too low to purchase more mining equipment at this time. sooo that means if i want to accumulate more bitcoins then i have to learn how to trade. at these prices i think is better to just buy the bitcoins rather than mine them anyways. i might buy more soon. i woulda bought more but this t-top firebird used as an la undercover was calling me from la police dept to come home last couple weeks:

the fud some people spreading about how people who buy bitcoin can't afford to buy other stuff is proven to be just that...fud. and so is the "only criminals buy and use bitcoins" is fud. bears spread more fud than anyone in these forums and they don't even care that they are exposed as pure fud .

125. Post 10229241 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: oda.krell on January 21, 2015, 03:26:52 PM
you turned to a delusional cultist.... but hey who knows, maybe I am the delusional one here, we will see about it later.
But when the retardo troll crowd tries to spin another major investment by the legacy finance world as further signs that crypto is doomed... well, it's getting a bit transparent.

This is what I am trying to say, Bitcoin is fine for now, in fact it is doing better than anytime before...but Bitcoin price is really not OK,  the soonest this bubble burst the faster things can develop and normal growth can start again ( and we can get rid of these fucking trolls, both sides bears and bulls).... for now it is just painful, slow and boring bear market.

Guess we're in agreement then mostly. There are some signs that the (2013) 2014 (2015) bear market is, if not ending, getting closer to an end, but your guess is as good as mine if we already reached bottom or not.

Here's what I think:
extending a line running through historic price on a log chart arriving at ONE MILLION DOLLAR per bitcoin by the end of next Thursday,

what ?? bitcoin is going to be worth 1M by next thrusday ?? everybody did you hear that ?? bitcoin will be worth 1M by next thursday! the train is leaving the terminal. all aboard the "1M bitcoin by next thursday" 'unicorns of odakrell' train .

126. Post 10230454 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on January 21, 2015, 05:12:50 PM
Will there be any large movements today? It has been rather quite... Huh

only if the 'four punch raiders' decide the market needs to move . right now my analysis of the charts posted here today suggests that we will move sideways for about one or two weeks before the next smash down. or it could go up or stay sideways. this is all dependent upon whether another bearwhale shows up and then there will be a big battle as the 'four punch raiders' will immediately go into action to cause a short squeeze. then the market will drop lower so that no one sells any their newly acquired bitcoins gained from the bearwhale wars until we start the next massive bull run "roller coaster that make the current roller coaster nothing" as adam guerbeuz told us. and then the new york stock exchange will start to display the price of bitcoin so the entire world knows that all bearwhales will be vanquished by the singapore 'astron martin vanquisher' .

127. Post 10230671 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: YourMother on January 21, 2015, 06:13:59 PM
I refreshed google a couple of times to see the great news, but there was only one article made entitled "The Incredible Technology Behind Bitcoin Is About To Change The World" written by some bitcoin bagholders.

That was it. Am i missing something else ?

the singapore 'astron martin vanquisher' will arrive soon that will crush all the bears to turn into bulls or be vanquished in the bitcoin bearwhale wars. i know you all think i am kidding here .. problem is i not kidding . i already got the word from the singapore high command that the 'astron martin vanquisher' will be mobilized. yourself the grief.

128. Post 10230773 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: ronald98 on January 21, 2015, 06:22:13 PM
I refreshed google a couple of times to see the great news, but there was only one article made entitled "The Incredible Technology Behind Bitcoin Is About To Change The World" written by some bitcoin bagholders.

That was it. Am i missing something else ?

the singapore 'astron martin vanquisher' will arrive soon that will crush all the bears to turn into bulls or be vanquished in the bitcoin bearwhale wars. i know you all think i am kidding here .. problem is i not kidding . i already got the word from the singapore high command that the 'astron martin vanquisher' will be mobilized. yourself the grief.

What's the 'astron martin vanquisher'?

that which is coming: the singapore 'astron martin vanquisher'

129. Post 10231834 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on January 21, 2015, 08:01:14 PM
I'm also putting Lamb Chops on ignore.

The first and hopefully the last user I'll have to do this to (since I joined in April 2013).

bitcoin bearwhale wars ..

130. Post 10237150 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

how's the bearwhale wars going everybody ?? 

131. Post 10248348 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.52h):

starting to look more and more like that was the bottom.

132. Post 10249107 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.52h):

Quote from: Blitz­ on January 21, 2015, 04:14:37 AM
Our exchanges are run by amateurs and criminals and they are the biggest bottleneck in Bitcoin's valuation.

bitstamp: i trying to stay away from there. i know they think amazon is good security but i don't share their belief's. if they get hacked again who's fault is it ?? blame on amazon ?? they are a bunch of amateurs over there at bitstamp.

133. Post 10249350 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.52h):

there we go. i am all straightened out. seeing how good a trader i am. lol .

134. Post 10249786 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.52h):

i just found out today that bitcoin has a dragon that is about to be released.

135. Post 10251550 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.52h):

Quote from: Chef Ramsay on January 25, 2015, 04:36:03 AM
if the IRS wants to seize your assets can they take BTC out of your coinbase account or freeze it?
You better believe it if your other collateral for taxes isn't available or able to be collected. That's the extra price of doing biz with such an easy to access entity. That said, we may be in for a retrace in price for a short time, maybe around the $230 mark w/i a week or so and then another decent move up before a consolidation. Nothing is etched in stone but it's something to keep an eye out for. No bear meanderings here, just sayin.

we need a magna carta:

136. Post 10266461 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

adam guerbuez's "roller coaster that make the current roller coast nothing" arrived and short squeezed the bears and the bearwhales. i tried to warn you bears but you didn't listen.

137. Post 10267077 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):


wonder what that means.

138. Post 10269319 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Quote from: Plazma on January 26, 2015, 04:32:40 PM
Is this the closing of the bear trap?

after reviewing the charts posted here in this thread i can see that adam guerbuez's "roller coaster that makes the current roller coaster nothing" has happened ... it will be some time before the 'singapore astron martin vanquisher ' arrives therefore we might can expect more smash downs again by the bears until the 'four punch raiders' go into action trapping the bears in a massive short squeeze which will last for about two days before the bearwhale succumbs when the dragon is suddenly unleashed which will be historically known as "the day the bearstrolls were squashed into oblivion".

139. Post 10271366 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 26, 2015, 08:44:24 PM
Hmmm have we found support?

Um, no. We are stalling for seven hours so we can get the full Chinese panic from the next big dump.

ATTENTION BEARS - get your bear suits on because the big 'Four Punch Raiders' "Chinese Panic" is tonight in 6 and 1/2 hours countdown.

140. Post 10278834 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

hey everyone how is the 'panicked chinese' short squeeze bear trap going today ??

141. Post 10279174 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

to make sense out of the charts all one has to do is remember what adam guerbuez recently said: " the roller coaster that makes the current roller coaster nothing" .

.. once understand this then the charts make complete total sense.

142. Post 10279445 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Quote from: YourMother on January 27, 2015, 04:26:44 PM
are we going back to 250 now... Huh or 320 ?

$230, nooblette.

Flash dump is inevitable.

'chinese panic' short squeeze flash dumps ..

143. Post 10282443 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Quote from: TankHankerous on January 27, 2015, 09:48:01 PM
We are repeatedly having a hard time going lower than 260.  

Hold onto your hats fellers!

yep. even the biggest trollbears like this one spotted nearby with his beartroll suit on is being shortsqueezed in the beartroll battles:

the beartroll who who has lots of other smaller beartrolls around him is working on getting all the mexicans (illegal immigrants) money into the banks before doing the negative interests rates. those who do not surrender to the bitcoin trust (because we no longer trust in god for the federal reserve to print more money) and frantically rush in all out panic to the new coinbase exchange will be crushed by the coming "day of the block of cheeseheads" bank bail-ins.

the usgs working to evaluate and rank these beartrolls:

if we do not break 260 then the 'chinese panic' will likely have to be postponed until after the #deflategate bowl this weekend....

144. Post 10283697 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on January 28, 2015, 12:44:09 AM
A somewhat concerning pattern imo. Large volume hammer candles start an uptrend capped by a inverted hammer to signal downside.

If you were a trader, what would you do?

keep waiting .

145. Post 10288171 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: medialab101 on January 28, 2015, 10:43:43 AM
Another half-hearted rejected dump...

Every day the risk increases, the effect diminishes, and as a result dumping/ shorting is no longer a profitable strategy.

yayayaya they always sayin that until a real dump with volume happens

The first dump today had pretty good volume. A few weeks ago a dump like that would have taken us down a lot further and we would have stayed there. Now we just sort of drift back up slowly.

looks like today 260 is still the battle of the 'chinese panic' who did not panic.

146. Post 10290130 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on January 28, 2015, 04:00:34 PM
Looks like 250 is going to stand up

that was a 'chinese panic' short squeeze flash dump. i think the battle for 260 is not over yet.

147. Post 10291501 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

'chinese panic' flash dumps have taken out 260.

148. Post 10291652 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: mmitech on January 28, 2015, 06:46:30 PM
Amazing, Price going down, less shorts and same amount of longs...Explain that to me



Compare it to my post before.

explanation: these graphs make sense if you remember what adam guerbuez said: "the roller coaster that makes the current roller coaster nothing" . if you can understand these great words of wisdom then these graphs are suddenly made clear. with just one tweet adam guerbuez gave me the new skill of the ability to read bitcoin graphs in much clear defined vision .

149. Post 10291698 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: damiano on January 28, 2015, 06:56:10 PM
OMG, the longs will get squeezed soon, this will be epic.

Very likely  now sub 200

Bears in full control now

this is the 'chinese panic' flash dumps. i am riding this thing out until next week.

150. Post 10292286 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: mmitech on January 28, 2015, 07:00:37 PM
Amazing, Price going down, less shorts and same amount of longs...Explain that to me



Compare it to my post before.

explanation: these graphs make sense if you remember what adam guerbuez said: "the roller coaster that makes the current roller coaster nothing" . if you can understand these great words of wisdom then these graphs are suddenly made clear. with just one tweet adam guerbuez gave me the new skill of the ability to read bitcoin graphs in much clear defined vision .

Care to explain more, I don't really get what you are trying to say... are you trying to say that it doesn't mater, you will still have an open long position even if the price is crashing because the future growth is going to be so amazing that there is nothing to see here and now ? 

you already know what the crash is the 'chinese panic' flash dumps. finally broke 260 and now 250 is the battlegrounds .

151. Post 10292367 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: damiano on January 28, 2015, 07:47:28 PM
When's the next wave down you think?

is more "chinese panic' flash dumps .

152. Post 10292402 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: DefendKebab on January 28, 2015, 08:08:51 PM
Must be a funny dump when China wakes up.

What are you smoking? China dumped with the rest of them.

They're not done dumping, think sub 200 tomorrow afternoon.

soon after the 'chinese panic' will be ... "bittards we ride!

153. Post 10292415 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: YourMother on January 28, 2015, 08:11:22 PM

in full boom the 'chinese panic' .

154. Post 10292685 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: bassclef on January 28, 2015, 08:18:13 PM

You guys are hilarious. I hope you trolls are trading and not just some whale's puppet, because it'd be way more lucrative.

i'm trading. i just have to ride this one out until next week cuz at this point i can't do anything else . i am not worried at all because i am armed with the words of wisdom from adam guerbuez: " the roller coaster that make the current roller coaster nothing" . ... the 'four punch raiders' are on the move caused huobi to dump their coins lol .

155. Post 10294291 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: DaRude on January 28, 2015, 10:52:31 PM
But the amount of BTC someone is dumping is amazing

What's amazing about it? Sell high, buy low, classic bear strategy. Rarely fails since November 2013.

I don't see the avalanche effect needed to rebuy at the bottom. It springs back up right when someone stops dumping 1000s of BTC. It's just someone cashing out thousands of BTC that's all. If this was a manipulation attempt (not sure if it's over) it has failed

this is huobi doing the 'chinese panic' dumping bitcoins so they don't end up being the bagholders .

156. Post 10295360 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: freedomno1 on January 29, 2015, 02:01:33 AM
is now a good time to short?
Tough question I would say it's a time to observe and maybe consider long instead of short
It depends on the movement from here

'chinese panic' battle for 240 .. who's going to win ??

157. Post 10299402 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: diabLEEca on January 29, 2015, 12:21:49 PM
Has anyone noticed Huobi's gone full retard again? Or is it just bitcoinwisdom? (3m chart)

huobi is in 'chinese panic' mode dumping their coins so they aren't the bagholders on the 'big block of cheese day' ..

158. Post 10300293 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: WeltMaster on January 29, 2015, 03:00:48 PM
It will take more to drop the price by $5 than to increase it by $35..

What the heck is going on

'chinese panic' battle for 230 .. who's winning ??

159. Post 10300562 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: thresher on January 29, 2015, 03:51:59 PM
Wow no resistance into 230

Bears sleeping now ?

It's called a pump. A lot of people like Inca will get totally excited and think it's happening for real this time. They will quickly start buying because we'll never see these prices again. Once the losers bought and the price is 30 bucks higher the whales will dump straight in their face.

Yes, it's a crazy concept. Very difficult. Let me know if i need to explain it in more detail.

If we push past 230 you 250 280 then the manipulators will loose big time. They will do everything they can to keep it low As their target down has not been met.

Edit even come here and spread FUD

Don't be foolish, the same pattern has happened every day since monday.  We go down after 9am est, someone pumps it up slightly mid day, then we go down more towards the evening, than when China wakes up we reach a new daily low.  

'chinese panic' flash dumps ..

160. Post 10301126 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: empowering on January 29, 2015, 04:20:43 PM
Sure. Keep telling yourself that everything is looking great and this is anything else than a useless pump and dump coin being raped by traders.

Cannot be raped if we never sell for a loss. If Bitcoin fails than we lose everything but we are willing to take that risk in completing this experiment, otherwise
being a dis-inflationary currency we will eventually see a reversal in 2016 at the latest.

By 2016 nobody is using this useless slow coin anymore. Tons of alt coins out there are better than Bitcoin. And seeing how Bitcoin adoption is greatly slowing down every day there will be no reason to use it anymore by the end 2015.
But go ahead and keep buying thinking we will go the moon. I'll be here to enjoy the show.

If adoption is greatly slowing down every day, why did NYSE, BBVA, and DoCoMo throw away $75 million at a Bitcoin based company in Coinbase?

Seems counter-intuitive for such prominent investors.

Because they don't give a shit about Bitcoin. They invested in a company. If another coin takes over Coinbase will simply switch to that one.

If you would stop being so delusional and face the fact that the coins you bought at 800 will always be a loss then you can start thinking clear again and look less like an idiot.

Apart from no one will touch a crypto if BTC dies at this stage... and to think that they will is delusional.  (I do not deny that a new coin could rise up, but the new coin would have to exist first and would have to be superior, and gain a following and a network, and would have to come someway first, whilst Bitcoin was still around, for it to rise up and surpass it, and be taken on by coinbase etc, otherwise any credibility in a new cryptocurrency, would be utterly shattered by Bitcoin going to zero at this stage) 

yep, have to sacrifice all the time, money, and infrastructure building .. the problem with his theory is that he is not acknowledging the rest of the world economy; the fact that chaos is starting to happen. Euro is carshing hard, actually it's collapsing. soon it will be worth less than a dollar......and the dollar is rocking up @ATH's which is what happened before the previous financial crisis .. we have just been told us that usually the dollar goes up and gold goes down but that is no longer the case. something is broken because now gold and silver are trending upwards with the dollar. in a world where 1+1 = 5628 shrooms theories are not adding up to 5628 and he has yet to realize that this crash is the 'chinese panic' ... shroomie wants us all to go buy stocks and bonds @ATH's and get our money into the banks instead of @coinbase. he might be more than just a troll, he might really be a shill . are you a shill shroomie ??

161. Post 10301188 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: Sitarow on January 29, 2015, 04:43:43 PM
Do not trade with leverage.

Market manipulators have colluded to push btc price down in order to liquidate LTC and other alts at a higher return by then pumping BTC/USD while holding LTC/USD at their manipulated rate.

Read my recent post history for more info.

u know the guy who made LTC now works for coinbase right ??

162. Post 10303989 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: damiano on January 29, 2015, 08:57:19 PM
How long till 240 breaks

might be awhile longer ... 'chinese panic' flash dumps .

163. Post 10304635 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.54h):

Quote from: damiano on January 29, 2015, 10:59:05 PM
Chinese should be waking up now.  Wonder what they plan to do

looks like they are planning to panic some more from more 'chinese panic' flash dump bombs .

164. Post 10313497 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: NotHatinJustTrollin on January 30, 2015, 03:40:44 PM
Damn, shit's more fucked up than I thought:

165. Post 10313644 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: dropt on January 30, 2015, 09:12:47 PM

You guys really are new to this thing aren't you?  These accusations have been public knowledge for near a year.

yup . pretty much.

166. Post 10335705 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: pinyin52 on February 02, 2015, 02:51:53 PM
looks like swaps begin to turn bullish

Very bullish, futures are bullish and I see a lot of support so I decided to make a big move and buy a large amount for the first time. If I decided to do it, I imagine others will do it too.

mmmm, no, I wont.

You wont but I will try.

Lol dude, youre just following chinese P&D scheme. BTC hasnt touched decent support level to recover yet.

Hmm I still haven't decided if I will short or long.. Any thoughts?

Long! Wall Street is buying gold and some traders who know bitcoins are buying bitcoins because they know what is coming to hit us.

getting my 'go long gold and bitcoins for what is coming' suit on right now.

167. Post 10337099 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: thresher on February 02, 2015, 03:10:35 PM
looks like swaps begin to turn bullish

Very bullish, futures are bullish and I see a lot of support so I decided to make a big move and buy a large amount for the first time. If I decided to do it, I imagine others will do it too.

mmmm, no, I wont.

You wont but I will try.

Lol dude, youre just following chinese P&D scheme. BTC hasnt touched decent support level to recover yet.

Hmm I still haven't decided if I will short or long.. Any thoughts?

Long! Wall Street is buying gold and some traders who know bitcoins are buying bitcoins because they know what is coming to hit us.

getting my 'go long gold and bitcoins for what is coming' suit on right now.

You are going to be buying that suit at goodwill.  Why would anyone buy gold when platinum is cheaper?  I guess that is the bitcoin logic

hhahhahha i was just saying .. i already got the 'implosion collapse' suit on a long time ago. i think pm's could be smashed down a bit more before buying. our bottom in silver was around $15.00 so we could see a lower spot to buy there (truth is they are having a massive pms sale anything under $1500 oz gold and $30 oz silver is a great deal). I do not expect pm's to suddenly breakout just right now atm .. instead i expect more smash down's for awhile longer....... however i think i am going to be a whole lot longer bitcoins for reals soon though .

168. Post 10338618 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: Wekkel on February 02, 2015, 07:09:06 PM

169. Post 10338891 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: tomothy on February 02, 2015, 08:19:13 PM
I like to see the LTC/BTC dumping; went sideways for too long. Arise BTC/USD. Popcorn. /eat.

might be more 'chinese panic' flash dumps coming .

170. Post 10339057 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: yeponlyone on February 02, 2015, 08:30:42 PM
I like to see the LTC/BTC dumping; went sideways for too long. Arise BTC/USD. Popcorn. /eat.

might be more 'chinese panic' flash dumps coming .

How about a chinese excitement pump?

hmmm. i will have to look into my magic eight ball tonight and see what it says ..

171. Post 10341361 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 03, 2015, 12:04:12 AM
wHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? IT'S TOO EARLY FOR THE SHORT SQUEEZE and it's too high for a dead cat bounce. I ain't selling or buying shit until I find out.

Who's pumping? It ain't the Four Punch Raiders cuz this ain't in the pattern.

a 'chinese panic' battle is happening ..

172. Post 10341543 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: UnDerDoG81 on February 03, 2015, 01:37:04 AM
I had a pretty optimistic dream today. Usually, I dream very often that BTC is going down and down. But today it was going up up up. Nevermind, only a dream, but just saying Cheesy

ok everybody we just found out that bitcoin is going to be going up because of the 'dream pump' is happening soon .

173. Post 10346725 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: subtleknife on February 03, 2015, 02:44:25 PM

Guys...we're going to hit $300 soon right?

we are somewhere between 'chinese panic' flash dumps and the 'dream pump' .

174. Post 10347664 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: kaykawa on February 03, 2015, 03:56:59 PM
i think 230 is the new bottom Grin

IF hold 235.. if that doesn't hold then we might see more "chinese panic' dumps. my magic eight ball is awesome. it says if breakout with 'dream pump' then we breakthrough 255 soon.

175. Post 10349877 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on February 03, 2015, 08:39:06 PM
People been dumping again.......

plowed through 235 so we probably going to see more 'chinese panic' dumps before we see the start of the 'dream pump' .. that what my magic eight ball been saying .

176. Post 10351063 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on February 03, 2015, 11:12:21 PM
I'd say things are looking rather good. Bears clearly loosing power.
They can no longer dump the price way down. BTC in the uptrend, back on track for the great rally of 2015. Smiley

ok everybody we just found out that the 'dream pump' will be 'the great rally of 2015' .

177. Post 10356059 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: LewiesMan on February 04, 2015, 01:19:06 PM
1h MACD green. Push up to 230's?

Should wait till the end of the hour, as it could still turn to red easily.

It will still be a downtrend for the next week at least..

So after 1 year of downtrend it's going to all change next week  Roll Eyes

There's always a time. Usually when I panic sell, the market pumps Roll Eyes

try wait until we are almost done with the 'chinese panic' flash dumps before you panic sell ur coins this time .

178. Post 10356892 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: erre on February 04, 2015, 03:06:49 PM
Why this gap at the graph? What happened to stamp?

ya should try to only trade while your sober .

179. Post 10365208 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: razorramon on February 05, 2015, 11:56:46 AM
have you forgotten the weekend pump 2 weeks ago?

last weekend we also went up

and we are higher than we were before those "pumps"

did you forget about the 'chinese panic' flash dumps ??

180. Post 10366266 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: YourMother on February 05, 2015, 01:29:19 PM

hhahhahhahhahha usd is a store of value! hhahhahhahha what an idiot.

181. Post 10367496 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: mmitech on February 05, 2015, 04:31:33 PM
Laughing at bears - check
Cheap coins - check
Short squeeze incoming - check
Sub 200 incoming  Smiley

I HOPE you're right. 5 BTC for a grand, can you believe it? I can't wait. Gives me a boner just thinking about it.

still overprice IMO.

is the blood in the streets yet ?? we are waiting on the blood in the streets to buy right ?? we're waiting for 'HAMMER TIME" Huh alright everyone we are waiting on 'HAMMER TIME' !!!

182. Post 10367781 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: subtleknife on February 05, 2015, 04:48:16 PM
Okay what the fuck just happened? Is this really how it's going to be? How are we even going to survive the weekend?

'chinese panic' flash dump .

183. Post 10367845 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: bassclef on February 05, 2015, 05:15:25 PM
Seems China still has some weak hands... They dump like 200 coins and Finex follows with 1500. I wonder how that's even remotely profitable. Must be arbitraging somewhere, maybe the futures market?

'chinese panic' flash dumps cause the chinese to panic and dump their bags they're holding......

184. Post 10368099 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 05, 2015, 05:26:09 PM
Bitcoin is the Wild West, but if you look back to the actual Wild West you will see some parallels. Everyone knew that back then that all that land would become extremely valuable some day if only they had the will, brains, balls and luck to hold onto it long enough. There were all sorts of bad actors and the guy with the white hat didn't always win, but eventually they were all proven right.

Will Rogers once said "Buy land; they don't make it anymore." It's a humorous way of saying that with a continually growing population any commodity in finite supply will have to gain value. Supply and demand, Baby.

But ok, let's look at a much shorter time frame. There is this little country called Greece that I think is somewhere close to Cypress that is in the early stages of a massive country-wide bank run. Now we all know that when our banskter overlords start seeing a run for the exits, they generally try to discourage that behavior by instituting capital controls. So how do you think these poor Greek bastards are going to escape with some fraction of what's left of their wealth? Put it in frozen gyros? ceramic Parthenon figurines? or maybe the more enterprising among them might get some crypto and convince a few of their friends to do the same.

only a few will go crypto. most will go pms because those are rising in other currencies. they did a smash down this morning... the pms keep rising with the dollar which is unusual. the new round of EU QE is a round of desperation. the abusively high taxes in the usa is because the usa govy is bankrupt so they have resorted to #theft and #corruption to fill their coffers just to pay the interest. that soon will not be enough . it is time for the us govy to admit that their 'trusting in god' for the federal reserve to print money experiment has been a complete failure. we are not even that far ahead of russia and china in technology after all these years of usd reserve currency and manipulation of the markets. the 'trust in god' federal reserve is a complete and total failure that is so embarrassing that they refuse to admit it. instead they will tax the hell out of us #corruption and #theft while maintaining an interest to infinity #debtslavery #serfdom in the usa.

185. Post 10368710 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: yefi on February 05, 2015, 06:27:55 PM
The fact that the last super-dumps have roughly moved the price by a gnats fart only to steadily rise again to $220-230 makes me feel something I haven't done for over a year, genuinely optimistic.

Current price action really isn't a cause for optimism - not least because it has barely begun.

everybody we just found out that this is the "barely begun" 'chinese panic' flash dump. ... ok everyone HODL until we hit under $200 and the bottom then will be safe to dump your coins in an all out panic sell.. if you find yourself in this situation do not worry because the 'dream pump' will start right after you dumped your coins and you can easily buy back at like 250 or 300 and still be ok for the 'dream pump'.. for those of you who are absolutely love to panic sell do not worry because the 'dream pump' and 'rally of 2015' will be what adam guerbuez told us: "the roller coaster that make the current roller coaster nothing" so u will have plenty opportunities to panic sell low and buy back higher..

186. Post 10370365 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: WeltMaster on February 05, 2015, 09:38:31 PM
The fact that we're so bearish so soon after a 90% jump in price tells me that we are really oversold.

If no whales follow that seller(s) earlier soon this could be huge


oh comon.. this is normal.. big time 'chinese panic' flash dump and then settle into sideways movement for awhile before the next 'chinese panic' flash dump. nothing to see here. keep moving along everyone.

187. Post 10370416 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: bassclef on February 05, 2015, 09:45:13 PM
We get you are short newbie..I wish there would be some follow-through selling for you Smiley

BTW..10,500 coins to 200. 7000 to 246! Rape!

Yes, I am short. But considering there was about 400 to 219 a couple minutes ago, there is now 2200 to 219, and Magic Beanswisdom is down for a few of the exchanges so people can't track the walls... well, those things make me think yes... people on here might want to know.

I see you are long!

I'm long too but I trade on daily candles. Anything below 6h/4h is noise to me. The way I see it we're moving into oversold territory on the oscillators on declining sell volume with narrower candle spreads... the current daily candle has a decent wick pointing downward, indicating that the market absorbed anything in that range... even the 3d candle is turning into a no supply candle, pretty pathetic for bears. I think the markets have simply ground to a halt. Last selloff was meh. Noob/bad trader/gambler shorts have increased to 20k thinking we'll retest $200 when in reality there is almost nobody left to sell. Perfect opportunity for a pump.

don't worry when the chinese wake up they will see that big red 'chinese panic' flash dump and they will start the panic mode and huobi will shutdown and and all the chinese will start unloading their bags on the rumor that bitcoin is going to 170.

188. Post 10377181 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: coinableS on February 06, 2015, 02:02:15 PM
so you guys what is your opinion? we are going up or down?

Down, I have some extra fiat I want to unload but waiting until our next drop.

ok i'm with ya. let's HODL our fiat until next 'chinese panic' raid !!

189. Post 10377462 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: WeltMaster on February 06, 2015, 02:57:43 PM
It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so heart-breaking

We've learnt literally NOTHING from 2008 as EVERYTHING is exactly the same, same practices by the same fucking cosy cartels

It makes my blood boil

Day of the rope when?

it's going to be the "big block of cheese day" . be sure to have as much money as you possibly own in the bank on that day. we wouldn't want you to miss out on being patriotic by missing out on the 'big block of cheese day' bail-ins . if they have a 'big block of cheese day' in greece then we might see the 'dream pump' and 'rally of 2015' sooner than we thought we would.

190. Post 10379888 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

Quote from: dropt on February 06, 2015, 07:39:20 PM
We've had boring oscillations this week. What does this mean? Sub-200 or start of bull market?

Hopefully it stays here long enough to remove any doubt that the bear trend is over.  After that, I'd like it to slowly grind upwards and be as absolutely boring as possible for day traders until the halving of 2016.    Smiley

nope not gonna happen. you forgetting what adam guesbuer said: "the roller coaster that make the current roller coaster nothing" .

191. Post 10379901 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

192. Post 10382420 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: ElectricMucus on February 06, 2015, 11:14:41 PM
bitfinex shorters going full in.

193. Post 10382455 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: chopstick on February 07, 2015, 12:01:24 AM

really ?? they said that ?? ok i gonna do that too just cuz they said that to yuu. now they lost two people. they better apologize to us .

194. Post 10382465 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: troleybüs on February 07, 2015, 12:37:52 AM
Buy orders at 165$, still waiting. I'm patient so no problem. We will see sub-200 soon I believe.

195. Post 10382512 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 07, 2015, 12:53:53 AM

BrainTree is owned by Paypal.

oh ok well since i have a paypal account i better chill .

196. Post 10383529 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: fonzie on February 07, 2015, 06:27:42 AM

It's Huobi the anchor chain again. Must be the big Chinese mining pools still dumping coins. Don't they know the rest of the world is revving for the next bull run?

Someone just needs to tell the rest of the world to deposit USD at BTC exchanges. Just tell em that the bulls at are overall positive but already heavily loaded with coins and cannot afford to buy anymore, that should convince them.

we got something better to convince them. it's called the 'big block of cheese day' .

197. Post 10386203 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: BTCat on February 07, 2015, 09:49:31 AM
Question:   There will be another bear raid, bring us sub 200$ coins in February
yes   - 203 (42%)
no   - 237 (49.1%)
idk   - 43 (8.9%)
Total Voters: 483

I've voted no but it might dip $190 - $200, would you call that a bearraid? Imo it will be the last move before some serious bull comes in.

is not time to buy until it's HAMMER TIME .

198. Post 10386248 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: subtleknife on February 07, 2015, 10:41:15 AM
This 225-230 pattern is fucking annoying. Are you guys making money out of this?

no. if we calculated in btc then i am in the green. if we calculate using btc value in usd then i am in the red. i am red in pms too. i think will stay that way as long as obama occupies the white house.

or until the economic crisis whichever comes first. we should allow the collapse while obama is still in office so him and his taxes can have the responsibility. although if it does happen while he is on office the catastrophe will likely be much worse and the fixes gay as hell and wont work .

199. Post 10386318 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: mrkavasaki on February 07, 2015, 11:24:06 AM
waht do you guys think, will we going down or up?

i heard a rumor it was going up. the source of the rumor is pretty gay so i think it will float around here for awhile due to expanding growth . they had gary camron stop by and look over the growth of entrepreneur business's which is a very bad sign especially after the - obama - gary camron - piers (lord dartmouth) morgan - british gun grab attempt .

200. Post 10386357 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 07, 2015, 02:12:38 PM
This 225-230 pattern is fucking annoying. Are you guys making money out of this?

no. if we calculated in btc then i am in the green. if we calculate using btc value in usd then i am in the red. i am red in pms too. i think will stay that way as long as obama occupies the white house.

or until the economic crisis whichever comes first. we should allow the collapse while obama is still in office so him and his taxes can have the responsibility. although if it does happen while he is on office the catastrophe will likely be much worse and the fixes gay as hell and wont work .

Most of the problems you are identifying is governed by the republican led congress. But Obama is black and don't think poverty should carry a death sentence, so let's blame him.

yeah cuz NOTHING is ever obama's fault.......... eva .

201. Post 10387230 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: inca on February 07, 2015, 03:14:58 PM

Was that bulls or bears trying to keep the price down? Smiley

u mean we are going nowhere but down?

Cant understand your picture

Just showing that the bulk of the moves down have happened in minutes over the last month. Heavy selling designed to encourage technical momentum traders to piggy back along for the ride. Nothing natural about this market Smiley

I think we are in the process of forming a bottom. Shorts have risen then been clipped back by 'unexpected' buying like earlier today. A few more shearings and retail may decide that actually expecting the price to drop from 90% down from ATH to 95% is stupid. Sellers are already losing momentum.

it does seem the chinese are no longer in panic. we need to 'coinbase pump' again real fast and 'chinese panic' flash bombs again to get them to start panic again  .

202. Post 10388965 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 07, 2015, 07:08:09 PM
This is just the beginning of the great rally of 2015.

Can you imagine if the airline industry was trying to start out on the principles of this contraption? Yeah, that's what is happening with Bitcoin and the Captains of Industry here.

Nothing wrong with that thing, that's just a vibrator for big boned girls-

yeah look that thing is working great .

203. Post 10394727 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

204. Post 10394963 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

everyone... i do not believe this is going sub-200 again. every time it drops there is a huge battle.

205. Post 10396503 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: Dump3er on February 08, 2015, 01:04:41 PM
everyone... i do not believe this is going sub-200 again. every time it drops there is a huge battle.


Very battle on such declining volume, so impressive.

your bears are weaksauce .

206. Post 10398296 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: Miz4r on February 08, 2015, 08:14:27 PM
It´s official.

Google translate::

"Hong Kong, " Wen Wei Po" reported bitcoin (bitcoin) again to Hong Kong investors ' loss of hand bad feet " : Hong Kong, a Bitcoin payment platform has suddenly closed down , estimated at nearly 3000 Bitcoin investors may lose everything at any time .

It is understood that when a group of Hong Kong investors in Bitcoin trading platform related office visits , found that have been left vacant , suspected of fraud and pyramid selling , the estimated total amount of all " victims ' losses at any time up to three billion Hong Kong dollars . Today they will collectively Police...."

Thanks to Jorge for breaking the news. Wait until this hits the news worldwide on monday, which will probably trigger the crash to sub 100. We would go there anyways, but a good news story will probably add more momentum and preserves us from more failed pumps and boring sideways action before the crash.

So why aren't the Chinese exchanges dumping like crazy?
3 billion yuan = 2.17 million btc at the current price. 3000 investors means the average investor had 725 btc each Huh

It seems to be 3 billion hong kong dollars = 386 million US dollars = 1.7 million BTC. If these were already stolen and sold though (with just a recent closure) that could help account for all of this downward pressure we've been having.

There were no 3 billion hong kong dollars or 1.7 million BTC on Anyone who believes that crap needs to get their head examined. If there were really 3000 Chinese people involved in that Ponzi scheme than I'd say maybe the equivalent of a few million USD were lost, not 386 million lol. No way was that big and 3000 people had the equivalent of 386M USD on there, you people are too gullible about what news media write down. Anyway I'm not sad to see a Ponzi collapse, and the people who lost money there are idiots and had this coming.

ok this is the rumor. do we buy or sell on this rumor ?? i think is not HAMMER TIME yet so that means we should be selling .

207. Post 10398881 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: Miz4r on February 08, 2015, 08:38:34 PM
ok this is the rumor. do we buy or sell on this rumor ?? i think is not HAMMER TIME yet so that means we should be selling .

It's "buy the rumor and sell the news". No matter what the rumor or news is. Just buy the rumor, and then sell the news. Works always, guaranteed.

ah alright i got it. i knew was something like that.

208. Post 10399113 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on February 08, 2015, 09:43:40 PM
It could be a good thing if that exchange has gone down.
More coins are lost which limits supply hence a price rise.

it was a mining contract scam ?? i think i will HODL ....

209. Post 10399208 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: gentlemand on February 08, 2015, 10:07:25 PM
So this is how the average chinese bitcoiner looks like:  Cheesy

"In December, the company changed its trading rules, forbidding investors to cash in all their bitcoins unless they manage to find more clients."

@JorgeStolfi, do you know if BIT investors meanwhile are allowed to cash out, or is it still prohibited?

it seems to be big if true. Enough to crash the prices to the 100's.

Why no moves so far?

"Investors said they were lured by promises of a HK$1 million return in four months for buying a HK$400,000 bitcoin contract which would produce 90 bitcoins on maturity. Extra profits and prizes such as a Mercedes car or cash prizes would be paid if an investor found more new clients."

Because there aren't any actual bitcoins involved? The folks who lost put their fiat in.

ok everyone get ready for the big 'chinese mining contract scheme gone viral goxed exchange panic' flash bombs .

210. Post 10404199 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 09, 2015, 12:16:01 PM
That was pitiful. What a bunch of limp dicks these dumpers turned out to be.

i decided to buy on a spread because i am doubting this is going sub 200. it looks like 220 is resistance. so i bought a couple now @218 and if it drops lower then pick up more. seems to be the only logical way to do this. since i keep my mined coins hoarded then i am trying buy a stash to trade with. i could use a few more but i think i got enough now to do some damage trading when this thing decides to do something besides go down.. i think is to strong of buying to reach sub-200 right now.

211. Post 10404321 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: cheekychap on February 09, 2015, 12:36:36 PM
Did the news of affect the price in anyways ?

not sure a mining contract scheme would affect bitcoin price any more than an asic company scheme affect bitcoin price ??

212. Post 10406061 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: HarmonLi on February 09, 2015, 03:29:08 PM
This is interesting compared to yesterday.  Shorts down despite the dump

Huh, interesting! It really seems more and more people start to get nervous by the resilience of the price. I'm starting to believe more and more that we may only need one final flash-crash to send this thing back into bull-mode at last!

the buying was very strong during the 'mining dump' this morning.

213. Post 10406394 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: fonzie on February 09, 2015, 04:04:59 PM
Don´t worry bulls , wall street will step in any minute now and save your sorry asses.

so i am about 3/4ths done with my bitcoin mining income tax spreadsheet and i must say that while doing this that i have learn to appreciate these trending lower bitcoin prices we had last year (since i have to pay taxes on the value of the bitcoin that i mined on that day that i mined it)... and atm is GREAT for mining ... i am WAAAAAAY into profits with my hardware. I likely won't buy any new hardware until price of bitcoin goes up (if i decide to do that). These low prices I am constantly buying new coins every day since i have not shut my miners down. i thought about it but there is a lot of disagreement that it would be a wise decision to shut them down and cutting short the mining profits during these massive low prices opportunity. and i have been buying these dips that i am in great shape to start doing some damage trading . i am not a beartard (i am more of bulltard) but i do believe that sometimes is good to let the bears have their day .

214. Post 10408069 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 09, 2015, 05:02:11 PM
Remember kids...

the price doesn't matter,

bad news doesn't matter,

China doesn't matter.

Nothing matters in BTCland other than pictures of honey badgers and walls of text proclaiming the NWO.

Lemme save you the time. He says that money only has value because we believe it has value. I suppose that's true in a certain context but useless. Economics professors (he's a prof) only have value because we believe they have value also. What determines MARKET value for anything is supply and demand and what determines the value of something to an individual is marginal utility. Any Econ Prof worth his salt will tell you that the first week of Econ 101.
BillyJoeAllenRedneck firefighter who can't spell his own home state correctly

And of course even those with an education are wrong, wrong, wrong.

So, make sure to keep buying BTC with your credit card...if Cletus here says its good, why worry.

Yanis Varoufakis admits he's a Marxist, which means he's still clinging to the thoroughly discredited Labor Theory of Value when it was replaced by Marginal Utility by all non-Marxist economists about a century ago.

Certain people seem to put an exorbitant amount of effort into discrediting me. Why? I'm a nobody from nowhere. What is it that I am saying that is so dangerous that it requires these ad hominem attacks?

Beware the short squeeze boys and girls. It's coming.

yoyoyo billyjoe ..  i getting my 'four punch raiders' short squeeze the beartards suit on right now....

215. Post 10408784 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: Eamorr on February 09, 2015, 08:31:14 PM
May see a big spike in days to come if Greece exsits the Euro and thats starting to look likely.If that happened investors would head for the Swiss Franc as a safe haven perhaps forcing Switzerland to impose currency controls.....enter Bitcoin

Doubt it. Bitcoin is becoming less and less significant (was it ever anything other than an ultra-volatile speculation?) as the days go by.

Bitcoin's market cap was never more than $13bn. It's struggling to stay above $3bn at the moment.

So, I think you severely overestimate Bitcoin's importance and/or influence.

The Greece leaving the Euro scenario that you talk about has already been priced in to the markets (i.e. gold, Swiss Franc, GBP, oil, etc.) Bitcoin? Are you mad?

usd or euro = cut your loose!

216. Post 10411347 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: fonzie on February 10, 2015, 12:31:06 AM
Hmm Old Crypto taking big positions at BTCe. Could be bullish.

PPC was pumped and dumped like some whore. 200% up in 2 hours then dump to starting point.

Doesn't mean the buyer(s) dumped it all. Looks like the buying ran into heavy sell orders by the looks of those candle wicks. Probably bagholders cashing out.

Just wonder why they would choose to resurrect those old school coins.

A huge bagholder(David Pate?) pumped the price a last time to finally get out. Pretty obvious, or do you think that PPC has any future.
The same is happening with BTC right now, only in slow motion(the dump, so that potential buyers(future bagholders) do not get scared away).

no need to worry. i'm not scared. the money i have in btc i am willing to sacrifice for what i believe in . i do not believe that abusive high taxes and constant gun grabs is something to be patriotic about as obama tries to make us believe. instead i believe patriotism are those who resist against this kind of #corruption. that means that all the us corporations who try to avoid paying the abusively high taxes are the ones who are patriotic and we (all of us rich and the poor) should stand together instead of falling for the obama's gay strategy of turning the non-rich against the rich just so he can steal more money by abusively taxing us citizens . when they steal from the lartge corporations then they are stealing from the people because the corporations will pay the people less in salaries and benefits.

u go down i am buy more, u go up and i will profit. just a matter of time before us govy gonna have to save themselves. #hardball #dontblamemeforyourfukups #trashtalk

217. Post 10411418 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 10, 2015, 02:43:22 AM

"Authorities in Cyprus have confiscated 500,000 euros ($571,450) from a Greek businessman who tried to fly home with the cash after banks on the island refused to let him deposit it."

Ouch. Shoulda used Bitcoin.

your right .. i just talk trash sometimes just for heck of it. #trashtalk

218. Post 10419258 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: dropt on February 10, 2015, 05:48:59 PM
You guys watching finex?  Someone does not want it over $220.  Insta 3k BTC sell wall, LOL

i think 'the great legendary trade sideways of 2015 and 2016' has commenced ('chinese panic' and 'dream pump' canceled) .  bitcoin staying range bound until jan 2017 or until the economic crisis hits whichever comes first .

219. Post 10426147 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.57h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 11, 2015, 11:10:35 AM
You judge Europe as if it's a singular behemothic superstate.

HUH?? I implied nothing of the sort. It's a multi-juristictional bureaucratic nightmare, But which country is in which organization is not really relevant to my point which is that a monetary union cannot succeed without fiscal and/or political union.

I used to think the U.S. Dollar was the worst possible form of currency, marrying fiat with fractional reserve lending, but you Europeans actually surpassed us. You combined the inflationary instability of fiat with the inflexibility of hard currency AND fractional lending. Wow, that's an accomplishment. I mean I know the Euro is nothing like a PM-backed currency, but to member states that need to adjust monetary policy differently, it might as well be.

and the winner is.... german export blitz.

to the german export industry the euro is not a nightmare but a wet dream come true. an economy with such export strength would sooner or later get a stronger currency = higher prices for their goods = less sales. germany is (ab)using the weak PIGS countries as class a weapons in the currency war.  it could not work better for them.

all this just to get a giant trade surplus.

Are you insane or just stupid? What good does it do to "sell" exports to people on credit when they default on the credit? How beneficial is it to give your stuff away? A trade surplus just means you're giving more stuff than you're getting. That's BAD not good. A weak currency helps your exporters but hurts you when you have to import the raw materials and energy. It's also terrible for capital formation (savings). There's a name for a condition where everybody works but nobody gets paid. It's called "slavery".

'interest to infinity' on debt is 'debt slavery' ...........

220. Post 10430710 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: fonzie on February 11, 2015, 08:03:44 PM
We´re going down!


omg everyone a chinese miner dump!

221. Post 10430779 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 11, 2015, 08:34:47 PM
what is your opinion on grexit? is it going to happen? will they let us leave eurozone? and if so, will this affect the price of bitcoin?

Nobody wants a grexit, not even Syriza. But something has to give soon, if Greece gets IMF on their side it might be difficult for the creditor nations to resist some kind of debt relief, but what form and what size is impossible to know right now.

Grexit will happen because there are three outcomes and grexit is the not the worst case scenario for either side. Possibilities:
1)Greek bank run with no bail-out leading to collapse of economy and government
2) Writedowns/write offs of Greek debt leading several other countries to re-negotiate austerity terms and massive losses to sovereign debt-holders.
3)  Grexit.

It's going to happen. The only real question is "when?"

the EU's new round of QE is a round of desperation. The problem seems to be that the greeks are publicly admitting they are bankrupt and they cannot pay their debt. If they continue the road they are on with austerities then the greek people will suffer for years and years and possibly even more years. If the greeks default then everyone holding their debt will lose. If the EU gives in to restructuring greek debt without austerities then other EU countries will want the same treatment. If the greek exit the EU then we will could start to see a stampede out of the EU by other countries facing the same problems. I think we are watching the start of the world economic crisis.

222. Post 10431356 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 11, 2015, 09:07:31 PM

the EU's new round of QE is a round of desperation. The problem seems to be that the greeks are publicly admitting they are bankrupt and they cannot pay their debt. If they continue the road they are on with austerities then the greek people will suffer for years and years and possibly even more years. If the greeks default then everyone holding their debt will lose. If the EU gives in to restructuring greek debt without austerities then other EU countries will want the same treatment. If the greek exit the EU then we will could start to see a stampede out of the EU by other countries facing the same problems. I think we are watching the start of the world economic crisis.

Finally someone around here gets it. There is no way out. The Banksters who run the world have painted themselves into a corner.

yup...just helping ya drive your points home.. i am not totally anti-bankers but i do believe that 'trusting in god' for the federal reserve to print tons of money is another failing experiment. you see when they first started this they used to get a great return of economic growth when they printed money but they have been doing it for so long that the returns have become minimal. the us dollar is backed by debt and i do not believe that someone's debt is really money. i am pretty sure the reason we create fakeland enemies and bomb them is because this activity helps spur economic growth and profit (of course they throw in some other reasons that helps their agendas). we even got canada send their entire 6 airplanes to middle east to get in on the action. i think greece might have forgot to send their 3 airplanes to middle east.

223. Post 10432152 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: bitcoinvest on February 11, 2015, 09:11:02 PM
what is your opinion on grexit? is it going to happen? will they let us leave eurozone? and if so, will this affect the price of bitcoin?

Nobody wants a grexit, not even Syriza. But something has to give soon, if Greece gets IMF on their side it might be difficult for the creditor nations to resist some kind of debt relief, but what form and what size is impossible to know right now.

Grexit will happen because there are three outcomes and grexit is the not the worst case scenario for either side. Possibilities:
1)Greek bank run with no bail-out leading to collapse of economy and government
2) Writedowns/write offs of Greek debt leading several other countries to re-negotiate austerity terms and massive losses to sovereign debt-holders.
3)  Grexit.

It's going to happen. The only real question is "when?"

the EU's new round of QE is a round of desperation. The problem seems to be that the greeks are publicly admitting they are bankrupt and they cannot pay their debt. If they continue the road they are on with austerities then the greek people will suffer for years and years and possibly even more years. If the greeks default then everyone holding their debt will lose. If the EU gives in to restructuring greek debt without austerities then other EU countries will want the same treatment. If the greek exit the EU then we will could start to see a stampede out of the EU by other countries facing the same problems. I think we are watching the start of the world economic crisis.

i am from Greece, and i can tell you that: it was wrong to enter euro zone back in 2000 because books have been cooked...stock market at that time if you remember went crazy and lot of people lost almost everything....after prime minister was saying in the news people play in the stockmarket...and after we entered the euro...this was a game they played and they played well...after that we had Olympic Games.. and after the US Crisis and today they named Greek Crisis and we all know it's not a crisis of Greece, after 5 years that they are "saving" us they putted us deeper into crisis and they continue... this will move to Italy, Spain and eventualy all over the Euro zone. You know we say here in Greece....if you hear bad things for your neighbour...wait yours soon.....

But even if we accept that WE MUST stay in euro zone and play this game.. do you know that German pays as we speak pensions for world crimes to a lot of people in Israel etc?Huh? and this in not past like they said about the loans that have to pay back to Greece... So they want us to pay more debts that 5 years now are getting bigger and bigger but the strong German country can make wars? destroy people and hole nations and not pay anything back??

sorry for my English i am not a native speaker but i think you can all read it easily.

that was a great olympics show greece......

224. Post 10433363 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: Erdogan on February 12, 2015, 02:41:48 AM
it's pretty loathsome behavior to hope for economic collapses -- with no regard for the lives it would destroy -- just so you can (maybe) make a few extra bucks off your BTC.

Either the Greeks suffer or all of Europe suffers. I prefer less suffering to more suffering so I don't see what's loathsome about that.

Oh spare me. Of all of you discussing it, I am confident you are the one who would give the least fucks about who suffers or how much as long as you think it will help you make a few extra bucks.

So nobody suffers under the current system, huh? I think some do.

Could the G8 come together and agree on no more money printing, no more government loaning, no more banker bailouts, no more corporate welfare, no more welfare state, no more taxpayer deposit guarantees? A soft landing? I think not.

In fact there is no option for a soft landing, and a reset sometime in the future is unavoidable. A crash would be painful, but continuing the current system, we can expect lower living standard, which mean freezing, hunger, sickness, war, AND a larger crash later.

So I think wishing for a crash as soon as possible is the most altruistic attitude.
(Not being altruistic myself, as I think it is a philosophy of death).

Do you realize that nothing you said applies to any statements you quoted from me?

My original point was about hoping for economic collapses in general, because you think it will make BTC price rise. It was not meant to be a commentary on the Greece situation, and I didn't accuse anyone in particular of anything except BJA. Judging his character by his posts that I've read, I stand by my opinion that his only interest in Greece is the possibility that he can line his pockets from the situation, but that's still not actually a commentary on the Greece situation. I'll leave the back and forth discussion of that to the resident armchair economists.

Pathetic. Your moralism is unethical. It brings death. Bring on the crash. Buy moar coins.

guys... i'm going to try and use the greek situation to make a profit .

225. Post 10433443 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: octaft on February 12, 2015, 03:30:37 AM
trolololol lololol lololol

0/10 Obvious troll is obvious.

don't take it personally it's just business .

226. Post 10437849 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: octaft on February 12, 2015, 04:00:31 AM
don't take it personally it's just business .

Take what personally?

that I am going to try to make a profit from the greek thing.

227. Post 10437911 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: Elwar on February 12, 2015, 09:52:46 AM
Greece comes down to one thing.

In 2005 their debt/GDP ratio went over 100%, within 4 years their economy was in a freefall. By 2010 they got bailed out by the EU but the debt/GDP is still over 100%. Not much you can do until that is fixed (or they go bankrupt which is more likely).

Btw...the US debt/GDP ration went over 100% this year...

well it can't be obama's fault!

228. Post 10438101 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: madmat on February 12, 2015, 03:08:56 PM
This thread is dead. We need some action. Please price, move !!!!

maybe ask adam guezbuer about the "the roller coaster that make the current roller coaster nothing"

229. Post 10440589 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: gotmilk_ on February 12, 2015, 06:42:15 PM
Coinbase 24h volume higher than Bitstamp or Btc-e. Price is the highest there and the support is growing nicely.

i would trade there .....IF I COULD! luckily for me i am in a state that is lagging behind in this technology. however on the bright side it is by far the most free state to live in .

230. Post 10441171 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: luckygenough56 on February 12, 2015, 08:09:59 PM
crypto ded

omg they killed kenny!! did you hear that everybody Huh

231. Post 10441361 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 12, 2015, 08:39:14 PM
Boring is good. It means stability, at least temporarily. Our function as day traders is to bring about exactly this outcome.

Go out and do something. We have accomplished what we needed to accomplish. Come back when the alarm on your smart phone apps tell you that we are needed again.

Translation: "Aww shit, the whales are finally gone from the market.  No more money to be made, because we're lowly bottom feeders that can't move the market. Whatever will us poor troll daytards do with our daily lives now?"

I don't want to move the market. I want to keep it from moving or at least help slow it down. Successful day traders profit from removing volatility from the market and that makes bitcoin a more useful currency.

i'm not a very good day trader then because i am well known for causing massive tidal waves of wave after wave that makes adam guerbuez's roller coaster look like nothing .

232. Post 10443388 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 12, 2015, 11:44:19 PM
Where are all the predictions and YouTube videos for bitcoin going over $10,000?
How is that any more ridiculous than Apple having a market cap of $700 Billion? in order for one BTC to be worth $10,000, the market cap would only have to be $210B or less (depending on how many bitcoins have been mined when it happens), less than 1/3 of Apple Corp's current value.

Well, when you buy some Apple stock, you become owner of a slice of a huge company, that makes 70'000 USD of profit every second, by manufacturing and selling more than 10 million high-quality computers and smatrphones per month, that people literally give a kidney for.   Whereas, when you buy a bitcoin....

There is no rational reason why an Apple phone or computer is substantially more desirable than one of it's many competitors. It's simply a preference and preferences change. The desire to own bitcoins (which can be looked at as shares in the Bitcoin network) is also a preference. The demand for Apple products may go down, particularly if they fail to keep innovating at a pace and in a way their customers expect. The demand for bitcoins may go up if innovation in the space makes them more useful.

$700B puts Apple stock at a ludicrous price/earnings ratio reminiscent of the Dotcom bubble before the 2000 crash. There may be no objective way to value bitcoin, but there are objective ways of valuing stocks and by most objective measures, Apple is way overpriced.

all stocks are over-valued. the stock market is a giant bubble of easy QE money .. they are playing everyone keeping that bubble going until the 'big block of cheese day ' ........

233. Post 10443445 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 13, 2015, 12:03:43 AM
Where are all the predictions and YouTube videos for bitcoin going over $10,000?
How is that any more ridiculous than Apple having a market cap of $700 Billion? in order for one BTC to be worth $10,000, the market cap would only have to be $210B or less (depending on how many bitcoins have been mined when it happens), less than 1/3 of Apple Corp's current value.

Well, when you buy some Apple stock, you become owner of a slice of a huge company, that makes 70'000 USD of profit every second, by manufacturing and selling more than 10 million high-quality computers and smatrphones per month, that people literally give a kidney for.   Whereas, when you buy a bitcoin....

There is no rational reason why an Apple phone or computer is substantially more desirable than one of it's many competitors. It's simply a preference and preferences change. The desire to own bitcoins (which can be looked at as shares in the Bitcoin network) is also a preference. The demand for Apple products may go down, particularly if they fail to keep innovating at a pace and in a way their customers expect. The demand for bitcoins may go up if innovation in the space makes them more useful.

There are plenty of rational reasons why an Apple computer or phone should be substantially more desirable than any of its competitors. And there is a serious barrier to Bitcoin going mainstream. And if you look at those cases one explains the other.

are u sure ?? because the new apple ceo came out the closet and told us that apples are for jolly green giants and if i want one i would have to be sure to distinguish and ask for a straight iphone. ...forget it i will save myself the hassle and just buy an android .......... with bitcoin i don't have to consider if i am being prejudice against by jolly green giants since no one actually owns the protocol ..

234. Post 10444208 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: BusyBeaverHP on February 13, 2015, 02:51:07 AM
Huobi DNS Hacked/Believe No Funds Are Missing Currently

Hmmm... saving face or truth?
Also, it's Friday the 13th in China isn't it?

they already dumped their bags during the 'chinese panic' flash dumps .

235. Post 10448066 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

i think i have converted enough fiat into bitcoins that i can move new fiat into other things i have going on. i have a years worth of mined coins hoarded in cold storage and a handful on exchanges to trade now as well so i think i am good. i have some other important shiat to dump fiat into. i only keep small amounts of fiat around because i think that stuff is toxic and it is just a matter of time.

236. Post 10448670 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: elasticband on February 13, 2015, 02:08:05 PM
i have a years worth of mined coins hoarded in cold storage

a years worth of mined coins is so vague, i can only presume you have 1314000 bitcoins stashed away

it's intentionally vague .. i'm far from rich but i do have a pretty good small stash. at some point i have to make decisions that i have converted enough fiat on one front that i can focus new fiat on another front .. i think i am at that stage .. not saying i wont buy anymore at all .. what i am saying is i am not going to chase the price at this point. I feel i am in position now to work on a couple other things i got going on that require financing. i might maybe trade some to make back .2 bitcoin i lost in the coinbase pump that left me stuck in fiat forcing me to make a move to end the possibility of compounding losses. i probably have already made it back and some if i just HODL all my positions. i did make some pretty good growth after the coinbase pump and dump though.

237. Post 10449708 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: GreekGeek on February 13, 2015, 04:14:00 PM
wow  Grin Grin Grin

whats in the news ?

maybe this...

parts of this article can't be taken seriously .. really gawminers paycoin ?? that coin already took a ponsi scheme dump right out of the stables.... fuelcoin ?? really ??  

238. Post 10457590 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: shmadz on February 14, 2015, 09:44:52 AM

Just a blast from the past, a little light reading as we wait for the next surge (or precipitous drop?)

why bail-out a bank run by a morons like this ?? let them be the bagholders .

239. Post 10460000 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: superresistant on February 14, 2015, 12:06:30 PM
diamonds guns bonds and exxon stock ...
Really? I mean, really really?
Diamonds? Man.
Bonds? Excuse me.
Guns? What an investment is that?
Exxon stock? How about some ENRON? Heard they did great in the past.
-hardest known material with industrial application plus shiny for jewelry ... people do still get married yknow ... they have gained in value ... though not rapidly and not recently ... less than 1% of net ...
-bonds have made me money as well roughly 0.5% - 1% a year ... safe easy money i don't need to pay any attention to ... make up 1-2% of net ...
-guns is more of a collection ... some would count as antique art ... the others serve to protect the physical metals and yknow ... my person ... cops won't help you in a home invasion ... have you ever had a gun held to your head ? ... i have ... so i consider them money well spent ... the value of firearms have actually increased quite a bit as material costs have gone up and manufacturers jack the prices up accordingly ... maybe 2% of net
-my exxon stock has split 4 times since i've owned it and gained in value double digit %s as well ... exxon is last i checked the largest global petrochemical / energy company in the world ... not just oil ... large industrial infrastructure extremely different from ENRON which was basically an improperly (illegally) run futures trading market ... actually exxon and enron couldn't be much more different ... it has done very well so well i rarely check it ... 5% of net
... 15%fiat/btc never greater than 10:1 cash:btc ... 1% diamond 1% bond 2% gun 5% exxon 5% gold/silver ... with the remaining 70ish% real estate (which has tripled since grabbing all of that after us real estate bubble burst in 08/09) ... i'm doing just fine with my almost all solid physical conservative investments ... don't you worry about me ... i'm at low %s on the slow stuff ... low %s on the speculative ... mostly real estate and well timed ... but seriously i wish you luck if you've got more than 50% of your money tied up in a speculative ledger currency that has established the bulk of it's value in the last couple of years ... don't take your eyes off the screen ...

Having a bit of FIAT : OK
Real estate after a crash : OK
But please, don't advice people to buy things like diamonds, guns, bonds and stocks... please, this is ridiculous and terrible advice.

If people want to diversify, they can buy some gold and silver when it's low.

actually you should own a few guns and a lot of lead. you are giving really bad advice telling people to not exercise their constitutional rights. the minimum a person should own is at least one ar-15 and 5000 factory rounds that is kept stored and another 1000 rounds for shooting that you reload. i stay well above these minimums and so does my family.

you are right about bonds and stocks. i would never own any of that paper garbage. if you own that toxic stuff then it is your own fault when you get caugfht on the 'big block of cheese day' .. you had plenty of time to prepare so when you start crying about it i am going to remind you of this facts. hell gold and silver has been artificially low for last two years. plenty of time.

240. Post 10460056 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: bitards on February 14, 2015, 01:04:56 PM
diamonds guns bonds and exxon stock ...
Really? I mean, really really?
Diamonds? Man.
Bonds? Excuse me.
Guns? What an investment is that?
Exxon stock? How about some ENRON? Heard they did great in the past.
-hardest known material with industrial application plus shiny for jewelry ... people do still get married yknow ... they have gained in value ... though not rapidly and not recently ... less than 1% of net ...
-bonds have made me money as well roughly 0.5% - 1% a year ... safe easy money i don't need to pay any attention to ... make up 1-2% of net ...
-guns is more of a collection ... some would count as antique art ... the others serve to protect the physical metals and yknow ... my person ... cops won't help you in a home invasion ... have you ever had a gun held to your head ? ... i have ... so i consider them money well spent ... the value of firearms have actually increased quite a bit as material costs have gone up and manufacturers jack the prices up accordingly ... maybe 2% of net
-my exxon stock has split 4 times since i've owned it and gained in value double digit %s as well ... exxon is last i checked the largest global petrochemical / energy company in the world ... not just oil ... large industrial infrastructure extremely different from ENRON which was basically an improperly (illegally) run futures trading market ... actually exxon and enron couldn't be much more different ... it has done very well so well i rarely check it ... 5% of net
... 15%fiat/btc never greater than 10:1 cash:btc ... 1% diamond 1% bond 2% gun 5% exxon 5% gold/silver ... with the remaining 70ish% real estate (which has tripled since grabbing all of that after us real estate bubble burst in 08/09) ... i'm doing just fine with my almost all solid physical conservative investments ... don't you worry about me ... i'm at low %s on the slow stuff ... low %s on the speculative ... mostly real estate and well timed ... but seriously i wish you luck if you've got more than 50% of your money tied up in a speculative ledger currency that has established the bulk of it's value in the last couple of years ... don't take your eyes off the screen ...

Having a bit of FIAT : OK
Real estate after a crash : OK
But please, don't advice people to buy things like diamonds, guns, bonds and stocks... please, this is ridiculous and terrible advice.

If people want to diversify, they can buy some gold and silver when it's low.

It is typical for a btc holder to advise buying silver.  Silver had a bubble, crashed back to its reasonable value a few years ago, and has been there ever since.  Money bought in on the way down, similar to btc is now sitting there waiting, aka holding forever.  The only difference is silver is time tested so one day it will go up, btc is not.

bullshiat .. this shows your total complete ignorance on the subject. there never was a bubble and it never crashed. it was manipulated lower for reasons likely beyond your IQ level to understand .

241. Post 10460620 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: bitards on February 14, 2015, 05:05:49 PM
diamonds guns bonds and exxon stock ...
Really? I mean, really really?
Diamonds? Man.
Bonds? Excuse me.
Guns? What an investment is that?
Exxon stock? How about some ENRON? Heard they did great in the past.
-hardest known material with industrial application plus shiny for jewelry ... people do still get married yknow ... they have gained in value ... though not rapidly and not recently ... less than 1% of net ...
-bonds have made me money as well roughly 0.5% - 1% a year ... safe easy money i don't need to pay any attention to ... make up 1-2% of net ...
-guns is more of a collection ... some would count as antique art ... the others serve to protect the physical metals and yknow ... my person ... cops won't help you in a home invasion ... have you ever had a gun held to your head ? ... i have ... so i consider them money well spent ... the value of firearms have actually increased quite a bit as material costs have gone up and manufacturers jack the prices up accordingly ... maybe 2% of net
-my exxon stock has split 4 times since i've owned it and gained in value double digit %s as well ... exxon is last i checked the largest global petrochemical / energy company in the world ... not just oil ... large industrial infrastructure extremely different from ENRON which was basically an improperly (illegally) run futures trading market ... actually exxon and enron couldn't be much more different ... it has done very well so well i rarely check it ... 5% of net
... 15%fiat/btc never greater than 10:1 cash:btc ... 1% diamond 1% bond 2% gun 5% exxon 5% gold/silver ... with the remaining 70ish% real estate (which has tripled since grabbing all of that after us real estate bubble burst in 08/09) ... i'm doing just fine with my almost all solid physical conservative investments ... don't you worry about me ... i'm at low %s on the slow stuff ... low %s on the speculative ... mostly real estate and well timed ... but seriously i wish you luck if you've got more than 50% of your money tied up in a speculative ledger currency that has established the bulk of it's value in the last couple of years ... don't take your eyes off the screen ...

Having a bit of FIAT : OK
Real estate after a crash : OK
But please, don't advice people to buy things like diamonds, guns, bonds and stocks... please, this is ridiculous and terrible advice.

If people want to diversify, they can buy some gold and silver when it's low.

It is typical for a btc holder to advise buying silver.  Silver had a bubble, crashed back to its reasonable value a few years ago, and has been there ever since.  Money bought in on the way down, similar to btc is now sitting there waiting, aka holding forever.  The only difference is silver is time tested so one day it will go up, btc is not.

bullshiat .. this shows your total complete ignorance on the subject. there never was a bubble and it never crashed. it was manipulated lower for reasons likely beyond your IQ level to understand .

Coming from someone who thinks stocks are for idiots, I am pretty sure I understand finance better than you ever will.

stock market is a bubble of easy QE money that will burst and you gonna be left holding the bag.

242. Post 10460723 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on February 14, 2015, 06:02:22 PM
... the minimum a person should own is at least one ar-15 and 5000 factory rounds that is kept stored and another 1000 rounds for shooting that you reload. i stay well above these minimums and so does my family.

>AR-15 "Gay Pride" special
>5000 pellets because can't shoot straight
>only 1000 BBs in mags

I guess if you get attacked by 12-year-old girls, you'll be fine Undecided

dood your an idiot. i am an IT engineer for an ammunition reloader company. i know wtf i am talking about.

243. Post 10460785 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on February 14, 2015, 06:11:44 PM
... the minimum a person should own is at least one ar-15 and 5000 factory rounds that is kept stored and another 1000 rounds for shooting that you reload. i stay well above these minimums and so does my family.

>AR-15 "Gay Pride" special
>5000 pellets because can't shoot straight
>only 1000 BBs in mags

I guess if you get attacked by 12-year-old girls, you'll be fine Undecided

dood your an idiot. i am an IT engineer for an ammunition reloader company. i know wtf i am talking about.

>collecting brass

Must suck being poor.  Get on my level.

your right it does suck being poor .. but at least my son doesnt have any college loans .. only an idiot shoots up all their factory rounds .

244. Post 10466830 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.58h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 15, 2015, 07:02:01 AM
Less hodling more shroting. I need moar coins. Well, don't "need" exactly, but it would be nice.

edit: I said MOAR SHROTING. Saturday night with bank holidays and people are still buying!

There has to be at least a little retracement before the next leg up. I mean, c'mon people.

yo sunday morning shroting  ..

245. Post 10479349 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

well that was fun. lets do that again:

246. Post 10480003 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: Searing on February 16, 2015, 01:37:08 AM
I don't buy this Bter hacked shit. It's clearly an inside job.

It has to be they said it was robbed from the 'cold wallet" .......

BTER bears got short squeezed cause the entire exchange to go down.

247. Post 10492435 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 17, 2015, 05:58:34 PM

I can't understand why these exchanges don't focus more on security.

if their site is secure then nothing can happen to the bitcoins that are stored there.

248. Post 10501154 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

249. Post 10501679 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: bad trader on February 18, 2015, 02:57:13 PM
just a trap
It looked like someone surprise dumped 1000 bitcoins or so on Bitfinex.

darnit i was going to make that play but i thought was still a bit on the risky side betting on a 'chinese miner dump' @245 so i second-guessed it and played it safe .

250. Post 10502017 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: damiano on February 18, 2015, 03:39:51 PM
I knew we were heading down

To bad I didn't act on it more

sad for me too second time i wake up in the morning and second guess my instincts ... i felt @245 was a little low after breaking 240 and we had another $5.00 to go up before the dump .. ah well sitting and hodling waiting unless it goes sub-200's can buy more . it might take all day to break through 240 again .

251. Post 10503229 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 18, 2015, 05:30:50 PM
Dont be mad that your losing money, it was an honest question.

We're going up and you know it

God, it would be crap if we crashed right now.

omg everyone i tawt i taw a puddy tat .

252. Post 10503485 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: fonzie on February 18, 2015, 06:09:33 PM
I wonder if bullscammers like aztecminer & fatman will ever get banned... their only purpose seems to be to lure more people into the BTC trap, which is not only morally totally wrong but eventually also criminal.... Huh

lol i am a bullscammer now ...... dood i play my own game and care less what everyone else is doing. take responsibility for your own actions retard.

253. Post 10503600 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on February 18, 2015, 06:13:05 PM
I wonder if bullscammers like aztecminer & fatman will ever get banned... their only purpose seems to be to lure more people into the BTC trap, which is not only morally totally wrong but eventually also criminal.... Huh

Banning them is pointless.  They just buy more aged accounts & get right back to their criminality Angry

254. Post 10511830 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: Nightowlace on February 19, 2015, 01:55:50 PM
Bitcoin all over CNN right now.
"But it's not backed by anything, it's not like it's backed by gold like the dollar (USD)"
Ummmm since when has the dollar been backed by gold?

in gold we trust ..

255. Post 10512375 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

i think we going to get 'chinese miner dumped' on before we get short squeezed .

256. Post 10513724 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on February 19, 2015, 05:22:52 PM
Could this be the reason for the current rise?

omg sell...massive shortz....... bearish. 'chinese miner' going to dump on this news when surge through 240.... our only chance against these basturds is to buy their coins low instead of buying before their dumps high and then getting dumped on .. hold your fiat until we see the 'chinese miner' make his move.

257. Post 10514763 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: LewiesMan on February 19, 2015, 06:50:40 PM
Should i buy back?? Embarrassed Undecided

Sold at $331

what are u waiting for ?? buy high sell low ..

The bitcoin moto!

lol i tried to delete that.. don't want to give him any bad ideas.

258. Post 10515208 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: damiano on February 19, 2015, 07:18:50 PM
I guess the coast is clear.  I was expecting heaving dumping to take place once we landed over 240 and once the support strengthened.

whew that was a close one wasn't it ?? did you hear that everybody ?? coast is clear ......

259. Post 10515500 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 19, 2015, 07:42:13 PM
I guess the coast is clear.  I was expecting heaving dumping to take place once we landed over 240 and once the support strengthened.

whew that was a close one wasn't it ?? did you hear that everybody ?? coast is clear ......

the $240 coast IS clear. The $250 coast? Well, that remains to be seen.

frankly i think it is as clear as it was the day before yesterday when we were trading this same range and got dumped on back under 240 ..

260. Post 10516104 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: mrkavasaki on February 19, 2015, 08:28:02 PM
bought back in,and now the price drops Tongue

what was the reason you bought back high Huh

on the bright side you have opportunity to sell low again .

261. Post 10516151 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 19, 2015, 08:40:24 PM
BFX swaps @ 19,885. Only borrowed coins are being sold. They will have to be repurchased.

I love it when a plan comes together.

I threw in an extra hundred bucks just for shits and giggles.

great plan!

btw thanks for an extra hundred bucks!

lol market timing was never my strong suit. At least with such a small amount I can afford to ride it out. I may yet have something to crow about. Just threw in another hundred.

your not saying Huh? i noticed u been chasing the pumps lately . don't feel bad my timing isn't that great either all the time. i missed a couple good moves when i didn't trust my instincts.. it's the other times though when i am in the zone on top of my game .. not gonna throw in another hundred here though .

262. Post 10516816 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 19, 2015, 09:52:47 PM
Does anyone expect a pre-weekend mini pump tomorrow, like what happened last Friday?

I've got a small amount of BTC I want to use to buy alts and don't want to exchange today if we get a little bit of action in the next 24 hours.

Chances of happening? Crystal ball? Cheesy

Well, I'm loaded pretty full long so I expect it to crash  Roll Eyes Seriously, I think a retracement is likely before a substantial advance, but I don't know by how much, so I'm just gonna hold and add to my position if we do get a dip. There seems to be more upside potential than down, but this is Bitcoin and anything can happen.

hmmm...ok everyone did you hear that ?? this is the 'fully loaded bitcoin but it has more upside potential from here crash' !! is everybody ready Huh i am getting my 'fully loaded "anything can happen" bitcoin crash' suit on right now. we can't take any chances when we have a clear of a sign as billyjoe being fully loaded.. we are just waiting on the 'chinese miner' dump to set the shorts going again...............

263. Post 10516989 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 19, 2015, 10:17:20 PM
Does anyone expect a pre-weekend mini pump tomorrow, like what happened last Friday?

I've got a small amount of BTC I want to use to buy alts and don't want to exchange today if we get a little bit of action in the next 24 hours.

Chances of happening? Crystal ball? Cheesy

Well, I'm loaded pretty full long so I expect it to crash  Roll Eyes Seriously, I think a retracement is likely before a substantial advance, but I don't know by how much, so I'm just gonna hold and add to my position if we do get a dip. There seems to be more upside potential than down, but this is Bitcoin and anything can happen.

hmmm...ok everyone did you hear that ?? this is the 'fully loaded bitcoin but it has more upside potential from here crash' !! is everybody ready Huh i am getting my 'fully loaded "anything can happen" bitcoin crash' suit on right now. we can't take any chances when we have a clear of a sign as billyjoe being fully loaded.. we are just waiting on the 'chinese miner' dump to set the shorts going again...............

I said "pretty full." I have some dry powder. 

oh ok...guess we can cancel the 'fully loaded crash' since ur not really fully loaded then...... i still think we getting dumped on by 'chinese miner' again soon though .

264. Post 10518183 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 19, 2015, 11:56:02 PM
Looks like the bulls are prepping for an assault on the $245 wall. I think there might be some hidden resistance, so I'm gonna wait for the bears to soften up a little.

Not much left on btc swaps...

I'm not worried about short-sellers. In fact, I'm counting on them. What I'm worried about is bulls taking profits too soon and letting them off the hook.

ok well this is the weaksauce of the gimpyest 'short squeeze' ever ..... get ready to get smash dumped on .

265. Post 10519295 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 20, 2015, 04:11:44 AM
Can someone explain this shit to me. The price looks stable. Then someone buys ~600 BTC on Bitstamp. Then OKCoin crashes. Why?
maybe just coincidence?
Looking at it closer, the Bitstamp buy may have been just a panic buy because of the OKCoin upswing and perhaps didn't affect it too much.

I have a gut feeling with nothing to back it up. Before I explain it, I should preface by saying that my gut feelings are often wrong and this should not be construed as trading advice or as an indication of my book, but here goes:

I think someone big missed the train. A whale or whales swimming deep in the order book were gonna catch the bottom of the CB dump, but only got a piece of it, not the control they were expecting. Now they could short on margin and tried to catch up, but they know how dangerous that would be, to risk a margin call. So they got desperate. Crashed a half dozen exchanges that they had previously compromised. Price fell, but not nearly enough to regain control. Now their only hope is jawboning the market lower, hacking/cracking where they can and FUD. They are waiting for the minnows to screw up, dump and give the market back to them.

It's just a gut feeling. 

266. Post 10523548 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: Ezmoneyezlife on February 20, 2015, 02:51:22 PM

CNN Money Adds Bitcoin Ticker (XBT)

Wow, such ticker, much pump, hasnt it been enough of pump and dump based on coinbase hype? There might be some pump and dump before a pre auction major dump but i doubt its gonna touch even 255$. Reversal will happen only after that auction, no sane man will go long before it ends.

This has nothing to do with a pump ore dump, dont you realize how important this ticker is at CNN?

Many Sixpacks will be seeing this, it increases awarness.

Its good for btc's future, but it wont affect current price cos market is clearly preparing pre auction dump.

the cnn pump is still going strong.. who's in ?? .............. we're on the "roller coaster that makes the previous roller coaster nothing" .

267. Post 10530293 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

how's the 'cnn pump' doing guys ?? we even got a big billboard out that .

268. Post 10536064 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

i think it's likely to be this way probably until after the auction ..

maybe some small pump and a lot sideways ..

269. Post 10545535 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

looks like 'chinese miner' dumped us back under 240 again .

270. Post 10555311 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

how's the bear whale wars going today everybody ?? are we about to get dumped on by another 'chinese miner' again or are we doing a bear short squeeze again today ??

271. Post 10555969 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 23, 2015, 03:32:07 PM
The next few days will be interesting if we can hold where we are now.  To many shorts now along with longs and this leveraged fiasco isn't going to end well which ever way it goes.  

Losses will be catastrophic one way or another.

I don't think many of the longs are excessively leveraged. I am wagering that there are many more of them who are leveraged to a smaller degree. I know I am. You'd have to dump to double digits to force my margin call, and that's only if I don't post more margin by then. The long squeeze to ~$166 should have taught us all a lesson. The short squeeze to $475 was far enough back that it might have slipped down the memory hole for some of the bears.

we have to break through 240 ...again... first.....silly me how i thought the 166 'HAMMER TIME' was a buying opportunity.

272. Post 10567004 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

was a big battle for 240 this morning but it did not break through. i think maybe will break through soon .

273. Post 10567972 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on February 24, 2015, 04:18:19 PM

lambchop you are purposely misleading people with that pic... obviously there is way more than 21 million bitcoins in that picture.....

274. Post 10569224 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

big battle for 240 again .

275. Post 10578282 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

Quote from: thompete on February 24, 2015, 07:33:57 PM

big battle for 240 again .

it has already been crossing 240 multiple times this week. The battle imo is for 250 this time.

just not this time....yet. .... battle for 240 is still on .. i have no doubt we will see 250 again eventually though .

276. Post 10589298 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

still battling for 240 like fourth day in a row .

277. Post 10589996 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

we can't even get past 240 in four days Huh

278. Post 10590792 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

Quote from: weloveu on February 26, 2015, 04:25:58 PM
Price not going up? Where is dev?  Huh

@billyjoeallen stopped buying MOAR ...

279. Post 10591248 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

Quote from: weloveu on February 26, 2015, 04:54:00 PM
Price not going up? Where is dev?  Huh

@billyjoeallen stopped buying MOAR ...
Is he one of the devs?

Dev promised roadmap "coming soon".

I'm hodling strong but children are screaming and wife hates the invisible coins.
What to do?

Is this scam?  Huh

if you don't know who @billyjoeallen is then you don't know anyone in bitcoin world.

only the very best traders from speculation forum who read wall of observers thread know who @billyjoeallen is ..

@billyjoeallen is a four punch raider ...

the roadmap is the four punch raider short squeeze that is coming ..

we were going to do a 'dream pump' but that has been canceled due to the 'cnn pump' and marshall auction next week ...

280. Post 10596007 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

Quote from: Ezmoneyezlife on February 27, 2015, 04:04:41 AM
As for me it looks like regular quick short squeeze manipulation.

'four punch raiders'...   where's billyjoe ??

281. Post 10601294 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: mtwelve on February 27, 2015, 03:03:58 PM
Crazy ride from 236.

Think its gonna hold or is this just a pump before a weekend correction?

I think it's going to be corrected :p

i think he is right....'chinese miner' gonna dump on us again here soon.......inevitable ..... however i think we will keep recovering and moving higher though overall . we finally won the battle for 240 250 ..

282. Post 10615065 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 28, 2015, 04:23:28 AM
Think weekend will correct.... Volume is up which is always nice.

Seems that the fiat's being adjusted as it's years end...
Who knows what's cooking behind?

Ask side is looking thin but again those $17.6MM (and growing) in longs had A LOT to do with that. If not for that i'd be really bullish

I send BTC there to tweak my bids and asks because I can't do that with coinbase as I live in one of the states where their trading platform isn't regulated yet.

yeah me too...coinbase really needs to get with it fixing that problems leaving us out the exchange like that .

283. Post 10615156 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: KryptoFoo on February 28, 2015, 06:03:59 PM
testing the top of the consolidation flag again. I predict price will either rise or fall from here.

genius! doesn't matter whether bitcoin goes up or down we making a profit!

284. Post 10616857 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: aztecminer on February 28, 2015, 10:08:20 PM
testing the top of the consolidation flag again. I predict price will either rise or fall from here.

genius! doesn't matter whether bitcoin goes up or down we making a profit!

seriously .. i mean really .

285. Post 10621655 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

i going to have to get some more new coins to trade with... only place i can trade is btc-e right now .........if u call what i do trading .

286. Post 10621706 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: noobtrader on March 01, 2015, 04:07:01 PM
i going to have to get some more new coins to trade with... only place i can trade is btc-e right now .........if u call what i do trading .

some will says that you gamble.

maybe ...or maybe i crash stuffs.......hhahhahhahhahha

287. Post 10622326 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: Hfertig on March 01, 2015, 04:25:46 PM
Short term trading in bitcoin is otherwise known as gambling.

definetly more predictable and profitable than gambling...

hmmm well i'm long on everything........i HODL because imo the worst situation to be in is holding usd fiat. ......... i will add to but never pull any out of my mined hoard....that keeps me forever always perma-long no matter what trading i am doing .....i buy few coins to trade gamble play with though ... i going to be like billyjoe soon and start yelling i want MOAR!....... that why i did that because i rather be always long than stuck in usd fiat .... i'm not sure if can classify what i am doing as really trading/gambling or not lol ....

288. Post 10622748 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: Hfertig on March 01, 2015, 05:42:26 PM
Short term trading in bitcoin is otherwise known as gambling.

definetly more predictable and profitable than gambling...

hmmm well i'm long on everything........i HODL because imo the worst situation to be in is holding usd fiat. ......... i will add to but never pull any out of my mined hoard....that keeps me forever always perma-long no matter what trading i am doing .....i buy few coins to trade gamble play with though ... i going to be like billyjoe soon and start yelling i want MOAR!....... that why i did that because i rather be always long than stuck in usd fiat .... i'm not sure if can classify what i am doing as really trading/gambling or not lol ....

I prefer fiat over coins. this is what i live of, feed my family with and pay my mortgage with. I trade coins to generate extra fiat for luxury spending. That's about it. If long or short, I only care about Bitcoin as it is volatile and if you apply a bit of TA the last 4 years were profitable. The USD did actaullay prove to be quite a good investment compared to other currencies, such as EUR, RUB and of course BTC... not too sure why you are negative about it.

/edit. and all I read here is how rich everyone will become with btc in future. Buying yachts and Champagne once btc hits 30000 USD. sounds like that everyone is here for the same reason, just applying a different strategy

sorry not sorry.... i just don't "trust in god" the way you do i guess .... i'm not buying your usd fiat is great theory . i'm sure u wished i did though .

289. Post 10630952 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: KryptoFoo on March 02, 2015, 01:03:42 PM
geez buying the dips is a tough strategy, blink and they are gone!

i have done well buying dips, i caught the lows twice on last three coin buys:

2x 180 (near the bottom before coinbase pump)
1x 250 (was chasing coinbase pump)
2x 218 (near bottom after coinbase pump)

as can see chasing the price doesn't work as well as waiting for the dips.

all those coins got accidentally tied up someplace so i will have to wait that out ...

this month i will try to buy MOAR coins to play with ......

290. Post 10635520 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: dsly on March 02, 2015, 06:49:31 PM
Enough of Stolfi Tongue
WHat do you guys think is the reason behind the rise that has been happening in the past 2 days ?

this is pretty much normal for bitcoin ...

i'm a bit upset cuz i dont have coins available to trade this atm.

i blame it all on obama even though nothing is ever his fault (this time it is tho) ..

291. Post 10641392 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

yep....i amupset atm ........obviously i need moar coins to trade with.

292. Post 10641419 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on March 03, 2015, 12:00:28 PM
Looks like the party is over Grin

Bitcoin not ded!!1!

and we don't have to worry about gimpple ripple anymore either! lol .

293. Post 10641430 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: ghandi on March 03, 2015, 11:57:11 AM
Looks like the party is over Grin

party is over everytime a 'chinese miner' dumps Huh ..

294. Post 10641599 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: simmo77 on March 03, 2015, 12:14:36 PM
Where are all the Ripple shills?   Huh

ripple gimpple effect: Gravitational radiation causes a strain on the fabric of space-time transverse to (i.e., extending across) the direction in which its waves are propagated. As they strike, say, the Earth, the waves will stretch the fabric in one direction, while along another, they compress it.

295. Post 10641788 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on March 03, 2015, 12:37:08 PM
Soon the price will start to fall slowly for a month or two, culminating in a deep drop to around 90$. Then the dumb and the greedy will celebrate their new trend reversal to 10 000$ coin.
The big holders are moving out of this game slowly, by giving the dumb and the greedy just enough hope to soften their fall.
Quick, take more loans and wire in more money, because coins can't get any cheaper then this!

and get your money into a bank asap right ??

296. Post 10641910 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on March 03, 2015, 12:12:57 PM
The price hasn't even touched the line where true resistance begins.
Only at around 400$, will some miners start to see some ROI, who have accumulated through 2014.
Bitcoin is having a very difficult time to even overcome the range where sell pressure is actually low.

i mined all of 2014 ... the best most profitable mining is when the price is lowest. believe me i know for sure about this learned all about it while i was doing my irs mining income spreadsheet!

297. Post 10642076 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on March 03, 2015, 01:09:30 PM
The price hasn't even touched the line where true resistance begins.
Only at around 400$, will some miners start to see some ROI, who have accumulated through 2014.
Bitcoin is having a very difficult time to even overcome the range where sell pressure is actually low.

i mined all of 2014 ... the best most profitable mining is when the price is lowest. believe me i know for sure about this learned all about it while i was doing my irs mining income spreadsheet!

While the price was dropping, the hashrate was rising.
So I hope that you excuse me for not taking you very seriously Smiley

very serious about the irs mining income spreadsheet .. unless u planning to not pay your taxes on them ... the hashrate has nothing to do with how much taxes your going to pay on your mining income ... when the coin is more valuable at the time it is mined then you will pay more taxes on the coin even if the coin loses value really depends on if you hoarding your mined coins or sell them right away.. i have yet to trade a bitcoin for usd..........

edit: actually i did trade bitcoin for usd a few times on btc-e...... but really that is trading since i bought right back.

298. Post 10643121 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on March 03, 2015, 01:42:38 PM
The price hasn't even touched the line where true resistance begins.
Only at around 400$, will some miners start to see some ROI, who have accumulated through 2014.
Bitcoin is having a very difficult time to even overcome the range where sell pressure is actually low.

i mined all of 2014 ... the best most profitable mining is when the price is lowest. believe me i know for sure about this learned all about it while i was doing my irs mining income spreadsheet!

While the price was dropping, the hashrate was rising.
So I hope that you excuse me for not taking you very seriously Smiley

very serious about the irs mining income spreadsheet .. unless u planning to not pay your taxes on them ... the hashrate has nothing to do with how much taxes your going to pay on your mining income ... when the coin is more valuable at the time it is mined then you will pay more taxes on the coin even if the coin loses value really depends on if you hoarding your mined coins or sell them right away.. i have yet to trade a bitcoin for usd..........

edit: actually i did trade bitcoin for usd a few times on btc-e...... but really that is trading since i bought right back.

To be honest, I'm quite clueless about taxation in U.S. Even without taxes it would be very difficult to earn profit with bitcoin mining. But that's what you get for investing into something that doesn't actually improve anything Sad

well...i got roi using my personally upgraded s3's (replace the stock thermal paste w that is both non-conductive and non-capacitive thermal paste and magic! mines faster) i think was october of last year and they are still mining lol ....i have not upgraded hardware because i think the price of bitcoin is to low to buy mining hardware....if hardware costs say $400 and bitcoin is only worth $250 then i have to give like almost 2btc for one mining rig and that rig has to mine 2btc before can roi. On the other hand if btc is worth $800 then i can buy two mining rigs for 1btc and will achieve roi in btc faster (which is what i am interested in) ... i would pay more in income tax though on the mined coins at btc value of $800....however if you were mining in 2014 and bought your rigs while bitcoin was higher and mined the entire time it dropped and you still holding those coins then you got a pretty good deal which is what happen to me (not better than just buying a bunch @sub300 tho).................i stopped buying mining hardware with the coins i been buying and instead i am trading .

299. Post 10643193 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: Dump3er on March 03, 2015, 01:43:41 PM
Trolls back in the cave. they will come out once the price drops 3$.

and here they are.

so pathetic.

Yeah, you mean like on each suckers-rally permabulltards starting to party hard, posting moon pictures, rockets and dead bears. And a few weeks later suckers rally has ended and permabulltards are waiting for the next suckers rally to party hard on lower price level. Rinse and repeat.

You permabulls know that we are at 270 and not at 30,000?

Oh dear, call me a troll, call me an asshole, but never call me a permabull - that's really offensive shit.

Edit: This suckers rally will end in the 300's.

u musta have missed what adam guezbuer said: "the roller coaster that makes the previous roller coaster nothing" ...

300. Post 10643288 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on March 03, 2015, 12:58:43 PM
Soon the price will start to fall slowly for a month or two, culminating in a deep drop to around 90$. Then the dumb and the greedy will celebrate their new trend reversal to 10 000$ coin.
The big holders are moving out of this game slowly, by giving the dumb and the greedy just enough hope to soften their fall.
Quick, take more loans and wire in more money, because coins can't get any cheaper then this!

and get your money into a bank asap right ??

And why not? The big holders, who have milked the dumb and the greedy for the past year are doing it, and it has worked out pretty good for them.
If you want your wealth to increase though, then I wouldn't recommend to sit on any currency or bank for long. Use that free money to invest in your own business to have the best probability for success.

ruh roh!

301. Post 10643845 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: Kipsy89 on March 03, 2015, 03:50:58 PM
I like the pattern that's currently forming... I predict a sharp increase within the hour! I've seen this pattern many times before and it never fails me Smiley

alright everybody did you hear that ?? we are on the 'never fails pattern' sharp increase within the hour pump .....

302. Post 10644757 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 03, 2015, 05:25:15 PM

you guys really took that one seriously eh


303. Post 10644889 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: kodtycoon on March 03, 2015, 05:36:42 PM

my god that is pure tripe... you should be ashamed you even know of that song.. for shame...

"we gonna fly this boat to the moon somehow" should be our permabull anthem!

304. Post 10645701 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: Kipsy89 on March 03, 2015, 06:03:51 PM
I like the pattern that's currently forming... I predict a sharp increase within the hour! I've seen this pattern many times before and it never fails me Smiley

alright everybody did you hear that ?? we are on the 'never fails pattern' sharp increase within the hour pump .....

No need to be angry, but this is something that never fails to materialize. Please feel free to take future trading advice into consideration Smiley

wasn't angry .. i was helping announce the 'never fails pattern sharp increase within the hour' pump .. there it is we are @280 .. only one problem ....... i dont have any available coins to trade with atm! i have to buy moar coins to trade with .. i am keeping money aside ready to buy more coins on the next 'four punch raiders' flash dumps 'chinese panic' 'hammer time' blood is in the streets raid ...

305. Post 10656363 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: ChuckBuck on March 04, 2015, 01:42:57 PM
This thread feels so weird with so much positive energy lately.

I'm starting to miss those trolls with the 255 different sock puppet accounts posting rubbish and non sense that even they don't truly believe what they're posting.

Maybe they're waiting for the Marshall's auction before making a cameo again, who knows.  We need more Bitcoin going to $0, Ripple and Stellar are king, you'll never unseat Gold, Silver, aluminum foil type posts... Cry

ripple is gimppled.....

stellar sounds cool but is run by guy who started mount gox (and ripple) and that is what caused ripple to lose wells fargo .. stellar probably not going anywhere due to this fact....

ripple is gimppling because they hired some obamaturd and NOTHING good has ever come from obama wh ..... we only get executive orders (cuz noone likes his gay laws), more and more taxes (irs made record taxes last year and this year they got obama scheme-care money grab), and catastrophes ....... we'll see... but if obama's hand is in ripple then it probably will fail because all of obama's strategies have been failures ...  

hopefully obama admin doesnt lose a major strategic region or something like that before they leave the wh (oops they did that too!)..

306. Post 10662319 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 04, 2015, 11:12:59 PM
Are we all waiting for after midnight to buy?

i'm waiting on the 'four punch raiders' and 'chinese panic' flash dump raids to buy moar. i thinking huobi could possibly have more bags to drop..... lol .

307. Post 10662854 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 05, 2015, 12:16:33 AM
Are we all waiting for after midnight to buy?

i'm waiting on the 'four punch raiders' and 'chinese panic' flash dump raids to buy moar. i thinking huobi could possibly have more bags to drop..... lol .

The Four Punch Pattern is at the short squeeze phase. You might make a profit picking up nickles in front on the train, but you might get flattened.

i'm not trading right now because i need MOAR . i realized the error in my theory that i had enough coins. i'm not sure when i will have enough coins .

308. Post 10667233 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: noobtrader on March 05, 2015, 10:23:31 AM
price back to 270 Huh

this btc price really remind me of p2pool hashrate.  keep bouncing up and down

you must have missed what adam guerbuez said: " the roller coaster that make the current previous roller coaster nothing" ....

309. Post 10667504 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: gkv9 on March 05, 2015, 11:54:07 AM
price back to 270 Huh

this btc price really remind me of p2pool hashrate.  keep bouncing up and down

you must have missed what adam guerbuez said: " the roller coaster that make the current previous roller coaster nothing" ....

Lolz, that guy's been nowhere since these days, but still don't know why people are promoting him a lot...
Some may still ask you "Who is Adam Guerbuez"?

sometimes .....i talk trash just for heck of it .

310. Post 10668503 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 05, 2015, 01:55:11 PM
So how do we know that some whale or whales weren't planning on buying 50K coins or more on the open market and instead are buying them at auction? In other words, How do we know that this sale isn't already priced into the market? It's not like this auction is a surprise or anything.

Cherish this day: Coinbase will announce to openly buy Bitcoins with the VC money.

They don't have to do that nor should they. It doesn't mean they won't do that as that reckless "moon" stunt proved, but hopefully they can be more subtle. All they need to do is keep the btc they earn as fees in a reserve account and use the VC money to meet operating expenses. The effect is the same as buying bitcoins. (because they are not selling coins they otherwise would sell.)

Operating expenses is not the same thing as paying out merchants who want cash.

of course it isn't the same. Who is saying it is? Who is saying they have any plans to cash out vendors with VC money?

I think there is a strong possibility. It's the obvious thing to do. Can even be part of their "business model"...

They need to spend that money getting licensed in the states they don't operate in yet. mine.

311. Post 10669803 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: betterangels on March 05, 2015, 04:05:04 PM
love to see stock market bubble up

this can't be good for the usd either.

312. Post 10671368 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on March 05, 2015, 05:38:35 PM

The owl deployment's figure is a clear sign of medium-term toppishing. I'm afraid we're not done heading down gentlemen. (or something)
Best.graph.drawing.ever!! Smiley

Indeed!  Cheesy

i see the legendary owl has appeared in the graphs... that can only mean one thing...its almost buy time....we going to swoop down on those coins! ............... ok hear that everybody ?? it's almost SWOOP DOWN TIME! (kinda like HAMMER TIME) ....

313. Post 10672078 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: KryptoFoo on March 05, 2015, 07:20:59 PM
Scaling in a bit more long on this dip.

lol at that dip: Oh no! it didn't rally within 5 minutes of the auction close?!? Panic Sell!!! Wait, I didn't wait long enough? Panic buy!!!

314. Post 10672875 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: hodlmybtc on March 05, 2015, 08:35:36 PM

gratz marshal's ................. 

315. Post 10673433 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 05, 2015, 09:22:52 PM
is this 30% above market thing legit?

Rumour only.  No-one on the record. Yet.

oh ic

u know what to do... buy high sell low!

316. Post 10673582 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 05, 2015, 09:36:15 PM
Auction price must have been higher than market.

Glad I added to my long at @$265.

Nice! I got in @ $270.

not me...i'm not buying into this pump ..

317. Post 10675395 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: YourMother on March 06, 2015, 12:32:28 AM
Laughable how this dumb scared whale(s) is constantly buying so the positive momentum could continue. If you look at the chart, the price wants to plunge into the shitter and everytime it does that for a longer period, you see these sudden bursts...

Somebody is about to lose a shit ton of money.

probably not...because anything under $300 is still pretty good price........  

318. Post 10680976 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 06, 2015, 02:58:01 PM
On other news... Grin

CAD isnt doing so hot either
the DXY is crazy high
USD is fucking strong these days...

it seems like a strong as hell dollar would be a good thing ... however as we can see that gravity seems to affect the dollar and it crashes after every high..... we saw this gravity effect upon the dollar during the 2008 crisis...........and it looks like we are in that territory again................don't believe the job reports those are heavily skewed .......they have to keep everyone fooled to surprise the 'big block of cheese day' .

319. Post 10681631 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

'Chinese Miner' is HODLing .... waiting on 'Chinese Miner' dumps .... az out.... .

320. Post 10682032 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: elasticband on March 06, 2015, 04:52:30 PM
gold and silver crash..... btc stable

u mean smashed down or manipulated lower .

321. Post 10683573 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 06, 2015, 06:53:58 PM

"Sally Auld, fixed income and FX strategist at JPMorgan, told CNBC Friday that the ECB's announcement on Thursday wasn't "euro-bearish" and expected the common currency to strengthen over the coming months.

"We were a little bit surprised to see the price action overnight and we think over the next couple of months and that actually the risks are tilted more towards euro strength rather than ongoing euro weakness," Auld said, speaking to CNBC from Sydney.

"If we use things such as the size of the ECB's balance sheet and rate differentials between Europe and the U.S….our sense is that the euro will struggle to make further losses (from 1.10) against the dollar."

ok well now we get to see if she is right... will the euro struggle to drop lower than 1.10 Huh there is one thing that is for certain; we all are going to get to find out.

322. Post 10686796 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: Bozuatle on March 07, 2015, 03:05:00 AM
I'm looking to pick up a few more coins so im hoping the price drops a bit soon. He's my best attempt to fud the market.

Grin Grin Grin

omg everybody...the bitcoin boat is sinking...cut your looses! (just helping out)

323. Post 10687486 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

'chinese miners' are HODLING ..

324. Post 10687942 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: Stargazer on March 07, 2015, 06:20:21 AM
"some events". you can always draw some lines somewhere and find "some events"
That's true. The important question is if a substantial number of traders are making decisions based on linear trend lines or not. I'm not sure at this point.

To me it looks like we broke over these lines. Let's move on people it's a new day for Bitcoin!

'coinbase pump' greater than 'auction pump' ... we have another auction looming...i'm not convinced.

325. Post 10691212 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

i think the auction is legit.... dealing drugs is one thing........but when you start ripping everyone off, killing people, threatening to kill people; then your ass is garbage and you belong in jail. #straightup gratz on your successful auction marshal's ... i own two b4c camaros from albuqueque and a undercover t-top firebird from los angeles (i just got this one) i got from auctions....and i have owned three other 9c1's before those i got from auctions. drug dealing is one thing....but there are a lot of bad people out there that belong in jail and from what i have read that silk road guy was a piece of trash. this is why i disagree with the sentiment around here that is against the auctions.

326. Post 10691671 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: sAt0sHiFanClub on March 07, 2015, 03:05:31 PM
i think the auction is legit.... dealing drugs is one thing........but when you start ripping everyone off, killing people, threatening to kill people; then your ass is garbage and you belong in jail. #straightup gratz on your successful auction marshal's ... i own two b4c camaros from albuqueque and a undercover t-top firebird from los angeles (i just got this one) i got from auctions....and i have owned three other 9c1's before those i got from auctions. drug dealing is one thing....but there are a lot of bad people out there that belong in jail and from what i have read that silk road guy was a piece of trash. this is why i disagree with the sentiment around here that is against the auctions.

Who did he kill, and why wasnt he charged with this? Huh Huh Huh

Other than that, you're basically saying crime is ok, as long as you get a cheap trashy car from it, Yeah?

my cars arent trash dorky .. i got the good ones. you jealous ??

seems i'm not the only one who buys from their auctions....

how many coins now ??

327. Post 10691716 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on March 07, 2015, 03:42:38 PM
Who did he kill, and why wasnt he charged with this? Huh Huh Huh

He was charged with the alleged attempts to hire the murder of several people in a separate criminal case in Maryland, to be tried later this year IIRC.  Were those charges withdrawn?

that is likely the main reason why they took him down. he was no bitcoin hero...he was a piece of trash that belongs in jail .

328. Post 10692698 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: sAt0sHiFanClub on March 07, 2015, 04:58:57 PM
i think the auction is legit.... dealing drugs is one thing........but when you start ripping everyone off, killing people, threatening to kill people; then your ass is garbage and you belong in jail. #straightup gratz on your successful auction marshal's ... i own two b4c camaros from albuqueque and a undercover t-top firebird from los angeles (i just got this one) i got from auctions....and i have owned three other 9c1's before those i got from auctions. drug dealing is one thing....but there are a lot of bad people out there that belong in jail and from what i have read that silk road guy was a piece of trash. this is why i disagree with the sentiment around here that is against the auctions.

Who did he kill, and why wasnt he charged with this? Huh Huh Huh

Other than that, you're basically saying crime is ok, as long as you get a cheap trashy car from it, Yeah?

my cars arent trash dorky .. i got the good ones. you jealous ??

seems i'm not the only one who buys from their auctions....

how many coins now ??

Dorky?  Seriously?  The US Marshals must be getting desperate if they accept bidding from 12 year old kids.

show us an instagram of your bidding card or this is bullshit.

yeah seriously.. fukoff ...i did not bid on the marshals auction. i aint rich biatch...if i was i would be driving a singapore vanquisher and be on a boat right now.

329. Post 10693374 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: picolo on March 07, 2015, 05:56:59 PM
The triangle seems to break to the upside. But no major pump yet, hmm...

We are slowly going up, it doesn't feel like the usual pumps.

i'm HODLING ..  i am long on all fronts ... neither buying nor selling into this .

330. Post 10693468 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: sAt0sHiFanClub on March 07, 2015, 06:27:42 PM

 #straightup gratz on your successful auction marshal's ...

i own two b4c camaros from albuqueque and a undercover t-top firebird from los angeles (i just got this one) i got from auctions...

.and i have owned three other 9c1's before those i got from auctions

my cars arent trash dorky .. i got the good ones. you jealous ??

Quote from: satoshifanclub

instagram your bidding card or this is bullshit

Quote from: aztecminer

yeah seriously.. fukoff ...i did not bid on the marshals auction.

Dream on boy.

he's being gay.. a 'bidding card' is not required top buy those..

331. Post 10693511 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: Frost on March 07, 2015, 06:52:02 PM
Isn't it funny how bots keep the price low?

we're playing the *who can wait out the longest* game is what i am thinking atm ...

332. Post 10693585 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: Frost on March 07, 2015, 06:58:37 PM
Isn't it funny how bots keep the price low?

we're playing the *who can wait out the longest* game is what i am thinking atm ...

That is a boring game  Smiley

i agree with you on that ....

333. Post 10694215 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

yeah we're smashing records with todays 'short squeeze' pump! then on monday: #GrumpyCat #OneSlickCat

334. Post 10694642 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 07, 2015, 08:51:23 PM
Bears are confident even though the price is rising. Perfect time to reck their shorts and move on without them.

Time is on our side not for technical reasons but for fundamental reasons. Sideways means up due to the US dollar strengthening against all other fiat currencies. All we have to do is HODL and the entire world can dog-pile into btc as an inflation hedge.

it seems like a strong dollar is a good thing.. it should be ... however looking at the dollar index going back to 2007 we are looking eerily similar to the 2008 crisis (only bigger) .. we could see the 'big block of cheese' day anytime .... when that happens then they will have to wait while the bank converts their cheese blocks into cheese cake which requires at least 75% - 80% cheese ... then they will have some fractions of a bitcoin.

335. Post 10694899 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: nioc on March 07, 2015, 09:29:10 PM
MIT Bitcoin Expo Starting now

Thank you for this link.  I have been watching it today on my only day off, I will miss tomorrow but I'm sure they will post it.

Andreas was very good as usual especially with the questions he answered at the end.  Mr. Lee was quite boring and could not watch.

There are women in btc!

What I found very interesting was Joi Ito's comments on "stealth fecal matter implants".

Lunch break just started.

I bought more btc today as it is <$300

we're doing the 'MIT pump' today ....

336. Post 10696734 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: maku on March 08, 2015, 01:16:51 AM
People predicting a dump?

I see nothing to suggest a price drop other than paranoid speculation regarding what people do with the auction coins.

how about the 20 mn. USD margin long on Bitfinex ?

14 million of which never even batted an eyelid during a massive crash down to 160..Long interest was 30 million last year. Perspective.

Does that not imply that we will might get lower than 160? At some stage they will need to be closed. If you take a price of 250 USD this would relate to 80.000 coins.
Something new, people are predicting dump. They always are. But as we all can see price stabilization is a fact. People waited for price to his $250+ mark since the beginning of 2015 now when price is finally there we have only one obstacle to beat $300. Dump will not happen instead I expect slight increase of value.

i do not believe we are ready to buy our boats yet .. instead i think we will see lows again before the next auction. today is the 'MIT pump' and that is why we stay high but as soon as no one is looking down we will go again ... this intelligence comes from rock solid observations ... and gimpple is staying low below .03 because they are gimped atm...the obamaturd making them wait a long long time. stellar is broken and cannot be useful because their ceo is goxxed .... u might can maybe find some usefulness from LTC on tuesdays and every other thursdays ..

337. Post 10705425 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

another day of bitcoin ..

338. Post 10713302 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on March 09, 2015, 03:44:16 PM
Bought about 34 BTC yesterday, up 2% already.  Going to dump most it today, rest of it by tomorrow.  Stop loss at $280.
Nice! Well done. I'm on the sidelines for now didn't dare to buy for the past few days.

I think we are in the overbought area!

+1 ....decided not to chase the price... playing the waiting game for now.

339. Post 10726009 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: findftp on March 10, 2015, 03:06:55 PM
Hurry up, you can still buy them at <$300 !

i think i have a better plan. i am going to keep waiting ..

340. Post 10726435 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 10, 2015, 03:37:54 PM
No fucking way $300 is the top. This rally has legs.  I've seen a shitload of tops and they don't look like this.
There is still much money to be made.

Where do you think this next top is?

Somewhere between $340 and $360, but it prolly won't go str8 up. The smart and the lucky will be buying dips and selling peeks the whole way up.

unfortunately i am out of trading coins atm... i need moar new coins which it takes a week to get new coins once i buy them so i'll wait and see if there is a better point to buy new coins. it's all good is not emergency i can wait...maybe i catch some this summer or something. what i do have is staying in deep storage... i'm HODLing. all of them.

341. Post 10726646 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 10, 2015, 04:10:39 PM
Why exactly is Bitcoin rallying? Nothing has changed.

Incremental changes have a cumulative effect. Ukraine, Greece, Euro weakness, South America, remittances, regulated exchanges and ETFs, Paypal support, Bitpesa, messaging apps, etc etc.

The rally has solid momentum now, so nothing changing means UP.

well there has been rumors of a black swan event at the austrian bank... it seems to be a reall deep hidden rumor though...except for it seems like the scramble for pms and ammo is on again .

342. Post 10728848 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: damiano on March 10, 2015, 06:23:14 PM
Something doesn't feel right to me is it just me? (im running on very low sleep)

It's to quiet right now and to be honest I expected more volume breaking 300 and strong support at 298-300 level to take it...

Anyone else feel like I do?  I also feel shitstamp is fucking this up for everyone

we are getting closer to the 'big block of cheese day' ...

343. Post 10730418 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

Quote from: inca on March 10, 2015, 09:35:31 PM
Loaded is a multimillionaire. And so are his friends and investors. If you think he can't push up the price because he already has tons of bitcoins, and all of his and his friends money are already in bitcoin, then you are dumb.

We are moving up so fucking deal with it, and quit trying to make an excuse for every bit of good news just because you shorted or sold at the bottom.

lol angry bagholders dont want their moment of euphoria ruined. like i said, last time he came and winked all of you delusional bulls did the same thing.

You and tarmi are sounding increasingly worried..

Worried about what, exactly?

The price rising further obviously.

i'm getting my 'beartroll' suit on right now....... ya all should known by now ya gonna get dumped on again ....

344. Post 10740096 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: Zangelbert Bingledack on March 11, 2015, 04:49:35 PM
Tastes like a breakout is coming.

this is the 'everybody pay your taxes' bitcoin ..

345. Post 10740201 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: Zangelbert Bingledack on March 11, 2015, 05:58:30 PM
USDX also about to break 100.

seems like should be a good thing but when we look at the dollar index we can see the dollar always comes back down... and that we look eerily similar to 2008 economic crisis .. i am trying to convert my strong dollars now while i still can because when the 'big block of cheese day' arrives everyone will be forced to make cheese cake who has lots of cheese stored in their favorite cheese accounts... it takes about 70-80% of the cheese to make a cheese cake... after the cheese is transformed into cheese cake then everyone who has cheese cake will get coupons that can buy fractions of bitcoins with their cheese cake coupons.

346. Post 10741154 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: mcplant on March 11, 2015, 07:04:11 PM
i think we have reached our peak already for this pump. dump time again.

pretty sure we're going sideways for probably least six more weeks and maybe longer.

there are reasons for this why bitcoin cant go up or down atm .

347. Post 10741376 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 11, 2015, 07:44:41 PM
i think we have reached our peak already for this pump. dump time again.

pretty sure we're going sideways for probably least six more weeks and maybe longer.

there are reasons for this why bitcoin cant go up or down atm .



348. Post 10748750 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 11, 2015, 07:44:41 PM
i think we have reached our peak already for this pump. dump time again.

pretty sure we're going sideways for probably least six more weeks and maybe longer.

there are reasons for this why bitcoin cant go up or down atm .


five or six more weeks to go of trading the scalp ..

349. Post 10749917 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: plasticAiredale on March 12, 2015, 02:19:03 PM

If someone was to change this "one line of code" if definitely would be considered a "hard fork", regardless of consensus from the core devs.

Definition of hard fork is:
A hard fork is any change to a protocol that is not backwards compatible.
This would very definitely be backwards compatible. A

So how exactly would the current version of Bitcoin accept the creation of the 21000001st bitcoin?

Yes, you can easily change the code to modify the coin-introduction function.

However, if you did, all your blocks would be ignored by people that use the original client, and more importably, you'd ignore theirs, effectively separating you in a different network with all those who run your modified client.

What guarantees are there that the supply will be limited? The fact that the community has agreed on accepting bitcoin's rules, which dictate how many coins are introduced.

Whats the point of arguing the semantics anyway. It's not gonna happen, FUD or whatever you are doing is a little pathetic.

because watching bitcoin @300 is like watching blue bars of microsoft installs ..

350. Post 10750226 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: sAt0sHiFanClub on March 12, 2015, 02:34:29 PM

Ah ok, simple then.

Off you pop then, get cracking,  let me know how it goes.

So thats it then? No killer argument to put me in my place? No clusterbomb of a nuggett from the White Paper to show that the 21M cap is sacricant and can never be changed?  Huh Huh Huh

No... because I can ignore the obvious too, just like you.

Okay, I no longer want to ignore the obvious. Enlighten me.  And Im not being smart, If there is an axiom that states that 21M is the oncrete limit, then I want to know.
You owe that to me and other bitcoiners. For our future....

very simple bud:

351. Post 10750776 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on March 12, 2015, 03:30:23 PM

Thread retarded again, shit's gonna happen..

that's right shiat is about to happen...cuz i am about to pull the trigger biatches.. on this waiting six more weeks on bitcoin is total gay .

352. Post 10751274 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: Miz4r on March 12, 2015, 03:51:55 PM
Are you biatchez super excited now that a miner is about to pull the trigger?

Yeah it's very scary to see a miner about to dump their 0.5 BTC they mined the past month with their 2TH mining rig lol.

i have done pretty well mining. i'm not selling anything....i'm HODLING on all fronts. i just talking the usual trash...sorta.

353. Post 10751827 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: ImI on March 12, 2015, 05:02:59 PM
tarmi is even more evident evidence that people that get left behind by the train grows to become pure poison later in life.

Take care of yourself and buy and hold bitcoin so you don't become one of these toxic motherfuckers... (even if you were to lose it all, it's a cheap price.)

nope i think he should short the sh** out of this motherf****.

he gets a little respect as he at least has the balls to come here at the moment as obv permabear. the other beartards are hiding and waiting until we drop 10$ to come out and start celebrating.

go up or down... doesn't matter..... that is just how i roll .

354. Post 10751852 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: aztecminer on March 11, 2015, 06:09:03 PM
USDX also about to break 100.

seems like should be a good thing but when we look at the dollar index we can see the dollar always comes back down... and that we look eerily similar to 2008 economic crisis .. i am trying to convert my strong dollars now while i still can because when the 'big block of cheese day' arrives everyone will be forced to make cheese cake who has lots of cheese stored in their favorite cheese accounts... it takes about 70-80% of the cheese to make a cheese cake... after the cheese is transformed into cheese cake then everyone who has cheese cake will get coupons that can buy fractions of bitcoins with their cheese cake coupons.

i am starting to hear an echo:

355. Post 10751971 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: ImI on March 12, 2015, 05:16:43 PM
tarmi is even more evident evidence that people that get left behind by the train grows to become pure poison later in life.

Take care of yourself and buy and hold bitcoin so you don't become one of these toxic motherfuckers... (even if you were to lose it all, it's a cheap price.)

nope i think he should short the sh** out of this motherf****.

he gets a little respect as he at least has the balls to come here at the moment as obv permabear. the other beartards are hiding and waiting until we drop 10$ to come out and start celebrating.

go up or down... doesn't matter..... that is just how i roll .

interesting technique you got there. so you say you win no matter if btc goes 330$ or 270$?

those might not be the exact figures but basically that is right ... ya have to watch the entire field if you gonna step up your pimpin game to my level .

356. Post 10753020 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: damiano on March 12, 2015, 06:48:21 PM
$300 tonight, let's hope we stay above this time

If we slay that bear whale

ruh roh ... did u hear that everybody ?? there is a bear whale. everyone stay calm... we will get billyjoe to get the 'four punch raiders' to take him out with a quick and powerful 'chinese panic' flash dumps and right when he thinks is great moment hit him with the short squeeze. got it everyone ?? ok break. on 10. go.

357. Post 10756224 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: sAt0sHiFanClub on March 12, 2015, 11:38:40 PM
I do not like the IBM news, and have gone into capital preservation mode by closing my long for now. I'll wait to see if the market can shake this off:  I believe IBM not using bitcoin will be construed as a negative, or at least an excuse to take profits.

It's tokenisation again. I guess this makes life sweeter in third world banking areas like the US. In the EU money moves around near instantly for free already.

The underlying principles of BTC are what turns me on at least, not another fancy way of moving existing money which is what this is.


Sounds like its just another alt-coin.  Its blockchain based, with a 'coin', but the difference being these coins represent a given value of fiat currency.
Seems more of an effort to do away with back office software like meridian or equation than as a runner for bitcoin mkII. If i was Misys I'd be more worried.

they already tried that with that coin backed by usd... hardly anyone even knows its name. i cant remember name of it. it was total gay it did not work . it was like whats the point ?? buy more bitcoins........................ i mean buy more gold like trump told us too:

358. Post 10761767 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

what happened ?? a 'chinese miner' decide to dump on us this morning ??

359. Post 10763880 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 13, 2015, 06:18:37 PM

we are so doomed... if it keeps dumping what should we do Huh

360. Post 10792331 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

i see we are still alive and everything..

361. Post 10793075 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.04h):

Quote from: macsga on March 16, 2015, 05:46:23 PM
290 by the end of last week and 290 by now.

I think it confirms we are officially sideways

It's not necessarily a bad thing to go sideways. Everybody expects volatility from BTC because that's what it does, but sideways maybe a sign that it's gaining some sort of stability... on the other hand it may also means that nobody wants to trade  Grin

and no one has any money right now to buy moar.

362. Post 10801237 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

omg this is becoming mind numbing almost as good as watching microsoft installation blue bars and .dll files ..

we have at least about five or six more weeks of this sideways action everyone.. keep hanging in there we will get through it!

363. Post 10801849 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

Quote from: derpinheimer on March 17, 2015, 02:55:15 PM
The current Bitcoin price is an give-away!!

The day's expected price:    1696.02

The day's exchance rate price: 290.00


Anybody that it not buying now, is asking for crying later.
Using excel to predict prices for an unstable market. Genius! Seriously.. take Econ 100 at highschool or something because.. wow.

looks legit to me...

364. Post 10812449 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on March 18, 2015, 02:02:14 PM
I'm not buying. At $250 maybe.

250 and below is a great place to buy. i am out of the market for at least a few weeks though. this alone could cause more dumps .. maybe i can find some dust laying around to trade with .

365. Post 10813384 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

Quote from: coinableS on March 18, 2015, 02:59:59 PM
Follow another chinese bulltrap, lemmings dont need to think. BTC is going to sub 200 within few weeks whether like you it or not.
I wouldn't mind it, but sub 200 is not going to happen.

it is possible cuz i am out of the market for a few weeks. my decisions don't always make sense right away and i might appear to be flying by the seat of my pants most of the time.

366. Post 10813496 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 18, 2015, 03:28:36 PM

delusional bulls will suffer.

i'm buying  Undecided

yeah... adam is buying moar... we're going with the flow here.. adam buys first guaranteeing another price drop and then we follow him in... ok plan...break. let's do this. (except for me cuz i am out from buying for a few weeks) .

367. Post 10814189 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 18, 2015, 05:31:44 PM

the plan is working great huh ?? right on time the 'adam bought moar" and 'aztecminer is out of the buy market for weeks' flash dump ...

368. Post 10815952 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 18, 2015, 05:53:10 PM
fuck this i'm cutting my losses

adam...cut your loooses! ..... buy high sell low!

369. Post 10822721 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

i'm really not surprised by this ..

370. Post 10824917 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

Quote from: okthen on March 19, 2015, 05:37:05 PM
Well, I voted 290 by Monday.
Really doubt we'll cross the 300 line (it's taking long and should still take a while), but I definitely think we'll rebound.

i voted less than 270... get ready for more dumpage.. really sorry guys i couldn't HODL my fiat to keep bitcoin from dumping again but do not worry i will be back in buy market in a few weeks! if it keeps dropping i will be forced to buy what i can so don't worry everyone .

371. Post 10833073 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.05h):

ya all knew was coming. everyone HODL !!! we will see it through!

372. Post 10871156 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.06h):

Quote from: magicmexican on March 24, 2015, 02:04:28 PM
Why its going to the dumpster once again? Any news?

you thought it was going to break 300 and race on up ?? we still have another auction to go. wish i could buy but i can't right now. that why its going down because it is tax time and a lot of bitcoin people are paying their abusively high taxes to the money grabbing bankrupt govy. i learned that bitcoin can be very boring when you got none to trade with. i find that i watch the charts as much cuz when got nada to trade with then short term price changes don't really matter when you are HODLing all you got.

373. Post 10872113 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.06h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on March 24, 2015, 02:28:58 PM
I think the fault lies with what passes for bullish news round here. It doesnt take much reading of most online 'bullish' reports to spot the spin, redirection or the plain untruths.

Indeed.  And, besides, most of those news are irrelevant to the Chinese day-traders.  It seems that the Western markets cannot lift the price more than ~80 USD in response to good rumors. 

Also, many "good news" usually cause the price to drop because they show that the preceding "good rumors" were wildly exaggerated.  Remember the Coinbase exchange launch?

what coinbase exchange Huh u mean that place that tells me i am not in an eligible state even though i live in the most free state in the usa ?? i guess it doesnt matter cuz i dont have any coins to trade with anyways and no extra money atm to buy any. i mean i have coins but only my cold storage stash which i am not using to trade with. i going to have one badass t-top firebird though . i was pretty much forced to make the right decision by bitcoin staying higher than i am willing to pay for them atm. i had no choice i had to do it. there was no way around it. #howiroll #gottagetitdone

PS: coinbase please stop goofing around and let me have access to your exchange.....i live in arizona.

374. Post 10874368 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.06h):

Quote from: macsga on March 24, 2015, 04:23:01 PM
The Justice Department is ordering bank employees to consider calling the cops on customers who withdraw $5,000 dollars or more, a chilling example of how the war on cash is intensifying.

Is this for real?  Shocked Shocked Shocked

i will be getting the cops called on me at least once or twice a month ..

375. Post 10874391 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.06h):

Quote from: bri912678 on March 24, 2015, 04:27:48 PM
The Justice Department is ordering bank employees to consider calling the cops on customers who withdraw $5,000 dollars or more, a chilling example of how the war on cash is intensifying.

Is this for real?  Shocked Shocked Shocked

What are they expected to charge them with, receiving funds from sold bitcoins? I didn't know it was a crime to sell your bitcoins. Having your account closed is bad enough without being arrested too.

they are getting setup for the 'big block of cheese day' is all .... carry on.. and pretend u not notice as you slowly get ur money out the bank.

376. Post 10883291 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.07h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on March 25, 2015, 01:35:29 PM
I had a dream last night I was watching the charts (anyone else dream about BTC charts?) and there was a mega green candle, and we were back up to the $800's. Obviously only a crazy dream.  Cheesy
Weird, I had the same dream a month ago. Only it went to 850 and I bailed before it crashed to 650 and stayed there.

i had a dream i was ski down a mountain of bitcoins and there was ducks and chinese people in rocketships with their pets getting bitcoin from other chinese people while flaming trains were roaring by and then suddenly i was on a boat with t-pain and a bunch mermaids while Poseidon was looking at me.. crazy dream!

377. Post 10892862 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.07h):

i wish i could buy .. i think i will try to buy a bunch (more than i did before anyways) when i can this summer. hopefully i will be able to. then i can hang with billyjoe and the 'four punch traders' ........... and be permabulltard spaceships to the moon and mars, blazing trains of glory, and be on a boat.

378. Post 10895571 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.07h):

Quote from: Ask Ken About Love on March 26, 2015, 02:33:12 PM
i wish i could buy .. i think i will try to buy a bunch (more than i did before anyways) when i can this summer. hopefully i will be able to. ...

Well,see, if you just stop buying when the price is high, you'd have money left to buy when the price is low.
Seems obvious now that I've explained it so clearly, I know, but permabulls still fail to grasp it.

i have done well buying dips, i caught the lows twice on my last three coin buys (the only buys that i kept the bitcoins for trading):

2x 180 (near the bottom before coinbase pump)
1x 250 (was chasing coinbase pump)
2x 218 (near bottom after coinbase pump)

as can see chasing the price doesn't work as well as waiting for the dips. i still have those coins (sorta kinda) but they are tied up atm and i sorta planning to let them stay tied up where they are. thats why i need MOAR coins so I can trade again. problem for me is that i cannot buy until this summer.

379. Post 10932153 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

Quote from: 12345mm on March 30, 2015, 04:43:16 PM
Yes, hurry up and get some bitcoins before they run out.

What a loathsome marketing! Yuck!

haha ... yes , only 1,000,000 more coins will be produced between now and the end of 2015 , give or take 1/4 of a billion dollars worth at current prices ... and another 3/4 million or so coins before the halving in summer of next year ... after which we can all look forward to only 650,000 coins or so produced per year for the coming 4 years after that ... now that's scarcity !

seriously doubting the dollar is going to make it another five years.

380. Post 10960366 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

Quote from: NotHatinJustTrollin on April 02, 2015, 01:09:12 PM

hard to confiscate something if ya don't give them your key. doubtful that executive order is constitutional.  #abusivehightaxes #obama-schemecare-irs-moneygrab #actsofdesperation

381. Post 10960924 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

Quote from: tarmi on April 02, 2015, 01:15:33 PM

read the whole doc here:

(i) any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of State, to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly, cyber-enabled activities originating from, or directed by persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States that are reasonably likely to result in, or have materially contributed to, a significant threat to the national security, foreign policy, or economic health or financial stability of the United States and that have the purpose or effect of:"

you receive coins from china - we will take them from you!

because financial stability!

you donate to snowden your coins are bye bye!


""No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.""

does not sound constitutional at all. #obamadictatorship #dictatorshipintheusa

382. Post 10961230 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

Quote from: tarmi on April 02, 2015, 01:24:53 PM

all those people/addresses donating to snowden are so fucked!

another round of auctions coming up!

the us govy stealing from everyone is more #abusivehightaxes #obama-scheme-care-irs-moneygrab #actsofdesperation #failingempire #tenagra

383. Post 10961945 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on April 02, 2015, 04:42:32 PM
BOOM motherfuckers! This is what is so beautiful about crypto: People who are marginally more concerned about their BTC getting seized by political robbers are going to take those coins off the exchanges until they are sold. Less coins available means lower supply relative to demand and...


Antifragile, Bitches.

hi billyjoe! probably not yet, there is another auction in may. most usually always get a good deal from law enforcement auctions.. of course we have #obamatards .

384. Post 10962171 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

Quote from: mah87 on April 02, 2015, 04:59:01 PM
I've been a Ripple supporter for a long time and just find this link on xrptalk, I really think it's dead now because of founder initial xrp stash they didn't manage to deal with that properly, I'm out of XRP now.

no wonders ripple gimpled out into a free-fall.

385. Post 10962304 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

Quote from: mah87 on April 02, 2015, 05:07:45 PM
Spread the news, Ripple is fucked, SELL EVERYTHING

sounds like that is why they started in on the IBM "in god we trust" is innovation retardation they started doing because the bottom is falling out of ripple. #buymoregoldandsilver #buymorebitcoins

and whatever you do watch out from the excecutive order theif #obamatards #wantstostealyourbitcoins #actsofdesperation #abusivehightaxes

386. Post 10962350 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

Quote from: gentlemand on April 02, 2015, 05:15:49 PM
I've been a Ripple supporter for a long time and just find this link on xrptalk, I really think it's dead now because of founder initial xrp stash they didn't manage to deal with that properly, I'm out of XRP now.

no wonders ripple gimpled out into a free-fall.

I'm currently undergoing a monster upload so that page isn't coming up for me. What's the gist of it all?

i did not read it all but what i did read mentioned something about ripple keeps demanding 100,000's $$$ cash from bitstamp and they are refusing to pay up (some kind of argument) ..

387. Post 10964526 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

omg everyone run..... it's the dooooooom bear from mars! we all know what that means... #martiandoombear

388. Post 10967452 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

better buy gold and silver guys. they might just fork your wallet right out the blockchain for ya. #obamatheconfiscator

389. Post 10972123 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.08h):

does everyone still have all their bitcoins ?? #obamatheconfiscater #actsofdesperation #bankruptusa #needsmoneytoservicethedebt

390. Post 11043308 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.10h):

hmm. looks like is time to pay more attention what is happening .

391. Post 11078176 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.11h):

Quote from: damiano on April 13, 2015, 08:15:31 PM
When China wakes up, do you think they will show us up with a bigger dump?  Grin

For the most part, but I have a feeling most were sleeping during this.

i sure was until now.. my life has become so busy. i am going to try and keep up with whats going on here. looks like we got dumped on again.

392. Post 11375508 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.15h):

hey everyone.. how is bitcoinland going ?? I been busy releasing my latest book.

i heard about ripple. That is ridiculous how the government stealing from everyone like that. bankrupt usa has to confiscate and steal to service the loans. everyone is talking about it. i talk to people about how money institutions have to report suspicious activity or be fined. i get reported at least twice a month for removing money from the bank. they have not swat raided me yet. the other day i paid cash for some groceries and i asked the lady if she needed take a picture of me and get my ss#, dl#, my address, my moms address, and stuff since i was being suspicious by paying in cash. ridiculous. they are outlawing cash while using suspicious money laundering to cover their stealing money grabs like they did to ripple.

btw... i just learned today that i am black ops. that what homeboy said on my facebook. i really need to step up my game then if i am black ops. I might need buy some more bitcoins soon.

393. Post 11378130 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.15h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on May 14, 2015, 06:42:38 PM
if country A wants to trade with country B they don't use their local currencies they buy BTC on the open market and use that as the medium of exchange, this is why we call BTC the global reserve currency, investing in BTC is wise and you should start as early as possible.

says economic teachers in the year 2020

usd will be dead by 2020.

394. Post 11386616 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.15h):

Quote from: 600watt on May 15, 2015, 05:21:33 PM

very nice read...

But thousands of the world's most creative programmers and technologists recognise the possibilities that it presents. In time, we are going to see the emergence of Bitcoin Googles, Bitcoin Facebooks, Bitcoin Alibabas -- massively valuable companies for which no contemporary analogues exist -- built on the platform's foundations of decentralised trust and programmable money. And there's a very good chance it will happen faster and less predictably than anyone currently imagines.

probably have to wait another year and helf. obama is being a little bit to greedy in his money grabs. companies now must face the threat of being hit with massive $700M fines if they forget to notify the govy that homeboy went to the restroom before he bought his bitcoins.

395. Post 11411186 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.15h):

please remove yourself out of the way to obtain moar bitcoins.... thanks.

396. Post 11481542 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on May 29, 2015, 01:53:12 PM
is this gentleman?

this what ?? i haven't seen the price move in a few weeks. is the auction done yet ?? or we still waiting on that ??

397. Post 11481592 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on May 29, 2015, 01:56:31 PM
is this gentleman?

this what ?? i haven't seen the price move in a few weeks. is the auction done yet ?? or we still waiting on that ??

the last FBI auction?
is that underway?

i dunno.. i been afk, i am just trying to gauge where we are at atm. other than the govy stealing 700K from ripple.

398. Post 11506157 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on May 29, 2015, 06:07:20 PM
Insanely high 2500 BTC ask-wall on Finex @ 236.75....

Don't worry it's a fake wall

Definitely fake.  Obviously they are trying to scare sells into there buy orders at 236

this is probably why price is so stable, manipulation has shifted from manipulate the price down as we profit,  to hold the price down while we accumulate

When do you think you're finished accumulating? I want fireworks.

I ain't waiting till the last min to get in, i'm pretty much done accumulating.

i suspect Mr.M. will keep it up as long as he can...

and with market seemingly as weak as it is i think it's going to work for a long while,

so very stable prices for the next 6-12 months ?

about time to do some more accumulating of everything ..

399. Post 11526596 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

is everyone ready for the summer chinese panic ??

400. Post 11527058 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: spud21 on June 03, 2015, 07:57:24 PM

Mr. Buffett basically says to buy "low" when everyone has panic sold or is panic sellling (also called "blood in the streets") and to sell when everyone is buying (near end of a hype cycle).

Hmmm ... we moved $1 on BitLicense  ... is this the top of the hype cycle or we need to wait another 50c ? Tongue

It peaked at 227, this is the panic selling phase and you should be buying like crazy at 226.6. Wait until the next peak at 227 to dump, but you'll have to be patient because it will probably take another week.  Grin

until the summer chinese panic happens.

401. Post 11527111 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: gentlemand on June 03, 2015, 08:00:26 PM

until the summer chinese panic happens.

Is this an annual thing like Gnu migration?

i just think the chinese are prone to panic and therefore we might have another chinese panic happen.

402. Post 11527269 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on June 03, 2015, 08:15:27 PM

i just think the chinese are prone to panic and therefore we might have another chinese panic happen.

I think many a Chinese trader has migrated to their stock market bubble. And no shortage of people still on their exchanges are white devils anyway. We shall see.

I don't think chinese could give a frying duck about bitricense

I sense panic in you phoenix, you're posting far more regularly than usual.
Are you scared, worried that the bear feast may be coming to an end?
Have you got a shit load of shorts that will send you under if we enter a significant rally?
Talk to me brother.

nope i'm not short. i been working on stuff is why i been afk. I have a feeling it is almost time to buy moar .

403. Post 11528346 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

doh. oh well. sorry for the off topic post.

404. Post 11528379 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

let me know when it's buy time. i have problems staying motivated to read the forum when i am not active. i been sitting on coins for over a year. trading is the only time i really can be motivated to be involved.

405. Post 11528757 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on June 03, 2015, 11:43:18 PM
let me know when it's buy time. i have problems staying motivated to read the forum when i am not active. i been sitting on coins for over a year. trading is the only time i really can be motivated to be involved.
Well, it's nice to see you here again. I don't think there's much point in trading now before we get some big moves, so unless the price moves to below the low 210s or beyond the high 240s it's probably not much point in staring at the charts atm. For the last couple of weeks finex's volume has been hovering right above the 5k mark most of the time. Even bots can't be bothered. So, IMO just jump on the wagon when a direction is confirmed.

that probably why i haven't.. plus i wasn't able to buy anything for last couple months. and i wont trade with my stash. i dont have anything to trade with atm. i'm waiting on the summer chinese panic.

406. Post 11528771 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: fonzie on June 04, 2015, 12:01:54 AM
Dump your worthless tokens, buy some real money with it as it is still possbile.
You don´t have to suffer. Get reliefed of that cancer called Bitcoin. Enjoy life.

at this stage i pretty much forgot i even had a stash. seems pointless to sell. and i am sure i can hold out at least another year or two, most likely longer.

407. Post 11529008 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: bitboiler on June 04, 2015, 12:51:17 AM
at this stage i pretty much forgot i even had a stash. ...

That's a bad strategy.  Trust me, I know.
About 18 months ago, when the price was shooting up, I was glued to the charts.  Until my pro trader buddy said "you're wrecking your nerves, bro, BTC's a long-term investment!  Just forget about the price for a year or two."
Some friend, huh?

I hear ya. i'm not selling though. all my coins are stashed. i need to buy more so i can have some to trade with. i am mostly preparing for the economic collapse. i believe that is what its going to take before anything major happens. until then they will just keep doing the same stuff.

408. Post 11529418 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

chinese panic-- summer edition... incoming.

409. Post 11529943 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: YourMother on June 04, 2015, 03:46:32 AM
FWIW I'm seriously thinking to cut my loose at $200. I want to be ready for $1xx. Sad

This rift in the core developer camp is really starting to eat at me. I honestly don't know on what side of the debate I fall. I like Gavin, but tell me we're not becoming Ripple. Someone please tell me that.
Wasn't there some talk about an 8MB compromise? For regular users there is no "side" to take. If a hard fork lasts for more than a few hours we are really going to see both double and single digits. But they can't be that stupid.

Yes there is a side to take. If BTC can be hard-forked, how can it be totally trusted as a Store of Value? Currency, in and out, sure, no problem. But if someone has the power to hard fork, we are back to centralisation again, which is the antithesis of BTC. Does not matter if it is put out there as 2 options for people to choose between. Fact remains, there is the power to change the parameters, push out a fork, and the value of your savings is dependent upon what the majority choose. Does not sound like the trustless currency that I thought BTC was.

I guess that you can postpone the mass adoption for another 2-3 years because of the uncertainties brought by the scalability issues, forking and halving.   Smiley

i think the chinese panic has been postponed too. can't hardly believe what i am reading.

410. Post 11533631 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: mudiko on June 04, 2015, 11:23:41 AM
What says the graphs about the future of btc?

here are the graphs:

411. Post 11535271 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: Wandererfromthenorth on June 04, 2015, 06:24:41 PM
Bitcoin blocksize debate in a nutshell:

Bitcoin, the way it was designed, is not scalable, you cannot really get around that. You can try to improve the situation with an untested dangerous solution that undermines its decentralization (even more than today) and security narratives hoping that this fix will bring a new wave of greater fools who will buy our coins at $10k each.

The End.


Even bitcoin cheerleaders admit this:

hey... Josh stUlete Samuda ‏just said "we all know the exchange rate is about to be pushed up. Let's stop shying away from the soon to be fact."

of course he means after the chinese are done panicing during the summer edition of the chinese panic.

412. Post 11535598 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: kaykawa on June 04, 2015, 06:55:51 PM
wait for BTC to finish tanking.... then buy when it's around $220 each

i am waiting on the chinese panic.

413. Post 11535605 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: dakota neat on June 04, 2015, 06:59:07 PM
bitcoin fought the chasm in the adoption cyle. now it's clear it will not become the new instagram, facebook or google. not even the new internet. not even a industrial revolution like steam, electricity, computerization.

yes, when they came out with Steam it was the greatest revolution to game technology ever. our souls all advanced one level when that happened.

414. Post 11537010 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: spud21 on June 04, 2015, 09:57:00 PM
I'm waiting sub @100 to buy 1,

Come on bears.

It just crashed by one cent from 224 to 223.99 on finex, so you might be in for a long wait. The wild price swings seem to have fizzled out for the moment.

don't worry, as soon as the 'four punch raiders' start their summer raids the chinese will start to panic again . just ask billyjoe about this. he is a 'four punch raider' . when billyjoe shows up talking trash then you know the 'four punch raiders' are most usually in process of a smackdown.

415. Post 11537345 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.16h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on June 04, 2015, 11:21:22 PM

I don't like this, we're supposed to go up!

we probably wont be going up at least until the final marshals auction is concluded. when is that ?? next month ??

416. Post 11542748 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: Torque on June 05, 2015, 02:38:55 PM

Launching an exchange is the easy part. After launch, getting volume and network effect is the hard part. Look at itBit for example. After their New york trust license, nothing significant happened. I don't expect any different for Gemini.

Bingo.  Coinbase launched their exchange and look what happened?  Zilch. Nada. Tumbleweeds.  And they didn't even get licensed in all States, only about half of them.  I expect the same or less for Gemini.

how much longer before other states can use the new exchange? i suppose I should try to login again.

417. Post 11560134 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: luckygenough56 on June 07, 2015, 07:18:11 PM

Panic/doom/this is the end my friend

chinese panic has started ??

418. Post 11565660 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

what did you guys do ??

419. Post 11566294 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on June 08, 2015, 02:52:06 PM
Come On Gentlemen - lets push this through 230 today - if we approach 240 before the end of the day I'm going to start readying the rocket pics.
Something is bubbling underneath the surface guys, your attenpts are futile bears.
One last push through the 230 barrier guys, come on, buy up those cheap coins.

this the big battle for 230 huh Huh

420. Post 11574715 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

i had to watch a little bit to see how the market is doing. i see now battle for 230 before chinese panic .

421. Post 11592986 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: paul2000 on June 11, 2015, 12:53:00 PM
Poll: only a minority (14.6 % atm) thinks "the only way is up" from here: bullish indication.

eventually.. the chinese are bound to panic again before that tho .

422. Post 11593097 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: bassclef on June 11, 2015, 04:15:33 PM
Um, yeah, we're gonna need more of those hats...
It would be nice to hear more of an opinion about this whole thing from you, boss.

If the Winkles have good news, HODL ON to those hats!

did the Marshall's  do the final auction. i have hard time believing this is going anywhere before that final auction.

423. Post 11595519 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: macsga on June 11, 2015, 05:59:55 PM
We mock ourselves about high vol. dumps... nonsense! THAT'S what I call a dump!

it looks like the 'plunge protection team' got involved.. not sure that is the wisest thing to do when it appears we (i mean they since i own no bonds or other junk paper) are having a bond market rout in progress. i suppose they did that to keep everyone from doing a 'chinese panic' en mass all at the same time. this guy who dumped all those shares has likely been reported for this obvious suspicious behavior. the black suv's are already arriving out front of their building now.

424. Post 11602364 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: MonkeyCoin11 on June 12, 2015, 06:02:31 PM
Can we expect that the price goes $235 for to night ?

the vote says it is going to crash below 226.

425. Post 11602508 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: MonkeyCoin11 on June 12, 2015, 06:18:24 PM
Can we expect that the price goes $235 for to night ?

the vote says it is going to crash below 226.
Why should it crash, the chart looks like to say it will actually rise ?
If it's crash it will fastly grow up few times after i think

chinese miner dump will accidentally cause a chinese panic. huobi exchange might shut down to drop their bags when this happens.

426. Post 11624487 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

wow.. battle for 235. what a weekend.

427. Post 11633908 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on June 15, 2015, 05:44:39 PM
Chinese summer buying panic.

How you are sure about this ?

Usually, panic does NOT happen in the summer, panic is a fall and/or winter phenomenon, no?

this is obviously the summer buy panic...

428. Post 11633953 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: spooderman on June 16, 2015, 04:16:39 PM
For the past year, or since the last ATH, I was saving gif's to post in this thread for during the rally.

Last week I reformatted my hard drive. SMH.  Undecided

So....we should sell?

if i had coins to trade with i probably would have. i don't watch close enuf since i only have coins to hold. i need more coins .. i get them when i get them. i will wait forever to get them if i have too. or just not get any. it dont matter cuz i got a bunch them storage. it would be funner though.

429. Post 11634090 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: minerpumpkin on June 16, 2015, 04:34:02 PM
Downtrend log line approaching.

We need to cross $270 at the moment, so still a few USD away. But if that happens, we're golden. Golden, as in "17 months bear market ended"-golden.
That seems excessively optimistic...

What's excessively optimistic about that!?

that crossing 270 means the bear market is over.. that part is doubtful.. you should know by now we could be at $300 and right back to $200 in a couple days. bitcoin is like a girl, its wired different. if you trying to understand how the bitcoin market is then you already messing up. don't try to understand what adam gubereuz said about "the roller coaster that makes the previous roller coaster nothing."

430. Post 11634429 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: ssmc2 on June 16, 2015, 04:48:05 PM
Next target?


almost time to 'be on a boat' again.

431. Post 11634522 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on June 16, 2015, 05:20:38 PM
Huobi API down.

they must planning to drop bags before the panic even starts this time. or maybe they are going to do some miner dumps on this. huobi does not mess around when it is time to panic.

432. Post 11634753 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: bassclef on June 16, 2015, 05:32:48 PM
I expected a consolidation in the $240s, but it just doesn't seem like much volume for another big leg up. I hope we stay here if we don't push up.

You guys are crazy. Look at the 12h and daily candle volume--there's a lot of commitment there. Either this is going to reverse in a very quick way or it's the beginning of a larger move up.

There's a nice W bottom on the 3d and weekly charts so I think you all know what's coming.

the chinese panic is coming ?? ok everyone the W bottom chinese panic is coming. ..

433. Post 11703236 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

i might have to buy some coins this summer before everything starts to go crazy later this year or next year.

434. Post 11703610 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on June 24, 2015, 02:34:14 PM
keep dreaming about greece.

Capital controls are coming. Greeks are loaded up on physical cash. If you run a business in Greece and depend on foreign suppliers, How will you pay them? You're gonna find a seller on and trade those euros under your mattress for BTC.   

hey billyjoe.. have you still been buying moar ??

435. Post 11711917 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on June 24, 2015, 04:53:34 PM
keep dreaming about greece.

Capital controls are coming. Greeks are loaded up on physical cash. If you run a business in Greece and depend on foreign suppliers, How will you pay them? You're gonna find a seller on and trade those euros under your mattress for BTC.   

hey billyjoe.. have you still been buying moar ??

Not lately, but I'm still margin long (if only slightly).

i haven't either.. i am much long though.

436. Post 11711984 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

Quote from: Alley on June 25, 2015, 04:17:24 PM
Funny thing is during all this accumulation period its just the top 1% of btc owners that are increasing their supply.  All the fud, trolls, negativity, etc..., is there too keep the average Joe scared to buy until its too late.  Only the real risk takers are fearless enough to keep buying during this downtrend.  

 i always buy in downtrends. i make sacrifices more than investments. i can afford to lose some usd.. i started life living on the streets at fifteen. ..  if i lose a few grand.. i will just get more ... i have ZERO fear to lose usd... that is proven by the fact that i buy and then forget about what i bought rather than panic sell every time the going gets tough.. things are not always as they appear and this is why one must learn to look away when it appears things are bad like with bitcoin. maybe... if i have the extra cash.. i might buy moar.... not sure if i will have the extra cash though since i have to focus on my research and writing. maybe tho.

437. Post 11712023 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

Quote from: mark coins on June 25, 2015, 03:44:50 PM
$ 242.00 Sad   those are the buyers at $ 230.00, they want to make a quick buck

too many impatient ppl in the world

i would trade too but i have to buy moar coins to do that... cuz my stash isn't budging.

438. Post 11712045 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on June 25, 2015, 03:24:46 PM
we need the last true believers to sell at the lowest possible price point. paging u norway & lfc

Patience, the lowest possible price point is nowhere near. Give it several months, then page them when crashing to double digits. Wink

illusional bears have to get rekt as well so don't feel to comfortable. while you will wait for your double digits it will cross 1200 within days.

I do get the sense that at some point BTC prices will cross the $1,200 per BTC point.... and also it's days below $200 or certainly limited, if NOT completely eliminated....  - however, I also get the sense that it is going to take a while to get to any kind of $1,200 per BTC price point... possibly another year, or so...

In this regard, we can see bears and other nervous BTC investors taking profits at various points, as BTC prices rise... in that regard, it seems difficult to obtain upward explosions in price, as had been the case in the several previous BTC price bubbles.

maybe after obama is out of the WH ...

439. Post 11721020 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

i am about to accept bitcoin through coinbase = bullish

i finally am allowed to join coinbase exchange today = bullish

440. Post 11721190 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

i'm going to be using this coinbase exchange ... bullish ... i'm assuming that i can now buy coins instantly through the coinbase exchange  .

441. Post 11746267 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

i am working on getting money into coinbase exchange to get in on all the action. i betting the price will go up more due to the crisis before it comes back down again . i will be in action by next week for sure .

442. Post 11746305 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: BitcoinNewbie15 on June 29, 2015, 04:43:24 PM
Wow, I did not expect Bitcoin to have a big move up today. Not to mention LiteCoin too, that seems to be blowing up everywhere. I hope Bitcoin continues to rise though and doesnt fall back down.

i'm moar... pump pump pump it up . we got the crisis is on.... "take a good hard look at the mofo boat!"

443. Post 11746340 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: spirit of btc on June 29, 2015, 04:44:50 PM
maybe i'm just being way to optimistic but either way i believe btc is a going to skyrocket in the next 1-2 months

well we should be buying this year anyways.... we all can't be like all the greeks who waited till just after the last moment to get their money out the bank and buy.

444. Post 11746945 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: Alley on June 29, 2015, 05:38:43 PM
I really hope people here are increasing their position in bitcoin.  Don't sit on the sidelines.

the next week is critical! lol...  i knew it would be a battle just to get my coinbase exchange account funded.

445. Post 11748330 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

chinese are going to panic into bitcoin tonite .

446. Post 11755686 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: Jesus Christ on June 30, 2015, 04:32:49 PM
Time to get back in the game...

late to the party again are we ?? some of us make the big moves, while some wait until just after the very last moment to stand in line at the atm.............. all eyes on us the bigtimers .

447. Post 11762876 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

we are waiting to see if they are going to have a 'big block of cheese day' in greece when they will use 76% of all cheese will be turned into cheesecake.... it seems that on the 'big block of cheese day' bitcoin is harder to buy, although, if you already have bitcoin then you might can buy your own cheesecakes.

448. Post 11764627 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: chmod755 on July 01, 2015, 04:21:32 PM
Slow news day in Bitcoin ...

Meanwhile in China

chinese panic is back on... into bitcoin.

449. Post 11765787 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: dakota neat on July 01, 2015, 04:48:52 PM
chinese panic is back on... into bitcoin.

good ol' Chinese Panic ®

we can always count on the chinese panic .. huobi will have to shut down to pick up the bags they dropped during the chinese panic from earlier this year ... buy high sell low!

450. Post 11772128 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: simmo77 on July 02, 2015, 12:27:24 PM
double digits are not doom for anyone but bulltards.

bitcoin will be just fine.

I'm pretty sure you would also be pretty pissed if prices went down to double digits

i think i could summon up some more fiat to buy shit tons moar if that happens, which is exactly why it won't!

451. Post 11773831 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: BitcoinNewbie15 on July 02, 2015, 03:53:25 PM
I don't know if Bitcoin will have another leg down or another leg up. Bitcoin has been a little surprising lately with its increased volatility. I personally am hoping that Bitcoin doesn't return to its price levels it was at a few weeks back.

we are moving into the holiday weekend... either way leg up or leg down we're doing it! some of us are the bigtimers while others are waiting until just after the very last moment to stand in the atm line.... be sure to wear comfy shoes because it might be a long wait everyday waiting to get your $60.00 out the bank during the "big block of cheese day" holidays.....

452. Post 11777282 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: Dump3er on July 02, 2015, 10:01:50 PM
Looks like our Wall-Observer bulls are prematurely overexcited once again. It’s always the same. Will it ever change? Maybe when we hit the real bottom...

Premature? Actually we have been spot on...You?
BTC is going up in an orderly fashion...look at the chart!

I surrender!  Cheesy

You guys will always celebrate each retracement like price just hit 32,000!

But don’t forget, meanwhile price is 255 and not 32,000.

awesome reminding us all how much we lost in bitcoin... it's the same thing in precious metals.. everyone is low moral and pissed off.. however.. keep buying moar .. they can remind us how much we lost as we accumulate more coins that are cheap and easy to buy. ... on sale 4 bitcoins for $1000. ... i think the best deal i got so far was 5 bitcoins for $1000 .... when the crash happens everyone will be herded into bitcoin just like they are in greece... Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis used to work for a bitcoin company ... the economic system is in bad shape they are going to abandon it after they abuse it to its fullest potential. they have to do something because the "interest to infinity" debt slavery system is a complete total failure... and is causing other failures as it continues to fail. its obvious... greece and puero rico are the first of whats going down .... you can always be like most of the greeks and wait until just after the last moment to stand in the line at the atm.. be sure you wear your most comfy shoes in the atm line everyday to withdraw your sixty dollars while you get all your cheese turned into cheesecake on the 'big block of cheese day' ....

453. Post 11803723 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

made it through the weekend. its a good day to get my new coins @coinbase i bought last week! i still have all my other coins have been untouched... these are new coins bought with new money!

454. Post 11805073 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

finally got my new coins deposited into coinbase exchange. i said i would be back this summer. feels good to be back in the trading .. i made it on time.

455. Post 11805996 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

looks like the battle for 280.

456. Post 11808818 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

obviously bitcoin is not doing what i thought it would do on the very next day after the greeks voted no.

457. Post 11808956 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: hZti on July 06, 2015, 11:49:23 PM
Somebody has a clue whats up with huobi? Google transator doesn't really help  Huh Hope they go back online soon because they push quite nice lately.

maybe they are busy dropping their bags again Huh

458. Post 11809012 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: gotmilk_ on July 07, 2015, 12:02:39 AM
In 1h Chinese stock market opens... Another leg down for SSECI and HSI expected  Grin

ruh roh ...... chinese panic .

459. Post 11809107 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: ejinte on July 07, 2015, 12:19:07 AM
It still wouldn't surprise me if the idiot dumpers would take us right back to 220.
I can totally see it happen.

when it happens will it break your moral ?? what will be your response ??

460. Post 11809830 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: plopper50 on July 07, 2015, 12:57:02 AM
Unannounced stress test using .0002 btc fees. It apparently set a record for tx/s at one point with... if I remember correctly, something like 147 tx/s
Also, coinbase and finex were both down briefly today and huobi still hasn't recovered as of yet.Also,price is taking a nose dive.I'm not much for tinfoil hats, but dayum!!!

I feel sorry for the Chinese Huobi users. Their stock market is crashing by trillions and now when Bitcoins going down they can't log into Huobi to put a dump order on. That must be so frustrating. Some of them might have been counting on their Bitcoin gains to offset their loses on the stock market, and they can't lock their profits in with Huobi down.

maybe it is going exactly as planned ..

461. Post 11809879 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on July 07, 2015, 01:02:06 AM
What happens if Greek banks don't reopen tomorrow? I'm giving them only a 15% chance of opening.

Those banks can't handle even one full day of withdrawals. depositor's haircuts?

What happens after banks are closed for two weeks? Civil unrest? riots?

"OXI" on the referendum is not the end of the story. It's just getting started.

they have an ingenious idea how to fix the 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system that is broken atm .. they are going to print up some more euros and extend an emergency loan to greece but they have to promise to pay it back this time for real.. scouts honor. and then they plan to release a new fiat reserve currency which will be superior to all the rest since this new fiat reserve currency will not have cash. that will stop the bank runs once and for all. they don't need a blockchain. that would hamper their ability to steal (corruption) and to add more 1's and 0's to make more money on the fly.  -5% interest rate to keep your money in the bank (like u got a choice in a cashless system). they can stretch that 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system out for at least another ten years.

462. Post 11809889 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on July 07, 2015, 02:06:15 AM
$270 seems to be holding.

Actually we reached $268 - $267.

I don't know why we are having much resistance to pass the $280 - $300 level.

yes, its a real mystery .

463. Post 11810012 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: BlackSpidy on July 07, 2015, 02:49:32 AM
See? Told ya we'd bounce off of $270. Next stop, $284.

when's this happenen ?? did you hear that everybody ?? next stop is $284 ?? we're not sure when though . it cant be tonight because china is locked out of bitcoin... lol.... imagine that . they are not allowed to panic into bitcoin. they will be crushed...... while we "all of us" who still have our exchanges open will be $284 .... this is more than the 'chinese panic', this is the 'chinese lockout' .

464. Post 11810470 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: cyclotronmajesty on July 07, 2015, 05:29:52 AM
precipitous dump

with china out the way is easier to smash down .. probably not 284, more likely 250 - 255 tomorrow morning . i'm HODL through the smash again .

465. Post 11810494 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: cyclotronmajesty on July 07, 2015, 05:38:19 AM
So if Greece makes a deal with the EU is that good or bad for bitcoin?

A meeting is supposed to take place today in Greece on that topic.

I guess it's somewhat irrelevant. It only matters if the Greeks want bitcoin.
But the Euro declining does help people buy bitcoin. And Greece exiting the EU would help the Euro decline.

yeah they are going to convince the greeks that debt slavery is in their's and "all of us" best interest. cant blame me us for the failing debt slavery system, for one thing i wasnt even born into the world when they started down that path. if have intelligence should be able to figure out that system was doomed to failure from the start. ridiculous that one mans debt slavery is another mans investment .. i'm vocal about it because they are stealing from me with their #abusivehightaxes and other schemes .. u not going to get the cooperation u want from people who know you are stealing from them .

466. Post 11810519 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: brg444 on July 07, 2015, 05:47:53 AM
precipitous dump

with china out the way is easier to smash down .. probably not 284, more likely 250 - 255 tomorrow morning . i'm HODL through the smash again .

What did I miss about China ?

your missing the 'great chinese lockout' from your formula calculations. the chinese are panicing and have made new levels of panic mode.

467. Post 11812547 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: freebit13 on July 07, 2015, 09:13:11 AM
I'll not guess as to what happens with halving, but I sure hope you're right and yeah definitely agree with you. And it's suuuuper obvious. They aren't even bothering to attempt to disguise the price suppression and haven't for a while. Aside from the consistent practically predictable dumps, I can't be the only one who notices the dozens of identical orders clogging the sell side (14,14, 7, 7, 14,14, 7, 14 lately) which occasionally flip to the buy side to suck up coins once sell momentum has been achieved. Will they be happy if/when they extract 10 million $ out of the market via shorting and drive the price back to $1 a coin, to then have the ability to own half of the entire market? Will they ever have enough coin to cease this activity?
I'm hoping that as bitcoin spreads into more hands, it will become more difficult to affect the market so easily. Let's hope that they get their coins soon and stop manipulating the price down and we can watch it float upwards.

Edit: P.S. just go back to the first few pages of this thread and see what we've come through so far  Grin

yesterday morning looked like a manipulative smash down. keeping bitcoin down at that moment looked politically motivated.

468. Post 11813689 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on July 07, 2015, 01:41:33 PM
downtrend again, was good while it lasted

Nothing lasts forever my friend.

This is normal when we go up too fast and too quick.

After every up trend, there must be a correction wave and so on.

But don't worry, we will see the $300 mark soon.

Time and Patience Wink

disagree that we went up to quick. obviously need an excuse and that is the easy excuse for the dumps.

469. Post 11813709 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: TerraMaster on July 07, 2015, 02:00:17 PM
230>270 - 270>230 repeat again and again  Roll Eyes
Its all over but the crying now.

and the buying of more coins.

470. Post 11814004 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

starting to look like a panic is happening... metals smashed, bitcoin smashed.. there may be blood in the streets!

471. Post 11814064 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: SnokkomBTC on July 07, 2015, 02:45:46 PM
starting to look like a panic is happening... metals smashed, bitcoin smashed.. there may be blood in the streets!
is this blood in the street?

1,5 %? lol Cheesy

i said "there may be blood in the streets" as in a possibility. as in short term near future. this is a smash down.. not a dump. keep your money in the system! do not try to cash out your portfolios.. keep your money in the bank.. DO NOT buy metals or bitcoin.

472. Post 11814129 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: ThatDGuy on July 07, 2015, 02:49:29 PM
Exciting week for BTC so far.  Let's hit 280 today!

i would rather see 220 again. because we got plenty of time to go up, but we are running out of time to buy moar...... pretending like patching greece will somehow miraculously heal the failing 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system is delusional.

473. Post 11815473 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: bassclef on July 07, 2015, 04:39:36 PM
Guys, just remember that a healthy pullback is necessary for the market to move up, because it draws out selling. This is why you see a corrective wave after every impulsive wave.

The corrective wave slants downwards because it pulls selling from:

a) longs who want to take profit
b) longs who get nervous and sell the bottom
b) shorts from eager bears
c) miners who wish to dump at this price level
d) whales who want to go to on vacation

It also provides cheap coins for bulls, and if they're still in control the market will move back up eventually. The longer the consolidation/correction, the higher the resulting move will be (generally) because all of the selling that would have been on the books is now gone and will not stand in the way of a price markup. Once the price gets a little push, all of the traders who have sold already will now have to buy back in, shorts will cover and the whales will simply move their walls aside. All of this will contribute to a sustained price advance.

you better be right, cuz if you arent then we are going to have to push the independent thought button .. and no one wants that (especially obama) .

474. Post 11818942 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

i think the truth we all have to come to grips with is that bitcoin should be performing right now and it's not. we can pretend that we do not see that but its obvious. let me guess .. we have to keep bitcoin down until the right moment. i'm fine with that. i think was smashed down at the wrong time though. i'm not an economist. i do not give any advice when it comes to bitcoins or anything. the reason i do not tell people to buy bitcoin is because i know that bitcoin gets smashed down. and it happens at times like right now when it should have gone up. we went higher with coinbase pump. i mean it is obvious. this time was different because this time there is a real emergency and real panic going on. they had to take huobi offline. chinese panic all over the place. i could see them us exchanges offline. we should keep minimal bitcoins on exchanges. because of this we should move some coins offline to keep obama from stealing them.

475. Post 11822458 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

i missed that rise to 274 .. i'm not sure what to do yet anyways. its dangerous out there right now.

476. Post 11822462 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: macsga on July 08, 2015, 11:52:13 AM
Well, I missed that. Citygroup mines its own Bitcoin called "Citycoin"? Premined digital currency for banks? Smells like Ripple.

that would be the same as keeping all your money in the bank.. we should let all the central banks make their own money see how that works out .

477. Post 11823191 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on July 08, 2015, 02:12:29 PM
i missed that rise to 274 .. i'm not sure what to do yet anyways. its dangerous out there right now.

Buy some litecoins.... a month ago.

i will need more bitcoins to trade with to start trading litecoin. i would do it though. however i am going to keep the bitcoins i am going to trade with.. right now my buy for bitcoins is 250 or below. therefore it is likely that i will not trade the litecoin halving ... and anyways you might not want me to buy litecoins because it might crash .

478. Post 11823200 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: BlackSpidy on July 08, 2015, 02:39:30 PM
i missed that rise to 274 .. i'm not sure what to do yet anyways. its dangerous out there right now.

Buy some litecoins.... a month ago.

Well, I just accidentally bought 0.8 LTC now... What do I do!?

panic. lol.

479. Post 11823313 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Dalmar on July 08, 2015, 03:30:32 PM
With Greece broke and no economy, and Chinas stock market crashing... is this all good or bad for bitcoin? so confusing  Roll Eyes

Gold and silver are getting dumped. Bond yields are stable, there is no true fear yet.

gold and silver are not being dumped, they are being suppressed/manipulated, there is a difference. rumor i heard is liquidity in bonds is drying up causing bond yields to rise and bond prices to drop .

480. Post 11823324 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Alley on July 08, 2015, 03:31:45 PM
It's going to get crazy a couple months before bitcoin halving if litecoin is any indication.  I mean litecoin has no infrastructure and no real purpose.  I'm shocked at a $6 litecoin.

why ?? litecoin was at $15.00 before .

481. Post 11824046 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Alley on July 08, 2015, 04:13:36 PM
I guess now days if the market goes down you just suspend trading...  In china like 700 company's asked that their stocks be frozen.  

Blockchain still going!

sure... unless your huobi.. then you go offline while you panic.

482. Post 11824061 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: chmod755 on July 08, 2015, 03:44:32 PM
Not exactly related to Bitcoin, but... what's happening here?

looks like a usa panic ..

483. Post 11824079 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: TerraMaster on July 08, 2015, 04:26:20 PM
This song comes to mind  Wink

ok, China, Greece, Puerto Rico, United airlines, wall street journal, and now the NYSE? whoa

uh yeah...hmmm... might have to rethink bitcoin strategies atm...

484. Post 11824754 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: inca on July 08, 2015, 05:53:21 PM
Is that the bearwhale on Bitstamp back in action?

Can't spot it, but if it would try to break the uptrend now it would surely fail because it failed last time and the market is way more optimistic now  Wink

The price is certainly being managed today. Don't want bitcoin spiking when the NYSE is halted and China is crashing.


therefore they do not want people to think bitcoin is where to go, they want people to stay in the imploding 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system... at least until they get the 'big block of cheese day' ready .

485. Post 11827665 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Specular on July 08, 2015, 09:35:50 PM
Crazy day...

I feel like there are a lot of lurking dangers out there coming from all angles.

- Chinese stocks are in free fall mode, despite the governments best efforts (making them lose credibility).
- Greece is being pushed out of the EuroZone unless a miracle occurs by Sunday
- Puerto Rico is defaulting
- NYSE has a weird "glitch" at the same time that United and WSJ have technical problems

And worst of all, we smug Bitcoiners have a bloated blockchain with 80,000 txn sitting in the mempool.

That being said, we may be at a near-term peak in bearishness, and a positive development on any of those fronts may give us temporary reprieve... though I think there is also a risk that we get a strong risk-off move in the next few days/weeks/months that may lead to a correction.

*Puts on Bear Hat lined with tinfoil

NYSE was a technical glitch ?? more like a technical panic.

486. Post 11827688 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Dilla on July 08, 2015, 10:51:54 PM
*The manipulator's plan*

Price shot up to $1200, test pump, peaking interest of many.
Price correction down.
Price artificially held down, waiting for large scale economic crisis, accumulation phase for bitcoin manipulators.
Price pump as crisis hits critical point, world jumps in, bitcoin seen as safe haven from economic collapse. Btc=$5-6 figures.
Price continues to pump through halving, economies integrate currency backed by bitcoin. Btc=$5-7 figures.

*(Tin foil hat speculation over.)*

atm the are desperately trying to save their 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system.. in the future (if there is a future) people will look back at their 'interest to infinity' system as primitive and a form of slavery .

487. Post 11832664 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Xiaoxiao on July 09, 2015, 03:12:31 PM
When did the hardfork occur?  Things have been so slow in terms of transfers it's ridiculous.

i went to do a xfer and found out i had to upgrade my bitcoin-qt.. woot. that went fast but i had to upgrade my cold storage too and that says will take three hours to load blocks which really means it will take all day... double woot! if only i could buy bitcoins instantly would be nice .

488. Post 11832773 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

hey everybody.. the economy is doing great this morning. we should expect a massive dump anytime now. the chinese stopped panicing over their stock market last night which means they should start dumping bitcoins ... this gives everyone a head start to dump their coins now so can buy back cheaper. i'm with you guys. i'm going to buy cheaper bitcoins with you all.. let the dumping start.

489. Post 11833000 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: aztecminer on July 09, 2015, 03:38:10 PM
hey everybody.. the economy is doing great this morning. we should expect a massive dump anytime now. the chinese stopped panicing over their stock market last night which means they should start dumping bitcoins ... this gives everyone a head start to dump their coins now so can buy back cheaper. i'm with you guys. i'm going to buy cheaper bitcoins with you all.. let the dumping start.

my wallet finished building databases! woot! .. u know what guys, i just realized something.. the economy is on the brink of disaster. the greeks have "a deal they cannot refuse" .. be our slave or go bankrupt . seems reasonable .

490. Post 11835302 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: GaliX on July 09, 2015, 07:44:48 PM
I am waiting for my transaction for over 4hours now and still no confirmation... Payed the regular fees...

Jesus.. we need bigger blocks yesterday.

pay .0002 and it will fly through within minutes... np.

491. Post 11837335 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: chromosoma on July 09, 2015, 11:14:57 PM
Yes, btc is boring. I wonder if it is already too late to get on LTC train?

BTW, the DOGED coin looks promising too...

agreed... its boring... that is partly why i quit watching it for months.

492. Post 11837341 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: yefi on July 10, 2015, 02:15:28 AM
Yes, btc is boring. I wonder if it is already too late to get on LTC train?

BTW, the DOGED coin looks promising too...

The Litecoin bubble has been pretty fun. Might still double, but frankly it's in danger territory. The China volume needs to keep growing to sustain momentum, and it's already higher than ever (the optics of China notwithstanding). Next move for me, buy the flashcrash and sell the bounce.

i think that what i gonna do too... drop some money into litecoin and watch it crash .

493. Post 11837645 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

494. Post 11840458 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

u have to be kidding.. i cannot believe that.

495. Post 11843259 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on July 10, 2015, 03:39:52 PM


Rationalizing looks dumber when others do it.

Let's wait some days and see if I'm right or not.
This is certainly not the first time when someone tries to ridicule my advice. Ever since December of 2013, I have started to loathe bitcoiners more and more for it. It's kind of heartless, but I will actually feel joy when the most fanatical bitcoin zealots will go broke. I really think that they are the culprits of their tragedy and they deserve what's coming for them.

And you, of course, valiantly refuses to take that as a hint. And if the "most fanatical bitcoin zealots" haven't gone broke by now, they won't.

This litecoin rise won't break anytime soon. Couple of other interesting btc-e coins will see even bigger gains in the close future.
This was all predictable if you knew more then to buy one type of coin and then just sit on your ass, trying to pray for success.

I'd say it's broken. It may go up again, but now: broken.

it only takes $80 to crash ltc and hold it down ... lol.

496. Post 11843741 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on July 10, 2015, 02:26:08 PM
This litecoin rise won't break anytime soon. Couple of other interesting btc-e coins will see even bigger gains in the close future.
This was all predictable if you knew more then to buy one type of coin and then just sit on your ass, trying to pray for success.


Most inexperienced traders don't know that you should actually fear slow declines more. Fast drops like this are mainly meant for one thing - to create panic that will force the weak minded folks to sell. What you're witnessing here is a bear trap that is traditional in the initial phase of a bubble. What makes it funny is that bitcoin was actually used only a tool to shake off more potential coins from weak hands.
These shakes are quite entertaining and you can win a nice sum with 1h trading if you keep your head cool.

luckily, i only sent some btc change i had laying around to ltc. and i can sit on those. i have a few more in cold storage. i actually had to reload my ltc wallet (which i need to upgrade now) to even see what i had cuz i forgot. i will buy coins and forget about them. i have all kinds of coins sitting in cold storage or on exchanges that have been there for months. once i can't trade anymore without losing then fukit. boring as hell though just HODLing. for litecoin ... a lot can happen in just 45 days. and a lot probably will happen. it's not like a halving happens all the time.

497. Post 11843952 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: BlackSpidy on July 10, 2015, 05:02:57 PM
I don't think crypto is even close to taking center stage. Not enough people know of bitcoin, not enough people understand bitcoin, and we won't see widespread adoption until we've solved a few issues. How many users does the entirety of cryptocurrency have? Do we even go into the million? I think bitcoin is going to be widely recognized by 2020, widely used and understood by 2030.

its going to be mass adoption on the "Big Block of Cheese Day" .. that is when they take 75% of all cheese and turn into cheesecakes, and then everyone trades their cheesecakes in for bitcoins and stuff. therefore... i think we should trade our cheese before it is turned into cheesecakes. You could try to make your own cheesecakes.

498. Post 11852157 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

i think my days of supporting bitcoin could very well be coming to an end. i have a tendency to turn when i feel wronged. a cashless society is not really a free society.

499. Post 11852430 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Hyperjacked on July 11, 2015, 03:31:22 PM
i think my days of supporting bitcoin could very well be coming to an end. i have a tendency to turn when i feel wronged. a cashless society is not really a free society.

Do tell...what Ya talkin bout Willis ? What are you leveraged Short?

no i am well long and i do not leverage. i don't short .

500. Post 11852493 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Miz4r on July 11, 2015, 03:42:08 PM
i think my days of supporting bitcoin could very well be coming to an end. i have a tendency to turn when i feel wronged. a cashless society is not really a free society.

Bitcoin is like digital cash. Not sure why you suddenly feel it's not right, did someone hack your wallet or something? In any case paper cash is coming to an end in the near future, and I don't see a better alternative than decentralized crypto. Or would you prefer digital FEDcoins?

no my wallet is safe.. most of my coins are in cold storage. that a cashless society is not freedom is one of my arguments. i have a couple other that make the case even stronger. i have been wronged multiple times and it is going to cause me to turn and argue against this technology. i am like everyone else here doing the same thing you all are doing, except i am being wronged.  i always say friends is better than enemies, but if your going to wrong me for no reasons then i am going to turn against this technology because of it...

501. Post 11852661 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on July 11, 2015, 04:13:12 PM
i think my days of supporting bitcoin could very well be coming to an end. i have a tendency to turn when i feel wronged. a cashless society is not really a free society.

Bitcoin is like digital cash. Not sure why you suddenly feel it's not right, did someone hack your wallet or something? In any case paper cash is coming to an end in the near future, and I don't see a better alternative than decentralized crypto. Or would you prefer digital FEDcoins?

no my wallet is safe.. most of my coins are in cold storage. that a cashless society is not freedom is one of my arguments. i have a couple other that make the case even stronger. i have been wronged multiple times and it is going to cause me to turn and argue against this technology. i am like everyone else here doing the same thing you all are doing, except i am being wronged.  i always say friends is better than enemies, but if your going to wrong me for no reasons then i am going to turn against this technology because of it...

yeah sorry.. nothing against you all bitcoiners. i am fond of you guys.. i keep having the same problems again and again and it's starting to turn me .. it's really not you bitcoiners fault .

502. Post 11854725 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: on July 11, 2015, 09:34:55 PM
I've seen stolfi battling for blocksize increases on Reddit.

and that's another proof that blocksize increase is a bad idea. I like LTC mostly for its fix against spam.

i think the block chain technology is a very bad idea. it will result in a cashless society where all transactions are recorded. sounds more like another 'gather all your records' scheme.. i think gold and silver backed dollar is a much better alternative as a replacement currency.. bitcoin should remain the pump and dump scheme of whales that it has become. the constitution of the united states clearly states that only gold and silver is currency .. we are talking about FREEDOM and LIBERTY here.

i note that you all post ron paul with bitcoin.. problem is ron paul believes in metals. i very much doubt he will back this manipulated pump and dump scheme once he understands the implications of it.. his son rand paul clearly states that our records are none of the governments business. and bitcoin is a big giant record keeper. it is exactly what the USA doesn't need is another way for the government to track all our business.

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility." U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 10

503. Post 11854923 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: on July 11, 2015, 10:19:12 PM
i think the block chain technology is a very bad idea. it will result in a cashless society where all transactions are recorded. sounds more like another 'gather all your records' scheme..

yes, everyone should diversificate into gold and silver too. But to be mobile crypto is infinitely better. And there is Darkwallet and a couple of other projects which can help with privacy.

i always have been a metals person..... i did believe crypto was a good idea because i cannot put a gold or silver coin through the internet .. privacy would definitely help with crypto ... there is another problem with bitcoin... imagine a currency system that has the ability to lock out and ban individuals from that system.... bitcoin has serious flaws that need to be exposed to public awareness.

504. Post 11854981 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Miz4r on July 11, 2015, 10:25:26 PM
I've seen stolfi battling for blocksize increases on Reddit.

and that's another proof that blocksize increase is a bad idea. I like LTC mostly for its fix against spam.

i think the block chain technology is a very bad idea. it will result in a cashless society where all transactions are recorded. sounds more like another 'gather all your records' scheme.. i think gold and silver backed dollar is a much better alternative as a replacement currency.. bitcoin should remain the pump and dump scheme of whales that it has become. the constitution of the united states clearly states that only gold and silver is currency .. we are talking about FREEDOM and LIBERTY here.

Gold and silver is more manipulated than Bitcoin is. Where's the freedom and liberty if you put a gun to people's head and insist they only use gold and silver as currency? This term 'cashless society' is just thrown around but do you truly know what it means? BTC actually has all the advantages cash has. With Bitcoin all transactions are recorded yes, but it's really not that hard to make sure the BTC address you transact with can not be linked back to you personally if you want to. Darkwallet and other methods will make sure of that. A gold or silver backed dollar is not better, and it's also not gonna happen ever. What's much sooner going to happen is all cash being banned with all fiat transactions being recorded (and BTC failing because people are afraid of 'cashless society' lol), which believe me is a much much worse scenario than the one you will have with BTC being successful.

yes metals have been manipulated down.. and that is exactly why people should be buying them. because the current usd 'interest to infinity' debt slavery reserve system is FAILING.. with bitcoin people will not be able to trade if they don't have a cell phone, or a pc.. their coins can be forked out of the system.... it's NOT going to work as a replacement currency.. it will fail just as the fiat usd currency is FAILING. The state of texas has created a depository for gold and silver and requested their gold from the fed. they did not do that just for the heck of it.

505. Post 11869084 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

ron paul makes a good point why bitcoin would not be a good replacement for the failing 'in god we trust' to print and manipulate dollar, he says: "On reason Greece has been forced to seek bailouts from its EU partners is that Greece ceded control over its currency when it joined the European Union."

bitcoin would be just like the euro.. it would not work. only a metals backed currency will work as a replacement for the broken dollar 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system.

here is a scenario that bitcoiners could possibly face.. as the dollar is about to be replace during the "big block of cheese day" when all the cheese is turned into cheesecakes the cheesecakes will be worth less in the new currency. it will be the same for bitcoin because bitcoins will be priced in dollars but dollars will be worth less in the new currency. therefore bitcoins will receive the same haircut as those people who have their cheese turned into cheesecakes.

i still own a lot of bitcoins and i do not believe it will just die... but i no longer believe bitcoins is going to suddenly become some worldwide reserve currency and we are all suddenly going to be buying boats.. the state of Texas is building a gold depository, and not a bitcoin depository... they are demanding their gold from the fed. we will be able to trade metals for bitcoin and vice versa i am sure, but it will be metals that have the huge value more than bitcoin.

506. Post 11869206 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: findftp on July 13, 2015, 02:32:25 PM
ron paul makes a good point why bitcoin would not be a good replacement for the failing 'in god we trust' to print and manipulate dollar, he says: "On reason Greece has been forced to seek bailouts from its EU partners is that Greece ceded control over its currency when it joined the European Union."

bitcoin would be just like the euro.. it would not work. only a metals backed currency will work as a replacement for the broken dollar 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system.

here is a scenario that bitcoiners could possibly face.. as the dollar is about to be replace during the "big block of cheese day" when all the cheese is turned into cheesecakes the cheesecakes will be worth less in the new currency. it will be the same for bitcoin because bitcoins will be priced in dollars but dollars will be worth less in the new currency. therefore bitcoins will receive the same haircut as those people who have their cheese turned into cheesecakes.

i still own a lot of bitcoins and i do not believe it will just die... but i no longer believe bitcoins is going to suddenly become some worldwide reserve currency and we are all suddenly going to be buying boats.. the state of Texas is building a gold depository, and not a bitcoin depository... they are demanding their gold from the fed. we will be able to trade metals for bitcoin and vice versa i am sure, but it will be metals that have the huge value more than bitcoin.

Things will not go suddenly.
We are already having an 8 year journey (publicizing of the whitepaper)

But I wish you good luck sending gold through a wire Grin

like i said, we will be able to trade our metals for cryptos... and i believe we will trade our metals for A LOT of cryptos ... we can trade our metals for the new metals backed currency at a depository and buy cryptos from an exchange just like we do today. by using a metals backed currency we are not limited by an unconstitutional cashless society.

507. Post 11869343 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: findftp on July 13, 2015, 02:51:06 PM
ron paul makes a good point why bitcoin would not be a good replacement for the failing 'in god we trust' to print and manipulate dollar, he says: "On reason Greece has been forced to seek bailouts from its EU partners is that Greece ceded control over its currency when it joined the European Union."

bitcoin would be just like the euro.. it would not work. only a metals backed currency will work as a replacement for the broken dollar 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system.

here is a scenario that bitcoiners could possibly face.. as the dollar is about to be replace during the "big block of cheese day" when all the cheese is turned into cheesecakes the cheesecakes will be worth less in the new currency. it will be the same for bitcoin because bitcoins will be priced in dollars but dollars will be worth less in the new currency. therefore bitcoins will receive the same haircut as those people who have their cheese turned into cheesecakes.

i still own a lot of bitcoins and i do not believe it will just die... but i no longer believe bitcoins is going to suddenly become some worldwide reserve currency and we are all suddenly going to be buying boats.. the state of Texas is building a gold depository, and not a bitcoin depository... they are demanding their gold from the fed. we will be able to trade metals for bitcoin and vice versa i am sure, but it will be metals that have the huge value more than bitcoin.

Things will not go suddenly.
We are already having an 8 year journey (publicizing of the whitepaper)

But I wish you good luck sending gold through a wire Grin

like i said, we will be able to trade our metals for cryptos... and i believe we will trade our metals for A LOT of cryptos ... we can trade our metals for the new metals backed currency at a depository and buy cryptos from an exchange just like we do today. by using a metals backed currency we are not limited by an unconstitutional cashless society.

But what benefit would (monetary) metal have compared to crypto? I only see downsides and own both.

metals will ALWAYS FOREVER be worth something.. while paper (bonds, stocks, etc) and computer digits can go to zero....

508. Post 11869623 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: hmmkay on July 13, 2015, 03:11:20 PM
ron paul makes a good point why bitcoin would not be a good replacement for the failing 'in god we trust' to print and manipulate dollar, he says: "On reason Greece has been forced to seek bailouts from its EU partners is that Greece ceded control over its currency when it joined the European Union."

bitcoin would be just like the euro.. it would not work. only a metals backed currency will work as a replacement for the broken dollar 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system.

here is a scenario that bitcoiners could possibly face.. as the dollar is about to be replace during the "big block of cheese day" when all the cheese is turned into cheesecakes the cheesecakes will be worth less in the new currency. it will be the same for bitcoin because bitcoins will be priced in dollars but dollars will be worth less in the new currency. therefore bitcoins will receive the same haircut as those people who have their cheese turned into cheesecakes.

i still own a lot of bitcoins and i do not believe it will just die... but i no longer believe bitcoins is going to suddenly become some worldwide reserve currency and we are all suddenly going to be buying boats.. the state of Texas is building a gold depository, and not a bitcoin depository... they are demanding their gold from the fed. we will be able to trade metals for bitcoin and vice versa i am sure, but it will be metals that have the huge value more than bitcoin.

Things will not go suddenly.
We are already having an 8 year journey (publicizing of the whitepaper)

But I wish you good luck sending gold through a wire Grin

like i said, we will be able to trade our metals for cryptos... and i believe we will trade our metals for A LOT of cryptos ... we can trade our metals for the new metals backed currency at a depository and buy cryptos from an exchange just like we do today. by using a metals backed currency we are not limited by an unconstitutional cashless society.

But what benefit would (monetary) metal have compared to crypto? I only see downsides and own both.

metals will ALWAYS FOREVER be worth something.. while paper (bonds, stocks, etc) and computer digits can go to zero....

"Paper gold" market is rigged. There is far more gold on paper than there are real gold bars/coins etc.
Gold coins being traded 'on the street' will get inpurities/weighed down with time, we've tried that before.

Good luck with metals.

yes.. for now. because the central banks are buying and hoarding metals atm.. the point here is you guys think bitcoin is going to be the replacement currency for the failing usd and suddenly we will all be buying boats... in my scenario: when the usd finally fails there will be a bank holiday and capital controls, a new currency will be rolled out that will be metals backed. the old fiat usd will be exchanged for the new currency and our bitcoins will be revalued in the new metals backed currency. .. we wont be buying boats by holding bitcoins .. instead we will take another huge loss like many of us have during the big pump and dump .

we wont be trading 'gold coins' on the street. we will trade our metals into a depository for the new metals backed currency. and we will trade our bitcoins for a lot less of the new currency than what they are worth in fiat dollars today. we're going to take a haircut just like holders of fiat usd. you are betting that bitcoins will replace the fiat "in god we trust" for the fed to print and manipulate dollar and it's not going to .

509. Post 11870015 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: hmmkay on July 13, 2015, 03:34:03 PM
ron paul makes a good point why bitcoin would not be a good replacement for the failing 'in god we trust' to print and manipulate dollar, he says: "On reason Greece has been forced to seek bailouts from its EU partners is that Greece ceded control over its currency when it joined the European Union."

bitcoin would be just like the euro.. it would not work. only a metals backed currency will work as a replacement for the broken dollar 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system.

here is a scenario that bitcoiners could possibly face.. as the dollar is about to be replace during the "big block of cheese day" when all the cheese is turned into cheesecakes the cheesecakes will be worth less in the new currency. it will be the same for bitcoin because bitcoins will be priced in dollars but dollars will be worth less in the new currency. therefore bitcoins will receive the same haircut as those people who have their cheese turned into cheesecakes.

i still own a lot of bitcoins and i do not believe it will just die... but i no longer believe bitcoins is going to suddenly become some worldwide reserve currency and we are all suddenly going to be buying boats.. the state of Texas is building a gold depository, and not a bitcoin depository... they are demanding their gold from the fed. we will be able to trade metals for bitcoin and vice versa i am sure, but it will be metals that have the huge value more than bitcoin.

Things will not go suddenly.
We are already having an 8 year journey (publicizing of the whitepaper)

But I wish you good luck sending gold through a wire Grin

like i said, we will be able to trade our metals for cryptos... and i believe we will trade our metals for A LOT of cryptos ... we can trade our metals for the new metals backed currency at a depository and buy cryptos from an exchange just like we do today. by using a metals backed currency we are not limited by an unconstitutional cashless society.

But what benefit would (monetary) metal have compared to crypto? I only see downsides and own both.

metals will ALWAYS FOREVER be worth something.. while paper (bonds, stocks, etc) and computer digits can go to zero....

"Paper gold" market is rigged. There is far more gold on paper than there are real gold bars/coins etc.
Gold coins being traded 'on the street' will get inpurities/weighed down with time, we've tried that before.

Good luck with metals.

yes.. for now. because the central banks are buying and hoarding metals atm.. the point here is you guys think bitcoin is going to be the replacement currency for the failing usd and suddenly we will all be buying boats... in my scenario: when the usd finally fails there will be a bank holiday and capital controls, a new currency will be rolled out that will be metals backed. the old fiat usd will be exchanged for the new currency and our bitcoins will be revalued in the new metals backed currency. .. we wont be buying boats by holding bitcoins .. instead we will take another huge loss like many of us have during the big pump and dump .

we wont be trading 'gold coins' on the street. we will trade our metals into a depository for the new metals backed currency. and we will trade our bitcoins for a lot less of the new currency than what they are worth in fiat dollars today. we're going to take a haircut just like holders of fiat usd. you are betting that bitcoins will replace the fiat "in god we trust" for the fed to print and manipulate dollar and it's not going to .

The metal-backed currency requires trust. Something banks/politicians have squandered the last millennia.
If people learn about an asset that doesn't require trust, and is available worldwide (bitcoin) they will flock to it.
Not saying it will replace every day money immediately, but it might at the end. Why would you start trusting anything else?
About the haircuts, anything of value will get haircuts, that's how the government rolls, be it fiat, crypto, metals, real estate etc.

metals have a intrinsic value while bitcoins does not. i no longer trust bitcoin because it is, in my opinion, manipulated by whales and exchanges.your in the club or your not... their are predators out hunting for some poor newb who invests a bunch money into the scheme while they pump it and then they turn around and dump on them causing them to fear and dump their coins at a loss for their gain.. you trying to claim that is a system we can trust ?? this is my new opinion about bitcoin.

the haircuts come from bank accounts, and then from the reset of the value of things into the new metals backed currency. if you own metals then you will trade the metals for the full value of the metal for the new metals backed currency. in my opinion the govy would prefer their citizens to buy metals. the reason they would want citizens to buy metals is because it keeps those metals in the country, and those metals will eventually be returned to the govy when the citizens trade them into the depository in exchange for the metals backed currency... all the citizens who are stacking act as a giant savings account of metals for the govy .. the govy doesnt want or need bitcoins, they want and need metals.

510. Post 11870372 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Richy_T on July 13, 2015, 04:18:53 PM
metals have a intrinsic value while bitcoins does not. i no longer trust bitcoin because it is, in my opinion, manipulated by whales and exchanges.your in the club or your not... their are predators out hunting for some poor newb who invests a bunch money into the scheme while they pump it and then they turn around and dump on them causing them to fear and dump their coins at a loss for their gain.. you trying to claim that is a system we can trust ?? this is my new opinion about bitcoin.

There is no such thing as intrinsic value.

Gold's utility value is pretty low and its current price is mostly speculative. Good luck with that.

gold will ALWAYS FOREVER be worth something... while paper ( stock, bonds, etc) and digital currency can go to zero.

gold's current price is manipulated down which means it is not it's true value... which is exactly why a person would want to buy them.

bitcoin is a pump and dump and i am hoping for good luck with it since i own a bunch of it.

511. Post 11871085 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

well there is one thing for sure... we are going to go find out. and there is another great thing about bitcoin, all the homeless can go crawl into a corner and die instead of bumming for money on a freeway corner . maybe they can create an app for giving money to homeless that prints out a cold storage wallet instantly from your cell phone. i'm not really against bitcoin.. i mean i own a bunch.. i just think its not going to work as our replacement currency for the 'in god we trust' print and manipulate 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system we have now. it's not going to be able to do it by itself. it is unconstitutional not to use gold and silver as a form of exchange...

512. Post 11872353 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: BrewCrewFan on July 13, 2015, 08:04:36 PM
Da faq happened to the price? I go to sleep and then to work only to see a massive sell off in a few short hours this morning???!

lol ?? your surprised ?? like this is the very first time chinese miners decided to dump on yo!

513. Post 11872374 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: BurgerKill on July 13, 2015, 08:14:02 PM
Oh, this thread is getting bigger and bigger!

Anyways, is it relatively safe to move my entire savings into Bitcoin? I want help from experts about this..

oh boy, this oughta be good .

514. Post 11903185 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on July 17, 2015, 01:55:55 PM
I've figured out how to trade a random walk. You spread out your bids and asks on either side of the spot price. Every time an ask is bought, you move up your bottom bid one notch on top of your top bid. Every time a bid is bought, move down your top ask one notch below your bottom ask. if the market blows completely through your trading range, start walking your bids up or your asks down until you're back in the game.  

The money is made on the round trip. You can't book a profit until you sold back what you have bought or bought back what you sold.

If your'e bearish, buy back at a slightly lower price than you sold. If you're bullish, buy back slightly higher or slightly moar. Either way, we can fleece the manipulators at minimal risk. Just don't use more than 2X margin or you might get squeezed.

yo billyjoe.. you should know by now the intrinsic crash is about to happen.

515. Post 11904922 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Cconvert2G36 on July 17, 2015, 07:18:34 PM

After smashing into and through that little ledge so many times, Wile E. is bound to erode the geological integrity of the obstacle, one of these years...

Let's just hope his credit account with okcoin ACME Co doesn't get called.

if he is going to keep waiting then he probably won't be doing anymore smash throughs anytime soon ... lol.

516. Post 11913602 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):


517. Post 11921109 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

cryptos is in its own world.. gold and silver are flash crashing while bitcoin tumbleweeds.. and ripple isnt even in this solar system... it did not know that anything even happened in greece... ask anyone ripplers if anything happened in greece. they have no idea... didn't even phase them.

518. Post 11924643 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: White sugar on July 20, 2015, 01:42:46 PM
Two hours of btc-e offline and no one calling Gox 2.0?

Where are the trolls?

yup they are down big time. people were talking about how they suddenly had a bunch extra coins and stuff. weird. one guy accidentally missed out on a 70 million dollar trade he says. lets hope this strangeness goes mostly unnoticed while btc-e comes back up. otherwise we might be in for some rough waves.. ripple will be un-phased.. nothing affects those guys.

519. Post 11930275 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

nah probably not... it is more likely 'all of us' bitcoiners will take a nice big haircut during the 'big block of cheese day' which many of us know is coming. too many issues with bitcoin right now. what happens when peeps die and no one can un-encrypt their wallets ?? value goes up because there is less bitcoins ?? if an EMP strikes then no one can buy anything cuz all currency is cryptos .. that wont work because it is a weakness.. one EMP bomb takes out a countries entire economic infrastructure ??

if it does go to 32k+ that would be great because i have a few bitcoins.. but i think gold will be 32k+ before bitcoins will be....

ripple has just as good if not better chance at the new generation of fiat currency than does bitcoin because at least they are straight forward about making more coins when people lose their coins.. eventually bitcoin will be forced to 'create out of thin air' more bitcoins and we all know how that is going to turn out. when tell everyone your never going to make more bitcoins and that is why your different than fiat when you know you will be forced to print more at some point is not being straight forward. and when you finally print more then you are a glorified fiat.. ..... sure its innovating but it has problems that going to take a lot more innovation to be resolved... it is doubtful there is enough time left to fix all of it's shortcomings.

and bitcoin is backed by NOTHING...  it's intrinsic.. hhahhahha.

520. Post 11932315 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: jl2012 on July 21, 2015, 06:16:03 AM
nah probably not... it is more likely 'all of us' bitcoiners will take a nice big haircut during the 'big block of cheese day' which many of us know is coming. too many issues with bitcoin right now. what happens when peeps die and no one can un-encrypt their wallets ?? value goes up because there is less bitcoins ?? if an EMP strikes then no one can buy anything cuz all currency is cryptos .. that wont work because it is a weakness.. one EMP bomb takes out a countries entire economic infrastructure ??

if it does go to 32k+ that would be great because i have a few bitcoins.. but i think gold will be 32k+ before bitcoins will be....

ripple has just as good if not better chance at the new generation of fiat currency than does bitcoin because at least they are straight forward about making more coins when people lose their coins.. eventually bitcoin will be forced to 'create out of thin air' more bitcoins and we all know how that is going to turn out. when tell everyone your never going to make more bitcoins and that is why your different than fiat when you know you will be forced to print more at some point is not being straight forward. and when you finally print more then you are a glorified fiat.. ..... sure its innovating but it has problems that going to take a lot more innovation to be resolved... it is doubtful there is enough time left to fix all of it's shortcomings.

and bitcoin is backed by NOTHING...  it's intrinsic.. hhahhahha.

What happens when people die and nobody can un-encrypt their wallets? Sad day for whoever's next of kin. That's not a problem with bitcoin, that is the problem of one idiot user not taking his own mortality into account when handling his money. A nationwide wildfire could theoretically destroy an entire nation's fiat, you know how common nation-wide EMP blasts are? As common as nation-wide fires. And last time I checked EMPs DO NO DAMAGE TO PAPER WALLETS. How dare you call yourself a miner when displaying such blatant ignorance!? Back up your shit, and it's good against the destruction of the backed-up material. If you have bitcoin and two neurons to rub together, you have several backups in several forms and storage means.

Yeah, at the time, 32K seems excessive. I think we'll be at 10K by 2020, tops.

Sure, any other and more widely accepted crypto has a chance at being as (or more) popular and widely used than bitcoin. And we can sit here and type for days about the millions of hypothetical scenarios where bitcoin ends below the competition (be it fiat or altcoins). One bitcoin is 1 billion satoshi. There will be 21 million billion satoshi by the time all bitcoin are mined. Even if 90% of that is lost, we will have 2.1 million billion satoshi... are those not enough to circulate? There are $5 trillion in printed cash in the world. There is (the equivalent) of 500 trillion pennies in cash in the world at the moment (according to this: Are 2,000 trillion satoshi (10% of total bitcoin that there will ever be) not enough to be used as cash!? "Eventually, it will not be enough!" what a dishonest argument. We won't have to worry about that. Our children won't have to worry about that. Our children's children might ponder that someday there might not be enough satoshi to use bitcoin as fiat... I doubt that the hypothetical scenario of having to re-start block rewards will happen this century.

No form of value exchange is intrinsically backed by anything. Gold? Just pretty looking metal, arbitrarily chosen to be valuable. Fiat? Backed by politic stability, look at what happened to the Euro over the Greek drama. Crypto? Arbitrarily chose bits and bytes to represent value. So long as it's good to exchange for goods and services, I dont care what arbitrary, human-created token we use.

Just forget such stupid "we will not have enough satoshi" or "lost bitcoin is not recoverable" arguments. 2 years ago I have shown how we could indefinitely sub-divide a satoshi with a soft-fork.

no we should not forget anything... this is the same as printing more dollars.... your idea is a fiat scheme... which means bitcoin is not being straight forward..  instead of 'forgetting' about it, i think it's time to take this argument to the next level.......... .... 'we will have enough satoshi' that is a good one hhahhahhahha .

521. Post 11932385 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: BlackSpidy on July 21, 2015, 04:48:40 AM
nah probably not... it is more likely 'all of us' bitcoiners will take a nice big haircut during the 'big block of cheese day' which many of us know is coming. too many issues with bitcoin right now. what happens when peeps die and no one can un-encrypt their wallets ?? value goes up because there is less bitcoins ?? if an EMP strikes then no one can buy anything cuz all currency is cryptos .. that wont work because it is a weakness.. one EMP bomb takes out a countries entire economic infrastructure ??

if it does go to 32k+ that would be great because i have a few bitcoins.. but i think gold will be 32k+ before bitcoins will be....

ripple has just as good if not better chance at the new generation of fiat currency than does bitcoin because at least they are straight forward about making more coins when people lose their coins.. eventually bitcoin will be forced to 'create out of thin air' more bitcoins and we all know how that is going to turn out. when tell everyone your never going to make more bitcoins and that is why your different than fiat when you know you will be forced to print more at some point is not being straight forward. and when you finally print more then you are a glorified fiat.. ..... sure its innovating but it has problems that going to take a lot more innovation to be resolved... it is doubtful there is enough time left to fix all of it's shortcomings.

and bitcoin is backed by NOTHING...  it's intrinsic.. hhahhahha.

What happens when people die and nobody can un-encrypt their wallets? Sad day for whoever's next of kin. That's not a problem with bitcoin, that is the problem of one idiot user not taking his own mortality into account when handling his money. A nationwide wildfire could theoretically destroy an entire nation's fiat, you know how common nation-wide EMP blasts are? As common as nation-wide fires. And last time I checked EMPs DO NO DAMAGE TO PAPER WALLETS. How dare you call yourself a miner when displaying such blatant ignorance!? Back up your shit, and it's good against the destruction of the backed-up material. If you have bitcoin and two neurons to rub together, you have several backups in several forms and storage means.

Yeah, at the time, 32K seems excessive. I think we'll be at 10K by 2020, tops.

Sure, any other and more widely accepted crypto has a chance at being as (or more) popular and widely used than bitcoin. And we can sit here and type for days about the millions of hypothetical scenarios where bitcoin ends below the competition (be it fiat or altcoins). One bitcoin is 1 billion satoshi. There will be 21 million billion satoshi by the time all bitcoin are mined. Even if 90% of that is lost, we will have 2.1 million billion satoshi... are those not enough to circulate? There are $5 trillion in printed cash in the world. There is (the equivalent) of 500 trillion pennies in cash in the world at the moment (according to this: Are 2,000 trillion satoshi (10% of total bitcoin that there will ever be) not enough to be used as cash!? "Eventually, it will not be enough!" what a dishonest argument. We won't have to worry about that. Our children won't have to worry about that. Our children's children might ponder that someday there might not be enough satoshi to use bitcoin as fiat... I doubt that the hypothetical scenario of having to re-start block rewards will happen this century.

No form of value exchange is intrinsically backed by anything. Gold? Just pretty looking metal, arbitrarily chosen to be valuable. Fiat? Backed by politic stability, look at what happened to the Euro over the Greek drama. Crypto? Arbitrarily chose bits and bytes to represent value. So long as it's good to exchange for goods and services, I dont care what arbitrary, human-created token we use.

there is a lot of stupid and dumb idiot people in the world... bunches of them... that is going to be a problem.. a big problem that has no resolution. .. whats going to happen is its going to take 32k+ bitcoins to buy a single oz gold coin and not vice versa.

522. Post 11932414 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: findftp on July 21, 2015, 11:01:49 AM
nah probably not... it is more likely 'all of us' bitcoiners will take a nice big haircut during the 'big block of cheese day' which many of us know is coming. too many issues with bitcoin right now. what happens when peeps die and no one can un-encrypt their wallets ?? value goes up because there is less bitcoins ?? if an EMP strikes then no one can buy anything cuz all currency is cryptos .. that wont work because it is a weakness.. one EMP bomb takes out a countries entire economic infrastructure ??

if it does go to 32k+ that would be great because i have a few bitcoins.. but i think gold will be 32k+ before bitcoins will be....

ripple has just as good if not better chance at the new generation of fiat currency than does bitcoin because at least they are straight forward about making more coins when people lose their coins.. eventually bitcoin will be forced to 'create out of thin air' more bitcoins and we all know how that is going to turn out. when tell everyone your never going to make more bitcoins and that is why your different than fiat when you know you will be forced to print more at some point is not being straight forward. and when you finally print more then you are a glorified fiat.. ..... sure its innovating but it has problems that going to take a lot more innovation to be resolved... it is doubtful there is enough time left to fix all of it's shortcomings.

and bitcoin is backed by NOTHING...  it's intrinsic.. hhahhahha.

What happens when people die and nobody can un-encrypt their wallets? Sad day for whoever's next of kin. That's not a problem with bitcoin, that is the problem of one idiot user not taking his own mortality into account when handling his money. A nationwide wildfire could theoretically destroy an entire nation's fiat, you know how common nation-wide EMP blasts are? As common as nation-wide fires. And last time I checked EMPs DO NO DAMAGE TO PAPER WALLETS. How dare you call yourself a miner when displaying such blatant ignorance!? Back up your shit, and it's good against the destruction of the backed-up material. If you have bitcoin and two neurons to rub together, you have several backups in several forms and storage means.

Yeah, at the time, 32K seems excessive. I think we'll be at 10K by 2020, tops.

Sure, any other and more widely accepted crypto has a chance at being as (or more) popular and widely used than bitcoin. And we can sit here and type for days about the millions of hypothetical scenarios where bitcoin ends below the competition (be it fiat or altcoins). One bitcoin is 1 billion satoshi. There will be 21 million billion satoshi by the time all bitcoin are mined. Even if 90% of that is lost, we will have 2.1 million billion satoshi... are those not enough to circulate? There are $5 trillion in printed cash in the world. There is (the equivalent) of 500 trillion pennies in cash in the world at the moment (according to this: Are 2,000 trillion satoshi (10% of total bitcoin that there will ever be) not enough to be used as cash!? "Eventually, it will not be enough!" what a dishonest argument. We won't have to worry about that. Our children won't have to worry about that. Our children's children might ponder that someday there might not be enough satoshi to use bitcoin as fiat... I doubt that the hypothetical scenario of having to re-start block rewards will happen this century.

No form of value exchange is intrinsically backed by anything. Gold? Just pretty looking metal, arbitrarily chosen to be valuable. Fiat? Backed by politic stability, look at what happened to the Euro over the Greek drama. Crypto? Arbitrarily chose bits and bytes to represent value. So long as it's good to exchange for goods and services, I dont care what arbitrary, human-created token we use.

there is a lot of stupid and dumb idiot people in the world... bunches of them... that is going to be a problem.. a big problem that has no resolution. .. whats going to happen is its going to take 32k+ bitcoins to buy a single gold coin and not vice versa.

Please short this fucker to zero then.

i'm not shorting, and i don't leverage. just stating the facts.

523. Post 11932699 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Miz4r on July 21, 2015, 11:17:17 AM
What happens when people die and nobody can un-encrypt their wallets? Sad day for whoever's next of kin. That's not a problem with bitcoin, that is the problem of one idiot user not taking his own mortality into account when handling his money. A nationwide wildfire could theoretically destroy an entire nation's fiat, you know how common nation-wide EMP blasts are? As common as nation-wide fires. And last time I checked EMPs DO NO DAMAGE TO PAPER WALLETS. How dare you call yourself a miner when displaying such blatant ignorance!? Back up your shit, and it's good against the destruction of the backed-up material. If you have bitcoin and two neurons to rub together, you have several backups in several forms and storage means.

Yeah, at the time, 32K seems excessive. I think we'll be at 10K by 2020, tops.

Sure, any other and more widely accepted crypto has a chance at being as (or more) popular and widely used than bitcoin. And we can sit here and type for days about the millions of hypothetical scenarios where bitcoin ends below the competition (be it fiat or altcoins). One bitcoin is 1 billion satoshi. There will be 21 million billion satoshi by the time all bitcoin are mined. Even if 90% of that is lost, we will have 2.1 million billion satoshi... are those not enough to circulate? There are $5 trillion in printed cash in the world. There is (the equivalent) of 500 trillion pennies in cash in the world at the moment (according to this: Are 2,000 trillion satoshi (10% of total bitcoin that there will ever be) not enough to be used as cash!? "Eventually, it will not be enough!" what a dishonest argument. We won't have to worry about that. Our children won't have to worry about that. Our children's children might ponder that someday there might not be enough satoshi to use bitcoin as fiat... I doubt that the hypothetical scenario of having to re-start block rewards will happen this century.

No form of value exchange is intrinsically backed by anything. Gold? Just pretty looking metal, arbitrarily chosen to be valuable. Fiat? Backed by politic stability, look at what happened to the Euro over the Greek drama. Crypto? Arbitrarily chose bits and bytes to represent value. So long as it's good to exchange for goods and services, I dont care what arbitrary, human-created token we use.

Just forget such stupid "we will not have enough satoshi" or "lost bitcoin is not recoverable" arguments. 2 years ago I have shown how we could indefinitely sub-divide a satoshi with a soft-fork.
no we should not forget anything... this is the same as printing more dollars.... your idea is a fiat scheme... which means bitcoin is not being straight forward..  instead of 'forgetting' about it, i think it's time to take this argument to the next level.......... .... 'we will have enough satoshi' that is a good one hhahhahhahha .

Do you even think? You're not making sense here. Increasing divisibility is not the same as printing more dollars, it's the same as breaking up dollars into pennies, or pennies into even smaller units if the dollar becomes so valuable that even pennies have to be broken up into smaller parts. Use your brain man.

i see what your saying.. and it still sounds like a fiat scheme to me... your still creating a new unit of currency to trade... you may as well make more bitcoins.

524. Post 11936194 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: BitcoinNewbie15 on July 21, 2015, 06:09:59 PM
I haven't checked the Bitcoin price in a few days, but it looks like it has been stable for most of the time staying around the $275 - $280 range. I wonder when the next price move will be, and whether or not it will be a leg up or down.

very doubtful it is going lower than this anytime soon... probably never again.. better load up while you still can .. lol.

525. Post 11942114 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on July 22, 2015, 03:27:12 AM
Every day is one day closer to the halving. One day closer to the next ATH. I've started banking my trading profits in BTC instead of dollars. We'll never see $220 again.

please explain.. what is keeping bitcoin from seeing 220 again ?? what is your idea why that is ?? just the halving is the reason why u think that ??

526. Post 11943022 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Elwar on July 22, 2015, 02:19:58 PM
People, I've a question please.

Why I see a lot of talking about dipping to $260/$240 and $220 ?

I guess I'm missing something out !!

Because even the bears realize we'll never go under $200 again.

why is that you think that ?? what is holding the price up ?? magic ?? anti-gravity ?? what ??

527. Post 11943342 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on July 22, 2015, 02:45:25 PM
Every day is one day closer to the halving. One day closer to the next ATH. I've started banking my trading profits in BTC instead of dollars. We'll never see $220 again.

please explain.. what is keeping bitcoin from seeing 220 again ?? what is your idea why that is ?? just the halving is the reason why u think that ??

Bitcoin has the attention of the big fish now, guys like Bill Gates who are looking for an entry point. The Greek runup injected some FOMO into them. The VCs and anyone else who wants to stake some real estate in the world provide the support and the poor schmoes in countries with unstable currency regimes will provide the dumb money to push new highs.  Mexico is going to shit again. over 16 pesos to the dollar and that remittance market is potentially huge.

that's holding the price up ?? guys like bill gates might buy some bitcoins ?? why is everyone waiting ?? obviously we are at the lows according to everyone here .. seems like the greeks should be piling in by now but apparently they are still waiting for just after the very last moment...

528. Post 11943458 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: noobtrader on July 22, 2015, 02:55:34 PM
if we look at ltc halfing and price increase, btc should be 500 usd by next year... its also fit the cost to mine 1 btc  if difficulty was doubled today.
off course price would be more relevant with demand. so i hope btc demand will be rising next year  Grin

what we learned from LTC halving is that we will see some poor chaps lose their bitcoin profits on leveraged exchanges when someone loses $80k in a leveraged pump or whatever it is they do when bitcoin gets pumped and then suddenly dumped. at least that is what i learned from LTC halving so far.. i am never going to a leveraged exchange because of that. i feel it is "me against the music" when comes to bitcoins and cryptos.

529. Post 11943674 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on July 22, 2015, 03:27:32 PM
if we look at ltc halfing and price increase, btc should be 500 usd by next year... its also fit the cost to mine 1 btc  if difficulty was doubled today.
off course price would be more relevant with demand. so i hope btc demand will be rising next year  Grin

what we learned from LTC halving is that we will see some poor chaps lose their bitcoin profits on leveraged exchanges when someone loses $80k in a leveraged pump or whatever it is they do when bitcoin gets pumped and then suddenly dumped. at least that is what i learned from LTC halving so far.. i am never going to a leveraged exchange because of that. i feel it is "me against the music" when comes to bitcoins and cryptos.

Leveraged exchanges are where we take the money from gamblers.  Luck plays a part, but over time money flows from the dumb to the smart. We want bitcoin in the hands of smart people.

i believe what you are saying is true.. however, with the LTC halving we notice that EVERYONE on the leveraged exchange lost on that deal.. whoever dumped was the peeps who made the profits.  i'm totally dumb when it comes to cryptos trading which is why i am staying away from leveraged exchanges... i think i will hold on trying to "get lucky" on bitfinex.... lol.

530. Post 11943706 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on July 22, 2015, 03:29:05 PM
People, I've a question please.

Why I see a lot of talking about dipping to $260/$240 and $220 ?

I guess I'm missing something out !!

Because even the bears realize we'll never go under $200 again.

I agree, but why these kind of talks were initiated at first ?

because bitcoin is being affected by what appears to be anti-gravity ... kinda like how ripple will likely stay languishing down low for the unforeseeable future cuz apparently gravity is holding them down. what do you do in win-win situations ?? you either float by anti-gravity or get held down by gravity .. its the laws of gravity ... where is wily coyote at ?? he knows about gravity ...

531. Post 11943989 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on July 22, 2015, 03:27:12 AM
Every day is one day closer to the halving. One day closer to the next ATH. I've started banking my trading profits in BTC instead of dollars. We'll never see $220 again.

i work in the firearms industry.. i bank my profits by how much ammo i have... instead of how many bitcoins i have... although i still keep some bitcoins too.

532. Post 11944110 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: xyzzy099 on July 22, 2015, 04:04:48 PM
because bitcoin is being affected by what appears to be anti-gravity ... kinda like how ripple will likely stay languishing down low for the unforeseeable future cuz apparently gravity is holding them down. what do you do in win-win situations ?? you either float by anti-gravity or get held down by gravity .. its the laws of gravity ... where is wily coyote at ?? he knows about gravity ...

Just out of curiosity, are you the author of the book in your signature, or just advertising for it?

why you thinking about reading it ?? .. i don't believe it is available in bitcoins though unless amazon accepts bitcoins.

533. Post 11944708 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

you can calm down its getting book cover replaced soon (hopefully only two more weeks is rumor i heard) ... depends on the artist..  and u cannot blame me for whatever gravity problems is happening. blame whoever wily coyote for dragging cryptos into fighting against gravity. i haven't done anything other than buy bitcoins. and i do not play the leverage game cuz i am not good enough at trading. i have try to make a profit in bitcoins on tuesdays and every other thursdays. although i'm am pretty good at talking trash sometimes. what i am supposed to strategist to lose just for wily coyote can lulz ?? i'm probably not going to do that. maybe it will become available for bitcoins.. just for you guys.

534. Post 11951280 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on July 20, 2015, 06:31:20 AM
Kinda pissed my $273 bid was missed by 50 cents. Maybe I'll get lucky and there will be some more idiot dumpers. Or I could move it up a little. Haven't decided.

i'm not chasing the price, i'm letting the price come to me.

535. Post 11951484 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

i saw wily coyote yesterday. i don't cooperate with wily coyote.

536. Post 11952929 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on July 23, 2015, 04:00:08 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

Still going sideways I see.

Ho freaking hum.

537. Post 11956167 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: macsga on July 23, 2015, 09:26:07 PM
I'm not a trader or TA fan or something.

But what about this:

at scale (if history was to repeat) the second black circle should take us sideways until early 2016.

That should be earlier. I'm guessing start of October. Nice chart BTW. Smiley

if we call the first circles point A and the second circles point B then:

A. silk road - gox pump and dump

B. coinbase exchange pump, greek euro crisis pump, still waiting ..

maybe it will be the halving, or maybe the next economic crisis, or the nasdaq, or maybe 1 million people buy a bitcoin, or maybe just for the heck of it ..

i would say that due to technical reasons (anti-gravity to be more specific... lol) that bitcoin price will likely not drop to much lower than we are now ..

and that unless another crisis or something happens that bitcoin will remain mostly sideways like a tumbleweed at least until after the marshall's auction ..

i could be wrong obviously but that is what i think about that atm and i think is important to keep the history correct for future generations ..

otherwise newbs will think that the pump to 1200 was something more than it really was and might get false footing for the ........intrinsic...... value of bitcoins ..

of course depends on the .... intrinsic .... value of bitcoins might be .. (no one really knows yet) ..

538. Post 11960129 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on July 24, 2015, 01:02:46 PM
Well bitcoin price was good today it was a huge jump
The current price is $282.98 +2.67%
Which is pretty good, but is going slightly to fall again.

every 10 days 10$ up which is good w/o the evil mt.gox bot's.

we got the coinbase now.. and ripple regulatory fines.

539. Post 11960616 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: klee on July 24, 2015, 02:18:44 PM

there is nothing to stop them from "inflating" bitcoins.. maybe if they gold standard it.. that still does not solve the problem of "dumb people" losing their bitcoins. and there are other problems that need resolved.. and it is very doubtful we have enough time left to get everything ready for it ..

attempting to come up with a way to keep using the 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system by pretending one persons debt is another persons profit .. or that debt is money is the FAIL TRAIN!

540. Post 11960978 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: koinsuka on July 24, 2015, 03:10:44 PM
I think bitcoin will increase again after financial chaos at Yunani, my bro

i don't care... .. i'm not short! ....... i own a bunch bitcoins!

541. Post 11964363 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Karpeles on July 25, 2015, 12:17:09 AM
Are we going to break 300 this time, or will we go down again from 290?

if this is another coinbase pump then seems like you should already know whats going to happen ..

542. Post 11964692 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

soon 1 oz of silver will be worth 320+ bitcoins ..

543. Post 11964828 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on July 25, 2015, 04:40:25 AM
soon 1 oz of silver will be worth 320+ bitcoins ..

your a fucking MORON

but you realy knew that so good night bitch.

really ?? why is that ?? its a speculation that silver will be worth multiples of full bitcoins.. doesn't matter how many full bitcoins it will be worth .. the banks are not accumulating bitcoins.. they are accumulating metals ... whats really funny is how you all keep valuing bitcoins in usd when obviously usd is going away soon.. everything is on sale right now.

544. Post 11964884 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: hendra147 on July 25, 2015, 04:56:24 AM
soon 1 oz of silver will be worth 320+ bitcoins ..

your a fucking MORON

but you realy knew that so good night bitch.

and 1 bitcoin can buy your brains Roll Eyes

problems with bitcoins:

A. "dumb people" are going to lose bitcoins if and when more people use them.

B. "dumb people" are going to lose bitcoins through malware hacks.. security for bitcoins is gimped for newbs .

C. eventually bitcoins will be forced to 'create out of thin air' more bitcoins. and bitcoins is not being straight forward about this thus it is being a scheme.

D. when more users do adopt bitcoin pc's will require a hard drive just to hold the blockchain, and everytime that hard drive fails will be forced to download the entire bloack chain again.

E. security has been gimped with bitcoin at exchanges.. and just about every single time a bitcoin exchange is hacked the perputators never get caught .. the coins are just gone.. noone ever gets busted ..

F. every single transaction is recorded in the blockchain.. no privacy at all... none zero.

G. we got people talking about "soft forks" to make new units of currency.. it might not be talked about but it sounds possible entire wallets being forked right out of the blockchain.

it is very doubtful all the problems with bitcoin can be resolved in time to become the replacement currency you all wish and hope for .. its going to be gold and silver.. they are going to surprise you and everyone holding bitcoins is going to take a massive haircut.

545. Post 11964958 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Cconvert2G36 on July 25, 2015, 05:13:40 AM
soon 1 oz of silver will be worth 320+ bitcoins ..

your a fucking MORON

but you realy knew that so good night bitch.

and 1 bitcoin can buy your brains Roll Eyes

problems with bitcoins:

A. "dumb people" are going to lose bitcoins if and when more people use them.

B. "dumb people" are going to lose bitcoins through malware hacks.. security for bitcoins is gimped for newbs .

C. eventually bitcoins will be forced to 'create out of thin air' more bitcoins. and bitcoins is not being straight forward about this thus it is being a scheme.

D. when more users do adopt bitcoin pc's will require a hard drive just to hold the blockchain, and everytime that hard drive fails will be forced to download the entire bloack chain again.

E. security has been gimped with bitcoin at exchanges.. and just about every single time a bitcoin exchange is hacked the perputators never get caught .. the coins are just gone.. noone ever gets busted ..

F. every single transaction is recorded in the blockchain.. no privacy at all... none zero.

G. we got people talking about "soft forks" to make new units of currency.. it might not be talked about but it sounds possible entire wallets being forked right out of the blockchain.

it is very doubtful all the problems with bitcoin can be resolved in time to become the replacement currency you all wish and hope for .. its going to be gold and silver.. they are going to surprise you and everyone holding bitcoins is going to take a massive haircut.

shiny metal investment butthurt detected:

no i'm not butthurt about metals at all.. i am way on top of this game .. why people are pissed at me ??  blaming me my fault ripple is held down by gravity and bitcoin has anti-gravity problems .. reality is it that it doesnt matter how much bitcoins is worth in usd .. because when the usd goes away 'all of us' bitcoiners are going to take a haircut.. and 1 oz gold coin will be worth 55k+ bitcoins....

i mean really what did you expect to happen. if i am butthurt it aint because the price of metals.. the fault is clearly on wily coyote . he's an idiot.

546. Post 11964970 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: BrewCrewFan on July 25, 2015, 05:23:52 AM
soon 1 oz of silver will be worth 320+ bitcoins ..

your a fucking MORON

but you realy knew that so good night bitch.

and 1 bitcoin can buy your brains Roll Eyes

problems with bitcoins:

A. "dumb people" are going to lose bitcoins if and when more people use them.

B. "dumb people" are going to lose bitcoins through malware hacks.. security for bitcoins is gimped for newbs .

C. eventually bitcoins will be forced to 'create out of thin air' more bitcoins. and bitcoins is not being straight forward about this thus it is being a scheme.

D. when more users do adopt bitcoin pc's will require a hard drive just to hold the blockchain, and everytime that hard drive fails will be forced to download the entire bloack chain again.

E. security has been gimped with bitcoin at exchanges.. and just about every single time a bitcoin exchange is hacked the perputators never get caught .. the coins are just gone.. noone ever gets busted ..

F. every single transaction is recorded in the blockchain.. no privacy at all... none zero.

G. we got people talking about "soft forks" to make new units of currency.. it might not be talked about but it sounds possible entire wallets being forked right out of the blockchain.

it is very doubtful all the problems with bitcoin can be resolved in time to become the replacement currency you all wish and hope for .. its going to be gold and silver.. they are going to surprise you and everyone holding bitcoins is going to take a massive haircut.

Problem is I cant send gold or silver across the planet in 15 seconds.

H. and you cant buy anything without a pc or phone either.

I. the entire economic infrastructure will have a serious vulnerability.

there ya go.. goodnite.

547. Post 12008668 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

commodities are crashing!... like before 2008 economic crisis ...................... except bitcoin.

only 17 more months of bizarro world = bullish.

548. Post 12008885 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

Quote from: GaliX on July 30, 2015, 01:56:05 PM

because Bitcoin has no real connection to the world economy like Gold or Stocks have...
Pumping or Dumping LTC has a much much bigger impact on Bitcoin then anything else...

hmm... guess that means you won't be on a boat when the economic crisis happens.. me i am be on a boat.

549. Post 12041975 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

Quote from: Lituation on August 03, 2015, 11:36:04 AM
I guess Mark needs some first class lawyers now.

Lets see if he dumps some coins ...  Smiley

Probably he had a lot of yens from his previous dump. I don't think he needs to dump more to pay lawyer fees.

how many coins does he have left locked away that are not going to be dumped back into the bitcoin system ??

550. Post 12042772 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

Quote from: The KGB on August 03, 2015, 02:31:27 PM
I guess Mark needs some first class lawyers now.

Lets see if he dumps some coins ...  Smiley

Probably he had a lot of yens from his previous dump. I don't think he needs to dump more to pay lawyer fees.

how many coins does he have left locked away that are not going to be dumped back into the bitcoin system ??

Well 550000 are still missing.

this must be one those idiots who forgot their secret key. .. what is that ?? like 5% of all bitcoins possibly lost forever ?? just from one guy.. seems to be a problem here.

551. Post 12070182 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

obviously.. karpeles is a terrorist who must be waterboarded to reveal his secret key to the 550,000 missing bitcoins. they cannot afford to lose 5% of all bitcoins ever be made just cuz one fat turd decided to pull a scheme. does that makes sense ?? karpeles is causing bitcoins to be unable to become the worlds new reserve currency. they can't kill him. he is holding the bitcoins hostage. he didn't dump the coins as planned.

552. Post 12078621 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

Quote from: cyclotronmajesty on August 07, 2015, 09:48:22 AM
Why is it going up now?  Huh

lol.. what happened ?? can't get any cheap coins anymore ?? ........... answer: anti-gravity happened .

obviously i could be wrong, and manipulators tend to move opposite of the predictors to spite them (probably not this time though) ... but i think you won't see less than 275 anytime soon.

553. Post 12078632 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

Quote from: g3rszpi on August 07, 2015, 11:44:35 AM
Why is it going up now?  Huh

Are we looking at the same chart? Its still mostly sideways until the current triangle closes. But on the other hand i expect sudden movements again on the weekend - the same way like in the last few weeks.

Well I've just noticed weekends usually don't change the trend, but instead amplify it.
in the past prices went down on the weekends and rised up mondays when chinese woke up

and then coinbase exchange happened ..

554. Post 12078677 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on August 07, 2015, 11:56:36 AM
Ignore the trolls who are desperate for the price to fall.

Unless we break 270 this is just noise.

'Wall of worry'
I have a feeling we'll go into the 290-300 range next week, don't ask me why, my hunch is based on nothing solid. It just feels every time the price deteriorates a little bit & the troll presence here grows we start a little move up. I expect us to reach 290 next week. We'll see if I'm right soon.

hhmmmm.. helping the trolls to fud the market this morning . bitcoin is a pet digit.. total useless . .. lol. bitcoins “could soon get very boring” and a “repeat of that trend would leave"  bitcoins "at around $280 per coin in 2035.”.

555. Post 12080197 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

Quote from: knight22 on August 07, 2015, 05:06:26 PM
Why is it going up now?  Huh

lol.. what happened ?? can't get any cheap coins anymore ?? ........... answer: anti-gravity happened .

obviously i could be wrong, and manipulators tend to move opposite of the predictors to spite them (probably not this time though) ... but i think you won't see less than 275 anytime soon.

Naturally market should've corrected to 50 fib lvl atleast (~268$) or to 61.8 (~257$) before another leg up to 320-340$, thats why price fell to sub 280$ but willybot on goxobi just stopped it, this "market" is being totally manipulated by goxoby/okgox's bots owners. Considering incoming stock markets collapse i would say that we're gonna see some flat range until end of august and then hyped movement to ~370-390$.

people are calling the stock market to collapse for 2 years now... And so far S&P 500 is still in a strong bullmarket

Until it doesn't. FED is now talking about increasing interest rates and stop QE money used to pump up the stock market. Place your bet.

they are not going to raise interest rate.. that is just talk.. they talk about it to help the markets cuz everyone thinks if fed says they are going to raise interest rates soon then everything must be good ... but they can't raise interest rates.. if they did everything would implode.. they wouldn't be able to service the debt.. they will go negative interest rates before the ever go up again. they aren't going to stop QE either.. instead they outsource the QE.  i keep raising the bets... lol .

556. Post 12148733 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.23h):

Quote from: shmadz on August 15, 2015, 07:44:17 AM
yawn, why so much boringness and lack of moves, after all the fun of greek crisis and the fail to break 300 again

You must learn to embrace the sideways.

Time is short, enjoy it while you can.


557. Post 12157162 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.23h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on August 16, 2015, 02:48:46 PM

Can somebody explain this to me like I'm a 5 year old:

XT is supposed to make bitcoin futureproof, but how is it going to achieve that, when it can be spammed up to ~1.15gb / day, meaning that it'll take just 100 days for a determined attacker to increase the blockchain to +115gb, and around a year to take it up half a terabyte.

Terabyte hard drives are standard now. A year from now 5 TB drives will be standard. That's a worst case scenario and could still be easily handled.  

my blockchain downloads to three 1Tb hardrives in raid 0 configuration on both my desktop pcs (i do not download blockchain to laptop! i use laptop for offline transactions). in other words, for the newbs, i am writing the blockchain to three separate hard drives (equals reads/writes faster) that appear as on giant 3Tb hard drive. i only write data to these striped hard drives that i can afford to lose since they are not parity protected since that would slow the reads/writes down to those drives. i keep all important data on an external NAS drive with five 3tb hard drives parity raided (raid 5 or raid 6 cannot remember atm) giving me 8Tb of protected from catastrophe disk space. the os drives are 512Gb SSD drives on all pcs including laptop. this should be the very minimum disk configurations for all pcs these days imo.

558. Post 12157336 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.23h):

Quote from: Spider-Carnage on August 16, 2015, 03:23:59 PM
I think the best solution is to make this whole ordeal automatic. Obviously, we're going to need larger blocks in the future, as bitcoin becomes accepted in more and more places. If we do not increase the limit, there will be no more bitcoin. An altcoin with a less stubborn dev team will take up the mantle of the face of cryptocurrency and pick up right where bitcoin left off.
The problem with leaving it up to the community is the same as leaving the halving up to the community, I think. Sorry to say, I dont trust people with that decision, be they node runners or not. There should be a set mathematical model based on community growth rates and estimated physical storage capacity. This is a fundamental issue that satoshi did did not seem to solve, this is about as important as the distribution of bitcoin and the 21 million limit. I also agree with ronald98, downloading and/or indexing the whole thing is a pain in the ass. I've recently had to reindex the blockchain and my computer has taken about 4 days doing so. What determines how long it takes, processing power?

it only takes me a few hours to do the work. you should consider upgrading your hardware if you want to do the work faster. in other words.. dont buy you pc from best buy because they dont care how long it takes you to download and index block chain. you trying to store everything on your one os drive and wondering why you are so slow. maybe one day pcs that u buy from best buy will care about the blockcahin and come with os drive + striped set of hard drives for you to download and index your blockchain.. not to mention your games will run better when run from striped drives as well. to be top your game is helpful to be ahead of the game. a best buy gimp pc isn't made for bitcoin.. if it takes you four days to download and index blockchain the you should consider keeping your coins on an exchange lol.

559. Post 12179126 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.23h):

i'm trying to figure how i missed that ?? ... must have happened really fast .. next will be chinese panic... probably better not sleep next few nites.

560. Post 12184529 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.23h):

Quote from: bobc1994 on August 19, 2015, 02:02:15 PM
Remember the best time to buy is when there is nothing but pessimism and "blood on the streets".

if you see hammer time then you know is time to buy.

561. Post 12189843 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

helping with the fud:

Bitcoin can't be owned, says Japanese court, as Karpeles sweats in cell

562. Post 12193751 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

we were at 220 for weeks.. there has been no blood in the streets yet.. unless you consider bitfinex as blood .. which i have a hard time believing there was a whole lot of selling in that brief moment and it suddenly stopped.

563. Post 12194373 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: brg444 on August 20, 2015, 03:07:54 PM
What's up with these bs rally and fades right back down to the beginning of the rally point? Pretty annoying. Plus XT talk has killed this thread as well.

Bad times we are living in

If you are a trader you should be well advised to keep track of the XT issue.

Anyone and their mother could tell we were going to see a dump after the PR propaganda that begun on Monday.

There is no point trading this absolutely manipulated market at this point anyway.

I can keep track of XT elsewhere. Wall observer thread is not the right place.  

Everybody and my mother were surprised with the dump. XT could have easily been seen as the savior and price could have skyrocketed.

Manipulation, manipulation, manipulation...don't you guys ever get sick of crying manipulation? It's the way markets work, big money moves the markets.


Maybe you need to keep track better.

About markets: I absolutely agree but there is an important difference, in Bitcoin big money breaks the market. We are in an accumulation phase and so you never know when a whale might get hungrier for more cheap coins. When they do there is nothing your TA & wall watching do to help.

how long do you think before they get tired of waiting ?? ... lol.

564. Post 12205535 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: BitChick on August 21, 2015, 06:07:08 PM
Saw an article this morning. I guess a extortionist group called "Team GrayFlay" is already threatening to blackmail Ashley Madison users in the hack and they want payment only in Bitcoin.  From the article
Unfortunately your data was leaked in the recent hacking of Ashley Madison and I now have your information. If you would like to prevent me from finding and sharing this information with your significant other send exactly 2.00000054 bitcoins (approx. value $450 USD) to the following address…
If Team GrayFlay (or any other blackmailer, for that matter) emailed all 32 million account holders, and just 0.01% of them agreed to pay up the $450 (Ł288) ransom, it would still earn them $1.4 million dollars (Ł0.9 million).

So I guess this is bullish news?  Not sure how I feel about making a profit on the heels of extortion though.   Undecided

Nobody will pay that if they have half a brain.

Betting that everyone in a pool of 32 million has >1/2 brin is a _____ bet?
Fill in blank.

All in.  Bitcoin is going up!  Cheesy

Sorry that I have NOT been following you Bitchick, but I thought that several months back you sold a large portion of your bitcoins (at least your husband did).  

When did you get back into the "all in" sentiment?  In other words, for how long have you been buying back in?

Well, thankfully husband only had us sell 25%.  (like it or not, he was right about selling.  It is never fun to tell husbands they are right though. LOL)  But we actually cannot buy much back because we have a daughter starting college in a couple weeks.  It is a private university too and we are planning on paying for it all without any loans.  We have most of the year covered but I really hope we have another bubble by the halving next Summer.  

u are very wise person.. i have two more college payments and my son made it through college with no school loans.. i still have all my bitcoins though.. like you ... i don't spend my sons college money on bitcoins. however, i do try to figure out how i am going to get more bitcoins. obviously i not great at trading.. i haven't lost yet though.. i think i am ahead atm. that is because i dont trade on leverage. i stay away from okcoin and bitfinex.. although i'm not sure if coinbase exchange is better .. i certainly haven't made any profits since i been there. .. i think the entire bitcoin market has changed since coinbase came online... and ripple.. i think those guys just want to be in the central bank club. are we sure there really is even a such thing as "the ripple effect" .. i think not because it doesnt matter what is going on in the economic world ripple is not affected.. they are in their own world. and apparently LTC in halving in just four more days!

565. Post 12206126 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

bizarro world = people who still think 'interest to infinity' debt slavery and 'trusting in god' for the fed to print money to pay the iou's to the banks from the money the banks paid to the us treasury for iou bonds from the money they got from loaning out 90% of what we deposit into their banks to other people 'interest to inifinity' creating new money so that all of us can slave labor to get some of the ever expanding money supply so we can pay the govy #abusivehightaxes to pay for obamacare and the dividends to the owners of the federal reserve (the banks) is still a valid working experiment.

566. Post 12207831 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: hdbuck on August 22, 2015, 12:09:18 AM
funny how the devalued chineese currency has not led them pumping bitcoin a bit.

maybe because bitcoin is more risky because of the fork... and they know 'wreckin crew' has been in ltc and btc lately.... if u leverage u might get rekt.

567. Post 12207914 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: shmadz on August 22, 2015, 02:14:03 AM
New, cleaner thread:

Current price movement discussion only Smiley

Ah, would be nice, I hope it gains some traction.

I'd drop a line over there but it would just be more of the same shit I been spouting since I can't remember when.

This is the sideways that will make past flat periods look like mountains.

if you see bitcoiner 'hammer time' then u know huobi might drop their bags again.

568. Post 12212007 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

it is very risky to buy right now. we saw 220 for weeks and weeks when nothing was going on.. and now we how uncertainty and fear .. we are in the darker hours of bitcoin. if when we see someone get pummeled with a hammer then we know what time it is  ... try not to get rekt by the wrecking crew if you are leveraged at bitfinex or okcoin... the ltc halving is in three days which means the chinese might panic and huobi shutdown to drop their bags again..

569. Post 12212970 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: klee on August 22, 2015, 04:36:07 PM
The market WILL price in as BTC has failed, be prepared for ridiculously cheap Bitcorns (or Buttcoins or whatever)....

WAAAAAYYY TOO SOON to call failure.
We just need to stay below 225 for a week without any change in the blocksize drama. Bitfinex 20M USD swaps are ready for action!

break it down! hammertime! blockchain drama!

570. Post 12214627 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on August 22, 2015, 08:45:42 PM
Triple bottom hit.

When the dip will occur then ?

there has been no blood.. hard to buy in this uncertain environment when we know someone could get pummeled with a hammer at anytime!

571. Post 12214655 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on August 22, 2015, 08:52:03 PM
Triple bottom hit.

When the dip will occur then ?

The wall at CNY/BTC 1440 is holding so far.

But we agree that sooner or later, the dip is a MUST ?

well.. there is one way to make sure it happens. buy right now! ...... lol.

572. Post 12216529 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: cyclotronmajesty on August 23, 2015, 03:45:32 AM
So nobody jumping into Bitcoin from the recent global stock market crash?
But everyone sells because some guy on the internet releases a different version of the bitcoin client?
& Litecoin is not rallying before the halving in 2 days?
Understanding this market is hopeless.

maybe people think it is not a good time to buy due to the uncertainty and fear.. what you really should be wondering is why we haven't seen new lows... and maybe everyone is scared of ltc now after they crashed it from 7.50 and rekt someone on okcoin and everyone lost their ltc profits ?? if you rekt people leveraging btc on bitfinex doesnt even phase them. at least not if you only rekt them only once. if rekt them more than once then they might start shorting and coinbase doesnt want everyone to short right now due to the uncertainty and fear. i don't understand it myself but i suppose if we get close to $100.00 everyone will freak out.

573. Post 12220948 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: Suntouri on August 23, 2015, 05:18:18 PM
So nobody jumping into Bitcoin from the recent global stock market crash?
But everyone sells because some guy on the internet releases a different version of the bitcoin client?
& Litecoin is not rallying before the halving in 2 days?
Understanding this market is hopeless.
1)stock market crash is deflationary/risk off , bitcoin is high-risk, so my reading is a stock market crash is bad for bitcoin until it gets so bad that people either start fearing counterparty risk, or believe a new QE round is guaranteed.

2)"some guy" is showing a serious divide in the community

3) litecoin halving has been hyped for months now
Only 2 days remaining, and ltc is frozen

everyone got spooked from the crash from 7.50   .. ltc probably will eventually increase price after halving.... btc people on bitfinex are not phased from getting rekt.. they are at it again..

574. Post 12223027 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: Wekkel on August 23, 2015, 10:21:07 PM
time to crack 220 ?

Crack 200 if it remains so weak.

the fork had no affect on bitcoin price. this is normal nothing is going on bitcoin price pattern.

575. Post 12223787 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: dreamspark on August 24, 2015, 01:03:25 AM
time to crack 220 ?
220 is a very strong resistence, it not easy broke it

$220 is gone, dead buried.

Just a series of lower highs and lower lows, come back in a year or two. This shits dead for now.

BFX is going to collapse. There's simply not enough money there to make their lenders whole. Gonna be very very ugly for those with coins or cash on that platform. Most people on there use BTC as collateral as well so when they get liquidated more btc needs to be sold to make usd lenders whole. With the state of the books at the moment it won't be able to absorb it. $160 and lower will be seen on BFX for sure.

did you hear that everyone ?? bitfinex is going to collapse....

576. Post 12224084 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: dreamspark on August 24, 2015, 01:30:21 AM
time to crack 220 ?
220 is a very strong resistence, it not easy broke it

$220 is gone, dead buried.

Just a series of lower highs and lower lows, come back in a year or two. This shits dead for now.

BFX is going to collapse. There's simply not enough money there to make their lenders whole. Gonna be very very ugly for those with coins or cash on that platform. Most people on there use BTC as collateral as well so when they get liquidated more btc needs to be sold to make usd lenders whole. With the state of the books at the moment it won't be able to absorb it. $160 and lower will be seen on BFX for sure.

did you hear that everyone ?? bitfinex is going to collapse....

It's already started.

You know they had to stop margin calls on that sell off to 160 as there wasn't enough liquidity on the books if they had let them carry on cascasing it would have gone to 0. They simply couldn't handle even half of the $25 million in longs they have open closing.

When longs were this high before we were at over double the price and there was a huge amount more liquidity on there.

might explain why we havn't seen new lows with the blockchain drama with 220 heavy resistance .............

577. Post 12224650 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: Chef Ramsay on August 24, 2015, 04:15:57 AM
1900 bitcoin bought in the last hour per fiatleak so this is something to be happy about. Now, we press forward.

defending 225 first and then 220 to keep bitfinix longs from being rekt again.

578. Post 12224680 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: TerraMaster on August 24, 2015, 04:09:53 AM

Also, I guess its better for them to put this out there now XT" while BTC is kind of in a lull with price ho hum, as opposed to putting it out there when or if BTC is at say 600.00 or so  Grin  you get the point. No offense to anyone who has bought in higher than todays price..... lol

well if the fork doesnt get us then the "too big to fail" leveraged longs @bitfinix probably will ..

579. Post 12227609 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: dreamspark on August 24, 2015, 12:44:11 PM
Like I said yesterday, BFX is dead. 0 liquidity. That dump was another round of margin calls. Just $22+ million to go.

looks like heavy resistance 220 was defended again ..

580. Post 12227731 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: dreamspark on August 24, 2015, 12:59:21 PM
Like I said yesterday, BFX is dead. 0 liquidity. That dump was another round of margin calls. Just $22+ million to go.

looks like heavy resistance 220 was defended again ..

Resistance means resisting the price going through it, maybe with a tiny drop below. Not deeply penetrated twice in a week.

right.. what i mean it immediately bounced right back to 220. it keeps bouncing right back everytime it goes through was 225... now is 220 .

581. Post 12228631 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: dreamspark on August 24, 2015, 02:25:40 PM
...go onto trading view and find me a chart where someone else is using BFX...

IME "real traders" do not share their charts, the only ones that do are pros with a view and baseline amateurs (like me).

This trend happened, and interestingly enough the low spike before it was on a trend as well

I was lucky a few month ago (, my crystal ball gives a a target at $230 on early November/late October, and $250 around March 2016, with some movement in between, including a possible new low near $150. Feel free to disbelieve and laugh if I am wrong Smiley

I'm not saying your wrong and I wouldn't laugh at you (only bag holding $500+ perma bulls get laughed at) , its all TA, its all opinions and probabilities but trust me you're the only one using that spike as part of your TA.

Who in their right mind uses one random spike on one exchange to base their trend lines off.

I'm only trying to help you out. If you consider yourself an amateur then learn, do not use one random spike on one exchange to base your TA off.

coinbase spiked well below 200 during that flash crash ... i need finish building my new secondary pc up and running because obviously two monitors is not enough during times like these.

582. Post 12228699 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: fairglu on August 24, 2015, 02:42:54 PM
To sum it up: price per GB from 1980 to 2010 : 300.000 USD to few cents (less than 1 USD). Max HDD space on average home user HDD went from : 2.520 MBs to 2.000.000 MBs. (an almost 800x increase on a single HDD in an average home PC!).
Rate of progress drastically slowed lately:
* 2000: 200 MB
* 2004: 2 GB (x 10)
* 2008: 1.5 TB (almost x 1000) <<< this is the oddity that gave everyone the wrong impression
* 2012: 4 TB (x2.7)
* 2016: 10 TB (x2.5)


Short of a new tech breakthrough, we won't get Petabyte drives soon, and SSD + cloud storage mean that people usually make do with less HDD storage these days than in 2010.

my blockchain is kept on three 1tb hard drives raid 1 striped which gives me 3tb and fast (all three hard drives read/write data at the same time) .. i can download and index the entire blockchain in just a few hours...  os drives are 512Gb ssd's .. and file storage is kept on nas with 5 x 3tb hard drives in raid 5 or 6 (i cant remember) equals about 8tb. i think raid 6 or maybe is raid 50 because i can lose two hard drives and data stays safe. hard drive space really should not be a problem .. stop buying cheesy best buy pc's will help alot with blockchain management.

583. Post 12229585 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: hdbuck on August 24, 2015, 03:52:09 PM

we can't see the blood yet.. but we can sure smell it  . 

584. Post 12234464 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on August 25, 2015, 02:11:31 AM
So when the price drops so low that everyone is mining at a loss, how many mines will shut down, how many will run cripplecode and how many will run XT?

depends on how you look at it... in the usa the cheaper you mine bitcoins at the cheaper is your income taxes u pay on them . i think the cheaper the coins causes difficulty to drop as well . i dont mine coins, i only trade.. i just happen to know a lil bit about it.. lol.

585. Post 12234500 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: shane on August 25, 2015, 03:02:36 AM
what I miss this time? how can it be 200 $ from $ 270 in 1 week Huh
are this problem really bitcoin XT

damn i still hold my bitcoin

very simple really... you happen to be on "the roller coaster that makes the previous roller coaster nothing" --adam gubereuz

586. Post 12237722 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: kryptopojken on August 25, 2015, 07:32:10 AM
read about ppl having deposit issues at finex, anyone got any info?

looks like 200 is being defended now ..

587. Post 12240091 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: jertsy on August 25, 2015, 05:05:39 PM
Trading on bitfinex has resumed.

That's what happened last time but trading stopped again after about half an hour. How long will they manage to keep their trading engine running this time before it freezes, or is frozen deliberately by them for some reason or other? This has been happening too often.

sounds like every time the market moves in any major way they freeze .. apparently your only allowed to trade on bitfiniex if the market is moving sideways. they must have some serious issues over there.

588. Post 12241776 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: bad trader on August 25, 2015, 08:16:42 PM
So, Bitfinex imploding is bullish, right?

bitfinex being offline is bullish ..

589. Post 12242025 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: bad trader on August 25, 2015, 08:39:52 PM
Relax guys, they are processing withdrawals manually over at BFX. Your withdrawal order will be processed with great care and will arrive at destination sometimes this... year.
Or a few years later. Courts are pretty slow.

bitfinex being offline is bullish ..
It's processing trades, though.

i dunno, i don't trade there.. i'm just going by what their twitter says. i do see they are trading on bitcoinwisdom though . maybe they won't stop trading this time.

590. Post 12243181 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: shane on August 25, 2015, 11:09:53 PM
If you have half a brain it's time to short, check out the resistance line at bitfinex. Expect either a huge pump (insanely ulikely) or a dump.

yeahhh i see it
this is a litle pump before hard pump may be next 2-3 days will be pumping it

we have to move real slow sideways for awhile or we might break bitfinex ..

591. Post 12246742 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: BitofaN1 on August 26, 2015, 06:28:32 AM
Not really.People, including yours truly, still have problems withdrawing from Bitfinex.For some dubious reason my account's USD balance on exchange is -18$(negative) even though my BTC balance on exchange is in the thousands of USD. Any withdrawal attempt is automatically canceled for this reason: "Negative balance on wallet exchange".
Please don't full GOX on us bitfinex, pleeeeease.

that sounds very strange.. you can't send your btc to someplace ?? everyday we are hearing more craziness going on at bitfinex.  

592. Post 12247344 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on August 26, 2015, 12:13:31 PM

Going up!
It seems the trolls calling out the demise of bitcoin are left disappointed yet again. The double digit coins promised do not materialise & we bounce back as expected. Stop doing it to yourselves guys, it isn't healthy.

sorry... i'm not calling double digits but i aint going to be bullish either. because of bitfinex i am total bearish. people reporting negative balances can't even do withdrawals from there and expect us to be bullish..

593. Post 12247769 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.24h):

Quote from: TReano on August 26, 2015, 12:40:32 PM
Besides, there's a huge difference between Gox's problems and the minor hiccups we've seen from Bitfinex and Bitstamp.

People on Finex have several times reported now:

-randomly opening /closing of positions.
-having positions with 2x the max margin
-Unable to trade for hrs.
-Super laggy engine which makes it essentially impossible to trade in high volume times. Just like Mt. Gox was.

What else do you need? That's more then just a hick up.

not mentioning flash crashes and freezing up every time margins are called... people who believe they arent able to withdraw because of a technical glitch .. sure .. bitfinex is the "too big too fail" exchange is what is going on here . i am staying bearish simply because i have lost trust in bitcoin because i am not buying into bitfinex problems.

594. Post 12249006 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: BitofaN1 on August 26, 2015, 03:26:53 PM
My negative $18 balance issue on Finex got resolved and i could finally get out of that cess pool.They substracted those 18 bucks from my btc balance.Dick move considering that all my trades had all the fees attached  to them, payed in full.I wasn't using any swaps, nor was i trading on margin.
Got fleeced hard but am still glad I escaped with my all funds.Good riddance Bfx.

getting scheme fleeced to get out is bullish .. sounds like they have a money problem going on over there .

595. Post 12249869 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: gentlemand on August 26, 2015, 05:02:49 PM

In Bitcoin the amount of USD you can throw around, unless you buy BTC with it, is pretty much irrelevant.


Thusly the companies who facilitate USD/BTC or CNY/BTC exchanging are going to have an enormous amount of sway. All they have to do is ignore the chain they don't like and it's pretty much goodnight. It trickles down to payment processors, miners meeting bills and everything else.

sounds more like a cluster disaster.. which chain do we use ?? maybe we should charge twice once on each chain to be sure. bullish .

596. Post 12250409 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: hdbuck on August 26, 2015, 05:59:52 PM
How is a decision supposed to be made with a technology that is decentralized?

exactly, consensus robustness
Thawing in the debate:
Consensus being reached.

Gavin is quite the diplomat.

"I think 2MB is absurdly small. Where do you get that number from, or does it just "feel right"?  Average web page size is 2MB..."

Wonder if he's spent some time in the WO thread.

pffahahahahhaha not even close. XD

Nick Szabo ‏@NickSzabo4
@gavinandresen @adam3us If you want to store your money on the web use Mt. Gox.

szabo is on fiyaaa Cheesy

he is not more famous than adam gubereuz .. no one in bitcoin is more famous than adam gubereuz.

597. Post 12250737 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: hdbuck on August 26, 2015, 06:43:46 PM
Thawing in the debate:
Consensus being reached.

Amazing generosity...  Wink

I think that signed joint statement made by BC.i, Circle, etc.. is what turned the tides and caused a sense of urgency in the discussion. (At least for most of these guys, Szabo still sticking to his guns.)

yea well, wont bring circle et al. new users tho XD

i might go open an account there and start buying my bitcoins through there.. and find a new exchange to trade on too.

598. Post 12253515 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: abercrombie on August 27, 2015, 02:20:34 AM
My negative $18 balance issue on Finex got resolved and i could finally get out of that cess pool.They substracted those 18 bucks from my btc balance.Dick move considering that all my trades had all the fees attached  to them, payed in full.I wasn't using any swaps, nor was i trading on margin.
Got fleeced hard but am still glad I escaped with my all funds.Good riddance Bfx.
I'm having a problem with Bitfinex withdrawals.  Made on at 9:30AM EDT, and another 5 hours later. 

Did receive the email "Withdrawal #XXXXXX has been approved"

Online, status says "Pending Review..."

hope you get your stuff ..

599. Post 12257280 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: abercrombie on August 27, 2015, 12:51:49 PM
Was trading stopped on Bitfinex again?

There was a big gap when no trades occurred and all the other exchanges were trading during it. There have been so many gaps when trading was stopped on Bitfinex that I have come to expect it now.

the conversation with the bitfinex CTO yesterday night showed pretty clearly how incompetent they are. And as it seems there is no sign for it to get better anytime in the near future.

I don't understand why there are still so many people still stay there and exposing their self of getting screwed once we get some volatility again...

Bitfinex changed banks to CTBC BANK Co.  Notifications sent out via email this morning.

Heard withdrawals are being manually approved after the data corruption issue stated on Twitter.  The oldest of my 4 withdrawals is going on 24 hours.  As a result of this holdup, I'm not trading until this is fixed.

thanks for the update.. sounds like bitfinex has issues.. hope you get your stuff soon.

600. Post 12257926 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: TReano on August 27, 2015, 11:48:32 AM
Was trading stopped on Bitfinex again?

There was a big gap when no trades occurred and all the other exchanges were trading during it. There have been so many gaps when trading was stopped on Bitfinex that I have come to expect it now.

the conversation with the bitfinex CTO yesterday night showed pretty clearly how incompetent they are. And as it seems there is no sign for it to get better anytime in the near future.

I don't understand why there are still so many people still stay there and exposing their self of getting screwed once we get some volatility again...

i heard a rumor this morning that 90% longs have opened on BFX in the last 12 hours.. that true ??

601. Post 12258334 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: notme on August 27, 2015, 03:48:46 PM
Was trading stopped on Bitfinex again?

There was a big gap when no trades occurred and all the other exchanges were trading during it. There have been so many gaps when trading was stopped on Bitfinex that I have come to expect it now.

the conversation with the bitfinex CTO yesterday night showed pretty clearly how incompetent they are. And as it seems there is no sign for it to get better anytime in the near future.

I don't understand why there are still so many people still stay there and exposing their self of getting screwed once we get some volatility again...

i heard a rumor this morning that 90% longs have opened on BFX in the last 12 hours.. that true ??


i heard that here:

602. Post 12258478 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: hdbuck on August 27, 2015, 04:08:55 PM
Was trading stopped on Bitfinex again?

There was a big gap when no trades occurred and all the other exchanges were trading during it. There have been so many gaps when trading was stopped on Bitfinex that I have come to expect it now.

the conversation with the bitfinex CTO yesterday night showed pretty clearly how incompetent they are. And as it seems there is no sign for it to get better anytime in the near future.

I don't understand why there are still so many people still stay there and exposing their self of getting screwed once we get some volatility again...

i heard a rumor this morning that 90% longs have opened on BFX in the last 12 hours.. that true ??


i heard that here:



yeah i still had the page open from the other day and i started reading in there .. i'm not that good at reading those charts either but they look like people are closing and maybe leaving BFX ...

603. Post 12265096 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on August 28, 2015, 03:44:45 AM
Can't you see what these assholes are doing? They want to scare everyone off of BFX because those $25 M in margin longs will all have to close at some point. BY opposing block size increase, they are keeping almost any new investment from VCs because a Bitcoin that doesn't scale is a bitcoin that can't disrupt. So when the market slumps, it will flash-crash on BFX and they will be the only ones on BFX scooping up BTC for pennies on the dollar.  

BFX has problems but so do all other exchanges.

both bulls and bears are taking down leverage. We're seeing a slump because miners don't run the show. The market does and the market ain't buying your shitty BIP100.

not being able to withdraw is a serious problem imo. if didn't have technical problems then wouldnt have technical glitches that cause trading and withdrawals to stop. this is why bitfinex is working very hard to fix all their technical problems. it's like if your bitcoins are secure then they cant be hacked and stolen. it will be pointless to scoop up cheap coins if you cannot withdraw them. i think your theory is bunk . it not like "those assholes" are stopping trading and withdrawals on BFX in some kind of scheme. those problems seem extreme. that is why people are closing their longs and shorts leaving BFX.

604. Post 12267042 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on August 28, 2015, 03:28:19 PM
Can't you see what these assholes are doing? They want to scare everyone off of BFX because those $25 M in margin longs will all have to close at some point. BY opposing block size increase, they are keeping almost any new investment from VCs because a Bitcoin that doesn't scale is a bitcoin that can't disrupt. So when the market slumps, it will flash-crash on BFX and they will be the only ones on BFX scooping up BTC for pennies on the dollar.  

BFX has problems but so do all other exchanges.

both bulls and bears are taking down leverage. We're seeing a slump because miners don't run the show. The market does and the market ain't buying your shitty BIP100.

not being able to withdraw is a serious problem imo. if didn't have technical problems then wouldnt have technical glitches that cause trading and withdrawals to stop. this is why bitfinex is working very hard to fix all their technical problems. it's like if your bitcoins are secure then they cant be hacked and stolen. it will be pointless to scoop up cheap coins if you cannot withdraw them. i think your theory is bunk . it not like "those assholes" are stopping trading and withdrawals on BFX in some kind of scheme. those problems seem extreme. that is why people are closing their longs and shorts leaving BFX.

Not being able to withdraw is a huge problem, but this we've been told is due to data corruption and a changing of their bank.  There is no indication (yet) that this is a Gox-like solvency issue.  It's a reason for concern, not a reason to panic.

Nobody should be keeping the majority of their bitcoins an ANY exchange. If you don't control the private keys, you don't own bitcoin (just bitcoin I.O.U.s).

i would have already bailed. i'm on coinbase exchange because they are based in the usa and they have good reputation and are market leaders.. at least that is my impression of them atm.. while my impression of bitfinex is an exchange based in hong kong that has fishey stuff going on and might collapse the next time margins are called.... i'm not doing any margin trading because is too risky imo.. i already feel like it is me against the music while trading bitcoin so i am not going to give anyone even more advantages over me.... i'm sure your trader sense will let you know when to pull out of bitfinex if it is going to collapse right billyjoe ?? i do like btc-e exchange though. i don't trade on there all the time though... and bitstamp is now the ONLY bitcoin ----> ripple gateway for usa residents atm .

605. Post 12267576 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

they saying more longs opened on BFX.. that true ?? just what we needed!

i know redit.. shoulda never posted that here now i am reading it everyday! I have hard time reading BFX graphs but i can see volume on bitcoinwisdom. i wonder why coinbase exchange shows no volume.

sorry BFX i think margin trading is too risky for me.. i am waaay too paranoid trade on margin. i bail immediately.

606. Post 12267998 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: xyzzy099 on August 28, 2015, 05:42:04 PM

You know, there is NO solution on the table from ANYONE that results in a Bitcoin that is both scalable AND decentralized.

To handle the transaction volume of Visa would require every block to be 10-20 GB (Yes, GB, not MB).  At that block-size, decentralization, which I consider to be a fundamental requirement of what we call Bitcoin, would be long gone.

I agree that we can increase the block size some as a stop-gap measure - but block-size increases alone will not save Bitcoin.

Hopefully, the upcoming conference will yield some fresh ideas.

Cryptomining, like any other specialized activity, benefits from economies of scale. This is unavoidable. You can minimize it, but you can't eliminate it unless you centralize some other aspect of the network, such as CODE DEVELOPMENT. 

The problem isn't technical. it's political. You have these little Napoleons who crowned themselves emperors in the name of protecting the revolution.

A centralized Bitcoin will be just as dead as a slow Bitcoin.  It very much IS a technical problem.

My point is that it is already centralized. A big reason why we are still trading in the $200s is because it is centralized. The cost of putting mining decentralization ahead of scaling and capacity is that we have concentrated power in the hands of Core devs who make money routing around the very bottlenecks they created.

If you're right, Bitcoin is already essentially dead.

I think Bitcoin is working as intended at the moment, but we can agree to disagree, if you don't see it that way.

seems risky to buy right now .. all this we are going to fork bitcoin.. and pretending BFX is all good. = bullish.. every time i read these posts about getting a fork all i think of is eating spaghetti with a fork ... BFX said they are the market leaders.. i'm not feeling the bull mood right now.

607. Post 12268043 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: abercrombie on August 28, 2015, 05:46:35 PM
Mt Gox Bitcoins Reportedly Moved To BitFinex, The Day Before Black Monday

Posted by Luke Parker on 28 August 2015

However, just before the major downturn, one Reddit user posted interesting evidence that some of the coins bought at, or belonging to, the defunct bitcoin exchange, MtGox, had just been moved to Bitfinex.

Bitcoin can't be owned, says Japanese court, as Karpeles sweats in cell -

608. Post 12268143 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on August 28, 2015, 06:07:42 PM

You know, there is NO solution on the table from ANYONE that results in a Bitcoin that is both scalable AND decentralized.

To handle the transaction volume of Visa would require every block to be 10-20 GB (Yes, GB, not MB).  At that block-size, decentralization, which I consider to be a fundamental requirement of what we call Bitcoin, would be long gone.

I agree that we can increase the block size some as a stop-gap measure - but block-size increases alone will not save Bitcoin.

Hopefully, the upcoming conference will yield some fresh ideas.

Cryptomining, like any other specialized activity, benefits from economies of scale. This is unavoidable. You can minimize it, but you can't eliminate it unless you centralize some other aspect of the network, such as CODE DEVELOPMENT.  

The problem isn't technical. it's political. You have these little Napoleons who crowned themselves emperors in the name of protecting the revolution.

A centralized Bitcoin will be just as dead as a slow Bitcoin.  It very much IS a technical problem.

My point is that it is already centralized. A big reason why we are still trading in the $200s is because it is centralized. The cost of putting mining decentralization ahead of scaling and capacity is that we have concentrated power in the hands of Core devs who make money routing around the very bottlenecks they created.

If you're right, Bitcoin is already essentially dead.

I think Bitcoin is working as intended at the moment, but we can agree to disagree, if you don't see it that way.

seems risky to buy right now .. all this we are going to fork bitcoin.. and pretending BFX is all good. = bullish.. every time i read these posts about getting a fork all i think of is eating spaghetti with a fork ... BFX said they are the market leaders.. i'm not feeling the bull mood right now.

its always best to do the trade no one else wants to do.

i'm just not biting right now on the exchange. i hear ya.. that what i'm going to do ..i'm on the trade that no one else is on for sure.

609. Post 12269009 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: bambou on August 28, 2015, 08:15:46 PM
Bitcoin is only decentralized as it stands because the people mining are not the same as the ones running nodes.

An inconsiderate block size increase would change this dynamic and forever lead to more centralization.

it will always be decentralized in the sense that no one corporation or government controls it, so who cares. 

Centralization is a spectrum, if we get to close to the centralize edge you should absolutely care

i foresee a future where bitcoin is the world reserve currency and governments secure the blockchain

expecting bitcoin to grow and always allow full nodes to run off of a 500$ computer is a silly fantasy.

wait wut?

no need to worry. they have a lot more problems to fix besides blockchain drama ..

the govy will use sanctions on gun owners by blacklisting them from the blockchain .

obviously that is a huge problem using blockchain to intimidate the populace ..

talk about bear fud.. blockchain blacklists... u guys really come up with some whoppers .

610. Post 12270396 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on August 28, 2015, 11:13:16 PM

i foresee a future where bitcoin is the world reserve currency and governments secure the blockchain

expecting bitcoin to grow and always allow full nodes to run off of a 500$ computer is a silly fantasy.

I foresee a world where central governments are forced to either include crypto as part of their central bank reserves or get out of the counterfeiting business altogether, but that's a long way off and there is no guarantee Bitcoin will be the crypto that prevails.

I haven't seen the cost of running a node go up at all as we approach the 1 MB limit. Hard drive storage is cheaper, bandwidth is cheaper, fast processors are cheaper. All this more than offsets the increased size of the chain. Can anyone out there give an argument otherwise?  Maybe I'm wrong.

the govys are probably going to be out of the counterfeiting business sooner than we think ... and the "blockchain blacklists" is going to keep bitcoin from becoming a reserve currency .

611. Post 12270979 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Cconvert2G36 on August 29, 2015, 03:24:00 AM
XT as a threat, a manifestation of the frustration with perceived/real intransigence on the maxblocksize question from core devs, has done what it was intended to do... 1MB crowd got rekt, along with 20MB dreamers, and a compromise appears to be cresting the horizon. Jeff Garzik was right all along, sad it took a bunch of drama to get here. It was also a demonstration that the choice lies with the miners, which it absolutely does.

bitcoin is going to fail.. miners should not control the block size.. bitcoin becomes pointless.. may as well keep the debit card system we already have if mining companies are controlling and making a profit on fees.... now i understand why i planning on eating pasta with a fork.... XT loses because of the "blockchain blacklists" .. this blockchain fork is all about losing atm.

612. Post 12271041 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on August 29, 2015, 03:56:42 AM
XT as a threat, a manifestation of the frustration with perceived/real intransigence on the maxblocksize question from core devs, has done what it was intended to do... 1MB crowd got rekt, along with 20MB dreamers, and a compromise appears to be cresting the horizon. Jeff Garzik was right all along, sad it took a bunch of drama to get here. It was also a demonstration that the choice lies with the miners, which it absolutely does.

It's not over and the choice doesn't lay with the miners. It lays with the market, with the people who decide to invest in this project or not. Nobody is going to dump a billion dollars into bitcoin currency and infrastructure knowing they can be held hostage by miners at any time.  BIP100 does not do enough to allay those fears.

Miners need to be fucking broken to get it into their fat heads that we don't want to buy cripplecoins. I'm selling any pump and not buying back until they grok the situation.

You don't like mining without fees? Try mining $100 coins.  Who run Bartertown? I run Bartertown.

+1 bear troll fud all the waaaay! cripplecoin is here! .. it might go double digits once everyone figures out what is happening .

613. Post 12271111 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

billyjoe ... XT is dead.. as soon as the gun industry finds out about the "blockchain blacklists" bitcoin problems will just be getting started. what they are programing in is the ability to sanction anyone.. individuals, companies, states .. and it will be used as a tool to intimidate gun owners.. that code is the death of bitcoin.

614. Post 12271231 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on August 29, 2015, 04:39:00 AM
billyjoe ... XT is dead.. as soon as the gun industry finds out about the "blockchain blacklists" bitcoin problems will just be getting started. what they are programing in is the ability to sanction anyone.. individuals, companies, states .. and it will be used as a tool to intimidate gun owners.. that code is the death of bitcoin.

As I understand it, there is a switch you can use to turn off the I.P. restrictions. Regardless, as I've said before, I'm not married to XT or G & H. I'm committed to scaling the network.  

No scale? No sale.

Scale or die.

+1 i agree with you.. scale or die.... however.. right now both sides are big fail .. they should never put in that "blockchain blacklist" code.. that was a total stupid move.. maybe they should stop brushing their teeth with flouride maybe they would be able to see more clearly how that is going to totally fail. the ip thing is just the beginning of something they will finish building later on down the road.. they are slipping in the foundation of what they are attempting to build... we can always get around an ip ban... it will be wallet addresses they will blacklist later on ... cats out the bag now.

615. Post 12271259 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: bitcoin1992 on August 29, 2015, 04:53:26 AM
What's the general sentiment around here today? Are we going to try another attempt at 240 or are we dropping down below 220?

bitcoin will be going to double digits soon because bitcoin is caught in the crunch and we're about to eat pasta with a fork .. and bitfinix will collapse when we do .

616. Post 12271603 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: on August 29, 2015, 05:47:03 AM
My guess is we're going nowhere unless some miracle happens and criplecoiners see the light or some macroeconomic disaster strikes.

luckily you guess wrong.

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of Gavincoiners is to disregard the first lesson of economics."

right.. like there isn't another choice to migrate too when "cripplecoin" fails.

617. Post 12273951 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: bambou on August 29, 2015, 11:20:55 AM
It seems Bitcoin slowly discovers why centralization in the financial system exists to begin with. The blocksize voting of BIP100 isn't that dissimilar to how a central bank operates.

Votes by a few mining pool dictate an important financial factor, just like in the central bank certain financial institutions get to vote on the decisions.
It may not make sense to regulate that particular one - the transaction count per time period, but nevertheless it is what it is. It's simply more practical.

It will kill Bitcoin's fundamentals.

Please, it hasn't been truly decentralized since GPU mining and pools, don't be delusional.
Giving voting privileges to nodes simply doesn't make sense, too easily manipulated. We've seen that with the fake XT nodes popping up.

At least having votes from mining pools it's somewhat representative.
Merchants, Payment processors and other startups who simply are Bitcoin end users shouldn't have any say in the subject because they don't have the authority. Miners do, developers do, everybody else is free to leave if they don't like it.

On the contrary, whilst I may agree with part of what you say, I for one, sincerely believe that NOONE has or should have any power over Bitcoin. That is what makes its value.

Hence the decentralized consensus them businessmen are trying to catch, BEFORE THE NETWORK GROWS TO MUCH, and makes it nearly impossible to change anything. That is why the rush. But there is none actually, it is just mainstream propaganda, and y'all falling for it.

they want to control the fees to make a personal profit as their business model supported through investment by controlling the bandwidth .. they are like mansanto who wants to profit by controlling our food supply through poisoning it .. some people would call what "cripplecoiners" are doing corruption . "all of us" lose so they can profit.

618. Post 12274222 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: on August 29, 2015, 01:54:50 PM
they want to control the fees to make a personal profit as their business model supported through investment by controlling the bandwidth .. they are like mansanto who wants to profit by controlling our food supply through poisoning it .. some people would call what "cripplecoiners" are doing corruption . "all of us" lose so they can profit.

hey, if you want your alt you can do your alt

i can expose your fraud while i am at it too ..

619. Post 12274602 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

that what happens "cripplecoiners" and "blockchain blacklisters" when you listen to obamaturds who has FAILED in every single thing the last six and half year .. add another one to the list .

620. Post 12278282 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

you guys don't get it.. both solutions are going to fail.. the choice is "Cripplecoiners" FAIL or "Blockchain Blacklists" FAIL .. it seems as though you all are being herded by "cripplecoiners" into accepting "Blockchain Blacklists" or pay high fees.. and the "blockchain blacklists" are going to FAIL due to the gun industry is not going to find something acceptable that will be used to intimidate gun owners. it was a good play except that it's BUSTED.

621. Post 12278431 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

who will bother to open an account with coinbase to buy bitcoins so they can buy stuff while paying a high fee ?? whats the point.. pay high fees.. instead use a debit card doesnt cost end user nothing to use a debit card and its easy.. no reason to use bitcoin that has multiples of issues that we all are aware of .. and if you are a gun owner and support the second amendment then you need to oppose the implementation of the "blockchain blacklists" code. i happen to be one of the "dwayne" brothers and i think your "blockchain blacklists" is a real cute trick. obviously there is only once choice.. cripple bitcoin with low bandwidth, slow payments with high fees ...... RIP XT or bitcoin make your choice.

about to get smacked down by the bear troll fud (i gotta get me one these cameras!) :

622. Post 12278496 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: brg444 on August 30, 2015, 01:13:37 AM
who will bother to open an account with coinbase to buy bitcoins so they can buy stuff while paying a high fee ?? whats the point.. pay high fees.. instead use a debit card doesnt cost end user nothing to use a debit card and its easy.. no reason to use bitcoin that has multiples of issues that we all are aware of .. and if you are a gun owner and support the second amendment then you need to oppose the implementation of the "blockchain blacklists" code. i happen to be one of the "dwayne" brothers and i think your "blockchain blacklists" is a real cute trick. obviously there is only once choice.. cripple bitcoin with low bandwidth, slow payments with high fees ...... RIP XT or bitcoin make your choice.

about to get smacked down by the bear troll fud (i gotta get me one these cameras!) :

Indeed. What is the point of buying bitcoins to buy stuff? That is the question maybe you should ask yourself.

Did you consider maybe you did not have the right idea about what Bitcoin's real utility is?

it doesnt matter what i think or used to think about bitcoin utility..  problem is i think making a tool to intimidate gun owners with "blockchain blacklists" is unacceptable .. bitcoin not going to be reserve currency .

623. Post 12278598 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: brg444 on August 30, 2015, 01:35:08 AM
who will bother to open an account with coinbase to buy bitcoins so they can buy stuff while paying a high fee ?? whats the point.. pay high fees.. instead use a debit card doesnt cost end user nothing to use a debit card and its easy.. no reason to use bitcoin that has multiples of issues that we all are aware of .. and if you are a gun owner and support the second amendment then you need to oppose the implementation of the "blockchain blacklists" code. i happen to be one of the "dwayne" brothers and i think your "blockchain blacklists" is a real cute trick. obviously there is only once choice.. cripple bitcoin with low bandwidth, slow payments with high fees ...... RIP XT or bitcoin make your choice.

about to get smacked down by the bear troll fud (i gotta get me one these cameras!) :

Indeed. What is the point of buying bitcoins to buy stuff? That is the question maybe you should ask yourself.

Did you consider maybe you did not have the right idea about what Bitcoin's real utility is?

it doesnt matter what i think or used to think about bitcoin utility..  problem is i think making a tool to intimidate gun owners with "blockchain blacklists" is unacceptable .. bitcoin not going to be reserve currency .

Uh. Ok.

Now I remember why I always skip over your posts.


you mean your not going to tell me about the utility of bitcoin ?? i figure it has utility since i can't put a gold or silver coin through the internet. the usa is going to have to replace the usd eventually, probably sooner than we think. i don't believe it will be with cryptos though.. i think cryptos wont be going away however i do not believe they will be the primary currency. i think they will continue just as they are as a secondary speculative commodity + currency ... too many problems to overcome to become a primary currency at this time.. and "blockchain blacklists" will toast bitcoin so we will have to be happy with "cripplecoin" ..

624. Post 12278695 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: brg444 on August 30, 2015, 01:57:54 AM
Bitcoin's killer app is whenever bank lets you create a savings account in bitcoin and you don't have to worry about ever losing your keys.

Bitcoin's killer app is its deflationary nature and scarce supply in a world of inflationary money and quantitative easing.

they will make more when the "cripplecoin" miners vote to make more .. they have to because people lose bitcoins all the time by losing their private keys to their cold storage wallets and stuff.. precious metals is a much more true deflationary and scarce supply than cryptos... bitcoin is not being straightforward about the cap just as they are not being straightforward about "blockchain blacklists" or how they intend to use "cripplecoins" and the new miner companies ability to vote how slow we gonna go and how much fees they are going to charge everyone ... u need to ask yourself again what is bitcoins utility because you obviously have not thought it through.

625. Post 12278817 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: brg444 on August 30, 2015, 02:38:06 AM
Bitcoin's killer app is whenever bank lets you create a savings account in bitcoin and you don't have to worry about ever losing your keys.

Bitcoin's killer app is its deflationary nature and scarce supply in a world of inflationary money and quantitative easing.

they will make more when the "cripplecoin" miners vote to make more .. they have to because people lose bitcoins all the time by losing their private keys to their cold storage wallets and stuff.. precious metals is a much more true deflationary and scarce supply than cryptos...

Do you realise how retarded you sound?

Bitcoin could run fine under 10 bitcoins with some little magic.

obviously... you missed the point.. once all the precious metals are mined from the earth you cant mine any more just by tweaking the program code.. the way things are going it will be the "cripplecoiner" mining companies who will vote/decide if the cap on bitcoin production is raised .

626. Post 12291686 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

guys.. discuss this thoroughly and make a careful consensus:

627. Post 12292777 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

bitfinix piling on the longs again..

628. Post 12293840 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on August 31, 2015, 08:40:11 PM
It's bizzarre to me that anyone can claim that Bitcoin's PRIMARY utility is as a store of value. A store of value does not lose over 80% of it's market cap in less than 2 years.

Bitcoin needs to scale in order to survive. The people who sell bitcoin don't seem to think so. The people who buy Bitcoin absolutely do. Ever heard the saying "the customer is always right?"

I think eventually it will be seen as a store of value. Your "A store of value does not lose over 80% of it's market cap in less than 2 years" statement is taking a selective window of Bitcoin's total lifespan and highlighting its devaluation from the ATH. A similar selective view could be applied to many 'store of value' assets that went through booms and busts in their early days.

Of course it needs to scale and I don't think anyone is arguing it doesn't. You make some good points in many of your posts but I find your constant "scale or die" rhetoric to be a simplistic dumbing down of what is a relatively complex debate (you're displaying similar lines of 'intelligence' to President Bush's "You're either with us or against us" and "the axis of evil" chest beating after 911 and we all know how poorly much of that turned out).

Rather than just painting anyone that doesn't think XT has the right combination of attributes and backing as someone that's against Bitcoin moving forward, perhaps you could bring a little more clarity around the issues at hand to the discussion and dispense with such black and white judgement.

I have repeatedly said that I am not pushing specifically for XT. IF the choice is between XT and not scaling at all, then I am for it.  It frustrates me no end that those seem to be the only two options we are presented with.  Bitcoin needs to scale on an automatic timeline independent of certain people who want to choke the network and squeeze out more fees.

Without the practical ability to do microtransactions, Bitcoin's utility value is substantially lower than otherwise. BIP100 replacing a static 1MB block size limit with a dynamic 1MB block size limit is a joke, particularly when people with an incentive to bottleneck the network effectively have veto power over any increase! 

Cripplecoiners can't all be this stupid. There is some straight up evil at work here. I think of that line in Dark Knight when Alfred says "Some people just want to see the world burn."

there really are people that dumb.. a bunch them are out there.

629. Post 12294904 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: oxiyusuf on August 31, 2015, 11:27:03 PM
bitcoin movement now began to slow down, perhaps waiting for a new issue.
just hope the price of bitcoin soon rise, and I can sell it at that moment  Cheesy

we are on our way up... one margin long at a time! just a few more longs and that moment will arrive and you can finally sell your "blockchain blacklist" "cripplecoin"! #victory

630. Post 12295888 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on September 01, 2015, 01:44:25 AM
bitcoin movement now began to slow down, perhaps waiting for a new issue.
just hope the price of bitcoin soon rise, and I can sell it at that moment  Cheesy

we are on our way up... one margin long at a time! just a few more longs and that moment will arrive and you can finally sell your "blockchain blacklist" "cripplecoin"! #victory

the ~$1 million direct investment that is required daily for BTC to have price stability doesn't yet seem to be affected by the block size controversy. But I am noticing some subtle things at the margins that may be an indicator of another leg down:

1. My orders on are not getting filled.
2. My offers on are not being accepted

Retail is not buying in. I don't know if the ~15,000 in margin shorts on bfx is going to be enough to stop another crash. Conversely, squeezing them won't cause much of a spike either. If miners are holding off selling all their coins in hopes of getting a higher price, then we may have a lot of overhead resistance in addition to the $23M in dollar swaps (margin longs).  

Big money may come to the rescue, but it may not. My guess is still that we're going sideways until the people who dumped at $260 run out of money to reinvest and then, unless some new development changes things, we'll retest support.

I'm really neutral in which way I want the market to go. I'm still over 90% long, but I want the cripplecoiners to get the message that coins on a throttled network are not as valuable.

i dont know whats going to happen... my best guess is we will go sideways and pump some until we either get dumped on by the chinese miner.. or something . .. really i have no idea because the market most always moves opposite of what i am thinking and doing. if i buy then the market will go lower, if i sell then the market will go higher.. so most the time i am sitting around waiting. i'm not that great of a trader really. if you hear me giving any trading advice, really i am mostly just fuding the market. i have no clue what bitcoin is doing or going to do. bitfinex might collapse tomorrow for all i know. sometimes i am a bull and sometimes i am a bear.. depending on how i am feeling and whats going on .

however.... i do sometimes understand whats going on in the overall of things. and i think that is why there are weird things going on that really don't make a lot of sense.. it does make sense from the big overall of whatever is going on . bitcoin is really only one part of whats happening.. and some people who think they are smart do dumb stuff and mess up ALL THE TIME.. like almost every single time all the time . i think they are already lower intelligence and they compound it by brushing their teeth with flouride and other dumb things. if you understand that there are a lot of dumb people in the world then you can strategist and outsmart them consistently . and they will make mistakes that will mess themselves up worse.. like "cripplecoiners" are doing.. lol ... that why we can make fun of them all day long because it is a total dumb idea that is obviously going to fail ...

631. Post 12301493 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: TReano on September 01, 2015, 05:53:07 PM
On other news, following the China motif, EU and now US stocks are plummeting. It seems we're in for a hell of a month gentlemen. I wonder how this will be interpreted for BTC...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average started off the month with a triple-digit tumble Tuesday as investors fled risky assets such as global equities following a fresh set of weak Chinese economic data.
China’s official manufacturing purchasing managers index fell to a three-year low, triggering a wide selloff in stocks across Asia as well as Europe.

Move along, nothing to see here.

BTC doesn't really react to global news... We tried to pump on the Greece/ China stock market crash but it was without any substantial behind it.
Even LTC has much more influence on Bitcoin...

we all know whats happening.. #cripplecoins #blockchainblacklists

632. Post 12307430 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

"cripplecoiners" vs "blockchain blacklisters"

633. Post 12307768 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Elwar on September 02, 2015, 12:01:05 PM
Hey guys how about that price...

oops, sorry...didn't mean to interrupt your block size debate

carry on

can't even connect to coinbase this morning.. wouldn't be able to trade even if i wanted too.

634. Post 12307959 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Monopoly on September 02, 2015, 12:23:41 PM
Hey guys how about that price...

oops, sorry...didn't mean to interrupt your block size debate

carry on

can't even connect to coinbase this morning.. wouldn't be able to trade even if i wanted too.

Me too .. what is happened ? ... Another mtgox is coming ? Another crashing ? Dead Bitcoin for ever ?

it looks like something crashed over there ..

635. Post 12310781 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: bitswiper on September 02, 2015, 06:00:17 PM
China Scrambles To Enforce Capital Controls (Which Is Great News For Bitcoin)

Care to explain how capital controls are good for Bitcoin?  This is China we're talking about, do you suppose the government officials failed to consider that people might spirit away their money by "investing" it in foreign currencies, stockes, or even Bitcoin?

its gimped:

if the federal reserve rallies the stock market with more QE then all the money will go into stocks to ride the pump.

if QE fails and people start leaving the dollar then that is another story..

636. Post 12311060 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: bitswiper on September 02, 2015, 06:30:14 PM
Capital controls are meant to work for exporting money outside of the county. Since the Chinese will deposit money directly to a Chinese company's account, that's being taxed for every transaction, it's perfectly legal.

Please be specific.  Which "Chinese company's account"?
Exactly how will that be done, considering ?

Besides, when you hold Bitcoins right now, why should you transfer it abroad? It's where you live at anytime; I could understand diversification reasons, but would not advise BTC as a "means of fleeing capital abroad".

By that logic, Chinese people should be able to buy Euro or USD, as long as they keep it in China, right?  What am I missing?

@aztecminer we're talking about China.

right... but the election is 16 months away. .. instead of us focusing on immigration suddenly the election is about the obama's failing economy ... things china is doing probably is causing the stock market to crash .

637. Post 12311416 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on September 02, 2015, 07:24:03 PM
Capital controls are meant to work for exporting money outside of the county. Since the Chinese will deposit money directly to a Chinese company's account, that's being taxed for every transaction, it's perfectly legal.

Please be specific.  Which "Chinese company's account"?
Exactly how will that be done, considering ?

Besides, when you hold Bitcoins right now, why should you transfer it abroad? It's where you live at anytime; I could understand diversification reasons, but would not advise BTC as a "means of fleeing capital abroad".

By that logic, Chinese people should be able to buy Euro or USD, as long as they keep it in China, right?  What am I missing?

@aztecminer we're talking about China.

right... but the election is 16 months away. .. instead of us focusing on immigration suddenly the election is about the obama's failing economy ... things china is doing probably is causing the stock market to crash .

It's crashing up today, so far.

looking at BFX as though more margin longs are opening. i'm just pointing out the facts.. maybe china will stop doing whatever it is they are doing causing the stock market to crash and everything will be great for election.. the fed can raise the rates to .25% as planned . .. i'm just saying that if the stock market keeps crashing then the fed might rally it again with QE and that would mean everyone will pile into stocks for the QE pump. i posted the link.. here it is again in case you missed it:

638. Post 12311568 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on September 02, 2015, 07:28:51 PM
China Scrambles To Enforce Capital Controls (Which Is Great News For Bitcoin)

Care to explain how capital controls are good for Bitcoin?  This is China we're talking about, do you suppose the government officials failed to consider that people might spirit away their money by "investing" it in foreign currencies, stockes, or even Bitcoin?

its gimped:

if the federal reserve rallies the stock market with more QE then all the money will go into stocks to ride the pump.

if QE fails and people start leaving the dollar then that is another story..

I have a lot of respect for Jim Rogers, but think about what you're saying: If QE IV fails, then we will be in a serious depression with DEFLATION.  Credit contraction will throw the money multiplier into reverse. Capital controls will compound the problem if they are implemented.

You are confusing the cause with the effect.  If the Fed resorts to more outright money printing (as opposed to merely keeping interest rates artificially low), then it means they (and by extension we) have already lost.  QE is straight up counterfeiting to reflate a bubble that has already popped.

People won't be leaving the dollar. The dollar will gain a lot of value because there won't be hardly any to go around.  TOO MUCH QE could cause hyperinflation, but only after a deflationary period.

Let's back up to look at the big picture: For decades, the cost of money has been artificially low because every little hiccup in the economy was treated with a dose of cheap credit.  The amount of private and public debt has gotten massive because some were borrowing to pay off earlier loans and others were borrowing to invest, chasing higher returns. Bubbles are caused by LEVERAGED investing. When the bubble pops, it's not the investors who suffer the lion's share of the loss. It's the creditors of those investors.

The banking system needs the equities bubbles to continue because if it doesn't, their losses will be so great as to make them insolvent. Not just a few banks. The entire system. No FDIC insurance can keep your deposits safe. 

Capital controls never work long term because it's like shutting the barn door after the horse has already escaped. Who in their right mind would invest in a country with capital controls? It's like throwing your money into a black hole. Even if your investments produce high returns, how can you get the money out to spend it? Crypto can and will be used to skirt capital controls but we don't have nearly the market liquidity or the network capacity to make a dent in the macro picture. 

i know.. they shouldn't "trust in god" for the fed to print more money .. i know this.. but they do dumb stuff all the time.. i seriously doubt that after six and half years of #abusivehightaxes that obama is suddenly going to start sending everyone checks like bush did to stimulate the economy.. if the stock market starts to crash they will have to do something or the election is about how gimp obama's and the demoncrats economy is.. maybe china will stop doing what they are doing and we wont have to worry about what the janet yellen will do about it... all what you said might be right but we cannot forget that politics we have an election ..

639. Post 12318082 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

bitfinex longs are climbing real good now .. we're not messing around anymore.. nothing can stop us now!

640. Post 12318683 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on September 03, 2015, 02:57:25 PM

I think you are wrong...Gavin was chosen by Satoshi and the mistake Gavin did in my opinion is that he was too kind and let github access to 4 other people, who turned against him and Adam from Blockstream even proposed revoking his commit access, which i think is pretty sneaky under the belt move...and if you want to follow this guy, go ahead, from your post history i would bet you will not like sane and kind people anyway

Satoshi does not agree with BitcoinXT.
This is what he said on the bitcoin-dev mailinglist two weeks ago(!):

I have been following the recent block size debates through the mailing list.  I had hoped the debate would resolve and that a fork proposal would achieve widespread consensus.  However with the formal release of Bitcoin XT 0.11A, this looks unlikely to happen, and so I am forced to share my concerns about this very dangerous fork.

The developers of this pretender-Bitcoin claim to be following my original vision, but nothing could be further from the truth.  When I designed Bitcoin, I designed it in such a way as to make future modifications to the consensus rules difficult without near unanimous agreement.  Bitcoin was designed to be protected from the influence of charismatic leaders, even if their name is Gavin Andresen, Barack Obama, or Satoshi Nakamoto.  Nearly everyone has to agree on a change, and they have to do it without being forced or pressured into it.  By doing a fork in this way, these developers are violating the "original vision" they claim to honour.

They use my old writings to make claims about what Bitcoin was supposed to be.  However I acknowledge that a lot has changed since that time, and new knowledge has been gained that contradicts some of my early opinions.  For example I didn't anticipate pooled mining and its effects on the security of the network.  Making Bitcoin a competitive monetary system while also preserving its security properties is not a trivial problem, and we should take more time to come up with a robust solution.  I suspect we need a better incentive for users to run nodes instead of relying solely on altruism.

If two developers can fork Bitcoin and succeed in redefining what "Bitcoin" is, in the face of widespread technical criticism and through the use of populist tactics, then I will have no choice but to declare Bitcoin a failed project.  Bitcoin was meant to be both technically and socially robust.  This present situation has been very disappointing to watch unfold.

Satoshi Nakamoto

If you follow the mailinglist further you can find some analysis it was not a spoofed email address.
But whether this was the real Satoshi or not, is doesn't matter what he thinks or wants.
Bitcoin can only have value if there is no central decision maker, and that what he also tried to explain on the mailinglist.

The consensus seems to be that this is bull, and not the real Satoshi.

regarding the "blockchain blacklists" scheme: "They think they're smarter than the rest of us. They're not and we're going to pay the price."

641. Post 12319163 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Feri22 on September 03, 2015, 03:52:53 PM
Food for thought:

If bitcoinXT doesn't get adopted it has proven that bitcoin will not be replaced by a better alt-coin.

BictoinXT is just an alt-client...same as Toshi from Coinbase and others

It is surprising how there are so many people that don't know what they are talking about and yet they have very strong opinion about it

There were already more clients before XT...the Bitcoin client development should not be centralized...You never know what real intentions of Blockstream are...And i don't think for profit company should lead development of open source decentralised software...they can develop, sure, but they can't be the only one, because these guys can be corrupted

I know, I agree with you 100%. Forking is the best way to vote (=just my opinion)

It's just something we have to remember for next year when some idiot comes telling us that bitcoin will be replaced by a better altcoin.
We can just say then:

A) It already happend, XT
B) It didn't work, XT tried

And put him on ignore....  Grin

cant wait for gavin and hearn to be muted tho.

the sooner they fork off the better for bitcoin and its price.

I think you are wrong...Gavin was chosen by Satoshi and the mistake Gavin did in my opinion is that he was too kind and let github access to 4 other people, who turned against him and Adam from Blockstream even proposed revoking his commit access, which i think is pretty sneaky under the belt move...and if you want to follow this guy, go ahead, from your post history i would bet you will not like sane and kind people anyway

Im not following anyone. Altho i might be interested about what some people might say, i will never trust them with my bitcoins.
Gavin is a low life traitor/dictator, and should be banned from touching any bitcoin related code.
May he enjoy the rest of his pityful life hanging around in MIT/CIA/Google offices with his Hearn fella.

Good friggin riddance!

Well you are following every single decision Bitcoin core developers have made...

Gavin a Low life traitor/dictator? Haha, thats kind of funny  Cheesy No, he is not...he made the testnet in bitcoin and many other very important improvements, without them the Bitcoin software would not be where it is now...I think Gavin just wants the best for BTC and regular users and it is just not possible to please 100% of users, because there will be always people like you or some dark market type of guys, who want anonymity for illegal things etc...Gavin made a move, controversal a bit, sure, but it speeded up the work of Bitcoin core...and i think that it is most important...because as we all say...there may not be dictator to say bitcoin community what to do or not to do...the bitcoin client development must be decentralised...thats why i think the BitcoinXT is a good thing...and if you look on alt client Toshi from Coinbase, it is interesting as well...if you meant someone is traitor to speak with police, CIA or whatever, than we are all traitors i guess...

"blockchain blacklists" will guarantee that bitcoin will meet much more resistance if it ever tries to become a primary or reserve type currency in the usa and/or world. only FREEDOM is ever going to be successful.

642. Post 12319794 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on September 03, 2015, 05:17:31 PM
So Bitstamp is now also faking volume?

What's your evidence?  Is this pure FUD spreading disinformation?

lets fud the market like its 1999 ..

643. Post 12320301 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: BitofaN1 on September 03, 2015, 05:55:40 PM
So Bitstamp is now also faking volume?
They don't need to fake anything.They are the new biggest western exchange thanks to Bitfinex's gross incompetence.
Speaking of Bitfinex, I received an e-mail from them:

Dear user: [Redacted]

After careful review of the trading activity in your account in and around our service disruption on August 25th, 2015, we have identified a discrepancy between your trade history and how those trades were booked to your account.  In most cases the discrepancy is a result of trades being double booked to your account.  In order to bring your account balance inline with your trade history, we need to put two adjusting entries to reflect a change of BTC at an average price of 224.38.  Unfortunately, this adjustment will result an a negative currency in your trading wallet.  Please move funds between wallets or deposit additional to satisfy this adjustment.  If the negative balance still persist in 24 hours, we will make the adjustment ourselves to eliminate the negative balance.  We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and will be additionally crediting back your trading fees during the affected period 15:00:00 UTC to 21:00:00 UTC.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

After I got all my funds out from them, now they want me to move them back in to fix a negative balance issue in my trade balance?
For a second time??? (I already had negative balance before I left them witch got "resolved" by deducting said negative balance from my btc deposit).Still waiting for their mail to clarify wtf is going on over there.  

someone mentioned that on redit too:

i hate to point out the obvious...but... if your code didnt have glitches then you wouldnt need to send emails out to adjust peoples accounts like that. reading about this makes me believe we have an insolvent exchange problem on our hands. just saying .

644. Post 12320348 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on September 03, 2015, 06:23:04 PM
bitfinex longs are climbing real good now .. we're not messing around anymore.. nothing can stop us now!

Buying now is risky. Buying now using leverage is insane. Barring small liquidity spikes, we're not going up until the block size thing is resolved months from now if ever. These longs have no money behind them or they wouldn't have to use leverage and pay the vig. What's worse, not nearly enough shorts to halt another flash crash when they cover. It's not looking good.

sounds about right.. i don't know anything though about how shorts stop a flash crash if longs cover. however, more rumors coming from BFX is obviously not good. as long as there are strange things going on at BFX i wont be chasing the price buying into any pumps.

645. Post 12323221 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: coinableS on September 04, 2015, 01:46:16 AM
Looks like we have some movement on bitfinex. Yup, movement confirmed we have went up by $1. Hold onto your butts, we might up $1.05 before your know it  Wink

longs are rocketing upwards ..

646. Post 12324043 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on September 04, 2015, 03:17:48 AM
Looks like we have some movement on bitfinex. Yup, movement confirmed we have went up by $1. Hold onto your butts, we might up $1.05 before your know it  Wink

longs are rocketing upwards ..

Dollar swaps are up over $242,000 in the last 24 hrs, meaning over 1k of the btc bought were bought on margin.  So pretty much that entire pump was leveraged. Yeah, that's sustainable.  Roll Eyes

What's really interesting is that I'm now getting higher interest lending out my BTC for swaps as opposed to lending USD. That hasn't happened in a long time. BTC swaps are not going up much at all, but the interest rate is.  Weird. I guess a lot of lenders either decided that 0.02% wasn't enough to make it worthwhile or they just left BFX entirely. 

did you here that everybody ?? we're doing the "leverage pump" ...

647. Post 12327696 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

bitfinex problems is main focus on redit today.. that and someone telling everyone to cash out of bitcoin. lol... what is going on with bitfinex ?? are those guys going to stay solvent or what ?? they are going through accounts and taking money and bitcoins and doing forced trades and reverse trades and stuff for everyone .

648. Post 12331276 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on September 04, 2015, 11:15:01 PM
Some things take time to evolve or to review and analyze.  

For today:  Stock market down 1.5%, and Bitcoin up 1%.

For the past six months: stock market down 10%, and bitcoin relatively flat - BTC bouncing largely in a $220 to $290 price range (which is largely a 7% variance in the bulk of the highs and lows).

If a guy were to find $1,000 in a brown paper bag on the street, and he was otherwise settled in his financial matters and he had some money invested in various diversified places (therefore, the $1,000 could be practically used for investing).

At this point, which one (stock market index funds or BTC) would be the better bet for long term or short term ?  

Yes, where to put the $1,000 will depend in part on the guy's overall portfolio and his perception of risk and perception of one investment versus another.  

i think stock market being down doesn't auto = bullish for bitcoins... because if they do another round of QE then all the money will be at the QE stock marker pump rally party ... as soon as it starts to become more obvious the stock market is going to decline then the election will turn into all about the economy... although another round of QE is probably going to do more damage than good.

649. Post 12331711 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

this year has been mostly gimpcoin.

650. Post 12331894 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on September 05, 2015, 01:34:35 AM
How big of a deal is it if we go red again on weekly MACD?

Big deal for the $23 million in longs awaiting anxiously.  Roll Eyes

23.782 million, but who's counting?

Edit: 23.825 MM

I'm thinking that, despite the blocksize debate, or perhaps in spite of it, long is probably the way to go...

If we didn't get cheep coinz last week then it isn't going to happen.

common sense should prevail  Cheesy

Maybe not, buy it's doubtful we'll get expensive coins anytime soon, either.
Final Silk Road Bitcoin Auction

do you think anyone will every be able to pick up this many bitcoin without and spillage ever again, this is bullish news.

its finally coming soon, the last chance to get a butt load of cheap coins for only ~20-50% over current market rates.

Yeah, the final auction. It might be a good time to buy soon, but probably not yet.

where did your "four punch raiders" go ?? ... have u not noticed all the chinese miners quit dumping, the chinese stopped panicing, and the raiders stopped raiding ??

651. Post 12332825 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on September 05, 2015, 02:50:13 AM
How big of a deal is it if we go red again on weekly MACD?

Big deal for the $23 million in longs awaiting anxiously.  Roll Eyes

23.782 million, but who's counting?

Edit: 23.825 MM

I'm thinking that, despite the blocksize debate, or perhaps in spite of it, long is probably the way to go...

If we didn't get cheep coinz last week then it isn't going to happen.

common sense should prevail  Cheesy

Maybe not, buy it's doubtful we'll get expensive coins anytime soon, either.
Final Silk Road Bitcoin Auction

do you think anyone will every be able to pick up this many bitcoin without and spillage ever again, this is bullish news.

its finally coming soon, the last chance to get a butt load of cheap coins for only ~20-50% over current market rates.

Yeah, the final auction. It might be a good time to buy soon, but probably not yet.

where did your "four punch raiders" go ?? ... have u not noticed all the chinese miners quit dumping, the chinese stopped panicing, and the raiders stopped raiding ??

They didn't just raid the bulls. Shorts got squeezed too. I imagine They've either moved on or altered strategies when the pattern became too well known.  

not saying coinbase had anything to do with it but it seems as though the raids, and chinese miner dumps, and panics became more rare about the same time they came online.. not saying they are related... just pointing out the facts..

652. Post 12336583 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

i aint buying into this pump.. i will maintain my stance.. things need to be repeated because people forget.

653. Post 12337334 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

654. Post 12338098 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

i might not be able to trade for profit but i still have some in cold storage!

655. Post 12340058 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

looks like some great trading.. wish i could been in on it.. i dont get in on the trading much cuz the the price and movement always goes against me.. if i buy it goes lower and if i sell it goes higher.. because of this i have started to grow some contempt for bitcoin. and this seems to be pumping on the marshal's auction announcement. the marshals need to make their money .

656. Post 12340273 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

look at what i wrote up for a blog today:


1. bitcoin has not been straightforward about the bitcoin cap of there only ever being 21 million bitcoins ever produced. bitcoin will eventually be forced to raise this cap beyond 21 million simply because people forget their encryption keys and therefore bitcoins are lost. maybe a person has a cold storage wallet full of bitcoins and he suddenly dies. those coins are gone forever.

2. security with bitcoin is gimped. many users lose their bitcoins thru theft hacks via malware on their pcs. this happens ALL THE TIME to mostly newbs who do not know how to properly secure their bitcoins via cold storage.  once the coins leave the users wallet via a malware hack the coins are simply gone. no one ever gets caught. the police are unable to do anything about it.

3. users bitcoins have been lost due to exchanges being hacked. it has happened multiple times and once again no one ever gets caught. what goes on is that when bitcoins are kept properly secure by the exchange then they cannot be hacked... or at least they are harder to be hacked.. either way exchanges have been hacked and when the bitcoins disappear they are simply gone. the users lose with no refund of any kind.

4. then there is the blockchain.. this thing is HUGE.. it can take anywhere from hours to download to days to download depending on how good of a pc a person has. if bitcoin becomes more mainstream users will require hard drive space to maintain this blockchain if they wish to keep their coins in their own wallets. of course if the hard drive fails or the user needs an OS reload or a new pc the blockchain must be re-downloaded.

5. some people believe that bitcoin is going to be a replacement reserve currency. imagine the entire economic foundation and infrastructure of a state vulnerable to power outages.. the power goes out and no one can buy anything period until power is restored. this is a huge weakness for bitcoin and is in my opinion a major reason why bitcoin will never be a replacement reserve currency for countries throughout the world.

6. what if a person doesnt have a pc or a cell phone?? they cannot buy anything.

7. bitcoin has NO PRIVACY... this makes it unconstitutional. EVERY transaction is recorded in the blockchain and can be traced. some of the more advanced bitcoin users watch stolen coins move from wallet to wallet all the time.. maybe watching for stolen coins moving is beneficial but clearly bitcoin is like an NSA spyware app.

8. and now more recently new problems have been emerging. "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" are the table to be coded into bitcoin in the near future. really the code already exists in the form of what is called BitcoinXT.. the plan if users reach a consensus is that it will be implemented via a hard fork early next year. this blacklist will allow developers to ban any ip address. i believe this is only the beginning of this code once implemented. i believe they will eventually expand this code to act as a form of sanctions that can be used against any wallet address of people, companies, and even states. imagine how this technology would be used to intimidate people ?? the two developers who have written this code are believed to be connected with the CIA since one of them admitted on twitter that he had visited with the CIA.

9. the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" came about due to a scalability issue with bitcoin. if bitcoins bandwidth is not expanded past the 1mb block which allows only 7 transaction per second then bitcoin will become crippled sometime next year. the BitcoinXT developers are using this scalability issue to claim bitcoin needs the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" technology because currently a spammer hacker can completely flood the 1MB blocks thus making it harder for users to send bitcoins through the blockchain.

10. another set of developers came up with another solution to the scalability problem. they are planning to allow the miners to vote the size of the blocks for bitcoin. this means that the bigger miner companies will be able to "cripple" bitcoin in an effort to cause the fees to transmit bitcoins through the network to rise. these fees are paid to the miners for their work maintaining the blockchain. therefore we can see how the miners controlling the size of blocks being transmitted through the network will profit by crippling the bandwidth. of course that is a very bad idea and therefore what is the other choice ?? the other choice is "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" ..

11. another problem is insider trading at exchanges.. there have been some really strange incidents happen at some of the leverage exchanges. there are rumors that owners of these exchanges trade against their users causing their margins to be called resulting in their own profits.. and then there are problems where exchanges claim they have technical problems. we have seen these technical problems happen and then suddenly the exchange needs to make adjustments to users balances. sometimes users are brought into negative by these glitches. and sometimes the glitches do not allow users to withdraw their money or bitcoins from the exchange. my opinion is that if an exchange does not have these technical problems then it will not have to stop trading, stop withdrawals, and make balance adjustments. these exchanges showing these kinds of problems are the leveraged trading exchanges.

657. Post 12340663 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

looks like most of the volume was from chinese exchanges. we might see a chinese panic again soon . huobi doesnt like it when the price crashes. they will stop trading and shutdown the exchange to drop their bags.

658. Post 12343515 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: jbreher on September 06, 2015, 06:50:54 AM
look at what i wrote up for a blog today:

Bless your heart. You're such a lovable muppet.

well... didnt use to be this way.. and its probably a good bet that i am going to continue to grow in resentment. i always said friends is better than enemies.. but you know what ?? some enemies is best to stay enemies.. there aint a chance in hell that i am going to respond positively to negativity..

659. Post 12343645 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: noobtrader on September 06, 2015, 04:26:39 AM
look at what i wrote up for a blog today:


1. bitcoin has not been straightforward about the bitcoin cap of there only ever being 21 million bitcoins ever produced. bitcoin will eventually be forced to raise this cap beyond 21 million simply because people forget their encryption keys and therefore bitcoins are lost. maybe a person has a cold storage wallet full of bitcoins and he suddenly dies. those coins are gone forever.

2. security with bitcoin is gimped. many users lose their bitcoins thru theft hacks via malware on their pcs. this happens ALL THE TIME to mostly newbs who do not know how to properly secure their bitcoins via cold storage.  once the coins leave the users wallet via a malware hack the coins are simply gone. no one ever gets caught. the police are unable to do anything about it.

3. users bitcoins have been lost due to exchanges being hacked. it has happened multiple times and once again no one ever gets caught. what goes on is that when bitcoins are kept properly secure by the exchange then they cannot be hacked... or at least they are harder to be hacked.. either way exchanges have been hacked and when the bitcoins disappear they are simply gone. the users lose with no refund of any kind.

4. then there is the blockchain.. this thing is HUGE.. it can take anywhere from hours to download to days to download depending on how good of a pc a person has. if bitcoin becomes more mainstream users will require hard drive space to maintain this blockchain if they wish to keep their coins in their own wallets. of course if the hard drive fails or the user needs an OS reload or a new pc the blockchain must be re-downloaded.

5. some people believe that bitcoin is going to be a replacement reserve currency. imagine the entire economic foundation and infrastructure of a state vulnerable to power outages.. the power goes out and no one can buy anything period until power is restored. this is a huge weakness for bitcoin and is in my opinion a major reason why bitcoin will never be a replacement reserve currency for countries throughout the world.

6. what if a person doesnt have a pc or a cell phone?? they cannot buy anything.

7. bitcoin has NO PRIVACY... this makes it unconstitutional. EVERY transaction is recorded in the blockchain and can be traced. some of the more advanced bitcoin users watch stolen coins move from wallet to wallet all the time.. maybe watching for stolen coins moving is beneficial but clearly bitcoin is like an NSA spyware app.

8. and now more recently new problems have been emerging. "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" are the table to be coded into bitcoin in the near future. really the code already exists in the form of what is called BitcoinXT.. the plan if users reach a consensus is that it will be implemented via a hard fork early next year. this blacklist will allow developers to ban any ip address. i believe this is only the beginning of this code once implemented. i believe they will eventually expand this code to act as a form of sanctions that can be used against any wallet address of people, companies, and even states. imagine how this technology would be used to intimidate people ?? the two developers who have written this code are believed to be connected with the CIA since one of them admitted on twitter that he had visited with the CIA.

9. the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" came about due to a scalability issue with bitcoin. if bitcoins bandwidth is not expanded past the 1mb block which allows only 7 transaction per second then bitcoin will become crippled sometime next year. the BitcoinXT developers are using this scalability issue to claim bitcoin needs the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" technology because currently a spammer hacker can completely flood the 1MB blocks thus making it harder for users to send bitcoins through the blockchain.

10. another set of developers came up with another solution to the scalability problem. they are planning to allow the miners to vote the size of the blocks for bitcoin. this means that the bigger miner companies will be able to "cripple" bitcoin in an effort to cause the fees to transmit bitcoins through the network to rise. these fees are paid to the miners for their work maintaining the blockchain. therefore we can see how the miners controlling the size of blocks being transmitted through the network will profit by crippling the bandwidth. of course that is a very bad idea and therefore what is the other choice ?? the other choice is "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" ..

11. another problem is insider trading at exchanges.. there have been some really strange incidents happen at some of the leverage exchanges. there are rumors that owners of these exchanges trade against their users causing their margins to be called resulting in their own profits.. and then there are problems where exchanges claim they have technical problems. we have seen these technical problems happen and then suddenly the exchange needs to make adjustments to users balances. sometimes users are brought into negative by these glitches. and sometimes the glitches do not allow users to withdraw their money or bitcoins from the exchange. my opinion is that if an exchange does not have these technical problems then it will not have to stop trading, stop withdrawals, and make balance adjustments. these exchanges showing these kinds of problems are the leveraged trading exchanges.

1. i can imagine one ppl buy all the cheap bitcoin then suddenly died of heart attack due to falling price, and you want to make more bitcoin so miner can dump some more Huh whats wrong with u ?

2. bitcoin wallet in the future should be android device which cannot install anything on it and make it safer, btw this is IT security problem.

3. server being hacked all the time, CC id being stolen all the time.  btw there is decentralized exchange being developed atm.

4. use lite wallet, u dont need full wallet to use bitcoin. only miner need full wallet.

5. im more concerned with emp from dying sun, and nuclear armageddon...

6. i dont know man, i thought btc is internet maney. if they dont have pc or hp, they dont have internet too. isnt that a problem to internet adoption instead ?

7. this i agree

8. 9. XT is altcoin, not bitcoin

10. miner has put their money as they invest in mining gear. i dont think crippling their investment is a good bussiness plan.

11. lolwut ? ok... decentralized exchange might be the answer.

1. i am not saying that is what i want to happen. i am saying that is what is going to happen.

2. yeah well that day isnt today... today we read about newbs losing their coins from malware hacks all the time in forums on this website.

3. you miss the point.. if the servers were secure then it would be harder for the coins to be hacked.. not impossible but harder... however, some exchanges it seems have gimped security ..

4. you miss the point.. it is a vulnerability, a weakness.

6. in in the bitcoin cashless society the people without access to the internet will be unable to buy anything.

8. i dont know.. sounds like a possible impending hard fork. i believe if "Blochchain Blacklists" is implemented that bitcoin will suddenly have a lot more political resistance. this blog is going to guarantee that those who should be concerned will be informed.

10. "cripplecoin" is a bad business plan.

11. yup lol crazy stuff.

thanks for your input... maybe i will make some edits updates.

660. Post 12343792 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: kromtar on September 06, 2015, 09:48:15 AM
This system and fiat money will free fall until its gone for good because of this:

That means bitcoin will:

Then a super technological society where only machines and computers make wealth will flourish.

Like it or not will happen so stop losing energy fighting against it, and stop using fiat or you will be left holding a ton of toilet paper  Grin

i think precious metals backed currencies is going to take over soon.. the central banks are buying and hoarding gold and silver and not bitcoins... bitcoin (if it survives) will continue to be a side currency commodity .. bitcoin is nowhere close to being ready for mainstream and is very doubtful it will be ready before the usd needs to be replaced.

661. Post 12344079 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on September 06, 2015, 01:45:37 PM
Looks like the Saturday night dip has been postponed due to the long Labor Day weekend in the U.S.

I had a 3 point something BTC sell order trip on bitquick, so I immediately arbitraged to capture the spread.

Put in a 1 BTC sell order @ ~$240 which tripped overnight to lock in a little profit. What concerns me is that with those shorts getting squeezed, it looks like there is an air pocket under current price and over 24 hrs to go before many people can wire money to slow a slide should one materialize.

On the fundamental side, I continue to think that ~7 transactions per second is a ridiculously low network capacity that threatens to relegate Bitcoin to a proof-of-concept that others will surpass. Blyth Masters is wasting no time:

"Hyperledger does not have an inbuilt cryptocurrency and uses a proven consensus algorithm capable of thousands of transactions per second."

Thousands. Part of the promise of Bitcoin is not just decentralization, but also DISINTERMEDIATION.  We can't cut out the middleman if we don't have the network capacity to remain a PEER to PEER value transfer solution.
Seven TPS or even fourteen or forty will keep us from fulfilling that promise.

blythe masters has a cryptocoin ??

662. Post 12344758 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

they probably will pump this for the marshal auction so the marshal's can get more money... but the stock market probably isnt going to cooperate which will lead to the federal reserve either pouring money into proping this thing up or they will probably do another round of QE... another round of QE means we have another stock market party which means everyone will be pouring their money into the stock market .. it is either they rescue the stock market or suddenly the election is all about the bad economy... they might try to wait until after marshals auction but that would be risk taking against market forces. there is one thing we know for sure though...we going to go find out! crunchtime. captain crunch berries.

Stock Market Crash 2015: The Dow Has Already Plummeted 2200 Points From The Peak -

We have already seen the 8th largest and 10th largest single day stock market crashes in all of U.S. history happen within the past few weeks. In fact, it was actually the very first time that we have ever seen the Dow fall by more than 500 points on consecutive trading days.

Headlines all over America trumpeted the "fact" that the stock market had "recovered", but the mainstream media failed to mention that the only two better days for the stock market were right in the middle of the stock market crash of 2008.

In this article, I explained that this is exactly the type of market behavior that we expect to see during a full-blown market meltdown. There are going to be even more violent swings in the market in the weeks ahead, but the general direction will be down.

Shiller, who has a reputation for calling market tops, warned that the Dow Jones industrial average, which closed Wednesday at 16,351, could fall as low as 11,000, a potential drop of more than 30% from current levels.

Jim Rogers: Fed Will 'Save the Market' One Last Time -

The Federal Reserve will probably "save the market one more time" by artificially printing money, but the next big rally will be the last before an economic day of reckoning arrives, international investor Jim Rogers told Newsmax TV.

The nation’s central bank will "buy more bonds, they'll do something and then we'll have another big rally but that's going to be the last rally," the chairman of Rogers Holdings told "Newsmax Prime."

663. Post 12346008 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: criptix on September 06, 2015, 06:18:20 PM
Last 44k BTC will be auctioned by the end of 2015:

Im calling it now:

300+ after auction!!

yeahh like last auction we reach 300$

After the last auction we dropped from about 380$ to 166$, so I'm calling 110$ as an upcoming intermediary bottom, don't know how long it will take...

Is it time for christmas, birthday and the 2nd coming of jesus on one day again?

I wish so much it would come true Smiley))))))))))))))))

You want Bitcoin's price to drop to $110 or you want the second coming of Jesus? It's kind of unclear the way you said it.

Im not a christian and sorry for my english it is my 3rd language  Lips sealed

I would rather be happy if we go for some more rounds 300+ -> 150+ -> 300+ and so on.

I think people with btc will have it much better then ppl without in the coming 5-10 years

+1 i'm not christian either and +1 again yeah i think peeps want to blast on up way too soon.. dips under 200 would be great! ... however they are rare though .

664. Post 12346042 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: QuestionAuthority on September 06, 2015, 05:07:48 PM
Last 44k BTC will be auctioned by the end of 2015:

Im calling it now:

300+ after auction!!

yeahh like last auction we reach 300$

After the last auction we dropped from about 380$ to 166$, so I'm calling 110$ as an upcoming intermediary bottom, don't know how long it will take...

Is it time for christmas, birthday and the 2nd coming of jesus on one day again?

I wish so much it would come true Smiley))))))))))))))))

You want Bitcoin's price to drop to $110 or you want the second coming of Jesus? It's kind of unclear the way you said it.

yeah and it pumped right before the auction too... it's bull the feds get a pump right now.. they havent even announced the actual auction yet. no one should bid more than $200 a coin anyways because their is a lot of risk now days with bitcoin that wasnt there before... blame the cia for wanting to implement "blockchain blacklists" or cripple bitcoin ... getting ridiculous.

665. Post 12346152 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Norway on September 06, 2015, 04:59:42 PM
What's up with this weekend increase? Is something happening on monday?  Wink

chinese panic buys ..  all the volume was on chinese exchanges... they are freaking out over there because their stock bubble burst... and the marshal's are about to sell bitcoins soon....  i'm all for the marshal's getting a good price and all that.. except when i dont get my buys! i might have to change exchanges because i have done a lot better trading on different exchanges then where i am now.. it's seems like bad luck exchange! i like it there though.

666. Post 12347259 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Denker on September 06, 2015, 07:18:54 PM
So we are back in the 240s.Nice.Lets see if we can hold that range.

question is... how come the chinese stopped panic buying today ?? why pump to 240 and then stop and go sideways ??

667. Post 12347298 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Norway on September 06, 2015, 08:58:43 PM
What's up with this weekend increase? Is something happening on monday?  Wink

chinese panic buys ..  all the volume was on chinese exchanges... they are freaking out over there because their stock bubble burst... and the marshal's are about to sell bitcoins soon....  i'm all for the marshal's getting a good price and all that.. except when i dont get my buys! i might have to change exchanges because i have done a lot better trading on different exchanges then where i am now.. it's seems like bad luck exchange! i like it there though.

I'm not sure if traders at chinese bitcoin-exchanges have to be chinese. It's a global market now. If you daytrade, you might as well trade at a chinese exchange. And if you ask me, chinese stocks are probably also traded by international interests Wink

Just have a gut feeling that something important will happen on monday.
(Yes, I have this feeling every weekend after a few drinks, lol!)

When the cake hits the fan, let's go to Thailand to a

┗(°0°)┛ ┗(°0°)┛ ┗(°0°)┛ FULL MOON PARTY!!!! ┗(°0°)┛ ┗(°0°)┛ ┗(°0°)┛

hmm.. i can understand that because i notice i have better luck when i trade on an exchange outside the usa than i have with one inside the usa. after gox though i don't trust outside usa exchanges.. maybe my thinking is backwards. i see what your saying though.. someone could use chinese exchange to manipulate the price of bitcoin. why does huobi have the fake volume though ?? seems strange to say the least.

668. Post 12348728 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

when they announce QE4 all money will go to the stock market for the big stock market rally party.... you all should buy more bitcoin now that way you have some to sell when it is time for everyone to move to stock market .... lol.

669. Post 12355096 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on September 07, 2015, 06:10:56 PM
Looks like we've set up camp in the low 240's. I'll settle for that at the moment after the turmoil & fall out with the XT rubbish.

This is a good, calm time to accumulate gentlemen. Add to your 'HODLINGS'.

yes.. everyone should buy more bitcoins right now.. that way you have some to sell if you decide to go to the stock market rally party when they announce QE4. if they do not do QE then it looks like Trump is going to have a field day.

670. Post 12362637 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

fud bitcoin...  i dont need no bitcoins...... i going to the beach... better things to do then worry about bitcoin. #goals #priorities

671. Post 12364846 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.25h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on September 08, 2015, 06:40:15 PM
hashtagging in here? really?

Aztec can hashtag as much as he wants. This way I can understand a bit better what the fuck he is on about. Most of his posts nowadays are just undefined raging fury simmering in the deep.

i'm bigtime bearish on gimpcoin right now... and bitcoin too.

672. Post 12394163 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on September 11, 2015, 07:35:27 PM
Core still winning:
Question:   Core Vs XT
XT   - 124 (29.5%)
Core   - 209 (49.8%)
IDK   - 87 (20.7%)

This is what matters:

Look at the pie at the bottom right.

Agree, XT is going nowhere except down until it's doomed.

i heard next week the fed holds their meeting. will they up interest rates ?? i doubt they will. instead they will point at what happened with china to excuse themselves from the obvious fakelands ... will they announce QE4... probably not just yet.. it might be just a bit too early for them to make that move too. however, honestly, i dont really know. i think we will do more obama dancing around pretending like he is really doing something as everything continues to slowly crumble around him....rekt.

673. Post 12395146 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on September 11, 2015, 09:25:45 PM

Huh ?

obviously, .... bitfinex needs to keep prices goxpumped to relieve the stress of all those leverage longs possibly closing which might accidentally cause the 'too big to fail" exchange to meltdown. 240+ is a good price for goxx exchanges right now. that why the price doesnt go down in case bitfinex might have to shutdown again and check every ones balances.

674. Post 12429733 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: Karartma1 on September 15, 2015, 04:15:21 PM
I sold when I see 245$, now I think it's great time to sell. I'll buy again when the price comes down 220-230$ range.

Haha, looks like I sold at the top. Experience here. Cool
I still didn't buy back, I think it will go down again this month.

maybe.. i heard rumor there is a big 5000btc buy wall on bitfinex in the mid to lower 220's .. that might be the last line of defense to keep bitfinex from crashing margin longs again .. if the rumor is even true. i have no idea since i am not on that exchange.

675. Post 12434207 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on September 16, 2015, 02:14:21 AM
6 Hour turning bullish. Smiley

hows the bitfinex 5000btc buy wall ?? ... that still happenen ??

676. Post 12441152 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: trader102 on September 16, 2015, 03:24:00 PM
I can´t put in orders anymore on Bitfinex??? Is anyone else receiving this message:

""Uncaught ReferenceError: submitOrder is not defined. onclick @ exchange:684""

I want to close my positions! Please help, i´m scared of another Bitfinex flashcrash!

sounds like a nightmare.. trapped somewhere scary and cant get out... i dont know how to help you though.... how is the buy wall there ??

677. Post 12448040 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: Fatov on September 17, 2015, 01:27:40 PM
A new wall on finex??
A new dump is coming...

bitfinex :

678. Post 12453704 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: Cconvert2G36 on September 17, 2015, 08:00:56 PM
So uh...

Bitfinex having to unwind everything would be kinda ugly right?

Coinflip is incorporated in the US; Bitfinex in Hong Kong.  I'm not sure we need to worry too much just yet, unless the HK government (or Beijing, applying pressure on HK SAR) adopt the same line as the CFTC.

I guess it comes down to what % of the swaps market is made up of customers in the US.

everyday is something going on with bitfinex.

679. Post 12457466 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: gentlemand on September 18, 2015, 01:20:53 PM

Boring price movement. Will we ever get over 300 again, sick of this bear market.

I wouldn't class it as a bear market any more. Just a pretty stagnant one.

another boring week .. it doesnt look like anyone is doing anything. i think the drop from 240 was leveraged longs closing over at bitfinex. and then came the bitfinex buy wall. its always bitfinex something going on at bitfinex.

680. Post 12461524 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

an entire week.... on the bright side bitfinex did not collapse yet... those guys are hardcore.

681. Post 12482670 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: itod on September 21, 2015, 12:07:54 PM
Is this fake Finex wall being there for days, or it's just the scaling of the graphics?

i havent seen it but i heard about a buy wall there to help keep btc from going to low and causing bitfinex to have to stop the exchange and do account adjustments.

682. Post 12488609 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

should named it the 27 club for bitfinex wall holds 227 again...

683. Post 12490980 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: aztecminer on September 22, 2015, 05:00:34 AM
should named it the 27 club for bitfinex wall holds 227 again...

chinese miner tried to pierce 227 and got owned last night.. bitfinex wall protects all the margin longs under 200 where bitfinex might collapse if the price stays under 200 for very long. bitfinex 5000+ coin buy wall .. that not really an exchange.. that is castle bitfinex the defender of the bitcoin price and the 27 club.

684. Post 12492320 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on September 22, 2015, 01:03:30 PM
I hope the 'excitement' surrounding today's 6 USD rise was sarcastic. Wake me up in about 5 years when we might have something to party over!

that pump was to get bitcoin to give bitfinex some breathing room. bitfinex doesnt like it when bitcoin price is down there hugging 227 like that all the time.. when the chinese miner tried to dump into the bitfinex wall the chinese miner got chumped when they took all his coins from him at 226 - 224 and then turn around pumped to 232..

685. Post 12493205 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

the real price of bitcoin today is between 220 and 225... we're doing the bitfinex pump price today.. like 240 pump a couple weeks ago.

686. Post 12497934 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on September 23, 2015, 02:16:30 AM
So anyone check out Circle Pay yet?  I updated my app and added a debit card.

It's free banking, so what's the catch?  You can now convert your wallet to fiat with one click. They make it way TOO easy to convert your wallet with one click. If you accidentally click the button, you sell ALL your bitcoins.  If I had millions and wanted to buy at these low prices, I might be tempted to pull such a stunt, except you know, that whole honesty thing. 

But seriously, free banking.  not sooooper cheap. free.  This is their response to Coinbase just outright paying people to get wallets through their referral program.  It's early internet business model:

1. burn money to gain market share
2. Sell out or IPO before you even have to monetize customer base.

it sounds like a great place to sell bitcoins fast. i cant think of anything else to do there. it almost sounds like an elaborate scheme to trick everyone out of their bitcoins .

687. Post 12501923 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

did circle get hacked ??

688. Post 12504372 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: Feri22 on September 23, 2015, 07:46:26 PM
Bitcoin is so stable that even the most stable fiat currency looks like crazy investment against BTC right now...It is so boring though...

227 was too close for bitfinex comfort, therefore they raised to 230. now we are all waiting.

689. Post 12510949 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

yep time to go up .. we knew as soon as the chinese miner dumped into buy wall @ 227 and it instantly went back up to 232... who is going to try to smash through 227 ?? the answer is no one.. and that is that.

690. Post 12554465 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.27h):

i heard bitfinex 5000btc buy wall went away ..

691. Post 12617213 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.27h):

Quote from: Paashaas on October 06, 2015, 02:16:10 PM
Whats up with those sneaky few $ dollar rise these days?

$246.-  Shocked

I think this is a trap.

bitcoin going up now because massive people are buying bitcoin right now because of the auction .. or maybe its cuz its the holidays ..... or maybe it is being manipulated by someone whose business model doesnt support bitcoin staying low prices very long.... which do u think ?

692. Post 12634467 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.27h):

we already pumped on the news to almost 150... now we dump again. .. get on Gemini and dump your coins everybody.

693. Post 12634476 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.27h):

Quote from: !! pop on October 08, 2015, 02:25:35 PM
This screenshot of their order book was posted by someone in the Bitcoin discussion board.

It's showing more orders than bitcoinity because bitcoinity's default setting is to group all consecutive trades at the same price into one entry.

Would be interesting to know which of those bids is from the major institutional investors i keep hearing about Roll Eyes

why buy from there if you can buy from the marshal's who have a better deal ??

694. Post 12644004 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.27h):

time to dump guys.. Gemini exchange is opened. whos on Gemini ?? hows the trading there ??

695. Post 12645569 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.27h):

Quote from: QuestionAuthority on October 09, 2015, 04:55:50 PM
Wow, it's only taken a week for a gain of 1.63%.

Kapstone Paper company gained 12.15% last week. The worst performing dildo sales companies increased by an average of 2.10%. If you're only here to speculate on Bitcoin you really need to move your money to another market for a while.

That is really dumb investment advice.  No investment is consistent in its return, and with BTC we surely do NOT know its price direction in the short-term

Just about anything and everything else is moving more than Bitcoin right now. Don't you like making money?

You are being ridiculous.   I believe that I already made my point, and your further belaboring this lame and unfounded investment suggestion likely rises to a level of trolling, rather than attempt to contribute with meaningful dialogue

Yeah, whatever dude. I think I'll take my $5,000 and let it sit in an investment for a year that's making 1% gains instead of finding a place to put it that promises a better return.

Yes.  See you back in one year, and see how that goes for you.  Good luck with your non bitcoin investments.

Do you run things through in your head before you say them to see if they make sense?

Actually, you are engaging in a typical attempt to engage in a non-substantive and distractive discussion by attempting to reverse the tables by suggesting that somehow I made some outlandish statement (by fabricating some kind of personal attack), rather than really contributing anything with substance regarding your conclusory prediction regarding BTC's future price direction.  Where's the beef in your various predictions, QA?

When you sell Bitcoin you can buy it back at any time, right? If you buy gold, stock shares or auto parts you can sell them any time you like and buy something else. I'm not saying sell it forever. I'm saying there are a lot of better looking investments right now. Come back when Bitcoin starts moving again.

well there is one thing, bitcoin moves sideways a lot this year. weekends have been dull. i was in california last weekend. i did not even look at bitcoin. guess what ?? it didnt matter because nothing happened. whereas before a person could not stay away from bitcoin for several days or they might miss something.

696. Post 12669331 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.27h):

hows everything going guys ?? did we make through the critical point yet. i thought i saw someone mention the weekend was critical ??

697. Post 12703339 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.28h):

the united states marshals auction pump.

698. Post 12703725 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.28h):

Quote from: noobtrader on October 16, 2015, 04:41:28 PM
the united states marshals auction pump.

that one or, the new miner pump
 because if bitcoin price stay under 250, no one will buy miner because there is no profit in mining coin

yeah right.. all a sudden we pumping for miners. if you think this has anything to do with anything other than the us marshals auction then you are delusional . normally i would support this but my vision has been completely changed for reasons .

699. Post 12704594 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.28h):

Quote from: gentlemand on October 16, 2015, 06:58:58 PM

You and all the rest of the bulls.
Can't keep a pump going without any money.
And yet, this pump.
USMS has money...                                                 Beginning to see the light?

I think they have rather more important things to do with their time than chuck government money at grotty traders on piece of shit exchanges.

probably not ..

700. Post 12704974 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.28h):

Quote from: mrkavasaki on October 16, 2015, 08:01:13 PM
any reason for the current pump??

us marshals need money .

701. Post 12755066 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.28h):

what happened Huh is greece about to default again ??

702. Post 12765077 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.28h):

are you all ready for the big smackdown ??

703. Post 12810515 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

looks like the marshal's auction pump is doing well..

704. Post 12813340 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

i heard someone say that this marshal's auction pump might be an opportunity.... well maybe... just not for me... after the bad experiences i recently had with bitcoin i wont make any additional risks. ... i thought about it but it is simply not worth the risk. i been screwed more than once.. not bad enough that i actually lost a bunch of money.. but just enough to rub me wrong and sour me against bitcoin.

i stopped reading this forum everyday.. i dont read all the pages anymore. whats the point ?? right ?? until this thing rises up far enough then there isnt really anything here for me anymore. i cannot trade because i dont have any coins to trade.. i have coins in storage but they are going to stay there.... and if you have not noticed, i no longer post a single positive thing about bitcoin anywhere like i used too.. i'm waiting on ya guys to program in your ban thing .


705. Post 12813469 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: yolalanda on October 28, 2015, 06:47:05 PM
This place could be so cruel at times. Particularly cruel when moon-hopes get shattered, and the ground is littered with shards of your broken dreams.
At times like this, it just don't even seem like you guys are my friends...

why do u think bitcoin going to the moon ??  now the world is cruel because u mistaken the marshal's auction pump for a full moon liftoff.

706. Post 12813528 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: Blazin8888 on October 28, 2015, 07:05:11 PM

" The prospect of being able to offer a platform for smart contracts appealed to them, and was the main reason they went with an Ethereum-based product rather than a bitcoin-based one, he said."

amazing! they chose etherium over bitcoin and that is why bitcoin is pumped! really ?? u really think that ?? better go buy some more bitcoins then. u might make a profit.

707. Post 12813632 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: ghdp on October 28, 2015, 07:16:47 PM

" The prospect of being able to offer a platform for smart contracts appealed to them, and was the main reason they went with an Ethereum-based product rather than a bitcoin-based one, he said."

amazing! they chose etherium over bitcoin and that is why bitcoin is pumped! really ?? u really think that ?? better go buy some more bitcoins then. u might make a profit.

They did not choose anything. They gained a new customer. Period.
Azure clients will be able to buy services from Consensys, among the thousands of other service providers available on Azure.

everyone is a customer of microsoft... sorry if i do not feel your enthusiasm for bitcoin. .. when they say "went with an Ethereum-based product rather than a bitcoin-based one" ..what they really mean is that consensys actually chose to be a microsoft customer. right i get it now. and that caused bitcoin to be pumped like we are doing greece again. amazing.. we should just did that to start with and skipped the greece pump.

708. Post 12813662 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: SnokkomBTC on October 28, 2015, 07:17:53 PM

" The prospect of being able to offer a platform for smart contracts appealed to them, and was the main reason they went with an Ethereum-based product rather than a bitcoin-based one, he said."

amazing! they chose etherium over bitcoin and that is why bitcoin is pumped! really ?? u really think that ?? better go buy some more bitcoins then. u might make a profit.
yes, I'll buy some more bitcoins.

awesome.. good luck. i hope u make a profit. sincerely .

709. Post 12814143 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: criptix on October 28, 2015, 07:31:48 PM

you went mia for monthsdays just to come back super butt hurt when btc broke 300$?

 Roll Eyes Kiss

problem for me is i have been butthurt for months now... i been talking trash about bitcoin for months now. and i am going to continue to talk trash... when mofos try to get even with me cuz they are mad cuz i will kick their ass for wronging me then we get into a boxing match... this is about being WRONGED. that is why i am being a total biatch and refuse to stop being a total biatch... check this out what i wrote before so far:


1. bitcoin has not been straightforward about the bitcoin cap of there only ever being 21 million bitcoins ever produced. bitcoin will eventually be forced to raise this cap beyond 21 million simply because people forget their encryption keys and therefore bitcoins are lost. maybe a person has a cold storage wallet full of bitcoins and he suddenly dies. those coins are gone forever.

2. security with bitcoin is gimped. many users lose their bitcoins thru theft hacks via malware on their pcs. this happens ALL THE TIME to mostly newbs who do not know how to properly secure their bitcoins via cold storage.  once the coins leave the users wallet via a malware hack the coins are simply gone. no one ever gets caught. the police are unable to do anything about it.

3. users bitcoins have been lost due to exchanges being hacked. it has happened multiple times and once again no one ever gets caught. what goes on is that when bitcoins are kept properly secure by the exchange then they cannot be hacked... or at least they are harder to be hacked.. either way exchanges have been hacked and when the bitcoins disappear they are simply gone. the users lose with no refund of any kind.

4. then there is the blockchain.. this thing is HUGE.. it can take anywhere from hours to download to days to download depending on how good of a pc a person has. if bitcoin becomes more mainstream users will require hard drive space to maintain this blockchain if they wish to keep their coins in their own wallets. of course if the hard drive fails or the user needs an OS reload or a new pc the blockchain must be re-downloaded.

5. some people believe that bitcoin is going to be a replacement reserve currency. imagine the entire economic foundation and infrastructure of a state vulnerable to power outages.. the power goes out and no one can buy anything period until power is restored. this is a huge weakness for bitcoin and is in my opinion a major reason why bitcoin will never be a replacement reserve currency for countries throughout the world.

6. what if a person doesnt have a pc or a cell phone?? they cannot buy anything.

7. bitcoin has NO PRIVACY... this makes it unconstitutional. EVERY transaction is recorded in the blockchain and can be traced. some of the more advanced bitcoin users watch stolen coins move from wallet to wallet all the time.. maybe watching for stolen coins moving is beneficial but clearly bitcoin is like an NSA spyware app.

8. and now more resently new problems have been emerging. "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" are the table to be coded into bitcoin in the near future. really the code already exists in the form of what is called BitcoinXT.. the plan if users reach a consensus is that it will be implemented via a hard fork early next year. this blacklist will allow developers to ban any ip address. i believe this is only the beginning of this code once implemented. i believe they will eventually expand this code to act as a form of sanctions that can be used against any wallet address of people, companies, and even states. imagine how this technology would be used to intimidate people ?? the two developers who have written this code are rumored to be connected with the CIA since one of them admitted on twitter that he had visited with the CIA after taking over core development from satoshi.

9. the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" came about due to a scalability issue with bitcoin. if bitcoins bandwidth is not expanded past the 1mb block which allows only 7 transaction per second then bitcoin will become crippled sometime next year. the BitcoinXT developers are using this scalability issue to claim bitcoin needs the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" technology because currently a spammer hacker can completely flood the 1MB blocks thus making it harder for users to send bitcoins through the blockchain.

10. another set of developers came up with another solution to the scalability problem. they are planning to allow the miners to vote the size of the blocks for bitcoin. this means that the bigger miner companies will be able to "cripple" bitcoin in an effort to cause the fees to transmit bitcoins through the network to rise. these fees are paid to the miners for their work maintaining the blockchain. therefore we can see how the miners controlling the size of blocks being transmitted through the network will profit by crippling the bandwidth. of course that is a very bad idea and therefore what is the other choice ?? the other choice is "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" ..

11. another problem is insider trading at exchanges.. there have been some really strange incidents happen at some of the leverage exchanges. there are rumors that owners of these exchanges trade against their users causing their margins to be called resulting in their own profits.. and then there are problems where exchanges claim they have technical problems. we have seen these technical problems happen and then suddenly the exchange needs to make adjustments to users balances. sometimes users are brought into negative by these glitches. and sometimes the glitches do now allow users to withdraw their money or bitcoins from the exchange. my opinion is that if an exchange does not have these technical problems then it will not have to stop trading, stop withdrawals, and make balance adjustments. these exchanges showing these kinds of problems are the leveraged trading exchanges.

Aug. 3 -- Bloomberg’s Cory Johnson examines the arrest of Mark Karpeles, head of collapsed Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox. He speaks with Bloomberg’s Matt Miller and Pimm Fox on “Bloomberg Markets.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Bitcoin (virtual currency) coins are seen in an illustration picture taken at La Maison du Bitcoin in Paris, France, May 27, 2015.  REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

Karpeles is accused of tampering with financial records to inflate his bank account by $1 million -- and a former employee has ended his silence over the Mt. Gox debacle.

Publish on: Sep 7, 2015 @ 07:42

710. Post 12814184 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: hdbuck on October 28, 2015, 08:25:23 PM

you went mia for monthsdays just to come back super butt hurt when btc broke 300$?

 Roll Eyes Kiss

problem for me is i have been butthurt for months now... i been talking trash about bitcoin for months now. and i am going to continue to talk trash... when mofos try to get even with me cuz they are mad cuz i will kick their ass for wronging me then we get into a boxing match... this is about being WRONGED. that is why i am being a total biatch and refuse to stop being a total biatch... check this out what i wrote before so far:



ya know... i could whip out a mini-book and drop it for FREE .. literally within weeks.... explain all that i have learned about bitcoin.

711. Post 12814423 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: hdbuck on October 28, 2015, 08:41:21 PM

you went mia for monthsdays just to come back super butt hurt when btc broke 300$?

 Roll Eyes Kiss

problem for me is i have been butthurt for months now... i been talking trash about bitcoin for months now. and i am going to continue to talk trash... when mofos try to get even with me cuz they are mad cuz i will kick their ass for wronging me then we get into a boxing match... this is about being WRONGED. that is why i am being a total biatch and refuse to stop being a total biatch... check this out what i wrote before so far:



ya know... i could whip out a mini-book and drop it for FREE .. literally within weeks.... explain all that i have learned about bitcoin.

sure, the little brain fucking cargo cult you got there running at seems to have unsubstantiated side effects.

the charlatan petree R and his scam of an acolyte frapdoc must have been good at it.


no idea what your talking about.. i do not have an account at

712. Post 12816297 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: spooderman on October 29, 2015, 01:03:00 AM
manbearwhale was so weird. what is the overall take on what happened there? someone eating their own coins?

its called a marshal's pump.. u guys havent figured it out yet ??

713. Post 12816372 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: Blazin8888 on October 29, 2015, 01:08:25 AM

Is it really necessary to promote ETH here? I mean this is a Bitcoin speculation thread... I understand maybe one or two times promoting it, but I think you might be going a little too far with constant links and references to it.  

Interesting speech by CEO of Microsoft made in India a bunch of IT students:   "Rich cloud infrastructure"  "In fact the way I decscribe it is, every device creates this exchaust of data, and the cloud and the power in the cloud can converge that into the fuel...and the intelligence that empowers every one of your experiences". - MICROSOFT AZURE. (quote starts at 5:19)

Another interesting interview made last month (get to know Microsoft and their future vision further):    (starts talking about power of AZURE at 7:00)

Paris Microsoft Enterprise group meeting interview:      - shot back before Sataya was CEO -- Satya was responsible for building and running Microsoft's computing platforms, developer tools and cloud services. He and his team deliver the "Cloud OS." and was Rumored to be on the short list for CEO at this time, he shares his views on the future.


This all has to do with Bitcoin....this will all drive the price of BTC up in turn. Don't you see..its a win win win. The future of BTC is very bright and getting even brighter because of this.

kinda doubtful...  gold and silver is going to but the bitcoin blockchain blacklists... and the usa is not going to be able to do a dam thing about it except draw our attention away from the failures with another staged fake gun shooting like they did when russia took over syria... russia has taken over the strategic port of crimea, half of ukraine, and now syria since obama became president... and you guys really think that bitcoin, that the usa federal govy pumped so the marshal's can make a couple extra million, is going to be the next reserve currency Huh go run some cold water over your face, wakeup, stop brushing your teeth with flouride and you will start to see more clearly. sorry burst ur bubbles unfortunately i'm not a big fan of bitcoin anymore. i'm exposing the desperation.

714. Post 12818926 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

IDEA: use the ill gotten funds {ill gotten because the pumped it} from the marshal's auction to cleanup the St. Louis Landfill underground smoldering event that has been burning underground for the last five years .. it is within a few months of reaching the radioactive waste dumped there which will release radioactive particles and radon and radium toxins into the metro St. Louis. this marshal's auction pump will make it into my new book i am about to drop in a few weeks in regards to the St. Louis unfolding catastrophe.. as well as a couple others. the US federal govy does not want to spend a single dime on catastrophes even though they collected record breaking taxes under barack obama for the last two years. i have been inspired by this marshal auction pump to write about it in my upcoming new book i will drop in just a few more weeks. its already in proofreading, however, i am making these final changes regarding the marshal auction pump before dropping it.

715. Post 12819269 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: Elwar on October 29, 2015, 10:49:29 AM
The rise in the dollar price is impressive considering the dollar has also risen in the past few days.

not really... it s federal marshal's auction pump.. and who do we think is pumping it ?? i'm holding my mined coins so they can pump this as much as they want.. i'm still making money .. however, i am heavily, and i mean absolutely heavily inspired when i am butthurt. punishing me only makes me more resolved .. i been heavily inspired to write about this in my new book i am about to drop. when the federal govy pumps bitcoin to make more money from the bitcoins they confiscated yet ignore catastrophes then i think we have a problem .

716. Post 12820394 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on October 29, 2015, 11:22:07 AM
The rise in the dollar price is impressive considering the dollar has also risen in the past few days.

not really... it s federal marshal's auction pump.. and who do we think is pumping it ?? i'm holding my mined coins so they can pump this as much as they want.. i'm still making money .. however, i am heavily, and i mean absolutely heavily inspired when i am butthurt. punishing me only makes me more resolved .. i been heavily inspired to write about this in my new book i am about to drop. when the federal govy pumps bitcoin to make more money from the bitcoins they confiscated yet ignore catastrophes then i think we have a problem .

Have you got a title for your new book yet?

yep:       btw its nothing personal or no hard feelings against you guys. if the bitcoin goes to the moon that will be great. i got a stash of coins in cold storage and i wont be tricked into selling them either. i'm holding them until the economic collapse or they are worth at least 32k each.

717. Post 12820469 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: Mirsad on October 29, 2015, 01:31:18 PM
Some people have lost a lot of money trying to stop bitcoin appreciation.
Now we are entering the panic buying phase. Price can easily double overnight.

Better sell before and profit from easy 50-150% $$$$$ earnings.
Buy and hold = boring and slow profit, if never sold, no profit at all
Buy low, sell high = more risk, more profit (BTC and $$$ wise)

i was working on that but my buys got blocked by bitfinex... which is the main force behind my motivation that soured me against bitcoin.. i hope that exchange collapses.. good riddance to them.

718. Post 12820493 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: dloghwak on October 29, 2015, 01:33:38 PM
The rise in the dollar price is impressive considering the dollar has also risen in the past few days.

not really... it s federal marshal's auction pump.. and who do we think is pumping it ?? i'm holding my mined coins so they can pump this as much as they want.. i'm still making money .. however, i am heavily, and i mean absolutely heavily inspired when i am butthurt. punishing me only makes me more resolved .. i been heavily inspired to write about this in my new book i am about to drop. when the federal govy pumps bitcoin to make more money from the bitcoins they confiscated yet ignore catastrophes then i think we have a problem .

Have you got a title for your new book yet?

yep:       btw its nothing personal or no hard feelings against you guys.
Ye sure, the .gov pumps bitcoin..

yeah... like the cia programmer who wants to program in blockchain blacklists so they can intimidate countries and people and stuff. i believe their plans are going to fail though because gold and silver is going to but bitcoin.

719. Post 12820564 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: dloghwak on October 29, 2015, 01:43:23 PM
The rise in the dollar price is impressive considering the dollar has also risen in the past few days.

not really... it s federal marshal's auction pump.. and who do we think is pumping it ?? i'm holding my mined coins so they can pump this as much as they want.. i'm still making money .. however, i am heavily, and i mean absolutely heavily inspired when i am butthurt. punishing me only makes me more resolved .. i been heavily inspired to write about this in my new book i am about to drop. when the federal govy pumps bitcoin to make more money from the bitcoins they confiscated yet ignore catastrophes then i think we have a problem .

Have you got a title for your new book yet?

yep:       btw its nothing personal or no hard feelings against you guys.
Ye sure, the .gov pumps bitcoin..

yeah... like the cia programmer who wants to program in blockchain blacklists so they can intimidate countries and people and stuff. i believe their plans are going to fail though because gold and silver is going to but bitcoin.
You don't lost money cause of .gov, nwo, aliens, chinese hackers or other shit. You lost money cause you are an idiot, time to admit it and get some mental help.

actually, i have not lost any money other than the profits i could have made.. i have more coins in cold storage than i have cash on exchange to buy bitcoins.. and when i did sell the coins i had on exchange i sold them at a profit.. so i have more cash on exchange than i put into it to start with.. your talking trash about something you have no idea about... and that is what being an idiot is all about... i'm mad about not being in the game.. i'm thoroughly pissed about it and i'm going to to do something about it. sometimes its better to cooperate with people and make friends, because every now and then that enemy u made will be the one who will be the constant thorn.

720. Post 12820729 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: aztecminer on October 29, 2015, 01:47:27 PM
The rise in the dollar price is impressive considering the dollar has also risen in the past few days.

not really... it s federal marshal's auction pump.. and who do we think is pumping it ?? i'm holding my mined coins so they can pump this as much as they want.. i'm still making money .. however, i am heavily, and i mean absolutely heavily inspired when i am butthurt. punishing me only makes me more resolved .. i been heavily inspired to write about this in my new book i am about to drop. when the federal govy pumps bitcoin to make more money from the bitcoins they confiscated yet ignore catastrophes then i think we have a problem .

Have you got a title for your new book yet?

yep:       btw its nothing personal or no hard feelings against you guys.
Ye sure, the .gov pumps bitcoin..

yeah... like the cia programmer who wants to program in blockchain blacklists so they can intimidate countries and people and stuff. i believe their plans are going to fail though because gold and silver is going to but bitcoin.
You don't lost money cause of .gov, nwo, aliens, chinese hackers or other shit. You lost money cause you are an idiot, time to admit it and get some mental help.

actually, i have not lost any money other than the profits i could have made.. i have more coins in cold storage than i have cash on exchange to buy bitcoins.. and when i did sell the coins i had on exchange i sold them at a profit.. so i have more cash on exchange than i put into it to start with.. your talking trash about something you have no idea about... and that is what being an idiot is all about... i'm mad about not being in the game.. i'm thoroughly pissed about it and i'm going to to do something about it. sometimes its better to cooperate with people and make friends, because every now and then that enemy u made will be the one who will be the constant thorn.

i'm just going to get even.. once i am even then it will be all good.. that is really what its all about. i have to even the score. and i will eventually.. i'll pound at it like artillery fire until i do .

721. Post 12820966 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: peonminer on October 29, 2015, 02:08:36 PM
Oh wow $314 on bitcoinwisdom!!
This baby can make a small break please.
What do you think how far will we go today?
Yesterday we were around $306-$307 and stayed around 300 at midnight. This morning (CET) we were back to 305.And now at 314.
Some will take profits soon I believe.

Actually, I was tempted to do so when each coin is valued at $305 each yesterday. I woke up to see $310 tonight and I'm glad I didn't pull that move. I just hope it won't pop soon.

Yes people other than tarmi were saying it was probably a good time to take profits days ago when we were at 270.  I kept an eye on it but look what happened.  I didn't take profit but instead bought at 289 and again yesterday at 303.  Now I think I will take profits @ $31,998
I'll be taking profitz @ $340 if it can't break within a half day o.0 a bound to $400 would be YogiBear worthy

we haven't seen past $350 in a long long time.

722. Post 12821499 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on October 29, 2015, 02:35:33 PM
The rise in the dollar price is impressive considering the dollar has also risen in the past few days.

not really... it s federal marshal's auction pump.. and who do we think is pumping it ?? i'm holding my mined coins so they can pump this as much as they want.. i'm still making money .. however, i am heavily, and i mean absolutely heavily inspired when i am butthurt. punishing me only makes me more resolved .. i been heavily inspired to write about this in my new book i am about to drop. when the federal govy pumps bitcoin to make more money from the bitcoins they confiscated yet ignore catastrophes then i think we have a problem .

If you believe that the fed govt is pumping this price, NOT only are you butt hurt, you are also delusional.

You can still buy and get in for under $320, which will be considered a bargain.....

pumping bitcoin for marshal's auction would be a typical obama strategy..... huge money grab... just like 2014 and 2015 taxes were record breakers.. just like obamacare is a huge money grab that is now failing miserably. when u look at the past every single thing obama has done has backfired.. obamacare is now a huge mess with people dropping out not paying their premiums because they have no money cuz they are being taxed outrageously high taxes,

i am NOT going to buy at 300+. as i said before I have more coins in cold storage than i have cash to buy more on the exchange.. if i buy at 300+ then the price will drop and i will lose.. i been down this road before.. instead, i will just become the enemy i have been turned into .. i'm not going to cooperate because this is not the first time this happen. this is the second time.. we didnt get evened up for the first time so we are doubling down.. should NOT have blocked my buy with that massive buy wall. that buy wall that blocked my buy is what i am upset about... and that buy wall was a bitfinex buy wall. i'm not going to make this easy and jump in at a higher price. i will just box. we'll get evened up eventually. shoulda just let me get my buy in when we were down there. thats all i was asking for. let me get my buy in. .. that did not happen because bitfinex put up a 5000 bitcoin buy wall right where my buy in was at.

723. Post 12821561 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: ssmc2 on October 29, 2015, 02:38:09 PM
The rise in the dollar price is impressive considering the dollar has also risen in the past few days.

not really... it s federal marshal's auction pump.. and who do we think is pumping it ?? i'm holding my mined coins so they can pump this as much as they want.. i'm still making money .. however, i am heavily, and i mean absolutely heavily inspired when i am butthurt. punishing me only makes me more resolved .. i been heavily inspired to write about this in my new book i am about to drop. when the federal govy pumps bitcoin to make more money from the bitcoins they confiscated yet ignore catastrophes then i think we have a problem .

If you believe that the fed govt is pumping this price, NOT only are you butt hurt, you are also delusional.

You can still buy and get in for under $320, which will be considered a bargain.....

In a year or two, anything in the triple digits will be considered a bargain.  Wink

and after the feds fleece the auction it might go right back down again ... pretending like there is something else amazing going on causing the price to rise is whats delusional.

724. Post 12821580 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: _biO_ on October 29, 2015, 03:15:34 PM
pumping bitcoin for marshal's auction would be a typical obama strategy..... huge money grab...

Are you drunk or stupid or both?

yeah right... bitcoin is rising cuz.... bitcoin................... stop brushing your teeth with fluoride and maybe your vision will clear enough to see past the bs.

725. Post 12821694 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on October 29, 2015, 03:21:16 PM
The rise in the dollar price is impressive considering the dollar has also risen in the past few days.

not really... it s federal marshal's auction pump.. and who do we think is pumping it ?? i'm holding my mined coins so they can pump this as much as they want.. i'm still making money .. however, i am heavily, and i mean absolutely heavily inspired when i am butthurt. punishing me only makes me more resolved .. i been heavily inspired to write about this in my new book i am about to drop. when the federal govy pumps bitcoin to make more money from the bitcoins they confiscated yet ignore catastrophes then i think we have a problem .

If you believe that the fed govt is pumping this price, NOT only are you butt hurt, you are also delusional.

You can still buy and get in for under $320, which will be considered a bargain.....

pumping bitcoin for marshal's auction would be a typical obama strategy..... huge money grab... just like 2014 and 2015 taxes were record breakers.. just like obamacare is a huge money grab that is now failing miserably. when u look at the past every single thing obama has done has backfired.. obamacare is now a huge mess with people dropping out not paying their premiums because they have no money cuz they are being taxed outrageously high taxes,

i am NOT going to buy at 300+. as i said before I have more coins in cold storage than i have cash to buy more on the exchange.. if i buy at 300+ then the price will drop and i will lose.. i been down this road before.. instead, i will just become the enemy i have been turned into .. i'm not going to cooperate because this is not the first time this happen. this is the second time.. we didnt get evened up for the first time so we are doubling down.. should NOT have blocked my buy with that massive buy wall. that buy wall that blocked my buy is what i am upset about... and that buy wall was a bitfinex buy wall. i'm not going to make this easy and jump in at a higher price. i will just box. we'll get evened up eventually. shoulda just let me get my buy in when we were down there. thats all i was asking for. let me get my buy in. .. that did not happen because bitfinex put up a 5000 bitcoin buy wall right where my buy in was at.

Aztec, You really need to work on your ability to think critically and analytically.

And, for the love of all that is holy, don't buy a gun!!!

i work in the gun industry... and i disagree with u. i think once you stop brushing your teeth with fluoride u will gain more use of your brain organ and your vision will clear and you will see through all the bs.. not to mention removing a leading cause of cancer out of your life by not absorbing fluoride into your blood stream under your tongue every morning ... your like someone who believes everything the mainstream media tells you to believe on tv.. we couldnt even get this high when greece and the entire world was on the brink of economic collapse and your trying to claim this rise in price is cuz.. just because. you guys cant even come up with a good reason. best one i seen yet was cuz microsoft chose eutherium or whatever its called.. talk about grasping for straws.

726. Post 12822001 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on October 29, 2015, 03:39:35 PM
i work in the gun industry...

And I like you. You're a wonderful and sensible guy.

glad you realized how awesome i am..... being in the same forum as me will help improve your awesomeness too. ..  and the waves of awesomeness will spread throughout all of bitcoinland from right here from wall of observer thread...

727. Post 12822554 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: DieJohnny on October 29, 2015, 04:31:22 PM
Guys I am getting worried about the inevitable correction. What will it pull back from and to?

It is coming, probably very soon, when we correct from $3000, down to $2100. My guess is in the next two months.

From $3000 to $2100?? Shocked
I would be fine with that. Grin
And then we continue climbing up again?

More holders in China than traders. Price pressure. Rich chinese old folks sit on their assets for decades, dead coins once they get in their hands. Going up....!

np... dont worry they got it covered. ... bitcoin cia programmer will program in more bitcoins. ..

728. Post 12823937 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on October 29, 2015, 06:29:44 PM

this billboard shows that the cia created bitcoin. bitcoin benicia. it says it right there. we can see exactly what it says..

729. Post 12825227 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: nioc on October 29, 2015, 08:06:06 PM
aztecminer, I believe it's a conspiracy.  Everytime btc is down I have no fiat and when it rises I do have fiat.  Given the fact that I can't hodl onto fiat makes my entries into btc less than ideal.  I received extra fiat this Tuesday most of which was obligated to go into a 17+% annual yield investment.  With most of the rest I have been chasing btc the past 2 days Tongue

I am resolute to hodl this btc and not change it into its' evil twin  Cool

yep.. as soon as i buy it goes down, and as soon as i sell it goes waay up. i have been considering trying different exchanges. i havent been able to trade at all. i'm not chasing bitcoin.. i let it come to me. although i get tired of waiting.. i been waiting months ... thats why i developed a bad attitude toward bitcoin ...  i think if i buy anywhere 300+ then i am buying at the top.. too risky.. i'm not buying or selling right now.. there really is no reason for this to be up right now. the only thing going on right now is the marshal auction.. they pumped it for the auction. look at it.. the last time we were in the 300's greece was about to collapse and the world economy was on the brink of total meltdown. when we compare the greece debt slavery collapse panic is not on the same level as a marshal's auction, or anything happening atm for that matter. therefore, i think is much too risky to buy in at this level at this time.. maybe as the halving approaches will be more of a legit reason.. personally i feel that pumping bitcoin for the marshal's auction is borderline corruption of the local law enforcement. that is why we have to have outside intervention to handle problems in an environment where corruption rules the day. there are some people who cannot be corrupted in their missions in life due to their past experiences.

had they not pumped bitcoin for the marshal's auction you could have gotten a good buy in last tuesday. and that is the problem .. me and you have to wait on the feds to make their money.. had i gotten my buy in i wouldnt be talking trash right now. whoever had that 5000 coin buy wall that blocked my buy in is the cause of why i am being a biatch ... i suspect bitfinex, the insolvent exchange, is at the root of the problem..  

someone told me this yesterday in an email.. "to get the last laugh, you gotta keep laughing."

730. Post 12827554 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: celes8 on October 30, 2015, 04:17:00 AM
How long until people stop looking at price on Chinese exchanges? Aftwe all, no one wants CNY  Cheesy

until the ETF kicks off, china runs the bitcoin price.

gonna be a chinese panic soon is whats going to happen. huobi will shut down and start dropping their bags.

731. Post 12832535 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.30h):

Quote from: Elwar on October 30, 2015, 03:10:17 PM
I didn't read the article, but this alleged quote was posted on another forum:

Bitcoin itself may never be more than a curiosity. However blockchains have a host of other uses because they meet the need for a trustworthy record, something vital for transactions of every sort.

The swan song of Keynesians that are realize that the Bitcoin blockchain is such a great leap forward in tech but are pissed that it is not inflationary and centrally controlled like their war currencies.

their war currencies are a weakness, someone gave me this video to watch:  

alright the usd is gimped and failing bigtime.. it is also unconstitutional .. it is going to cause the economies to collapse it is just a matter of time and that time is likely much sooner than later. the "in god we trust" for the federal reserve to print and manipulate markets has proven to be inferior technology that lead them to their own demise..... and obama's record breaking taxes for 2014 and 2015 lead to people stopping paying their obamacare premiums causing several obamacare co-ops to collapse and insurance premiums to soar... total disaster... the raising of the debt ceiling brings us closer to the economic collapse....

and hating to burst bubbles here but the usa is NOT going to use bitcoin as a reserve currency... here's whats up:

Treasury To Sell SPR Oil To Pay Bills…Why Not Sell Some Gold Instead?

the usa is selling bitcoins and oil while they start to hoard gold and silver.. the central banks are hoarding gold and silver... and not bitcoins.... however, they want everyone to think we are being innoavative when really its just something to distract everyone from the real thing going down somewhere else: gold and silver backed money (notice i did not say currency ?? there is a difference between money and a currency) .. money is a store of value while currency is not.. which is bitcoin ?? is it money ?? or is it a currency ??... i'm betting its the latter because if people lose confidence in bitcoin then it can go to zero and never rise again, while gold and silver will ALWAYS be worth something no matter what it is a true store of value.

732. Post 12832561 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.30h):

Quote from: solid12345 on October 30, 2015, 02:59:57 PM
And you think the corrupted people who rule the planet will use something like a decentralize blockchain? lol

Bitcoin will eat them...

Why not? A one world currency that is public and traceable? Isn't this what they've always wanted?

with built-in blockchain blacklists............. gold and silver is going to eat bitcoin.

733. Post 12840590 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.30h):

this pump equals at least $100 more per coin in marshal's auction.

734. Post 12845518 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.30h):

Quote from: peonminer on October 31, 2015, 04:45:06 PM
Now the US is depicting the trends . . . Smiley With China lagging behind in false hope.

For all those whining the US doesn't show trend strength like China.

735. Post 12916750 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.32h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on November 07, 2015, 11:47:15 PM
Cryptsy alert. OTOH is having big problems.

we are all trying to overlook and pretend this problems doesn't exist because we're all pumped. an exchange crashing like that is bad timing.

736. Post 12921708 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.32h):

four days sideways bubble pumped ?? about to go to new highs next week ?? or what ??

737. Post 12923238 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.32h):

Quote from: hdbuck on November 08, 2015, 07:28:52 PM
That is Bull whale, telling Bear whale, we are bigger and tougher than you are, now run along and exit your massive short position, or something like that, cos you aint driving this market down at this moment in time.

Laughably transparent false flag disinfo attempt by bull whale, who should just pack up and go home. Bears aren't fooled by his runny bullshit.

The Bears arrogance blinds them...

but seriously you gotta be suicidal to buy at these prices.


seems like a good reason to dump into those walls ..

738. Post 12924983 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.32h):

gotta be a tuff call for ya all to dump coins at 380 and now at 360 ....

739. Post 12932128 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.33h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on November 09, 2015, 07:37:06 PM
It also looks like the subsequent crash into Earth will no longer be a problem, since everyone's already been killed by huge tsunamis caused by Mars' gravitational influence at that point Cool

Not me. I'll be ON A BOAT!!!

did you hear that everyone ?? its almost time to buy our boats.

740. Post 12932520 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.33h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on November 09, 2015, 08:19:51 PM

Not me. I'll be ON A BOAT!!!

Monohull or catamaran

I think I'd like this for the apocalypse.

For sale now for 1,5 mill NOK.

whatever u do dont buy one these boats: or u will be xcrewed!

741. Post 12996528 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

i feel as though there might be some kind of scheme going on with bitcoin price.

742. Post 12999823 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

ruh roh ... This Mega-Bank is Preparing to Launch its Own Bitcoin Competitor

743. Post 13005099 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: GGALINff on November 18, 2015, 02:37:44 PM
slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oow day


744. Post 13006054 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: StarenseN on November 18, 2015, 04:25:04 PM
It's official, this thread is now disgusting.

thats because we are all mind numbed from all the bitchcoin action.

745. Post 13014573 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

looks like today in bitcoin the french are gimping out and instead of allowing the people to defend themselves decided to attack and blame bitcoin..  the terror attacks in france is more proof that gun control simply does not work.. stop brushing your teeth with fluoride and you will be amazed at the clarity.

746. Post 13014894 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on November 19, 2015, 03:55:14 PM
looks like today in bitcoin the french are gimping out and instead of allowing the people to defend themselves decided to attack and blame bitcoin..  the terror attacks in france is more proof that gun control simply does not work.. stop brushing your teeth with fluoride and you will be amazed at the clarity.

your spreading fud....... concealed carry and open carry prevent gun violence and save lives.

747. Post 13014917 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: ghdp on November 19, 2015, 04:05:43 PM
... instead of allowing the people to defend themselves ...

Are they people who seriously believe that people should be able/prepared to defend themselves against AK47 inside theaters ?

absolutely... the terrorists chose a soft target gun free zone .. obama said: " "we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries." -- OBAMA

yet here we are with a soft target slaughtered in france.... AGAIN.. second time in a row in less than a year. (not even counting the Australian soft target slaughter by terrorists in the coffeee shop cafe this year)

748. Post 13014924 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on November 19, 2015, 04:25:31 PM

Man, I'm pro-gun but the way the y-axis on that chart have been selected is deliberately misleading. Not to mention it surely should compare ownership and not just sales.

This kind of thing does not help the cause.

right it seem to have required an increase of ~500% in gun sales to decrease  violent crime rate by ~50%

if it saves even one life it is a victory .. here is a fact for ya :: if you do not like our constitution and do not want to abide by it, then you should move to a country that does have a constitution you like and will abide by. ... there ya go your problem is solved.. go feel safe.

749. Post 13014939 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on November 19, 2015, 04:10:43 PM
... instead of allowing the people to defend themselves ...

Are they people who seriously believe that people should be able/prepared to defend themselves against AK47 inside theaters ?
maybe the ak47 wouldn't have been there had he known there would likely be 10 random people with guns in the theater

that is right. they would have to find a soft target.

750. Post 13014961 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: Denker on November 19, 2015, 04:41:07 PM
Surprising amount of newbie accounts posting statist bullshit and terror fear mongering lately.

Yep, this is bullish!!!

I am short. Good Luck if you think this will go up because if this news...

Man short as much as you want.No one here is interested in your stupid tries to cause panic.
Furthermore this isn't news.It's just total crap.
It will have no big influence to Bitcoin's price.
But keep going with your shitty obvious scheme.

i'm long and short at the same time.. i consider cold storage that i refuse to liquidate as being long.. and i consider being in cash on the exchange as being short.. i'm hella short . scheming the heck out this.

751. Post 13015409 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on November 19, 2015, 05:00:39 PM

Man, I'm pro-gun but the way the y-axis on that chart have been selected is deliberately misleading. Not to mention it surely should compare ownership and not just sales.

This kind of thing does not help the cause.

right it seem to have required an increase of ~500% in gun sales to decrease  violent crime rate by ~50%

if it saves even one life it is a victory .. here is a fact for ya :: if you do not like our constitution and do not want to abide by it, then you should move to a country that does have a constitution you like and will abide by. ... there ya go your problem is solved.. go feel safe.
your "constitution" has been stepped on in a lot of ways, i don't think it's even relevant at this point.
but i do agree that if you are unhappy with the way the country does what it does then leave.
but this isn't the case, mostly people would like some things to be different, but they don't care about it strongly enough to move. ( moving to a new country isn't exactly easy. )

come feel safe in canada, with justin trudeau legalizing marijuana, we will soon be an even more peaceful poeple.

when they take gun rights away i very well may leave the usa and eventually denounce my citizenship..... i absolutely hate the abusive high taxes we are forced to pay.. and i hate obamacare too... both of those are great reasons to ditch the usa.

752. Post 13015436 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: betterangels on November 19, 2015, 05:28:23 PM
BTC will raise despite Black friday

i think btc wont do much good until, at the very least, obama is out of the white house..

753. Post 13015770 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on November 19, 2015, 05:47:53 PM

Man, I'm pro-gun but the way the y-axis on that chart have been selected is deliberately misleading. Not to mention it surely should compare ownership and not just sales.

This kind of thing does not help the cause.

right it seem to have required an increase of ~500% in gun sales to decrease  violent crime rate by ~50%

if it saves even one life it is a victory .. here is a fact for ya :: if you do not like our constitution and do not want to abide by it, then you should move to a country that does have a constitution you like and will abide by. ... there ya go your problem is solved.. go feel safe.
your "constitution" has been stepped on in a lot of ways, i don't think it's even relevant at this point.
but i do agree that if you are unhappy with the way the country does what it does then leave.
but this isn't the case, mostly people would like some things to be different, but they don't care about it strongly enough to move. ( moving to a new country isn't exactly easy. )

come feel safe in canada, with justin trudeau legalizing marijuana, we will soon be an even more peaceful poeple.

when they take gun rights away i very well may leave the usa and eventually denounce my citizenship..... i absolutely hate the abusive high taxes we are forced to pay.. and i hate obamacare too... both of those are great reasons to ditch the usa.

good luck finding a place where there is no health care and taxes  Tongue

obviously we pay taxes.. but in the usa we dont pay taxes.. we pay blood money.. us citizens are RIPPED OFF by a government who allow their citizens to be poisoned.... and.... poisons their citizens because they want them to get cancer and become profit for the cancer treatment centers so they dont have to pay their social security they paid all their life...

High Taxes, Abusive Enforcement Causing Businesses, Citizens to Flee America

754. Post 13023067 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: Elwar on November 20, 2015, 10:40:40 AM
Hey i hope i'm wrong to because who knows what the truth is these days.
This picture says more about the kind op person i actually am. there anyone on that planet that is poor? They may need to be helped. We should spend trillions to get there to help them.

better yet.. lets liberate them.

755. Post 13023132 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: noobtrader on November 20, 2015, 01:37:19 PM
last time i read this forum i think that we are done... MMM, ISIS... no way btc can survive, but how come we are still above 300 ?  Huh

obviously... the greek crisis is happening. is the only explanation. things like people being unable to withdraw money from exchanges doesnt even phase bitcoin anymore. this is for sure sign bitcoin is poised to rocket higher any day now. next 24 hours is critical!

756. Post 13023178 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on November 20, 2015, 01:54:25 PM
Gee, what a fucking shock.  But as I predicted.

I love the experience that comes with learning this silly market.  And at the price I sold, with each $10/btc drop I gain $3000 in my stash.

Still winning Adam.

Btw: this is all foreplay leading up to the 3d cross to the downside. 😉

Fallen Prophets:





Looks like we'll have to add Torque.

i forgot to liquidate my cold storage coins! that means i was unable to be felled by the Four Punch Raiders or the Bear Whale..... not even the chinese miners was able to fell me...

757. Post 13023238 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on November 20, 2015, 02:43:16 PM
Gee, what a fucking shock.  But as I predicted.

I love the experience that comes with learning this silly market.  And at the price I sold, with each $10/btc drop I gain $3000 in my stash.

Still winning Adam.

Btw: this is all foreplay leading up to the 3d cross to the downside. 😉

Fallen Prophets:





Looks like we'll have to add Torque.

i forgot to liquidate my cold storage coins! that means i was unable to be felled by the Four Punch Raiders or the Bear Whale..... not even the chinese miners was able to fell me.

You haven't sounded very upbeat lately. There are nearly no Perma-bulls or Bulltards left. Adam puts on a good show now and then, but his spirit isn't really in it.

if u want me to have your cheap coins then i am all cash on the exchange. which way you guys wanna go with this ?? either way i already defeated the bear whales and the Four Punch Raiders. if u try real hard and practice everyday u will be as awesome as me.

758. Post 13023351 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on November 20, 2015, 02:45:55 PM
Gee, what a fucking shock.  But as I predicted.

I love the experience that comes with learning this silly market.  And at the price I sold, with each $10/btc drop I gain $3000 in my stash.

Still winning Adam.

Btw: this is all foreplay leading up to the 3d cross to the downside. 😉

Fallen Prophets:





Looks like we'll have to add Torque.

i forgot to liquidate my cold storage coins! that means i was unable to be felled by the Four Punch Raiders or the Bear Whale..... not even the chinese miners was able to fell me.

You haven't sounded very upbeat lately. There are nearly no Perma-bulls or Bulltards left. Adam puts on a good show now and then, but his spirit isn't really in it.

if u want me to have your cheap coins then i am all cash on the exchange. which way you guys wanna go with this ?? either way i already defeated the bear whales and the Four Punch Raiders. if u try real hard and practice everyday u will be as awesome as me.

Nobody will ever be as awesome as you. You wrote a book with penguins in it.

almost.. it isnt published yet... this the only thing they can do atm is go sideways at 300 and wait until i am so bored i self destruct and liquidate my cold storage in disgust.. and then go up... obviously i am not going to fall for the evil schemes of bitcoin blockchain blacklisters.

759. Post 13023532 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

how is the big EU 'lets pretend we are against bitcoin' meeting going ?? i think that exchange that is not allowing withdrawals might be about to collapse .. if it collapses then there may be potential the collapse could trigger other weak exchanges to collapse in the dominoes of 'too big too fail' bitcoin exchanges implosions .. this could cause the chinese to panic and Huobi to shut down so it can drop its bags. the next 24 hours is critical! BTC

760. Post 13023640 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: DaRude on November 20, 2015, 03:22:40 PM
how is the big EU 'lets pretend we are against bitcoin' meeting going ?? i think that exchange that is not allowing withdrawals might be about to collapse .. if it collapses then there may be potential the collapse could trigger other weak exchanges to collapse in the dominoes of 'too big too fail' bitcoin exchanges implosions .. this could cause the chinese to panic and Huobi to shut down so it can drop its bags. the next 24 hours is critical! BTC

Are you saying that bitcoin might die Shocked ... again?


761. Post 13033183 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

i still believe that bitcoin is manipulated by the us govy.. i think the chinese pump and dump scheme was a us govy operation. we are maintaining a level that we haven't held since the greek crisis. there really is nothing comparable to the greek crisis going on in the world. you could try to say syria but that has been going on for months. bitcoin is a us govy scheme. they have already schemed a bunch cash out of it .. the us govy has been making a HUGE profit from bitcoin. absolutely HUGE profits. and then we have the "blockchain blacklists", which i feel it is my personal duty to warn my friends.

atm we have multiple insolvent exchanges. we have people who cannot get their money from cryptsy ?? small exchange ?? then wtf do I have an account there Huh and have had one for over a year ?? i used to hangout there all the time. thankfully i was out there before they started going tits up. that exchange is not as small and insignificant as you all like to pretend it is. cryptsy has to be insignificant so as to not effect the price. bitcoin has become more like ripple where events do not phase it because those events are not part of the plan.. well, in my experience, plans don't always work out. especially schemes. the usa govy might not learn that easy since they have turned gay cuz of left-hander obama.

762. Post 13044996 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

all commodities are down due to strong dollar except one... guess which one Huh ready ?? BITCHCOIN! yeah!!!!

"Gold has fallen for 23 days in a row, apart from a $1 rally on Monday, leaving it down 9.6% on the year so far, with silver down 8.9%. The bloodbath extends to the whole commodity complex, with crude oil down 14% and copper down 12%. The common feature is dollar strength."

Market Report: Dollar drives commodities down

763. Post 13047990 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on November 23, 2015, 12:06:57 PM
The market doesn't seem to be able to decide which way to go. I think we may be at a tipping point right now in the sense that soon we're going to plummet & go to about 280 or pump to 360.

This period of stability makes me uneasy.

u mean the manipulators cant decide wtf they are doing.

764. Post 13048842 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: Torque on November 23, 2015, 03:05:21 PM
for days now i come to look at the chart and its as if the chart never changes always looks the exact same

It's extremely flat. It's really weird.

And buying pressure/volume has completely fallen off the map.

Weird for a supposed bull market where the Average Joes are just going crazy buying left and right, because supposed bull market.  Amiiiright??  You guyz promised $32K by next year?


(It couldn't possibly be just a lone whale fucking around in this completely dead market, or could it?  Guyz???)

the evidence is piling up.

765. Post 13049215 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on November 23, 2015, 03:55:55 PM
for days now i come to look at the chart and its as if the chart never changes always looks the exact same

It's extremely flat. It's really weird.

And buying pressure/volume has completely fallen off the map.

Weird for a supposed bull market where the Average Joes are just going crazy buying left and right, because supposed bull market.  Amiiiright??  You guyz promised $32K by next year?


(It couldn't possibly be just a lone whale fucking around in this completely dead market, or could it?  Guyz???)
the evidence is piling up.

not avg joes, bitcoiners.

this low volume over the weekend is meaningless

we're just settling on 325

whos to say were price gose when volume picks up again.

all commodities are down due to strong dollar..... except bitcoin!

766. Post 13058976 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

Quote from: Meuh6879 on November 24, 2015, 05:07:56 PM
GOLD surge ... Bitcoin follow like usual.  Grin

surge ?? gold is up $6.00 while silver is up .11 cents... i wish it would surge .. hhahhahha!

767. Post 13061520 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

always weeks and weeks of the same gimpy bitchcoin..

funny.. i read an article from a silver stacker in email inbox today saying he thought bitcoin was a good hedge.. lol. little does he know .. hhahhahha!

768. Post 13063737 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

more of the same bitchcoin gimping along as usual .

769. Post 13063881 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

Quote from: ghandi on November 25, 2015, 08:07:08 AM
Waiting patiently for the big sell off to come...

maybe if it stays at 320 long enough we will suddenly all buy more.

770. Post 13066319 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

maybe if it stays at 325 long enough everyone will sell ??

771. Post 13066371 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

now that we have been going sideways since the auction, it should be more obvious now ... u know what ??... i just had an idea..

772. Post 13070604 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

i have decided since i cant make a profit being with bitcoin because of the manipulation, i will make a profit another way... i got the mad skillz... its called paybacks .

773. Post 13070830 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on November 25, 2015, 11:54:14 PM
i have decided since i cant make a profit being with bitcoin because of the manipulation, i will make a profit another way... i got the mad skillz... its called paybacks .

You can make a great profit if you're willing to HODL & wait a year or two.
It's no different to a fixed rate bank bond....oh actually it is, they give you 2% interest on your savings per year. In 2 years bitcoin's value SHOULD be at least 100% more than it is now.

i think i have done enough waiting..

774. Post 13071145 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

i think its another fake pump.. they dont actually have the buyers to really do anything .. i wont buy anywhere in this level. this is a big fakeout try get peeps to buy in .. if it isnt then go on up biatches lets go see ... quit being little gay obamafaeries .... and btw my cold storage will still be in cold storage long after obamaturds leaves the wh.

775. Post 13071175 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

and btw, those coin i have in cold storage. i'm the only person in the world knows the secret key to them.

here is a pic of all of observer thread watching one of the obama fairies pump bitcoin:


776. Post 13071297 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

Quote from: nioc on November 26, 2015, 02:28:05 AM
i think its another fake pump.. they dont actually have the buyers to really do anything .. i wont buy anywhere in this level. this is a big fakeout try get peeps to buy in .. if it isnt then go on up biatches lets go see ... quit being little gay obamafaeries .... and btw my cold storage will still be in cold storage long after obamaturds leaves the wh.

It's possible it's fake but possibilities are all we deal with.  I think the possibility to go below 315 is slim.  I believe the 5% difference between what I paid and and 315 doesn't amount to much especially considering it made no difference in the number of shiny btc obtained, just slightly less fiat which I can't hold onto anyway.

and btw, those coin i have in cold storage. i'm the only person in the world knows the secret key to them.

here is a pic of all of observer thread watching one of the obama fairies pump bitcoin:


3 people have access to all my coins.  When I meet my demise my coins will not have met their's.

I like sheep IRL.

i'm holding my bitcoins hostage .. lol.

777. Post 13081126 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

everyone spent their money on bitcoin instead of black friday this year.

778. Post 13085360 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

i skipped on buying bitcoins and i bought #blackfriday instead.. i hit this deal last night on Samsung Pro Plus 64GB MicroSDXC Memory Card --- 95MB/s Read, 90MB/s Write.. fastest card for gopro .. got two them for $60 total owned it... this morning they are sold out .. i note that there are still plenty more bitcoins to buy .... i saved big on gieco too.

779. Post 13086086 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

looks like the "gold and silver is surging" bs got put where it belonged Huh gold down $15.00 silver down .18 ... and while all commodities are SURGING DOWNWARDS due to usd strength, bitcoin pumps upwards.

780. Post 13086307 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on November 27, 2015, 05:37:12 PM
This rally cannot be due to Black Friday.  The big surge in volume is in the Chinese exchanges, especially Huobi and OKCoin.  Since September, these two have seen an unprecedented surge in volume. Just in the last 3 days, Huobi's volume was 3.5 M BTC, about 10x the maximum volume seen anytime before Septermber,

My guess for the cause of the rally is still Mainland Chinese non-bitcoiners buying bitcoin to use in the MMM ponzi.
do you have any idea how much money china plans on dumping into various ponzis?

Black Friday is an event, poeple log into there wallets, maybe buy a few bitcoins maybe sell and then buy and then buy a gift?
it most definitely has an effect on traders psychology too
market gose up, who would of thought.

the manipulators thought it... if you bought bitcoins at $320 before and then use them at #blackfriday deals today at $360 you make out real well. it's like getting double #blackfriday deals. i think the manipulators use the chinese exchanges to pump, and when they need a real pump like for the marshall's they devise a ponzi scheme.

781. Post 13120867 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

are u guys done shopping with your bitcoins ??

782. Post 13121356 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on December 01, 2015, 03:05:26 PM

Volume on Stamp has dropped off dramatically after the peak at $502.

Looks like someone is done accumulating.

accumulating ??

783. Post 13121395 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

Quote from: Denker on December 01, 2015, 03:30:36 PM
Today in Bitcoin:

At least three Greek banks have been hit by cyber-attacks from a group of hackers demanding a bitcoin ransom. The group called Armada Collective threatened to disrupt the banks’ electronic transactions unless each paid a 20,000 bitcoin ($7 million) ransom.

Banks hit by hackers demanding BTC ---> banks forced to buy massive amounts of BTC ---> price skyrockets due to demand from banksters!  Grin

The rt story does say no banks responded to the attackers demands, and that they thwarted attacks over the weekend and on Monday by using extra computer resources. But it makes me wonder if the banks hadn't been buying Bitcoins as a contingency plan.

Does anybody had the idea that this whole scenario could be a made-up story or orchestrated thing by the banks themselves?!
How likely is that? I mean these are banks!!!

ah ok.. now is banker hackers. we got it.

784. Post 13121979 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

everyone... please make your way to the checkout for your #blackfriday #cybermonday last minute shopping buys ..

785. Post 13131745 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on December 02, 2015, 03:51:14 PM
In Indonesia it´s not a weasel but some kind of cat in the poop coffee story there. Some other place it´s goats I think. It´s true stories I´m sure but the sales based on it are probably mostly a scam.

can we do this to bitcoin and have its value increase?

everyone needs to buy bitcoins to replace the coins they traded for #blackfriday #cybermonday ......... 

786. Post 13135590 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.35h):

bitcoin is gimped. even though i own a bunch i dont watch it as much anymore. it doesn't really matter what it does at this level. hope everyone got their #blackfriday #cybermonday deals in .. i picked up a gopro myself. i was inspired by the BEAR SMACKDOWN ur a biatch video:   .... if was a rocket ship should already be at $500 .. #gimpedcoin

787. Post 13141090 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: mammut on December 03, 2015, 05:03:11 PM
It would take a desktop PC about Infinity years to crack your password

we're not going to use a desktop pc to crack his pw, we're going to use our asic farm.

788. Post 13141203 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 03, 2015, 05:49:25 PM
Anyone else seeing this trend reversal? Cool

You mean price is going to go down from here?  or up from here? 

To which trend are you referring?

it will most likely drift upwards again here soon after the bitcoin shopping spree wears off. due to bitcoin staying in 300's there is now too much buying for bitcoin to go back below 300, and certainly never 200 again.

789. Post 13141213 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on December 03, 2015, 06:06:14 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

I come back after a few days' absence and it's still around $360.

Better than the $320s of a week ago I suppose.

i wonder how far price needs to swing for you to consider it non trival

I'll take 'Back to the Future' for $800/btc, Alex.

"Non-trivial"  BTC price movement seems like a fairly relative term that is based on a number of factors including:

1) time between price A and price B,

2) amount of movement (maybe measured as a percentage change between price A and price B) and

3) how long the price is able to stay (staying power) at it's new price point.

Maybe there are some additional factors that I am missing?

volume from price a to b?
chart technicals it breaks? ( tringale support / resistance...)

but with JimboToronto i could see price go to 1000 or 100 and he'd be like

Good morning Bitcoinland.

I see price went ____ in my short absence.

i'm indifferent, tra-la-la

it's all good!

if JimboToronto posts a train rocket or moon pic, GTFO

he might be the only person in this forum making a profit from this mess too.

790. Post 13141276 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

its MUST stay above 300 or peeps will try to buy a bunch more bitcoins...

791. Post 13142713 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

next push up starts in a few more hours. choo choo... coming through $400. .. i now bought 20 bitcoins... lol.

792. Post 13142754 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: Frost on December 03, 2015, 10:12:04 PM
Doesn't make sense that the price is still above $350

doesn't make sense it is above 300 either. nothing makes sense in bizarro world. doesnt really make sense that #cybermonday is still happening at amazon either when it is now thursday.

793. Post 13142805 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: spinnel on December 03, 2015, 10:20:28 PM

No sgbett said we would be at $560,000 per bitcoin by now.

[prediction] Next spike $560,000 14 months from now

He used an underlying sigmoid function to work out the adoption curve followed by a cyclical function to calculate the base valuation, then a function tan^-1 to model the s-curve (whatever that is), and reached his final figure using a sin funtion to model a cycle.

sounds about right.

794. Post 13187013 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

hot dropit lockit ..i passed on buying bitcoins. i bought metals instead while they are down.

795. Post 13196363 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 09, 2015, 04:19:26 PM
The Craig Wright thing doesn't add up. There's supposed to be a tx of 1.1m BTC. Where is it on the blockchain and why are Satoshi's coins still where they always were?

I'm trying to find another explanation and the only ones I can come up with are
1) Someone else has 1m BTC
2) The doc is fake

Yeah, this reminds me of the fake Mormon will of Howard Hughes.  He knows he can't access the coins, but if he gets anyone to believe he can, he could pledge them for collateral to a loan.  This is really strange because Bitcoin is probably the easiest asset to prove you truly control. Just sign something with your private key. Frauds are so easily sniffed out with just the minimum amount of due diligence. You almost have to WANT to be fooled in order to get defrauded.

cover story for the real creators of bitcoin.

796. Post 13196428 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

i think when the usd goes down (finally gives up the ghost) that bitcoin will go with it. one gold coin will equal 32,000 bitcoins. that would give bitcoin and average price of about $1000.00, or roughly equal to 1/5 oz of silver.... thats *IF* anyone even wants bitcoins at that time. maybe since no one can send gold and silver through the internet. however, with the "blockchain blacklists" we still have to see how that works out.

797. Post 13198263 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 09, 2015, 05:15:39 PM
On BFX, it's almost as if someone pumped ~$5,000,000 to $10,000,000, just to gain a quick 5% and then dumped again. 

A successful P&D like that is likely to be repeated, but the question  is will it be for a higher buy in price, lower, or the same? 

I think it's likely that it was for considerably more money and performed on multiple exchanges simultaneously.  or it could just be the sum of many players acting independently. It's fun to think about.

Well, since you were threatening to do this with your 6 figures of bitcorns, I'd say you are a likely suspect.

No no no. I have a tradeable balance of over $100,000. But even that is with max leverage. I'm only playing with ~1 years salary. The bulk of my holdings are in cold storage.  I WISH it was me. That would have been quite a windfall.

you should diversify into metals. i'm not buying bitcoins at these inflated higher prices. it is too risky for me. even with the us govy behind it cuz the dollar is still on its deathbed. they are fronting like they are in control. its like the catastrophes, you have to cover your own ass. relying on bitcoin is probably not a great strategy imo. especially with the unresolved issues that bitcoin is facing. might be able to make some fiat though if buy bitcoins at this risky higher prices. i'm not sure the risk is worth it to gain more fiat through bitcoins when can get more fiat through other means and buy metals at suppressed cheap prices and HODL them. the reason to buy the metals is because the us govy doesnt want us to buy metals. keep your eyes on the money on the exchange!

798. Post 13198303 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on December 09, 2015, 07:55:59 PM
sold out bulls still waiting for 2XX coins will be sitting here twiddling thumbs at 450 waiting for 3XX coins ... same old, same old ( I used to be one of those guys and it sucks)

nope.. still refusing to buy..that money go into metals. i wont buy above 300. too risky ..

799. Post 13198379 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on December 09, 2015, 08:33:01 PM
sold out bulls still waiting for 2XX coins will be sitting here twiddling thumbs at 450 waiting for 3XX coins ... same old, same old ( I used to be one of those guys and it sucks)

nope.. that money is going into metals. i wont buy above 300. too risky ..

So, what do you think will plummet if we get e rerun of 2008, only this time China is joining?

what do you mean?? if bitcoin goes up .. i'm covered. insurance policy... i got coins in cold storage. i might be done buying bitcoins altogether. i'm not trading bitcoins anymore cuz i dont have any to trade and i am absolutely refusing to buy at higher than 300.. period. i'll buy metals. u dont give a dam then i don't give a dam. i am much more confident buying metals than bitcoins. i think end game the metals are going to be worth a lot more than bitcoin crypto-digits. china is buying more metals than cryptos for sure.

800. Post 13198467 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

all commodities are down, except of course...... bitcoin. ... that says a lot in itself. when the dollar finally gives up the ghost, and it will eventually, then value of bitcoin will collapse in purchasing power as compared with the new currency while metals will soar:

"The economy is collapsing.  This is evident from the ongoing crash in commodities, especially the price of oil and natural gas.  The consumer is tapped out." Retail Sales: It’s Going To Be A Slaughter -

801. Post 13198470 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on December 09, 2015, 08:45:50 PM
sold out bulls still waiting for 2XX coins will be sitting here twiddling thumbs at 450 waiting for 3XX coins ... same old, same old ( I used to be one of those guys and it sucks)

nope.. that money is going into metals. i wont buy above 300. too risky ..

So, what do you think will plummet if we get e rerun of 2008, only this time China is joining?

what do you mean?? if bitcoin goes up .. i'm covered. insurance policy... i got coins in cold storage. i might be done buying bitcoins altogether. i'm not trading bitcoins anymore cuz i dont have any to trade and i am absolutely refusing to buy at higher than 300.. period. i'll buy metals. u dont give a dam then i don't give a dam. i am much more confident buying metals than bitcoins. i think end game the metals are going to be worth a lot more than bitcoin crypto-digits. china is buying more metals than cryptos for sure.

That's my point. But if the brakes are on for real in China, they'll consume less metal. A lot less.

i'm not talking about consumers... lol. china, the govy, is buying up the gold.

802. Post 13198689 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on December 09, 2015, 09:06:54 PM
all commodities are down, except of course...... bitcoin. ... that says a lot in itself. when the dollar finally gives up the ghost, and it will eventually, then value of bitcoin will collapse in purchasing power as compared with the new currency while metals will soar:

"The economy is collapsing.  This is evident from the ongoing crash in commodities, especially the price of oil and natural gas.  The consumer is tapped out." Retail Sales: It’s Going To Be A Slaughter -

bitcoin is not tied to the US$ in any way whatsoever ... that's just borked thinking right there.

take a look at all the other global trade of btc in europe, south america, eastern europe, asia ... when the currency markets collapse and banks lock up a la greece people will use whatever money they can

i disagree... bitcoin is valued in fiat currency. when fiat currency collapses what will bitcoin be valued in ?? 1 bitcoin will equal what ??

greece was still able to value their bitcoins in usd and euros.

803. Post 13198712 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on December 09, 2015, 09:04:19 PM
i'm not talking about consumers... lol. china, the govy, is buying up the gold.

I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about metals in general.

i mostly am talking about gold and silver.

804. Post 13200857 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.36h):

bitchcoin is pretty much cornered now. only thing it can do is go up or go sideways. we all got tired bitchcoin wallowing around all time. get ur ass up bitchcoin. what to do next. is gold and silver going up or down ??

edit ps: this is where i usually would laugh like this hhahhahha. is funny!

805. Post 13201338 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

425 in the morning.. i'm hodl cold storage hostage. keep going up bitchcoin  . make us all want to trade for debt slavery fiat.

806. Post 13204374 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 10, 2015, 06:51:43 AM

I've always known btc had a lot of technical quirks that require either a fork or the continuation of Moore's law or both. The blocksize of all things, at first impression, seems like one of the more minor issues that could be solved with some kind of fork.

You'd think so, wouldn't you? The problem is that there is ideological as well as technical reasons both for and against any scaling solution/change. There isn't anything close to a consensus and network traffic keeps growing.  Some are even hoping to overload the network in order to create a market for xaction fees. IMHO, that's madness that could catastrophically retard growth and adoption.  

It's just a huge uncertainty that is difficult to price in.  

and when "blockchain blacklists" go into the code there will be more problems for bitchcoin.

807. Post 13204853 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

bitchcoin breaks 425 on its way to 500. who is going to sell at 500 ??

808. Post 13205222 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: AlexGR on December 10, 2015, 02:32:29 PM
Low fee transactions could take days to confirm. Zero fee xactions may never confirm.

Sounds like it will finally work like it should be.

The blockchain is too valuable a resource to be wasted by zero and ridiculously low fee txs.

And it's not only scaling but usability too. If I have a 100mb block size and it takes me a couple of hours just to sync the last day or a day to sync the last week (before I send a payment), will this be usable? Or will people say, ah yes, now you lost the ability to run bitcoin-qt, just use a thin client...

That's either stupid or dishonest. Nobody is proposing 100 MB blocks and won't unless bandwidth gets much much greater. The design is for block reward to subsidize miners until the network grows big enough to be supported on fees. How is that possible with ~ half million xactions/day? 

This is supposed to be a peer to peer network for the people, not <1 million elitists, criminals and middlemen.

We have different interpretations of stupidity.

When I have a system that has a hole in it (bloat in blockchain through low or no fees, that can be abused as an attack vector and kill bitcoin usage and adoption in the long run), I will not go and make it larger so that someone else can sink my boat. *That* is stupidity.

Scaling is not an issue right now. Not the processing of transactions. If you want to make a legitimate transaction, you'll pay a normal fee and you'll be processed in one block.

If you enlarge the block before scaling becomes an issue, then you open the attack vector wide open for further abuse (because it is already abused with over half the transactions being dust and spam). This is beyond idiotic.

I believe when the time comes, and the need is real, the block size can be increased. If it doesn't, there will be just some fee competition that prevents a lot of low and very low value tx. So what? This is certainly the lesser of the two evils involved here.

TL;DR: Keep Bitcoin as a smaller & more uncertain version of fiat. Make sure it also becomes more expensive to transact with.
Put off solving Bitcoin's principal problems for later, because totally good enough for now.
This will really drive adoption.

And downloading terabytes of blockchain bloat will?

Bitcoin is a protocol and while it is true that scaling issues exist, they are being worked on to find solutions. But nobody says we all have to use just one blockchain for storing everything, and doing so with zero cost. This is not feasible. We can transact with Dogecoins for the lulz if we want to. It's still bitcoin-based tech. You can have 100 chains, or 1000 chains. The sky is the limit.

As for cost: In Greece, in order to conduct a bank wire from one bank acc of bank A to another bank account of bank B, it goes like cost 1 euro for sender, cost 3 euro for receiver. Total 4 euros of charge even if I transfer like 10 euros. Do you think this puts people off from transacting with the banks? No. They just don't do it for small amounts, or if they do they are using something like "offchain" transaction by using the same bank for internal transferring of one bank account to the other, which typically has zero cost.

problem: it doesn't cost "transaction fees" to use debit card or fiat paper to buy something.

809. Post 13205388 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: Ultrafinery on December 10, 2015, 02:55:31 PM
problem: it doesn't cost "transaction fees" to use debit card or fiat paper to buy something.

So in real life you have multiple payment systems for different purposes, with multi-tiered costs, speeds etc.

In Bitcoin you want to make from microtransactions to billion $$$ transactions, in the same way, with the same speed, with the same minimal cost. Ah well, give it some time until it gets there, right now it clearly isn't capable to scale to that level. And it won't be by doubling or quadrupling, or 1000x the block size. You can't scale such a system to the degree that hierarchical systems do, but other problems plaguing hierarchical systems are dealt with. It's a balancing act.

But you do understand that the whole appeal behind Bitcoin is the fact that it could, potentially, eliminate the need for banks, payment processors, and all the associated expenses, right? That's the part that appeals to people who are not laundering money/running ransomware extortion schemes/buying drugs on DNMs.
Take that away, and what's left is ...yeah, you got it -- straight-up criminal uses.

criminals who want to charge a high "transaction fee" every time someone buys something... a better word for it might be "corruption".

810. Post 13208400 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: on December 10, 2015, 08:43:05 PM
So the vulnerability as you see it is that people can throw money at you? You don't feel safe unless you're wearing a money-proof vest?  A money-proof vest that weighs 100 pounds?  Yeah, I'd say we do have different definitions of "stupid".

the only stupid around seems to be you, given your self-contradicting issues. If Tx are going to be free or almost free, who's going to make a buck of it?

for now on when you use your debit card or cash, send me .02 btc as well.. see how that works out for both of us.

811. Post 13215729 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

bitchcoin going through 450 next ontw to 500. .. which may be a good sell spot. who's liquidating bitchcoins into this pump at 500 ?

812. Post 13217667 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: noobtrader on December 11, 2015, 05:42:09 PM

People sold at 30, 50, 100 and are still waiting to get their coins back. At some point, people selling at 100, 200, 300, 400, will have the same fate.

In other news:

Bitcoin Difficulty:   79,102,380,900
Estimated Next Difficulty:   93,295,173,091 (+17.94%)

Interesting indeed, has anyone any idea though how efficient this new gen of miners are that are clearly pushing the hash rate so high.

I.e is the cost of producing 1BTC actually getting higher


1200 watt, cost 100 usd per month, with those 1200 watt miner @ 4.7 T per month  generate 0.9 Btc  (next difficutly its 0.77 btc)

i predict that mid year 2016, diff will reach or doubled from today, and with reward halving it means 1 bitcoin cost 400 usd. actual fair price of bitcoin 400-600.
also if there are newer miner, btc difficulty and btc cost would be higher

i stopped mining .. i decided its not worth it to pay the us govy taxes on it. i use the money i would spend on mining gear on other gear that won't cause me to pay more income taxes. paying income taxes to buy bitchcoins makes zero sense. not much makes sense with bitchcoin anymore. chasing bitchcoin into higer prices is not a good idea.

i think many bitchcoin investors will get wiped out during the "global reset".

the reason is because when the dollar dies bitchcoin will need to revalue itself against a new currency or against gold and silver. in either case i think bitchcoin will revalue multiples lower. this is why peeps need to cover their asses by buying metals. one silver coin will have multiples more purchasing power than a single bitchcoin after the "global reset."

813. Post 13217873 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: Halaman on December 11, 2015, 06:40:18 PM
Why everybody here is so bearish?

I still don't see reason for that in charts. Am I missing something?  Shocked

I see potential for a further rise before it corrects a bit.

we are watching the fed tell us they are going to raise interest rates to .25% when really they are going to negative interest rates soon.

814. Post 13218713 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: Hyperjacked on December 11, 2015, 07:25:14 PM
I took some profits just under 450$ Grin

I'm expecting it to keep going but... Cool

about time to hit the buy button again...

thats the way! sell high and buy higher! its the bitchcoin way.

815. Post 13218738 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: Hyperjacked on December 11, 2015, 07:32:45 PM
Last chance to get coins under $450 Wink

444-445$ is a good entry point imO

think i am gonna keep on passing. i think maybe there is a better buy somewhere else.

816. Post 13241154 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

how's bitchcoin ?? i heard bitchcoin is canididate for "shiest dollar" . always the latest whats up.

817. Post 13245072 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: mladen00 on December 14, 2015, 06:26:52 AM
There are about 35.000.000 people in world with more than 1.000.000,00 USD....

sonner or later BTC will go above 1M USD/BTC

that might happen when usd gives up the ghost... although when it does one ounce silver will be worth multiples of bitcoins . people who own metals will be able to trade them for the "schiest dollars" at the state depository which then can be traded one million "schiest dollars" per one bitcoin at coinbase.

818. Post 13245110 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: brg444 on December 14, 2015, 02:05:23 PM
So anybody knows wtf is happening at Coinbase  Huh

that is strange.

819. Post 13247447 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

fed meeting is weds.. raise rates or not to raise rates.. bitcoin is up while gold and silver is down.. buy silver now while it is under 14.00 or buy bitcoins over 440.00 ?? i do not believe they will really raise rates. either way weds is the day we will find out and see what happens. i have this feeling that metals is going to get harder to obtain. i was in a shop today that had 2015 silver eagles priced at $19.00 if buy 100 or more coins.. that is still a good price at $5.00 over spot if you consider silver was $30.00+ a few months ago.. although the same shop had engelhard 100oz bars for $15.50 an oz if you bought more than one. which btw.. they stopped making 100oz engelhard bars in 2006. .. coinbase has bitcoins at $446.00 each. which is best deal ??........

820. Post 13247767 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: jbreher on December 14, 2015, 06:31:41 PM
... silver ... bitcoins ... which is best deal ??........

We won't know for some time which is the better deal. They're both likely a safer bet than USD - at least for the long term.

that is true. with bitcoin up and silver down i feel is good time for cost averaging though.... i am too much of a wimp to buy bitcoins at $445.00 each..

821. Post 13248974 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: Chalidore Phoenix on December 14, 2015, 08:16:30 PM
If someone spent millions of dollars putting up walls on 3 exchanges, that is a very expensive trap to set. Those walls are real. Price jumped last night, and people want to take profit.

Or the whales could intend to buy their own coins to get the price up and get the fomo rolling.

They have lots of coins to dump at an even greater profit.
I opened a short at 446, and I am glad I did.
Closed the short at 443. If it dips lower, I will start leveraging long again.
Don't you guys wish you were as cool as me?

i am at all time high levels of awesomeness after scoring 100oz englehard bars ... my cost average dropped significantly today.... i feel is waaaay to risky to buy bitcoins at 400+ in an economic environment that is worsening each day. read this:

"No matter where you look there are reasons to be very “bearish on the world”.  Whether it be equities, credit, derivatives, or nearly anywhere geographically, the risk versus reward is highly skewed toward digging a hole and covering yourself with a rock!  …And these are the known risks!"

why did bitchcoin unable to break 400 during the greece crisis ?? there is something wrong in bitchcoinland. everything is down...except...bitchcoin.

822. Post 13250023 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: Tzupy on December 14, 2015, 10:11:40 PM
After the pump failed, I think it's time to test support (it may take several days of slow downslide). Planning to buy back around 400$.

u should buy metals low instead of buying bitchcoin high.

823. Post 13250036 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 14, 2015, 10:19:44 PM

Look at those walls, bulls. Market buy after market buy and the price is actually going Down.  Now's you chance to buy with minimum slippage. 

Bears are placing limit orders to minimize slippage.  That's what we have to do with the bid order book so thin.


You are a bit pathetic, acting like bears have some kind of control over the current BTC price situation, and you happen to be in that "aware" group.   

You seem to have little to no clue if you are desperately still thinking that betting against the current trend is going to make you a killin.  Yes, you may get lucky, but really you seem to have little to no clue.

So, why don't you let up a bit with the pompous ass crap in talking your book

bitchcoin is pumping while everything else is dumping.. your being herded to buy bitchcoin. .. that way you don't buy something else and ruin "the plan" .

824. Post 13250240 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: Tzupy on December 14, 2015, 11:34:23 PM
After the pump failed, I think it's time to test support (it may take several days of slow downslide). Planning to buy back around 400$.

u should buy metals low instead of buying bitchcoin high.

So... you think 400$ support won't hold... I will only buy after I'll see it holding and some bullish indicators.

maybe for the short term. the problem is the global reset that is coming. EVERYTHING is DOWN.... except.... bitchcoin. .. there is something not right about a pump that started with a marxhalls auction that was covered by the media by claiming some rogue russian caused it through chinese exchanges.. something is up. .. i did exactly what i wasnt supposed to do... its like when obama admin told everyone not to take iodine as radioactive clouds passed overhead.

825. Post 13251213 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: strawbs on December 15, 2015, 02:19:03 AM
Bitfinex seems to be back to normal for now.
I am seriously thinking about closing my positions and getting my coins off the exchange.
The last time I got burned by an exchange, I lost over $30k. I am not about to repeat that mistake.
I dunno. Whadda you guys think?

If you're not day trading, then keep your coins in your wallet.

that is where they all are.. i do not have coins to trade anymore.. i'm still not going to buy at these prices. total refusal.. i willl keep buying the metals ALL THE WAY DOWN. ... btw RIP ripple....they couldn't do any tsunami's over there.. ripple effect gave up its ghost.. instead they do a cheesy money grab shut down their exchange... hope your paying attention.

826. Post 13251397 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: Chalidore Phoenix on December 15, 2015, 02:16:22 AM
Bitfinex seems to be back to normal for now.
I am seriously thinking about closing my positions and getting my coins off the exchange.
The last time I got burned by an exchange, I lost over $30k. I am not about to repeat that mistake.
I dunno. Whadda you guys think?

the entire crypto-currency world is starting to smell.. trust your instincts... mine tell me to hold my cash and buy metals right now.... there is something up. i'm not going to buy into the pump hype. i already hit them with a big defeat. i got bitcoins too.. if ripple dies... oh well not my fault. too bad so sad... ripples exchange is going DOWN. u got literaly one month get ur stuff out of ripple exchange or "you wont be able to access it."... sounds like a money grab to me.

827. Post 13251614 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: jbreher on December 15, 2015, 03:55:19 AM
if ripple dies... oh well not my fault. too bad so sad... ripples exchange is going DOWN. u got literaly one month get ur stuff out of ripple exchange or "you wont be able to access it."

Ripple: The First Cryptocurrency Of the Central Banker Set [tm]


their exchange "rippletrade" is going DOWN. they saying it is a new beginning. really what is happening is they are collapsing and they are going for the money on that exchange as they collapse. RIP ripple.. sorry to see you get torpedoed like that .. u be surprised the stuff that happens caused by obama strategies for the wrong reasons. maybe the next ripple 2.0 alt coin will be better.

828. Post 13251668 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: abercrombie on December 15, 2015, 03:45:05 AM
Now on Bitfinex...  Angry

You can not place new orders

whats up with that ??

829. Post 13251692 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Quote from: jbreher on December 15, 2015, 04:20:06 AM
if ripple dies... oh well not my fault. too bad so sad... ripples exchange is going DOWN. u got literaly one month get ur stuff out of ripple exchange or "you wont be able to access it."

Ripple: The First Cryptocurrency Of the Central Banker Set [tm]


For clarification, I meant Bullish for Bitcoin. (cuckoo for cocoa puffs?)

their exchange "rippletrade" is going DOWN. they saying it is a new beginning. really what is happening is they are collapsing and they are going for the money on that exchange as they collapse. RIP ripple.. sorry to see you get torpedoed like that ..

I'm in the clear. I've got some several dozen thousand Ripples, but I've not been able to access them since they reconfigured their site access credentials some months (years?) ago. I've long since written them off.

maybe the next ripple 2.0 alt coin will be better.

ehhh... probably not.

yep i have a few ripples. i'm keeping them. i do not see any reason to sell them. i already committed to that strategy and panic selling would go against everything. sorry ripple.. sink or swim ..  hope u got some life boats .

830. Post 13253927 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: spud21 on December 15, 2015, 04:58:35 AM

ripples exchange is going DOWN. u got literaly one month get ur stuff out of ripple exchange or "you wont be able to access it."... sounds like a money grab to me.

Thanks for the warning. That explains why it's crashed almost 50% in the last 8 hours. First they wanted KYC ID, and now they're abandoning the whole rippletrade platform. It brings home how crappy a centralized platform is when one entity can shut it down in a month, or faster if they want.

well ripple dropped some lifeboats. apparently it has to do with us regulations... i have not logged into rippletrade in a longtime cuz i did not have a reason too. i haven't been doing anything since all my bitcoins are in cold storage and staying there...i haven't been trading bitcoins...i do not have any to trade........and i didnt even know ripple had gone up recently. i will look closer... whoever GateHub is... and into cold storage.. never know what else i might do.

831. Post 13254156 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on December 15, 2015, 05:05:17 AM
i sold when i shoulda hold.
what else is new
buy and hoooooold!

bitcoin is bizarr0 world.

832. Post 13254188 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: MinermanNC on December 15, 2015, 05:19:28 AM
Well here we go again and its only Monday  Grin

Just checking in,,, so what's up with ripple? lol Don't worry ill go read up on it later

ripple panic. .. obama shut down rippletrade .. we're all getting on lifeboats next week to go to the legendary GateHub.... from there we do not know yet.

833. Post 13254258 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: TERA on December 15, 2015, 05:38:40 AM
What happened to my big juicy order book from a week ago? Did everyone decide to stop trading at finex now?

thought someone said ealier that finex quit accepting new orders. something about 31 millions longs or something.

834. Post 13254321 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on December 15, 2015, 09:35:27 AM
I wonder if there will be a serious assault on 500 this week?

It looks more likely than a fall back down to the low 400's.

coinbase can break it through in just one night of volume pumps.

835. Post 13254327 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: spooderman on December 15, 2015, 06:53:59 AM
i take my comfort in the price alone. the bids/asks are just manipulation if you ask me. who knows what's really going on behind the scenes at these exchanges?

quite a bit going on from some the stuff i have heard.

836. Post 13255576 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: Sitarow on December 15, 2015, 01:12:42 PM

nicy nice

Those transactions may be the result of tests from other projects (side chain) type.

or chinese exchanges teaching bitstamp and coinbase how to do volume pumps. .

837. Post 13256418 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: Torque on December 15, 2015, 02:54:20 PM
Well I'm feeling more convinced now that this uptrend has more runway.  The whale behavior is starting to look like what it did in early 2013.  

Let's put it this way, if someone is trying to prime the pump for a new rally to a new ATH, they are doing it right.  If it continues to 600 or more, then I can't imagine that it won't explode sometime after that, probably in the new year.  U.S. traders will have new money to invest after they sell off stocks to pay taxes by EOY.

And it would be a damn shame if they waste this rising opportunity, because they have to know that building positive market sentiment doesn't come around all that often.  Once cultivated, don't blow it, use it (this is exactly what they did in 2013).  Because once sentiment turns negative again, it'll stay that way likely for years... again.

I guess we shall see how this all plays out.

i am in the green with $500.00 bitcoin... i would have to look back but i think i reached green when bitcoin blew through $400.

838. Post 13256865 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: dreamspark on December 15, 2015, 03:37:14 PM
Wha wha wha so many whiny bears, you carry on talking about irrelevant bids and asks and ignore the bigger picture, be my guest. But but blocks lol

Difficulty increase.
Increased interest.

These are things that are affecting price. I fully expect to see nearer to $100mil in leverage longs when this really starts bubbling.

this pump started with the marshalls auction.. and then got blamed on a russian scheme.. and now its the halving.. seems a little early for the halving which is why i suspect they had to cover the marshall's auction pump with a russian schemer when really they are doing volume pumps on chinese exchanges. .. and on coinbase during sunday night rallies.

839. Post 13259372 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: alani123 on December 15, 2015, 05:19:41 PM
Last time this level was reached the drop was spectacular, this time it seems more sustainable. Or is it calm before the storm?

this is the calm of the first 1000. when the first 1000 appears, it is not long after that the next 1000 appears. it is not long after the next 1000 appears that the first 5000 happens. the Satoshi Nakamoto storm begins soon after the calm has passed .

840. Post 13267673 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: goldsun on December 16, 2015, 03:49:38 PM
Anyone who are more into bitcoin than me, could you please share some insight about how we will do in the coming days?

Will we go down from here or up?

recapping what others have already said: if the price of bitcoin goes up due to rate hike then shorts may get squashed.. if it doesn't then bitcoin might go down from here. alright we dont mess around in wall of observers forum thread. we are on top when it comes to knowing whats up and if anything is going down or not.

841. Post 13267834 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

842. Post 13269402 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

fed raised rates. .. we will see what happens.

843. Post 13279376 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: MoreNewSolutions on December 17, 2015, 05:37:09 PM
If you are good enough, you could do it with a thousand bucks. If you suck, you could turn a million bucks into twenty grand in a year.

I guess we won't get statistical information... not that Homo statisticus' (Bitcoin) average trader exists, but it's indicative. Anecdotal (but actual) evidence is welcome too.

The average trader loses money. It's close to the Parato ratio 80:20 losers:winners. Not that many of the losers will admit that.

holding fiat has burned me zero times
Well, aside from the constant devaluation.
Well see, fiat is meant to discourage you from holding it, because it's money. It's meant to encourage you to *invest* in useful shit, like real businesses that do actual stuff, or spend it on shit you enjoy, like hookers and blow.
And it has almost succeeded in your case, but not quite. You did figure out that you shouldn't just hodl fiat, but then went on to 'invest' in what amounts to little more than an elaborate pyramid scheme. Oh well, nothing's perfect, all has fallen short of His glory. Even fiat.

oops wrong. fiat is NOT money.. fiat is a currency...... GOLD and SILVER is money. ... u probably better not do anymore investing right now until u learn what money is.

844. Post 13280030 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 17, 2015, 07:25:54 PM

You're bringing ethics into this now? "Go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me" ring a bell?

This is why you can't argue logic with religious people. Sure, give me all your money now and you get pie in the sky when you die. There's always a point at which faith trumps reason.

Maybe that's true, but I don't want to get hung on a cross or eaten by lions. The treasures I have are my family right here on earth and if I can provide for them, then that's my reward.

well u dont have to give money to the preachers because if your in good with Josephe Smith then you are in good with god and jesus. only problem is Joseph Smith doesnt accept bitcoins yet cuz he doesnt know what they are... if you do try to give joseph smit bitcoins to get in good with him then tell us how that worked out. if we all know we can slip into heaven by giving Joseph Smith a bitcoin that would be great!

845. Post 13290969 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 18, 2015, 07:03:19 PM
When will we start to skyrocket again?

I don't know, Newbie. As soon as you start buying, I guess. All I know is that if we don't get a new ATH or a scaling solution by the time of the halving, I'm dumping my cold storage coins.

if you really want to leave em pissed... go buy a bunch metals.

846. Post 13290979 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: rtrtcrypto on December 18, 2015, 08:45:10 PM
Why the difficulty leap? Can't find info anywhere. Can someone fill me in and elaborate. Thanks.

everybody ready for bitcoin's largest ever increase in difficulty?

One block left.

most likely due to increase in price and hashrate.

847. Post 13291056 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: spooderman on December 18, 2015, 08:54:26 PM
It appeared that people were referencing a one-off, gigantic event that would make the hash rate jump up - I assumed this was something in the news that I missed about new mining equipment being deployed or something of the sort.

Since someone mentioned this down to the exact block, I assumed it was something more than just a re-target.

Why the difficulty leap? Can't find info anywhere. Can someone fill me in and elaborate. Thanks.

everybody ready for bitcoin's largest ever increase in difficulty?

One block left.

don't mean to be a dick, but are you new?

more people are mining, so hashrate has gone up, so network adjusts by making it more difficult to find blocks, therefore keeping supply of bitcoin predictable.

my apologies, it was mainly me getting overexcited. there has just been a lot of interest in mining recently given the price rise.

i quit mining because it is pointless to mine in the usa. you buy hardware to mine with and write that off along with ur electricity and whatever else. then you have to mine for months just to break even. then mine several more months to make profit. then you pay the irs income tax on everything you mined. then u have to wait a year to sell to get lower tax rate on the profit you sold your coins at. i mined mostly because i am a hardware geek who tinkered with mining hardware. you are better off just straight buying coins and HODL them. you do not get taxed (at least not yet <roll eyes>) for buying and holding bitcoins. HODL for at least one year and you wont pay as high of taxes (if you consider the 15% TAX RATE THAT OBAMA RAISED TO 20% AS NOT ABUSIVE HIGH TAXES). all my cold storage coins will be one year or older at new years. no point in me selling them though.

i believe the usa govy taxes are to high in an extreme way. we are talking abusively high taxes.

848. Post 13303013 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: Wekkel on December 19, 2015, 11:23:08 PM
Charts can say anything. It's just a tool to guess probabilities.

Still awaiting whale buy...

whale buy ?? that may be what the pumpers are waiting on as well. they will wipe out a whale...

849. Post 13319641 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 21, 2015, 07:02:36 PM
Crash bounce pause spike second bouce. If this follows the pattern, it will drift up to ~ $441 and then drift down and down into the next crash.

Just sayin'.   ;-)

Don't send me donations. Send them the Dorian Nakamoto fund on my behalf.

I mean c'mon! Can't y'all acknowledge that I got it EXACTLY right? Where's the love?

we haven't crashed yet... thats probably a chinese miner doing his dump while he still can..... if we go below 300 again then that might be a bonafide crash down .... 24 hours is critical!

850. Post 13321490 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

RIP the four gimp raiders. .. i think is time we put those guys to rest same place as the bearwhale.

851. Post 13325244 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 22, 2015, 04:11:51 AM

Sometimes you are so fucking contradictory that I am not even sure whether you can recognize your own lack of coherence.

You claim to be a libertarian and wanting to allow the free "market" to cause effects within such amorphous powers, then at the same time, you are complaining that the free market is over doing the bitcoin computing power because, in your infinite wisdom, they are too secure and "they" are causing you to have to pay more than is necessary in some amorphous and unsubstantiated claim that you have about having extra costs on yourself and presumably other bitcoin users... and what the fuck does it matter anyhow? even if there happens to develop 10x the computing power (excess capacity) to secure the blockchain, because these various individuals have been making their own internal calculations and they have been deciding to take various risks on the gamble that they are going to profit from such apparently excessive cumulative investment of mining power.  

Who gives a shit?  In the end, if we leave it to such free market and let individuals to decide for themselves if it is worth it to them to keep investing in mining,  it is all going to work itself out, no?, and some balance between price and security will work itself out, no?, without you trying to dictate what you believe is best.  

like you said, you can vote with your feet too, and leave bitcoin, which would surely be nice for you to exercise such option instead of continuing to propound end-of-the world ideas about the bitcoin network supposedly being developed as too secure.

Markets, aren't perfect, but they are better than planned economies.  It's Hyek's economic calculation problem.  Prices convey information. I thought I was paying for blockspace when I was paying for bitcoin, but if I have to pay twice, well, that's a price I'm not yet willing to pay.  I guess we'll find out if anyone else is willing to pay twice but I'd rather watch that from the sidelines.

NOBODY HAS YET SHOWN that they are willing to pay high xaction fees. The market WILL decide.

The issue I have to deal with is to get my cash out of a Honk Kong exchange before the network backlog makes that difficult or impossible. So that means I have to sell one here, buy one there to sell the next one here or I expose myself to exchange rate volatility. I suspect that's possibly a reason why the price hasn't tanked yet.

Artificial scarcity of coins in addition to artificial scarcity of blockspace is just too much scarcity for me, so i'm gonna make myself scarce but I gotta cash out first.

keep a few coins in cold storage and then buy a bunch metals while they are down... that will really leave em pissed if u do that. .. then they might do something spiteful like pump or crash bitcoin some more.

852. Post 13325309 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.38h):

Quote from: aztecminer on December 22, 2015, 12:32:40 PM

Sometimes you are so fucking contradictory that I am not even sure whether you can recognize your own lack of coherence.

You claim to be a libertarian and wanting to allow the free "market" to cause effects within such amorphous powers, then at the same time, you are complaining that the free market is over doing the bitcoin computing power because, in your infinite wisdom, they are too secure and "they" are causing you to have to pay more than is necessary in some amorphous and unsubstantiated claim that you have about having extra costs on yourself and presumably other bitcoin users... and what the fuck does it matter anyhow? even if there happens to develop 10x the computing power (excess capacity) to secure the blockchain, because these various individuals have been making their own internal calculations and they have been deciding to take various risks on the gamble that they are going to profit from such apparently excessive cumulative investment of mining power.  

Who gives a shit?  In the end, if we leave it to such free market and let individuals to decide for themselves if it is worth it to them to keep investing in mining,  it is all going to work itself out, no?, and some balance between price and security will work itself out, no?, without you trying to dictate what you believe is best.  

like you said, you can vote with your feet too, and leave bitcoin, which would surely be nice for you to exercise such option instead of continuing to propound end-of-the world ideas about the bitcoin network supposedly being developed as too secure.

Markets, aren't perfect, but they are better than planned economies.  It's Hyek's economic calculation problem.  Prices convey information. I thought I was paying for blockspace when I was paying for bitcoin, but if I have to pay twice, well, that's a price I'm not yet willing to pay.  I guess we'll find out if anyone else is willing to pay twice but I'd rather watch that from the sidelines.

NOBODY HAS YET SHOWN that they are willing to pay high xaction fees. The market WILL decide.

The issue I have to deal with is to get my cash out of a Honk Kong exchange before the network backlog makes that difficult or impossible. So that means I have to sell one here, buy one there to sell the next one here or I expose myself to exchange rate volatility. I suspect that's possibly a reason why the price hasn't tanked yet.

Artificial scarcity of coins in addition to artificial scarcity of blockspace is just too much scarcity for me, so i'm gonna make myself scarce but I gotta cash out first.

keep a few coins in cold storage and then buy a bunch metals while they are down... that will really leave em pissed if u do that. .. then they might do something spiteful like pump or crash bitcoin some more.

add crash metals to the spiteful reactions list.. if u hold back some on first buy then can buy when they crash down.. that will really piss em off ... although they might try lure u back to bitcoin if u were to do that.

853. Post 13330352 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

i went all day long without looking at bitcoin price (was busy with priorities).. five pages later i post into thread that the price didnt change in that time.

854. Post 13330428 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: fisheater22 on December 22, 2015, 09:32:39 PM
No, I'm offering you the current state of bitcoin ATMs (according to you, an essential layer for transacting in BTC).
Talking about the present, what is, right now. No "paradox." What are you talking about?
Then also take the current state of bitcoin fees and transact with it, instead of projecting forward to the point where it costs 3 times the coffee in tx fees.
If we are talking about the future, you will have to apply a corresponding "futuristic" reasoning for other aspects of the ecosystem.
I'm talking about the present. Regardless of how much I spend on fees, I can't buy gas, milk, pay my taxes or buy my dope from Pedro.
Not without turning it into fiat, at which point all the KYC/AML laws will apply, and will be introduced at your "bitcoin [buying] ATMs."
As long as that's how it's played, bitcoin's just a needless layer of complication.
Gold is an anachronism, a custom, a convention, like shaking hands.
Whatever you have to say about gold, the issue remains that it is indirectly spendable and a store of value despite not being directly spendable. And this is not an anachronism. It is not something that was relative a thousand years ago. It is something relevant TODAY.
Recently, gold has been a shittier store of value than USD. Case closed.

you have tried to suggest that you are bullish about BTC
You kiss your mother with that lying mouth?

i think the case is not closed. the price of gold is MANIPULATED downwards. that means the price has been artificially lowered. what that means is that todays price of gold is not it's true value.. and what that means is that gold is on sale.. obviously, there are reasons why gold and silver have been manipulated downwards.

and here is another something you seem to have missed.. usd is NOT money.. it is a currency. gold and silver IS money.... if you require more explanation of what is the difference between money and currency then obviously you need to do some research before you continue to make a fool out of yourself in the bitcointalk forum.

here's a trick question for ya:: is bitcoin money or currency ??

855. Post 13330454 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 22, 2015, 09:45:32 PM
Short or be shorted Wink


poor peonminer... .  Cry Cry  still waiting to accumulate coins.  I'm sorry you shorted your total BTC holdings at $425 and you are hoping to be correct in your prediction.... to either recover your losses or to profit a little bit from your premature short...  Cry Cry

Sure it is possible that BTC prices will go down, but nothing is certain in Bitcoinlandia....

/insert chasing train gif/

You shouldn't have oversold, especially since it should be fairly clear that we are generally hovering in a bull market

yeah they are hovering around in my break even area... up or down biatches (as in all the biatchcoins) ?? which way you going Huh

856. Post 13332404 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 23, 2015, 02:14:54 AM

i think the case is not closed. the price of gold is MANIPULATED downwards. that means the price has been artificially lowered. what that means is that todays price of gold is not it's true value.. and what that means is that gold is on sale.. obviously, there are reasons why gold and silver have been manipulated downwards.

and here is another something you seem to have missed.. usd is NOT money.. it is a currency. gold and silver IS money.... if you require more explanation of what is the difference between money and currency then obviously you need to do some research before you continue to make a fool out of yourself in the bitcointalk forum.

here's a trick question for ya:: is bitcoin money or currency ??

You sound like the Dilbert character called "Dick from the internet". He also says "you should do some research before you embarrass yourself like that again".

Why didn't you also follow Dick from the internet's example and give fisheater22 five links that are not as relevant as you think they are?

you are taking sides with fisheater22, as if he is the reasonable one.... hahahahahahahaha     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

What a joke.   Roll Eyes

On the contrary, if aztecminer is that guy from the internet who says "you should do some research before you embarrass yourself like that again" then he's FAMOUS. I'm an aztecminer fan, fisheater22 is just another bitcointalk member that nobody's heard of.

Everyone's heard of that guy from the internet who says "you should do some research before you embarrass yourself like that again".

O.k.  fair enough, and yes, funny in its own way, too.

yup i am he.. the one who says "stop brushing your teeth with flouride before you make foo of yourself some more.."... and...........i'm the person who is about to embark on a epic voyage on a ripple starship to the legendary GATEHUB... and that is all happening . meanwhile bitcoin is trying to figure out if it is going up or down while figuring out if they have enough bandwidth . the four punch raiders were recently wiped out in the marshal's pump when they dumped all their coins at 300 .

857. Post 13355506 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: gentlemand on December 25, 2015, 05:06:50 PM
I am shitcoin free and will be forever more. They've had a couple of years to actually do something and I can't detect much or any progress. My personal record was turning $10 into 4c with Mazacoin after being away from the internet for too long.

what do you mean they have made no progress ?? explain yourself .. we can all see biatchcoin is successfully at 450... u should buy some more.

858. Post 13364333 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

doubt it.

859. Post 13389877 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: Dotto on December 29, 2015, 02:07:16 PM
Mr Bitcoin says: the thread is dead

Hail to the thread

you are failing to acknowledge the point that the usd is going to die soon. that is going to lead to a new currency in the us and a reset of the price of gold and silver to new prices while gimpcoin will revalue as well. by the time you are in any position to react (since all ur cash is being bail-in haircut by the banks during the ‘big block of cheese day’) it will be too late. 1 oz gold will equal 32000 bitcoins, and 1 bitcoin will be worth one million in usa money. (meanwhile: all your investments in stocks and bonds will turn into worthless ding dongs overnight) be sure u buy nice comfy shoes to stand in line at the Walmart processing hub to be vaccinated and sent to the fema camp to work for food before u go to the cancer treatment center to become profit from all the gmos u ate at the fema camp..

860. Post 13390608 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 29, 2015, 03:49:38 PM
why is everybody ignoring the $10 pump? almost no resistance.

hard to ignore the Marshall's pump .. this is all on schedule ... only a person with flouride and aluminum coated brain cannot see the obvious .

861. Post 13399373 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on December 30, 2015, 02:53:50 AM
Civil engineer: Hey, Boss. Traffic on the bridge is increasing by 50% per month. Shouldn't we widen it?

Bureaucrat: Ha! That bridge has excess capacity. If traffic gets too high, we'll just increase the tolls. Most of those schmucks don't really need to go anywhere anyway.

Civil engineer: Do we know that for sure? What if there is an evacuation or something?

Bureaucrat: That bridge was intentionally designed with low capacity to prevent invasions! Widening it would be a dangerous departure from historic bridge operations.

Civil Engineer: Aren't bridges supposed to be used to facilitate travel?

Bureaucrat: Yes, but only the right sort of travel. That's for me to decide! If traffic gets too heavy, and tolls get too expensive, the people can use buses. Too many single passenger cars anyway.

Civil engineer: Do you own a bus company?

Bureaucrat: Purely coincidental! I'm just guarding against bridgebuilder centralization.

Civil engineer: I see. No conflict of interest there. What's the name of your company anyway, Busstream?

Bureaucrat: BridgestreamTM, Smartass.

whats more important to both those bozos is whether they can sanction people from using the bridge or buses altogether...

862. Post 13399411 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: molecular on December 30, 2015, 09:00:31 AM
Blocks are consistently far from being full!

This is true. We still have some time. But the nature of exponential growth means we will hit it fairly soon and hard.

It will also start to be an issue before 100%. I'm not sure what the exact level would be but I'm thinking around 85%

It's already an issue. I'm finding myself telling newbies at Chaos Communication Congress about alternatives to Bitcoin because Bitcoin has "this problem".

EDIT: And I can tell by their faces they are reducing their planned investment about 10-fold at that moment.

people need to be informed. .. its not personal right ?? ... its just the facts.

863. Post 13399627 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

jpm has accumulated 40million onces of silver in the last four years.. if silver is worth $100 oz then jpm profit is 30 billion dollars if their cost average is somewhere in the 20's....... jpm has zero bitcoins.. if bitcoin goes up to $500+ then jpm makes zero profit.

864. Post 13400205 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: souspeed on December 30, 2015, 02:53:32 PM
No worries.
500 soon.

i'm not sure if the price in usd matters atm. the reason why is due to the usd not being a solid currency anymore. when the world stops accepting usd then a new usd will emerge that will be easily devalued... bitcoin could fit that role except that i do not believe the goal is to devalue bitcoin... what appears to be the goal of the US Marshall's pump was not only to make a profit, but to trick some of the traders to sell their coins at $300 .. and then pump to $400+ leaving those peeps with losses. their goal for bitcoin isn't to make sure billyjoe becomes a millionaire... in fact.. they would prefer billyjoe stays poor. they even gimped adam.. the number one bitcoin trader in wall observer thread. these guys are much worse than the gimprider punch raiders.

once we cross $500 i am well into profit zone... if we go up i am still going to hold my gimpcoins in cold storage.. i am keepin those for the death of the dollar... if we go down then i buy some more... if we go sideways forever i dont care cuz i got other ways make money ... " blablablabla..  i so far ahead ya'll i dont care what you all are ... blablablabla.. "

865. Post 13410843 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

get ya some europe! happy new years!

better get your money out the 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system. this is surely an act of desperation.. it shows us how bad things have become .. if this were not true then they would not require a bank bail-in system in place ..

metals is probably the best place to move your fiat.. maybe bitcoin.. but that is a us govy manipulated market that is not guaranteed to succeed... as a matter of fact.. bitcoin has some issues to overcome, which might not be able to overcome and still be successful... a new system will have to come though because the 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system is failing. they are not admitting it is failing because they still think they have some chance or something.. its hard to see into the minds of people whose brains are coated with flouride and aluminum. they are stupid enough to poison themselves then they are dumb enough do really dumb stuff... like bank bail-ins... hey lets take all the sheeples purchasing power see how that works out.

866. Post 13410921 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Quote from: r0ach on December 31, 2015, 04:46:50 PM
The $5 million dollar Finex shorter has now covered and stopped manipulating down.  Time to go up.

finex went down this morning.. he probably getting hell out there. imagine if a big move happened while finex was down.

867. Post 13444919 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Cconvert2G36 on January 04, 2016, 06:15:52 AM
If I remember correct my last trades were: buy 315, sell 418, took a vacation, and then when I could I did short above 440.
I am not even sure what my exact entry is but I feel good about said position for now...

You've just summarized a massive amount of incorrect posts in your favor. Nice try. Anyone acting on your input at this point deserves what they get. You may or may not be talking your book, but either way I rank you with Kwukduck. Good day, sir.

Yep, freeman is a shill until I see proof he sold at 420. I thought he was legit at the time he said he was out at 420. I left as well. Very stupid to follow anybody's lead, I know. I was lucky enough to get back in right around the same price but lost the opportunity to short at 450, 470 etc. If BTC does go below 400 within the next 6 months I'll eat everything I said. But till then, I consider freeman to be a person or entity casting bait for sheep.

Jeez Guise. Belligerently confident bulls don't have the best track record. Sure the dips towards 420 have been pretty nicely bought back up, but on low volume. This market is at the whim of whomever wants to throw some cash/coin around, and these days, I'm more likely to be placing asks than bids. Go ahead and check them, they're real. I'll be back on the good team once we have a dev team with a real plan, one that doesn't centrally plan a $6 billion economy from an irc room, and has less blatant conflicts of interest.

what are u talking about ?? irc is badass man....

868. Post 13444945 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: spiderbrain on January 04, 2016, 11:12:22 AM
Are you guys serious? Comparing me with user kwukduck.

Okay well then I'm out. Best of luck with your trades.
You're no kwukduck.

+1 ... he seems more like a duckduckgoose than a kwukduck.

869. Post 13445916 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: chopstick on January 04, 2016, 03:37:16 PM
Oh my god charbuddy bitcoin unlimited node is under severe DDOS!!! Sell all your coins! Now!

Lol do you guys remember when the price ran up to 266 And then Mt Gox got DDOS'd and Bitcoin talk and all the charts got DDOS'd at the same time.

Then the price dropped from 266 to like 50 during this chaos.

Yes I was here for that but I did not have any money on the exchanges.

Bitcoin has always been just hilarious.

are u trying to say bitcoin is a joke ?? or are u saying biotcoin needs to be ddosed ??

870. Post 13446376 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on January 04, 2016, 04:12:13 PM
Lol. We're so bored. Cheesy

typical bitcoin action:

871. Post 13447001 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on January 04, 2016, 05:01:42 PM
Lol. We're so bored. Cheesy

typical bitcoin action:

Price stability makes bitcoin more attractive to old school investors, no?

Nobody wants to invest a load of cash & experience an epic dump/loss a few days later.

u probably shouldn't "invest" in bitcoin then .

872. Post 13455489 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

gimpedcoin still gimping along this morning. comon gimpedcoin! surely you know the halvinging is halving soon! there should be all kinds of interest to get in before then .. the reason : because the pump to where we are now was done for the marshal's.. there never was any additional demand for bitcoin. that is why this thing is going to flop .. because it is not real. their pump stole money from diehard bitcoiners. it is a joke that bitcoin is gonna attract more people when it repels people who have been into it for years... bitcoin has been gimped by the usa govy, who thinks they know wtf they are doing, meanwhile usd is on its deathbed.

ACCUMULATE metals while they are still artificially depressed! the lower they go the more should buy................ bitcoin is a scam.

873. Post 13455627 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

guys... the US govy is manipulating the price of pms down, meanwhile, they are manipulating the price of bitcoin upwards. additional adoption is week because new user adoption remains extremely weak. the us govy pumped bitcoin for the marshal's auction.. to make a profit. .... this pump was also used in a desperate attempt to draw in more new users... problem is the flouride and aluminum brain coated morons wiped out some bitcoiners, because those bitcoiners knew what the real value of bitcoin should have been at the time.

bitcoin is a SCHEME to scam people from buying pms.

874. Post 13455757 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Divitiae miserae on January 05, 2016, 03:26:44 PM
Why does Houbi look like it's operating 13 minutes in the past on Bitcoinwisdom?

manipulators mostly use the chinese exchanges to do their work. including the people responsible for the marshal's pump. the story about some guy in russia was a bunch of bull they used to cover their tracks. bitcoin is being bult upon a more USA corruption. they are already arguing over bandwidth and fees when really they are attempting to place their 'sanctions' code into the bitcoin code.

875. Post 13456123 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: rjclarke2000 on January 05, 2016, 03:34:02 PM
guys... the US govy is manipulating the price of pms down, meanwhile, they are manipulating the price of bitcoin upwards. additional adoption is week because new user adoption remains extremely weak. the us govy pumped bitcoin for the marshal's auction.. to make a profit. .... this pump was also used in a desperate attempt to draw in more new users... problem is the flouride and aluminum brain coated morons wiped out some bitcoiners, because those bitcoiners knew what the real value of bitcoin should have been at the time.

bitcoin is a SCHEME to scam people from buying pms.

I am down 55% on my Pms holdings. Bitcoin I am 50-60% up.

Metals are always manipulated and people have been saying for years that silver will be $100 per oz or $500 per oz. I wouldn't believe Shiff, Maloney etc too much. The only reason I won't sell mine if because I am so down on my investment.

Who knows what it would take for especially silver to go up. A miracle?

they have you right where they want you atm. your thinking your PMS are a bad investment and that bitcoin is a good investment. they would love if you sold your PMS and bought bitcoin. because when the collapse occurs and the dollar is finally toast, then a reset can happen. the reset happens on the big block of cheese day when all usd in bank accounts is frozen and bank bail-ins start. the usd cash you have now will need to be turned into the new domestic dollar. this will happen automatically to your cash in the banks. all usd will lose about 70% purchasing power during the currency exchange. meanwhile, PMS will reset at multiples higher value. i am not sure what happens to bitcoin. it could die altogether. they suck people into a currency that they can devalue quickly. bitchcoin fits this well.

BITCOIN is a bigtime SCHEME: two reasons why bitcoin pumped later 2015

1. Marshall's Auction = US GOVY USD PROFIT

2. desperation for new user adoption.

they pumped it too early. now they have to go sideways above 400 for months. the halving is still six months away. if there is a new adoption frenzy buying it will happen closer to halving. it aint gonna matter cuz they can't get their 'sanctions' code in without the entire world knowing about it.

like Bill Holter said yesterday: there is no rational reason for why the fed raised rates.

something is up. we may be closing in on crunch time. some have speculated that the fed is pulling the plug on the usd.

876. Post 13456176 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Elwar on January 05, 2016, 03:52:06 PM
ACCUMULATE metals while they are still artificially depressed! the lower they go the more should buy................ bitcoin is a scam. much of a discount can I get on my Amazon purchases using metals?

How do I send them my metals from Europe for payment?

you can still use USD for amazon purchases. you act like we can't live without bitchcoin. what ?? i can save 10% using aflac ?? i mean bitchcoin ?? another hook to get you all into bitchcoin ?? i am not saying it wasnt a good innovative idea. what i am saying is that it is manipulated by the USA govy who has already failed manipulating the USD.  it doesnt matter how much bitchcoin is worth now, just as it doesnt matter how much your stock portfolio is worth now, if you end up losing money during the big block of cheese day. as long as you are sukd in then you will become a victim of their scheme.

877. Post 13456384 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: jbreher on January 05, 2016, 04:29:55 PM
BITCOIN is a bigtime SCHEME: two reasons why bitcoin pumped later 2015

1. Marshall's Auction = US GOVY USD PROFIT

Absolute crazy talk. Let me repeat back what I think you said, and see if I understand your conjecture.

US Government is planning on tanking the US Dollar. Bitcoin is a tool they created in order to facilitate this goal. Despite the strategic value of this tool, .gov decided to use it to extract vast sums via auction. Except it wasn't vast sums - it was a paltry ten mil $. And that's not the pump - that's the entire value. In a tril $ economy. This from the cabal that can print money at will. Right.

Sorry - doesn't pass the sniff test.

that is not what i said at all. now u are putting words in my mouth to make yourself feel more confident to buy more bitcoins... i don't care if you buy bitcoins... go buy more bitchcoins this morning... i own a bunch of them too... nothing crazy about seeing through their BS.. yeah demand suddenly went up during marshal's auction.. i believe ya.

878. Post 13466127 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: r0ach on January 05, 2016, 05:43:06 PM
ACCUMULATE metals while they are still artificially depressed! the lower they go the more should buy................ bitcoin is a scam. much of a discount can I get on my Amazon purchases using metals?

How do I send them my metals from Europe for payment?

25,000 isn't a lot of people, but if they all wanted to spend or send bitcoin in the same hour, they couldn't do it, no matter how much in fees they paid.

At least PMs scale.

How many PM transactions can your local pawn shop do an hour?

You can at least walk into a Subway restaurant and buy food with Bitcoin.  Who takes gold for food?  Nobody?  Maybe some place in India?  Or maybe spending a $1000 gold coin at $1 govt face value?

that is not why we hold gold .. we obviously would not use gold to buy a sandwich at subway... instead, we would exchange gold at the state depository for local currency, or possibly even bitcoins, or other crypto-currencies. .. today, i can exchange bitcoins for gold or gold for bitcoins at bitstamp... we buy gold to store our wealth outside the banking system .. if you keep your local currency in the bank you risk bail-ins, and at the very least, watch its loss in purchasing power due to the federal reserve shenanigans .. that is the difference between money and a currency.. money is a store of value, while currency cannot store value as it is always losing value.

i do not believe anything is going to change from the status quo until the usd collapse and death as reserve currency.. until that happens, pms will continue to be artificially suppressed, bitcoin and crypto-currencies will continue their games, stock market will be where most the sheeple are herded into, the remainder of the sheeple are being herded into bitcoin.

when the usd collapses then will commence the "big block of cheese day" in which all usd will require to be converted to the new us currency (whatever that might be, maybe it is the amero, or schiest dollar, or whatever) .. all bank accounts will auto-convert to the new currency during the after banks close on friday for bank holiday .. during the conversion about 70% of wealth over 100k will be bailed-in to the banks .. for some it will be a double hit .. stock market will be wiped out during the reset because they will have to pop that bubble to reset stock market for new currency that has lesser purchasing power ..

those who have metals will then see their stashes multiply during the reset. it appears silver will likely out perform gold during the reset. i speculate this due to JP Morgan Chase Bank stockpiling silver. i believe the speculation that silver will reach $100+ is conservative. i think one oz of silver will increase to $1000+ (complete speculation) in the new currency and bitcoins or other crypto-currencies..

bitcoin is probably NOT going to be the local US currency unless it resets at like 1M per bitcoin before they roll everyone into it. they need people to 'miss the boat' with bitcoin so that most people will only ever see fractions of bitcoin and never a full bitcoin in their lifetimes... of course they cannot do that today due to the bandwidth issues appears as though bitcoin has been designed to be an international form of currency due to their wishes to install "blockchain blacklists" ..... i think they require a new currency that will be heavily devalued, which i am not sure bitcoin would fit the bill here ..... they might be planning to kill bitcoin and replace w something else that already has the sanctions code built in.... . the goal of all this is to transfer/steal as much wealth as possible from americans while maintaining international power of monetary control with sanctions using the new innovative technology of blockchain.

879. Post 13466309 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: jbreher on January 05, 2016, 05:53:30 PM
BITCOIN is a bigtime SCHEME: two reasons why bitcoin pumped later 2015

1. Marshall's Auction = US GOVY USD PROFIT

Absolute crazy talk. Let me repeat back what I think you said, and see if I understand your conjecture.

US Government is planning on tanking the US Dollar. Bitcoin is a tool they created in order to facilitate this goal. Despite the strategic value of this tool, .gov decided to use it to extract vast sums via auction. Except it wasn't vast sums - it was a paltry ten mil $. And that's not the pump - that's the entire value. In a tril $ economy. This from the cabal that can print money at will. Right.

Sorry - doesn't pass the sniff test.

that is not what i said at all. now u are putting words in my mouth to make yourself feel more confident to buy more bitcoins... i don't care if you buy bitcoins... go buy more bitchcoins this morning... i own a bunch of them too... nothing crazy about seeing through their BS.. yeah demand suddenly went up during marshal's auction.. i believe ya.

Well, I'm glad I reiterated it, because that's how I interpreted it. I certainly don't wish to put words into your mouth. Let's see where I went wrong:

1) US Government is planning on tanking the US Dollar. Is this your belief?
2) Bitcoin is a tool they created in order to facilitate this goal. Is this your belief?
3) ... .gov decided to use [bitcoin] to extract vast sums via auction. Is this your belief?


1) what i said is that some people are speculating that the federal reserve rate hike is them pulling the plug on the usd . the reason some people speculate this is because there is no rational reason for the fed to raise rates.

2) i do believe bitcoin is a tool, but nowhere have you seen me say that bitcoin is being used to kill the dollar.. however, u have seen me say that bitcoin could possibly be used as a currency after the usd collpase.

3) absolutely, the us govy under barack obama used bitcoin to extract a profit in USD during the last marshal's pump... ABSOLUTELY.... the usa digs for every single dollar they can beg, borrow, or steal... the usa citizens pay the highest most abusive taxes the world has ever seen.. the usa extracts large sums of usd using fines to foreign banks throughout the world.. the usa has even recently extracted large sums of usd from the crypto-currency RIPPLE using this tactic as recently as only a few months ago. ABSOLUTELY.. bitcoin was pumped during the 'MARSHAL'S PUMP" with the intent to extract as much usd from the auction as they believed they could get away with.

it might be the flouride where you are going wrong causing your brain to misread and bungle what i actually said into your interpretation and then reiterate it.

880. Post 13467190 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 06, 2016, 01:26:48 AM
ACCUMULATE metals while they are still artificially depressed! the lower they go the more should buy................ bitcoin is a scam. much of a discount can I get on my Amazon purchases using metals?

How do I send them my metals from Europe for payment?

Yeah... fuck metals.

I am not opposed to investing a little of everything, but a person only has so much money to spread around.

Even if Bitcoin may not succeed, and even if bitcoin may be subject to a considerable amount of manipulation by potential scam exchanges and banks throwing fiat at it to drive down the price, in the end, Bitcoin has way more upside potential than any of the various precious metals.  

We could go into a detailed calculation regarding the various upside and downside potentials of each kind of investment, and we would conclude that there are probabilities that various metals could appreciate - maybe even 100x...

but at this time, in the current state of affairs, bitcoin has greater probabilities  and greater expected future value.... accordingly, bitcoin seems to be an overall better investment than precious metals...

Certainly, we will see how this plays out, and every person should perform his/her own calculations in order to determine which ones s/he considers to have the better expected future values and various probabilities that s/he attaches to future appreciation of each (and then invest accordingly).

we could argue that bitcoin could easily be replaced by manipulators with another crypto-currency, while pms cannot be replaced by another pms.. one oz of silver is the same as another oz of silver regardless of what is inscribed on its surface or by what name we call it .. this is not the same truth for cryptos in general unfortunately . .. the value of bitcoin could go to zero and never go up again, while pms will ALWAYS be worth something. currently, bitcoin has several unresolved issues that make it a much greater risk as an investment than metals.

881. Post 13467227 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 06, 2016, 01:33:03 AM
guys... the US govy is manipulating the price of pms down, meanwhile, they are manipulating the price of bitcoin upwards. additional adoption is week because new user adoption remains extremely weak. the us govy pumped bitcoin for the marshal's auction.. to make a profit. .... this pump was also used in a desperate attempt to draw in more new users... problem is the flouride and aluminum brain coated morons wiped out some bitcoiners, because those bitcoiners knew what the real value of bitcoin should have been at the time.

bitcoin is a SCHEME to scam people from buying pms.

I am down 55% on my Pms holdings. Bitcoin I am 50-60% up.

Metals are always manipulated and people have been saying for years that silver will be $100 per oz or $500 per oz. I wouldn't believe Shiff, Maloney etc too much. The only reason I won't sell mine if because I am so down on my investment.

Who knows what it would take for especially silver to go up. A miracle?

they have you right where they want you atm. your thinking your PMS are a bad investment and that bitcoin is a good investment. they would love if you sold your PMS and bought bitcoin. because when the collapse occurs and the dollar is finally toast, then a reset can happen. the reset happens on the big block of cheese day when all usd in bank accounts is frozen and bank bail-ins start. the usd cash you have now will need to be turned into the new domestic dollar. this will happen automatically to your cash in the banks. all usd will lose about 70% purchasing power during the currency exchange. meanwhile, PMS will reset at multiples higher value. i am not sure what happens to bitcoin. it could die altogether. they suck people into a currency that they can devalue quickly. bitchcoin fits this well.

BITCOIN is a bigtime SCHEME: two reasons why bitcoin pumped later 2015

1. Marshall's Auction = US GOVY USD PROFIT

2. desperation for new user adoption.

they pumped it too early. now they have to go sideways above 400 for months. the halving is still six months away. if there is a new adoption frenzy buying it will happen closer to halving. it aint gonna matter cuz they can't get their 'sanctions' code in without the entire world knowing about it.

like Bill Holter said yesterday: there is no rational reason for why the fed raised rates.

something is up. we may be closing in on crunch time. some have speculated that the fed is pulling the plug on the usd.

Who would have thunk that you are such a psycho fanatic conspiratorialist? 

If you are so bearish about bitcoin, then what are you doing participating in these forums?  Are you here to save us?

Why don't you go live happily ever after and invest in your PMs, and go to their forums?  Why you need to be here to talk about bitcoin or try to persuade various readers, here, to buy into your bullshit theories regarding the supposed advantages of PMs instead of bitcoin?

i might own more bitcoins than you.. i own both bitcoins and pms, i participate in pm forum as well as this bitcoin forum.. just because you don't understand doesn't mean anything about me ::

882. Post 13467247 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: suda123 on January 06, 2016, 03:42:26 AM
gimpedcoin still gimping along this morning. comon gimpedcoin! surely you know the halvinging is halving soon! there should be all kinds of interest to get in before then .. the reason : because the pump to where we are now was done for the marshal's.. there never was any additional demand for bitcoin. that is why this thing is going to flop .. because it is not real. their pump stole money from diehard bitcoiners. it is a joke that bitcoin is gonna attract more people when it repels people who have been into it for years... bitcoin has been gimped by the usa govy, who thinks they know wtf they are doing, meanwhile usd is on its deathbed.

ACCUMULATE metals while they are still artificially depressed! the lower they go the more should buy................ bitcoin is a scam.

I think this guy sold his account to some FUD shill

really ?? and the fud shill is using my book cover as his avatar .

883. Post 13468511 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 06, 2016, 06:09:29 PM
ACCUMULATE metals while they are still artificially depressed! the lower they go the more should buy................ bitcoin is a scam. much of a discount can I get on my Amazon purchases using metals?

How do I send them my metals from Europe for payment?

Yeah... fuck metals.

I am not opposed to investing a little of everything, but a person only has so much money to spread around.

Even if Bitcoin may not succeed, and even if bitcoin may be subject to a considerable amount of manipulation by potential scam exchanges and banks throwing fiat at it to drive down the price, in the end, Bitcoin has way more upside potential than any of the various precious metals.  

We could go into a detailed calculation regarding the various upside and downside potentials of each kind of investment, and we would conclude that there are probabilities that various metals could appreciate - maybe even 100x...

but at this time, in the current state of affairs, bitcoin has greater probabilities  and greater expected future value.... accordingly, bitcoin seems to be an overall better investment than precious metals...

Certainly, we will see how this plays out, and every person should perform his/her own calculations in order to determine which ones s/he considers to have the better expected future values and various probabilities that s/he attaches to future appreciation of each (and then invest accordingly).

we could argue that bitcoin could easily be replaced by manipulators with another crypto-currency, while pms cannot be replaced by another pms.. one oz of silver is the same as another oz of silver regardless of what is inscribed on its surface or by what name we call it .. this is not the same truth for cryptos in general unfortunately . .. the value of bitcoin could go to zero and never go up again, while pms will ALWAYS be worth something. currently, bitcoin has several unresolved issues that make it a much greater risk as an investment than metals.

Yes, I will concede that you made decent points in your above post regarding the tangible nature of precious metals always being worth something and that bitcoin has the potential to be worth very close (if not at absolute) to zero in certain scenarios (including an implied Armageddon scenario, and possibly some other scenarios, as well, including being completely subsumed by some hypothetical, currently non-existent alt currency).

However, will you concede that given the totality of circumstances and utility of quasi-decentralized value of bitcoin, etc, etc, bitcoin appears to be the best game in town at the moment and to have a much greater upside potential in how it could be priced in the future, as compared with PMs?

Therefore, if you concede the upside potential of BTC, even if assigning very low probabilities to million dollar scenarios, in the end, if we take into account all of the various probabilities as far as we can recognize variables and possible future events, we should consider at this time (even including your implied very low probability scenario of total Armageddon or another currently non-existent scenario of a take over coin/technology), for most people knowledgeable and who perform an honest and genuine calculation should conclude that bitcoin's current expected value is much greater than any of the various PMs that are arguable competitor investments. 

Maybe you come to a different calculations than me, but if so, you are likely failing and/or refusing to account for the true upside potential of BTC and accurate and realistic probabilities of such upside potential.  Instead, you are engaging in ongoing posts of FUD concerning a topic that is not really very relevant to this thread but just apparent attempts at trolling to lead us astray of the true topic of this thread, bitcoin related speculation...

i wouldn't own bitcoins if i didnt believe there was potential for bitcoin to become more accepted as a currency leading to it becoming more valuable exchange rate to fiat currencies or pms .. i have not quite figured out the game plan yet ... i think that while they control the manipulation of everything then their plans are to produce as few new millionaires as possible as we go through the transition from usd as a reserve currency... to do this they are manipulating pms and bitcoins to trick people into selling their stash like they did with the "Marshal's Pump" which saw some users in this thread sell some bitcoins in what was a good call (including me i sold all exchange coins and have not re-bought) because there was no fundamental reasons for bitcoin to pump to where it is today .. there was no increase in demand that was able to sustain this price at that time. they used the story of some guy in russia as a cover for their manipulation of bitcoin from chinese exchanges...

a better strategy than being a full bitcoin bulltard atm is to hold mostly pms while holding some bitcoins for the usd going away party... if you can trade bitcoins for fiat profit or bitcoin profit then obviously that is good. i cannot trade right now due to the inflated price. i think bitcoin is not ready for mainstream at all due to the bandwidth problem. its not ready for mass adoption. i should not need to pay increased fees just to force my transaction through so that i dont have to stand in line at the grocery store for three hours waiting for a confirmation to pay for something. i think it is too risky to buy a bitcoin that doesnt have the ability to scale properly for $400+ when the manipulators can and will manipulate the price lower causing me losses. fuk that.. i will go buy more pms while they are artificially depressed..

sorry that you do not like my posts exposing the corruption, manipulation, and weaknesses of bitcoin. what did you expect ??

884. Post 13468618 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 06, 2016, 06:15:55 PM
gimpedcoin still gimping along this morning. comon gimpedcoin! surely you know the halvinging is halving soon! there should be all kinds of interest to get in before then .. the reason : because the pump to where we are now was done for the marshal's.. there never was any additional demand for bitcoin. that is why this thing is going to flop .. because it is not real. their pump stole money from diehard bitcoiners. it is a joke that bitcoin is gonna attract more people when it repels people who have been into it for years... bitcoin has been gimped by the usa govy, who thinks they know wtf they are doing, meanwhile usd is on its deathbed.

ACCUMULATE metals while they are still artificially depressed! the lower they go the more should buy................ bitcoin is a scam.

I think this guy sold his account to some FUD shill

really ?? and the fud shill is using my book cover as his avatar .

Maybe you did not sell your account, but instead you were always a FUD shill sharing bullshit quasi-irrelevant thread space fillers?

i was positive with bitcoin for quite awhile.. until the corruption happened.. i am no longer a perma bulltard,, i am now a part time bulltard and part time beartard .. the reason u are against pms is because they have real power while bitcoins not so much.. it cant even scale properly.. it is an extremely risky and dangerous investment... its not really an investment.. something that cannot scale is more of a pet project than a bonafide currency..

885. Post 13476807 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: jbreher on January 06, 2016, 09:00:19 PM
we would exchange gold at the state depository for local currency,

'state' as in the governmental state? Are you in the US? I didn't think any state depositories performed this service any longer.

today, i can exchange bitcoins for gold or gold for bitcoins at bitstamp...

Fascinating. I've not logged into stamp for some time. How does one take possession of the gold they've bought with their bitcoins?

i do not believe anything is going to change from the status quo until the usd collapse and death as reserve currency.. until that happens, pms will continue to be artificially suppressed, bitcoin and crypto-currencies will continue their games, stock market will be where most the sheeple are herded into,

That all makes sense...

the remainder of the sheeple are being herded into bitcoin.

... but that sounds looney. If the government or some other form of TPTB wanted to herd the sheeple into bitcoin, they're doing a pretty piss-poor job of it. Seven years of herding with no more than a RCH proportion of the population participating in any crypto. What is the reasoning behind your assertion?

when the usd collapses then will commence the "big block of cheese day"

huh hunh. "big block of cheese day". I think I've seen you use that expression before. What is the genesis of this expression? Is it yours? Why cheese? What does it denote? Don't get me wrong - I don't mean to denigrate it. It has a certain appeal.

in which all usd will require to be converted to the new us currency (whatever that might be, maybe it is the amero, or schiest dollar, or whatever) .. all bank accounts will auto-convert to the new currency during the after banks close on friday for bank holiday .. during the conversion about 70% of wealth over 100k will be bailed-in to the banks .. for some it will be a double hit ..


stock market will be wiped out during the reset

Not as plausible. While many financial assets could easily tank under such a scenario, stocks are at least _supposed_to_ represent a share of actual tangible wealth. Tangible wealth does not vaporize in a financial or monetary calamity. Because it is ... err ... _tangible_. Connect the dots for me?

it appears as though bitcoin has been designed to be an international form of currency due to their wishes to install "blockchain blacklists"

I don't get it. Maybe if you can identify who 'they' are I might understand. But AFAICT the 'they' that are usually discussed in these terms have had nothing to do with the development of bitcoin or other cryptos. Unless you want to count Mike Hearn. But not only do I not think he is a member of the canonical 'they', but he has not so much advocated for reduced fungibility of cryptos, as much as pointed out that such could be done from a technical standpoint.

the goal of all this is to transfer/steal as much wealth as possible from americans while maintaining international power of monetary control with sanctions using the new innovative technology of blockchain.

Maybe you can explain to me how the blockchain enables 'maintaining international power of monetary control'?

"'state' as in the governmental state? Are you in the US? I didn't think any state depositories performed this service any longer."

texas has implemented a depository for gold and requested their gold holdings from the federal govy . they are the first state to do this.

"... but that sounds looney. If the government or some other form of TPTB wanted to herd the sheeple into bitcoin, they're doing a pretty piss-poor job of it. Seven years of herding with no more than a RCH proportion of the population participating in any crypto. What is the reasoning behind your assertion?"

keep them from going into pms. they really want everyone in the stock market and probably bonds and stuff like that... but there are always the people who don't believe in "the system" and those people tend to move into pms .. however, bitcoin has been able to move many of these people into bitcoin instead of pms ... however, it seems they recently made moves to trick some people to sell and then manipulate the market higher .. this happened during the "Marshal's Auction Pump of 2015."

"huh hunh. "big block of cheese day". I think I've seen you use that expression before. What is the genesis of this expression? Is it yours? Why cheese? What does it denote? Don't get me wrong - I don't mean to denigrate it. It has a certain appeal."

i got that from the obama admin.. and i kinda twisted it for use with bank bail-ins.. which is exactly how the obama was using it in their own twisted ways too... i decided to extend "big block of cheese day" for them... help em out.

"Not as plausible. While many financial assets could easily tank under such a scenario, stocks are at least _supposed_to_ represent a share of actual tangible wealth. Tangible wealth does not vaporize in a financial or monetary calamity. Because it is ... err ... _tangible_. Connect the dots for me?"

you took this literally. what i meant is we will see BLOOD IN THE STREETS because the bubble is going to pop.. 17,000 Huh that is all janets money... don't worry janet will have us at 20,000 by the end of 2016!

"I don't get it. Maybe if you can identify who 'they' are I might understand. But AFAICT the 'they' that are usually discussed in these terms have had nothing to do with the development of bitcoin or other cryptos. Unless you want to count Mike Hearn. But not only do I not think he is a member of the canonical 'they', but he has not so much advocated for reduced fungibility of cryptos, as much as pointed out that such could be done from a technical standpoint."

the CIA .

"Maybe you can explain to me how the blockchain enables 'maintaining international power of monetary control'?"

if bitcoin replaced usd as the world reserve currency, the "blockchain blacklists" will replace the sanctions using the SWIFT system.

886. Post 13476941 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: jbreher on January 06, 2016, 09:11:35 PM
BITCOIN is a bigtime SCHEME: two reasons why bitcoin pumped later 2015

1. Marshall's Auction = US GOVY USD PROFIT

Absolute crazy talk. Let me repeat back what I think you said, and see if I understand your conjecture.

US Government is planning on tanking the US Dollar. Bitcoin is a tool they created in order to facilitate this goal. Despite the strategic value of this tool, .gov decided to use it to extract vast sums via auction. Except it wasn't vast sums - it was a paltry ten mil $. And that's not the pump - that's the entire value. In a tril $ economy. This from the cabal that can print money at will. Right.

Sorry - doesn't pass the sniff test.

that is not what i said at all. now u are putting words in my mouth to make yourself feel more confident to buy more bitcoins... i don't care if you buy bitcoins... go buy more bitchcoins this morning... i own a bunch of them too... nothing crazy about seeing through their BS.. yeah demand suddenly went up during marshal's auction.. i believe ya.

Well, I'm glad I reiterated it, because that's how I interpreted it. I certainly don't wish to put words into your mouth. Let's see where I went wrong:

1) US Government is planning on tanking the US Dollar. Is this your belief?
2) Bitcoin is a tool they created in order to facilitate this goal. Is this your belief?
3) ... .gov decided to use [bitcoin] to extract vast sums via auction. Is this your belief?


1) what i said is that some people are speculating that the federal reserve rate hike is them pulling the plug on the usd . the reason some people speculate this is because there is no rational reason for the fed to raise rates.

2) i do believe bitcoin is a tool, but nowhere have you seen me say that bitcoin is being used to kill the dollar.. however, u have seen me say that bitcoin could possibly be used as a currency after the usd collpase.

Mea culpa. I apologize for my misunderstanding.

3) absolutely, the us govy under barack obama used bitcoin to extract a profit in USD during the last marshal's pump... ABSOLUTELY.... the usa digs for every single dollar they can beg, borrow, or steal... the usa citizens pay the highest most abusive taxes the world has ever seen.. the usa extracts large sums of usd using fines to foreign banks throughout the world.. the usa has even recently extracted large sums of usd from the crypto-currency RIPPLE using this tactic as recently as only a few months ago. ABSOLUTELY.. bitcoin was pumped during the 'MARSHAL'S PUMP" with the intent to extract as much usd from the auction as they believed they could get away with.

But now you've lost me again. While I don't want to stretch the metaphor of a criminal trial, in such things one typically needs to prove means, motive and opportunity. While I don't believe the chicken feed involved in the Marshal's auction is enough to even register as motive, I'll spot you that. Won't even ask you for any evidence.

But, what is the means by which the USMS 'pumped' the market? What was the opportunity? Are you telling me that they bought enough bitcoin to manipulate the market upward? I thought they wanted to divest. Where is the evidence?

it might be the flouride where you are going wrong causing your brain to misread and bungle what i actually said into your interpretation and then reiterate it.

Plausible. The municipal water here is flouridated. And I drink some of it. On the other hand, it may have more to do with the utter lack of evidence you present. Shall we dig deeper?

"But, what is the means by which the USMS 'pumped' the market? What was the opportunity? Are you telling me that they bought enough bitcoin to manipulate the market upward? I thought they wanted to divest. Where is the evidence?"

i think i have suggested that bitcoin was pumped for the Marshal's Auction .. i do not believe the marshal's actually pumped the market themselves obviously... i have a real hard time believing in coincidences, especially coincidences that required a story of a russian pyramid scheme the chinese created demand on chinese exchanges as the cause of the pump. .. uh huh sure i believe ya.

887. Post 13477072 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Alley on January 07, 2016, 03:59:00 AM
Ya sorry.  The Shanghai composite was shut down after a 7% drop.

the us markets might have a technical glitch soon too!

888. Post 13477093 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: bad trader on January 07, 2016, 05:14:55 AM
wow that's escalated quickly, up $20 within a few hours, can anyone here to explain the reason? Huh
Someone could be trying to prop the price up.


And it probably involves lent money (even if it started before all the money was lent).

Bitfinex USD swaps:

"Someone could be trying to prop the price up."

what Huh

889. Post 13477364 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: 64dimensions on January 07, 2016, 03:05:18 PM
Gold, Bitcoin Soar After China Liquidates Most Reserves On Record To Defend Currency

"As a reminder, "liquidating reserves" is a financial euphemism for selling government bonds, mostly US Treasurys."

chinese are still dumping treasuries, which means the fed is having to buy up those treasuries in the background .. probably through one of their buy up US treasuries countries.. the chinese might be manufacturing their own crisis to cover dumping US treasuries... because dumping US treasuries undermines the usd... that would be speculation on my part, regardless, dumping US treasuries undermines the usd .

890. Post 13486092 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: sAt0sHiFanClub on January 07, 2016, 11:46:03 PM
Where are the bears?

bears be watchin....  Cool

i'm still a bear.. for several reasons.. however, i played both sides of the coin.. i'm bearish, but i am holding too.. my cold storage = my sacrifice.

891. Post 13486353 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Alley on January 07, 2016, 11:46:15 PM
After price rises 10% and retraces 3% the bears will be back.

i haven't gone anywhere.. as a matter of fact, i am helpin keep this biatch levitated.. they can't go down or people like me will buy coins we sold before at a profit cheaper than we sold ... if they go up then people like me gain fiat value for their stash (fiat value doesnt mean much since the usd is dying anyways) .. they can go sideways, but i, personally, will easily outlast that shiat ... thats why i am always in here talking dont matter which way .. THEY CAN'T PUNISH ME .. obviously.... i talking trash even as the value of my cold storage holdings is increasing.

892. Post 13486438 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 07, 2016, 11:57:10 PM

Hey, how come nobody's talkin' 'bout this?

It's like you all just up and forgot how to appreciate Blockstream!


The reason is because, for some strange reason, the one instrument marching band, BJA, has disappeared from this thread and has NOT been trolling in recent days.

He (BJA) is probably out trying to figure out his story in order to make a come back and to tell us about his having had made "mucho bucks" in the latest BTC price movement because of our small blocker stupidities.

don't worry.. i got the trash talking covered while he is away .

893. Post 13486613 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: MinermanNC on January 08, 2016, 12:32:10 AM
Well, is everyone happy in here lol, seems when the stock market shakes apart, BTC goes up.  Grin

yeah... greece pump was small timers compared to this!

894. Post 13486631 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on January 08, 2016, 12:36:35 AM
Well, is everyone happy in here lol, seems when the stock market shakes apart, BTC goes up.  Grin

noone is ever happy in here anymore ... trolls are gonna make sure that there's an endless stream of FUD and negativity explaining how crap and flawed bitcoin is ... bitcoin has a long way to go before trolls throw in the towel, like next ATH.

well the problem is: there ARE flaws in bitcoin. ... several in fact.

895. Post 13486656 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: MinermanNC on January 08, 2016, 12:40:20 AM
yes so true... it never ends.

Its only because they know its good, and they missed the boat somewhere along the way  Cool

hmm.. i just learned that.. if anyone exposes bitcoins flaws, then they musta "missed the boat" .

896. Post 13486720 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

hmm.. found an image of the November 2015 Marshal's Auction Pump

897. Post 13487628 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 08, 2016, 04:11:18 PM

Hey, how come nobody's talkin' 'bout this?

It's like you all just up and forgot how to appreciate Blockstream!


The reason is because, for some strange reason, the one instrument marching band, BJA, has disappeared from this thread and has NOT been trolling in recent days.

He (BJA) is probably out trying to figure out his story in order to make a come back and to tell us about his having had made "mucho bucks" in the latest BTC price movement because of our small blocker stupidities.

don't worry.. i got the trash talking covered while he is away .

I made a few bucks lending out my fiat to bulls. The interest rate has shot up.  Look, I don't know for sure if we're going to get a network congestion crash, but it's a very real risk.  I have a higher percentage of my net worth in BTC than almost anybody else here. I HOPE I'm wrong, but it's just plain irresponsible not to factor in the danger when we are running so close to maximum capacity and getting closer every day.

The Blockstream core devs have an incentive to overstate the problems with large blocks. They have an incentive to restrict network capacity and keep it congested. That doesn't automatically mean that they are acting on those incentives, but if they are, it would explain a lot of their actions and rhetoric.

What I am more worried about is the possibility that there is an ongoing rough consensus attack that will keep ANY resolution from being implemented until Bitcoin loses first mover advantage. But I guess it doesn't ultimately matter if the impasse is intentional or not. What matters is whether or not Bitcoin is really anti-fragile, and that is unknown at this point.

i heard there is a bandwidth problem. i heard they were supposed to resolve the problem first part of this year before the halving.. from what i have heard that their is no resolution to the problem in sight yet... only devs arguing about it while different groups vie for power over the bitcoin fees and who controls the bandwidth ..... that power struggle over who will control the fees and bandwidth looks like it is going to be a failure to me.... however, due to the manipulation of bitcoin i think it will continue upwards or maintain sideways for weeks upon weeks at this level.. however, eventually, when they either fuk the problem worse or fail to resolve the problem, then bitcoin will come back down..  it has too because there is a major league flaw .. it is such a big deal that everyone is starting to look away from it and cover it up because their investment is in DANGER.... the real danger is buying bitcoins at these inflated prices and then it crashes.. that will equal a wealth transfer from the losers to the winners (winners probably mostly the manipulators, and those who saw through the bullshiat) .. either way .. i think victory is inevitable for those of us playing the game hard ball. i am maintaining a position of coins in cold storage and fiat on exchange in case of a crash. otherwise, i'm not buying bitcoins at all.. i'm working on other things atm while bitcoin gimps (if bitcoin cannot scale properly then it is GIMPED).

898. Post 13487631 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: UnDerDoG81 on January 08, 2016, 12:05:58 PM
I have about 60% of my money invested in Bitcoin wich actually is at a non loss/non profit level @450. I got 35% of the rest of my money stored here at home. And I have no idea what to do with it? Should I invest this in more BTC? This is money I expect that I don´t need it anytime soon.

if u don't own a gun, then buy a gun and ammo.. if you already own a gun and ammo, then buy pms .. that will really leave em pissed.

899. Post 13487654 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 08, 2016, 04:58:45 PM

Hey, how come nobody's talkin' 'bout this?

It's like you all just up and forgot how to appreciate Blockstream!


The reason is because, for some strange reason, the one instrument marching band, BJA, has disappeared from this thread and has NOT been trolling in recent days.

He (BJA) is probably out trying to figure out his story in order to make a come back and to tell us about his having had made "mucho bucks" in the latest BTC price movement because of our small blocker stupidities.

don't worry.. i got the trash talking covered while he is away .

I made a few bucks lending out my fiat to bulls. The interest rate has shot up.  Look, I don't know for sure if we're going to get a network congestion crash, but it's a very real risk.  I have a higher percentage of my net worth in BTC than almost anybody else here. I HOPE I'm wrong, but it's just plain irresponsible not to factor in the danger when we are running so close to maximum capacity and getting closer every day.

The Blockstream core devs have an incentive to overstate the problems with large blocks. They have an incentive to restrict network capacity and keep it congested. That doesn't automatically mean that they are acting on those incentives, but if they are, it would explain a lot of their actions and rhetoric.

What I am more worried about is the possibility that there is an ongoing rough consensus attack that will keep ANY resolution from being implemented until Bitcoin loses first mover advantage. But I guess it doesn't ultimately matter if the impasse is intentional or not. What matters is whether or not Bitcoin is really anti-fragile, and that is unknown at this point.
I don't know what you just said lol...anyway btc to the moon Smiley

I'm saying the transaction relay network may crash when it gets so close to full capacity that transactions fail, get repeatedly resubmitted which makes the congestion and failure rate worse, and this condition will remain until there is a market crash and enough people stop using Bitcoin to clear the backlog. If this happens in conjunction with the high profile launch of a competing cryptocurrency, it may be enough to overcome Bitcoin's network effects and turn us into the MySpace of crypto.  

i have already prepared for such an eventuality. it probably won't be a new coin, instead it might be an already established coin that steals the limelight.

900. Post 13516344 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 08, 2016, 09:26:38 PM
After price rises 10% and retraces 3% the bears will be back.

i haven't gone anywhere.. as a matter of fact, i am helpin keep this biatch levitated.. they can't go down or people like me will buy coins we sold before at a profit cheaper than we sold ... if they go up then people like me gain fiat value for their stash (fiat value doesnt mean much since the usd is dying anyways) .. they can go sideways, but i, personally, will easily outlast that shiat ... thats why i am always in here talking dont matter which way .. THEY CAN'T PUNISH ME .. obviously.... i talking trash even as the value of my cold storage holdings is increasing.

Your comment really has nothing to do concerning whether you are a bear or a bull.

If you are holding both fiat and btc, then it is just a matter of whether you have sufficiently allocated for your point of view regarding the probable direction of the price.

You can talk all the trash that you like, but other people, whether bears or bulls are also engaged in various strategies that they perceive are good for their own financial position.. and some positions are more profitable than others, and surely time will tell us, as well who made better bets to the extent that they have invested where their mouth is.

wow.. people have different positions from strategies they use to trade with, some more profitable than others... imagine that.

901. Post 13516365 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: madmat on January 11, 2016, 12:47:49 PM
Bitcoin Classic is coming. We are saved. BUY

oh yeah. .. like classic coke only better!

902. Post 13516489 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

cryptsy secretly disappears from its HQ leaving no trace, while bitfinex underpays margin lenders. obviously, i need a bitcoin classic right now.

903. Post 13517098 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Mrpumperitis on January 11, 2016, 03:26:31 PM
1st coin ive been buying for my basket...ETH, for many reasons,  the contracts, IOT is fridge and many more household devices going on the web. Then the ETH  pos stage in sep. With btc mining going 1/2 (fud time) it could become too centralised ( this could affect most pow coins ) and miners/users will look to get coins another way...this could b the year pos goes mainstream.
$10+ for 1 eth by sep ....defo
if eth is added to one of the big exchanges...$20+ by sep

Yo yo pump meister...! You might have point...btc is getting boring

Cheers m8

btw , 1500 eth minimum if u wana stake  Shocked  ( me  sits back and watches the rush to buy  Cool )

where do you buy at ?? hhahhahha..

904. Post 13517118 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

what bitfinex ?? thinks it is ridiculous how we point out how ridiculous it is that they ALWAYS have GLITCHES that they have to adjust every ones balances every other month ?? wtf ??

905. Post 13525152 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

i had to reindex the blockchain.. it took more than 48 hours for my pc:

64G memory
intel 6-core i7-3960x extreme edition
Asus rampage motherboard
ssd boot drive
three disk striped <<<<<<<<<<<< blockchain lives here

ridiculous my pc takes that long to index blockchain .  yeah bitcoin is uba... i have recorded this bullshiat.

i have not even fired up armoury.. it has to go through its index bullshiat too.. i'm gonna record it.

906. Post 13527756 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: AlexGR on January 12, 2016, 12:11:20 PM
i had to reindex the blockchain.. it took more than 48 hours for my pc:

64G memory
intel 6-core i7-3960x extreme edition
Asus rampage motherboard
ssd boot drive
three disk striped <<<<<<<<<<<< blockchain lives here

ridiculous my pc takes that long to index blockchain .  yeah bitcoin is uba... i have recorded this bullshiat.

i have not even fired up armoury.. it has to go through its index bullshiat too.. i'm gonna record it.

It happened to me last week, my PC froze & I had to turn it off at the socket. Thought I'd lost all the bitcoin's I have stored in Core. Balance reset to 0, thought my life was over Cheesy

After literally 2.5 days of reindexing balance was restored to correct amount. They really need to sort this shit in one of the next updates.

Both of you need to stop using a bitcoin node as a wallet. Use electrum, copay or a trezor for that. This is safe, light and easy, just the opposite of what a node is.

Bitcoin-qt is intended to be used as a desktop wallet otherwise there would be no gui or wallet functionality.

as far as i am concerned, it is a back end my wallet uses to communicate to blockchain .. i wouldn't keep bitcoins in bitcoin-qt.

907. Post 13541308 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

now we have the new and improved bandwidth fix: BITCOIN CLASSIC

we are the uber one.. we have bitcoin classic .. it comes with 2MB bandwidth increase.

prepare to be forked. please be sure to remove oneself from the forking area.

908. Post 13541766 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: sniveling on January 13, 2016, 06:56:03 PM

Why giving the info of how much blocks are filled? I don't really understand the impact and the point of such information? And I absolutely don't see the link with bitcoin trading though it's probably because of my ignorance  Smiley

Meh, it started out as just the count of blocks until the next halving (which is likely to affect trading) but once you're generating images and hooking into bitcoind with RPC, it becomes easy to add other stuff that's tangentially interesting.

Arguably, if the blocks become full on an ongoing basis, that is likely to affect price also as transactions back up and fail to be confirmed without unknowable and steep increases in fees.

There are already days when the blocks show as almost full and threads complaining about stuck transactions appear. If it gets much worse it's highly likely to affect the price so I'm glad chartbuddy shows that information. The number of transactions a day is increasing and the blocks are getting fuller.

yes, but bitcoin is bizarro world .

909. Post 13550125 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Alley on January 14, 2016, 02:16:33 AM
Money is pouring out of stock markets.  I think it's a bit too early to call bitcoin a safe haven.  Wouldn't be surprised at another dump.  Would only be temporary though.

considering the block chain problem, bitcoin appears more like setup for a wealth transfer for fools..

so far the Marshall's pump has been blamed on:
1. a russian pyramid scheme
2. china devalue of currency

uh huh. we believe you.

at the moment it sounds like bitcoin classic is the best choice (assuming it doesnt have 'blockchain blacklists'..

although i have no idea what bitcoin unlimited is ..

whats crazy is the 'marshal's pump' pumped this and now we have bitcoin at $430 that can't even scale! ..... with time running out.

910. Post 13550233 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: aminorex on January 14, 2016, 02:58:36 AM
If BTC appreciation were actually due to Chinese currency controls, we ought to be taking off right now, as you just can't buy physical USD in China this week.

are u insinuating that the nasdaq guy doesnt know wtf he is talking about regarding bitcoins price mechanics ??

911. Post 13550336 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 14, 2016, 03:09:07 AM
If BTC appreciation were actually due to Chinese currency controls, we ought to be taking off right now, as you just can't buy physical USD in China this week.

And yet we're not taking off.  Thank your Core Development friends for that.

we're not taking off because china devaluations theory is bunk..

the nasdaq guy likely is totally clueless about the bandwidth problem ..

i hear people all the time talking about how great bitcoin is who don't have a clue about the flaw that is obvious to all of us here in the forum ..

the real reason we are at this price is because the federal govy pumped bitcoin using back channels so they could make a quick profit on the marshal's auction ..

however, now after pumping bitcoin they are faced with the looming bandwidth problem ..

it probably would have been smarter, wiser, better to fix the bandwidth problem BEFORE they PUMPED it ..

912. Post 13562690 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: iCEBREAKER on January 15, 2016, 05:14:21 AM
bitcoin serves as a fungible currency

You mean like how the 13,000 BTC stolen from Cryptsy are fungible?

BigVern must be mistaken when he says "If they are returned, then we will assume that no harm was meant and will not take any action to reveal who you are.  If not, well, then I suppose the entire community will be looking for you."

Last we heard of the guy he was flying out to China isn't it?

These 13,000 coins will find their way diluted into the market in due time.

Some may ask why we didn’t report this to the authorities when this occurred, and the answer is that we just didn’t know what happened, didn’t want to cause panic, and were unsure who exactly we should be contacting.

Now that's funny right there I don't care who you are.   Cheesy Grin Cheesy

yep... cryptsy has been brewing for last few weeks.

913. Post 13562742 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Post-Cosmic on January 15, 2016, 03:38:17 PM
It's important that a distributed ledger (blockchain) network not get spammed / be vulnerable to wasteful, spammy, or malicious transactions/requests. So, this argument, in favor of small blocks, is very legitimate and must be considered.

It's also important that a distributed ledger (blockchain) network be allowed to grow in userbase, feature set, adapt to new functionalities and processing capabilities, to match the ever-evolving needs and demand from a diverse userbase, particularly in the midst of the rapidly changing technological landscape of modern societies. So, this argument, in favor of larger blocks, is also very legitimate and must be considered.

..But implementing solutions that address either, or ideally, somehow, both of of these main issues, doesn't solve bitcoin's ACTUAL biggest problem as the premier [theoretically] decentralized payment system & store of value we need it for.

Why? Because as Mike unceremoniously put it,

As long as China controls Bitcoin, it has failed it's most cardinal mission as a decentralized trustless system.

To save Bitcoin we must execute a benevolent, temporary 51% attack on Chinese pools and/or vote to change Core to blacklist them (or use any similar method, I don't know - I'm not a programmer ;3) to 'force' Chinese monopolistic miners OUT OF THEIR DDOS'ING, SELF-INTERESTED, CHINESE-WALL+AUTHORITARIAN-REGIME-PROBLEMATIC MAJORITY.

Beyond dreams of a fee market, beyond issues with full blocks ~ If Bitcoin is to succeed, CHINA MUST GO.

wut Huh? we gotta do wut Huh "blockchain blacklists" Huh? ok everyone all chant at same time: "china must go" "we want blockchain blacklists"!  .... follow up with a give me a "WOOT WOOT" .

914. Post 13562876 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: flagpara on January 15, 2016, 09:18:04 AM
Wow, that's a lot of news...

Seems like btc is going through lots of troubles. I hope it'll go through them, don't want to see btc crash and die now :/

those problems have been there for awhile. i think there is something similar problem still brewing.

915. Post 13562931 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Richy_T on January 15, 2016, 04:26:46 PM
wut Huh? we gotta do wut Huh "blockchain blacklists" Huh? ok everyone all chant at same time: "china must go" "we want blockchain blacklists"!  .... follow up with a give me a "WOOT WOOT" .

Clearly their influence is making Bitcoin too inscrutable. Possibly even more dangerous than centralization.

yes.. the evil chinese miners and their evil Huobi must GO! there is no choice, the evil chinese has forced us to implement "blockchain blacklists" . we're putting chinese miners on no-fly lists too.

916. Post 13562990 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: Lauda on January 15, 2016, 09:39:30 AM
100% filled block and price on the downside, not a good morning for me at the moment.
I need some coffee to wake up and analyze WTF happened tonight
It has nothing to do with a few full blocks; actually that doesn't ever impact the price. This was caused by Hearn who should be listed as one of the worst people that were ever in the Bitcoin ecosystem & Cryptsy. Hearn basically declared Bitcoin as dead/dying and the media caught it, a fine exaple of a evil and backstabbing person.

sounds like he knows bitcoin wasn't ready to be pumped.

917. Post 13563043 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: coins101 on January 15, 2016, 04:44:31 PM
wut Huh? we gotta do wut Huh "blockchain blacklists" Huh? ok everyone all chant at same time: "china must go" "we want blockchain blacklists"!  .... follow up with a give me a "WOOT WOOT" .

Clearly their influence is making Bitcoin too inscrutable. Possibly even more dangerous than centralization.

yes.. the evil chinese miners and their evil Huobi must GO! there is no choice, the evil chinese has forced us to implement "blockchain blacklists" . we're putting chinese miners on no-fly lists too.

By the sound of it increasing blocks will invoke the great fire wall of China and btc will become more decentralised almost overnight.

It's like asking turkeys to vote for Christmas

the chinese panics were fun, but u guys really have taken this racism thing to new levels that i can't condone. .. i just cannot hate people just cuz they mine bitcoins. #sorrycharlie

918. Post 13563222 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.40h):

Quote from: dontetris on January 15, 2016, 12:45:53 PM
Mike Hearn is the ultimate bitcoin troll. Lol.

yeah.. he make billyjoeallen look like a rookie even though billyjoe is one of the four punch raiders. mike hearn is #1 bitcoin troll! that was awesome!

919. Post 13595536 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: Elwar on January 18, 2016, 12:03:23 PM
It appears that Hearn, who was an early adopter, pulled out all of his money at once making the price plummet.

But the price showed stability as far as (adoption in)/(miner out) at around $430. We will slowly climb back to that price after a while.

in the article he said he sold in December . .. i think a lot people sold in December during the marshal's pump.

920. Post 13606122 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: ghandi on January 19, 2016, 01:16:31 PM
flatlining once more...let's hope for some breakdown! Wink

its doubtful, unless something happens.. cryptsy collapse did nothing.. hearn dumped in dec.. that means lowest he got was maybe 430.. we are at 380.. hearn can buy back in at a profit here... i wouldnt be convinced this was going back under 300 .. there are a bunch people dumped at 300 ... that went exactly as planned. the part not going as planned are the HODLers who aren't dumping at 500 .

921. Post 13606605 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: ghandi on January 19, 2016, 02:42:23 PM
flatlining once more...let's hope for some breakdown! Wink

its doubtful, unless something happens.. cryptsy collapse did nothing.. hearn dumped in dec.. that means lowest he got was maybe 430.. we are at 380.. hearn can buy back in at a profit here... i wouldnt be convinced this was going back under 300 .. there are a bunch people dumped at 300 ... that went exactly as planned. the part not going as planned are the HODLers who aren't dumping at 500 .

Hitting $350 again would be enough for me. Wink

And for the bad news: No trades @ kraken for 10 Minutes....

if he dumped at 300-320 in november then he is xcrewed with everyone else in this thread who dumped at that price. the reason people are pissed is because it was a manipulated pump. that is what is making bitcoin such a scheme... probably wont see 350 because at that price they can be hard balled... i think as long as you got cold storage then u have the bitcoin beat...  we can always leave em pissed and buy the pms while they are still manipulated down.

922. Post 13617435 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: madmat on January 20, 2016, 02:00:11 PM
WTF just happened? Any news?

Bitcoin classic will release its code next week. Bitcoin is saved. BUY BUY BUY.


probably why hearn is out.. oh well.. he was the one pushing for 'blockchain blacklists' .

923. Post 13617486 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 20, 2016, 02:04:00 PM
People's Bank of China apparently is saying they may issue a digital currency. I don't know why this would be good news for Bitcoin. It's a massive potential competitor and the Commies may want to help it by discouraging Bitcoin.

Worst case scenario, they nationalize the Chinese mines for use with their currency.

maybe ability to swap between bitcoin and chinas new coin will happen.

924. Post 13617705 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: ShakinHandz on January 20, 2016, 02:06:55 PM
Price Rising Again and it is predicted to go Beyong 403$ by 24 hours.
Time to buy guys...

maybe... i'm not going to buy though.

925. Post 13617880 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: findftp on January 20, 2016, 03:10:08 PM
Sub $300 coins around february 11th.
BFX might flash crash as low as $160 for a nanosecond
After that:

Hold your fiat.

Quote me.

i always keep some fiat, or at least try to.. on other hand i am looking at how to buy pms and keep those stored in vault in singapore. i think that is a better idea atm, buy the suppressed pms rather than the pumped bitcoins.

926. Post 13618133 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: Paashaas on January 20, 2016, 03:34:23 PM
Bitcoin was bound to go back to $400.- I didn't expected this rise so fast, i thought a test $350 ore so then to $400.

they cant go to 350.00, they can be hardballed there.

927. Post 13618710 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on January 20, 2016, 04:09:50 PM
Bitcoin was bound to go back to $400.- I didn't expected this rise so fast, i thought a test $350 ore so then to $400.

they cant go to 350.00, they can be hardballed there.

seems to be the case <350 is starting to feel like a pipe dream, if it was going to happen it should have already

my guess is price SHOULD BE much higher... but bitcoin isn't some Softball US Stock, so who knows!

maybe is why the hearn thing happened, he might be thinking same as u about it would have already if it were going too .. $350 is hardball because from there they would get stuck in a smaller range, or peeps like me and you will win if they go up or down from there... buying at 400-500 range is not very strong position since you are relying on the price to go up from there rather than down .. i do not believe they can beat me at hardball if i bought at 300 - 350 .. i really dont want to buy above 300 though, but if i did, i am confident i would woop em at their game. i don't believe at this time we will see <350 anytime soon much less <300 before halving. i think <350 we can buy in w new fiat and force the win though .

928. Post 13619163 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on January 20, 2016, 04:47:17 PM
Bitcoin was bound to go back to $400.- I didn't expected this rise so fast, i thought a test $350 ore so then to $400.

they cant go to 350.00, they can be hardballed there.

seems to be the case <350 is starting to feel like a pipe dream, if it was going to happen it should have already

my guess is price SHOULD BE much higher... but bitcoin isn't some Softball US Stock, so who knows!

maybe is why the hearn thing happened, he might be thinking same as u about it would have already if it were going too .. $350 is hardball because from there they would get stuck in a smaller range, or peeps like me and you will win if they go up or down from there... buying at 400-500 range is not very strong position since you are relying on the price to go up from there rather than down .. i do not believe they can beat me at hardball if i bought at 300 - 350 .. i really dont want to buy above 300 though, but if i did, i am confident i would woop em at their game. i don't believe at this time we will see <350 anytime soon much less <300 before halving. i think <350 we can buy in w new fiat and force the win though .

your not thinking long term enough in 6-24months there simply wont be any supply at these prices, price might need to climb an order of magnitude once bitcoin is over this block limit crap and supply drops. there are very useful applications to bitcoin poeple are going to find them and use them save some money and make bitcoin price explode.

going up.

i have cold storage coins for that... at least for me, buying at 400 - 500 to HODL would be a position that relies on bitcoin to go up.. i don't like that position, i prefer a position that doesnt matter which way they go i will win .. anything could happen.. i still think bitfinex is a weakened link in the bitcoin chain.. proceed with caution .

929. Post 13619732 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: Dotto on January 20, 2016, 05:47:49 PM
Sub $300 coins around february 11th.
BFX might flash crash as low as $160 for a nanosecond
After that:

Hold your fiat.

Quote me.

i always keep some fiat, or at least try to.. on other hand i am looking at how to buy pms and keep those stored in vault in singapore. i think that is a better idea atm, buy the suppressed pms rather than the pumped bitcoins.

You should read the Andromeda Bitcoinian Catastrophe. Its about a crypto that cost 400~$. When iy enters bubble mode goes to 4000, then moon, after that, solar system, and finally, Andromeda. Bears and precious metals get utterly REKT in the odisea. You may like it

i don't have time right now.. i am publishing Of the Mahabharata Catastrophes in a few weeks... maybe i can fit into my schedule after that.

930. Post 13621768 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: brg444 on January 20, 2016, 08:53:01 PM
Why are we still discussing Classic like it's not a failed project already?

Didn't you get the news?

What news?

The news that f2pool doesn't care for Classic. That Bitfury was just bluffing and is meeting Core this weekend.

Some sort of compromise is being worked out that would lead to a 2MB hard fork in........ Feb/Mar 2017.

So sorry, not tonight dear.

lol really ?? wow.. ok.... well at least we survive another year by kicking the can down the road some more... whew that was close one. wait till billyjoe hears about this.

931. Post 13623064 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on January 20, 2016, 11:29:43 PM
I am doubting myself for being bearish but at the same time this pump does not make too much sense.
I feel like this should dump back down. What am I missing here?

the pump only makes since when you correlate that it started with the marshal's auction. then it makes all kinds of sense that bitcoin was specifically pumped for the marshal's to make as much profit with their confiscated coins as possible.. meanwhile, not one single dime of federal or state monies has been spent to stop the hydrocarbon carcinogens being dowsed upon northwestern LA. .. they did not send the fire dept, instead they told them to put out their own fire .. this was specific instructions from the obama administration ... the part ur missing is that obama is still occupying the wh.

932. Post 13627747 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: MatTheCat on January 21, 2016, 12:13:16 AM
I am doubting myself for being bearish but at the same time this pump does not make too much sense.
I feel like this should dump back down. What am I missing here?

It makes sense if you stop thinking about Bitcoin as an organic market, and start thinking about it as a Cash Cow controlled by Chinese Bitcoin Cowboys. Crash down to Long RLZ, and then right back up to Short RLZ within a few days? It's bullshit. It is a rigged casino designed to deprive the majority of thier funds. Perma bulls get the thrill of seeing their USD wealth inflate when 'they' pump but get that sinking feeling in their gut when they see their USD wealth evaporate when BTC crashes, and bears vice versa.

An organic market is 'the herd'. And it is possible to develop an acumen in the reading of charts and the use of statistical based tools, to forecast future herd movements. Bitcoin is not so much the herd, as the herd being rounded up by the Bitcoin Cowboys. 'They' have this market on the end of a piece of string like a fucking Yo Yo.

U will know how to read market signals. Look back at the consolidation formation prior to break out. It was saying bear all the fkn way. It was as though the formation was intentionaly designed to trick as many people as possible, and for those who had the audacity to still see it as Long (I was one of them), we even got a move down to take out lowest low, and wipe out all the long Stop Orders. 'They' did not want the public getting in on this at the bottom. 'They' wanted the public chasing the momentum. 'They' want the public to be buying Bitcoin right now! Buying 'their' Bitcoin, that they picked up $350-$380. Although, after that vicious engulfing Doji candle that hit right into 61.8% Short RLZ, only the most fucking stupid of investors are going to enter Bitcoin here, enter they still will, and last I checked, PoC is sitting up at $435...a likely upside target when all is said and done, but will I be attempting to ride it up? NOOOO!

Point is, everything about the crash, and everything about this 'miracle' rise, has fuck all to do with fundamentals, and everything to do with rigged market machinations. Rise was too fast, and it came from nowhere. Reminds me a bit of the March 2014 parabolic rise when Bitcoin surged from $580 - $710. Too much, too soon. Just not fucking sustainable, manufactured as fuck and we all know what happened next.

As soon as the 'top' is confirmed, I will be hunting shorts on Bitcoin targetting $310 area, cos that is where this fucker is going. But if that V bottom was anything to go by, I guess I shouldn't expect a nice easy double top M market structure to trade....I suspect only the chosen and the highly risk tolerant will get to short with the choice trade entry points.

i'm not sure its really "the chinese" doing this.. it might be coming from chinese exchanges... the part ur missing is how it was well timed with the marshal's auction. must not lose sight of that fact...

i think the biggest challenge facing bitcoin rocketing on up is the continued weakness of the bitfinex exchange..

while bitcoin is being a biatch.. keep buying suppressed pms .. that totally puts it in em hard . .. imagine buying a bitcoin for less than 15.00 a coin and suddenly during the reset it's value goes to triple or quadruple digits... they can't pump the pms right now, the only thing they can do is keep them suppressed.. pumping pms would cause everyone to rush into pms.. thats not the plan. pms won't make their big move until the financial implosion is in full force and noone can get any pms at that time because there will be no supply. the wait will be longer, but then ur waiting on the reset that is coming.  if you need a place to store your pms, consider a vault in singapore. i think is possible to use ripple to get pms in a vault in singapore... from there u can move into several currencies, or have the pms shipped to u.

keep in mind the rate hike was forced! ... and we can see the immediate affect on the stock market has been instant crash mode. this shows us the fed has lost control. they also moved a bunch fed balance to the treasury (20 billion) for who knows what reasons... everything is getting weird... hardball bitcoin.. can't get a buy in ?? then buy pms and leave em pissed.. they can pump or crash bitcoin all pissed off about it.. too bad sorry charlie.

933. Post 13628002 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 21, 2016, 12:52:51 AM

I think I'm done arguing. It just has to play out now.

(I was actually going to use that word but couldn't remember it exactly.)

big blocker capitulation is close ... they have no logical ground to stand on and the whole edifice is crumbling, Crassic was just the Hearn echo swansong

You don't seem to understand. Bigblockers will win if we crash the price far enough to persuade the miners to switch. If we fail in that, it's because the price is going up and they have no reason to listen to us. (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). So it's simple. Just keep pumping until we go away. That's how you'll get us to capitulate.

at this stage they can't drop bitcoin.. cuz if they do all the people who sold 300-320 will buy back .. hearn couldn't even get it to drop ... if u want to be in the bitcoin game then u gonna have to risk and buy >350. .. although bitfinex has continued weakness that suggest they are in very weak position. i doubt they can blow through a bitfinex collapse like they did cryptsy .

934. Post 13628030 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 21, 2016, 01:14:57 AM
You don't seem to understand. Bigblockers will win if we crash the price far enough to persuade the miners to switch. If we fail in that, it's because the price is going up and they have no reason to listen to us. (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). So it's simple. Just keep pumping until we go away. That's how you'll get us to capitulate.

Did you miss the bit when it's been tried & failed a number of times now?

Yeah, well we'll see what happens when xaction fees triple and then triple again. 

well that will kill bitcoin as a currency. it doesn't cost me fees to use my debit card... sorry miners.. i feel for ya though..

935. Post 13628039 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 21, 2016, 01:15:29 AM

I think I'm done arguing. It just has to play out now.

(I was actually going to use that word but couldn't remember it exactly.)

big blocker capitulation is close ... they have no logical ground to stand on and the whole edifice is crumbling, Crassic was just the Hearn echo swansong

You don't seem to understand. Bigblockers will win if we crash the price far enough to persuade the miners to switch. If we fail in that, it's because the price is going up and they have no reason to listen to us. (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). So it's simple. Just keep pumping until we go away. That's how you'll get us to capitulate.

This is stupid thinking, and probably similar to Mike Hearn's raging tantrum.  Let's just try to destroy things until others listen and we get our way...  

Makes a lot of sense.


Only makes sense if you are childish and unable to attempt to work with others by appeals to reason and fairplay.

On the other hand, why don't you get all your supposed  coins out of cold storage and lead the way to dumping them all?  Except you likely only have less than a couple hundred coins, so won't have too much of an effect anyhow.

ya only need to be in the ten bitcoins club right Huh

936. Post 13628062 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: elite3000 on January 21, 2016, 01:22:12 AM
price will rise before it rises higher.

can't you see it happening?

420 is just the beginning

what will be price of bitcoin if usd were replaced with another currency ??

937. Post 13628107 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 21, 2016, 01:23:19 AM
You don't seem to understand. Bigblockers will win if we crash the price far enough to persuade the miners to switch. If we fail in that, it's because the price is going up and they have no reason to listen to us. (if it ain't broke, don't fix it). So it's simple. Just keep pumping until we go away. That's how you'll get us to capitulate.

Did you miss the bit when it's been tried & failed a number of times now?

Yeah, well we'll see what happens when xaction fees triple and then triple again.  

We can all hop on PBoCCoin?

What do you think we have now? Nothing happens with the 70% of hashpower that's in China that the PBoC doesn't let happen.  They could take over our whole network with a few phone calls. These giant mines exist and operate only because the Communist Party backed by the People's Army lets them.

Hell, my trading account is in Hong Kong and is also under the ChiCom's thumb. This isn't what we had in mind when we bought into a distributed trustless payment system.

can use ripple to buy PBoCCoin ... i think ripple has useful applications... especially as a a transport to someplace like singapore where u can have iou's pms held in a vault against your ripple address there.... can't do that with bitcoin that i am aware of.

938. Post 13628183 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: noobtrader on January 21, 2016, 01:24:34 AM
price will rise before it rises higher.

can't you see it happening?

420 is just the beginning

so whats the target price for February ? 500 Huh 600 Huh

i think is stuck range 400 - 500 ... bitcoin is selling the halving .

939. Post 13628309 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: peonminer on January 21, 2016, 03:48:34 AM

marshal pump let the cat out the bag .. now china wants one too!

940. Post 13628506 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: peonminer on January 21, 2016, 05:41:51 AM
WOW. The rage quit was a ploy by big banking to fuck Bitcoin right in the pussy.

those guys dont know about the marshal's pump .

941. Post 13628639 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

if china has new coin that will change the landscape.. max kieser pumping bitcoin bigtime.. yeah better get to mining cuz china might be about take portion of hash power.. not sure if mining is worth it in usa just to fund the irs though .. may as well skip the mining and buy bitcoin at an exchange.

942. Post 13629173 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: cbeast on January 21, 2016, 01:48:50 PM
Bitcoin as global currency. Locally regulated and exchanged digital currencies will organically emerge. There's your scalability roadmap.

i am not sure how ?? we are still arguing over scalability.. and the argument has become more complex with more versions of bitcoin.. looks more like a big giant clusterfuk .

943. Post 13629716 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: cbeast on January 21, 2016, 02:21:06 PM
Bitcoin as global currency. Locally regulated and exchanged digital currencies will organically emerge. There's your scalability roadmap.

i am not sure how ?? we are still arguing over scalability.. and the argument has become more complex with more versions of bitcoin.. looks more like a big giant clusterfuk .
You don't need to know how. That's how "organic" works. Bitcoin doesn't need to buy every coffee, nor does anyone really need to use it. The blocksize argument is only a short-term adoption solution. Altcoins are the obvious and most popular solution to adoption overall to date. Exchanges have always and will always take Bitcoin. It's just that simple.

this is awesome! we are bitcoin cuz bitcoin.. and we are going to use alt coins to pay for stuff!

944. Post 13635857 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 21, 2016, 11:50:27 PM
Smallblockers don't seem to get it. The only way you can prove me wrong about Bitcoin is by making me rich. If the market goes down, it's because it rejects the smallblocker vision. Miners are more likely to take the big block fork. If it goes up, I can sell my coins at a nice profit so I can re-invest in a coin more true to what I believe Bitcoin is supposed to be.

so what's it going to be? Checkmate.

yeah bitcoin you are checkmated! only thing u can do is either go up or down! which is it Huh we're not messing around anymore .

945. Post 13635894 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 22, 2016, 03:08:49 AM
This descending triangle closes in few hours. Dumpage incoming

looks short term oversold to me. beware of the fourth punch: the second bounce.

did you hear that everyone ?? the four punchmens are raiding.

946. Post 13640347 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 22, 2016, 03:41:57 AM
This descending triangle closes in few hours. Dumpage incoming

looks short term oversold to me. beware of the fourth punch: the second bounce.

did you hear that everyone ?? the four punchmens are raiding.

I don't know that, but it's a real possibility. The spike wasn't as "spikey" as usual, but still very obviously there. I'm just saying be cautious. That's all. 

kinda doubt it... we were seeing large drops... we aint seen anything like the "chinese panics" or "chinese miner dumps"...

947. Post 13641330 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.41h):

Quote from: becoin on January 22, 2016, 02:28:38 PM

The death of bitcoin has been proclaimed once again. Prominent developer Mike Hearn’s recent comments that the bitcoin experiment was over mark the 89th time the digital currency has been pronounced dead since it first launched in 2009, at least according to one website dedicated to tracking bitcoin obituaries. While it's sad to see a talented programmer like Hearn turn his back on bitcoin, there are still thousands of people working on making the world’s first digital currency a success.
All successful projects face problems as they grow, thankfully there are a multitude of brilliant minds working to solve them. In five years, hundreds of millions of users will be sending money on the internet as easily as they send chats, and the only obituaries being written will be those of the traditional banks.

with china suddenly huge priority to release their own crypto-currency asap kinda tells me two things: 1. we are likely going to see crypto used more 2. something is happening in the world economy that has china being in a state of urgency, as though something is going down .................i think it has something to do with the feds rate hike and how the world is imploding from a 0.25% rate hike.. incredible.

948. Post 13642007 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: abercrombie on January 22, 2016, 03:42:28 PM
Interesting observations posted on Trading View, credit CGS.

Paypal Pump 2014

China Digital Currency Pump 2016

yep there is no doubt left now .

949. Post 13647578 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on January 23, 2016, 01:42:39 AM

Even worse:

SF Bitcoin Dev Meetup Co-Organizer gives Gavin Andresen and Jeff Garzik 24 hrs to renounce support for Bitcoin Classic or else face smear campaign

950. Post 13673601 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: needmoney on January 25, 2016, 12:47:30 PM
When bitcoin fall $350 again?
Any guess ?

probably not. the marshall's pump served multiple purposes:

1. bigger profit for the marshal's auction
2. sell the bitcoin halving
3. trick peeps to dump their coins early @300-320 range .
4. keep peeps out of pms during obama's "peddling fiction" critical economic crisis that is unfolding .

New Stuff (not associated w Marshal's Pump 2015):

5. janet yellen has excuse why her rate increase has so far failed the stock market cuz of the #blizzard2016.
6. rate increase of 0.25% "We suspect that one of the main drivers behind the Federal Reserves’ insistence that interest rates be raised is to drive demand for Treasuries to combat de-dollarization initiatives."

the usa has 8133 tons of gold Huh that is awesome! if we have that much gold then we win no matter what. we have more gold than russia and china together.. we are the gold holders. we have most of the worlds gold.. we are the winners. no one has more gold than us.. some people have all the gold, and some people only have some of the gold, while others have no gold at all.. luckily, “all of us” in the usa live in a country that has more gold than russia and china put together.. clearly, we can all see we are the winners with more gold than anyone else.

what this means is that we, the usa, are just playing the rest of the world.. we’re using our fiat currency to buy as much stuff as we possibly can before we let the dollar collapse and then rule the world with our massive pile of gold that we have more of than anyone else in the entire world. all you have to do is look at the above charts to see that the usa is the gold rulers of the world. we are to big to fail. we have all the gold and we are working on trading bitcoins for chinas gold right now. we don’t mess around in the usa. if you got gold then we will trade you either paper or digits for your gold.. because, as can see, we are the number one when comes to who has the most gold. if you do not want to trade us your gold, well, being the holders of the most gold in the entire world, it is obvious that we will be forced to liberate countries from the terrorists who refuse our generous request to trade their gold for our tbonds and bitcoins. it makes sense because we are the worlds holder of the most gold.


it really is that simple guys. bitcoin is set to rule the world #blizzard2016

951. Post 13673831 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: 8up on January 25, 2016, 01:20:46 PM
PSA: If you haven't bought bitcoin @$220 (or below), the next best time to buy is now.

Sub $400 is the new MUST-BUY zone.

i'm not convinced.

952. Post 13683396 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: nor9865 on January 26, 2016, 12:00:31 PM
can anybody has a decent explanation about why the price is moving up and down $388 to $405???

for one thing: price cannot go below 350 .. or below 300 ... its hovering in the rest spot safe zone where it is too high to buy and to low to sell ... bitcoin is in gimpmode right now cuz of blockchain cant scale and the halvening .

953. Post 13683953 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: criptix on January 26, 2016, 11:41:41 AM
I think btc will boom in the near future.

Look at the altcoin market people.

I think shit is gonna hit the fan soon.

i just do not see how bitcoin can do anything if it can't scale.. right now i am trying to figure out how cutting the mining of coins will make a difference if bitcoin cannot scale. last year we were talking about this scaling issue was supposed to be fixed early this year.. we are moving into February and where's the fix ?? bitcoin is worth $400 even though it cant scale ..

954. Post 13684031 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: nor9865 on January 26, 2016, 02:56:45 PM
can anybody has a decent explanation about why the price is moving up and down $388 to $405???

for one thing: price cannot go below 350 .. or below 300 ... its hovering in the rest spot safe zone where it is too high to buy and to low to sell ... bitcoin is in gimpmode right now cuz of blockchain cant scale and the halvening .

there is no such thing as cannot. am sure you want to say must not. (ill give you the benefit of the doubt for that one)

and IMHO if it goes slightly under $380 you will see dumps coming from nowhere and shooting the price down $300. TBH if it does reach $380, ill run to dump 40 ASAP.

yeah that is what i mean.. its not that bitcoin cant go below 300.. it must not go below $300 as that would negate part of the reasons for the marshal's pump in the first place ....... however.. it is starting to become evident that the fix for bitcoins scaling problem is not in yet...

955. Post 13684072 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: m0gliE on January 26, 2016, 03:30:26 PM
I think btc will boom in the near future.

Look at the altcoin market people.

I think shit is gonna hit the fan soon.

i just do not see how bitcoin can do anything if it can't scale.. right now i am trying to figure out how cutting the mining of coins will make a difference if bitcoin cannot scale. last year we were talking about this scaling issue was supposed to be fixed early this year.. we are moving into February and where's the fix ?? bitcoin is worth $400 even though it cant scale ..

Sorry if I seem stupid but... What do you mean about scaling? The fact that blocks are full?

bitcoin cannot continue to grow because it cannot handle the additional traffic . #gimpcoin

956. Post 13685013 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: hdbuck on January 26, 2016, 03:59:07 PM
I think btc will boom in the near future.

Look at the altcoin market people.

I think shit is gonna hit the fan soon.

i just do not see how bitcoin can do anything if it can't scale.. right now i am trying to figure out how cutting the mining of coins will make a difference if bitcoin cannot scale. last year we were talking about this scaling issue was supposed to be fixed early this year.. we are moving into February and where's the fix ?? bitcoin is worth $400 even though it cant scale ..

Sorry if I seem stupid but... What do you mean about scaling? The fact that blocks are full?

bitcoin cannot continue to grow because it cannot handle the additional traffic . #gimpcoin

Such broken thinking. What are you still doing around? Sell now.

you guys been talking about fixing this problem...and yet.. it is NOT fixed... you guys cant make up your mind how to fix it, how much fees should be, who will control bitcoin.... and then we have users who cannot face the fact that bitcoin is gimped... meanwhile.... we're speculating $50k oz gold after the reset to allow "the salvaging of all debt and derivatives."

957. Post 13685700 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: Dotto on January 26, 2016, 05:54:15 PM
Massive pumps in tons of alts. Doge +76%. Some others less known +117%. Someone has a theory to explain this move?.

This doge is soo shortable that im tempted...

i'll stab at it... because bitcoin is in can't scale but the halving gimp mode ?? #gimpcoin

958. Post 13686329 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 26, 2016, 06:57:25 PM
if it reaches $1000 i will dump 150btc, call it a day and do something else with my life. even if it reaches the sun later, no regrets. ive tried enough

Many people will dump around $1000. That is psychological resistance. See the dumps of 27/11 - 28/11 2013.

It's rather logical. That's why I always put my orders a few dollars before the too round numbers xD

That is why dumps also occur at prices like 950$, 1050$, 1040$.  Smiley

Yeah xD

And that is why you've got to find the real dumping price and get few cents before/after ^^

Sure, some of you goofballs are going to be attempting to time the market, and believe that you are making a killing when you dump all your coins at $949.83...

But, the smarter ones are going to ride out some of the waves and make sure that they are hanging onto some coins.

Playing all or nothing remains a very risky proposition... surely sometimes you can make out real well, but it is not a very good longer term strategy.. especially regarding bitcoin and its various unexpected exploding outbursts..

problem: bitcoin cannot scale..... that means it is bitcoin that is the risk..... as it stands we were told mid february XT would fork us into scale.... thats not happening... the talk is GIMP ... the truth of the matter is bitcoin has a very serious flaw.. it cannot scale.. therefore.. it cannot be used as a currency.......... meanwhile we are preping for the inevitable reset:

Nor do we know at what price, in dollars, the price will be set, or how it will be set. However, given the truly astronomic amounts of debt in existence, a very high price will be necessary to "liquefy" i.e. make payable remaining debt, whatever the amount remaining after the purge which is now in process. The very high price of gold will mean that all debt instruments will be subject to large losses in terms of gold value. The revaluation of gold will reduce the weight of the present debt overhang upon the world.

959. Post 13686585 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: peonminer on January 26, 2016, 07:46:08 PM
2016-01-27     07:00 PM GMT   Fed Interest Rate Decision - Most Likely 0.5%

Bitcoin primed and ready for action:

Called that ETH short like a boss!

Now, will Bitcorn follow the priming with some evolution??

did u hear that everybody ?? the BOSS is in the thread.

960. Post 13692152 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

have any of u guys just get sick of bitcoin ??

961. Post 13692182 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: nor9865 on January 27, 2016, 10:41:07 AM or are easy solutions with minimal to no fees. You can also use for a swift cash deposit at an above preev price. Nor, do you mind me asking what your average buy price is for your stockpile? Pure curiosity.

I thought that he already said around $280, so even selling at $380, he would be up $100 per BTC.. something like that.

ohhh he meant at what price i bought them. sorry i thought you said at what price i am selling them..

I'm not going to go back through the posts, but my recollection, more or less, was that you asserted that you hold about 190 BTC, and you were becoming somewhat anxious regarding when to sell them.. but also Peonminer was asking you about your average buy price.

I had understood that you had made a couple of purchases, and that your profits would be around $100 per coin, if you sold at current price.

I don't recall whether you specified if that was your average buy price only for the 40 coins or if your total portfolio had an average buy price in the upper $200s.

You know many of us who have been buying BTC for a while, and even trading BTC to some extent have made a large number of transactions, and we come up with a variety of ways to attempt to calculate our average costs per BTC and the extent to which we are profitable or not. 

I personally think that these profitability considerations are all valid, and also, I am totally accepting of the fact that posters have a considerable variety in their ways of calculating their investment in bitcoin and the extent to which they may be profitable or not.

You do not necessarily need to disclose either your total number of coins or your average buy price or your framework; however, sometimes it can be helpful towards considering what to do and how to perceive your situation... and peonminer was asking you about your average price per btc for your whole BTC holdings... which is up to you whether you disclose such details.

oh right, no i dont mind disclosing, its considered as informative.

100 below $230 and 50 between $230-$245 (banked a large cash so converted a portion) and around 40.69 between $260-$290

thats why i wanted to sell a little bit over $400. i would feel more profitable. but still, in about 24hours, ill drop maybe 30-35coins. just to get a little bit of liquidity and the rest i will keep them (for the time being because the situation is not yet critical critical) but if it drops to $380-$385 am dumping all and do something else with my life.

that sounds like a crap strategy ... i understand your sentiment though... u might get ur bluff called cuz 350 has been their bottom.

962. Post 13693756 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: nor9865 on January 26, 2016, 09:34:18 PM
any idea where i can sell 40btc at preev price?

transfer to me should be by bank transfer.

also, i agree with a statement made up the post. i am going to sell 40btc and keep 150btc. i do have a feeling that it might go up but i have to save my ass from getting burned too much of what i can afford to.

yeah.. wise.. only keep in what u can afford to lose... bitcoin cannot scale ... and they have had months to talk about it..... that makes it a real risk .

963. Post 13693893 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: DieJohnny on January 27, 2016, 02:41:51 AM
i think bitcoin has become the boring cryptocurrency, bored to death

they cant go up or down.. they have the halving, yet bitcoin cannot scale.. we went from xt fork early this year to talk of BTC and BTCC on same exchanges .. its getting more and more ridiculous each day.

964. Post 13693991 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: peonminer on January 27, 2016, 03:38:12 AM

"Trade with caution."

965. Post 13704473 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: nor9865 on January 27, 2016, 10:41:07 AM or are easy solutions with minimal to no fees. You can also use for a swift cash deposit at an above preev price. Nor, do you mind me asking what your average buy price is for your stockpile? Pure curiosity.

I thought that he already said around $280, so even selling at $380, he would be up $100 per BTC.. something like that.

ohhh he meant at what price i bought them. sorry i thought you said at what price i am selling them..

I'm not going to go back through the posts, but my recollection, more or less, was that you asserted that you hold about 190 BTC, and you were becoming somewhat anxious regarding when to sell them.. but also Peonminer was asking you about your average buy price.

I had understood that you had made a couple of purchases, and that your profits would be around $100 per coin, if you sold at current price.

I don't recall whether you specified if that was your average buy price only for the 40 coins or if your total portfolio had an average buy price in the upper $200s.

You know many of us who have been buying BTC for a while, and even trading BTC to some extent have made a large number of transactions, and we come up with a variety of ways to attempt to calculate our average costs per BTC and the extent to which we are profitable or not. 

I personally think that these profitability considerations are all valid, and also, I am totally accepting of the fact that posters have a considerable variety in their ways of calculating their investment in bitcoin and the extent to which they may be profitable or not.

You do not necessarily need to disclose either your total number of coins or your average buy price or your framework; however, sometimes it can be helpful towards considering what to do and how to perceive your situation... and peonminer was asking you about your average price per btc for your whole BTC holdings... which is up to you whether you disclose such details.

oh right, no i dont mind disclosing, its considered as informative.

100 below $230 and 50 between $230-$245 (banked a large cash so converted a portion) and around 40.69 between $260-$290

thats why i wanted to sell a little bit over $400. i would feel more profitable. but still, in about 24hours, ill drop maybe 30-35coins. just to get a little bit of liquidity and the rest i will keep them (for the time being because the situation is not yet critical critical) but if it drops to $380-$385 am dumping all and do something else with my life.

did you sell yet ??

966. Post 13704573 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 28, 2016, 04:01:02 AM
Who has been holding from $502, $475, $465, and $428? 

When are you gonna sell? at $350? 300? 200?

Price can't go up because transaction volume can't go up. It's that simple, so unless you know about some secret deal between core, nodes and miners to increase capacity, enjoy watching the value of your holdings slowly deteriorate.

sounds about right . the broken part seems to out weigh the halving-ening .. it dont matter how many coins can be mined if bitcoin cant scale.

967. Post 13704620 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 28, 2016, 04:11:16 AM
Who has been holding from $502, $475, $465, and $428? 

When are you gonna sell? at $350? 300? 200?

Price can't go up because transaction volume can't go up. It's that simple, so unless you know about some secret deal between core, nodes and miners to increase capacity, enjoy watching the value of your holdings slowly deteriorate.

Lightning Network isn't priced in at all, so assuming it ever comes out and functions, that will be a huge bump for price even with 1.6MB blocks.

How do you know? Maybe without your vaporware promises, the price would be even lower.

yeah right.. have you heard about BitcoinPure yet ?? planning on purifying bitcoin with 2M blocks.. the fork should happen soon as the day after next tuesday . assuming everyone supports it by then .

968. Post 13704675 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: DaRude on January 28, 2016, 05:27:36 AM
Who has been holding from $502, $475, $465, and $428? 

You have.  How are those losses treating you?  Cheesy

Pffft been holding since 1200 beat that

u are badass ..

969. Post 13704716 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 28, 2016, 08:27:25 AM
So kiddies, let's review:

What are the elements of a four punch raid?

Crash (to $352)? check
Bounce? check
pause? check
Spike (to $428)? check
second bounce (at $371)? check

so what's left? oh, that's right. A gradual loss of all upward momentum leading to the next crash.

what we waiting on Huh

970. Post 13704853 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 28, 2016, 08:22:52 AM
Who has been holding from $502, $475, $465, and $428? 

When are you gonna sell? at $350? 300? 200?

Price can't go up because transaction volume can't go up. It's that simple, so unless you know about some secret deal between core, nodes and miners to increase capacity, enjoy watching the value of your holdings slowly deteriorate.

You are a fucking jerk when you spin and threaten with your exaggerations.

Grow up. We have a responsibility as bitcoin owners. It's not enough to just hodl. When our network is being managed poorly, we as stakeholders need to speak up and if the core maintainers don't listen, we have to communicate in a way that will get their attention. We have to dump, because if the price doesn't go down, miners have no incentive to help implement a scaling upgrade.

Thank you to everyone who dumped. I'm sorry it was necessary and to be honest more dumping may be necessary because Core seems to have a tin ear.  Even the miners want to upgrade, but they are too terrified of a controversial hard fork. So, we have to give them something worse to be terrified of. Aaalrighty then. We can do that.

I like the way you edited out the remainder of my earlier post  (NOT)...

Anyhow, you are fabricating duties, and just on some bullshit mission of destruction.

There is no duty to dump...

And, you are making out this scaling problem to be much greater than it is.

There is no emergency, there is no sabotage from core.  The only sabotage are from goofballs like you, whether you are paid shills or just misinformed or evil in other ways.

The way to build bitcoin is to work together and to propose various solutions and to attempt to convince in constructive rather than destructive manners....

juangee.. u should stop spreading false rumors that nothing is wrong with bitcoin.

971. Post 13705184 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: cbeast on January 28, 2016, 09:41:16 AM
I'm smarter than you. If you don't agree, keep pumping and prove me wrong. If you can.

Yeap, that cold storage bag gettin' him a little agitated.  Cheesy

You mean the cold storage I bought @ $10? Yeah, I'm really agitated it's currently worth 3600% more than I paid for it. 

I don't care if I'm the bad guy. Somebody has to be or the story is really boring. If it doesn't scale, my coins are for sale (at the right price, of course).
Bitcoin will scale. If everyone else gives up on it and the price drops, I will learn how to program and take over as Chief Scientist and raise it from the dead. But I'm betting others will do that before me.

no need to worry. we got BitcoinPure releasing soon!

972. Post 13710061 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on January 29, 2016, 03:09:05 AM
here we go we're all gana die!

ruh roh .

973. Post 13714370 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 29, 2016, 06:20:28 AM

I LOLed. A real double bottom in technical analysis means support holds on HIGHER volume, which is not what happened.  We may have a significant bounce from here, but it's likely not the end of the bear

yeah.. cuz that bear raid wasnt that great last night .

974. Post 13714419 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on January 29, 2016, 11:20:43 AM
Haven't been around much lately, have been checking the price though. It seems we're firmly entrenched under 400 USD for the time being which isn't great.

I predict there will be some significant movement soon, I wouldn't like to predict which way though.

there is huge demand from wall street right now. they are piling into bitcoin like crazy. they dont even know about bitcoin being unable to scale.. they saw max kieser on cnn the other day and started piling in .

975. Post 13714446 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: ImI on January 29, 2016, 12:44:47 PM

allright, i am ready

lets do it .

976. Post 13714589 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

the 'ashton kutcher pump' seems kinda gimped.. what is matter with that guy trying to get everyone to buy bitcoins ??

977. Post 13714661 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on January 29, 2016, 02:58:09 PM
the 'ashton kutcher pump' seems kinda gimped.. what is matter with that guy trying to get everyone to buy bitcoins ??

i bet he's speculating with millions

he musta bought in a bunch $800 or something .. otherwise.. he isnt making any sense ... trying to get everybody buy bitcoins at these inflated prices that cant even scale.

978. Post 13715336 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: barbs on January 29, 2016, 03:53:29 PM
How can you guys justify a wild swing upwards at this point past 500$ż

they are pretending everything is fine with bitcoin.

979. Post 13715668 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: dropt on January 29, 2016, 04:43:53 PM
How can you guys justify a wild swing upwards at this point past 500$ż

Why do you believe there needs to be justification?

What was the justification for a run up to 1000+ after months of barely hanging onto $100 following a crash from $260 -> $60.

What was the justification for $500 after languishing in the low $200s?

There doesn't need to be a justification, in Bitcoin this shit just happens.

both were pumps.. whos responsible for keepin bitcoin pumped after the marshal's auction ?? better get them on it.

980. Post 13729791 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 31, 2016, 02:05:25 AM
Innovation is not burning a gigawatt of mining power to process less than 4 transactions per second.  Especially when we could increase that capacity by a factor of eight with almost no additional costs.

In economics, sometimes it's helpful to try and calculate the true cost of something by factoring out the subsidies. In this case the subsidy is the block reward and the cost is paid by investors/speculators.

if users actually paid the full cost of their transaction now, it would be several dollars each. That's a horribly inefficient system and not one worth investing in, IMHO.  The fact that it could potentially be much more efficient if some minor changes were made is irrelevant if there is no process for making those changes.

The governance model needs to change, so until Bitcoin Classic or something like it achieves a clear majority of support by nodes and miners, we have to assume the rough consensus mechanism of a small minority having effective veto power is going to continue, which means nothing is going to get done. Blocks will fill up. Fees will increase. There's really only two outcomes without a higher or removed max block size: stagnation or network congestion failure. 

no worries.. countdown for BitcoinPure is happening.. the fork is day after next tuesday... assuming it has the support.

981. Post 13739149 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: TReano on February 01, 2016, 03:10:17 AM
Bitcoin still looks super heavy.

Sometimes it takes a while for dreams to die.

yea people are used to buy the dip which they did all the time.

Now we are at a point where the market is constantly bleeding even thought they are still buying it.

lets see how red we will see once the last dip buyer gives up-

i would say let it go on up. this thing pumps up after every smash down.. thank the marshal's for their pump .

982. Post 13741280 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: on January 31, 2016, 09:50:58 PM
The problem is from miners, they dont accept it, and the miners control bitcoin...

Add to your "problem" what node-runners want:

Bitcoin Nodes (Core, XT, Unlimited, Classic) 

unfortunately...imo this is what is making bitcoin such a joke... #ridiculous... u forgot to add BitcoinPure has large section of the pie now. can't believe anyone can look at this and continue take bitcoin seriously .

983. Post 13741609 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

keep pumping biatches! we got the halvening! .... stop pretending like if you pump you are punishing us... everyone in this thread is loaded w bitcoins.. pump it on up biatches... we don't give a dam.. let the mofo burn!

984. Post 13741789 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

we decided here at BitcoinPure.. why have just four different Bitcoin forks ?? ingenious happened.. BitcoinPure ladies and gents. #bitcoin

here ya go guys.. fixed.

985. Post 13743449 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

bitcoin goes sideways cuz it can't go up nor can it go down #BitcoinParalyzed

986. Post 13745083 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: TReano on February 01, 2016, 04:19:16 PM

Bigger picture weekly - Levels to work with

All thoughts here:

"With the still ongoing civil war about the Blocksize limit which isn't showing any significant development still today I would keep a slightly bearish sentiment overall."

wut.. slightly bearish ?? until it is resolved, then it hasn't been resolved. It is now February. we been hearing about this before the Marshal's Pump 2015 happened. obviously, just as many in this thread knew that there was nothing that justified the recent bitcoin price of $500 ... there is nothing justifying the price now, except the fact those auction people got ripped. and so has every other person who either sold or bought during the that pump.. in hindsight it is becoming much clearer what happened and what is happening now. how much more time we got before bitcoins balls are in the vice because of the failure to scale ??

987. Post 13746500 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 01, 2016, 08:39:08 PM
You've been Four Punch Raided, boys and girls.

that wasn't that great of a raid.. i call do overs.

988. Post 13746986 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 01, 2016, 09:14:33 PM
You've been Four Punch Raided, boys and girls.

that wasn't that great of a raid.. i call do overs.

okey dokey. Next crash coming up.

a punch through 360 might send us on through 350..... although that is complete speculation .. i have no idea what would happen if we punched through 360...

what i really think though is we will stay in range above 350 while they dork around with blockchain fixes.

989. Post 13749235 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: rdnkjdi on February 01, 2016, 11:14:57 PM
I opened a big leveraged short at 394.  I don't see how things are going to go up until the block size debate is resolved.  Or at the very least there is no longer a looming threat of a hard fork.  

This isn't JUST a hard for but a reshuffling of the powers that be in core who are being paid by a private company to fund bitcoin (imo this entire debacle can be traced back to the foundation going belly up on funding development).

Until the two camps are united, core compromises on 2mb blocks or everyone in the community (exchanges etc) change their mind I see the drift downward as inevitable.

I do live in eternal fear of core announcing 2mb blocks and losing it all.  But I'm betting that if they haven't done it yet they aren't going to until hard fork is inevitable.

that is what everyone thought before .. however... the Marshal's Pump 2015 proved "All of US" wrong.... #bitcoinBizarroWorld

990. Post 13749287 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

don't forget everyone "Trade WITH Caution" #bitcoinBizarroWorld

991. Post 13752246 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: Dekker3D on February 02, 2016, 08:58:44 AM
I bought at 380 thinking it would only go up, and you know what? I hate being wrong ><

The common traders emotion, "Why does the price always go down after I buy and goes up right after I sell". Well we just need to wait for a little while for the price to push around the $390 mark again.

True, but I see only a lowering trend and it's bothering me a lot  Grin

Unless the blockchain issue gets resolved or some big news that will make everyone to jump back in there's not enough push for the price to recover.

that is what a normal trader would think... but once again everything changed after the Marshal's Auction 2015 when bitcoin was blatently pumped for the federal marshal's to make as much profit as possible... everyone thought the same thing, blockchain was a HUGE unresolved problem as early as July 2015, and was raging full in October - November 2015 .. that did not matter cuz Marshal's Auction was much BIGGER NEWS than blockchain debate caused the price to surge to $500.

once again: don't forget everyone "Trade WITH Caution" #bitcoinBizarroWorld

992. Post 13752496 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: m0gliE on February 02, 2016, 09:00:12 AM
I bought at 380 thinking it would only go up, and you know what? I hate being wrong ><

The common traders emotion, "Why does the price always go down after I buy and goes up right after I sell". Well we just need to wait for a little while for the price to push around the $390 mark again.

True, but I see only a lowering trend and it's bothering me a lot  Grin

Unless the blockchain issue gets resolved or some big news that will make everyone to jump back in there's not enough push for the price to recover.

Well if the blockchain issue isn't resolved, btc is dead no? (From what I understood)

then why would you buy bitcoin at 380 if you know full well that bitcoin has a CRITICAL FLAW ?? price of bitcoin must rise because if it doesnt then you were RIPPED OFF due to the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015 duped you into thinking bitcoin was worth more than it currently really is worth due to the unresolved CRITICAL FLAW. that is why bitcoin cannot go down because the Marshal's pumped bitcoin and sold their coins higher than what they were really worth at the time of the auction. now is crunchtime, they must resolve the blockchain issue .

993. Post 13752516 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: m0gliE on February 02, 2016, 09:04:36 AM
I bought at 380 thinking it would only go up, and you know what? I hate being wrong ><

guess what! it always goes up and down!
in the near future, you might sell it at double that price
wait! you are just a leech on the bitcoin ecosystem!

A leech? That's a bit harsh...
So anyone trading btc is just a leech? Dang we're numerous ^^

If you want only adopters... Well not sure it would be enough to pay for miners  Sad

its not you who is the leech.. its the federal govy under obama that are the leeches.

994. Post 13754281 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: Dotto on February 02, 2016, 03:01:24 PM
google: aztecminer marshall´s pump About 63.000.000 results (0,44 seconds)

thats right.. i dont mess around.. i am #1 .......... i am the best.

995. Post 13755184 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: gentlemand on February 02, 2016, 04:18:57 PM

Seriously? What does it make your constitution different from most countries?

Britain doesn't have a constitution. We rely on fair play and the knowledge that no one will complain no matter what's done to us.

The Special Relationship with the US is deeply pathetic to witness from the British end. It's like a desperately insecure boyfriend over analysing his uninterested woman's every move.

any relationship with obama admin is pathetic... i have been lobbying for a Magna Carta here in the USA to go with Texas state movement to roll back the power of the federal govy over states and the presidents power to use executive orders to circumvent congress to pass laws that the president cant pass legally ... because for one thing i do not believe i really owe the USA 30% to 40% of my income .. #abusivehightaxes ............... maybe i owe some taxes, but i dont owe 30 to 40% worth ... i think i saw that obama raised taxes on bitcoin from 15% to 20% .

996. Post 13756810 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.42h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 02, 2016, 08:40:14 PM
I bought at 380 thinking it would only go up, and you know what? I hate being wrong ><

The common traders emotion, "Why does the price always go down after I buy and goes up right after I sell". Well we just need to wait for a little while for the price to push around the $390 mark again.

True, but I see only a lowering trend and it's bothering me a lot  Grin

Probably, you need to zoom out a little bit in order to have a better perspective.

Sometimes, I wonder, unless it is just for trolling effect, how posters can get so worked up about the price movement within one or two weeks or some other selective period of time that shows a downward trend.  

We have both downward and upward trends in bitcoin, and both can be occurring at the same time depending on the timeline that you are describing.

Surely, we may have some continuing and ongoing downtrend, even below $300 - however, if we realize that to be a possibility, then we should prepare for such - which doesn't necessarily mean betting all of our BTC holdings that it is going below $300, when we may only see that as a less than 10% probability.

At this point, I am inclined towards thinking the next 5% adjustment in BTC prices will be down... I give it a 53% for down and 47% for up....   But really it is not a clear and convincing conviction merely to be inclined to believe one way or the other.

Not trolling dude... Merely worrying about the future that's all...

I'm glad you have so much faith in bitcoin and so much self control. I for myself am a bit worried about a potential stagnation linked to the issues btc is facing. I don't like seeing the lowering trend of the past weeks, and I don't want to see a new age of 280/300 $ that's all.

Yeah, but you are getting a bit unrealistic when you get so caught up such recent BTC history when btc's performance and fundamentals are much stronger than the past few weeks of bitcoinlandia drama.  Also, historically, there has been quite a bit of drama and stories about doom and gloom and death of bitcoin, yet bitcoin is still quite strong and doing considerably well, given the many indirect and direct attacks that it has received and continues to receive (even if prices were to go into the $280/$300 price range).

I feel a lot better if BTC prices go up (and I profit more), but really I cannot control that kind of price movement or even influence the market in any kind of meaningful way.  

Accordingly, I have been engaging in a variety of steps to attempt to protect myself on both ends, and even to cause some profits no matter the direction of BTC's price movement - even though at the time being, I profit quite a bit more if the price goes up rather than going down.  

Overall, I am betting that the long term BTC prices are going to go up rather than down or flat, yet I am attempting to employ tactics and strategies in order that I can withstand continued ongoing downward manipulation and/or delays in that anticipated upward trajectory by not investing more than I can afford to lose and also staggering my bets along the way in both directions.

In essence, I have been buying on the way down and selling on the way up, and in that regard, I apportion the amounts that I am buying and selling according to my own view of the future (at any particular moment), and my tolerance of risk within the consideration of the possibility that some fluke (whether man-made or natural) could cause bitcoin prices to plummet to zero or near zero.

juangee... you really need to stop spreading these false rumors that bitcoin is doing just fine.. until the bloatchain not scaling issue is resolved then bitcoin is not doing alright at all, regardless of how many foos are buying it.. all the people who are buying bitcoin atm are at risk that bitcoin may never scale.. until it does then it doesnt .. it don't matter how much you promise it will be fixed .. it has been EIGHT MONTHS we been waiting .. #ridiculousness   ... at the rate is going BitcoinPure will be released and forked bitcoin while u tards are still trying to figure out who is the ruler of bitcoins and who owns the fees.

997. Post 13763622 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on February 03, 2016, 12:57:07 AM
Meh, pretty dull price action at the moment. Wonder when the next pump or dump will happen.

It's pretty boring without both the fume & esctasy of extreme movements on here Smiley

it would defeat the purpose of the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015 if bitcoin went back under 300 again .. however, it becomes obvious bitcoin is a scheme if they continue to rocket up while they have the blockchain issue still unresolved. bitcoin is paralyzed in a tight sideways range atm. #BitcoinParalyzed #GimpCoinBitcoin

998. Post 13763722 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 03, 2016, 01:37:48 AM
I'm the king of sideways. Makin' mo $$$$$$$$$.

Margin funding interest rate is down a bit and that concerns me, but we are close to a 4 hr Moving average crossover, and there might be a short term pump. I just don't wanna play anymore. Not with ~20% APR guaranteed.

Everything everything is so damn risky. Even if there is a consensus on larger blocks, there will prolly be a spike before I even find out about it. I'll have to get in on the retracement. So what? I'm not counting coins anymore. I'm just looking for ROI.

Price will likely double or more with 2MB blocks so what are the damn miners waiting for?  Is basic economic literacy really so rare?

u shouldnt keep all your money in fiat.. you really should consider buying pms. an economic reset with a revaluation of gold to much higher prices would solve a lot of the central bank problems instantly ... bitcoin does not have that same ability that i am aware.

999. Post 13763880 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: coins101 on February 03, 2016, 01:51:55 AM
Shanghai Composite again down 1,5% at opening....

Damn the stock markets are developing into a blackhole...

'Don't touch Bitcoin because it's too volatile', all the Wall St types said  Undecided

it has been a solid eight months of them discussing the block size ... bitcoin is a HUGE risk atm .. if bitcoin does not scale then it will stay #GimpCoin

1000. Post 13763906 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: iCEBREAKER on February 03, 2016, 02:23:21 AM
Shanghai Composite again down 1,5% at opening....

Damn the stock markets are developing into a blackhole...

'Don't touch Bitcoin because it's too volatile', all the Wall St types said  Undecided

'The financial crisis is over', all the Gavin types said  Undecided

if he really said that then it proves he is a govy shill and therefore his opinions can be safely discarded . #GimpCoin

1001. Post 13763917 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: yefi on February 03, 2016, 02:56:19 AM
You've been Four Punch Raided, boys and girls.

Google turns up four results for "four punch raid". Wanna ELI5?

Is it SFW?

Just something that Billy came up with

The Four Punch Raiders are real. This picture was painted by a first-hand witness of their pillaging.

yup... this is undeniable proof .

1002. Post 13764029 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 03, 2016, 03:34:48 AM
The logarithmic uptrend is broken on the five year chart.  If you wanna zoom out, zoom out motherfucker. It's the scalability problem.  It's gotta get a lot worse before it gets better (IF it gets better) because some people are so stupid, they require an extreme amount of pain before they learn anything. 

You're not trading efficiency for censorship resistance. Majority mining power is concentrated in one country with a totalitarian government. The People's Bank of China has a million man army behind them and they could take over our network with a few phone calls.  The only reason Bitcoins functions is because the ChiComs LET it function. That  battle has already been lost. So smallblockers want to keep bitcoin from scaling for NO REASON!

So we're going down or sideways.  If we go up, new users are attracted, blocks fill up, transactions slow down and get expensive,  then we have to go down or face a network congestion failure. 

They got us. The bad guys won. Subsidized electricity and consensus governance brought us down. Meanwhile a bunch of other cryptocurrencies are waiting in the wings to claim the prize we fucking threw away. 

this is a proven phenomena. Their brains are coated with flouride and aluminum that they have lost 10% to 25% of their intelligence capabilities.. the sad part is they don';t know they are stupid... they have very bad memories too... i understand what you are saying.. it can be very challenging and frustrating to deal with such IQ deficient morons on a daily basis like we are forced to do.. once you accept that almost everyone is about 25% less intelligent than yourself then you learn to expect them to do stupid stuff. i mean really, we are talking about a lifeform that intentionally dumbs itself down and then poisons itself.

here is an example: "Hey guys bitcoin can't scale" .. eight months later:  "Hey guys bitcoin can't scale" ..

it doesnt even register .

1003. Post 13764043 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 03, 2016, 03:46:28 AM
The logarithmic uptrend is broken on the five year chart.  If you wanna zoom out, zoom out motherfucker. It's the scalability problem.  It's gotta get a lot worse before it gets better (IF it gets better) because some people are so stupid, they require an extreme amount of pain before they learn anything. 

You're not trading efficiency for censorship resistance. Majority mining power is concentrated in one country with a totalitarian government. The People's Bank of China has a million man army behind them and they could take over our network with a few phone calls.  The only reason Bitcoins functions is because the ChiComs LET it function. That  battle has already been lost. So smallblockers want to keep bitcoin from scaling for NO REASON!

So we're going down or sideways.  If we go up, new users are attracted, blocks fill up, transactions slow down and get expensive,  then we have to go down or face a network congestion failure. 

They got us. The bad guys won. Subsidized electricity and consensus governance brought us down. Meanwhile a bunch of other cryptocurrencies are waiting in the wings to claim the prize we fucking threw away. 

Why get so emotional regarding the topic?

And, what is the big deal if some alt takes over bitcoin? 

If there is a better alt, then let it pave the way, and we can all jump on board that one...

The fact of the matter is that there is no alt that is even in any parameters of close to bitcoin...

Name one?

You can't because you are just spreading bullshit FUD regarding non-important and speculative matters...

Your matters are so speculative that they are even beyond the scope of this  speculation thread because they are lacking almost any foundation... especially ones concerning the supposed pending take over of some not-yet identified alt coin.


1004. Post 13764060 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: cbeast on February 03, 2016, 04:00:52 AM

Because you know what's going on.

HODLing cold storage.. why ?? cuz "they" don't want me too .

1005. Post 13764069 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: lottery248 on February 03, 2016, 04:40:13 AM
why bitcoin halving will lead to the panic sell? Huh
are there anything to do to make the price drop lower? what just happened? since i haven't tracking the bitcoin news.

~$380 -> ~$372 Huh

hey guess what ?? BITCOIN CAN"T SCALE .. in case ya missed it.

1006. Post 13764079 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: bitworldfun on February 03, 2016, 04:46:57 AM
we still havent retested 320 yet, so a short term reversal is still very likely

320 is too close to 300 .. they are paralyzed at this price. #BitcoinParalyzed

1007. Post 13764183 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Elwar on February 03, 2016, 01:41:55 PM
Ah ok.
Well I don't know how they would want to do it. Yes exchanges are not anonymous, but you don't use exchange if you want anonymous. You pays and receive in btc and if you want cash you go through local bitcoin  Grin

CoinBase sent me a nastygram telling me that they were dropping my daily limit due to their data showing that I was selling my bitcoins on localbitcoins. Siting the fact that I would need to register in the US to sell bitcoins. However I am in Europe so that doesn't really apply to me. But I would imagine similar things taking place in the EU if they follow the US lead.

u think we was trying to sell a firearm. #ridiculousness

1008. Post 13764339 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: r3t4rD4life on February 03, 2016, 03:16:09 PM
The logarithmic uptrend is broken on the five year chart.  If you wanna zoom out, zoom out motherfucker. It's the scalability problem.  It's gotta get a lot worse before it gets better (IF it gets better) because some people are so stupid, they require an extreme amount of pain before they learn anything.  

You're not trading efficiency for censorship resistance. Majority mining power is concentrated in one country with a totalitarian government. The People's Bank of China has a million man army behind them and they could take over our network with a few phone calls.  The only reason Bitcoins functions is because the ChiComs LET it function. That  battle has already been lost. So smallblockers want to keep bitcoin from scaling for NO REASON!

So we're going down or sideways.  If we go up, new users are attracted, blocks fill up, transactions slow down and get expensive,  then we have to go down or face a network congestion failure.  

They got us. The bad guys won. Subsidized electricity and consensus governance brought us down. Meanwhile a bunch of other cryptocurrencies are waiting in the wings to claim the prize we fucking threw away.  

Why get so emotional regarding the topic?

And, what is the big deal if some alt takes over bitcoin?  

If there is a better alt, then let it pave the way, and we can all jump on board that one...

The fact of the matter is that there is no alt that is even in any parameters of close to bitcoin...

Name one?

You can't because you are just spreading bullshit FUD regarding non-important and speculative matters...

Your matters are so speculative that they are even beyond the scope of this  speculation thread because they are lacking almost any foundation... especially ones concerning the supposed pending take over of some not-yet identified alt coin.


Is that supposed to be a joke. If Ripple is BTC's replacement count the ***** out, I am not moving over to some centralized "trust based" coin. If that's the name of the game I'll stick to cash.

BTC is king, just the developers need to start delivering on their promises instead of bickering about this blocksize issue. The unspoken problem with this blocksize debate is how much resources it is taking away from developing opportunities just because nobody can agree on a damn block size. Meanwhile, Ethereum is gaining ground there is no denying it. I'd rather ETH take over than Ripple, but my main wish is for this blocksize thing to get solved reasonably so that btc can see some REAL development and we can see the network effect take action. Swallow the smaller coins' good features making them obsolete. We don't need positive news from mainstream media, we need to make our own positive news that is so compelling that mainstream media picks it up.

Guess what ?? in case you missed it: ETHERIUM CANT SCALE.. .............and "bitcoin cannot do it by itself".. ripple is a different beast than bitcoin... the USA govy fined RIPPLE a huge fine recently for some lame bullshiat they made up to justify the theft ... that fact is enough for me to jump onboard with RIPPLE .. RIPPLE is not the same thing as bitcoin, or any of the other alts you mentioned.. it is its own beast.

try to recall that the obama administration told everyone to NOT use iodine while the clouds of radiation rolled overhead.. they said iodine is bad for your health.. they lied.. i been taking iodine in different forms regularly since the accident and i have had ZERO adverse health affects... u can read my new book dropping march 09th if ya want to learn more about that since it is off-topic... however, i do not do what the obama admin wants me to do .. those guys are idiots.

1009. Post 13764432 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

u bunch of "landlubbin hodlers"

1010. Post 13765112 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 03, 2016, 04:04:41 PM
The logarithmic uptrend is broken on the five year chart.  If you wanna zoom out, zoom out motherfucker. It's the scalability problem.  It's gotta get a lot worse before it gets better (IF it gets better) because some people are so stupid, they require an extreme amount of pain before they learn anything. 

You're not trading efficiency for censorship resistance. Majority mining power is concentrated in one country with a totalitarian government. The People's Bank of China has a million man army behind them and they could take over our network with a few phone calls.  The only reason Bitcoins functions is because the ChiComs LET it function. That  battle has already been lost. So smallblockers want to keep bitcoin from scaling for NO REASON!

So we're going down or sideways.  If we go up, new users are attracted, blocks fill up, transactions slow down and get expensive,  then we have to go down or face a network congestion failure. 

They got us. The bad guys won. Subsidized electricity and consensus governance brought us down. Meanwhile a bunch of other cryptocurrencies are waiting in the wings to claim the prize we fucking threw away. 

Why get so emotional regarding the topic?

And, what is the big deal if some alt takes over bitcoin? 

If there is a better alt, then let it pave the way, and we can all jump on board that one...

The fact of the matter is that there is no alt that is even in any parameters of close to bitcoin...

Name one?

You can't because you are just spreading bullshit FUD regarding non-important and speculative matters...

Your matters are so speculative that they are even beyond the scope of this  speculation thread because they are lacking almost any foundation... especially ones concerning the supposed pending take over of some not-yet identified alt coin.


Ripple is really laughable with their level of scams and totally centralized and Premined.

Do you really and seriously believe  people are  going to buy into that rather than Bitcoin.

Furthermore the computing power and security of Bitcoin is a very important strength that needs to be considered in any take over of Bitcoin's position. So, I believe any replacement should at least be working towards coopting bitcoins computing power, and ripple has no vision for that?

In other words,  At the moment ripple sounds a bit ridiculous to me as even being close to a potential Bitcoin competitor ( or replacement).

until bitcoin can scale it is #GimpCoin ..... four more months and an entire year will have passed .. at some point we have to call bullshiat on the seeming incompetence. #GimpedCoin

as for ripple, it is not the same thing as bitcoin. however, i can create a ripple address and fund it with ripple, and then buy gold in Singapore kept stored in a vault against that ripple address. I cannot do that with #GimpCoin that I am aware of...

you keep saying bitcoin is decentralized.. yet the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015 shows us that bitcoin is being controlled by the USA govy ... there is no other explanation for the surge to $500 at that time. i am calling it like i see it... bullshiat that bitcoin surged to $500 cuz of a russian pyramid scheme and chinese rushing in to buy bitcoins... and that bitcoin is maintaining this price levels during the blockchain scaling fiasco.. cuz.... bitcoin. ... calling bullshiat on it .

1011. Post 13765145 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 03, 2016, 04:11:33 PM
The logarithmic uptrend is broken on the five year chart.  If you wanna zoom out, zoom out motherfucker. It's the scalability problem.  It's gotta get a lot worse before it gets better (IF it gets better) because some people are so stupid, they require an extreme amount of pain before they learn anything.  

You're not trading efficiency for censorship resistance. Majority mining power is concentrated in one country with a totalitarian government. The People's Bank of China has a million man army behind them and they could take over our network with a few phone calls.  The only reason Bitcoins functions is because the ChiComs LET it function. That  battle has already been lost. So smallblockers want to keep bitcoin from scaling for NO REASON!

So we're going down or sideways.  If we go up, new users are attracted, blocks fill up, transactions slow down and get expensive,  then we have to go down or face a network congestion failure.  

They got us. The bad guys won. Subsidized electricity and consensus governance brought us down. Meanwhile a bunch of other cryptocurrencies are waiting in the wings to claim the prize we fucking threw away.  

Why get so emotional regarding the topic?

And, what is the big deal if some alt takes over bitcoin?  

If there is a better alt, then let it pave the way, and we can all jump on board that one...

The fact of the matter is that there is no alt that is even in any parameters of close to bitcoin...

Name one?

You can't because you are just spreading bullshit FUD regarding non-important and speculative matters...

Your matters are so speculative that they are even beyond the scope of this  speculation thread because they are lacking almost any foundation... especially ones concerning the supposed pending take over of some not-yet identified alt coin.


Is that supposed to be a joke. If Ripple is BTC's replacement count the ***** out, I am not moving over to some centralized "trust based" coin. If that's the name of the game I'll stick to cash.

BTC is king, just the developers need to start delivering on their promises instead of bickering about this blocksize issue. The unspoken problem with this blocksize debate is how much resources it is taking away from developing opportunities just because nobody can agree on a damn block size. Meanwhile, Ethereum is gaining ground there is no denying it. I'd rather ETH take over than Ripple, but my main wish is for this blocksize thing to get solved reasonably so that btc can see some REAL development and we can see the network effect take action. Swallow the smaller coins' good features making them obsolete. We don't need positive news from mainstream media, we need to make our own positive news that is so compelling that mainstream media picks it up.

Guess what ?? in case you missed it: ETHERIUM CANT SCALE.. .............and "bitcoin cannot do it by itself".. ripple is a different beast than bitcoin... the USA govy fined RIPPLE a huge fine recently for some lame bullshiat they made up to justify the theft ... that fact is enough for me to jump onboard with RIPPLE .. RIPPLE is not the same thing as bitcoin, or any of the other alts you mentioned.. it is its own beast.

try to recall that the obama administration told everyone to NOT use iodine while the clouds of radiation rolled overhead.. they said iodine is bad for your health.. they lied.. i been taking iodine in different forms regularly  since the accident and i have had ZERO adverse health affects... u can read my new book dropping march 09th if ya want to learn more about that since it is off-topic... however, i do not do what the obama admin wants me to do .. those guys are idiots.

Something new to look forward to. The Aztecminer book pump, coming to a Bitcointalk forum thread near you.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Tongue

its in my tag. i dont have to do that. i will just pay amazon to advertise it on amazon... wow amazing technology can ya believe it ??

1012. Post 13765167 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: wachtwoord on February 03, 2016, 04:11:21 PM
Ripple's a joke and a scam.

: BITCOIN CANNOT SCALE .. it is a JOKE.. the sudden surge to $500 during the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015 was a scam pump .

1013. Post 13765241 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: wachtwoord on February 03, 2016, 05:00:39 PM
Ripple's a joke and a scam.

: BITCOIN CANNOT SCALE .. it is a JOKE.. the sudden surge to $500 during the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015 was a scam pump .

The only scaling problem Bitcoin has is in intelligent people as 99% of the people joining Bitcoin in the last year is mentally retarded. The block size is fine and it doesn't need to scale in transactions to be extremely valuable.

Ripple is the same system as we have (fiat) but then created by a company. Great. Amazing. Why are we discussing it on a crypto forum?

i agree, ripple is a fiat system... is bitcoin. from previous posts:

1. bitcoin has not been straightforward about the bitcoin cap of there only ever being 21 million bitcoins ever produced. bitcoin will eventually be forced to raise this cap beyond 21 million simply because people forget their encryption keys and therefore bitcoins are lost. maybe a person has a cold storage wallet full of bitcoins and he suddenly dies. those coins are gone forever.

out of all those 99% mentally retarded users of bitcoin, how many are going to lose their bitcoins cuz they died, or simply lost their encryption keys .. bitcoin is a glorified fiat system.

if you want out of fiat then you buy pms.

until bitcoin can scale, then it can't. .. they have been arguing over it for EIGHT MONTHS .. we are now moving into the realm of total incompetence. #ridiculousness #GimpedCoin #99%RetardsinLastYear

1014. Post 13765278 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

don't worry, its not just you guys .... i been dissing on bitcoin everywhere i go.. LOL . #GimpedCoin

1015. Post 13765324 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 03, 2016, 05:16:31 PM

Something new to look forward to. The Aztecminer book pump, coming to a Bitcointalk forum thread near you.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Tongue

its in my tag. i dont have to do that. i will just pay amazon to advertise it on amazon... wow amazing technology can ya believe it ??

Fair enough.

If your book(s) resemble anything near the level of the logic and substance of your forum posts, it seems to me that you are going to need all of the advertisement that you can get.

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

yeah probably..

1016. Post 13765742 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

YO! u landlubbin HODLERS.. surrender yo bitcoins to us! the next punch is coming. (got ya covered while u away billyjoe) #FourPunchRaiders

1017. Post 13767861 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 03, 2016, 06:10:43 PM
YO! u landlubbin HODLERS.. surrender yo bitcoins to us now! the next punch is coming. (got ya covered while u away billyjoe) #FourPunchRaiders

You are all over the place Mr. Aztec...

I thought a punch is an upward BTC price movement, even though the overall claim coming from you and BJA (even though you guys seem to be saying different things) is that BTC prices are moving downward until a purportedly necessary fix of BTC is achieved.

I get the sense that you, Aztec, are asserting that a fix of BTC cannot be achieved because BTC is all a mirage and pump mostly orchestrated by the US Gov, and BJA is suggesting that a fix could be achieved (if they followed some intelligent guidance from people like him (BJA that is)), even though in the end, historically, BJA has demonstrated over and over through his posts (since 2011 or so) that he likes to whine and be emotional and to exaggerate about something or another no matter what in order to get a lot of attention and to talk his book.

yeah that is about right. i'm #1.. i am the best.. i am "all over the place" .. and.... i reserve the right to change my mind without notice.

basically i do whatever i feel morning after i wake up. a lot times i like to talk trash. i pride myself as #1 trash talker ..  this morning i talked trash about #gimpedCoin ........ i dont talk trash about RIPPLE........cuz..... i am on more friendly terms with those guys. although i am not really active in RIPPLE.. not that i do not want to be ...right now i am only on Coinbase and RIPPLE GATEWAY .

what i think Juangee is that you are emotional about your investment in bitcoin, hence.. why you defend it no matter what. we could have some virus spreading through the blockchain that steals peoples bitcoins for EIGHT MONTHS and you would be in here telling everyone bitcoin is fine.

the fact that your brain has yet to register is: BITCOIN CANNOT SCALE; until it does scale, then it doesn't. ......there is no exaggeration of this fact... the exaggeration is in your brain that thinks there is nothing wrong with bitcoin.

i think billyjoe is more intelligent than you juangee .. he makes more sense than you do ..  plus, he is with the #FourPunchRaiders and your not.

1018. Post 13767900 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: jbreher on February 03, 2016, 07:13:51 PM

Hey - remember back when Ripple's market cap was greater than Bitcoin's? Yeah - those were the days.

WOOT WOOT !! go team RIPPLE .. #1 ....... bitcoin is #GimpedCoin

1019. Post 13768018 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 03, 2016, 08:52:11 PM
I'm the king of sideways. Makin' mo $$$$$$$$$.

Margin funding interest rate is down a bit and that concerns me, but we are close to a 4 hr Moving average crossover, and there might be a short term pump. I just don't wanna play anymore. Not with ~20% APR guaranteed.

Everything everything is so damn risky. Even if there is a consensus on larger blocks, there will prolly be a spike before I even find out about it. I'll have to get in on the retracement. So what? I'm not counting coins anymore. I'm just looking for ROI.

Price will likely double or more with 2MB blocks so what are the damn miners waiting for?  Is basic economic literacy really so rare?

u shouldnt keep all your money in fiat.. you really should consider buying pms. an economic reset with a revaluation of gold to much higher prices would solve a lot of the central bank problems instantly ... bitcoin does not have that same ability that i am aware.

There's no way of really knowing what would happen in a SHTF scenario. It's past the singularity. PMs will always have some sort of value, but it may be lower than today's. No, what you need is flexibility to adapt to a situation that could radically change lightning quick. For that, nothing beats cash- the most liquid asset.  

People are using the money they save on lower fuel prices to de-leverage, which means that we actually have some disinflation as the fractional reserve money multiplier runs in reverse.  We're near the zero bound on interest rates. Things will have to get substantially worse before the FED and USGov start outright printing money.  

i think if they do bank holidays, they will do bail-ins + they might do a currency swap to a new currency. if that happens then your cash will be turned into the new cash at a considerable lower amount ex: you get 45% return value... i believe the worst thing to hold is usd.. however, in some cases i agree that holding cash is the way to be .. which right now that is my position in coinbase exchange, i am ALL cash and have been since the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015. and i have multiples values more bitcoins in cold storage that might not ever see the light of day again.. who knows. i used to mine and all those mined coins are in cold storage .. that is why i refuse to buy atm. i dont NEED the coins that badly.

i have a policy: always always cover your ass ... which means u really should own some pms, preferably silver imo . JPM is buying and hoarding silver, and not bitcoins.. me and jamie dimon are tight.

1020. Post 13768052 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: coins101 on February 03, 2016, 10:00:59 PM

Hey - remember back when Ripple's market cap was greater than Bitcoin's? Yeah - those were the days.

WOOT WOOT !! go team RIPPLE .. #1 ....... bitcoin is #GimpedCoin

R3 doesn't have a forum you can go and use?

yeah i probably post there sometimes too .

1021. Post 13769663 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: betterangels on February 04, 2016, 12:51:14 AM
wow you guys must be really smart spotting all these patterns and having all these explanations for everything

yeah we are tops.

1022. Post 13769678 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 04, 2016, 01:13:48 AM
YO! u landlubbin HODLERS.. surrender yo bitcoins to us now! the next punch is coming. (got ya covered while u away billyjoe) #FourPunchRaiders

You are all over the place Mr. Aztec...

I thought a punch is an upward BTC price movement, even though the overall claim coming from you and BJA (even though you guys seem to be saying different things) is that BTC prices are moving downward until a purportedly necessary fix of BTC is achieved.

I get the sense that you, Aztec, are asserting that a fix of BTC cannot be achieved because BTC is all a mirage and pump mostly orchestrated by the US Gov, and BJA is suggesting that a fix could be achieved (if they followed some intelligent guidance from people like him (BJA that is)), even though in the end, historically, BJA has demonstrated over and over through his posts (since 2011 or so) that he likes to whine and be emotional and to exaggerate about something or another no matter what in order to get a lot of attention and to talk his book.

yeah that is about right. i'm #1.. i am the best.. i am "all over the place" .. and.... i reserve the right to change my mind without notice.

basically i do whatever i feel morning after i wake up. a lot times i like to talk trash. i pride myself as #1 trash talker ..  this morning i talked trash about #gimpedCoin ........ i dont talk trash about RIPPLE........cuz..... i am on more friendly terms with those guys. although i am not really active in RIPPLE.. not that i do not want to be ...right now i am only on Coinbase and RIPPLE GATEWAY .

what i think Juangee is that you are emotional about your investment in bitcoin, hence.. why you defend it no matter what. we could have some virus spreading through the blockchain that steals peoples bitcoins for EIGHT MONTHS and you would be in here telling everyone bitcoin is fine.

the fact that your brain has yet to register is: BITCOIN CANNOT SCALE; until it does scale, then it doesn't. ......there is no exaggeration of this fact... the exaggeration is in your brain that thinks there is nothing wrong with bitcoin.

i think billyjoe is more intelligent than you juangee .. he makes more sense than you do ..  plus, he is with the #FourPunchRaiders and your not.

I'm not participating in this thread to compete with anyone regarding purported intelligence or any other characteristic or to pump anything. 

And sure, I have no problem that many of the posters may be more intelligent than me in a variety of ways.  In fact, I expect every poster to have some kind of knowledge that is greater than mine concerning that person's own experiences.

It seems like within the past couple of days, I responded to another post of yours that had a similar level of accusations towards me.

I found it...... for ease of reference, here it is: 

Accordingly, I responded to your post, but you "conveniently" failed to acknowledge or respond to any of my points within that post.

In essence, I don't necessarily want to be repetitive in making points that I have already made in my earlier post, so if there is anything, you can respond to that.   Accordingly, if we are here genuinely attempting to stay on topic and to provide our experiences in respect to bitcoin, then, some of us are going to have different views regarding the future of bitcoin (if any).

yeah i do repeat myself a lot... purposely .. because if i dont people will forget.

1023. Post 13769707 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

don't forget everyone! BITCOIN CANNOT SCALE! until it does then it still doesn't ... its only been EIGHT MONTHS of arguing over it. #GimpedCoin

1024. Post 13774718 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 04, 2016, 06:57:09 AM

I'm not participating in this thread to compete with anyone regarding purported intelligence or any other characteristic or to pump anything. 

And sure, I have no problem that many of the posters may be more intelligent than me in a variety of ways.  In fact, I expect every poster to have some kind of knowledge that is greater than mine concerning that person's own experiences.

It seems like within the past couple of days, I responded to another post of yours that had a similar level of accusations towards me.

I found it...... for ease of reference, here it is: 

Accordingly, I responded to your post, but you "conveniently" failed to acknowledge or respond to any of my points within that post.

In essence, I don't necessarily want to be repetitive in making points that I have already made in my earlier post, so if there is anything, you can respond to that.   Accordingly, if we are here genuinely attempting to stay on topic and to provide our experiences in respect to bitcoin, then, some of us are going to have different views regarding the future of bitcoin (if any).

yeah i do repeat myself a lot... purposely .. because if i dont people will forget.

You repeat yourself and you fail / refuse to respond to substance because you do not have any real and meaningful substantive analysis to provide beyond your various narrow talking points that are largely detached from facts.

nah is much more simple than that: i just grown to not like you juangee because you spread false rumors that nothing is wrong with bitcoin.. your simply a LIAR.

1025. Post 13774769 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: AlexGR on February 04, 2016, 04:03:02 AM
don't forget everyone! BITCOIN CANNOT SCALE! until it does then it still doesn't ... its only been EIGHT MONTHS of arguing over it. #GimpedCoin

Technological progress actually ...ensures that bitcoin not only can scale, but will indeed scale. It's not a matter of if, only a matter of when.

1995 = Pentium 75-100MHz / 8-16MB ram / 1-2GB disks / 14.4kbps - 128kbps connections.
2015 = 4-8core CPUs at 4 GHz / 4-16GB ram / 1-4 TB disks / home connections in the mbps to gbps (for fiber).

Everything has gone upwards like 1000x in 20 years. Processing power, memory, storage, network connections etc. And I'm not counting processing breakthroughs in GPU power or storage speedup like SSDs.

If the trend continues, by 2035 the technology will allow >5000tx/sec, without even improving the software. If the software gets improved (and it constantly is getting scaling improvements), we are talking multiple that - so we'll be seeing VISA-like capabilities way before the 2030's.

Bitcoin is ...doomed to scale, except if some catastrophic failure of our civilization destroys the IT industry. And we won't have to wait for 2035 for scaling, that's just a number. There are incremental steps in hardware and network capabilities all the time. We just want too much, too fast. And that's good because scaling solutions will have to be devised faster. Although one thing will never be overcome: The necessity for fees. It is impossible to have near-zero cost txs AND protect the network for abuse at the same time.

Free txs = attack vector possible for free.
Near free txs = attack vector possible for peanuts.

until bitcoin can scale, then it still doesn't... after EIGHT MONTHS i do not just accept what u say that bitcoin will scale... make it scale and then there is nothing to argue about... if bitcoin still fails to scale in February then we are at NINE MONTHS and all talk .. your talk is bullshiat.. i am going to flank ya . get pissed see if i care .

1026. Post 13777538 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: sAt0sHiFanClub on February 04, 2016, 10:30:52 AM
Price when approaching Bitcoin halving in July:

A. Big drop?

B. Big pump?

Definitely gonna pump the living daylights out of it. If you time it well, there's money to be made. But I suspect that it will happen about a month before the first 12.5btc block.

+1 the pump began with the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015. .. it will proceed upward pump beyond $500 probably after tax day .. and as predicted, bitcoin has not gone below 350 due to that being uncomfortably close to 300.. predicting this is easy when you understand the mindset and strategies of the manipulators. another strategy they like to employ is to discredit those who make predictions .. it is the same strategy they employ in the pm markets. the same strategies.

what we should be careful about is how they are dragging their feet to fix the scaling issue. they could pump bitcoin for the halvening, and then kill it with scaling failure in a wealth transfer scheme. and then roll out something new, if they even have time left to do that.. the federal reserve caught in the crunch right now.. they need a way to fix their books .

in other words: TRADE WITH CAUTION

1027. Post 13777704 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 04, 2016, 05:34:26 PM
Are you ready to say good bye to the $3xx range?  Grin

Not ready for the $200 range just yet. Lots of volatility first.

$200 range ?? u think mike hearn would released his big fud if this was going back to $200 range ?? i think the thinking is that if it were going to happen it already would have.. it shoulda happened immediatly .. it should never reached $500 either... maybe it will after the halvening after the pump when they can pull a wealth transfer. otherwise.. no more $200 range before halvening. ..  silver is up $1.50 since i first told everyone to buy when i bought two 100 oz englehard silver bars that ring true ......................... i doubt they crush it again cuz we are not doing like they want.. instead we keep buying.

1028. Post 13777753 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 04, 2016, 07:29:46 PM

I'm not participating in this thread to compete with anyone regarding purported intelligence or any other characteristic or to pump anything.  

And sure, I have no problem that many of the posters may be more intelligent than me in a variety of ways.  In fact, I expect every poster to have some kind of knowledge that is greater than mine concerning that person's own experiences.

It seems like within the past couple of days, I responded to another post of yours that had a similar level of accusations towards me.

I found it...... for ease of reference, here it is:  

Accordingly, I responded to your post, but you "conveniently" failed to acknowledge or respond to any of my points within that post.

In essence, I don't necessarily want to be repetitive in making points that I have already made in my earlier post, so if there is anything, you can respond to that.   Accordingly, if we are here genuinely attempting to stay on topic and to provide our experiences in respect to bitcoin, then, some of us are going to have different views regarding the future of bitcoin (if any).

yeah i do repeat myself a lot... purposely .. because if i dont people will forget.

You repeat yourself and you fail / refuse to respond to substance because you do not have any real and meaningful substantive analysis to provide beyond your various narrow talking points that are largely detached from facts.

nah is much more simple than that: i just grown to not like you juangee because you spread false rumors that nothing is wrong with bitcoin.. your simply a LIAR.

O.k.  Well, we do not really need to interact with one another, but there is a bit of bullshit in your various responses when you throw out a variety of allegations and then you fail to respond to any substance when called on it....  I think that you do not like me and you are calling me names because you are lacking substantive responses... and it is just easier for you to call names and avoid anything meaningful.

In that regard, you would likely have difficulties pointing out any actual evidence to prove your allegations or various conclusory points you make or even to substantiate how I could be a liar (what would I be lying about?  HELROW?  my opinion?)  

You are likely unable to point out any instance of me lying and then get into any substantive discussion of that... like, for example, you pointing out Ripple as a supposed meaningful competitor to Bitcoin... yeah right   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy   You throw out the name, and then you have no ability to back it, and you comment makes little to no sense... just like your allegation that I am somehow lying about something, such as my opinion... what nonsense.   If you avoid substance, then it makes it easier for you to spin and to continue to ignore actual facts.  Your conduct seems to fit fairly closely within the definition of trolling.

i haven't been reading your entire posts...sorry. your kind of trash talk downs people u disagree with in the forum rather than objects like bitcoin .

1029. Post 13777771 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 04, 2016, 07:32:43 PM

The Curious Case of Gregory Maxwell & The Lightning Network

The routing problem is further complicated because they don't only want to route transactions. They want to take a slice and collect a fee for doing so. This is a fee that will come directly out of the pockets of miners and will make Bitcoin less secure.

Blockstream hobbles bitcoin, gives it a crutch and then tries to take credit that it can walk. If Core loses their position as reference client developers, they should try a career in government.

Greg would make a pretty good banker. Why not give it a try??

hearn beat him to it.

I wouldn't even know who Mike Hearn is if Core were doing their damn jobs. Blockstream is using an anti-spam kludge as an economic tool. They were never authorized by the owners (holders) or the employees (miners) to do so. They infect the network so they can sell us the cure. Mike Hearn wanted to bypass Core because Core IS the problem.  This is the free market equivalent of regulatory capture. Well, it won't work. Either the market embraces Blockstream and gives me an opportunity to cash out at a nice profit, or it rejects smallblocks and crashes, incentivizing the miners to adopt a real scaling solution.  I'm good either way, so what's it gonna be?

i heard that mike hearn was the one who wanted 'blockchain blacklists'.. maybe well intention but still a bad idea .

1030. Post 13784252 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: nioc on February 04, 2016, 09:44:04 PM
already topping here? Sad

Well it's not going over 400.

i cannot believe this is not over 400 this morning. #GimpedCoin

1031. Post 13784281 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: orpington on February 04, 2016, 11:02:20 PM

I don't think so. I doubt he would approve of subversive altcoin garbage like "Classic" and the chumps behind it.

 ... as you and your shills sell out bitcoin to the very people it was conceived to bypass.  And not even as an altcoin implementation - but bitcoin itself.

Look at what you have done:

The only sneaky shills around here are people like you trying to undermine bitcoin with your garbage alt coin promotion. But, try as you like (and you certainly do), you will fail utterly and fortunately.

luckily for all of us we have BitcoinPure about to purify bitcoin network with a fork of 12M blocks soon.

1032. Post 13784438 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 05, 2016, 07:03:53 AM
Price when approaching Bitcoin halving in July:

A. Big drop?

B. Big pump?

Definitely gonna pump the living daylights out of it. If you time it well, there's money to be made. But I suspect that it will happen about a month before the first 12.5btc block.

+1 the pump began with the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015. .. it will proceed upward pump beyond $500 probably after tax day .. and as predicted, bitcoin has not gone below 350 due to that being uncomfortably close to 300.. predicting this is easy when you understand the mindset and strategies of the manipulators. another strategy they like to employ is to discredit those who make predictions .. it is the same strategy they employ in the pm markets. the same strategies.

what we should be careful about is how they are dragging their feet to fix the scaling issue. they could pump bitcoin for the halvening, and then kill it with scaling failure in a wealth transfer scheme. and then roll out something new, if they even have time left to do that.. the federal reserve caught in the crunch right now.. they need a way to fix their books .

in other words: TRADE WITH CAUTION

In other words:   Don't listen to stupid fucks like Mr. Aztec.. who are just attempting to pass a bunch of FUD...   while spinning the same narrow message over and over and over and over...

by the way, didn't you affirmatively assert yesterday that we were at the top... $372..?  

oh yeah, here it is...

wow you guys must be really smart spotting all these patterns and having all these explanations for everything

yeah we are tops.

Yeah, right.. we should listen to you.. and your various broken record assertions.. Huh?..

LOL ... the real trolls are people who have intellectual breakdowns in public forums over their bitcoins that have to resort to random name calling and general downing of people like you do jaungee... you are too emotional over your investment.. you should sell all your bitcoins before you hurt yourself....................

1033. Post 13784478 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 05, 2016, 07:09:44 AM

O.k.  Well, we do not really need to interact with one another, but there is a bit of bullshit in your various responses when you throw out a variety of allegations and then you fail to respond to any substance when called on it....  I think that you do not like me and you are calling me names because you are lacking substantive responses... and it is just easier for you to call names and avoid anything meaningful.

In that regard, you would likely have difficulties pointing out any actual evidence to prove your allegations or various conclusory points you make or even to substantiate how I could be a liar (what would I be lying about?  HELROW?  my opinion?)  

You are likely unable to point out any instance of me lying and then get into any substantive discussion of that... like, for example, you pointing out Ripple as a supposed meaningful competitor to Bitcoin... yeah right   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy   You throw out the name, and then you have no ability to back it, and you comment makes little to no sense... just like your allegation that I am somehow lying about something, such as my opinion... what nonsense.   If you avoid substance, then it makes it easier for you to spin and to continue to ignore actual facts.  Your conduct seems to fit fairly closely within the definition of trolling.

i haven't been reading your entire posts...sorry. your kind of trash talk downs people u disagree with in the forum rather than objects like bitcoin .

Yes, I know trolls do you usually read, they just keep putting on the same spin and they do not engage.

It's not about me trash talking, it is about certain posters, including you, who fail and refuse to engage, but just keep spouting out the same bullshit.

There is nothing wrong with disagreement when people engage regarding the substance....

I personally begin to bad mouth posters when they do not provide facts to support their claims, and they continue to spout off the same FUD messages.  

So, if you want to call it trash talk, so be it, but my posts do not really arise to that level because they are mostly about substance or getting someone to back up a point that they made, including you, which you will not do, and instead you just divert by engaging in various ad hominems and trying to point fingers rather than providing some meat to your assertions.

why would i engage someone in an intellectual convo about bitcoin when u are going to get emotional over ur investemnt and start name calling and general downing of people.. you do the same thing to billyjoe.. its not us who are the problem juangee ... the fact your brain cannot handle is that: BITCOIN STILL CANNOT SCALE TODAY!.. get mad about it.

1034. Post 13784529 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: coinzat on February 05, 2016, 11:10:54 AM
It seems that the btc price started to recover the last fall that happen last week,
I think if the price successes in breaking $400 , this will start an up trend

break 500 this time ... who says bitcoin not scaling is a problem ?? is not a problem cuz BitcoinPure is going to fork the blockchain soon with mega-chains of blocks.

1035. Post 13784603 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 05, 2016, 01:51:22 PM
It will be interesting to see if we can hold the 5% gain through Golden Week when Chinese banks will be shut down for nine days.  If bears want to force a long squeeze, this may be a good time.

If anyone wants to search back in the thread to about a week ago when I predicted a bounce to the "low $390s", go ahead. It's scary how accurate I have been lately. I'm expecting to get a huge colossal  miss any time now.

thats right.. ye landlubbin HODLERS! beware the GOLDEN WEEK of CHINESE BEARS is upon us!

1036. Post 13784612 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: sniveling on February 05, 2016, 02:15:03 PM
already topping here? Sad

Well it's not going over 400.

i cannot believe this is not over 400 this morning. #GimpedCoin

There have been two big opposing walls intermittently fighting each other for the last few hours on Bitstamp. There were periods when there was no spread between walls of thousands of coins. They froze the Bitstamp price while they were up. It's like there are two whales fighting to control the price.

#FourPunchRaiders have been at it again.

1037. Post 13784991 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 05, 2016, 03:19:40 PM

Yeah, right.. we should listen to you.. and your various broken record assertions.. Huh?..

LOL ... the real trolls are people who have intellectual breakdowns in public forums over their bitcoins that have to resort to random name calling and general downing of people like you do jaungee... you are too emotional over your investment.. you should get out now before you hurt yourself....................

Wow. You, Mr. Aztec are grasping at straws to make things up, which is a sign of your desperation to attempt to divert any conversation away from substance to either 1) pump your various simple and narrow stupid ass talking points (which include purposeful attempts to denigrate Bitcoin - maybe sporadically Moreso when you are talking your book) or 2) engage in nonsubstantiated personal attacks.

As I have stated in a large number of my posts, since this past October, I have begun to trade btc. Before that time for nearly two years, I was largely buying and accumulating Bitcoin while incorporating a kind of hybrid dollar cost averaging approach with available (not leveraging anything) funds in my regular cash flow.

Therefore, currently because of my various trading tactics and the quite volatile price movements since October,  I have been able to accumulate a large number of orders stacked up and down the Bitcoin price.

 Surely in the long run, I do better if Bitcoin prices go up because I have invested in Bitcoin, but I also have not invested more than I can lose.

Furthermore, I consider my Bitcoin holdings, investment, readings and repositioning  to be a hedge against some of my other non Bitcoin investments.

You have no real idea exactly what are my Bitcoin holdings in comparison to my various other nonbitcoin holdings, so you are merely making shit up when you make some superficial conclusory assertion regarding my relationship to Bitcoin and it's likely ongoing volatile prices.

I believe that I have a fairly logical and balanced approach to my Bitcoin holdings that cause me not to be over invested in Bitcoin in any meaningful way, even though in recent years, I have invested a lot of time and energy to research into Bitcoin and to employ and practice several Bitcoin related investment strategies.

I believe that because of my recent trading of btc, since October, my total Bitcoin holdings are in a much better financial position to advantage from btc  prices going in either direction- at least for the short term.

Tldr:   In other words, you, Mr Aztec, if you are worthy of any such deference, are again just blowing shit out of your ass with your unsubstantiated personal attacks - and there's no real substance to much of anything you assert beyond a few of your conclusory, non substantiated and frequently illogical talking points, whether related to Bitcoin or some other off topic point that you want to spin. 

juangee .. "i dont care what none of ya are... blablablabla.... "   .............. same point as yesterday, the day before yesterday, and every day for the last EIGHT MONTHS: bitcoin doesn't scale, until it scales, it still doesnt scale.............. get mad and write some more paragraphs... "blablablabla" ...

1038. Post 13785781 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Mrpumperitis on February 05, 2016, 04:42:43 PM

sounds like a bilderberg meeting,lol

yep.. i wasnt supposed say anything but since u mentioned it.... i will be there too... i will be speaking about how " bitcoin does not scale, and that until it does scale, it still doesnt scale " .. and then i will roll out the BitcoinPure fork of mega-chains of 12M blocks ready for Golden Week of Chinese Bears..................... assuming everyone at the Satoshi Round Table is on board with the plan ... if we have consensus, then right as we fork the network we will have Coinbase, in conjunction with BFX and the chinese exchanges PUMP the lightneing chain forks of the secret bitcoins we are going to release ... at that point we will be able to collect more fees since we will have multiple lightening forks of bitcoins and mega-chains of 12M blocks ...

phase two will then be happen: we will have billyjoe raid all five lightning forks of mega-blocks with the #FourPunchRaiders to cause massive volatility to attract newb traders to the ligthening forks during the Golden Week of Chinese Bears . once we have all this in place, finally, we will .. all of us .. buy boats and rule the world from right here from 'wall of observer thread' of bitcoin forum. everyone except juangee ... we are going to 'blockchain blacklist' him during the purification ... lol..... its going to be exciting times for all ye landlubbin HODLERS!!

1039. Post 13815287 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 05, 2016, 05:19:26 PM

yep.. i wasnt supposed say anything but since u mentioned it.... i will be there too... i will be speaking about how " bitcoin does not scale, and that until it does scale, it still doesnt scale " .. and then i will roll out the BitcoinPure fork of mega-chains of 12M blocks ready for Golden Week of Chinese Bears..................... assuming everyone at the Satoshi Round Table is on board with the plan ... if we have consensus, then right as we fork the network we will have Coinbase, in conjunction with BFX and the chinese exchanges PUMP the lightneing chain forks of the secret bitcoins we are going to release ... at that point we will be able to collect more fees since we will have multiple lightening forks of bitcoins and mega-chains of 12M blocks ...

phase two will then be happen: we will have billyjoe raid all five lightning forks of mega-blocks with the #FourPunchRaiders to cause massive volatility to attract newb traders to the ligthening forks during the Golden Week of Chinese Bears . once we have all this in place, finally, we will .. all of us .. buy boats and rule the world from right here from 'wall of observer thread' of bitcoin forum. everyone except juangee ... we are going to 'blockchain blacklist' him during the purification ... lol..... its going to be exciting times for all ye landlubbin HODLERS!!

To the extent that there is any substance in your above fantasy post.... you appear to be in a bit of a lala land to think that there is any kind of "we" going on in bitcoin.  Bitcoin is structured in a such a way that it is peer to peer and decentralized and there are going to be a variety of ins and outs and in the end, as it expands, it will likely involve all types (good, bad and ugly).... well at least hopefully fungibility will be preserved in such a way that blacklisting is not any kind of meaningful dynamic.

Lots of interesting times ahead indeed to see how some of this plays out regarding whether BTC is a storage of value or a currency or something else and to what degree.

juangee... its a joke post dumbass.......... the fact your tiny brain could not detect SARCASM proves your doing nothing but trolling people that you disagree with in this thread . first week of February is in LALA land and still your precious coin still cannot scale . ...what a joke that btc is a store of value ..... there aint gonna be NOTHING for anyone with bitcoin until it can scale.. period .

1040. Post 13815360 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: European Central Bank on February 06, 2016, 01:55:47 AM

Why is it that core supporters end up having a complete tard-out?

Am I being manipulated to support alternative implementations through the fake unpleasantness of supposed Core supporters?

Do you have any idea how frustrating it must be to deal with inferior beings all the time? Don't question. Hash.

every day ... our country is being led by inferior beings.

1041. Post 13815492 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: valta4065 on February 06, 2016, 03:48:02 AM
The facts:
If half a million people wanted to send a single bitcoin to another address the same day, THEY COULD NOT ALL DO IT, NO MATTER HOW HIGH A FEE THEY PAID.

People know this and so we do not buy bitcoin. This is why the price is falling. Price will continue to fall or stagnate until capacity is raised.

What? I was not aware the scaling problem was so high!

Why are most people saying that everything is fine and that scaling will come then? It's really not going to help bitcoin adoption! Especially considering how many transaction are made everyday that are "automatic transactions" like faucets or games that are added to the human exchanges.

there are people who are emotionally attached to their bitcoin investment .. they want the price to continue to increase .

1042. Post 13815568 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 06, 2016, 03:58:03 AM
The facts:
If half a million people wanted to send a single bitcoin to another address the same day, THEY COULD NOT ALL DO IT, NO MATTER HOW HIGH A FEE THEY PAID.

People know this and so we do not buy bitcoin. This is why the price is falling. Price will continue to fall or stagnate until capacity is raised.

What? I was not aware the scaling problem was so high!

Why are most people saying that everything is fine and that scaling will come then? It's really not going to help bitcoin adoption! Especially considering how many transaction are made everyday that are "automatic transactions" like faucets or games that are added to the human exchanges.

Most people are not saying everything is fine. The people who are saying that either want to sell before the price crashes again or are attempting to prevent or stall scaling.  They are a minority.

your using common sense ... we expect the price to fall due to the scaling problem dragging out and more versions of bitcoin forks being created.. however, your forgetting the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015 when bitcoin should have went down but instead soared to $500.. i think they are attempting to cover the Marshal's Auction Pump is why this is staying up over $300 .. think about it.. the Marshal's auctioned all those coins out for much more than they were actually worth at the time of the auction.

1043. Post 13815602 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: orpington on February 06, 2016, 06:16:20 AM
Price crashed again, woohoo!!

Good job Gavin with your shit-eating grin and all you "classic" FUDsters! Right on!

really ?? that was a crash ??

1044. Post 13815910 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 06, 2016, 09:39:19 PM
We are nowhere close to "everything will suck soon" tm. You guys have been saying that for a year now btw.

Actually several years. We've been repeatedly pointing at the same stupid, unnecessary hard ceiling, and pointing out that the inexorable trend of increasing transactions has us on a clear intersect.

In the meantime, we have recently gone from things never sucking in regards to capacity, to things sucking for brief flashes of time. The issue is not how much one needs to pay to get a transaction through, the issue is that with the current block size, no more than about 350,000 transactions can be processed in a day. Period. No matter how much money is thrown at the transactions.

Actually, it's more like 230,000 per day. Source: (Look at the maximum tx volumes in December and January).

Actually, it's more like 500,000 per day after segwit is implemented in April.

And how many transactions are low value (uneconomic elastic demand) that will drop off when the spam limit comes into effect?

And how many are actually responding to the nascent fee market?

And not as many transactions are actually "stuck" because of block limits but rather bad wallet software not broadcasting correctly ...

Edit: let's keep our numbers fact based shall we? Pulling magic constants out of bottoms is bad engineering, but maybe good politics.

as soon as BitcoinPure is released next tuesday bitcoin will finally be fixed.

1045. Post 13815935 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Andre# on February 06, 2016, 10:00:32 PM
Accordingly, I still have troubles understanding when the blocksize and/or scaling issues are presented as "an emergency."

Do you understand the principle of non-parallel lines in a two-dimensional cartesian coordinate system?

No.  I don't understand:  "non-parallel lines in a two-dimensional cartesian coordinate system."

It's may sound fancy, but it's very simple. This is a (logarithmic) graph of the number of Bitcoin transactions over time:

The interactive version is here:

The blue line is the number of transactions in a given month. In December and January there were 6 million transactions per month. The maximum per day that can be processed is about 250,000, so that's 7.5 million per month. To visualize that maximum, you could draw a horizontal line in the graph at 7,500,000. As you can see, the growth in transactions is pretty steady, in this logarithmic graph it's almost a straight line (so the growth is actually exponential). If you extrapolate that line to the future, it will cross the horizontal line at 7,500,000 tx at some point. In fact, if two lines don't run parallel, you know for sure they will cross each other sometime.

I haven't felt any significant delay because usually the transaction will show up with zero confirmations within 5 minutes or so then I can rest assured that it is coming to me.

When blocks become persistently full, you will never be able to safely assume that a zero-conf transaction will ever get included in a block.

And that is a fact.

O.k.  I will accept your representation.  Currently, we seem to be a long ways away from the "fact" that you are asserting to be coming about, and from my understanding, there are several potential bandaid solutions in place until a possible more permanent solution is agreed upon or implemented by coup de at...  Wink Wink

It will only take a few more months before the lines will cross. I wouldn't call that a long way off. And rolling out a hard fork takes time. So yes, time is running out fast.

the obvious answer to this is ... PUMP BITCOIN.... obviously .

1046. Post 13815957 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: blunderer on February 06, 2016, 10:31:27 PM
"The lines cross and omg! catastrophe happens" is the sophisticated wrapper around the bullshit argument "nobody goes there any more because it is too popular".

Bitcoin is like brewer's yeast: by the time network stops growing it starts choking on its own piss, it's too late -- everything dies Sad

that means bitcoin is worth $500 at least..

1047. Post 13816049 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: jbreher on February 07, 2016, 12:13:04 AM
If you think the world has enough Bitcoin users as things stand today, you have a point. If you think that use of Bitcoin growing by a factor of more than several dozen percent is desirable, then your point is ridiculous.

What makes you believe that users would feel the urgent need to spend their btc in dust amounts for b/s on a daily basis?
And even if they did, why would that be so good? To look cool waiting half an hour to pay a frappuccino? And at what cost?

For the umpteenth time - the issue is NOT dust transactions. The issue is that, with max block size capped at 1MB, the system is simply incapable of handling more than ~350,000 transactions a day - no matter the value of those transactions. Quit changing the topic. Quit putting words in my mouth. Such is dishonest.

what if we mine only half as many coins ?? as long as we are mining less coins then it shouldnt matter if we can only do 350k transactions a day cuz there are less coins to trade.... GENIUS!! .. bitcoin back to $500 this week .... ..... #GimpedCoin

1048. Post 13816134 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: gijoes on February 07, 2016, 01:41:31 AM
I am genuinely looking forward to seeing what response you, brg444, icebreaker, hdbuck et al. provide for our entertainment if the network actually forks to classic and no disaster occurs. All that brazen supercilious venom spewed over the last year with potentially nothing to show for haha.


I'm glad you're finding it hilarious. I don't. Because I invested non-trivial portion of my portfolio into Bitcoin and I'd hate it all to go "poof!" if a hostile hard fork backfires and the net DOES split into two. Are you willing to bet ALL your BTC that this has a zero chance of happening? I would not be so sure.

WAIT...WAIT ..  you are talking like bitcoin is a HUGE RISK .

1049. Post 13818446 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

if kraken goes down.. we can expect a PUMP to $500 . (oops i did it again, i used "we" again, juangee gonna go into full retard again trying to figure out who i am talking about)

1050. Post 13818474 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 08, 2016, 05:08:45 PM

yep.. i wasnt supposed say anything but since u mentioned it.... i will be there too... i will be speaking about how " bitcoin does not scale, and that until it does scale, it still doesnt scale " .. and then i will roll out the BitcoinPure fork of mega-chains of 12M blocks ready for Golden Week of Chinese Bears..................... assuming everyone at the Satoshi Round Table is on board with the plan ... if we have consensus, then right as we fork the network we will have Coinbase, in conjunction with BFX and the chinese exchanges PUMP the lightneing chain forks of the secret bitcoins we are going to release ... at that point we will be able to collect more fees since we will have multiple lightening forks of bitcoins and mega-chains of 12M blocks ...

phase two will then be happen: we will have billyjoe raid all five lightning forks of mega-blocks with the #FourPunchRaiders to cause massive volatility to attract newb traders to the ligthening forks during the Golden Week of Chinese Bears . once we have all this in place, finally, we will .. all of us .. buy boats and rule the world from right here from 'wall of observer thread' of bitcoin forum. everyone except juangee ... we are going to 'blockchain blacklist' him during the purification ... lol..... its going to be exciting times for all ye landlubbin HODLERS!!

To the extent that there is any substance in your above fantasy post.... you appear to be in a bit of a lala land to think that there is any kind of "we" going on in bitcoin.  Bitcoin is structured in a such a way that it is peer to peer and decentralized and there are going to be a variety of ins and outs and in the end, as it expands, it will likely involve all types (good, bad and ugly).... well at least hopefully fungibility will be preserved in such a way that blacklisting is not any kind of meaningful dynamic.

Lots of interesting times ahead indeed to see how some of this plays out regarding whether BTC is a storage of value or a currency or something else and to what degree.

juangee... its a joke post dumbass.......... the fact your tiny brain could not detect SARCASM proves your doing nothing but trolling people that you disagree with in this thread . first week of February is in LALA land and still your precious coin still cannot scale . ...what a joke that btc is a store of value ..... there aint gonna be NOTHING for anyone with bitcoin until it can scale.. period .

Jokes and sarcasm is not lost upon me, and in essence your whole participation in this thread seems to be a kind of joke with your superficial dumbass claims.

Yes Bitcoin has been suffering some downward price pressures and we also suffered for about 10 months with btc prices hovering largely in the $200s.

We are doing quite well right now, and we appear to be on a fairly clear path for Segway implementation and likely some other reasonable scaling solutions thereafter, to the extent they may be needed.

Accordingly, the Bitcoin network already seems quite prepared for a 20x to 40x increase in today's price in the coming months, if there were such a surge in prices.

Even though the current contents of your posts seem pretty ridiculous, they are likely to appear even more ridiculous as some of these already vetted solutions are implemented and additional potential solutions are continuing to be considered be core developers to the extent that those solutions may be good for Bitcoin.

In the end there seems to be considerable consensus, as well, that softforks are the preferred path forward, to the extent that they can be attained and so long as there's no emergency requiring a hardfork, which seems to be the current status of the Bitcoin space.

until bitcoin scales.. it still doesn't... amazing how that concept is ridiculous and hard for you to understand.

1051. Post 13820826 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

i have awesome strategy for bitcoin . we'll play out the "bitcoin doesn't scale" thing and we will, in the end, do nothing.... some have said that will kill bitcoin .. it will be alright because everyone here has other investments and are only trading with money they don't really need anyways.. that is the prime rule of bitcoin .. only buy bitcoins with what you can afford to lose.  and there we go #problemsolved

1052. Post 13826174 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 08, 2016, 09:28:30 PM
i got my bids in the 320s

Could take weeks tho.

Or never happen....

BTC is holding up ok in this medium term down move (and oscillators are bottoming).

this. Next move is up and looking like it could be quite powerful as Crassic is getting #R3KT as quick as XT was ... basically DOA.

Peace in the dev community and the peanut gallery gets banned from dev discussion ... full steam ahead for the rocket train.

Gold Up, Bitcoin collapsing.

edit: crassic train #R3K in progress, just fyi.

is not a problem... BitcoinPure releases next tuesday.

1053. Post 13826786 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: danielW on February 08, 2016, 11:43:20 AM
Unfortunately classic is not quite dead yet.

When it is and the threat of chaotic, contentious and unnecessary (segwit is superior) hard fork is over, we can all look forward to a massive price increase (like move from 230->450 after xt collapse) and bitcoin moving forward.

These bombing runs from Gavin and coinbase are getting tiring.

I doubt they will be able to centralise bitcoin development under their control.

gavin and coinbase huh ?? that first time i heard that.. but it makes sense .

1054. Post 13826799 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: matrix zion on February 08, 2016, 11:56:41 AM
Unfortunately classic is not quite dead yet.

When it is and the threat of chaotic, contentious and unnecessary (segwit is superior) hard fork is over, we can all look forward to a massive price increase (like move from 230->450 after xt collapse) and bitcoin moving forward.

These bombing runs from Gavin and coinbase are getting tiring.

I doubt they will be able to centralise bitcoin development under their control.

Why unfortunately? Isn't it always good to have different possibilities? you never know what might happen Wink

I personnally support all the coins! Classic, Core, Litecoin...

Pure ..

1055. Post 13826965 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: danielW on February 08, 2016, 12:17:25 PM
Unfortunately classic is not quite dead yet.

When it is and the threat of chaotic, contentious and unnecessary (segwit is superior) hard fork is over, we can all look forward to a massive price increase (like move from 230->450 after xt collapse) and bitcoin moving forward.

These bombing runs from Gavin and coinbase are getting tiring.

I doubt they will be able to centralise bitcoin development under their control.

Why unfortunately? Isn't it always good to have different possibilities? you never know what might happen Wink

I personnally support all the coins! Classic, Core, Litecoin...

It's precisely because Bitcoin Classic isn't an alt they all go mental.

No its because I want bitcoin development lead by people who:

 value decetralisation, provide features like confidential transactions etc.

as opposed to people who:

visit cia, join organisations that want to work with government to police bitcoin, float ideas like blacklists of transactions, and do not care about ordinary node users etc.

I don't want bitcoin to be crippled by these people into paypal 2.0 (except slower)

are u saying u want gavin and coinbase out ?? ... i am trying to interpret what u mean . u do not like the "blockchain blacklists" because of what reasons again ?? from what i gather from what u said, u don't like "blockchain blacklisters" or "cripplecoiners" .. that sounds like a real problem ... can u look outside your window ?? are the blacked out SUV's parked outside yet Huh their might be a drone too watching you what you say about gavin and coinbase .

1056. Post 13826998 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: yugo23 on February 09, 2016, 03:10:53 PM
price is up a bit, Max leverage short now?

Whoops, I'm max leverage long! Cheesy

Would you be kind enough to tell me on which plateforme are you trading long/short?
Cause i'm looking for a new plateforme!

finex and poloniex

Thanks sir.
Gonna see what they're looking. I'm a bit tired of Kraken.

if kraken goes down it will be gox times five . ... due to the fragility of the bitcoin environment right now . #gimpedcoin

1057. Post 13827027 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Elwar on February 08, 2016, 01:08:56 PM
It is only because of politics that people will not like Classic.

Classic is just Core with at 2mb block size limit.

As long as that statement is true I will support it. I supported XT also until Hearn added blacklisting code to it.

Core with at 2mb instead of 1mb limit is a good idea. That's just math/logic. Not politics.

I will be sure to upgrade my node (yes, I still actually run a full node) when it is fully released (as long as there are no other changes snuck in!).

good call .

1058. Post 13827117 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Elwar on February 08, 2016, 01:36:51 PM
It is only because of politics that people will not like Classic.

Classic is just Core with at 2mb block size limit.

Classic is building off the 0.11.2 branch which is soon to be outdated with 0.12.0 coming out of RC. There are many significant improvements with 0.12.0 that you will be forgoing(It is unlikely that Classic will switch over to 0.12.0 within the next 2 months) . Classic only has 2 experienced developers maintaining it where Core has 45.

Segwit and classic have practically similar capacity upgrades, with segwit allowing for better longterm scaling by fixing tx malleability(something that is required for payment channels to progress) .

Logically, supporting Classic doesn't make much sense.

That's why I say, only if that is the change.

Frankly I don't understand why it would need many coders or time to change a line of code from 1mb to 2mb. I can do it quickly, just give me an hour, grep and vi.

I don't want to support a hard fork that does anything but the block size change. Throwing in last minute changes along with it is similar to politicians throwing in their shitty little laws here and there with major laws that everyone supports.

we have a corrupt political system for sure... that probably would be a sign that bitcoin corruption has started .. although i have questioned the Marshal's Auction Pump .. i'm not sure that was a straight on the up and up .. i generally refuse to deal w people who aren't straight up .. bad for business . #shadyGimpedCoin

1059. Post 13827169 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: bargainbin on February 08, 2016, 01:37:08 PM
Segwit and classic have practically similar 0-0.25MB difference capacity differences , with segwit allowing for better longterm scaling by fixing tx malleability(something that is required for payment channels to progress) .

Logically, supporting Classic doesn't make much sense.

TL;DR: Classic takes an existing kludge (1MB limit) and changes it to 2MB. No complexity added.
Core keeps the existing kludge (1MB limit), and *adds another, horrendously convoluted kludge, just to keep the *other* kludge*.
In technical circles, this sort of thing is called "fucking retarded," "a patch on a patch."

technically we might call that a "clusterfuck" .

1060. Post 13827205 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 09, 2016, 03:30:13 PM

How you doin there Aztec? Feeling ok?

yeah i am doing GREAT!! catching up on the thread .... how are you ??

1061. Post 13827233 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: BitUsher on February 08, 2016, 01:43:14 PM
That's why I say, only if that is the change.

Frankly I don't understand why it would need many coders or time to change a line of code from 1mb to 2mb. I can do it quickly, just give me an hour, grep and vi.

I don't want to support a hard fork that does anything but the block size change. Throwing in last minute changes along with it is similar to politicians throwing in their shitty little laws here and there with major laws that everyone supports.

There are indeed more changes to Classic than you are implying... There necessarily has to be because simply changing maxBlockSize from 1,000,000 bytes to 2,000,000 bytes would be dangerously irresponsible and introduce new attack vectors.

Here is a list of the changes done -

What I find most deplorable about these changes is the 75% threshold and extremely small 28 day window which goes against the miners wishes of 90% . Even Bitmain's CEO believes this is too small. Softforks require 95% mining consensus for goodness sake and they want to push through a contentious hardfork at 75%.... This is essentially a political coup.


bitmain is a good straight up company.. i like those guys .

1062. Post 13827291 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: pa on February 09, 2016, 05:19:29 AM

pretty sure Gavin has been operating under the influence of a NSL since not long after his trip to the CIA ... his actions are sometimes directly opposite of what he says, his whole behaviour and demeanour screams like a warrant canary, it's like he's shaking his head and saying Yes! all the time.

This theory actually makes sense.

coinbase is in on this too ??

1063. Post 13827311 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on February 09, 2016, 03:40:41 PM

How you doin there Aztec? Feeling ok?

yeah i am doing GREAT!! catching up on the thread .... how are you ??

Just don't try to catch up all at once. Gotta pace yourself, bro. Smiley

yeah sorry. i'm done for now. i read it all. thanks ..

1064. Post 13837712 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: WeltMaster on February 09, 2016, 04:28:27 PM

All this stupid infighting at the worst possible time

deutsche bank is looking like its going to be the next lehman and all this retarded community cares about is "xDxd muh scalability ecs dee xDxD"

forking idiots

yeah keep arguing... see if i care... this aint about a depression, this is about the failure of a inferior system of 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system.. bill told me that you all will be lucky if your brokers can withstand the carnage with your money .  #GimpedCoin

1065. Post 13838078 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: gizmoh on February 09, 2016, 07:48:31 PM
Bitcoin is on the verge of splitting in two

Bitcoin is in the midst of a civil war.

is not a problem... it will be like having stocks split.. we can all buy two boats! #BitcoinPure #GimpedCoin

1066. Post 13841195 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: ghdp on February 10, 2016, 07:44:02 PM
Bitcoin is too inflexible for what Ethereum is trying to do and vice versa. With Bitcoin Ethereum has a safe and reliable store of value which it can integrate into its systems. With Ethereum Bitcoin has a platform uniquely suited to expand its potential. It's a win-win situation.

When and how did Ethereum solve the two-way-peg-problem that is required for it to "use Bitcoin as a reliable store of value which it can integrate" ?

Ethereum will not work like a sidechain. Distributed apps running on ethereum will run Bitcoin wallets and operate them through smart contracts.... I think.

So you're saying that it's possible to move bitcoins back and forth from the Bitcoin blockchain using an outside D App without Bitcoin being aware of it and without a trusted third party ? Interesting.

(I am pretty sure that it's not possible)

all kinds of weird unexplainable things are possible with bitcoin #BitcoinBizarroWorld

1067. Post 13849339 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: xslugx on February 10, 2016, 08:14:57 PM
the price is getting to grow right now a little bit i wonder how will the classic release affect the price

Don't worry it won't ^^

There is no reason for the release of btc classic to affect the price!
Only the size issue will affect the price right now.

lol... u must have missed the Marshal's Auction Pump 2015 when the price surged to $500 under the guise of some russian pyramid scheming the chinese . #bitcoinbizarroworld

1068. Post 13849407 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: xslugx on February 10, 2016, 08:43:50 PM
the price is getting to grow right now a little bit i wonder how will the classic release affect the price

Don't worry it won't ^^

There is no reason for the release of btc classic to affect the price!
Only the size issue will affect the price right now.

This ^^,  and I'm relatively confident that lots of bitcoiners will buy back in when we successful hard fork away from the PwC partnership to limit Bitcoin block size. Once that blockade is broken the sky's the limit.

Yeah, no reason for all this to continue.

Eth investment was a scam in itself. To convince yourself you just have to look at the fucking number of spams on reddit saying "buy eth buy eth".

Yeah buy that shit so they can dump everything they have, then they'll come to btc for a long term investment xD

sounds like the LTC Halvening Pump Dump Scheme that happened last year out of which exchange was it ?? okkoin ?? where everybody except the people who dumped lost all their profits and one loser got completely rekt .

1069. Post 13849502 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 11, 2016, 01:23:01 AM
Why can't the Eth shills stick to their own thread? I don't go into their thread spamming a shitcoin.

it's the same crowd ... the ethereum pump is an attempt to spook the bitcoiner masses into the arms of the big-block banksters and their classic cronies ... 'cos "if bitcoin can't scale someone else will"

ethereum has been crawling with banksters from day zero ... they crave the ethos of bitcoin but could never create it.

ether can't scale either. has same problem . #GimpedCoin

1070. Post 13850187 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 11, 2016, 03:15:19 PM
Please elaborate, specifically.

I'll try

We shouldn't hold any grudges against most Classic supporters and welcome them back in as our temporarily lost brothers in an act of solidarity.

The inverse of this sentence is that there are some bitcoiners who are not welcome any more in the community. There is also an appeal to solidarity and forgiveness towards those who were "mislead" into "false" beliefs. Those who genuinely betrayed the collective needs to be punished, those who simply were mislead will be forgiven.

this is all starting to sound kinda cultish . #GimpedCoin

1071. Post 13850205 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on February 11, 2016, 03:20:37 PM

The main advantages of Ethereum over Bitcoin is that people in control are qualified and expected to not screw everything, unlike Core people.

You must be oblivious to the development crisis's and mistakes in Ethereum and the flight of developers from that project.

I think its main advantage could be that the founder of the project is still there and functions as a "natural consensus". Also its good that his identity is known.

Apart from that ETH could get the same problems and civilwars that Bitcoin is experiencing.

Good point.

All this cultist crap around Satoshi is not healthy.

wait.. wut ?? Satoshi is a cult.... #GimpedCoin

1072. Post 13852001 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

how long does it take for circle to increase their gimpy $300.00 limit ?? (not that i am buying atm or anything)

and i thought my $10,000 limit on coinbase exchange was gimped.. wow...

i need figure out where i can get better limits .

1073. Post 13853271 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 11, 2016, 07:11:39 PM

how long does it take for circle to increase their gimpy $300.00 limit ?? (not that i am buying atm or anything)

and i thought my $10,000 limit on coinbase exchange was gimped.. wow...

i need figure out where i can get better limits .

Look at you, aiming to buy up all the bitcoins...  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy    and leaving none for the rest of us..  Angry Angry Angry

Both Circle and Coinbase is set up for individuals, and Circle is much smaller potatoes.

I believe that currently Circle will raise your weekly limit from $300 to $3,000 after 4-6 weeks, so long as you do the other verifications.

Most individuals will be quite satisfied with Coinbase's $10,000 per day buy limit (even though it will take a week before they have full access to the coins).

If you want to buy bigger than $10k per day, then?  hm?  you must be getting FOMO'ed    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

i really need a trade limit of more than $10,000 on coinbase exchange..... $10,000 daily buy limit is plenty for me... i am planning for the future just in case. i am all cash on coinbase exchange.. and the only way i get more money into the system is to buy more bitcoins through coinbase....or circle. however, circle's $300 limit every seven days is ridiculous.

1074. Post 13853285 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: xslugx on February 11, 2016, 07:24:43 PM

how long does it take for circle to increase their gimpy $300.00 limit ?? (not that i am buying atm or anything)

and i thought my $10,000 limit on coinbase exchange was gimped.. wow...

i need figure out where i can get better limits .

Meh. You see I was not aware of those limits...

Seems like one of us have a different amount of money to invest in btc  Cry

But seriously Kraken is top notch as far as I know. I'm nt sure but I think there is no limit once you had a Tier 5 confirmation!

coinbase limit can be raised if you provide them with a bank transaction record or something. I need look at it again.

1075. Post 13862061 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

comon! #GimpedCoin

1076. Post 13862782 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 12, 2016, 05:15:03 PM
OK miner cowards, if you don't like Bitcoin Classic, how about a good old fashioned crash?  I think you'll find overhead resistance to a pump may be rather more than you are expecting.

wut ??

1077. Post 13864665 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 12, 2016, 08:28:39 PM
UPDATE: I now have a 80 coin short in. Want to make it 160? 320? keep pumping, cripplecoiners.

i see the price approaching 0$ - wtf did you do  Roll Eyes

give it time. We have all weekend for people to catch on.

its doubtful will go below $360.. let alone $350... and especially doubtful it returns to below $300. all common sense tells us bitcoin is over-priced due to it being broken .. it has only been nine months they been talking about this fork thing.. people are not rushing into bitcoin, they are rushing into pms. this $350+ bitcoin is a scheme to keep people who wont buy above $300 out. and those like hearn who sold their coins at $300 from buying their coins back and making a profit.

problem is yellen is talking about negative interest rates as if it is ammo rather than a last ditch effort of desperation that it really is... negative interest rates is the next joke we are all going to laugh at yellen about after she blundered with the 1/4% interest rate hike that set the current environment course .. its basically game over and bitcoin still can't scale... yeah everyone is going to rush right into bitcoin . #GimpedCoin

1078. Post 13865654 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: Tzupy on February 12, 2016, 10:08:14 PM
UPDATE: I now have a 80 coin short in. Want to make it 160? 320? keep pumping, cripplecoiners.

Wow... you are braver bear than me... I shorted 2 days ago, when 12h MACD divergence looked ready to cross into red,
and then had to close the short at a small loss, so now I'm waiting, it may crash this weekend or climb to 400$ and then crash.
Anyway IMO support at 300$ must be tested, even in a bullish scenario.

$300 is guarded by 30 to 60 dollar of breathing room .. in other words it will go to 360 sideways and if 350 were to break then lowest is 330 cuz $350 and $300 are psychological .

1079. Post 13869405 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: dropt on February 13, 2016, 04:35:30 AM
ETH dump has started?  People going back to btc?

ETH support was absolutely ridiculous yesterday.  Whomever it was has pulled it all, and it's been drifting down all day.

LTC Halvening Pump Dump 2015 ................

1080. Post 13869439 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 13, 2016, 05:10:58 AM
UPDATE: I now have a 80 coin short in. Want to make it 160? 320? keep pumping, cripplecoiners.

Just dump all of them?  how many you have 600?  more than 1000?  I doubt that you have more than 1000 with your crazy and historical bluffing talk... you sound too desperate, emotional, wrong and whimsical to be able to manage that many coins over a 4 to 5 year period.

that would be great if you could dump, dump, dump in your little fantasy playing all that you like, and in your FUD spreading attempts.

How many can he have when in his world "dump" means "sold 28 coins"?


He seems to have quite a bit of emotional outburst posts, drama and attempts at attention mongering through his nearly 5 year forum history, and there appears to be quite a bit of big talk in various threads which, if he had bet the way he was proposing, he would have lost a whole hell-a-va lot of coins and/or dollars, so we gotta take a lot of BullyJA's assertions with a large grain of salt.. maybe one of those salt blocks that cows lick?   

BJA also seems to describe himself as being smart (or smarter than others) because he identified bitcoin in 2011 and began to participate in bitcoin in 2011, which it is very ironic to be attributing smarts to possible luck and/or coincidence rather than some kind of specific repeatable skill - because merely knowing about something and acting on it, without further details, hardly in itself makes a person smarter than others.

To me, BJA comes off a little bit as having traits of a pathological liar, but it could be just a matter of his various embellishments and his frequent times admitting that he is exaggerating for effects (after he's been called out)... In any event, he may have started out with some version of the truth and some things that actually happened, but then little by little he tweaks the facts and then develops a considerable fictional story around the whole scenario that he has painted himself into describe his circumstances, and may have some difficulties coming clean because he has invested so much into his various embellishments..

that was awe-inspoiring juangee.. you really tore him down good that time! #GimpedCoin

1081. Post 13869581 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

from a fundamentals view: bitcoin doesn't scale, it still doesn't scale, which means bitcoin still doesn't scale.

here at BitcoinPure we are have new exciting changes as we develop. ANNOUNCING: Bitcoin2Genuine

that means we have two seperate forks of lightening chain of mega-blocks ready for next tuesdays release!


woot woot! miners are already mining our blocks that have a special code in all of the mega-blocks on all lightening chains. assuming we have consensus at the Rubix Cube Meeting next week, BticoinPure + Bitcoin2Geniune will have at least 3/4ths market caps of all the versions of other bitcoin forks..  after the forks are released next week, we expect that 25% hash power of all bitcoin forks will be hasing BitcoinPure and 35% of all hash power will be mining Bitcoin2Genuine ... woot!

1082. Post 13870018 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 13, 2016, 11:18:48 AM
UPDATE: I now have a 80 coin short in. Want to make it 160? 320? keep pumping, cripplecoiners.

Just dump all of them?  how many you have 600?  more than 1000?  I doubt that you have more than 1000 with your crazy and historical bluffing talk... you sound too desperate, emotional, wrong and whimsical to be able to manage that many coins over a 4 to 5 year period.

that would be great if you could dump, dump, dump in your little fantasy playing all that you like, and in your FUD spreading attempts.

How many can he have when in his world "dump" means "sold 28 coins"?


He seems to have quite a bit of emotional outburst posts, drama and attempts at attention mongering through his nearly 5 year forum history, and there appears to be quite a bit of big talk in various threads which, if he had bet the way he was proposing, he would have lost a whole hell-a-va lot of coins and/or dollars, so we gotta take a lot of BullyJA's assertions with a large grain of salt.. maybe one of those salt blocks that cows lick?   

BJA also seems to describe himself as being smart (or smarter than others) because he identified bitcoin in 2011 and began to participate in bitcoin in 2011, which it is very ironic to be attributing smarts to possible luck and/or coincidence rather than some kind of specific repeatable skill - because merely knowing about something and acting on it, without further details, hardly in itself makes a person smarter than others.

To me, BJA comes off a little bit as having traits of a pathological liar, but it could be just a matter of his various embellishments and his frequent times admitting that he is exaggerating for effects (after he's been called out)... In any event, he may have started out with some version of the truth and some things that actually happened, but then little by little he tweaks the facts and then develops a considerable fictional story around the whole scenario that he has painted himself into describe his circumstances, and may have some difficulties coming clean because he has invested so much into his various embellishments..

that was awe-inspoiring juangee.. you really tore him down good that time! #GimpedCoin

Yeah... maybe it is not fair to recognize any patterns of behavior and then attempt to analyze those behaviors?

be sure to get some Bitcoin2Genuine next tuesday . #GimpedCoin

1083. Post 13876792 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: blunderer on February 13, 2016, 09:42:20 PM
... you can definitely bet that there is going to be an upswing in the value of Bitcoin over the next few days, especially considering that there's already been a steady increase happening.

They'll probably just buy ETH and Monero, because doing amazingly well & safe investment -- no civil war (unlike bitcoins) Sad

why buy something that is not only broken (cant scale), the programmers talk about a fix for NINE MONTHS and nada happens except more talk and more pumps... and we can expect this nonsense everyime something happens....... #GimpedCoin           ..................... instead, can buy gold and silver that doesnt have all the drawbacks of bitcoin as a REAL safe haven............. instead of this phony #GimpCoined safe heaven. what a joke.

1084. Post 13876854 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 13, 2016, 10:56:27 PM
Bitcoin now has a rather nice flag formation after the rise from 200-500 with little media fanfare. The alt's are waking up and the halving is approaching. The only thing keeping bitcoin back is the blocksize debate which will soon resolve either by a HF with majority of miner support, or with Core acquiescing to the demands of the market and miners (3 weeks!) and fixing a 2mb blocksize HF in the roadmap.

It isn't hard to see a perfect storm for bitcoin during times of further turbulence in the major markets, where negative rates are being introduced in Western economies as central bankers start to lose control. Previously there has been a hunt for return and yield with QE and cheap money post 2008 being used by banks to bid up stock markets and levitate asset prices. ZIRP has turned everyone into a speculator with cash offering negative returns and the markets looking crash prone now bitcoin may start to look mighty attractive as an asset class in the coming months with it's unique monetary properties.

How many times have we heard this before. "Oh, Bitcoin's fix is just around the corner. It's already in the works. It's just as if it has already happened."

Time after time we think it's over only to turn around and find out we haven't gotten ANYWHERE. XT, Classic, Core Roadmap....  

All that has happened is that some miners sent a letter to Core saying they don't want any trouble, they just want a time frame on the hard fork. Why would Core listen to them any more than us?  Core knows that these guys will avoid a contentious hard fork like the plague and so they can be ignored with impunity.  

Core guys say "fuck you" to Gavin, Mike, Jeff, Coinbase, Bitpay, Bitstamp, The Winklevi, us, etc but they are supposed to just cave immediately to some Chinese miners who have more to lose in a fight than anybody else?  Does core have a history of being responsive to stakeholder concerns?

Dream on. It ain't fixed until it's fixed.  Until then, holding is risky, selling is prudent and buying is just plain naive.

yep +1.. bitcoin has become a desperately manipulated pumped pumped joke.. they have to keep it pumped or this thing would sink like a rock from its failures to troubleshoot problems in a timely matter ... if it ever really gets fixed... the fix might break something else.. we dont know yet cuz we cant even get there.. only thing they do is TALK about what they are going to do .. they been talking about the fix is right around the corner for NINE MONTHS .. while they desperately keep it pumped... only uninformed idiots would choose this as a safe haven over gold and silver atm .... which is why as janet yellen starts throwing around the idea of negative interest rates like it is some kind of ammo, the smart people we see through her desperation and start piling into REAL safe havens of gold and silver like they did this last week .......... #GimpedCoin

1085. Post 13876907 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 14, 2016, 01:33:39 AM
We're already seeing blocks fill up on this pump. I'm curious as to how a rally can be sustained when confirmation times take hours.

Yeah, right, whatever.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

The last six months regarding the average block size look pretty stable to me, with a slightly upward trend in the chart.. and that upward trend in the approximately 60% capacity arena potentially could be nearly completely resolved by seg wit.

After seg wit goes into effect, then we can assess the situation and regroup... ..

In other words, transactions etc seem to be going pretty well on the technical side of bitcoin, and maybe some of the public is coming to realize that there are really not any technical problems in bitcoin, and accordingly, if you keep doubling down in selling your supposedly existing coins based on these upward BTC price movements, we may be relieved of you from bitcoin and your baloney posts very, very soon.    Cry Cry 

However, I understand when you a guy is dealing with fictitious coins, he really doesn't ever run out of coins.

On the other hand, if you do happen to have some coins, and you really are selling them as you claim, then I can imagine you sticking around the forum, after you have run out of coins and while BTC prices go past $450 and then $600 and then $800 and further into the $2k to $5k price arena, and then you will continue to participate to attempt to talk down BTC prices in order that you would be able to get back in at a lower price than your sell prices in the $200s to $400s.  And, when prices drop from $3800 to $1800, you will stick out your tongue and proclaim that you were right all along. blah blah blah.

I remember, not that long ago, you were supposedly selling considerable amounts of BTC while the prices were below $280 and arguing that BTC prices were going down?  but that strategy did not go too well, right?

retard .. peeps like billyjoe keep coins in cold storage... i think $400 is break even for me..  all we gotta do is ride out obama another 10 months and wait for the cia leadership shuffle and wala all new ballgame.............. #GimpedCoin

1086. Post 13876931 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: Laosai on February 13, 2016, 11:02:48 PM
Bitcoin now has a rather nice flag formation after the rise from 200-500 with little media fanfare. The alt's are waking up and the halving is approaching. The only thing keeping bitcoin back is the blocksize debate which will soon resolve either by a HF with majority of miner support, or with Core acquiescing to the demands of the market and miners (3 weeks!) and fixing a 2mb blocksize HF in the roadmap.

It isn't hard to see a perfect storm for bitcoin during times of further turbulence in the major markets, where negative rates are being introduced in Western economies as central bankers start to lose control. Previously there has been a hunt for return and yield with QE and cheap money post 2008 being used by banks to bid up stock markets and levitate asset prices. ZIRP has turned everyone into a speculator with cash offering negative returns and the markets looking crash prone now bitcoin may start to look mighty attractive as an asset class in the coming months with it's unique monetary properties.

How many times have we heard this before. "Oh, Bitcoin's fix is just around the corner. It's already in the works. It's just as if it has already happened."

Time after time we think it's over only to turn around and find out we haven't gotten ANYWHERE. XT, Classic, Core Roadmap.... 

All that has happened is that some miners sent a letter to Core saying they don't want any trouble, they just want a time frame on the hard fork. Why would Core listen to them any more than us?  Core knows that these guys will avoid a contentious hard fork like the plague and so they can be ignored with impunity. 

Core guys say "fuck you" to Gavin, Mike, Jeff, Coinbase, Bitpay, Bitstamp, The Winklevi, us, etc but they are supposed to just cave immediately to some Chinese miners who have more to lose in a fight than anybody else?  Does core have a history of being responsive to stakeholder concerns?

Dream on. It ain't fixed until it's fixed.  Until then, holding is risky, selling is prudent and buying is just plain naive.

You're maybe a bit pessimistic. Whatever core or classic, one of them will become the fix.

or NOT.. until it is fixed it still isn't... the constant talk about the fix its right around the corner is like janet yellen telling us negative interest rates is the new fix while it has never even been tested... #GimpedCoin

1087. Post 13877048 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: soullyG on February 14, 2016, 12:06:05 AM
Say goodbye to the $300s people

not going to happen.. it will crash right back down to 360m- 370 cuz the pumpers cant maintain higher .. this pump reminds me of how they used to crash pms after someone would talk trash.. they would do it just to discredit that person.. and we would all BUY more ... lol . ...i talk TONS of trash not because i am losing... but rather... because i am WINNING and continue to win.. i have a Win Win position . ... and the desperate govy desperately pumping bitcoin while mulling over negative interest rates for the USD after their 1/4th interest rate hike FAILURE keep LOSING. negative interest rates is the final act of desperation by the federal reserve... .. the 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system of the 'in god we trust' usd is FAILING...  and as the 'interest to infinity' debt system begins its final gasps for breathe.. bitcoin can't even scale....

1088. Post 13877084 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 14, 2016, 02:18:36 AM
We're already seeing blocks fill up on this pump. I'm curious as to how a rally can be sustained when confirmation times take hours.

the question is: will confirmation times for bigger transactions (lets say 100$+) really take longer? i mean if i want to transfer for example 5 BTC to an exchange i just make the fee 3$ or whatever and that's it!

the only TXs that will really suffer are the small and micro ones.

All of my most recent transfers of BTC over the past 6 months or so have included a transaction fee of between .0001 and .0002 BTC, which was generally between $.07 to $.09, and varying transaction sizes of .045BTC and 30BTC..., so your description of a possible $3 transaction fee seems to be quite excessive and outside of actual expected experiences... and really, there may be a bit of an incentive to transfer larger amounts because the transaction fee is the same no matter the amount transferred.

$3.00 just to move money currency ?? #outrageous #abusivehightaxes #weneedMagnaCarta

1089. Post 13877152 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 14, 2016, 02:30:23 AM
We're already seeing blocks fill up on this pump. I'm curious as to how a rally can be sustained when confirmation times take hours.

Yeah, right, whatever.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

The last six months regarding the average block size look pretty stable to me, with a slightly upward trend in the chart.. and that upward trend in the approximately 60% capacity arena potentially could be nearly completely resolved by seg wit.

After seg wit goes into effect, then we can assess the situation and regroup... ..

In other words, transactions etc seem to be going pretty well on the technical side of bitcoin, and maybe some of the public is coming to realize that there are really not any technical problems in bitcoin, and accordingly, if you keep doubling down in selling your supposedly existing coins based on these upward BTC price movements, we may be relieved of you from bitcoin and your baloney posts very, very soon.    Cry Cry  

However, I understand when you a guy is dealing with fictitious coins, he really doesn't ever run out of coins.

On the other hand, if you do happen to have some coins, and you really are selling them as you claim, then I can imagine you sticking around the forum, after you have run out of coins and while BTC prices go past $450 and then $600 and then $800 and further into the $2k to $5k price arena, and then you will continue to participate to attempt to talk down BTC prices in order that you would be able to get back in at a lower price than your sell prices in the $200s to $400s.  And, when prices drop from $3800 to $1800, you will stick out your tongue and proclaim that you were right all along. blah blah blah.

I remember, not that long ago, you were supposedly selling considerable amounts of BTC while the prices were below $280 and arguing that BTC prices were going down?  but that strategy did not go too well, right?

retard .. peeps like billyjoe keep coins in cold storage... i think $400 is break even for me..  all we gotta do is ride out obama another 10 months and wait for the cia leadership shuffle and wala all new ballgame.............. #GimpedCoin

I understand that BullyJA is all over the place when he is making various assertions regarding what he is going to do, and that is part of my point to assert that it is a lot easier to be all over the place when you are making things up.

Anyhow, he also seemed to be asserting that he was going to continue to double down until he used up all of his supposedly existing coins, and yesterday at about $380, he said that he had shorted about 40btc, and then a bit later he said 80 BTC and then a bit later, in the upper $380s, he asserted that he had put 150BTC.  At that rate, he should be out of coins soon, hopefully, then potentially, we all could be relieved of his drama, and he can rest assured in fiat or some scam altcoin.

so what... i talk trash all time too. .. and it appears bitcoin was pumped to discredit him.. just like the govy does in the pm market... except now after two years of smashing down pms the 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system is crashing and bitcoin is nowhere near ready, and neither is cryptos.. they have FAILED to get us to liquidate our cold storage .. if they pump too much we make profits, if they go down to much we buy more... IT IS NOT US WHO ARE LOSING! ... its them who are losing . all ya gotta do is listen to the desperate janet yellen talk about negative interest rates after their 1/4th interest rate hike FAILED to see it is THEY who are losing.. yeah the same turds who keep trying to make us LOSE... and the most funniest part about it is they haven't learned that they keep LOSING. and that they are going to keep LOSING. i been doing this for years.. its always the same thing.. PUMP this shiat up see if it hurts me... hhahhahhahha .. crash it down.. see if it hurts mes ... hhahhahhahha.. go sideways trapped in a range.. see if i care.. sorry LOSERS your strategies are failures.. #GimpedCoin is still GIMPED .

its the attitude of 'we're gonna pump it cuz billyjoe shorted' that pisses me off and completely turns me against bitcoin.. cuz they aint winning.. they are LOSING and fronting like they are winning. #GimpedCoin

1090. Post 13877189 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

GimpedCoin ... ur $30 pump is pitifully pathetic act of desperation.. either get off the pot and pump for real or admit your a paralyzed GimpCoin that cant go up or down.. u can only trade in sideways range cuz u dont really have POWER... cuz your paralyzed #GimpCoin .

bitcoin is broken.. after NINE MONTHS of shiat talk it still can't scale... they talk more shiat while we are calling them on it .. you are a paralyzed GimpCoin... you cant fix it cuz if you do bitcoin price will rocket on up and we will all make huge profits on our cold storage... your game is too cute.. really it is..

#paralyzed #GimpedCoin

comon biatch.. u been fronting all this time.. if i am wrong then prove it biatch.......... bitcoin is GIMPED .

1091. Post 13877370 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: Alley on February 14, 2016, 02:35:25 AM
Aztecminer likely sold his account to a shill.  A year ago he was bullish and a active miner.

nope still me... i went bearish due to manipulators "punishing' people .. i'm still HODLing all my mined coins in cold storage... i am all cash on exchanges cuz i wont buy these inflated desperately pumped prices.. as soon as i do the manipulators would "punish" me by crashing the price... i dont need more coins.. i will trash talk cuz they are FRONTIN like they have power when really the are #paralyzed #GimpedCoin

yeah u really got us good that time with the $30 PUMP! ... whatever u do.. dont pump it more we wont know what to do we will keep HODLing!............ lol .

sorry @GimpTards .. i got a hot date tonight.. gotta go! #GimpedCoin

1092. Post 13884571 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: Laosai on February 14, 2016, 10:01:46 AM

and market is ( or was at least ) pricing in this Mage FUD  Grin buy buy buy!

Ahah! Like this point of view Grin

But yeah seems like the size issue is actually gonna be resolved more or less democratically!

when ?? its been NINE MONTHS of this democratic election.. i callin bullshiat on it.

1093. Post 13886718 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 14, 2016, 03:20:36 PM
Fuck me.  It's hard to imagine a worse call.  Well, the market has spoken and the market always gets the last word.

yeah.. that what they do.. ur fukd only cuz u shorted... i see it all the time in pms.. except usually its a call for pms to rise dramatically and then they crash them down .. in this case they are still fukd stuck within a range between 350 and 450 .. my call is right cuz i know how they think, and to discredit me they would have to move outside of the range .. they could go up cuz i aint liquidating anytime soon ... going down is out the question cuz i MIGHT buy ... lol ...  it might be a good call not to buy any more bitcoins anyways . u know pms are still lowballed .. as soon as u buy pms u auto-piss "them" off. .. "they" are fukd there too .

1094. Post 13887060 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 15, 2016, 12:24:45 AM
Fuck me.  It's hard to imagine a worse call.  Well, the market has spoken and the market always gets the last word.

I'm glad that you are willing to admit your bad call;  however, I always assert that we can really never know for sure the shortest term price direction unless we happen to be a whale that is able to push it with 10k or more coins  (and/or equivalent in dollars maybe on bitstamp?).

On the other hand, BTC prices had been lingering for so long in the upper $300s after the Hearn fiasco.. and then attempts at pushing it below $350 had really not been going anywhere... at least not yet... and also people seem to be kind of less convinced that there is any real material issue that is dragging down bitcoin as Hearn was arguing.... I mean seeing through the apparent propaganda...

So far this uptrend has not been on very high relative volume (at least from my perspective), so that causes me to believe that it could be put to a halt or reversed with some voluminous dumping (maybe 10k coins would be sufficient?)

That was way more than a 10,000 coin pump. The markets are connected, so pumping on one or two exchanges isn't enough if the others don't follow.  No, the market clearly believes that the miners will be able to convince and/or pressure Core into including a hardfork in the roadmap. I am nearly not so optimistic, but as Keynes said, markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

maybe if ur on margin.. otherwise that might not hold true .

1095. Post 13887084 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: hf100 on February 14, 2016, 11:10:22 AM
Bitcoinwisdom shows $400 on average!!
Welcome back!And please stay!!!

Why's it gone over $400 on stamp? Is there no real reason or has something happened to pump up the price? I can't find any giant events that are responsible for it like the US government has decided to ditch the dollar and switch to using nothing but bitcoin.

 u musta missed billyjoe shorted .

1096. Post 13887097 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 14, 2016, 11:21:13 AM
400 held!!!!! That means I don't have to close my short...yet.

Actually watching a wall on the wall observer thread. Whoooda thunk it?

The catch is that the was was invisible. Heluva thing watching bulls batter it over and over without making a dent.

Apparently the market had the opposite reaction that I had to the miner letter. Optimists, I guess.
I don't think it means something until it means something.

bitcoin = #bizarroworld

1097. Post 13909227 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

i got some new research fodder related to bitcoin today!

1098. Post 13917102 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 17, 2016, 02:32:09 PM
I can tell you this. I don't know about $400, but we're never gonna see $300 again. 

if we were.. we already would have.

1099. Post 13919019 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 17, 2016, 06:19:21 PM
It's going back up! Come on, Adam. It's only four bucks.


i gata go to bed if i bet 4$ i will stay up, and my girl will be sad, and thats just no good for me.

but hey $4 says >412.5 by morning, take it or leave it.

you've made $2 so far, why not bet $4

i really gtg,

let's make a few more bets on some 2hr candles or somthing tomorrow, it's fun!

Why the hell not? You've been a good sport, so ok.  deal.

GOOOOOD morning

yeah, you won your two bucks back. Congratulations.  We're even.

ok now...

300$ says every single month price will be > then the previous month for the next 10 years. Grin

I'd take you up on that, but I don't want to have $300 tied up in escrow for ten years.  My short is in eminent danger of getting rekt, so I'd have to pull it out of cold storage.  If you're right, $10 worth of bitcoin today would more than cover it!

I agree with you, it looks like the bear market is finally over, but there will be down months after the next bubble.

I guess people figured out even a contended hard fork would not leave two chains for more than a day or two, tops. This blocksize issue is not going to go away, but remember in 2013 we all suspected Gox was insolvent, but it didn't stop the Great Bubble.  

Markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Now I'm thinking fullblocalypse and the halving cancel each other out. Either way, they're both well known and likely priced in.  

u really are short ?? no wonders this thing pumped. .. i disagree that halvening cancels out bitcoin that cant scale.. it aint gonna matter how many coins are mined... if this thing still cant scale after the halvening .. well it will only have been a YEAR and HALF of waiting. #ridiculousness #GimpedCoin

1100. Post 13919038 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 17, 2016, 08:05:17 PM
WOOT, bears are powerless!

a more true statement would be: "WOOT, bitcoins are paralyzed!"

1101. Post 13919053 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: ImI on February 17, 2016, 07:45:07 PM
Tarmi being a prime example of getting killed on margin.

good ol tarmi. i simply loved that fart.  Kiss

he sold his account long time ago after he got wrekt .

1102. Post 13919061 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: arklan on February 17, 2016, 08:08:09 PM
nah, halving will be a boom, if anything.

So you think. And so EVERYONE thinks. Which means everyone is holding and buying for after the halving. Which means there will be a huge dump after the halving. Which means... Well I think you understood ^^

interesting thought. we'll see, i suppose.

Problem being that in fact you absolutely can't know because of all the parameters... I find the idea interesting but...

Well it's all a bet I suppose. But in the end the price will rise that's for sure!

too many variables, exactly. it's one of the things that keeps me interested around here. unpredictability.

bitcoin is predictable.. the range is $350 to $500 .. thats it. #paralyzed #GimpedCoin

1103. Post 13919070 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: Warrior B on February 17, 2016, 07:07:08 PM
420 Yeah  Grin

85% block full woohoo yeah!

1104. Post 13919101 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: ImI on February 17, 2016, 08:11:51 PM
Tarmi being a prime example of getting killed on margin.

good ol tarmi. i simply loved that fart.  Kiss

he sold his account long time ago after he got wrekt .

i told him at that time, you will be here just as long as this bear market goes on. as soon as the tide turns you and your shithole-friends will be gone, but we, the bulltards, will still be here.

and thats exactly what happend.  Grin

i'm still here.. i play both sides.

1105. Post 13919783 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 17, 2016, 08:21:33 PM
It's going back up! Come on, Adam. It's only four bucks.


i gata go to bed if i bet 4$ i will stay up, and my girl will be sad, and thats just no good for me.

but hey $4 says >412.5 by morning, take it or leave it.

you've made $2 so far, why not bet $4

i really gtg,

let's make a few more bets on some 2hr candles or somthing tomorrow, it's fun!

Why the hell not? You've been a good sport, so ok.  deal.

GOOOOOD morning

yeah, you won your two bucks back. Congratulations.  We're even.

ok now...

300$ says every single month price will be > then the previous month for the next 10 years. Grin

I'd take you up on that, but I don't want to have $300 tied up in escrow for ten years.  My short is in eminent danger of getting rekt, so I'd have to pull it out of cold storage.  If you're right, $10 worth of bitcoin today would more than cover it!

I agree with you, it looks like the bear market is finally over, but there will be down months after the next bubble.

I guess people figured out even a contended hard fork would not leave two chains for more than a day or two, tops. This blocksize issue is not going to go away, but remember in 2013 we all suspected Gox was insolvent, but it didn't stop the Great Bubble.  

Markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Now I'm thinking fullblocalypse and the halving cancel each other out. Either way, they're both well known and likely priced in.  

u really are short ?? no wonders this thing pumped. .. i disagree that halvening cancels out bitcoin that cant scale.. it aint gonna matter how many coins are mined... if this thing still cant scale after the halvening .. well it will only have been a YEAR and HALF of waiting. #ridiculousness #GimpedCoin

Yeah, I'm short. I have a tiger by the tail and I can't let it go. Really stupid, I know, but I'm so far upside down now that I might as well let it ride.  Just look for like a  spike on BFX. That'll be me blowing up.

Bitcoin can't scale, but that won't stop the gamblers from pumping. We all suspected something was wrong with Gox, but it didn't stop the Big Bubble in 2013.  The Chinese are still driving this thing and you know how Asians drive...

well i am sorta short.. cuz i refuse to buy at these inflated prices. .. if recent past then this will be back down at 380 here soon . it appears everyone dumped eth finally . that might be reason for this pump.

1106. Post 13919789 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on February 17, 2016, 08:40:41 PM
^Take comfort in the fact that this is all just Ethereans crashing out. It will be over before you know it.

hm.. yep i was thinking same thing.

1107. Post 13972575 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 22, 2016, 02:38:45 AM

We've been getting full blocks all day.  Armstrong may be right that a HF in 2017 is too little too late.

imo that is #incompetence ...

1108. Post 13972588 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 22, 2016, 02:42:18 AM

We've been getting full blocks all day.  Armstrong may be right that a HF in 2017 is too little too late.

wheres brg444 when you need him

full blocks != end of the world

if we actually start filling 4MB blocks completely full by 2017

how high is price going to be?

 Grin Grin Grin Grin

yeah but... bitcoin doesnt have 4MB blocks. #incompetence

1109. Post 13972678 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: ChartBuddy on February 22, 2016, 03:00:51 PM


lol at 94% full blocks this morning. #GimpCoined ...

1110. Post 13972766 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

i think this weekends pump causing the blocks to fill up proves that bitcoin is without a doubt #paralyzed... and i'm going to laugh at it! .. that is some funny shiat! without the ability to scale bitcoin cant win. lol. too funny.... i doubt bitcoin can withstand much more pumping without completely freezing up . that really is hilarious.. #GimpedCoin

1111. Post 13972843 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 22, 2016, 02:48:49 AM

We've been getting full blocks all day.  Armstrong may be right that a HF in 2017 is too little too late.

wheres brg444 when you need him

full blocks != end of the world

I agree, but it could = the end of this rally. Or every rally from here on out.

so long as the full blocks are temporary so is this effect
and speculation that it's only temporary should further reduce this effect.

problem is we have been speculating about a fix for the last TEN MONTHS!

1112. Post 13972989 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 22, 2016, 03:53:52 PM

We've been getting full blocks all day.  Armstrong may be right that a HF in 2017 is too little too late.

wheres brg444 when you need him

full blocks != end of the world

I agree, but it could = the end of this rally. Or every rally from here on out.

so long as the full blocks are temporary so is this effect
and speculation that it's only temporary should further reduce this effect.

problem is we have been speculating about a fix for the last TEN MONTHS!
i'd say we've been speculating about how a HF will result in 2 chains, or will never be fixed, consensus will never be reached, core dev's out to kill bitcoin, XT classic, everything expect a fix. So many times market has dropped hard on blocksizebitchfest related things. no one speculated they would come up with segwit. and when they did market wrongfully didn't react ( probably because people dont understand how gr8 segwit is)

market price is totally incorrect right now.

yeah i dont know how great "segwit" is yet .. i better find out fast or i wont get anything done today from laughing .

1113. Post 13973266 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: Elwar on February 22, 2016, 04:24:43 PM
market price totally incorrect right now.

Actually, before the latest block size/Mike Hearn ragequit the price was fairly stable in the $430 range. The price dropped at that point.

Now we're back to the safety of that $430 range.

From here the price should slowly rise due to the normal factors.

no way, a correction is currently underway, we'll be at 750 in no time.

I think people will want to see work toward the agreed plan first. We are about 2 months away from the long climb up to the new high.

But I would not put it past another FUD drop in price before then.

did u notice that the blocks are 96% full this morning Huh

1114. Post 13974467 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on February 22, 2016, 05:22:34 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

Still stuck around $440, eh?

Let's get this thing moving up.

blocks are 92% full when u said that .. in case u didnt notice.

1115. Post 13974482 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: ChartBuddy on February 22, 2016, 06:00:51 PM


if nobody notice this morning: blocks are 97% full atm.

1116. Post 13984000 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: ChartBuddy on February 23, 2016, 03:00:48 PM


if anyone hasnt noticed, blocks are 96% full again ... woot . we rock.... sleep with pillows in our faces.

1117. Post 13984021 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 23, 2016, 03:18:48 PM
years ago there was a manipulator with ~500,000Coins, he got #rect and so will this guy.

they rekt billyjoe shorts... i mean they killed kenny again .

1118. Post 13984052 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 23, 2016, 03:37:59 PM
years ago there was a manipulator with ~500,000Coins, he got #rect and so will this guy.

Today's manipulators aren't amateurs. When they get pwnt, it's by bigger manipulators, not by pocket lint gamblers.

2 million " pocket lint gamblers. " praying the manipulator will drop price below 400 one more time, so they can buy in ~5000$ of bitcoin each. while bigger manipulators slowly and methodically have been scooping as much coins as possible without pushing price higher.

how can he fail?

well one way would be to buy bitcoins at 300+ during a pump hoping to cash in on the halvening but then bitcoin freezes up from filled up blocks everyone wakes up and sells gimpcoins .

1119. Post 13984185 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 23, 2016, 03:46:19 PM
years ago there was a manipulator with ~500,000Coins, he got #rect and so will this guy.

Today's manipulators aren't amateurs. When they get pwnt, it's by bigger manipulators, not by pocket lint gamblers.

2 million " pocket lint gamblers. " praying the manipulator will drop price below 400 one more time, so they can buy in ~5000$ of bitcoin each. while bigger manipulators slowly and methodically have been scooping as much coins as possible without pushing price higher.

how can he fail?

well one way would be to buy bitcoins at 300+ during a pump hoping to cash in on the halvening but then bitcoin freezes up from filled up blocks everyone wakes up and sells gimpcoins .
i suppose you'll keep saying shit like that till blocks get bigger.

is very doubtful this is going to rocket to the moon with such a huge major league flaw .. if it were to rocket up would be great so i can buy a boat finally ... kinda tired waiting .

1120. Post 13994709 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 23, 2016, 06:13:10 PM
years ago there was a manipulator with ~500,000Coins, he got #rect and so will this guy.

they rekt billyjoe shorts... i mean they killed kenny again .

No, they didn't rek my hedge yet. A hedge is a bet you want to lose, like buying life insurance.

well thats good. not sure why u would want to lose.. i have a similar strategy in which i maintain liquidity on an exchange .. they cannot come down or risk me buying .. like gravity.. and in some cases anti-gravity ... i think bitcoin is basically #paralyzed atm .. i expect things to stay this way until at the soonest obama no longer occupies the wh.

1121. Post 13994734 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 23, 2016, 06:41:31 PM
What is SUPPOSED to happen according to economic theory is that as quantity of money creation decreases (halvings), velocity of money (transactions) is supposed to go up to compensate, maintaining the balance of MV=PQ.  This clearly cannot happen if scaling is slower than halvings.  

Somebody please tell me the error of my thinking, or a slow liquidation becomes a serious consideration.  

1) They don't effect the velocity (v). They effect the quantity (M).  So because MV=PQ, a decrease in M MUST be compensated by a proportional increase in V in order for the equation to balance out. If it doesn't, then either price or quantity (or both) on the other side must adjust.

ok. I see where you're going wrong.

The equation of exchange is a real identity. So you can actually put anything you like in for those variables, but when you do, you get a certain interpretation of the rest.
In your first reference to it above, you used the money supply creation rate instead of the money supply. As a result, you're looking at a strange definition of 'velocity'. Yours is something like 'average number of transactions per CREATED money unit per unit time' - that's just plain weird.
In the second reference you made above, you used a more normal M which gives a meaningful 'velocity' to discuss. But in this reference, you've continued the wrong idea about M from the first reference. There's no decrease in M as a result of halvings.

Ok, that makes sense. Thank you. So let's look at M as meaning the full 21 million bitcoins ever to be mined. M is constant, but as we approach this limit, we also approach the V limit of 1GB blocks or whatever.  At some point in the future around 2040 at the latest, there will be no more real movement on the left hand side of the equation, right?

M really isn't constant though. one vote of consensus will change that M problem.

1122. Post 13994920 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: hdbuck on February 23, 2016, 09:06:14 PM

TA aside, i think it still looks good because the "conesens" looks like it'll hold up. I saw a comment from Gavin somewhere today saying somthing along the lines of "Classic will continue to be compatible with Core as they move forward with their plan", was i dreaming? idk.

I think a lot of poeple are thinking this consensus, isn't a consensus, because of a few loud morons ( ex Coinbase saying " we want 2MB and Then segwit , and not the other way around! ")  which Makes it seem as tho this consensus will fall apart.

this is what this drop is about. but now it's over. now even these mistaken views have been priced in. I took advantage of the sellers today.

Core's consensus rules give loud morons veto power.

It is Bitcoin consensus rule you moron.

Neither Core nor Classic nor Blockstream nor Obama can do anything about it.

since bitcoin is most likely ceated and controlled by the CIA, obama can do what he wants with bitcoin and there nothin u can do about it.

1123. Post 13994990 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: AlexGR on February 23, 2016, 09:50:57 PM
looks like a buy:

Treated like real money = you can deposit them on a bank so that they can give you negative interest on your bitcoins Cheesy

lol... negative interest rates + banning cash: in their last acts of desperation to save their failing 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system.. that was a good one.. funny .

1124. Post 13995100 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 23, 2016, 11:22:45 PM
Let's see what the status of the apparatus is:

Mining is concentrated in a country known to nationalize businesses, be hostile towards Bitcoin and to manipulate currency.

Blocks are full and getting more fullerer.

Core is divided on scaling solutions, but won't do anything without near unanimity.

Etherium is threatening to overtake our firstmover advantage.

MtGox bankruptcy coins are going on the auction block probably in a few months.

Classic growth seems to have slowed or stopped.

So of course the market is going up.  Makes sense.

if scaling issue is not resolved soon this price might crash again. i notice the blocks have been 97% 98% full most of the day as i read through this.  what to do:

1. sell now in anticipation to buy back lower

2. HODL until fix is in and rebound to moon

3. wait.. HODL till breaks 300 then panic dump and then panic buy higher on the bull trap and then panic dump again .

go for it.

1125. Post 13995274 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on February 24, 2016, 06:59:17 AM
Wow 2 nights in a row. Just got home from the bar to see I missed the action again.

Maybe it'll still be low enough in the morning to buy the dip.

really ?? 400's is time to buy Huh

1126. Post 13995367 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on February 24, 2016, 12:56:05 PM
billyjoeallen still bearish? Close your shorts already. Don't be greedy. You will not get a better price anytime soon.

Cheap coins right now. We've had a pretty big correction or dump whichever you like to call it. No sign of sub 400 again though so if you're considering buying then don't.....just do it.

Buy now or cry later.

i'm good for crying.. thanks for advice though .

1127. Post 13995390 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: yugo23 on February 24, 2016, 01:09:58 PM
I swear to god that if I can't get profit with my short I stop trading :p

seems like u should be able too.. but then this is bitcoin = #bizarroWorld

1128. Post 13996871 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 24, 2016, 04:42:58 PM
fing hell, this is such hell, just when you think things might start moving again BAM peter todd block's the stream

welcome to month 11 of "lets have a consensus" #GimpedCoin

1129. Post 13996907 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 24, 2016, 04:56:05 PM

join BitcoinPure: we have mega-blocks of sidechain and lightening chains ..

join Bitcoin2Genuine: we have side chains + lightening chains + tsunami chains of mega-blocks .

1130. Post 13998427 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: Adrian-x on February 24, 2016, 08:13:56 PM

LOL, just withdrew some BTC from an exchange, they are paying 0.00015936 XBT = $0.0924195 CAD per tx. just got 2 confirmations in like 2 minus.
Blocks are only full if your are not paying almost $0.10 per transaction.

and so it begins - to quote rocks

The goal is to slowly introduce a fee market. First slowly knock out very low value transactions, then add SFSW to slightly increase capacity. Then knock out moderately low value transactions, then add 2017 2MB HF to slightly increase capacity.

They will increase capacity, but at a very slow rate that falls behind usage growth. The effect will be a slow introduction of a fee market that removes more and more use cases for Bitcoin.

this is the awesome post of the day .. gimpedcoin is truly gimped. pay $.10 per transaction is way too cute... get with Bitcoin2Genuine today!

1131. Post 13998489 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: bargainbin on February 24, 2016, 08:44:48 PM
it's OK tho, when LN comes out fee will go right back to 1cent, because it will relieve a lot of pressure from the blockchain

LN is designed to improve scaling. Fee reductions are just a consequence of being able to conduct more transactions.

Remember how the US$ got bootstrapped? the Gold Standard?
Gold standard's long gone.
People still use LN USD Smiley

yeah... and because of it we amaericans have to pay #abusivehightaxes ... and soon we will have to endure the acts of desperation of 'negative interest rates' and 'cashless society' so that can steal more money from us.... the 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system is collapsing and i am laughing daily at the entertaining news everyday of the collapse and the turds holding on desperately to their failing and failing system.. the reason these turds hold on to this failing system is because they do not have the intelligence to figure a better system. this goes back to what billyjoe commented on about dealing with idiots everyday . its the only explanation for people who cling to a failing system in which they must rely on figuring new ways to steal more money from 'All of US' ..

1132. Post 13998501 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 24, 2016, 09:07:13 PM

if this dont work ill send it with a 5cent fee.

current block height 399867

block height 399878

0 confirmations


1133. Post 13998546 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: bargainbin on February 24, 2016, 09:16:48 PM
it's OK tho, when LN comes out fee will go right back to 1cent, because it will relieve a lot of pressure from the blockchain

LN is designed to improve scaling. Fee reductions are just a consequence of being able to conduct more transactions.

Remember how the US$ got bootstrapped? the Gold Standard?
Gold standard's long gone.
People still use LN USD Smiley

yeah... and because of it we amaericans have to pay #abusivehightaxes

Nonsense. Abusive taxes can (and were) charged long before the end of gold standard. [Britain's] Abusive taxes were the justification for the American revolution, remember?

we are paying the highest taxes the world has ever seen ever.. i do not really owe the IRS 30+% of my income...... the usa needs a Magna Carta ... put me in the govys database of revolutionaries please!

1134. Post 13998623 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: bargainbin on February 24, 2016, 09:23:30 PM
it's OK tho, when LN comes out fee will go right back to 1cent, because it will relieve a lot of pressure from the blockchain

LN is designed to improve scaling. Fee reductions are just a consequence of being able to conduct more transactions.

Remember how the US$ got bootstrapped? the Gold Standard?
Gold standard's long gone.
People still use LN USD Smiley

yeah... and because of it we amaericans have to pay #abusivehightaxes

Nonsense. Abusive taxes can (and were) charged long before the end of gold standard. [Britain's] Abusive taxes were the justification for the American revolution, remember?

we are paying the highest taxes the world has ever seen ever.. i do not really owe the IRS 30+% of my income...... the usa needs a Magna Carta ... put me in the govys database of revolutionaries please!

More nonsense.
Taxes accounted for about 25 percent of the United States' GDP -- placing the U.S. 27th out of 30 countries studied. The five with the highest percentages were Denmark, France, Belgium, Finland and Sweden, each of them with taxation accounting for more than 42 percent of gross domestic product.Oct 20, 2015
--Google search for "countries with highest taxes"

i disagree that i owe 30+% taxes..

1135. Post 13998850 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: bargainbin on February 24, 2016, 09:39:49 PM
it's OK tho, when LN comes out fee will go right back to 1cent, because it will relieve a lot of pressure from the blockchain

LN is designed to improve scaling. Fee reductions are just a consequence of being able to conduct more transactions.

Remember how the US$ got bootstrapped? the Gold Standard?
Gold standard's long gone.
People still use LN USD Smiley

yeah... and because of it we amaericans have to pay #abusivehightaxes

Nonsense. Abusive taxes can (and were) charged long before the end of gold standard. [Britain's] Abusive taxes were the justification for the American revolution, remember?

we are paying the highest taxes the world has ever seen ever.. i do not really owe the IRS 30+% of my income...... the usa needs a Magna Carta ... put me in the govys database of revolutionaries please!

More nonsense.
Taxes accounted for about 25 percent of the United States' GDP -- placing the U.S. 27th out of 30 countries studied. The five with the highest percentages were Denmark, France, Belgium, Finland and Sweden, each of them with taxation accounting for more than 42 percent of gross domestic product.Oct 20, 2015
--Google search for "countries with highest taxes"

i disagree that i owe 30+% taxes..

What does the fact that *your* taxes are high have to do with "[US] accounted for about 25 percent of the United States' GDP"? If you're in the > 30% tax bracket, my heart won't break for you, you'll get by. Somehow.
What does the fact that US taxes you if you live overseas (your first link) have to do with anything? Give up your US citizenship, problem solved Smiley

what are u a govy shill ?? it is definitely not out of the question that i would leave the USA .. or that i might give up my citizenship too.. problem is I cannot own a gun in most places i might move too . you are arguing it is ok for the USA to rip everyone off.. and i disagree with you.. and your 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system is built upon THEFT .

1136. Post 14006601 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 24, 2016, 10:14:09 PM
No more theft than a landlord charging you rent. Stop it with the entitled bullish, snowflake.  You live here, we keep it nice. You pay rent or GTFO.

>what are u a govy shill ??
If you only knew, Earthling, if you only knew...

just remember who pays your shilling wages ... we get the final say if our stolen money was well spent, however much you might like to blow it on spying and manipulating the public, we will get our dues, either by courts or hang-ropes

they are in their final acts of desperation with the 'negative interest rates' is federal reserve ammo and 'cashless society' is for anti-terrorism anti-laundering .. the reason they have to steal money is because they are a cheesy bankrupt govy that has no intelligence to figure out a better way .. because they are so far in debt and bankrupt after years of "trusting in god" for the federal reserve to manipulate everything is the reason why they have to steal from All of US. i have the same attitude, if they dont like the color of the sun they can GTFO ... people should be piling into gold and silver while it is manipulated lower by a govy that has no other choice but who are running out of physical metals to keep their game going as their 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system continues to FAIL. .......and..their #abusivehightaxes are playing a major role in why the economy was unable to get out of recession after all that QE and we are slowing down again as people cant make their car payments and car repos start to soar ... we are watching their 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system implode even as their shill turds talk trash to us about how they are justify their #abusivehightaxes as rent we owe them .

1137. Post 14006647 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: xslugx on February 24, 2016, 10:55:57 PM

Damn! Blocks are fucking full! I've got and important tx waiting for its third confirmation for ages ><

best post of the day goes to xslugx! #GimpedCoin

1138. Post 14006769 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 25, 2016, 01:56:19 AM
I think I finally understand the true nature of this controversy: Smallblockers are Jacobites.

A little background:  Jacobites are those that claim that the Royal Family of England are not the true heirs because somewhere way back, the rules of succession were not properly followed and the Elector of Hanover was crowned king mainly because he wasn't Catholic.  Jacobites are correct, but what they don't seem to understand is that it doesn't matter at all.  At this point in history nobody is going to take the crown off of Lizzy and plop in onto Prince Alois of Lichtenstein or whoever. Not. gonna. happen. Rules of succession were made to ensure orderly transition of power, not the other way around.

In our version,  Smallblockers think that non-core code is by definition not Bitcoin. So if the miners adopt Classic (or whatever), that network of miners, nodes, exchanges, wallets, etc is no longer Bitcoin.  AGAIN, that may be literally true (if you accept that definition) but it won't matter at all.  The true definer of consensus is reality.  Will that network be viable? I don't know the answer to that, but it is virtually certain that the jacobite (Core) fork will not.  Hashpower secures the network.

your ability to relate anything to bitcoin's current situation is amazing.


i was trying to explain the situation to my dad, and he kept bugging on " everyone will just stick to Bitcoin the original  if there's no consensus. " i didnt have time to finish the convo i had to run out the door, but here what i will tell him tomorrow.

that is not what will happen
forget it, "Bitcoin the original" doesn't exist even today.
either we all come together ( segwit + 2MB ) and call it bitcoin with Core as the "government"
or there will be a fork, and each impl will change in their own way.
there is no "original" there is only 2 new coins Core and Classic
each with their own hashing power, each with there own new impls.
this should be avoided, but at this point miners are on the brink.
I know you like the Idea of bitcoin being the "Backbone" to a second layer, but >80% of the hashing power disagrees.
I for one will not fallow Mr Blue hair and BS BlockStream team ( whose president is nowhere to be found -_- )
maybe i'm going nuts! ( it wouldn't be the first time, and it sure as hell won't be the last )
but i think it would be prudent to make damn sure ALL your coins are under your control, incase the fork happens tomorrow.


Listen to your dad... he sounds correct, even if he doesn't really know what he is talking about.

There is generally a presumption of maintaining the status quo, and probably, that is the point that he is making regarding saying bitcoin the original will live on.  hahahahaha Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

YOU GO>>>>>>>>> DADDY AdamstgBit!!!!!!!!!!

Most miners, particularly Chinese miners don't give a shit about Bitcoin other than as a revenue source. They will perpetuate the status quo as long as it makes them money and not a second longer.  Already you see some of them trying to find a face-saving way to back out of the Roundtable Consensus because they know or suspect that it's too little too late for scaling and that Core won't ever honor it anyway. In fact, according to their own rules, they CAN'T honor it.

The status quo is good for BTC price until blocks are full and then it's bad.  Blocks are almost full. The future is full of uncertainty. Markets hate uncertainty.

the battle of price between the halvening and bitcoin dont scale .... i do not see how it matters how many coins are being mined if this thing doesnt scale. if the blocks fill up as we approach halvening, we might see some bitcoin chaos.. this should be awesome .

1139. Post 14006803 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 25, 2016, 01:59:18 AM
I think I finally understand the true nature of this controversy: Smallblockers are Jacobites.

A little background:  Jacobites are those that claim that the Royal Family of England are not the true heirs because somewhere way back, the rules of succession were not properly followed and the Elector of Hanover was crowned king mainly because he wasn't Catholic.  Jacobites are correct, but what they don't seem to understand is that it doesn't matter at all.  At this point in history nobody is going to take the crown off of Lizzy and plop in onto Prince Alois of Lichtenstein or whoever. Not. gonna. happen. Rules of succession were made to ensure orderly transition of power, not the other way around.

In our version,  Smallblockers think that non-core code is by definition not Bitcoin. So if the miners adopt Classic (or whatever), that network of miners, nodes, exchanges, wallets, etc is no longer Bitcoin.  AGAIN, that may be literally true (if you accept that definition) but it won't matter at all.  The true definer of consensus is reality.  Will that network be viable? I don't know the answer to that, but it is virtually certain that the jacobite (Core) fork will not.  Hashpower secures the network.

your ability to relate anything to bitcoin's current situation is amazing.


i was trying to explain the situation to my dad, and he kept bugging on " everyone will just stick to Bitcoin the original  if there's no consensus. " i didnt have time to finish the convo i had to run out the door, but here what i will tell him tomorrow.

that is not what will happen
forget it, "Bitcoin the original" doesn't exist even today.
either we all come together ( segwit + 2MB ) and call it bitcoin with Core as the "government"
or there will be a fork, and each impl will change in their own way.
there is no "original" there is only 2 new coins Core and Classic
each with their own hashing power, each with there own new impls.
this should be avoided, but at this point miners are on the brink.
I know you like the Idea of bitcoin being the "Backbone" to a second layer, but >80% of the hashing power disagrees.
I for one will not fallow Mr Blue hair and BS BlockStream team ( whose president is nowhere to be found -_- )
maybe i'm going nuts! ( it wouldn't be the first time, and it sure as hell won't be the last )
but i think it would be prudent to make damn sure ALL your coins are under your control, incase the fork happens tomorrow.


Listen to your dad... he sounds correct, even if he doesn't really know what he is talking about.

There is generally a presumption of maintaining the status quo, and probably, that is the point that he is making regarding saying bitcoin the original will live on.  hahahahaha Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

YOU GO>>>>>>>>> DADDY AdamstgBit!!!!!!!!!!

Most miners, particularly Chinese miners don't give a shit about Bitcoin other than as a revenue source. They will perpetuate the status quo as long as it makes them money and not a second longer.  Already you see some of them trying to find a face-saving way to back out of the Roundtable Consensus because they know or suspect that it's too little too late for scaling and that Core won't ever honor it anyway. In fact, according to their own rules, they CAN'T honor it.

The status quo is good for BTC price until blocks are full and then it's bad.  Blocks are almost full. The future is full of uncertainty. Markets hate uncertainty.

blocks are completely full
every single one
my 1cent fee tx has yet to be mined

CB's maths are wrong.

last week blocks were running in 80%, this week we are seeing them running upper 90's all day and night .. places everybody!

1140. Post 14006848 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on February 25, 2016, 03:07:45 AM
...and we're still above $420. Dafuq Huh

bitcoin = #bizarroworld

1141. Post 14006925 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 25, 2016, 05:17:36 AM
I can't believe I even have to say this but I do not hate the Chinese. I hate single party currency-manipulating governments with a sketchy understanding and respect for property rights and free speech.

Canadians, OTOH...

Plaid-wearing moosehumpers.

what about mexicans ??

1142. Post 14006950 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 25, 2016, 05:46:46 AM

and poeple are starting to buy alts...

we are all going to die.

from 90% to 84% percent market share in two months! If Bitcoin was a corporation, it would be extraordinary for the CEO NOT to get sacked by the Board of Directors.  That is a stunning loss of market share in so little of time. It took IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo! years to lose that much. Not sure about MySpace though. 

yeah but price is still $420 and we still have 2% more block space we can fill.... so all is good .

1143. Post 14006978 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 25, 2016, 06:13:08 AM

and poeple are starting to buy alts...

we are all going to die.

from 90% to 84% percent market share in two months! If Bitcoin was a corporation, it would be extraordinary for the CEO NOT to get sacked by the Board of Directors.  That is a stunning loss of market share in so little of time. It took IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo! years to lose that much. Not sure about MySpace though. 

the sad news is these altcoins even ETH is no safe haven from what's happening here in bitcoin land, if bitcoin can't do it no one can.
and if everyone ( or a few to many poeple) goes of to doge maid eth   etc
the whole crypto world is going to come crashing down.
i can't quite put my finger on why exactly
but i have a feeling if bitcoiners get all divided up into 10 - 20 different cryptos, it's a big fat FAIL, for all.

we can move to pms....... np.....

1144. Post 14007035 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 25, 2016, 08:42:49 AM
i just send 1$ to 1LBHYYEbd8eqrfi9PiSEkj35e9vM3iZEFm with a 1cent fee

lets see what happens...

sending it now...

if this dont work ill send it with a 5cent fee.

current block height 399867

Damn, 1 cent fee is 1% it's far too much already!
I usually pay a 0.1% fee and it goes in the first blocks!

Fees go per kilobytes used in the blockchain, not per amount sent. The blockchain doesn't care if you send 0.01 btc or 10 btc - only about how much space is used by the transaction.

Well. Logical I suppose. But how do you know the size of your transaction?

side note, my TX is the min size ~256bytes

block height 399870

0 confirmations

I have begun this experiment too, with transferring approximately $1 (although I think that the same fee will pretty much apply for a $100 or $1,000.

I sent it 3 times, and I adjusted the fee to be either .0001 BTC per kilobyte ($.04 fee), .000025 per kilobyte ($.01 fee) and .00001 per kilobyte ($.004 fee).

The higher two showed up on the receiving end without confirmations within a couple of minutes of my sending them; however the lowest one, which is essentially nearly no fees, has not yet even shown up on the other end, so far, after 22 minutes.  

I will attempt to check the extent of the update, every 30 minutes in order to verify whether they have confirmations.

So far only one of my three transactions have gone through (listed below from higher fee to lower fee).  The first transaction included the standard fees, and the second two included lower than the standard fees.

1)  $1.06  (.0025  BTC)        sent 6 hours ago            Fee .0001 btc ($.04)  (.0001 BTC per kilobyte)  - Immediately showed up on receiving end, and 3 confirmations and available for use after 1 hour and 12 minutes.

2) $1.20 (.002855 BTC)        sent 6 hours ago            Fee .000025 btc ($.01) (.000025 BTC per kilobyte)   - Immediately showed up on receiving end, and so far 0 confirmations and after 5 hours disappeared from receiving end

3) $1       (.00236  BTC)        sent 6 hours ago            Fee .00001 btc ($.004) (.00001 BTC per kilobyte)   - So far has not shown up on receiving end and 0 confirmations

I conclude that including the standard fees helps to ensure that your transaction goes through in a timely manner.  Maybe I will provide another update, later, if these last two transactions ever go through?

Finally, I got the results of all three of my low quantity bitcoin/blockchain transactions of a little over $1.  
Each of these transactions were sent about 11 hours ago, via wallet to a local bitcoins wallet.

Results as follows from highest to lowest fees:

1)  Amount sent  $1.06  (.0025  BTC)       I Manually added Fee .0001 BTC ($.04) (.0001 BTC per kilobyte)  (fee % = 3.77358%)
- Immediately viewable on receiving end w 0 confirmations/ available for use (3 confirmations) after 1 hour / 12 minutes.

2)  Amount sent  $1.20 (.002855 BTC)       I Manually added Fee  .000025 BTC ($.01) (.000025 BTC per kilobyte)    (fee % = 0.833333%)
- Immediately viewable on receiving end w 0 confirmations / available for use (3 confirmations) after 7 hours / 11 minutes.

3) Amount sent    $1.00 (.00236  BTC)      I Manually added Fee  .00001 BTC ($.004) (.00001 BTC per kilobyte)  (fee % = 0.4%)
- Was never viewable on receiving end until after completely received / available for use (3 confirmations) after 9 hours / 21 minutes.

I would consider each of these three transaction to be near micro transactions, and the fastest one was a bit over an hour with nearly a 4% fee added and the slowest low fee one (was nearly free, and probably I could have eliminated the fee completely) of less than a 0.4% fee was still finalized and completely and irreversibly settled in less than 10 hours.  During a time that the blocks were supposedly nearly full all day (and charts were showing an average blocksize of about 85% full - which is about the highest ever for the whole history of bitcoin (interesting given the likely additional spam being pumped into the blockchain with various free transactions on an ongoing basis)......

Yes, a bit nerve racking to wait for final confirmation for nearly half a day and to be able to use the coins, but still pretty decent settlement and manageable for such a low cost and low amount transactions, no?  

Surely, there are some downsides to irreversibility and owning mistakes (if they are made); however, even during this contentious "full blocks" period, these results seem to be pretty decent for beating the fees and the speed of the settlements of my bank transactions, with 24/7 useage and also international (maybe even intergalactical, once communication channels are improved?).

awesome... if i want to buy a starbucks with bitcoin it will take between one hour and ten hours .... i was really starting to worry about that. ... because i think waiting any more than ten hours to get my coffee is way to excessive.....

1145. Post 14007125 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: valta4065 on February 25, 2016, 09:15:22 AM
blocks are completely full
every single one
my 1cent fee tx has yet to be mined

CB's maths are wrong.

I had to wait the whole night for my tx to go through. First time I need to wait so long :-/

should be alright ... your standing in line at grocery store....all night long..... look is not a problem alright.. u make big deal out nothing . #GimpedCoin

1146. Post 14051683 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 29, 2016, 05:10:52 PM
Regarding fees and blocksize:
People use the best option they have until a better option materializes. This should be obvious. What is going to prevent people from using an altcoin when one becomes a better option, other than censorship and DDoS attacks? 

I watch Shark Tank and it has given me a good idea how successful investors think. Is the idea proprietary? What is the barrier to entry for competition? Is management skilled and motivated?

If you are not investing in a proprietary idea, You have to be investing in the skills/motivation/track record of management. If you aren't investing in at least one of those two things, you are throwing money away.

So knowing that, is Bitcoin a good investment?

its not a good investment until the problem is resolved. its good for short term trading, and its good for miners to make fiat profit ... this bitcoin games will end when obama leaves the wh .. we might see new games but obama is on his way out of the wh in only a few more months.

1147. Post 14051767 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 29, 2016, 06:52:42 PM
Regarding fees and blocksize:
People use the best option they have until a better option materializes. This should be obvious. What is going to prevent people from using an altcoin when one becomes a better option, other than censorship and DDoS attacks?  

I watch Shark Tank and it has given me a good idea how successful investors think. Is the idea proprietary? What is the barrier to entry for competition? Is management skilled and motivated?

If you are not investing in a proprietary idea, You have to be investing in the skills/motivation/track record of management. If you aren't investing in at least one of those two things, you are throwing money away.

So knowing that, is Bitcoin a good investment?

All other altcoins are primarily used for speculation alone and have little if not any utility. One has to take a "shapeshift" exchange cut to even spend them. This could change in 5-10 years, no doubt, but it is unwise for people to recommend others to gamble into a testnet scam rather than simply offloading to fiat if they are unhappy with bitcoin. If someone wants to invest in an altcoin because they really believe in it and understand it than so be it... but those threatening to divest into ETH* are mainly doing so as a scare tactic.

No matter how big the blocksize is won't solve our problems. We can still easily doublespend 0 conf txs (without RBF), and waiting 2-3 conf (min recommended) isn't fast enough and will never allow bitcoin to go mainstream. We need Segwit ASAP and multiple payment channel solutions to allow for secure instant tx's and scalability. Allowing spam to drop off and go offchain temporarily is a good thing and will motivate our community to use payment channels instead of simply stuffing everything in a block in a sloppy manner.  

* I would love to hear of a hypothetical use case of Ethereum that wouldn't be better done through Bitcoin or Oracles.

That doesn't really answer my question. I wasn't just asking if Bitcoin is a good investment relative to Etherium. In some cases, it may be, depending on a person's risk tolerance, how long they want to hold it, etc,  but whether or not Bitcoin was something you could sell to the sharks on Shark Tank.  I don't think I could because I would have to sell a management team that frankly embarrasses me.

Utility is an argument for using Bitcoin, not for investing in it.  For that we would have to know what Bitcoin's future utility would likely be relative to alternatives.  That's unknown and honestly unknowable with current leadership. 

So you're right. This isn't just about blocksize. It's about leadership. We all agree that Bitcoin shouldn't be ruled by anyone, but without rulers, leaders become MORE important, not less.  Someone has to sell their vision well enough that consensus can form around it. That isn't accomplished by DDoS attacks and censorship. It's not achieved with flame wars, character assassinations, market manipulations or stalling tactics. It's achieved by good old-fashioned leadership. Until competent leadership emerges, Bitcoin will probably not be a good investment.

they are stuck between 350 and 500 for most, if not all, of this year until obama leaves office.. obama throw temper tantrums and torture kill people.. today bitcoin is still #gimpcoin .

1148. Post 14052070 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: aztecminer on February 17, 2016, 08:09:47 PM
nah, halving will be a boom, if anything.

So you think. And so EVERYONE thinks. Which means everyone is holding and buying for after the halving. Which means there will be a huge dump after the halving. Which means... Well I think you understood ^^

interesting thought. we'll see, i suppose.

Problem being that in fact you absolutely can't know because of all the parameters... I find the idea interesting but...

Well it's all a bet I suppose. But in the end the price will rise that's for sure!

too many variables, exactly. it's one of the things that keeps me interested around here. unpredictability.

bitcoin is predictable.. the range is $350 to $500 .. thats it. #paralyzed #GimpedCoin

my prediction is holding from two weeks ago (i sure i find another one going further back) ..

1149. Post 14052115 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: aztecminer on February 08, 2016, 04:06:04 PM
"The lines cross and omg! catastrophe happens" is the sophisticated wrapper around the bullshit argument "nobody goes there any more because it is too popular".

Bitcoin is like brewer's yeast: by the time network stops growing it starts choking on its own piss, it's too late -- everything dies Sad

that means bitcoin is worth $500 at least..

as can see .. my predictions are right.. when the blocks fill up bitcoin is worth more fiat .

1150. Post 14052178 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: aztecminer on January 21, 2016, 12:40:52 PM
price will rise before it rises higher.

can't you see it happening?

420 is just the beginning

so whats the target price for February ? 500 Huh 600 Huh

i think is stuck range 400 - 500 ... bitcoin is selling the halving .

close... i think 350 to 500 is their range they are stuck in .. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

1151. Post 14052410 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: tommorisonwebdesign on February 29, 2016, 08:13:23 PM

Ahh... The Wonder And Beauty of a planned economy.

+1 it's actually quite funny, when libertarians turn into communists.

bitcoin is not a democracy. Lips sealed
What do you mean? We have rights and liberties to spend Bitcoin on whatever we want, right?

well first you will have to find a block that isn't full for one thing ...

1152. Post 14052490 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 29, 2016, 08:16:11 PM
price will rise before it rises higher.

can't you see it happening?

420 is just the beginning

so whats the target price for February ? 500 Huh 600 Huh

i think is stuck range 400 - 500 ... bitcoin is selling the halving .

close... i think 350 to 500 is their range they are stuck in .. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

We gotta take bitcoin prices, one step at a time.  We are in a pretty decent "paralyzed" price range at the moment, especially, if you consider where we were 1 year ago... or even if you consider where we were 3 years ago (now, 2 years ago is another story... hahahahahaha)

Anyhow, back on point>>>> If prices go above $467, then to me it seems pretty likely we are going to break past $500, and if we break past $500, then likely the next major resistance point would be between $550 and $650; however, I am not willing to suggest that we are out of the $400s, even if we were to break into the $500s in the next few weeks.

As far as the downside,  $350 does seem like a pretty strong support level, so at this time, it would take a pretty sizeable amount of FUD to convince people to sell below that price point..... Upper $300s is in striking distance, but even that doesn't seem so likely at the moment...... given our paralysis that currently is largely between $416 and $440 (hovering in the upper end at the moment, and cannot really complain about that - unless you are a Mr. Aztec type or a BJA type or some other whiner that is trying to find reasons to complain).  

Edit:  On a side note, even some of the bears seem a bit more cheerful lately with rising prices... so possibly, the solution to a lot of the various whining is to bring up the price past $555 in order that we can experience a kind of Kumbaya moment.

gimpcoin is paralyzed until either scaling is fixed or obama leaves office. u might could go up but u aint going back down below 300 .. the reason i say 350 cuz they need to feel comfortable. it doesnt matter how u try twist it, gimpcoin remains gimped. it is not going down below 300, and it is unlikely to go above 500. i think i mentioned before that anything above 400 was above profit for my cold storage. i'm in the green on exchange and in cold storage. when i say "paralyzed", i'm not really talking about the price of bitcoin.. i am talking about the LOSS OF POWER that bitcoin is enjoying right now. can't go up, can't go down .. fukd. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

1153. Post 14052646 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

we are two months away from being one full year on this block size debate:

and within that year blocks have filled up that the red and blue 3d glasses person did not post this morning because we will see all the blocks are filled up all the time now.

the more the blocks fill up the more valuable the bitcoins become in relation to fiat currencies.

something wrong with this scenario .

1154. Post 14052704 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: tomothy on February 29, 2016, 08:48:27 PM
Ok, Aztec, Quick question: Why does it matter who the current President is? How would this impact your analysis? Why is 'gimpcoin' in your opinion not rising in value until after that point.

because bitcoin is manipulated by the US Federal Govy .. they own it... thats why .

1155. Post 14052788 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: hdbuck on February 29, 2016, 08:49:07 PM
the thing is bitcoin won't shrink in size. but it won't grow either. it simply will stay the bonsai size it currently is.

all the money waiting on the sidelines will flow into alt-coins directly.

good luck with your empty bag - so called early adopters of bitcoin. Tongue

Bitcoin holding its value strong over $400 now..

Wait for capital controls, NIRP et al. and all teh money (or even 0,01% of it) panicking for a secured safe haven.

we are two months away from being one full year on this block size debate:

and within that year blocks have filled up that the red and blue 3d glasses person did not post this morning because we will see all the blocks are filled up all the time now.

the more the blocks fill up the more valuable the bitcoins become in relation to fiat currencies.

something wrong with this scenario .

People don't go there anymore it's too crowded!

Bitcoin, so useless you can't use it because there's too much demand


never said it was useless.. i said it was broken....and oh yeah cant wait for janet yellens big time fix: "negative interest rates" ...

1156. Post 14052839 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 29, 2016, 08:54:25 PM
price will rise before it rises higher.

can't you see it happening?

420 is just the beginning

so whats the target price for February ? 500 Huh 600 Huh

i think is stuck range 400 - 500 ... bitcoin is selling the halving .

close... i think 350 to 500 is their range they are stuck in .. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

We gotta take bitcoin prices, one step at a time.  We are in a pretty decent "paralyzed" price range at the moment, especially, if you consider where we were 1 year ago... or even if you consider where we were 3 years ago (now, 2 years ago is another story... hahahahahaha)

Anyhow, back on point>>>> If prices go above $467, then to me it seems pretty likely we are going to break past $500, and if we break past $500, then likely the next major resistance point would be between $550 and $650; however, I am not willing to suggest that we are out of the $400s, even if we were to break into the $500s in the next few weeks.

As far as the downside,  $350 does seem like a pretty strong support level, so at this time, it would take a pretty sizeable amount of FUD to convince people to sell below that price point..... Upper $300s is in striking distance, but even that doesn't seem so likely at the moment...... given our paralysis that currently is largely between $416 and $440 (hovering in the upper end at the moment, and cannot really complain about that - unless you are a Mr. Aztec type or a BJA type or some other whiner that is trying to find reasons to complain).  

Edit:  On a side note, even some of the bears seem a bit more cheerful lately with rising prices... so possibly, the solution to a lot of the various whining is to bring up the price past $555 in order that we can experience a kind of Kumbaya moment.

gimpcoin is paralyzed until either scaling is fixed or obama leaves office. u might could go up but u aint going back down below 300 .. the reason i say 350 cuz they need to feel comfortable. it doesnt matter how u try twist it, gimpcoin remains gimped. it is not going down below 300, and it is unlikely to go above 500. i think i mentioned before that anything above 400 was above profit for my cold storage. i'm in the green on exchange and in cold storage. when i say "paralyzed", i'm not really talking about the price of bitcoin.. i am talking about the LOSS OF POWER that bitcoin is enjoying right now. can't go up, can't go down .. fukd. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

Yeah, it is all good and fun, and you are correct, until you are not.

Yep.. you picked our current price range, and to suggest that it is permanent is an attempt to make FUD and illogical stupid ass assertions out of a price range that currently is in place.

It would be nice to get rid of you, once bitcoin breaks out of this price range, but you are likely just like BJA, and we are not going to have such fortune.  You are merely going to change your lame ass theory to fit the new circumstances and then shill with your new lame framework.... I guess, so long as you are still getting paid for coming up with goofy and out-of-touch wishful fantasies.

go below 300 or above 500... shrug.. until you do u still didn't .

bitcoin is paralyzed because if it goes below 300 i might buy more, and if you go above 500 i'm solid in profits ..

straight up.. #Paralyzed #GimpedCoin

very simple, go below 300 or above 500 and stay awhile. it doesnt matter to me which you do.. go for it.

1157. Post 14052865 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 29, 2016, 08:56:17 PM
Ok, Aztec, Quick question: Why does it matter who the current President is? How would this impact your analysis? Why is 'gimpcoin' in your opinion not rising in value until after that point.

LOOK at you... hahahahahahaha..

Acting as if Mr. Aztec actually has any meaningful thoughts or contribution that he could make.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Edit:  or that he would actually answer the question.. .. reading his above response that avoids answering the question (regarding Why Obama specifically).

like your insulting people in the forum is a sign of intelligence ....

1158. Post 14053096 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 29, 2016, 09:16:40 PM
price will rise before it rises higher.

can't you see it happening?

420 is just the beginning

so whats the target price for February ? 500 Huh 600 Huh

i think is stuck range 400 - 500 ... bitcoin is selling the halving .

close... i think 350 to 500 is their range they are stuck in .. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

We gotta take bitcoin prices, one step at a time.  We are in a pretty decent "paralyzed" price range at the moment, especially, if you consider where we were 1 year ago... or even if you consider where we were 3 years ago (now, 2 years ago is another story... hahahahahaha)

Anyhow, back on point>>>> If prices go above $467, then to me it seems pretty likely we are going to break past $500, and if we break past $500, then likely the next major resistance point would be between $550 and $650; however, I am not willing to suggest that we are out of the $400s, even if we were to break into the $500s in the next few weeks.

As far as the downside,  $350 does seem like a pretty strong support level, so at this time, it would take a pretty sizeable amount of FUD to convince people to sell below that price point..... Upper $300s is in striking distance, but even that doesn't seem so likely at the moment...... given our paralysis that currently is largely between $416 and $440 (hovering in the upper end at the moment, and cannot really complain about that - unless you are a Mr. Aztec type or a BJA type or some other whiner that is trying to find reasons to complain).  

Edit:  On a side note, even some of the bears seem a bit more cheerful lately with rising prices... so possibly, the solution to a lot of the various whining is to bring up the price past $555 in order that we can experience a kind of Kumbaya moment.

gimpcoin is paralyzed until either scaling is fixed or obama leaves office. u might could go up but u aint going back down below 300 .. the reason i say 350 cuz they need to feel comfortable. it doesnt matter how u try twist it, gimpcoin remains gimped. it is not going down below 300, and it is unlikely to go above 500. i think i mentioned before that anything above 400 was above profit for my cold storage. i'm in the green on exchange and in cold storage. when i say "paralyzed", i'm not really talking about the price of bitcoin.. i am talking about the LOSS OF POWER that bitcoin is enjoying right now. can't go up, can't go down .. fukd. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

Yeah, it is all good and fun, and you are correct, until you are not.

Yep.. you picked our current price range, and to suggest that it is permanent is an attempt to make FUD and illogical stupid ass assertions out of a price range that currently is in place.

It would be nice to get rid of you, once bitcoin breaks out of this price range, but you are likely just like BJA, and we are not going to have such fortune.  You are merely going to change your lame ass theory to fit the new circumstances and then shill with your new lame framework.... I guess, so long as you are still getting paid for coming up with goofy and out-of-touch wishful fantasies.

go below 300 or above 500... shrug.. until you do u still didn't .

bitcoin is paralyzed because if it goes below 300 i might buy more, and if you go above 500 i'm solid in profits ..

straight up.. #Paralyzed #GimpedCoin

very simple, go below 300 or above 500 and stay awhile. it doesnt matter to me which you do.. go for it.

You sound as squirmy as BJA... Did you guys get the same training?  Did you go to the same shill school?

At one moment you are asserting that we are stuck in a price range forever.  The second moment you are saying that forever doesn't really mean forever, because if prices go above $500, then you have a reason to brag.

So no matter what, you are the greatest... because you are winner...  whatever... You spend a considerable amount of time dissing bitcoin, but then supposedly investing at the same time... makes little to no sense, except that you are likely making things up.

i said until blocks is fixed or obama leaves office. .. the reason i bought into bitcoin was to cover my ass... i do own some bitcoins, but i strongly feel bitcoin is way too cute... my mind was changed at some point .

1159. Post 14053133 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 29, 2016, 09:20:16 PM
Ok, Aztec, Quick question: Why does it matter who the current President is? How would this impact your analysis? Why is 'gimpcoin' in your opinion not rising in value until after that point.

LOOK at you... hahahahahahaha..

Acting as if Mr. Aztec actually has any meaningful thoughts or contribution that he could make.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Edit:  or that he would actually answer the question.. .. reading his above response that avoids answering the question (regarding Why Obama specifically).

like your insulting people in the forum is a sign of intelligence ....

Who am I insulting?  Helrow?

 I am just describing your behavior.. You can take it how you like.  Do you ever engage in meaningful discussion that is genuine and an attempt at an acruate and honest prediction.... possibly 1/20 posts, maybe, giving you the benefit of the doubt.  

So in that regard, even though I may call you a dip shit a dumb shit and various other names, I am referring to your behavior more than anything, and not really asserting that you are really dumb.. even though sometimes it seems very likely... mostly, you are disingenuous.. which is not the same as dumb...

your behavior is to down talk and insult people you do not agree with in this forum ... u do it all the time.. just because u dont understand me doesnt mean anything about me . alright #gimptard

all my posts were on topic until you started in with your insults.

1160. Post 14072575 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):


yesterday, i totally forgot to look at price of bitcoin.. guess what.. i didnt miss anything . #GimpedCoin

1161. Post 14127398 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: ChartBuddy on March 07, 2016, 01:00:36 PM


lol.. well i guess u guys didnt fix the blocks being full while i was away from bitcoin all weekend #GimpedCoin

1162. Post 14127517 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: yugo23 on March 07, 2016, 01:07:05 PM
On top of that, Segwit is not a scaling solution. Neither is the raise to 2MB blocks. Both do temporarily fix the current full blocks issue though.
There is no full block issue. There is spam issue. As soon as spam attack stops everything is perfectly normal. Increasing blocksize does nothing to solve spam issue. You can not solve spam issue by giving spammers more free space to spam!

Hmm... I don't understand you. 1MB blocks allow a really low amount of tx and btc is spreading. Of course there is a block size issue! Simply because the adoption of btc is rising and numbers of allowed tx is the staying the same!

or... it might just be manipulators.. they require keep up the illusion of bitcoin while pms are rising. they are in the same predicament with pms as they are with bitcoin .. they went as far as have goldman sachs deliver a warning that pms were going to drop, and then another fool came out trying to convince All of US that gold was going to $700 or even $250 . yeah uh huh sure they are.. bring it on biatches.. pms aint going down anytime soon due to the huge demand for pms.. bring it down see if i buy some.. maybe is a trick to get us all to sell our pms betting on a pull back when instead it will rise leaving everyone buying back at a loss like they did during the 'Marshall's Auction Bitcoin Pump'.. except people arent buying the fud they have been spreading. as we can all see, true to my analysis, bitcoin continues to trade within the $350 - $500 range. to debunk my analysis of bitcoin they will need to pump it above $500, because there is no chance they going to crash it below $300 again. my analysis is right because it is not based on normal chart analysis, instead, it is based upon the manipulations by the US federal govy of "their" crypto-currency. ETH is now trading higher than ripple. that is hard to understand atm.

1163. Post 14128440 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: WeltMaster on March 07, 2016, 08:05:36 PM
Breaking this $350~500 range reminds me of back in the $8-16 days

where next? Cheesy

probably nowhere until obama is no longer occupying the white house. they aint going down, and if they go up might cause more volume thus exposing their scaling problem . they are truly paralyzed under obama's strategies . #GimpedCoin

1164. Post 14128482 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: AlexGR on March 07, 2016, 08:13:40 PM
Too much politics. Is there some technical reason we can't have both bigger blocks and better blocks? Is this more than jockeying for power?

That's the plan: Segwit = 1.7mb to 3mb (depending use), plus solves tx malleability.

Obviously, all these "disagreements" aren't about the ~300kb difference between segwit and a 2mb hf.
Okay. So, why not change a one to a two now while we wait for the other, presumably more convoluted, stuff to get done?

As far as I'm concerned, I don't have any evidence that we actually need >1mb right now, although we will get >1mb... there is actually no plan that keeps bitcoin at 1mb.... core says 1.7 in a couple months, classic says 2mb with contentious/destructive hf, so... there you have it.

When you have tx fees ranging from 1 to 5 cents (depending the priority one wants), that means there is no overwhelming actual transaction demand which in turn has an underdeveloped fee market while also allowing spare capacity to be used for spamming and wasteful transactions.

The fact that some people have 1-2 cents in their wallet software and it takes a few hours when there is an attack, is not enough to hf bitcoin and it won't change their user experience once the 2mb are flooded the same way. Therefore they need a better wallet software. The system is working as intended per satoshi's instructions on how to bypass a flood attack (you outpay the spammer). If users don't know it, it's because their wallet software obviously doesn't do a good job of notifying them that fees are dynamic and not static.

As for the timing: Even if the code for HF was issued tomorrow it would still get activated months ahead so that users can get prepared. If the recent "transaction problems" are any indicator, then if people don't even know that they have to pay a few cents to transact, then they can't *really* be depended upon for upgrading in time. It will simply create a mess. So, TLDR, segwit deployment would be much faster. A HF should be planned well ahead, again per the instructions of Satoshi.

as far as you are concerned, bitcoin still does not scale, and until it does, it still doesn't. we been talking about this for ten months.

1165. Post 14129219 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

just posted this into pms forum in regards to Peter Schiffs reply regarding bitcoin:

"it seems as though only the govy can make money anymore. when taking 30-40% of an entities money, it makes it hard for them to make a profit.

bitcoin has become another manipulated joke. the blocks are 95-100% full. within a couple weeks the fees will go up because no one will be able to send bitcoins anywhere due to the blocks being full. and in the middle of that fiasco bitcoin pumped $200.00 during the Marshall’s Auction.. bitcoin was obviously manipulated by the US federal govy to maximize the profit of their bitcoin auction. now we are floating around $400.00 even though there is a major league flaw. you MIGHT maybe be able to make a short term fiat profit, or you might lose big due to the risk.

they want everyone out of pms and into bitcoin. that is partly the reason for the big pump to $400 that happened in November last year … if u are chasing bitcoin then u are not buying pms ….think on that for awhile before u decide bitcoin is a bonafide place to stash fiat currency . bitcoin is nothing more than a glorified manipulated fiat currency THAT IS CURRENTLY BROKEN."

if you want, u can pump bitcoin some more prove how wrong i am ... maybe this time it will actually get me to change my mind .

1166. Post 14136511 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 07, 2016, 10:08:46 PM
did someone forget to tell Peter Schiff the blocksize debate is all for show?

today we learned that bitcoin not scaling is really just a big show to do something.. reasons unknown atm . every time something happens with bitcoin we gotta have a big show, drag it out for months and months ..  i will be sure to pass along the info .

1167. Post 14137308 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 07, 2016, 10:37:30 PM
These smallblocker arguments are demostrably stupid. If You were a malicious spammer, your goal would be to cause the most amount of damage, to achieve the most amount of service disruption for your buck, right?
So why the hell would it matter if you paid 10,000 1 cent fees or 5,000 two cent fees?  If anything 5,000 two cent fees would be slightly easier and that's what you need to do with small blocks.  Effectively there is no difference in the cost to disrupt service.  

The simple fact is that it's easier to disrupt a network that is already running close to capacity than one that has more excess capacity. That should be intuitively obvious to anyone without a mental handicap. Think about it: would it be easier to cause a traffic jam during rush hour or at 3 AM?

If your goal is to make the chain so bloated that nodes drop off, your challenge is to cause more damage than it cost to do it, but hard drive space is really cheap and getting cheaper, so it's always gonna cost you more to harm the network than the damage you produce.  So bloat the chain, morons. You're making us money.

So what WOULD discourage a malicious spammer? Only one thing I can think of: make the network so shitty and unreliable, so pathetic that it's not worth the effort to harm.  This is apparently the Core dev's strategy.

There is no cryptographically sound way to distinguish between spam and legitimate transactions. You cannot discourage one without also discouraging the other. Spam is just a cost of doing business.  The sooner we learn to live with it, the sooner we can get on to real problems that need to be addressed and CAN be fixed.

Problems like:
1.Mining being overwhelmingly concentrated in a single communist country.
2.Faulty code that actually gives those miners a selfish mining advantage for having limited bandwidth behind the Great Firewall.
3.Developer governance rules that give any small group effective veto power over any upgrades
4.Emerging altcoin competition that has applied the lessons learned from Bitcoin's problems to develop superior cryptocurrencies.

we talk and talk, they dont give a dam. .. i got policies.. one them is, "if you don't give a dam then i dont give a dam" .. we need let this develop a bit more, get obama closer to being out of office. now i am going to say this again, buy pms, buy silver cuz it is at historically high conversion rate to gold.. it will totally fuk em.. and you will be in a much better position to deal with crypto-currencies.. after tellin u this one or two things will happen, the price will rise before u can buy like it has done when i told u before when silver was at 13.50.. its now at 15.50 .. u would have broke even already. the price could drop after u buy, in which case i will buy more if the drop is significant enough. best thing to do is buy all the way down and hold until they lose control .. which is close.. janet yellen coming out yelling about negative interest rates is their next thing shows us how desperate they have become.

1168. Post 14137521 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 07, 2016, 11:13:23 PM
The simple fact is that it's easier to disrupt a network that is already running close to capacity than one that has more excess capacity. That should be intuitively obvious to anyone without a mental handicap.

LOL well put.
I'm going to keep that one in my back pocket.

He forgot the bloat part which is achieved with less cost when the network has ample capacity.

If normal use, is, say, 500-700kb and the rest is spam that goes in for cheap, then instead of a spammer filling 300-500kb of spam for free/near free, he gets to increase that to 1300-1500, which is 3-4x.

I did not forget the bloat cost. I addressed that.  Hard drive space is so cheap and getting cheaper that any damage caused by bloat will cost the attacker more than the network.  It currently costs ~ $5,000 in fees to bloat the blockchain by 1 GB.  Harddrive space is about 30 cents a GB (and getting cheaper), so with 10,000 nodes, it costs $3,000.  It costs 5 grand to cause less than 3 grand worth of damage. This may not be satisfactory to some, but it makes this kind of attack a much smaller worry than other problems that we need to be dealing with.

hard drives are cheaper. u can buy 1TB seagate hybrid drives for $50.

1169. Post 14137540 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: AlexGR on March 07, 2016, 11:24:12 PM
The simple fact is that it's easier to disrupt a network that is already running close to capacity than one that has more excess capacity. That should be intuitively obvious to anyone without a mental handicap.

LOL well put.
I'm going to keep that one in my back pocket.

He forgot the bloat part which is achieved with less cost when the network has ample capacity.

If normal use, is, say, 500-700kb and the rest is spam that goes in for cheap, then instead of a spammer filling 300-500kb of spam for free/near free, he gets to increase that to 1300-1500, which is 3-4x.

I did not forget the bloat cost. I addressed that.  Hard drive space is so cheap and getting cheaper that any damage caused by bloat will cost the attacker more than the network.  It currently costs ~ $5,000 in fees to bloat the blockchain by 1 GB.  Harddrive space is about 30 cents a GB (and getting cheaper), so with 10,000 nodes, it costs $3,000.  It costs 5 grand to cause less than 3 grand worth of damage. This may not be satisfactory to some, but it makes this kind of attack a much smaller worry than other problems that we need to be dealing with.

The bloat cost creates

1) storage costs
2) bandwidth costs (as this 1gb or 10gb or 100gb must be downloaded and served over and over in the network - for decades)
3) processing costs / power costs (for decades)
4) I/O slowdowns (if the blockchain can't fit anymore in an affordable SSD you'll have to rely on a mechanical disk which is slow)
5) centralization cost as nodes have to drop out, increasing costs to the fewer nodes that remain. It's a vicious cycle where the less you have, the more the costs, plus you now become an easier target for DDOSing (more costs)

As for the problems that we may need to worry, these are what exactly? That txs without a few cents in fees won't go in in the next block? That's all there is to it.

this is an argument that bitcoin really isnt that great of an innovation . i gonna keep this in my back pocket in case need it for something.

1170. Post 14139581 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

helping out again today in pms forum:

from yesterday posted in peter schiffs post:

bitcoin has become another manipulated joke. the blocks are 95-100% full. within a couple weeks the fees will go up because no one will be able to send bitcoins anywhere due to the blocks being full. and in the middle of that fiasco bitcoin pumped $200.00 during the Marshall’s Auction.. bitcoin was obviously manipulated by the US federal govy to maximize the profit of their bitcoin auction. now we are floating around $400.00 even though there is a major league flaw. you MIGHT maybe be able to make a short term fiat profit, or you might lose big due to the risk.

they want everyone out of pms and into bitcoin. that is partly the reason for the big pump to $400 that happened in November last year … if u are chasing bitcoin then u are not buying pms ….think on that for awhile before u decide bitcoin is a bonafide place to stash fiat currency . bitcoin is nothing more than a glorified manipulated fiat currency THAT IS CURRENTLY BROKEN.”

"to put in more simple terms.. bitcoin cannot scale higher than 7 transactions a second compared to visa 2000 transactions a second. bitcoin does not scale atm. they can’t come to consensus to fix it and it has almost been a year. #GimpedCoin"

u see some people keep believing bitcoin is another great place to put cash in case shtf.. and i keep having to open their eyes to the scheme . that what happens when ya decide you need make enemies better than friends..

1171. Post 14139728 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: becoin on March 08, 2016, 09:38:43 PM
… if u are chasing bitcoin then u are not buying pms ….
Not true. Simple as that.

money u spend on bitcoin is money not spent on pms.. simple as that .

1172. Post 14150101 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

Quote from: ahpku on March 09, 2016, 08:50:07 PM
Can you believe how many chumps we roped in with false advertising?

it is a pretty decent scheme .

1173. Post 14195415 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 14, 2016, 05:20:48 AM
1.37 million$ in new leveraged longs on BFX, or the vast majority of this late weekend pump all done by leveraged boobs with no more fiat left to pump with. Good luck with that.

i been away from bitcoin this weekend. i see there has been no change. see, dont even have to hardly watch bitcoin anymore. even during the week i will miss a day or two and nothing happens. #GimpedCoin

1174. Post 14195868 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: blunderer on March 14, 2016, 01:19:44 PM
A little pump started, I hope this will reach 430$. I partially closed my short and plan to max it on this pump.

By "little," you mean "a dollar up on no volume," correct?

he does not mess around when he is about to short .

1175. Post 14205500 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Alley on March 14, 2016, 11:45:54 PM
ETH market cap just lost 100 million.  But no rise in btc?

the GSR between eth and btc must be off a bit.. if we compared gold and silver GSR with eth and btc GSR, we might be in for a shock. for one thing, while the GSR between silver gold is at all time highs. .. what does that mean ?? it means #GimpedCoin .. buy more silver .

1176. Post 14205581 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 15, 2016, 03:25:44 AM

Adam is fired??

Firing seems a bit much.

On the other hand, some of his posts (maybe up to 10% of them or so) were getting a bit crazy in terms of spreading fucd in relation to achieving Bitcoin consensus.

Who's gonna make the weekly polls, now?

Maybe the rumor is not true?

Buddy, You have to know that you're stupid, right? I mean you sort of recognize those patient tolerant looks you get from people you know to be smart. Deep down you know you just don't have the cognitive horsepower. You try to tell yourself that your feels are just as important as those smartypant's thinks and in truth maybe they are, but they're not the same thing, are they?  I don't have a problem with stupid people. I work with stupid people everyday and we usually get along fine. Nobody at the firestation is trying to write a white paper critical of string theory. The problem I have is with stupid people who don't know they're stupid. These are the truly dangerous people who vote for sociopaths and give all sorts of terrible advice.

Actually, this is one of the dummiest posts that I ever read.

I am wondering what, in regards to my above post, sparked your post to proclaim thou art more smarter?

In essence, I am in no competition regarding smartiness.

Generally, I agree with you about the annoyance of people who attempt to go beyond their competence, but overall, I tend to have a pretty high tolerance of differences.

I have a practice in which I attempt NOT to give any advice to anyone except to the extent that they may be asking me, and even if asked, I tend to be reserved with my dolling out advice.  Accordingly, I am of the perception that each person needs to choose his/her own path.

Just tell me you know how dumb you are so I can relax and feel better, because otherwise I'm afraid you may be a threat to yourself and others.  or don't even tell me. Why should you care if I feel better? Just be honest with yourself. It's not the end of the world. everybody has limitations. You're probably nice to your family and kind to animals. It's not your fault that you can't process information very well, recognize patterns or apply logic to premises to gain a valid conclusion.

Is there any substance to your post?

It hurts my brain to follow your muddled disorganized thought processes whenever I read your writing. I can do it, but i just don't enjoy it.

It's your choice regarding which posts you choose to read.  Personally, I tend to not read posts that I do not enjoy.

I have to tell most of my brain to do something else when I do it. it's like watching a Shakespeare performance by a stutterer or listening to a tone deaf person sing.

Well, at least you have some strategies that may be helpful to you regarding this practice of yours.

I'm sure you're good at something, just not at thinking. Find that thing and do it.

I agree with you.  Most people have some things that they are better at than others.  Some people can learn, and get better, and other people are only going to become so good at any thing that they attempt.  There are also people who lack focus, and never really get too good at anything.

I am pretty good (above average) at a few things. Sometimes I do those things that I am good at, and other times, I attempt to learn new things.

What I am trying to say is that you have a tragic inability to understand the effect you have on people who have the misfortune of your company.  I am not attempting to be substantive because I know that it is futile.  You're too dumb to even know how dumb you are. It's not that you are unconvinced of your lack of intelligence. It's that you are unconvincible. It's like you've turned being a moron into a superpower. It's vexing. In a less civilized society this could perhaps be resolved with blunt force trauma to your cranium, but all we can do is suffer your existence.

You're the real world equivalent of Scrappy Doo.

not to mention: the personality of a soap dish and the brains and body of a decomposed turtle .

1177. Post 14205743 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 15, 2016, 04:27:16 AM

Adam is fired??

Firing seems a bit much.

On the other hand, some of his posts (maybe up to 10% of them or so) were getting a bit crazy in terms of spreading fucd in relation to achieving Bitcoin consensus.

Who's gonna make the weekly polls, now?

Maybe the rumor is not true?

Buddy, You have to know that you're stupid, right? I mean you sort of recognize those patient tolerant looks you get from people you know to be smart. Deep down you know you just don't have the cognitive horsepower. You try to tell yourself that your feels are just as important as those smartypant's thinks and in truth maybe they are, but they're not the same thing, are they?  I don't have a problem with stupid people. I work with stupid people everyday and we usually get along fine. Nobody at the firestation is trying to write a white paper critical of string theory. The problem I have is with stupid people who don't know they're stupid. These are the truly dangerous people who vote for sociopaths and give all sorts of terrible advice.

Actually, this is one of the dummiest posts that I ever read.

I am wondering what, in regards to my above post, sparked your post to proclaim thou art more smarter?

In essence, I am in no competition regarding smartiness.

Generally, I agree with you about the annoyance of people who attempt to go beyond their competence, but overall, I tend to have a pretty high tolerance of differences.

I have a practice in which I attempt NOT to give any advice to anyone except to the extent that they may be asking me, and even if asked, I tend to be reserved with my dolling out advice.  Accordingly, I am of the perception that each person needs to choose his/her own path.

Just tell me you know how dumb you are so I can relax and feel better, because otherwise I'm afraid you may be a threat to yourself and others.  or don't even tell me. Why should you care if I feel better? Just be honest with yourself. It's not the end of the world. everybody has limitations. You're probably nice to your family and kind to animals. It's not your fault that you can't process information very well, recognize patterns or apply logic to premises to gain a valid conclusion.

Is there any substance to your post?

It hurts my brain to follow your muddled disorganized thought processes whenever I read your writing. I can do it, but i just don't enjoy it.

It's your choice regarding which posts you choose to read.  Personally, I tend to not read posts that I do not enjoy.

I have to tell most of my brain to do something else when I do it. it's like watching a Shakespeare performance by a stutterer or listening to a tone deaf person sing.

Well, at least you have some strategies that may be helpful to you regarding this practice of yours.

I'm sure you're good at something, just not at thinking. Find that thing and do it.

I agree with you.  Most people have some things that they are better at than others.  Some people can learn, and get better, and other people are only going to become so good at any thing that they attempt.  There are also people who lack focus, and never really get too good at anything.

I am pretty good (above average) at a few things. Sometimes I do those things that I am good at, and other times, I attempt to learn new things.

What I am trying to say is that you have a tragic inability to understand the effect you have on people who have the misfortune of your company.  I am not attempting to be substantive because I know that it is futile.  You're too dumb to even know how dumb you are. It's not that you are unconvinced of your lack of intelligence. It's that you are unconvincible. It's like you've turned being a moron into a superpower. It's vexing. In a less civilized society this could perhaps be resolved with blunt force trauma to your cranium, but all we can do is suffer your existence.

You're the real world equivalent of Scrappy Doo.

There you go again using the royal "we."  You seem to think that there is some kind of consensus in your little brain, merely because you think something.  For some reason you are resentful because I publicly (and with good reasons) solicited you to be either banned or suspended from posting due to your apparent trolling, repetition, exaggerations, FUCD spreading, etc, and you have run out of arguments, and you are resorting to baloney personal attacks that have no merit at all...

maybe you have nothing better to do, because chartbuddy has disappeared?

Hopefully, I am not sinking to your low and pathetic level by even entertaining you in your nonsense.  In other words: Go fuck yourself.     Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Consensus only matters if agreement is required. I am not attempting to persuade you. I am informing you that smart people already know that you're not one of us. There is universal consensus among the people who know that you are a moron that you are a moron. It's not obvious to everybody, but it is obvious to smart people. It may even be apparent to some dumb people, but for some inexplicable reason it is not apparent or even detectable to you.

It's not some subjective thing like whether you have good taste in clothing or literature. It's an objective fact  that you are a dullard. a numbskull. a person lacking full mental ability, the knowledge of that handicap, and the ability to ever acquire that knowledge.  

Imagine a baby born blind who grew up refusing to believe that such a thing as sight even existed. That's you, Pal. What can even be done with a person like that?

#whitematterdisconnects #synapticpruning very much explains the phenomenon "we" are experiencing ... his believing in his own delusions is most likely caused by having very small short frontal brain wrinkles, which may explain the schizophrenic hallucinations about bitcoin he has been having lately in the forum ... "they" might try to run a brain scan on him try to map the anomaly, but they would have to find his brain first . it seems to be contagious too, like the zyka virus, it is spreading through the forum as people are increasingly deluded that bitcoin is really worth $400+ even though it still cannot scale, and who knows if or when it ever will scale .

1178. Post 14205871 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Laosai on March 15, 2016, 01:45:23 PM
If my understanding is correct, bitcoin and ETH are something vastly different.
ETH can't be superior because its purpose is different. Bitcoin is not even attempting to do what ETH does.

Also we are in need of more commercial breaks in here.

You're understanding is perfectly correct. But nobody understands it. Thousands of idiots own ETH without even understanding what it is and what is its purpose...

This is why btc can't lose to ETH, simply because it doesn't fight it. It's like claiming a fork is better than a knife. They're too different to be even compared.

in other words.. what ur saying is that BTC doesnt just do hard forks, now we are doing hard knifes with ETH too.. ok got it .

1179. Post 14205894 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: becoin on March 15, 2016, 01:50:49 PM
This is why btc can't lose to ETH, simply because it doesn't fight it. It's like claiming a fork is better than a knife.
Bitcoin is the swiss knife in the crypto world. It can be used to fit all your needs.

Bitcoin hard forks and hard knifes all in one ..

1180. Post 14206200 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

bank of the england based in the falkland islands with their tungstein filled gold bars ---- sure ya have supercurrency, we believe ya:

Telegraph's Evans-Pritchard: Bank of England to Launch Bitcoin Rival

Read more: Telegraph's Evans-Pritchard: Central Banks Beat Bitcoin At Own Game With Rival Supercurrency

better rush into pms before get wacked by the not doing anything about bitcoin scaling while keeping bitcoin pumped .

1181. Post 14216634 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 15, 2016, 11:21:17 PM

No, it's not dishonest. It's stupid. He is saying a ship sails better with no captain, just randomly floating with the tides, winds and currents and whatever the sailors feel like doing at any given time.  He dismisses the concerns of the passengers, who don't just want to avoid icebergs and pirates, but actually have specific places to go.

Many of us are now just looking for a good opportunity to get off this floating madhouse.

this how Open Source works? it's new for you? eat it or leave it.

It's not new. I bought in at ~$10 when Gavin was in charge and saw the value of my investment appreciate several thousand percent. Since Wladimir took over, there has been a bump of <100% due almost exclusively to third world ponzi schemers.  Other than that, it's a complete disaster.  

If there is another serious test of $500 resistance, I will indeed get out and I won't ever come back unless there is a change in governance at a minimum.  I'm looking for that safe port to disembark.

keep calm, stay tuned. everything will be fine.

By now, we should all realize some things regarding Bully JoeAllen. 1)  In essence, we are never getting rid of BJA - he whines and whines, and whether the price goes up to $500, $1000 or any other purported "exit" target, he's not leaving.   We should be so lucky as to have him leave, but he won't no matter how much he says that he will. 2) He's not really capable of being calm. He's emotional, and he seems to need a lot of attention.  3) He lives in a bit of a fantasy world.  He wants to imagine some better place out there, but when push comes to shove, he cannot identify 1 other place to put his money that is better than bitcoin.... Yeah, he talks about lending dollars and BTC and blah blah blah.. but in the end, he cannot identify any better place to put his money... so he is going to stay... and nag us all the way past $100k BTCs, if we all live that long?

hmmmmm... yeah i think i am going to do that too .

1182. Post 14216759 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: craked5 on March 16, 2016, 11:44:50 AM
Hey! What happened to chartbuddy? He disappeared somewhere?

yeah the blocks being full was starting to become obvious and a problem.. they are full 24/7 now .

1183. Post 14219156 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: becoin on March 16, 2016, 05:12:13 PM
yeah the blocks being full was starting to become obvious and a problem.. they are full 24/7 now .
Obviously adoption is accelerating. How can this be a problem?

i'm not the one hiding the block capacity .. if every time u about to post u see chartbuddy at 100% full blocks might be confusing for some people... and.. i might not be convinced it is all adoption.

1184. Post 14219204 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 16, 2016, 06:15:12 PM
I haven't made a bitcoin transaction in a while.  Just did one, expecting delays, with all the hype going on.  7 confirmations in 28 minutes.  Surprised? Ah, yep.

Yep... there is a lot of unsubstantiated talk going on regarding clogged blocks.  In the past couple of months, I have made more than 30 transactions, and most were completely confirmed (useable with at least 3 confirmations) in less than an hour... I tried a few transactions with low to no fees (near freebies), just to see for myself, and those freebies took longer but were all confirmed and useable in less than 10 hours.

10 hours later he finally gets his happy meal .

1185. Post 14220988 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 16, 2016, 06:41:01 PM
We are down more than 8% in the last three months, even though we're 3 months closer to the halving. We are down 64% from the All Time High 28 months later, even though we are 28 months closer to the halving.

The halving is known. It's priced in.  It's the only reason we aren't trading in the $200s right now.

all-time high was due to Mark Karpeles pumps, our current price is due to the marshals auction pump .. i do not believe in coincidences . i'm not convinced .. had we not had the scaling issue then i would believe bitcoin was worth $400+ ... however, scaling issue is so big that chartbuddy disappeared from the forum for posting full blocks. the halvening is really the scaling worsening . we should still be trading in the $200 range.. the marshal's pump really helped to confirm what i was thinking about bitcoin.. it also caused me to buy silver at its recent low. we only have 9 more months of obamaturds.

1186. Post 14221012 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: hdbuck on March 16, 2016, 07:28:40 PM
I haven't made a bitcoin transaction in a while.  Just did one, expecting delays, with all the hype going on.  7 confirmations in 28 minutes.  Surprised? Ah, yep.

28min?!! i hope they kept your coffee hot while waiting for the payment to confirm! Tongue

they had him wait in the "special" line for "special needs" peoples who need wait on bitcoin to confirm #GimpedCoin

1187. Post 14229830 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on March 17, 2016, 04:12:34 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

Still going sideways. Isn't it about time to move on up?

i see that chartbuddy is still MIA again today as blocks have become 100% full 24/7 ...

1188. Post 14271530 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: kurious on March 20, 2016, 12:48:26 PM
The wind has left this thread's sails. The action is spreading far and wide. Or going into hibernation.

Damn it!

I miss 'Chart Buddy' Sad

It followed Adam to a new thread elsewhere. It's still published, just not here.  Some people don't like censorship on principle. Richy is one of those people.

but adam was start to be a little weird posting crazy pics of himself into here and all that. . we have to look at it from that point view too.

1189. Post 14271731 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 20, 2016, 11:04:35 PM
So either we will eventually get a network congestion failure or a complete halt in price appreciation without additional capacity.  This is not an opinion. This is a logical certainty.  

... this idiotic statement refuses to acknowledge that there are already a great number of bitcoin transactions that do not take place on the bitcoin network, and they can also lead to price appreciation from an increased network effect.

Your argument is simplistically idiotic because it is the equivalent of saying that if everybody cannot use FedWire then USdollar usage cannot increase.

u are saying that bitcoin really isn't #GimpedCoin afterall Huh it doesnt matter if it can scale cuz... bitcoin is worth more if it can't scale.

1190. Post 14272462 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: on March 21, 2016, 04:14:19 PM
You're one of those chemtrails fluoride anti-vaccine anti-GMO whackjobs, apparently. You NEED the evil conspiracies to explain why it's not your fault that you're such a complete loser.

Oh, here's another conspiracy denier / dancing israeli shill.  Interesting correlation with the bigblocktardness.

flouride is good for you. lead is too . if u mix the two and ingest them regularly you will gain new bitcoin trading skills... try it is amazing . roundup is good for you too ... why even bother mixin that stuff into vegetables ?? just go buy a bottle at walmarts and bottoms up .. and short bitcoins like u are four punch raider .

1191. Post 14302892 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 23, 2016, 07:47:09 PM
I"M BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

right sure ya are.. we dont believe till u prove it by posting a pic of yourself next to a bitcoin sign to prove it.

1192. Post 14302941 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: DaRude on March 24, 2016, 04:23:45 AM
Adam can we get a new poll? May i suggest. Should this poll me censored? Option: Yes or Definite Yes

yeah and chart buddy. we are on to this scheme how chart buddy disappeared just as his charts were showing 100% full blocks . it was blamed on adam being banned... uh huh sure that is the reason.. we believe ya .

1193. Post 14333891 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on March 27, 2016, 04:29:13 PM
Good morning (and happy Easter to those who care) Bitcoinland. Seems I picked the right time to wake up.

Bye bye $420, let's get this over $430 and keep moving up. It's about time.

an easter pump.. who would guessed ??

1194. Post 14333959 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: aztecminer on February 17, 2016, 08:09:47 PM
nah, halving will be a boom, if anything.

So you think. And so EVERYONE thinks. Which means everyone is holding and buying for after the halving. Which means there will be a huge dump after the halving. Which means... Well I think you understood ^^

interesting thought. we'll see, i suppose.

Problem being that in fact you absolutely can't know because of all the parameters... I find the idea interesting but...

Well it's all a bet I suppose. But in the end the price will rise that's for sure!

too many variables, exactly. it's one of the things that keeps me interested around here. unpredictability.

bitcoin is predictable.. the range is $350 to $500 .. thats it. #paralyzed #GimpedCoin

lol prediction still holding ..

1195. Post 14333973 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: aztecminer on February 29, 2016, 09:04:58 PM
price will rise before it rises higher.

can't you see it happening?

420 is just the beginning

so whats the target price for February ? 500 Huh 600 Huh

i think is stuck range 400 - 500 ... bitcoin is selling the halving .

close... i think 350 to 500 is their range they are stuck in .. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

We gotta take bitcoin prices, one step at a time.  We are in a pretty decent "paralyzed" price range at the moment, especially, if you consider where we were 1 year ago... or even if you consider where we were 3 years ago (now, 2 years ago is another story... hahahahahaha)

Anyhow, back on point>>>> If prices go above $467, then to me it seems pretty likely we are going to break past $500, and if we break past $500, then likely the next major resistance point would be between $550 and $650; however, I am not willing to suggest that we are out of the $400s, even if we were to break into the $500s in the next few weeks.

As far as the downside,  $350 does seem like a pretty strong support level, so at this time, it would take a pretty sizeable amount of FUD to convince people to sell below that price point..... Upper $300s is in striking distance, but even that doesn't seem so likely at the moment...... given our paralysis that currently is largely between $416 and $440 (hovering in the upper end at the moment, and cannot really complain about that - unless you are a Mr. Aztec type or a BJA type or some other whiner that is trying to find reasons to complain).  

Edit:  On a side note, even some of the bears seem a bit more cheerful lately with rising prices... so possibly, the solution to a lot of the various whining is to bring up the price past $555 in order that we can experience a kind of Kumbaya moment.

gimpcoin is paralyzed until either scaling is fixed or obama leaves office. u might could go up but u aint going back down below 300 .. the reason i say 350 cuz they need to feel comfortable. it doesnt matter how u try twist it, gimpcoin remains gimped. it is not going down below 300, and it is unlikely to go above 500. i think i mentioned before that anything above 400 was above profit for my cold storage. i'm in the green on exchange and in cold storage. when i say "paralyzed", i'm not really talking about the price of bitcoin.. i am talking about the LOSS OF POWER that bitcoin is enjoying right now. can't go up, can't go down .. fukd. #paralyzed #GimpCoin

Yeah, it is all good and fun, and you are correct, until you are not.

Yep.. you picked our current price range, and to suggest that it is permanent is an attempt to make FUD and illogical stupid ass assertions out of a price range that currently is in place.

It would be nice to get rid of you, once bitcoin breaks out of this price range, but you are likely just like BJA, and we are not going to have such fortune.  You are merely going to change your lame ass theory to fit the new circumstances and then shill with your new lame framework.... I guess, so long as you are still getting paid for coming up with goofy and out-of-touch wishful fantasies.

go below 300 or above 500... shrug.. until you do u still didn't .

bitcoin is paralyzed because if it goes below 300 i might buy more, and if you go above 500 i'm solid in profits ..

straight up.. #Paralyzed #GimpedCoin

very simple, go below 300 or above 500 and stay awhile. it doesnt matter to me which you do.. go for it.

#1 knows the bitcoin game inside and out..  lol . #1 in the house biatches .

1196. Post 14334126 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

at what point do we all decide that i am right ?? at six weeks trading within the same tight range ?? i do not consider a small brief dip above or below my call as actually breaking my prediction.. my prediction is not based upon charts or technicals, it is based upon my experience with manipulated markets and the obama admin . i have suggested that the manipulators like to move pms to discredit the predictions .. why not happen here ?? the answer is they are stuck in this tight range.. i'm recording the fodder . always try be ahead of the game and cover your ass . #1 in the house!

1197. Post 14342417 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Meuh6879 on March 27, 2016, 07:05:15 PM
Grin Looking good, Buyers want ... bitcoins at any price now.  Cheesy

why ?? bitcoin doesnt scale.. until it is fixed bitcoin investment is a HUGE risk . we know it can and will crash.. we have all seen it happen .. this is stuck in a tight range .. it is not going anywhere above $500 or below $350 for any amount of time.. i can understand owning some bitcoins for the just in case factor .. maybe be in the at least own ten bitcoins club ... but to pretend this is an investment is going out on a limb bigtime . pms is where the buy is cuz they are artificially manipulated lower, while bitcoins is artificially manipulated higher .. there is reasons for the manipulation and is is doubtful good for us .

1198. Post 14342446 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: arklan on March 27, 2016, 07:29:13 PM
what the heck is going on? rally on a sunday morning? (well, by my timezone...)

bitcoin = bizarro world .. it was easter.. bitcoin was manipulated upwards during black friday and xmas too.. it seems the manipulators get into the holiday spirit .

1199. Post 14342654 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 27, 2016, 08:12:22 PM
at what point do we all decide that i am right ?? at six weeks trading within the same tight range ?? i do not consider a small brief dip above or below my call as actually breaking my prediction.. my prediction is not based upon charts or technicals, it is based upon my experience with manipulated markets and the obama admin . i have suggested that the manipulators like to move pms to discredit the predictions .. why not happen here ?? the answer is they are stuck in this tight range.. i'm recording the fodder . always try be ahead of the game and cover your ass . #1 in the house!

Your prediction is dumb, and based on nearly zero evidence, and almost pure speculation/conspiracy.... and whenever the price moves, you will say (and have been saying) that you are correct that it was manipulated by the government to cause us to believe that it is not manipulated. see more at:

bitcoin is NOT going to move above $500 for any period of time, and it is NOT going to go below $350 .. my prediction is not based upon charts or fundamentals, it is based upon the fact that bitcoin is manipulated. it was just a coincidence that bitcoin had a huge rally just as the marshal's were doing their final auction.. pure coincidence ... if u believe in coincidences.. which i don't...... it has only been SIX WEEKS my prediction has held ... it is now april which means the halvening is nearly upon us .. bitcoin should be rocketing on up past $500.00 any day now right ?? how high will they pump for halvening ?? it should start pumping soon for it .. i am expecting a pump for halvening although i am not buying bitcoins for it because i do not believe bitcoins are really worth the current price due to the fact *BITCOIN IS BROKEN IT DOESN'T SCALE* .. i say they are paralyzed cuz i'm holding bitcoins .. if they go up my coins go into the green, if they go down i might maybe buy more. i might not though cuz i have plenty and bitcoin is a risk. i think pms is where the good buy is at. EVERYTHING is MANIPULATED.. including bitcoin.. and has been since obamaturds has been in office:

1200. Post 14342773 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 28, 2016, 03:10:51 PM
Grin Looking good, Buyers want ... bitcoins at any price now.  Cheesy

why ?? bitcoin doesnt scale.. until it is fixed bitcoin investment is a HUGE risk . we know it can and will crash.. we have all seen it happen .. this is stuck in a tight range .. it is not going anywhere above $500 or below $350 for any amount of time.. i can understand owning some bitcoins for the just in case factor .. maybe be in the at least own ten bitcoins club ... but to pretend this is an investment is going out on a limb bigtime . pms is where the buy is cuz they are artificially manipulated lower, while bitcoins is artificially manipulated higher .. there is reasons for the manipulation and is is doubtful good for us .

bitcoin does scale!
on the second layer you won't be able to TX without holding BTC's
all the economic TX that will happen on the second layer will necessarily be reflected on BTC's value
on top of that the plan is to make the main chain handle 4X more TX/second within a year
and as internet speeds improve around the world, we will be able to incress block size without any threat to its decentralization
saying bitcoin doesn't scale, is kinda like saying technology won't improve and completely ignoring the second layer solution

until it scales it still doesn't scale.. *TALKING* about how technology will improve bitcoin in the future for MONTHS and MONTHS shows how gimped bitcoin really is .. talking about how your going to do this and your going to do that when you havent done a dam thing in eleven months of talking about it! why cant you get it done ?? whats the hold up ?? that is the best you can do is TALK about what your gonna do .. its like janet yellen tellin us that she can fix the monetary system by negative interest rates which she hasn't done yet . your coin still doesnt scale and until it does it still doesnt regardless of how much trash u talk about how it is going to scale in future cuz bitcoin and internet speeds... internet speed is already fast as hell ... i am about to upgrade to 100M fiber links into this company and your telling me bitcoin not scaling is cuz 100M fiber isnt fast enough for it ??

1201. Post 14342900 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 28, 2016, 04:04:47 AM
Wow, what did I miss?
the easter bunny

Isn't easter when something rises from the dead?

jesus you're an idiot

easter is when the bunny come and gives everyone chocolate  

+1 .. and apparently the easter bunny left promises to fix blockchain within...drum roll.. in just one more year! woot!

1202. Post 14343013 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Oblodo on March 28, 2016, 01:44:31 PM
And so it goes. Dump and fall. Fuck this shit.

What you're talking about?!
426 on Finex and Stamp also around 425. That's a plus of at least $7 compared to yesterday.
Maybe we will go down to 420 again in the next few hours or days for a test but it looks bullish to me over the long run.
A run to 500 will not happen over night. We will make several small steps forward, then one or two backwards and again a few forward.
That's how I see the coming gaines.

We were at $430, now its down to $423. I call that a dump. Since there is still no consensus on block size, and headless chickens running the show, we have not reached a point of take off. This pump is just a bull trap. Shorters are going to short, Bulls going long. The game is still the same. I hold, an "gamble" a bit on alts. No new money coming in. We need to get moving and get consensus on the block size. The technology needs to be healthy.

did it ever occur to you that the health of bitcoin is being kept un-healthy purposely ?? i mean really... how the hell does it take *ELEVEN MONTHS* to code a fix, even a temporary one, into bitcoin ?? bitcoin is in limbo right now .. they wont fix it cuz if they do the price will rocket.. they are keepin it pumped so it doesnt crash from the fact that they aren't doing anything, other than *ALL TALK* about what they gonna do .. funny how last year we were to expect a fix with a few months, now eleven months later they saying we might see a fix within a year. we should believe them now like we believed them eleven months ago ?? it was a holiday pump, u shoulda known to dump for the quick easter bunny profits.

1203. Post 14343048 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: AlexGR on March 28, 2016, 03:50:25 PM
pms is where the buy is cuz they are artificially manipulated lower, while bitcoins is artificially manipulated higher .. there is reasons for the manipulation and is is doubtful good for us .

1. The PM indexes barely move with the amount of money involved in crypto. They are in the multi-trillion marketcap category. Crypto isn't getting any serious money from PMs. Bitcoin's marketcap is like one thousand of what Gold's marketcap is.

2. PMs do not really overlap the online transactions sector. They are just store of value. You can't pay someone over the internet if you have gold in your pocket. You can pay him with bitcoins though. That means that PMs and crypto are complimentary in this sense. Things might have been different with a decentralized e-gold equivalent, but physical ownership and physical transfer is not something that an algorithm can rule.

3. In terms of manipulation, owning Bitcoins is actually a hedge against the ongoing PM manipulation as the mechanisms existing in the gold manipulation 'industry' are not found in bitcoin.

4. Bitcoins are far more scarce than gold and silver. There are ~6 billion ounces of above ground gold and only 15.4 million bitcoins. That's one bitcoin for every 390 ounces. That's now. The future is actually in favor of bitcoin:gold ratio.

5. Gold and silver production is increasing continuously as the methods to extract it are improved and become increasingly mechanized. 100 years ago you had people shoveling ground and now you have excavators and D10's moving ground and ...ripping permafrost. Or people dredging ...the ocean's bottom (soon with robots). Even the places that have been previously "mined" are full of gold. And even the places that are mined today are still left with tons of fine gold that they can't really catch due to most mining operations going for more volume at the expense of recovery rates. The 180ktons of above ground gold will probably double or triple in the next 30-40 years. And when AI comes online to track underground deposits, vein flows, etc etc, or even assume the running of mechanical recovery tasks, you're looking at full blown gold inflation. And I haven't mentioned that most "non-gold bearing grounds" are bearing with invisible gold. You might pan nothing, but the gold is attached to lower-specific gravity rocks, which, when crushed, will release the gold (typically by resorting to chemicals). When people say "there is no gold here", what they really mean is "I don't see any", or "I'll probably spend more to get it" - both of which are circumstances that change continuously.

6. Even if above ground gold doubles or triples in the mid-term future, it will still preserve its value due to fiat inflating at a much faster pace. However bitcoin will be inflating at a much lower pace than both, hence being an adequate store of value, which also has good upside potential (gold's marketcap can't go 10x to 70+ trillion range with ease, unlike bitcoin which can hit 4k usd and do a 10x).

7. What PMs have in their favor is that they are much safer than crypto (excluding scam PM purchases). Nobody will fork, hack or 51% one's gold. And they are good for countries with high devaluation rates where the average man can convert local currency to PMs to prevent erosion to his savings.

i wrote this in september 2015:


1. bitcoin has not been straightforward about the bitcoin cap of there only ever being 21 million bitcoins ever produced. bitcoin will eventually be forced to raise this cap beyond 21 million simply because people forget their encryption keys and therefore bitcoins are lost. maybe a person has a cold storage wallet full of bitcoins and he suddenly dies. those coins are gone forever.

2. security with bitcoin is gimped. many users lose their bitcoins thru theft hacks via malware on their pcs. this happens ALL THE TIME to mostly newbs who do not know how to properly secure their bitcoins via cold storage.  once the coins leave the users wallet via a malware hack the coins are simply gone. no one ever gets caught. the police are unable to do anything about it.

3. users bitcoins have been lost due to exchanges being hacked. it has happened multiple times and once again no one ever gets caught. what goes on is that when bitcoins are kept properly secure by the exchange then they cannot be hacked... or at least they are harder to be hacked.. either way exchanges have been hacked and when the bitcoins disappear they are simply gone. the users lose with no refund of any kind.

4. then there is the blockchain.. this thing is HUGE.. it can take anywhere from hours to download to days to download depending on how good of a pc a person has. if bitcoin becomes more mainstream users will require hard drive space to maintain this blockchain if they wish to keep their coins in their own wallets. of course if the hard drive fails or the user needs an OS reload or a new pc the blockchain must be re-downloaded.

5. some people believe that bitcoin is going to be a replacement reserve currency. imagine the entire economic foundation and infrastructure of a state vulnerable to power outages.. the power goes out and no one can buy anything period until power is restored. this is a huge weakness for bitcoin and is in my opinion a major reason why bitcoin will never be a replacement reserve currency for countries throughout the world.

6. what if a person doesnt have a pc or a cell phone?? they cannot buy anything.

7. bitcoin has NO PRIVACY... this makes it unconstitutional. EVERY transaction is recorded in the blockchain and can be traced. some of the more advanced bitcoin users watch stolen coins move from wallet to wallet all the time.. maybe watching for stolen coins moving is beneficial but clearly bitcoin is like an NSA spyware app.

8. and now more recently new problems have been emerging. "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" are the table to be coded into bitcoin in the near future. really the code already exists in the form of what is called BitcoinXT.. the plan if users reach a consensus is that it will be implemented via a hard fork early next year. this blacklist will allow developers to ban any ip address. i believe this is only the beginning of this code once implemented. i believe they will eventually expand this code to act as a form of sanctions that can be used against any wallet address of people, companies, and even states. imagine how this technology would be used to intimidate people ?? the two developers who have written this code are rumored to be connected with the CIA since one of them admitted on twitter that he had visited with the CIA after taking over core development from satoshi.

9. the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" came about due to a scalability issue with bitcoin. if bitcoins bandwidth is not expanded past the 1mb block which allows only 7 transaction per second then bitcoin will become crippled sometime next year. the BitcoinXT developers are using this scalability issue to claim bitcoin needs the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" technology because currently a spammer hacker can completely flood the 1MB blocks thus making it harder for users to send bitcoins through the blockchain.

10. another set of developers came up with another solution to the scalability problem. they are planning to allow the miners to vote the size of the blocks for bitcoin. this means that the bigger miner companies will be able to "cripple" bitcoin in an effort to cause the fees to transmit bitcoins through the network to rise. these fees are paid to the miners for their work maintaining the blockchain. therefore we can see how the miners controlling the size of blocks being transmitted through the network will profit by crippling the bandwidth. of course that is a very bad idea and therefore what is the other choice ?? the other choice is "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" ..

11. another problem is insider trading at exchanges.. there have been some really strange incidents happen at some of the leverage exchanges. there are rumors that owners of these exchanges trade against their users causing their margins to be called resulting in their own profits.. and then there are problems where exchanges claim they have technical problems. we have seen these technical problems happen and then suddenly the exchange needs to make adjustments to users balances. sometimes users are brought into negative by these glitches. and sometimes the glitches do not allow users to withdraw their money or bitcoins from the exchange. my opinion is that if an exchange does not have these technical problems then it will not have to stop trading, stop withdrawals, and make balance adjustments. these exchanges showing these kinds of problems are the leveraged trading exchanges.

1204. Post 14343147 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: AlexGR on March 28, 2016, 03:50:25 PM
pms is where the buy is cuz they are artificially manipulated lower, while bitcoins is artificially manipulated higher .. there is reasons for the manipulation and is is doubtful good for us .

1. The PM indexes barely move with the amount of money involved in crypto. They are in the multi-trillion marketcap category. Crypto isn't getting any serious money from PMs. Bitcoin's marketcap is like one thousand of what Gold's marketcap is.

2. PMs do not really overlap the online transactions sector. They are just store of value. You can't pay someone over the internet if you have gold in your pocket. You can pay him with bitcoins though. That means that PMs and crypto are complimentary in this sense. Things might have been different with a decentralized e-gold equivalent, but physical ownership and physical transfer is not something that an algorithm can rule.

3. In terms of manipulation, owning Bitcoins is actually a hedge against the ongoing PM manipulation as the mechanisms existing in the gold manipulation 'industry' are not found in bitcoin.

4. Bitcoins are far more scarce than gold and silver. There are ~6 billion ounces of above ground gold and only 15.4 million bitcoins. That's one bitcoin for every 390 ounces. That's now. The future is actually in favor of bitcoin:gold ratio.

5. Gold and silver production is increasing continuously as the methods to extract it are improved and become increasingly mechanized. 100 years ago you had people shoveling ground and now you have excavators and D10's moving ground and ...ripping permafrost. Or people dredging ...the ocean's bottom (soon with robots). Even the places that have been previously "mined" are full of gold. And even the places that are mined today are still left with tons of fine gold that they can't really catch due to most mining operations going for more volume at the expense of recovery rates. The 180ktons of above ground gold will probably double or triple in the next 30-40 years. And when AI comes online to track underground deposits, vein flows, etc etc, or even assume the running of mechanical recovery tasks, you're looking at full blown gold inflation. And I haven't mentioned that most "non-gold bearing grounds" are bearing with invisible gold. You might pan nothing, but the gold is attached to lower-specific gravity rocks, which, when crushed, will release the gold (typically by resorting to chemicals). When people say "there is no gold here", what they really mean is "I don't see any", or "I'll probably spend more to get it" - both of which are circumstances that change continuously.

6. Even if above ground gold doubles or triples in the mid-term future, it will still preserve its value due to fiat inflating at a much faster pace. However bitcoin will be inflating at a much lower pace than both, hence being an adequate store of value, which also has good upside potential (gold's marketcap can't go 10x to 70+ trillion range with ease, unlike bitcoin which can hit 4k usd and do a 10x).

7. What PMs have in their favor is that they are much safer than crypto (excluding scam PM purchases). Nobody will fork, hack or 51% one's gold. And they are good for countries with high devaluation rates where the average man can convert local currency to PMs to prevent erosion to his savings.

if i were to buy pms would be because i believe that the "in god we trust" for the federal reserve to print money and manipulate markets to continue to maintain the failing 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system is *FAILING* .. i believe that pms will stay in a tight range until the reset happens. when pms make their move, it will be when the banks close and you can't buy any... i think pms will reset multiples higher compared with the value of the new replacement us currency to replace the failed usd reserve currency .. countries and central banks are hording pms, and they are not hoarding bitcoins. countries, like china for example, are looking to make their own crypto-currencies . if your investments are not in preparation for the collapse, then your going to lose a whole lot of wealth . silver to gold ratio has histoircally been 15 to 1.. while now is some crazy 80 - 1 ratio .. this all happened while obama has occupied the white house .

1205. Post 14343344 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 28, 2016, 04:15:55 PM
Grin Looking good, Buyers want ... bitcoins at any price now.  Cheesy


why ?? bitcoin doesnt scale.. until it is fixed bitcoin investment is a HUGE risk . we know it can and will crash.. we have all seen it happen .. this is stuck in a tight range .. it is not going anywhere above $500 or below $350 for any amount of time.. i can understand owning some bitcoins for the just in case factor .. maybe be in the at least own ten bitcoins club ... but to pretend this is an investment is going out on a limb bigtime . pms is where the buy is cuz they are artificially manipulated lower, while bitcoins is artificially manipulated higher .. there is reasons for the manipulation and is is doubtful good for us .

bitcoin does scale!
on the second layer you won't be able to TX without holding BTC's
all the economic TX that will happen on the second layer will necessarily be reflected on BTC's value
on top of that the plan is to make the main chain handle 4X more TX/second within a year
and as internet speeds improve around the world, we will be able to incress block size without any threat to its decentralization
saying bitcoin doesn't scale, is kinda like saying technology won't improve and completely ignoring the second layer solution

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Look at you, Adam.... coming out of your negative nancy spell....

 Cheesy Cheesy

Lot's of great things going on in bitcoin right now, and seeming pretty likely that this hardfork nonsense is not going to happen.... In the end, we are going to go forward with a multitude of softforks... and surely, there are going to be ongoing threats of hardforks, but we do not want willy nilly hard forks.. we do not want small groups coming into bitcoin and trying to do whatever the fuck they want with it.....

Sooner or later, people are going to realize that bitcoin is in a very good place.. ... but it could still take several months, and maybe even a year to be reflected in Bitcoin's price.

yeah adam.. good things is happenin w bitcoin.. u might can make a profit buying bitcoins at $421 and selling at $423 before it drops again. u will have to set your bitcoin alarm though .

1206. Post 14343362 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 28, 2016, 04:24:43 PM
bitcoin does scale!

Why price can't stay up on its own? Why it go all flaccid & droopy when pumping stops?

Bitcoin is hardly flaccid and droopy.

In early November 2015, we got a pump to $502...
however, BTC prices have been largely between $360 and $460 thereafter.  I would hardly call those price dynamics flaccid and droopy.. instead I would call that "in a pretty decent place."

Yeah, sure, BTC prices may go back into the $300s and maybe even there could be another attempt at going below $350... but it is seeming less and less likely and more and more difficult to bring bitcoin below those seemingly firm price points.. There have been attempts to bring BTC prices below $400 in the past month, and even that has been seemingly difficult.. I would hardly call that flaccid and droopy.

In other words, BTC prices got pushed up to $502 and has stayed pretty resilient in the past about 5 months.  Looking good.

Marshal's Auction Pump of 2015.....

1207. Post 14343488 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: AlexGR on March 28, 2016, 04:27:43 PM
until it scales it still doesn't scale.. *TALKING* about how technology will improve bitcoin in the future for MONTHS and MONTHS shows how gimped bitcoin really is .. talking about how your going to do this and your going to do that when you havent done a dam thing in eleven months of talking about it! why cant you get it done ?? whats the hold up ?? that is the best you can do is TALK about what your gonna do .. its like janet yellen tellin us that she can fix the monetary system by negative interest rates which she hasn't done yet . your coin still doesnt scale and until it does it still doesnt regardless of how much trash u talk about how it is going to scale in future cuz bitcoin and internet speeds... internet speed is already fast as hell ... i am about to upgrade to 100M fiber links into this company and your telling me bitcoin not scaling is cuz 100M fiber isnt fast enough for it ??

The equivalent is that a 100 Mbps fiber link would be useless without a large TCP window*.

Nobody said the internet won't scale because it can't do proper scaling with many "transactions" of small packets (there are serious problems with round-trip delay) and only scales due to less "transactions" of much bigger packets. They just raised the value of the payload and that was it. If you try to manually set it to something like 100 bytes, you'll see some funny speeds of a few mbps at most - because your capacity is wasted through inefficiency.

Bitcoin can currently do around 100mn transactions per year (~270k per day x 365).

Bitcoin can move around 100mn $ per year if its every transaction has an average value / payload of 1$.
Bitcoin can move around 100bn $ per year if its every transaction has an average value / payload of 1000$.
Bitcoin can move around 1 trn $ per year if its every transaction has an average value / payload of 10000$.

How you use the network counts greatly in how much money you can move around.


(I haven't yet read the 11-part post), will get back to you on that.

i'm a systems network engineer during the day. in other words i work with network hardware and server hardware... i do not need to make any changes from the basic tcp window of 1500 on my switches unless i am utilizing jumbo frames, and then i just enable window mtu of 9014 between switches that require jumbo frames to transfer between them.. example: i only enable jumbo frames for running backups so i can backup my data faster, although i do have jumbo frames on for SQL database servers, but that is for backup the database purposes more than worrying about the small SQL queries... the truth is that internet speed is so fast now that we cant blame the internet for bitcoins scaling problem .

1208. Post 14343669 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 28, 2016, 04:47:11 PM
i have a 1GBps connection with unlimited bandwidth.

if we all hook on to my super fast internet we can scale bitcoin!  

adam, do u have 1G to the desktop ?? in other words, what cat cable are you using ?? are you using cat5 or cat6 cabling throughout your home network ?? do you have 1G ports on your internet modem and your router and switches and pc ??

the TCP window is NOT going to make a difference how much of the block is being used up.. the tcp window only means how big of a tcp block you are transmitting. in my case for jumbo frames, i am moving a 9014 tcp block rather than a 1500 tcp block .. its really only good for backups or moving large blocks of data.. it has ZERO to do with how many transactions is inside a bitcoin blackchain block . ok you all experts went way off into right field pop up with the tcp window thing and bitcoin scaling .

1209. Post 14343791 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: AlexGR on March 28, 2016, 04:47:53 PM
the truth is that internet speed is so fast now that we cant blame the internet for bitcoins scaling problem .

From what I read in the 11-part piece, you obviously have bitcoin related issues all around. You don't have problem with scaling. You have problem with pretty much everything bitcoin-related.

Things on the list were stuff like

"What if people don't have phones and PCs"
"Why only 21mn coins if people constantly lose coins, we'll have to issue more >21mn to compensate"
"It's unsafe because people lose coins and get hacked"
"Bitcoin is unconstitutional because of no privacy", pardon me if I can't really take your interest in scaling tx/s as genuine.

i always said friends was better then enemies.. i just happened to point out all bitcoin weakness in september 2015.. and none of those weaknesses have changed.. you all are betting on bitcoin to become some reserve currency and i have pointed out why that is not going to happen, at least for now. i own a bunch of bitcoins which is a good enough reason for me to apply pressure and force the scaling issue ... this morning i am on one just for heck of it.. i posted a bitcoin rant to twitter over the weekend just for easter with turdsville and jim willie podcast just to help out with the fud.. i post this garbage to the pm and other forums too.. i'm helping to spread the word about bitcoin. problem is, i have no reasons to lie about what i know about bitcoin. i might be less against ya had been more friendly, but i tend to turn against those who are biatches .

1210. Post 14343862 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: AlexGR on March 28, 2016, 05:04:10 PM
the TCP window is NOT going to make a difference how much of the block is being used up.. the tcp window only means how big of a tcp block you are transmitting. in my case for jumbo frames, i am moving a 9014 tcp block rather than a 1500 tcp block .. its really only good for backups or moving large blocks of data.. it has ZERO to do with how many transactions is inside a bitcoin blackchain block . ok you all experts went way off into right field pop up with the tcp window thing and bitcoin scaling .

What I wrote is an analogy.

TCP's efficiency rises with increase in payload, as does bitcoin's (its payload being the value transacted).

You don't need 1000 packets of 60 bytes if you can send 1 packet with 60000 bytes. Doing it so in 1000x60 is problematic.

Likewise, you can send 1000 bitcoin txs of 0.0001 that are inefficient, or you can aggregate them and send them as a 0.1 BTC tx.

There is no reason sitting there complaining why the system won't process 1000 dust/spam txs of 0.0001 and saying "gimpedcoin  Cry"

The internet is not a failure because it scaled by aggregating data in less data "txs".

when the blocks are full then they are full. way you make it sound we dont need a fix for bitcoin to scale. all the talk about bitcoin not scaling... homeboy selling all his bitcoins in an epic rant.. all that stuff was for heck of it. the problem has disappeared now because we can just take all the micro-transactions and squash them into one big transaction and wala magic presto bitcoin . ok now bitcoin is fixed (see how easy that was) we can go ahead and rocket on up. no reason for us to stay below $500 now.. onward! my prediction should be broken this week with this new revelations about bitcoin .

1211. Post 14344507 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 28, 2016, 05:20:00 PM
the TCP window is NOT going to make a difference how much of the block is being used up.. the tcp window only means how big of a tcp block you are transmitting. in my case for jumbo frames, i am moving a 9014 tcp block rather than a 1500 tcp block .. its really only good for backups or moving large blocks of data.. it has ZERO to do with how many transactions is inside a bitcoin blackchain block . ok you all experts went way off into right field pop up with the tcp window thing and bitcoin scaling .

What I wrote is an analogy.

TCP's efficiency rises with increase in payload, as does bitcoin's (its payload being the value transacted).

You don't need 1000 packets of 60 bytes if you can send 1 packet with 60000 bytes. Doing it so in 1000x60 is problematic.

Likewise, you can send 1000 bitcoin txs of 0.0001 that are inefficient, or you can aggregate them and send them as a 0.1 BTC tx.

There is no reason sitting there complaining why the system won't process 1000 dust/spam txs of 0.0001 and saying "gimpedcoin  Cry"

The internet is not a failure because it scaled by aggregating data in less data "txs".

when the blocks are full then they are full. way you make it sound we dont need a fix for bitcoin to scale. all the talk about bitcoin not scaling... homeboy selling all his bitcoins in an epic rant.. all that stuff was for heck of it. the problem has disappeared now because we can just take all the micro-transactions and squash them into one big transaction and wala magic presto bitcoin . ok now bitcoin is fixed (see how easy that was) we can go ahead and rocket on up. no reason for us to stay below $500 now.. onward! my prediction should be broken this week with this new revelations about bitcoin .
there you go now you got it.

this sideways action at this range is break even on my cold storage. if goes down below $300 where it should be atm then that might be a buy.. if it rockets up i would be happy with you since my cold storage would increase in fiat value (not sure if this really matters though) .. i am just playing this out until obama is out of office .. i wont be liquidating cold storage bitcoins. i figure i have all kinds of room to talk lots of trash since my predictions are true.. bitcoin might very well stay within the $350-$500 range the entire rest of the year ... maybe it might make a move towards the end of the year as obamaturds prepares to be booted from wh .

1212. Post 14344520 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 28, 2016, 06:07:20 PM
bitcoin does scale!

Why price can't stay up on its own? Why it go all flaccid & droopy when pumping stops?

Bitcoin is hardly flaccid and droopy.

In early November 2015, we got a pump to $502...
however, BTC prices have been largely between $360 and $460 thereafter.  I would hardly call those price dynamics flaccid and droopy.. instead I would call that "in a pretty decent place."

Yeah, sure, BTC prices may go back into the $300s and maybe even there could be another attempt at going below $350... but it is seeming less and less likely and more and more difficult to bring bitcoin below those seemingly firm price points.. There have been attempts to bring BTC prices below $400 in the past month, and even that has been seemingly difficult.. I would hardly call that flaccid and droopy.

In other words, BTC prices got pushed up to $502 and has stayed pretty resilient in the past about 5 months.  Looking good.

Marshal's Auction Pump of 2015.....

Your lil theory about the feds wanting to pump bitcoin makes little to no sense.

Contrary to your assumptions, bitcoin remains decentralized, and therefore the feds consider it as something that they would like to keep down rather than to pump......

Accordingly, those people pumping bitcoin from the $250s to $502 were largely speculators,  bulls and maybe even some bears who wanted to jump on the short term momentum train in order to be able to short at a higher price.... that group does not include fed bears because fed bears can print however the fuck much amount of money that they want, and they have NO incentive to attempt to make a few extra million off of the price difference in a marshall auction of less than 50k coins.

Snap out of your fantasy Mr. Aztec, and discontinue with your looney theories from

you think exactly what they want you to think.. i bet you think everything is just like on tv too don't you ??

1213. Post 14352594 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.

1214. Post 14352927 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 01:53:06 PM

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.

What's the limit?  What's their rule?

And what's your basis of discrimination claim?  Have they made exceptions for others?

10,000 is their limit. i have no idea their rules or anything. i didnt say i claimed it, i said i felt that way.

1215. Post 14352957 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: hdbuck on March 29, 2016, 01:54:09 PM

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.

lmao, sorry your bitcoin hero coinbase does not give a crap about you.

for all the fork whining you provide them, your discriminated tears are even more tasteful.

butt butttt biran amrstrong said coinbasecoin is bitcoin for the mass!

i don't care whether they like it that i refuse to kiss their ass or not. i have my reasons for my stance and that stance is not going to change just cuz coinbase doesnt like it.. if i am treated badly i am going to return the favor every single time .

1216. Post 14353126 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: BitUsher on March 29, 2016, 01:17:36 PM

When is bitcoin to get an adrenaline shot in the arm? I was told I'd be rich by now before I invested Wink
Seriously though the halving isn't too far away now & there doesn't seem to be any hint the price will change dramatically.


Better if you weak hands just leave , rather than keep whining . I expect many more attacks ahead the more bitcoin grows.
Bitcoin is being hardened in a very hostile environment where all the other alts are sand castles.

Example -

She is often a paid shill with shit less developed opinion but this was a good video.

being bearish doesnt mean your a weak hand.. sometimes a bear just wants to accumulate.

1217. Post 14354177 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 02:58:10 PM

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.

What's the limit?  What's their rule?

And what's your basis of discrimination claim?  Have they made exceptions for others?

10,000 is their limit. i have no idea their rules or anything. i didnt say i claimed it, i said i felt that way.

If they have a rule ($10k limit - which I agree seems kind of low), but they do not allow any exception for you to go beyond it, then how could you feel discriminated against, unless you have information that they make exceptions for others.  Either something is missing here or you are over sensitive in wanting your way when they have a rule.  Yes, it seems that you wanted them to explain the reason for their rule, but maybe they sufficiently did and you want moar than they are willing to provide....  The way you are describing this doesn't mean that you were discriminated against, but that you are merely overly sensitive.

i said i felt discriminated against.. i don't understand it.. i dont have to understand. i need to move when opportunity presents itself.. coinbase sucks. 10,000 limit is gimped. there is no reason for it other than to limit the trading ability of people as far as i can tell .

1218. Post 14354255 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: abercrombie on March 29, 2016, 03:01:20 PM

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.
I was thinking of keeping some money there to scoop up dips like today.  If they have low limits then doesn't make sense to me.

yeah they are gimped. u could buy say 20 coins today and if price were to rise over $500.00 you would be over their limit. i am holding more than 20 bitcoins in my cold storage.. $10,000 is gimped.. i mean really they are holding our CASH and BITCOINs.. we have to trust them ... i'm not going to mess with them. i will move when opportunity present itself. besides that i need a ripple gateway .. i require a lot more options than what coinbase offers ... i need to rearrange things this year.. hopefully before summer .

1219. Post 14354465 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 04:10:38 PM

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.

What's the limit?  What's their rule?

And what's your basis of discrimination claim?  Have they made exceptions for others?

10,000 is their limit. i have no idea their rules or anything. i didnt say i claimed it, i said i felt that way.

If they have a rule ($10k limit - which I agree seems kind of low), but they do not allow any exception for you to go beyond it, then how could you feel discriminated against, unless you have information that they make exceptions for others.  Either something is missing here or you are over sensitive in wanting your way when they have a rule.  Yes, it seems that you wanted them to explain the reason for their rule, but maybe they sufficiently did and you want moar than they are willing to provide....  The way you are describing this doesn't mean that you were discriminated against, but that you are merely overly sensitive.

i said i felt discriminated against.. i don't understand it.. i dont have to understand. i need to move when opportunity presents itself.. coinbase sucks. 10,000 limit is gimped. there is no reason for it other than to limit the trading ability of people as far as i can tell .

Yeah... you don't have to understand it because you are a self-centered and irrational cunt.... who the fuck cares about whether there are any reasons for its limits because it's all about uuuuuuuu...    Cry Cry Cry     Here's a lil kissie to make your boo boo feel better.  Kiss Kiss

Just to clarify... Coinbase is not bitcoin... it is like suggesting that AOL is the internet, which was a common fallacy of the ill-informed of the early to mid 90s.   The $10k limit likely has to do with various USA regulatory concerns, including money laundering / tax evasion concerns that are expressed through USA laws.  Any centralized company, whether coinbase, or some others who are operating within USA regulatory grip are going to take precautionary procedural measures that may be inadequate attempts at quelling USA regulatory issues.

fukoff juan the gee guy ... i am the customer biatch ... your right it is all about me ... get over it.

1220. Post 14355220 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 05:01:30 PM

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.

What's the limit?  What's their rule?

And what's your basis of discrimination claim?  Have they made exceptions for others?

10,000 is their limit. i have no idea their rules or anything. i didnt say i claimed it, i said i felt that way.

If they have a rule ($10k limit - which I agree seems kind of low), but they do not allow any exception for you to go beyond it, then how could you feel discriminated against, unless you have information that they make exceptions for others.  Either something is missing here or you are over sensitive in wanting your way when they have a rule.  Yes, it seems that you wanted them to explain the reason for their rule, but maybe they sufficiently did and you want moar than they are willing to provide....  The way you are describing this doesn't mean that you were discriminated against, but that you are merely overly sensitive.

i said i felt discriminated against.. i don't understand it.. i dont have to understand. i need to move when opportunity presents itself.. coinbase sucks. 10,000 limit is gimped. there is no reason for it other than to limit the trading ability of people as far as i can tell .

Yeah... you don't have to understand it because you are a self-centered and irrational cunt.... who the fuck cares about whether there are any reasons for its limits because it's all about uuuuuuuu...    Cry Cry Cry     Here's a lil kissie to make your boo boo feel better.  Kiss Kiss

Just to clarify... Coinbase is not bitcoin... it is like suggesting that AOL is the internet, which was a common fallacy of the ill-informed of the early to mid 90s.   The $10k limit likely has to do with various USA regulatory concerns, including money laundering / tax evasion concerns that are expressed through USA laws.  Any centralized company, whether coinbase, or some others who are operating within USA regulatory grip are going to take precautionary procedural measures that may be inadequate attempts at quelling USA regulatory issues.

fukoff juan the gee guy ... i am the customer biatch ... your right it is all about me ... get over it.

You bring this perceived "grievance" up in a public forum and yes... you seem to be floating in a true fantasy land....... .. with these pie in the sky ideas about "the customer is always right" .. .which is some true bullshit when you don't even attempt to account for the various balancing factors that seem to be at play, and you hardly even attempt to look into the rules or rationale for various limits... .provide us a half assed incomplete story of your attempts to resolve the matter and focus on your feeling of "discriminated against"

your so full of it juan.. i sent two email requesting their reasons .... still awaiting their reply.. i can feel any way i want to.. they have the opportunity to explain their rules or policies to me.. i am still waiting. i don't have to provide you .. juan the gee guy .. with my attempts to resolve the matter or whatever. .. the fact is they denied me.. and i dont understand why .. its not like i am asking them to loan me money.. they are holding my cash, not vise versa .

1221. Post 14355273 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: hdbuck on March 29, 2016, 05:23:57 PM

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.

What's the limit?  What's their rule?

And what's your basis of discrimination claim?  Have they made exceptions for others?

10,000 is their limit. i have no idea their rules or anything. i didnt say i claimed it, i said i felt that way.

If they have a rule ($10k limit - which I agree seems kind of low), but they do not allow any exception for you to go beyond it, then how could you feel discriminated against, unless you have information that they make exceptions for others.  Either something is missing here or you are over sensitive in wanting your way when they have a rule.  Yes, it seems that you wanted them to explain the reason for their rule, but maybe they sufficiently did and you want moar than they are willing to provide....  The way you are describing this doesn't mean that you were discriminated against, but that you are merely overly sensitive.

i said i felt discriminated against.. i don't understand it.. i dont have to understand. i need to move when opportunity presents itself.. coinbase sucks. 10,000 limit is gimped. there is no reason for it other than to limit the trading ability of people as far as i can tell .

lel, raise the coinbase limit!!1 Grin

thats all i am saying.. but i gotta have a bigtime argument over it with juangee .. he is like some granny who nitpics all the details.. who cares, raise the dam limit .

1222. Post 14355843 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 06:05:58 PM

i asked coinbase for an increase of money i can keep on their exchange and was denied.. i have a real hard time understanding that because it is my money on their exchange, not theirs. they are taking ZERO risk. i basically feel like i have been discriminated against by coinbase. anyone else have problems getting an increase for funds they can have on coinbase exchange ?? they didnt even bother to give an explanation. i sent them an email back and told them i felt they are discriminating against me.. they have yet to respond.

What's the limit?  What's their rule?

And what's your basis of discrimination claim?  Have they made exceptions for others?

10,000 is their limit. i have no idea their rules or anything. i didnt say i claimed it, i said i felt that way.

If they have a rule ($10k limit - which I agree seems kind of low), but they do not allow any exception for you to go beyond it, then how could you feel discriminated against, unless you have information that they make exceptions for others.  Either something is missing here or you are over sensitive in wanting your way when they have a rule.  Yes, it seems that you wanted them to explain the reason for their rule, but maybe they sufficiently did and you want moar than they are willing to provide....  The way you are describing this doesn't mean that you were discriminated against, but that you are merely overly sensitive.

i said i felt discriminated against.. i don't understand it.. i dont have to understand. i need to move when opportunity presents itself.. coinbase sucks. 10,000 limit is gimped. there is no reason for it other than to limit the trading ability of people as far as i can tell .

Yeah... you don't have to understand it because you are a self-centered and irrational cunt.... who the fuck cares about whether there are any reasons for its limits because it's all about uuuuuuuu...    Cry Cry Cry     Here's a lil kissie to make your boo boo feel better.  Kiss Kiss

Just to clarify... Coinbase is not bitcoin... it is like suggesting that AOL is the internet, which was a common fallacy of the ill-informed of the early to mid 90s.   The $10k limit likely has to do with various USA regulatory concerns, including money laundering / tax evasion concerns that are expressed through USA laws.  Any centralized company, whether coinbase, or some others who are operating within USA regulatory grip are going to take precautionary procedural measures that may be inadequate attempts at quelling USA regulatory issues.

fukoff juan the gee guy ... i am the customer biatch ... your right it is all about me ... get over it.

You bring this perceived "grievance" up in a public forum and yes... you seem to be floating in a true fantasy land....... .. with these pie in the sky ideas about "the customer is always right" .. .which is some true bullshit when you don't even attempt to account for the various balancing factors that seem to be at play, and you hardly even attempt to look into the rules or rationale for various limits... .provide us a half assed incomplete story of your attempts to resolve the matter and focus on your feeling of "discriminated against"

your so full of it juan.. i sent two email requesting their reasons .... still awaiting their reply.. i can feel any way i want to.. they have the opportunity to explain their rules or policies to me.. i am still waiting. i don't have to provide you .. juan the gee guy .. with my attempts to resolve the matter or whatever. .. the fact is they denied me.. and i dont understand why .. its not like i am asking them to loan me money.. they are holding my cash, not vise versa .

You act as if you are providing Coinbase with some kind of benefit and they are not providing anything to you in return.   That's surly not the case in this instance. 

Your post above with the clip out providing additional information about your communication with coinbase does not add anything to your previous description of the communication.   

Surely companies have a variety of obligations, including dealing with unreasonable customers, such as you.  They make choices about the extent to which to publish their various rules and/or to communicate with customers who may have unreasonable expectations and who do not either read the rules or express their concerns with specificity.

juangee.. i could care less if i benefit coinbase at all..  i just want my limit raised.. there really is no other hidden agenda other than that. i think asking them for an explanation is hardly "unreasonable" ... ok granny ??

1223. Post 14356961 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 29, 2016, 08:27:08 PM
its alright guys i invested in MindCoin  Grin
everything is going to be alright

that was a close one, was really startin to get worried after reading all the mental health issues u are undergoing.. however, after watching ur video i am convinced buy more bitcoins. #1 seller of bitcoin is in the house!

1224. Post 14357490 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 29, 2016, 09:01:48 PM
BTW is there any bad news we can attribute this "crash" too?

yep.. it was revealed to all of bitcoin today that coinbase has a low limits of only $10,000... i wonder what they do if you go over your limit on coinbase exchange ?? liquidate ur bitcoins for ya ?? i dont know, but it seems as though it is designed to limit the trading ability of people on their exchange.. due to the fact at how hard it is to get a limit raise on coinbase makes me think that their $10,000 limit is some kind of scheme they have cooked up. anyone know what happens if you go over coinbases $10,000 limit ??

1225. Post 14357551 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 09:54:09 PM
BTW is there any bad news we can attribute this "crash" too?

yep.. it was revealed to all of bitcoin today that coinbase has a low limits of only $10.000... i wonder what they do if you go over your limit on coinbase exchange ?? liquidate ur bitcoins for ya ?? i dont know, but it seems as though it is designed to limit the trading ability of people on their exchange.. due to the fact at how hard it is to get a limit raise on coinbase makes me think that their $10,000 limit is some kind of scheme they have cooked up. anyone know what happens if you go over coinbases $10,000 limit ??

Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you were a gimp?

Anyhow, you come up with some lame ass attempt to get your coinbase limit increased, and then you attempt to describe that as some kind of important event that reveals facts about the world beyond your lame ass and insufficient experience.  

See more about this goofball at

of course, the forum troll who insults everyone he disagrees with. i asked a simple question and get this retarded response .

1226. Post 14357585 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: hdbuck on March 29, 2016, 10:00:38 PM
BTW is there any bad news we can attribute this "crash" too?

yep.. it was revealed to all of bitcoin today that coinbase has a low limits of only $10.000... i wonder what they do if you go over your limit on coinbase exchange ?? liquidate ur bitcoins for ya ?? i dont know, but it seems as though it is designed to limit the trading ability of people on their exchange.. due to the fact at how hard it is to get a limit raise on coinbase makes me think that their $10,000 limit is some kind of scheme they have cooked up. anyone know what happens if you go over coinbases $10,000 limit ??

Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you were a gimp?

Anyhow, you come up with some lame ass attempt to get your coinbase limit increased, and then you attempt to describe that as some kind of important event that reveals facts about the world beyond your lame ass and insufficient experience. 

See more about this goofball at

of course, the forum troll who insults everyone he disagrees with. i asked a simple question and get this retarded response .

coinbase is shit.

and you can bitch and whine all you want about limits, you just get what you deserve.

thanks for permission...  i think everyone deserves a higher limit than their gimpy $10k.

1227. Post 14357679 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 10:09:04 PM
BTW is there any bad news we can attribute this "crash" too?

yep.. it was revealed to all of bitcoin today that coinbase has a low limits of only $10.000... i wonder what they do if you go over your limit on coinbase exchange ?? liquidate ur bitcoins for ya ?? i dont know, but it seems as though it is designed to limit the trading ability of people on their exchange.. due to the fact at how hard it is to get a limit raise on coinbase makes me think that their $10,000 limit is some kind of scheme they have cooked up. anyone know what happens if you go over coinbases $10,000 limit ??

Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you were a gimp?

Anyhow, you come up with some lame ass attempt to get your coinbase limit increased, and then you attempt to describe that as some kind of important event that reveals facts about the world beyond your lame ass and insufficient experience.  

See more about this goofball at

of course, the forum troll who insults everyone he disagrees with. i asked a simple question and get this retarded response .

You seem to have a bad habit of spreading disinformation.

I see no information regarding your purported assertion that you can only keep $10k on Coinbase's exchange.... seems like bullshit to me.

They do have a $10k per day limit... to send funds to the wallet, which you could thereafter transfer to their exchange.

They have pretty decently high limits for what seems to be a consumer (rather than institutionally oriented exchange)...

Anyhow, if you have some kind of link for your bullshit assertions, then maybe readers of this thread may have some better ideas about what you are talking about rather than just filling space with misleading nonsense and seemingly false assertions.  Isn't that called spreading FUCD?

What is the maximum balance of funds I can have on Coinbase Exchange?

You may transfer any amount up to your buy/sell limit to your Coinbase Exchange wallet. For example, if your buy/sell limit is $10,000 per day, then you can store up to $10,000 combined value of all currencies on Coinbase Exchange.

i found the answer to my other question too:

What if my trading activity on Coinbase Exchange takes my total funds over the maximum?

If your funds on Coinbase Exchange exceed the maximum amount, you can continue trading without restriction, however you’ll be unable to deposit further funds until your balance falls below the limit.

1228. Post 14357685 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 10:11:35 PM
BTW is there any bad news we can attribute this "crash" too?

yep.. it was revealed to all of bitcoin today that coinbase has a low limits of only $10.000... i wonder what they do if you go over your limit on coinbase exchange ?? liquidate ur bitcoins for ya ?? i dont know, but it seems as though it is designed to limit the trading ability of people on their exchange.. due to the fact at how hard it is to get a limit raise on coinbase makes me think that their $10,000 limit is some kind of scheme they have cooked up. anyone know what happens if you go over coinbases $10,000 limit ??

Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you were a gimp?

Anyhow, you come up with some lame ass attempt to get your coinbase limit increased, and then you attempt to describe that as some kind of important event that reveals facts about the world beyond your lame ass and insufficient experience.  

See more about this goofball at

of course, the forum troll who insults everyone he disagrees with. i asked a simple question and get this retarded response .

coinbase is shit.

and you can bitch and whine all you want about limits, you just get what you deserve.

thanks for permission...  i think everyone deserves a higher limit than their gimpy $10k.

If anyone knows what is a Gimp, then it should be GimpyAssAztec.. no?   See more at

in this regard, you are acting very misleading about coinbase because their general limit allows customers to buy $10k per day..

dumbass i am talking about the trading exchange.. stop brushing ur teeth with flouride and maybe your brain will gain some ability to comprehend shiat without the constant train of insults.

1229. Post 14357907 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 29, 2016, 10:25:38 PM
BTW is there any bad news we can attribute this "crash" too?

yep.. it was revealed to all of bitcoin today that coinbase has a low limits of only $10.000... i wonder what they do if you go over your limit on coinbase exchange ?? liquidate ur bitcoins for ya ?? i dont know, but it seems as though it is designed to limit the trading ability of people on their exchange.. due to the fact at how hard it is to get a limit raise on coinbase makes me think that their $10,000 limit is some kind of scheme they have cooked up. anyone know what happens if you go over coinbases $10,000 limit ??

Has anyone ever mentioned to you that you were a gimp?

Anyhow, you come up with some lame ass attempt to get your coinbase limit increased, and then you attempt to describe that as some kind of important event that reveals facts about the world beyond your lame ass and insufficient experience.  

See more about this goofball at

of course, the forum troll who insults everyone he disagrees with. i asked a simple question and get this retarded response .

You seem to have a bad habit of spreading disinformation.

I see no information regarding your purported assertion that you can only keep $10k on Coinbase's exchange.... seems like bullshit to me.

They do have a $10k per day limit... to send funds to the wallet, which you could thereafter transfer to their exchange.

They have pretty decently high limits for what seems to be a consumer (rather than institutionally oriented exchange)...

Anyhow, if you have some kind of link for your bullshit assertions, then maybe readers of this thread may have some better ideas about what you are talking about rather than just filling space with misleading nonsense and seemingly false assertions.  Isn't that called spreading FUCD?

What is the maximum balance of funds I can have on Coinbase Exchange?

You may transfer any amount up to your buy/sell limit to your Coinbase Exchange wallet. For example, if your buy/sell limit is $10,000 per day, then you can store up to $10,000 combined value of all currencies on Coinbase Exchange.

i found the answer to my other question too:

What if my trading activity on Coinbase Exchange takes my total funds over the maximum?

If your funds on Coinbase Exchange exceed the maximum amount, you can continue trading without restriction, however you’ll be unable to deposit further funds until your balance falls below the limit.

Wow!!!!!   Thank you for that information Aztec... I must deflect a little bit to you, and even take back some of my earlier assertions regarding both substance and your research abilities.  I had done a quick search of your topic, and I personally had not previous seen that information. 

Great.. thanks for that info... at least we kind of recognize what you had been talking about, now.

I do personally have some coins on Coinbase in a wallet, some in the vault and some on the exchange, but I had not run on any of those exchange limits.. and recently, I had removed quite a few of my coins from Coinbase and limited some of my use of their various services, based on some of Armstrong's recent political assertions (in support of Classic). 

i was trading on there, which is how i know about the limits. i haven't been trading lately .. although i keep a small amount of cash coinbase exchange case the price becomes (in my opinion) more reasonable.... however, i was attempting to set up my limits higher in case i need for future.. i could easily surpass $10k .. the reason i trade there is because i feel that coinbase exchange is least likely not to pull a gox on us.. i have accounts other exchanges that i set up in case coinbase did not allow me to raise my limits.. anyways i really need a ripple gateway as well . so i will likely fund another exchange this summer or maybe sooner . really depends on what bitcoin does as to what i will do . i like to be unpredictable to fool the manipulators.

1230. Post 14364769 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 30, 2016, 12:13:15 AM
bitcoiners are on the verge of a melt down, all thanks to the blocklimit debate, which seems to have no end in sight.
market will weigh in once its all said and done
assuming core gets their way....when we can play with LN we will either love it or hate it, and boom or bust follows.
until then its probably in everyone's best interest to PUMP dat price. ( if we can  Tongue )

Miners are afraid the market will crash if they try to switch to big block code. The only way to take away that fear is to crash the market. Then they won't fear it anymore. we won't get big blocks without a crash. We won't get a new ATH until we get big blocks. The only way up is to go down first.

are u saying that the pump in november xcewed up the blockchain scaling fix ?? that what you are implying ?? sounds about right to me. .. sounds like technology, fix one thing causes something else to break ... you still gotta fix the other thing u broke or rollback your changes. from lookin at the situation, they fixed one thing (not sure what tho) and broke something else and just left it that way... broken.

1231. Post 14364850 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: BitUsher on March 30, 2016, 12:41:01 AM
Miners are afraid the market will crash if they try to switch to big block code. The only way to take away that fear is to crash the market. Then they won't fear it anymore. we won't get big blocks without a crash. We won't get a new ATH until we get big blocks. The only way up is to go down first.

Please sell everything you have for the millionth time already. You are like a battered house wife that keeps threatening to leave , but comes crawling back again over and over again. Your threats are empty and don't instill any fear in us, and for good reason.

The small amount of classic supporters and most payment processors/banks are desperate for immediate returns from the hope that simply raising bitcoins tx capacity will cause new users to flock to bitcoin in droves regardless of the two not necessarily being correlated. (Most people didn't hear the other side to Garzik's "Fidelity problem" and what Fidelity had in store for bitcoin. )

While the rest of us on the other hand do indeed care about price and mass adoption we put those priorities as secondary to decentralization/fungibility/security/robustness. We are more interested in the technology and its implications rather than just getting wealthy in the short term.

This is why your threats to crash the price don't scare us. We will simply buy into the price and get cheaper coins, as we don't need to turn a profit today and are looking at the longterm health of bitcoin. If we are betrayed by the miners than so be it , we will sell classiccoin and invest in the new coin even if we are forced to change the consensus algo for security. Classic's roadmap is indeed not aligned with our values and we will not be threatened or coerced into any conciliation that doesn't take into account blocksize externalities and new security threats.

P.S.. This isn't a ideological allegiance to a certain banner and I could be convinced to support classic if they considered security / fungibility considerations instead of focusing principally on confirmation throughput.
]My guess is that you are desperate and frantic because you aren't getting your way and the majority of developers, users, and miners don't support your cause and you are too scared to sell because of FOMA during the halvening. I am calling your bluff, which in my case is really easy to do because I would love buying cheaper coins and can wait for bitcoin to  grow.

first part: sounds like maybe you might need to think about adjusting your priorities . it appears your playing the political correct card . if all u really care about is the technology then maybe it is YOU who should sell your bitcoins and go cheer on Blythe Masters as they are working on improving the "technology" that you hold dear that makes u not care about the price of bitcoin .

second part: then why u talking trash if u want to accumulate more bitcoins. you really are making no sense atm with your flip flops of caring and not caring about the price while you trash talk about why some people are bearish .

1232. Post 14364971 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 30, 2016, 01:27:26 AM
That's the first I've heard of a fidelity problem. What is it?

It was ambiguously discussed in one of Garzik's conference speeches, which became a major selling point of why bitcoin needs to increase the blocksize immediately by suggesting that Fidelity investments is interested in using Bitcoin but cannot because the capacity is too low. What Garzik did not clarify was what they intended to use bitcoin for and how they would use the blockchain which is a crucial bit of data that is critical in context.

Fidelity wanted to make payments of zero bitcoins to track non-bitcoin related assets by storing their data in the Bitcoin network and bypass all network fees by partnering up directly with several large mining pools and paying them directly in fiat a much smaller sum. In other words , they wanted for our ecosystem to heavily subsidize their spam. Perfect example of Tragedy of the commons.

I would actually say it's a perfect example of a use case. Bitcoins are database-writing tokens. That's what they are. Why do you object to them being used to write data to a database?  You object to facts? Hatefacts? You think it's even possible to control what kind of data gets written to the database, when that database was specifically designed to be censorship-resistant?   That's a special kind of hubris. King Canute ain't got nothin' on you.

I am also concerned with decentralization, specifically the centralization of mining in the People's Republic of China and the centralization of code development with the reference client. Now these two special interest groups core and miners) are openly colluding against their customers.  How is THAT in line with your values?

You are living in a dream world if you believe a majority of users support classic. I understand it is difficult to approximate a uservote with all the sybil attacking/cloud node promotion going on within the classic camp but there are other ways to estimate support . One way is to compare forum volume and reddit volume for active users . Even with a large and heavy campaign to attack theymos for censorship/moderation r/bitcoin still has between 2.5-3.5x the amount of live users in their subreddit  than r/btc. If classic had the support you suggest it should be trivial for you to buy enough hashing power to mine more than 4-7% of blocks.

In fact , rather than sell all your coins , if you are so intrested in Bitcoin  and its health and decentralization why don't you invest in a bunch of ASICs so you can mine Classic?

I already explained why I don't mine. 1) too difficult to compete with sibsidized electricity and cheap labor in China. 2)Mining rigs are expensive, rapidly depreciating capital goods with low liquidity relative to just buying bitcoins. 3)economies of scale mean that I would basically have to do it full time to be competitive and I have other stuff to do.

the reason i quit mining is taxes in the usa.. it makes zero sense to me to mine bitcoins and then pay income tax to the irs on the mined coins.. you might get the coins cheaper... maybe... but i think is not worth the hassle of buying the mining gear, then burn electricity mining the coins for months. it takes about three months to roi... by then u will be looking to upgrade hardware again soon .. instead, we can just buy the coins at the cheapest price we can get and do whatever, skipping the entire three months of mining to roi and paying the irs income taxes . you could writeoff your mining hardware and expenses, but in my situation that basically evened out with the income taxes i was paying. i still own all my now obsolete mining hardware tho.. mining hardware goes obsolete fast.

1233. Post 14365182 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: ImI on March 30, 2016, 01:54:55 AM
You are living in a dream world if you believe a majority of users doesn't support 2MB blocks. And not only "majority" i would also say "supermajority".

Which is why I support segwit and core's roadmap. So typical for a classic supporter to spread misleading information by insinuating I wasn't in favor of larger blocks.

LOL! So typical for a "smallblocker" to assume that everybody who is in favor of 2MB has to be a Classic supporter.

TBH i even dont think that 2MB are somehow urgently needed at the moment or better said i dont think everything will fall apart if we dont raise the limit anytime soon. There is a lot hysteria in this whole discussion imo.

But what i really think came to surface in this discussion is imo that (like i said before) the community is being held hostage by developers that are (at least partly) acting completely immature, irrational and extremely aggressive to others that disagree even slightly and i dont even get started about that shitty censorship that has taken place. Not by Core itself but they could have acted more decisive in that regard.  

Like i said, a second or even third team is needed so when in 2 or 3 years the next crucial decisions are coming we are able to choose.

you know what ?? i have several hardware servers that are over six year old technology.. they run great still, they are Dell 2950 1U servers.. i have mostly migrated everything from those six year old servers and replaced with virtual servers or new hardware server, except for one server. it is running some accounting and product tracking software for one the companies i maintain. the company is totally reliant upon their accounting and product tracking software, if it goes down they are fukd, cant do business until it is back up.. i look at this six year old server and it has an amber light on it.. that means something might be going wrong..i look and see the battery is dead on the perc raid controller card.. np no big deal .. fukit i don't expect anything bad to happen to this server, it has been running great for six years. i can see something is wrong with the perc card but it seems to not be causing an issue to the accounting software.. fukit, i'm just going to leave the accounting software on this six year old server .. i aint gonna do anything about it.. why should i ?? i dont expect anything bad to happen.

that is how you are looking at things. this is where experience with technology comes into play.. i'm not leaving the six year old server like that. instead of waiting until that six year old server dies, i decided to spin up a virtual server and will migrate the accounting software to this new virtual server. here is the kicker: i am going to do this BEFORE my six year old server with the blinking amber light has a fatal hardware error and brings that accounting software down and that entire company to a grinding halt.. today i know its just a bad battery on the perc card, what if tomorrow that perc card goes bad ?? the point is, from an engineering viewpoint, u dont wait when u see a problem developing just because in YOUR OPINION and YOUR EXPECTATIONS that nothing bad is going to happen. in technology, it is more likely than not that something bad is going to happen. we don't take the risk, because if we do and the something bad happens then u have a company losing money every single day they cannot operate.

your veiwpoint is the reason why i do not allow programmers to fuk with hardware. programmers are just smart enough to be dangerous.. as we have seen with bitcoin, the programmers are doing the dangerous thing, they are waiting and taking that risk that nothing bad is going to happen.

1234. Post 14365272 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: abercrombie on March 30, 2016, 02:54:32 AM
Bitcoin Undervalued By Over $200, Investment Bank Report Finds

why they not mention the blockchain not scaling issue ?? this sounds like an advertisement more than anything else.

1235. Post 14365340 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: r0ach on March 30, 2016, 03:36:46 AM
Segwit soon + 2mb fork being scheduled by core = around 4mb blocks during 2017, there's nothing to discuss about block size unless you demand 8mb now.

until it happens, it still didnt happen.. all this was already supposed to have happened, yet it never did happen.. and now your saying its going to happen supposedly soon.. just like before.. deja vu .. how about getting the work done first... and then we will stop discussing it.

1236. Post 14365396 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Elwar on March 30, 2016, 07:07:33 AM
Wow. I miss a couple of days due to a nasty lung infection (requiring antibiotics) and what do I see?

The Easter Bunny crawled back in his hole and we're right back where we've been for the last few weeks. Hovering around $416.

Yawn. If it was the morning I'd be making coffee. It's a few hours before my usual bedtime so I probably won't be able to get to sleep.

Boozing, toking and partying are definitely not on the agenda, so I should sentence myself to a night of bed rest and let the Clarithromycin do its work.

Thank gawd I live in a country with "socialized" healthcare. Imagine that. Taxpayers stealing profits from insurance corporations.

In the US, to pay for healthcare the government steals from every citizen.

A tax on just being alive.

+1.. thats true, and janet yellen wants to tax us to keep our money in the bank too.. obviously that will fail too .

1237. Post 14365422 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on March 30, 2016, 11:40:20 AM

So... how's that scaling-solution-that-is-not-supposed-to-be-a-scaling-solution-so-do-not-criticize-it-for-being-a-bad-scaling-solution going?

which scaling solution again ?? XT, classic, therealthing, Pure, original Huh

1238. Post 14379082 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on March 31, 2016, 03:37:43 PM
Segwit soon + 2mb fork being scheduled by core = around 4mb blocks during 2017, there's nothing to discuss about block size unless you demand 8mb now.

until it happens, it still didnt happen.. all this was already supposed to have happened, yet it never did happen.. and now your saying its going to happen supposedly soon.. just like before.. deja vu .. how about getting the work done first... and then we will stop discussing it.

exactly. It's like buying chickens from someone who only has eggs. The likelihood of eggs becoming chickens is less than a certainty, and the risk needs to be factored in.

In the mean time, spam attacks now reliably cause the price to drop ~$20 and price doesn't seem to fully recover when they are over. Buying now seems to offer more risk than reward and waiting appears to be prudent. 

I would rather buy at $600 with a 90% chance of a 10% profit than buy at $300 with a 40% chance of doubling my money. There will be plenty of time to profit if a scaling solution actually plays out,  but it hasn't played out yet and there is a real possibility that it won't. People who have a financial interest in preventing/delaying SegWit know how to do it because the smallblockers have shown them how to do it. A vocal minority can inject enough FUD by spewing technobabble to prevent a near unanimous consensus.  That's all it takes to kill an upgrade under Wladimir. 

i suspect that satochia is purposely withholding the fix.. not sure why yet, however, i am sure it will reveal itself eventually.

1239. Post 14389624 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: ImI on April 01, 2016, 11:26:34 AM

Crazy prediction:

Craig Wright IS Satoshi Nakamoto and is going to destroy the Millions of coins he holds to proof it.

Would you mind specifying how will he DESTROY coins?

send them to invalid uᴉoɔʇᴉq address -> coins destroyed

further reading:

edit: 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE seems like a good start

that seems to be a slight flaw in bitcoin. if bitcoin goes mainstream there will be people who do that by accident because their brains are coated with fluoride and aluminum, and in some case lead. just ask juangee, he knows about that .

1240. Post 14389721 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

found this, although still watching, and probably have to watch most of it later:

the irs killed mining in the usa when they started income taxing it .. by killing us mining helps to allow the chinese miners to centralize from what this guy is saying. this goes to show how the usa being bankrupt in a failing 'interest to infinity' debt slavery system that they must tax and tax and tax some more is causing more failures. obama raised the capital gains tax from 15% to 20% as well. the usa economy is turning south again due to the #abusivehightaxes and money printing. if the us govy did not want the chinese to centralize mining then the usa would incentive mining. the fact that the usa is desperate for money may cause it to miss opportunities.

1241. Post 14390088 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 01, 2016, 05:12:28 PM

Crazy prediction:

Craig Wright IS Satoshi Nakamoto and is going to destroy the Millions of coins he holds to proof it.

Would you mind specifying how will he DESTROY coins?

send them to invalid uᴉoɔʇᴉq address -> coins destroyed

further reading:

edit: 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE seems like a good start

that seems to be a slight flaw in uᴉoɔʇᴉq. if uᴉoɔʇᴉq goes mainstream there will be people who do that by accident because their brains are coated with fluoride and aluminum, and in some case lead. just ask juangee, he knows about that .

Funny thing about Mr. Aztec.  He she it.. seems to have a very narrow set of talking points.  Yes, we understand that there may well be over consumption of fluoride and aluminum, but I doubt that simplified version of the world adequately explains why there is a lot of illogical and irrational behaviors, that others may categorize as dumb.

Take your recent string of posts around your coinbase issue, for example.  You spent at least half a day describing very inadequate conspiracy theories, and even sought help through this thread (which doesn't really seem to be very smart, or a very good use of time), and yet, even though I attempted to assist you by suggesting that you research into the matter.  Instead of engaging in some small amounts of research, you recognized my attempts to assist you as inadequately addressing your vaguely specified claims... which I would call pretty dumb... and then thereafter, you were fairly easily able to research and find the answer to your inane and stupid-ass conspiracy-laden set of questions... which seems pretty dumb, in the whole scheme of things.  

You can read more about this and other stupid-ass lame stories and theories at   Roll Eyes

you spent the entire time arguing with me about it.. lol.... visit

1242. Post 14392319 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

i think the sideways momentum of bitcoin is not really healthy at this point.

1243. Post 14392398 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on April 01, 2016, 09:43:23 PM
i think the sideways momentum of uᴉoɔʇᴉq is not really healthy at this point.

It's not exciting or bullish but price stability can sometimes bring in new investors especially paranoid people who don't like to take risks.

the scaling problem makes bitcoin a risk no matter what.

1244. Post 14392606 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 01, 2016, 09:58:04 PM
i think the sideways momentum of uᴉoɔʇᴉq is not really healthy at this point.

It's not exciting or bullish but price stability can sometimes bring in new investors especially paranoid people who don't like to take risks.

the scaling problem makes uᴉoɔʇᴉq a risk no matter what.

What scaling problem?    There's no scaling problem..

So far, all I've seen are a bunch of whiners about some kind of scaling problem,  and so far, I have yet to see any actual scaling problem.

right.. everything we been talking about this last ELEVEN MONTHS suddenly went away.. cuz bitcoin.

there is a risk that they never raise the block size .. satochia has the fix yet he is holding it back. why are they holding it back?

1245. Post 14422501 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

i have to reindex the entire blockchain today. a feature of bitcoin. re-index your bloatchain every few months... guess we see how long it takes. .. this should affect the price bigtime today. aztecminer has reload bloatchain causes bitcoin to crash to new lows.

1246. Post 14422544 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: TReano on April 03, 2016, 11:35:11 PM

Found this interesting commend from a professional Forex Trader from Dailyfx on the Bitcoin price/chart. It's from Friday.

charts and technicals mean nada in a manipulated market.

1247. Post 14433321 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: AlexGR on April 04, 2016, 04:48:34 PM
i have to reindex the entire blockchain today. a feature of bitcoin. re-index your bloatchain every few months... guess we see how long it takes. .. this should affect the price bigtime today. aztecminer has reload bloatchain causes bitcoin to crash to new lows.

See the bright side: If we had bigger blocks, you'd need more time Grin

yeah.. cuz i still got 22 weeks to go this morning. still syncing.

1248. Post 14433336 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on April 04, 2016, 05:04:33 PM
i have to reindex the entire blockchain today. a feature of bitcoin. re-index your bloatchain every few months... guess we see how long it takes. .. this should affect the price bigtime today. aztecminer has reload bloatchain causes bitcoin to crash to new lows.

See the bright side: If we had bigger blocks, you'd need more time Grin

no one is using a full node for private bitcoin payments. either he seeks attention or he is retarded.

i'm not making any payments. I just want to see my cold storage wallet so i can see if i owe any taxes on mining . i know i quit mining early last year. my cold storage wallet has to load the bloatchain .

1249. Post 14433350 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: AlexGR on April 04, 2016, 05:06:14 PM
i have to reindex the entire blockchain today. a feature of bitcoin. re-index your bloatchain every few months... guess we see how long it takes. .. this should affect the price bigtime today. aztecminer has reload bloatchain causes bitcoin to crash to new lows.

See the bright side: If we had bigger blocks, you'd need more time Grin

no one is using a full node for private bitcoin payments. either he seeks attention or he is retarded.

I only run bitcoin-qt myself.

that's what i am syncing. can see that in the screenshot. my cold storage runs on top of qt. not sure what he is talking about. i rarely even sync qt anymore.

1250. Post 14433388 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 04, 2016, 06:24:40 PM
i have to reindex the entire blockchain today. a feature of bitcoin. re-index your bloatchain every few months... guess we see how long it takes. .. this should affect the price bigtime today. aztecminer has reload bloatchain causes bitcoin to crash to new lows.

See the bright side: If we had bigger blocks, you'd need more time Grin

no one is using a full node for private bitcoin payments. either he seeks attention or he is retarded.

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy    

Mr. Aztec has both things going for him....

He is both seeking attention and retarded, yet once in a while entertaining.  

See more at    Wink

of course, the insults flow like his intelligence from #juanthegeeguy .... see more at: ... really juanthegeeguy just wants my attention .

1251. Post 14433427 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 04, 2016, 07:58:14 PM
Some of the data on that site make little sense to me, however.  I don't really understand how they are calculating average blocksize as compared with median blocksize, and why there would be a difference between those two concepts (except through their definition of such).


I will admit that I had a brain fart, and for a moment, I was considering mean and median as the same.  

So, O.k.  I will agree that reviewing information about the median could be helpful to various analysis regarding whether there are block full problems and transaction time problems that are resulting from block fullness, and charts are providing the mean for blocksize, but so far, seem to not be providing the median.  At least, I have not found it, so far.

i think we all know it was more than just a brain fart.... it was more white matter disconnects and grey matter synaptic clipping. just last week juanthegeeguy claimed there were no bloatchain problems with blocks being full.. now he needs to review information .. lol . go jaun review real hard this time!

1252. Post 14433496 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Ayle56 on April 04, 2016, 10:29:59 PM
Some of the data on that site make little sense to me, however.  I don't really understand how they are calculating average blocksize as compared with median blocksize, and why there would be a difference between those two concepts (except through their definition of such).


I will admit that I had a brain fart, and for a moment, I was considering mean and median as the same.  

So, O.k.  I will agree that reviewing information about the median could be helpful to various analysis regarding whether there are block full problems and transaction time problems that are resulting from block fullness, and charts are providing the mean for blocksize, but so far, seem to not be providing the median.  At least, I have not found it, so far.

There's lies, damn lies, and then there's statistics. Any statistician will tell you the average is an awful stone age measure, then start talking about mean, median, and standard deviation to decide whether the blocks are truly full or not. However if you can't get your transaction into a block for hours even with a good fee that's all you need to know.

if juans transaction took four days to complete he would still argue with you that everything is fine in #bizarroworld of bitcoin. ...

1253. Post 14434559 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: xyzzy099 on April 05, 2016, 03:20:01 PM
i have to reindex the entire blockchain today. a feature of bitcoin. re-index your bloatchain every few months... guess we see how long it takes. .. this should affect the price bigtime today. aztecminer has reload bloatchain causes bitcoin to crash to new lows.

See the bright side: If we had bigger blocks, you'd need more time Grin

no one is using a full node for private bitcoin payments. either he seeks attention or he is retarded.

I only run bitcoin-qt myself.

that's what i am syncing. can see that in the screenshot. my cold storage runs on top of qt. not sure what he is talking about. i rarely even sync qt anymore.

FWIW, if you upgrade your client to 0.12.0, it will re-sync considerably faster.

thanks for letting me know. i will upgrade. i have to upgrade two pcs. i need figure out if i can backup the bloatchain so i don't have to download it every time it freaks on monday mornings. i just upgraded my debit card to have the chip.. and next week i am having this silver coin in my pocket upgraded from v.999 to v.9991 which adds holographic capabilities.

1254. Post 14436644 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 05, 2016, 06:58:37 PM
Some of the data on that site make little sense to me, however.  I don't really understand how they are calculating average blocksize as compared with median blocksize, and why there would be a difference between those two concepts (except through their definition of such).


I will admit that I had a brain fart, and for a moment, I was considering mean and median as the same.  

So, O.k.  I will agree that reviewing information about the median could be helpful to various analysis regarding whether there are block full problems and transaction time problems that are resulting from block fullness, and charts are providing the mean for blocksize, but so far, seem to not be providing the median.  At least, I have not found it, so far.

There's lies, damn lies, and then there's statistics. Any statistician will tell you the average is an awful stone age measure, then start talking about mean, median, and standard deviation to decide whether the blocks are truly full or not. However if you can't get your transaction into a block for hours even with a good fee that's all you need to know.

if juans transaction took four days to complete he would still argue with you that everything is fine in #bizarroworld of bitcoin. ...

Yes, that is a big "IF".  

My transactions are not taking four days but tend to show up immediately and usually take less than an hour.  In early March, while the blocks were supposedly full, I sent out three transactions with varying fees, and the one with the highest fees (I recall it was $.04) took about 75 minutes to complete, and the two with the low to no fees ($.01 and $.001 respectively) took close to 10 hours to complete.

In other words, you are in a fantasy world, Mr. Aztec, and transactions do not appear to be taking anywhere near 4 days to complete, even when blocks are at their fullest...  and including some small token fees seems to help speed up transaction confirmations.

yeah waiting over an hour for a payment to go through rocks.

1255. Post 14446202 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 05, 2016, 09:13:54 PM
Some of the data on that site make little sense to me, however.  I don't really understand how they are calculating average blocksize as compared with median blocksize, and why there would be a difference between those two concepts (except through their definition of such).


I will admit that I had a brain fart, and for a moment, I was considering mean and median as the same.  

So, O.k.  I will agree that reviewing information about the median could be helpful to various analysis regarding whether there are block full problems and transaction time problems that are resulting from block fullness, and charts are providing the mean for blocksize, but so far, seem to not be providing the median.  At least, I have not found it, so far.

There's lies, damn lies, and then there's statistics. Any statistician will tell you the average is an awful stone age measure, then start talking about mean, median, and standard deviation to decide whether the blocks are truly full or not. However if you can't get your transaction into a block for hours even with a good fee that's all you need to know.

if juans transaction took four days to complete he would still argue with you that everything is fine in #bizarroworld of bitcoin. ...

Yes, that is a big "IF".  

My transactions are not taking four days but tend to show up immediately and usually take less than an hour.  In early March, while the blocks were supposedly full, I sent out three transactions with varying fees, and the one with the highest fees (I recall it was $.04) took about 75 minutes to complete, and the two with the low to no fees ($.01 and $.001 respectively) took close to 10 hours to complete.

In other words, you are in a fantasy world, Mr. Aztec, and transactions do not appear to be taking anywhere near 4 days to complete, even when blocks are at their fullest...  and including some small token fees seems to help speed up transaction confirmations.

yeah waiting over an hour for a payment to go through rocks.

Nothing wrong with that.  Bitcoin is in an interim stage of development, and we should not be expecting a 6 billion dollar market cap system to compete on the same level as various centralized credit card and other centralized payment systems (in terms of speed).. in these early and expansive days of bitcoin and its various systems.  

And, even so, these days, it seems that bitcoin is allowing a lot of value transfer, control and storage of value in ways that would be extremely expensive and even slow for final confirmation in many instances with traditional payment systems.

A couple of weeks ago, I sent 80 bitcoins (price at the time $416  - therefore $33,280), and it took about 7 minutes to be confirmed, and I was able to use the money in less than 30 minutes.  I did not do anything special on that occasion, and the standard fee was .000187 BTC  (almost $.08).   Personally, I find that transaction to be quite amazing in comparison to any other payment system (and largely decentralized in this circumstance).  

My earlier March tests of three transactions (while the blocks were supposedly full) that took 75 minutes, and nearly 10 hours for the other two, were fairly small level transactions (a little more than $1), and those transaction times and fees were acceptable, as well, yet would depend on use case, whether faster confirmation would be preferred or lower fees would be expected...

Bitcoin is not anywhere near broken, and a lot of further innovations are in the soon-to-be implemented pipeline... this year, and maybe more next year.   So, you FUCD spreaders seem to becoming less and less persuasive with your lame assertions of "emergency" and or to make supposed "brokenness of bitcoin" cries.

i disagree, i believe that is a serious problem. i own a bunch bitcoins, however, i am not going to lie to myself and try to convince myself or anyone else that there is nothing wrong with bitcoin. clearly, to anyone with intelligence, there is a problem with bitcoin taking 75 minutes to clear. online business might find bitcoin useful, however, starbucks will find it annoying.

1256. Post 14446247 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: brg444 on April 06, 2016, 12:38:19 AM
$421 boring action man. Somebody wake me up from hibernation if/when we hit $700 or something.

Even in the best-case scenarios, $700 is going to be a while... Maybe 4 months or longer....?

I would think that if we get into the $480s (and possibly into the $470s would be sufficient), then it is very likely that we would be able to experience the $600s within that same price run... and the $700s seem to be quite a longer shot, especially without some correction (profit-taking) period, first.. which could cause several months of delay... but really, I would like to be wrong, and it does seem difficult to deny that bitcoin is due for some kind of upwards price explosion... I just fear that getting into the $800s would likely require movement to a new ATH (and we may not be quite ready for that, yet?).

680 is next stop

its not going to 680.. that is why they are dragging out the scaling issue. we pretend scaling issue went away because it should have... but it still didn't.

1257. Post 14446307 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on April 06, 2016, 05:29:16 PM
i disagree, i believe that is a serious problem. i own a bunch bitcoins, however, i am not going to lie to myself and try to convince myself or anyone else that there is nothing wrong with bitcoin. clearly, to anyone with intelligence, there is a problem with bitcoin taking 75 minutes to clear. online business might find bitcoin useful, however, starbucks will find it annoying.

it takes 10mins to clear if you have the appropriate 5cent fee...

starbucks will still find a 5min wait annoying.. i wouldn't pay .05 more a transaction for my coffee just for hell of it tax... that fee is not set in stone. it is going to continue to increase if the bloatchain continues to grow bandwidth. which is part of the argument of the "cripple coiners" who want to cripple the bloatchain to increase the fees. ... how much is .05 in bitcoin anyways.

1258. Post 14446399 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 06, 2016, 05:19:09 PM

Welcome to debt slavery!

Thanks for your smartass contribution, Bargainbin.

Would we label this post as a forum of desperate trolling, when you attempt to describe the beneficial (and likely even the bullish) offerings of one small company as a kind of negative?  

I would categorize this proposed BitPagos service as innovative, and we will witness the extent to which some companies are going to make money off of these kinds of services and potentially reaching segments of the currently underserved populations who may not be able to easily get small loans from traditional institutions.  

Interesting times ahead. Cool

there is nothing innovating about 'interest to infinity' debt slavery systems.. we already have one that is failing miserably.. this plays into the hands of bitcoin being nothing more than a glorified fiat currency .

1259. Post 14449005 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 06, 2016, 06:24:10 PM
Some of the data on that site make little sense to me, however.  I don't really understand how they are calculating average blocksize as compared with median blocksize, and why there would be a difference between those two concepts (except through their definition of such).


I will admit that I had a brain fart, and for a moment, I was considering mean and median as the same.  

So, O.k.  I will agree that reviewing information about the median could be helpful to various analysis regarding whether there are block full problems and transaction time problems that are resulting from block fullness, and charts are providing the mean for blocksize, but so far, seem to not be providing the median.  At least, I have not found it, so far.

There's lies, damn lies, and then there's statistics. Any statistician will tell you the average is an awful stone age measure, then start talking about mean, median, and standard deviation to decide whether the blocks are truly full or not. However if you can't get your transaction into a block for hours even with a good fee that's all you need to know.

if juans transaction took four days to complete he would still argue with you that everything is fine in #bizarroworld of bitcoin. ...

Yes, that is a big "IF".  

My transactions are not taking four days but tend to show up immediately and usually take less than an hour.  In early March, while the blocks were supposedly full, I sent out three transactions with varying fees, and the one with the highest fees (I recall it was $.04) took about 75 minutes to complete, and the two with the low to no fees ($.01 and $.001 respectively) took close to 10 hours to complete.

In other words, you are in a fantasy world, Mr. Aztec, and transactions do not appear to be taking anywhere near 4 days to complete, even when blocks are at their fullest...  and including some small token fees seems to help speed up transaction confirmations.

yeah waiting over an hour for a payment to go through rocks.

Nothing wrong with that.  Bitcoin is in an interim stage of development, and we should not be expecting a 6 billion dollar market cap system to compete on the same level as various centralized credit card and other centralized payment systems (in terms of speed).. in these early and expansive days of bitcoin and its various systems.  

And, even so, these days, it seems that bitcoin is allowing a lot of value transfer, control and storage of value in ways that would be extremely expensive and even slow for final confirmation in many instances with traditional payment systems.

A couple of weeks ago, I sent 80 bitcoins (price at the time $416  - therefore $33,280), and it took about 7 minutes to be confirmed, and I was able to use the money in less than 30 minutes.  I did not do anything special on that occasion, and the standard fee was .000187 BTC  (almost $.08).   Personally, I find that transaction to be quite amazing in comparison to any other payment system (and largely decentralized in this circumstance).  

My earlier March tests of three transactions (while the blocks were supposedly full) that took 75 minutes, and nearly 10 hours for the other two, were fairly small level transactions (a little more than $1), and those transaction times and fees were acceptable, as well, yet would depend on use case, whether faster confirmation would be preferred or lower fees would be expected...

Bitcoin is not anywhere near broken, and a lot of further innovations are in the soon-to-be implemented pipeline... this year, and maybe more next year.   So, you FUCD spreaders seem to becoming less and less persuasive with your lame assertions of "emergency" and or to make supposed "brokenness of bitcoin" cries.

i disagree, i believe that is a serious problem. i own a bunch bitcoins, however, i am not going to lie to myself and try to convince myself or anyone else that there is nothing wrong with bitcoin. clearly, to anyone with intelligence, there is a problem with bitcoin taking 75 minutes to clear. online business might find bitcoin useful, however, starbucks will find it annoying.

Yeah... You seem to be ignoring most, if not all facts in order to repeat your assertion that in your view bitcoin sucks.

As I already asserted, and should be sufficiently clear, bitcoin is not yet at the starbucks stage...  it is just not close to being mass or merchant adopted or even sufficiently user friendly for such level of micro transactions at the current time.

Surely, in the next couple of years, it seems very likely that bitcoin is going to have the potential to become incorporated into a lot of the fast transaction confirmation market... we just aren't there, yet, and therefore, describing expectations that are not there seems to be in the fantasyland self-serving territory to talk bitcoin down and to focus on deficiencies without acknowledging a large number of development attributes that are either in the wings or likely to be developed in the coming years.

we were told fix would beginning of this year over a year ago.. they are holding back the fix.... according to you the fix is in the next couple years.  whatever.. keep convincing yourself. let me refer back to the problem with your thought process here:

March 30th 2016 i posted:

you know what ?? i have several hardware servers that are over six year old technology.. they run great still, they are Dell 2950 1U servers.. i have mostly migrated everything from those six year old servers and replaced with virtual servers or new hardware server, except for one server. it is running some accounting and product tracking software for one the companies i maintain. the company is totally reliant upon their accounting and product tracking software, if it goes down they are fukd, cant do business until it is back up.. i look at this six year old server and it has an amber light on it.. that means something might be going wrong..i look and see the battery is dead on the perc raid controller card.. np no big deal .. fukit i don't expect anything bad to happen to this server, it has been running great for six years. i can see something is wrong with the perc card but it seems to not be causing an issue to the accounting software.. fukit, i'm just going to leave the accounting software on this six year old server .. i aint gonna do anything about it.. why should i ?? i dont expect anything bad to happen.

that is how you are looking at things. this is where experience with technology comes into play.. i'm not leaving the six year old server like that. instead of waiting until that six year old server dies, i decided to spin up a virtual server and will migrate the accounting software to this new virtual server. here is the kicker: i am going to do this BEFORE my six year old server with the blinking amber light has a fatal hardware error and brings that accounting software down and that entire company to a grinding halt.. today i know its just a bad battery on the perc card, what if tomorrow that perc card goes bad ?? the point is, from an engineering viewpoint, u dont wait when u see a problem developing just because in YOUR OPINION and YOUR EXPECTATIONS that nothing bad is going to happen. in technology, it is more likely than not that something bad is going to happen. we don't take the risk, because if we do and the something bad happens then u have a company losing money every single day they cannot operate.

your veiwpoint is the reason why i do not allow programmers to fuk with hardware. programmers are just smart enough to be dangerous.. as we have seen with bitcoin, the programmers are doing the dangerous thing, they are waiting and taking that risk that nothing bad is going to happen.

1260. Post 14449048 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 06, 2016, 06:31:53 PM
i disagree, i believe that is a serious problem. i own a bunch bitcoins, however, i am not going to lie to myself and try to convince myself or anyone else that there is nothing wrong with bitcoin. clearly, to anyone with intelligence, there is a problem with bitcoin taking 75 minutes to clear. online business might find bitcoin useful, however, starbucks will find it annoying.

it takes 10mins to clear if you have the appropriate 5cent fee...

starbucks will still find a 5min wait annoying.. i wouldn't pay .05 more a transaction for my coffee just for hell of it tax... that fee is not set in stone. it is going to continue to increase if the bloatchain continues to grow bandwidth. which is part of the argument of the "cripple coiners" who want to cripple the bloatchain to increase the fees. ... how much is .05 in bitcoin anyways.

If you were able to support your own lame conclusions, you should be able to make simple calculations in order to show that you know what the fuck you are talking about.

It's similar to your failure and refusal to provide sufficient information regarding your coinbase limit problem.. you fail and refuse to engage in basic research and/or knowledge and selectively pick your facts.

By the way, at this time, $.05 is about a tiny bit above .0001 BTC... look at bitcoin's exchange rate.. it is about $421, and therefore, .1BTC would be $42.10, and .01 BTC would be $4.21, and .001 BTC would be $.421 and .0001 BTC would be $.0421  etc etc etc

i don't have time for it atm. maybe next week i have some extra time to calculate how much my fee should be. next week it might take .06 to complete a transaction in 5 mins. you missed the point.

1261. Post 14471824 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

i used Libra Tax to instantly get my 2015 mining income + my FIFO gains losses ... the way bitcoin appears to work is it sends the earliest bitcoins obtained out and due to the huge smashdowns in 2015 that netted a losses which will go on lines 3 and 10.. thanks bitcoin for crashing last year.. i mined those coins on the cheap plus made losses when i sold some for ripples. still sitting on a pile of bitcoins.

1262. Post 14484102 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: BitUsher on April 09, 2016, 02:58:27 PM
The HK CRTA said specifically that we were supposed to get SegWit this month. Where the hell is it? What will happen to the price if it is delayed?

Blocks are full. We need relief now! The TA is suggesting that we could have a huge rally if the network was able to handle the extra traffic.

Now we see your true motivation ... Short term profits instead of concerns for the security or testing within segwit.

To answer your question -
Large blocks are already being created in segnet -

Segwit will likely be deployed later this month or early may. You have to understand that Core developers care more about testing and security than your short term price rallies.

Also to set your expectations , segwit will be activated with versionbits with a 95% threshold , so don't expect activation before june at the earliest(More likely early july) . This may also be delayed further because many BU and classic supporters are suggesting blocking segwit (against their principles of immediate scaling now) in retribution with 5-6% Classic hashing power.

Deal with it or contribute to development instead of whining incessantly.

P.S... We currently don't have Garzik's fee market event where we have 2 weeks of full blocks. I see plenty of partially filled blocks this past week so your anxiety over having to pay 2-5 more pennies per tx is unwarranted.


For the median transaction size of 226 bytes, this results in a fee of 6,780 satoshis (0.02$).

2 penny tx to get in the next block ! The world must be coming to the end chicken little!

we been waiting a year. the fix was supposed to be in earlier this year. and it still isn't in... now u say we must wait longer... i calling bullshiat on you.... we'll wait longer and later you will come up with more fud about testing and bullshiat bullshiat bullshiat w more bullshiat piled on top. ... bottomline is bitcoin cannot scale, it still cannot scale today, and all you got is more TALKIN about what you doing or gonna do.. i believe that after a year of hearing the same fud talk that your more TALKIN = more fud.

1263. Post 14484196 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on April 09, 2016, 01:37:49 PM
The HK CRTA said specifically that we were supposed to get SegWit this month. Where the hell is it? What will happen to the price if it is delayed?

Blocks are full. We need relief now! The TA is suggesting that we could have a huge rally if the network was able to handle the extra traffic.

bud.. the part your missing is that bitcoin is manipulated by Satochia. nothing is going to happen to the price because they are #paralyzed right now. as i stated on feb 17 the price will stay within range below $500 and $350 ..they can't go up cuz if they do we are all in the profits (which may be the reason Satochia is withholding the scaling fix) and they can't go below $350 because if they do we all will buy again. they have a huge amount of infrastructure and development they would have to sacrifice if they decided to end bitcoin. they are going to remain #paralyzed until, at the very least, obama is out of the white house.. are they going to manipulate to discredit me ?? probably not because i might be baiting them to make a move.. i'm good with the fact they are #paralyzed until the next president takes office.. it proves that obama strategies are failures on all fronts.

make a move #GimpedCoin .

1264. Post 14484257 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on April 10, 2016, 12:22:59 AM
we been waiting a year. the fix was supposed to be in earlier this year. and it still isn't in... now u say we must wait longer... i calling bullshiat on you.... we'll wait longer and later you will come up with more fud about testing and bullshiat bullshiat bullshiat w more bullshiat piled on top. ... bottomline is bitcoin cannot scale, it still cannot scale today, and all you got is more TALKIN about what you doing or gonna do.. i believe that after a year of hearing the same fud talk that your more TALKIN = more fud.


Do you even know what FUD means? Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt.

The only fear uncertainty or doubt I see is what you are attempting to spread.

Spreading (possibly undue) positivity about the state of Bitcoin is hardly FUD. Call it shilling if you want.

well we can call it bullshiat or shilling then.. homeboys link means NADA.. they already have the fix, they are withholding it .. the state of bitcoin is FUD. that why price is holding my predicted range. they are throwing out BS links fooling all the braindead fluoride braincoated tards who can't see through bullshiat...

1265. Post 14484291 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on April 10, 2016, 12:32:07 AM
Aztecminer = Lambchop?


sure lambchop wrote those two books in my sig.. sure he did. whatever.

1266. Post 14484346 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: r0ach on April 10, 2016, 12:38:19 AM

sure lambchop wrote those two books in my sig.. sure he did. whatever.

That sounds reasonable to me.

i am aztecminer cuz i used to mine bitcoins. i stopped mining in april 2015 cuz i see no reason to pay irs income tax when can buy bitcoins straight out without having to roi hardware for three months. which, after this tax season, all my mined bitcoins and trading profits will be legal with the irs. i actually have a pile of bitcoins that i mined in cold storage: ... is doubtful lambchop owns any bitcoins.

1267. Post 14513203 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: chesthing on April 11, 2016, 11:50:25 PM
Obama meets Yellen , 04/11/2016
 In the history of the United States, it has never before taken place that both the President AND Vice President meet "unexpectedly" with the Federal Reserve.  Speculation is already flowing all over Washington, DC that it may have something to do with "the survival of the government."
All the leading bankers in the world will be in DC this week.

Next Tuesday: The Chinese are scheduled to announce their switch from dollar to yuan on Tuesday, April 19th; which will send about two TRILLION in cash back to the US and send inflation skyrocketing overnight.

we could be in for a stock market crash again..or something much bigger...if true , how will this affect ETH and BTC?.... prob in a very very + way  Smiley

Yeah that's it. The US economy tanks, people will immediately look at the current shitcoin of the day ETH and the original shitcoin for survival.
Fucking idiot.

that sums it up pretty good. everyone is piling in right now .

1268. Post 14538996 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: inca on April 13, 2016, 10:36:01 PM
And anytime BillyJoeAllen posts about a supposed "block size armageddon", all you need to do is post this as reply:

It doesn't matter what % of blocks are full you stupid fucks.  All that matters is what the average transaction fee is.  Since there is no minimum transaction fee, the blocks are basically designed to be full at all times eventually even if you set it to 100MB blocks.  Segwit + hard fork in 2017 = 3.2MB blocks.  Then schnorr multisig on top of that should lower transaction sizes and increase TPS further.

IQ's dropped sharply round here it seems. Anyone suggesting blocks being full is not a problem and those raising it are 'stupid fucks' is being naive in the extreme. Focusing on the transaction fee is absolutely irrelevant. If my transaction won't confirm because transaction fees have risen by 2c from my last transaction - due to full blocks and rising network demand - stating the transaction fee average is low isn't much use to me because bitcoin isn't working as a payment system.

For bitcoin to succeed as a base payment ledger for the internet it needs to be functional and work for end users. You know, the guys who actually give it value. There is a lot of melodrama in this debate. But the minute bitcoin becomes persistently unreliable as a payment network with no realistic proposition of resolution and alternative chains or payment media which do not suffer the same problems, then it's market cap will take a dive of epic proportions.

+1.. the entire 2017 argument is them admitting they are going to do nothing other than kick the can further down the road. we were told this time last year that the fix would be in early this year, yet here we are and your telling us next year is the real deal.. this time your really going to increase the blocks.. promise.. cuz testnet.. segwit.. fees is all that matters.. schnorrt lines... #hardfork2017

1269. Post 14541444 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 14, 2016, 04:54:52 PM
And anytime BillyJoeAllen posts about a supposed "block size armageddon", all you need to do is post this as reply:

It doesn't matter what % of blocks are full you stupid fucks.  All that matters is what the average transaction fee is.  Since there is no minimum transaction fee, the blocks are basically designed to be full at all times eventually even if you set it to 100MB blocks.  Segwit + hard fork in 2017 = 3.2MB blocks.  Then schnorr multisig on top of that should lower transaction sizes and increase TPS further.

IQ's dropped sharply round here it seems. Anyone suggesting blocks being full is not a problem and those raising it are 'stupid fucks' is being naive in the extreme. Focusing on the transaction fee is absolutely irrelevant. If my transaction won't confirm because transaction fees have risen by 2c from my last transaction - due to full blocks and rising network demand - stating the transaction fee average is low isn't much use to me because bitcoin isn't working as a payment system.

For bitcoin to succeed as a base payment ledger for the internet it needs to be functional and work for end users. You know, the guys who actually give it value. There is a lot of melodrama in this debate. But the minute bitcoin becomes persistently unreliable as a payment network with no realistic proposition of resolution and alternative chains or payment media which do not suffer the same problems, then it's market cap will take a dive of epic proportions.

+1.. the entire 2017 argument is them admitting they are going to do nothing other than kick the can further down the road. we were told this time last year that the fix would be in early this year, yet here we are and your telling us next year is the real deal.. this time your really going to increase the blocks.. promise.. cuz testnet.. segwit.. fees is all that matters.. schnorrt lines... #hardfork2017

You are retarded.

Nobody promised anything, and nobody is promising anything.

There are various developments in the works, as we all know.. including seg wit, and seg wit is currently in testing.. and segwit is likely going to be released soon (unless there is some kind of problematic issue discovered in testing that delays its release).  


I would rather have something not released, if there are problems, than to have it released with problems.    I believe that a month or two ago, there were some  
minor problems with seg wit; however, I believe that those problems were considered to be minor because they were easily fixed.  Recently, I have not heard about any problems with seg wit, and I am presuming if there were any significant problems, we would be hearing left, right and center about such problems from the various seem to be bitcoin obstructionists (which seem to include a vast majority of those XT/Classic supporters).


third time i posted this to you: i have the same response as the last two times.


we were told fix would beginning of this year over a year ago.. they are holding back the fix.... according to you the fix is in the next couple years.  whatever.. keep convincing yourself. let me refer back to the problem with your thought process here:

March 30th 2016 i posted:

you know what ?? i have several hardware servers that are over six year old technology.. they run great still, they are Dell 2950 1U servers.. i have mostly migrated everything from those six year old servers and replaced with virtual servers or new hardware server, except for one server. it is running some accounting and product tracking software for one the companies i maintain. the company is totally reliant upon their accounting and product tracking software, if it goes down they are fukd, cant do business until it is back up.. i look at this six year old server and it has an amber light on it.. that means something might be going wrong..i look and see the battery is dead on the perc raid controller card.. np no big deal .. fukit i don't expect anything bad to happen to this server, it has been running great for six years. i can see something is wrong with the perc card but it seems to not be causing an issue to the accounting software.. fukit, i'm just going to leave the accounting software on this six year old server .. i aint gonna do anything about it.. why should i ?? i dont expect anything bad to happen.

that is how you are looking at things. this is where experience with technology comes into play.. i'm not leaving the six year old server like that. instead of waiting until that six year old server dies, i decided to spin up a virtual server and will migrate the accounting software to this new virtual server. here is the kicker: i am going to do this BEFORE my six year old server with the blinking amber light has a fatal hardware error and brings that accounting software down and that entire company to a grinding halt.. today i know its just a bad battery on the perc card, what if tomorrow that perc card goes bad ?? the point is, from an engineering viewpoint, u dont wait when u see a problem developing just because in YOUR OPINION and YOUR EXPECTATIONS that nothing bad is going to happen. in technology, it is more likely than not that something bad is going to happen. we don't take the risk, because if we do and the something bad happens then u have a company losing money every single day they cannot operate.

your veiwpoint is the reason why i do not allow programmers to fuk with hardware. programmers are just smart enough to be dangerous.. as we have seen with bitcoin, the programmers are doing the dangerous thing, they are waiting and taking that risk that nothing bad is going to happen.

1270. Post 14541746 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 14, 2016, 07:56:33 PM
And anytime BillyJoeAllen posts about a supposed "block size armageddon", all you need to do is post this as reply:

It doesn't matter what % of blocks are full you stupid fucks.  All that matters is what the average transaction fee is.  Since there is no minimum transaction fee, the blocks are basically designed to be full at all times eventually even if you set it to 100MB blocks.  Segwit + hard fork in 2017 = 3.2MB blocks.  Then schnorr multisig on top of that should lower transaction sizes and increase TPS further.

IQ's dropped sharply round here it seems. Anyone suggesting blocks being full is not a problem and those raising it are 'stupid fucks' is being naive in the extreme. Focusing on the transaction fee is absolutely irrelevant. If my transaction won't confirm because transaction fees have risen by 2c from my last transaction - due to full blocks and rising network demand - stating the transaction fee average is low isn't much use to me because bitcoin isn't working as a payment system.

For bitcoin to succeed as a base payment ledger for the internet it needs to be functional and work for end users. You know, the guys who actually give it value. There is a lot of melodrama in this debate. But the minute bitcoin becomes persistently unreliable as a payment network with no realistic proposition of resolution and alternative chains or payment media which do not suffer the same problems, then it's market cap will take a dive of epic proportions.

+1.. the entire 2017 argument is them admitting they are going to do nothing other than kick the can further down the road. we were told this time last year that the fix would be in early this year, yet here we are and your telling us next year is the real deal.. this time your really going to increase the blocks.. promise.. cuz testnet.. segwit.. fees is all that matters.. schnorrt lines... #hardfork2017

You are retarded.

Nobody promised anything, and nobody is promising anything.

There are various developments in the works, as we all know.. including seg wit, and seg wit is currently in testing.. and segwit is likely going to be released soon (unless there is some kind of problematic issue discovered in testing that delays its release).  


I would rather have something not released, if there are problems, than to have it released with problems.    I believe that a month or two ago, there were some  
minor problems with seg wit; however, I believe that those problems were considered to be minor because they were easily fixed.  Recently, I have not heard about any problems with seg wit, and I am presuming if there were any significant problems, we would be hearing left, right and center about such problems from the various seem to be bitcoin obstructionists (which seem to include a vast majority of those XT/Classic supporters).


third time i posted this to you: i have the same response as the last two times.


we were told fix would beginning of this year over a year ago.. they are holding back the fix.... according to you the fix is in the next couple years.  whatever.. keep convincing yourself. let me refer back to the problem with your thought process here:

March 30th 2016 i posted:

you know what ?? i have several hardware servers that are over six year old technology.. they run great still, they are Dell 2950 1U servers.. i have mostly migrated everything from those six year old servers and replaced with virtual servers or new hardware server, except for one server. it is running some accounting and product tracking software for one the companies i maintain. the company is totally reliant upon their accounting and product tracking software, if it goes down they are fukd, cant do business until it is back up.. i look at this six year old server and it has an amber light on it.. that means something might be going wrong..i look and see the battery is dead on the perc raid controller card.. np no big deal .. fukit i don't expect anything bad to happen to this server, it has been running great for six years. i can see something is wrong with the perc card but it seems to not be causing an issue to the accounting software.. fukit, i'm just going to leave the accounting software on this six year old server .. i aint gonna do anything about it.. why should i ?? i dont expect anything bad to happen.

that is how you are looking at things. this is where experience with technology comes into play.. i'm not leaving the six year old server like that. instead of waiting until that six year old server dies, i decided to spin up a virtual server and will migrate the accounting software to this new virtual server. here is the kicker: i am going to do this BEFORE my six year old server with the blinking amber light has a fatal hardware error and brings that accounting software down and that entire company to a grinding halt.. today i know its just a bad battery on the perc card, what if tomorrow that perc card goes bad ?? the point is, from an engineering viewpoint, u dont wait when u see a problem developing just because in YOUR OPINION and YOUR EXPECTATIONS that nothing bad is going to happen. in technology, it is more likely than not that something bad is going to happen. we don't take the risk, because if we do and the something bad happens then u have a company losing money every single day they cannot operate.

your veiwpoint is the reason why i do not allow programmers to fuk with hardware. programmers are just smart enough to be dangerous.. as we have seen with bitcoin, the programmers are doing the dangerous thing, they are waiting and taking that risk that nothing bad is going to happen.

The eyes rolling is mutual..... and your cut and paste provides further proof about how retarded you are that you cannot formulate your thoughts in order to apply such thoughts (if any) towards what is going at this moment and in this situation.   Go figure.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

yeah i need reformulate and regurgitate it a third time cuz your synoptic pruning deleted your memory cells used to retrieve the data from the last time i told you this same thing. i'm thinking maybe it is a white matter disconnect is why you can't understand it that you require me to reformulate it for you. the part of your brain that perceives the writing in this forum is not communicating effectively with that part of the brain that actually THINKS.

1271. Post 14549723 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: AlexGR on April 14, 2016, 09:03:18 PM
Aztecminer, in the real world what you say makes sense, with the assumption that you are expecting to make money from the clients that will be using your infrastructure.

Someone is paying you 100$ per month, you get 20$ profit, you are ok with the upgrade costs - otherwise you go out of business. Right?

You are not selling your services for near zero cost. If you did, and you had almost infinite demand as a result, needing upgrades to cope with near infinite demand and near infinite abuse (from the near zero cost situation), you would not upgrade anything. You'd just say "this is ridiculous, I'm going bust".

Your priority would definitely not be to service near-zero-cost users and abusers but to make it viable (=fee market).

If people say that your network or data center services "don't scale" and that the small guy who wanted your hosting services for 2 cents is "excluded" you'd tell them "cry me a river and fuck off".

Why do you want to have something different when bitcoin is concerned? Why should the priority of bitcoin be to service near-zero-cost users and abusers - and do so by upgrading constantly (=giving them more space to abuse, increasing the costs for everyone) with zero tangible benefits? Why do you want to turn the network into an economic amplification attack for those who service it? Why do you want to do with it what you wouldn't do for your own company?

There is a significant distinction between "this is an infrastructure that is used and paid and we must upgrade it" and "this is an infrastructure which is already abused due to the extremely low cost of use - so it doesn't make any sense to give, say, x100 space to the abusers".

Still, the abusers will have their near-zero-cost party, as the upgrades are coming soon and will "relieve" them of the enormous costs of sub 0.02$ fees that they are now using to spam the network Roll Eyes

i do not believe there are any upgrades coming. it has been a year of this talk about XT, then it was Classic, and now its lightening chains and segwit on testnet and whatever other bullshiat u guys come up with to convince yourselves everything is fine.. you all are talking a bunch of bullshiat is what your doing .  there is no upgrade.. you can talk all you want about what your gonna do, or planning to do, but until it happens, it still didn't. and i do not run any hosting services.. that never happened either.

1272. Post 14549781 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 14, 2016, 08:48:05 PM

The eyes rolling is mutual..... and your cut and paste provides further proof about how retarded you are that you cannot formulate your thoughts in order to apply such thoughts (if any) towards what is going at this moment and in this situation.   Go figure.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

yeah i need reformulate and regurgitate it a third time cuz your synoptic pruning deleted your memory cells used to retrieve the data from the last time i told you this same thing. i'm thinking maybe it is a white matter disconnect is why you can't understand it that you require me to reformulate it for you. the part of your brain that perceives the writing in this forum is not communicating effectively with that part of the brain that actually THINKS.

Your further elaboration makes little to no sense.

You are criticizing me for not thinking, but at least I am not cutting and pasting my previous quotes as if that responds to a current post.

To attempt to convert this line of discussion into something a bit more relevant to bitcoin prices, I am looking forward to the day in the likely very near future in which bitcoin prices break through your self-described $500 "ceiling."    hahahahhaha

I can already predict you changing your story when you are obvious going wrong with your lame, ill-conceive, conspiratorial and lacking of insight perspective.

I can already anticipate you asserting that you were right all along, even though you are obvious and clearly predicting BTC to be incapable of going passed $500.   See more at    Tongue

bring on the $500+ bitcoin.. what you waiting on ?? .. i'm not scared of $500+ bitcoins. bit coin has to break out of the $300 - $500 range eventually ... even if it is next year after the obamaturds is out of wh finally .

1273. Post 14553258 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 15, 2016, 07:18:31 PM

The eyes rolling is mutual..... and your cut and paste provides further proof about how retarded you are that you cannot formulate your thoughts in order to apply such thoughts (if any) towards what is going at this moment and in this situation.   Go figure.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

yeah i need reformulate and regurgitate it a third time cuz your synoptic pruning deleted your memory cells used to retrieve the data from the last time i told you this same thing. i'm thinking maybe it is a white matter disconnect is why you can't understand it that you require me to reformulate it for you. the part of your brain that perceives the writing in this forum is not communicating effectively with that part of the brain that actually THINKS.

Your further elaboration makes little to no sense.

You are criticizing me for not thinking, but at least I am not cutting and pasting my previous quotes as if that responds to a current post.

To attempt to convert this line of discussion into something a bit more relevant to bitcoin prices, I am looking forward to the day in the likely very near future in which bitcoin prices break through your self-described $500 "ceiling."    hahahahhaha

I can already predict you changing your story when you are obvious going wrong with your lame, ill-conceive, conspiratorial and lacking of insight perspective.

I can already anticipate you asserting that you were right all along, even though you are obvious and clearly predicting BTC to be incapable of going passed $500.   See more at    Tongue

bring on the $500+ bitcoin.. what you waiting on ?? .. i'm not scared of $500+ bitcoins. bit coin has to break out of the $300 - $500 range eventually ... even if it is next year after the obamaturds is out of wh finally .

Your wishy-washiness remains somewhat humorous - except, maybe to the extent that anyone may give any credibility to your various simplified alien conspiracy theories.

Maybe your middle name is wishy-washy in that your above post shows that you already are preparing for higher than $500 BTC prices, as if that prediction were within your previous proclamation, which it was not..

While BTC prices were going down, you were adamantly spreading FUCD in order to attempt to get others to believe you.. paid shill?  or just retarded?

Also, you are ridiculous in putting out any implication that I claim to have any influence over BTC price directions (short or long term).  Many of us in these forums have little ability to influence BTC prices, and maybe at this time, 10,000 or more coins would be needed for such, at a minimum...  

So, I am not going to go ahead and do nothing, besides preparing for $500+ coins.  I don't know when such will come, for sure, but it's looking pretty good at the moment, in spite of various FUCD spreading coming from you and some of the other self-serving and apparent negative Nancy persons participating in these forms.

If you do not believe me, see more @ # Az-wishywashy-miner.dumb

bitcoin still has a flaw that it cannot scale.. you can take that anyway you want to. .. if its fud well too bad.. bitcoin still cannot scale. i have the intelligence to understand and accept this fact, while you on the other hand only have the intelligence to insult people who disagree with you. i think my little seven year old niece can do that and her brain isnt even fully developed yet.

once again, it doesnt matter if the price goes up since i am sitting on a pile of coins in cold storage.. if the price were to go lower to a point i feel is a buy then i might buy more. what i am not going to do is sit here an come up with different bullshiat to lie to myself and everyone like you do everyday.

1274. Post 14554697 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: AliceGored on April 15, 2016, 10:02:34 PM
Can you guise just man up and pay the 2 cent fee for the next block?

BTCitcoin is high powered central bank settlement monies, you gotta pay to play, poors may use doge. And don't give me that crap about planning for the future, cypherpunks are busy coding that future. They're not even going to sell us the future either, it's all open source.  Cool

Segwit in April. Boom.

yeah right.. i believe it when it happens. otherwise its more bullshiat talk about what you guys are gonna do, but for some reason just cant seem to really do anything other than talk about what your gonna do about bitcoins full blocks. .. keep in mind half of april is already gone .

1275. Post 14582372 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 16, 2016, 01:53:50 AM

The eyes rolling is mutual..... and your cut and paste provides further proof about how retarded you are that you cannot formulate your thoughts in order to apply such thoughts (if any) towards what is going at this moment and in this situation.   Go figure.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

yeah i need reformulate and regurgitate it a third time cuz your synoptic pruning deleted your memory cells used to retrieve the data from the last time i told you this same thing. i'm thinking maybe it is a white matter disconnect is why you can't understand it that you require me to reformulate it for you. the part of your brain that perceives the writing in this forum is not communicating effectively with that part of the brain that actually THINKS.

Your further elaboration makes little to no sense.

You are criticizing me for not thinking, but at least I am not cutting and pasting my previous quotes as if that responds to a current post.

To attempt to convert this line of discussion into something a bit more relevant to bitcoin prices, I am looking forward to the day in the likely very near future in which bitcoin prices break through your self-described $500 "ceiling."    hahahahhaha

I can already predict you changing your story when you are obvious going wrong with your lame, ill-conceive, conspiratorial and lacking of insight perspective.

I can already anticipate you asserting that you were right all along, even though you are obvious and clearly predicting BTC to be incapable of going passed $500.   See more at    Tongue

bring on the $500+ bitcoin.. what you waiting on ?? .. i'm not scared of $500+ bitcoins. bit coin has to break out of the $300 - $500 range eventually ... even if it is next year after the obamaturds is out of wh finally .

Your wishy-washiness remains somewhat humorous - except, maybe to the extent that anyone may give any credibility to your various simplified alien conspiracy theories.

Maybe your middle name is wishy-washy in that your above post shows that you already are preparing for higher than $500 BTC prices, as if that prediction were within your previous proclamation, which it was not..

While BTC prices were going down, you were adamantly spreading FUCD in order to attempt to get others to believe you.. paid shill?  or just retarded?

Also, you are ridiculous in putting out any implication that I claim to have any influence over BTC price directions (short or long term).  Many of us in these forums have little ability to influence BTC prices, and maybe at this time, 10,000 or more coins would be needed for such, at a minimum...  

So, I am not going to go ahead and do nothing, besides preparing for $500+ coins.  I don't know when such will come, for sure, but it's looking pretty good at the moment, in spite of various FUCD spreading coming from you and some of the other self-serving and apparent negative Nancy persons participating in these forms.

If you do not believe me, see more @ # Az-wishywashy-miner.dumb

bitcoin still has a flaw that it cannot scale.. you can take that anyway you want to. .. if its fud well too bad.. bitcoin still cannot scale. i have the intelligence to understand and accept this fact, while you on the other hand only have the intelligence to insult people who disagree with you. i think my little seven year old niece can do that and her brain isnt even fully developed yet.

once again, it doesnt matter if the price goes up since i am sitting on a pile of coins in cold storage.. if the price were to go lower to a point i feel is a buy then i might buy more. what i am not going to do is sit here an come up with different bullshiat to lie to myself and everyone like you do everyday.

1st)   you are the one lying if you keep asserting that bitcoin cannot scale...   maybe you are suggesting that it cannot do it the way that you would prefer, but that is a different story

2nd)   I do not come out attacking, but only attack after someone, like yourself, comes out with a variety of preposterous ideas, that are likely even asserted on purpose.. because, even you do not seem as dumb as some of the comments that you make.

3rd) from time to time, i have given you the benefit of the doubt, but even you must admit that there is a bit of tension even in your own position (and that is your claim that bitcoin is a failure, while at the same time you are asserting that you are investing in it..)...  Anyhow, there is nothing really wrong with having various internal contradictions, because many of us do, including myself.. but I guess my concern with you continues to be that you frequently engage in misleading efforts to paint matters extremely, in black and white, and your approach frequently lacks moderation  - because likely you are attempting to be extreme on purpose.... or to convert people over to your way of thinking.

juan discovers bitcoins flaw can't scale:

1276. Post 14583437 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on April 18, 2016, 03:04:54 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

Here we go again. Stuck at $430.

Isn't it just about time for the next leg up?

like u should know by now:

1277. Post 14594053 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on April 19, 2016, 12:10:59 AM
3.6 MB blocks on the segwit testnet.

What is it?

They are testing big blocks in another chain or simulator, or what?

this is a testnet for segwit. before a release to public or on the mainnet Core is testing all the improvements.

sure they are... we are testing bitcoinPure on skynet platform atm. this will allow us to send bitcoins to mars via our dark side of the moon mining node . at bitcoinPure we are always thinking ahead of the segwits and botnets.

1278. Post 14609656 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 20, 2016, 05:25:39 AM
bitcoin still has a flaw that it cannot scale.. you can take that anyway you want to. .. if its fud well too bad.. bitcoin still cannot scale. i have the intelligence to understand and accept this fact, while you on the other hand only have the intelligence to insult people who disagree with you. i think my little seven year old niece can do that and her brain isnt even fully developed yet.

once again, it doesnt matter if the price goes up since i am sitting on a pile of coins in cold storage.. if the price were to go lower to a point i feel is a buy then i might buy more. what i am not going to do is sit here an come up with different bullshiat to lie to myself and everyone like you do everyday.

+1 Aztecminer is exactly right and I am in the same position. You can keep pumping and make my cold storage coins more valuable if you want, but I'm not putting in one more dime until scaling gets fixed and it's not fixed.  

Yeah... you are like two dumb peas in a pod.  

Good luck with that lack of perspective ....

seems to be working for me. i really do have a good pile of coins from mining. any new coins i would potentially buy would most likely go to trading anyways. maybe i might dump some more into cold storage if i get them. i don't know for sure cuz i feel bitcoins flaw that is NOT being addressed is a serious problem. i believe it introduces a risk. i'm not desperate for coins which is why i don't have to buy. its more like you are the dumbass juan that you can't see that strategy working fine. i keep a small amount of cash liquid on exchange in case something happens, or i decide to do something. silver is moving up too. i told everyone to buy silver when it was $14.50.. that happened to be the bottom. silver cruised through $16.00 like it wasnt even there yesterday. i wouldnt be surprised if this latest bitcoin pump was a manipulation to keep tardedbrains like juan from buying silver. btw juan, did you know i have a character in one my books name juan de lupio ?? .. kinda reminds me of you.. ROFL ..LOL.. don't get lost on your way to Antarctica juan!

1279. Post 14609695 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on April 20, 2016, 05:53:40 AM
I would not underestimate the block reward halving. This is a serious event.

i believe it is serious that they are holding back the scaling fix too. there is a reason why they are not addressing that problem with anything more than just talking about what they doing or going to do. that reason is not readily apparent yet.. in time it most likely will become evident though.

1280. Post 14609725 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: hd060053 on April 20, 2016, 03:23:10 PM
the 3k Wall on 440 on bitfinex is a good chance to get cheap coins.

really ?? 440 is cheap coins ??

1281. Post 14645703 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

nope.. not going to bite. the holding back of the scaling fix is borderline scheme imo... it makes bitcoin waaaaay to risky... i find it suspicious that just as the pms start to rise that bitcoin starts to rise as well... the reason pms are on the rise is due to the new Shanghai Gold Fix, which has nada to do with bitcoin.............i suspect that bitcoin is being manipulated up now to keep everyone out of the pms where the central banks and the federal reserves are currently locked in battle to keep pm prices down... so far they have been failing, and i suspect the failure will turn out YUGE in the end..... with these kinds of dynamics and fundamentals, i believe bitcoin is waaay overpriced and could turn into a long term scheme... holding back the scaling fix really seems like a huge scheme to me....

i told everyone to buy pms when silver was at $14.50... silver is now at $17.00 .

Quote from: aztecminer on December 09, 2015, 08:26:21 PM
you should diversify into metals. i'm not buying bitcoins at these inflated higher prices. it is too risky for me. even with the us govy behind it cuz the dollar is still on its deathbed. they are fronting like they are in control. its like the catastrophes, you have to cover your own ass. relying on bitcoin is probably not a great strategy imo. especially with the unresolved issues that bitcoin is facing. might be able to make some fiat though if buy bitcoins at this risky higher prices. i'm not sure the risk is worth it to gain more fiat through bitcoins when can get more fiat through other means and buy metals at suppressed cheap prices and HODL them. the reason to buy the metals is because the us govy doesnt want us to buy metals. keep your eyes on the money on the exchange!

spot silver prices in dec 2015:

if silver goes to triple or quadrupal digits, it will make bitcoin pitiful as it dies from its manipulation and scaling failures. i have learned over the last few years to never trust the USA federal govy. if the USA federal govy is pumping bitcoin while manipulating pms down, then u want to be in pms. if the USA federal govy says don't take iodine as clouds of radioactive poisons float overhead, u better take the iodine.

1282. Post 14646749 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

bitcoin not going to the moon because it can't scale... if everyone starts piling into bitcoin it will break it ... looks awesome, but everything is not always at it seems.. that is the case with bitcoin these days... the real moonshot is happening somewhere else... and it aint cryptos. .. if there is a big battle in pms next week will tell the tale... which there probably will be... we were at $17.70 before the central banks dumped 40 million ounces of paper silver to smash the price back under $17.00 only to have it bounce right back above $17.00 immediately (like less than thirty minutes)... they are in serious pain now as they are desperate to hold the pms down but they keep getting overpowered the last couple weeks. .. note that we dont see those kind of battles in bitcoin... these pumps are just to keep you guys attention away from the real battle going on in the pms... i think they are not fixing the scaling issue they can use it to crash bitcoins down again in the future when they do the wealth transfer from you to them and their best buds. that is why buying bitcoins at this price without the scaling fix is very risky  .

1283. Post 14647586 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 24, 2016, 06:32:24 AM
bitcoin not going to the moon because it can't scale... if everyone starts piling into bitcoin it will break it ... looks awesome, but everything is not always at it seems.. that is the case with bitcoin these days... the real moonshot is happening somewhere else... and it aint cryptos. .. if there is a big battle in pms next week will tell the tale... which there probably will be... we were at $17.70 before the central banks dumped 40 million ounces of paper silver to smash the price back under $17.00 only to have it bounce right back above $17.00 immediately (like less than thirty minutes)... they are in serious pain now as they are desperate to hold the pms down but they keep getting overpowered the last couple weeks. .. note that we dont see those kind of battles in bitcoin... these pumps are just to keep you guys attention away from the real battle going on in the pms... i think they are not fixing the scaling issue they can use it to crash bitcoins down again in the future when they do the wealth transfer from you to them and their best buds. that is why buying bitcoins at this price without the scaling fix is very risky  .

There may be some folks who are in both crypto and precious metals, but I suspect quite a few folks are in cryptos and could give a ratts ass about precious metals.

In any event this is not a crypto's thread, and even more removed it is not a precious metals thread, so why the fuck do we even care if people are making a killing in precious metals?  If we were interested in such, we would go to that thread.

If you wanna see more go to

its all related bud ... why talk about fiat, or banksters, or the economy... in a speculation thread ??

1284. Post 14647662 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 24, 2016, 08:07:37 AM
bitcoin not going to the moon because it can't scale... if everyone starts piling into bitcoin it will break it ... looks awesome, but everything is not always at it seems.. that is the case with bitcoin these days... the real moonshot is happening somewhere else... and it aint cryptos. .. if there is a big battle in pms next week will tell the tale... which there probably will be... we were at $17.70 before the central banks dumped 40 million ounces of paper silver to smash the price back under $17.00 only to have it bounce right back above $17.00 immediately (like less than thirty minutes)... they are in serious pain now as they are desperate to hold the pms down but they keep getting overpowered the last couple weeks. .. note that we dont see those kind of battles in bitcoin... these pumps are just to keep you guys attention away from the real battle going on in the pms... i think they are not fixing the scaling issue they can use it to crash bitcoins down again in the future when they do the wealth transfer from you to them and their best buds. that is why buying bitcoins at this price without the scaling fix is very risky  .

There may be some folks who are in both crypto and precious metals, but I suspect quite a few folks are in cryptos and could give a ratts ass about precious metals.

In any event this is not a crypto's thread, and even more removed it is not a precious metals thread, so why the fuck do we even care if people are making a killing in precious metals?  If we were interested in such, we would go to that thread.

If you wanna see more go to

its all related bud ... why talk about fiat, or banksters, or the economy... in a speculation thread ??

This is not a speculation on any topic thread... you see the title:  BTC/USD...

Yeah, of course, everything is related to everything else... but that still does not mean that you are on topic, bud.

Actually, on a side note, "bud" may have been the nicest name you called me in a long time.   Cry Cry

you are scared to death of me cuz i expose the bitcoin scheme that will wealth transfer from u to them and their buds and u are all in bitcoin .... lol.... i suppose this is one of those is it better to be feared or loved moments .

1285. Post 14697797 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

this isnt the first time a pump ended with a huge margin call at OkCoin. people have bad memories and need to be reminded of the LTC pump last year that suddenly got margin called. you should say something like "be careful out there, you might get margin called by insiders trading at some exchanges."

1286. Post 14697804 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: Blacula X on April 28, 2016, 08:51:38 PM
Once we break the 450 resistance, it's straight up to 496.666 Cool
*certain only of the 6.666 part.

well, you might have to find someone to replace the 49k and 39k contracts that got margin called on OkCoin for one thing.

1287. Post 14697916 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: Blacula X on April 28, 2016, 09:41:35 PM
Once we break the 450 resistance, it's straight up to 496.666 Cool
*certain only of the 6.666 part.

well, you might have to find someone to replace the 49k and 39k contracts that got margin called on OkCoin for one thing.

Well, that's 49k and 39k that won't be dumped later. You just gotta look at it the right way.
That 450 resistance is proving to be a little stronger than I thought, but soon as we cut through it? Up to 496.666, CCMF (UTB!)! Cool

maybe bitcoin can do what LTC was unable to do...

1288. Post 14939877 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.50h):

looking forward to the coinbase rebrand. maybe will be better there .

1289. Post 14939894 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.50h):

Quote from: Elwar on May 23, 2016, 01:32:05 PM
1.5% volatility is considered unstable?

As compared to the JPY at .95% volatility or BRL at 1.1%.

Its not about volatility, is about perceived weakness of BTC. Of course you can deny that, but imo BTC is "wounded". This whole blocksize-fight, no matter what side you favor, has taken big hits to investors confidence. We are lucky to have the Halving upon us, without that it would have been really ugly the last months.

Ya, it did go down 2% after going up 8% so it's probably going to go to $0 any day now.

in other words btc lost ten bucks.

1290. Post 14941095 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.50h):

Quote from: Mrpumperitis on May 23, 2016, 03:10:54 PM
1.5% volatility is considered unstable?

As compared to the JPY at .95% volatility or BRL at 1.1%.

Its not about volatility, is about perceived weakness of BTC. Of course you can deny that, but imo BTC is "wounded". This whole blocksize-fight, no matter what side you favor, has taken big hits to investors confidence. We are lucky to have the Halving upon us, without that it would have been really ugly the last months.

gd point m8.
Also, ive never seen so much fear in the BTC traders, if BTC does go under $300 at any point...what will happen to ETH?  
ETH doesnt need to do anything and could still easily go over 0.1
The fact ETH is now on almost every big exchange gives this possibilty more chance of becoming reality.

i think u are right. there is definitely doom vibes in the air today . i did notice that btc traders are like: "omg what do we do ?? we are doomed" ... today . if they had listen to those of us with more intelligence, they would have known they were about to lose ten bucks over the weekend resulting in cascading losses across the entire btc playing field. the sad part about it is that there is no relief in sight.. the doom is growing stronger every day.. the inevitable collapse of btc is upon the btc traders, and they are panicking .. it is well known that the first people out are the ones who lose the least in times like these. dump all of ur coins while you still can doom-tards. the first ones out buy back cheaper .

1291. Post 14942532 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.50h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on May 23, 2016, 05:58:25 PM
1.5% volatility is considered unstable?

As compared to the JPY at .95% volatility or BRL at 1.1%.

Its not about volatility, is about perceived weakness of BTC. Of course you can deny that, but imo BTC is "wounded". This whole blocksize-fight, no matter what side you favor, has taken big hits to investors confidence. We are lucky to have the Halving upon us, without that it would have been really ugly the last months.

gd point m8.
Also, ive never seen so much fear in the BTC traders, if BTC does go under $300 at any point...what will happen to ETH?  
ETH doesnt need to do anything and could still easily go over 0.1
The fact ETH is now on almost every big exchange gives this possibilty more chance of becoming reality.

i think u are right. there is definitely doom vibes in the air today . i did notice that btc traders are like: "omg what do we do ?? we are doomed" ... today . if they had listen to those of us with more intelligence, they would have known they were about to lose ten bucks over the weekend resulting in cascading losses across the entire btc playing field. the sad part about it is that there is no relief in sight.. the doom is growing stronger every day.. the inevitable collapse of btc is upon the btc traders, and they are panicking .. it is well known that the first people out are the ones who lose the least in times like these. dump all of ur coins while you still can doom-tards. the first ones out buy back cheaper .

Good thing that bitcoiners don't rely on you dumbztec to describe community sentiment because you seem to be making things up from whole cloth...

Yes, there are ups and downs during any given week, and bitcoin went down about $10 over the past week.. but really that is merely in the contexts of ups and downs.. and if you zoom out, we have about 2.5 months of decent upwardly progress .. and yep, likely going to be breaking above $500 soon, which didn't you say was "never" going to happen?  Oh yeah, I forgot, your changing your story in order that you can be "right."  

would be funny,  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy if you weren't so full of it.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

yep. i figured today was a wonderful day to post a big huge FUD post . the doom is on foos .. better sell before ur the last one holding . i see we have not broken $500 yet, or $300  for months and months just as i have predicted... btc gives small run ups and then dumps it again then goes sideways . ya all are in the exact same spot you were weeks ago the last time i posted in here .

1292. Post 15040272 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on June 01, 2016, 03:53:21 AM
From my perspective if the whale/dragon is from China then he has weird sleeping hours! ... He/she is from France / England / Spain and does trading when he/she wakes up in the afternoon, or some asian meth head that stays all night trading till morning.

But I speculate is someone from Britain with ties with China and uses bitcoin to handle the money of their business in or out of the country.

or maybe the manipulators are pretending we are halving pumping . when the next president is in wh in six months i think obama manipulators should be weeded out . replace them. thats going to be one of the first things i will be thinking about .

1293. Post 15045075 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: BlindedByStick on June 01, 2016, 01:01:29 PM
OMG, ETH mass adoption immanent! Shocked

You Can Now Get Paid in Ethereum Thanks to Bitwage and Uphold
Start getting paid in Ether now because getting your salary in Bitcoin is so 2015.

yeah right.. eth cant scale either.. it has no cap on the amount of coins created.. its another pump and dump . .. they are pumping bitcoin to get people to stop buying pms .. they pulled out all the stops in attempt to stop the pms from rising ... they actually told everyone that gold will be under $1000 .. yeah right bring that shiat on .. all talk . they even have yellen out talking rate increase .. if you gonna talk the talk then walk the walk .. deutche bank says 5% is the normal interest rate .. we got a long ways to go at .25% once a year. they talk that to cover the banks smashing pms. in my books it is called desperation to protect their failing "interest to infinity" debt slavery system .

1294. Post 15045237 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on June 01, 2016, 05:47:45 AM

or maybe the manipulators are pretending we are halving pumping . when the next president is in wh in six months i think obama manipulators should be weeded out . replace them. thats going to be one of the first things i will be thinking about .

You will already a be a millionaire in a few years just with a few bitcoins ... I have no idea what you are worried about!

well.. its been two years. i think been that long . i do have a stash of bitcoins in cold storage .. i'm not as optimistic as you guys . they could have fixed the scaling thing and yet, after a year, they still haven't .

1295. Post 15045255 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: BlindedByStick on June 01, 2016, 02:04:00 PM
OMG, ETH mass adoption immanent! Shocked

You Can Now Get Paid in Ethereum Thanks to Bitwage and Uphold
Start getting paid in Ether now because getting your salary in Bitcoin is so 2015.

yeah right.. eth cant scale either.. it has no cap on the amount of coins created.. its another pump and dump . .. they are pumping bitcoin to get people to stop buying pms .. they pulled out all the stops in attempt to stop the pms from rising ...

Wait, people actually *BUY* pms?

Why would anybody do that?!

it is money and not currency .

1296. Post 15080605 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

welp.. i am finally in the green! woot! see all i gotta do is talk trash and throw up some buys .. wait...and wala.. like magic.. in the profits.. woot!

1297. Post 15319758 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

what happen to the moon shot guys ??

1298. Post 15322129 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: glendall on June 22, 2016, 04:28:12 PM
Crap, we be bleedin' mightily here.

This is tough to watch if your holdin'.

how far u think we going down ??

1299. Post 15323325 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

this big battle just for $50 ??

1300. Post 15325043 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: MinermanNC on June 22, 2016, 08:42:31 PM
I like BTC .

I buy for 1100 sell for 200 and now I buy back for 750.

I like BTC.

I buy for 750 and now in 650.

I'm sure you will get it all back, just sit tight. You bought in a the peak of this last run, but another should be coming soon  Smiley

I am a bit surprised to see btc fall as it has in a day,,, but the rise was rather sudden and fast. I'm chalking it off as a correction. Its now where I would have thought it to be this close to halving.... I still say 800-900 at halving time with a little luck perhaps.

or perhaps the catalyst that signaled the trend reversal was BFX going offline . just speculating .

1301. Post 15346034 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: Tzupy on June 24, 2016, 11:53:43 AM

pretty tame reaction tbh. price hovering around 650$ is quite disappointing after such a gross move. markets are down like 5-10% and bitcoin more or less the same? strange.

Bitcoin price has nothing to do with Brexit. So far, the retracement is about 56% of the correction, it may reach 62% today or tomorrow, then more down.

+1 .. bitcoin was unaffected by brexit. at least not yet . we are right where we were before the dump. ever since the marshal's pump, i dont trust bitcoin. i got burnt on that pump. because of that i stopped buying bitcoin. what i have in cold storage is it.. i am in and out of bitcoin these days. i think bitcoin is going to crash after the halvening hype due to lingering scaling issue .. obama will have to leave the wh before i start change my stance toward bitcoin again.. that why i didnt dive into bitcoin on that huge dip.. i dont always do what everyone else is doing . today we'll see if brexit moves bitcoin .

1302. Post 15362088 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: inca on June 25, 2016, 05:49:20 PM
Yawn. Halving still some way off. Just noise.

looks like the halvening is fizzlin .. i mean really.. wrong way .. the halvening supposed to be up.

1303. Post 15363148 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

i still think this comes back down after the halvening hype pump .

1304. Post 15363186 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on June 25, 2016, 09:21:41 PM
any1 else believe that crypto coins in general came out relatively unscathed thru Brexit?

The bigger the catastrophe ... Makes the pump stronger!

brexit pump ?? what brexit pump ?? that last smack down and pump wasn't brexit, that was from some guy on okcoin .

1305. Post 15382024 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: hv_ on June 27, 2016, 12:21:46 PM

nah.. that was all orchestrated by one guy on okcoin .

1306. Post 15382865 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: hv_ on June 27, 2016, 02:08:17 PM
German 2nd biggest bank Commerzbank AG Market Cap dropped below BTC ....

oh yeah, doom porn is on .. now we're talking potential bitcoin pump material .

are we bail-out or bail-in this time around ??

1307. Post 15385396 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: HyphyBTC on June 27, 2016, 04:15:41 PM
A few thing people here don't seem to understand:

Most buying is done off exchanges and OTC. By a wide margin too.

China is not leading this market.

No fee Chinese exchanges are being used to "control" the market, because bots are linked and people think China is leading the market.

Bitfinex is linked to Chinese exchanges to provide liquidity. Just like when BFX was linked to Stamp. That is why some full orderbooks are not shown. When a large drop occurs on Chinese exchanges the volume stays within the range, while Bitfinex drops with larger volume than normal. This is a combination of bot manipulation and Bitfinex offering liquidity.

The rise to nearly 800 was one entity, the OTC sellers and buyers waited until this entity was done and then plopped up over 25K BTC in ask walls, now it's up to 35K. The 35K BTC is a mix of real coins and borrowed coins for sale. You can see this by looking at the full order book, you notice the amounts for sale at XXX.37 repeatedly at every dollar interval? There are other patterns you will see as well.

The OTC buyers put sell pressure on BFX to keep the price down, so their OTC purchase will save them millions, by only making people who look at exchanges think we aren't mooning yet. Without their "fake" sell pressure we would be at ATH.

OTC firms do not care about this "manipulation" because they get a percentage in BTC and know that they will sell much more BTC OTC when the price is reasonable and not mooning. OTC firms might also be in on the fake sell pressure.

My guess is currently someone wants to buy OTC in the $650 range, or an OTC firm is seeing an influx of customers and is easier to just have stable prices for everyone Brexiting or running from their fiat market.

The Bitfinex "malfunction" was deliberate. Using statements from above you can see that dropping the Chinese exchanges prices are easy, causing all the longs on BFX to be force liquidated. Well guess who bought up all those coins that were liquidated while also putting the price back in their range? BFX has a ton of fees in BTC to sell, and guess how they do it? That's right, mostly OTC. And if a buyer says "no way I'm paying $700+ for those coins when the price has only been at this level for a week", then BFX has only one thing to do, bring the price back down in the OTC range.

Long term holders like myself, 4+ years, know this is going on and don't really care about exchange rates YET, because one day millions of small buyers who will only use exchanges will overpower any manipulation put forth by OTC markets and online exchanges.

why would they need to bother manipulating the market down to sell coins ?? isn't a handshake good enough ?? it seems like a higher exchange price would be better for them to get the best price for the coins they are trying to sell. that has been my experience with OTC sales outside of the exchange. i got burnt by one of those outside the exchange sales, which is why i generally don't buy bitcoins at these prices. The problem with this whole thing is the scaling issue. they did not fix it before the halvening hype. there is a reason why it hasnt been fixed. they could fix it at anytime (in case u liquidate) or not fix it (in case u buy to many coins at the top of the market thinking we are a #moonshot) .

i'm not sure why BFX went down last week, however, i think the smash down was to get some peoples to liquidate into bitcoin. just like a higher high could cause some people to liquidate their bitcoin holdings. right after u liquidate thinking u made a profit to buy back cheaper is when bitcoin will head on up to new ATH leaving you in fiat, or u can buy back at a loss. my opinion of bitcoin is that it is a manipulated i ways meant to make u lose, or trick you into a bad move. that is why i keep my coins i mined in cold storage. i think this halvening hype pump is all faked.

i think the brexit non-event in bitcoin shows us that bitcoin is not a go to safe haven like the media has been trying to make us all believe.

1308. Post 15409131 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: Elwar on June 29, 2016, 11:30:21 AM
My guess is the halving itself will be quite non-eventful

The last time there was not much movement in price. There was just a lot of talk.

Price on the day of halving went from about $12.20 to $12.35.

Exactly one year later the price was over $1,100.

you are forgetting to mention that btc was pumped by the gox and silk road guys . silk road got busted and the feds got gox"s coins used to pump btc stored at silk road .. and you know the rest of the story .

1309. Post 15440087 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: abercrombie on July 02, 2016, 01:49:47 AM
bitcoin isn't higher than yesterday.

is crypto done??  Huh

i'm staying out of bitcoin because i think it is going to crash after halvening hype. it has not much going for it really. while pms rocket higher on brexit, cryptos doing nothing .. this proves cryptos are not regarded as safe havens.. with the scaling issue lingering = storm clouds doomsville gathering on the horizon for bitcoin.. chinese panic is incoming . desperation is starting to set in for the scaling problem not being fixed. the formation of gdax with ether shows us sentiment is changing towards bitcoin due to failures to fix scaling issue .

1310. Post 15443057 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: toknormal on July 02, 2016, 09:57:30 AM

while pms rocket higher on brexit, cryptos doing nothing .. this proves cryptos are not regarded as safe havens.. with the scaling issue lingering = storm clouds doomsville gathering on the horizon for bitcoin

Was that post supposed to be a joke ?

If adoption is an objective of a new monetary medium then capacity issues is a problem you DO want to have  Wink

i still have cold storage.. but no its not a joke. .. if u read around u would learn that lack of programming is the reason why gdax happened .. because they believe ether has more promise programming wise.. while bitcoin keeps NOT addressing the problems. this aint getting adopted. only people in it are speculators and manipulators.. the reason bitcoin did not pump for brexit is because the manipulators are against brexit . problem for them is they revealed that bitcoin is not a considered a safe haven. no one went into bitcoin for brexit. everyone is going into pms instead. the joke here is that u actually think having a scaling issue lingering for longer than a year is a good thing . i believe it will be used as a reason to crash this back down.. otherwise, why is it not fixed.. why hold back ?? its bullshiat this issue lingered this long. i read last night chinese miners thinking about forking .

1311. Post 15443414 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on July 02, 2016, 12:42:49 PM
^^propaganda central is getting cranked up again ... the old "I got some in cold storage but ... concern troll, fud-blah-fud ..." trick

at least change it up a bit and keep it interesting, you're just braindead stupid and boring.

stating the facts bud.. u dont have to like em.

1312. Post 15443712 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on July 02, 2016, 12:56:15 PM
^^propaganda central is getting cranked up again ... the old "I got some in cold storage but ... concern troll, fud-blah-fud ..." trick

at least change it up a bit and keep it interesting, you're just braindead stupid and boring.
stating the facts bud.. u dont have to like em.

your 'facts' are just old, boring, oft-repeated lies (aka propaganda) that have been argued to death and thoroughly well-refuted, what's to like about that?

but keep cranking that klaxon handle and keep your monkeys dancing, some drooling idiots like to stand around and watch the show from time to time ... hey they might throw a copper penny or two in your hat now and then.

which part of "bitcoin still doesn't scale" is a lie ?? which part of "pms rocketed up while crytos did nothing during brexit" is a lie ?? speculating about bitcoin coming back down after halvening hype is not a lie.. it is speculation.. ur mad cuz ur not hearing me say "#moonshot .. rocket is about to lift.... the train leaving the station... get ready to buy a boat." like the rest of the herd ... there is a reason why these fools are not fixing the scaling issue.. either they are incompetent or something else is going on .

1313. Post 15520838 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

hows the halvening ?? i still think bitcoin is going to drop after halvening .  it might go up in the long term after some real growth and the effects from halvening, but short term i think drops because of scaling issue and the competence comes into question and effects from all that . bitcoin seems a bit risky to me atm . i'm still hodling tho . not adding to it though. staying out and watching.. good luck trading everyone .

1314. Post 15542827 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: edgar on July 10, 2016, 12:59:51 PM
is aztecmoaner dead?

why whats up ?? is time to buy a boat yet ??

1315. Post 15652805 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on July 20, 2016, 03:22:43 PM
well fuck. this is the end. Embarrassed
we are dooomed i tell you DOOOOOOOOMMMED!  Cry

finally, adam has snapped back to reality .

1316. Post 15652825 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: aminorex on July 20, 2016, 08:34:42 PM
So what is that ETH fork about?
rewriting the ETH blockchain in order to return the lost funds from DAO hack.
To be a bit more honest about it:  In order to seize the funds of the less popular beneficiaries of the DAO contract.

well, on the other hand, really should not reward criminal type behavior. otherwise, everyone will be building smart contracts that ultimately are schemes . this is a lesson for bitcoin as well .

1317. Post 15687652 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

Quote from: chesthing on July 24, 2016, 01:21:29 AM
635 is coming

one last good drop before we continue on moving forward

thats my wish.

Wish bigger, gonna go in the $500s again.

going back under $300 due to failure to fork to fix scaling issue in a reasonable time. after successful ether fork everyone is on to the the incompetence of bitcoin to handle the scaling issue as fees continue to soar. .

1318. Post 15763233 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

it has begun. everyone knows bitcoin cannot hardfork or poloniex will post BTCC .. no other code has come through to fix scaling issue even after a full year. chinese miners are starting to panic again .

1319. Post 15773465 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

prepare for drop below $300 . If Bitcoin hard-forks, Poloniex will post BTCC. maybe it will be ok since the BTCC chain will still have the cannot scale feature.

1320. Post 15784344 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

here come below $300 guys. everyone knows if bitcoin hardforks Poloniex will add BTCC and away we will go.. the halvening hype has faded .. there is no other good news on the horizon except more talk about what going to do, while bitcoin still doesn't scale. however, maybe hardfork will be alright since BTCC will maintain the can't scale feature. we all know the drill. chinese miners are panicking again .

1321. Post 15792231 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

Quote from: Tzupy on August 02, 2016, 06:35:13 PM
Security breach on Bitfinex

Today we discovered a security breach that requires us to halt all trading on Bitfinex, as well as halt all digital token deposits to and withdrawals from Bitfinex.

We are investigating the breach to determine what happened, but we know that some of our users have had their bitcoins stolen. We are undertaking a review to determine which users have been affected by the breach. While we conduct this initial investigation and secure our environment, will be taken down and the maintenance page will be left up.

The theft is being reported to — and we are co-operating with — law enforcement.

As we account for individualized customer losses, we may need to settle open margin positions, associated financing, and/or collateral affected by the breach. Any settlements will be at the current market prices as of 18:00 UTC. We are taking this necessary accounting step to normalize account balances with the objective of resuming operations. We will look at various options to address customer losses later in the investigation. While we are halting all operations at this time, we can confirm that the breach was limited to bitcoin wallets; the other digital tokens traded on Bitfinex are unaffected.

We will post updates as and when appropriate on our status page, We are deeply concerned about this issue and we are committing every resource to try to resolve it. We ask for the community’s patience as we unravel the causes and consequences of this breach.,

Great!Just great!
Couldn't get any better! Could it?

I can't believe this shit... Angry

alright everybody.. prepare for bitcoin to drop below $300 per coin. BFX security breach coupled with the incompetence of BTC to scale will bring new lows .. everyone knows if bitcoin hard forks that BTC will list BTCC as an alt coin on their exchange.. we all know the drill . not only are the the chinese miners panicking, everyone is in all out route as we worry about the BFX exchange. what will be the new bottom ??

1322. Post 15807944 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

amazing how bitcoin took that bitfinex 60M dollar 120k coin hack like it was nada .. stroll through the park for bitcoin... didn't even phase it.. we are at a whole new era of bitcoin! it doesn't matter what happens, bitcoin is power!.. bring on the hackers, we are the badasses . everyone pile in.. moonshot! .. the train is going to leave the station.. we are all going to be buying boats soon! we are #1... if u aint in bitcoin, u are gimped.

1323. Post 15831477 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

Quote from: Paashaas on August 05, 2016, 11:37:59 AM
What the hell... Finex is bankrupt and now they want a ''Cyprus'' style haircut for all there users  Angry

That must be a easy fix isn't it? Passing the bill to there users to save there own skin.

A lot of people wanted to avoid this kind of corruption, and now it arrives in Bitcoinland. Monkey see monkey do, so others will see how this ''hack'' heist occurs and bail them out = easy money!

Why no press conference? i only see a freaking smokescreen on both sides. I just dont believe it they have been hacked, by-passing privatekeys and 2-3 multi-sigs...yhea right!

did bitstamp haircut their users ?? this will be a new precedence that users take haircuts... i don't really know, but bitfinex says it will be business as usual .

nothin going on here.. just another 120k coin 68M hack. this actually good for bitcoin .

1324. Post 15843109 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

Quote from: oda.krell on August 06, 2016, 06:14:19 PM
After much thought, analysis, and consultation, we have arrived at the conclusion that losses must be generalized across all accounts and assets. [...] Upon logging into the platform, customers will see that they have experienced a generalized loss percentage of 36.067%.

So, what's the current consensus? That's the end of finex as a relevant trading platform?

maybe.. because this is all starting to look sketched .. i have never traded on bitfinex, therefore, i have no interest or emotions tied into their hackfest.. the impression i am getting is a US exchange based in hong kong who kept all their coins in hot wallets to skirt the sec (or whatever they are called) .. they suddenly get hacked for 120k coins 68M and now they are the authority setting the precedence that exchanges will do bail-ins to socialize losses.. they are planning to push out their very own "token" that might become a tradeable asset on their exchange .. if they dump alt coins on exchanges to buy the BTC they need to recoup their losses, this could be considered market manipulation by BFX exchange ... the whole thing is full of sketch ... BFX problems might be just starting .... probably better hold on and see how this all plays out... cuz these guys look sketchy as hell right now .

1325. Post 15843813 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on August 07, 2016, 03:39:52 AM

Who's address is this and what is happening?

It looks like an address that was just created today, and there are a lots of coins going into it from a variety of addresses... What does it mean?
this is a whale finally deciding NOT to keep 1000's of bitcoin on different exchanges?

oh the my bullishness is coming back on full force!

.. whats the price at? better double it!

It's Bitfinex moving the coins it has left to one address according to Zane Tackett on reddit. He says they are moving the coins to their control, which makes me think they have all the keys to that address and have abandoned the shared key model.

their implementation of "shared key model." is obviously not good enough.

its really TO BAD, that bitgo didnt have some stupid logic saying if bitfinex asks for >1000Coins to be moved reject it.

i dont understand why they used multi sig if bitgo would simply go ahead and auto sign off any/everything.

F i dont understand wtf this "shared key model." ment. oh well...

seems obvious.. it meant that if BFX was hacked, that everyone shares in the losses .

1326. Post 15844316 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

Quote from: DaRude on August 07, 2016, 05:40:25 AM
but if bitgo auto signs every time BFX signs.... then all you really need is BFX keys and you can move the coins.

is this infact the reality of what was going on with this "shared key model." ? idk.. idk shit...

From everything I've read, that seems to be the case Adam. BitGo and BitFinex are both very keen to point out that none of the blame lies with BitGo. Finex apparently had a custom setup with BitGo, unlike any other BitGo customer.

Either BitGo simply signed everything requested by Finex, or the hackers were able to bypass/avoid any kind of security precautions that BitGo had in place.

In either case, it looks to me like BitGo is shit when it comes to security, which is supposed to be their job. They provided Finex with a system that had no security or their system was easily bypassed. Fail or fail.

Perhaps there is something else going on and I haven't read about it or it isn't public knowledge?

So far sounds to me like it's an implementation error. BFX forgot to check the "Limit maximum daily withdrawals to 5%" checkbox during account set up with BitGone  

that was a feature ... so was BFX holding one key and the auto-sign api key at the same time . if they did way adam was thinking, obviously would defeat the entire purpose of the features of using bitgo for security of bitcoins .. they wouldn't be able to do bail-ins either . the hack was actually good for BFX and bitcoin . just think, now have BFXtokens .

1327. Post 15895747 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.57h):

Quote from: chesthing on August 12, 2016, 12:04:10 AM
What, you think just because you weren't part of the bitfinex hack you are immune?  Cheesy this shit's going down, for how long I don't know.

get ready for $220 bitcoin as everyone realizes bitfinex is a wrekt ship!

1328. Post 15921395 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.57h):

Quote from: K~Ehleyr on August 14, 2016, 01:57:48 PM
Now the price is lower than I bought for last week and I can't buy any more until Tuesday.  I'm now watching helpless either way....  maybe I'll be able to snap up some bargains by Tuesday  Grin

bitcoin is on its way down! bears are having their way while no longs on BFX to prop up the price.. downtrend will pick up momentum as everyone realizes that BFX hack is not over and is mtgox x 2! .... get ready for $180 bitcoin!

1329. Post 15921456 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.57h):

Quote from: talkingleaves on August 14, 2016, 03:52:44 PM
Now the price is lower than I bought for last week and I can't buy any more until Tuesday.  I'm now watching helpless either way....  maybe I'll be able to snap up some bargains by Tuesday  Grin

bitcoin is on its way down! bears are having their way while no longs on BFX to prop up the price.. downtrend will pick up momentum as everyone realizes that BFX hack is not over and is mtgox x 2! .... get ready for $180 bitcoin!

you short? or fud-ing?

lol.. i think we won't see uptrend until regulated us exchange has margin trading . BFX has totally destroyed confidence in un-regulated exchanges.. how make a profit when your going to get haircut ?? pointless to trade on exchanges like that.. better to keep your coins in cold storage . BFX is a source of much drama and problems for crypto technology . they are going down as an example .

1330. Post 15924852 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.57h):

assuming the Bitfinex debacle is over is mistake in my opinion.

1331. Post 16062630 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.57h):

Quote from: Trouble821 on August 27, 2016, 09:24:19 PM

So zooming out to 1d on the chart, from 5/24, bitcoin is just looking like your typical PnD bubble that we've seen so many times before.  A blow off top, followed by long legs down.  

Looks like it could eventually deflate all the way back to ~450.  Undecided

So Dafar, still mocking me thus far?

Quoting myself ftw.  Looks like we're just going to keep grinding down ~$10/week or so, until this bubble completely deflates.

Since there are no buyers, looks like the only thing that could put the floor in is the hashrate/mining cost, wherever that may lie.  Undecided

It's gone down no more than $20 since then, and because of that you're predicting another massive bear market from which Bitcoin never recovers. Dafar will be mocking you in a few months when it's gone back above $600, not down to $450.

bitcoin is going below $250 due to BFX being shutdown and chinese miners panicing .

1332. Post 16691352 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.58h):

hey everyone: if your waiting on your bitcoin transaction to get through the 50,000 btc transaction traffic jam wait in line queue, here are some things you can do to speed up the process:

a week from next tuesday the stars will start to align. this will provide best opportunity of having the extra luck to push your bitcoin transaction through the 50,000 btc wait in line queue. i would suggest that to maximize your chances of getting your stuck transaction through bitcoins blockchain traffic jam that you start doing indian rain dances starting this weekend. do not stop doing the rain dances until the power of V akman from above brute forces your bitcoin transaction through... one last piece of advice: be patient, V akman is very busy helping all the V akman rain dancers get their bitcoin transactions through.

i'm like a legendary bitcoin super-hero now, showing up in the last moments to help out fellow bitcoiners in their times of need.

1333. Post 16691426 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.58h):

Quote from: podyx on October 26, 2016, 04:46:34 PM
I sent a transaction like 2 hours ago and it still hasn't confirmed. What the fuck is going on? Blocks are full, I know but the last block was .75 MB

see my previous post fellow bitcoiner!

1334. Post 16691536 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.58h):

Quote from: Ted E. Bare on October 26, 2016, 05:36:47 PM
Gonna miss out on a whole lot of potential profits would the price decide to skyrocket sometime in the coming 2 months

Unfortunately you will miss out on a lot of potential profits, because it is happening!!

$680 is where there is a lot of resistance is right ??

1335. Post 16691561 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.58h):

Quote from: podyx on October 26, 2016, 05:30:17 PM
I sent a transaction like 2 hours ago and it still hasn't confirmed. What the fuck is going on? Blocks are full, I know but the last block was .75 MB

see my previous post fellow bitcoiner!

For fuck sake, if I put a higher fee, do I get priority?

yes.. however you should start V akman rain dances asap for your stuck transaction. it will work, just ask Puff Daddy.

1336. Post 16702967 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.58h):

Quote from: toknormal on October 26, 2016, 05:44:20 PM

$680 is where there is a lot of resistance is right ??

I'd say $760 is where the big resistance is.

well... looks like the $680 resistance is holding .. at least so far... maybe tonight we break though and stay above $680 resistance .

1337. Post 17423670 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.01h):

alright everyone.. get ready for the drop to $250!

1338. Post 17495032 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.02h):

Quote from: DoktorKopf on January 13, 2017, 04:31:34 PM
This China 'clamp down' is this cycle's equivalent of the Silk Road bust.

At the time many thought it was another death (coz illegalz is all wot its good for), but in fact it cleared the decks for new money: people that had been aware but reluctant to get in because of the perceived criminal monoculture. PBOC now doing similar by actually doing their job (not everything is anti-Bitcoin conspiracy) and being seen to protect the next wave of new money that's hovering around, tempted to invest, in Middle Earth.

Applying retail standards to the markets is necessary for the next wave. The unregulated cowboy traders have had their fun, but Granny Shopkeeper would be mad to trust them with her savings. PBOC cleaning out the stables. so we can gallop to a new dawn. Forward comrades!

get ready for the next leg down.. we are going back to $250 bitcoins.

1339. Post 17523883 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.02h):

Quote from: the artful bodger on January 16, 2017, 11:30:48 AM

u guys have really taken this to all new levels.. gratz.

1340. Post 17534175 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.02h):

hey all....just got word in yesterday: the bullish dragon harmonic is on through the weekend and possibly into next week .

1341. Post 17596634 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.02h):

hey all... i'm seeing btc between $1000 and $2400 first half of the year due to china unable to short or stop btc from rising when they yell stop pumping btc.... china is barely able to keep btc under $1000...the chinese mega whale almost got called at $1150.... the breakout will happen . .. china is panicking over price of bitcoin.

1342. Post 17607334 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.02h):

Quote from: spooderman on January 23, 2017, 05:28:42 PM
The next 2 days are critical. If there will be a successful pump, eventually leading to about 1050$ - 1100$, then this will be a EW one, and after months of sideways we'll see 2000$ or more.
If however the pump will fail, then we'll see a major correction, down to about 600$ and the possibility of a new bear market.

quoting because i doubt either of these scenarios.

my hunch is a smaller dump back into high 800s.

quoted, because i think u are wrong.. my guess is a pump to the high 56,000s after the surprise hard fork .

1343. Post 17607387 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.02h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 23, 2017, 08:32:37 PM

hey all... i'm seeing btc between $1000 and $2400 first half of the year due to china unable to short or stop btc from rising when they yell stop pumping btc.... china is barely able to keep btc under $1000...the chinese mega whale almost got called at $1150.... the breakout will happen . .. china is panicking over price of bitcoin.

Are you saying that BTC prices will be bouncing around within that price range for the next six months or so?

You must have finally decided to go long in bitcoin,..... hahahahahha...    Shocked

By the way, your current price range prediction is seeming quite broad...   Are you merely trying to hedge in order to be right no matter what or do you just not have any more specifics in your current thinking?  Don't get me wrong, it is not a bad prediction (even though it does seem a bit more optimistic than even me), if it were to be true... $1,000 as the new floor and $2400 as the ceiling (at least in the next 5-6 months).. whowza!!!

i always was long ...

1344. Post 18265075 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.06h):

i hope you guys make up your minds this time bitcoin .

1345. Post 18268243 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.06h):

Quote from: BrewMaster on March 20, 2017, 04:08:34 PM
this morning i was wondering how many more times this process of "FUD, dump, more FUD, buy back cheap coins, rise" can be repeated and how smaller the swings are going to get!

just some food for thought.

we should be able to do that at least five or six more times.

1346. Post 18278336 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.06h):

Quote from: Dafar on March 20, 2017, 08:16:12 PM
A compromise looks very likely  Cheesy

But I feel bad for selling... if I buy back now I will pretty much be down 5 btc..... ugh...

don't even worry about it.. you can always buy back in at $1500 ..

1347. Post 18278377 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.06h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 20, 2017, 09:00:55 PM
Blocksize was never meant to be some resource that could be controlled by anybody.

Let Bitcoin scale already.

Make Bitcoin Great Again!

Finally, you make one out of three points that makes some sense.  

1mb blocksize limits is the current state of bitcoin.. that is correct, and bitcoin was not meant to be easily changed.  Therefore, 1mb blocksize limits seem to be the status quo going forward until there is some kind of convincing evidence and/or argument(s) that allows for it to be adapted in some kind of way, whether that is through seg wit or blocksize increases or any other "scaling" way forward.
What's your angle?

My angle meaning what?

I already stated what I thought, no?

In essence, I agree with any point that the current bitcoin system is established as a secure decentralized immutable way to store and transfer value.  If what bitcoin "is" is undermined by some kind of centralized system or manipulation or FUD that allows for such undermining of bitcoin "as it is", then that would be problematic.  

My angle remains that XT, Classic and now BU are either aimed or have effects that are attempting to undermine bitcoin "as is"... ... so we will see how all of that plays out, and whether bitcoin is going to be able to preserve its value in one form or another regarding a secure decentralized and immutable system that allows for the storage and transferring of value
Okay let's remove any possibility of ambiguity then.

Are you against increasing the transfer capacity of the bitcoin network, yes or no? Just yes or no.
So why do you want to stay at the current 1 MB? You can't have it both ways.

First of all.  You edited out my answer.  

Second of all, you are planting assumptions about my position based on information that I did not provide.

In other words, you are not really attempting to engage in any kind of meaningful interaction but instead wanting to disseminate your own talking points and to falsely attribute positions to others (isn't that called, creation of a strawman?)

well he does have a point.. it is hard to interact with people who want to stay at the 1MB block size for obvious reasons.

1348. Post 18470521 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.07h):

alright everyone.. really time to get pimpin.. i mean pumpin. what everyone waiting on ??

1349. Post 18470546 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.07h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 05, 2017, 01:02:08 PM
"everyone hates segwit"?

nah mate.

ok segwit has the most "consensus", not everyone hates it, some poeple love it, but its not like it isn't contentious for a large %, if that wasn't true why would there be all this controversy...  

The mere fact that there is controversy does not mean that the controversy is valid.

If you got a bunch of nutjob shills that are able to convince others to whine about a bunch of stuff that seems to make sense (but really does not make sense) based on a bunch of misinformation, that still does not make the astro-turf controversy valid.

Bullshit,what we have here is:

By the way Jay,in case you didn't notice BITCOIN IS ALREADY CENTRALIZED!!!!!!!!

How much hashrate do you little peons have?? 20%  30% I don't think that will effect ANY changes in Bitcoin  Cheesy

I don't know what you are talking about.

It seems that you are accusing me of the thing that you are doing, and for what purpose?  What point are you trying to make?

he does have a valid point .

1350. Post 18743141 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.08h):

Quote from: york780 on April 25, 2017, 04:52:34 PM
We're up over 30% in 30 days. We're ripe for some profit taking.
NO! Wait for 1400!! Trust me on this.

he really needs stop shorting bitcoin .

1351. Post 18743151 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.08h):

Quote from: Denker on April 25, 2017, 06:40:42 PM
Ho-Ho we're moving up again.
Well that's nice but I doubt it will push us much further.Just another upwards swing, which a downwards swing will follow imo.
No reason to moon at the moment.
But the day will come.And then we're going to surpass moon easily!

Any idea why the ETF decision gets reviewed?
Maybe this is the reason we moved up? Buy the rumor?

we called do overs . chinese miners call do overs . now we callin do overs .

1352. Post 19117707 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.10h):

Gratz everyone..  see you all @ btc $2400 ..

1353. Post 20434726 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.15h):

hey everyone.. stopping in to learn more about my boat i'm going to have soon . how is everyone doing with the fork ??

1354. Post 20434865 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.15h):

Quote from: Torque on July 27, 2017, 02:54:53 PM
So how you guys liking that back-and-forth wash trading?

Feels just like a groundswell of overwhelming public demand, doesn't it?  At this rate we'll be over $5K in no time!  /s

$5K is a done deal. Interesting question is if we go over $10K by the end of this year?

So sure are we? Hope that you are right, but I'm curious what you are attributing that to.

I'm not sure that Average Joe, after reading the headlines about BTC-e's demise and that bitcoin is used by criminals, will be falling all over himself to buy ANY bitcoin right now. Especially when he has absolutely no fkn clue what either SegWit or SegWit2X are, nor does he care.

yeah really. it is obvious to me he is a govy shill attempting to squash everyones hopium when we all know bitcoin will have support at $49k soon on its way too $500k .

1355. Post 20448275 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.15h):

Quote from: r0ach on July 28, 2017, 01:46:23 AM

The bitcoin market is in deep shit once the general public finds out Lightning Network isn't a valid scaling solution.  Sure, it works as a CENTRALIZED scaling solution, but not a decentralized one.  Not that the base bitcoin network itself is even decentralized in the first place.  

The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent, but on a long enough timeline, dumping bitcoin for silver (while silver is at the floor) is the best move you can make in the long run right now.  Sure, some idiot could pump BTC higher, but there is no valid scaling solution, and it's useless without scaling.  It's value prospect is also supposed to be based on decentralization, and it's not even decentralized either!  There's no god damn fundamentals for it anywhere!  It's all just a pump and dump scheme at this point.

I don't get this.  BTC doesn't have to be for buying your fucking coffee in the morning.  It can be more like the SDR or bank wires.  I envision it as a settlement structure for very large transactions.  It DOES NOT HAVE TO SCALE!  Use sidechains and altcoins to buy your goddamn starbucks...jesus, this isn't that hard folks.

Also, as someone with an Ag DCA just over $12 I really don't see current prices as a "floor"

Nice product placement for ZeroHedge though, I'll give you that.

Bitcoin has ZERO, I repeat, ZERO value as a settlement layer because there already exists far better settlement alternatives - noble metals (gold and silver).  This is why currencies were always derivatives of them in the past.  Bitcoin has built-in middle men (transaction validators) and counter party risk while metals DO NOT.  Bitcoin is a rent seeking usury system where miners expect to get a cut out of every transaction like the mafia while metals ARE NOT.  

You need to be a complete lunatic to believe bitcoin somehow has better fundamentals as a settlement system than metals.  Can you imagine issuing currencies as a derivative of bitcoin when bitcoin is already only a currency and not money in the first place? LOL.  For the the 500th time, bitcoin is a currency, not money, which is why it's called "cryptocurrency".  The value of currencies are derived from transaction flow, NOT stock.  

i still haven't figured out how to get a silver coin into my pc to make a transaction . don't get me wrong, i own a bunch of pms too. however, i believe we will eventually be trading pms for cryptos to make transactions easier for ourselves in the future .

1356. Post 20944126 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.18h):

hey everyone.. what do u all think will happen this weekend prior to segwit activation ??

1357. Post 20944172 (copy this link) (by aztecminer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.18h):

i voted $5000+ on the poll .. we really got to start mooning if we reaching $500k in three years.