All posts made by Lambie Slayer in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 48204366 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.15h):

Hello Lady and Gents
 I havent posted on here since 2015 when my account The Doxing, was banned from posting. Some may remember when I revealed the identity of Lambie, our friendly FT journalist, who was a plague on this thread for too long. She fought it at first but once I started subtly dripping her personal info she realized I was for real and left never too return. I never released any of her personal emails. She is gone and that is what is important. I have been reading this thread daily since 2013 and became a long term hodler in 2014. Ive even read most of JJGs posts although some speedreading and skimming is required. Im still hodling strong over half the coins i started with and happy to see Lambie doesnt plague these forums any more. The most recent dumpfest was more ridiculous imo than the Jan 2015 one so it felt like a good time to drop in and say hello after many years. Despite the rivers of blood, the carnage and the despair we have seen lately, at least NLC isnt flooding us with disgusting porn. Oh yeah and since I havent posted in so long, Ill think Ill call bottom while Im here, a little prediction never hurt anyone. I doubt Ill be back to post again for a long time but Ill be reading and enjoying everyones comments, even Roach who I believe is an undercover permabull of Jewish descent Wink

2. Post 48496936 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.18h):

Mutated genetic freak "double muscle" bulls are coming for you shorters. Be afraid.

3. Post 48529198 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.19h):

 In the next week we take one last nasty leg down (2350ish) followed by huge green dildo up with volume so epic no one can deny its the one true capitulation.

Checklist to make sure capitulation is complete:

1. Jimbo greets us but forgets or purposely neglects to say "Good Morning."

2. The ever ungrateful to the crypto gods and glass half empty Searing sells a huge chunk of coins for peanuts and
    continues to complain more about all the money he has than 99.9999 percent of people with a nice net worth.

2. JJG is at a loss for words and can only muster a few sentences.

3. MicGoosens will finally post a pic of eating inexpensive fast food, girlfriend will not be present in pic bc she is
    taking some time to herself to consider a possibly more secure future with a nocoiner. (no worries though
    goose, she will come to her senses once the dildo appears)

4. Roach in a huge burst of never felt before confidence will talk to a female for the first time in 6 years. For reasons
    unknown to science she will like Roach and he will have a real shot at losing virginity. He will get a
    phone number, but then when he does a reverse number lookup in the whitepages he will realize she has a Jewish
    last name and take another 6 years off from speaking to females.(he will never admit it happened, but the green
    dildo will confirm it)

Once this list is completed we will start the next bull run. The big surprise few will expect will be having another small bubble to 50k before the next halving and all the "crypto winter" dreamers thinking they have all of 2019 and much of 2020 to collect cheap coins will be left in the dust bin of crypto history.

Ill leave you with the late Waylon Jennings son's best song

4. Post 48531904 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.19h):

Quote from: Kylapoiss on December 08, 2018, 11:08:42 AM

4. yeah roach.... its making sense, i have the theory for his jewish hate as well that a girl has to be involved, i guess when he was in love first time it was on a jew girl.... what just happened there i don't know, but i think she crushed him brutal, any guys any thought what might have happened there ?

With that much hate towards females I think he has been rejected all his life. I think I even feel a bit sad for him, but just a bit.

.. and that bit is gone now too.

An idea for a movie script just came to me, inspired by probably real life events and situations of Roach. Perhaps someone with some writing talent could run with it, Im sure hollywood would love it and Shia Labeouf could really use a comeback role.

 Our antihero is a young Jewish boy nicknamed Roach. He goes to an all Jewish private school and falls in love with a young girl. After a brutal and humiliating rejection young Roach swears off women as retarded subhumans and begins to hate the Jews. Being a Jew himself is somewhat of a dilemma so he comes up with a theory that his evil parents stole him from a white family using typical Jewish tricks layed out in The Protocols. He then grows a bit older and finds his only solace in stacking silver and hanging out with the only group of people on Earth tolerant and kind enough to not ban him from their internet chat thread(Enter the Illustrious Wall Observer Bitcoiner Team with all the stars you know and love). Fast forward to the year 2022 set at the Wall Observer 100k party at Voodoo Lounge in Las Vegas. An older and even more bitter Roach, soul crushed by the crash of silver and all other PMs comes to the party via coin raised by our Wall Observer heroes. Everyone meets Roach and feels sorry for him and the poverty and sadness that he is living in and also quickly figures out that he is indeed Jewish. Everyone at the party except for Roach is very wealthy and they marvel at how someone could have been exposed to so much Bitcoin knowledge for so many years, but be so emotionally disturbed to not make the right choice and become a wealthy hodler. In a drunken stupor some Wall heroes decide to gather up some dust they had lying around and add it up into one trezor which they give to Roach. Roach is so overwhelmed at the generosity of people who he ranted at insanely for years that he vows then and there to be a better person. Now he has enough money to escape his Mcdonalds job and our antihero meets a Jewish girl on a online dating app. They fall in love and Roach dedicates his life to bringing peace and love to all the races and spreading the word of Bitcoin to precious metal bagholders. At the end of the movie will be a plot twist. Our antihero finds out his beautiful pregnant Jewish fiance was born a hermaphrodite. But that is a sequel and story for another day.

5. Post 48547996 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.19h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on December 08, 2018, 09:25:46 PM
I used to think bitcoin go big moon but now think it go down to hell.

Zoom out, dip twat.. and don't get caught up into whatever seems to be the current momentum.

jjg having a fever?

short explanation?  

Just capitulation getting much much closer is all. You still have your part to play Goose in this cosmic dance. A pic of you eating some Ramen noodles or a cold can of beans would do the trick. If you wanna end this bear market quickly then sacrifices must be made to the Gods of Capitulation. Jimbo earnestly and sincerely telling us all to go fuck ourselves would also really help. Our families are waiting in desperate need so please do the right thing sirs. JJG, thank you for setting a good example and making a sacrifice. Im sure it wasnt easy writing such a short and concise piece of life advice to Pirate Dip Twat, we all know he could have benefited from some instructions on incremental selling and buying strategies.

6. Post 48574536 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.20h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on December 09, 2018, 04:19:46 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

Nice to see that today's sideways has an upward slope to it... currently $3647USD/$4860CAD (Bitcoinaverage).

Glad I bought while the price was down.

Jimbo earnestly and sincerely telling us all to go fuck ourselves would also really help. Our families are waiting in desperate need so please do the right thing sirs.

That's a tough one. How about if I just tell all the crybabies, trolls, altcoiners, negative Nellies, Bitcoin haters, permabears, racists/misogenists, etc to go fuck themselves. Will that do?

Jimbo good sir. I know its tough, but think of our families please. Telling the bad guys to fuck themselves nice and proper while posting Carolina memes and rocket pics is how you end a bull market. Telling hat wearing Bitcoin hodler cheerleaders to fuck off after years of telling them all good morning though will bring us true capitulation if Goose will post the pinto beans meal. You can always say you were kidding once the huge green dildo and epic volume comes. JJG has already made his sacrifice with a short post where he didnt use the word "seemingly" even one time. and we all know Searing is on the verge of capitulating the next big red dildo he sees. Roach is building his confidence and the next leg down he will surely talk to a girl after six years of silence. Its up to you, but Im afraid the bottom wont be in until you do this for us.



SAVE THE WORLD (our families)

Edit: I see Goose was kind enough to help save our families and post a pic of inexpensive fast food with no gf present. Jimbo, its in your hands more than ever now.

7. Post 48574946 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.20h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on December 09, 2018, 06:12:07 PM
via Imgflip Meme Generator

Just in case we dump more ..... gonna stick with straight outta Belgium fast food
Any of you not Belgium-Holland Guys ever eat this Grin

And come BTC kee on the sunday pump while i’m gonna be movie watching come on Wink

Thank you for your sacrifice Goose.

8. Post 48585264 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.20h):

Quote from: Kylapoiss on December 10, 2018, 07:11:10 PM
this is art

I just heard about some dude wanting to shoot up a synagogue on the news. I wouldn't be surprised if r0ach isn't posting anymore.

He met a girl. He's at peace now
A girl? R0ach met a girl? Now I just don't believe you. Next you'll be telling me she's Jewish and he's converting.

He was trying to argue with me on theoretical physics last I saw him. Maybe he went to get an education to try and prove me wrong.

WTF? I hate jews now! Grin

Roach has fallen for a young Nazi pop star. He thinks if he stacks enough silver and shorts Bitcoin to zero he will be able to fund her next album and make it a mainstream hit. They have never met but he is a huge and obsessed fan.

9. Post 48654544 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.20h):

Jimbo can stop this bear party whenever he wants. All we can do is wait. Hopefully he doesnt wait for 3k to be breached.

10. Post 48667096 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.20h):

Quote from: Kylapoiss on December 08, 2018, 06:10:45 PM

4. yeah roach.... its making sense, i have the theory for his jewish hate as well that a girl has to be involved, i guess when he was in love first time it was on a jew girl.... what just happened there i don't know, but i think she crushed him brutal, any guys any thought what might have happened there ?

With that much hate towards females I think he has been rejected all his life. I think I even feel a bit sad for him, but just a bit.

.. and that bit is gone now too.

An idea for a movie script just came to me, inspired by probably real life events and situations of Roach. Perhaps someone with some writing talent could run with it, Im sure hollywood would love it and Shia Labeouf could really use a comeback role.

 Our antihero is a young Jewish boy nicknamed Roach. He goes to an all Jewish private school and falls in love with a young girl. After a brutal and humiliating rejection young Roach swears off women as retarded subhumans and begins to hate the Jews. Being a Jew himself is somewhat of a dilemma so he comes up with a theory that his evil parents stole him from a white family using typical Jewish tricks layed out in The Protocols. He then grows a bit older and finds his only solace in stacking silver and hanging out with the only group of people on Earth tolerant and kind enough to not ban him from their internet chat thread(Enter the Illustrious Wall Observer Bitcoiner Team with all the stars you know and love). Fast forward to the year 2022 set at the Wall Observer 100k party at Voodoo Lounge in Las Vegas. An older and even more bitter Roach, soul crushed by the crash of silver and all other PMs comes to the party via coin raised by our Wall Observer heroes. Everyone meets Roach and feels sorry for him and the poverty and sadness that he is living in and also quickly figures out that he is indeed Jewish. Everyone at the party except for Roach is very wealthy and they marvel at how someone could have been exposed to so much Bitcoin knowledge for so many years, but be so emotionally disturbed to not make the right choice and become a wealthy hodler. In a drunken stupor some Wall heroes decide to gather up some dust they had lying around and add it up into one trezor which they give to Roach. Roach is so overwhelmed at the generosity of people who he ranted at insanely for years that he vows then and there to be a better person. Now he has enough money to escape his Mcdonalds job and our antihero meets a Jewish girl on a online dating app. They fall in love and Roach dedicates his life to bringing peace and love to all the races and spreading the word of Bitcoin to precious metal bagholders. At the end of the movie will be a plot twist. Our antihero finds out his beautiful pregnant Jewish fiance was born a hermaphrodite. But that is a sequel and story for another day.

You seem to have enough talent, please do continue Smiley

 Very well good sir. I will make a trilogy of screen plays. By the time of the 100k party producing these into full feature movies will be financially feasible and perhaps a few Wall Observers will be interested in teaming up with me on the project. The Roach childhood and 100k party and love story movie will be released first. Then the second movie will include the origin story for the future love of Roachs life. A disturbing and tragic tale of a hermaphrodite nicknamed Gembitz. We will explore the trials and tribulations that turned Gembitz into the incoherent and impoverished shitcoiner she is today and reveal the cruel and painful origin of the tragic Weeeeeeee tic she has carried with her all these years. It will follow Gembitz all the way to the 100k party and beyond up until her pregnancy by Roach and the reveal of Gembitz's darkest secret. The third and final installment will pick up where we left off and carry on to the dramatic and fateful end of the starcrossed lovers journeys. Ill soon be dropping a sneak peak at the Gembitz origin story. Stay tuned. Also if anyone would like to offer ideas for scenes or characters please do, after all its a work in progress. As Im sure you can all guess, the title of this tragic and historically accurate tale will be "Weeeeeeeeee"

11. Post 48729944 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.21h):

Greedy bears were waiting for a high volume bottom plunge that didn't come. I believe we already bottomed according to the not so common Rounding Bottom pattern that the herd was not looking out for. This fits neatly with the decline starting off with monster volume and plunging down more multiple times but at a slower rate and with weaker volume each time. Also its likely that Jimbo cursed us all behind our backs in a moment of weakness while Roach did speak to a Jewish girl(his last female contact till he meets and falls in love with Gembitz at the 100k party) and Searing has already panic sold a big chunk at the bottom. Goose and JJG publicly made their sacrifices(thank you kind sirs) but we may have to speculate about the clandestine actions of Searing, Roach, and Jimbo. All of these conditions met would assure the bottom is in. If correct we should keep rising, slowly at first, but gaining speed and volume on the way out and see 6k  around Jan 12 2019. The cautious bull herd seems to be taking for granted they will get a nice long year to accumulate cheap coins like 2015 and then they can all be millionaires since they neglected to do this 4 years ago during the last great crypto winter, I dont think this will happen at all. Only 21 million(ok like 17 million) coins and its pretty pie in the sky for everyone to think they are gonna get 12 months of bargain basement prices where they can just casually collect coins for peanuts while fundamentals grow stronger by the day.

Ideal scenario (gently and slowly light up your hopium pipes for this one and take a big inhale)........

after regaining 6k in mid January, Bakt would then usher in another mini bubble to 40k followed by a quick and mild bear season testing 10k again, all before the next halving where the march to 250k starts Kiss

Also for anyone waiting for the high profile ragequit/capitulation/ from a well known Bitcoiner.... well the Erik Finman "Bitcoin is dead" was about as good as it gets. This kid has been well covered by the media for quite some time as the "teenage Bitcoin millionaire." If you're waiting for Saifedean Ammous to declare Bitcoin dead before we hit bottom, sorry its just not gonna happen.

Still working on the Gembitz origin story screenplay. Conducting a lot of in depth research into her sad and messy life right now before the big reveal coming soon. Stay tuned frenz.

12. Post 48730341 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.21h):

Quote from: gentlemand on December 17, 2018, 10:45:57 PM

I really doubt it Bob is planning to invite both these dipshits to the 100k party  Grin

When you arrive you will discover that every single person on this thread was the Anti Semite apart from you.

Then it envelops you in its cloak and drags you to its sex van.

Well Roach and his future lover and baby mamma Gembitz are both Jewish so if they are the most disliked creatures on this thread then the ADL might accuse it of being an Anti Semitic thread, but it is most likely out of coincidence rather than bigotry. Interestingly enough I can confirm that Roach's father is a prominent attorney at the ADL so this could cause problems down the road.

13. Post 48771019 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.21h):

Quote from: goldkingcoiner on December 17, 2018, 10:29:44 AM
Roach see a doctor, you might have paranoid schizophrenia. You have so many wild theories, all over the place.

 After doing much research into Roach's personal life for the new screenplay of his love story with Gembitz I can confirm this diagnosis. We will cover this in the movie trilogy. This is a very sad mental disorder and one of the worst things that can happen to a person(almost as bad as trading all your bitcoin for silver in 2015 Cry). Will the love and rimjobs of Gembitz help nurture Roach back to sanity??? Will Roach's love and dedication to Gembitz help him with his tics, gender identity issues and shitcoin habit???  How will Roach handle finding out Gembitz lost her virginity to a black man??? Is Roach gay because his lover Gembitz has a penis on top of her vagina???  Shocked Are traps gay??? What will happen when they visit Israel for the first time to meet Roach's grandparents??? Stay tuned.

Oh yeah, rounding bottom playing out perfectly. Bottom shorters need to bleed a whole lot more.

14. Post 48778860 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.21h):

Quote from: Bitcoinaire on December 18, 2018, 07:38:23 PM
If correct we should keep rising, slowly at first, but gaining speed and volume on the way out and see 6k  around Jan 12 2019. The cautious bull herd seems to be taking for granted they will get a nice long year to accumulate cheap coins like 2015 and then they can all be millionaires since they neglected to do this 4 years ago during the last great crypto winter, I dont think this will happen at all. Only 21 million(ok like 17 million) coins and its pretty pie in the sky for everyone to think they are gonna get 12 months of bargain basement prices where they can just casually collect coins for peanuts while fundamentals grow stronger by the day.

Ideal scenario (gently and slowly light up your hopium pipes for this one and take a big inhale)........

after regaining 6k in mid January, Bakt would then usher in another mini bubble to 40k followed by a quick and mild bear season testing 10k again, all before the next halving where the march to 250k starts Kiss

Ive been as bearish as the next guy. However, we should be given pause by the fact that everyone and his shoeshine boy are 100% certain that we're heading to $1,500-$2,500 and will endure 12+ months of crypto winter.

I don't see a long, lull in the market either. Prices are very low already and why should we be so lucky to accumulate cheap coins for 12+ months? Call me crazy, but I see the possibility for a double bubble still occurring in 2019.

You mean first bubble is 6k$ and second 40k$?

Something similar like 2013, where we had a run up from $10 to $250 in the spring and then another run up to $1150 at the end of 2013. The first bubble was to $20k and then we bubble again in 2019.

Yes, this is the type of vision shown to me after long hours smoking my hopium pipe and doing the hodl chant in Diné Bizaad while my family panhandled for their supper as Jimbo let the market crash. Everyone hoping for another cookie cutter 12 month crypto winter promised to them by the Tone Vays of the world, that will afford them ample time to lazily scoop up coins granting them millions of dollars in future gains and thinking time is on their side, then after the price smashes through 6, 7, and then 10k, they realize they have been lazy and greedy fools and they fomo in like their lives depend on it. All the money they had planned on investing over the 12 month period they wire to the exchanges in the early spring as the fomo grips their very souls. This jump starts the run to 40k by Christmas 2019 or maybe Feb. 2020 (perhaps a lot more if institutions fomo). Then the crash to 10k happens quickly and we find ourselves in the interesting situation of a mini bear market that is crashing and bottoming into the in May 2020. Here you can see one of my tribe do the hodl chant in 2008. He knew of the coming of Bitcoin but back then we thought he was mad. You will clearly hear the word hodl at least a dozen times.

15. Post 48800230 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on December 21, 2018, 10:43:50 AM

r0ach?  realr0ach?

Its unfortunate that Roach and Gembitz dont have eachothers love right now to comfort them as their shorts are destroyed more each day. They wont meet for several years till the 100k party and life will be very hard for them. Roach, like most paranoid schizophrenics lives at home and his delusions grow worse and worse. Roach will survive these tough times in his parents basement and the local Rabbi will come check on him once a week. Gembitz spends most of her nights crying about her gender issues and her dark past. Two truly broken souls who have no real purpose in life.

Lets have a look at Roach's mental disorder.

 source -

"Early warning signs of schizophrenia
In some people, schizophrenia appears suddenly and without warning. But for most, it comes on slowly, with subtle warning signs and a gradual decline in functioning long before the first severe episode. Often, friends or family members will know early on that something is wrong, without knowing exactly what."

(Roachs family knew something was wrong when he started refusing to go to the synagogue and locking himself in his room)

"In this early phase of schizophrenia, you may seem eccentric, unmotivated, emotionless, and reclusive to others. You may start to isolate yourself, begin neglecting your appearance, say peculiar things, and show a general indifference to life. You may abandon hobbies and activities, and your performance at work or school can deteriorate."

(Roach never finished high school and has not had a job in 7 years. His only interest in life is posting on the internet about Jews and ranting about Bitcoin. He sold the few coins he had in 2015 Cry and watching them grow in value has driven him much deeper into insanity Shocked)

"The most common early warning signs include:

Depression, social withdrawal"

(Lives in basement, only comes out a few times a month. No friends, job, hobbies, college, exercise, or any other activity. Just a mentally deranged recluse reading Daily Stormer and ranting about Jews and Bitcoin, this is his only life activity)

"Hostility or suspiciousness, extreme reaction to criticism"

(Cant handle when people point out how retarded his "ideas" are LOL)

"Deterioration of personal hygiene"

(Roach only bathes once a month when his parents refuse to put food by his door if he doesnt)

"Flat, expressionless gaze"

(Roach has not smiled or laughed in several years. His life is like a deranged robot with almost no emotion except for anger and fear)

"Inability to cry or express joy or inappropriate laughter or crying"

(Roachs grandparents died and he felt nothing except that two less jews walked the Earth so he felt a little bit safer)

"Oversleeping or insomnia; forgetful, unable to concentrate"

(Roach is up all hours posting and ranting to people who think his life is a waste)

"Odd or irrational statements; strange use of words or way of speaking"

(thousands of delusional posts about Bitcoin being worthless and a Jewish scam as it climbs and climbs each year in value)

"While these warning signs can result from a number of problems—not just schizophrenia—they are cause for concern. When out-of-the-ordinary behavior is causing problems in your life or the life of a loved one, seek medical advice. If schizophrenia or another mental problem is the cause, getting treatment early will help."

(the only treatment for Roach will be his future lover Gembitz)

There are five types of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and the so-called “negative” symptoms. However, the symptoms of schizophrenia vary dramatically from person to person, both in pattern and severity. Not every person with schizophrenia will have all the symptoms, and the symptoms of schizophrenia may also change over time."

A delusion is a firmly-held idea that a person has despite clear and obvious evidence that it isn’t true. Delusions are extremely common in schizophrenia, occurring in more than 90% of those who have the disorder. Often, these delusions involve illogical or bizarre ideas or fantasies, such as:"

Exters pyramid
Jews out to get him!!
Bitcoin is a Jewish scam!!
Muh silver!!!

"Delusions of persecution – Belief that others, often a vague “they,” are out to get you. These persecutory delusions often involve bizarre ideas and plots (e.g. “Martians are trying to poison me with radioactive particles delivered through my tap water”)."
A. Jews
B. Women
C. Gays
D. Bitcoiners
E. Parents
F. Local Rabbi

"Delusions of reference – A neutral environmental event is believed to have a special and personal meaning. For example, you might believe a billboard or a person on TV is sending a message meant specifically for you."

Thinks Hitler is talking to him every day.

"Delusions of grandeur – Belief that you are a famous or important figure, such as Jesus Christ or Napoleon. Alternately, delusions of grandeur may involve the belief that you have unusual powers, such as the ability to fly."

A. Thinks he understands markets and is some kind of expert, but has only ever lost his allowance by making bad trades and losing shekels on silver coin investments. His ideas are really just a few silly points repeated over and over again.

"Delusions of control – Belief that your thoughts or actions are being controlled by outside, alien forces. Common delusions of control include thought broadcasting (“My private thoughts are being transmitted to others”), thought insertion (“Someone is planting thoughts in my head”), and thought withdrawal (“The CIA is robbing me of my thoughts”)."

See, Jews, Hitler etc.

Hallucinations are sounds or other sensations experienced as real when they exist only in your mind. While hallucinations can involve any of the five senses, auditory hallucinations (e.g. hearing voices or some other sound) are most common in schizophrenia, often occurring when you misinterpret your own inner self-talk as coming from an outside source."
?? Possibly thinks responders to his posts dont think he is a deranged clown  Cheesy??

"Schizophrenic hallucinations are usually meaningful to you as the person experiencing them. Many times, the voices are those of someone you know, and usually they’re critical, vulgar, or abusive. Visual hallucinations are also relatively common, while all hallucinations tend to be worse when you’re alone."

"Disorganized speech
Schizophrenia can cause you to have trouble concentrating and maintaining a train of thought, externally manifesting itself in the way that you speak. You may respond to queries with an unrelated answer, start sentences with one topic and end somewhere completely different, speak incoherently, or say illogical things."

Bizarre nonsense ideas about everything under the sun. Roach has delusions that he is an expert on every topic, but his writings are little more than insane babbling.

Common signs of disorganized speech include:

Loose associations – Rapidly shifting from topic to topic, with no connection between one thought and the next.

Neologisms – Made-up words or phrases that only have meaning to you.

Perseveration – Repetition of words and statements; saying the same thing over and over.

Clang – Meaningless use of rhyming words (“I said the bread and read the shed and fed Ned at the head”).

Disorganized behavior
Schizophrenia disrupts goal-directed activity, impairing your ability to take care of yourself, your work, and interact with others. Disorganized behavior appears as:

A decline in overall daily functioning
Unpredictable or inappropriate emotional responses
Behaviors that appear bizarre and have no purpose
Lack of inhibition and impulse control
Negative symptoms (absence of normal behaviors)
The so-called “negative” symptoms of schizophrenia refer to the absence of normal behaviors found in healthy individuals, such as:

Lack of emotional expression – Inexpressive face, including a flat voice, lack of eye contact, and blank or restricted facial expressions.

Lack of interest or enthusiasm – Problems with motivation; lack of self-care.

Seeming lack of interest in the world – Apparent unawareness of the environment; social withdrawal.

Speech difficulties and abnormalities – Inability to carry a conversation; short and sometimes disconnected replies to questions; speaking in a monotone.

Daniel’s story
Daniel is 21 years old. Six months ago, he was doing well in college and holding down a part-time job in the stockroom of a local electronics store. But then he began to change, becoming increasingly paranoid and acting out in bizarre ways. First, he became convinced that his professors were “out to get him” since they didn’t appreciate his confusing, off-topic classroom rants. Then he told his roommate that the other students were “in on the conspiracy.” Soon after, he dropped out of school.

From there, his condition got worse. Daniel stopped bathing, shaving, and washing his clothes. At work, he became convinced that his boss was watching him through surveillance bugs planted in the store’s TV screens. Then he started hearing voices telling him to find the bugs and deactivate them. Things came to a head when he acted on the voices, smashing several TVs and screaming that he wasn’t going to put up with the “illegal spying” any more. His frightened boss called the police, and Daniel was hospitalized.

Treatment for schizophrenia
As upsetting as a diagnosis of schizophrenia can be, ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. Beginning treatment as soon as possible with an experienced mental health professional is crucial to your recovery. At the same time, it’s important not to buy into the stigma associated with schizophrenia or the myth that you can’t get better. A diagnosis of schizophrenia is not a life-sentence of ever-worsening symptoms and recurring hospitalizations. With the right treatment and self-help, many people with schizophrenia are able to regain normal functioning and even become symptom-free."

Giving and receiving rimjobs with Gembitz will prove his only salvation in the future. Kiss

16. Post 48813141 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 22, 2018, 02:28:10 AM
I can't figure out which one is JayJuanGee:

Right you paranoid schizophrenic basement dweller who hasnt smiled or laughed in 6 years. You spend time here because deep down you know you have no friends and its your only chance at human contact until you start dating Gembitz. Keep trying to distract us from the fact that you will lose your virginity to Gembitz, a girl with a penis(dats kinda gay buddy), at the 100k party. Also keep pretending you aren't Jewish. Your last name is probably SILVERstein. For someone who claims to hate his own people(the jews) because they are greedy money grubbers, you sure constantly obsess about collecting as much of a shiny primitive metal as you can.  Wink Cheesy Kiss

17. Post 48813511 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 22, 2018, 04:42:03 AM
I can't figure out which one is JayJuanGee:

Right you paranoid schizophrenic basement dweller who hasnt smiled or laughed in 6 years. You spend time here because deep down you know you have no friends and its your only chance at human contact until you start dating Gembitz. Keep trying to distract us from the fact that you will lose your virginity to Gembitz, a girl with a penis(dats kinda gay buddy), at the 100k party. Also keep pretending you aren't Jewish. Your last name is probably SILVERstein. For someone who claims to hate his own people(the jews) because they are greedy money grubbers, you sure constantly obsess about collecting as much of a shiny primitive metal as you can.  Wink Cheesy Kiss

But Mr. Silverstein, you are clearly a Jew, grubbing and lusting over a silly metal and feeding stereotypes. Will you be cooking yourself in an oven to further your cause. Surely that would be better than rotting in your basement and suffering from paranoid schizophrenia as Bitcoin goes to 100k. As you age your delusions will only get worse, your social behavior will only be more outwardly bizarre, and your pain will only grow. The world will always be a harsh and terrifying place for someone like you who cant function as a normal person. Is it worth being around just to have everyone stare at you and your freakishly odd behavior when you venture out of the basement and open your mentally ill mouth to say freakish things? Is it worth coming here and have everyone think you are a delusional low functioning basket case. Whats the point of your existence? What do you offer the world other than silly rants and repeating gibberish about Bitcoin being worthless. Is it your life that is perhaps worthless?? Thats a serious question, and I think you know the answer. What value do you add to humanity besides someone for us to laugh at bc you sold your Bitcoin in 2015 and cant get over it?? Do you really want to be around when silver becomes worthless because Bitcoin has made it obsolete as a store of value Shocked Wink

18. Post 48813710 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 22, 2018, 05:05:01 AM
I can't figure out which one is JayJuanGee:

Right you paranoid schizophrenic basement dweller who hasnt smiled or laughed in 6 years. You spend time here because deep down you know you have no friends and its your only chance at human contact until you start dating Gembitz. Keep trying to distract us from the fact that you will lose your virginity to Gembitz, a girl with a penis(dats kinda gay buddy), at the 100k party. Also keep pretending you aren't Jewish. Your last name is probably SILVERstein. For someone who claims to hate his own people(the jews) because they are greedy money grubbers, you sure constantly obsess about collecting as much of a shiny primitive metal as you can.  Wink Cheesy Kiss

But Mr. Silverstein, you are clearly a Jew, grubbing and lusting over a silly metal and feeding stereotypes. Will you be cooking yourself in an oven to further your cause. Surely that would be better than rotting in your basement and suffering from paranoid schizophrenia as Bitcoin goes to 100k. As you age your delusions will only get worse, your social behavior will only be more outwardly bizarre, and your pain will only grow. The world will always be a harsh and terrifying place for someone like you who cant function as a normal person. Is it worth being around just to have everyone stare at you and your freakishly odd behavior when you venture out of the basement and open your mentally ill mouth to say freakish things? Is it worth coming here and have everyone think you are a delusional low functioning basket case. Whats the point of your existence? What do you offer the world other than silly rants and repeating gibberish about Bitcoin being worthless. Is it your life that is perhaps worthless?? Thats a serious question, and I think you know the answer. What value do you add to humanity besides someone for us to laugh at bc you sold your Bitcoin in 2015 and cant get over it?? Do you really want to be around when silver becomes worthless because Bitcoin has made it obsolete as a store of value Shocked Wink

Sign me up for some of those centralized, imaginary, valueless tokens, Schlomo!

You already sold Bitcoins in 2015 Mr. Silverstein, we all remember when you were a bull. Thats why you are the true dumb money idiot of this thread LMFAO! Cheesy Wink How stupid could you be to sell Bitcoin in 2015 and buy silver. You have been on a 3 year crybaby tantrum ever since because you were so stupid with your money. Guess what, crying and ranting wont bring back your Bitcoins or make anybody think Silver is a good investment. Its just going to make your mental condition(paranoid schizophrenia) worse. Silver is just a dead money investment that is going nowhere and you were the dumb sucker who fell for it Cheesy Cheesy How does it feel to be such a sucker. I thought your tribe was good with money.

If you dont take the easy way out and bake yourself in an oven, here are some steps to take before you start dating Gembitz.

"Mr. Silverstein, Your attitude towards schizophrenia treatment matters
Accept your diagnosis. As upsetting as a diagnosis of schizophrenia can be, resolving to take a proactive role in treatment and self-help is crucial to your recovery. That means making healthy lifestyle changes, taking prescribed medications, and attending medical and therapy appointments.

Don’t buy into the stigma of schizophrenia. Many fears about schizophrenia are not based on reality. Take your illness seriously but don’t buy into the myth that you can’t improve. Associate with people who see beyond your diagnosis, to the person you really are.

Communicate with your doctor. Help your doctor ensure you’re getting the right type and dose of medication. Be honest and upfront about side effects, concerns, and other treatment issues.

Pursue self-help and therapy that helps you manage symptoms. Don’t rely on medication alone. Self-help strategies can help you to manage symptoms and regain a sense of control over your health and well-being. Supportive therapy can teach you how to challenge delusional beliefs, ignore voices in your head, protect against relapse, and motivate yourself to persevere with treatment and self-help.

Set and work toward life goals.  Having schizophrenia doesn’t mean you can’t work, have relationships, or experience a fulfilling life. Set meaningful life goals for yourself beyond your illness."

Your probably gonna be a loser your whole life, but who knows, anything is possible(except silver ever being a better investment than Bitcoin in 2015, thats def never gonna be possible).

19. Post 48814186 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: Toxic2040 on December 22, 2018, 05:33:17 AM


He is just being fed a little dose of Rat Poison Squared. But feeding him in the form of entertaining his paranoid schizo rantings and pretending like they are reasonable arguments to be debated(many on this thread have taken this route for years) is a kind of feeding that I agree shouldn't be done. This was the same kind of troll feeding that was done with Lambie Kaminska for a long time till I decided to step in and slay her with a little Doxing for which I was soon banished I think by a certain big blocker who used to run this thread. I may dox Mr. Roach Silverstein soon if I get the itch.

20. Post 48814298 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 22, 2018, 06:07:58 AM

The troll is trolling the trolling troll dawg.

That guy seems really pissed the price of his shitcoins is going down.

Lol, pissed they are up hugely after over 4 years?? Im extremely happy with BTC gains since I started hodling, but nice try Silverstein. How pissed are you that you sold your coins in 2015 and have been bagholding Silver like an idiot for 3 years.  Wink Cheesy Pissed enough to cry like an angry girl for years post after post with paranoid schizo incoherent rants, lol. We all witnessed your retarded decision when you dumped your coins right before the epic bull market and went to Silver. Every retard rant you do after that just lets us know how butthurt you are for your mistakes. Its nice knowing you keep going deeper and deeper into mental illness tbh. What other activities do you do in your mummys basement?? Wen oven to end the pain?? You are by far the dumbest money on this thread Grin Kiss

21. Post 48853104 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Future Jewish lovers Roach and Gembitz alone in their basements and not able to wipe the tears  Cry Cry from each others haggard faces as Bitcoin's new bull market ramps up after almost a year long bear. They will know nothing but pain until they meet and fall in love at the 100k party.  Cheesy Wink

22. Post 48856589 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 24, 2018, 03:04:41 AM
Future Jewish lovers Roach and Gembitz alone in their basements and not able to wipe the tears  Cry Cry from each others haggard faces as Bitcoin's new bull market ramps up after almost a year long bear. They will know nothing but pain until they meet and fall in love at the 100k party.  Cheesy Wink

Happy holocaust from The Daily Stormer.

Roach I know its hard for you right now because Lebron offended your tribe your incel life gets more humiliating each day, and your mummies allowance just blew up when your Bitcoin shorts got liquidated today, but I have some more bad news for you......

Your favorite site to read as you rot in misery at your failure of a life,, accepts for its main source of funding the most useful, valuable, censorship resistant, soundest, hardest money known to man....... BITCOIN

If your life could have become more of a joke(debatable) then it just did. Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Wink

Why dont your mentally ill friends use physical silver to fund their joke site??? How is your dead money investment doing by the way??? You know, the one you sold all your Bitcoins for in 2015 before the bull market really popped off, lmfao! Tell us 1 reason why you are not the dumbest money on this thread.  Wink Grin

23. Post 48857766 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 24, 2018, 08:28:54 AM
Your favorite site to read as you rot in misery at your failure of a life,, accepts for its main source of funding the most useful, valuable, censorship resistant, soundest, hardest money known to man....... BITCOIN

If your life could have become more of a joke(debatable) then it just did. Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Wink

Why dont your mentally ill friends use physical silver to fund their joke site???

^Speaks badly of the only real news site on the entire interent.  Mentally ill Jew shill detected.  I also like how the comment section for the link you posted is ENTIRELY anti-jew comments HAHA.  Like 20 of them in a row.

Im white and very proud of it Mr. Silverstein. I detected you as a mentally ill jew incel with homosexual tendencies a long time ago. Your site is a joke though, but bc of the heavy censorship it faced (which I dont agree with) it had to use Bitcoin for funding. Bitcoin is such a powerful force it is used by losers like you as a last resort when the world shuts off your favorite corny website. You cant dance your way out of that fact with your paranoid schizo gibberish. If the site is the most real as you claim, then Bitcoin must be the most real currency Wink Why dont they use your dead money silver investment for funding.

As long as the comments in that section arent anti white, Im not personally offended Mr. Silverstein.  Wink Kiss

24. Post 48857890 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 24, 2018, 09:36:19 AM
And sterilizing people like Roach seems unnecessary, given his professed lack of success with the fairer sex.  

Dumb comment.  I've never posted any such thing before.  I've never had a problem with women, I just have no desire to get married. want to marry someone with a penis and money bc I lost all mine shorting Bitcoin. What are women?  Mindless baby making machines.  What is the goal of a woman?  To subjugate a man's entire life and redirect all of his goals, ambitions, free time, money, and any other type of resource he has and direct it into serving her goals instead.  I prefer freedom men over subjugation women.

Roach has no problem with women????Is this the biggest lie ever told on this thread?Huh Can anyone think of a bigger lie told by a poster bc Id love to hear it. Roach has no problem with women?Huh Reallyyyyyyy??? LOLOLOLOL Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Cheesy Im sure sitting in your mummy's basement diving deeper into paranoid schizophrenia while you try her panties on is a real hit with the ladies!!! Wink I mean I bet you could pick up tons of chicks with a few schizo rants about your dead money investment and how the Jews(your parents) were out to get you. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

25. Post 48857949 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 24, 2018, 09:52:39 AM
Bitcoin is such a powerful force it is used by losers like you as a last resort when the world shuts off your favorite corny website. \

Oh yea, bitcoin is "so powerful" and not in any way a designed to centralize, non-fungible, permissioned ledger scam that r0ach posts can just be completely disregarded because they obviously have no basis in reality.  Oh wait, you already proved that you're terrified of my posts speaking the truth which is why you're spamming the message board crying about them.  As for funding websites, bitcoin's only current value proposition is temporary regulatory arbitrage, which the govt will eradicate because transaction validators are designed to centralize, then it has no value proposition.

LOL, Roach Silverstein, im just doing what virtually everybody on this thread does.... laughing at and mocking you bc you are the biggest loser to post on here Wink  Cheesy Cheesy You cant terrify anyone, all you do is repeat the same nonsense over and over. Your life is a joke at this point and we all love to laugh at you, its the best part of this thread! Normally mental illness is sad, but with you its really funny bc you sold your Bitcoins in 2015 and bought silver, making you the dumbest money in the thread. Now once again, if you are done trying mummys panties on, tell us why your favorite site, the "realist site" on the web, doesnt use Silver and uses King Bitcoin instead Shocked

26. Post 48866755 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on December 24, 2018, 01:53:35 PM
Micgoossens, get your troll girlfriend off my thread.  This is a gentlemen's club.

Haha lol ......

But F*** your right that’s my GIRL haha

Suprised she Posts in here Wink

She has a point .... my guess is r0ach hasn’t had many dates, but you still can change Roll Eyes

He still has Gembitz to fall in love with at the 100k party.  Wink Imagine Roach with a woman on a date. What would they talk about as his mom drove them to a movie, lol. I guess he could impress her with being the dumbest money on this thread. He is the King of how to not make money(sell your Bitcoins in 2015, then go all in Silver), so there is that. But once any girl sees that Roach is incapable of laughing or smiling they sense his paranoid schizo disease and will be gone in an instant. This is the story of his life. Only Gembitz and his dual set of genitals will fix this.

To understand why Roach cant pull a woman and why they run from him the first chance they get, you have to understand more about the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. This is like bug spray for women.

"Flat affect (diminished emotional expression) is a hallmark symptom of schizophrenia, although it may also affect those with other conditions. It is a lack of showing emotion characterized by an apathetic and unchanging facial expression and little or no change in the strength, tone, or pitch of the voice. This extremely limited range of expressions occurs even in situations that would normally seem very exciting or very sad. For instance, upon hearing great news, someone with schizophrenia may not smile, laugh, or have any joy in their response.

Although millions of people are affected by flat affect, scientists are not entirely sure of the exact cause. It is hypothesized that it is due to differences in brain functioning—and some of the neurocognitive deficiencies that accompany schizophrenia.

Symptoms and Impact
If you have been affected by flat affect, you may find that it negatively impacts your social functioning. People can respond negatively to the way you react in a situation or conversation, leading to the assumption that you are cold or unfeeling when that's not true.

Those affected by flat affect may exhibit the following symptoms:

A monotone or flat voice with no modulation or expression
A lack of eye contact
A lack of discernible interest in the topic at hand
No changes in facial expression regardless of the circumstance (neutral expression)
A lack of verbal response to emotional stimuli
Body language or non-verbal responses that are not typical to the experience, conversation, or situation at hand
It's important to note that while you may have trouble displaying emotion, many people with schizophrenia have no difficulty recognizing emotional responses in others. This is an important factor in working with your doctor to define a treatment plan, as it gives you a foundation to build on to create appropriate social exchanges."

27. Post 48867305 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.22h):

Quote from: Hueristic on December 24, 2018, 08:40:11 PM
anyone have some jingle bells ??

Jingle bells, I won't sell, no matter the price,
Wallet full, long the moon, take them while they're cheap, hey!
Shorts got rekt, moon next step,
r0ach is fun, feed the troll, happy Xmas all, hey!

I was about to click on "send merit to m0gliE", but you, m0gliE pojie, screwed ur selfie out of 1 freebie merit by proclaiming that "r0ach is fun"   Even though it is christmas, fuck r0ach and all WO troll/shills.   They can stick a mistletoe up their collective assholes.  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Haha, I was about to do the same at the same spot! Smiley

Micgoossens, get your troll girlfriend off my thread.  This is a gentlemen's club.

Haha lol ......

But F*** your right that’s my GIRL haha

Suprised she Posts in here Wink

She has a point .... my guess is r0ach hasn’t had many dates, but you still can change Roll Eyes

He still has Gembitz to fall in love with at the 100k party.  Wink Imagine Roach with a woman on a date. What would they talk about as his mom drove them to a movie, lol. I guess he could impress her with being the dumbest money on this thread. He is the King of how to not make money(sell your Bitcoins in 2015, then go all in Silver), so there is that. But once any girl sees that Roach is incapable of laughing or smiling they sense his paranoid schizo disease and will be gone in an instant. This is the story of his life. Only Gembitz and his dual set of genitals will fix this.

To understand why Roach cant pull a woman and why they run from him the first chance they get, you have to understand more about the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. This is like bug spray for women.

"Flat affect (diminished emotional expression) is a hallmark symptom of schizophrenia, although it may also affect those with other conditions. It is a lack of showing emotion characterized by an apathetic and unchanging facial expression and little or no change in the strength, tone, or pitch of the voice. This extremely limited range of expressions occurs even in situations that would normally seem very exciting or very sad. For instance, upon hearing great news, someone with schizophrenia may not smile, laugh, or have any joy in their response.

Although millions of people are affected by flat affect, scientists are not entirely sure of the exact cause. It is hypothesized that it is due to differences in brain functioning—and some of the neurocognitive deficiencies that accompany schizophrenia.

Symptoms and Impact
If you have been affected by flat affect, you may find that it negatively impacts your social functioning. People can respond negatively to the way you react in a situation or conversation, leading to the assumption that you are cold or unfeeling when that's not true.

Those affected by flat affect may exhibit the following symptoms:

A monotone or flat voice with no modulation or expression
A lack of eye contact
A lack of discernible interest in the topic at hand
No changes in facial expression regardless of the circumstance (neutral expression)
A lack of verbal response to emotional stimuli
Body language or non-verbal responses that are not typical to the experience, conversation, or situation at hand
It's important to note that while you may have trouble displaying emotion, many people with schizophrenia have no difficulty recognizing emotional responses in others. This is an important factor in working with your doctor to define a treatment plan, as it gives you a foundation to build on to create appropriate social exchanges."

I think you are a Gembitz Alt.

I think Gembitz is your bear alt and you're a bit triggered that I make fun of it Wink Get ready for more triggering. Gemitz is a idiotic, incoherent, hermaphrodite shitcoiner. I've been hodling non stop since 2014, I am a bitcoin maximalist, believe in sound money and Bitcoin as the future global reserve currency. My first account, as many Im sure remember, The Doxing was banned from posting after I outed Lambie, NLC, etc as being the Financial Times journalist/blogger, Izabella Kaminska in 2015. She never returned after being outed. I dont bother to post much here but keep up with the thread and at the bottom of bear markets I come to pick on whatever Bear or Bears are causing the most trouble, spreading the most FUD. Last bear bottom I targeted and slayed the main bear on this thread, Lambie, hence the name.  I recently came back at the new bear market bottom and found Roach and Gembitz to be the most idiotic posters so I have fun laughing at them as the new bull market starts. I have been consistent in who I am and what I'm about. Ill be back at the next bottom after we crash from 250k to bring Bears to justice and mockery. Its all part of the market cycle circle of poo.

28. Post 48920666 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: infofront on December 27, 2018, 04:29:48 PM

Woke History Part 2 Is Gembitz gay? Is Roach gay for giving it rimjobs?

29. Post 48920965 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 27, 2018, 05:13:28 PM
Has anyone noticed there are weirdo girls paranoid schizophrenic basement dweller virgins posting comments all over Youtube WO and sites like that nowadays saying they're "asexual"? Mgtow? Not like a few of them posts but TONS of them.  These people Virgin Roach did not exist whatsoever even was a bitcoiner a few years ago.  So my only possible theory is:

1)  Female Virgin Roach's sex drive is supposedly highly testosterone based, and maybe a combination of all the estrogen mimickers in the plastics and chicken, and the fact they do no physical activity at all Virgin Roach spends all his time in his mummys basement, means their body Virgin Roach's body chemistry is like 99.9% estrogen and 0% testosterone and they have Virgin Roach has no sex drive?

2)  They're fat bitches Virgin Roach is mentally ill, who know nobody will have sex with them Virgin Roach so they Virgin Roach claims they're asexualto be MGTOW to not look stupid?

30. Post 48921451 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on December 20, 2018, 12:25:43 AM
Roach see a doctor, you might have paranoid schizophrenia. You have so many wild theories, all over the place.

 After doing much research into Roach's personal life for the new screenplay of his love story with Gembitz I can confirm this diagnosis. We will cover this in the movie trilogy. This is a very sad mental disorder and one of the worst things that can happen to a person(almost as bad as trading all your bitcoin for silver in 2015 Cry). Will the love and rimjobs of Gembitz help nurture Roach back to sanity??? Will Roach's love and dedication to Gembitz help him with his tics, gender identity issues and shitcoin habit???  How will Roach handle finding out Gembitz lost her virginity to a black man??? Is Roach gay because his lover Gembitz has a penis on top of her vagina???  Shocked Are traps gay??? What will happen when they visit Israel for the first time to meet Roach's grandparents??? Stay tuned.

Oh yeah, rounding bottom playing out perfectly. Bottom shorters need to bleed a whole lot more.

Here is a sneak peak at the historically accurate biographical screenplay of Gembitz's life before he meets Virgin Roach at the 100k party and both eat eachothers ass and start a twisted love affair between two mentally disturbed freaks.

Gembtiz was born to a Jewish family in Miami Florida. The birth was normal except for one small problem which her parents tried to ignore and never explained to their daughter Gembitz what it was.......

 Fast forward to Gembitz attending a sleepover party with several girls from her school she was frenz with. At this party began a game of truth or dare that would change Gembitz's life forever and send her into a downward spiral of insanity and shitcoinery. Gembitz's best friend Susie had a few boys sneak over to her slumber party bc her parents were out of town. Gembitz had a crush on a young black boy named Tyrone. Susie dared Gembitz to pull her panties down and flash everyone and Gembitz reluctantly complied with the dare. When Gembitz pulled down her panties a gasp was heard in an otherwise silent room, then Tyrone screamed

 "What the fuck is that......Huh!!!!"

 Susie was in shock and stammered while screaming


Soon everyone was yelling Weeeeeee!!!...Weeeeeeeeee!!!....Weiner!!!! in uproarious laughter.

Gembitz was in complete shock and horror as her life and sanity were shattered in that moment. Every time she went to school kids would yell Weeeeeee!! Weeeeee!!! They wouldnt say weiner but just used Susies infamous stammer reaction of weeeee, because the teachers just thought they were being silly. Gembitz quit speaking and was soon taken by her parents to a counselor. After much therapy Gembitz was able to speak in broken incomplete sentences, mostly incoherent gibberish, and she would end most sentences with Weeeeeee. It had become a nervous tic she could not control.  Cry

Hope you all enjoyed the first few scenes of the movie. Stay tuned for more!



31. Post 48924320 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 28, 2018, 05:10:15 AM

 The religious sector with the whole "mark of the beast" prejudice is probably plenty enough alone to sink it without even factoring in anything else.  

Then for places like China, the Chinese hate the social credit score system and will end up favoring something as different from that as possible as an act of rebellion.  Changing from that to bitcoin is virtually the same thing. They will force metals too.  It's not really possible for bitcoin to break out of a niche market unless the govt somehow forces people to use it.

This is what happens to your brain when you spend all your days in mummy's basement with almost no human contact. Mental illness meets investing advice.

Bitcoin wont make it bc "mark of the beast prejudice", lol, is this the mentally ill logic that caused you to sell all your coins in 2015. Perhaps there is something dumber than dumb money, a new category..... Mentally Ill money.

Another brilliant piece of mentally ill money logic - "It's not really possible for bitcoin to break out of a niche market unless the govt somehow forces people to use it."

This makes sense, because its really hard to think of a million examples of things people adopted without the government forcing them to.

A typical Virgin Roach post is just a mentally ill person pulling some random thoughts out of their head and then spinning them into a few gibberish paragraphs where retarded opinions are extrapolated into some kind of ironclad prediction that Bitcoin will fail and everyone will start carrying Silver around town to buy things.

Im glad Virgin Roach is no longer a Bitcoiner bc he would be making us look bad with this mentally deranged conjecture. If Virgin Roach was still a Bitcoiner he would say things like "governments subsidize cheese and since many religions have a prejudice that the moon is made out of cheese, soon the government will force everyone to adopt Bitcoin." Virgin Roach was not posting this kind of nonsense in 2015, something happened along the way to aggravate his mental illness and I will be covering this in his biographical screenplay.

The last three years have been torture for Virgin Roach, but its just going to get worse for him now that we are headed to 100k.

32. Post 48924866 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 28, 2018, 06:34:52 AM
Marcus Anonymint's posts...I mean "lambie slayer", are just too dumb too truthful and painful for me to have to courage to respond to now.  Micgoossens, you wouldn't happen to be a mechanical engineer? able to teach me how to talk to a woman without making my paranoid schizo face at her. (reddit post from group of virgins pretending they could get women but just decided they had other stuff to do in their basement)

Virgin Roach is really upset about Goose having a woman and him being stuck in his basement with dead money silver bags.  Wink Cheesy This new bull market is gonna be brutal on you Virgin Roach, hope you have a good psychiatrist.

33. Post 48926034 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

We don't know exactly when Virgin Roach filled his Bat Mitzvah money bags with Silver and sold all his Bitcoins but Silver average closing price for 2015 was $15.66 and he sold all his Bitcoin in 2015 and went into Silver. Its doubtful he got more than $300 for each Bitcoin so had he hodled he would have, even after the nasty bear market, over 10x profit. Instead he made a mentally ill choice and sold his coins at the worst possible time to buy one of the few investments on Earth that has done jack shit for the last 3+ years. Silver is basically the same price now as it was in 2015, give or take a bit depending when he got in. Most likely he has lost a little bit while most assets on the planet were in a huge bull market. He would have been better off putting it in a Wells Fargo checking account and getting .1 percent interest per year. At least then he could have practiced talking to a woman without doing the schizo face flat effect thing when he went inside the bank. Cheesy Here is a paranoid schizophrenic being interviewed. Notice the stone face he has the whole time and the elaborate tales of persecution he concocts. This guy had delusions about Nazi spies in his family involved in narcotics gangs that were after him and undermining America by rigging elections. He was put in a hospital by his family. This is what Virgin Roach will devolve into if he isnt saved by Gembitz at the 100k party.

34. Post 48937223 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 28, 2018, 11:22:13 AM
Watching the silver price slowly fall back to $6 over the next decade will be even worse.

  That's actually a shocking speed in reduction of supply for a resource we actually need, unlike bitcoins which nobody actually needs for anything.

You lying little low T basement dweller, your favorite website(according to you the realest website online) needs and gladly uses Bitcoin for funding because it was censored all over the world by payment processors and metals are too primitive for them to use online. Once again your typical anti Bitcoin arguments are mentally ill gibberish or lies. As we climb to 100k you will sink lower and lower into insanity as I laugh at you Cheesy Currently many sane people are nocoiners, but in the future the vast majority of nocoiners will in fact be the mentally ill, you are a pioneer of sorts Virgin Roach.

35. Post 48937512 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on December 28, 2018, 12:06:22 PM
The bottom of silver is 5 or 10 dollars. ok fine. no one cares.
it's the upside that's interesting. gosh will it do a 5x, a 10 x, maybe even go to 100 dollars/oz
that would be amazing, 20 fucking x
but it is the ceiling
now compare with bitcoin
even Jamie fucking Dimon said it's going to 100k on the next bullrun
there ain't no ceiling for the ones after that

Its obvious Jamie Dimon reads WO Shocked and wants in on the 100k party Cheesy I can say from experience that Wall Street peeps really know how to party so this is not a bad thing imo.

36. Post 48940218 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 01:49:37 AM
If there is a God or not thats a whole other topic ( if there is he would probably be the one who plant the BTC seed as well)

Your gnostic, false god (((Satoshi Nakamoto))) stands no chance vs physical silver chad r0ach.

Virgin Roach is your name, chad roach is a delusion brought on by your mental illness. Sitting in a basement all day with no human contact is not very Chad. Also not very Chad to sell Bitcoin in 2015, miss out on over 10x returns based on present day value even after a huge bear market, and invest in Silver, a primitive metal which has done nothing but lose you money for over 3 years. Also its not Chad to eat Gembitz's ass at the 100k party before she takes your virginity.

This is your roomate in 10 years at the asylum Virgin Roach.  Shocked He "stacks" bagholds Cry primitive Silver too.

37. Post 48940484 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 02:52:10 AM
What a surprise, another autistic screeching "Lambie Slayer" post flipping out in rage for exposing all the shitcoiner lies about decentralization and everything else.  Metals will win, shitcoins will lose.  None of your autistic screeching will change that.  You have zero fundamentals and metals have them all, and fundamentals always win in the end.  Kike shills are always easy to spot because they're anti-metals, pro-imaginary, centralized, digital tokens for their next fiat 2.0 scam.

Metals win at creating the most bagholders. Bitcoin is going to 100k and there is nothing you can do but eat Gembitz's hairy asshole as you both panhandle on the streets for money once your parents kick you out.

Virgin Roach, what if I told you I was being paid millions by wealthy Jews to drive you insane and have you committed to an insane asylum?Huh Wink They have been out to get you for years because you were on to them. I am part of a team that monitors your every move in your basement round the clock. Shocked

As a paranoid schizofrenic you dont have a clue what autism or other mental disabilities are. Its very difficult for a paranoid schizofrenic to come to grips with the fact they are mentally ill. Fat people are aware they are fat, retards even know they are "special", but delusional nuts like Virgin Roach have a hard time with reality. Im mentally healthy and autism is closer in line with your symptoms, in fact you may have a touch of autism/aspergers syndrome, but your main condition is paranoid schizophrenia, hence the persecution by Jews complex.

Your flattened affect is common among autistics and schizophrenics. When was the last time you laughed or smiled Roach Cheesy After a few years in the asylum you may finally accept your condition, but right now you are clueless.

"Affect in Schizophrenia and Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome
Flattened affect is common in schizophrenia and Autism/Asperger’s syndrome. Lewis et al. (2009) point out that “avolition is similar to apathy, and these may be considered closely related, with avolition identifying a deficit in the ability to act, and apathy a loss of concern for an idea or task”. This is very common in Autism/ Asperger’s syndrome and schizophrenia. Lewis et al. (2009) point out that in schizophrenia “the blunting of expression includes deficits in production, facial expression, gestures, and prosody, and understanding these social signals is similarly impaired”. This is also typical of Autism/Asperger’s syndrome. The DSM-IV- TR glossary points out that affective flattening is “the person’s face appearing immobile and unresponsive, with poor eye contact and reduced body language”. This is typical of Asperger’s syndrome. Thaker (2009) points out that in schizophrenia one observes “a lack of facial expression even while describing the experience of an emotion, lack of tonal inflections of the patient’s voice, and reduced expression of feelings through gestures and body language” which is also observed in Autism/ Asperger’s syndrome.


Social Relationships in Schizophrenia and Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome
Social withdrawal, lack of interest or motivation to socialise and problems with close personal relationships are common in persons with schizophrenia and Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome. Thaker (2009) also points out that in schizophrenia “social anhedonia results in social isolation and withdrawal… lack of intimate relationships, the latter being further complicated by the lack of sexual interest. Patients are generally unmarried”. These are very common phenomena in Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome as well. Thaker (2009) points out that “anhedonia is most tightly linked with asociality”. This is often true as well for Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome. Keefe and Eesley (2009) point out that “social cognition is related to social impairments in schizophrenia”. They conclude that “path analysis has been used to suggest that the relationship between neurocognitive impairment and social deficits is almost entirely mediated by impairments in social cognition”. The same is true of Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome. Two questions (Andreasen 1984) in relation to persecutory delusions are “have you had trouble getting along with people?” and “have you felt that people are against you?”. These are very commonly answered positively in schizophrenia and Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome. Andreasen (1984) points out that “the patient may behave in an aggressive, agitated manner, often quite unpredictable. He may start arguments inappropriately. He may write letters of a threatening or angry nature to government officials”. These features are seen in schizophrenia and Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome."

38. Post 48940522 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 02:59:48 AM
Weird to find someone not liking the idea of producing their own energy on a btc forum.

Since hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and can also be used as energy, I'd probably start looking there.  All a solar panel is is an INDIRECT process to acquire hydrogen generated energy from the sun. Why would you use an inefficient, indirect process when you can use a more efficient, direct process?  Supposedly people have been able to extract hydrogen directly from sea water using only sunlight to power the process, and then you mysteriously never hear anything after the fact.  It is not retarded, centralized, non-fungible, Orwellian tracking systems called "blockchains" that will change the world, it is things like that instead.

Hey low T basement retard, send some of your worthless Silver to The Daily Stormer to help fund them.  Roll Eyes

"The Daily Stormer is primarily funded through donations which Anglin solicits regularly from site visitors.[17]

The site is believed to have received over $200,000 in Bitcoin contributions since it began accepting the cryptocurrency in 2014.[20] A current cryptocurrency wallet has consistently kept approximately $80,000 in Bitcoin on hand.[21][22] Money entering and being spent by the accounts is publicly tracked by a Twitter bot.[23] A Twitter account for the Stormer announced that Coinbase was deleting accounts of persons attempting to send Bitcoin to them;[20] Coinbase stated in general terms that it "prohibits use of an account which would abuse, harass, threaten, or promote violence against others".[24] On August 20, 2017, for example, Anglin received a donation of 14.88 bitcoin, the number being a reference to Fourteen Words, and to Adolf Hitler (H is the eighth letter, so "88" = "HH" = "Heil Hitler"). At the time, it was worth $60,000, but had Anglin kept the entire amount it would have been worth about $235,000 by the end of the year.[25]

One of your fellow mental patients sent them 14.88 Bitcoins, how come they didnt send silver??? Silver is a joke of an investment, just like your entire life is a worthless joke Virgin Roach. You have no purpose in life other than for us to laugh at as Bitcoin heads to 100k and beyond Cheesy Wink

39. Post 48940544 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 03:17:15 AM
^Nobody is reading those JayJuanGee spam posts.  Are you flipping back and forth between your Marcus account and "Lambie Slayer" account?

Jews all over the world are reading them as they rejoice in your persecution and mental illness. You were right all along, they are out to get you Cheesy They pay our team very well in Bitcoin.

40. Post 48940609 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Roach my team of high iq white males is paid by powerful Jews to monitor you in your basement. We invented emojis just to drive you mad. Cheesy Our plan is working, we have stopped you from losing virginity and kept you in your basement for years. You were hand selected bc of low iq and other secret reasons as our test subject. We have earned thousands of Bitcoins for our efforts. Your low Testosterone is due to not only poor genetics, but the estrogen and poison we have been putting in your food. Your mother is on our payroll of course.

Silver is trash. How much have you lost on it Cry Kiss

41. Post 48940799 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 03:45:38 AM

(((Time Magazine))) shilling FOR bitcoin is a good thing and not an instant red flag you're doing something wrong and should be in physical metals instead?

Tell me estrogen boy, why cant you send Silver to The Daily Stormer??? Bc its primitive money for bagholders and Bitcoin is the King of money. You will never convince anyone silver is better than Bitcoin.

42. Post 48944054 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 07:42:12 AM
At maximum resistance. Tenken sen encountering cloud. Lagging span at edge of cliff. Crossed MACD. Interesting times.


These are hardcore, pure faggot-scam markets.

Lol, more paranoid schizophrenic delusions. Everything is a plot to persecute you and blow up your shorts Roll Eyes Reality is you shorted the bottom and the new bull market is here. You should like faggot markets since your future and first girlfriend Gembitz has a penis.

The Jews just sent my team another Bitcoin for making this post, they are very happy seeing you pace around your basement. Also they paid your mom .5 Bitcoin to put some more estrogen in the sandwich she brought you before she went to bed.

Now back to your hamster wheel life for you, we are all watching. Wink

43. Post 48944136 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: bitebits on December 29, 2018, 08:10:57 AM
Virgin Roach.

Let's get the roach devirginized, I heard there are certain women accepting bitcoin nowadays.

No worries, we are gonna pay for him to fly from his homeless shelter in a few years and come to the 100k party, there he will meat Gembitz and get her pregnant. Gembitz has a small penis, but a fully working vagina as well. Does this make Virgin Roach gay??? That is a worthy topic and warrants further discussion. My two satoshis says he is as gay as they come, but I am willing to listen to other viewpoints.

44. Post 48945963 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 10:42:57 AM
This post is great.  I bet there's a ton of those annoying white nerd guys who idolize Asian women on this forum.  If I had to guess, I would say there are probably less insane Asian women than white women, but of the Asian women who are insane, they are even more insane than white women:
What kind of asian is this about? There seems to be something in the chinese genes that make them somewhat narcissistic. The japanese are on the other hand more K-oriented than europeans. Details matter.

It says in the post Taiwanese.  This is the most entertaining forum on the entire internet.  Look at the following post.  How do these people get themselves into such stupid situations?  How is this even possible?

Ok Virgin Roach, at the request of my Jewish employers(my team has a 1 bitcoin late night bonus incoming), I read your reddit link from the group of losers who decided to pretend they don't want women when the truth is they just are too weak to get a decent woman. Is this guy a loser of sorts bc he doesn't have the balls to kick some dbag out of his place?? Yes, he is a fucking pussy and should throw his shit out and change the locks if he is too scared to just man up and deliver a good ass whooping. But this guy really just has one main problem in life and its an easy fix.  Although he is low on the success w ladies totem pole, this guy is many levels in life and female success above you.

For one we know he doesnt live in his mummy's basement so he pretty much dick slaps you right there. He could do everything else wrong in life and still beats you by a mile just for that little factoid.

Next we know he lives with and fucks AN ACTUAL WOMAN Shocked..... This elevates him to Odin Skyfather level compared to you, a virgin who due to mental illness and low testosterone can not attract and seal the deal with a woman due to erratic behavior, bizarre emotionless facial expressions, delusions of persecution, and other various paranoid schizophrenic/autistic/aspergers symptoms. Even if the Jews paid my team to set you up with a blind date who wasn't a prostitute, she would walk out on you during a fake bathroom break.

Lastly we know this guy can afford to buy a plane ticket. This sets him financially light years ahead of you bc you are destitute from selling Bitcoin(headed to 100k as you know) in 2015 for less than a tenth of current price and bought bags of silver that airlines and the daily stormer do not accept due to its primitive nature and functionality, so you cant fly anywhere.

We will have your mom bring you some milk with sleeping pills soon, I see the estrogen sandwich wore off and you are pacing the room again Wink

45. Post 48947766 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 11:52:22 AM
There's absolutely nobody buying after last fake rise.  It's just shitheads that already own 100,000 bitcoins trying to prop up their malinvestment at this point.

Wrong again. Wealthy Jews and various state level agencies are purchasing coins to pay my team for experiments on you Roach. They have many plans for you, one of which they want to know how you will react when Bitcoin reaches 100k and beyond at the conclusion of this new bull market. Take your mothers pink Bitcoin panties(my team sent them for Christmas Wink) off, she is about to come in your room. Shocked

46. Post 48947934 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: bitserve on December 29, 2018, 12:42:39 PM

Btw... There's something fishy here. Can anyone explain the dynamics of what it is being shown in the video? I mean... how can something with such small mass as the stick being thrown make the girl go to the ground? Is it all fake?

I tried to see if it was just a coincidence that she misstepped at the same time, but I don't see it either.

OTOH, the poor way to (NOT) cushion the fall looks VERY real to me.

It's a shovel, not a stick. Getting hit in the head with a shovel will do that to you.

Oh fuck, you're right. For some reason I was only seeing a yellow (assuming wooden or aluminium) stick, now I can see the rest of it lol

Yeah, that explains it all, thanks!

That is brutal and coward btw

Full video safe to say they are nocoiners rn. Their fathers invested in Silver and it was all downhill after that.

47. Post 48948322 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: bitserve on December 29, 2018, 01:50:15 PM

Btw... There's something fishy here. Can anyone explain the dynamics of what it is being shown in the video? I mean... how can something with such small mass as the stick being thrown make the girl go to the ground? Is it all fake?

I tried to see if it was just a coincidence that she misstepped at the same time, but I don't see it either.

OTOH, the poor way to (NOT) cushion the fall looks VERY real to me.

It's a shovel, not a stick. Getting hit in the head with a shovel will do that to you.

Oh fuck, you're right. For some reason I was only seeing a yellow (assuming wooden or aluminium) stick, now I can see the rest of it lol

Yeah, that explains it all, thanks!

That is brutal and coward btw

Full video safe to say they are nocoiners rn. Their fathers invested in Silver and it was all downhill after that.

Wow.... the sound when the shovel hits the head  Lips sealed

What was it all about? My spoken english is not very good and the video is too long for me to concentrate listening it. Too many people taking at the same time too.

two 14 yr old girls agree to meet and fight over some guy, short girl makes a rule not to pull hair, then as she gets pummeled pulls tall girls hair. they then break it up and start over, tall girl whoops ass, short girl says to leave her yard or she will call cops. tall girl says she isnt leaving until short girl says she is done fighting(wants her to officially concede the fight). short girl says she is getting bb gun to shoot tall girl. tall girl says bring it on, "bb guns dont hurt". short girl gets shovel, tall girl says oh shit and runs, short girl hurls shovel and makes tall girl famous. both girls arrested for disorderly conduct.

48. Post 48948434 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 29, 2018, 01:37:56 PM
they want to know how you will react when Bitcoin reaches 100k and beyond

^Yes, we all know people who claim bitcoin is *guaranteed* to go to "$100k and beyond" are not scammers at all.  Meanwhile, people that probably own more shitcoins than anyone in this thread don't even believe in it at all lol:

Peter is not part of the group of wealthy Jews financing my team and your experiments Virgin Roach. They have far more coins than him. They also have access to time travel tech and so yes, we have seen the future and thats how we know about you eating Gembitz's ass in Vegas, 100k Bitcoins, and much more. You think quantum immortality is a Bog meme, but its actually a real thing and you will be one of the first to receive the chip so my team can experiment on you forever. You think you know about the Jews and their plans, but its so much deeper than you could ever imagine. Dont forget to return your mommys Bitcoin panties to the proper drawer.

49. Post 48955460 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on December 29, 2018, 04:44:48 PM
two 14 yr old girls agree to meet and fight over some guy, short girl makes a rule not to pull hair, then as she gets pummeled pulls tall girls hair. they then break it up and start over, tall girl whoops ass, short girl says to leave her yard or she will call cops. tall girl says she isnt leaving until short girl says she is done fighting(wants her to officially concede the fight). short girl says she is getting bb gun to shoot tall girl. tall girl says bring it on, "bb guns dont hurt". short girl gets shovel, tall girl says oh shit and runs, short girl hurls shovel and makes tall girl famous. both girls arrested for disorderly conduct.

Shorter version: A day in the life of a white trash family.

 Sorry, I'm out of sMerits!

and now more then me Wink

one cannot leave you whitout MERITAMMO

 Thanks MicG and LFC Wink  You guys are awesome!

Thank you all kindly for helping the Slayer Team with our hat aspirations!!

Off global warming topic, but Bitcoin is in a bull market. Speak it. Believe it. Achieve it. 100k Grin

50. Post 48955616 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: lightfoot on December 29, 2018, 09:17:14 PM
I do find it strange that this threads participation and viewership rises considerably when such off topic posts are made however...  I am sure it is just a coincidence.
Screw global warming, let's talk more about the chick with the shovel.

Can do sir.

It appears our infamous Shovel Girl, as the victim of said shovel was named by the internet, is no longer the scrappy 14 year old walking through chicken feces and pummeling disrespectful little cunts who cant abide by the very non hair pulling rules they create, she is all grown up and legal now and not too shabby looking. She has matured into "a boss babe trying to make a difference". Here is her instagram.

Team Slayer is thinking of sponsoring a fight between her and Virgin Roach, winner gets their choice of 10 Bitcoin or equivalent in bags of primitive Silver. Our oddsmaker partners are suggesting opening odds of 4 to 1 in favor of Boss Babe.

Funding and permission slip from Virgin Roach's mommy secured. Cheesy

51. Post 48962974 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

I havent read the last few pages yet so if someone already said this already my bad.

Time to break out your hopium pipes, you know the ones with 100k etched in blood on the side. Anti Bitcoiner SEC Commissioner Kara Stein(yes Roach she is a Jew Roll Eyes) who repeatedly acted against Bitcoin ETF's had her last day  Cry on Dec 28th at the SEC. (with the shutdown I dont know if she was even showing up to work anyways) This greatly increases chances for an ETF going through(not that we need one, but who doesnt like hype and pumps). Ironically this filthy Luddite closet communist banker puppet is now working for UC Hastings Institute for "Innovation Law"  Cheesy

Cee You Next Tuesday biatch Kiss

52. Post 48963522 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):  

Only 2723 minutes for loss harvesters to sell Crypto for a tax loss. This has been happening a ton in the US alone since IRS security wash sale rules as of now do not apply to Crypto. Hardly any bulls will be owing taxes next year so we dont have to worry about that as a source of dumping. Some shorters however will have large profits to pay taxes on and many will have to close open short positions to raise funds to pay taxes Cheesy The bull run has been prepped.

53. Post 48963693 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on December 30, 2018, 10:34:16 AM
Time to break out your hopium pipes, you know the ones with 100k etched in blood on the side. Anti Bitcoiner SEC Commissioner Kara Stein(yes Roach she is a Jew Roll Eyes) who repeatedly acted against Bitcoin ETF's had her last day  Cry on Dec 28th at the SEC. (with the shutdown I dont know if she was even showing up to work anyways) This greatly increases chances for an ETF going through(not that we need one, but who doesnt like hype and pumps).

What % do we give this ETF of being successful (just an estimate).

Good question. First before I answer I must tell you about the types of Hopium I smoke. Lebanese Red Hopium is a mix of indica strains. Cascade Cream Hopium is Hopium mixed with some CO2 extract to add more of a punch. They also produce one strain-specific hash (made from Blue Dream) and joints infused with Hopium (including a variety that is a normal joint wrapped in a shell of Hopium—it's crazy).

How do you smoke this exotic Hopium? Good question. Unlike the Hopium that you usually find on Twitter, this stuff will not work well in your dab rig. The best way to smoke it is to roll it into a joint (or, even better, mix in some tobacco for a Hopium spliff) or roll a few balls on top of a bowl of pot.

Light it up, close your eyes, and you'll be sitting in the Himalayas. At least, I will. Cool

Now given that if the ETF is approved, we can look back and say that it 100 percent was in fact approved. If I believe now that it will be approved, I prefer to look at it the same way I will after the fact. That is to say I believe that a Bitcoin ETF will soon be approved and I place the likelihood of approval at exactly 100.00% with zero margin of error.

54. Post 48964048 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 30, 2018, 10:39:38 AM
What % do we give this ETF of being successful (just an estimate).

The ETF was always nothing more than a Winklevoss exit scam and antithetical to the supposed purpose of bitcoin, yet that's all you hear people talking about nowadays; because the only purpose of bitcoin once everyone figured out it's designed to centralize and has no fundamentals, is solely to act as a pump and dump to scam people out of money with.

That sounds plausible if you are a retard who believes in delusional absolutes pulled out of your asshole before Gembitz slides your mummy's panties  Shocked to the side and eats it. But normal people without mental illness (people that laugh, smile, enjoy life, do fulfilling things, get money, fuck bitches etc) just see your delusional basement keyboard pounding as a buy signal bc the bull market has begun and 100k and beyond is our inevitable destination.

Virgin Roach, how much effort do you expend to appear normal when you do make human contact every other week. Did you know non mentally ill people dont have to try to act normal around people, its as natural as breathing. It just happens to freaks like you who can barely function socially around other people. The sooner you admit to yourself that you are fucked up severely in the head, the sooner you can start working on living a life you might one day enjoy. Either that or my team just keeps monitoring and  experimenting on you in your basement.

55. Post 48964096 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: gentlemand on December 30, 2018, 11:03:19 AM
What % do we give this ETF of being successful (just an estimate).

I think it's still a particularly large and corpulent



FTFY Cheesy

56. Post 48964410 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: Spaceman_Spiff_Original on December 30, 2018, 11:20:35 AM
Lol, stupid redneck sluts fighting over a guy that have the brain capacity of an ameba between the two of them. And people think we are becoming more intelligent as a species, what a joke.

The idiocracy effect is real.

+1 WO

Lol, I have not seen this but I may have to now.
I think the premise of the movie (explained in the beginning) is the best (and most intelligent) part of it. The rest of the movie is pretty bland.

There are some real gems spread out throughout the movie though just from a comedy standpoint. - one of my favs

57. Post 48973150 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: gembitz on December 30, 2018, 04:09:47 PM
I think $3000 is... ...optimistic.

one does not simply sell above $3000 Wink weee

Sorry Roach rim jobber, but Bitcoin is in a bull market now so your small time shorts will be rekt. Weeeeee Weeeeeeeeee Weinerrrrrr Cheesy Wink

58. Post 48973189 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on December 30, 2018, 11:48:03 AM

There are some real gems spread out throughout the movie though just from a comedy standpoint. - one of my favs

Like WO's "family style" r0achie now & then every single f*** time Cool

Exactly! Every Single Time:D

59. Post 48982333 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: bitserve on December 31, 2018, 08:10:55 AM
Is this article correct?

I would have thought that you could carry forward capital losses to offset against future capital gains without being subject to a $3000 cap.  

It depends on the country. There are limits on:

- How much you can compensate each year
- How many years do you have to compensate the remaining.
- Against what can be compensated and against what it can't.
- etc

And also requirements like:

- How many time it has to pass between the sell and the re-buy or you can't compensate anything.
- etc

It also changes if you are an individual person, a person acting as a business, or a corporate, etc...

etc etc...... #DYOR #AskYourLocalFinancialExpert

This post does not constitute financial advise blah blah blah

In USA the 3000 cap is only on ordinary income(mainly of wages, salaries, commissions and interest income (as from bonds or cds). There is absolutely no cap or limit to how much you carry forward capital losses to offset capital gains and you can carry it forward for as long as you live. Loss harvesting is a huge part of the plunge to the end of the bear market we just witnessed. Large amounts of investors did take some profits in 2018 after the epic rise. These profits were capital gains and so they of course would owe taxes on them in 2019. Now its not hard to imagine tons of people taking a lot of profits like Boblaw and Jimbo early in 2018 and then later seeing prices much cheaper than where they sold out at. So at some point they buy some coins back cheaper than they sold, but still owe taxes come 2019. Now fast forward to the end of 2018 and these investors see the coins they bought back cheaper have lost substantial value, they understand that US wash sale rules do not apply to crypto so it becomes very attractive for them to sell the coins at a loss with the intent to quickly repurchase them so they have the same amount of coins but a lower tax burden for 2019. However due to the economic substance doctrine in US tax law an investor should wait a day or two to repurchase the coins or the IRS can challenge it(disallow the loss) and say the transaction had no economic substance other than to lower their tax burden. If you wait a few days you have exposed yourself to market risk and are not violating the economic substance doctrine because your transaction had the intent of making profit in of itself and you took the risk of losing. So now imagine investors selling late in the year around 6k with the intent to buy back a few days or weeks later and this triggers a break in 6k support. Well now the tax loss harvesters are in no rush to buy back bc they can get way more coins than they started with bc coins have dropped massively so they sit back and let it play out. As it plummets you have people that bought in at 6k are reading the many msm articles about loss harvesting
 like this one and realize they too can harvest losses by selling at 5k, 4k, 3.5k etc, so they now sell fueling the fast cascade down. Then when it gets to around 3k the earliest tax loss harvesters say "well shit, lets not be too greedy here, I can get double the coins I had originally and save a ton on taxes." And that is how we find ourselves in a brand new bull market at the very end of loss harvesting season. Loss harvesters only have a handful of hours left to sell cheap and realize a loss.

Happy New Years! Cheesy

Believe in The Bull and 100k will come. (or dont believe and short and it will come anyway and rekt you!)
The ancient philosopher Jesus spoke of the powerful drug Hopium and its benefits in his teachings.

Matthew 17:20 Jesus said unto them "Because you smoke so little Hopium. Truly I tell you, if you smoke enough Hopium as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

60. Post 48988973 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on December 31, 2018, 08:48:59 PM
As we close out 2018 the question we all would like to know is have we seen the bottom?

Yes, my Hopium pipe and I 100 percent confirm we have seen the bottom, with zero percent margin of error and 100 percent confidence level. 100 percent of all Bitcoin climate scientists also have confirmed these findings. Please have a smoke if you want to believe. Cheesy

61. Post 48991089 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: gembitz on December 31, 2018, 10:11:20 PM


weeeeee >>> $3000 close!!

Weeeeee weeeeeee weiner!!!!!! Rimjobs from Roach close!!! You will finally have a boyfriend after the 100k party. Be careful shorting the bottom rn, we all know you arent good at this whole investing/trading thing since you sold your coins at 1k like an idiot.

62. Post 48991331 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Happy New Years!!!

A new year is here with a new bull market to go with it. Cheesy We aren't stopping till 100k minimum. Shocked This is a 100 percent confirmed fact by 11 intelligence agencies. Cool If you don't believe it you are a denier and society will shun you. Cry Bottom shorters this will be the worst year of your life.  Kiss

63. Post 48992045 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.23h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on January 01, 2019, 06:59:14 AM
Happy New Year!  Five Eyes, the Illuminati and the Jewish Council of Elders say all systems go for 2019 for Bitcoin !

Thank you for breaking this amazing news!!

64. Post 49000247 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Its become a meme now to be expecting another big spike down soon and then a year of sideways.Its just hitting the easy button and mentally cutting and pasting 2015 onto 2019 and thinking yep, I got this all figured out. Then you have to put your head in the sand and pretend you didnt witness the epic year of bullish fundamentals that was 2018.

The only way this works is if you can convince everyone else to also bury their head in the sand and go along with the meme pattern. Unfortunately for shorters, wise bulls are accumulating with a passion right now bc they arent taking for granted they will have a year to dca at dirt cheap prices.

Once the 2015 meme pattern is invalidated its off to the races and the meme believers patting themselves on the back for not losing money for buying at 5 and 4k will be fucked because buying at 15k, 20k, 25k etc will be a nightmare for them. Its borderline degenerate gambling to wait for a 2k that might come and risk missing out on the new highs that will surely come.


2019 is year of the bull.

65. Post 49000391 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on January 01, 2019, 08:03:44 PM
Happy 2019 guys!!!

My best wishes this year is way better for crypto than any of the previous ones!

... Or at least we end it at a price significantly higher than we have started it. Smiley

Let's just try to forget how horrible 2018 was.

As long as we sold little or nothing in 2018 then obviously we lose nothing.
1BTC still equals 1BTC the last time I checked.

Happy New Year gentlemen!

yeah just checked it as well and still the same... just like all of my other stuff what I value.... =its still here , why? because I didn't sold it for fiat

Fiat is a scam. If you don’t have at least 5 bitcoin’s then you will regret it in 10-15 years time gentlemen!

Bitcoin is the biggest scam, there are no more greater fools left to buy. These worthless internet beanie babies are garbage.  You butters are severely mentally ill.

Every good bear market needs a merry band of assclowns to tell you its the bottom. Only dirt cheap prices and a mass bear delusion induced bottom can bring out the true tards and trick them into thinking they are smart and Bitcoin is a scam.

It really takes a special kind of retard to not understand the superiority of Bitcoin the greatest form of money known to man.

Sure the world is full of tards, but only elite tards will do when you are looking for a bear market bottom. These assclowns will be long gone when we are making new highs, only to be brought up with the occasional

"What happened to that assclown retard Gembitz and her weiner Tourette tic. Last I heard she was selling her ass for shitcoins"

 We are blessed to end our bear market with a special all star edition of assclowns. We have the future rimjob giving couple of Virgin Roach and Hermaphrodite Gembitz and they have a little assclown sidekick dipshit known as ButterTwat Cartman, he has earned himself a role in my trilogy of screenplays so staytuned.

Oh yeah, dont forget, Buttertwat has "a friend on Wallstreet"  Cheesy

66. Post 49000546 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: BobLawblaw on January 01, 2019, 08:12:43 PM
I'm quitting Hopium cold turkey.

I think I may have overindulged in 2018 Sad

Might be a bit more curmudgeonly poster, this year, as a result.


EDIT: I want to be proven wrong. I want to be proven very very wrong. For all our sakes.

Hopium gang is for life....

This is the life you chose, there is only one way out.

only kidding of course, you can leave hopium gang, just make sure you check out before 11am and there is a 150 dollar cleaning fee for smoking hopium in the room

67. Post 49000600 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 01, 2019, 08:36:09 PM
@Lambie Slayer I enjoy a lot reading all your posts but... one carriage return here and there would really improve readability  Roll Eyes



68. Post 49000701 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Butterscotch Cartman on January 01, 2019, 08:29:27 PM
Bitcoin the greatest form of money? Yah, lets use a system where everyone is their own bank and is responsible for any theft that happens.

You can actually retrieve your money back from a bank or credit card if it gets stolen, Good fucking luck getting your bitcoins back if they are stolen.  Most people dont give a fuck about decentralization, they were only here for the quick money.

How many fucking top 500 companies actually accept bitcoin? 1 or 2? Any company that does converts intstantly to fiat because they know it is shit.  Those few transactions per second aren't even filled either, nice dapps on ethereum, think they have like 10 users or something.

Hardly anyone here gives two shits about infinite supply ETH so your barking up the wrong tree there.  We are here for Bitcoin, the soundest hardest money of all time.

So everytime you lose purchasing power as bankers print trillions out of thin air you can retrieve it?Huh Try calling your friendly banker and retrieving your purchasing power and let us know how that works out for you Buttertwat Wink

You like being robbed constantly as bankers devalue your currency every single day of your life? Why do you like grabbing your ankles for them and thinking like a slave. What made you such a sniveling coward to enjoy someone doing that to you. Well go right ahead bc they will keep raping you and devaluing your govy currency until the day you die while they laugh at you in the Hamptons.  Shocked

You think its just us laughing at you, sorry but your banker masters have been laughing at you since day one Buttertwat. But somebody needs to play the good slave so it might as well be you.  Wink

69. Post 49000759 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Dig Bicks on January 01, 2019, 08:53:41 PM
This forum is trash, there are a few good sections but it is filled with niggers from 3rd world countries spamming posts so they can make a few dollars.  Lot of indonesian, phillipino, and nigerian scumbags that can't even speak English.

should remove signatures completely

Roach is that you??

70. Post 49000794 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Butterscotch Cartman on January 01, 2019, 08:44:48 PM
Ya lets just all Conveniently forget about that Inflation bug that was discovered. I'm sure nothing like that will ever happen again....

How retarded are you? You dont know the difference between a knock off shit coin called B-private and the real Bitcoin headed to 100k. What shitcoin did you go all in on and lose 99 percent to become so bitter.

71. Post 49001183 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 01, 2019, 09:41:00 PM
renowned pickle maker Sarsons says pump it

"Hedge fund managers posses unique insight, into emerging client sentiment and into capital flows that are not yet printed. As a manager of cryptocurrencies with multiple digital asset offerings, we consider orderbook information a key component of our strategies. Firsthand observations of these cryptocurrency orders over time supports our conclusion that Bitcoin's December 2018 price of $3150 is the ultimate low."

Somebody was observing walls and not debating global warming and they noticed the bottom. Cheesy

72. Post 49002313 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: somac. on December 20, 2018, 11:48:41 AM
Well, very nice to see this rally. However, even if this is a suckers rally, that low 3000 area looks fucking solid. I've stated on here before that Bitstamp's order book is a strong indicator telling us where the bottom is. Why I think this, is because Bitstamp is what seems to be an honest market and has no margin or shorting. When the price was at 3200 you needed about 2800 btc to be sold to take the price down to the 3000 level, but, if 2800 btc were bought the price would go to 4400.

At the 6000 level the order book was actually balanced between the buys and sells, hence it could break down with relative ease, in comparison to the 3000 level. There is massive buy support at the 3000 level and very little selling support. It's simple, not only is 3000 considered a good level to buy, we also get twice as many btc for the same amount of fiat compared to the 6000 level. And the sellers obviously don't want to sell at that level because what's the point, they have already lost over 80% from the highs, might as well just leave it to be lost, or hope that btc repeats it's historical patterns and booms again in a few years.

Excellent post Somac! I originally missed it so Im glad you put the link up today. I took several hits off of my Hopium bong after reading.

73. Post 49002575 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on January 02, 2019, 12:31:22 AM
what's all this happy fucking new year bullshit?!?

... the world is in debt of historic proportions, most of which will be defaulted on or inflated out of existence ....

happy fucking new year chumps, stick it!


  Sir, my Hopium bong can only take so much Hopium stuffed in it at once. I cant think of anything more bullish for Bitcoin than nations defaulting on debt or cranking up the printing presses to warp speed 9 to inflate away their debt. Our new bull market doesnt need this kind of help, but it would be greatly appreciated.

74. Post 49003056 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on January 02, 2019, 01:42:12 AM
Money is human happiness in the abstract; he, then, who is no longer capable of enjoying human happiness in the concrete devotes himself utterly to money. ~ Schopenhauer

Mama told me when I was young
"Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say
And if you do this it'll help you some sunny day"
"Oh, take your time, don't live too fast
Troubles will come and they will pass
You'll find a woman and you'll find love
And don't forget, son, there is someone up above"
"And be a simple kind of man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh, won't you do this for me, son, if you can"
"Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need is in your soul

And you can do this, oh baby, if you try
All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied"
"And be a simple kind of man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh, won't…

I love Lynyrd Skynyrd. They were predicting the downfall of Gold and the beauty of and lust for buying Bitcoin at the end of a bear market.  Cheesy

"All I Can Do Is Write About It"

Well this life that I've lead has took me everywhere
There ain't no place I ain't never gone
But its kind of like the saying that you heard so many times
Well there just ain't no plae like home
Did you ever see a she-gator protect her young
Or a fish in a river swimming free
Did you ever see the beauty of the hills of Carolina
Or the sweetness of the grass in Tennessee
And Lord I can't make any changes
All I can do is write 'em in a song
I can see the concrete slowly creepin'
Lord take me and mine before that

75. Post 49004715 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Icygreen on January 02, 2019, 05:39:31 AM
Hey r0ach, what's the new avatar?  Significance? 
I kinda liked the retarded/farting dog and the actual roach one before. Self explanatory they were.

BDSM practice for Gembitz

76. Post 49005654 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 02, 2019, 06:22:45 AM
I think I haven't read anyone posting about the XMAS/NEW YEAR conversations about Bitcoin on the table.... Maybe the nocoiners were so disgusting you guys don't wanna talk about it? lol

In my case... no conversation about it. The only one at the table that knows I am into Bitcoin was my GF and she is a hodler since 2013 and has instructions to never talk about it with anyone else.

I can confirm from personal experience and discussing with other Bitcoiner friends how their experiences were, that nocoiners who had traditional investments did not want bring up Bitcoin bc they had taken such a beating in December.

While the Dow and SP500 were down significantly in the month, many small time investors were hit extra hard bc they often have riskier portfolios loaded up with popular tech goodies like FANG stocks that got slaughtered.

Nocoiners who have no investments at all have always been more open minded to hearing about Bitcoin in my experience. I have personally converted many nocoiners into Bitcoiners in the last five years and almost every one of them had zero investments at the time, making Bitcoin their first ever investment.

My nocoiner conversion method is pretty simple. I tried dozens of ways and stuck with the one that worked the best.

I tell them that if they dont own at least one Bitcoin then they may feel suicidal when it hits one million dollars bc they didnt make a small investment.

Very few of my converts have acquired a complete coin but it has become a goal of them all to get one coin.

Funny story but my first convert was my father, and he is my only convert who went back to nocoinery, all the rest still HODL.

He purchased 1.1 BTC in 2014. In early 2015 around 220 usd/btc he said he didnt want to hold it anymore and he couldnt handle the huge swings. I found this humorous bc he is very well off and heavily invested in stocks and mutual funds since the 70's, so his portfolio swings on a daily basis by massive dollar amounts just bc of how large it is. But somehow the Bitcoin that he spent peanuts on bothered him emotionally with its large percent swings. He said i could have the coin, and I of course accepted and added it to my Hodl stash.

What is even more funny is how when in 2017 at the end of the epic bull run, he told me I got lucky with the investment. He thought this was some kind of compliment, but I took offense naturally and I reminded him how hard it was for him to handle the swings of 1.1 coins and to imagine how hard it was for me to handle the swings when I had a large amount and it was 100 percent of my net worth. I explained it wasnt luck but vision and the will to fight and hodl and never surrender no matter how hard it got. The will to die for your coins. He quickly apologized and said luck was a poor choice of words. Roll Eyes

If you thought I was going to forget to mention that we are in a bull run and to go smoke some good Hopium and enjoy the health benefits documented by 9 surgeon generals, you were wrong Cheesy

77. Post 49005791 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

 My elite Jewish financiers(the ones that pay my team to monitor Virgin Roach) will be purchasing some large amounts of Bitcoin soon to pay these hackers. Stay tuned for a massive pump. These friends have told me the hackers have gotten their hands on some very hush hush material so you better believe lots of implicated parties will be forking over coins on the low.

78. Post 49008925 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 02, 2019, 10:09:38 AM
I tell them that if they dont own at least one Bitcoin then they may feel suicidal when it hits one million dollars bc they didnt make a small investment.

In other words, you're advertising shitcoins as an actual Ponzi scam.  Buy shitcoins now because it's guaranteed to go to $1 million each.  Forget the fact it's a fake commodity and even if you corner the entire market and own all 21 million of them, you have 0 leverage to force other people to buy your coins.  

They can simply create a new shitcoin or just ignore you entirely and use real commodity money like silver or gold instead.  If someone corners the market on a real commodity whether it's silver, lumber, anything, you're forced to buy at whatever price they ask that the market can bear.  If you corner the market on a fake commodity, people just laugh at you and give you the middle finger.  And that is your lesson of the day in people who have leverage vs people who don't.

Lessons from a paranoid schizophrenic who sold coins at the bottom of the 2015 bear market and then got rekt on a horrible investment in primitive silver. Wink

Bitcoin is going to 1 million, if you weren't mentally ill and full of delusions of blacks and jews persecuting you then you would see this.

Once when your brain wasn't as rotted from the ravages of P. Schizophrenia as it is now you were a Bitcoiner and posted bullish stuff here all the time. Then you sold your coins, probably hoping to get back in cheaper and the bull market that happened right after has driven you mad. You already were genetically predisposed to developing paranoid schizophrenia, but missing out on a chance at a life outside of your mummys basement was too much and pushed you over the edge.

You started looking for people to blame bc it was too traumatic to admit to yourself that you fucked up the investment of a lifetime. With your predisposition to paranoid tendencies you soon found the Jews and blacks as your scape goat. One thing common with most delusional hate mongers is some type of failure in life(memba hitler and art school) they couldnt accept responsibility for and an innate sense of persecution.

Your hero and author of the Daily Stormer(who has no choice but to live off of Bitcoin donations bc only BTC is powerful enough to stand up to boycotts), started off a hippie vegan and devolved into a delusional paranoid just like you Virgin Roach. He failed to complete much more than a semester in college and this failure drove him deeper into mental illness.

"Andrew Anglin was born on July 27, 1984, and grew up near Columbus, Ohio.[9][10]According to both Anglin and his childhood classmates, he was liberal as a youth.[10][11] He attended the Linworth Alternative Program and the Worthington Christian High School from 1999 to 2003, where he was remembered as a dreadlocked vegan.[12] His friends in high school report that his behavior changed during his sophomore year at Linworth, where he exhibited self-harming behavior, and began promoting conspiracy theories."

Virgin Roach we know you were smart enough and functional enough to get into college but your behavior and the stress cut your career there short and you retreated into your mummy's basement to get it together. Had you held onto your coins you may have just gotten it together but you panic dumped in 2015 and the real illness started to take over your life or lack thereof.

When the failure happened(selling the bottom in 2015) you knew any chance you had at a normal life was over and you sunk deeper and deeper into your illness. Soon everything wrong with the world you were tracing back to the Jews, or blacks or some other ethnic group. Every part of society was under attack by these dark forces and you had to tell people who was persecuting them so they could rise up and stop it.

You cant stop coming to this forum bc its one of the few places on Earth where people still remember you before you were a full blown mental cripple.

Your only chance at a normal life is to sell whatever silver you have left and buy at least 1 Bitcoin to hold for 8 years till it hits a million. If you don't, we all know you will never post again after 1 million dollar Bitcoin bc you will kill yourself if you aren't already dead by then.

79. Post 49009115 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 02, 2019, 11:39:20 AM
^nobody is reading these JayJuanGee spam posts.  Jesus.

Its your life story. They will read it now to understand your suicide when Bitcoin hits one million. You yourself read every word I write. How else do you pop up after a long break and comment on one of my past comments about one tidbit buried in a long comment Roll Eyes You read every word bc you know my team works for the Jews who are manipulating your life Shocked

Your new mask is to hide the tears my posts bring you Cry(and bdsm practice for Gembitz).

If you don't sell your silver for Bitcoin and do commit the inevitable suicide when Bitcoin hits one million... well some here will be glad you are gone Smiley, some will pity you. Undecided Most will be too rich to care. Cool

80. Post 49009199 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 02, 2019, 11:39:20 AM
^nobody is reading these JayJuanGee spam posts.  Jesus.  You're like the lovechild of Marcus of Tel Aviv and JayJuanGee, taking the traits of Marcus' awful jokes and combining them JayJuanGee jibberish rambling.

Jesus cant save you from the Jews out to get you Virgin Roach. Now take mummys bra off and eat the cookies she just brought you. We paid her Bitcoin to add estrogen to them for our experiment.

81. Post 49022726 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 02, 2019, 11:59:36 AM
What did I seriously just read   Shocked

It's probably the same kike that ran the spam account named "Bitunlocker".  He thinks the jibberish he's spamming bothers me when all he's doing is making people who are pro-craptocurrency look mentally deranged and making my side look better (pro-metals, anti-shitcoin, anti-evil cult of Judaism).

Wrong Virgin Roach, it bothers you deeply every day Bitcoin is over 220 where you sold at and became the dumbest money on this thread. Grin Ive told you my team works for elite Jews out to persecute and experiment on you, but I am white and very proud of my heritage.

I realize you have a low Iq so its understandable you cant tell the difference between my mocking you and Bitlocker who is a legit retard but with similar mental illness to your paranoid schizophrenia. He is just a lower iq version of you on a similar level to your future girlfriend with a dick Gembitz. He also has different delusions than you. Each paranoid schizophrenic has their own unique delusions and made up persecutors. Yours are pretty unoriginal, you chose jews to be your boogie men, probably due to your lack of creativity.

Your whole life seems to just be a cheap knock off of your hero and fellow paranoid schizophrenic Andrew Anglin. He is a much higher functioning paranoid than you. Even he isnt stupid enough to sell his Bitcoin for Silver Wink

"Anglin wrote about his longing for a race war and urged his readers to prepare for combat against nebulous forces unleashed by Jews, blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, women, liberals, journalists—  “There is rapidly approaching a time when in every White Western city, corpses will be stacked in the streets as high as men can stack them,” he wrote. “And you are either going to be stacking or getting stacked.” "

Ooohh race war coming soon. This is one of your copy cat delusions. You cant even make up your own paranoid delusions, what a loser Cheesy

Dylan Roof was another paranoid schizophrenic like you Virgin Roach. Do you also dream of shooting up some black kids bc they helped the jews ruin your life and made you an eternal virgin who is missing out on the Bitcoin rise to 100k??

"after Dylan Roof murdered nine black people in Charleston, South Carolina. Roof reportedly left comments on The Daily Stormer, and he has become a hero to Anglin’s readers, who honor him with “bowl cut” memes."

My team can confirm Virgin Roach currently has honored comrade Dylan by having his mummy give him a bowl cut. Shocked

"Until the Roof massacre, Burkholder hadn’t thought about the “adorable,” “happy-go-lucky” boy in her class who loved dinosaurs. Anglin was a normal kid back then, whose only remarkable quality was his extraordinarily nasal voice—it was so bad that Burkholder thought he might have a sinus problem, and raised the issue with his mother, Katie, at a parent–teacher conference."

Sounds like you and your high pitched estrogen voice. You and your delusional hero have a lot in common.

Silver is a valueless relic of the past, Bitcoin is the future, no matter how much you cry Virgin tears here its going to 100k, then 1 million, then beyond.

82. Post 49022969 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 02, 2019, 12:09:02 PM
So @slammielayer I guess you know what you're doing. You 'outed @crumbs' after all.
But I will just say that for me keeping @roach as the subject of the conversation is very fucking tiresome.
I respect that some members find it amusing, but you clearly have enough skills and knowledge to tickle us in other ways.

Hello Vastly Lates Smiley

Point taken. I watched for years with no comment as Roach was already the subject of conversation many many times. Thats a pretty large sample to show Ive changed nothing. I could go away and nothing would change imo. I watched for years as Lambie was the prime retard here, then I decided to step in and get rid of her. You gotta admit the place looks a lot better without the porn spam. Plus the mayor was getting a crush on her which is just weird.

Everyone used to complain that no women were on this board. But it turned the likely most prolific and relentless poster/troll to ever post here was a woman. Doesnt matter to me though bc she was still a CUNT.

edit: oh yeah, its a bull market. see u at 100k

83. Post 49023051 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: AlcoHoDL on January 02, 2019, 12:34:59 PM

Is it true what Lambie Slayer is saying about you? Were you really bullish about Bitcoin in the early years, before the bear market of 2015? And did you really sell all your BTC at the bottom in 2015? I'm asking because, based on your current ideas, I find it extremely hard to believe that such things ever happened.

Just curious...

No lol.  The only such statements you will find anywhere on the internet about when I have bought and sold shitcoins is me saying I was all-in at $200 and then leveraged on top of that and made a lot of profit, unleveraged at high $700s, used 1/2 of the profit to buy physical silver, and that's the only thing anyone knows about me.  

Everything else is generated by 2 people:  Some Indian named Sidhujag who is the dev of a scamcoin named SYSCOIN, and Anonymint.  Even though he's an Indian, he despises gold for some reason and tries to hype various shitcoins as money of the future from SYSCOIN to Ethereum.  He claimed gold was going to $200 an ounce (lol) and I told him he was a complete fool.  Then Anonymint (who steals every single thing he says about economics from banker shill Martin Armstrong) also claimed gold was going to collapse to nothing (and of course it did not).

Martin Armstrong (who I hope nobody follows) told people to sell gold AT THE FLOOR $1150 while claiming it was going to collapse to $800 or lower.  I bought a bunch then and after it went up to $1300's, converted it all to silver. Anyway, Sidhujag + Anonymint are both butthurt that digital shitcoins are in no way defeating physical silver and gold at all and have been on a crusade against me ever since making up all kinds of nonsense. Anonymint above all people in the entire universe cannot stand being wrong about anything and will throw the largest tantrum ever seen when he is wrong.

Thanks for the reply.

He is lying, he was hugely bullish in 2015. He has another account he got locked out of that should have the history if someone wants to dig it up. If i recall it was Roach the unsavory one or something like that. He turned bear in 2015 and sold all his coins. He revealed a lot more back then than he is admitting.

84. Post 49023324 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 02, 2019, 04:14:55 PM
As a side note, I also find it hilarious that self proclaimed "anarchists" like Elwar and Marcus follow the Plato school of money which is clearly antithetical to anarchism, pro-state, pro-collectivism, and Keynesian in nature, while the Aristotle school of money is clearly the only anarchy aligned monetary school.

ps: he's probably just a gubmint psyop dwelling here to intentionally "crap the place up", australian maybe?

The fact I'm pro-metals and anti-evil cult of Judaism is a pretty clear sign I'm not a govt agent.  Larry Summers and Ben Bernanke, on the other hand, are both shilling for cryptocurrency.  It looks like it's YOU that is on the wrong team, not me.  Everyone and their mom knows craptocurrency is going to be a trojan horse for some sort of Chinese social credit score system in the west.

Pro Virgin, Anti leaving basement Wink

"Everyone and their mom knows craptocurrency is going to be a trojan horse for some sort of Chinese social credit score system in the west."

Good to see you are discussing your delusions with your mummy at cookie time Cheesy

85. Post 49023678 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Butterscotch Cartman on January 03, 2019, 01:01:45 AM
What pisses me off is people actually believe these idiotic price predictions and end up losing their savings.  A lot of suckers fell for Mcafee's 500k bitcoin.  I had close friends that got suckered into buying crypto and they felt the pain.  This ponzi scam needs to die.

Spoken like a real Assclown Kiss

86. Post 49023792 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 03, 2019, 03:04:16 AM

Stop being a giant faggot worshipping a centralized, for-profit company named Blockstream.  

1)  Mental illness induced delusion.

2)  Mental illness induced delusion

3)  same

4)  yep, more Virgin Roach retard logic

6)  "Bitcoin is going to 1 million and I was tricked into silver by bagholders" (woah!!! a moment of lucid clarity in Virgin Roach's brain)

When you are a Virgin college drop out living with mummy who will have his first sex with a chick with a dick Shocked at the 100k party, you sound pretty gay calling people fags. Wink

87. Post 49025029 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on January 03, 2019, 09:47:58 AM

When you are a Virgin college drop out living with mummy who will have his first sex with a chick with a dick Shocked at the 100k party, you sound pretty gay calling people fags. Wink

To r0achie's defense I believe he is from Austria, married with children, unfortunately suffering from a micropenis condition, with a sole desire for giant BBC's & metals.
What a sweetheart. Embarrassed

Sir my elite Jewish employers would like to add you to their payroll for persecuting Virgin Roach. You see Jews(and some blacks) having been plotting against Virgin Roach since before he was born. Shocked They would have been content to rule the world behind the scenes, but for reasons I can not reveal right now, they now have to keep Virgin Roach in his basement. They pay in Bitcoin and all you have to do is just keep doing what you are doing and mock and laugh at Virgin Roach so he hides in his basement forever. They promise also that the bottom is in and they will pump Bitcoin to 100k.

88. Post 49039777 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: gembitz on January 04, 2019, 02:41:47 AM
Sorry OT

via Imgflip Meme Generator

But liked it Roll Eyes

Into the HODLcave lights out

Good night WO’s

g'nite ~ sum cry moon Wink lol

You forgot your hermaphrodite assclown mating call Weeeeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeeeiner Cheesy

This bull market is gonna take your Tourettes to new levels. Bottom shorters beware. Shorts will be Rectttttt Rectttt Recttttttttttum Wink

89. Post 49040454 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 03, 2019, 11:00:25 AM
The basis of human interaction in trade is barter. I give you some type of object you want for what I want.  Since humans adopted specialization of labor, they started to use an intermediary, Macguffin-like instrument to reduce friction of trade.  There is no guarantee this Macguffin instrument will ever be redeemable for anything of value.  In fact, anything of zero intrinsic value to humans will inevitably return to that exact value and be unredeemable for anything.

This is why Aristotle said the only stable form of money is a commodity currency of intrinsic value (to human civilizations) and why Plato was wrong.  If the Macguffin has no intrinsic value, it's simply a system of faith and faith collapses.  If you're using a real commodity currency, it's value can go up or down, but it's not possible for it to implode to nothingness and bring down the ENTIRE SYSTEM.

There's a lot of stupid fucks on this forum, and they think I'm joking, but the simple fact that humans were led astray off this sustainable path of metals as commodity money might mean when the paper currency collapses, it could cause a dark ages that humans never recover from and everyone goes back to the stone ages.  Or will we go back to metals as money once again with some great upheavel in between.  We'll see.  A fake commodity currency - imaginary, valueless crypto-tokens, are zero difference from fiat paper in the above scenario.  They would implode to zero and cause the same problem.

Did you or did you not make profit on BTC & swapped it for a "real commodity" such as silver? There is your barter right there.
And please stop the contradiction between Plato & Aristotle. They all have their opinion with outdated data. Welcome to the present.

There is nothing outdated about the Plato vs Aristotle argument on money.  It applies now just as then.  And since you're unable to read between the lines here, and what inevitably happens to imaginary tokens of no value whether it's fiat or bitcoins, trading bitcoins for metals is simply the act of exiting the house of cards before it falls over.  

The value of a bitcoin started at zero, and on a long enough timeline it's going to be zero again.  Anyone who disagrees with that statement is an obvious con artist.  It's only a question of what is the duration of start to finish.  When it's so obvious that is the case, you're required to be a scammer in the first place to even promote it as a solution when there are superior instruments already existing (physical metals) that do not suffer such problems.

Trying to convince people who think you are a mentally ill retard to buy Silver when its a worthless relic of the past is a lost cause Virgin Roach. Cry You have never converted a single person to buy your bags of metal before they crash to 1 dollar an ounze. We convert people to Bitcoin all the time as we march to 100k and drive you deeper down the rabbit hole of insanity each day. Saying Bitcoin has no value proves your low iq and retarded nature. Your scrawny virgin hero Andrew Anglin knows Bitcoins are the most valuable thing in his life as it is the primary funding of your favorite clown website.

Here is your beta male hero telling readers of your favorite site to buy Bitcoin Wink

"Bitcoin is the Only Way to Donate
If you don’t currently use Bitcoin: You should find a Bitcoin exchange that does business with your country, buy Bitcoin there, withdraw it to your own wallet and then send it from your wallet to the Stormer’s address. If this sounds difficult, find a friend or a nephew or ask your kids or grandkids that are nerds how to do this."

Wen will he change name to dailyBitcoiner?

90. Post 49040694 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 03, 2019, 12:25:19 PM
Also, the one thing that really bothers me about Trilema is that it's clearly some deranged guy trying to engineer a cult of personality and have people worship him, much like how our favorite arsonist lunatic rpietila attempted to do the same thing before he went from moderately insane to completely insane.  I'm not down for such primitive, Freudian, prison-homosexual style in nature, exert my will on others to prove I am powerful, games.

A deranged guy "really bothers" you?? Oh reallyyyyyyy??? Is he a Virgin who hasnt smiled or laughed in 6 years??? Does he live a completely unfulfilling life and blame Jews and blacks for not achieving anything in life except a "dumbest money" on this thread prize?? Does he frighten little children when he is in public once a month??? Does he sleep in your room and eat your mummy's estrogen cookies Shocked Does he cry each day as Bitcoin heads to 100k?? Tell us more Cheesy

91. Post 49040860 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 03, 2019, 01:55:35 PM
 If someone hordes all the gold, people utilize silver more.  If someone hordes all the gold and silver, the peasants flood the market with copper and liquidity never stops.  Tri-metallism is as close to a perfect primitive retard system as it gets.

You wont convince anyone to dump their Bitcoins in a bull market to buy your primitive metal bags Wink.

92. Post 49041612 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 04, 2019, 12:18:51 AM
footage unearthed of roach calmly accumulating those precious metals

And paranoid schizos add another lost soul to their ranks. Soon as reads his first Jew conspiracy he will be buying Bitcoin and sending to DailyStormer. Bitcoin always wins on the way to 100k.

93. Post 49041651 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on January 03, 2019, 02:45:45 PM

 Meh.  That's not even an anagram ffs.  Very amateurish.

Hat, Vests Of L8

Meh. Very amateurish critique. Because slammielayer is not an actual word it doesn't qualify as an anagram.

Even if it was a word it still wouldn't be an anagram of Lambie Slayer has two M's Roll Eyes

So you see anagram was never the game Mast of the B8s (no offense, couldn't resist!) and I were playing in the first place.

94. Post 49042574 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: rolling on January 04, 2019, 09:09:39 AM
Also, the one thing that really bothers me about Trilema is that it's clearly some deranged guy trying to engineer a cult of personality and have people worship him, much like how our favorite arsonist lunatic rpietila attempted to do the same thing before he went from moderately insane to completely insane.  I'm not down for such primitive, Freudian, prison-homosexual style in nature, exert my will on others to prove I am powerful, games.

A deranged guy "really bothers" you?? Oh reallyyyyyyy??? Is he a Virgin who hasnt smiled or laughed in 6 years??? Does he live a completely unfulfilling life and blame Jews and blacks for not achieving anything in life except a "dumbest money" on this thread prize?? Does he frighten little children when he is in public once a month??? Does he sleep in your room and eat your mummy's estrogen cookies Shocked Does he cry each day as Bitcoin heads to 100k?? Tell us more Cheesy

Look slayer, we used to ignore anyone who quoted the roach but we have given you a pass because we hope you have a way of getting rid of him like RAID or something but percentage wise, it is becoming a large portion of the pages on the thread. I really like your other posts so I don't want to block you but I am getting tired of seeing the cesspool of roach posts in your posts so I am at a crossroads. What do you think?

Sir, I do not know what "other" posts you refer too!

But seriously I get it, sometimes its not pleasant to watch the dirty work of the world being done in real time, so yeah if you have to ignore a few good posts to get rid of a lot of posts you don't wanna read, its understandable. As far as the large percentage of posts, well I've been here for 5 years and rather than posting 365 days a year, I choose to come around and have fun with and or dox bear trolls around the end of Bear markets when they are most rabid, so my posting is really not that much, just concentrated into brief windows of time in a five year span. Now enough of this sincere convo, its back to Bull Trolling for me Wink

Things have changed, Rolling. Our Jewish financed team pulls in money, recruits, just to combat Bear Trolls. Rubbing our noses in bloody shitposting dirt, all for revenge. The Wall Observer calls for wetwork, and we answer. No greater good, no just cause.

We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology, just Hodl. We are Hodlers without borders . If the times demand it we will be revolutionaries, criminals, doxers, shitposters, and yes we may all be headed straight to hell, but what better place than Wall Observer, it is our only home.

The peace of your Ignore button comes at a price.

Some wars don't end until someone is REKT.

When the time comes, Ill activate the pump.

I like working solo anyway.

"Its a bull market you know." - Old Turkey

95. Post 49042950 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on January 04, 2019, 10:40:18 AM
Morning coiners!

@rolling, just ignore me mate, I'm sure Lambie Slayer has more to offer.
Patience is a virtue.

That said, where is r0achie today?
I'm a little concerned, cos one of the hidden cams tracking him, also revealed this footage earlier this morning:

As you can tell, he even spoke to a random woman! That's a big step forward, I hope he is OK. Let's have a moment of silence to reflect our support.

EDIT: Found him on bathroom cam:

He seems way too busy to be posting on the WO obviously...

Cryptotourist I owe you a merit, this is brilliant work! I'm also sure our secret Jewish benefactors will be paying you handsomely in Bitcoin for services rendered. Cheesy

96. Post 49053108 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 04, 2019, 07:08:14 PM
Thanks HairyMaclairy! Haha I am very gentle. Maybe I made a wrong start, but that was for 1 sentence: Women are 'Brainless Baby Making machines' , that was brutal (and shocking) but on the other side I could also laugh with it because everyone can have their own opinion. Just be yourself (even Roach) and keep the forum going like it is.

Hey, you know, I am really cheering for Trollgoossens here.  Everyone likes an underdog, right?  He's gone all-in on the two biggest malinvestments in financial history:  some imaginary, valueless, digital tokens, and a 21st century western woman.  It will be a miracle if he doesn't lose everything on this bet.

More gibberish from the dumbest money on Wall Observer. Sold all his coins at the bottom in 2015 and went all in on Silver and got rekt. Now begs everyday for some greater fool to buy his Silver bags.

Nothing is more imaginary than your lame MGTOW philosophy. Its just a group of losers who cant get a decent woman so they claim its by choice.

Virgin Roach, with all the estrogen my Jewish employers are feeding you you are becoming a 21st century woman, so dont be so hard on yourself.

As this new bull market progresses you will find your delusions getting worse and worse Virgin Roach as your mental health sinks to new depths. Expect the voices in your head to get louder and louder until they have total control.

Every time you log on here we infect your brain more and more.

 Here is a taste of your future Virgin Roach

97. Post 49053165 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 04, 2019, 07:22:56 PM
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I'm not a conspiracy denier either.

Speaking of conspiracies...this week Alex Jones commented on bitcoin:  "I think it's going to zero".

Its going to 5 zeros with a 1 in the front. Your hero and fellow Virgin Andrew Anglin would quickly commit suicide if it went to zero. Who would fund DailyTarder.

Anglin spent his high school years dabbling in liberal politics, according to an interview he gave to Vocativ. He became a fascist after reading Noam Chomsky, exploring “all that Communist Jewish stuff,” and studying religion, including Islam and Buddhism, eventually arriving at Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. In an autobiographical article entitled “Andrew Anglin Exposed,” Anglin expounded on his life’s path: “I started out with normal Alex Jones type conspiracy material, and then moved on to weirder conspiracy material, and then eventually decided Ted Kaczynski was right with regards to a coming apocalypse due to the rapidity of technological development.” (Jones is probably America’s most prolific conspiracy theorist. Kaczynski was the “Unabomber” who is now in prison.)"

Your hero is just another assclown tard with voices in his head.

But this tard wouldnt even have a website without Bitcoin, bc its the best money ever invented. Even for paranoid schizo virgin tards.

98. Post 49053196 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 04, 2019, 07:59:04 PM
We found love in a hopeless place.  We found love in a hopeless place.

Gembitz, Virgin Roach is singing to you Wink

Silver is a hopeless investment. Dump your bags for Bitcoin before 100k and the voices in your head make you suicide.

99. Post 49054386 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 05, 2019, 02:10:11 AM
Just curious... What you guys would say is the probability YOU give to Bitcoin to be over $10.000 at any moment during the next 4 years? honestly.


No, really. Even 100% would be way too much.

Same chance of Roach not becoming a functional member of society. 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

100. Post 49054479 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 05, 2019, 02:29:16 AM
20% of not happening I will have to deal with that...

I am going to do the most risky bet of my life (which is not much to say as I am extremely conservative) based on that perception. Wish me luck Smiley

I will probably be ok even if I am wrong or things doesn't happen as I do expect as the most probable outcome.

Commendable sir.  Its always good to push your comfort zone and let your nutz hang. Best of luck!

nutz hang remix

101. Post 49055132 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 05, 2019, 03:50:02 AM
Just curious... What you guys would say is the probability YOU give to Bitcoin to be over $10.000 at any moment during the next 4 years? honestly.


And 50% chance to see new lows before then.

I don't care about the interin... In fact I do expect a high probability of lower lows this very same year. Especially in Q1-Q2, maybe even Q3.

99.9% is still an almost delusional high chance, don't you think?

I think 99.9 is pragmatic and conservative. Its a bull market you know.

What you can afford to lose its exactly the same number as what you can afford to buy. You can afford to lose anything you have, up to and including your life.

There is no nobler cause than dying for a worthy cause like Bitcoin.

Look how many people die each day for the cause of stuffing their face with too much food. They had lives they could afford to lose and spent those lives for the cause of boosting Mcdonalds stock. No one judged them at their funerals.

No one on Earth is more ready and willing to risk their life and freedom for the most trivial cause than Florida Man.

Here just yesterday Florida Man was ready to die fighting against leftist straw laws.

Also just yesterday the very busy Florida Man drives his Ferrari at top speed off an ocean dock and risks his life for a quick thrill.

Once Florida Man discovers Bitcoin, there is nothing he wont do to get his hands on as much as he can afford to lose, even if it means losing his life.

102. Post 49055206 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 05, 2019, 04:16:30 AM
Just curious... What you guys would say is the probability YOU give to Bitcoin to be over $10.000 at any moment during the next 4 years? honestly.


And 50% chance to see new lows before then.

I don't care about the interin... In fact I do expect a high probability of lower lows this very same year. Especially in Q1-Q2, maybe even Q3.

99.9% is still an almost delusional high chance, don't you think?

I think 99.9 is pragmatic and conservative. Its a bull market you know.

What you can afford to lose its exactly the same number as what you can afford to buy. You can afford to lose anything you have, up to and including your life.

I would rather be dead than ruined alive. Fortunately chances are right on that sense.

We are in no fucking bull market just YET, you know that, don't you?

I firmly believe the bottom is in for the last bear cycle which means we are in a bull market. I realize the herd fears one more giant plunge down to mimic the 2014-15 bear cycle.

103. Post 49055387 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on January 05, 2019, 04:28:51 AM
Florida Man...
Is there anything he can't do?

No sir there is not. Sometime soon exchanges will figure out a way to onboard new clients simple enough for Florida Man to master. Once this happens millions of Florida Mans and Florida Womans will easily pump it to 100k in a matter of weeks. 

I notice ETH and BC-ass-h are both approximately double the value of their recent lows while Bitcoin is only up peanuts. Soon we pump. Cheesy

104. Post 49056747 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Yet another mental illness poster child. Cheesy

"Escalating the attacks further, Wright dismissed Antonopoulos’ wealth of knowledge on bitcoin saying that the only correct thing the host of “Let’s Talk Bitcoin” podcast knows is how to ‘spell Bitcoin’."

Craig Wright is just another who sold most of his coins way too soon and the price appreciation has driven him mad. The new bull market will probably drive him to a heart attack or stroke. Cry

105. Post 49057796 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 05, 2019, 08:26:05 AM
Just curious... What you guys would say is the probability YOU give to Bitcoin to be over $10.000 at any moment during the next 4 years? honestly.

Jews are trying to use minorities, lesbians, women, and other shitlibs as useful idiot cannon fodder to attack western, white civilization.  

Your Silver bags were just a dumb money investment Virgin Roach. If you were right it would have done well, instead its just rekt you and has driven you deeper into illness.

Jews always out to get you and persecute you according to the voices you are starting to hear in your head..... but when will you figure out that its not just Jews who dont like you like my employers. White people dont like you either bc you are a valueless person who offers nothing to society except mental illness.

Bitcoins are in a 10 year megabull market and just finishing the latest bump in the road before 100k. You worry about civil war but you will be institutionalized by the time we get to 100k.

I can speak for most White people all over the world and we agree with the Jews that you are trash. Its not Jews keeping white women from sleeping with or even speaking to you, its you....they dont like you bc you have nothing to offer but paranoia and persecution delusions. You have no male friends bc white men dont like you either. I dont mean gay leftist white men, I mean all white men.

You dont have much time to try and improve your life before we have you committed. You can start by dumping your worthless Silver bags.

106. Post 49058287 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

I see Virgin Roach does not want to address the question of why all white males and females shun and despise him. Cheesy

If the white race has a vote on whether to kick Virgin Roach out or not even his mummy would vote him out of our white tribe. White women will never reproduce with him which is good because no one wants him passing on those mentally ill genes. Whites are colorblind when it comes to our distaste for dumb money loser nutjobs Wink

Perhaps its time to create a poll for white people on whether to officially kick Virgin Roach out of our tribe.

107. Post 49058887 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 05, 2019, 09:29:44 AM
Scientific evidence for female selective sociopathy towards men:

They leave too many things out like their offspring, though.  The woman sees the offspring as a part of herself, so are exempt from a lot of this.  E.g. Nothing is too good for me!  Only the best!  So my children should also be treated the same!

So either you are right and 3.5 billion women are mentally ill sociopaths who shun speaking or sleeping with you, or....... you are mentally ill and they shun you bc you have nothing to offer but toxic paranoia and delusions(and some dead money silver investments).

Your delusions of persecution have extended past the Jews to all females of every race are sociopaths persecuting you by keeping you a virgin. LOL, how retarded do you have to be to not realize you are delusional. Cheesy

I explained to Kaminska before I doxed and purged her that she was alone and without a man in life bc she spent all her time blogging for her job, on twitter, and trolling here as Lambie so she could not work on losing weight and attracting a man. After I purged her, she had more free time and finally got some dick.

Virgin Roach, your paranoid delusions explaining why you have nothing and no one in life but mummy are not explanations, they are the cause. Every minute you spend reading dailytarder or shilling terrible investments like Silver is a minute you could be exercising, breathing fresh air, and mustering up the courage to speak to a woman. Even your hero andrew anglin the author of dailymentalinstitution recommends making friends, working out, and meeting women.

"Anglin published an article encouraging his readers to “prepare for the coming race war.” “t’s a bit like Fight Club,” Anglin wrote, encouraging his audience to meet up in coffee shops, engage in firearms training, work out together, take part in political activism, meet women, and more. The Southern Poverty Law Center documented 31 active “book clubs” in 2016."

In fact its been confirmed Andrew sleeps with black and asian women. You see Andrew probably doesnt even believe half what he spouts, its just to rile up mental patients like you and get them to send him Bitcoin Wink

You have been had by your own hero as he counts his Bitcoin and smashes his black girlfriend laughing at you.

108. Post 49059702 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on January 05, 2019, 10:04:03 AM
Morning WO's.

Hey shithead, I was amazed to see some charts in your posts - conveniently of course showing off your metal mental illness.
How about these r0achie:


:: BTC

Look similar enough?
It would seem that BTC is crushing it over a much shorter period of time. You of all morons can see that.

But it is not your shilling about metals that motivates me to gag you.
Your attitude towards women is what really rings my bells. Well that & you being a Nazi lover fascist pig.

You seem to forget that a woman brought you to life (we all make mistakes here).
Didn't she breast feed you or something? Is she proud of your beliefs & what you have become? Was she ever?
Could be wrong of course, & your existence could be a sick Nazi experiment - going South and evolving into a Jewish experiment. Wink

Not expecting an answer, just go and suck yourself off.

Rekt! Well done!

109. Post 49059884 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 05, 2019, 10:16:18 AM
Nice, I have not one, but TWO anti-sound money (physical metals), pro-fake money (imaginary, valueless digital tokens) paid call center stalkers now.  You guys should switch up your propaganda some to not make it so obvious. There's very few people in bitcoin who are actually anti-metals.  The fact both of you newbie account clowns start spam post attacking me while pushing the same, scripted NPC narrative is too obvious.

Most of the planet has shifted far right towards alt-right ideology now as well.  Anyone who isn't a flat out liar knows that barely anyone in this thread cared about me calling for the expelling of Jews from all nations before I was anti-digital currency.  They only cared about that afterwards because it hurts their bottom line.  Having not one, but two of you flood the thread with the exact same pro-political correctness, pro-marxism, anti-metals, NPC narrative isn't going to fool anyone.  And since, as you claim, I am typing from a basement, I can outlast both of you clown's attacks with ease!

Virgin Roach, we have a much larger team on the Jewish payroll than you think. We have been experimenting on you for years.

If you shot this black family Virgin Roach we will be arresting you soon. It happened when our camera system monitoring you was down.

As for outlasting us, there is no wifi in the insane assylum. And once you suicide when the brand new bull market brings us to 100k, well if there is an afterlife there wont be any wifi in hell  either Cheesy

Oh yeah, dont pretend Bitcoin isnt the soundest hardest money ever created. Metals are primitive relics useful for bagholding.

And its not your basement......


110. Post 49063521 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 05, 2019, 02:33:02 PM
Bitcoin's 10 years anniversary party in Tel Aviv

Terrible.  Who the hell goes to a "bitcoin party"?  I don't go to any "physical silver bullion" parties?  That's how you can tell bitcoin is some type of delusional cult.  People worshipping the gnostic, false god anti-christ, (((Satoshi Nakamoto))), who has delivered to the world the perfect centralized govt tracking and control system of enslavement.

Silver bagholders cant afford a party and since white males and white females dont like you then of course you wont go to a party. However you will come to the 100k party but it wont really be you as you know it now, the Jews will have implanted chips in your brain to cure your mental illness bc they are so nice to retarded white people like you.

You hate other races bc they arent white, yet as a spokesman for the white race I can tell you 100 percent that white people dont like you.  Cry Your life is pretty much a lost cause Roll Eyes Even Andrew Anglin thinks you are nuts and he is a Bitcoiner who gets laid by black chicks.

111. Post 49063543 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 05, 2019, 02:53:24 PM
Post that uses legit number crunching data to determine that if you're not in the top 20% of men, you're a beta male and extrapolates you have no reason to exist post-tinder world:

I can manage an 8 if I actually put work into it and bother working out and all that, it's just not worth it, so I'll happily slide back down to a nice 7.9 and not have to really worry about anything.

Virgin default score is 1 Cheesy, wtf are you talking about an 8 Shocked Roll Eyes

112. Post 49063746 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 05, 2019, 12:51:59 PM
but I cannot read your misanthropy misogyny posts. Not in here anyway.

So you're either a cuck or female, of which, both of their opinions are worthless.  There's no "misogyny", simply an imbalance of nature where a bunch of dumb bimbos have managed to claw an ever increasing, unreasonable amount of power for themselves away from the natural order.  

Take the ridiculous Ocasio Cortez video on the news this morning of her dancing around in a circle like a fool.  If it was a man acting in that manner, they would be labeled either gay, a large child, a narcissist, a fool, or all of the above.  We are simply removing the double standards so Ocasio Cortez can be correctly labeled as some type of emotionally retarded, large child, narcissist fool just like a man would be.  Enjoy equality!

If all women were actually retarded Virgin Roach, then you might have a shot at getting one. Sucks for you though that they arent retarded so when they see you with your crazy paranoid facial expressions walking by they run. Shocked

Gembitz is a retarded hermaphrodite so thats why once we install the chips in your brain, you will get laid at the 100k party. By laid I mean you are gonna take it in the ass too.

113. Post 49069816 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 05, 2019, 10:12:32 PM
^It's unhealthy for you bugmen and cucks to pretend you have or deserve some type of power in the world to exert your will over others.  You're SJWs praying to rip people off in imaginary, valueless token pump and dump scams while pretending to be some type of virtuous crusaders of humanity.  You're lucky I don't make this demonic alien baby picture the official bitcoin trademark icon to remind you how big of hypocritical dirtbags you are:

Its unhealthy for you to keep eating the estrogen cookies we pay your mummy to bring downstairs to you. Grin

Virgin Roach, you offer nothing of value to humanity and never have.

You fear the biggest question of all. You hate all races but white, but why do all white males and females despise you. Shocked

The answer is you hate humanity and you hate your life. This is why humanity shuns you like the dirty little cockroach you named yourself after.  Cry

Even mummy resents you for wasting your life and making crazy faces all day at her while you rant.

Bitcoin is headed to 100k and it is driving you more insane each day bc you sold in 2015.

Your Silver bags were just another long list of your life failures.

114. Post 49069949 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 05, 2019, 04:49:13 PM
This is the future of your dystopian, non-fungible, centralized, permissioned ledger, digital token system.

Coinbase Bans Conservative Social Media Network Gab, Again

First Kikebase bans sites like this for allowing free speech, then the govt regulates the mining pools and giant mining facilities with black lists, and you're now living in hell.

 Grin Once again Virgin Dumb Money Roach you illustrate why Bitcoin is the best money ever and headed to 100k while primitive metals are dead money investments.

Gab was banned by every payment processor like dailytarder was and they resorted to using the best money ever for funding.

Gab has proclaimed Bitcoin to be free speech money and will educate a million strong users on the superiority of Bitcoin over primitive silver and all other money.

Even your fellow racists will all be Bitcoiners soon, just like everyone wears shoes and uses cell phones. Bitcoin adoption will penetrate every part of humanity.

Bitcoin is heading to 100k and silver is going nowhere Cheesy

115. Post 49075301 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Majormax on January 05, 2019, 11:33:38 PM
wtf, more and more people are arguing with roach. at least stop quoting him or risk getting ignored by the rest of us WO's.

^^^ Please.
This place can be vaguely entertaining and informative when the drivel is removed.

Yes. A high % of drivel here atm.

Although roach is bigoted and some of his theories are wild, a lot of the replies are pointless ad hominem attacks.. To an impartial observer who has no opinion to start with,  roach's posts might have a semblance of logic.

Is this akin to the de-platforming of extremist views ? Should free speech be aired in order to debate both the wrong and the right ideas ?

If posters really must reply, at least engage with the points made, or ignore.

Optimistically, a high % of nonsense posts could (maybe) indicate we are in the bottom-forming phase.

"To an impartial observer who has no opinion to start with,  roach's posts might have a semblance of logic." LOL wut?!

I notice more posts urging Virgin Roach responders to self censor than actually urging to censor Virgin Roach. If people really are annoyed with him and want to censor him, than why not all get together and request infofront ban him. If you want to let him have free speech than why all the debbie downer chastising of those who gallantly engage with him in the name of the mighty King Bitcoin. Surely we deserve to have our say.

If you insist on letting the insane drunk at the bar act a fool, then dont guilt trip patrons of the bar for smashing his head against the wall when he acts up.

I also notice the same posters trying to get people to stop engaging him are also short term bearish and calling for new lows(maybe shorting on the sly too ehh..) Roll Eyes.

It seems to be the "hell no muthafucka we aint going under 3k Cool" believers taking on Virgin Roach atm.

In a bear market sure, its cool to sit back and let Virgin Roach drivel on about BTC heading to zero, but the Bull Market is here in many peoples opinions and its time to feed him estrogen and experiment on him as we head to 100k. Also my Jewish employers dont just pay me Bitcoin to hit the ignore button on their arch enemy ya know.

Now fight me! Wink

JK. But, the beatings will continue until Virgin Roach visits Israel and Africa.

116. Post 49075404 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 06, 2019, 01:38:32 AM
Just curious... What you guys would say is the probability YOU give to Bitcoin to be over $10.000 at any moment during the next 4 years? honestly.
No, really. Even 100% would be way too much.


Next four years ? That's an eternity for Bitcorn.

Considering that the next block halving will occur before the next four years, it's simple math and supply/demand that we'll be above $10k before then.


Yeah but 100% doesn't exist in anything. Otherwise you would just sell everything and put it into Bitcoin again. Let's just say you consider a 95% chance? That is still a fucking awesome asymmetric bet!

He's the famous man everyone knows from the news in Belgium & the Netherlands. Sold everything (incl his house) to invest in BTC . Some think he's insane, some think he's brilliant.

I think he is sorta insane no matter what the outcome is. If Bitcoin goes to $100K and he is able to hodl until then some would say he was brilliant... not me. There is high probability the outcome will be good, but still it does look like a very risky/insane thing to do. I wish him all the luck of course!

The guy is a genius. He has garnered a lot of attention and social media following via the MSM news articles about his sacrifice to King Bitcoin soon to be ruler of the 100k throne. His monetizing of social media as he documents the adventures and experiences of his family Im sure will more than pay for any loss he might ever incur.

117. Post 49075516 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 06, 2019, 07:47:20 AM
'Deadly' is an understatement.  I just spent 3 days carefully pumping years of data into Cointracker and it has left me in horror.  Apparently I am liable for more than I took out by a large amount of money, as it says I made such huge 'profits' from trading in the 17/18 tax year that if I use this software to declare it, it will render me effectively destitute.  

You need to be a complete fucking idiot to use a centralized, non-fungible token that abolishes the 5th amendment and pretend it's money instead of what it actually is - a government tracking and control system.

No, any mentally healthy person understands Bitcoin is the best money ever and 100k is inevitable. Complete fucking idiots think Jews and blacks are persecuting them and women wont speak to them bc they are all sociopaths.  Roll Eyes

Complete fucking idiots also make terrible investment choices, like selling all their Bitcoins in 2015 and buying Silver, a dead money investment.  Cry

Complete fucking idiots usually dont handle life failure well and later on morph into the mentally ill. The mentally ill that dont have a mummy's basement to hide in end up panhandling on the streets after a few years. Wink

118. Post 49077264 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

DailyTarder Author on Bitcoin

 "All I care about is how this effects bitcoin. I say it’s good for bitcoin, which is why I’m feeling bullish today. It would be interesting to see if collapsing third world country currencies in general, correlates well with bitcoin prices.
In which case, I’ll have even more of an incentive to see brown people suffering."

You see Virgin Roach, even your racist Nazi heroes love Bitcoin. It is the best money ever invented and headed to 100k, of course everyone from the left and right will eventually be a Bitcoiner, just like they use the internet and cell phones.

You really cant win Virgin Roach, soon the Nazis will banish you from their clubs for being a Bitcoin denier.

119. Post 49077370 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Oh look Virgin Roach, your other favorite Nazi site right here is spreading Bitcoin adoption. Its crazy how average everyday Nazi's use modern things like cars, computers, shoes, etc. Its almost as if they arent totally retarded, which means you are operating on some mentally retarded level under them.

"You open your Bitcoin wallet on your device and let the ATM scan the bar code displayed on your screen. This is how the ATM knows where to send the Bitcoin. Then select the dollar amount you want to convert to Bitcoin and just feed your cash into the machine. In about two seconds the equivalent Bitcoin will appear in your wallet.

Now you can use it buy all kinds of merchandise or transfer money safely and securely to anybody with a Bitcoin wallet."

I dont see Nazi's using Silver to run their websites and buy stuff online w Cheesy

I bet Nazi's will be having their own 100k party soon when this bull market really gets in full swing.

120. Post 49077462 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Oh look Virgin Roach. Looks like all the Nazi folks over at Stormfront really love Bitcoin, its their favorite for donations. I mean they will take a crummy check for USD if you must, but they come right out and tell you that as good Nazis, Bitcoin is "our preferred payment method" Roll Eyes

"Please include your Stormfront username (if already registered on the board), or if you would like be listed here as "ANON."

You can also donate with Bitcoin. This is our preferred payment method. Shocked

This is our Bitcoin address:


As Bitcoin donations arrive anonymously with no sender information, please PM or email me after you've sent them, so I can upgrade your account as a Sustaining Member.

If you don't have a Bitcoin wallet, you can find out how to buy and send Bitcoin with your debit or credit card here."

I bet those Nazis are waiting for 100k and glad the bottom is in. Cheesy

121. Post 49077775 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Saint-loup on January 06, 2019, 10:22:50 AM

Oh look Virgin Roach, your other favorite Nazi site right here is spreading Bitcoin adoption. Its crazy how average everyday Nazi's use modern things like cars, computers, shoes, etc. Its almost as if they arent totally retarded, which means you are operating on some mentally retarded level under them.

"You open your Bitcoin wallet on your device and let the ATM scan the bar code displayed on your screen. This is how the ATM knows where to send the Bitcoin. Then select the dollar amount you want to convert to Bitcoin and just feed your cash into the machine. In about two seconds the equivalent Bitcoin will appear in your wallet.

Now you can use it buy all kinds of merchandise or transfer money safely and securely to anybody with a Bitcoin wallet."

I dont see Nazi's using Silver to run their websites and buy stuff online w Cheesy

I bet Nazi's will be having their own 100k party soon when this bull market really gets in full swing.
He's not a nazi, he's a Danny Balint

Looks like an interesting movie, I think Ill check it out. I read one of the reviews on IMBD and they said it was a good movie written by a Bitcoiner who is bullish rn.

122. Post 49077857 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Lookout Virgin Roach.

Neo Nazis in Russia are parading the streets celebrating the new Bitcoin bull market. I dont agree with most of their Nazi views but I stand firmly with them in agreement that Bitcoin is the King of money and headed to 100k.

Also some of the Nazi drummer girls are hot. Kiss

Bitcoin will soon bring common ground and understanding between the left and the right.

123. Post 49078127 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 06, 2019, 10:44:50 AM
@Lambie_Slayer R0ach is very different beast than Lambie. You won't be able to get him out of here by engaging him. On the contrary. Yeah I know I sometimes also engage him when I fall on the trap or whatever... my fault. But you are carrying this to the extreme. Don't lose your time, really.

I dont want Virgin Roach to leave. Not rn at least. I doxed Lambie, engaging her never would have worked. She had the energy and testosterone of 10 Roaches. I will probably dox Roach down the road and force him to leave, but right now I wouldnt dox him even if I had discovered his identity already.

For now I have fun mocking him, rubbing the bull market in his face, and conducting Jewish financed experiments on him. I consider this quality entertainment. I already read this thread everyday anyway for over five years. That took a lot of time. Typing a few messages each day doesn't take much time at all.

124. Post 49078169 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Off topic post.... Wink

"Armstrong shares a poignant moment of respect for the original cryptocurrency,
“Bitcoin is one of the most important inventions of all time and has launched a global movement. It’s awesome to see an entire ecosystem spring up around it, but Bitcoin is my first love.”

Looks like Mr. Armstrong is ready for this new Bull Market.

125. Post 49078762 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 06, 2019, 11:18:56 AM
back on topic: is this why we pumped?

Indeed it is the reason.

126. Post 49078958 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 06, 2019, 11:25:01 AM
Infofront, as the thread owner, could delete all his posts if he wanted but that would put an additional burden on him and maybe wouldn't even discourage r0ach.

You would not be scared of me if what I said was false.  I scare you because what I say is true.

You speak little truth. You wont even address why the White race does not like you, or admit to your failure for selling Bitcoins in 2015.

You are terrified that Nazis love Bitcoin so much they will kick you out of Stormfront and DailyTarder bc you are a King Bitcoin denier.

You fear Nazis and leftists will all be brought together in love and peace by the new Bitcoin bull market. Cheesy

Even now as we speak you are shorting the bottom and terrified of the new bull market, but voices in your head wont stop shorting.

127. Post 49079505 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 06, 2019, 12:15:05 PM
I have an idea.

@r0ach, would you accept to leave if we made a poll so that the community can express if they want you here or not and a significant majority say they want you to fuck off?

I know I wouldn't want to be where I am not welcome.

That doesn't mean you could not have your own thread in the offtopic section, where I would probably even engage you from time to time, maybe many other members too, so you won't feel alone there.

Is this ok for you?

How about a poll for all the white males here on whether to banish Roach from the white race and let him form his own racial ethnic group of 1.

128. Post 49079524 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

20 Hot sociopathic Bitcoiner Jewish girls w weapons looking to bring Roach to justice and ready for the new bull market.

129. Post 49079982 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on January 06, 2019, 12:33:12 PM
20 Hot sociopathic Bitcoiner Jewish girls w weapons looking to bring Roach to justice and ready for the new bull market.

Sir, I'll take sweetie No12 please, I'll work for a month free of charge if you can dox her Cool

Here you are my friend. Ronii likes long walks on the beach, bitcoin, and the new bull market. She is a sociopath ready to kill a beta male like Roach, but for you, an alpha male Bitcoiner, she will be a docile angel.  Cheesy

130. Post 49080344 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Roach Wall is alive

Nazis and Jews love Bitcoin

Bull Market is here

131. Post 49080929 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: mindrust on January 06, 2019, 01:21:56 PM
Enough with the bitchez. Serious now.

What do you guys think about these pictures.

These are FED's balance sheets.

The first one is where we are at now, the second one is what the FED wants it to be at in 2021.

FED destroyed $400billion since December 2017.

What do you think will happen when they reduce the balance sheets to $2.5trillion? If they printed all those money just to save banks... then what do they think will happen when they destroy all those money?

BTC to $100 or BTC to $1.000.000???

Sir, please dont call Israeli Army Hotties with Bitcoin fetishes bitches.

I see this balance sheet as the ultimate win win for Bitcoin with the market coming down in nasty fashion from historic valuations.

Either the Fed continues to dump the toxic assets on its balance sheet at the rate of 50 billion per month and keeps raising rates(heck or just doesnt cut them) and the US stock market will continue to be smacked down by the iron hand of the iron law of valuations(bringing down global markets with them). If this happens Bitcoin benefits greatly as a uncorrelated asset/safe haven/diversification tool.


Global stock markets go down enough to freak out everyone at the central banks across the world(this seems most likely to me, many countries were in bear market way before the US was) and they try once again to money print their problems away.

Obviously Bitcoin wins huge(much bigger win than first scenario imo) no questions asked as every govy currency gets inflated in epic fashion and Bitcoin has a halving on the way. I see it as the most likely and most glorious scenario.

Heads Bitcoin wins, Tails competition loses.

132. Post 49082727 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 06, 2019, 02:57:41 PM
I have an idea.

@r0ach, would you accept to leave if we made a poll so that the community can express if they want you here or not and a significant majority say they want you to fuck off?

That would be like Trump allowing Mexicans to vote on whether a wall should be built or not.  It was a nice try, but I'm not polling you chronic liars and scammers to run my affairs.  Every single one of your lies will be called out. Many of you, like this last of the v8 guy, lies so often about bitcoin entirely out of selfish reasons to attempt to increase the value of his "investment" that he even started to believe his own lies.

You can log out anytime you like Virgin Roach, but you can never leave. Every Nazi site you go to is full of Bitcoin lovers and the owners of the sites themselves love Bitcoin and will be participating in the march to 100k. Stormer, DailyTarder, and Gab are all full steam ahead on spreading Bitcoin adoption to Nazis.

Soon Nazis will be coming to Wall Observer for Bitcoin advice and to learn how to meet Jewish soldier hotties.

Soon we will have united the Jews and the Nazis and they will put the past behind them.  Together Nazis and Jews led by the direction and wisdom of Wall Observer, will make Bitcoin the global reserve currency.

133. Post 49083056 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 06, 2019, 03:12:39 PM
That would be like Trump allowing Mexicans to vote on whether a wall should be built or not.

I thought they were the ones that were supposed to pay for it. Guess that was just a bunch of BS.  Cheesy

The people are so full of shit on this forum now it's out of this world.  Remember the old days when the guy with the George Costanza avatar had the text under it "scammers scamming scammers".  That's all crypto has been about from day one, and everyone read that and was like "yea, that's true".  Now all these pathetic, far-left baizuos post on this thread pretending like they aren't lying their ass off in every single post to try and profit from pump and dumps of this non-fungible, designed to centralize, govt tracking system token.

Sounds like you're the scammer trying to unload dead money investment silver bags. The good people of this board are just freedom lovers who spread the word of Bitcoin so Nazis can speak freely on Gab, DailyTarder, and StormFront. Nazis are 100 percent on board with Bitcoin and the new bull market. The Nazis have chosen Bitcoin, you are now a rebel without a cause, an outcast among outcasts. Its just a matter of time before our new Nazi friends deliver your identity to me.

There is nothing you can do to stop Nazi Bitcoin adoption. The Nazi Jewish peace summit will bring them together on the common ground of Bitcoin adoption and bull market pumping.


134. Post 49085124 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

I love the smell of Nazis adopting Bitcoin in the morning Cheesy

135. Post 49085209 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Bitcoin makes speech free

Nazis making friends with Jews

Pumping together

136. Post 49085491 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Nazis just learned only 21 million coins and they dont want brown people and Jews to get them all.

14 words being updated by top leaders.

"We must secure the Bitcoins for our people and  Satoshis for our white children."

Soon Roach will be banned from Gab, Dailytarder and Stormfront for being anti bitcoin and WO will be the worlds most tolerant site for keeping him here to toy with.

 "Roach, your punishment must be more severe. Not of your body, of your soul. There is a reason why your basement is the worst hell on Earth..... Hope.... Every virgin silver bagholder who has rotted there over the years has looked up at the charts and imagined shorting Bitcoin to freedom..... so simple..... many have died shorting.

There can be no true despair without hope. Bitcoin feeds you hope to poison your bear soul. It lets you believe you wont get rekt. You will watch Nazis, Jews, Africans, and Florida Mans pump Bitcoin to 100k, and when it is done, then you have my permission to log out."

137. Post 49086456 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Wonder how much Roach lost on that candle. He's awful quiet rn. 100 bucks is a ton of money to him. Oh well, its a bull market you know.

138. Post 49086476 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

RIP Gembitz.  Cheesy

139. Post 49087491 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Shorts in big trouble

Bitfinex maintenance shut down

Cover soon or cry

140. Post 49092638 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Actually a little worried about Virgin Roach. He hasn't eaten any cookies mummy has brought him all day. This bull market is gonna be really hard on him.

141. Post 49092705 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Gen Z is gonna have a lot more money to buy Bitcoin with. Their values are much more in line with sound money than millennials. Magic 8 ball says Bullish AF.

142. Post 49096602 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 07, 2019, 08:04:31 AM
^The forum is fucked up.  Not my fault.  You hit post, it lags out for 30 seconds then fails to post.  You refresh page and there's no new post there.  You try to post again and it goes through then the original post randomly appears back later.  And yes, we all know that anyone who points out transaction validators are designed to centralize in every single cryptocurrency and it's 100% impossible to create a decentralized digital currency in the first place is racist.

Virgin Roach, Nazis love Bitcoin, thats why they are pumping it. Bitcoin is the best money ever, even for racists. They are welcome to pump it just like we encourage them to drive cars and use the internet.

I wonder how many people Gab converted today to further our cause and help us as we march to 100k. Are there any sites you love that dont love Bitcoin as their favorite funding source? It seems Nazis are poster boys for why Bitcoin is the best. I hear antifa uses physical silver. Fucking losers!

143. Post 49100440 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Paashaas on January 07, 2019, 04:54:59 AM
Actually a little worried about Virgin Roach. He hasn't eaten any cookies mummy has brought him all day. This bull market is gonna be really hard on him.

   Don't worry. He can always cuddle up to his cold hard silver bars.

Roach in his natrual habitat?

Those estrogen cookies are really doin their thing. Cheesy  Might need extra wide doors at the 100k party.

144. Post 49100464 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: d_eddie on January 07, 2019, 06:15:51 AM
Actually a little worried about Virgin Roach. He hasn't eaten any cookies mummy has brought him all day. This bull market is gonna be really hard on him.
Don't wake sleeping dogs now, please. Infofront's just done with his chore, do we want dogshit all over the place again so soon?

What exactly did Infofront do? I missed it.

145. Post 49100944 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 07, 2019, 02:23:23 PM
Actually a little worried about Virgin Roach. He hasn't eaten any cookies mummy has brought him all day. This bull market is gonna be really hard on him.
Don't wake sleeping dogs now, please. Infofront's just done with his chore, do we want dogshit all over the place again so soon?

What exactly did Infofront do? I missed it.
Mrs Infofront. Expect you weren't invited tbh

Thats some high octane humor there, I'm impressed tbvh Roll Eyes The delivery, the timing, the situational awareness, just wow Cheesy d_eddie seems to be implying Infofront deleted a bunch of Virgin Roach posts but as far as I can tell Virgin Roach just took a pause from posting to let the butthurt from the green dildo brought to us by the new bull market.

I know you have been bearish and my bullishness irks you. Thought you had the ignore button(memba the pic u posted) on to remedy that.

146. Post 49101092 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 07, 2019, 02:08:31 PM
We BTC’ers

This is the face Micgoossens makes whenever he starts talking about shitcoins.  Soyface.

Virgin Roach, as a beta boy low testosterone poster child, what are you talking about??? You cant get a woman to speak to you but somehow you want to link Goose, a certified Pimp, to soyface Roll Eyes I think this bull market is making your delusions even worse.

By the way, your mummy's cookie ingredients goes on your face too.

147. Post 49101202 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Ok I was gonna wait at least a few months to dox Virgin Roach and Im still not going to give out his address or full name just yet, but in celebration of our new bull market, I do have something to release......

Here it is............

What you have all been waiting for..........  Shocked

Virgin Roach tries to let go of his hate and goes on his first date with a black man.

Enjoy and remember, All Lives Matter. Cheesy

148. Post 49101755 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 07, 2019, 03:11:06 PM

What exactly did Infofront do? I missed it.
Vastly Lates attempts humor he learned on wikihow.

I know you have been bearish and my bullishness irks you. Thought you had the ignore button(memba the pic u posted) on to remedy that.
I ignored you momentarily for the lols, but mostly i don't ignore any of you trolls because i like to see the gist of what people who aren't logged in or aren't members at all would see. (Vastly Lates patented sanctimonious fart sniffing  Then I can scroll on by.
I'm glad you know if i'm bullish or i'm bearish because it seems to switch from hour to hour bother me when you speak the truth on the new bull market.

Always a pleasure Vastly Cheesy

149. Post 49101914 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 07, 2019, 03:29:28 PM

Well, I see a little progress here, you have my approval.

No one is trying to troll you or bother you. Just relax and enjoy the bull market.

150. Post 49102021 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: infofront on January 07, 2019, 03:31:40 PM
Actually a little worried about Virgin Roach. He hasn't eaten any cookies mummy has brought him all day. This bull market is gonna be really hard on him.
Don't wake sleeping dogs now, please. Infofront's just done with his chore, do we want dogshit all over the place again so soon?

What exactly did Infofront do? I missed it.
Mrs Infofront. Expect you weren't invited tbh

Thats some high octane humor there, I'm impressed tbvh Roll Eyes The delivery, the timing, the situational awareness, just wow Cheesy d_eddie seems to be implying Infofront deleted a bunch of Virgin Roach posts but as far as I can tell Virgin Roach just took a pause from posting to let the butthurt from the green dildo brought to us by the new bull market.

I know you have been bearish and my bullishness irks you. Thought you had the ignore button(memba the pic u posted) on to remedy that.

He took a pause in posting yesterday, but has also had a bunch deleted.

Sadly, Mrs. Infofront is not being done as often, due largely to the presence of Infofront jr.

Ok, thats what I was wondering(the first part I mean lol), thanks Infofront. This is your thread so if you personally think Im going to far lmk. I dont really pay much attention when its sub 3k wishing bears complaining who just dont like my bullish outlook.

151. Post 49104058 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 07, 2019, 04:59:19 PM
He took a pause in posting yesterday, but has also had a bunch deleted.

(Paranoid ranting)

  The thread is a cesspool of just scammers and financial conmen.  They do not care how bitcoin works (or doesn't work in this case).  All they care about is attempting to profit from scamming people.

Looks like the pressure is breaking you down Virgin Roach. Bitcoin works fine you are just delusional as usual. The people here you screech about being scammers are just freedom lovers who want to spread freedom and sound money to others bc we love humanity.

You however, have shown you hate everyone and everything. You have never demonstrated caring about or enjoying anything about humanity. You obviously hate all races besides white, which is ironic bc white males arent friends w you and white females shun you. You havent smiled or laughed or enjoyed anything in years. You think its normal, but its mental illness and a severe chemical imbalance in your brain which you make worse by rotting in your basement and not seeking treatment or trying to better yourself.

If you dont seek treatment soon then the voices in your head which I know you are hearing, will get louder and louder and you will probably stab or shoot someone and spend most of your life in a prison afterwards while on the states version of horse tranquilizer.

Bitcoin is in a bull market. You can let it drive you more insane and pretend we are all evil con men, or sell your silver bags, buy Bitcoin and seek professional treatment.  

Do you really want to be the last Nazi to be bullish on Bitcoin?

152. Post 49104134 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on January 07, 2019, 04:42:32 PM
Im the baby

OG WO member, source, Hodler, btc believer etc

But not the baby

Baby accounts as mine, d_eddie, goldkingcoiner, VB1001, Lambies Slayer, HM, etc

Peasant are like r0ach, butterscotch cartman etc

Missing = rosewater foundation......

My original account is a lot older, but during the great troll wars of 2015 it was banned from posting for using weapons of mass doxstruction and troll crimes against humanity. I did what I had to do because I serve and slay at the pleasure of King Bitcoin, so no regrets Cool

153. Post 49104339 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.24h):

Pewdiepie is a Nazi Bitcoiner now. 5k incoming Cheesy

154. Post 49113363 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Teenage Wojak is done wagecucking. He knows he has accumulated enough BTC working extra shifts last year and now he is just gonna focus on his high school grades, girls, and Hodl.

Welcome to the new bull market of 2019 Smiley

155. Post 49114767 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on January 08, 2019, 10:22:39 AM

i could live with that

“US sanctions may be mitigated only through Bitcoin   Cool use,” Said Mr. Ginko, speaking to Micky from Moscow.

“Because of US sanctions Russia’s elite (jews Roach ??  Roll Eyes ) is forced to dump US assets and US dollars and invest hugely  Shocked into Bitcoins.

“Central bank of Russia sits on $466 billion of reserves and has to diversify in case there is limited opportunities(he means 100k party will be too late to buy) to do it (in the future).”

Mr. Ginko is a confirmed high profile economist at the Russian Presidential Academy

This article is next level Bullish AF Cheesy

156. Post 49114868 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: rebal15 on January 08, 2019, 11:08:59 AM
have sold some shitcoins and converted them back into BTC, sended them to a wallet..... but the whitdrawl  mail is still pending from yesterday........
f***ing exchanges
someone knows what the problem could be ?

edit: nevermind n00b misstake, all of the mail come through but the approve whitdrawl went to JUNK ......
The problem is you are noob not only in crypto.

Whats this?? A new ass clown, come to challenge the new Bull Market and soon get rekt??  Cheesy

157. Post 49117503 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Trump will be addressing the nation tonight about the lack of Bitcoin ATM's at the border and he will continue to keep the SEC shutdown until they commit to approving the Bitcoin ETF.

Trump "If the SEC does not promise to approve the Bitcoin ETF I will keep the government shut down and withhold their funding. They will approve nothing, and all their wall street cronies will suffer, until Commissioner Clayton swears complete allegiance to me and Bitcoin."

Bull Market is getting interesting Cheesy

158. Post 49119346 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: Paashaas on January 08, 2019, 03:27:20 PM
This is going to be a lot of fun if this is true.

Combine this situation with a collapsing stock market Cool

I stand in solidarity with my yellow vested bullish brothers.BTC Smiley

159. Post 49119486 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: gembitz on January 08, 2019, 03:32:17 PM
... idiot Bez-style dancing to accompany their ICO launch speeches ...

I had to crucify some brother today
And I don't dig what you gotta say
So come on and say it
Come on and tell me twice

Goddamn the "Happy Mondays" wrote some great music back in the day...

Pills 'n' Thrills and Bellyaches is definitely in my top 10 favorite albums, if I was ever stranded on a desert island.

F*** thought we where monday for a second, almost go to a wrong appointment with that poem Roll Eyes



You meant "eat ass"




How are those rekt shorts of yours doing in this new bull market Wink

160. Post 49119587 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: luckygenough56 on January 08, 2019, 03:37:40 PM
This is going to be a lot of fun if this is true.

Combine this situation with a collapsing stock market Cool

I stand in solidarity with my yellow vested bullish brothers.BTC Smiley

yeah and next step for gvt = ban the cash, we're fucked anyway, whatever we do, "they" always will be one step ahead.
yes i watch mr robot.

Next step is for govs/central banks to start a race to buy the most Bitcoin behind the scenes, further accelerating this bull market.

161. Post 49127359 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 08, 2019, 11:25:15 PM

I guarantee you Fox News articles on ‘sjw’ issues v human rights issues are 100:1

Left-ism is a mental disorder based on inferiority complex.  You do not have the right to project your mental disorder onto others and demand they conform to your insanity.

Radical leftism is shit, most will agree, but its a flawed ideology, not a mental illness. Not understanding heliocentric theory isnt crazy, its just ignorance.

But lets talk about real mental illness. Are you still not willing to admit you are a paranoid schizophrenic? Do you really think your life is healthy rn? Go visit any psychiatrist and they will diagnose you with this in 30 minutes. You are a textbook case. Do you ever reflect on yourself at all or are you completely unaware of your condition and problems its causing you?

This bull market will push your illness over the edge if you dont seek treatment.

162. Post 49129588 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: luckygenough56 on January 08, 2019, 04:56:29 PM
so if you are not sheep, your post will be deleted.

Your post will be deleted if you're a stupid, arrogant prick.

My posts have been deleted for saying bitcoin ETF will not be approved.

You cannot say things that threaten the value of crypto bags. Also, gregarious behaviour and thinking is powerfull stuff to fight against. You will be hated and possibly definitely set on fire even Smiley

Yes, we love our Bitcoins and our new born Bull Market here so infidels should expect very bad things! Cheesy

163. Post 49129767 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 09, 2019, 07:13:15 AM

The significance of this runs way back to the country’s 40-year-old grievance with France’s private banking system. The French government borrows from them and is forced to repay with high-interest, plunging the country into further debt.

Holy shit. That sounds like something from the daily stormer. France has to borrow its money from the Rothschilds with interest?


Yes, we trust Virgin Roach's 3 favorite sites, Gab, Dailytarder, and Stormfront, all use Bitcoin to survive and love Bitcoin. They also actively work to spread its adoption to white nationalists, Nazis, alt righters, right wingers, etc. Any Nazi worth their salt is a Bitcoin believer and hodler. Antifa uses Silver bc its good for sneaking up on people and hitting them in the head at public events and they cant afford real weapons. Too bad you dont stand with your Nazi brothers and support Bitcoin Virgin Roach. Hitler would put you in a camp if he was still here.

We trust the new bull market to do its thing. Almost about to break the 500 days left mark!!!

164. Post 49130249 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 08, 2019, 10:21:30 PM
ANOTHER dead body of a gay black prostitute randomly appears in the house of influential democraft:

Ahhhh.... Another post of Roach linking his favorite Bitcoin website on Earth.


That Buck guy does not sound like a respectable Bitcoin loving Nazi! Sad!

165. Post 49131362 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

French are taking drastic steps towards stamping out peaceful gatherings. This is going to push yellow vests towards more clever and devastating protests like synchronized withdrawal of funds. Looks like we might be getting our Cyprus on steroids moment replay much sooner and more powerful than previously imagined.

You know the drill, BTCullish AF Gang!  Cheesy

166. Post 49132294 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Expecting a short term bear trap dump to 3600 over the next few days. Cry Need more shorts for rocket fuel. Then we run to 5k. Cheesy

167. Post 49132550 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Roach here an interesting debate last year between White Separatist Jared Taylor and your boy Tariq Nasheed.

Apparently we are all white supremacists now. Shocked This means everyone will be using Bitcoin soon since all white supremacists websites use Bitcoin.


Tariq has taken white supremacist conspiracy theories to unimagined levels and Jared is really perplexed bc he cant figure out how white supremacists control every nation and everyone but their nations are being invaded by other ethnic groups. You can tell Jared wishes it were all true and wants to smoke the Tariq hopium.

Tariq is the black Roach. If we can get Tariq and Roach to debate the universe will implode.

Likely this is the most out there debate/discussion Ive seen in years.

168. Post 49132626 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on January 09, 2019, 10:23:29 AM
Expecting a short term bear trap dump to 3600 over the next few days. Cry Need more shorts for rocket fuel. Then we run to 5k. Cheesy

I could live with that. I’ve said it before but this very much reminds me of 2015. Make sure you use this period for accumulation gentlemen. Don’t be a little bitch, crying on the sidelines when we moon during the next cycle.

Yes sir! This is all about accumulating as much as possible right now. I doubt people have more than 3 months to accumulate before a rocket blast that changes everything. Having all year to scoop up coins 80 percent off the last high is just too easy and caters to the lazy and overly cautious imo.

169. Post 49132879 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: luckygenough56 on January 09, 2019, 10:42:23 AM

French are taking drastic steps towards stamping out peaceful gatherings. This is going to push yellow vests towards more clever and devastating protests like synchronized withdrawal of funds. Looks like we might be getting our Cyprus on steroids moment replay much sooner and more powerful than previously imagined.

You know the drill, BTCullish AF Gang!  Cheesy

Schadenfreude inc

Robot woman i'd like, but only if it's a smart ass android.

If you mean schadenfreude for Bankers and elitist socialist government oppressors, then sign me up!

Why arent they just working on cloning real chicks that look like these dolls. We can then illegally immigrate them over our borders to replace all the fugly chicks currently residing in our nations. Trump will look the other way on this one, Im sure.

170. Post 49133111 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 09, 2019, 10:54:05 AM
Back on-topic, the gold narrative is interesting, especially in the light of BTC overtaking silver as a SoV.

all you've discovered is that silver is the largest inverse bubble on the planet while everything else is in an artificially high bubble.

Oh really..................... That doesn't sound retarded at all Cheesy

Its not that I cant fly, its that invisible aliens from another dimension are using an artificial gravity gun to hold me down, bc irl I can fly faster than the speed of light.

Somebody call Andrew Anglin at the Dailystormer and tell him to dump Bitcoin and get in on the next big thing Wink

171. Post 49137123 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 09, 2019, 02:02:31 PM
I've not seen that before. That's a dead cool site to remind us all of how cool we are. Am slightly shocked that I'm a top 20 poster but at least it's a legacy for my descendants to comfort themselves with.

I fully expect all of my wisdoms on here to be engraved in zinc and buried in a mountain like L Ron Hubbard.

I think the world has probably reached peak human and population will dramatically decline in the future.  Right now you're living in the infinite monkeys with typewriters epoch.  In the future, there will be nobody around to create new content or talk to, so they will spend much of their time trawling over internet archives of us, playing video games we made, and watching old movies from the peak human era.  They say Africa is forecast to grow from one billion to four billion people.  Yea right.  Africa will spectacularly implode in death and destruction and so will any nation that allows them in:

I found someone who matches Virgin Roachs personality profile. Here is a quote. This is a dead, famous killer, who was later diagnosed through his writings as a antisocial paranoid sadistic psychopath. Looks like we have a match. See if you can read the quote and guess who it is without using google to cheat. Notice how similar these two are based on their quotes. Note that this was the killers private journal, so his thoughts flowed freely, while Roach is more guarded, but they are the same type of loser nutjob.

"The human race sucks. human nature is smuthered out by society, jobs, and work and school. instincts are deleted by laws. I see people say things that contradict themselves, or people that dont take any advantage to the gift of human life. they waste their minds on memorizing the stats of every college basketball player or how many words should be an a report when they should be using their brain on more important things. the human race isnt worth fighting for anymore. WWII was the last war worth fighting and was the last time human life and human brains did any good any made us proud. now, with the government having scandals and conspiracies all over the fucking place and lying to everyone all the time and with worthless pointless mindless discraceful TV shows on (scratched out) and with everyone ub-fucking-sessed with hollywood and beauty and fame and glamour and politics and anything famous, people just arent worth saving. Society may not realize what is happening but I have; you go to school, to get used to studying and learning how youre "supposed to" so that drains or filters out a little bit of human nature. but thats after your parents taught you whats right and wrong even though you may think differently, you still must to have more of your human nature blown out of your ass. society trys to make everyone act the same by burying all human nature and instincts. Thats what school, laws, jobs, and parents do If they realize it or not and them, the few who stick to their natural instincts are casted out as psychos or lunatics or strangers or just plain different. crazy, strange, weird, wild, these words are not bad or degrading.. if humans were let to live how we would naturaly it would be chaos and anarchy and the human race wouldnt probably last that long, but hey guess what, thats how its supposed to be!!!!!"

172. Post 49137340 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

I dont see how Bakkt can possibly go through till after the shutdown.

"In the event of a lapse of appropriations, the CFTC will be required to cease operations not excepted by the Anti-Deficiency Act. But regardless of any shutdown, the CFTC will ensure its market-critical functions continue to be carried out.  Among other things, during any shutdown a small team of CFTC employees will continue to monitor futures and swaps markets, ensure essential enforcement activities are carried out, and evaluate market activity across futures and swaps to identify any potential impact on the clearing system. Staff performing these excepted functions will be in communication with key market participants, which will continue their own market and risk surveillance activities."

Basically they are just going to be carrying out their market "police" duties. Pretty much little chance imo they divert staff to work on something like Bakkt Angry

173. Post 49137529 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on January 09, 2019, 02:55:24 PM

Goose, I and Im sure many others admire your dedication and spirit. With people like you on Team BTCull, and antisocial pieces of worthless human garbage(probably gonna suicide himself or be rotting in prison soon once my team brings him to justice) like Virgin Roach on the other side, our victory is inevitable.

174. Post 49137681 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

More quotes from the very famous and dead killer who has the same personality profile as Virgin Roach. Antisocial paranoid sadistic psychopath. Its pretty easy to read this and realize he are Virgin Roach are basically the same disturbed little piece of shit.

". humans dont change that much, they only get better technology to do their work quicker/easier. people always say we shouldnt be racist. why not? Blacks ARE different, like it or not they are. they started on the bottom so why not keep em there. it took the centuries to convince us that they are equal but they still use their color as an excuse or they just discriminate us because we are white. Fuck you, we should ship yer black asses back to Afri-fucking-ca were you came from. we brought you here and we will take you back. America=White. Gays....well all gays, ALL gays, should be killed. mit keine fragen. lesbians are fun to watch if they are hot but still, its not human. its a fucking disease. you dont see bulls or roosters trying to fuck do you? no, I didn't think so. women you will always be under men. its been seen throughout nature, males are almost always doing the dangerous shit while the women stay back. its your animal instincts, deal with it or commit suicide, just do it quick. thats all for now. -- 5/20/98"

175. Post 49138200 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: realr0ach on January 09, 2019, 03:20:22 PM
Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme, son! It's going to zero!

All currencies are Ponzi schemes.  Bitcoin is a currency, not money.  And yes, all currencies start at a value of zero and then return there.  The only question is how long of timespan between point A and point B.  For it to qualify as money instead of currency, it would have to be a non-perishable, physical commodity, among the other traits required of money.  

Where else do you make believe the "durability" requirement of money is supposed to emerge from?  Digital shitcoins have zero durability because they can die at literally any second, while it requires a blackhole hitting the earth to kill off metals.  This is why those gold and silver coins from 2500 years ago still have value today.  Will bitcoin exist in 2000 years?  Fuck no.  You would be lucky if it hasn't died or been replaced in 10 or 20.

Now some idiot will claim, "who cares, maybe bitcoin will last 100 years.  That's all I need because I don't plan to live longer".  It doesn't matter what *your* plans are.  The fact you admit it can die at any second and cease to exist is why it's a currency and not money.

Looks like the famous mystery killer who writes and thinks just like Virgin Roach, was also a Virgin and died a Virgin. Here is one of the last things he wrote. Like Elliot Rodgers the self proclaimed "Kissless Virgin", Eric Harris of Columbine was also a kissless virgin. Women cant stand to be around antisocial paranoid sadistic psychopaths, and they can sniff the weird a mile away. Roach is also a kissless virgin, which feeds his rage and hate for everything. I predict Roach is most likely untreatable mentally and will die in some violent criminal fashion as he kills some beautiful women and probably some minorities too. This also explains why Goose's hottie(congrats bro, u done good) drives him more insane and he obsesses with attacking Goose and her.

 "Right now I'm trying to get fucked and trying to finish off these time bombs. NBK came quick. why the fuck cant I get any? I mean, I'm nice and considerate and all that shit, but nooooo. I think I try to hard. but I kinda need to considering NBK is closing in. The amount of dramatic irony and foreshadowing is fucking amazing. Everything I see and I hear I incorporate into NBK somehow. Either bombs, clocks, guns, napalm, killing people, any and everything finds some tie to it. feels like a Goddamn movie sometimes. I wanna try to put some mines and trip bombs around this town too maybe. Get a few extra flags on the scoreboard. I hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And no don't fucking say, "well thats your fault" because it isnt, you people had my phone #, and I asked and all, but no. no no no dont let the weird looking (Roach) Eric KID come along, ohh fucking nooo.

Kissless Virgin Roach is probably planning on coming to the 100k party to gun down everyone, but my team will have brought him to justice by then.

176. Post 49138497 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

So now we can deduce Kissless Virgin Roach likely has some kind of birth defect, small stature, micropenis, or some other impediment to getting laid, along with his toxic personality. This Virginity is driving him mad. He probably thought if he got rich off of a good investment he could buy love, but he sold his Bitcoins to soon and blames us successful Bitcoiners for being a Virgin. This is why he hates Bitcoin and its advocates so much.

"Langman has an idea. He calls it “damaged masculinity” and he thinks it is overlooked not just in the Columbine case but in many other mass shootings — an important observation considering that most mass shooters are male.

Harris was born with a birth defect in his leg. He also had a chest deformity that required surgeries just before high school. He had a noticeable, sunken chest. His hopes to follow his father into the military — to be a tough guy, a Marine — were likely to be unrealized.

Guns, he reasoned, could give him power and control.

“I am (expletive) armed,” he wrote in his journal. “I feel more confident, stronger, more Godlike.”

What was he without guns?

“The weird looking Eric kid,” Harris wrote.
(notice how Virgin Roach names himself after a disgusting looking bug, this is no accident, he feels like he is disgusting due to some physical trait)

In examining the masculinity idea in one of his books, Langman quotes psychoanalyst Erich Fromm on what makes someone sadistic: “He is sadistic because he feels impotent, unalive, and powerless. He tries to compensate for this lack by having power over others, by transforming the worm he feels himself to be into a god.”

Harris became godlike 17 years ago today, choosing who lived and who died.

Langman has other examples of damaged masculinity and the guns cure. Take Elliot Rodger, who called himself the “kissless virgin.”

In 2014, Rodger killed six near the University of California-Santa Barbara. Before the shooting, he wrote: “I compared myself to other teenagers and became very angry that they were able to experience all of the things I’ve desired, while I was left out of it. I never had the experience of going to a party with other teenagers, I never had my first kiss, I never held hands with a girl, I never lost my virginity.”

(for those who dont know, Elliot "The Supreme Gentleman" Rodgers" was the MGTOW posterboy and Virgin Roach is a MGTOW desciple)

Then he bought a Glock.

“After I picked up the handgun, I brought it back to my room and felt a new sense of power. I was now armed,” he wrote. “Who’s the alpha male now, bitches?”

The mass shooter."

177. Post 49147636 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 09, 2019, 05:50:03 PM
Im the baby

OG WO member, source, Hodler, btc believer etc

But not the baby

Baby accounts as mine, d_eddie, goldkingcoiner, VB1001, Lambies Slayer, HM, etc

Peasant are like r0ach, butterscotch cartman etc

Missing = rosewater foundation......

My original account is a lot older, but during the great troll wars of 2015 it was banned from posting for using weapons of mass doxstruction and troll crimes against humanity. I did what I had to do because I serve and slay at the pleasure of King Bitcoin, so no regrets Cool

Even though you proclaim to be bitcoin bullish, and your posts tend to spout out bullish bitcoin sentiments, mostly, your posts are not doing any service to either bitcoin or this thread.  

First, you generally have been spout out bullish statements without backing them up, and accordingly, those statements tend to be so bullish that they come off as disingenuous and therefore making fun of peeps who are genuinely bitcoin bullish based on legitimate considerations.

Second, your main topics tend to be largely aimed at personal attacks, allegedly aimed at bitcoin bears, such as roach and gembitz, but who gives a shit about those posters.  they do not need to be emphasized.  They get enough attention without you adding to their attention, even in a thread-cluttering way.  Anyhow, your posts tend to amplify their posts when you incessant respond to their nonsense.

Really JJG, so you would rather I hadnt doxed your favorite FT journalist Izabella Kaminska and forced her to leave this thread??? You hated her and you know it. Getting rid of a troll like that was the ultimate service. With a few dozen posts and a well timed doxing in 2015 I stopped her from making thousands of future posts. So if less bullshit posts is what you want than you should thank me and not be a dick about it. Either way, I outed her bc I and many others were sick of reading her shit, not to make wordy man happy Wink You have added more words to this thread than any 5 posters combined in history, so to act put out because I make a few posts at the bottom of a bear market after years of just sitting on the sideline is pretty silly.

Most people dont like reading your incremental strategy paragraphs that are pretty boring, but its easy to scroll past and some of your stuff I like, so why would I be a baby and complain about nothing important.

Thought we were cool JJG, for the most part I actually enjoy your stuff over the years, but if you wanna be a hater, go right ahead.  

Ill end with this JJG. You claim to not give a shit about the bear posters like Roach and Gembitz(in fact i dont see you complaining or addressing them at all), so why give a shit about what I post.? Maybe its not entertaining to you, but at least its bullish. Why the double standard. Are you shorting on the low right now???  Shocked If its not your cup of tea what I write then put me on ignore. I know for a fact some people appreciate what I add.

If you thought I wasnt gonna mention its a bull market now and to get ready for 100k you were wrong. Kiss

178. Post 49147892 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 10, 2019, 04:14:23 AM
Im the baby

OG WO member, source, Hodler, btc believer etc

But not the baby

Baby accounts as mine, d_eddie, goldkingcoiner, VB1001, Lambies Slayer, HM, etc

Peasant are like r0ach, butterscotch cartman etc

Missing = rosewater foundation......

My original account is a lot older, but during the great troll wars of 2015 it was banned from posting for using weapons of mass doxstruction and troll crimes against humanity. I did what I had to do because I serve and slay at the pleasure of King Bitcoin, so no regrets Cool

Even though you proclaim to be bitcoin bullish, and your posts tend to spout out bullish bitcoin sentiments, mostly, your posts are not doing any service to either bitcoin or this thread.  

First, you generally have been spout out bullish statements without backing them up, and accordingly, those statements tend to be so bullish that they come off as disingenuous and therefore making fun of peeps who are genuinely bitcoin bullish based on legitimate considerations.

Second, your main topics tend to be largely aimed at personal attacks, allegedly aimed at bitcoin bears, such as roach and gembitz, but who gives a shit about those posters.  they do not need to be emphasized.  They get enough attention without you adding to their attention, even in a thread-cluttering way.  Anyhow, your posts tend to amplify their posts when you incessant respond to their nonsense.

Really JJG, so you would rather I hadnt doxed your favorite FT journalist Izabella Kaminska and forced her to leave this thread??? You hated her and you know it. Getting rid of a troll like that was the ultimate service. With a few dozen posts and a well timed doxing in 2015 I stopped her from making thousands of future posts. So if less bullshit posts is what you want than you should thank me and not be a dick about it. Either way, I outed her bc I and many others were sick of reading her shit, not to make wordy man happy Wink You have added more words to this thread than any 5 posters combined in history, so to act put out because I make a few posts at the bottom of a bear market after years of just sitting on the sideline is pretty silly.

Most people dont like reading your incremental strategy paragraphs that are pretty boring, but its easy to scroll past and some of your stuff I like, so why would I be a baby and complain about nothing important.

Thought we were cool JJG, for the most part I actually enjoy your stuff over the years, but if you wanna be a hater, go right ahead.  

Ill end with this JJG. You claim to not give a shit about the bear posters like Roach and Gembitz(in fact i dont see you complaining or addressing them at all), so why give a shit about what I post.? Maybe its not entertaining to you, but at least its bullish. Why the double standard. Are you shorting on the low right now???  Shocked If its not your cup of tea what I write then put me on ignore. I know for a fact some people appreciate what I add.

If you thought I wasnt gonna mention its a bull market now and to get ready for 100k you were wrong. Kiss

I stand by my earlier post, and I see no reason why you became emotional and defensive about what I wrote, except that you seem inclined to clutter this thread with nonsense personalized attempts drama queen phoney baloney.  Give us some bitcoin wall observing substance, Lambie S.

JJG, I called you out for being a baby bc I dont post exactly the way you like to make you happy, lol, gimme a break. Roll Eyes
This is the internet bring your thick skin and your big boy pants. You didnt answer my question or rebut a single assertion, but its cool, I mean Im obviously right so why rebut any of it.

You wanna come after a bullish poster like me, then go right ahead. Im not really in the business of dishing out personal attacks on bulls, I prefer to save that for bearish asswipes. So basically you are distracting me from my real duties which is exposing Kissless Virgin Roach for what he really is.

This is my tradition, I come in at the bottom of a bear market and mock and have fun with the biggest bear tards on the thread. This is my personal service to the Bitcoin cause. Each hodler has their own way of furthering the Bitcoin cause, even if it just means hodling a few satoshis. Im not here to judge how different bulls use different methods.

If you wanna judge how I roll, then go for it. Id rather read you complain about me than read one more incremental buying strategy paragraph Cheesy, so its a win win for me. Im gonna keep doing me and using the style and methods I enjoy to confront bear tards. As far as Im concerned hodlers are all on my team and I dont have a problem with any of them, including you. Smiley

Its a bull market you know, see you at 100k

179. Post 49148008 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

"Yet, Gab continues to offer its anti-censorship platform to over 800,000 users — mainly alt-right political figures, anti-Semites, and other extremist social media users, most of whom are no longer welcome on mainstream platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram."

Gab is converting every hardcore right winger into Bitcoiners. Sucks to be an anti Bitcoin Nazi these days Kissless Virgin, dont it? Kiss

"Gab has stated, loud and clear, that it continues to respect Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, despite recent bans from both Coinbase and BitPay. The platform even went so far as to suggest Bitcoin rebrand itself as free speech currency."

I like what these Gab peeps stand for when it comes to Bitcoin. Not really feeling their typical users views, but fully support the concept of their platform.

The real question is how long before something big on the radical left side of the spectrum starts pushing hard core leftists into Bitcoin. Maybe antifa needs some free speech money too. Its just a matter of time.

BTCull Market, operation 100k in motion

180. Post 49148199 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: infofront on January 09, 2019, 07:34:38 PM

Has this guy's account been taken over by some moon kid?

There's a 50/50 chance that Ginko is actually lambie_slayer

Edit: or Mic

Why you dox me bro! Cheesy

This guy is clearly telling the truth based on the info he has. High profile economists with gov paychecks in brutal dictator regimes like Russia dont make stuff up like this for shits and giggles, it would be suicide. Im sure the translation is a bit off and he doesnt mean millions of coins though.

Either way Im colluding with team Russia like a mofo rn! Come fight me Robert Meuller!

I think a few of the oldtimers on this thread are shorting on the low, and this new bull market is freaking them out. (I am not referring to you Infofront). Id say if you wanna know who is a closet short right now, just look at who complains about me Lambie Slayer did this and Lambie Slayer posted that and oh no, Lambie Slayer touched me here Roll Eyes. Those are likely the shorts we will be using to vastly  Wink fuel the bull.

181. Post 49148444 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Dont think I forgot about you Kissless Virgin. You have still not been brought to justice yet, but my team is working round the clock on exposing you. I know my accurate analysis cut deep and you are starting to feel this is not a place you can comfortably hide anymore.

You should have known there would be consequences fucking with the Mighty King Bitcoin during the bear market bottom.

For those interested, and I know there are many, here is a document containing Elliot Rodgers manifesto. He was the same personality type as Virgin Roach and he eventually gunned down many innocent people bc he was not brought to justice soon enough.

 "This is the story of my entire life. It is a dark story
of sadness, anger, and hatred. It is a story of a war against cruel injustice. In this magnificent story, I will
disclose every single detail about my life, every single significant experience that I have pulled from my
superior memory, as well as how those experiences have shaped my views of the world. This tragedy did
not have to happen. I didn’t want things to turn out this way, but humanity forced my hand, and this
story will explain why. My life didn’t start out dark and twisted. I started out as a happy and blissful
child, living my life to the fullest in a world I thought was good and pure…"

Just like Roach, who started out a happy hodler in 2014, things took a dark turn when he sodled the bottom in 2015.

 "It was just as I had feared. My first actual semester at Santa Barbara City College was an absolute,
brutal failure. I didn’t even have one girl’s phone number in my cell phone. Was I going to be a virgin
forever? I franticly wondered as I drove away from my school after taking my exams. I felt like my whole
life was over. If I couldn’t make it in such a beautiful and opportunistic place like Santa Barbara, then I
was doomed to misery and dissatisfaction. I knew that I would rather die than suffer such a fate, and I
knew that if it came to that, I would do everything I can to exact revenge before I die.
I didn’t want it to
resort to that! Some part of me still clung to hope. I didn’t want to give up so soon"

Virgin Roach also had a dark turning point in life where he gave up on ever getting laid, he starting hating the world for his failure(instead of just working harder like a normal person).

Since he blames selling the bottom on Bitcoin being a pump and dump scam, he also blames Bitcoin and its hodlers for causing him to lose his perceived last chance at losing his virginity through gaining wealth.

This is why he lurks, looking to exact his revenge on us. But the way to defeat a coward incel hater like this is to expose him for what he really is and maybe with a little self reflection he will realize if he wants to not be a virgin he should start working on his mental health, physical health, and look for some good youtube videos or books on getting ass.

I will not tolerate scum like this blaming Bitcoin for their own quitting at life and giving up on losing virginity. Sell a few of your silver bars and buy a whore ffs, its better than suicide.

182. Post 49148476 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Here at the end of the manifesto, Roaches predecessor explains his true motivation for revenge. You will see Roach and Elliot and Eric Harris of Columbine are virtually the same person. Imo if Virgin Roach does not seek treatment and trade his silver bags for Bitcoin, his fate will be largely the same and we will see him on the news.

"My orchestration of the Day of Retribution is my attempt to do everything, in my power, to destroy
everything I cannot have. All of those beautiful girls I’ve desired so much in my life, but can never have
because they despise and loathe me, I will destroy. All of those popular people who live hedonistic lives
of pleasure, I will destroy, because they never accepted me as one of them. I will kill them all and make
them suffer, just as they have made me suffer. It is only fair.
  Why do things have to be this way? I’m sure that is the question everyone will be asking after the Day
of Retribution is over. They will all be asking why. Indeed, why? That is the question I’ve had for
everyone throughout all my years of suffering. Why was I condemned to live a life of misery and
worthlessness while other men were able to experience the pleasures of sex and love with women?
Why do things have to be this way? I ask all of you.

  All I ever wanted was to love women, and in turn to be loved by them back. Their behavior towards
me has only earned my hatred, and rightfully so! I am the true victim in all of this. I am the good guy.
Humanity struck at me first by condemning me to experience so much suffering. I didn’t ask for this. I
didn’t want this. I didn’t start this war… I wasn’t the one who struck first… But I will finish it by striking
back. I will punish everyone. And it will be beautiful. Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true

Now you all understand the mind of a MGTOW bitcoin hater with an antisocial, paranoid, sadistic personality disorder.

This new bull market will continue on regardless.


183. Post 49148609 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 10, 2019, 05:28:03 AM
[edited out]

JJG, I called you out for being a baby bc I dont post exactly the way you like to make you happy, lol, gimme a break. Roll Eyes
This is the internet bring your thick skin and your big boy pants. You didnt answer my question or rebut a single assertion, but its cool, I mean Im obviously right so why rebut any of it.

I have no obligation to address any of the lame points that you brought up..  Your points are largely irrelevant and distractions.

........Id rather read you complain about me than read one more incremental buying strategy paragraph Cheesy, so its a win win for me.

Yes.  That's what trolls like you do.  They distract from posters being willing or able to make meaningful and substantive posts.

So, surely you are coming off as a troll, including your ongoing attempts at unnecessary self-aggrandizement and even appearing to be gleeful in achieving your admitted distraction objective(s).

Why do you deny the success of my tactics. Where are the thousands of posts from Kaminska after I outed her. If your goal really is to have less shitty posts you should be thanking me, yet you dont. So you must have another motive. Is it that you feel you arent the center of attention and dont know how to make a bunch of wordy paragraphs to change that?? How self aggrandizing is it to post 5 times the words in 5 years of any other top poster?? Pretty sure me just sitting back and just reading for many years and only coming out to slay the worst bear tards is a lot less aggrandizing than posting more wordy words than any human on the planet in this thread.  Shocked In fact soon Ill be gone for many years while you will be posting endless paragraphs for unnecessary self-aggrandizement as you call it.

JJG, are you sad bc you arent getting enough attention Cry Is that your real motivation for interfering with my Virgin Roach Slaying??

Just post some incremental strategy paragraphs and you will feel better, I mean, those are totally meaningful and substantive and we havent read them 300 times in the last 5 years or anything Cheesy

Now tell me again, where did Lambie Slayer touch you??

Its a bull market buddy, cheer up Grin

184. Post 49148637 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: infofront on January 10, 2019, 05:45:19 AM
So is this lambchop?

no, lol, but this is.

She still rants about bitcoin on her twitter and blog, but she has moved on to hate on mostly other things.

185. Post 49149317 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: DeathAngel on January 09, 2019, 04:55:45 PM
Is $4,000 the new $200-250 of 2015?

Yes, but it probably wont last as long.

186. Post 49150316 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 10, 2019, 06:42:33 AM
[[edited out]
In fact soon Ill be gone for many years while you will be posting endless paragraphs for unnecessary self-aggrandizement as you call it.

Yes.  Your days are likely numbered in this forum under your current account since you don't really seem to be making any meaningful contribution with your ongoing spewing of nonsense, and probably you are notlambchop or one of his/her/its sock puppets, anyhow.  Your writing style is similar to notlambchop, even if, currently, you are trying to act as if you are a bulltard, rather than a beartard.

  Right JJG, this makes a lot of sense. Wink You think that worthless cunt Izabella Kaminska outed herself, lol. She was devastated when I ruined her main life hobby. She actually posted more than you so I'm sure you were very happy when I slayed the miserable hag Cheesy
Having her gone allowed you to be the most wordy poster in WO history Shocked Maybe you  were a Kissless Virgin alt all this time? Shocked(i can play dumb games too)

But seriously, JJG I have been consistent with who I am and what I am about since I first posted here in '15. Never a bearish post. I assure you I believe in Bitcoin as the hardest soundest money ever created and the future global reserve currency and I put my money where my mouth was in 2014 and have hodled ever since.

Kissless Virgin Roach has already been slain. My work is complete now in that regard. He may still muster a few posts here and there to try and prove me wrong, but he will fade away now that its no fun to come here.

You see by exposing his inner workings and motivations he no longer feels this is a place he can hide and terrorize bulls bc now everyone knows what he is all about. If he acts up, you have but to utter the words Fuck off Kissless Virgin and he will scurry away like a frightened bug. He has been slain in mind and soul, even if he continues to post from time to time.

Operation Roach Slayer is complete.

Thanks for the patience Infofront, you really do an outstanding job here! I will continue to read the thread and hodl as I convert nocoiners to Bitcoiners in the real world. I will be back at the next bear bottom if needed to slay the next prime Beartard. Best regards to Goose, Bitserve, Cryptotourist, Hairy, V8s(my fren Vastly Wink), and everyone else. Even you JJG. Just try not to use the words seem and seemingly so much and you will be ok. Cheesy

Its a bull market you know!

Lambie Slayer out

187. Post 49193315 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.25h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on January 12, 2019, 10:09:54 AM
Morning WO's, have a great weekend.

Smoking some hopium the other day, was enough to make me realize the absence of Lambie_Slayer, silently taking a ride with our two morons of honor.

Earlier that day, virgin r0ach bravely had confessed his nano penis phenomena to gembitz.

Last but not least, both agreed to double their initial order since 2015, now buying $2 worth of BTC at the price of $199.


Felt like dropping by to say this is excellent Cheesy Bravo!

Kissless Virgin and his Weiner Girl will never be safe as bears on this sacred ground.

Roach I did like your Trump/Chuck Schumer/Wall meme, it was really good. Its not too late to sell your silver, buy a whore and lose the V card, then use the rest for Bitcoin and leave the life of losing and pain behind.

Its a BTCull Market you know.

188. Post 49209883 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.26h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 12, 2019, 07:00:59 PM
Felt like dropping by to say ..........

Figured that we would not so easily get rid of a fucktwat like you.

Fits with the typical troll/shill pattern.... promises going away or "this is my last post" but never leaves.

Lambie slayer needs a troll slayer....


Are you retarded, I said operation Roach Slayer was done, and it is. I was planning on not coming back till the next bear bottom, but since we are still somewhat in the bear bottom area, I reserve the right to come back whenever. In fact I reserve the right to post here 20 times just to spread hopium and bullishness. Cheesy

I might even start operation Wordy TwatBot Slayer, just to make your life a little better and teach you how to be less boring and redundant. Wink

I see you got butthurt when I joked around about your use of seems and seemingly and incremental strategies.

Maybe instead of being butthurt and lashing out at a fellow bull, you could just stop using the words seem and seemingly in every other sentence and repeating the boring incremental strategy nonsense that hurts everyones eyes.

I'll speak in a language your bot programming can understand better

It seems you wouldnt be regarded as such a boring twat of a poster seemingly, if you incrementally backed off of seemingly to post boring nonsense that seemingly amounts to just repeating what seems to be the same seemingly twatty stuff about incrementally buying 2 satoshis each day and selling 2 satoshis each day, or so it seemingly seems. Also you seemingly like to start shit with other Bitcoiners here for little reason, and seemingly you are upset bc I called you out for seemingly to seem like you need to be the center of attention, hence your boring wordiness. Sometimes  lots of posting is seemingly a really good thing when you can be entertaining and bullish like for example a human poster such as Goose or Lambie Slayer.

but when your combination of flaws is being the most redundant, and most boring poster in WO history, it just makes you a fucktwatbot called JayJuanGee

Anyways, thanks for the post, it was actually not boring so your bot software has really improved since you took a few days off for updates. Looking forward to when you update the bugs that make you such a negative prick Cheesy Keep working on it and if you need more tips, lmk. Wink

189. Post 49286649 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.26h):

No sign of Roach or Gembitz and peeps are pumping some new shitcoin. Carry on Roll Eyes

190. Post 49286793 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.26h):

"A startup called Ambrosia that charges $8,000 to fill your veins with the blood of young people is now accepting PayPal payments for the procedure online."

"In 2017, Ambrosia enrolled people in a clinical trial designed to find out what happens when the veins of adults are filled with blood from younger people. While the results of that study have not been made public, Karmazin told Business Insider in September that they were "really positive."

Clowns. In the future the blood of young nocoiners and will be bought with Bitcoin by immortal coiners. Only way for the poor to buy in after 2024. Shocked Cool

191. Post 49480977 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.28h):

All forms of cancer to be fully cured within one year. Side effects minimal to none and costs are affordable.

Is this on topic you wonder?? Yes of course, as hodler life spans are increased hodl power is increased as well, keeping more coins off the market and diminishing coins available to sell.

Thanks Jews!

“We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer,” said Dan Aridor, of a new treatment being developed by his company, Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd.
“Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” Aridor said. “Our solution will be both generic and personal.”

Aridor, chairman of the board of AEBi and CEO Dr. Ilan Morad, say their treatment, which they call MuTaTo (multi-target toxin) is essentially on the scale of a cancer antibiotic – a disruption technology of the highest order.

In 2018, a team of scientists won the Nobel Prize for their work on phage display in the directed evolution of new proteins – in particular, for the production of antibody therapeutics.

AEBi is doing something similar but with peptides, compounds of two or more amino acids linked in a chain. According to Morad, peptides have several advantages over antibodies, including that they are smaller, cheaper, and easier to produce and regulate.

MuTaTo is using a combination of several cancer-targeting peptides for each cancer cell at the same time, combined with a strong peptide toxin that would kill cancer cells specifically. By using at least three targeting peptides on the same structure with a strong toxin, Morad said, “we made sure that the treatment will not be affected by mutations; cancer cells can mutate in such a way that targeted receptors are dropped by the cancer.”

“The probability of having multiple mutations that would modify all targeted receptors simultaneously decreases dramatically with the number of targets used,” Morad continued. “Instead of attacking receptors one at a time, we attack receptors three at a time – not even cancer can mutate three receptors at the same time.”

said their discovery could also reduce the sickening side-effects of most cancer treatments, which stem from drug treatments interacting with the wrong or additional targets, or the correct targets but on non-cancerous cells. He said MuTaTo’s having a combination of several highly specific cancer-targeting peptides on one scaffold for each type of cancer cell would increase the specificity to the cancer cell due to the avidity effect. In addition, in most cases, the non-cancer cells that have a protein in common with the cancer cells do not overexpress it.

“This makes a great difference between the two kinds of cells and should decrease the side effects dramatically,” Morad said.

He equated the concept of MuTaTo to the triple drug cocktail that has helped change AIDS from being an automatic death sentence to a chronic – but often manageable – disease.

used to give AIDS patients several drugs, but we would administer them one at a time,” Morad explained. “During the course of treatment, the virus mutated, and the AIDS started attacking again. Only when patients started using a cocktail, were they able to stop the disease.”

Now, he said, people with AIDS are HIV carriers, but they are not sick anymore.

The MuTaTo cancer treatment will eventually be personalized. Each patient will provide a piece of his biopsy to the lab, which would then analyze it to know which receptors are overexpressed. The individual would then be administered exactly the molecule cocktail needed to cure his disease.
However, unlike in the case of AIDS, where patients must take the cocktail throughout their lives, in the case of MuTaTo, the cells would be killed, and the patient could likely stop treatment after only a few weeks.

Aridor added: “Our results are consistent and repeatable.”

192. Post 49482322 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.28h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on January 29, 2019, 11:55:07 AM

That company sounds as fake as Theranos

Anti semites!  Roll Eyes

Theranos was just an obvious hype machine money grabber from the beginning, not comparable at all. What they were claiming was really just a cost cutting of testing by using less blood. The health industry loved it bc its their dream to test everyone for everything so they can put everybody on Earth on some expensive pill or chemotherapy. Elizabeth Holmes was a college drop out with no real medical or technical expertise. These kind Jews are established researchers making these claims, not a child on a PR campaign trying to raise money. All Theranos claimed its Vaporware would really do is cut costs of existing tests by using less blood. As far as I remember it was a "secret" process that they couldnt explain to anyone cuz reasons. Kinda like Bitconnects secret trading bot.

These kind Jews explain exactly how they kill the cancer cells, its not a secret recipe. Similar cures already work for a small group of cancers but most patients dont take to it and the ones that do often have terrible side affects. Its not like they are claiming time travel or AI produced Bitcoin trading profits of 5 percent a day.

Cheaply curing all cancer for all individuals with little to no side effects isn't an exciting proposition for Big Pharma or the medical industry in general, if this works in humans as it does in mice, then I expect they could be suicided soon or bought out and the tech shelved Big Oil style. Hopefully not though bc elites do get cancer and most are old, so maybe they will let this one fly.

193. Post 49482492 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.28h):

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz: 'I am seriously thinking of running for President'

 ‘Why Starbucks?’, Loeffler said the idea originated because they wanted “to be able to give their customers more options in their ability to pay… to be able to pay with Bitcoin." Their partnership with Starbucks will see the creation of a system that will allow crypto-to-fiat conversions which will give customers the option to pay with cryptocurrencies.

"Howard Schultz is the founder, former chief executive officer (CEO), and single-largest shareholder of Starbucks. Schultz holds 33 million shares directly and 1.7 million shares indirectly through trusts as of Jun. 26, 2018. Schultz joined the Starbucks Coffee Company as the director of retail and marketing in 1982.Dec 13, 2018"

Hmmmm..... possible next President is the biggest shareholder of a company partnering with Bakkt to sell coffee for Bitcoins.

Bullish AF Grin

194. Post 49482641 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.28h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 29, 2019, 12:34:45 PM
oh god not more faulty people staying alive thats all we need what ever happened to survival of the fittest or is that not allowed in your wonderful new socialist utopia

In our libertarian Utopia you will be able to purchase fitness for a few satoshis.

195. Post 49482942 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.28h):

Quote from: BTCMILLIONAIRE on January 29, 2019, 12:54:21 PM
oh god not more faulty people staying alive thats all we need what ever happened to survival of the fittest or is that not allowed in your wonderful new socialist utopia

In our libertarian Utopia you will be able to purchase fitness for a few satoshis.
What if I wanted to be fitter than everybody else?

You would be free to pursue this desire. The kind Jews would give you their blessing as well and maybe some wise advice. You can even purchase a weight set made out of silver or gold for a few satoshis.

196. Post 49490137 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.28h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on January 29, 2019, 05:29:35 PM
Good luck  Grin

Thats how you smoke that new bull market hopium Grin

197. Post 49515316 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.28h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on January 31, 2019, 11:44:15 AM

Police found video showing Smollett entering into his building with what appears to be a rope tied around his neck, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told CNN.

"It was being worn like a neck tie but shaped like a noose," Guglielmi said.

Them actors...  Roll Eyes they sure know how to put on an act...

If the police decide this guy has faked it - he deserves jail time. And I will apologize for bringing it up.

When I first read about this I thought it sounded incredibly far fetched but the guy mailing dems bombs actually ended up being a Trump supporter, so who knows, I suppose it is possible but Id bet against it every time. Im sure the truth will come out though. He never said the men were white bc he couldnt see their faces he claims. Id say if its real they may well end up being two black trump supporters.

Kinda hard to imagine white supremacists watching Empire. I saw the first season and know I would not recognize that actor walking the streets at night.

Kinda hard to imagine any Trump supporter patrolling the streets of Chicago at 2am in the artic temperatures of a polar vortex carrying a bottle of bleach and a noose in hopes of finding some low level celebrity 99.99 percent of the population could not even name before this incident.

Ive never been attacked, bleached, and noosed on the way to subway at 2am in a polar vortex but it seems like once I escaped I might just take the noose from around my neck. Police said when they came to the apartment, the noose was still on his neck, so he was just in the crib waiting on the cops with the noose on his neck???

Kinda hard to imagine a wealthy celebrity walking in artic weather at 2am for shitty subway when he could just order delivery.

And yelling "This is Maga country"? Really? So this Right Wing Bleach Squad actually thinks Streetersville Chicago is Maga country......

The two men pictured by police walking that path he took were according to internet detectives walking away from the Subway and by the police timeline of the pics and the event, it was 35 minutes before the "attack."

Conclusion - Likely a hoax where Smollet needed a cover story for getting hospital treatment from a domestic assault bc he knew if he just showed up at the hospital with a cracked rib and bruised face it would raise questions since he is a low level celeb. Then he made up a story to protect his boyfriend, and instead of the classic "I fell down the stairs" he chose the worst option ever which spiraled out of control and this actor is terrified of being found out rn. If he is exposed the backlash and shame will be punishment enough and I will feel sorry for him bc he will have let toxic politics ruin his life.

Certainly possible though we find its real and the characters who did it will no doubt be very interesting people and I hope they will spend many years in prison with a high population of Empire fans.

Its still a bull market either way though, so Bitcoin wins. Its Bitcoin Country Grin

198. Post 49528289 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.28h):

Looks like our next President may be a wonderful Bitcoin loving Jewish Billionaire Cheesy

All the usual suspects are starting the same cycle that led to Trumps victory in 2016.

This guy gets hated on in his twitter replies at a higher ratio than Trump.

Liberal comedians are already roasting him at full speed on late night talk shows.

MSM quickly branding him as rich and out of touch

Media already implying he is a racist

Nate Silver and his team of pollster stat quants are opining on how he has almost no chance to win

natesilver: I guess if we want to distinguish a 1 percent chance or a 0.1 percent chance from a 0 percent chance, then sure, he “has a chance.” But, I dunno, is Schultz more likely to win the presidency than Pete Buttigieg or Tulsi Gabbard? It’s probably pretty close. And Buttigieg and Gabbard aren’t being booked on every television network.

He is the candidate our Bull market deserves. Grin

199. Post 49559783 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.29h):

Quote from: VB1001 on February 03, 2019, 07:27:16 AM

Everything is very confusing. Angry

There is zero chance this is not an exit scam imo. If Im wrong Ill send 1 Bitcoin to the fake orphanage across the globe this guy was starting right before his death and quick cremation(conveniently at the end of a brutal bear market which has a way of exposing ponzis).

This story makes the Jussie Smollet story sound almost believable. Even his claims of fighting back while two attackers manage to break his rib, beat his face, noose and bleach him, but yet still hold on to his 5 dollar footlong through it all because god dammit he wasnt gonna let those Nazis win! Roll Eyes

NFL player Pacman Jones, a world class athlete, couldnt even hold on to his popeyes when taking on a lone attacker at the airport. The popeyes was kicked and trampled, never to be eaten by brave Pacman.

Bleach ice cubes?

200. Post 49654054 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.30h):

Our newborn Bull Market is 55 days old now. Cheesy Its rekting shorters here and there with baby green dildos as its teeth start to grow in. Soon it will be producing much larger green dildos as it learns to crawl.  Shocked

For those interested in backtested technical implications and probabilities of a baby bull market, here is a short video. This material is for serious investors and possibly those with a scholarly interest.

Gembitz spent blew her whole government mental disablity check once again shorting the double bottom. Cry
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiner!!!! Cheesy

Kissless closed all shorts weeks ago and is sticking to gaming and bbc porn now. Wink

Willy, Tone, and Murad, are busy coming up with reasons why they are more special than everyone because they draw the most bearish lines while playing the long term bull card. They could all learn from Hairy imo how to stop being a bear at the right time. I fully agree with him, the "longening" is a myth, its all about the halvening.

Hopium is legal in most states now and sales are starting to pick up.  Grin  

201. Post 49654242 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.30h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on February 09, 2019, 08:18:08 AM
Kissless closed all shorts weeks ago and is sticking to gaming and bbc porn now. Wink

Hey gotta tell you, I think he is also mining Grin or Beam or something.  Grin

Hopium is legal in most states now and sales are starting to pick up.  Grin  

When legal in the rest of the world? (not that I give a shit).

My team is working with the United Nations on a global map for the Hopium regulatory landscape as they proceed with extreme behind the scenes efforts to boycott, divest, and sanction nations who oppress Hopium users.

202. Post 49736183 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.31h):

Hello frenz.

Our baby bull market is 61 days old. For those of you who doubt this, we have a new bottom indicator.

"Stay away from Bitcoin it has the same structure as any pyramid scheme but controlled by one individual"

Jose Canseco has sold all of his coins and moved on to hunting bigfoot and time traveling with aliens he claims.

"you can travel with Canseco for a mere $5,000 in cash. Canseco tweeted the offer Tuesday: “Go on a Bigfoot and alien Excursion with Jose Canseco contact Morgan Management.” ..... “Only 5 lucky individuals will get a golden ticket. Oompa loompas ain’t got nothing on Bigfoot. Travel in his custom RV ... You never know what’s gonna happen with Mr. Canseco.” ..... Last month, Canseco tweeted that aliens had given him the secret to time travel."

Jose was kind enough to fomo in right around the Bitcoin top in late 2017.

"In 2020 countries with digital based financial systems shall form the DEU - Digital Economic Union and Satoshi Nakamoto shall emerge as world leader"

4:33 PM - 21 Nov 2017

"So don't be late to the party. Soon this opportunity will cease to be one."

Now Jose has sodled the bottom and joined the delusional bear team.

3800 next week. The hopium is spreading. Cheesy

203. Post 49747936 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.31h):

Looks like Chicago doesnt have racist whites in Maga hats bleaching and noosing wealthy black actors in the streets amidst arctic weather conditions.

The fake narrative was fun while it lasted, Im sure they will cook up a new one soon enough.

"Investigators believe Jussie Smollett and the non-cooperating witnesses in last month’s alleged attack of the Empire actor “potentially staged the attack,” a source with intimate knowledge of the investigation tells CBS 2 Investigator Brad Edwards.

Chicago police raided the home of two “persons of interest” Wednesday night, a relative of those men says."

This is the same media telling newbs Bitcoin is not in a bull market, but smart newbs know better and are boarding the bull train as we speak. Cheesy

3800 soon.

204. Post 49770219 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Another day has passed in our new baby bull market. Hopium is spreading.  Bears are crying Cry over their margin interest fees while hodlers pay nothing to hodl. Cool

Its looking more and more likely our favorite Bitcoin maximalist Russian economist was right and Russians oligarchs, private banks, and the central bank are and will be accumulating massive amounts of Bitcoin.

"The head of Russia's largest bank and its former economics minister, Herman Gref, warned that the sanctions could damage the already slowing economy.

 "We need to prepare for the very worst of situations,” Gref warned." Shocked

English Translation - "We need to stack Bitcoins coins ASAP."

3800 soon.

Its a bull market you know. Smiley

205. Post 49771301 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Quote from: Arriemoller on February 16, 2019, 02:58:18 PM
99% debasement of the currency's purchasing power after 100 years? Not really dude, we're already living that reality. The world economy is currently on life support. Won't take another 100 years, more like 20.

Very good. I have popped 15 February 2039 into my diary.  I’m pretty free on that day.

What happened? You aren't coming to the 1 million party?
I suggest we have the 1 million party in a hotel on the fucking moon.

Naah, half of us will be dead by then, and the other half won't be allowed on board for medical reasons. It will just be Mic and some random lurker there.

Doubtful. Hopium has been documented to extend life spans in humans. After 100k most Bitcoiners will be able to afford
life extension treatments like for example transfusing the blood of teenagers. Once its known that the blood of poor third worlders can make you immortal, Trump himself will call for tearing down the wall and opening the borders. Nocoiners main use case may be to provide blood donations for Bitcoiners. This is a noble cause and will bring peace between the two communities.

206. Post 49802378 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on February 18, 2019, 12:10:05 PM
It*'s over.

*The bear market.

This statement is vastly correct. Cheesy

207. Post 49802808 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

FOMO Thrusters activated.

208. Post 49802854 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Is this real life?

209. Post 49803444 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

210. Post 49803632 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on February 18, 2019, 01:39:33 PM

You can do better than that, this is WOtube you know.  Grin

My friend I like your link, but I dont understand your meaning. Bitcoin is going to Carolina, not to Hell Cheesy

211. Post 49806216 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Damn it feels good Wink

212. Post 49819021 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

4100 soon.

This is not 2015 all over again, not even close. Bears thinking they will have many chances to scoop up cheap coins at 3000(or uber bears praying for 1500-2500) will be punished for laziness, greed, lack of vision, and just being plain late. The Baby Bull Market is growing each day. THE BOTTOM IS IN Long live King Bitcoin.

213. Post 49819359 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Footage of Baby Bull Market growing stronger. Cheesy

214. Post 49819741 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

I predict there will be a large Bitcoin movement similar to the free state project

A few million Bitcoiners and their families will move to the smaller Carolina state, South Carolina. They will vote in all pro Bitcoin politicians to every office.

This will be known as the Carolina Crypto Migrant Family Project, or CCMF Project for short.

Due to the small population of South Carolina and the low voter turnout, it wont be hard to take it over politically. Once Bitcoiners are in power they will outlaw the use of all forms of payment except USD and Bitcoin. Federal law requires we allow USD to be legal tender. There will be a surcharge on all USD however and the proceeds of the surcharge will go to the State Treasury and immediately converted into Bitcoin with market buys across multiple exchanges.

All capital gains taxes on Bitcoin holdings will be eliminated. All wages paid in Bitcoin will be tax exempt.

Bitcoin and Hodling education will be mandatory in all public schools and universities receiving state funds.

These are just a few measures I predict the CCMF Project will enact.

Needless to say, I predict South Carolina will be the wealthiest state in the U.S. by 2030.

215. Post 49819778 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Quote from: StartupAnalyst on February 19, 2019, 01:37:52 PM
Chuck Norris - the only one who is able to withdraw money from the Mt.Gox. Grin

The best part is he never even made a deposit, only withdrawals. Cheesy

216. Post 49819921 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Can we have a moment of silence (no posts for 60 seconds please kind sirs) in honor of Gembitz and Roach, two fallen bears who gave all they had to a lost cause, only to be liquidated in shame  Cry as their tiny amounts of money were redistributed to wise and noble bulls.  Cheesy


217. Post 49820004 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on February 19, 2019, 01:50:52 PM
Can’t concentrate anymore @McDo’s a few bucks and its back quitting the job here
Then rinse and repeat last 2years ? Roll Eyes

When you watch this video, just know the frog symbolizes Bitcoin.

218. Post 49831391 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

It was nice of the bulls to let the dildo thrusters take a break and cool down  Smiley, but......

its almost Pump Thirty, which will soon be followed by Quarter till Fomo.

Bears, I advise you not to stay out too late, because we know only bad things will happen to you at Half Past Dildo.

219. Post 49831501 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Quote from: P_Shep on February 20, 2019, 09:14:34 AM
jbreher and the bcash SV shitcoin crew.

We are followings God's (satoshis, lol) vision hahaha.

I think Jbreher is still upset computers moved to those newfangled transistor things from valves.
Even those he had to be convinced about. Relays did the job ok.

This post made me look for pictures of hot amish women, just cuz, and I noticed they mostly wear hats when posing for sexy pics.

Bullish AF.

220. Post 49832188 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Something pumping this way comes.

221. Post 49832463 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

First newbs see Litecoin pumping, they wonder why and go online for wesearch, then they find out about the LTC halvening, then it sinks in about the BTC halvening. More newbs will join us with every LTC dildo.

Then newbs will advance their training and learn that LTC's best use case is for swapping it out for more King Bitcoin.

222. Post 49832663 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

I recently received PM's from Gembitz and Roach. They wanted to apologize to me and everyone else for their actions but are too embarrassed to do it publicly.  Cry

Roach is liquidating his remaining silver and Gembitz is selling her shitcoins. They both are praying for at least a decent dip so they can buy back into BTC.  Cheesy

They also told me they have been and will be sending private apologies to many WO's so be on the look out in your inbox and please feel free to share their apologies here.

223. Post 49832823 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Scuba Diver
9 minutes ago
edited 5 minutes ago
"With this price action I think it is quite unlikly that we have not bottomed.

My focus is still the total mcap chart: There we have this 3/4 year long falling wedge which just seems to break more or less heavily up.

I do think we are currently in a swing trade zone which will we break up in 1-2 weeks with a heavy outbreak into our next swing trade zone that is just below the horizontal resistance line. By August or zone I guess we peak somewhere into the sell zone I have painted in the chart as well.

A bit worried that I have not leveraged more up as I feel I have seen this coming."

224. Post 49833583 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Chase Bank pushing more and more people to Bitcoin. Cheesy

225. Post 49834306 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Its Halving Fever
Litecoin pumping with delight
BTC moon soon

226. Post 49834525 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

The Fed is about to confirm the end of Quantitative Tightening and interest rate hikes are on pause. This means all speculative assets will moon as the money printers will run wild.  Grin

King Bitcoin was greatly oversold and going to moon regardless, but this is mega fuel for the fire.  Shocked

The Time of The Bull is upon us.  Cheesy

Buy now or cry later.  Cry

Kiss goodbye your dreams of new lows or a year of sideways. Kiss


227. Post 49834641 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.32h):

Quote from: Phil_S on February 20, 2019, 01:09:16 PM
Suddenly $4000 wall on bitstamp...

Walls like piecrusts, are made to be broken eaten Cheesy

228. Post 49843394 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Its almost time for green dildos and then to make Romance Explosion on Bears stomach.

No homo.

229. Post 49845565 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Bears about to get blown out like a cheap sweat shop Nike shoe on Zion's foot.

Montage of Nikes exploding. (Manu, Bogut, Wroten, Gordon, Zion)

Cant help but think that when Bitcoin is the Global Reserve Currency that companies will have to allocate their capital more wisely and maybe 100 million dollar athletes wont risk career ending injuries with their crap shoes. Also when I bet on said athletes team perhaps they might not get blown out by 16 pts at home against a big underdog and cost me a bit of stinky fiat bc their superstar's shoe explodes in the first 30 seconds Roll Eyes

Nike = Perverse corrupt mega corp spawned by decades of money printing induced poorly allocated capital.

230. Post 49845803 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Pump time is here Grin

231. Post 49845908 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: Searing on February 21, 2019, 06:04:12 AM
So here we are, hovering just below $4000 without the slightest sign of FOMO. Everybody just watching without not fucking idea if it is gonna go up or down next, or what it is going to do after that.

So many possible scenarios... What will it be? Bleh, just let it be.


Bitcoin is the equivalent of dating a stripper...first she teases and seduces you...and you it all just an act? or does she mean it this time

or poof! is it all a dream? The drama is the same for the BTC mood swing equivalent it seems.


The price on my Bitcoin ticker as I type this went from to $4,000 USD just crap...just went to $4,028 and now back to $3,

What was that a $4k 3 second breach? bummer...ack! $3,974 someone is dumping it seems.

I think Bitcoin is more like the perfect woman who has done nothing but make you more wealthy but instead of appreciating her you spend years posting mostly fear posts, complaints, bummer posts, etc, and eventually she leaves you(causes you to panic dump her) to make a man with stronger hands wealthy.  Roll Eyes

Why not make negative posts about fiat every week and how it has done nothing for you your whole life but lose purchasing power?

Gratitude determines your latitude.  Wink

232. Post 49846177 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: Searing on February 21, 2019, 06:31:24 AM
So here we are, hovering just below $4000 without the slightest sign of FOMO. Everybody just watching without not fucking idea if it is gonna go up or down next, or what it is going to do after that.

So many possible scenarios... What will it be? Bleh, just let it be.


Bitcoin is the equivalent of dating a stripper...first she teases and seduces you...and you it all just an act? or does she mean it this time

or poof! is it all a dream? The drama is the same for the BTC mood swing equivalent it seems.


The price on my Bitcoin ticker as I type this went from to $4,000 USD just crap...just went to $4,028 and now back to $3,

What was that a $4k 3 second breach? bummer...ack! $3,974 someone is dumping it seems.

I think Bitcoin is more like the perfect woman who has done nothing but make you more wealthy but instead of appreciating her you spend years posting mostly fear posts, complaints, bummer posts, etc, and eventually she leaves you(causes you to panic dump her) to make a man with stronger hands wealthy.  Roll Eyes

Why not make negative posts about fiat every week and how it has done nothing for you your whole life but lose purchasing power?

Gratitude determines your latitude.  Wink

ah is less about that and more about basic confusion? and also a lot of this is 'tongue in cheek' ... ie back to confusion...

I'm retired on cypto it is just dandy...but to say the road is straight and whales are not playing price games and to deny the drama (good and bad)

well that is just silly IMHO

my posts are NOT meant to make such a huge effect on folks perceptions..this is the WO thread last I looked.....where everything is gone into the wind

within about 12 posts in 3 min?

Yes, I realize your posts are typically tongue in cheek, in fact my response to you was meant to be a bit tongue in cheek  Roll Eyes with a nice life lesson in gratitude and positivity sprinkled in. No one is ever too old or too retired to learn good habits Cheesy

Embrace the drama of hodling, it makes life much more interesting!

Its a bull market you know Wink

233. Post 49849421 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Crazy how much more Bullish things are than 2015. Just to name a few...

Bakkt coming soon

ETFs just a matter of when, not if

Samsung putting wallets in their flagship phone


Roach an Gembitz apologise and turn Bullish

Elon Musk comes out of his Crypto Closet and declares moon.

White House Chief of Staff for potentially the next 2-6 years is a Bitcoin lover.

We have Crypto Mom at SEC, plus another new commissioner is pro Bitcoin, and Stein, the Bitcoin hater just finished her term

Ive been converting nocoiners to Bitcoiners for 5 years out in the real world and its never been easier for me personally to convert them than now, they are dying to understand it.

We dont have to worry about chinese miners blocking segwit and big blockers have disgraced themselves over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over Cheesy

Lighting is here and ninjas are buying pizza with it and sheeeeiiit.

Did I say lighting is here and its awesome.

Jack Dorsey is hard core Bitcoin maximalist.

Less people than ever believe the MSM Bitcoin haters, more percent of people than ever get there Bitcoin info from places like Twitter, Reddit, and the CEO of Bitcoin Known as WO.

Bitmain is going out of business as punishment for their sins against Bitcoin.

Google added our symbol to its keyboard.

The US gov doesnt have tons of coins to dump on our head everytime we pump.

and much much more.  Grin

234. Post 49849629 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):  Cheesy

"Recently Wright wrote to Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) telling them that he was Satoshi Nakamoto. At the time he had said, “My name is Dr. Craig Wright and under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto I completed a project I started in 1997 that was filed with the Australian government in part under an AusIndustry project registered with the Dept. of Innovation as BlackNet.”

"Now a developer group called Albacore has recently launched a faketoshi signature tool which will allow all and sundry to tie a message to the genesis block and claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto. On the official website, a message reads, “Clicking the button below will generate a signature and message hash that will successfully validate against the address that mined the genesis block, which is known to have been mined by Satoshi. Just don’t ask for the plaintext message that generated the hash…(spoiler, we don’t know it either).”"

235. Post 49849770 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: bitserve on February 21, 2019, 11:32:21 AM
Now all we need is for the mt Gox custodial to accidentally send all its Bitcoin to a burner address and the rally can finally begin.

I get your point, but that would be a terrible waste of valuable BTC.
Enough is lost already.

Most of Gox creditors will probably hodl. I sure will. Maybe I will even buy more with the FIAT part.

Agreed, Mt Gox creditors have been in the game longer than most and understand these are dirt cheap prices. If they were to receive fiat and BTC around this price range I believe most would be converting fiat to BTC and hodling the BTC they receive. Its not like these coins are being sent to buttcoiners or central bankers, Gox creditors are mostly true believers.

However if prices are above 20k when funds are returned, then sure, Id guess many would be dumping some coins.

236. Post 49849961 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: wachtwoord on February 21, 2019, 11:23:20 AM
Crazy how much more Bullish things are than 2015. Just to name a few...

Bakkt coming soon

ETFs just a matter of when, not if

Samsung putting wallets in their flagship phone


Roach an Gembitz apologise and turn Bullish

Elon Musk comes out of his Crypto Closet and declares moon.

White House Chief of Staff for potentially the next 2-6 years is a Bitcoin lover.

We have Crypto Mom at SEC, plus another new commissioner is pro Bitcoin, and Stein, the Bitcoin hater just finished her term

Ive been converting nocoiners to Bitcoiners for 5 years out in the real world and its never been easier for me personally to convert them than now, they are dying to understand it.

We dont have to worry about chinese miners blocking segwit and big blockers have disgraced themselves over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over Cheesy

Lighting is here and ninjas are buying pizza with it and sheeeeiiit.

Did I say lighting is here and its awesome.

Jack Dorsey is hard core Bitcoin maximalist.

Less people than ever believe the MSM Bitcoin haters, more percent of people than ever get there Bitcoin info from places like Twitter, Reddit, and the CEO of Bitcoin Known as WO.

Bitmain is going out of business as punishment for their sins against Bitcoin.

Google added our symbol to its keyboard.

The US gov doesnt have tons of coins to dump on our head everytime we pump.

and much much more.  Grin

Now all we need is for the mt Gox custodial to accidentally send all its Bitcoin to a burner address and the rally can finally begin.

No, we dont need that, we have been rallying for 68 days in our new Baby Bull Market.

The young bull grows stronger each day as Bears cry "sucker rally" in full disbelief mode. Cheesy

Soon the young bull will grow strong fed by mothers milk of the halving and it will look like this

237. Post 49850045 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: realr0ach on February 21, 2019, 11:56:46 AM
It was quiet and good lately

Where my Nazis at

Nazis are busy buying Bitcoin in our new Bull Market.  Wink

Daily Stormer, Gab, and Storm Front all use Bitcoin as their main and preferred source of funding. The owners of these sites are pushing the Nazi community more towards Bitcoin adoption each day.

Nazis drive cars, use cell phones, wear shoes, its only natural that they all use Bitcoin to fund their top websites. Cheesy

238. Post 49850159 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Money Printing Keynesians have won, the Fed has stopped rate hikes and will now stop Quantitative Tightening.

"“Almost all participants thought that it would be desirable to announce before too long a plan to stop reducing the Federal Reserve’s asset holdings later this year,” the minutes said."

Bitcoin is only headed up regardless, but more fiat money printing just means the Bull Run will be much more violent.

Powell tried to slow down the money printing but Wall Street and Trump have forced him to capitulate completely.

The only true threat to Bitcoin would be a hard cap on the supply of US dollars. This will never happen. They will print it into oblivion just like America's first currency, The Continental.

239. Post 49850270 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: realr0ach on February 21, 2019, 12:17:16 PM

Bitcoin funded website. Bullish Grin

240. Post 49850504 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: Olegya199 on February 21, 2019, 12:27:32 PM
realr0ach always disappear when an BTC starts to grow in price and appears when the price starts to fall?

No in 2014 and 2015 he was a mega bull. He lost his old account to hackers. Many here including myself enjoyed his pro bitcoin posts and he would attack bear trolls like NLC/Lambie/Izabella Kaminska daily. Check my post history for a full analysis of what happened.

He and Gembitz are buying on the low right now though, no one wants to miss out on this new bull market.

241. Post 49850802 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Smollet has just been taken into custody by police for helping create one of the greatest fake news stories of all time.

This is very bullish for Bitcoin bc as the MSM loses credibility every day more and more are turning to premiere sources of Bitcoin information like WO Cheesy

Yes the MSM is less anti Bitcoin than in the past, but you will still find many banker puppets trying to trick the public from buying Bitcoin in this new bull market. Those tricks wont be enough to stop the bull run and they grow less effective each day.

Thank you Mr. Smollet for your sacrifice Wink You have helped Make Bitcoin Great Again.


242. Post 49851021 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: ivomm on February 21, 2019, 01:09:58 PM
I'm hoping for a big dip, a retest of 3600 would be most welcome  Shocked

Although it is possible, recent lack of sell pressure hints that bulls are waiting for the support bids to move upwards. There are no more 10-20% drops like in 2018 - almost every other day. Speaking of volume, for Jan-Feb we have around 2mil traded BTC's ( During this period the price went from 3.1K to 3.9K - a similar rise we had in August 2017. Then however, the volume was 5mil, i.e., 2.5x than the current! This shows that BTC was extremely heavily pannic oversold and now there are not enough weak hands to keep the price down. So now  the path to 10K and beyond is 2.5x cheaper for the bulls, compared to 2017. The contrast of the needed volume for such increases is underlined by the fact that since Aug. 2017 additional 972000 BTC's were mined! And one more thing. Some are comparing the gradual rise in 2015 with 2019. But many investors will prefer to overtake the expected rise in Q4 and start investing now or in the coming weeks. Plus, there are estimated at least $10 bil investors money that wait either for bakkt, fidelity or ETF to enter the market. Soon BTC will be in the news again and n00bs will be shocked to see the price revisiting 20K again. Everyone that was buying above 15K and selling below 10K  will regret for not hodling!

Exactly This

243. Post 49851046 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Google Trends breakout incoming.

244. Post 49851272 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: realr0ach on February 21, 2019, 01:16:22 PM
as the MSM loses credibility every day more and more are turning to premiere sources of Bitcoin information
blah blah (Paranoid Schizo symptoms acting up again)

Hello Kissless Virgin Roach. Good of you to join us in our new bull market. How was therapy? Gembitz says sorry for not calling you back, she has been too busy buying Cheesy

245. Post 49851329 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: Cryptoqueeen on February 21, 2019, 01:20:36 PM
Have Fun watching them

 BTW, I had no idea your partner was so fucking based.

 I can respect the idea that you are averse to marriage, but don't lose this one, broheim.

 You have snagged yourself a very special woman.

 Treat her well.

Haha well, the marriage thing is not so kind.
You want to be the girl he wants to marry to, like you see in the movies, but I guess life isn't a movie  Cheesy
Appreciate your kindness  Kiss

You two aren't fooling anyone, we all know you will both be married at the 100k party in Vegas.  Cheesy

246. Post 49851791 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: realr0ach on February 21, 2019, 01:51:40 PM
r0ach fuck off for a second here.

"MGTOW copy pasta excuses for failure with women"

Kissless Virgin Roach, if you continue in your failure to procreate it just means your genes will be weeded out of the gene pool.  Shocked Survival of the Coinerist

But enjoy the bull market before your foolishness causes your bloodline to end Cheesy

247. Post 49860469 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Last night was the test pump. Tonight is for real. Bears you were warned.

248. Post 49883132 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

You can make a feature request for apple products here. I just asked them to please get with the times and add a bitcoin wallet or my next phone won't be an Iphone. Wink

249. Post 49885399 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

FOMO Thrusters engaged.

Its a Bull Market ya know Cheesy

250. Post 49885424 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Pamp it!

251. Post 49885592 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

70 days into our new Baby Bull Market and all is well.

Thanks for the memories Bear Market, it was real.

252. Post 49885938 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

I think we will quickly get back to 6k in a few weeks, once Bears realize they have been shorting the bottom and Bulls realize they dont have much time left to get dirt cheap coins.

253. Post 49885981 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Bull Market is the best market.

254. Post 49886043 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: DeathAngel on February 23, 2019, 05:51:00 PM
I think we will quickly get back to 6k in a few weeks, once Bears realize they have been shorting the bottom and Bulls realize they dont have much time left to get dirt cheap coins.

Do you really think we’ll go up that much % wise that quickly?

Stupid question I guess as it went up more & quicker in Nov/Dec 2017 & it fell very fast from Jan 2018 onwards.

I think so as Bear's and doom callers are discredited it will have a tremendous snowball effect and the Bulls nutsacks will swell with Fomotestosterone.

255. Post 49886160 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Bulls make the money man, we roll the nickels. The game is ours.

256. Post 49890283 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Where my Bears at? Cool

257. Post 49890416 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Patriots owner and many other wealthy men are being charged with soliciting prostitution at a local Hand Job Hut and their credit cards were used to identify them.

Bitcoin users not affected.

258. Post 49890452 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 24, 2019, 12:58:02 AM
Where my Bears at? Cool

Coming out in a few hundred bucks as we approach the bear line

It sounds quite reasonable that this pump has a few hundred left in it before we pull back a bit. Bull market dips are the best dips.

259. Post 49891256 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Bears, are you ready?

260. Post 49891318 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

The greatest feeling you can get....... Grin
Its called the Pump.

261. Post 49898464 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

What sorcery is this?

262. Post 49898484 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Somebody front running some big FUD or epic bear trap. I say bear trap.

263. Post 49898504 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Bear whale about to get rekt.

264. Post 49898550 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Shorters last stand. We will slay them all.

265. Post 49898597 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

U can never be too excited in our new 71 day old Baby Bull Market. Cheesy Embrace the roller coaster, final destination is higher.

266. Post 49898633 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

267. Post 49900206 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

No worries, we pumped it once, we will pump it again. Bull Market 71 days old and counting. HODL Cool

268. Post 49900826 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Now even stronger hands are holding coins. Fighting the King of Deflationary Currency is a futile battle bears, in the end we will win. Not enough coins to go around. Meanwhile USD is being printed faster than you can imagine 24/7. This Baby Bull Market is just getting started.

Powell is going into full money printing mode, he is scared shitless of being Yellen an Bernankes fall guy so he will print USD just like they did and blame it on the next Fed Chair if the shit hits the fan. Risk assets have nowhere to go but up.

269. Post 49900921 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

This is still Bitcoin country. Hodl tight. Next pump coming soon.

270. Post 49900978 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

271. Post 49901170 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Yep, they are still printing USD at the speed of light.  Shocked

Bitcoin Bull case more intact than ever. Carry on, hodl, kindly educate nocoiners and spread adoption every chance you get Smiley

272. Post 49901586 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

"Took my family away from our Carolina home
Had dreams about the west and started to roam
Six long months on a dust covered trail
They say heaven's at the end
But so far it's been hell
And there's Gox on the mountain
Lightning network in the air
Bitcoin in them hills and it's waiting for me there"

We were hodlin and trading from five to five
Selling everything we found just to stay alive
Bitcoin faucets flowed free like the whiskey in the bars
Sinning was the big thing Lord
And Satan was the star
And there's Gox on the mountain
Lightning network in the air
Bitcoin in them hills and it's waiting for me there
Dance hall girls were the evening treat
Empty cartridges and blood lined the gutters of the street
Men were shot down for the sake of fun
Or just to hear the noise of their 44 guns
And there's fire on the mountain
Lightning network in the air
Bitcoin in them hills and it's waiting for me there
Now my widow, she weeps by my grave
Tears flow free for her man she couldn't save
Shot down in cold blood by a gun that carried fame
All for a useless and no good worthless shitcoin.
And there's fire on the mountain
Lightning in the air
Bitcoin in them hills and it's waiting for me there
Gox on the mountain
Lightning network in the air
Bitcoin in them hills and it's waiting for me there
Waiting for me there"

273. Post 49902170 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Those two rolls of toilet paper look like they are stacked on a toilet plunger. Cheesy

274. Post 49902356 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

16 minutes ago
"So far, we have no reason to believe that this means that our uptrend is over. As far as we can tell, this sell off was mostly one whale market selling off 2500 coins, which you can see being transferred and then immediately spent here:

This triggered a lot of stop losses, and since we were at the top of our uptrend just below resistance, there were plenty of people happy to follow along and short it.

However, we have found support at the bottom of our current upward channel trend."

275. Post 49903007 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.33h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on February 24, 2019, 06:50:09 PM
You know there’s not much exciting to discuss when we’re analysing mic’s shoes, his stream of piss & the arrangement of the toilet roll.

the paper was their already of-course...... Smiley

Yeah but real question is are the rolls of paper resting on the handle of a plunger?

276. Post 49914434 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: ivomm on February 25, 2019, 02:30:02 PM
Yesterday's dump was because of some miner who transferred 2500 BTC in Bitfinex and sold directly. He was not a trader, because a several hours earlier, he could have sold to an ask wall of 1180BTC at 4230$. This guy clearly went above the electricity expenses and decided to take his profit. May be he read the old news article:
When Chinese n00b miners read about the incoming ban (it will happen very soon indeed), I imagine how nerveous they get to sell their precious BTC's only to be able to pay the electricity and other expenses. I hope this year we will lose forever those weak hands and be able to recover in the ATH area at least. But even if these imbecile dumps hold us for another year, after the halvening we will shoot to the moon!

Can I ask where you got this info from?
Obviously where we all get our information from, rumors and straight out of our asses.

I get this info from the same source Lambie gave:

16 minutes ago
"So far, we have no reason to believe that this means that our uptrend is over. As far as we can tell, this sell off was mostly one whale market selling off 2500 coins, which you can see being transferred and then immediately spent here:

This triggered a lot of stop losses, and since we were at the top of our uptrend just below resistance, there were plenty of people happy to follow along and short it.

However, we have found support at the bottom of our current upward channel trend."

Edit. For some reason I can't see anymore the post in reddit. May be it was deleted. Yesterday I saw the addresses and the times of transactions. Everything matched perfect. I never use false numberes like n00b trolls here, FYI.

I clicked the link and noticed the comment was gone too and thought the whales had gotten to poor Mr. Kippy and silenced him before they started the next pump. But if you click the first "load more comments" button you see then the original post will show up. Recovery coming soon. Its a bull market ya know  Smiley

277. Post 49914529 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

The artificial dump was fun, the organic rise that is coming next will be glorious.  Cheesy

This is Bitcoin. This is a our new Bull Market. Embrace the action. Boredom will never be our fate.

278. Post 49914569 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: bitserve on February 25, 2019, 02:50:53 PM
Yesterday's dump was because of some miner who transferred 2500 BTC in Bitfinex and sold directly. He was not a trader, because a several hours earlier, he could have sold to an ask wall of 1180BTC at 4230$. This guy clearly went above the electricity expenses and decided to take his profit. May be he read the old news article:
When Chinese n00b miners read about the incoming ban (it will happen very soon indeed), I imagine how nerveous they get to sell their precious BTC's only to be able to pay the electricity and other expenses. I hope this year we will lose forever those weak hands and be able to recover in the ATH area at least. But even if these imbecile dumps hold us for another year, after the halvening we will shoot to the moon!

Can I ask where you got this info from?
Obviously where we all get our information from, rumors and straight out of our asses.

I get this info from the same source Lambie gave:

16 minutes ago
"So far, we have no reason to believe that this means that our uptrend is over. As far as we can tell, this sell off was mostly one whale market selling off 2500 coins, which you can see being transferred and then immediately spent here:

This triggered a lot of stop losses, and since we were at the top of our uptrend just below resistance, there were plenty of people happy to follow along and short it.

However, we have found support at the bottom of our current upward channel trend."

Edit. For some reason I can't see anymore the post in reddit. May be it was deleted. Yesterday I saw the addresses and the times of transactions. Everything matched perfect. I never use false numberes like n00b trolls here, FYI.

I clicked the link and noticed the comment was gone too and thought the whales had gotten to poor Mr. Kippy and silenced him before they started the next pump. But if you click the first "load more comments" button you see then the original post will show up. Recovery coming soon. Its a bull market ya know  Smiley

NO, it isn't yet.

Yes my friend, we have been in a Bull Market for 72 days and counting and all is well.  Smiley

279. Post 49916084 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

I love the smell of organic buying in the morning.  Cheesy

280. Post 49927832 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Soon a whale will panic dump USD for Bitcoin and activate the Bart.

281. Post 49934672 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Hate to say it but I think we are gonna test 3400 again soon.  Undecided Still a bull market though and new lows will not be happening imho.

Just know that when you Bears start to have your picnic and start having your dreams of 1500 and 2k, we will come in with strong hands to slay you all.  Kiss

282. Post 49935205 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on February 26, 2019, 09:15:03 PM
Hate to say it but I think we are gonna test 3400 again soon.  Undecided Still a bull market though and new lows will not be happening imho.

Just know that when you Bears start to have your picnic and start having your dreams of 1500 and 2k, we will come in with strong hands to slay you all.  Kiss

Bull mother of God, did you get a knock on the head or something?

Am I the only one thinking we will retest $4200 in the coming week?
Full retard mode ON of course. Grin

Next time you are out of hopium dude, just ask for some ffs.

Lol, thanks i need some, my dealer got arrested so I gotta get a new connect.

Puff pufff pass.  Cool

73 days in our new Bull Market and all is well Smiley

283. Post 49945690 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Google Trends breaking out.  Cool People figuring out the bottom is in.

284. Post 49950119 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on February 26, 2019, 08:39:58 PM
Hate to say it but I think we are gonna test 3400 again soon.  Undecided Still a bull market though and new lows will not be happening imho.

Just know that when you Bears start to have your picnic and start having your dreams of 1500 and 2k, we will come in with strong hands to slay you all.  Kiss

Yup this is lookin like the dump to 3400 I thought was coming. We gonna slay dem Bears and blow hopium smoke on their dead bodies after that, no new lows allowed.

Its a Bull Market ya know! Grin

285. Post 49951660 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

I guess whales dont have time or patience to Bart anymore, just straight down then straight up a few minutes later. Every trader gets bogged but hodlers always win in the end Cheesy

286. Post 49954302 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

58 points
11 hours ago
edited 11 hours ago
Without going much into detail, I'd like to share this long term view with you.

"For 8 years I'm trading the multi-year cycles in this market. More than anything else I focus on market psychology. I use TA, FA and SA only to optimize my entries and targets. In short: each cycle, each top and each floor has its own character. Each cycle builds upon an earlier cycle.

Knowing the character and knowing the development path ahead can give incredibly detailed insights into what to expect next.

Looking at how we broke down from 6k compared to earlier huge break downs lets me assume that the market participants were prepared for such an event. They even anticipated it. No one even tried catching the knife. They just let it fall.

There was only one true capitulation event in BTC history and it was back in 2011. 2013 was a short lived capitulation event triggered by a shitty and lagging exchange which exaggerated every move. 2015 capitulation was forced by Mt. Gox and other exchange hacks. What seemed a "true" capitulation to most was the best buying opportunity for insiders ever.

After loading up in late 2011. I accumulated vast amounts in the first half of 2015. Back then BTC was still small. Some thought it was dead, but seeing the infight between all the fractions in the ecosystem made it clear, that they are fighting for something very valuable!

Back to our anticipated capitulation event of late 2018. I think there is no one seriously doubting anymore that cryptos are here to stay. That means a true capitulation event is (almost) impossible to occur after it already lost 84%. The only thing that can happen is media manipulation of the masses. But people seeing institutions adopt "blockchain" at every corner aren't stupid and won't give in easily. That said there is tremendous risk for market makers and whales to push price below a certain point, because they always have to factor in re-accumulation + ideally some margin for profits to make the effort worthwhile."

287. Post 49967800 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):


2 hours ago
"It seems the battle for the steep uptrend (yellow) has been lost. Time to regroup at the blue trendline..."

zoom out:

Fits nicely w my take that we are gonna hit 3400 before the next big surge up. Buy the Bull Market Dip if it happens gents! Grin

288. Post 49975078 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: kurious on February 28, 2019, 08:38:06 AM

58 points
11 hours ago
edited 11 hours ago
Without going much into detail, I'd like to share this long term view with you.

"For 8 years I'm trading the multi-year cycles in this market. More than anything else I focus on market psychology. I use TA, FA and SA only to optimize my entries and targets. In short: each cycle, each top and each floor has its own character. Each cycle builds upon an earlier cycle.

Knowing the character and knowing the development path ahead can give incredibly detailed insights into what to expect next.

Looking at how we broke down from 6k compared to earlier huge break downs lets me assume that the market participants were prepared for such an event. They even anticipated it. No one even tried catching the knife. They just let it fall.

There was only one true capitulation event in BTC history and it was back in 2011. 2013 was a short lived capitulation event triggered by a shitty and lagging exchange which exaggerated every move. 2015 capitulation was forced by Mt. Gox and other exchange hacks. What seemed a "true" capitulation to most was the best buying opportunity for insiders ever.

After loading up in late 2011. I accumulated vast amounts in the first half of 2015. Back then BTC was still small. Some thought it was dead, but seeing the infight between all the fractions in the ecosystem made it clear, that they are fighting for something very valuable!

Back to our anticipated capitulation event of late 2018. I think there is no one seriously doubting anymore that cryptos are here to stay. That means a true capitulation event is (almost) impossible to occur after it already lost 84%. The only thing that can happen is media manipulation of the masses. But people seeing institutions adopt "blockchain" at every corner aren't stupid and won't give in easily. That said there is tremendous risk for market makers and whales to push price below a certain point, because they always have to factor in re-accumulation + ideally some margin for profits to make the effort worthwhile."

I have been pondering on how much 2015-2016 matches 2019.  I took daily data open/high/low/close and looked at the ratio of the two lows; 152 to 3122 (actually in Dec '18) which seems an obvious way to work.

Then I have tried to overlay on spreadsheets the same prices 'post the bottom', to see if there is any kind of a similar pattern.  It didn't correlate on a daily basis enough (using the ratio as a factor) for it to be valuable - as it seems to be currently running lower.  I shifted to looking at the same 'time frame', that is; correlating from mid Jan 19, rather than the December 18 low, but neither are close using the same ratio (although it is roughly the same amount 'out' if you zoom out).

The only conclusion I can make so far, is relevant to the above post.  This is that the sharp final snap down didn't happen, so it follows there was not a sharp snap back up afterwards of the same order as last time.

So far the only thing to do to get a closer match has been to to change the 'ratio' I am using in % terms.  This looks much closer in terms of matching the range of activity post bottom (on the tiny data set since).  If this stays close for a while - it will simply mean we are heading for a curve with not as high a peak from the Dec 18 bottom in % terms.

I will try to tweak this over the coming months and see if it has any value, but if anyone else better at working this out wants to try - and can factor in more sophisticated statistical analysis (standard deviation etc.) that would be good...

EDIT: for sense.

Very cool. Looking forward to hearing more about this!

289. Post 49992125 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Bull Market music Cheesy

"Everybody just crying out,
Crying out, calm down, calm down.
Have your Pumps and pride!
Ease it and happily, nicely calm down.
Have your Pumps and pride!"

Toots & The Maytals - Pump & Pride (1972)

 (still think we touch 3400 for a sec before next big pump though, buy the bull market dip)

290. Post 49994595 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 03, 2019, 12:28:40 AM
China banned 23 million people last year from buying plane/train tickets because their social credit scores were too low.

That is just the start.

Now tell me again the "benefits" of Facebook or JP Morgan coin over bitcoin.

Do they really outweigh that dystopian future?

Reminds me of that Black mirror episode were people have to give points to each others....

Is Theymos oppressing us with dystopian sMerits points?Huh  Shocked

291. Post 50009656 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

To Pump it or Dump it, that is the question...

292. Post 50010636 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 03, 2019, 01:18:50 AM
China banned 23 million people last year from buying plane/train tickets because their social credit scores were too low.

That is just the start.

Now tell me again the "benefits" of Facebook or JP Morgan coin over bitcoin.

Do they really outweigh that dystopian future?

Reminds me of that Black mirror episode were people have to give points to each others....

Is Theymos oppressing us with dystopian sMerits points?Huh  Shocked

Haha seems to be Roll Eyes

You are just a few away from a LAMB being slayed HAT??

 Haha, oppression hurts so good Cheesy

293. Post 50012033 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Garbage Dump   Undecided

294. Post 50032594 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 05, 2019, 12:22:30 AM
Second Brexit

They count the state of Washington as a "colony"? It has the word "Washington" in it.

Also I'm not sure I would count Antarctica unless we are talking about penguin colonies.
Yup, but any Brit can jump in for final confirmation.

I do remember the incident when British Embassy gave them "burning cake" or something on the 4th of July( i could be wrong here). it's possible i guess. British humor  Grin

And I don't know anything about penguin colonies.

BCH fan? Cheesy

Roach is generally NOT a fan of any of the cryptos.  

He is a pumper of PMs such as gold and silver, and set's forth a lot of the similar arguments that anti-government folks suggest in order to suggest that there is a need to invest in case the Armageddon comes.  He is also stupid-ass racist, in the nazi direction.  

Yet, who really knows or cares exactly what the fuck that he is talking about because his topics are largely tangential to the topic of this thread (but still seemingly tolerated), except perhaps one might conclude that his anti-government statements might line up with sound money aspects of bitcoin, if he were not likely paid to spout out his baloney bullshit distractions (but, for some reason, has not been around this thread too much in the past week or more.. i think he posts in streaks (maybe either related to how he is paid or when he has leave from the asylum))...    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Perhaps our Roach and his future lover Gembitz were slain as the bear market morphed into a new Baby Bull Market.  Wink

295. Post 50032824 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

Quote from: d_eddie on March 05, 2019, 04:10:36 PM
I thought most of these companies shut down debit card operations after being dumped by Visa. Last I heard, they were looking for alternatives or mumbling about building one. Are they with Mastercard now, or is there a new actor?

I can confirm shift(coinbase shift) is shutting down soon. I have had one for years and it was a great emergency debit card but last month i got an email from shift saying they were shutting down Bitcoin cards in 55 days(no explanation). Can anyone recommend the best Bitcoin debit card for the US. I believe xapo is not allowed in the US and havent looked into the other cards on this list.

296. Post 50038486 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.34h):

rePAN6517 68 points 9 hours ago
"I don't post a whole lot and I think TA has minimal value, but I see something playing out that to me is incredibly obvious. I'm just one person but I have been wildly successful at trading crypto for 6 years now. Take this for what you will...

I see LTC leading the charge because its halving is only 5 months out. It's obvious. The hype is there and it'll probably continue to outperform BTC until at least the halving. It's pulling BTC along and BTC is only begrudgingly going along with it. That's because BTC is so much bigger and hard to push. But the fundamental driver behind it is clear as day. Halvings are a fundamental economic shifts. I can't stress that enough. ETH just got one too, but it hasn't quite followed the typical pre-halving hype cycle because its reward reduction never had a clear date until basically the last minute and the reward reduction wasn't as big as a normal halving. ETH however will feel the impact over the next 6 months though as the effects start to be felt in the market. Expect ETH to also outperform BTC over the next 6 months.

But once the effects of LTC's halving and ETH's reward reduction start fading later this year, the attention will shift to the 800lb gorilla in the room - BTC. BTC will undoubtedly enter into its halving hype cycle and it will pull alts further up along with it. BTC's halving will be the core event of the next bull-run. Long term bears who are going short in front of halving events are out of their goddamn minds and not seeing the big picture."

297. Post 50039369 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

80 days into our new Bull Market, and all is well.  Grin

Eat drink and be merry.

For tomorrow we Pump.

298. Post 50049198 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

81 days into our new Bull Market and all is well Smiley

Converted 2 more nocoiners into coiners over the weekend. Ive been converting for 5 years now and it is just getting easier and easier, I have never witnessed people so aware of the rising US Dollar cost of everything they want and need in life.

One big thing I have noticed is that while people understand Bitcoin more and more each year, almost no one I have ever converted understood how new dollars were created. This has not changed one bit in 5 years in my experiences. Most still to this day think the bank is lending them grandmas checking deposit out for their credit card loan.

The greatest trick the bankers ever pulled was obfuscating money printing.

No worries, we will free all the worthy nocoiners from the shackles of money printing. Cool

299. Post 50053688 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):


300. Post 50053859 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Its hopeless to resist Bears. You cant sell as fast as Jack Dorsey is buying.

301. Post 50054328 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 05, 2019, 06:56:08 PM
[edited out]

Perhaps our Roach and his future lover Gembitz were slain as the bear market morphed into a new Baby Bull Market.  Wink

I am not going to go so far as to say that there is no such thing as a "baby bull market" but surely we are not in such a market yet.

The evidence seems pretty strong that we are currently in a bear market... however, subsequently, if the current bottom of $3,122 is not breached, and better yet $3,700 is NOT breached then there could be some later BTC price behavior that causes us to subsequently describe this period as the beginning of a bull market (aka baby bull)... but we are very far from such a defined state, and it remains about a 52% to 48% proposition that the bottom is NOT in.

The market has been bullish for 82 days since the low of 3122. For Bears to claim continuation of a bear market they will have to break this low. The burden of proof is on them. Its a Baby Bull Market until then. Bears never broke the Jan 15 low in 2015 and the rest of 2015 was a bull market. We are in the same pattern until proven otherwise.

Its a Bull Market ya know.

302. Post 50054856 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2019, 05:58:46 AM
[edited out]

Perhaps our Roach and his future lover Gembitz were slain as the bear market morphed into a new Baby Bull Market.  Wink

I am not going to go so far as to say that there is no such thing as a "baby bull market" but surely we are not in such a market yet.

The evidence seems pretty strong that we are currently in a bear market... however, subsequently, if the current bottom of $3,122 is not breached, and better yet $3,700 is NOT breached then there could be some later BTC price behavior that causes us to subsequently describe this period as the beginning of a bull market (aka baby bull)... but we are very far from such a defined state, and it remains about a 52% to 48% proposition that the bottom is NOT in.

The market has been bullish for 82 days since the low of 3122. For Bears to claim continuation of a bear market they will have to break this low. The burden of proof is on them.

Diptwat nonsense.  

We can argue about whether the probabilities are 52% that the bottom will be tested (as I might suggest) or perhaps you can provide a lower probability, such as 20% or 10%, whatever is your level of confidence that the "bottom is in.'

Its a Baby Bull Market until then.

Diptwat nonsense

Bears never broke the Jan 15 low in 2015 and the rest of 2015 was a bull market.

 The whole of 2015 was a flat and depressing period for a lot of BTC HODLers with fear that the January 15 low of $152 would have been tested again.  

 but the bull market did not really begin until about late October 2015, and such bullmarket was not really confidently confirmed until minimally in the middle of 2016, and some people did not even have sufficient confidence of such bullmarket until early 2017 when we got over the scare back down to $890-ish.  Subsequently, it is pretty clear; however, that such bullmarket really began in October 2015, even though it was not confirmed at the time (diptwat nonsense, old twat needs to go to bed Wink).

We are in the same pattern until proven otherwise.

no we are not.

Its a Bull Market ya know.

The only bull market is your spreading of bullshit and false hope truth.  I don't know your purpose(bc im a cranky tardtwat), but you are truly disingenuos awesome with your attempt to impose bullshit and unreal pie in the sky definitions Bullish Truth.. \

after Jan 2015 we were in a bull market and finished the year much higher. If it was depressing for you its bc you lacked conviction of the future glory of Bitcoin and perhaps you were depressed bc living life as an abrasive asshole of a cunt probably would depress anyone, even a google chatbot. Cheesy

Your problem Ballerina Bot-twat is that you attack fellow Bitcoiners who werent attacking you bc you are living in a miserable state of stress and anxiety for reasons Im sure you are aware of. Maybe you have pissed off friends and family in real life with your nasty attitude and dont know how to react to others in a civil manner. Maybe you have some age related ailments causing you pain and suffering and its making you cranky and salty. Maybe some Ballerina Man touched you when you were a child and you never got over it, I dont know, but something is off with you. Your lashing out proves it over and over. Ive tried multiple times to be respectful towards you bc you are a dedicated Bitcoiner which I try to appreciate, but your salty cunt outbursts wont get you on my ignore list, I prefer dealing with you directly. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

As for the new Bull Market, its been 82 days and we are up significantly from the lows with the halving approaching. For it to be a bear market we have to make new lows at some point. Until this happens the burden of proof is on the Bears to prove we are in a Bear Market. If they dont bring us to new lows pretty soon they are fucked imho. Not enough coins and too much fiat.

Its a Bull Market ya know Wink

303. Post 50055829 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2019, 07:24:46 AM
[edited out]

Perhaps our Roach and his future lover Gembitz were slain as the bear market morphed into a new Baby Bull Market.  Wink

I am not going to go so far as to say that there is no such thing as a "baby bull market" but surely we are not in such a market yet.

The evidence seems pretty strong that we are currently in a bear market... however, subsequently, if the current bottom of $3,122 is not breached, and better yet $3,700 is NOT breached then there could be some later BTC price behavior that causes us to subsequently describe this period as the beginning of a bull market (aka baby bull)... but we are very far from such a defined state, and it remains about a 52% to 48% proposition that the bottom is NOT in.

The market has been bullish for 82 days since the low of 3122. For Bears to claim continuation of a bear market they will have to break this low. The burden of proof is on them.

Diptwat nonsense.  

We can argue about whether the probabilities are 52% that the bottom will be tested (as I might suggest) or perhaps you can provide a lower probability, such as 20% or 10%, whatever is your level of confidence that the "bottom is in.'

Its a Baby Bull Market until then.

Diptwat nonsense

Bears never broke the Jan 15 low in 2015 and the rest of 2015 was a bull market.

 The whole of 2015 was a flat and depressing period for a lot of BTC HODLers with fear that the January 15 low of $152 would have been tested again.  

  (diptwat nonsense, old twat needs to go to bed Wink).

We are in the same pattern until proven otherwise.


Its a Bull Market ya know.

The only bull market is your spreading of bullshit and false hope truth.  I don't know your purpose(bc im a cranky tardtwat), but you are truly disingenuos awesome with your attempt to impose bullshit and unreal pie in the sky definitions Bullish Truth.. \

after Jan 2015 we were in a bull market and finished the year much higher. If it was depressing for you its bc you lacked conviction of the future glory of Bitcoin

Did I say that this was about how I felt?   I am responding largely to your attempt to reframe history with rose colored glasses, merely because after the fact we know what happened, even though while it was happening, we did not know, and there was very little confidence in the space.

By the way, if you know anything about me, you should not even be attempting to conclude that I was lacking bitcoin conviction in 2015, and my historical posts in this thread likely show a whole hell of a lot more conviction than what your posts from back then show, at least in terms of what I did with my portfolio was continue to buy during that period.  What were you doing then?

and perhaps you were depressed bc living life as an abrasive asshole of a cunt probably would depress anyone, even a google chatbot. Cheesy

1st you are repeating your assertion that I was supposedly depressed in some kind of a way beyond anyone else, and like I already said, my assessment of the market situation during that time was not about me, but about what was going on at that time in terms of price movement, that you mischaracterize in false and misleading framework.

Your problem Ballerina Bot-twat

misplaced concreteness... What does my avatar got to do with anything?    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

is that you attack fellow Bitcoiners

I am attacking your opinions.  As you may realize, I stay salty.

who werent attacking you

Again.. think about ideas, rather than taking matters personally.  I am largely attacking your nonsense approach and attempt to impose baloney pie in the sky definitions....   Actually, didn't you say that you were done here, at one point, after you had supposedly accomplished some slaying, you were going to leave.. but no, we are not so lucky to have you leave.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

bc you are living in a miserable state of stress and anxiety for reasons Im sure you are aware of.

Fuck, everyone can see Im miserable and post endless words for therapy.

Maybe you have pissed off friends and family in real life with your nasty attitude and dont know how to react to others in a civil manner.

Yes, I did comment recently about being stressed from being around family. Good point sir.

Maybe you have some age related ailments causing you pain and suffering and its making you cranky and salty.

yes, my back hurts a lot

Maybe some Ballerina Man touched you when you were a child and you never got over it, I dont know,

Yes, you are getting to the important part, bolded above.  You don't know, but I would never admit it anyway.

but something is off with you.

In this context, the main thing off with me, is lashing countless W. observers over the last five years, no matter how civil they were to me.

Your lashing out proves it over and over.

Yes, you caught me having a salty cunt episode, sorry bro, Ill work on being a better person.  You are the one who posted the provocative truthspie in the sky claims about the supposed current state of bitcoin.  I just responded to that with insults which was a twattish thing to do, I will try and be better I swear, its not too late to work on improving my mental state, I dont want to end up like Roach.  You are the one who wants to attempt to convert this into some kind of personal matter correct for calling me out.

Ive tried multiple times to be respectful towards you bc you are a dedicated Bitcoiner which I try to appreciate, but your salty cunt outbursts wont get you on my ignore list, I prefer dealing with you directly. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

O.k.  No problem with that.. if you can try to address the substance, then that would be great.. Also, if you moderate your imposing and presumptuous assertions about he BTC price direction, that would be great, too.. My cunt gets a salty feeling when your view of market conditions doesnt fit mine exactly. You see I have written more words than than any poster on and for this I feel I am entitled to be pissy when someone is more Bullish than me.

As for the new Bull Market, its been 82 days and we are up significantly from the lows with the halving approaching.

Great an attempt at substance.  Yes. I can agree with you that there has been approximately 82 days since the low of this correction cycle and I can agree with you that the halvening is coming up in nearly 15 months.  So those are both bullish matters, yet I don't see why you feel some kind of compelling need to jump to a "bull market" or a "baby bull market" label based on those?

For it to be a bear market we have to make new lows at some point. Until this happens the burden of proof is on the Bears to prove we are in a Bear Market.

Yes, you are repeating your nonsense here.  The bear market likely came in about mid-November 2018 when the BTC price dropped from $6k to $3k and did not quickly rebound... If we could have snapped out of that quickly and back to $6k then we would have likely not have gone into a bear market, but instead we did... sucks, but for now, we are in a bear market until breaking above certain price points.  I had described them before, but anyhow, you are the one who has the burden, if anyone.... and it get's worse when you are attempting to make your illogical assertion of a wishful thinking bull market with little to no context.  blah blah

Of course, I will be more than happy if you are correct about the "bottom being in", but I am not going to get my hopes up merely because you keep repeating non-substantiated and unconvincing conclusory statements about the bright and rosey status of our current BTC price inclination situation.

If they dont bring us to new lows pretty soon they are fucked imho. Not enough coins and too much fiat.

Actually, I agree with you about this part.  Maybe it is the one sentence of your whole post that kind of makes a tiny, itsy bitsy amount of sense.  

I personally believe that bears are going to push the BTC price down and keep the BTC price down for as long and as low as they can and at a certain point they are likely going to run out of coins.  Part of the problem is that we cannot really know how much coins they have and how determined they are.  Surely, there can be problems with the ability of some corrupt players to print as much money as they need in order to engage in this activity at a loss, but even historically, we have seen that sometimes, they just cannot get the price to go down anymore and the least resistance ends up being UP rather than DOWN.  Still, a problem is NOT really, knowing for how long and how low they can get it and what tools they may be using to get coins perhaps OTC and then transferring to exchanges to dump.. yet sometimes, they run out of coins... but when ?  when?  a million dollar question.

Its a Bull Market ya know Wink

All I know is that you keep repeating this false claim and untruth, which makes you look either like a naive person or like a troll or shill of some sort. Sorry I lashed out bc every time I think you dont completely agree with me my cunt gets that same old salty itch.

Well said sir. Glad we are seeing eye to eye on everything now. While I make fun of your wordiness, I do admire your dedication to the Bitcoin cause, its impressive. I feel its the most important cause of our lifetimes. You have your opinions and I have mine. No sense in long time and long term Bulls worrying too much if their opinions dont line up exactly. I look forward to civil discourse w you or eye for eye tooth for tooth. The choice is yours, I always come in peace unless you are a bear troll.

To answer your question, I have had over 90 percent of my net worth in Bitcoin since 2014. I have added more coins each year. I never lost conviction when it lost most of its value. I have zero other investments. I sold all forks as soon as possible. I have never stopped working even though I could easily have sold it all and retired decades ahead of time. I truly enjoy what I do for a living and it pays well. You have shown dedication, but as for investing conviction, I dont think you are anywhere close to me, Im basically all in, all the time. If it goes to zero I will have no regrets.


1. The bottom is in.

2. 83 days now into the new Bull Market and all is well. Cheesy

Fight Me. Wink

304. Post 50056091 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2019, 08:27:19 AM
[edited out]

Well said sir. Glad we are seeing eye to eye on everything now.

I am not going to spend any amount of time to read any of your various changes (strikethrough, bold or whatever your intrusions) to my earlier post because that style of communication is confusing at best and more likely just childishly leading to no where beyond a kind of spinning of wheels and ongoing evasion of substance - which seems to be your MO and coincidentally, the MO of many trolls.... What a coincidence!!!!

While I make fun of your wordiness, I do admire your dedication to the Bitcoin cause, its impressive.

I don't mind being admired.  It does happen, once in a [great] while.  hahahahaha

I feel its the most important cause of our lifetimes. You have your opinions and I have mine.
No.  It is not that big of a deal.  People share opinions and they sometimes differ in opinions.

No sense in long time and long term Bulls worrying too much if their opinions dont line up exactly.
Well, if that were actually true, then hopefully we will be able to experience some better exchanges of ideas.. We will see.

I look forward to civil discourse w you or eye for eye tooth for tooth.  The choice is yours, I always come in peace unless you are a bear troll.

Sounds like an olive branch.. but I suppose time will tell.


1. The bottom is in.

I hope so.

2. 83 days now into the new Bull Market and all is well. Cheesy

Way too premature to call, of course.

Fight Me. Wink
Already did.  Been there; done that.

Sir its an olive tree. I will consider you my Bull fren unless I read an insult from you in the future. Then and only then we shall fight.  Cheesy
I have zero issue with you not agreeing me and letting me know in a civil manner. Oh and I did answer your question in my last comment in an edit.

305. Post 50064526 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2019, 08:44:40 AM
[edited out]

Sir its an olive tree. I will consider you my Bull fren unless I read an insult from you in the future. Then and only then we shall fight.  Cheesy

Makes me want to insult you, just for spite.

I have zero issue with you not agreeing me and letting me know in a civil manner. Oh and I did answer your question in my last comment in an edit.

Like I already said, I am not going to spend any time reading through edits like the non-conventional and confusing way that you presented those earlier ones.  That's what trolls do.  They create make-shift work for honest and regular people, and in the process attempt to confuse matters when they are not engaging in distracting and gratuitous personal attacks.  

In other words, even though I am tentatively inclined to believe that you are a troll, I am willing to test drive this riding lawn mower tractor for a wee bit longer...  hopefully it won't beak down and just for shits and giggles.  

Your welcome to insult me out of spite whenever you like, but of course you know the consequences will be severe. I prefer being a friend to all Bitcoin Bulls. Everyone engages in trolling on the Internet, including you, this shouldn't be a revelation.

Its surprising you dont have time to read my posts. Im not naturally inclined to believe you, I didnt think time management was a strong suit of yours Wink But since we are Bull Marketfriends now I will take your word for it. Grin

306. Post 50064556 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: on March 07, 2019, 07:48:10 AM
[edited out]

Perhaps our Roach and his future lover Gembitz were slain as the bear market morphed into a new Baby Bull Market.  Wink

I am not going to go so far as to say that there is no such thing as a "baby bull market" but surely we are not in such a market yet.

The evidence seems pretty strong that we are currently in a bear market... however, subsequently, if the current bottom of $3,122 is not breached, and better yet $3,700 is NOT breached then there could be some later BTC price behavior that causes us to subsequently describe this period as the beginning of a bull market (aka baby bull)... but we are very far from such a defined state, and it remains about a 52% to 48% proposition that the bottom is NOT in.

The market has been bullish for 82 days since the low of 3122. For Bears to claim continuation of a bear market they will have to break this low. The burden of proof is on them. Its a Baby Bull Market until then. Bears never broke the Jan 15 low in 2015 and the rest of 2015 was a bull market. We are in the same pattern until proven otherwise.

Its a Bull Market ya know.

Seems to me Lambie Slayer is a nice person. Would like to meet him @ the 100k party next year.  Cool

Very much looking forward to meeting you sir. 100k will be a beautiful day Grin

307. Post 50064781 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on March 07, 2019, 08:38:35 PM
When POMP Hairy?

$6k by December 2019

$10k by mid 2020

New ATH at start 2021


I fully support the sexiness and correctness of this Bull Market timeline.

308. Post 50067707 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2019, 02:56:12 AM
[edited out]

Perhaps our Roach and his future lover Gembitz were slain as the bear market morphed into a new Baby Bull Market.  Wink

I am not going to go so far as to say that there is no such thing as a "baby bull market" but surely we are not in such a market yet.

The evidence seems pretty strong that we are currently in a bear market... however, subsequently, if the current bottom of $3,122 is not breached, and better yet $3,700 is NOT breached then there could be some later BTC price behavior that causes us to subsequently describe this period as the beginning of a bull market (aka baby bull)... but we are very far from such a defined state, and it remains about a 52% to 48% proposition that the bottom is NOT in.

The market has been bullish for 82 days since the low of 3122. For Bears to claim continuation of a bear market they will have to break this low. The burden of proof is on them. Its a Baby Bull Market until then. Bears never broke the Jan 15 low in 2015 and the rest of 2015 was a bull market. We are in the same pattern until proven otherwise.

Its a Bull Market ya know.

Seems to me Lambie Slayer is a nice person. Would like to meet him @ the 100k party next year.  Cool

Very much looking forward to meeting you sir. 100k will be a beautiful day Grin

Even "roach wannabes" can have some humor in them.   Cheesy Go figure.  Wink

When 100k comes Im guessing Rebal15 will be holding .05 BTC and thinking he did well over the years. Grin

The new Bull Market will only truly reward true believers. Debbie downers and doubters will have the scraps if they are lucky. A fool and his coin are soon parted.

309. Post 50067860 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2019, 04:20:24 AM
[ edited out]

When 100k comes Im guessing Rebal15 will be holding .05 BTC and thinking he did well over the years. Grin

The new Bull Market will only truly reward true believers. Debbie downers and doubters will have the scraps if they are lucky. A fool and his coin are soon parted.

Fair enough.  Some of those troll/shill/bitcoin naysayers will either come around to bitcoin earlier or they are stacking satoshis on the side, but you are correct that a more sound strategy would be to stack satoshis and discontinue with the bitcoin bashing... so buy the time $100k comes (assuming it does), they will at least be in the more than 1 BTC club, and better yet if they could stack enough to either get into the double digit BTC club or the 21 club.

Agreed. Sadly I doubt Rebal15 will last long in this game. I think his first post was something about if it goes down anymore he will sell everything Roll Eyes

He has been called a Roach alt, but Im gonna give Roach a lot more credit than that.

Rebal15 if im wrong and you gain some conviction and act diligently to stack more coin, then kudos to you. Its still very early and 100k is inevitable.

310. Post 50067877 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

This little Bull calf gets stronger each day. Cheesy

311. Post 50070235 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2019, 07:50:40 AM
I'm currently thinking three scenarios that would get us out of my own personal consideration of this current bear market and into a conceptual bull market.

1) BTC price rises above $6k and stays there for at least two months

2) BTC price rises above $4.5k and stays there for at least six months

3) BTC price does not break below $3,320 for at least one year

Anyone going to label my tentative "getting out of a bear market and into a bull market" conditions ridiculous?

Okay with 1 and 2 and not for #3.
These scenarios can possibly happen, this market is never easy to predict as it's full of surprises.
But my prediction is at least $6k this year because from that price, we dropped to the current price.

It is not a prediction.  It is a description of various possible scenarios.  

Accordingly, those are conditions in which I am planning to convert my assessment of the current BTC market dynamics from current status of bear to bull.

Here is my opinion on this matter. All three scenarios would give one a very high probability of being correct in declaring a Bull Market. The nuance here that is important is that the Bull Market would not start on the day one of these conditions was met, it would still have begun on December 15, 2018. Bear Markets have a way of beating a lot of bulls down and making them set a very high bar for what it would take for them to consider the market to have flipped back to bull.

I was very dedicated to accumulating stocks and index fund investments for years before Bitcoin came along and saved me. Bear and bull markets traditionally are measured by 20 percent moves, but this would be ridiculous in Bitcoin because by that metric we would have had countless bear and bull markets in the last ten years. This forces us to arbitrarily pick what constitutes a Bull or Bear market. We are the pioneers laying down what future generations of coiners will consider traditional.

I do think it is important to distinguish the difference between a circumstance giving one confidence that we are in a Bull Market, vs that circumstance marking the beginning of said Bull Market. You might say that for a sports team that has languished through terrible seasons to have turned itself around and have a good season that the team would need to meet a goal like making the playoffs, or having a winning record 3 quarters into the season, etc.

However if the team gets to the playoffs and you say, well there you go, that team that used to be trash is having a good season, you would be correct. It would also be correct to point out that the good season started in the first play of the first regular season game and the former trash team was having a good season all along, many just didnt believe in them till they made the playoffs.

A few hardcore fans would have been going to pre-season games and cheering on their beloved team from the beginning. Bitcoin has had a shit season, no doubt. I believe that Bitcoin will make the playoffs, win the Super Bowl, win the World Series, win the Stanley Cup, win the Masters, win the World Cup, unify the boxing heavyweight titles, and win the UFC heavyweight championship. I realize many wont believe until they see more results, but I say.................

83 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well Cheesy

312. Post 50070467 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 08, 2019, 09:27:14 AM
via Imgflip Meme Generator

I don’t know exactly what it is, but surely there is place for r0ach as well......

Lmao, we need a translation of that sign.

Once Roach sees this video he will wish he had gone to a certain high school in Alabama where he could have really fit in.

313. Post 50079235 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2019, 04:07:45 PM
I'm currently thinking three scenarios that would get us out of my own personal consideration of this current bear market and into a conceptual bull market.

1) BTC price rises above $6k and stays there for at least two months

2) BTC price rises above $4.5k and stays there for at least six months

3) BTC price does not break below $3,320 for at least one year

Anyone going to label my tentative "getting out of a bear market and into a bull market" conditions ridiculous?

Okay with 1 and 2 and not for #3.
These scenarios can possibly happen, this market is never easy to predict as it's full of surprises.
But my prediction is at least $6k this year because from that price, we dropped to the current price.

It is not a prediction.  It is a description of various possible scenarios.  

Accordingly, those are conditions in which I am planning to convert my assessment of the current BTC market dynamics from current status of bear to bull.

Here is my opinion on this matter. All three scenarios would give one a very high probability of being correct in declaring a Bull Market. The nuance here that is important is that the Bull Market would not start on the day one of these conditions was met, it would still have begun on December 15, 2018. Bear Markets have a way of beating a lot of bulls down and making them set a very high bar for what it would take for them to consider the market to have flipped back to bull.

We might be close to agreement in part of this here statement, but let me explain a bit. 

This is not about whether anyone is getting "beaten down" or losing spirits, so we do not cheerlead in order to attempt to change the truth or the reality that we are in, but a significant difference in how a market is labelled would cause different outcomes in the assignment of probabilities for BTC price direction.

For example, in a bear market the probability for down might be 52/48  however in a bull market that probability for down might shift to 48/52.  It's an attempt at an objective assignment about probabilities NOT about how any one feels in particular.  Feelings don't matter very much when assigning probabilities, and they also might get in the way of reality to attempt to take them into account in terms of how you judge the market or how you might want others to feel about the BTC price or market situation.

I was very dedicated to accumulating stocks and index fund investments for years before Bitcoin came along and saved me. Bear and bull markets traditionally are measured by 20 percent moves, but this would be ridiculous in Bitcoin because by that metric we would have had countless bear and bull markets in the last ten years.

Agreed.  We are not going to use some of the traditional market measures here both because bitcoin is not anywhere near a mature market, and bitcoin is very likely in an scurve exponential adoption curve that overall skews its whole price performance dynamics more in terms of UP and explosive up, even though sometimes in the short term the explosive up dynamics and possibilities can get lost in the mix.

This forces us to arbitrarily pick what constitutes a Bull or Bear market.

It may feel arbitrary, and that is why I attempted to set forth some dynamics in which I would be ready and willing to change the label that I assign.

We are the pioneers laying down what future generations of coiners will consider traditional.

I don't know about that.  There may be some truth that there is no other asset class exactly like BTC previously or in the future, but once BTC matures, its market dynamics are likely going to change as well to those dynamics of a more mature market where traditional tools might become more applicable to it, perhaps?

I do think it is important to distinguish the difference between a circumstance giving one confidence that we are in a Bull Market, vs that circumstance marking the beginning of said Bull Market.

Even if subsequently, it is decided that the bullmarket started, as you said in December 2018, it does not change the current dynamic that we are not yet in such bullmarket in terms of current reasonable and prudent assignment of short term BTC price dynamic possibilities.  Currently, those market dynamics remain in favor of down, which is thus a bear market, so calling it otherwise is erroneous at least and perhaps deceptive.

You might say that for a sports team that has languished through terrible seasons to have turned itself around and have a good season that the team would need to meet a goal like making the playoffs, or having a winning record 3 quarters into the season, etc.

Could be a fair analogy.

However if the team gets to the playoffs and you say, well there you go, that team that used to be trash is having a good season, you would be correct. It would also be correct to point out that the good season started in the first play of the first regular season game and the former trash team was having a good season all along, many just didnt believe in them till they made the playoffs.

fair enough.. but who cares?  The odds were against such trashy team until a certain momentum point.

A few hardcore fans would have been going to pre-season games and cheering on their beloved team from the beginning.

Again, you can cheer all you want, but it does not change dynamics.  The outcome is not inevitable, and even though the outcome ends up becoming 100%, once it happens, it does not change the dynamics that the outcome might have been 48% two months earlier. or even two days before when the unlikely outcome ended up actually happening against the odds.

It is stupid and irresponsible to call any outcome as 100%, especially when in the future.

Bitcoin has had a shit season, no doubt. I believe that Bitcoin will make the playoffs, win the Super Bowl, win the World Series, win the Stanley Cup, win the Masters, win the World Cup, unify the boxing heavyweight titles, and win the UFC heavyweight championship. I realize many wont believe until they see more results, but I say.................

83 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well Cheesy

You can believe all you want, that does not change where we are at, currently, which is in a bear market with 48/52 or whatever odds in favor/against short term up or phrased another way the bottom NOT actually being "in"..

Nobody ever said 100 percent. Nothing is 100 percent, this is just obvious. You say its stupid to call an outcome 100 percent, well I agree with this, never claimed 100 percent accuracy, and will point out this is no revelation.  

You have your opinions on probabilities that we are in a Bear Market, I have my opinions on probabilities that we are in a Bull Market and the bottom is in. Neither one of us can prove it, only time will do that.  Parading your opinion that market conditions favor down as fact would be deceptive. This is an observation, not an accusation. Admitting its just what you think and anything is possible is fair and honest. Its just your best guess. We are all guessing when it comes to predicting the future. I figured this was a given, but I dont mind pointing it out if its not. Nobody expects every post to have a boilerplate disclaimer paragraph at the bottom of each post explaining how its possible that their predictions might not be 100 percent correct.

Anyway, thanks for the civil response.  Smiley

I still firmly believe we are 83 days into a Bull Market. This is my current view and only a break to new lows or some major fundamental change will change my opinion.  Grin

314. Post 50079443 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2019, 09:31:25 PM
I'm currently thinking three scenarios that would get us out of my own personal consideration of this current bear market and into a conceptual bull market.

1) BTC price rises above $6k and stays there for at least two months

2) BTC price rises above $4.5k and stays there for at least six months

3) BTC price does not break below $3,320 for at least one year

Anyone going to label my tentative "getting out of a bear market and into a bull market" conditions ridiculous?

Given the upward slope of every long term support/trend line, $3,320 in 11 months would put is in bad shape, as I believe it would violate pretty much all long term bull lines.


I guess my thinking is not straight on the topic then.  My idea of minimum standards and anti-fragility might be pie in the sky?  Perhaps?  because I do not consider bitcoin to be dead under those kinds of extreme flat conditions... though if it really does happen, then I might reconsider if I believe that, then, it is time to convert from thinking of the BTC price situation as a bull market and having had transformed out of our current ongoing bear market (until otherwise*) status.'

(*o.k.  Lambie, I am stealing some of your descriptive choices and reframing such descriptions in my own way of thinking about the matter.. you probably stole that phraseology first, so I am not too worried about it.   Tongue Tongue)

Steal away my friend Cheesy Only so many words in the English language, we all have to steal something!

315. Post 50079527 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: machasm on March 08, 2019, 11:15:21 PM
I bought a little on this small dip.

Me too, Stack Satoshis Saturday is here. Grin Bull Market dips were made to be bought.

316. Post 50080182 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 08, 2019, 11:51:56 PM
[ edited out]

Nobody ever said 100 percent. Nothing is 100 percent, this is just obvious. You say its stupid to call an outcome 100 percent, well I agree with this, never claimed 100 percent accuracy, and will point out this is no revelation.  

Words have meaning.  So sometimes your words will add up to too high of a level of certainty, so even if the implied meaning is less than 100%, the words are still committing too much to describing the future with too high degrees of certainty.

You have your opinions on probabilities that we are in a Bear Market, I have my opinions on probabilities that we are in a Bull Market and the bottom is in.

No problem.  I never suggested that people have to agree here, but if you start saying ridiculous things, that can cause responses from peeps like me.

Neither one of us can prove it, only time will do that.  

There is no need to prove a prediction.  Anyone can make predictions; however, if you express predictions as anywhere near certainty, even if you are not using terms such as "100%" blah blah blah, if you are stating matters in way too certain ways, then you are likely to get disagreement responses.. or just people telling you to shut up with your seeming sorcery nonsense.

Parading your opinion that market conditions favor down as fact would be deceptive.

I am not sure whether what I am saying is as severe as you seem to be trying to make it out to be.  Currently, all I am saying on a personal and more specific level is that the odds for down are 52% and the odds for up are 48%.  There is nothing outrageous about that because what I am saying is only slightly in favor of down, so the difference between the odds for up and down are not even very different from one another.. only just slightly in favor of down.

This is an observation, not an accusation.

Hey, until we broke below $6k, I was frequently attacking various posters for "prematurely" saying that we were in a bear market.. but once we broke below $6k, such description seemed to have become more accurate... or at least fair.

By the way, I would not get on your case as much if you were asserting that we are in a bull market since 2009, but instead you are trying to frame your stupid ass position from 83 days.. which is ridiculous, especially since the peak of the price was more than a year ago, and you are merely trying to select the last 83 days from that in order to make your claim.   So to give you a hint, I would likely not be so combative against your position if you were at least picking a point before December 2017 as your starting point, and you would have to go back to September 2017 or earlier for that and for your claim to a bull market makes reasonable sense in terms of both facts and logic.

As your claim stands now 83 or even 84 days makes no sense because it is a mere selective presentation.

Admitting its just what you think and anything is possible is fair and honest. Its just your best guess.

Are you trying to throw out all logic?  It's like when people are comparing politicians and varying levels of corruption. Sometimes at a certain point they just throw up their hands and assert that all politics are corrupt, even though there are degrees of corruption.

We are all guessing when it comes to predicting the future.

I don't think so.  You might be admitting to guessing.  I am not admitting to that.  I am attempting to assign probabilities to various outcomes.  Yes, I might end up being wrong, but I am not guessing.

I figured this was a given, but I dont mind pointing it out if its not.

Maybe that is part of the flaw in your presentation, if you try to assume too much about community expectations and what is presumed to be our logical or factual starting point(s)?

Nobody expects every post to have a boilerplate disclaimer paragraph at the bottom of each post explaining how its possible that their predictions might not be 100 percent correct.

I agree.  You don't have to do that.  Each of us have different ways of expressing our ideas, and also I understand in real world parlance there is a tendency to speak in absolutes.  However, if we are dealing with differing opinions shared on the interwebs, there might be ways that are more effective and less effective in terms of avoiding combative responses, if you are trying to avoid combative responses.  No matter what there is going to be some negative feedback, too.  That comes with the territory of active participation in a vast majority of public threads.

Anyway, thanks for the civil response.  Smiley

So far so good.  I only called you names a few times, and so far, you have only called me names a few times, so maybe we are mostly staying on-topic?

I still firmly believe we are 83 days into a Bull Market. This is my current view and only a break to new lows or some major fundamental change will change my opinion.  Grin

Now that you went through your whole litany of responses, what is your reason for your belief that we are in a bull market?  When did your belief trigger?  On December 16, as soon as the onslaught was over?  You have been making the assertion for a while, so at what point did it start?  How do you define reversal? What points triggered "reversal"?  Merely your belief and guess?

I missed the name calling on both sides. Glad we agree on the boilerplate part. As far as labeling our probabilities of future outcomes as guesses, I stand by that. The scientific method is based on hypotheses which are educated guesses based on prior knowledge and observation. Im not implying your guesses are random dart throws, but the implication is we make our best guesses, based on prior knowledge and observation. If you arent guessing, then you would be 100 percent certain. Basically you might not prefer my word choice(no worries), but it is accurate based on widely accepted definitions.

As for answering your last questions. These are good questions and while I do enjoy sharing my hypothesis that the bottom is in and the bull market is upon us, I at this time am not willing to share all of the inner workings and procedures that led to this decision, so I will have to respectfully decline those questions. Some of my knowledge and procedures I consider to be "proprietary" for lack of a better word. Im not selling anything to anyone, but it is the fruit of my labor from 16 years of investing and trading so I will keep the sauce recipe to myself. I will be serving that sauce though on Bear Meat to anyone who would like a sample Grin

317. Post 50080657 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

"So it was, with dishonest intentions, that he burgled a rare coin collection with no clue what it was that he’d taken.  To his soft and greedy mind all he saw was a hoard of coins with a face value of One Dollar.  Thus, he redeemed them for cash.  Zero Hedge offers the details:

“After stealing a rare coin collection from an elderly and disabled retiree, Shane Anthony Mele, dumped what their owner said was at least $33,000 worth of collectible coins down a Coin Star machine at a Florida supermarket and collected their face value, receiving about $30 – enough for a couple of 12 packs.”"

I hope he at least got 30 dollars worth of Bitcoin.  Roll Eyes

318. Post 50080714 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Bcash boys dumps are getting smaller and smaller. Soon we smash through 4k.

Its a Bull Market ya know Cheesy

319. Post 50082168 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

84 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cheesy Each day he gets a little stronger.

320. Post 50086163 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Something Pumpeth this way comes.

321. Post 50087371 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 09, 2019, 03:56:33 AM
[ edited out]

I missed the name calling on both sides. Glad we agree on the boilerplate part. As far as labeling our probabilities of future outcomes as guesses, I stand by that.

Maybe now, we are meandering into the extent to which guesses are involved in this whole matter, or how to categorize what is a guess?

In the past few hours, I have been attempting to reflect a bit on what point you have been attempting to make with your seeming ongoing desire and persistence to label what is going on as a "bull market" or a "baby bull market," and your earlier "baby bull market" kind of gives away what you are attempting to achieve.

Largely you are trying to argue that you are pretty convinced that for whatever reason you believe that the bottom is in, and this price downtrend is reversed.  You are trying to emphasize your point by labelling the matter as a baby bull market.  Some of the rest of the matters that you are throwing in are not as central to those kinds of main points that you are trying to make with your labelling our current status as a "bull market" or "baby bull market."  And, you are largely both attempting to be predictive with your implication that the "bottom is in", and you may end up being right, but you also seem to be attempting to provide a kind of spin doctor reality to the matter by suggesting that if we all begin to believe that the bottom is in then we will act in such a way that causes the description to fulfill the prescription.

I have called you a troll, and other similar names a few times, because I had been kind of questioning some of your exaggeration intentions; however, I may be developing a little more sympathy for your whole framing of the matter if I am correct about your intention to merely cause more bullish thinking that might assist to make what you want to be reality come true.

I don't have any problem with having bullish intentions, because as you likely pointed out several times, I am a bitcoin bull myself, and my investment practices and behaviors in bitcoin attempt to reflect my bitcoin bullish sentiments and beliefs.  Nonetheless, I question how much utility comes from what seems to me to be exaggerations that are likely NOT going to change the market anyhow, and could actually result in a lot of blowback when your seeming exaggerations end up NOT even coming close to coming true.

So, for me, it may be more of a personal tone matter in which I believe in having low expectations in order that it is way more likely that my expectations are going to be reached and exceeded - because I have found that if I create or follow higher expectations or exaggeration, then there is a real high likelihood that its going to end in a lot of disappointment when those exaggerations and high expectations are not reached.  

The scientific method is based on hypotheses which are educated guesses based on prior knowledge and observation.

You are getting into a different field here, and I doubt that we need to go down the "scientific method" road in order to understand what people do.  We are not scientists, but we still are easily capable of assigning various probabilities to future events and outcomes.  Some events and outcomes are highly probable and some are not, and each person is going to assign varying probabilities to various outcomes and the compounding of calculations which might involve pure guessing in some cases is likely going cause a whole hell of a lot of different views about the future, even if there is agreement on some aspects.  For example, both of us might assign a real high probability that the sun is going to come up tomorrow even if we have differing views about the dynamics that cause that.  Predicting human behavior and markets (that involve a lot of human behavior) are way more complicated, and we do not necessarily need scientific methods to attempt to employ various kinds of probability theory, even though sometimes people with scientific minds and thinking are going to have more specialized approaches, but there are a whole hell of a lot of really smart people and scientists who don't know what they fuck they are talking about in regards to bitcoin matters (even if they might have opinions about it).. hahahahahaha

Im not implying your guesses are random dart throws,

hahahahaha  good.... however, just the fact that you bring that up seems to show that you are assigning way more randomness to opinions than they likely deserve, including the opinions of yours truly.   Tongue Tongue

but the implication is we make our best guesses, based on prior knowledge and observation.

Fair enough about this point.

If you arent guessing, then you would be 100 percent certain.

There is no need to lump all aspects of knowledge into one category.  Like I attempted to describe above, there are certain categories of information that are more certain than others and even more undisputed.  Like we are going to agree about what is going to happen, so for example, if we talk about bitcoin's halvening, we can agree to a lot of aspects about it, and if we talk about how many BTCs are produced per 10 minutes and about how miners might increase or decrease their hashing power based on BTC price.  However, the more factors that we attempt to account, the harder it comes to both assign probabilities to the behavior or what kind of an impact those factors are going to have on the BTC price and even the extent to which one factor or another matters or how other people might view the event, including how much weight to give to BTC price momentum versus news versus fundamentals versus public perceptions or regulations.  

What I am trying to say is that we are going to weigh various factors differently, and even come to differing weighing of their impact on bitcoin and there will also be some guessing involved too.  Some people have access to more information, and do not have to guess as much as others about certain aspects, but still it is quite likely that no one really knows while at the same time no one is completely guessing about everything either.  By the way, some people seem to make some of their guesses/predictions based on a combination of numerology and conspiracy theories about bitcoin manipulation, and sometimes they might end up being correct, too.

Basically you might not prefer my word choice(no worries), but it is accurate based on widely accepted definitions.

There are word choices and there can also be questions about what factors are being considered and how much weight is given to factors and how much pure guessing might be going on.

As for answering your last questions. These are good questions and while I do enjoy sharing my hypothesis that the bottom is in and the bull market is upon us, I at this time am not willing to share all of the inner workings and procedures that led to this decision, so I will have to respectfully decline those questions.

That above is a real bullshit and seemingly disingenuous troll answer.  I had made questions that are so easy peasy that almost any genuine poster should have been able to at least make some kind of stab at disclosing which BTC price points or what factors caused them to arrive at their conclusion about when the bull market or "baby bull market" in this case and your terms was triggered and/or entered into.  

The fact that you don't even make any kind of reasonable attempt shows that you are either acting disingenuously (as a kind of troll), that you are a dumbass (I don't think that is the case, by the way) or that you are purely making shit up (guessing) just for the mere sake of it.

In other words, based on your already demonstration of writing and analyzing abilities (including your demonstration of your detailed trolling efforts aimed largely at roach and gembitz), it should be quite easy for you to write out something like this:

>>>>>>>>Between December 7 and December 15, I saw that the bears had put in a lot of effort to attempt to bring the BTC price down, and the best that they got on December 15 was $3,122.  Subsequently, by December 21 and December 25, the BTC price rebounded to $4,100 and $4,200 respectively.  At no later point have the bears been able to bring the BTC price down below $3,300.....blah blah blah<<<<<<

You should have easily been able to come up with some kind of plausible and seemingly genuine bullshit ideas to show that you are at least attempting to make an effort in the right direction, but instead you play the "trade secrets" phoney baloney card... Your handler told you to say something like that?  hahahahahaha

Some of my knowledge and procedures I consider to be "proprietary" for lack of a better word. Im not selling anything to anyone, but it is the fruit of my labor from 16 years of investing and trading so I will keep the sauce recipe to myself.

Oh my!!!!! I have heard this kind of nonsense before when I troll attempts to avoid answering by playing both the expertise card and the trade secrets card.  

Not believe-able.  You gotta try harder.. or actually try less hard.  Being genuine does not take a lot of effort, but when you are not genuine, your bullshit will tend to seep through, which likely shows that my time is being wasted attempting to explain some of these basic concepts to a disingenuous poster..

I will be serving that sauce though on Bear Meat to anyone who would like a sample Grin

Not convincing... after reading your previous few sentences.

Bravo, that may have been your longest post ever. I am honored Wink You are on the money on most parts but as for the spin doctor part. Its an interesting conjecture on your part, but no Im not trying to influence the market. I cant imagine any situation where a few hundred posts over 5 years would ever have any influence whatsoever. Surprised you would even think I might bother attempting that but its still kinda interesting, I mean WO is the CEO of Bitcoin and all the banker bigwigs are probably reading this to learn about Bitcoin. Roll Eyes

As for the last part. You wanted to know exactly why I believed the bottom was in. To give you an in depth and candid answer would require my fairly complicated trading/investing procedures that are very unorthodox and completely a product of my own sweat and creative energy over 16 years. Its not about which TA metric did I willy nilly pick out of a book and I dont want to tell you which one it is. If I had copied it from someone else Id have no problem sharing it. Im being completely truthful about this, and I cant imagine why this would be hard to believe.

I would think that many people have developed unique ways to analyze available info without resorting to being a drone like Tone Vays and counting to 9 over and over. Grin Its not so much its a trade secret and someone will steal it if I share all my methods, its more that I have no benefit to share them and dont feel like having to go through a tedious process of explaining things that would be time consuming for me to communicate effectively just so strangers on the web can critique them or whatever else they want to do. Answering your questions completely would be a major imposition on my time and privacy and doesnt benefit me in any way, so I politely declined.

If it was a simple run of the mill answer like you gave example to above, I would be happy to share that, but its not so I declined.

Pretty fair and reasonable and very believable if you can imagine that many people out there who are heavily involved in any activity such as trading, investing, making bbq sauce, cooking pies, running a business, etc. for over a decade might have come up with some unique insights, methods, and practices that they prefer not to put on display.

If you cant imagine those kind of people are out there in large numbers, then ok, no problem Im not offended if you dont believe me and think everyone is a drone reading books on bollinger bands and watching Tone Vays count to 9 on youtube Grin

Good chat. Have a wonderful 84th day of the new Baby Bull Market. Stack Satoshis Saturday is upon us. Cheesy

322. Post 50092535 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 09, 2019, 02:39:20 PM
[edited out]

Bravo, that may have been your longest post ever. I am honored Wink


You are on the money on most parts but as for the spin doctor part. Its an interesting conjecture on your part, but no Im not trying to influence the market. I cant imagine any situation where a few hundred posts over 5 years would ever have any influence whatsoever. Surprised you would even think I might bother attempting that but its still kinda interesting, I mean WO is the CEO of Bitcoin and all the banker bigwigs are probably reading this to learn about Bitcoin. Roll Eyes

Some troll posters seem to have had those kinds of presumptions here, historically.  Though in recent months, it does seem to me that trolling here is generally down, unless they have gotten more sophisticated?    You guys have been replaced by bots, perhaps?  Cheaper for the lizard overlords to attempt to employ bots, and bots are getting smarter, too.

As for the last part. You wanted to know exactly why I believed the bottom was in. To give you an in depth and candid answer would require my fairly complicated trading/investing procedures that are very unorthodox and completely a product of my own sweat and creative energy over 16 years.

You think I would believe that level of bullshit explanation?  Get real... you almost deserve a batman/robin slap gif, for that comment.

By the way, I am not asking for any kind of "in depth" answer, just anything quasi-plausible would be better than your bullshit evasiveness about something so goddamned simple.

Its not about which TA metric did I willy nilly pick out of a book and I dont want to tell you which one it is. If I had copied it from someone else Id have no problem sharing it. Im being completely truthful about this, and I cant imagine why this would be hard to believe.

When posters use words like these:  "Im being completely truthful about this," it is time to run for the hills.

I would think that many people have developed unique ways to analyze available info without resorting to being a drone like Tone Vays and counting to 9 over and over. Grin Its not so much its a trade secret and someone will steal it if I share all my methods, its more that I have no benefit to share them and dont feel like having to go through a tedious process of explaining things that would be time consuming for me to communicate effectively just so strangers on the web can critique them or whatever else they want to do. Answering your questions completely would be a major imposition on my time and privacy and doesnt benefit me in any way, so I politely declined.

Oh my!!!!   When I thought that the explanation could not get any worse.  It did.   Roll Eyes

If it was a simple run of the mill answer like you gave example to above, I would be happy to share that, but its not so I declined.

I gave the example to show how easy an answer could be, and i don't see how responding could be any more convoluted than that, and your ability to make your answer (response) so stupidly convoluted shows your shit fulledness levels.

Pretty fair and reasonable and very believable if you can imagine that many people out there who are heavily involved in any activity such as trading, investing, making bbq sauce, cooking pies, running a business, etc. for over a decade might have come up with some unique insights, methods, and practices that they prefer not to put on display.

Even more nonsense.  If the above is not an example of overly nonsense, I am not sure what would be.

If you cant imagine those kind of people are out there in large numbers, then ok, no problem Im not offended if you dont believe me and think everyone is a drone reading books on bollinger bands and watching Tone Vays count to 9 on youtube Grin
and even more... go figure?

Good chat. Have a wonderful 84th day of the new Baby Bull Market. Stack Satoshis Saturday is upon us. Cheesy

Stack satoshis might have been your only decent point in that whole post.  Oh my.
Well congrats you remained civil for a few posts, but now you are back to your true nature which is an abrasive and thin skinned prick, with a little too much salt in his cunt. I will treat you accordingly. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth

If you have a longer post in your chatbot archives, Id like to see it Tongue
Well Mr. Salty Cunt, I see life has made you overly jaded and cranky and you see the world as full of trolls, liars, and drones with no original thoughts. Your arguments amount to "when people say stuff like X, i know its not true". This is weak logic and shows your irritable nature wont let you think clearly without bias. Your abrasive and flawed personality combined with a lack of time management skills has made you the wordy poster you are, but at least you are a long time Bitcoin Bull.

If you had had the conviction in Bitcoin that you have in being "Mr. Always Right About My Silly Points That I Like To Waste Peoples Time On", you might have gone all in in 2014 like myself and have a lot more coins, but to the victor go the spoils. I believe in Bitcoin and its future more than you and always have. Obviously my belief and conviction irritates the salt sores on your cunt you so you nitpick to no end and cry "Troll, Liar, Bear Market!!!!". Cry all you want and type till your fingers bleed while I just laugh at you and point out your flaws more and more. Wink

Please PM me the coder who invented you so I can suggest improvements to your persona.  Roll Eyes

84 days into the new Bull Market and all is well. Grin

323. Post 50093047 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on March 09, 2019, 10:13:55 PM
get a room you 2 Roll Eyes

Nice projection Vastly Wink Deep down you know you want to merit my post bc I said what you have been thinking about wordy cunt. Your welcome Smiley

Im thinking Bag On JJG Thursdays is not enough. It deserves its own month, so I think Ill start Bag On JJG Month and make it March. We are gonna have to do something to keep the thread going while Mr. Goose is offline. Grin

324. Post 50109948 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 09, 2019, 10:38:37 PM
[ edited out]
Well congrats you remained civil for a few posts, but now you are back to your true nature which is an abrasive and thin skinned prick, with a little too much salt in his cunt.

Sorry man, I know Im a cunt.

I will treat you accordingly. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth

I deserve it.

If you have a longer post in your chatbot archives, Id like to see it Tongue

You may be right, its gonna take me 100s of hours to go through my chatbot archives and see if I can find a longer post.

Well Mr. Salty Cunt, I see life has made you overly jaded and cranky and you see the world as full of trolls, liars, and drones with no original thoughts.

Yes.  I am jaded and miserable, I numb the pain typing away and arguing w everyone on this threat about the smallest silliest shit. I have the time management skills of a homeless crackhead.

Your arguments amount to "when people say stuff like X, i know its not true".

Hey when you type nonsense all day its hard to fit much good logic in. My goal is really just to type and type and argue constantly. The arguments arent meant to be good.

This is weak logic and shows your irritable nature wont let you think clearly without bias.


Your abrasive and flawed personality combined with a lack of time management skills has made you the wordy poster you are, but at least you are a long time Bitcoin Bull.

Yes, my whole life has been that of an abrasive prick. All my family and work associates would tell you the same. I dont have friends bc of it so I spend 8 hours a day here.

If you had had the conviction in Bitcoin that you have in being "Mr. Always Right About My Silly Points That I Like To Waste Peoples Time On",  you might have gone all in in 2014 like myself and have a lot more coins,
Yep, I like to know how many coins people have bc Im bitter about not having enough conviction and not allocating enough of my portfolio into BTC to start with. Also I kept being an idiot and losing money on sketchy exchanges.

but to the victor go the spoils.

Yes, you deserve your coins, you earned them.

I believe in Bitcoin and its future more than you and always have.

I only believe in my ability to be a prick to everyone I encounter, in that I have no rival.

Obviously my belief and conviction irritates the salt sores on your cunt you so you nitpick to no end and cry "Troll, Liar, Bear Market!!!!".

Yes, thats what I do.

Cry all you want and type till your fingers bleed while I just laugh at you and point out your flaws more and more. Wink

Yes, I have shed many tears into my salty cunt over this. It motivates me to type more and more.

Please PM me the coder who invented you so I can suggest improvements to your persona.  Roll Eyes


84 days into the new Bull Market and all is well. Grin

My cunt is salty in Bull and Bear markets, I hate life as much in both.

Damn Ballerina Bot, dont be so hard on yourself. Just try not to be such a salty cunt and enjoy the Bull Market. Cheesy

325. Post 50109983 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on March 09, 2019, 10:50:47 PM
if you're gonna flail about like you did when you failed with roach, at least cut out jjg's verbiage so we don't have to scroll all day

Kissless Virgin Roach was slain in spirit. He is a shell of his former self, barely posting anymore. Your welcome.

326. Post 50110004 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: on March 09, 2019, 10:53:24 PM
Hey Lambie,

Here's some pro advice on how to deal with JJG (it seems he's got an ODD):

It's a personality issue that even has a fancy name: Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). People who have this can be the most incredibly annoying people in the world. I've had my share of having to deal with them. I've found that the best strategy is this:

* Watch for a repeating pattern in the argument. There's always going to be one, because the number of points to be made on any topic is finite and usually quite small. As soon as you notice that you're going back over points already made, stop the conversation and say, "Ok, we've discussed this already and now we're going around in circles. Let's just agree to disagree." Needless to say, they won't agree with that. But you've made your position clear; you're now free to walk away with honour and leave them talking to themselves.
* If they don't let you walk away, you have to pull the big guns: "Look, I've already made it clear that I don't want to discuss this any more. This is the last time I'll ask you to stop politely."

* Your strategy of simply remaining silent is ineffective, because they think it means you're listening receptively to their wisdom and just keep on yakking until you quietly go out of your mind.

Hope it helps!  Cool


Thank you for the thoughtful and interesting post.  Smiley I will look into this disorder. It sounds like you nailed it.

327. Post 50110190 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.35h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 10, 2019, 09:08:52 PM

You rebel (or should I say "cunt"?).

You backed up your point, very clearly and unambiguously.   Roll Eyes

Salty Cunt  Wink Grin

328. Post 50141231 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.36h):

Bitcoin scored a major victory by converting a famous nocoiner and Bitcoin hater. You may have seen him over the last few years when Mr. Faber does his typical rounds on CNBC, Fox Business, and Bloomberg. He is an old school gold bug and used to mock and deride Bitcoin and its hodlers.

"Readers of Faber’s “Gloom, Doom, Doom” report have been encouraging him to buy Bitcoin for years now, he explained. He finally conceded for “learning reasons,” the news outlet reports. Additionally, Faber recently sat down with millionaire entrepreneur Wence Casares, CEO of Xapo - the world’s largest Bitcoin depository and executive director at PayPal - which may have affected his decision."

Many of these famous old school stubborn gold bugs like Mr. Faber, Jim Rickards, and Peter Schiff have been very outspoken critics of Bitcoin. Converting Mr. Faber is a great sign. Next we will convert Schiff, Rickards, and the rest of his ilk and these famous gold bugs will become powerful allies in the run to 100k.

88 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Grin

329. Post 50178850 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.36h):

Quote from: bitserve on March 15, 2019, 09:01:02 PM
Every Thursday, we could scoot around on our jet-skis-made-up-as-mock-pirate-ships, and Nerf-Rocket the shit out of JJG's island.
............ I mean, I can dare to dream, right ?
Remember what happened to Snowball in Animal Farm?  or Piggy in Lord of the Flies?
Not looking good for JJG in this "dream".
I studied Lord Of The Flies at school for English GCSE, got a B grade lol.
As soon as dat conch got smashed shit started going down Cheesy
Ahhhh memories of being at school - What a waste of time that was.

OK. See... I have wordy-man on ignore, so I would not normally see his post, but he has a terribly bad attitude about this possible utopia.

He's not thinking of "fun-factor" for defensive purposes on his end.

Can you imagine ? Coconut trebuchets, slings, and cannons, for example, aimed with some level of skill at us scooting Nerf-Gun-Pirates ?

At worst, some dude gets knocked the fuck off his scooter, life-jacket comes into play, and "pirate-squad" immediately tends to any fallen team-mates.

At best, coconuts float on water, so we'll have a bountiful harvest upon retreat.

Perhaps we up our game, and develop jet-skis with some sort of hydrostatic-pressure based mobile cannons, capable of returning the coconuts, softly, back to JJG's island.

Do I have to plan EVERYTHING ?!??

Now I understand JJG's avatar. He is jumping all over the place trying to dodge all the coconuts shot at him from the jetskis.

It's like... a premonition of $100K. Everything makes sense all of a sudden.


I think you are right. If you say coconut 4 or more times as fast as you can you will find yourself saying Cunt Cunt Cunt.  Cheesy Coconuts in the ocean would be Salty (Cunts).  Cool Perhaps the WO is a living time traveling entity and is showing us the future.  Shocked

330. Post 50179213 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.36h):

Today is a big day. Our Baby Bull Market is 90 days old.

And all is well. Cheesy

331. Post 50179923 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

The Bull has been prepped.

4200 soon.

332. Post 50180037 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Pamp it.

333. Post 50180256 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Crab-17 activated.  Cool

334. Post 50181319 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

91 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cheesy Young Bull Calf is getting stronger each day.

As the Bull Calf starts to understand his strength and power he learns to attack.

Here a young Bull Calf attacks its owner and leaves a nasty bruising. Bitcoin Bull Calf doesn't care who you are, if you sell precious coins, he will attack you, and hurt you.

335. Post 50181438 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

If a Muslim can hodl a Bitcoin then they can not be inherently bad.

Hodl is the ultimate moral imperative of humanity. It supersedes and transcends all other values, ideologies, beliefs and doctrines.

Everything else is a distraction created by Fiat Bankers to divide us.

336. Post 50181512 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 16, 2019, 05:03:08 AM
If a Muslim can hodl a Bitcoin then they can not be inherently bad.

Hodl is the ultimate moral imperative of humanity. It supersedes and transcends all other values, ideologies, beliefs and doctrines.

Everything else is a distraction created by Fiat Bankers to divide us.
It is not in their psychology to appreciate the importance of bitcoin, so that is very unlikely to happen.

That's the fundamental problem. They think differently from us.

If they never adopt Bitcoin then you have nothing to fear from them, for they will forever be harmless and primitive nocoiner peasants. Coiners will find great use of them by harvesting their blood, organs, and stem cells. The harvest will be voluntary and in return we will use our superior coiner tech to help them survive. Perhaps after a few generations they will advance and embrace our coiner ways. If not we will send them to another planet to live away from us.

Problem solved.

337. Post 50195957 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):


"A capitulation wick isn’t coming and the only reason it happened during the last bear market was most people thought bitcoin was completely dead from the Mt. Gox doomsday event

This time around there’s tons of people buying the dip and front running each other in the process"

11:09 AM - 16 Mar 2019

338. Post 50207351 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Reddit Hopium getting stronger. Bullish.

"level 1
24 points
5 hours ago
In the grand scheme of things owning 1 out of 21 million world wide bitcoins is pretty lucky.

8 billion people soon fighting over 21 million of something.

Just be on the long side of history. Probably why bitmex insurance fund is designed to take so many btc. Only so many people want to 1x short on bitmex. Eventually shorts get margin called and insurance fund pays out a ton of btc to those longing.

Excited to see the future evolve 2020-2030 will be wild for the block chain and Bitcoin with the halvings and closer to 21 million btc

13 points
2 hours ago
This is finest Colombian hopium

Degenerate Trader
1 point
24 minutes ago
That ultra omega fire chronic hopium

4 points
1 hour ago
I’ll take a hit"

339. Post 50207663 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 17, 2019, 11:40:10 PM
Who is holding most BTC from WO family?

Probably Theymos.

The question is how much BTC and true HODLERS are in this forum
As real active members...
Is this forum the wealthiest place of the future ?

Yes it is good sir. Soon female Digital Gold diggers from all over the world will be on this forum, hoping to meet a WO man w a few coins in his stash. The idea of a WO member with double or triple digit coins will cause them to faint.

Also many of the actual women in pics posted in past comments will come forward, hoping their image pleased the WO family and looking for available hodlers to meet. Wallet size matters.  Grin

340. Post 50207745 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

The longest period we went last year between making new lows was from June 24 till Nov 14 when the 6k floor was destroyed. This was 143 days.

Once we make it to May 8 of this year with out breaking the December 15, 2018 low, then we will have surpassed that period and many more believers will hop on the Baby Bull Market bandwagon. I will consider the Bull Market to no longer be a baby at that point.

May 8 would also be 1 year and 16 days before the coming halving. So a few weeks after we break the 143 day record, we will be starting the 1 year countdown till halving and Hopium smoking will flourish all over the world.

Remember, all band wagons start off with just a few passengers. The Bitcoin bandwagon rewards early riders and its wheels have special Bear killing spikes.

92 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well. Happy St Patricks day everyone! Dont forget to pinch a nocoiner. Cheesy

341. Post 50208100 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Holiday Pump Mode activated.

342. Post 50209987 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Quote from: infofront on March 18, 2019, 04:12:14 AM
Folks, I sadly have to inform you that I'm running out of pictures of hot climbing girls which are not too porn but a little for breaking my own rules. Grin

I can confirm she will be attending 100k party.

343. Post 50210290 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

9 points
2 hours ago
"Low volume dump, expecting this to retrace to $4,000 and breakout by morning. The lack of sellside followthrough is glaring, and in my mind confirms that we have effectively run out of sellers. They seem like very weak attempts at thwarting a breakout."

8 points
2 hours ago
"I mean, maybe not by morning, but this sellside action is far, far more telling than the buyside. We continually break through supports on low-mid volume, then dump below on very low volume, then creep back up. That is very bullish activity from a volume standpoint, especially on the back of a bear market. The dumps have no vigor to them. The contrast is blinding. Bears are actually (and have been now for the last few weeks) truly wavering."

344. Post 50223223 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on March 18, 2019, 02:55:38 AM

The longest period we went last year between making new lows was from June 24 till Nov 14 when the 6k floor was destroyed. This was 143 days.

Once we make it to May 8 of this year with out breaking the December 15, 2018 low, then we will have surpassed that period and many more believers will hop on the Baby Bull Market bandwagon. I will consider the Bull Market to no longer be a baby at that point.

May 8 would also be 1 year and 16 days before the coming halving. So a few weeks after we break the 143 day record, we will be starting the 1 year countdown till halving and Hopium smoking will flourish all over the world.

Remember, all band wagons start off with just a few passengers. The Bitcoin bandwagon rewards early riders and its wheels have special Bear killing spikes.

92 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well. Happy St Patricks day everyone! Dont forget to pinch a nocoiner. Cheesy

I capitulated today.  Am now 100% cold hodl storage Bitcoin for my crypto portfolio.   No fiat reserves left at all and no open trading positions.  Am completely committed to the bandwagon.  

I have also increased my Bitcoin stack by 58% since 1 December 2017 so good outcome there.

Time will tell if I have moved too early but I believe the risk of any meaningful downside is now gone. 

Its comforting having you on board the wagon after witnessing your accuracy of calls during the Bear Market in 2018. Kudos for the past discipline and success and looking forward to being proven right in the future during our Wagon Quest.

345. Post 50236343 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Test pumps past 4K completed.

Next pump is not a drill.

94 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

346. Post 50237560 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

"I need a butt-shine,
Right now
You are holy,
Oh, sacred Bull Market
I thirst for you,
Provide Milk.

Buff my balls
Love the Bull
Good fortune for those that do.
Love me, breathe my feet,
The Bull Market has risen.

Wax my ass,
Scrub my balls.
The Bull Market has risen,
Provide Milk."


347. Post 50247328 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Quote from: mindrust on March 20, 2019, 06:53:28 PM
2019-2020 Bull run confirmed.

FED said: No more rate hikes in 2019.

They are afraid of recession, this is going to fly BTC to the fucking moon.

Yes it will. Also and possibly just as important is that Quantitative Tightening at the rate of 50 Billion USD per month is set to end before the year is over.

Money printers gonna money print! Cheesy

348. Post 50247834 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Something Pumpeth this way comes.  Smiley

349. Post 50248150 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.37h):

Hodlers ask for pump
Bull Market replies how high?
Hodlers are grateful

350. Post 50251869 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

96 days into the young life of the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

100 days coming soon, prepare for a breach of 4200 to celebrate.

Catching a full grown Bull takes team work and skill, but catching a Baby Bull Calf is much easier, you buy cheap and hodl.

351. Post 50251994 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Fellow Bull Lovers, this is the greatest Bull rider of all time. J.B. Mauney. Its pronounced Moony.

J. BTC Moony

Coincidence.... I think not.

Every Hodler who wants to go to the moon one day understands how hard it is to ride a Bull or a Bear.

352. Post 50254805 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Making a few test runs before the real thing, just to make sure the engines and boosters are working properly.

353. Post 50276239 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

"The recent weakness of bears reminds me of a similar but reverse situation that I felt in the first week of Jan 2018 after the Christmas dump. There were some upward movements but they looked so soft and unconvincing that something felt different about them compared to earlier in 2017. There was a sense (on hindsight though) that bulls were distinctly weak and that bears could seize the moment any time. Now it is the reverse where some minor pushdowns are happening but in a very unconvincing way and suggestive that bulls are in control and will eventually take over (as did bears after mid Jan 2018)."

354. Post 50278845 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on March 22, 2019, 09:23:48 PM
frend boy say me bying bitcions,but not existing as camel or lady cannot byeing air perheps atoms haha.yu boys so sily,loose all mony,  better is buy solid as gold and lands too.i billding much malls in dessert,many come far buy nice waway phone,yous invest me much rich,not give all money satosi big cruk never give back

Id like to hear more about this if you have the time.

355. Post 50301804 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 24, 2019, 11:46:10 AM
via Imgflip Meme Generator

They Reading the WO lately??

A Bitcoin Baby Bull Market Haiku


356. Post 50303583 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Yesterday I saw Ryan Goslings Bitcoin movie from last year. It was pretty decent. Kind of a bummer when his buddies were dropping like flies for the cause, but when Bitcoin went to the moon it was all worth it.

I dont think Kurt Russel's Bitcoin movie is gonna come close to Ryans. Russian hysteria doesnt sell anymore.

357. Post 50304060 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

99 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cool

Tomorrow is a big day as we hit the big One Zero Zero.  Cheesy

Enjoy it while its young(that means accumulate as much as you can Wink), bc these days will fly by and before you know it our Bull will be full grown and striking fear in every Bears heart like this guy.

"Worlds Strongest Bull"

358. Post 50304228 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: realr0ach on March 24, 2019, 10:51:24 PM
In the word "marriage",
you won't find the letter "I",
but you will find "us".

Trollgoossen's life in 2 years:

Kissless Virgin Roach has spent more time jealously ranting about another mans woman this year than he spent talking directly to any of the other 3.75 billion women on Earth in the last 10 years.  Wink

This is the kind of brilliant achiever that dumps his Bitcoins in 2015 to go all in on Silver Cheesy

359. Post 50306258 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: bitebits on March 25, 2019, 08:03:02 AM
99 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cool

What if bitcoin doesn’t go below $3122 again, are we in a never ending bull market?

Not necessarily, but possibly. Fear not, I will be there to let you know with a daily count.  Wink

360. Post 50307525 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 25, 2019, 10:11:00 AM
99 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cool

What if bitcoin doesn’t go below $3122 again, are we in a never ending bull market?

Not necessarily, but possibly. Fear not, I will be there to let you know with a daily count.  Wink
I was waiting for your 99th mark Cheesy

HM was the 100th i thought
I was the 99th Smiley

Thank you all very much gentlemen. Its a great pleasure to receive 100 merits on the 100th day of the new Baby Bull Market!! Cheesy

361. Post 50308212 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on March 25, 2019, 11:08:29 AM
Does that mean that you will wear a hyena - lamb chop slayer bloody hat? Grin

Lets hope so Wink

362. Post 50315538 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 25, 2019, 04:06:14 PM
99 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cool

What if bitcoin doesn’t go below $3122 again, are we in a never ending bull market?

Not necessarily, but possibly. Fear not, I will be there to let you know with a daily count.  Wink

Oh gawd.....

Does that mean that you will wear a hyena - lamb chop slayer bloody hat? Grin

His style is just like lambie himself/herself - except on the bullish rather than bearish side of things.  So consider that.   Shocked

Izabella Kaminska was nothing like me. She was a bitter an lonely soul constantly looking to stir up trouble and argue with people. Who does this sound like??  I mean who does nothing but post all day and argue any chance they get year after year???  In fact she was most like you of any person on this forum simply bc of the sheer volume of her posts. Like you Juan, she had serious time management issues. Perhaps you are her alt and the reason you get so sensitive about my posts? Wink

363. Post 50315750 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 25, 2019, 06:23:09 PM

Wow, truly fucked up you are it is then.
Please, keep it civilized and not too cheesy.
If you don't mind I'll wait until Lambie Slayer logs in, so we can both have fun with you.

Im sorry Cryptotourist. They canceled pudding night at my nursing home and Ive been lashing out lately.

This is my only hobby and I have always been abrasive and had trouble getting along with anyone for more than a few minutes in real life so it permeates into my online communications as well. Im gonna take Slayers advice and try to be a better person but I worry Im too old and stuck in my own head to make progress so I mock your youth out of jealousy. Sorry again. By the way Im really excited about it being the 100th day of the new Baby Bull Market and am looking forward to Lambie Slayers daily bullish proclamation!

Damn Juan, you dont need to be so hard on yourself, there is hope for you yet, dont give up!

364. Post 50315912 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: gembitz on March 25, 2019, 10:15:42 PM
timberrrrr Smiley weeeeeee

Oh look, weiner boy/girl is back Cheesy

Scraped together some more allowance money for another try at shorting the bottom or just here in hopes that Kissless Virgin notices you?

365. Post 50315980 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Today is a wonderful day, dont let the temporary dip fool you. Shorters we will rekt you beyond measure. Abrasive salty cunts we will help you live a better life. Hodlers are unstoppable.  Cool

100 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well Grin

Special thanks to each and everyone who gave me a merit so I could upload my avatar.

366. Post 50317176 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 26, 2019, 12:27:40 AM
99 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cool

What if bitcoin doesn’t go below $3122 again, are we in a never ending bull market?

Not necessarily, but possibly. Fear not, I will be there to let you know with a daily count.  Wink

Oh gawd.....

Does that mean that you will wear a hyena - lamb chop slayer bloody hat? Grin

His style is just like lambie himself/herself - except on the bullish rather than bearish side of things.  So consider that.   Shocked

Izabella Kaminska was nothing like me.

Regarding notlambchop... I heard those same rumors about that account being Izablla Kaminska.. bui I never saw any proof of that... so I am not going to presume any of that.  I just recall interacting with notlambchop...and your troll style is similar.

She was a bitter an lonely soul constantly looking to stir up trouble and argue with people. Who does this sound like??  I mean who does nothing but post all day and argue any chance they get year after year???  In fact she was most like you of any person on this forum simply bc of the sheer volume of her posts. Like you Juan, she had serious time management issues. Perhaps you are her alt and the reason you get so sensitive about my posts? Wink

Yes, you nailed it. Everyone can see that Im a bitter and abrasive salty cunt and if anyone slightly touches my thin skin I lash out in unprovoked nonsense chatbot tirades, unleashing paragraph after paragraph of wordiness. So me and the resident bitcoin hater banker shill Kaminska had this in common. She tried to fight all the bulls constantly, but I just argue with everyone all the time about the slightest things. I cant make three consecutive posts without unprovoked insults and anger outbursts. Also no other poster comes close to the volume of posts in WO history to me besides Kaminska. Her cunt was just as salty as mine. And yes its true we both have horrible time management issues. When your personality and cunt is salty and bitter, you tend to have more free time bc you arent spending time with friends, fam, or significant others, so you just flame out on people online who were courteous and respectful to you and just spreading the good word of King Bitcoin. Slayer its really humbling when you put me in my place like this, I promise to work really hard to be a better person in the future. Thank you!

Ok, good to hear. Your welcome.  Smiley Try to relax, work on your anger and time management issues, get some sunlight, exercise, make some friends, call your estranged family members, and enjoy the 100 day Bull Market celebration  Grin All your angry wordiness is going to ruin your health.

367. Post 50329459 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

101 days into the Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

Really exciting to think about where we will be in a few years. Hodl is the way.

368. Post 50330547 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):


369. Post 50330658 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Rip Gembitz Weiner Girl's leveraged short at 3980  Kiss Cheesy

370. Post 50331207 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Quote from: rebal15 on March 26, 2019, 10:33:42 PM
101 days into the Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

Really exciting to think about where we will be in a few years. Hodl is the way.

I feel like a petty piece of vagina for not buying more Bitcoin when I had the chance, but my failure at being highly successful in life makes it hard for me to understand a highly successful asset.

I don't blame you. Are you still dreaming of making your first 1000 bucks investing. Still sweating whether to sell your .04 BTC or not. Focus on delivering my Uber Eats in a timely fashion for a good tip and leave early adopting and hodling to the big boyz Wink

371. Post 50335257 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Cheesy

372. Post 50345843 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.38h):

Bears are so fucked once we finally break 4200. You had a nice 2018, BTCut its our time now.

102 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

373. Post 50367844 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

104 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

Continue the pamp.

374. Post 50373218 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

The Pamps will continue until BTCull Market morale improves.

Once morale is high, pamps will continue to continue.  Grin

375. Post 50401836 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

The first 1000 users to submit KYC will get .1 Bitcoin each. I already received my coin! Grin
Thank you Theymos!

376. Post 50402285 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Quote from: kingcolex on April 01, 2019, 02:41:37 AM
The first 1000 users to submit KYC will get .1 Bitcoin each. I already received my coin! Grin
Thank you Theymos!
Wait, this is just being started now? Then who did I pm all my information to when I signed up?

Good question. I would recommend calling Bitcoin Support to find out what happened and get your coin.

377. Post 50407167 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on April 01, 2019, 08:57:03 AM
... gossip.  Roll Eyes

All I wanted was 'The real Lambie_Slayer'.

I got something better for ya.

"VanEck and Bitwise will be launching Bitcoin ETFs early next month following an emergency meeting the SEC held Saturday."

We did it boyz. ETFs approved. Thank you SEC!

378. Post 50417496 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Pamping up

379. Post 50418382 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

4 points
22 minutes ago
"Could this be the start of a rally based on tax refunds? It's well known that retails sales benefit from tax refund season. The end of the last bull cycle happened in December 2017. I suspect that a lot of people sold some bitcoin to cover their massive gains at the end of 2017. As we all know, the price was in constant decline in 2018. So, the majority of people probably have losses in 2018. Therefore, less need to sell some bitcoin to cover their taxes and a lot of people are probably able to claim losses which would increase their tax refund. What else to do with your tax refund but to buy some bitcoins? Especially, if the price starts heading up. The next couple of weeks could be interesting."

380. Post 50418441 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

PAMP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grin Cheesy

381. Post 50418463 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

April Fools was on the Fiat holders.

382. Post 50418491 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

107 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.

To all the doubters, bears, negative nancy's, doubting thomas's and wordy salty cunts questioning my daily count.


383. Post 50419020 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 02, 2019, 04:58:43 AM
107 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.

To all the doubters, bears, negative nancy's, doubting thomas's and wordy salty cunts questioning my daily count.


Doesn't mean that you know anything.. you pretentious fuck.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes   

Short and sweet, I like the bot upgrade Wink

384. Post 50419129 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Early Lyft investors cashing out from the IPO and diversifying into Bitcoin.  Cool

385. Post 50419891 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

6k soon.

386. Post 50420886 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

He sold? Cheesy

387. Post 50421113 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on April 01, 2019, 04:47:52 PM
I understand this is the real seat of power, here on Bitcointalk, and none of the other threads really interest me.
Creating this account on April 1st seemed appropriate.
My name is ThrobbingSausage, and I sometimes help to route your payments on the Lightning Network.
I like Bitcoin and Bitcoin accessories.
I offer Lightning and Lightning accessories.
Look forward to hanging out with you people.
I am here for the memes, mostly.
#strognhands2019 #hodl
that'll be quite stroganoff of that tyvm toxic
or maybe Lambie Tourist
thought TheCactus at first but no

Vastly, how do we know you aren't the Mayor? OGnasty says you arent to be trusted with pants or anything else, so i dunno Wink

As for my fellow Bull friend CryptoTourist, we are different people and Im pretty sure from different continents. I think I'm American, but in case im not.... Cheers Mate  Cool

388. Post 50431120 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

108 days into the new BTCaby BTCbull Market and all is well.  Grin

Bears thank you for your sacrifice. Your diminished quality of life and new found financial hardship is actually a blessing, because your delusional stubbornness has added rocket fuel to the new Bull Run and will help speed the global adoption of sound money.

Bitcoin will be the new Global Reserve Currency.

Nocoiners, non believers and infidels will be harvested for blood and organs.

389. Post 50432182 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Bears wanna romp?! Cool

390. Post 50432261 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

6K will come. There is no doubt.

391. Post 50433708 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Cheesy

Wen 2500 Gembitz?

Shorts, you deserve to suffer, never forget what happens when you go up against King Bitcoin.  Cool

392. Post 50433742 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Bulls are raping every bear around here. They are climbing in your window, snatching up your stop losses.

393. Post 50438356 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.39h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on April 02, 2019, 07:00:09 AM
6k soon.

When HAT ? Smiley

Perhaps after our BTCaby BTCull Market grows a bit older and stronger Cheesy

394. Post 50449607 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: barota on April 03, 2019, 11:38:00 PM
bitcoin will fall under 3000 soon
never trust this fake pump

Whats your blood type, we may have use for you in the future at a nocoiner shelter Wink

395. Post 50452691 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: kurious on April 03, 2019, 08:13:41 PM
Been thinking:

I have been trying to crunch historical prices of late to see if I can spot patterns between data sets from 2015 and 2019. Patterns that might allow me some kind of edge in future price prediction. And not just so I can win one of MicG's games Wink

Obviously I've been trying this because it's apparent that there are established cycles and even uncannily close ratios that appear in Bitcoin related to halvings, absolute bottoms and ATHs.

Many have predicted this cycle will take longer than previously, saying that cycles appear to be getting more drawn out.

However - there is a simple factor at work here which I think means this is not the case, which is that once something is reasonably predictable then you can reasonably anticipate it. For instance, it's not stupid to postulate that it's usually cold in January in the Northern hemisphere, so you pack warm and waterproof items of clothing if you intend to be there and spend time outside. You cannot predict the precise temperature on a given day - but you know it's a safe bet in January it's going to be cold.

What the hell has the weather got to do with Bitcoin?  Well, the more confirmation that the cycle is looking like it's heading for a repeat akin to the past (as sure as the seasons inevitably change) it follows that more people will feel confident in front-running it.  Logically, if it has bottomed and is now almost definitely going up rather than down, then (equally logically) it's batshit crazy not to buy before it gets more expensive.  Especially as the pesky damn digital things are going to be more difficult to acquire, since the supply is decreasing.  OTC is not necessarily going to be so easy, either - and some miners may perhaps delay selling quite so quickly.  The feedback loop will be powerful with so much media interest and the institutional money around, too.

Now - bear with me? Let me spool back to the post-Gox era and the 'bubble/bust' before the 17/18 one we have just come through.

In January 2015 I did buy at the bottom, but not because I had any god-like foresight. Not at all.

Frankly, I didn't know if Bitcoin would ever come back (did anyone for sure?) However, I was underwater with my investment, so the only thing to do was to buy more to average my cost down and make a breakeven more likely in future.  I wasn't certain, I just felt I had to either sell, or double down, and I didn't want to quit.  So, I steeled myself, trusted my instinct and bought a load more.  With 20/20 hindsight it was probably the best financial decision I ever made, but if you'd said to me then that the bitcoins I had just bought for sub 200 bucks would be worth nearly $20K less than three years later - I would probably have thought you were crazy. Back then this thread had tumbleweed rolling through and sometimes not one post (apart from chart buddy) for hours.

What I am driving at is that today it's just not the same as back then.  Now, we have had bubbles and crashes that look like fractals with some trend regularity being apparent and yes, looking predictable. Now, no one has any illusions that BTC could not easily hit 20K again.  Now, any doubts about increasingly higher prices returning once the bottom is 'obviously' in the rear view mirror will disappear pretty fast.

So, the more the price 'recovers' the more asymmetrical a bet on Bitcoin looks.  5K? A risk? What fucking risk!

Back to my workings on that pattern overlay I mentioned.  Well right now the bunch of models I set up are looking out of sync. Now I may be VERY wrong of course and it's not based on nearly enough data, but it looks to me like it's going faster than it should be.

Certainly some people, including me in my small way, have been steadily accumulating.  Sooner or later of course, no matter what - it had to start to increasingly affect price.  And then, well...  it doesn't take a genius to see that buying now what is already rising again and highly likely to be at a lot higher price level before too long, just makes sense. The feedback loop will be way more powerful. Bitcoin has blown everyone away more than once, fewer and fewer people will be prepared to bet against it anymore. Now, it's got 'previous form'.

And for anyone who has a lot already - it's looking foolish to risk trying price suppression in order to accumulate anymore - not when tens of millions of $ can flip the price up 20% or more in the wee small hours of the morning.

Maybe there isn't so much time left to accumulate at these levels after all?

Also, here's a thing: what if the very supposed 'predictability' of Bitcoin will mean it can't be this time? In a sort of 'Heisenburg's uncertainty principle' way, the very act of having measured it, makes the measurement invalid - as the market is expecting it.

Forgive the long ramble - I am just feeling things are different and any assumptions we have of what 'the cycle' should do and how long it should take are a tad out of date. And I am sure I can't be the only soul on this planet thinking along these lines.

So: what if the common assumptions are indeed totally out of date and it starts running away far earlier than expected?  

Well, I just hope you've already packed your bags for the trip and they are as full as possible.  Don't worry, though - I have a feeling it won't be too cold where we are headed.

In fact, it's probably a good idea to bring your shades.

NB: I sometimes have flights of fancy that are utterly risible, I just wanted to float this for fun. After all, the one thing you can rely on with honey badger - is that it doesn't give a fuck about what you are expecting it to do, right?

Superb comment. It was long but way too good for me to snip out any of it. This good sir is my damn kind of Hopium. Cool So much talk from the Tone Gays and Tyler Jerk offs of the world about the cycles getting longer (the mythical "Longening" as I believe one of our esteemed WO TA experts, Hairy Maclairy, mockingly called it  Cheesy ) What you are describing could be called the "Shortening" and if it happens then bubbles between halvenings would come faster and crypto winters would end quicker, propelling us to awesome heights quicker than many of the biggest bulls imagine. Mcaffee could keep his dick and the 100k party might even be this year.

This is the kind of Ayahuasca/DMT Hopium smoked by Shamans in the Amazon and I fully support having the 100k party in the Amazon if we make it there this year. I dont think this is the most likely path, but I believe its just as possible or even more likely than the bears calls of longer cycles and 1100 usd lows. A great counter narrative to that kind of FUD.

For more info on Ayahuasca Hopium (note this stuff is the strongest Hopium known to man and very illegal in many countries)

396. Post 50453540 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 03, 2019, 08:26:07 PM
Just for knowing BoB all must be gay-friendly for me or its an absolute NO GO!!!!

Just a "friendly reminder, you don't really "know" bob, just like with any of us.  

You have "met" "his" online persona.   Wink Wink

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Yeah, but like his online being as many in here, but don’t need to point that @me my Real life is under perfect controll with many real life peeps.....

But one can like Some online talkers or not
And i like a few very much ‘they know for sure’

Is so much lovey dovey healthy?  I wonder.

you love your keyboard

Have you even heard about "non-sequitur"?

your just a strange bird, so one has to do strange to be sense-full to you


I am normal.  I just post here from time to time.  

Again.. someone seems to be mixing up online persona with real peeps.  

Snap out of it.  Get a grip, mic. 

From "time to time"  Cheesy

Its Thursday, so Ill think Ill drop some truth on you old friend Smiley

You really wonder if Mic being so friendly to others on this forum is healthy? Of course it is. Being consistently cranky, salty, confrontational, toxic etc in your every day life to everyone around you is extremely unhealthy and wreaks havoc on your physical and mental health. Study after study has demonstrated the negative health consequences of living life as an obstinate prick. It shortens your lifespan and decreases your health and quality of life(Thursdays for instance) for the duration of your shorter life.

Instead of jealously criticizing Mr. Goose for being friendly and well liked here, you should emulate some of his character traits and you will stay alive to hodl longer and maybe bag on JJG thursdays will be called off even. 

397. Post 50453670 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

I missed this earlier this year, but it appears our Russian Economist claiming Russian oligarchs and companies bought 1.8 million BTC this year to avoid sanctions now and down the road, might be the real thing. I notice one rebuttal in the to this guys claim was a quote from a Russian source saying the gov never bought the coins, but as far as I see the economist said it wasnt the Russian gov who bought the coins but oligarchs and corporations.

398. Post 50453680 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: Syke on April 04, 2019, 08:52:31 AM
This is the kind of Ayahuasca/DMT Hopium smoked by Shamans in the Amazon and I full support having the 100k party in the Amazon if we make it there this year.

No wonder this beer is so good!

Ill take a keg of that please sir!

399. Post 50453772 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

She licks her armpit for Bitcoin. Bullish. 

400. Post 50454964 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: bitserve on April 04, 2019, 10:26:19 AM

I surely have NP with any coiner "JJG" let that be clear, some just have a strange way to express their selves towards another one with the same belief....

I do enjoy many of his BTC related post, not so much his comment on other members.... thats all

I like him!
I think it’s funny when he argues with people & shit but whatever we’re all in this damn game for the same outcome.

To the moon amigos !!!!!

Thats true, I like him when a NEW troll approaches the WO... he is eloquent, and that my problem in english, but step by step Wink
WO=learning process in many ways.

I shouldn't say this considering it is thursday. But I don't think JJG has malice in his arguing over... basically everything... he just seems to think he needs to act that way.... for reasons unknown.

I do also think that he really likes you but he is too stubborn to recognise it and that is somehow his particular way of showing it to you Tongue

Ok, since you guys are doing a special one time JJG Appreciation Thursday  Wink, I like a lot of what he posts, dont even mind the wordiness on most occasions, its kinda his trademark. His dedication to the Bull cause is impressive also.

However, I consider bulls my fellow team mates so to speak. If any of you follow, play or played team sports then you know the importance of being civil and friendly in the locker room but still have lots of room for honest communication and accountability etc. Failure to do this is like a cancer to the team. Think Terrell Owens, RG3, Ochocinco, Dwight Howard, etc.

Shitting on opponents (da bears) however is a noble part of the game  Cheesy and JJG does excel at this.

401. Post 50463551 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 04, 2019, 06:20:09 PM
[edited out]

From "time to time"  Cheesy

Its Thursday, so Ill think Ill drop some truth on you old friend Smiley

You really wonder if Mic being so friendly to others on this forum is healthy? Of course it is. Being consistently cranky, salty, confrontational, toxic etc in your every day life to everyone around you is extremely unhealthy and wreaks havoc on your physical and mental health. Study after study has demonstrated the negative health consequences of living life as an obstinate prick. It shortens your lifespan and decreases your health and quality of life(Thursdays for instance) for the duration of your shorter life.

Instead of jealously criticizing Mr. Goose for being friendly and well liked here, you should emulate some of his character traits and you will stay alive to hodl longer and maybe bag on JJG thursdays will be called off even.  

You are offering like a two for one service there, lambie.

For free, too.

What would this thread be without you?  Thank you so much for the much needed and frequently not so well said input regarding these kinds of current ongoing thread/forum dynamics.   Wink

Surely, you are an "asset" and in case anyone did not know, we could just ask you.  Perhaps we don't even need to ask?  Thanks again.

The truth needs no thanks good sir, but you're welcome Wink

402. Post 50465705 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

110 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.  Grin

403. Post 50466048 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

"However, recent research indicates that emerging markets are rapidly getting into Bitcoin and their buying patterns suggest that their interest lies in more than simply speculation."

Dat organic adoption. Grin

404. Post 50466672 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 05, 2019, 04:51:52 AM
I remember me being a bit rude towards him as well, and he always countered me very polite, I (already longer time) massively changed my behavior towards him cause as you say, on BTC everybody can have his own OPINION, I do hate Jbreher's thought but @the same time he does own BTC as well .... so can't be so bad, later on he will regret of not being completely in BTC alone...
But I do remember me acting wrong towards him, common Jbreher go FULL BTC  Cheesy  Cheesy

You know mic I tried being polite to him in turn but then sometimes he's just massively cockish for no good reason and my desire to be polite flies out the window.

What some people (to the extent that they are "people") seem to fail/refuse to recognize and appreciate is that sometimes it is necessary to NOT be polite to trolls/shills.  

Some of the trolls/shills can be passive aggressive in order to attempt to cause more people to listen to their bullshit and their misleading information.  

Jbreher is like this, just like jstolfi was like this.  

Forum members like jbreher (including  yours truly), just like they liked jstolfi (I never did like jstolfi, even though he tended to be polite as fuck).

Im with you on Stolfi. He was a true piece of shit. I regret not having more of a chance to go after him, but he split right after I slayed/outed Kaminska and never returned. I still rub it in on twitter to both of them every now and then. I believe the bull market was rough on the old mans health and pockets(lets be real, we know he was shorting BTC) and he never had the courage to return.

Big difference between Jbreher and Stolfi is Stolfi would willingly mislead, and pretend that everything about Bitcoin was shit, when he knew it wasn't. Stolfi like Kaminska would use the WO as a sounding board to craft and hone their deceptive bear arguments. Kaminska tried to monetize this with her Financial Times job by writing tons of anti Bitcoin articles, and Im sure Stolfi was at least plotting to write an anti Bitcoin book or something of the sort(probably shopped it around constantly and couldnt get a publisher).  

The one thing all uber banker bear shills have in common is they have hopes and ambitions of monetizing their hate for Bitcoin. Stolfi was such a loser, he couldnt figure out how and gave up.

Jbreher seems to just have his own sincere opinions about what is best for Bitcoin and isnt ready to concede defeat in the Scaling Debate that most of us already consider to be over and won.  Also last I remember he still is a devoted long time hodler of Bitcoin, which makes him alright in my book.  Smiley

405. Post 50466731 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: jojo69 on April 05, 2019, 04:57:59 AM

Roach shot his mom's boyfriend bc he tried to touch him Shocked

406. Post 50467961 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

New thread from Willy Woo. My interpretation is -  "oops I think I was using bad data for muh NVT and looks like bottom is already in.."  Cheesy

I expect Tone and Tyler will come up with some cop outs before too long.  Roll Eyes

They can try an fight the daily BTCaby BTCull Market count, but it wont work, we get stronger every day.

407. Post 50507735 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

I know people are worried about Roach and Gemtits so I went and checked on them today at the nocoiner homeless shelter. They are of course broken people but at least they have food and a bed to sleep together on, just no wifi right now.  Cry

I told them its not too late to get jobs and buy coins and I gave them copies of the Bitcoin Standard. Maybe they will come around, who knows. Tards are gonna be tarded, sometimes thats just how it is. Kiss

408. Post 50507821 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: DaRude on April 08, 2019, 04:11:19 AM
I know people are worried about Roach and Gemtits so I went and checked on them today at the nocoiner homeless shelter. They are of course broken people but at least they have food and a bed to sleep together on, just no wifi right now.  Cry

I told them its not too late to get jobs and buy coins and I gave them copies of the Bitcoin Standard. Maybe they will come around, who knows. Tards are gonna be tarded, sometimes thats just how it is. Kiss

Did you get their blood types? You know just for the record

I planned on it, but they were so malnourished from living on the streets that I didn't want to risk their health taking any blood. Hopefully they get their strength back soon. The good people at Hundred Nights Homeless Shelter will feed them well now, then we can get their blood samples later. They take Bitcoin donations so I sent them some coin so our Bear friends could be sure to have enough food and blankets.

If anyone else wants to help, every satoshi is appreciated.

409. Post 50520913 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Is Fiat dead?

410. Post 50525478 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: Toxic2040 on April 09, 2019, 04:30:24 AM
maybe i am just paranoid, but

the mayor shows up and has everyone flustered      and now i am getting that tingly sensation again and cant shake it  
recommend that we sound general quarters sir    #dyor


cat will sit and watch duck try to fly


411. Post 50525616 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

I think da Bears are gonna be dumping us down soon. 4801 is where I have orders to buy a dip if it happens. If not, even better.

Come fight me Bears!

412. Post 50525842 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on April 09, 2019, 10:05:49 AM

 Shocked  Shocked

413. Post 50536359 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: Millionero on April 09, 2019, 12:16:52 AM
Is Fiat dead?
If fiat was dead, we wouldn't have twenty thousand pages discussing the fiat exchange rate

You sure about that? Horse as the main source of transportation is dead, yet we still discuss car engine power by rate of how many horses. Horsepower Wink

414. Post 50538694 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on September 12, 2017, 10:17:44 PM

09/12 gembitz
09/12 cAPSLOCK
09/12 jojo69
09/12 RealMachasm
09/12 Lauda
09/12 d_eddie
09/12 xhomerx10
09/12 kurious
09/12 'TheMajor'

*Now accepting short pants, track pants and trousers.


NB. Socks sent to the pants address will not be credited to your account and will be effectively lost.

Mayor Bitcorn took a lot of peoples pants in Sept 17 w a price of about 3800. We then had the parabolic run up to 20k. Perhaps next go around he will abscond with WO hats and then we blast off to 100k. Maybe the pants were collateral for Tether printing. We may never know.

415. Post 50539364 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Something dumpy this way comes.  Shocked

Still think we dip down to at least about 4800 in the next week. Bears don't just give up that easy, they are planning something. China Fud failed so far, but they will try something else. Then next week we buy their cheap coins and we moon past 6k with a few giant dildos.  Grin

Next 5 days are critical.

416. Post 50543237 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 10, 2019, 08:29:28 AM
Something dumpy this way comes.  Shocked

Still think we dip down to at least about 4800 in the next week. Bears don't just give up that easy, they are planning something. China Fud failed so far, but they will try something else. Then next week we buy their cheap coins and we moon past 6k with a few giant dildos.  Grin

Next 5 days are critical.

Even though bitcoin might be making its 3rd or 4th attempt at breaking above $5,350 in the coming day(s), there is no real mandate that she goes down before up... at least in this current mini-cycle (aka testing of a possible mini baby bxxx)

Im simply predicting a small dump, no mandate there. The real, true, genuine, and authentic mandate is the BTCxxx BTCxxx Mxxxxx Wink

417. Post 50543540 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Pewdiepie getting into Crypto.

418. Post 50550912 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 10, 2019, 09:44:54 PM

Next 5 days are critical.

Even though bitcoin might be making its 3rd or 4th attempt at breaking above $5,350 in the coming day(s), there is no real mandate that she goes down before up... at least in this current mini-cycle (aka testing of a possible mini baby bxxx)

Im simply predicting a small dump, no mandate there. The real, true, genuine, and authentic mandate is the BTCxxx BTCxxx Mxxxxx Wink

I feel like informing you of something very important.... .so I hope that you don't misinterpret this.

bxx xxx dxx, bxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxx xx xxx pxxxx xx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx.  

Ox xxx xxxxx xxxx, xxx xxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx including xxxx xxx bxxxxx xxxxx xxx bx xx. Wink

Don't proclaim that I have never said anything important in this here thread.    Tongue Tongue

116 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.   Cheesy

419. Post 50551096 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

The Bears couldnt even manage a decent dip. They have lost the will to fight. We will show them no mercy. 6k soon. Our little Baby Bull gets stronger each day.

God help you bears when he becomes a full grown Bull, delivering us multi thousand dollar dildos in a single day whenever he feels like it.

420. Post 50551930 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Fed Minutes today were all about "dat money printing". Dovish AF = Bullish AF for King Bitcoin

6k soon.

421. Post 50554748 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on March 18, 2019, 12:30:46 AM

The longest period we went last year between making new lows was from June 24 till Nov 14 when the 6k floor was destroyed. This was 143 days.

Once we make it to May 8 of this year with out breaking the December 15, 2018 low, then we will have surpassed that period and many more believers will hop on the Baby Bull Market bandwagon. I will consider the Bull Market to no longer be a baby at that point.

May 8 would also be 1 year and 16 days before the coming halving. So a few weeks after we break the 143 day record, we will be starting the 1 year countdown till halving and Hopium smoking will flourish all over the world.

Remember, all band wagons start off with just a few passengers. The Bitcoin bandwagon rewards early riders and its wheels have special Bear killing spikes.

92 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well. Happy St Patricks day everyone! Dont forget to pinch a nocoiner. Cheesy

Only 27 days left of the Baby Bull Market and then our little baby will grow into a young Bull Market. It will be too old to be a baby, but of course not yet an adult. When it is an adult it will be a Raging Bull Market and we will be quickly becoming the new financial elite as Buffet, Dimon, and the rest of the gang begs us to buy our coins.

Enjoy the little fella while you can and fill your bags if you havent yet, they grow up so fast.

422. Post 50555606 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Buy that dip boyz. 6k soon.

423. Post 50555647 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on April 11, 2019, 09:26:14 AM
Katie Bouman who brought us the picture of the black hole

Damn, smart and cute.

Too nerdy & plain for me, dawg!

I see Alex Caruso from the Lakers in that pic.  Smiley

424. Post 50555797 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Video of Assange being arrested and dragged out of embassy minutes ago.

I think this is Bullish for Bitcoin as it exposes how corrupt goverments really are for all the world to see.

They would do this to Satoshi if they could, but they cant and Bitcoin grows stronger each day, taking their power away from them slowly but surely.

Long Bitcoin, Short Gov money and the Bankers.

Update: If you watch the video you can hear Assange say "The UK has no stability. Buy Bitcoin."  Smiley

425. Post 50556222 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

6k soon.

426. Post 50556391 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on April 11, 2019, 10:57:10 AM
They would do this to Satoshi if they could, but they cant

Or maybe they did.

At least I'm 100% sure they know his real name.

If Gavin knew it, he would definitely spill it. 

I believe Satoshi died of natural causes. Faketoshis dead friend Dave Klein is a likely candidate.

Satoshi is Hodling 1 million coins in the grave so we can moon. Ty Satoshi. RIP.

6k soon.

427. Post 50556492 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: rebal15 on April 11, 2019, 11:17:17 AM
BTC is dumping 4k soon.

4990s already happened on a few charts in the last couple of hours, but 6k soon.

I told Roach hello for you at the homeless shelter Wink They have more beds, dont worry.

428. Post 50556681 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

CNBC coverage of Bitcoin in 2013 at $100  Grin

429. Post 50556735 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on April 11, 2019, 11:34:03 AM
They would do this to Satoshi if they could, but they cant

Or maybe they did.

At least I'm 100% sure they know his real name.

If Gavin knew it, he would definitely spill it.  

I believe Satoshi died of natural causes. Faketoshis dead friend Dave Klein is a likely candidate.

that is my assumption too. Faketoshi claims to be the real Satoshi. in just one case I would do this either. if I know for sure the real Satoshi passed away. otherwise it would be very stupid to do a clown show like Faketoshi is doing it.

Good point. He would know the one person who could truly expose him is gone, and he is a disgusting enough person to claim credit for a friends work after the grave. I believe Satoshi's ghost will haunt him as we climb to 100k.

430. Post 50556758 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on April 11, 2019, 11:29:00 AM
BTC is dumping 4k soon.

Do you own any bitcoin’s?

No Maybe he has XRP .... he surely talks like an XRP-crypto n00b Roll Eyes

He has the Classic anti BTC-fever. You can send satoshis to support a nocoiner homeless shelter for Roach and his sidekick.  Cheesy

431. Post 50557012 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: rebal15 on April 11, 2019, 11:50:10 AM
BTC is dumping 4k soon.

Do you own any bitcoin’s?

No Maybe he has XRP .... he surely talks like an XRP-crypto n00b Roll Eyes

He has the Classic anti BTC-fever.

Clearly a DarkCoin fanboy that is too green to even know he has DarkCoin...

Based on Darkcoin, BTC is going to 4k soon.

Do you mean 4000, or just something in the 4k's, bc we just hit high 4k's and now its time for 6k. Dump your Darkcoin bags while you can, they look heavy.

432. Post 50557588 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on April 11, 2019, 12:34:50 PM
I think BTCBTC trying hit soon $4800 then up slowly this time change market trend. Lips sealed Good luck all holder.

Hold = Scam.

Hodl = WO-member. (Not your cup of Thea)

Rebal - Yeah we’ve all been ‘scammed’ haven’t we. Many of us have been buying & HODLING since pre $500. Work out the profit margins from there - OH SUCH SCAM Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Yeah, I got scammed in 2014 and 15 stacking Bitcoins. I fell for the Ponzi Cheesy

433. Post 50557839 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: BobLawblaw on April 11, 2019, 12:23:02 PM
At the risk of waxing political, I learned from my accountant guy, overnight, that the majority of my tax obligations for 2018, were due to Obama's Affordable Care Act.

I cannot begin to describe the bitterness and anger I am currently experiencing.

Picked a bad time to quite drinking. Goddamnit.

I too have been ripped off quit a bit by the ACA Surcharge. When I liquidated my long term stock portfolio
5 years ago to go all in on Bitcoin I was surprised with the 3.9 percent investment tax courtesy of the obamacare scam. I could have bought a lot more coins with that chunk.  Angry

I was annoyed when Republicans caved on taking it out of the tax code.

I dont understand how that was the majority of your tax obligations though, bc cap gains taxes are much larger.

434. Post 50557869 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: rebal15 on April 11, 2019, 12:52:24 PM
I think BTCBTC trying hit soon $4800 then up slowly this time change market trend. Lips sealed Good luck all holder.

Hold = Scam.

Hodl = WO-member. (Not your cup of Thea)

Rebal - Yeah we’ve all been ‘scammed’ haven’t we. Many of us have been buying & HODLING since pre $500. Work out the profit margins from there - OH SUCH SCAM Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Yeah, I got scammed in 2014 and 15 stacking Bitcoins. I fell for the Ponzi Cheesy

So you have been sleeping good every night since making such a wise decision. Never fearing the homeless shelters like I do.

Yes, exactly. You are learning, there is hope for you yet Cheesy 6k soon.

435. Post 50558092 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: bitcoinPsycho on April 11, 2019, 01:11:21 PM
Just did a £1000  fomo reality buy. Feel better now

Well played Cheesy

436. Post 50565918 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: Biodom on April 11, 2019, 10:46:43 PM
A simple fact:

in 1975 the minimal wage was $5.15
in 2019 the minimal wage is $7.25

Well, $5.15 adjusted for inflation would be $24.33 today, so $15 number is not crazy.

Bob surely produces mixed messages (like paying 1% for 7 fig btc tx is OK, but $15/hr for MickeyD is too much).
The rich are different..., but I liked him more during drinking period...

I had to look this up bc I remember making 4.25 in high school decades after 1975.

Looks like minimum wage was 2.10 in '75.

I believe minimum wage is morally wrong because it makes it illegal for you to sell your labor for under a certain price. This prices out some people out of the work force against their will. I see it as somewhat useful in a fiat currency system where the workers are getting constant de facto pay cuts each day as the currency is debased through money printing. These workers cant negotiate pay raises fast enough to keep up with the de facto pay cuts.

When Bitcoin is the global reserve currency and all sane workers demand to be paid in Bitcoin, de facto pay cuts will be a thing of the past and minimum wage wont be useful at all. Workers will have all the bargaining power. Begging bosses or govs for raises each year wont be necessary as workers will have de facto pay raises as the currency gains value. When Bitcoin gains value too fast for some employers to successfully stay in business, then employers will have to come hat in hand and beg the workers to take less Bitcoin so they can stay in business.

This change in the power dynamic of employee/employer wage negotiation will usher in a prosperity the world has never witnessed.

6k soon.

437. Post 50565927 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: Torque on April 11, 2019, 05:17:10 PM
I am not supporting illegal migration.  I am simply stating that much of the US economy runs on illegal migrant labor.  This is a fact.  
A fact that needs to change. Even it crashes the local economy. America will adapt, always has, always will.

And no, American teenagers do not want to pick bell peppers out of the dirt in the blazing sun for $2 per hour.  
And that's their whole fucking problem, isn't it? Coddled, spoiled, privileged, sitting on their fat asses drinking their $4 lattes and eating $7 avocado toast and $9 millionaire's bacon. All the while crying about illegals taking their jobs.

But no worries, when the world economy goes to shit... they'll learn... by picking free grown bell peppers in the blazing sun out of their back yards just to eat.

I had to google millionaire's bacon. I must try this soon. Smiley

438. Post 50565985 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

"The Dip"

Buy buy buy buy buy
Buy buy buy buy buy buy buy
Buy buy buy buy buy

439. Post 50566014 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

117 into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

Halvening cycle over 72 percent complete.

440. Post 50566051 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

"Slater’s 50/50, known for its iconic burger with a healthy dose of bacon, has done it again with a sandwich that’s a tribute to Las Vegas. The 24K Burger starts with a brioche bun dusted with 24-karat gold, stacked with three strips of 24K “BTCillionaire’s BTCacon,” a half-pound of Australian wagyu beef, truffle cheese, baby arugula, bacon jam, roasted garlic aioli and demi-glace, with regular or sweet potato fries on the side. It sells for $24."

So looks like I have to not only try millionaires bacon, but also get me sum uh dat BTCillionaires BTCacon glazed with 24k gold dust.  Grin

6k soon

441. Post 50566370 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

5k is back again. We just keep teasing the Bears. Wink

442. Post 50568378 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 12, 2019, 03:17:05 AM
I believe minimum wage is morally wrong because it makes it illegal for you to sell your labor for under a certain price.

Likely you misspoke, here.  Morally wrong and illegal are two different things.

Likely you misread Lambie... Minimum wages makes ilegal to work being paid less than that... and it is morally wrong to impose such limitation because it ends up in more unemployment and bars from working (and being paid *anything*) people that do not produce/deserve more than that. I do agree... with some reserves though.

I doubt that I misread or misunderstood Lambie...

Minimum wage brings an attempt at a balancing of interests, and sometimes those interests are not very well balanced, but whether something is immoral or illegal tend to be different questions, and sometimes might overlap.. but they are a bit different categories of consideration.

Juan, my thoughts here are similar to Bitserve. I dont see why you would think I misspoke here, so perhaps you did not get my meaning. I stated a belief that minimum wage is immoral. I stated why I believe this, because it makes it illegal to sell your labor under a certain price. Its just an opinion, but I was pretty clear about it and I never implied morally wrong and illegal were the same things.

I am ok with minimum wage in a fiat system at the moment bc the de facto pay cut of currency debasement would wreak havoc on the vulnerable even more than it does now. Basically Im ok with fighting the immorality of money printing and employer oppression with the immorality of minimum wage.

But I believe when(not if) Bitcoin takes over as the main currency employees are paid in, then we will have made money printing obsolete and we can stop the immoral practice of minimum wages that price the low skilled, ex cons, mentally handicapped, drug addicts, homeless, etc, out of the work force.

443. Post 50568433 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 12, 2019, 03:09:06 AM
I am not supporting illegal migration.  I am simply stating that much of the US economy runs on illegal migrant labor.  This is a fact.  
A fact that needs to change. Even it crashes the local economy. America will adapt, always has, always will.

And no, American teenagers do not want to pick bell peppers out of the dirt in the blazing sun for $2 per hour.  
And that's their whole fucking problem, isn't it? Coddled, spoiled, privileged, sitting on their fat asses drinking their $4 lattes and eating $7 avocado toast and $9 millionaire's bacon. All the while crying about illegals taking their jobs.

But no worries, when the world economy goes to shit... they'll learn... by picking free grown bell peppers in the blazing sun out of their back yards just to eat.

I had to google millionaire's bacon. I must try this soon. Smiley

Doesn't sound good.  I am already a bit reluctant to eat bacon because of sugar in the processing, but to add more sugar, that is not a good thing.

Don't get me wrong, I do like bacon, but geez.. adding more sugar to it, does not seem like a good direction to go, in terms of health impacts... but I would still try it out, just to say that I tried it.

Well just skip the millionaire bacon, and go for the more healthy BTCillionaire Bacon. Zero calories in 24k gold dust.  Grin

"Pure gold is chemically inert and passes through the human digestive system without being absorbed into the body. Since 24-karat gold is very soft and fragile, most edible gold—whether leaf, flakes, or dust—also contains a little bit of silver, which is also inert."

444. Post 50568484 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: BTCMILLIONAIRE on April 12, 2019, 07:12:42 AM
Did CSW pull some new stunt recently though or what's the deal here?

He inferred he would pay $5k for the dox of one of his most vocal critics, Hodlnaut, so that way he could sue him for saying he's not Satoshi.

For a man who's supposedly very smart, he sure is retarded.
Wonder what the fuck is going on in that guy's head and how he became such a clown.

Probably the billions of dollars worth of Bitcoins he sold cheap years ago to start retarded business ventures that all failed between 2011 and 2013 has driven him mad. He could have been a Billionaire just hodling but he never truly believed in sound money, just his own ego.

Now he lies cheats and steals in an attempt to regain what he squandered.

445. Post 50568492 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on April 12, 2019, 07:16:19 AM
Good morning WO's! I have a good news!
Changpen Zhao reminded that Craig Wright is not Satoshi, and even delisted Bitcoin SV from the stock exchange.

Lol @ Zhao.

Boss move.  Cheesy

446. Post 50568554 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Many stubborn Bears are underwater with their various shorts under 4200. Now we tease them a bit by dipping under 5k here and there, but soon we blast off to 6k and leave all bears who refuse to throw in the towel utterly REKT.

447. Post 50568601 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 12, 2019, 07:25:43 AM
I believe minimum wage is morally wrong because it makes it illegal for you to sell your labor for under a certain price.

Likely you misspoke, here.  Morally wrong and illegal are two different things.

Likely you misread Lambie... Minimum wages makes ilegal to work being paid less than that... and it is morally wrong to impose such limitation because it ends up in more unemployment and bars from working (and being paid *anything*) people that do not produce/deserve more than that. I do agree... with some reserves though.

I doubt that I misread or misunderstood Lambie...

Minimum wage brings an attempt at a balancing of interests, and sometimes those interests are not very well balanced, but whether something is immoral or illegal tend to be different questions, and sometimes might overlap.. but they are a bit different categories of consideration.

Juan, my thoughts here are similar to Bitserve. I dont see why you would think I misspoke here, so perhaps you did not get my meaning. I stated a belief that minimum wage is immoral. I stated why I believe this, because it makes it illegal to sell your labor under a certain price. Its just an opinion, but I was pretty clear about it and I never implied morally wrong and illegal were the same things.

I am ok with minimum wage in a fiat system at the moment bc the de facto pay cut of currency debasement would wreak havoc on the vulnerable even more than it does now. Basically Im ok with fighting the immorality of money printing and employer oppression with the immorality of minimum wage.

But I believe when(not if) Bitcoin takes over as the main currency employees are paid in, then we will have made money printing obsolete and we can stop the immoral practice of minimum wages that price the low skilled, ex cons, mentally handicapped, drug addicts, homeless, etc, out of the work force.

Ok.  That is a reasonable explanation both in terms of your prior morality assertions and in terms of how you believe future incentives are going to evolve including how bitcoin may play a role in such future motivations.

Thanks. I believe a more prosperous Bitcoin based society will have many more resources to protect the vulnerable, and like you this is also important to me. Hopefully with life extension tech we can all live to see this future.

448. Post 50568623 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 12, 2019, 07:30:38 AM
I am not supporting illegal migration.  I am simply stating that much of the US economy runs on illegal migrant labor.  This is a fact.  
A fact that needs to change. Even it crashes the local economy. America will adapt, always has, always will.

And no, American teenagers do not want to pick bell peppers out of the dirt in the blazing sun for $2 per hour.  
And that's their whole fucking problem, isn't it? Coddled, spoiled, privileged, sitting on their fat asses drinking their $4 lattes and eating $7 avocado toast and $9 millionaire's bacon. All the while crying about illegals taking their jobs.

But no worries, when the world economy goes to shit... they'll learn... by picking free grown bell peppers in the blazing sun out of their back yards just to eat.

I had to google millionaire's bacon. I must try this soon. Smiley

Doesn't sound good.  I am already a bit reluctant to eat bacon because of sugar in the processing, but to add more sugar, that is not a good thing.

Don't get me wrong, I do like bacon, but geez.. adding more sugar to it, does not seem like a good direction to go, in terms of health impacts... but I would still try it out, just to say that I tried it.

Well just skip the millionaire bacon, and go for the more healthy BTCillionaire Bacon. Zero calories in 24k gold dust.  Grin

I agree that some of your further posting on the millionaire/billionaire bacon topic should cause a decent level of prude extraction from yours truly... and makes me want to try it, just to say that I did.

"Pure gold is chemically inert and passes through the human digestive system without being absorbed into the body. Since 24-karat gold is very soft and fragile, most edible gold—whether leaf, flakes, or dust—also contains a little bit of silver, which is also inert."

I am beginning to understand your various points, and surely better to eat gold, rather than bitcoins... since gold is not going to be worth anything in the future, as compared with bitcoin.

Somewhere Roach is reading this and pissed, but too ashamed to come fight us Cheesy

449. Post 50569650 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 12, 2019, 07:46:45 AM
I believe minimum wage is morally wrong because it makes it illegal for you to sell your labor for under a certain price.

Likely you misspoke, here.  Morally wrong and illegal are two different things.

Likely you misread Lambie... Minimum wages makes ilegal to work being paid less than that... and it is morally wrong to impose such limitation because it ends up in more unemployment and bars from working (and being paid *anything*) people that do not produce/deserve more than that. I do agree... with some reserves though.

I doubt that I misread or misunderstood Lambie...

Minimum wage brings an attempt at a balancing of interests, and sometimes those interests are not very well balanced, but whether something is immoral or illegal tend to be different questions, and sometimes might overlap.. but they are a bit different categories of consideration.

Juan, my thoughts here are similar to Bitserve. I dont see why you would think I misspoke here, so perhaps you did not get my meaning. I stated a belief that minimum wage is immoral. I stated why I believe this, because it makes it illegal to sell your labor under a certain price. Its just an opinion, but I was pretty clear about it and I never implied morally wrong and illegal were the same things.

I am ok with minimum wage in a fiat system at the moment bc the de facto pay cut of currency debasement would wreak havoc on the vulnerable even more than it does now. Basically Im ok with fighting the immorality of money printing and employer oppression with the immorality of minimum wage.

But I believe when(not if) Bitcoin takes over as the main currency employees are paid in, then we will have made money printing obsolete and we can stop the immoral practice of minimum wages that price the low skilled, ex cons, mentally handicapped, drug addicts, homeless, etc, out of the work force.

Ok.  That is a reasonable explanation both in terms of your prior morality assertions and in terms of how you believe future incentives are going to evolve including how bitcoin may play a role in such future motivations.

Thanks. I believe a more prosperous Bitcoin based society will have many more resources to protect the vulnerable, and like you this is also important to me. Hopefully with life extension tech we can all live to see this future.

Hahahaha.. you have me until the life extension tech.  W have a short time here on this planet, and maybe we can squeeze a few more years, here and there by eating healthy and engaging in healthy habits, but in the end, the grim reapers going to get us all.   Whether we only live into our 40s or if we have a more enduring life into our 100s.. I can  hardly imagine banging hookers, doing blow and donuting in lambos into my 100s, so I plan to engage in those activities prior to my meat wagon causing me too many limitations in those regards.

Hookers and lambos doesnt have to wait. We will see massive Bitcoin profits in the next few years. Im talking about a future where most employees are paid in Bitcoin and it dominates global finance and payments. This will take a lot longer, but I think most will live to see it if they go easy on the drugs and booze so just dont go too nutz at the 100k party.

"According to a longevity study conducted by John Wilmoth (5), a UC Berkeley associate, the "oldest age at death for humans has been rising for more than a century and shows no signs of leveling off." Wilmoth and fellow colleges from the United States and Sweden researched the national death records in Sweden and found an increase in the average maximum lifespan each year since 1861. This finding calls into question the 120 lifespan limit.

"We have shown that the maximum life span is changing. It is not a biological constant. Whether or not this can go on indefinitely is difficult to say. There is no hint yet that the upward trend is slowing down," writes Wilmoth.

Wilmoth's statements about maximum lifespan run counter to a commonly held belief that there is a natural limit. "Those numbers are out of thin air," said Wilmoth. "There is no scientific basis on which to estimate a fixed upper limit. Whether 115 or 120 years, it is a legend created by scientists who are quoting each other." says Wilmoth.

Will the Trend Continue?

"Aging is a biochemical process and humans will learn how to intervene in it and slow it down" Nick Bostrom, founder of the World Transhumanist Association predicts in his article Case Against Aging(1). Optimistically, Bostrom see the elimination of aging as "theoretically possible." While it may not be within reach now, it will be soon.

Current trends seem to prove Bostrom correct. Evidence for an ever increasing human lifespan -- as a result of advances in medicine and improvements in quality of life -- is quite impressive. Not only is there mounting statistical evidence for a continued upward trend, there's evidence this trend is actually accelerating."

Sea Turtles living to be 400 years old is a slap in the face to humanity. We will catch up with our elitist turtle friends before too long.  Cheesy

450. Post 50571047 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Fill dem bags boyz. These bargains wont last long.

451. Post 50571174 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on April 12, 2019, 10:01:12 AM
117 into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

Halvening cycle over 72 percent complete.

haha nice to talk about the halving cycle in %'s

75% is coming soon and will be a huge day of celebration. Estimated to be May 24, 2019 and it will mark the beginning of the 1 year countdown till reward drop.  Grin

So many days and milestones to celebrate in the next few years leading to the BTCiggest celebration of all time. The 100k Party.  Cheesy

452. Post 50571196 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on April 12, 2019, 11:10:59 AM
will $5000 hold?

Damn those bars are so overpriced in BTC-terms of price  Shocked

yep, gold not super useful for much other turning to dust and putting on BTCillionaire BTCacon

453. Post 50572555 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 12, 2019, 07:41:56 AM
Did CSW pull some new stunt recently though or what's the deal here?

He inferred he would pay $5k for the dox of one of his most vocal critics, Hodlnaut, so that way he could sue him for saying he's not Satoshi.

For a man who's supposedly very smart, he sure is retarded.
Wonder what the fuck is going on in that guy's head and how he became such a clown.

Probably the billions of dollars worth of Bitcoins he sold cheap years ago to start retarded business ventures that all failed between 2011 and 2013 has driven him mad. He could have been a Billionaire just hodling but he never truly believed in sound money, just his own ego.

Now he lies cheats and steals in an attempt to regain what he squandered.

He never had anything.  He is a phoney who is just making shit up.

Im not gonna dig up stuff I read years ago, but it was pretty well documented and verified that he was an extremely early miner of Bitcoin and sold large amounts of coins for peanuts based on todays prices. Yes he is a phoney, no he isnt Satoshi, but he and the deceased Dave Kleinman(likely the real Satoshi imo) were mining Bitcoin before most of the world had ever heard of it. Craig was on the cypherpunks mailing list in the 90's and its not hard to see why someone into cryptography for so long would find out about and mine Bitcoin so early. Here he is on the mailing list talking to Assange, another very early adopter of Bitcoin and also a cypherpunk .

To say he is a phoney is accurate, to say he never had anything(in regards to Bitcoins) most likely is not accurate.

Most likely he had what at the peak would have been valued at billions of dollars worth of coins, but was selling them for chump change to start his business ventures that legal documents, Australian tax authority documents, and employee statements show were failures. His failure to Hodl has driven him insane. Not everyone can squander many millions of dollars on a pizza and keep their sanity down the road.

6k soon. BTCaby BTCull is growing.

454. Post 50572719 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 12, 2019, 07:49:29 AM
[edited out]

Somewhere Roach is reading this and pissed, but too ashamed to come fight us Cheesy

I doubt we are getting rid of Roach so easily.  He will be back spouting out his pm pumping nonsense.. and racial baloney.

  He has no shame, even when he is 100% wrong.

He is too ashamed right now to comment. I used present tense and its an accurate statement. Nobody said we got rid of him for good, so perhaps you misunderstood what I wrote. I predict he will eventually be gotten rid of for good as BTC climbs in the next year or so, just like Stolfi was completely broken in 2015, never to return.

As for shame, his life is a never ending self torture of shame and misery.

455. Post 50572928 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: JSRAW on April 12, 2019, 12:19:48 PM
In last 2-3 days I converted 2 noncoiners into bitcoiner. One is my art director and the second person is my hopefully future father in law (he's cop and  it's kinda risky move lol)

Baptisted them with couple of BTC 😎

Ps: my gf warned me in advance that make sure this thing is solid otherwise we both are fucked Cheesy and get ready to run together lol.

Nice work Cheesy

456. Post 50581768 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on April 12, 2019, 09:38:41 PM
Let's put this in perspective.  According to the 2015 fractal, we are supposed to be having a massive, soul destroying dip right now.  Instead we are having a very slight wobble.

I don't know how to interpret this in any other way, other than this is solidly bullish.  

BTCeautiful.  Cheesy Perhaps its time to change history, say to hell with the cycles, and proceed to the moon.

With the Fed stopping rate hikes and ending the 50 billion per month QT soon this year, stocks and many risk assets are fast approaching all time highs. Bitcoin will naturally be tempted to hit his old highs along with the rest of the risk asset party. Its a great opportunity to buck the trend of 2015 and break out of the old fractal in style.

To make it even more bullish, Trump is also calling for rate cuts and QE and making moves to put Herman Cain on the Fed Board to help harass the board into executing his money printing will.

We are in such a more Bullish position right now than in 2015 that I expect it more likely than not that Bitcoin will shock everyone and moon all year.

Worst case we dick around between 4-6k all year and bust into 8k range around Christmas imo. This is a great scenario too but I believe Bitcoin has grander plans for his believers.

God help the bears when a Bakkt approval pops up in the news feeds out of the blue and sends us up a few thousand bucks in a matter of days. Im sure Jeffrey Spracher and his wife are working hard with their vast resources and connections behind the scenes to push this through and I bet Crypto Dad at the CFTC is gonna wanna make sure its approved before he retires this year. It would easily be his career signature achievement.

118 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well. Grin

457. Post 50582621 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Buy Bitcoin

458. Post 50594978 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on April 13, 2019, 08:04:00 AM
A baby Bull, a slaughtered lamb, MOON, date of the start of the baby Bull market ..... all on one HAT? Roll Eyes

Sounds like a pagan nativity scene to me

Im ok with Bitcoin morphing into a religion one day. It pretty much already is for me. Grin

459. Post 50595341 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: infofront on April 14, 2019, 06:15:06 AM
Unfortunately, nocoiners will have to be sacrificed from time to time to appease Satoshi.

Yes. "Paul Satoshi rises to leadership through military strategy and political maneuvering, but his superhuman powers and ability to fit himself into pre-existing religious infrastructure allow him to force himself upon mankind Bitcoiners as their messiah. As "Muad'Dib," Paul Satoshi becomes the central figure of a new religion,"

The Golden Path and great Jihad are the only way.

6k soon.

The Bitcoin must flow.

460. Post 50595454 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: lightfoot on April 14, 2019, 01:45:04 AM
Does anybody know if there are rules about switching between LIFO and FIFO?

my duckduckfu is failing me

I would be very surprised if you could switch in relation to the same asset. You might be able to apply different rules to different assets.

Edit:  this suggests using FIFO on a wallet by wallet basis.
Depends. I use LIFO because as a miner and fixer of things I need to expense costs at the time I am getting the bitcoin. Therefore it makes absolutely no sense to use FIFO (it's operating capital not investments). Truth is you wind up paying the same amount in taxes anyway because as I withdraw more I go deeper into my "stack" into coins made at a high price, and at a lower price.

You just don't change mid-stream. I suppose if you get a new wallet and fill it with new coins you could switch for that wallet, but if you ever move coins from your LIFO wallet into the FIFO one you would have to record the LIFO profit/loss first then use today's price as the basis point for the new FIFO coins.

Either way you're fucked in the long run.

Worth noting that Ive read in multiple places that while the IRS mostly doesnt care which method you use, but they frown upon switching between methods each year and will sometimes force you do redo returns using the method you used in prior years, so best to pick one and stick with it across the board each year if you dont want to have to worry about spending time and or money amending your returns.

Also of note there is at least one other method called HIFO that you can choose from, and perhaps even more that I don't know about.

461. Post 50595596 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):


462. Post 50595661 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

119 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy
405 days till Halvening.  Cool

Time flies when your having fun so thanks for the laughs Craig.  Wink

463. Post 50607609 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Elwar needs to get the hell out away from that country and to one of the many countries that doesnt extradite for crimes punishable by death.

464. Post 50607790 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

"Bears better have my money. Or Ill put my foot dead up in their asses" - Coin of the year. King Bitcoin.

465. Post 50610517 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

466. Post 50610595 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

467. Post 50610605 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

468. Post 50627260 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: BTCMILLIONAIRE on April 16, 2019, 07:48:21 AM
Either Ayre knows something we don't, got conned, or he's preparing to break ties with CSW.

"This industry needs to grow up and Craig proving he is Satoshi is the only way past this Troll attack that is so bad for the industries reputation. He now has a duty to set the record straight for us all. The Trolls all know he is Satoshi hence the fear."

Here is my take on what this tweet tells us and also about Calvin's relationship/partnership with Craig right now.

1. Calvin really believes Craig is Satoshi, but he is not 100 percent sure bc of course he knows Craig pulled out of the proof he promised.

2. Calvin is heavily invested in Bitcoin ShitVersion and its success so he has pushed aside any doubts about Craig being Satoshi for the sake of his ambitions and financial interests. Its always easiest to believe something is true if its what you want to be true.

3. Calvin has a lot of leverage with Craig because he is the money man in their endeavors. He has the real power in the relationship.

4. This tweet marks a huge turning point in their relationship.

5. Due to the immensely bad financial consequences of SV tanking over the delistings Craig's ego driven lawsuits cause, Calvin now is calling Craig out to come through with the cryptographic proof he promised. Thats why he calls it a duty now to set the record straight for "us all".

The tweet subtext is simply - "Im your fucking boss Craig and you cost me a shit ton of money so now I demand you stop the bleeding and prove to me and everyone else that you are Satoshi so SV can get be legitimized in the eyes of the crypto world and my heavy bags wont become worthless after a few more delistings.!"

We all know that Craig cant provide the cryptographic proof and doesnt have a million coins so this is the beginning of the end of the Craig and Calvin bromance. I predict soon they will be enemies, Calvin will defang Craig by defunding him, and of course Craig will lash out on Calvin like he does everyone else eventually. Craig is legit insane and its time someone opens up an investigation into his possible involvement of Dave Kleinman's untimely and early death bc I wouldnt put it past Craig to kill a friend(he may have actually killed Satoshi) for some private keys.

469. Post 50637107 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Would be nice to completely destroy Craigs Shitcoin with all the delistings. I think this would pave the way for delisting Bcash, now that its clearly never going to come close to overtaking the one true King of Coins.

With both coins delisted by most exchanges and having lost another 90 percent of market cap value, getting Bitcoin to 100k will be a breeze.

Craig may have done us a huge favor by angering the community and showing everyone how easy it will be to delist the imposter coin known as Bcash and give it its final death blow.

All imposter shitcoiners should be trembling with fear and if they arent completely retarded, then dumping bags for Bitcoin before its too late and everyone realizes how vulnerable they were the whole time.


470. Post 50637694 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: 33bitcoin on April 17, 2019, 02:36:49 AM
I don't think these exchanges care at all about bad actors or scammy projects.  I really do think bribe money has been going around to get SV delisted, Ver might be throwing around money to them.

What have you done with JJG?  He is MIA for days and you have his hat  Shocked

471. Post 50641849 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on December 17, 2018, 10:25:54 PM
Greedy bears were waiting for a high volume bottom plunge that didn't come. I believe we already bottomed according to the not so common Rounding Bottom pattern that the herd was not looking out for. This fits neatly with the decline starting off with monster volume and plunging down more multiple times but at a slower rate and with weaker volume each time. Also its likely that Jimbo cursed us all behind our backs in a moment of weakness while Roach did speak to a Jewish girl(his last female contact till he meets and falls in love with Gembitz at the 100k party) and Searing has already panic sold a big chunk at the bottom. Goose and JJG publicly made their sacrifices(thank you kind sirs) but we may have to speculate about the clandestine actions of Searing, Roach, and Jimbo. All of these conditions met would assure the bottom is in. If correct we should keep rising, slowly at first, but gaining speed and volume on the way out and see 6k  around Jan 12 2019. The cautious bull herd seems to be taking for granted they will get a nice long year to accumulate cheap coins like 2015 and then they can all be millionaires since they neglected to do this 4 years ago during the last great crypto winter, I dont think this will happen at all. Only 21 million(ok like 17 million) coins and its pretty pie in the sky for everyone to think they are gonna get 12 months of bargain basement prices where they can just casually collect coins for peanuts while fundamentals grow stronger by the day.

Ideal scenario (gently and slowly light up your hopium pipes for this one and take a big inhale)........

after regaining 6k in mid January, Bakt would then usher in another mini bubble to 40k followed by a quick and mild bear season testing 10k again, all before the next halving where the march to 250k starts Kiss

Also for anyone waiting for the high profile ragequit/capitulation/ from a well known Bitcoiner.... well the Erik Finman "Bitcoin is dead" was about as good as it gets. This kid has been well covered by the media for quite some time as the "teenage Bitcoin millionaire." If you're waiting for Saifedean Ammous to declare Bitcoin dead before we hit bottom, sorry its just not gonna happen.

Still working on the Gembitz origin story screenplay. Conducting a lot of in depth research into her sad and messy life right now before the big reveal coming soon. Stay tuned frenz.

I predicted the bottom was in on Nov 25 2018 at around 3400. It was breached and we got to the 3100's a few weeks later.  On Dec. 17, in a severe drug induced state from smoking enough Hopium to kill a striped hyena, I declared Dec. 15 2018 to be bottom. I knew the risks of smoking this much Hopium but I said fuck it and traded almost all of the filthy US dollars I had at my disposal for more cheap coins.

So far so good. Knock on wood.

123 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well Grin

Bitcoin is King. All forked imposters are Shitcoin scams imho. If you partake in these scams and lose money when it gets delisted its your own fault imho.

472. Post 50641974 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on April 17, 2019, 10:56:07 AM

I am going to buy Bitcoin-SV.

I wouldn’t expect anything else....

Oh fuck off rebal15, you’re so much of shit that it’s seeping out of every single orafice.
Please buy as many BSV as you’re physically able to, remortgage your house, sell your ass then come back in 18 months time & let us know how you’re getting on.

Holy shit rebal15, with Gembitz and Roach in the Bitcoin funded Homeless shelter and cut off from wifi, you are now King Retard around these parts. Congratz!

If you leave we wont have much of a wack pack left, so stick around.

One day you may be as famous as your brother Beetlejuice.

473. Post 50651856 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Craig Wright admitting he is a faker.

474. Post 50666741 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: Searing on April 19, 2019, 02:42:06 AM
-McAffe stated on twitter that Satoshi still has access to the stash

My guess is that Mr. Mcafee's reveal hinted at this week will be Satoshi as himself and then he'll tell us that you're Satoshi too and then we'll feel all warm inside and that.

Why he would have a clue who he is is beyond me. By 2009 he was well into his jungle freak phase and before that it was yoga and microlights for many years. And if he did have the vaguest hint why did he not pile in in 2009/10/11/12/13 and more? By the time he arrived Satoshi was long gone and no one else has ever claimed to know. I can't see anyone cheerfully telling him over a line of drain cleaner a few years down the road.

Regardless of how you feel about him, if he has access to the private keys he has the coins. But at this stage it's pretty obvious that he doens't have the keys, the problem comes from some  judge deciding that he's Satoshi and ordering the trust to hand the keys to him (or allocating a chunk to him)

I don't know or care what the endgame is but there's no evidence of this trust either.

CSW been claiming that the keys are in that Tulip Trading Trust not to be distributed before 1/1/2020. It's just too much of a coincidence that he's starting his lawsuit on establishing himself as Satoshi now.

yeah....the 3 theory with Dave Kleiman and Hal Finney as the other 2 in the group (who have passed) worst nightmare is he is right and they did put all the 'test coins' into
a tulip trust, that the last man standing can access. Jan 1st, 2020...being the weak link of the trio and the last man standing..that is the nightmare scenario to me (1 out of 50 chance of true IMHO) if Craig Wright does get access to all that BTC he could play the same game as Bitcoin Cash and  crash BTC into BSV or some other silliness if he drove the price down enough on selling would make the 'tulip mania' of the middle ages look tame by comparison.

Anyway, like all 'nightmares' it is extremely unlikely, but still, if BTC was gonna go 'tulips' at this point in time, IMHO, it would take some classic unlikely event like this to do so...

Craig Wright as a 'black swan event'*t just scared myself Smiley (Again, 1-50 chance..but damn that would suck) Sad

I believe the team of three theory is with Phillip James Wilson as the third member. He has offered a detailed and very long accounting of his involvement with the Satoshi group here Ive read it in its entirety and find it much more plausible than any of the rantings of CSW. By Craigs admission to a reporter years ago he doesnt have a million coins bc he already spent his early coins years ago. No way a guy with that kind of ego would deny having a million coins if he really did have them. The simplest explanation for the million coins never moving is not bc Satoshi is the most humble and cheapest man to ever live with no care for money, its that Kleinman is dead, his keys are lost or encrypted, and dead men dont spend money.

475. Post 50669162 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: slocker on April 19, 2019, 05:21:56 AM
I believe the team of three theory is with Phillip James Wilson as the third member. He has offered a detailed and very long accounting of his involvement with the Satoshi group here Ive read it in its entirety and find it much more plausible than any of the rantings of CSW. By Craigs admission to a reporter years ago he doesnt have a million coins bc he already spent his early coins years ago. No way a guy with that kind of ego would deny having a million coins if he really did have them. The simplest explanation for the million coins never moving is not bc Satoshi is the most humble and cheapest man to ever live with no care for money, its that Kleinman is dead, his keys are lost or encrypted, and dead men dont spend money.

I dont think that keys are lost someone has to have them. Maybe funds are divided on separate account or addresses and several people have keys for them but to be lost it little hard to believe. In that case many hackers will try to steal them in any way possible. Keys are here probably but question is this who have them now.

Occum's razor would suggest that the simplest explanation of keys being lost(remember the coins werent worth a much when in the early days) is more likely than the complex explanation of someone somehow having the the motivation and will power to not cash out some coins after all these years while keeping his identity secret. Also the even more complicated and unlikely is the explanation that CSW a proven compulsive liar is actually telling the truth on his most grandiose story to date, the mythological Tulip Trust.

476. Post 50669235 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

What if Craig Wright is suing JJG  Angry and that is why he disappeared.  Shocked

Maybe its nothing to worry about bc JJG would represent himself and destroy CSW's legal team with endless 1000 page legal motions. CSW would go bankrupt.

477. Post 50670882 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: DrDoctor1234 on April 19, 2019, 08:59:33 AM
Hey what do I gotta do to get a hat avatar. All these brothers stuntin hats on this long thread.

Is it a merit level thing I dunno, I can't even seem to put up any avatar. I want to feel included. I search the forum and got nothin.

Bring Craig Wright  Angry to justice and rescue Elwar and his family  Cry and you will receive 1000 merits and a hat of your choosing.

Your quest begins now.

478. Post 50671044 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on April 19, 2019, 10:25:58 AM

I believe the team of three theory is with Phillip James Wilson as the third member. He has offered a detailed and very long accounting of his involvement with the Satoshi group here Ive read it in its entirety and find it much more plausible than any of the rantings of CSW. By Craigs admission to a reporter years ago he doesnt have a million coins bc he already spent his early coins years ago. No way a guy with that kind of ego would deny having a million coins if he really did have them. The simplest explanation for the million coins never moving is not bc Satoshi is the most humble and cheapest man to ever live with no care for money, its that Kleinman is dead, his keys are lost or encrypted, and dead men dont spend money.

Part way through reading this link and holy shit.  If this is a work of fiction it is well researched. 
We had all this even in this thread
not that well researched
vidya Ep. 94 - A Satoshi Nakamoto Story | Phil "Scronty" Wilson
some useful links in this post

Thanks.  Too much Deutz.  Rabbit hole averted. 

A lot of hand wavy dismissing in particular in the reddit post with a solid rebuttal from Steve Patterson worth reading. Not saying Phil's story is all true or partly true, but much more plausible than CSW's easter egg claim or pretty much anything CSW has ever claimed(low bar ikr). I prefer not to dismiss something the minute somebody puts out a reddit post "debunking it" without reading the real material and judging for myself. Also at worst its a great read imo, and if its true it really pieces together how CSW can be so incompetent in so many regards, but still succeed in tricking so many that he is Satoshi.

479. Post 50671308 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

"Any wonder why I was thinking I was about to follow Dave in 2013/2014 due to Craig's movements during 2012/2013/2014 ?"

A few hours ago Phil tweeted this imo basically saying out loud he was suspicious all along that CSW killed Dave Kleiman. Ive wondered about this myself, his death always sounded really sketchy and without a proper investigation.

The greatest justice ever would be if Craig is guilty of murder and Bitcoiners bring him to justice. Perhaps Calvin will go to prison for accessory to murder after the fact.

Does anyone think Craig is not capable of murdering a paraplegic friend?

480. Post 50672179 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Big day today. 400 days till Halvening.  Cheesy

481. Post 50673534 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: JSRAW on April 19, 2019, 01:43:46 PM
Satoshi coins belongs to Satoshi. It's up to him whatever he wants to do with it. He can give it to anyone be it his granny or grandchildren or throw away all his keys it's his decision and freezing someone's coins is ridiculous thing to say.

That's another discussion,  if out of blue he starts to dump his coins on us which is very unlikely because he didn't touched his stash so far but if he does then arguably many of us fucked for sure.

And we can't blame him if he decides to dump his stash because at some point we all gonna sell our stash too.

You're missing the point. If Craig has the private keys he's free to spend them as he wishes regardless of who he is. The problem arises if Satoshi was Dave Kleiman and Hal Finney...and ?? locking the keys in the trust, and now CSW trying to establish himself as Satoshi so later he could get his hands on those keys unchallenged, since you know dead men don't talk.

May be I am missing the point or may be I am ignoring any conspiracy and fiction theory. When we use if if if that much time in any argument then it's just a assumption and we are shooting in a dark. Good for brainstorming or discussion but not worth it much IMHO.

Sometimes we should leave the all series of events to time and see how it goes.

Yes agreed on shooting in the dark, but that is the game we all play when it comes to risky assets. Shooting in the dark has won a lot of wars and caused a lot of nations to rise and fall, its not a pointless exercise.

No different than speculating on price. Its important speculation bc it could have huge real world consequences to hodlers. The unmoved million coins is one of the most worthwhile things in Bitcoin to speculate on bc of its huge potential consequences. These three guys are the most likely people in the Satoshi team. No one else comes close to a more detailed and plausible story.

482. Post 50682428 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

After years of teasing with false ETF hopes, now they dangle Bakkt in front of everyone only to delay and delay into eternity. Fuck these cunts. I will laugh so hard if none of it gets approved till after 100k and they all miss the boat.

483. Post 50685371 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on April 19, 2019, 11:06:10 PM
lot of people get this wrong and it's a bit silly and irritating

'staking' bitcoin isn't possible. that's a shitcoin thing

you probably mean 'stacking', which is commendable. stack those sats guys

Stack Sats Saturday is here Grin, Lets Go!

484. Post 50685460 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Did Fincen bust JJG. Suspicious timing Shocked

485. Post 50685712 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: Hueristic on April 20, 2019, 08:21:32 AM

After years of teasing with false ETF hopes, now they dangle Bakkt in front of everyone only to delay and delay into eternity. Fuck these cunts. I will laugh so hard if none of it gets approved till after 100k and they all miss the boat.

They already raped their pound of flesh with CME.

Don't fool yourself, they miss nothing.

Dont fool yourself that I fooled myself Wink Perhaps it would have been more clear if I specified what I mean by missing the boat and who "they" are. I am referring to the regulatory agencies and the fees that they missed out on, the prestige that they missed out on, all the twitter followers they missed out on(Crypto mom and dad have tons, all other clowns have almost nothing), the feels of doing the right thing they missed out on, and much more I could list.

A legit Bitcoin ETF would have already netted them lots of fee revenue. Govy boyz like nothing more than revenue. They got peanuts from CME.  

Fuck these cunts. Boat missed over and over.

486. Post 50685742 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on April 20, 2019, 09:37:57 AM
Yes I've put the JJG bot into read-only mode for the past few days.
Spring is here and he starts to feel a stirring in his algos, a yearning for fellow bots of the female variety.
It's a dangerous time for him as well as frankly for us; we do not want these things to proliferate.
Look what happened last year; I let the experiment run a bit and we were left with the cryotourist bot, the slammielayer bot, the kingnocoiner bot; all hideous aberrations with their views and dodgy deals and fake interests in shitcoins and counterarguments and whatnot.

Vastly Lates bot tried to upgrade its humor algorithm during its time away. Gonna need some more work there buddy, but good effort. I mean it. Wink

487. Post 50686110 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on April 20, 2019, 10:01:35 AM
Vastly Lates bot tried to upgrade its humor algorithm during its time away. Gonna need some more work there buddy, but good effort. I mean it. Wink
You're quite right of course, clever bot. Entirely coincidentally, still have itchy feet, and will be away for much of the summer. Might look in to taunt you a second time. Perhaps you will have been funny by the end of it. Like a black swan event or a miracle.

You wont be able to process top notch human humor without more upgrades.  Roll Eyes I will DM you some code.

488. Post 50696188 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on April 20, 2019, 09:12:59 AM
@Last of the V8s

did you retire the JJG account?

did it steal too much time, perhaps?

......oh I see

NLC has a girlfriend/boyfriend/sheep nowadays

.....Oh I see you are wrong Fattyboy.

Izabella Kaminska the Financial Times journalist/banker shill was NLC, Lambie, 50 other bear sock puppets, etc. I slayed her by outing her identity and banishing her in 2015 at the bear market bottom with my old account The Doxing. I still control my old account but it was banned from commenting so I came back with a new one four years later for the new bear market bottom to bring Bear Trolls like Roach and Gembitz to justice. She was a filthy nocoiner cunt and deserved to be doxed for her transgressions against Bitcoin. Cheesy Roach and Gembitz are now in a homeless shelter with no wifi.  Wink

126 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.  Grin

489. Post 50696268 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on April 20, 2019, 12:08:36 PM
In other news NVT has never worked so we are going to blame a third party

LOL, so true.

490. Post 50699161 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: jojo69 on April 21, 2019, 01:34:01 AM
I think there are a lot of dishonest voters atm.

I don't even think we have seen the low yet TBH.

I still feel confident the low is in, but at the same time Im also starting to think we are in for a major pullback over the next few weeks(low 4ks at least) as this rally loses steam. Would prefer to be wrong, but accumulation is gonna happen one way or the other, I dont care if it happens in the 3k's, 4k's, or 5k's.

2ks and 1ks would really suck, but Im prepared for that too.

Feels good to be in the 300's instead of 400's for the days till halvening countdown either way.

491. Post 50730180 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.42h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on April 22, 2019, 10:15:04 PM
^ sir, ty

Rubbish...not one Observer report. How are we supposed to take this seriously?
Challenge accepted

the bottom is in:

45% Last of the V8s

WO prediction challenge accepted. Everyone please accept the challenge, quote, and add your percent certainty.  

Bottom is in.

98% Lambie Slayer

492. Post 50733727 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Its a BTCull Market ya know.  Cheesy

493. Post 50734737 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on April 23, 2019, 08:52:11 AM
New poll should be, if CSW starts suing the trust for keys to the stash, since he has his own chain would you support freezing Satoshi coins on the BTC chain.

You are assuming a lot, aren't you?

You are assuming that the trust story is actually true, and if it were true, then whoever has the keys can do whatever the fuck they want with the coins, including dumping them all.

We don't need to DAO hardfork in bitcoin.  This is not ethereum, and the mere fact that some goofball like craig might gain access to such coins should NOT worry anyone.

It's a hypothetical based on their claims, would it be better if it was reworded to: what if two billionairs are not completely insane and actually have some logic to their madness? I'm having a hard time explaining their actions and timing, so dismissing it off to their stupidity feels like an easy way out. To me that's the biggest risk holding BTC back right now, everything else seems to be going as planned. Trusts cannot do anything with assets they hold but beneficiary can do whatever the fuck they want, and in the wrong hands BTC1MM can do a lot of damage. But as i answered my own question, if that has any merit to being true their first step would be proving that he's Satoshi in the eyes of the government. And if that were to actually happen we would most certainly fork to original and Satoshi's frozen stash chains the next day and then market would assign risks appropriately.

Never attribute to conspiracy what can adequately be explained by incompetence

Occum's Razor says the simplest explanation that Craig is lying about the trust, is the most likely explanation.

494. Post 50734788 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: JSRAW on April 23, 2019, 08:45:42 AM
Good bye 5400.

We'll meet again.

Good to see you again. I missed you 5400.  

Dear 5400.  I really enjoyed spending time with you.  But I’m just not ready for a commitment. 

Lets breakup with this mark , move on forward and never see each other in our my lifetime.

Your low digits just doesnt do it for me anymore. I need a more voluptuous and full figured number like 10k in my life with curves in all the right places and more zeros to grab onto.

495. Post 50736515 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: BTCMILLIONAIRE on April 23, 2019, 11:34:03 AM
New poll should be, if CSW starts suing the trust for keys to the stash, since he has his own chain would you support freezing Satoshi coins on the BTC chain.

You are assuming a lot, aren't you?

You are assuming that the trust story is actually true, and if it were true, then whoever has the keys can do whatever the fuck they want with the coins, including dumping them all.

We don't need to DAO hardfork in bitcoin.  This is not ethereum, and the mere fact that some goofball like craig might gain access to such coins should NOT worry anyone.

It's a hypothetical based on their claims, would it be better if it was reworded to: what if two billionairs are not completely insane and actually have some logic to their madness? I'm having a hard time explaining their actions and timing, so dismissing it off to their stupidity feels like an easy way out. To me that's the biggest risk holding BTC back right now, everything else seems to be going as planned. Trusts cannot do anything with assets they hold but beneficiary can do whatever the fuck they want, and in the wrong hands BTC1MM can do a lot of damage. But as i answered my own question, if that has any merit to being true their first step would be proving that he's Satoshi in the eyes of the government. And if that were to actually happen we would most certainly fork to original and Satoshi's frozen stash chains the next day and then market would assign risks appropriately.

Never attribute to conspiracy what can adequately be explained by incompetence

Occum's Razor says the simplest explanation that Craig is lying about the trust, is the most likely explanation.

That doesn't explain why he would be lying.

It's not entirely implausible that real Satoshi is dead or locked up and CSW somehow weaseled himself into a position where either the public or an authority calling him Satoshi would grant him access to a trust.

Either way, time will tell what is going on. One way or another.

Yes. It doesnt explain why so I will elaborate a bit on how I see it. I see a pattern with Craig of lying over and over in his pursuit of money, fame, and power. He also lies to protect his ego and save face, but it usually starts as a lie for the first three I mentioned. Following this simple pattern I make the simplest extrapolation that he is lying about the trust's existence for money, fame, and power. His big score the last few years was getting the financial backing of Calvin. Without this backing he would likely be broke. Calvin supports him bc imo he believes he is Satoshi. Lying about the trust is a great way to keep Calvin and others on the SV team bc he dangles the promise of dumping a million Bitcoins to buy ShitVision and pump it to high heaven, making Calvin and ShitVision brigade all rich while the WO team is pumping gas.

If the trust was real Craig, one of the biggest asswipes ever to walk the Earth would be rubbing proof in our face at every chance and trying to crash Bitcoin rn, he would not wait and suffer in anguish and rage like he is now. This is just simply the kind of piece of shit he is.

ShitVision is going to zero and Calvin will go down as an idiot and a sucker.

129 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well. Cheesy

Tone Vays and Tyler are parasitic sacks of shit and should suffer for their doom calling.

Lets just say fuck it and pump this to 10k this week and rekt every bear beyond repair. Grin

496. Post 50736745 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

497. Post 50737034 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Just some Hopium smoking thoughts, i dont really believe this will happen, but................

This will be the first halvening that the entire financial world knows what Bitcoin is. What if, induced by the end of rate hikes and quantitative tightening, institutions and retail soon start a massive front run on the next halvening that pushes us parabolic and takes us to 100k before the halving, only to have a massive dumpathon in the summer of 2020 with a brutal and heartbreaking  Roll Eyes crash to 20k.

Rate hikes and QT helped push us to the 3100 low, so now that they are both ending, it is easy to imagine a violent rush to 6k, and then a risk-on environment induced, massive front run of the halvening that all the institutions are sad they missed last go around.

Smoked some more, high as fuck on Hopium and Fomo vapors and now I see it clear as day.


498. Post 50737181 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

499. Post 50737408 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Did Fudsters run out of Fud?

Remember in 14 and 15 when US Marshals would announce a Silk Road Bitcoin auction every time we had a strong rally.

No more auctions.

China Bans dont work anymore.

Chinese Miners cant block Segwit anymore.

Big Blockers already forked themselves into irrelevance and shame.

Craig Wright Fud isnt moving the market anymore.

Bitcoin uses all the electricity in the galaxy doesnt work anymore.

What will Fudsters do now?Huh?

Is this the end of FUD?

100k soon  Cheesy ??

500. Post 50738239 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: jojo69 on April 23, 2019, 01:40:16 PM
I am sure Elwar paid more than that for his seastead.

I very much doubt it.  I have been watching the whole process and they were admirably frugal right along.  They used local labor, welded up the spar out in the open, not even in a shop.  Dragged it around with whatever they could scrounge up.

Elwar is NOT profligate with his money, they shopped around for their little boat for some time, and ended up buying a fixxer upper.

I would be quite surprised if there was more than $120K into the prototype all inclusive.

If i recall, i think Elwar wrote somewhere that he and his girlfriend did not fund it, just agreed to live on it for a brief time. Also I think I remember him saying 130k was raised for it, but I dont know if that was all of it or just partial funding. My memory could be off on these and Im not sure if it was a WO post or an article.

501. Post 50738701 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

502. Post 50745654 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

BTC market cap dominance at 2019 high now. Its gonna reclaim 60 percent this year Smiley

The King will reclaim his glory.

503. Post 50746372 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Trump and Jack discussing how to pump their BTC bags.

504. Post 50747396 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on April 24, 2019, 04:09:50 AM
The 2014/15 fractal continues to break down as the price breaks upwards.  Bullish. 

Bullish indeed. I still think we test 4ks very soon, and then start a serious run for spectacular new yearly highs.  I see this 2015 fractal being outperformed to the upside a lot this year.

Reason being is that in 2015 we had no QE, and interest rates were kept at zero. This time in 2019 which is our repeat of 2015 so to speak in the four year halving cycle, and we have an increase in rates being halted, and QT is ending. Without QT and rising rates all of 2018 we would have never gotten as low as 3100 so the fractal represents a low in 2015 achieved without the tailwinds we had in 2018, and now that those tailwinds are alleviated, it makes perfect sense to outperform the fractal by a large amount. US stocks hit all time highs today, we are back in a full blown risk on environment, and no risk is better than Bitcoin.

USD is the global reserve currency until King Bitcoin takes his rightful throne, and its natural for interest rates and QE, QT, operation twist, etc to have major headwind and tailwind effects on the BTC/USD exchange rate.

The Money Printers are firing the printing presses with reckless abandon, ensuring the Bull Run will be glorious. With self destructing enemies like this, who needs friends.  Cheesy

130 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Grin

505. Post 50748310 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: alevlaslo on April 24, 2019, 06:30:07 AM

You're in the wrong thread, this is for Bitcoin, not Shit Vision Coin Cheesy

506. Post 50748390 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: Retina on April 24, 2019, 03:05:59 AM
BTC market cap dominance at 2019 high now. Its gonna reclaim 60 percent this year Smiley

The King will reclaim his glory.

Not only 60% I think 80%+ percent recovery in this year but it is only technically moved BTC transaction volume low but up and down high. I hope a great day every BTCBTC lover it is soon .

I think that might take another couple of years, but...... 80%+ this year would be glorious and is certainly possible. Sign me up Cheesy

507. Post 50748550 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Charts looking dumpy right now. Next 24 hours are critical.

508. Post 50748599 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Shitcoin carnage dumpfest is trying to ruin King Bitcoins Party. Off with their heads Sad

509. Post 50748773 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

One thing that strikes me about the 2015 chart is that the dumps to 200 were about as fast as the rises to 300+. If thats the case and this rally is about done, then we could be at 4k within 30 days.

This is not bad, as this rally would have accomplished convincing a lot of people the bear market is likely over and they wont be so quick to change their minds again, so instead of the fear and panic that was pervasive as we drifted in the 3-4k range, the next low trough will be much more widely seen as a great and possibly last cheap coin buying opportunity.


Either way Bulls win Grin

Pick your poison bears, we ride this bad boy to 8k+, or just scoop up more cheap coins this summer ensuring the future wealth gap between bulls and bears is even greater.

510. Post 50750329 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on April 24, 2019, 07:31:05 AM

Alevlaslo is the Bitcoin Cash version of Jbear

Unfortunately I read through some of his twitter feed. Its a retard cringefest of the highest order.

511. Post 50765707 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 25, 2019, 04:42:20 AM
New poll should be, if CSW starts suing the trust for keys to the stash, since he has his own chain would you support freezing Satoshi coins on the BTC chain.

You are assuming a lot, aren't you?

You are assuming that the trust story is actually true, and if it were true, then whoever has the keys can do whatever the fuck they want with the coins, including dumping them all.

We don't need to DAO hardfork in bitcoin.  This is not ethereum, and the mere fact that some goofball like craig might gain access to such coins should NOT worry anyone.

It's a hypothetical based on their claims, would it be better if it was reworded to: what if two billionairs are not completely insane and actually have some logic to their madness? I'm having a hard time explaining their actions and timing, so dismissing it off to their stupidity feels like an easy way out. To me that's the biggest risk holding BTC back right now, everything else seems to be going as planned. Trusts cannot do anything with assets they hold but beneficiary can do whatever the fuck they want, and in the wrong hands BTC1MM can do a lot of damage. But as i answered my own question, if that has any merit to being true their first step would be proving that he's Satoshi in the eyes of the government. And if that were to actually happen we would most certainly fork to original and Satoshi's frozen stash chains the next day and then market would assign risks appropriately.

I doubt that we are forking, even if the one billionaire and the other hope-to-be a billionaire happen to know something that we don't and they end up getting the satoshi coins.

I agree with JJG and dont believe we would fork if Craig and Calvin got their grubby hands on 1 million coins.


Luckily its a moot point and we don't ever have to worry about it bc we know for a fact the Tulip Trust is a bogus lie made by Craig. One of many lies, and probably his biggest one. It is Craigs Magnum Opus of FUD.

If anyone doubts the Tulip Trust is bogus, this article from last year and it will clear it up for you right away. I will quote the best part, but the whole thing is worth a read.

"The Bitcoin Addresses In The Court Documents Are Directly Connected To Mt. Gox
Trustnodes analyzed the wallet addresses mentioned in the court documents. The wallets contain hundreds of thousands of bitcoins – similar to the amount purportedly mined by Satoshi in the early days. However, these bitcoins appear more connected to Mt. Gox than to Satoshi Nakamoto.

“A brief check of these addresses reveal they belong to MT Gox as has now been proven. Taking the very first address above at A (a), we’ll call it 12hR, we can see it shows funding of 334k bitcoin in 2011. That was directly funded by none other than the infamous MT Gox address from a proof of solvency gox did in 2011.”

We know this address belongs to Mt. Gox because blockchain detectives connected it to the exchange in 2014. At that time, it was revealed that the address still held 200,000 bitcoins – even after Mt. Gox had declared bankruptcy. Mt. Gox later admitted that they owned the address, and the bankrupt exchange was forced to send the bitcoins to the bankruptcy trustee."

For the TLDR crowd out there: Craig listed addresses in his fake Trust document. Fortunately for us these addresses make it childs play to see he is a liar.

512. Post 50775014 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Fuckin bears  Angry

513. Post 50775058 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

"Make sure when you dump your bitcoin you dump it for the stablecoin that is being sued for being back by literally nothing"

514. Post 50775422 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

I knew when Chuck Rhoades got elected as New York AG there would be trouble.

515. Post 50775975 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Financially Independently

516. Post 50776067 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on April 24, 2019, 06:03:32 AM
The 2014/15 fractal continues to break down as the price breaks upwards.  Bullish.  

Bullish indeed. I still think we test 4ks very soon, and then start a serious run for spectacular new yearly highs.  I see this 2015 fractal being outperformed to the upside a lot this year.

Reason being is that in 2015 we had no QE, and interest rates were kept at zero. This time in 2019 which is our repeat of 2015 so to speak in the four year halving cycle, and we have an increase in rates being halted, and QT is ending. Without QT and rising rates all of 2018 we would have never gotten as low as 3100 so the fractal represents a low in 2015 achieved without the tailwinds we had in 2018, and now that those tailwinds are alleviated, it makes perfect sense to outperform the fractal by a large amount. US stocks hit all time highs today, we are back in a full blown risk on environment, and no risk is better than Bitcoin.

USD is the global reserve currency until King Bitcoin takes his rightful throne, and its natural for interest rates and QE, QT, operation twist, etc to have major headwind and tailwind effects on the BTC/USD exchange rate.

The Money Printers are firing the printing presses with reckless abandon, ensuring the Bull Run will be glorious. With self destructing enemies like this, who needs friends.  Cheesy

130 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well.  Grin

So we tested 4ks and I doubt its over.  Seems likely we get to 4000-4200 range by the end of May. This is not a bad thing as that is the perfect launch pad to really push our way out of the 2015 fractal due to the money printing headwinds listed above. QT is still happening at 50 billion per month till September I believe, so the mega run should start around then and we break out of the fractal in spectacular fashion.

 To be a bit more specific I do think the fractal is our best reference for what will happen this cycle and when I say we break out of it, I really mean we create a similar fractal that is warped/distorted to the upside by a good bit. The basic gist of dicking around this year back and forth like 2015 and starting the explosive mega bull run at the end of the year is still the most likely route imo, just this time distorted to the upside vs last time.

TLDR- Big down next 30 days  Cry, really big up next 100 days.  Grin Really really really big up next few years.  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

517. Post 50777324 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: JSRAW on April 25, 2019, 01:46:01 PM
Good afternoon WO fam!

It's been only four days I was away and feels like ages LOL
What have I missed?

I had my eyes on Bitcoin price and it was good to see the price at $5,5xx. It still looks good at $5,459.
A lot to catch up, see the number of pages in only 4 days 😜
Although it's not many comparing to the last bull run.

1. Srilankan bomb blast
2. Short discussion how extrimist using religion and banging humanity
3. Sarcastic comments from v8 and jojo
4. JJg went missing now back
5. Arriemoller getting interested in archeology and reading book and letting us know that no English translation.
6. Bob learning how to create gifs
7.mic MS's application still pending.
8. Seasteading discussion here and there.
9. Bitserve found out cologne is good for nuts 😂
10. LFC is expecting heart attack-excitement in good way if btc reach 30-40k and for some weird reason he pointed out that camel is tight (in sexual term) 😂😂
11. Again v8 and Jojo's sarcastic comments. HM joins them silently
12. Slayer, da rude discussion on Craig.  
13. Discussion on 5 job or something. Credit HM, followed by btcmillionaire
14. Louda makes guests appearances sometimes
15. Toxic's charts
17.earthquake in phillipeen, nutidah is fine.
16.Mic's MS application still pending.

Other than that Not much..... Imo

This is what White House Intelligence Briefings will look like when Bitcoin is the global reserve currency. Cheesy

518. Post 50777887 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: lightfoot on April 26, 2019, 01:44:35 AM
Shit happens, but some folks are just begging for it. I'm sure a normal dose of, say, L, couldn't do that to a normal guy.
Depends. Most drugs affect the application layer of what makes you.... you. They make small changes that go away when rebooted. Pot and alcohol fall in this category.

A few affect the operating system that the thing called "you" runs on. They make more substantive changes in how you act and change a number of things that make you you. Good opiates fall in this category.

LSD and such twiddle around with your firmware or in some cases your microcode. They can change who you *are*, and can rewrite the thing your mental operating system runs on. Use with care.

I think everyone should try smoking DMT at least once. Its a natural chemical your brain already makes and very safe. The experience is over in minutes but it does feel like hours while you are in this other dimension. Once you smoke it there is no need to ever try any other drug, mountain climbing, sky diving, etc, because you will have already achieved the pinnacle of all strange and amazing experiences.  Cheesy


Slayer does not condone the possession, manufacture, or use of illegal drugs in violation of the local laws of your jurisdiction. This comment was for informational purposes only.

519. Post 50778926 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: rebal15 on April 26, 2019, 07:06:13 AM
Shit happens, but some folks are just begging for it. I'm sure a normal dose of, say, L, couldn't do that to a normal guy.
Depends. Most drugs affect the application layer of what makes you.... you. They make small changes that go away when rebooted. Pot and alcohol fall in this category.

A few affect the operating system that the thing called "you" runs on. They make more substantive changes in how you act and change a number of things that make you you. Good opiates fall in this category.

LSD and such twiddle around with your firmware or in some cases your microcode. They can change who you *are*, and can rewrite the thing your mental operating system runs on. Use with care.

I think everyone should try smoking DMT at least once. Its a natural chemical your brain already makes and very safe. The experience is over in minutes but it does feel like hours while you are in this other dimension. Once you smoke it there is no need to ever try any other drug, mountain climbing, sky diving, etc, because you will have already achieved the pinnacle of all strange and amazing experiences.  Cheesy


Slayer does not condone the possession, manufacture, or use of illegal drugs in violation of the local laws of your jurisdiction. This comment was for informational purposes only.

Uhu okkk, I thought you were asleep 22h/7day. I have tried to help you, now I can't cuz I just drink beer and J&B.

Reballz I always appreciate your help and you should know this by now. Thats why I always tip you well with a little fiat paper money when you valet my car or bring me my bone-in filet.  Cheesy I also have been telling you for many years to buy as much Bitcoin as you can afford.

520. Post 50788310 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 26, 2019, 01:37:45 PM
tether died and buried hundred times.
people fallin for the same shit hundred times still amazes me.
nothing will happen to tether,this will be forgotten in a few weeks.

I agree with you that tether serves as a kind of "china bans bitcoin" that continues to deliver. 

Tether FUD will not be forgotten, as long as it continues to work.

Hmmmm..... yes this is the new "china bans bitcoin."

521. Post 50788399 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: Paashaas on April 26, 2019, 03:27:05 PM
Well...of course just print another $100m.  Undecided

This is probably to fund the retainers for their legal team. Wish I was kidding.

522. Post 50788558 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: gembitz on April 26, 2019, 08:30:15 PM
timberrrr  Kiss  weeee\\\
Thats the sound I make when Retard
Roach puts his 2 inch timber in my ass at the homeless shelter Smiley

gogogo   Grin  ====>5ivek closeee
Thanks to all the Bitcoiners who donated to the shelter so we could get wifi for a month. Ill be gone once the tether fud is over bc our wifi will run out by then.

Glad to see your pills are working and you're typing complete sentences today. You're welcome for the homeless shelter upgrades this month. It was the least we could do to help out some unfortunate retards.  Wink

523. Post 50796000 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: VB1001 on April 27, 2019, 10:51:17 AM

I find the timing suspicious. I wouldnt be surprised if TDAmeritrade influenced TPTB to go after Bitfinex to help free up some new customers for their big launch. Long term it will be great to get rid of Bitfinex, but short term, lets be real, this is gonna suck for price for the next few weeks or month.

524. Post 50804324 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 27, 2019, 03:04:28 PM

I find the timing suspicious. I wouldnt be surprised if TDAmeritrade influenced TPTB to go after Bitfinex to help free up some new customers for their big launch. Long term it will be great to get rid of Bitfinex, but short term, lets be real, this is gonna suck for price for the next few weeks or month.

Gonna bump us out of the "BTC*** BTC***"?

JJG, good to see you back and not implicated in a local bitcoins sting. A lot of overreach by authorities lately. Infidels are fighting hard for their money printing masters.

To your question, no sir, not imho. I just expect it to give us a similar 2015 style correction with a new low over 3100, hopefully 4kish. I think we are in the fractal one of our esteemed WO TA experts Hairy has often posted but just with a distortion to the upside from moneyprinting headwinds.  Smiley See for my full theory.

If we break 3100 then I guess I will have to start posting "Bear Market all is fucked" countdowns  Undecided

but till then.....

133 days into new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well Cheesy

also I forgot to post this week the 73 percent complete with halvening cycle milestone. The next 27 will fly by.

525. Post 50804578 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 28, 2019, 05:17:19 AM
[edited out]
Gonna bump us out of the "BTC*** BTC***"?

JJG, good to see you back and not implicated in a local bitcoins sting. A lot of overreach by authorities lately. Infidels are fighting hard for their money printing masters.

To your question, no sir, not imho. I just expect it to give us a similar 2015 style correction with a new low over 3100, hopefully 4kish. I think we are in the fractal one of our esteemed WO TA experts Hairy has often posted but just with a distortion to the upside from moneyprinting headwinds.  Smiley See for my full theory.

If we break 3100 then I guess I will have to start posting "Bear Market all is fucked" countdowns  Undecided

but till then.....

133 days into new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well Cheesy

also I forgot to post this week the 73 percent complete with halvening cycle milestone. The next 27 will fly by.

Ok. so largely, we agree, at least in regards to seeing how this $4,200 to $5,200 price range plays out, so retesting support in the $4,200 area is feasible in the coming weeks, and the further down you go, the more difficult that it will be to reach.  $3,122 is a quite a ways into the distance, and I am starting to lean towards the possibility that it has a less than 50% chance of being challenged again in this cycle.... so more and more, the longer we don't get any meaningful corrections or testing of various support lines, the more likely we are going to be able to assert that the bottom is in... meaning that $3,122 is not going to be retested.  Surely, there must be a lot of buy support between $3,700 and $4,200, too, so just breaking below $4,200 would be far from a done deal regarding any proposed testing of the current $3,122 bottom.

Yes there must be tons and tons of money ready and praying for sub 4k prices to accumulate more coins so it would take some serious next level FUD to take us below 3100 im guessing.

If we dont even make a meaningful push down to low 4ks then holy shit we might be starting raging bull market mode and the Baby Bull could be having early puberty from all the lovely steroids money printers keep injecting into it.

A little DMT laced Hopium thought for the day. What if JPM in hopes of making its stable coin the king of stable coins has set its bought and paid for regulators after Tether with plans to eventually declare Tether an illegal coin and subject any institution(exchange, bank, etc) who uses it to sanctions, confiscations, and prosecutions??? This would mean that tether holders would lose all hope of ever getting dollars for tethers even if they are backed by reserve dollars, and every bitcoiner and shitcoiner would trade tethers for Bitcoins and shitcoins as fast as possible pushing us to 100k by Christmas.  Shocked Shocked Cheesy Cool  

Just a thought Cheesy now back to regular scheduled state and msm sanctioned Fud and doom.  Sad

526. Post 50806573 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 28, 2019, 05:55:56 AM
JayJuanGee, your social credit score is no longer high enough to post.

Yeah right. We now have a world in which the BIGGEST PM shill and intolerant nutjob who does not even know how to pick up a girl is deciding social credit score.... rrriiiiiggghhhhht.

Remember to wake me up when your little dream-time is over.  

Roach's "Hetero Nazi" Credit Score is hovering at -4000 for having not spoken to a fertile Aryan female in 7 years and for anally penetrating the Jewish retarded hermaphrodite Gembitz in a Bitcoin funded homeless shelter. Hitler would not be proud.

527. Post 50808430 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

Quote from: vroom on April 28, 2019, 11:24:31 AM
bitfinex - bitstamp spread increased to $330 and it's still climbing

USDTUSD is also increasing on bitfinex.

bitfinex bitcoin: 5525
bitfinex tether: 1.0352

can someone try to explain this? Should not the tether price dump with all this tether fud?

something weird is going on, I smell dynamite. bitcoin will bart up soon.

Tin Foil Hat - Customers are dumping tether for Bitcoin and withdrawing the Bitcoin. Bitfinex execs, to slow this bank run down and avoid prison for a few more months, are selling customers Bitcoins behind their back for tether to pump up the tether price and stop Bitfinex Bitcoin price from getting to high. This will work until they run out of coins which may not happen. In that case they would hope to spend years behind the scenes slowly replacing customer funds with profits and pretending like nothing ever happened until some regulator sues them.


528. Post 50808635 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.43h):

level 1
Bitcoin Maximalist
63 points
8 hours ago
edited 7 hours ago

"So I've been doing some research to identify the key macro thematic going forward for FX trading and I think I've discovered something really interesting relating to BTC by accident.

Basically I've been comparing certain FX pairs to the Ishares emerging market ETF (based on the MSCI EM index) to see correlations and what is driving price action. Anyways I flicked through my TradingView tabs to BTCUSD with EEM (Ishares EM ETF ticker) still on compare and spotted something which I feel isn't a mere coincidence.

Bitcoins price since the end of the 2015 bear market has shown a reasonably strong correlation with the health of emerging markets:

Of course, as is observable from the left of that chart the correlation didn't exist prior to 2015:

This shows that what I think I am observing now with regards to a potential correlation didn't exists prior to 2015.

Anyhow, I thought to myself that there may be a longer term trend correlation, but not a short term correlation. Because of that thought I was eager to see if certain swings in BTC's price have shown a strong correlation with certain swings in the EEM index and I found a few examples:

The February 6th crash and subsequent risk on rally showed a strong correlation which eventually broke into April:

The May/June sell off from 10k coincided with a harsh sell off in the EEM index:

The June/July bull trap rally showed a strong correlation which held all the way until the end of the hidden bull whale grind rally:

After this point EEM continued to capitulate whilst BTC played its boring game at 6k, it wasn't long though before Bitcoin played catch up:

Now looking at that chart it seems that in the last 7 months the concurrent correlation has broken down, but it seems like EEM is now leading BTC and that favorable conditions in Emerging Markets correlate with favorable conditions for Bitcoin.

What does this mean if this correlation is actually legitimate?

Well firstly it means that Bitcoin isn't an uncorrelated asset class anymore and that the uncorrelated narrative has been untrue since 2015. Bitcoin is a play on the health of Emerging Markets and by proxy China and whenever those markets get rekt the Bitcoin market also deteriorates.

Secondly it means that a macro thematic can be extremely useful in deciphering Bitcoin's price action going forward and seems like a must have for any trader looking maintain an holistic view of the Bitcoin market.

Thirdly it means that the strength of the Chinese economy (which buoys and leads EM) is very important, it also means that the strength of the US Dollar is important because a strong dollar is what causes EM problems.

On that last thought here is a chart of BTC vs DXY (Dollar Index) Inverted, its not as strong a correlation compared to EEM but there is something there:

Anyway, I know a lot of the pro Bitcoin crowd are fairly stubborn and dismissive of legacy people trying to frame macro analysis over Bitcoin and if you're one of those people feel free to toss this out or critique it below. But (at least to my eye) this macro theme looks legit so although I have already been using it for trading Fx pairs I may also use it now to analyze Bitcoin's price for future trading opportunities."

529. Post 50833393 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: Globb0 on April 29, 2019, 12:32:32 PM
Some calculations on the value of bitcoin based on time and effort expelled

So there is the answer to how into BTC is roach?

The answer is $ 16,396.88

Brilliant Cheesy

530. Post 50833430 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on April 28, 2019, 03:43:34 PM
Slow Lamb with Wiley Provençal Striped Hyena - order's up!!  Who ordered the lamb?!



Thank you kindly for this masterpiece. I will wear it with pride starting May 8 when I will consider the BTCaby BTCull Market to have matured out of infancy.

531. Post 50861122 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: realr0ach on May 02, 2019, 01:05:22 AM
Please stop quoting Roach.

Retard gibberish....

They know they will easily defeat the Kissless Virgin Roach with one call to the homeless shelter saying we are cutting off Bitcoin donations if they dont suspend your wifi privileges.

and FFS tell your lover Gembitz to lock its bike up, thats not a safe neighborhood.

532. Post 50862381 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

So Friday Bitfinex legal team and NY AG prosecutors will meet in court. Good news is this will likely be a nothing burger and no new evidence/Fud will be presented.

What may turn out to be very bad news however is the fact that on Monday at 2:15 eastern time, the NY AG prosecutors have been ordered appear in front of the NY State Supreme Court to present evidence ("show cause") as to why there case has merit and should not be vacated.

Why Slayer you may ask could this be a Fudsters dream??

Because prosecutors generally hold back as much evidence as they can when first bringing cases forward. They do this because not only are they pricks, but because the less the defendant knows about the evidence the more intimidating it is. Defendants enter a state of panic wondering about all the misdeeds they have ever done. This is not only an intimidation tactic but it can act to cause a defendant to get sloppy and start tipping of the prosecution by making calls or sending emails that may be monitored as they scramble to cover their tracks.

Now the NY Supreme Court is forcing the AG's hand and they will have to reveal at least some juicy evidence which may give the Fudsters the ammo they crave. The fact that the Arizona man and Israeli woman were recently charged is likely not a coincidence as their testimony against Bitfinex executives would go a long way towards showing cause.

"U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Reginald Fowler and Ravid Yosef allegedly ran a shadow bank that processed hundreds of millions of dollars of unregulated transactions on behalf of numerous cryptocurrency exchanges.  Their organization allegedly skirted the anti-money laundering safeguards required of licensed institutions that ensure the U.S. financial system is not used for criminal purposes, and did so through lies and deceit.  Thanks to the investigative work of the FBI and the IRS-CI, they will be prosecuted for their actions.”

FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “Lying to banks and skirting the regulations put in place by the banking industry is a violation of federal law, a crime both Fowler and Yosef are charged with today.  Taking it one step further, as alleged, Fowler himself directed the ebb and flow of significant amounts of money to and from these various bank accounts, despite the fact that he was not licensed to do so.  May this be a reminder to all that there are consequences to engaging in fraudulent behavior and risky business practices.”

IRS-CI Acting Special Agent in Charge Jonathan D. Larsen said:  “As this indictment shows, IRS-CI will continue to follow the money, no matter if it's virtual currency, to bring criminals to justice. This should serve as a warning to cyber-criminals who think they can hide behind virtual currency that IRS-CI is fully committed to unraveling these schemes.”"

Here coindesk lays out claims that these two "criminals" were connected to Crypto Capital and Bitfinex

Rest assured that behind the scenes multiple regulatory and law enforcement agencies are conspiring together to get their paws on Bitfinex money and to make juicy career enhancing headlines for themselves. The arrest this week was just the first signal the sharks are circling. You can see here the US AG, The FBI, and the Criminal Investigations arm of the IRS each are involved with these arrests and no doubt they are trying to tie it to Bitfinex. We already have three grubby parasites putting their names in press releases as they seek money and glory from cracking down on the evil and dangerous and ever so naughty  Roll Eyes Bitcoin world.

So far the AG has signaled that this is a cash grab/shakedown of Bitfinex bc they know their is money to be had from the large exchange. My guess is that if Bitfinex gets too feisty in fighting back that the AG will use the threat or act of escalating this to a criminal case to force the Bitfinex execs to bend the knee and hand the AG the shakedown money that she inevitably wants her paws on.

The State Supreme court could certainly rule against the AG, but in general when you go up against the government in court its all just a kangaroo court and the rubber stamp comes soon enough from one crony to another. In the case of a Bitcoin exchange looking for a fair shake in a liberal state where the entrenched financial interests that run the state despise Bitcoin, expect the court to be in ultra Kangaroo mode.

TLDR - potential huge Fudstorm Monday, trust no one.

UPDATE: Last of V8s kindly pointed out that both fraud suspects were not arrested. Reginald Fowler was arrested and as far as I can determine a warrant has been issued for the Israeli female but she is not in custody atm.

Also I have since noticed the Feds have already seized some of Bitfinex's missing money.

533. Post 50863367 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on May 02, 2019, 09:19:58 AM
Would Monday really be horror? Or already priced in....  Roll Eyes

It may be a horror for shorts and cause real fear at Bitfinex to where everyone trades tethers at any price for Bitcoin to get them the fuck outa Bitfinished and we pump to 10k by Tuesday.  Cheesy

Probably the real horror will be for foolish tards with money on Bitfinex and the Bitfinex execs worried about the Booty Warrior coming for them.

I dunno wtf is going on LOL.

534. Post 50871701 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Coindesk reporter tweets:

"1/ Buried in this doc is a seeming confirmation that Fowler was indeed behind Crypto Capital, and @bitfinex did lose access to $850m as a result of this investigation"

USG seeking to hold Reginald Fowler without bail. This also backs up Bitfinex's story about losing 850 million bc of Crypto Capital. It also calls into question their claim it will be freed up in "a few weeks".

It appears to me that USG may have the $850 million which gives them 850 million reasons to destroy Bitfinex. Its kinda hard to sue the gov for 850 million when you are in prison.

Sharks are circling. x850

535. Post 50872709 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Bitcoin sign guy is a Shitcoiner now.

536. Post 50873841 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Activate Bitfinex Bank run panic mode. 10k by Monday night.  Grin

Regulators tried to fuck us and just pamped it on accident.

If you still have money on Bitfinex and are just too cheap to pay the spread and buy the overpriced BTC to pull out your money, well you deserve whatever happens to you for being an idiot. Get your coins off of there now!

537. Post 50876242 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

10k tonight? Grin

538. Post 50876317 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: rebal15 on May 03, 2019, 07:52:19 AM
10k tonight? Grin
What wrong with you?

Twats that you say, I cunt hear you.

539. Post 50876982 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: MrFreeRoMan on May 03, 2019, 08:34:40 AM
Iranian ''Hulk'' Sajad Gharibi wants to step into the MMA ring, he needs someone to play with.

Who wants to fight this tank?  Shocked


"UFC star Brian Ortega says he would smash “Iranian Hulk” Sajad Gharibi if they clashed in the Octagon despite weighing about 240 pounds less than the Instagram monster"

The guy is massive, but he is using photoshop like an instagram bimbo to make his waist much smaller and give him the cartoon character/hulk look.

540. Post 50877170 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Is this pamp fucked up and gonna end in a blow off top and the demise of a huge exchange, probably, but IDGAF rn. I need 8K in my veins rn!

139 days into the new BTCaby BTCull Market and all is well.  Smiley

541. Post 50877416 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Maybe the Tether scam is the best thing that has happened to us hodlers and years and we hit 20k this week as Tether loses half its value or more. Yes, you may say Im a dreamer, but I mean, its not like we dont deserve it for being such steadfast hodlers Grin

To all you peeps on Bitfinex, dump those Tethers at any price and pump our precious to high heaven ASAP please!, bc once Phil Potter is in handcuffs, its game over.  Cry

Hurry and pump our coins bc soon your next and last Bitfinex login attempt will likely look exactly like this.

This creature is coming and she dont play nice.

Thank you for your future sacrifice Tether boyz.


542. Post 50877740 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

I think this is what it feels like to be one of the big boyz. We have regulators scaring people into dumping shitcoins and buying Bitcoins. Go regulators go. Team Statist!!! Gimme 20k please!

543. Post 50878146 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on May 03, 2019, 10:04:54 AM
Careful out there guys, it's FOMO'ing pretty bad.

Why is it bad if we mostly have BTC and see our BTC performing better as a while back, we not FOMO-buying we just HODL....

When we HODL a year of F***Dips and still where happy to Buy and Hodl, then why wouldn't we be happy when its pumping??

Also buying @these prices is still buying pretty cheap BTC's or am I wrong?

Yes, its ok to embrace the pump even if the reasons are sketchy. I remember the MMM pyramid scheme Bitcoin pump in 2015. Sure it was sketchy AF and ended in a dump, but in the end it spread Bitcoin awareness and helped end the bear market.

Also we were blessed with a cult movie classic. The PyraMMMid

544. Post 50879007 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on May 03, 2019, 02:46:35 AM
Activate Bitfinex Bank run panic mode. 10k by Monday night.  Grin

Regulators tried to fuck us and just pamped it on accident.

If you still have money on Bitfinex and are just too cheap to pay the spread and buy the overpriced BTC to pull out your money, well you deserve whatever happens to you for being an idiot. Get your coins off of there now!

But but but I have 0.5 ETH on there and I’m very lazy.  What can I do?

I wouldnt worry about it. I had some Bitcoin on 1broker when the FBI and CFTC seized their domains. TPTB allowed 1broker to return coins to customers and I got em back not long after. I bet if they shut Bitfinex down they let them return customer funds, since this is now the established pattern.

But.... its Tether I wouldn't want to be near bc if they decide its an illegal instrument created by criminals then perhaps you dont get those back or you get them back but they arent worth much bc USG seized the money "backing" them.

The chills this would send across the globe would leave unregulated stable coins crushed in value and possibly pump Bitcoin to high heaven, or maybe rekt it short term  Cry I dunno. It wouldnt be the first coin the USG deemed illegal and sanctioned.

Tether could be the next Petro. Yeah its extreme, but it could happen.

My guess is TPTB want to

A: keep the 851 million they already grabbed
B: take all the USD "backing" the Tether saying it was the proceeds of criminal enterprise
C: allow Bitfinex to return all customer Bitcoins, Tethers, and other crypto back to the customers
D: Shutter Bitfinex, seize the domains, ban the execs from ever doing financial business again, maybe a
     little jail time
E: If they cant take all the money backing Tether bc it makes them look bad and hurts the Crypto markets too much, then they settle for negotiating something like a 300 million dollar fine. (1broker paid almost a million dollar fine and Bitfinex Im guessing out my buttcrack is at least 300 times larger)

So you end up with a situation similar to 1broker where customer Crypto funds are returned, the exchange is shut down permanently, USG hits execs with civil penalties and seizures(execs are happy not to go to gitmo for 400 yrs)

The biggest losers would be Tether holders in this situation bc they will get back their Tethers but the reserve backing Tether will go from 74 percent to 0 percent. Bitcoin will at the very least do much better than Tether in this situation.

TLDR, trade your Tethers for BTC at any price, even 20k.

545. Post 50883765 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Wassa wassa wassa wassa was up.

546. Post 50888142 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 03, 2019, 08:24:12 PM
Wassa wassa wassa wassa was up.

y the hardon for phil? he left a while back...

V8s, we are cool these days brother, no need for jabs.  Wink Posting Phil Potter, the current pump mastermind, is pure no homo(you know Slayer dont play that), its homage to the pimp of pumps. He is the brains behind the Tether invention if i recall (Chief Strategy Officer right?). As we just reaped the fruits of the latest pump he deserves some credit for his baby shitcoin.

 Phil if your reading this, 10k Monday night please pump master.  Cheesy Ty.

Still virtually all in on Bitcoin for long term hodl, but yeah I like to margin trade some on the side to stay connected and interested in the daily rumblings. Nothing teaches the game like the game.

"The game taught me the game. And it didn't spare me the rod while teaching."

547. Post 50888444 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

As scammers have helped us pump recently I have been pondering the place in Bitcoinlandia of Scammers, Liars, Thieves, Asswipes, Retards, Trolls, and of course, Shitcoiners.

Im starting to evolve a bit on how I perceive these creatures.

Its time to embrace our bad apples. Bc they are frankly superior to the bad apples of the fiat world. In its day fiat had criminals and scammers like Jesse James, Bernie Madoff, Charles Ponzi, and Bruce Reynolds.
If you want stock and bond retards look no further than Dennis Gartman or anyone on the cast of CNBC.

But now things have changed. There is a new Sheriff in town(Bitcoin duh). And this Sheriff has a posse of hodlers smarter and better than any group of stock boyz or fiat lovers ever assembled. But what sets us even more apart form our competition is our retards, scammers, and asswipes.

In Bitcoin we simply have the best, highest level retards, scammers, and asswipes the world has ever seen. That is because we are the best.

I was on Stocktwits for many years and no retard I ever encountered came close to Virgin Roach.

Retards like him and Gembitz help make Bitcoin superior over stocks and all other currencies. One of my favorite things about the Howard Stern show over the years was the Wack Pack and its King, BeetleJuice

I know the Central Bankers sit around at night bemoaning the fact they dont have token retards that can match ours. This is a source of pride for them and we have completely stripped them of it.

Now as far as scammers go, Madoff and Charles Ponzi had their day, but Shitcoiners put them to shame. It would take another 20000 pages to begin to describe the glory of our high level scammers. Yes, Central Bankers cry over this too, their govy currencies arent fun anymore and we attract the best talent, including scammer talent.

Lastly Ill touch on the Asswipe category. The Asswipes and Assclowns of Bitcoin probably dominate their competitors in the fiat and stock world more than our retards or scammers. Two filthy words..... Craig Wright. Nothing else to say, we win hands down, go ahead and forfeit central bankers, you had a good run.

Time to celebrate these scammers, shitcoiners, retards and asswipes. Heres to you fellaz.

 Yes you are living pieces of shit, but you are our pieces of shit and you are the best of the best so its only right that you ride with the best of the best hodlers as we take over the financial system.

548. Post 50889275 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: infofront on May 04, 2019, 04:46:28 AM
To me, it seems that the 12 would be better, since the 12th is the closing of the weekly candle... but what do I know?

It's just a little more convenient for me, being a Saturday and all. I have more time to dick around with things like polls.

I was on Stocktwits for many years and no retard I ever encountered came close to Virgin Roach.

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about him. He must be very touched.

And I do agree with your amusing post. We have the crème de la crème of scammers, retards, and trolls. Craig Wright is more impressive than Bernie Madoff in some ways. Madoff just started with an honest investment fund that got totally out of hand and grew into a ponzi scheme. Craig Wright has just been blatantly lying and conning his way to the top. He's conned multiple billionaires, Gavin Andresen, et. al. He's been an instrumental part in creating two of the premier scamcoins, with a combined market cap of over $6 billion at the moment. Now, Bernie's scheme was worth over $65 billion at it's peak, but just wait for the next epic bullrun. Craig's scamcoins will have a combined market cap >$65 billion. And no one in the legacy financial markets would have the balls to claim to be Satoshi, and start suing everyone who says otherwise.

Yes, Craig is the King of all the pieces of shit in Bitcoinlandia. He is the Top Scammer and Top Asswipe, he rules two categories with an iron hand and his shitcoins bring in legions of new retard blood into the scene that strikes fear in the hearts of all central bankers, so that makes him the honorary King of Retards two. A perfect trifecta. He is the Goku of his genre.

549. Post 50890839 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on May 04, 2019, 08:49:24 AM
But But But G.O.T. = in today ...........

I listened to that episode. It was a pretty good audiobook, I wonder how many millions they saved by just making everything black most of the time.   Undecided

550. Post 50890905 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

551. Post 50894381 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

If we have some bad news in regards to Bitfinex coming this is about the time the insiders privy to that knowledge would start front running it. Saturday morning when all the pumpers are about to go to sleep after a long night of drinking and debauchery.

I am one of those pumpers so see you gents tomorrow.

552. Post 50899894 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Give us 10k now pump gods! Cheesy

553. Post 50900394 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.

554. Post 50900595 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 04, 2019, 11:46:25 PM
Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.

May 8 is coming.....
what happens then?

@JSRAW - Grin Yes sir it is coming up fast.

@V8s - I will place a Xhomer masterpiece on my head and announce the BTCaby BTCull is no longer a baby(provided we dont go sub 3100 by then in which case Bitcoin is dead and a scam Roll Eyes)

There will be other festivities as well but I cant reveal that now.

555. Post 50901384 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on May 05, 2019, 12:03:13 AM
Shitcoiners (all coins but BTC) dump you bags now while you can.

May 8 is coming.....
what happens then?

@JSRAW - Grin Yes sir it is coming up fast.

@V8s - I will place a Xhomer masterpiece on my head and announce the BTCaby BTCull is no longer a baby(provided we dont go sub 3100 by then in which case Bitcoin is dead and a scam Roll Eyes)

There will be other festivities as well but I cant reveal that now.

LS keep doing what you do, you’re becoming a cult Classic @ the WO-thread ..... announce when the BULLmarket matures, looking forward for it and your HAT Cheesy

GOOD Night WO’s going into SOBERupsleep and Will be out for Some hours

Cheers for those that are awake or doesn’t sleep this night!

Get that hodlrest brother Smiley We will keep the Anti-Retard Vigilante Squad running round the clock.

556. Post 50902670 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

WTF, the White House has turned into a Boiler Room for stock pamping.

557. Post 50905328 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

level 1
Bitmex Paper Boy
32 points
8 hours ago
edited 7 hours ago
Every other comment here is bears complaining about bulls and bulls complaining about bears. Sentiment is actually incredibly mixed right now; price is up 80-90% on a multi month rally and futures are at a $40 discount. There's definitely some disbelief going on.At the top of the May 2018 rally, there was a $400 premium on futures! And we are at a discount right now. Ignoring factual, objective signals is the best way to fight the trend. I came up with justifications for why there was a discount at low $5k before we rallied hard and got burned for it. I've even seen some people saying bitmex whales are manipulating swaps to make funding bad for shorts. Kinda funny to see people saying that...

The truth is, for some reason, the market sentiment is that futures traders and bitmex traders in general are fairly convinced we won't go up here. At a macro level, bitmex traders have been wrong about every single move since I've traded on there.

This will correct hard at some point. But I'm trying to take a step back and ask myself, when did BTC convince me that 100% rallies are impossible? At what point did this market break me and make me think that going back above $6k was virtually impossible? Regardless of what eventually happens, the next 10-20% move should be fairly exciting. There will be a huge pullback at some point. But that doesn't mean it'll be where I want it to be"

558. Post 50905435 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Question for anyone who wants to take a crack at it.

At what point should we assume that most everyone who wants out of Bitfinex has gotten out?

559. Post 50923720 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

If somebody already posted this my bad.

Bitfinex's legal response for todays hearing.

I. The Attorney General Failed to Show that the
Martin Act’s Jurisdictional Scope Covers the Respondents ................................... 2
II. The Attorney General’s Ex Parte Application Should Have Been
Governed by the Traditional Standards for a Preliminary Injunction ..................... 3
III. The April 24, 2019 Order Cannot Be Justified
Under the Traditional Preliminary Injunction Standards ........................................ 8
A. The Attorney General Will Not Succeed on the Merits .............................. 8
B. There Is No Harm, Much Less Harm that Is Ongoing or Irreparable ....... 10
C. The Balance of the Equities Favors Bitfinex and Tether .......................... 11
IV. A Preliminary Injunction Is Not “Proper and Expedient” .................................... 12

Looks like the AG is full of shit and lazy, but we still gotta watch out for Kangaroo Court shenanigans.

560. Post 50929930 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Pamp it to 10K boyz. Grin No mercy!

561. Post 50930055 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

7k tonight? Cheesy

562. Post 50930186 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: GreatArkansas on May 07, 2019, 03:10:04 AM
7k tonight? Cheesy 8k tonight?  Cheesy
Make it 8k   Grin.

Lot of shitcoins dropping while the king is soaring!

Fixed Smiley

563. Post 50931163 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on May 07, 2019, 04:46:19 AM
7k tonight? Cheesy

Looks like you be in a process to rejuvenate some optimism, here?

We had witnessed a few hairy days, in which you had revealed some kinks in your BTCxxx BTCxxx armor.... hahahahahahaha

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Please sir, never a kink. Just thought the Baby Bull would have a healthy correction to 4200. Still think something of the sort is in the cards, but why not hit 7k first  Cheesy as the Bitfinex troubles keep pumping the price. Only a baby for 2 more days, May 8 is coming Grin

Not a good day in court for Bitfinex they were denied their motion to vacate even though they had solid arguments. Kangaroo court appears to rule the day. I suspect we keep pumping hard as bulls are taking advantage of desperate customers paying a premium to pull out their Bitcoin, then when everyone who really wants out is out, we correct. No way in hell is this Bull market ending rn though. This party will last years imo.

564. Post 50937233 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.44h):

Quote from: kenzawak on May 07, 2019, 01:11:29 PM
Craig Wright’s Wife Lost Millions in Bitcoin Trading

She started with 200k and ended up with 700k and claims to have lost millions, gimme a break. Scammer Faketoshi seems to have found a scammer wife on

565. Post 50938115 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: infofront on May 07, 2019, 02:27:56 PM

I'll do the honours.

Im contemplating  getting out of crypto for a while at least.  I've had enough of the hysteria...

The only way out of crypto is to get scammed.

It's like how in a gang, you have to get beat in, and beat out.

Ive only ever foreseen two ways out for myself.


I notice how a lot of the fiat ultra elite pledge to donate all or a percent of their net worth to charity when they die. I think we should start a Bitcoin pledge where we promise to destroy the keys to a certain percent of our coins when we die, thus strengthening the Bitcoin eco system and enriching our Bitcoin brothers and sisters we leave behind. This seems to have been what Satoshi may have done for us and perhaps his second greatest gift, losing the keys to a million coins to make us all richer.

June 21, 2010, 05:48:26 PM

"Lost coins only make everyone else's coins worth slightly more.  Think of it as a donation to everyone." Satoshi

566. Post 50938565 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on May 07, 2019, 06:35:22 AM
7k tonight? Cheesy

Looks like you be in a process to rejuvenate some optimism, here?

We had witnessed a few hairy days, in which you had revealed some kinks in your BTCxxx BTCxxx armor.... hahahahahahaha

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Please sir, never a kink. Just thought the Baby Bull would have a healthy correction to 4200. Still think something of the sort is in the cards, but why not hit 7k first  Cheesy

Only a baby for 2 more days, May 8 is coming Grin

It seems that a few days back, I have already conceded that my delay indicator status has already transitioned from "bear" to "bull" market status.... So, my current numbers are not exactly strong, but I am at least in the 51% to 52% arena that the bottom is "in"..

Yes, I noticed your bear to bull market status transition. Smiley Nothing wrong with being cautious and using a delay indicator. Sound strategy.


567. Post 50938891 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: Ibian on May 07, 2019, 03:31:58 PM
I notice how a lot of the fiat ultra elite pledge to donate all or a percent of their net worth to charity when they die. I think we should start a Bitcoin pledge where we promise to destroy the keys to a certain percent of our coins when we die, thus strengthening the Bitcoin eco system and enriching our Bitcoin brothers and sisters we leave behind. This seems to have been what Satoshi may have done for us and perhaps his second greatest gift, losing the keys to a million coins to make us all richer.

June 21, 2010, 05:48:26 PM

"Lost coins only make everyone else's coins worth slightly more.  Think of it as a donation to everyone." Satoshi

I agree. On an either-or scale, socialism obviously does not work. Capitalism, ho! all the way. But as long as we live in a society there has to be some element of looking out for one another. And people who inherit wealth but never learn how to generate it piss it away anyway and turn into pieces of shit. Thus, take the keys to some, possibly all, of your coins with you to your grave and instruct the little monsters in the fine art of being worth a damn without having to rely on handouts.

Everyone profits. You from doing whatever you damn well please with your money while alive, your family reputation from your generous donation, your kids from being better than they would otherwise have been, and coiners around the world. And this way, there is certainty that the donation will go to the intended recipients, and not be "lost" in managerial inefficiency.

You bring up a great point! I had just pondered a Bitcoin Pledge for the first time this morning and didnt even think of the benefits of being able to leave every hodler on Earth a little piece of your wealth with zero admistrative costs, legal costs, tie up time in probate courts, or estate taxes. Perhaps the worlds first 100 percent cost efficient charity.

I Lambie Slayer, hereby pledge to, upon my death, take the keys to a minimum of 20 percent of my Bitcoins with me into the the halls of Valhalla.  My gift to my fellow Hodlers.

568. Post 50939076 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: d_eddie on May 07, 2019, 11:42:37 AM
7k tonight? Cheesy

Looks like you be in a process to rejuvenate some optimism, here?

We had witnessed a few hairy days, in which you had revealed some kinks in your BTCxxx BTCxxx armor.... hahahahahahaha

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Please sir, never a kink. Just thought the Baby Bull would have a healthy correction to 4200. Still think something of the sort is in the cards, but why not hit 7k first  Cheesy as the Bitfinex troubles keep pumping the price. Only a baby for 2 more days, May 8 is coming Grin

Although it looks like we're going straight up with no afterthoughts, I mostly agree with Lambie's view. Maybe 4.2k is starting to look a bit too far down, and the high 4k's are more likely as a correction target, but the gist of it is still valid IMHO.

Not a good day in court for Bitfinex they were denied their motion to vacate even though they had solid arguments. Kangaroo court appears to rule the day. I suspect we keep pumping hard as bulls are taking advantage of desperate customers paying a premium to pull out their Bitcoin, then when everyone who really wants out is out, we correct.
This. The volume is still quite tentative, with the occasional plump burst.

No way in hell is this Bull market ending rn though. This party will last years imo.
We're already in party rehearsal mode, man  Cool

rehearsal indeed Grin and yes Id say at this point the pump has been so strong that high 4ks are a lot more likely than 4200 at this point for a correction.

569. Post 50953099 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

“And I think the people who are professional traders that go into trading cryptocurrencies, it’s just disgusting. It’s like somebody else is trading turds and you decide, ‘I can’t be left out.'”

bitcoin investors "celebrate the life and work of Judas Iscariot"

Charlie ButtMunger

I predict either or both Charlie ButtMunger and Warren Buttfet will be dead before the 100k Party. The stress of King Bitcoin ascending to glory will be too much for these old tards and help send them to an early grave. Good riddance you pieces of shit.

570. Post 50958874 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on March 18, 2019, 12:30:46 AM

The longest period we went last year between making new lows was from June 24 till Nov 14 when the 6k floor was destroyed. This was 143 days.

Once we make it to May 8 of this year with out breaking the December 15, 2018 low, then we will have surpassed that period and many more believers will hop on the Baby Bull Market bandwagon. I will consider the Bull Market to no longer be a baby at that point.

May 8 would also be 1 year and 16 days before the coming halving. So a few weeks after we break the 143 day record, we will be starting the 1 year countdown till halving and Hopium smoking will flourish all over the world.

Remember, all band wagons start off with just a few passengers. The Bitcoin bandwagon rewards early riders and its wheels have special Bear killing spikes.

92 days into the new Baby Bull Market and all is well. Happy St Patricks day everyone! Dont forget to pinch a nocoiner. Cheesy

Today is a special day and to honor it I put on the hat. Thank you Xhomer!

We have broken the 2018 record of 143 days with no new lows(June 24-Nov14) and not only are we not any lower, but we are approximately 90 percent higher than the Bear bottom of December 15, 2018! Grin

This means our little BTCaby BTCull Market is no longer a baby. He is not fully grown of course, but from now on I will give it the respect of a young adult. Yes we went from baby to young adult in a day, but this is Bitcoin.Cheesy

Lets take a moment to reminisce on our little friend who was born on Dec 15, 2018. They grow so fast and if you dont buy them while they are young, you miss out on 90 percent gains  Cry

After the Halvening our BTCull Market will reach his full adult strength and look like this.

In 15 days we will be 1 year away from the Halvening and the Hopium Cartels will struggle to keep up with demand as we smoke with our fellow Hodlers!

144 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well Cheesy

571. Post 50959948 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Lets pamp it to 8k tonight! Cheesy

572. Post 50960201 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Moment of silence for the tards out there..............................

Ok the moment is over, go fuck yourself Gembitz, Virgin Roach, Rebal and every other retard who doubts the King.  Cool

8k tonight?  Grin You never know....

573. Post 50960564 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

574. Post 50966219 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Source unknown(Likely Alien):
 "In 1876 economists and mathematicians theorized the existence of a economic-ecosystem that had reached a form of transcendence - creating an endless positive feedback loop. They proposed that such a system entering this state would begin what they called the Golden Bull Run. Various mathematical models were created to show what this Golden Bull Run would look like.

Through my PhD research I believe Bitcoin may be entering the early stages of a Golden Bull Run. In this stage early investors could potentially earn an endless supply of wealth - as the system generates tangible wealth rather than just moving it around.

Economists believed that the slow nature of the stock market meant that harmful players could sabotage the emergence of the Golden Bull Run before it could get started. However it looks like the extremely fast paced nature of Bitcoin means it is not susceptible to these types of attacks.

If I am right we could see something never before experienced in the history of the universe. Hold on while you can - takeoff is imminent."

575. Post 50973474 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

576. Post 50975376 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

FFS everyone call your state Attorney General, your local Sheriff or Police Chief, your Governor, your Senator, you Congressman, the SEC, the FBI, the IRS, the CIA, the CFTC, and lets get some crackdowns on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Exchanges, and all the bad Bitcoin criminals so we can pump this thing to 100k in a month or two.  Grin Moar FUD!

577. Post 50976087 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

"By CCN: Bitcoin-bashing Democrat Congressman Brad Sherman is urging his colleagues to pass a law that would ban cryptocurrencies in the United States.

“I look for colleagues to join with me in introducing a bill to outlaw cryptocurrency purchases by Americans, so that we nip this in the bud.”

Congressman Sherman, who’s from California, made the remarks May 9 at a meeting of the House Financial Services Committee."

We need more politicians like this to help pamp us to 100k right away Grin

578. Post 50982011 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: d_eddie on May 10, 2019, 11:48:19 AM
It looks like Lambie got it right with the baby-to-adult thing. He started talking about it long ago. IMO that's long enough to deserve some juicy title such as Bull Prophet or something.

Very kind sir, thank you. To be fair I called bottom twice. Once not so emphatically in late November and we quickly hit new lows proving me wrong. then on Dec 17 I emphatically called Dec. 15, 2018 the bottom here on WO. Second time was a charm...... hopefully Cheesy

Hairy also had some really nice timing turning from Bearish to Bullish as well! Meanwhile I took a look in Tyler Jenks comments and twitter is giving him hell for being such a clown.  Grin He is like Gembitz but with a youtube channel and audience.

update:props to Kurious as well, and ty Mr. Goose Cheesy

579. Post 50982350 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 10, 2019, 01:46:54 PM
ethereal conference live

this is a lulfest for serious entomologists only™
the Chief Something Officer introduced and she can't even afford a hairbrush. looks like she's been in a gangbang all night.
sound is useless, microphones pointing at speakers, currently being sorted... like a pantomime
and then there's content...

Shitcoin shitshow. Tuned in and had to turn it off after hearing her drone on in the retarded baby talk voice she was schilling with.  

580. Post 50983597 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 10, 2019, 03:28:59 PM
If Bitcoin can hold the $6200 level for the next 24-48 hours, then the bear market is officially over and I’m going to become a raging bull!
4:19 PM - 10 May 2019


581. Post 50987698 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

582. Post 50987882 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: rebal15 on May 10, 2019, 09:28:27 PM
But what if at 100k, miners reverse transactions and you find your balance with 0 BTC.

Much more likely you might grow a brain cell before that happens. Chances of both are exactly zero.

583. Post 50990500 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

8k in 24hrs  Cheesy

584. Post 50990530 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

585. Post 50990637 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

If everyone simply refuses to sell we can hit 100k this month.  Cool

Just say no to selling.  Grin

586. Post 50991346 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: alevlaslo on May 11, 2019, 05:32:27 AM
BCH has already grown 4 times, but bitcoin only 2 times, buy BSV before it's too late, it has not grown at all
BSV is real bitcoin, BCH is a forked, BTC is an altcoin by satoshi, stop FUD please  Grin

need all three bitcoins

587. Post 50999519 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

If my destiny is to do nothing but post this same meme each and every day for the rest of my life, then so be it.  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

588. Post 51000433 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

147 days into the new BTCull Market and all is parabolic and well. Grin

Bitcoin Compass designed by Leonardi da Vinci

589. Post 51000503 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

590. Post 51000526 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

So now Bitcoin is cheaper on Bitfinex than Bitstamp and Coinbase. WTF is going on over there.

591. Post 51000846 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Dumb cunt Leah Wald and retard Grandpa Tyler Jenks lost a Bitcoin in a bet today.  Grin Grin

Leah - "I don't like those terms but I am willing to entertain your action @filbfilb. @LucidInvestment and I are willing to bet 1 BTC that price trades below $1,500 on Bitstamp before it trades above $6,500."


592. Post 51003962 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

593. Post 51003977 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

No more toying with the bears, tonight we hit 10k Cheesy

594. Post 51004150 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

If there is a God, he couldnt stop this party if he wanted to.  Cheesy

Lets go boyz, keep pamping! Smiley

595. Post 51004166 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

7300 incoming!

596. Post 51004195 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Boom 7300 breached!! Grin

597. Post 51004244 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

We may never see Virgin Roach or Gembitz here again. Shocked Who will we make fun of now Huh

598. Post 51004282 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

This is what organic growth looks like.  Cheesy

599. Post 51004319 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Im seriously starting to believe some type of regulator info has spread to insiders and they are buying up every coin they can. Either Bakkt or ETF approval news would be coming out around Monday if this is the case. My gut tells me something is going on, this is fucking nuts and I for one love it.

600. Post 51004367 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Another thought, maybe that Russian economist guy is right, Russia is buying all the coins it can get, and other govs and central banks have figured this out and they are buying coins to because they hate Russia so much they cant let them have all the coins.

I watched the Crypto movie today. It was just BS Russian hysteria, but it did seem to paint Bitcoin in somewhat of a positive light all in all which was a pleasant surprise. The writing is what made the movie so bad, the acting was decent to good.

601. Post 51004390 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 11, 2019, 10:45:11 PM
^Sunday evening sometimes for that kind of announcement.

Stamp is spot only and leading the dollar exchanges and futures.
Mrs Watanabe is also spot buying over there, and Mrs Korea.
This is just savvy retail buyers.

If so this will end well Roll Eyes

602. Post 51004858 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 11, 2019, 11:02:49 PM

Still waiting SEC - 16 may
VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust - 21 may

This might be your news Lambie
(thanks Roman!)
They usually announce the delay for these ETFs a few days early.
SEC insiders buying to dump tomorrow night...?

So VanEck SolidX gets approval Monday Cheesy

20K by July 4th if so.

603. Post 51004990 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

I was reading over some WO comments from the July 2015 pump to 320. The vibe was pretty similar to this and unfortunately dumped back below 200 about 40 days later. If we can stay above 6K for 40 days then I believe we get all time highs this year. If not then I expect to see a ferocious dump back to 5k or less.

Either way this pump is a lot of fun and everyone will know if we dump that its just a blessing to get cheap coins and not the path to 1500 and final capitulation.

Its a bull market ya know Cheesy

604. Post 51005044 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Fuck I have other stuff I should be doing right now but I cant take my eyes off this beautiful pump. Im gonna stay off of WO, reddit, twitter, and Tradingview for a few hours and avoid price checking, hopefully I dont miss too much fun.  Undecided

605. Post 51006880 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: spiderbrain on May 12, 2019, 12:10:00 AM

Still waiting SEC - 16 may
VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust - 21 may

This might be your news Lambie
(thanks Roman!)
They usually announce the delay for these ETFs a few days early.
SEC insiders buying to dump tomorrow night...?

So VanEck SolidX gets approval Monday Cheesy

20K by July 4th if so.

This action is v. powerful so likely some news in market yes. Well-timed news no less with the golden crosses and other technical breakpoints being well-primed for uppity action. But news has to be big to cause this, like what?

I'm suspicious rep. Sherman's bill is some kind of shot across the bow based on insider knowledge of some big news that bad for USD and good for crypto also. A medium to major cental bank is buying btc, Iran? BAKKT is coming on line next week? Fidelity news is big but not this big. JPMorgan annoucing btc trading desk?

I think the US-China trade war intensifying last week is a factor. The affects RMB devaluation and trillions in Chinese hot money trying to find ways out of the country.

@Marcus - wow great point.  Didnt think of that at first glance, but thats exactly what those snakes would want. That is exactly the kind of thing a scumbag would do and of course his banker puppetmasters would have the inside scoop if that kind of news is indeed coming out. He did bring it up seemingly out of the blue, but puppets like that always have a scheduled gameplan and agenda.

@spiderbrain- yes, it seems like everything Trump does ends up being good for Bitcoin. Jawboning the fed to stop rate hikes and QT, increasing the deficit with massive military increases and giving the dems a blank check for all their insanity, and pushing for more "infrastructure" spending, putting Bitcoin friendly people in SEC and Whitehouse, forcing China's stock market to tank so they print more money etc, and of course leading a personal pump campaign on the stock market like the world has never seen which gives us a major risk on environment that is fantastic for Bitcoin.

Interesting when I looked at the similar July pump in 2015 on WO a lot of the chatter and speculation back then was about the Greek Debt deal crisis pumping the price. Of course now we know in hindsight it was just a early bull market test pump followed by a massive dump. Will history repeat. Probably imo, but ya never know.

I just closed my leveraged longs at 7200 but am of course still almost all in on the long term hodl coins. Gonna be a popcorn filled summer.  Cheesy

606. Post 51007034 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

 Cheesy Cheesy

607. Post 51007094 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

608. Post 51007169 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Hey Virgin Roach, Retard Reballz and Genitals Gembitz, I got great news for you tards.  Cheesy

609. Post 51007282 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

610. Post 51015365 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: realr0ach on May 12, 2019, 07:51:09 AM

Idiot Nazi doesnt even know Vin is half black. Looks like you're a race traitor now Virgin  Roll Eyes

611. Post 51015944 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on May 12, 2019, 03:17:59 AM

Still waiting SEC - 16 may
VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust - 21 may

This might be your news Lambie
(thanks Roman!)
They usually announce the delay for these ETFs a few days early.
SEC insiders buying to dump tomorrow night...?

So VanEck SolidX gets approval Monday Cheesy

20K by July 4th if so.

This action is v. powerful so likely some news in market yes. Well-timed news no less with the golden crosses and other technical breakpoints being well-primed for uppity action. But news has to be big to cause this, like what?

I'm suspicious rep. Sherman's bill is some kind of shot across the bow based on insider knowledge of some big news that bad for USD and good for crypto also. A medium to major cental bank is buying btc, Iran? BAKKT is coming on line next week? Fidelity news is big but not this big. JPMorgan annoucing btc trading desk?

I think the US-China trade war intensifying last week is a factor. The affects RMB devaluation and trillions in Chinese hot money trying to find ways out of the country.

@Marcus - wow great point.  Didnt think of that at first glance, but thats exactly what those snakes would want. That is exactly the kind of thing a scumbag would do and of course his banker puppetmasters would have the inside scoop if that kind of news is indeed coming out. He did bring it up seemingly out of the blue, but puppets like that always have a scheduled gameplan and agenda.

@spiderbrain- yes, it seems like everything Trump does ends up being good for Bitcoin. Jawboning the fed to stop rate hikes and QT, increasing the deficit with massive military increases and giving the dems a blank check for all their insanity, and pushing for more "infrastructure" spending, putting Bitcoin friendly people in SEC and Whitehouse, forcing China's stock market to tank so they print more money etc, and of course leading a personal pump campaign on the stock market like the world has never seen which gives us a major risk on environment that is fantastic for Bitcoin.

Interesting when I looked at the similar July pump in 2015 on WO a lot of the chatter and speculation back then was about the Greek Debt deal crisis pumping the price. Of course now we know in hindsight it was just a early bull market test pump followed by a massive dump. Will history repeat. Probably imo, but ya never know.

I just closed my leveraged longs at 7200 but am of course still almost all in on the long term hodl coins. Gonna be a popcorn filled summer.  Cheesy

Oh boy, looks like I closed those leveraged longs on Kraken just in time. I have some very nice fiat profits  to buy some more long term hodl coin when the price looks attractive again. Guess some tarded Tyler followers bought 7580 and are hodling the bag now. Man that pamp was fun. Good for Bitcoin to flex those new bull market muscles and let everyone know that he can double the price whenever he wants.

612. Post 51016033 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

Quote from: d_eddie on May 12, 2019, 03:52:31 PM
Man that pamp was fun. Good for Bitcoin to flex those new bull market muscles and let everyone know that he can double the price whenever he wants.
He?  Shocked

Well its a Bull Market after all, not a Cow market Grin

613. Post 51016155 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.45h):

On the bright side of things we need to get a small number of 25-30ish percent corrections under our belt as we march to 100k, so if we get the first one here then that is some serious progress. Really looking forward to the crash from 25k to 17.5k Cheesy

614. Post 51023120 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on May 12, 2019, 08:20:15 PM
how to earn bitcorns? Smiley

I’ve heard selling yourself to other men for sexual services can be good pay.

Genitalbitz is a pro at that Cheesy

615. Post 51031742 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

The Story continues.  Grin

via Imgflip Meme Generator

616. Post 51031755 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

It was nice knowing ya Bears. Enjoy the afterlife.

617. Post 51031955 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Thank you for the Pump Trump.  Cheesy

1.the US trade row with China (and expectations of Chinese retaliation to the detriment of global trade) in conjunction with

2.US Dollar index hovering near 15 year highs (ongoing Fed B/S QT, Fed policy rate at 11 year highs and surging UST issuance sap USD liquidity) and

3.Crude now reaccelerating higher on the Saudi tanker "sabotage" and various supply-pressures makes for a very challenging backdrop, as the inflationary pressures on the Crude exporting EM countries makes it difficult for their central banks to cut rates

So where is some of this EM outflow heading? The answer: crypto — as the uncanny correlation between the Yuan and Bitcoin in the chart below shows — seems like a reasonable conclusion, "as EMFX currencies are at risk of rising CB rate cut risk and destabilizing currency outflows."

618. Post 51032045 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

10k in 48 hours please kind Pump Masters  Cheesy

619. Post 51032110 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

"4. Bakkt will contribute $35 million into the clearinghouse risk waterfall. This puts our own “skin in the game” and aligns our interests for market integrity and safety with market participants."

I dont understand this jargon. Does this mean Bakkt is buying 35 million USD worth of Bitcoin??

620. Post 51032151 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on May 13, 2019, 04:28:31 PM
10k in 48 hours please kind Pump Masters  Cheesy

Please Lambie market Update

My god I have been slacking! Of course right away Mr. Goose.

149 days into the new BTCull Market and all is pumping and well.  Cheesy

Stocks reckt Bitcoin users not affected.

621. Post 51032315 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Looks like those fabled Wall Street bonuses are finally coming in.  Smiley

622. Post 51032386 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Welcome to the new paradigm. The Golden Bull Run. You thought it was a reddit hoax, but turns out it may be real.

"In 1876 economists and mathematicians theorized the existence of a economic-ecosystem that had reached a form of transcendence - creating an endless positive feedback loop. They proposed that such a system entering this state would begin what they called the Golden Bull Run. Various mathematical models were created to show what this Golden Bull Run would look like.

Through my PhD research  Shocked I believe cryptocurrency may be entering the early stages of a Golden Bull Run. In this stage early investors could potentially earn an endless supply of wealth - as the system generates tangible wealth Shocked Shocked rather than just moving it around.

Economists believed that the slow nature of the stock market meant that harmful players could sabotage the emergence of the Golden Bull Run before it could get started. However it looks like the extremely fast paced nature of cryptocurrency means it is not susceptible to these types of attacks.

If I am right we could see something never before experienced in the history of the universe. Cheesy Hold on while you can - takeoff is imminent."

623. Post 51032613 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 13, 2019, 04:50:24 PM
poor lambie didn't get any merits for that before
maybe a bit of boldface will help
source - probably alien

You see V, if the eternal bull run is real I may have to post that every day along with the never ending pump story meme. I am but a humble servant of the Bull I dont question the pumps.

624. Post 51032682 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: malevolent on May 13, 2019, 05:02:27 PM
10k in 48 hours please kind Pump Masters  Cheesy

Time to sell some, a retracement to $6000-6500 or lower in...3...2...1. We're still in a bear market.

We would need to go under 3100 to prove this is a bear market. 6k retrace would just be a bull market correction. Wink

625. Post 51033784 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Wekkel on May 13, 2019, 05:40:16 PM
10k in 48 hours please kind Pump Masters  Cheesy

Time to sell some, a retracement to $6000-6500 or lower in...3...2...1. We're still in a bear market.

We would need to go under 3100 to prove this is a bear market. 6k retrace would just be a bull market correction. Wink

Bull Markets dont start with the Delusional End Party first.

Bear market rallies usually are the fiercest.

But I will hold my tongue and let everyone enjoy the moment.

"Delusional End Party"? Please elaborate. Since Dec 17 I have been asserting(in spite of repeatedly being told to fuck off Roll Eyes) that the Bear Market ended with the Dec 15 '18 low during peak Bear Euphoria, I am not suggesting the Bull Market just started if thats what you are implying. This Bull party had been going for 149 days and all is well Smiley

626. Post 51033899 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on May 13, 2019, 05:50:04 PM
10k in 48 hours please kind Pump Masters  Cheesy

If such prediction comes true, that will be totally amazing.

Do you think that there is resistance at $10k?  If so, what are the odds of actually breaking above $10k?

And if we were to actually break above $10k, wouldn't there be pretty high odds that supra $10k would not be sustainable in the short term?

Either way, getting close to $10k in the coming days, even if a bit beyond 48 hours, whether breaking above it or not, would be a very interesting (and perhaps titillating?) development.

Hello JJG. I dont actually think this is likely to happen, just that it is possible and would be really nice if the Pump Masters pulled it off. 10k would bring a lot of positive attention to King Bitcoin, even if this is just a short term pump due for a big retrace. I closed my leveraged longs at 7200 and this latest pump is a surprise to me. Im just enjoying it and ready to long on a big dip if it happens.

627. Post 51033928 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Perhaps Gembitz is Tyler Jenks sock puppet account. Praying for 1500 as we climb and climb for 149 days straight and then finally capitulating and going long in a parabolic pump after losing all credibility.

628. Post 51034188 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on May 13, 2019, 06:41:00 PM
10k in 48 hours please kind Pump Masters  Cheesy

Time to sell some, a retracement to $6000-6500 or lower in...3...2...1. We're still in a bear market.

We would need to go under 3100 to prove this is a bear market. 6k retrace would just be a bull market correction. Wink

Bull Markets dont start with the Delusional End Party first.

Bear market rallies usually are the fiercest.

But I will hold my tongue and let everyone enjoy the moment.

"Delusional End Party"? Please elaborate. Since Dec 17 I have been asserting(in spite of repeatedly being told to fuck off Roll Eyes) that the Bear Market ended with the Dec 15 '18 low during peak Bear Euphoria, I am not suggesting the Bull Market just started if thats what you are implying. This Bull party had been going for 149 days and all is well Smiley

Fuck off!!!!!!

I just felt a surge of an irresistible urge to reminisce regarding the "good ole" days.

LOL Grin

629. Post 51035096 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

630. Post 51035165 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

631. Post 51035187 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

632. Post 51037403 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

I thought we outlawed dips. What is this sorcery?  Angry

633. Post 51038355 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

The Mythical Golden Bull Era might be upon us. If so expect 100k this summer.  Cheesy I dont really believe this will happen, but I ya never know.

634. Post 51040396 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: jojo69 on May 14, 2019, 03:53:28 AM

Yeah, I use it to stay in touch with people who only use WhatsApp. Why do you ask?

wonder what Roach thinks about these "secretive Israelis", if only he would walk from the homeless shelter to Mcdonalds and hop on that free wifi to tell us Wink

635. Post 51041100 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: nutildah on May 14, 2019, 07:01:49 AM

LOL! They look just thrilled to have to learn extra steps in their job in order to satisfy these two Abercrombie & Fitch douchebags.

LMAO! Good find!

636. Post 51041158 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Make the Pump Last forever, dont let our gains end.  Smiley

637. Post 51041216 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Soon every WO may have quit their day job just to dedicate more time to Pumping it and celebrating on WO. If we are going into the new paradigm, it has to be a way of life, not a hobby Cheesy

638. Post 51041253 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: mindrust on May 14, 2019, 07:42:52 AM

The other resistance levels on filbfilb's other chart has been broken. That points us towards $80k levels in 6 months. (by the end of this year) That is a price point which is going to make everybody happy hopefully.

How crazy is that?

This is UberBear blasphemy. We want 100k by 4th of July Cheesy

But seriously, I can work with this target.  Smiley

639. Post 51041289 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

640. Post 51041360 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

641. Post 51041394 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

642. Post 51041413 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

643. Post 51041425 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

644. Post 51041435 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

645. Post 51041478 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Happy Bday LFC, please have 10 more Birthdays this month and help Pump us to 20k Cheesy

646. Post 51041556 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Barry Silbert saying he hears 60 minutes is doing a big piece on Bitcoin this week.

647. Post 51041588 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Gents, if everyone refuses to sell we can hit 100k  Cheesy in 1 hour. Shocked

648. Post 51041774 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Majormax on May 14, 2019, 08:12:55 AM
Barry Silbert saying he hears 60 minutes is doing a big piece on Bitcoin this week.

Well, that's the end of this rally then. It was good while it lasted.

The memory of it will keep hodlers warm for a few months !

It does feel a little bit like the time my parents friend requested me on Facebook around 2011 I think.

649. Post 51042486 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

If (and I stress the if here) this pump caused by the panic to trade tether for and withdraw Bitcoins from Bitfinex causing a big premium and dragging the other exchanges up in price along with Bitfinex, then..... it might stand to reason that now that the premium is on the other exchanges and the news is out that they secured 1 billion to back tether, then we can expect the dump to take place as Bitfinex this time drags every exchange down until the premium is gone.

Im more of the opinion that Bitfinex merely sparked the pump and then it took a life of its own due to fortunate timing, however that would mean they could just as easily spark the dump and the dump could take a life of its own taking us back to 6, 5, or even 4k ranges(with 5 being most likely imo if we go into full on dump mode).

650. Post 51042764 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: ryap12 on May 14, 2019, 09:13:00 AM
If (and I stress the if here) this pump caused by the panic to trade tether for and withdraw Bitcoins from Bitfinex causing a big premium and dragging the other exchanges up in price along with Bitfinex, then..... it might stand to reason that now that the premium is on the other exchanges and the news is out that they secured 1 billion to back tether, then we can expect the dump to take place as Bitfinex this time drags every exchange down until the premium is gone.

Im more of the opinion that Bitfinex merely sparked the pump and then it took a life of its own due to fortunate timing, however that would mean they could just as easily spark the dump and the dump could take a life of its own taking us back to 6, 5, or even 4k ranges(with 5 being most likely imo if we go into full on dump mode).

Hi! May I know where you got the info that Tether triggered all this? I want to check and review myself if you could give me some source. I thought the market is going up because of people investing back to cryptocurrency. I hope this continue to rise so the market gets to attract more people into crypto.

Hello. Do you remember when Bitfinex had a bank run as demonstrated by its cold wallets? Tether holders were in a panic and trading for Bitcoin to exit Bitfinex. There is not so much one source as it was pehaps the main story in Crypto for weeks and widely reported on by many sources. The premium for Bitfinex Bitcoins was pretty large at one point and proof that people were scared and willing to pay a high price to exit Tether and Bitfinex. Its highly likely this forced buying at least started the pump, the question is how much of it was forced buying and if and when did natural buying forces take over. Was tether the match, or was it the match and the burning house. What happens next will give us some clues.

651. Post 51049149 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

How can this be, how have I woken up to anything but a 1k pump  Angry

652. Post 51049260 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: d_eddie on May 14, 2019, 04:52:49 PM
How can this be, how have I woken up to anything but a 1k pump  Angry
She just felt like sneezing. It's nothing  Cheesy

Ok, just making sure Smiley

653. Post 51052749 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Ok who is selling  Angry Remember we can get to 100k in 1 day if no one sells  Grin

654. Post 51053066 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Pamoldar on May 14, 2019, 09:04:47 PM
Ok who is selling  Angry Remember we can get to 100k in 1 day if no one sells  Grin
I have seen $19K but never sold my coin. How could I will sell when the price is only $8k?

We should start some kind of fanatical religion or violent gang and make newbs and hodlers in general swear a blood oath not to sell punishable by death or at least punishable by having to spend a day with Roach in the homeless shelter. No selling allowed till at least 50k ffs Roll Eyes

Im kidding sorta, but not really though.

Bitcoin is a perfect candidate to become a religion one day. A mysterious creator no one has ever seen. Traitors who betray it for 50 pieces of silver. It dies over and over and comes back to life. Non believers get punished with poverty and insanity. Powerful nation states with huge militaries cant stop it. Millions of believers.

Jesus only personally used violence one time in the Bible. He literally took a whip and started beating animals, flipping tables and chasing money changers out of the temple. Shocked

"In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”

Also money is a god for most of modern society, so its only right that Bitcoin become their one true god.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Again Im sorta kidding, but not really though. Cool

655. Post 51054987 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: barota on May 15, 2019, 01:17:57 AM
stop buying this fuckin and this damn bitcoin and crypto ..
are you crazy??8000 usd per btc !!! Shocked
bitcoin will crash under 2000 very very soon

dont buy guy ..when no one buy they will stop their fake
and cheat pump


656. Post 51068792 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on May 15, 2019, 10:58:20 AM
Congrats Mic for for becoming a merit source!!

But don't forget you have a beautiful GF who needs attention too.

Congrats! The Goose is loose!

657. Post 51086436 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 15, 2019, 12:46:30 PM
Come on people, 'nance is about to open in 15 mins all being well

now is the time to focus

Time to make it official boyz.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Ive been pondering a theory on an immaculate conception based on a vision I had(fully backed by science, charts and counting to 9 many times). It could be that this human booty gave birth to a BTCaby BTCull. This could be our Mother Mary full of grace and full of ass.

658. Post 51088218 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Golden Bull run canceled Angry For now.

659. Post 51097683 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: d_eddie on May 17, 2019, 02:59:47 AM
Come on people, 'nance is about to open in 15 mins all being well

now is the time to focus

Time to make it official boyz.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Ive been pondering a theory on an immaculate conception based on a vision I had(fully backed by science, charts and counting to 9 many times). It could be that this human booty gave birth to a BTCaby BTCull. This could be our Mother Mary full of grace and full of ass.
I had to award one more quote of this fine piece of photographic art. I like your {l,p}oophole theory of of baby bull conception as well as the usual tart bullish twang of your post. So Lambie it is!  Grin

"(l,p)oophole theory"  Grin

660. Post 51098141 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Cryptoqueeen on May 17, 2019, 02:57:33 PM
A dystopian, Australian, cannibalistic hermit colony run by Vitalik and flying drones is far more interesting than Cryptobimbo.  I imagine 90% of the stuff she says to Trollgoossens revolves around "Trollgoossens, when are you going to take me to so and so", "Trollgoossens, take me to eat at ______", "Trollgoossens, it's hot or cold.  Adjust the AC", "Trollgoossens, take pictures of me with this camera so I can upload them to Instagram in order to try and upgrade to a better boyfriend", "Trollgoossens, you are not making any money doing this stupid gambling thing.  You need to stop gambling and get a job at the grocery store to support me".

We all know you like to make outlandish claims. In this case it's quite easy to compare to reality and to see how wrong and misguided you are. I wonder how much damage this mentality has already done to your personal life, your chance to procreate and your general happiness level. Almost at the point of feeling sorry for you but think it's all well deserved.

You remind me a lot about the French author Houellebecq with his depressing view on life and his complete failure to connect with the other sex. For me you are completely at the bottom of the masculine hierarchy. Probably for the best your genes die as I don't see humanity having much positive to gain from them.

 Shocked Queen is savage. I love it Cheesy

661. Post 51101661 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 17, 2019, 10:57:12 PM
I remain insanely bullish. Meaningless early bubble incoming shortly. Then one of the biggest percentage falls ever.

Price targets please sir.

662. Post 51101683 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: StartupAnalyst on May 17, 2019, 11:24:52 PM
This is what people who keep money in bank deposits and are afraid of everything new look like.

To me what makes this pic so funny is how happy and oblivious the twins look in spite of the pretty in you face negative emotions of the workers. As a coiner I understand, we cant be troubled with the pain and suffering of nocoiners who refuse to leave the nocoiner plantation after hearing of the glory of King Bitcoin.  Cheesy

663. Post 51101758 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on May 17, 2019, 11:00:09 PM
Have had a pleasant evening won the Cup in somekind of tablesoccer competition proud @my whole team Cheesy

Gonna catch up with the thread tomorrow Cheesy

Now its highly time to crawl into my HODLnest for a well earned HODLsleep, still above 7K.... hope we stay here.

Now for Elwar, when 10K ?? Hope is has figured things out by now or at least has a good place to stay etc
Remember the WO is with you brother!!

Good night WO’s!!!!!!

Goose you need to trademark HODLsleep and buy while you can. This will be a big thing one day im sure.

664. Post 51102572 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: realr0ach on May 18, 2019, 01:04:06 AM
You remind me a lot about the French author Houellebecq with his depressing view on life and his complete failure to connect with the other sex.

Tard gibberish.

LOL, once again Kissless Virgin Roach spends more time ranting about Goose's woman than he spent in the past 7 years speaking to women IRL(mommy dont count!). Cheesy

665. Post 51103734 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: realr0ach on May 18, 2019, 02:43:22 AM
Derp, muh silver, derp derp, why am I Kissless Virgin, life isnt fair. Derp jews on Bitfinex made me a virgin. Derp derp sold my coins for 300 usd and I spend all my Virgin days on a Bitcoin forum. Derp I love shirtless Vin Deisel even though he is half black, derp hope the Nazis dont find out.

Glad you are facing up to being incompetent at everything, even being a Nazi. Nazis are supposed to procreate with Aryan women(sisters, cousins, etc) and donate Bitcoin to Bitcoin loving Nazi sites like Daily Tarder or Tardfront, not live a virgin basement dweller existence. Go exercise and find an Aryan women before I report you to the Nazi leadership.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

666. Post 51111415 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

Quote from: bitserve on May 17, 2019, 08:31:07 PM
I am wondering... Is there anyone here with a Bitcoin value (at current price) 100x the rest of their net worth including fiat, real estate, stocks and any other assets? Maybe 10x?

I am sure there's plenty in the 1x to 5x... and way more in the 0.1-1x.

10x minimum for the vast majority of the time since late 2014. Very hard to sleep for me if it falls under this. Fiat is dangerous and risky and I never invest more than I can afford to lose in it:D

667. Post 51117591 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

Pamp it??

668. Post 51117604 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

If everyone quotes Roach and feeds him nonstop we can hit 20k this week! Cheesy

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669. Post 51118155 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

10k tonight of GTFO! Cheesy

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670. Post 51118217 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

Somebody get Goose out of the Hodlnest to help us Pamp it to 9000! Grin

671. Post 51118354 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

Starting to think these ETF rumors for the May 21st approval might be real. More and more its starting to feel like insiders are buying bc they really know something we dont. ETF please and pamp it please! Cheesy

672. Post 51129879 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on May 19, 2019, 08:49:36 AM
Starting to think these ETF rumors for the May 21st approval might be real. More and more its starting to feel like insiders are buying bc they really know something we dont. ETF please and pamp it please! Cheesy

Do you think so?
I dunno, the SEC seem to hate the idea of a bitcoin ETF, every single attempt so far has been basically told to fuck off.

I don’t think so but I’d LOVE to be wrong on this. I think a bitcoin ETF would take us to a new ATH this year.

yeah i highly doubt we get etf on 21st, but my suspicion of insiders buying on info we dont have makes me wonder that something is up.......

673. Post 51159147 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

Thursday is a hugely epic day. Stay tuned for official announcements and decrees.  Cheesy

674. Post 51159307 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

Quote from: d_eddie on May 21, 2019, 09:03:22 PM
Thursday is a hugely epic day. Stay tuned for official announcements and decrees.  Cheesy
Do you know something that we don't?

As far as the main circumstance, not necessarily. But in terms of presentation and spin, I may know a thing or two. Smiley

675. Post 51186267 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.47h):

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In 20 minutes according to this Bitcoin halvening countdown (I realize different clocks have different estimates) we will be exactly 365 days away from the halvening.  Cheesy

In the spirit of Uber Bullishness I propose a moratorium on JJG STFU Thursdays starting today.

I also propose a mass ignore campaign against Kissless Virgin Roach and Retard Rebal.

Lastly I propose no more debating block size or the relevancy of alt coins in relation to King Bitcoin, as we all know there is only one King and the debate has already been won a million times over.

With all the BTCullish pumping we have in front of us before 100k it will require lots of trains, rockets, carolina, ccmf etc memes and no need to get distracted from the task at hand.

These are of course only suggestions and any participation will be voluntary. Smiley

159 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well. Smiley

676. Post 51193081 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on May 23, 2019, 10:56:49 PM
In the spirit of Uber Bullishness I propose a moratorium on JJG STFU Thursdays starting today.

Totally unfair!!!!!!!

I would like to say fuck you to myself just to make up for a proposal that would remove me from having a WO thread day.   Cry

Well Thursday has passed and no one other than you told you to STFU so I guess the moratorium was a success.  Smiley

But.... if JJG alone in a forest(during a bull market) tells himself to STFU on Thursday does he make a sound?Huh Idk

But no worries bc im sure that, in the next bear cycle when we crash to 50k and everyone is at each others throats bc deep down we are all just butthurt about not selling the exact top at 250k (or whatever), people will be happy to bring STFU JJG Thursdays back and pile on.

677. Post 51202755 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Tinfoil time(not really though bc this all could very well be true):

What if this megapump of the last few weeks has been Facebook secretly buying up mostly Bitcoin but also a basket of other major cryptos to create a buzz in Crypto as they start leaking out their Globalcoin plans. Shocked

Also adding to this pump would have been insiders aware of Facebooks impending plans and buying Bitcoin to profit from such big news for Crypto in general.

Facebook might also realize its Globalcoin plans will be immensely good for the bitcoin price(hint: it is  Cool) so it makes sense to buy Bitcoin in advance and they may have other reasons to want to acquire a large stack of Bitcoin due to their Shitcoin Roll Eyes interests that I cant guess at at the moment.

Facebook is seeking partners in its Globalcoin endeavors and what better way to get major corps to sign on with them than to pump the price of major Cryptos as they are in talks, creating a fantastic buzz around the space and forcing CEO's to salivate at getting involved with a hot trend in hopes of making big announcements to pump their own stock and hit bonus targets.

TLDR, perhaps insiders really did know something all along, it just wasnt about Bakkt or an ETF. Perhaps Globalcoin is much more beneficial for Bitcoin than both of these combined.  Cheesy

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678. Post 51202984 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 24, 2019, 09:56:18 PM

What if this megapump of the last few weeks has been Facebook secretly buying up
What if it wasn't?
Even more bullish, no?

Yes, bc now Facebook will have to pay a higher price Cheesy

It is in Facebooks interest to help keep this bull pumping at least until they have acquired all their partners and released Globalcoin. Its in their interest afterwards as well, but not as critical.

679. Post 51203184 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Biodom on May 24, 2019, 10:13:42 PM
Tinfoil time(not really though bc this all could very well be true):

What if this megapump of the last few weeks has been Facebook secretly buying up mostly Bitcoin but also a basket of other major cryptos to create a buzz in Crypto as they start leaking out their Globalcoin plans. Shocked

Also adding to this pump would have been insiders aware of Facebooks impending plans and buying Bitcoin to profit from such big news for Crypto in general.

Facebook might also realize its Globalcoin plans will be immensely good for the bitcoin price(hint: it is  Cool)

I beg to differ: it is not good for bitcoin at all. It would have been if they used btc, of course.
Now, instead of talking about Bitcoin story, all mass media would keep talking about is how facebook is "improving" bitcoin.
In reality: what exactly would support this stable coin for millions of people to use? I don't think banks would be happy with this.
And governments? This would essentially mean facebook minting currency, which they obviously can't.
One interesting side effect: this would either kill XRP completely or banksters would run to it in lieu of facebookcoin.
I agree banks wont like it, but more so bc they will be worried(rightfully so) that it will bolster their real threat which is Bitcoin.

Onboarding millions or even billions into the Crypto ecosystem is a huge win, and that its being done by a stablecoin is an even bigger win. The shitcoin explosion onboarded tons of newbs into crypto and helped push Bitcoin to 20k. The people behind these shitcoins were mostly scammers with little resources other than the art of buzzwordery. These coins did compete w Bitcoin in a sense of people looking to make a profit might buy them instead of Bitcoin, but Bitcoin still benefited.

Fast forward to Globalcoin and the new Bitcoin Bull Market and we are dealing with a company bringing us newbs with resources and capabilities the prior shitcoin scammers could only dream of.

But what really makes this Uber Bullish for Bitcoin is that this new Globalcoin wont be a threat to Bitcoin in terms of people buying it instead of Bitcoin to make a profit, bc it will be a pegged stablecoin and no one will make a profit buying it, so the newbs who wanna make money(which is most of them) will buy Bitcoin instead.

I hadnt thought about XRP getting killed, this is a good point, and also beneficial to Bitcoin!

680. Post 51203457 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

While I find the Globalcoin situation to be Uber BTCullish and a future key factor in our march to 100k, I do think that when the news is done leaking out that the insiders who bought will dump and cause a nasty correction.

This would take us to a lower high imo(no chance we go sub 3100, im thinking more like 4800-5500) and further cement the BTCull Market as intact and legit. It would give the Bearcucks like Vays and Jenks one last breath of hope that this Bull wont shatter their reps, then we march to 10k in the late fall and completely destroy any credibility bears like them have.

Perhaps Zuck wont let us fall below a certain price though.  The Zuck Put? Shocked

However I remain highly confident all roads lead to 100k, but we will have lots of fun, games, and tinfoil time on the way.  Cheesy

681. Post 51228806 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Zuck still filling his bags. Cheesy Go Facebook Go!

682. Post 51229363 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

What if Bitcoin becomes the new stock buyback. All the corporations teaming up with Facebook to make Globalcoin a successful payments coin could be quietly buying Bitcoins rn bc they know the whole ecosystem is about to blow up like never before.

683. Post 51233281 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Clearly Zuck will not stop buying at any price until he has acquired more coins than the Winklevoss twins. He knows Bitcoin is going to 100k and then 1 million and he cant let the twins become wealthier than him.

Zuck at 100k I have a nice stash to sell you, lets make it happen this summer buddy. Cheesy

684. Post 51233530 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

If we keep gaining 10 percent a day for 26 days we can have the 100k party on June 21st Grin

685. Post 51242770 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on May 27, 2019, 04:10:16 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

I see we've held on to most of yesterday's gains and can probably declare the weeks-old battle for $8k to be officially won... currently $8865USD/$11920CAD (Bitcoinaverage).

Now the battle for $9k begins. Let's see how long it lasts.

Go Bitcoin go.

9600 by next week boys.

10k will be a strong psychological border, if we break up i would say we are officialy in bull market again lol

Too late.

We already are in a bullmarket.

Been a few weeks now that such transition took place.

A few weeks? We've been in a bull market all year.

Indeed. 163 days to be exact and all is well. Cheesy

686. Post 51243802 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

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687. Post 51243926 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: GreatArkansas on May 27, 2019, 10:06:47 PM
So, you are saying sideways from now to halvening?

Badger is a bad tempered drunk driver, prone to fits of road rage.

I don’t tend to worry about what he does in the short term as long as he gets home at the end of the night.  The halveninng is just a signpost by the side of the road to let us know badger is heading in the right direction.  

Have you ever tried politics?

It’s easy to make money. You just need to know if you are in a bull market or bear market.  If you are in a bull market, you buy and wait.
How will you know that we are already in bull market?
and if it is really bullmarket now, we should also expect alts will pump when BTC pumps also or vice versa?

Sir just check my post history and you will find a scientific peer reviewed countdown of the Baby bull Market and then later the Bull Market starting shortly after the Dec 15th bottom. 11 US intelligence agencies confirmed the findings and there was no collusion with Russia even though they bought coins.

688. Post 51244245 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: GreatArkansas on May 27, 2019, 10:32:10 PM
Sir just check my post history and you will find a scientific peer reviewed countdown of the Baby bull Market and then later the Bull Market starting shortly after the Dec 15th bottom. 11 US intelligence agencies confirmed the findings and there was no collusion with Russia even though they bought coins.
Too old story, we are already on $8,000. Last time I heard that when we are in $4,000 area and lot of people telling that was the reason of pump few months ago.

Looks like you misunderstood my response. This is the quote you would have found had you checked my post history.

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on December 17, 2018, 10:25:54 PM
Greedy bears were waiting for a high volume bottom plunge that didn't come. I believe we already bottomed according to the not so common Rounding Bottom pattern that the herd was not looking out for. This fits neatly with the decline starting off with monster volume and plunging down more multiple times but at a slower rate and with weaker volume each time. Also its likely that Jimbo cursed us all behind our backs in a moment of weakness while Roach did speak to a Jewish girl(his last female contact till he meets and falls in love with Gembitz at the 100k party) and Searing has already panic sold a big chunk at the bottom. Goose and JJG publicly made their sacrifices(thank you kind sirs) but we may have to speculate about the clandestine actions of Searing, Roach, and Jimbo. All of these conditions met would assure the bottom is in. If correct we should keep rising, slowly at first, but gaining speed and volume on the way out and see 6k  around Jan 12 2019. The cautious bull herd seems to be taking for granted they will get a nice long year to accumulate cheap coins like 2015 and then they can all be millionaires since they neglected to do this 4 years ago during the last great crypto winter, I dont think this will happen at all. Only 21 million(ok like 17 million) coins and its pretty pie in the sky for everyone to think they are gonna get 12 months of bargain basement prices where they can just casually collect coins for peanuts while fundamentals grow stronger by the day.

Ideal scenario (gently and slowly light up your hopium pipes for this one and take a big inhale)........

after regaining 6k in mid January, Bakt would then usher in another mini bubble to 40k followed by a quick and mild bear season testing 10k again, all before the next halving where the march to 250k starts Kiss

Also for anyone waiting for the high profile ragequit/capitulation/ from a well known Bitcoiner.... well the Erik Finman "Bitcoin is dead" was about as good as it gets. This kid has been well covered by the media for quite some time as the "teenage Bitcoin millionaire." If you're waiting for Saifedean Ammous to declare Bitcoin dead before we hit bottom, sorry its just not gonna happen.

Still working on the Gembitz origin story screenplay. Conducting a lot of in depth research into her sad and messy life right now before the big reveal coming soon. Stay tuned frenz.

As you see the sacrifices of WO participants and the rounding bottom pattern ended the bear market and started the Baby Bull, which morphed into a bull market. Read the entire post history and you wont be in the dark and asking us how the game works. Wink

Mini bubble to 40k still in play by the way. Cheesy

689. Post 51246736 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

so what will the next big FUD be? they seem to be out of ammo these days.

690. Post 51246869 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

So was it aliens buying up all the coins? Institutions coming from another planet. Intergalactic bonuses?

691. Post 51247712 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Who is selling, no dips allowed Angry

692. Post 51256839 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Ok pampers, we are behind in our goal of 26 days in a row of 10 percent gains to get to 100k. Lets step it up.

693. Post 51257637 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: kingcolex on May 28, 2019, 01:11:09 PM
do we have WO residents participating in whalepool telegram chat?

we can make a telegram group too.. you know.. to make the arrangements for the 100k party. My vote goes to make it in Cayman Islands.  Grin

I stand by my vote of Vegas (in summer). The place was basically built from scratch to host the $100K summit/party.

I’m up for that. Been three times a loved it every single time.
Never been but I think I need to start a W/O Twitte, get the BAT acceptance on it, have everyone donate their free BAT from brave convert it to BTC and put it in a publicly known address and use it as a beer/liquor fund for the party or we could divy it out back to the W/O members. (It wouldn't be much though fair warning.)

I think Vegas was the first place ever mentioned when the 100k party was first brought up but that was years ago and I cant be sure. If so then its a no-brainer. If someone can find the first 100k party location reference in a WO post and it mentions Vegas then I think that would be a fair way to settle it.

Vegas to me is the best choice for a lot of reasons. First since English is the chosen language for WO except for tards like Genitalbitz and Virgin Bug boy(tard has its own language) then it makes sense to stick to an English speaking location. That leaves a lot of choices, but no city on Earth imo is more dedicated and caters to partying than Vegas and so why not choose it to have an epic party. They have world class dining, hotels, and arguably the best assortment of nightclubs and resident djs on Earth. For those of us wanting to partake in hookers, blow, strippers, etc it is also the place for that. More escorts than anywhere in the US and some of if not the best (imo) strip clubs in America in Rhino, Sapphire and Treasures. Weed is also legal now for those that like that with lots of shops all over town and recently lounges you can legally smoke in. Traffic in vegas is light, the airports are convenient and the weather is great except maybe a bit too hot in July.

Also the legal brothels are a quick drive out of Clark County which is a plus for those of us into such naughty things.  Shocked

note:if we hit 100k this July Grin Vegas may be too hot for some bc the avg temp during the day is really high so perhaps the pampers can avoid that month for the climax.

694. Post 51257744 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Globb0 on May 28, 2019, 08:47:31 PM
We can have multiple parties   Smiley

holy fuck you are a genius sir! Cheesy

so many milestones we are discriminating against like

new ATH

Halvening party

25K party

30K party

40k party

50k party

69K party(this will just take place in a brothel right?)

70k party

80k party

90k party

99k party (100k preparty)

695. Post 51257775 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on May 28, 2019, 08:52:36 PM
I think Vegas was the first place ever mentioned when the 100k party was first brought up but that was years ago and I cant be sure. If so then its a no-brainer. If someone can find the first 100k party location reference in a WO post and it mentions Vegas then I think that would be a fair way to settle it.

Vegas to me is the best choice for a lot of reasons. First since English is the chosen language for WO except for tards like Genitalbitz and Virgin Bug boy(tard has its own language) then it makes sense to stick to an English speaking location. That leaves a lot of choices, but no city on Earth imo is more dedicated and caters to partying than Vegas and so why not choose it to have an epic party. They have world class dining, hotels, and arguably the best assortment of nightclubs and resident djs on Earth. For those of us wanting to partake in hookers, blow, strippers, etc it is also the place for that. More escorts than anywhere in the US and some of if not the best (imo) strip clubs in America in Rhino, Sapphire and Treasures. Weed is also legal now for those that like that with lots of shops all over town and recently lounges you can legally smoke in. Traffic in vegas is light, the airports are convenient and the weather is great except maybe a bit too hot in July.

Also the legal brothels are a quick drive out of Clark County which is a plus for those of us into such naughty things.  Shocked

note:if we hit 100k this July Grin Vegas may be too hot for some bc the avg temp during the day is really high so perhaps the pampers can avoid that month for the climax.

OK man, rekt it is, just thought to get me some original Japanese pussy for a change. Tongue

Edit: Shaven. Not stirred.

We can import some in for you Cheesy

696. Post 51257892 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on May 28, 2019, 08:56:38 PM
I think Vegas was the first place ever mentioned when the 100k party was first brought up but that was years ago and I cant be sure. If so then its a no-brainer. If someone can find the first 100k party location reference in a WO post and it mentions Vegas then I think that would be a fair way to settle it.

Vegas to me is the best choice for a lot of reasons. First since English is the chosen language for WO except for tards like Genitalbitz and Virgin Bug boy(tard has its own language) then it makes sense to stick to an English speaking location. That leaves a lot of choices, but no city on Earth imo is more dedicated and caters to partying than Vegas and so why not choose it to have an epic party. They have world class dining, hotels, and arguably the best assortment of nightclubs and resident djs on Earth. For those of us wanting to partake in hookers, blow, strippers, etc it is also the place for that. More escorts than anywhere in the US and some of if not the best (imo) strip clubs in America in Rhino, Sapphire and Treasures. Weed is also legal now for those that like that with lots of shops all over town and recently lounges you can legally smoke in. Traffic in vegas is light, the airports are convenient and the weather is great except maybe a bit too hot in July.

Also the legal brothels are a quick drive out of Clark County which is a plus for those of us into such naughty things.  Shocked

note:if we hit 100k this July Grin Vegas may be too hot for some bc the avg temp during the day is really high so perhaps the pampers can avoid that month for the climax.

OK man, rekt it is, just thought to get me some original Japanese pussy for a change. Tongue

Edit: Shaven. Not stirred.

We can import some in for you Cheesy

I have a few sample choices for you sir Cheesy

697. Post 51257898 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on May 28, 2019, 08:59:49 PM
69K party(this will just take place in a brothel right?)

Greece it is then! Grin

Im in!! Smiley

698. Post 51258139 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 28, 2019, 09:23:35 PM
Been looking at all the rocket/train/moon, posts/gifs back in 30th -31st May 2014.  

Differnt names same old posts.  Gonna be the same result IMHO.

Damn that was 2 years before halvening though. I could see what happened in summer of 15 happening though. Kinda expect a large pullback soon like in '15, but would love to be wrong. Either way the bull is here and its just a question of when the corrections happen and how much higher the lows are each time.

699. Post 51258250 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Biodom on May 28, 2019, 09:48:03 PM

I have a few sample choices for you sir Cheesy

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, who is the sweetest of them awww...

Aren't japanese getting the LEAST sex in OECD?
Something does not compute.

maybe bc they censor genitals out of their porn? probably also all the QE, it seems the more money your nation prints the lower the birth rate which would mean less sex. Birth rates were way higher before central banking in every first world country. Not much time to smash when you are busy wage cucking to afford ever rising costs as your masters debase your wages.

700. Post 51258668 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Ibian on May 28, 2019, 10:31:37 PM

I have a few sample choices for you sir Cheesy

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, who is the sweetest of them awww...

Aren't japanese getting the LEAST sex in OECD?
Something does not compute.

maybe bc they censor genitals out of their porn? probably also all the QE, it seems the more money your nation prints the lower the birth rate which would mean less sex. Birth rates were way higher before central banking in every first world country. Not much time to smash when you are busy wage cucking to afford ever rising costs as your masters debase your wages.
Women work. Double the workers means half the wages. Basic bitch supply and demand THIS IS NOT ANY KIND OF RIDDLE.

Women can be productive, or reproductive. Not both.

Yes, good point, when the man cant support a woman and or children with his wage cuckery due to wages debased every day via money printing, the woman must become a wagecuck as well.

Sound money means women will have more time to look hot and practice blow job skills. Cheesy
More blow jobs mean men are more productive and society improves drastically.

701. Post 51261503 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Ok guys, this isnt how we pamp 10 percent a day till 100k, we are way behind schedule now. Embarrassed

702. Post 51261601 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Ibian on May 28, 2019, 10:44:02 PM

I have a few sample choices for you sir Cheesy

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, who is the sweetest of them awww...

Aren't japanese getting the LEAST sex in OECD?
Something does not compute.

maybe bc they censor genitals out of their porn? probably also all the QE, it seems the more money your nation prints the lower the birth rate which would mean less sex. Birth rates were way higher before central banking in every first world country. Not much time to smash when you are busy wage cucking to afford ever rising costs as your masters debase your wages.
Women work. Double the workers means half the wages. Basic bitch supply and demand THIS IS NOT ANY KIND OF RIDDLE.

Women can be productive, or reproductive. Not both.

Yes, good point, when the man cant support a woman and or children with his wage cuckery due to wages debased every day via money printing, the woman must become a wagecuck as well.

Sound money means women will have more time to look hot and practice blow job skills. Cheesy
More blow jobs mean men are more productive and society improves drastically.
No. Wages went down BECAUSE women work, they are not a reaction to it.

Right, wages do go down when women enter the work force that weren't working before. That basic bitch stuff you brought up and I agree with that basic bitch logic you brought to the table.

Wrong of you to imply women categorically are not entering the work force because of reduced wages from currency debasement.  I earlier laid out a case where women go to work because their husbands or male partners have decreased wages due to currency debasement. Im specifically referring to decreased wages as in decreased purchasing power(debasement) of the said wages, not the actual dollar amount of the wage going down. That should be blatantly obvious imo, but if its what caused confusion then it should be clear now.

Sound money will fix the problem of decreased purchasing power of male wages and will encourage many women to leave the work force since Big Daddy will be bringing home more than enough bacon for many couples. This exodus of large amounts of women will add further pressure to employers to raise wages and as I said earlier, women can focus on things they are best at like looking good and blowjobs.

Sound money wins. Money printers lose.

703. Post 51262312 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: dyask on May 29, 2019, 06:43:34 AM

I have a few sample choices for you sir Cheesy

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, who is the sweetest of them awww...

Aren't japanese getting the LEAST sex in OECD?
Something does not compute.

maybe bc they censor genitals out of their porn? probably also all the QE, it seems the more money your nation prints the lower the birth rate which would mean less sex. Birth rates were way higher before central banking in every first world country. Not much time to smash when you are busy wage cucking to afford ever rising costs as your masters debase your wages.
Women work. Double the workers means half the wages. Basic bitch supply and demand THIS IS NOT ANY KIND OF RIDDLE.

Women can be productive, or reproductive. Not both.

Yes, good point, when the man cant support a woman and or children with his wage cuckery due to wages debased every day via money printing, the woman must become a wagecuck as well.

Sound money means women will have more time to look hot and practice blow job skills. Cheesy
More blow jobs mean men are more productive and society improves drastically.
No. Wages went down BECAUSE women work, they are not a reaction to it.

Right, wages do go down when women enter the work force that weren't working before. That basic bitch stuff you brought up and I agree with that basic bitch logic you brought to the table.

Wrong of you to imply women categorically are not entering the work force because of reduced wages from currency debasement.  I earlier laid out a case where women go to work because their husbands or male partners have decreased wages due to currency debasement. Im specifically referring to decreased wages as in decreased purchasing power(debasement) of the said wages, not the actual dollar amount of the wage going down. That should be blatantly obvious imo, but if its what caused confusion then it should be clear now.

Sound money will fix the problem of decreased purchasing power of male wages and will encourage many women to leave the work force since Big Daddy will be bringing home more than enough bacon for many couples. This exodus of large amounts of women will add further pressure to employers to raise wages and as I said earlier, women can focus on things they are best at like looking good and blowjobs.

Sound money wins. Money printers lose.

As someone that has some macro economics background and who is also married to a Japanese woman I'm going to ignore the profound stupidity presented in this thread.  

When there are not enough people in the workforce, productivity on a national level suffers and economies can actually shrink.   That is actually the problem Japan has been facing for some time.     Sexism has actually damaged the economy and it is only very slowly changes.   While it is true that more people going to work can drive down wages, that really isn't important.   What is important is what those wages can buy.   How many hours you have to work to live is actually more important than how much of some variable currency you actually earn.  

In Japan more women are moving into the workplace and more people are working longer.   This last year over 97% of college grads have already started working.   The school year ended in March and by April 1st over 97% were employed.  That is a strong labor market.

Anyway the average woman is a lot smarter than most of the bozos here that can't control their hormones.    

I like how you ignored me with a nice long response full of virtue signaling. Good going smart one. Stupid is to think Japan and its ridiculous money printing hasnt had terrible consequences for the birth rate of the nation. Having all your women in pantsuits and pursuing careers instead of giving birth can be awesome for the economy for a little while, but then demographics kick in and you have a nation of retired old people with no kids.

If the blowjob jokes got you butthurt then maybe lighten up a bit, its not that serious.  Wink

704. Post 51272672 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: dyask on May 29, 2019, 08:30:00 AM

I have a few sample choices for you sir Cheesy

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, who is the sweetest of them awww...

Aren't japanese getting the LEAST sex in OECD?
Something does not compute.

maybe bc they censor genitals out of their porn? probably also all the QE, it seems the more money your nation prints the lower the birth rate which would mean less sex. Birth rates were way higher before central banking in every first world country. Not much time to smash when you are busy wage cucking to afford ever rising costs as your masters debase your wages.
Women work. Double the workers means half the wages. Basic bitch supply and demand THIS IS NOT ANY KIND OF RIDDLE.

Women can be productive, or reproductive. Not both.

Yes, good point, when the man cant support a woman and or children with his wage cuckery due to wages debased every day via money printing, the woman must become a wagecuck as well.

Sound money means women will have more time to look hot and practice blow job skills. Cheesy
More blow jobs mean men are more productive and society improves drastically.
No. Wages went down BECAUSE women work, they are not a reaction to it.

Right, wages do go down when women enter the work force that weren't working before. That basic bitch stuff you brought up and I agree with that basic bitch logic you brought to the table.

Wrong of you to imply women categorically are not entering the work force because of reduced wages from currency debasement.  I earlier laid out a case where women go to work because their husbands or male partners have decreased wages due to currency debasement. Im specifically referring to decreased wages as in decreased purchasing power(debasement) of the said wages, not the actual dollar amount of the wage going down. That should be blatantly obvious imo, but if its what caused confusion then it should be clear now.

Sound money will fix the problem of decreased purchasing power of male wages and will encourage many women to leave the work force since Big Daddy will be bringing home more than enough bacon for many couples. This exodus of large amounts of women will add further pressure to employers to raise wages and as I said earlier, women can focus on things they are best at like looking good and blowjobs.

Sound money wins. Money printers lose.

As someone that has some macro economics background and who is also married to a Japanese woman I'm going to ignore the profound stupidity presented in this thread.  

When there are not enough people in the workforce, productivity on a national level suffers and economies can actually shrink.   That is actually the problem Japan has been facing for some time.     Sexism has actually damaged the economy and it is only very slowly changes.   While it is true that more people going to work can drive down wages, that really isn't important.   What is important is what those wages can buy.   How many hours you have to work to live is actually more important than how much of some variable currency you actually earn.  

In Japan more women are moving into the workplace and more people are working longer.   This last year over 97% of college grads have already started working.   The school year ended in March and by April 1st over 97% were employed.  That is a strong labor market.

Anyway the average woman is a lot smarter than most of the bozos here that can't control their hormones.    

I like how you ignored me with a nice long response full of virtue signaling. Good going smart one. Stupid is to think Japan and its ridiculous money printing hasnt had terrible consequences for the birth rate of the nation. Having all your women in pantsuits and pursuing careers instead of giving birth can be awesome for the economy for a little while, but then demographics kick in and you have a nation of retired old people with no kids.

If the blowjob jokes got you butthurt then maybe lighten up a bit, its not that serious.  Wink

You are only showing how little you know about Japan.   It has been insanely hard for most women in Japan to work more than a few years and that is still mostly true.   The declining birthrate isn't from woman working in Japan.   The workplace in Japan is only slowly opening up to women.   While there have always been some career women in Japan, on a percent basis it has been very low.  Most women only work a few years at most and stop as soon as they marry.  

In fact the declining birthrate in Japan shows the failure of sexism in the modern world.

PS. No butthurt here ... the vulgar comments only show extremely low IQs.   

Your hero Keynes pointed out that lashing out at smarter individuals than yourself only shows extremely high Butthurt.

705. Post 51272675 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: realr0ach on May 29, 2019, 07:15:00 AM
^Yes, I'm not sure how that guy claims to be good at macro-anything when he completely ignored Japan is the biggest Keynesian dystopia ever created and instead blamed it on partriachal inequality LOL.  The other part is sort of chicken and egg scenario concerning the Keynesianism vs population decline.  Debt based fiats require infinite growth, and the population stopped growing so they require 0% interest rates etc etc.  None of this stuff has anything to do with 'abusive patriarchy'.  The planet simply does not accommodate infinite growth.

LOL, totally agree with you here. This guy probably blames climate change for low savings bc AOC told him the world would end in 12 years.

Muh sexism is ruining Japan!!! Made a blowjob joke and now women cant find work in the NBA, NFL, or have kids! Oh nooooo!

706. Post 51273195 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Lamb Bacon, yummy Cheesy

707. Post 51273354 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on May 29, 2019, 09:37:10 PM
Ok just cause y'all bacon enthusiasts ..... I have to say some of my days of eating that....

I loved my bacon thin and crispy AF coming with some goat cheese and honey or something, gonna need to watch myself for not switching back to tha meat Roll Eyes

Goose, do you ever wonder if life is too short to deny yourself the pleasures of meat? At least have some meat with your WO friends to celebrate at the 100k party next month Cheesy

708. Post 51273694 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

I think Craig Wright being Satoshi(part of the team, even he does not claim to be the only member who created bitcoin) would be good for Bitcoin. It would show that it has evolved to the point where even a founder cant fuck it up. We also know the tulip trust is a lie bc the addresses werent his so id rather him be part of Satoshi and not have the coins then another person be Satoshi, have the coins, and possibly dump on our heads one day.

709. Post 51273772 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: Toxic2040 on May 29, 2019, 10:08:38 PM
There is the sense of coiling as we near the end of the month that was present at the end of March and April. I wonder if the outcome will be similar.

I suspect that we will see more consolidation in the range we are in and maybe even down to the $7k to 8k range as we enter June.

Now I could be completely wrong, we could hit the first of the month and blow upwards through vegeta levels but I think it would be short lived.

A couple months spent consolidating in this range would be good imho.

It's is however best to do your own research.






First of tha month... Vegeta Smiley

710. Post 51274580 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

What if we are all wanting Vegeta memes so its not gonna happen.   Cry

711. Post 51275600 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Didnt realize till now Shitvision doubled in the last 24 hours. Shocked This looks like bloombergs new method of attacking Bitcoin, pump the shittiest "competitor" by tricking newbs into buying it. All they are doing is playing into our hands bc newbs always come around to King Bitcoin once they educate themselves.

712. Post 51275631 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: BTCMILLIONAIRE on May 30, 2019, 03:27:08 AM
Ok just cause y'all bacon enthusiasts ..... I have to say some of my days of eating that....

I loved my bacon thin and crispy AF coming with some goat cheese and honey or something, gonna need to watch myself for not switching back to tha meat Roll Eyes

Goose, do you ever wonder if life is too short to deny yourself the pleasures of meat? At least have some meat with your WO friends to celebrate at the 100k party next month Cheesy
Just source it from proper places and there's no problem with it. None of us would exist today if not for countless species eating each other for all of time.

And if everybody goes vegan/vegetarian instead of supporting farmers who care for animal welfare (or a few years from now cultured meat) things will take much longer to improve.

If animals eat us when given the chance I think we are justified in eating them. If they ever want a truce we could always discuss it.

713. Post 51276387 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on May 30, 2019, 05:30:11 AM
[edited out]

i couldn't give 2 shits about your holding from 19.5k,  your choice but not for me.

Fair enough.. but I said that holding also includes continuing to buy, and ends up being a profitable strategy, when done with prudence.. especially when BTC prices are likely going to be higher in the future than they are today.. especially if you are able to take at least a 5 year investment timeline to establish your btc stake by accumulating, buying on dips.. and various other forms of incrementalism practices, such as selling small amounts of BTC as the price goes up in order to buy lower than you sell and to sell higher than you buy.

JJG greed tinged with anger = short.

I don't short BTC.  I mostly long btc and I skim profits on the way up (and if the bTC price goes back down, I use dollars from skimmed profits on the way up to buy back more BTC than I sold - that is to the extent that the BTC price goes down after i had sold some).    Works well, and does not involve emotions, such as anger as you seem to want to project upon me (perhaps while you are looking in the mirror regarding your own anger issues - at least seemingly butt-hurt issues).

JJG fear tinged with doubt = Long.  
It's pretty easy to get a good and effective trading stategy from your menstrual cycle.  

Again.. no emotions here.  I have a strategy that attempts to largely remove emotions out of the actual practice.. and largely I have been increasing the increments that I trade, too so that not as many sell or buy orders are triggered.. which causes even less emotion from me.

On the other hand, you might catch me getting worked up, a bit, about FUD spreading, sorcerer seeking and selective history bear trolls like yourself who seem to be inclined to spread misinformation about your own historical record and mislead about what is important in bitcoin, including assigning pie in the sky probabilities while trying to assert that you have some kind of scientific insight about BTC's price direction (which tends to be down from your historical presentations), while you tend to have a decently large history of being wrong - and perhaps you serve as a kind of reverse indicator regarding actual likely BTC price direction.

In other words, you come out of the wood-work from time to time while presenting some kind of nonsensical doom and gloom message.... so perhaps there is some consistency with you in that regard, like roach, constantly losing in your BTC price projections.... While at least you try to suggest that you remain in the game.. but likely making similar (and maybe worse ) mistakes as roach.. with your ongoing betting when roach's bet is just a failure to realize gain rather than actively losing money, which seems to be a decent part of your ongoing bitcoin plays.

err.... JJG, what about bacon, Spam, and other meats though?? Stay on topic buddy.

714. Post 51276442 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

All this meat talk I decided im going to a Brazilian Steakhouse tomorrow. Either Fogo de Chow or Texas de Brazil. Havent made my mind up yet to which one.

715. Post 51277655 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 30, 2019, 06:58:58 AM

here's a train heading towards a moon... I think it's gonna help

Dude, that's a moon falling on a train!

Fuck really?   shit must be bullish

Bacon, lets talk about bacon

716. Post 51277675 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.48h):

Brought to you by Carls Junior. "Fuck you im eating"

Bacon 3 way.

717. Post 51278267 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 30, 2019, 08:15:38 AM
ANy more 2017 men/women  out there?

Drugs r bad m'kay...

depends which way you insert them

Drugs that are inserted are really really bad, m'kay.

That's some next level sick shit... You need help...

Don't bother the guy is a troll plus he's completely wasted it seems... don't feed the troll...  Cool

if i was completely wasted, how could i write great poetry about bacon?

2017, what a supprise

It was a good parody song, very catchy. Inspired me to post the bacon 3 way pic.  Cheesy

718. Post 51285648 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on May 30, 2019, 12:28:39 PM
^^^Billionaires want to buy 25% of all bitcoin??

Sorry but which billionaires would be that stoopid to think or say something like that?
Its like saying 'billionaire said they wanted to buy 25% of all the gold in the world,  or 25% of all the islands in the world'

It smells like some nextevel shillery from someone wanting to big note and set a web for hnwi clients, irs honeytrap etc?

What happened to Jorge Stolfi? Brazilian socialists shills are getting routed tbese days, hope that guy rots in a miserable outcome of his own making.

he still hates on twitter. i used to harass him there before bcash boyz got me banned.

719. Post 51285684 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: infofront on May 30, 2019, 01:52:12 PM
Brought to you by Carls Junior. "Fuck you im eating"

Bacon 3 way.

After 2022, that will be what every hodler wakes up to every morning.

Indeed sir. My dad always told me when I was a young lad that monogamy is a poor nocoiners game. At least that what he should have said.  Cheesy

720. Post 51285891 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 30, 2019, 05:08:09 PM

yeah.. you need help.  You seem to be way too emotional in both your trades and your posts.  Surely, there are some posters, here, who are going to be willing to hold your hand through some of this emotional turmoil that you are going through.  So, I do feel a little bit sad for you allowing your book to cause so much emotion upon yourself, but you are not the only person participating, reading or posting in this thread, so in my humble bumble opinion, situations like yours can and should serve as learning examples for others rather than a bunch of peeps just feeling sorry for you..

Im not emotional with my trades,  Im fucked off with the constant bear images and memes at the bottom and all the, trains, rocket ships, some kids cartoon memes when it's clearly overbought.    Wether that's intenional or not i find it anoying, because I think it is intended to make people take emotional trading decisions.

Trade less, hodl more. I looked back at some of your old posts and wasnt long before I found you saying other coins would come along and replace King Bitcoin, so maybe find something you really believe in and hodl that. Anyway man, a blown up trade sucks for anyone so best of luck in the future.

721. Post 51286001 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: Toxic2040 on May 30, 2019, 07:29:19 PM
he still hates on twitter. i used to harass him there before bcash boyz got me banned.

That geezer mystified me. At certain points he must've been putting in 12 or more hour days on here and on Reddit for weeks and months on end. All that effort achieved precisely - fuck all.

Hopefully he'll go senile so he won't be consumed with regret at all that irreplaceable time he set on fire.

Reflecting back on it..he sure knew how to get under ones skin. He has the honor of being the first person I ignored on this forum. People seriously baffle me at times..

Yes, he could have spent all that time taking online surveys and invested the money in Bitcoin and been a millionaire by now. I hope sound money brings so much prosperity we cure senility and he has to live his whole life in lucid clarity at how bad he fucked up.  >:(A bit mean, sure, but he is one of the few nocoiners that really deserves to suffer.

722. Post 51287933 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Shitcoin Mogul Craig Wright is filing to Copyright Hodlsleep Roll Eyes

723. Post 51289889 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

We are gonna have to work on our rigging and collusion. We were supposed to pump 10 percent each day for 26 days till 100k, then dump on everyones head.  Cry

724. Post 51290189 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: jojo69 on May 31, 2019, 04:51:01 AM
We are gonna have to work on our rigging and collusion. We were supposed to pump 10 percent each day for 26 days till 100k, then dump on everyones head.  Cry

we could all sign up on a Travian server, that would be really good practice.

Sounds good. I think colluding to manipulate price is legal in the Bitcoin market rn so WO could be a serious force one day behind the scenes. Perhaps this was always our destiny??

I apologize to everyone for my small part in maybe ending our parabolic run by posting pics of bikini models feeding each other bacon and saying monogamy was a poor nocoiners game.  Undecided

This heap of joy would make any hodler proud till death do them part.

725. Post 51291371 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: realr0ach on May 31, 2019, 05:46:52 AM
Puerto Rico

Imagine an entire island full of Ocasio Cortez mulatto negresses.

AOC is an annoying cunt, but an island full of Puerto Rican chicks sounds like a nice smash fest to me.

Serious question Roach. Are you attracted sexually to women? The only person you seem to openly admire is Hitler, who is a dude. Any Aryan hotties you wanna smash? Not an accusation, just a few real questions.

726. Post 51291549 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Ive noticed Bitcoin getting more and more correlated with the global and US stock market since the 2017 run up. I posted some interesting charts and thoughts from a long reddit post somebody put up not long ago showing the correlation with emerging market stocks in particular.

Point is every time US stock get to or near an all time high, Trump decides to use the opportunity to escalate his trade war(s). He killed the stock run recently by escalating tariffs against China and China walked away from making a deal. Today he announced a 5 percent tariff(will go as high as 25% in time if they dont give him what he wants) on all Mexican imports until they stop the invasion of illegal immigrants through the border and futures are getting hit pretty hard.

A big stock correction I think would really seal the deal on our parabolic run being over and taking us back to 4800-5500 range. This would still be hella bullish in my eyes as that is a much higher low than 3100.

Trump imo helped really jump start this latest Bitcoin run with his jawboning the Fed into stopping rate hikes and ending Quantitative Tightening. This also got the Stock market roaring to new highs.

So what im seeing is Trump giveth and Trump taketh away and right now he is in taketh mode.

Also of note:

Im too lazy rn to post HM's fractal charts but Im sure you all remember the 2 pumps past 300 in spring and summer of 2015. What if we are going through the same kind of thing, but this time instead of 2 spaced out pumps its just one bigger pump right smack in the middle. In that case we would go back and revisit the 3000's one last time before the march to 100k starts for real for real later this year.

I think 4800-5500 would be more likely but just food for thought. Would like to be wrong and hit 100k next month but you guys gotta pamp it a lot harder for that to happen. Cheesy

727. Post 51291632 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

@nutilda I was getting the implication that the island had only PR women, lol. Ive been to San Juan many times and the women were awesome, but if all the guys peaced out then it would take it up a few notches. Grin

I mean lets be real. Hitler would have converted to Judaism to get some of that if he was hetero. Even if homo she would convert him.

728. Post 51302514 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: rebal15 on May 31, 2019, 09:56:10 PM
I am waiting for 10k. Lambie, you said 10k in 1 week, tell us the exact time with minutes if you can.

Did I? Show me where bc i dont feel like looking through my posts and a little reading might help your critical thinking skills or lack thereof.

729. Post 51302681 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 31, 2019, 10:31:57 PM
snipped from

Hmm, not so Vastly Late after all Grin eh Mr. L Slayer?
#firstquintile #defamation #seeyouincourt #haveanicelife

I already copyrighted Vastly Lates with plans to fork Bitcoin in that name bc I am the real Faketoshi, so you cant have it anyways  Kiss, but you can come to my Bar of the same name one day, we will be open Late Cheesy

730. Post 51302726 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on June 01, 2019, 03:02:44 AM
How late?

Vastly Shocked

731. Post 51302765 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on June 01, 2019, 03:08:25 AM
How late?

Vastly Shocked

After midnight you can slam Slammie Layer shots 2-1. Cant tell you whats in it though.

732. Post 51302793 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Roach you never answered my serious question. Are you sexually attracted to females. Like if you see a hot female Nazi gold bug do you want to smash? Do you only admire males like Hitler?

733. Post 51303028 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: realr0ach on June 01, 2019, 03:29:54 AM
Like if you see a hot female Nazi gold bug do you want to smash?

Ok, just making sure, thanks for the answer.

734. Post 51303633 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: realr0ach on June 01, 2019, 04:26:08 AM
If DB, derivatives, and all the other shit goes bust, the world is obviously going back to metals as the base of the financial system.

That's a fairly huge leap in logic.  Why would any Central Bank voluntarily remove its ability to print fiat?

Because debt based fiat requires infinite growth or permanent interest rates of zero.  Demographics have peaked in every nation that matters as well as energy production and use, signifying the end of growth.  If interest rates are zero, dollars are not an asset because...they do not generate interest for who holds them whether it's a banker or an actual human.  

At that point it's inevitable dollars are ditched for metals instead because the metals are a real asset and dollars are not.  Staying on paper dollars with interest rates of zero - which is the paradigm we already have - just creates more malvinvestment to cataclysmically implode the system even harder.  A real asset has to be used to temper the malinvestment and to square international trade balances.  The longer you stay on paper notes with 0% interest rates, the bigger the implosion and likely higher required revaluation number for metals.  Metals win no matter what in the end.
Serious questions again Roach, since you were kind enough to answer the last one.

You used to believe in Bitcoin, then decided you were wrong. Is there a level of success Bitcoin could achieve in the coming years that would cause you to change your mind a second time and become a Bitcoiner again?

What would it take to decide you were wrong about metals and they aren't our monetary future?

735. Post 51303940 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Ok its off topic, but we all love charts here and I saw a very interesting chart today.  Cheesy

I realize Shitvision Icon Calvin Ayre's chart would be 15-20 range, but Leo is with consenting adults so he gets my respect for this. I suspect many wealthy hodlers will have charts similar to this in the future after we overtake 100k.

Leo takes chicks in their prime years and then passes them off to guys like Tom Brady and Green Lantern when they are too old for him. The guy is in his own league.

736. Post 51306341 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: on June 01, 2019, 06:51:20 AM
Ok its off topic, but we all love charts here and I saw a very interesting chart today.  Cheesy

I realize Shitvision Icon Calvin Ayre's chart would be 15-20 range, but Leo is with consenting adults so he gets my respect for this. I suspect many wealthy hodlers will have charts similar to this in the future after we overtake 100k.

Leo takes chicks in their prime years and then passes them off to guys like Tom Brady and Green Lantern when they are too old for him. The guy is in his own league.

I thought it was pretty clear Leo is gay and these hot supermodel beards make it even more obvious.  Cool

But sir! must you tear down our heroes Sad

737. Post 51306406 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: nutildah on June 01, 2019, 07:07:28 AM
Ok its off topic, but we all love charts here and I saw a very interesting chart today.  Cheesy

I realize Shitvision Icon Calvin Ayre's chart would be 15-20 range, but Leo is with consenting adults so he gets my respect for this. I suspect many wealthy hodlers will have charts similar to this in the future after we overtake 100k.

Leo takes chicks in their prime years and then passes them off to guys like Tom Brady and Green Lantern when they are too old for him. The guy is in his own league.

I thought it was pretty clear Leo is gay and these hot supermodel beards make it even more obvious.  Cool

It could be... After all, they all pretty much look like the same damn woman. Its like jeez Leo, mix it up a little bit. At least date a brunette or a fair skinned latina or something.

Edit: at least his most recent pick is a part-time brunette.

yes, a latina brunette.  Smiley id rather have 10 lambos that look the same than a variety of camrys, accords, malibus, mustangs and jeeps.

738. Post 51313271 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: on June 01, 2019, 08:56:58 PM
I wouldn’t get too excited we just cleared down to 8 sats/byte

Leo is too good looking to be hetero

Exactly! Has anybody seen any pics of him kissing, fondling, doing anything sexual to a girl?   Cool  It's like those staged fake-ass Christiano Ronaldo "family" pics.

Not only does this guy make out with his gf's in public sometimes, but pretty much every time paparazzi secretly photographs him on a private beach or yacht he is caught making out with his gf's. Nothing wrong w being gay, but most males including Leo, are not gay.

739. Post 51313425 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: kingcolex on June 01, 2019, 06:32:51 PM
The troll, Not Lambchop, still has a job apparently. Attacking me in the press.

She would rather someone be killed than try to live free.

I'm surprised her article did not include pictures of gay porn which she was so fond of posting all over this thread a few years back.

This woman so hates freedom. She is thrilled when the state uses their force against people. Such a love for violence, no wonder she would be appalled by someone trying to do something peacefully.

I am starting to wonder if libertarians should start considering using state tactics toward their own ends. They do centralize their power...

Oh, since the FT article is behind a paywall, I strongly urge everyone to install this extension in their Brave browser:
Bypass Paywalls

The article certainly does not deserve monetary compensation.
What a fucking idiot, like the cost of building and maintaining that lifestyle is cheaper than paying tax, shes outed herself as a complete moron in the first sentence.

I thought slaying(outing) her on this forum was enough, maybe its time to think about expanding the boundaries. She seemed content to churn out silly articles like the ones attacking the sharing economy the last few years but it seems she couldnt resist going after a WO once again with her platform when she saw a juicy opportunity. We may have to discuss her future at the 100k party.

By the way she hates being called Lambie or NLC on twitter so feel free to get in her comments and spread the good word of King Bitcoin our lord and savior Cheesy

740. Post 51313497 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on June 01, 2019, 10:27:30 PM
Dad and Dad are squabbling again? ^ ^^

meanwhile Lambie non-Slayer of the vicious Kaminska statist tard beast,
a few chaste little kisses for the camera do not a hetero make Kiss

She was slain on this forum never to return with her porn and trolling.  Wink

I could have attempted to have her fired, but I suppose they might have given her a raise for trolling Bitcoiners 24/7 in her off time.

V "Leo aint straight" 8 do you walk this Earth thinking every man you see holding hands with or kissing a woman is a gay?

Are all the men kissing men actually straight? Tell me more please Cheesy

741. Post 51313594 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on June 01, 2019, 10:43:07 PM
I’m with G here.  

She looks to have a normal well adjusted life.  Not seeing the connection.

Hard evidence could be incriminating so you wont ever get it here from me. But its easy to see a connection if you look at the fact that nothing on Earth could rid this forum of that troll and her many sockpuppets until I outed her, then she quickly left never to return. What was she so afraid of to give up her crusade?

There were lots of other connections at the time that convinced many if not most here, including Elwar of her true identity. For one she non stop commented here on a daily basis with almost never a day off and someone after the fact pointed out that she was absent a few days from the forum at exactly the same time she posted on twitter she would be unplugged from the internet for a few days on some cabin/vacation/retreat thing. Magically she returned from vacation and the sockpuppets came to life.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

742. Post 51313739 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: infofront on June 01, 2019, 11:02:44 PM
What can make a person so miserable? Maybe we can hook her up with Dr. Stolfi

Making peanuts working for Financial Times perhaps while hodlers got rich Cheesy

You could almost hear her bitterness when she said Elwar made a bucketload of money in her article.

743. Post 51313851 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: kingcolex on June 01, 2019, 11:16:55 PM
What can make a person so miserable? Maybe we can hook her up with Dr. Stolfi
R0ach and her would be a fine couple of cockroaches.

Hard to believe now, but I remember when Roach was in full Bitcoiner mode and he would give Kaminska a lot of shit. It was fun to watch. Bitcoiner Roach > Nazi goldbug Roach

744. Post 51313939 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Bitcoin Bacon Three-way goes wrong  Sad ?

"Johnson is the former Kuala Lumpur-based bitcoin millionaire who had a threesome with model Ivana Smit and his wife, Luna Almaz, on the night Smit died."

745. Post 51355635 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on May 31, 2019, 07:40:01 AM

Also of note:

Im too lazy rn to post HM's fractal charts but Im sure you all remember the 2 pumps past 300 in spring and summer of 2015. What if we are going through the same kind of thing, but this time instead of 2 spaced out pumps its just one bigger pump right smack in the middle. In that case we would go back and revisit the 3000's one last time before the march to 100k starts for real for real later this year.

I think 4800-5500 would be more likely but just food for thought. Would like to be wrong and hit 100k next month but you guys gotta pamp it a lot harder for that to happen. Cheesy

Im more convinced than before that the likely destination is the 4800-5500 range, no reason not to have a 2015 style pump and dump before the halvening gets about 6 months away. This had all the makings of a pump and dump since the Tether premium started it all imo.

A higher low on the weekly chart of about 5k would be hella bullish imo. Anyway would of course have no issues with hitting 100k next month but we are gonna need a lot more pamping and newbs for that Roll Eyes

746. Post 51356420 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Been catching up with the last 3 days of the thread and I see I missed a lot of potential 100k party talk.

I completely understand the balking of spending a lot of coin on a party by many WO's. Even after achieving millionaire net worth levels I do not enjoy spending over 1k on a night of partying and always seem to get buyers remorse if I go over that much.

At 100k Bitcoin I probably would balk at spending more than 10 or 20k for a night of partying that I wont leave with anything more than memories and perhaps some cropped photos with hat images plastered over them.

Some people will be achieving first time millionaire status at the time of the party and I completely get them not wanting to drop thousands of dollars as this is a chunk of their net worth even if they can afford it.

Also I think collecting money in advance is not a good idea as it puts too much responsibility and work in the hands of a person or two and we dont want a Frye Festival on our hands.

I think location is an issue as no location will make everyone happy so I have a proposal to solve this.

If too many people come it limits what you can do. Kind of hard for 300 people all at once to hit the strip club, or hit the brothel, or hit the night club, or get a nice meal all at once.

I also think its a bit of an issue of picking who can come and how many people can come with them so I have a proposal to solve this.

1. We have several smaller parties.

2. Anyone who wants to volunteer to host a party just posts on WO that they are hosting a party and hat members who want to come will respond to the post. The host will list how many WOs and friends they can accommodate what city the party will be in and what activities they will do.

For example.

Las Vegas 100k Party.
  Hosted by Lambie Slayer

To take place exactly the first Friday that occurs three days after 100k is reached on Bitstamp.

First event :
WO hat holdler dinner only: The limit for this dinner is 25 people. We will meet at a high end restaurant at a Vegas Casino the location of which will be disclosed the day before. A reservation will be made to ensure they can accommodate a party this large. Checks will be separate and each member responsible for paying their bill of course. No non WO Hat members at the dinner bc secret plans for global domination will be discussed.  Cool Dinner time is at 6pm.

Second event: Night club outing. Each of the 25 WO Hat members will bring up to two guests to a top Vegas nightclub after the dinner at approximately 1030pm. Location will be revealed at dinner. Slayer will have reserved enough tables to accommodate everyone and any deposit he has to pay will be reimbursed to him after the dinner. WO members will pay for their own bottles and each WO member will be expected to pay for at least half of a bottle. Slayer will work to ensure he gets the best deal possible by contacting local promoters ahead of time.

Third event: Strip Club adventure. At approximately 1am WOs who choose to leave the nightclub and guests will exit night club and head to a top Strip Club. Slayer will expect not everyone will attend the strip club so he will have 1 limo ready for 20 people. Anyone else who wants to come can arrange Uber transportation. Everyone and their guests are welcome to join. Cover charge will be free as Slayer has excellent Vegas connections. You are responsible for your own drinks, dances, vip rooms, hjs, bjs, and whatever else you can get away with.  Wink

Fourth event: Brothel adventure. At 6am WO members still awake and ready to party will join Slayer in his limo and head to Pahrump, a small town an hour away. If more than 20 are still in the game at this point it is easy to get extra transportation in the blink of an eye. Brothel adventure is for WO members only, no guests allowed. The limo will head back to Vegas at 10am.

Limo users will reimburse Slayer before each adventure as he will have paid in advance.

Any WO member who wants to hire their own body guards is welcome to. They can wait outside during the dinner and can tag along to the nightclub, stripclub and brothel. Vegas has tons of high end private security available for hire.


I think 3 or 4 WO's willing to host such a party, spread out or on the same day, would handle all the WO hat members and guests who want to come. Non hat members could host their own party for other non hat members. I would be happy to host a party such as I described above.  Grin

By forking into 3 or 4 parties we can have locations to satisfy everyone and groups small enough to not need to rent banquet halls and large amounts of limos, nightclub tables etc. No coin will need to be collected in advance, just a few hosts willing to make a few nightclub deposits and pay for a few limos in advance and get reimbursed at the event.

I know the dream of 1 party to rule them all is tempting, but it seems it just wont work out. Lets be honest also that if 300 people are at the party you will barely have time to talk to a even a chunk of them. But a smaller party will feel intimate where you can really connect with the people there, but big enough to have a lot of fun.  Smiley

This is just a suggestion. Let me know what you guys think.

As legend grows on the thread of all the secret 100k parties we had and the fun adventures we experienced, we will easily help pamp Bitcoin to 200k a short time after the 100k parties.

747. Post 51356543 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: P_Shep on June 05, 2019, 09:02:56 AM
I’m out of sMerit but I would have sent you +5 for that post Lambie. Can somebody help me out & send him at least 1.


Sent tow merits,
+1 from LFC
+1 form Fillippone

(almost empty of merits now)


Too slow Smiley

Ty gents Cheesy

748. Post 51356824 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on June 05, 2019, 09:21:22 AM
Nice post Lambie....

But is there Maybe someone that could make a list with just the members that are interested for such party...

And Then which would seem fit to be allowed @the party ? Smiley

Smaller groups are good but I think the group would not be like 300 members

More like around 50 or something....

Ty Goose, and happy belated. Yes if someone did start a list and give maybe 2 weeks for all WO hat members to tell them where they would be interested in partying and how many non WO hat member guests they want to bring to the party then it would help potential hosts know what to do.

Also it might be wise to stop giving out hats or making new hats not count for the parties bc bad people could get on here and earn a hat just to come to the party, so only hat members as of today or something.

I think the real thing that will swell the party size is that hat members are going to want to bring gfs, bfs, best friends etc to share their most epic night of partying. I honestly dont know how many hat members want to come but I would guess at least 60-80 with an average of 2 guests each so that would mean at least 210 people. Even just making a US party and non US party would make the numbers workable with 100 people aprox per group.

A list is a great idea bc then we can see the real demand for said parties.

You are the best list keeper here so I nominate you! Cheesy

749. Post 51357346 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on June 05, 2019, 10:21:18 AM
Nice post Lambie....

But is there Maybe someone that could make a list with just the members that are interested for such party...

And Then which would seem fit to be allowed @the party ? Smiley

Smaller groups are good but I think the group would not be like 300 members

More like around 50 or something....

Ty Goose, and happy belated. Yes if someone did start a list and give maybe 2 weeks for all WO hat members to tell them where they would be interested in partying and how many non WO hat member guests they want to bring to the party then it would help potential hosts know what to do.

Also it might be wise to stop giving out hats or making new hats not count for the parties bc bad people could get on here and earn a hat just to come to the party, so only hat members as of today or something.

I think the real thing that will swell the party size is that hat members are going to want to bring gfs, bfs, best friends etc to share their most epic night of partying. I honestly dont know how many hat members want to come but I would guess at least 60-80 with an average of 2 guests each so that would mean at least 210 people. Even just making a US party and non US party would make the numbers workable with 100 people aprox per group.

A list is a great idea bc then we can see the real demand for said parties.

You are the best list keeper here so I nominate you! Cheesy

German Bitcoin veteran (and of course "Hat Gang" member) "600watt" is your man potentially -->

EDIT: 600watt organized in 2013 with two others the btc1k party but the price plumbed unfortunately. as I remember correctly he is working in some catering business or something like that as he told in the German section. it could be he will to organize such a adventure again but at least he is able to support you with usefull hints.

Yes indeed better a more veteran OG member should start such thing, I’m already happy to come and join Cheesy

600watt indeed good choice!

agreed, great idea if he is down to do it!

750. Post 51357496 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: mindrust on June 05, 2019, 10:16:40 AM
I’m out of sMerit but I would have sent you +5 for that post Lambie. Can somebody help me out & send him at least 1.


Don't worry I tipped him pretty generously. I might suck at ollecting bitcoins but I am cash rich when it comes to merits.

Thank you kindly Mindrust! Im feeling a bit merit rich at the moment Cheesy As I was catching up on the last three days of posts a few of your posts were certainly part of the inspiration for my proposed 100k party fork solution.

Someone could come to the potential party I laid out for the cost of 1 rd trip plane ticket, 1 night stay in hotel, and a delicious but reasonable entree at a nice restaurant. Assuming they didnt live on the other side of the globe of the party they chose this could be a $500 trip for them. For a little extra they could just pay cover and come out to the night club, uber to the strip club and tip a few ones on stage. Even a cheap trip to the brothel could be done for $300.

Someone else could come to the same party, with 2 guests, get luxury hotel rooms, expensive dishes at the meal, 2 expensive bottles at the club, hours of vip room entertainment at the strip club, several whores at the brothel and spend 10k or much much more. The format was designed to be totally flexible.

As current and future sound money Bitcoin millionaires being frugal and good stewards of our wealth is somewhat of a responsibility as we show nocoiners a better way to live and allocate resources.

751. Post 51357649 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on June 05, 2019, 10:34:30 AM
Lambie I'd love to come to Vegas, but I must insist that we have a serious moment. Perhaps the address at the dinner could be given by that foremost bitcoin expert Ms Izabella Kaminska. I believe you know her well enough to invite her?

I hope you come to the Vegas party. But to answer your question.

We could start off the dinner with a serious moment of silence to remember and pity the souls of all the bears who sold and shorted along the way.

752. Post 51357841 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: Phil_S on June 05, 2019, 11:02:53 AM
but I would guess at least 60-80 with an average of 2 guests each so that would mean at least 210 people.

Maybe only 50 of us old hatters still active here...

And average of 2 guests seems a bit too much. Most guys have only one GF/wife. Smiley
So maybe 1 guest per old hat...

I would say maybe we'll get 50 people for US party plus 50 people for Europe party.

That would make things go very smoothly. Im inclined to agree my estimate was high but I want to err on the side of overshooting. Also I was basing estimates of how many guests hat members would want to bring bc I figured some would be fantastically rich at this point and might want to bring large entourages of escorts, midget hype men, massage girls, Bene Gesserit Soothsayers etc.

Thats why I suggested capping two guests per Hat, but many hat members wouldnt even bring one guest, so with the cap the average might only be 1 guest per hat which indeed should make 2 parties enough and maybe one party enough if we could agree on location.

Another thing is parties could be spaced apart so that people could attend both, but this might lead to a bit of a problem of which party is first. Im not sure if people would care about the chronological order of the parties or having them on the same day.

753. Post 51357858 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on June 05, 2019, 11:09:57 AM
but I would guess at least 60-80 with an average of 2 guests each so that would mean at least 210 people.

Maybe only 50 of us old hatters still active here...

And average of 2 guests seems a bit too much. Most guys have only one GF/wife. Smiley
So maybe 1 guest per old hat...

I would say maybe we'll get 50 people for US party plus 50 people for Europe party.

Hey man, I best be invited. I don’t wear a hat!


I can promise if I end up being a party host you can come as an exception to the hat rule. Cheesy

754. Post 51358145 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: kurious on June 05, 2019, 11:27:51 AM
Hi Lambie -
Multi-paties and all are fine, no problem with that.  However, whether it's one or many parties - organising anything within a week or so of breaking an arbitrary figure in price is at the very least difficult.  Just booking things up and people dropping everything to book a flight to get there means it is tough to see how it would work.

Fixing a date (based on Halvening, say?) and finding out well in advance how many takers there are makes it more feasible to set up, I would have thought.  Shoot me down, by all means - but people have lives and need to plan in advance - even decent hotels, restaurants etc are best booked in advance, surely...  Not many people will put a deposit down for a party on an unknown future date.  So how would you know numbers in order to book anything?

Also, for me and maybe I am not alone (I have no idea) I am not really up for hookers and blow. Never have been for the former, have weaned myself off the latter...  Call me a party pooper, if you like, but don't get me wrong; I do like the the idea of a party and a chance to meet people I have share the ups and downs with for years.  I also know some will head for the hookers and blow - and good luck to them, if they do - but I hope that is not all it is about. If there was a choice, I would be opting for beers and a chat.

Lastly, I might also like to explore a city and meet new friends with my partner in town with me. I may be alone in having this as a preference of course - but if it raises eyebrows to suggest this, I will just have to wait and hear tales of what I missed out on.

Edit: Some of this answered above while I was typing.

In many cities this could be a problem, but in Vegas I can promise you that booking the restaurant for 25 people, nightclub for 75 people or less, stripclub 75 people or less, 1 stretch limo, and brothel for 25 people or less with a weeks notice would be eezy peezy lemon breezy.

A week is also plenty of time to get a fairly cheap plane ticket and hotel rooms are always abundant and inexpensive relative to quality in Vegas, even on zero days notice. Saturday is actually a better day since some will still have jobs and need to work Friday so consider this an amendment to my proposal. Also remember in my post no one but the host would have to put down a deposit for anything. As a Vegas host Im willing to pay in advance out of my pocket for the limo, VIP table and bottle deposits(the will likely just want to put a hold on a credit card at the most, if anything). The restaurant wont need a deposit for a party of 25, the stripclub wont need a deposit, and the brothel will not need a deposit.  

Multiple hosts is also to help with the fact that some will want a more wholesome party. I would never call you a party pooper for having different tastes. Also remember people can stay longer than a night and as WO members meet they can make separate plans to do things on sunday monday or however long they stay in town.

My party structure proposal did have 4 events and only the last 2 were of the non wholesome variety, but certainly a host could make a party with lots of wholesome events and completely avoid anything on the leaning towards debauchery.

755. Post 51358384 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

also Kurious I should mention a week after hitting 100k is plenty of time for anyone still working a job to tell their boss politely to go fuck themselves.  Cheesy

JK, but seriously it could be 2 fridays after 100k also. I think we can all live with 70k prices on the night party if we get a crash  Smiley Even if 100k is the top and we go into bear market that day 1 or 2 weeks later the price should still be at least 50k which should make everyone very happy.

Also 100k party could easily end up being a 200k party by the time we fly to our destination a week later.

Last thing is a host could schedule something 1.5 years or so after halvening for a separate party that everyone could plan far ahead for, but i dont really see how anyone could need more than two weeks to plan this. However multiple parties is not a bad thing bc each one will be that much more intimate, as long as at least 12 Hats plus their guests show up to a party it should be a great experience. This means we could have perhaps up to 4 awesome parties.

At the end of the day I think it will come down to 3 parties though. One in the US for hats, one in the Europe or an island for hats, and one for nonhats or late hat earners. We still have likely two more years of price appreciation and fomo to attract a lot of new talent to this thread and they will want to party, hat or not.

Personally id like to go to a few parties.  Smiley I think if we get that list we will know a lot more about how to proceed.

756. Post 51358589 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: kurious on June 05, 2019, 12:01:39 PM
Hi Lambie -
Multi-paties and all are fine, no problem with that.  However, whether it's one or many parties - organising anything within a week or so of breaking an arbitrary figure in price is at the very least difficult.  Just booking things up and people dropping everything to book a flight to get there means it is tough to see how it would work.

Fixing a date (based on Halvening, say?) and finding out well in advance how many takers there are makes it more feasible to set up, I would have thought.  Shoot me down, by all means - but people have lives and need to plan in advance - even decent hotels, restaurants etc are best booked in advance, surely...  Not many people will put a deposit down for a party on an unknown future date.  So how would you know numbers in order to book anything?

Also, for me and maybe I am not alone (I have no idea) I am not really up for hookers and blow. Never have been for the former, have weaned myself off the latter...  Call me a party pooper, if you like, but don't get me wrong; I do like the the idea of a party and a chance to meet people I have share the ups and downs with for years.  I also know some will head for the hookers and blow - and good luck to them, if they do - but I hope that is not all it is about. If there was a choice, I would be opting for beers and a chat.

Lastly, I might also like to explore a city and meet new friends with my partner in town with me. I may be alone in having this as a preference of course - but if it raises eyebrows to suggest this, I will just have to wait and hear tales of what I missed out on.

Edit: Some of this answered above while I was typing.

In many cities this could be a problem, but in Vegas I can promise you that booking the restaurant for 25 people, nightclub for 75 people or less, stripclub 75 people or less, 1 stretch limo, and brothel for 25 people or less with a weeks notice would be eezy peezy lemon breezy.

A week is also plenty of time to get a fairly cheap plane ticket and hotel rooms are always abundant and inexpensive relative to quality in Vegas, even on zero days notice. Saturday is actually a better day since some will still have jobs and need to work Friday so consider this an amendment to my proposal. Also remember in my post no one but the host would have to put down a deposit for anything. As a Vegas host Im willing to pay in advance out of my pocket for the limo, VIP table and bottle deposits(the will likely just want to put a hold on a credit card at the most, if anything). The restaurant wont need a deposit for a party of 25, the stripclub wont need a deposit, and the brothel will not need a deposit.  

Multiple hosts is also to help with the fact that some will want a more wholesome party. I would never call you a party pooper for having different tastes. Also remember people can stay longer than a night and as WO members meet they can make separate plans to do things on sunday monday or however long they stay in town.

My party structure proposal did have 4 events and only the last 2 were of the non wholesome variety, but certainly a host could make a party with lots of wholesome events and completely avoid anything on the leaning towards debauchery.

All fair enough - and I would not wish to ban debauchery at all, but you're right it's not really my thing to head for a brothel with a load of loaded Bitcoiners Wink

Personally, I would not wish to book something in the hope people would show up, though, it would be a risk at short notice.  And it would have to be short notice.

There are way more people that would say they wanted to than would actually show up on the day in my experience. I suspect you might have a lot of people saying 'I would love to - it's just that weekend is a little awkward' and end up out of pocket.  At short notice it's way easier not to go than to actually go.

I am suggesting a little caution, that's all! 

U bring up good points.

Typically the longer someone has to think about something imo the more likely they are to back out. This is why corporate America works so hard to push impulse buying on everyone and why they say count to ten when you are angry.

I would have no problem doing this party with myself and my 2 guests if not one single Hat wants to come celebrate the new wealth.  Cheesy

All it would cost me would be I pay for all the limo out of pocket which is fine, more leg room!

Can someone fill me in on what led to the downfall of the 1k party, I didnt start following the thread till a few months after 1k.

Also how much time would be necessary in your opinion to properly plan and not feel rushed. Are you talking 3 weeks, 2 months, maybe a little more detail on that would help me understand where you are coming from. I would think anything more than a few weeks after 100k and a lot of the thrill would be gone.

757. Post 51358610 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: bitserve on June 05, 2019, 12:19:04 PM
Aren't we jinxing it?

Yes. So we better finish the planning asap and go on with scheduled roadmap with no mention ever again until the milestone is reached.

This very same discussion would be completely catastrophic (80-90% crash) at a higher price.

excellent point, best to get this nailed down while coins are still cheap

758. Post 51358657 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on June 05, 2019, 12:19:40 PM
nice ideas guys but start small please. first of all you need money for a party.

first question is: who is willing to pay with bitcoin for a party and how much. in 2013 it was 1 BTC and the money was locked. if you pay 0.1 BTC today it will be enough in 3 years for a 100k party. but again the money is locked. who is still on the list?

EDIT: maybe someone should start a DAO "100kparty". Grin

In the proposal I laid out for Vegas no one but me would have to put up anything and even my out of pocket expense would be not a big deal for me at all.

The less people that show the more glory for the ones that do. Worst case scenario its me and 2 friends. I promise you we will have a lot of fun and fill everyone in on the good times.

759. Post 51358747 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on June 05, 2019, 12:39:25 PM

EDIT: maybe someone should start a DAO "100kparty". Grin

"Can you Guys stop partying??"

No just another thread for it!

100k party is about as on topic as it gets around here, no need for another thread just yet imo Cheesy

760. Post 51358922 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on June 05, 2019, 12:51:58 PM
nice ideas guys but start small please. first of all you need money for a party.

first question is: who is willing to pay with bitcoin for a party and how much. in 2013 it was 1 BTC and the money was locked. if you pay 0.1 BTC today it will be enough in 3 years for a 100k party. but again the money is locked. who is still on the list?

EDIT: maybe someone should start a DAO "100kparty". Grin

In the proposal I laid out for Vegas no one but me would have to put up anything and even my out of pocket expense would be not a big deal for me at all.

The less people that show the more glory for the ones that do. Worst case scenario its me and 2 friends. I promise you we will have a lot of fun and fill everyone in on the good times.

ok sorry, I did not read it. but how then will you scale it? you should expect 100 to 500 people if the price will stay above 100k.

EDIT: 220 paid 1 BTC and the money was locked until the event was canceled.

+ + +  MORE THAN 220 RESERVATIONS  + + +

Interesting. Do you know why they canceled. If 220 people pay and nobody wants to party, then perhaps the whole concept is doomed but i feel like there must be some explanation for what happened.

The plan I had has a cap of 25 WO members with max 2 guest each. The way to scale it is other people can offer to host parties at other times in other cities since so many cant agree on US, Europe, or an island. The bigger the party, the more likely it is to fail imo. We must decentralize the parties Grin

I think Id be lucky to get 25 WO members saying they want to come to the vegas party, and if we got more, no problem, we drop it down to 1 guest each with up to 50 WO members. Over 50 WO members and I agree this party falls apart from logistical complexities.

Taking 25 people to a restaurant in Vegas is easy even sitting at the same table. Taking 50 to a dinner is no problem, just will need multiple tables. Taking 75 to a nightclub is easier. Taking 75 to a strip club is easy also. All on short notice. Taking 25 to a brothel is easy and lets be real I doubt many will stick around for the brothel, but if we dont have enough whores we can always go family style on em.

If the worst thing that happens at our party is a whore shortage, then it will just add to the legend.  Cheesy

761. Post 51359020 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: kurious on June 05, 2019, 01:00:39 PM

U bring up good points.

Typically the longer someone has to think about something imo the more likely they are to back out. This is why corporate America works so hard to push impulse buying on everyone and why they say count to ten when you are angry.

I would have no problem doing this party with myself and my 2 guests if not one single Hat wants to come celebrate the new wealth.  Cheesy

All it would cost me would be I pay for all the limo out of pocket which is fine, more leg room!

Can someone fill me in on what led to the downfall of the 1k party, I didnt start following the thread till a few months after 1k.

Also how much time would be necessary in your opinion to properly plan and not feel rushed. Are you talking 3 weeks, 2 months, maybe a little more detail on that would help me understand where you are coming from. I would think anything more than a few weeks after 100k and a lot of the thrill would be gone.

Last one before we're kicked off the thread:

I think an arbitrary price figure is the problem.  May never get there / may hit it only fleetingly / crash right after  /  does not happen for three years - who knows?

When I mentioned timing it within a set time from the Halvening, it seemed popular. No pressure, time to plan etc.  And it is sure it will happen, so it can be booked.

If you want a mad celebration for 100K - a spontaneous thing does seem to make sense.   

I guess I was thinking of a WO celebration party (likely to be when we've already done very nicely financially) but not really about price, so much as a party for the WO 'anyway' - and it could even turn into a regular thing.  Anyone could organise a hookers and blow event to coincide with it, why not?  At least we'd all know when the party was and that it would actually happen if enough people wanted to go.

Time needed to organise a successful large event and actually attract enough people to make it work well? 

Months. Less than 12, probably more than 6.

Interesting. I like this idea as well and think they would be compliments, not substitutes.  Smiley

Bc yes mad celebration is exactly what Im suggesting.

The 100k party is by far the biggest event talked about ever since I started following the thread in early 2014. It seems criminal to not attempt to honor it.

The WO Celebration party sounds great and also something that afaik was just breathed into life by you and worth pursuing, but not at the expense of the 100k legend for sure imo Smiley

762. Post 51359084 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on June 05, 2019, 01:11:29 PM
I guess it was canceled because of economic reasons. if you calculate with a price of 1k per Bitcoin the price should stay above 1k if you have to pay the costs of the event afterwards. in fall 2013 it was a short spike above 1k and then the price collapsed again. I expect the same if the price will go above 100k because a lot of hodlers will then cash out.

Ok Ty for that info. My proposal will avoid this pitfall bc as I said, its flexible enough for someone to spend between $500 and 10k or more with no commitments. So if price drops 30 percent in the few weeks prior, then people can just spend 30 percent less or whatever they want.

So easy not to collect money far in advance and then not have to worry about what happens to the funds and what the price is and to possibly need to give out refunds.

763. Post 51359282 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on June 05, 2019, 01:25:55 PM
I guess it was canceled because of economic reasons. if you calculate with a price of 1k per Bitcoin the price should stay above 1k if you have to pay the costs of the event afterwards. in fall 2013 it was a short spike above 1k and then the price collapsed again. I expect the same if the price will go above 100k because a lot of hodlers will then cash out.

Ok Ty for that info. My proposal will avoid this pitfall bc as I said, its flexible enough for someone to spend between $500 and 10k or more with no commitments. So if price drops 30 percent in the few weeks prior, then people can just spend 30 percent less or whatever they want.

So easy not to collect money far in advance and then not have to worry about what happens to the funds and what the price is to possibly give out refunds.

ok, but then you should keep the party exclusive. no more than 50 to 60 people in my opinion.

EDIT: just a Hat Gang party with no Gang Bang. Grin (sorry for the flat joke!)

LOL, ok "no 2 in the pink an 1 in the stink". 75 max for nightclub and stripclub. WO hats only at dinner so 25 to 50 max. If someone does one in Europe for the other hats and then a non hat party for the rest of the peeps we should be good.

The organization of this party can hardly fail, the only way it fails is if no one shows, but if 98 percent dont show its still good times.

It has to be flexible imo bc if we make it an all or nothing deal we will end up canceling the whole thing bc not enough participation to make it work.

764. Post 51359331 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: kurious on June 05, 2019, 01:32:53 PM

Interesting. I like this idea as well and think they would be compliments, not substitutes.  Smiley

Bc yes mad celebration is exactly what Im suggesting.

The 100k party is by far the biggest event talked about ever since I started following the thread in early 2014. It seems criminal to not attempt to honor it.

You're absolutely right, it will be a huge milestone - one we will all want to celebrate. Of course!

The WO Celebration party sounds great and also something that afaik was just breathed into life by you and worth pursuing, but not at the expense of the 100k legend for sure imo Smiley

The ideas are not mutually exclusive.  It was just I thought there could be more certainty about the Halvening date.  It's actually because I really want to see the party actually happen - not because I don't want to celebrate, but precisely because I do.  

One question:

What price do you expect to see one year after the Halvening?

That is - whether it's $50K or $350K - do you think it would be worth a party?

30 to 50k and yes certainly worth a party.

765. Post 51359386 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

As im looking a bit on that 1k party thread yes, it seems they set the bar high and had to cancel due to lack of funds and logistical difficulties booking venues for large groups.

We wont have those problems with my proposal bc no funds need to be raised and we are not really booking venues, just going to massive venues that already churn tons of people through the doors each night and we will just fit in to the nightlife.

They seem to have had plenty of people ready and willing to go, just the plans were too big and grandiose so it failed to reach critical mass.

My plan can scale down to 1 person, kinda like Bitcoin only needs one person to keep it going.

766. Post 51359408 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Im going into hodlsleep, ive stayed up way too late with the party discussion Undecided

767. Post 51371215 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: fillippone on June 05, 2019, 12:03:45 PM
Hi Lambie -
Multi-paties and all are fine, no problem with that.  However, whether it's one or many parties - organising anything within a week or so of breaking an arbitrary figure in price is at the very least difficult.  Just booking things up and people dropping everything to book a flight to get there means it is tough to see how it would work.

Fixing a date (based on Halvening, say?) and finding out well in advance how many takers there are makes it more feasible to set up, I would have thought.  Shoot me down, by all means - but people have lives and need to plan in advance - even decent hotels, restaurants etc are best booked in advance, surely...  Not many people will put a deposit down for a party on an unknown future date.  So how would you know numbers in order to book anything?

Also, for me and maybe I am not alone (I have no idea) I am not really up for hookers and blow. Never have been for the former, have weaned myself off the latter...  Call me a party pooper, if you like, but don't get me wrong; I do like the the idea of a party and a chance to meet people I have share the ups and downs with for years.  I also know some will head for the hookers and blow - and good luck to them, if they do - but I hope that is not all it is about. If there was a choice, I would be opting for beers and a chat.

Lastly, I might also like to explore a city and meet new friends with my partner in town with me. I may be alone in having this as a preference of course - but if it raises eyebrows to suggest this, I will just have to wait and hear tales of what I missed out on.

Edit: Some of this answered above while I was typing.

In many cities this could be a problem, but in Vegas I can promise you that booking the restaurant for 25 people, nightclub for 75 people or less, stripclub 75 people or less, 1 stretch limo, and brothel for 25 people or less with a weeks notice would be eezy peezy lemon breezy.

A week is also plenty of time to get a fairly cheap plane ticket and hotel rooms are always abundant and inexpensive relative to quality in Vegas, even on zero days notice. Saturday is actually a better day since some will still have jobs and need to work Friday so consider this an amendment to my proposal. Also remember in my post no one but the host would have to put down a deposit for anything. As a Vegas host Im willing to pay in advance out of my pocket for the limo, VIP table and bottle deposits(the will likely just want to put a hold on a credit card at the most, if anything). The restaurant wont need a deposit for a party of 25, the stripclub wont need a deposit, and the brothel will not need a deposit.  

Multiple hosts is also to help with the fact that some will want a more wholesome party. I would never call you a party pooper for having different tastes. Also remember people can stay longer than a night and as WO members meet they can make separate plans to do things on sunday monday or however long they stay in town.

My party structure proposal did have 4 events and only the last 2 were of the non wholesome variety, but certainly a host could make a party with lots of wholesome events and completely avoid anything on the leaning towards debauchery.

What if we hold multiple party over the world, each one sporting a particular theme?

e.g. (fist ideas)

The downside is that is that to gain traction it would be open also to guest/friends (maybe hatter could sport a sort of VIP treatment) but it would be nice to have each one of use finding their sweet spot.

Yes, i like this, the more parties the better. Having more parties increases chances of success. Having one big clusterfuck party means something will happen to fuck it up and we get zero parties.

768. Post 51371506 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: fillippone on June 06, 2019, 06:28:57 AM
but I would guess at least 60-80 with an average of 2 guests each so that would mean at least 210 people.

And average of 2 guests seems a bit too much. Most guys have only one GF/wife. Smiley
So maybe 1 guest per old hat...

One does not simply bring a gf/wife to a strip club. The smart ones would leave them at home Wink
You don't bring sand to a beach.   Wink Wink
You don’t bring beer to Octoberfest

Honestly I would hope everyone at 100k would have left their wife or GF, or at the least gotten her to agree to threesomes upon request and to accept that monogamy for her man was a thing of the past. You all remember the Seinfeld episode where the guy became a doctor and left Elaine

Guest would be expected to be groupie chicks or maybe a friend who you converted from nocoiner slavery and wagecuckery and you wanted them to celebrate with you bc while not on WO they were your HodleHomie all along.

A little shocked you guys might think I was condoning bringing sand to the beach. Perhaps we should make it a no GF/wife allowed party......

Im sorta kidding, but not really though  Wink

769. Post 51371687 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: 600watt on June 06, 2019, 01:12:40 PM
Lambie I'd love to come to Vegas, but I must insist that we have a serious moment. Perhaps the address at the dinner could be given by that foremost bitcoin expert Ms Izabella Kaminska. I believe you know her well enough to invite her?

I hope you come to the Vegas party.
Sorry, Lambo Slayer, this was just a joke really. I can't get in to the US because of a youthful indiscretion.

Location aside, sadly I largely agree with Bob, not because I claim to be of the same ... girth as him, but still because of opsec reasons. Despite appearances I am very wary and hard to convince, and there are tons of things I just don't do irl. So we'll see.

I know you all could care less but if the party takes place in the U.S. I could not attend. I was a green card holder but used my regular (foreign) passport when entering the U.S. in 2003. They were about to throw me in jail for a couple of years because of this but was deported instead with life long forbidden re-entry. kind of sucks because half my family lives in the U.S.

I understand tough that Vegas makes sense.  Cry

Sorry to hear that! This is however why Im proposing multiple parties to solve all our problems. We could space them out a bit so some people could attend both.

770. Post 51416520 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

I dont like posting as much when I am short term bearish/long term uberbullish, and of course its a bit of a bummer we arent discussing 100k party plans here anymore, but a few thoughts.......

In the (what I see as more an more likely each day) event that we revisit the 4800-5500 range, it will be imo the last great opportunity for many years to grab more cheap coins before an epic 20x or higher bull run.

2015 blessed us with two minibubbles and I believe 2019 will just bless us with one larger minibubble.

I call it a blessing bc it gets people buzzing about Bitcoin as it rises and as it falls to a higher low it quickly gives the ones who missed out another shot at cheap coins.

I am hoarding almost all fiat income at the moment and living as frugally as possible to pounce on such an opportunity if it happens this summer. If we don't get this retrace in the next few months I will just buy coins at whatever the price is at the time.

So even though we imo are likely in the midst of a major retrace, we are still...................

177 days into the new Bull Market and all is well  Cheesy

771. Post 51483750 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.51h):

anybody want a countdown update?  Smiley

772. Post 51483875 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.51h):

182 days into the new Bull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

773. Post 51507877 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.51h):

I remember the good old days not long ago when all we talked about was where to have the 100k party and how it would go down. Now its just Jews, Muslims, Pasta cults and such.   Cry

If nobody wants to talk 100k party with me anymore than lets start talking 50k party or 1000k party.

1000k party is gonna be the big one anyways. I dont want to hear any talk of moving the party planning discussion somewhere private. The best thing about a great party is rubbing it in the face of everyone who cant come ffs!!! Cheesy

The greatest purpose the WO can ever achieve for humanity is to plan and execute Bitcoin price parties, there is no nobler cause.  Cool

So back to the topic. Where to hold 1000k party and what fun things to do? ? ?

774. Post 51508285 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.51h):

Quote from: realsteelboy on June 18, 2019, 07:26:20 AM
I remember the good old days not long ago when all we talked about was where to have the 100k party and how it would go down. Now its just Jews, Muslims, Pasta cults and such.   Cry

If nobody wants to talk 100k party with me anymore than lets start talking 50k party or 1000k party.

1000k party is gonna be the big one anyways. I dont want to hear any talk of moving the party planning discussion somewhere private. The best thing about a great party is rubbing it in the face of everyone who cant come ffs!!! Cheesy

The greatest purpose the WO can ever achieve for humanity is to plan and execute Bitcoin price parties, there is no nobler cause.  Cool

So back to the topic. Where to hold 1000k party and what fun things to do? ? ?

At that price we can hold it literally anywhere we want.

Some ideas

In one of The Pyramids
In the torch of the Statue of Liberty
In Big Ben
On the Moon
Roach’s house (He’ll hate it but don’t think he could turn down the cash)

Have a merit kind sir. These are great ideas, and I especially like having a party in Roach's house  Cheesy

We can chip in and do a home makeover for him in return and create a Bitcoin themed luxury home for him to live in.  A little dust out of each of our wallets should fund this with ease. He will have to bow to us all and kiss our trezors though first, and then renounce silver and proclaim Bitcoin as his true lord and savior.

775. Post 51555078 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

I like this straight up thing, should be at 100k in a day or 2 at this rate.  Cheesy See you guys in Vegas.

776. Post 51555096 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Where is Roach? I wanna have a serious discussion about metals, bitcoin going to zero, and Jews.

777. Post 51555262 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

If you cant handle the blow off top that is coming than you dont deserve the rockets Cheesy

Crash from 18k to 13k is ok w me.

778. Post 51555405 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

this is boring

779. Post 51555418 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

1000 buck dildos each hour or im gonna lose interest fast Roll Eyes

780. Post 51555549 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

I really wanna understand the thought process of someone who has followed Bitcoin during the low prices of the earlier part of this year and while not choosing to buy at 3100, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500 etc just decides, "Hey I think Ill buy those green dildos ripping through the sky at 10800"

I mean Im glad they are pamping it, but why wait for 10k to buy? ? ? Where were these newbs and get rich quickers when we needed them during the terrible bear market? ? ?

Or do I have it all wrong and Central Bankers are buying this? ? ?

I was looking forward to a few years of pamping with corrections and retraces to keep it fun, but I suppose I can live with pamping to 100k by August if newbs(possibly central bank newbs) are willing to pay any price and buy every green dildo.

781. Post 51559164 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Quote from: on June 22, 2019, 07:28:39 AM
$420 support Wink weeeeee



If you have something to share with us concerning that dipshit please don't hesitate...  Grin

I dont know who this new poster is but I like his style. Perhaps he works at a local law enforcement agency and Gembitz is going down from a sting of habitual HIV positive prostitutes knowingly spreading the disease to clients.  Wink

782. Post 51559257 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

20k next week.  Cool Central Banks are buying and we know govs like to overpay for things Cheesy

We have skipped institutional money phase and just gone straight to Central Banks starting a Bitcoin arms race.

I will be in Vegas for several weeks starting on Sunday staking out good 100k party locations.

783. Post 51559281 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

This one never gets old.  Cheesy

784. Post 51559299 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Quote from: birr on June 22, 2019, 10:39:08 AM
20k next week.  Cool Central Banks are buying and we know govs like to overpay for things Cheesy

We have skipped institutional money phase and just gone straight to Central Banks starting a Bitcoin arms race.

I will be in Vegas for several weeks starting on Sunday staking out good 100k party locations.
I wouldn't pay 100k 1k to go to a party with you freaks.

Typical Nohatter Roll Eyes

785. Post 51559366 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Trump was locked and loaded ready to attack Iran, but then he saw Bitcoin memes on his twitter feed and had to drop what he was doing, call the Fed and demand that they buy Bitcoins for national security.

There is a good reason no reporter has asked Trump about Bitcoin yet, they are terrified he will spill the beans that the US gov is buying it.

786. Post 51560794 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Great news everyone. Bitcoin pamping has reached what looks like a permanently high plateau of acceleration.

Corrections and retraces are for old tech and old money, we have invented a better way to pamp. We will speak to future generations of the ancient corrections and dumps of a bygone era, before we perfected the pamp. They will be amazed by the ancient and primitive terms such as Bear Market, retrace, dip, and pullback. Tone Vays skull will be preserved at the Smithsonian so children can see how small a permabears brain really was.

The future is now, the Golden Bull is upon us.

JK, but not really though.  Smiley

787. Post 51564445 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Looks like we may not be seeing Roach anymore. The Air Force put him on an incel threat list and has possibly taken him out with a drone strike using sophisticated Basement Buster warheads.

788. Post 51602710 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

Does anyone besides Tone and Tyler still think we are in a Bear Market?   Kiss

I have been surprised by the power of the recent surge with so much time before the halvening, still think we are due for some serious pull backs in the near future, but surely no one can deny with a straight face that the Bull is upon us.

@JJG, Id like an update on your certainty of the Bull in percent terms kind sir. I remember a while back at a much lower price you stated 51 percent certainty. Hopefully you are in the 90's now Cheesy

789. Post 51604960 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

Holy fuck those Central Bankers sure know how to buy Cheesy

790. Post 51605197 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

I need 1000 bucks a day pamps or I cant be bothered to check the price  Roll Eyes

791. Post 51605241 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

Ok who got greedy and opened a 100x leveraged long at 12900 Wink

For all the newbs out there, buy and hodl is the way, do not use leverage on parabolic pamps.

792. Post 51615488 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

Ok somebody needs to find some more newbs so we can keep the pamp going.

793. Post 51615644 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

That was fun but Id rather save the real pamping for after the halvening anyway.

794. Post 51619016 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on June 25, 2019, 10:58:50 PM
Does anyone besides Tone and Tyler still think we are in a Bear Market?   Kiss

I have been surprised by the power of the recent surge with so much time before the halvening, still think we are due for some serious pull backs in the near future, but surely no one can deny with a straight face that the Bull is upon us.

@JJG, Id like an update on your certainty of the Bull in percent terms kind sir. I remember a while back at a much lower price you stated 51 percent certainty. Hopefully you are in the 90's now Cheesy

More or less I think that you are asking about the odds that the "bottom is in" for this cycle, and that bottom is the $3,122 price from mid-December 2018 (seems so long ago, but of course, not as long as it seems).

So yeah, I believe that the last time that I mentioned anything related to whether the bottom was in, was a couple of weeks ago, when we were still in the sub $9k-ish... and in that context, I was attempting to suggest to 48 that he might want to just pay hairy for the bottom is in prediction, and I think that I suggested that the odds were quite less than 40%.. and maybe even more realistically in the sub 33% arena.

Currently, I would say that we might even be in the sub 20% arena.. and perhaps 25% if we are trying to be charitable to bears.  90% does seem a bit too high of an assignment currently, but we are likely 90% likely to not go below $1k or maybe $2k, but even that could be pushing it a bit to assert that level of certainty towards something that could be within the power of some rich folks, banks and or governments to update unite forces in an attempt to achieve (though again, seemingly unlikely - in the sub 25% and maybe more realistically in the sub 20% - to get any kind of event (or set of events including FUD spreading) that could even bring BTC prices to new lows, currently when there is decently ongoing UP momentum).

Furthermore, this out of control baby bull BTC seems to be growing up too damned fast for his own good, and likely needs a bit of a spanking.... but none of us really know how to tame this bad boy... instead he is trampling all over the clowns in the stadium... and seeming to be a wwwwwweeeeeeeeeee bit pissed off about his upbringing.    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  Sucks to be a bullpen clown, these days..... Wwwweeeeeeeeee.

I like your probabilities(optimistic but reasonable), even if I am higher in the 90 percent(optimistic perhaps to a fault) plus range in terms of certainty that the bottom is in. The baby bull has grown faster than foreseen due to the Fed printing so much fiat steroids and infusing them into his food and water supply.

I still expect a major correction back into the 5-7k range and I believe if this happens then the fall will be so large that bears and weak hands will start calling for a new low to materialize before the halving. Even if these prices occur I will be over 90 percent sure imo that the bottom is in. I have more fiat ready to buy such a correction, but as Im over 90 percent net worth invested I don't care if it never happens and we march straight to 100k Cheesy If 3 months pass by without significant correction then I will probably just deploy the fiat and scoop up some more coin regardless of price.

@Central Bankers: We know you read this thread so listen up! You wont get one precious coin from me at sub 50k prices so stop calling my cell and pretending to be Microsoft technicians alerting me to a virus. I know who you are and what you really want Cool

795. Post 51625638 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

That pamp was fun, but looks like we ran out of newbs and Central Banks are stocked up atm. My soul is ready for cheap coins, so do your worst bears Smiley

796. Post 51625698 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

I knew we might be in for some rough times when two crap dealers at Planet Hollywood Tuesday night tried to newbsplain Bitcoin to me Roll Eyes They brought it up unsolicited and I smiled and listened like I didnt know anything about it, just said yup, banks are trash bro, this Bitcoin sounds cool, Ill look into it.  Wink

Seems they got caught up in the FOMO

797. Post 51650445 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

Moving to Zimbabwe for a bit cuz reasons.  Cool

via Imgflip Meme Generator

798. Post 51650527 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

"But, then again, there’s no cure for being Peter Schiff.

And that’s sad to say because a decade ago Schiff was someone I looked up to. Now he’s just another Wall St. punter wedded to his single solution, gold.

And he’s not alone in the Austrian community.

When you’ve wedded yourself to a particular idea long enough,gold, it’s easy to misread the changes staring you in the face. Technology changes the definition of money all the time. It is a constant of history.

And the thing about the free market is that it doesn’t care about your opinions or ‘muh fealz.’ It just does its thing, responding to the needs of the people who make it up."

Some obvious observations in this article to the chosen of us known as the WO familia (WO mafia?  Shocked)but well stated nonetheless.

799. Post 51650576 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on June 29, 2019, 05:52:58 PM

Release r0ach into the wild & a 100BTC bounty for who finds, kills & puts his head on a spike?
I’m definitely up for that!

via Imgflip Meme Generator

800. Post 51662188 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Quote from: Xian01 on June 30, 2019, 04:59:26 PM
Fucking 7 day Twitter timeout for calling some talentless blue-checkmark whore a “talentless whore”. Nice to see $10,000 again. When $20,000 ? Guess I’ll hang out here for a bit. Have been having a blast on Twitter trolling the ever loving crap out of BCH and BSV supporters.


I can say from experience that after my first 7 day timeout on twitter I was banned forever within a week from coming back. I think once you are on probation you are pretty much on the way out. Bcash boyz and XRP The Baghodler Standard boyz got me on timeout, then a literal communist party member Tranny who was hating on Bitcoin got me the final ban.

As I battled her smear campaign against Bitcoin I pointed out that if he cant accept his genetic chromosomal reality of being a man then it was understandable that he couldnt accept the superiority of sound hard money to toilet paper currency.

That was the end of my time on twitter Angry

Props to Infofront for letting us be ourselves and speak freely on WO!  Cheesy

801. Post 51665631 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Well surprise surprise..... newbs that fomo'd in at 12-13k range have weak hands. Who knew Undecided

I welcome any and all dips bc I think a proper post halving mega run will yield much much higher prices.

I know some may be bummed by the dip, but just think about 100k + prices in the post halving run, I could easily see it fomoing up to 250k as long as we let the climax happen in 2021, not this summer ffs, lol.

Also for those worried about 100k party hangovers, I doubt it will be out to market before then, but there is a chance we can get lit on a designer synthetic version of alcohol called Alcarelle. All the fun without the bad effects  Cheesy

"What Nutt now knows is that there are 15 different Gaba receptor subtypes in multiple brain regions, “and alcohol is very promiscuous. It will bind to them all.” Without giving away his trade secrets, he says he has found which Gaba and other receptors can be stimulated to induce tipsiness without adverse effects. “We know where in the brain alcohol has its ‘good’ effects and ‘bad’ effects, and what particular receptors mediate that – Gaba, glutamate and other ones, such as serotonin and dopamine. The effects of alcohol are complicated but … you can target the parts of the brain you want to target.”

Handily, you can modify the way in which a molecule binds to a receptor to produce different effects. You can design a peak effect into it, so no matter how much Alcarelle you consume, you won’t get hammered. This is well-established science; in fact Nutt says a number of medicines, such as the smoking cessation drug varenicline (marketed as Champix), use a similar shut-off effect. You can create other effects, too, while still avoiding inebriation, so you could choose between a party drink or a business-lunch beverage."

While this likely wont get past the regulators in time for the 100k party, it should be ready well before the 1 million dollar Bitcoin party. Or perhaps we will be so powerful by then we can have our own scientists create some.  Smiley

802. Post 51691303 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Im still waiting for cheap coins to dump my last fiat on.

9800 was tempting but I think I will get a much better opportunity before the summer is over.

Otherwise I just buy at whatever price around September, bc at that point that close to the halving I cant stand to not be almost all in in terms of net worth.

This Bull Market is real but very young and inexperienced.  Sometimes a young impatient bull takes a big fall and learns to be more careful with his parabolic jumps.

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If anyone is worrying that the Bull could drown in that water, they are good swimmers and all will be just fine.

803. Post 51699914 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

If Trump keeps jawboning the Fed and keeps up his money printing/devalue the dollar PR campaign and we could hit 100k this summer and 1 million by halving.

I just want to know how big Trumps Bitcoin holdings are and how far he will go to pump them. Perhaps he has been hodling all along and ran for President just to crank up the printing presses and pump his bags.  Cheesy

Perhaps Trump is Satoshi and his crazy old uncle routine is just an act.   Roll Eyes

"China and Europe playing big currency manipulation game and pumping money into their system in order to compete with USA. We should MATCH, or continue being the dummies who sit back and politely watch as other countries continue to play their games - as they have for many years!"

804. Post 51700055 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Quote from: realsteelboy on July 03, 2019, 11:26:03 PM
resistance zones (from weekly chart) on the way above

In before the fourth of July fireworks start happening early with this pump up to past $12000.

Just be careful and dont blow your dick(s) off with watching the greenies on the charts before tomorrows rockets red glare. Grin

American holidays are normally not good for price right? At least not on the actual holiday

Usually holiday time during a bull run is when you tell your fam how good you are doing with Bitcoin and they bring up their reservations, you shut down their fears with knowledge and pro level shilling skills, and they fomo in as exchanges open while you fly back home.

805. Post 51700180 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Quote from: realsteelboy on July 03, 2019, 11:46:28 PM
resistance zones (from weekly chart) on the way above

In before the fourth of July fireworks start happening early with this pump up to past $12000.

Just be careful and dont blow your dick(s) off with watching the greenies on the charts before tomorrows rockets red glare. Grin

American holidays are normally not good for price right? At least not on the actual holiday

Usually holiday time during a bull run is when you tell your fam how good you are doing with Bitcoin and they bring up their reservations, you shut down their fears with knowledge and pro level shilling skills, and they fomo in as exchanges open while you fly back home.

Yeah, but can they get their money from the bank in the US on a holiday?

No they cant. I meant to say banks open, not exchanges. After you fly away and the holiday is over they start fomoing bank wires to the exchanges. Some are already linked to coinbase with bank accounts and they will be buying on July 4th in alcohol induced fomo as they realize their bags are way to small bc they dont have a whole Bitcoin yet.

806. Post 51700731 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Quote from: Heater on July 04, 2019, 01:28:00 AM
CSW caught out big time again

What are people thinking buying or holding Scammers Vision Coin? I try an play devils advocate sometimes and cant figure out how you can justify it. At least go with BCash if you believe all the big blocker cult teachings, but what can possibly make you choose Scammers Vision. I really dont get it.

By the way Im not really looking for an answer here, anymore than I want to know why some people like golden showers or to eat poop.  Wink

807. Post 51701030 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Quote from: jojo69 on July 04, 2019, 03:20:24 AM
There exist women I would let piss on me if that were their thing, no hesitation.

If it was shaking booty gif girl I would let her pee on my foot or leg lol. Not the face though, not gonna happen.

There are some supermodels and playmates I would eat a piece of poo for but it would have to be something like I eat one piece of poo in return for a year of smashing.

I would also eat a piece of poo to increase my Bitcoin holdings by 10 percent. To double said holdings I would eat a KFC size bucket of poo.

808. Post 51710465 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Woke up today feeling like I was on a boat and my bed was rocking me back and forth. Knew the fiat monetary system was crumbling so quickly that it was shaking the world.

Fake news called it an earthquake. I think not.

809. Post 51713116 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Dont see how we dont slice through 9k and get to the 7-9k range soon.

Question im my mind is will we get the the 5-7k this summer before the shake out of get rich quick alt boyz and newbs is done or do we start the run to 20k from the 7-9 range. Im setting orders to buy more starting in the mid 9s bc last time I didnt get a chance to pull the trigger.

If we do get down to the 5-7 range its funny bc as usual after a big drop doom callers like Tone and Tyler will be more convinced than ever that we are getting to new yearly lows and mythical 1500 dollar bear holy grail will be inevitable.

Not gonna happen, prepare to see tremendous and unprecedented accumulation by newbs, ogs, Central bankers and institutions if we get under 7k. Why?? Because its a BTCull Market ya know.

201 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well Cheesy

Happy 4th to all my hard money friends.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

810. Post 51713575 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on July 05, 2019, 05:28:50 AM
I suggest we have a new poll to call the lowest price between now and end of year. 

Seconding this motion

811. Post 51714269 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Nasty spike down to 5987 on approximately August 13. Bears rejoice. Roll Eyes Then we run up to 20k by years end. RIP Bears.  Kiss

812. Post 51715016 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on July 05, 2019, 07:36:25 AM
$6,790.  Just enough to make everyone poo their pants.  Then massive green dildo.  
If you want me to poo my pants any more than usual you'll have to add another zero.


how about $679.00

813. Post 51749278 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.54h):

400 bucks in five minutes...

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814. Post 51750211 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

This looks like a weaker version of the failed pump attempt on July 3rd that couldnt stay over 12k.

815. Post 51758247 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Sorry Virgin nocoiners, if you dont understand the run to 100k in 90 days  Cheesy Chad aint got time to explain it to you more than once.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

816. Post 51758320 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: JSRAW on July 09, 2019, 02:05:57 AM
Hahaha, this thread. You can't jump to the end and you can't keep up! Cheesy

Sometimes you can. No biased or personal comment this time - posting as it is-

25. Lambie not posting much these days.
26. Bones comes and go - makes no noise-
27. reelsteelboy mentioned AYH. some take it as a ATH and discussion is in progress. ivomm try to correct but...
28. New face i guess @wwzsocki, he posts chart too. Witaj bracie Smiley

v8 watch out for OZ- not talking about the Ashes Tongue

Sorry bro, not posting much these days bc Im still a bit short term bearish and I dont like spreading negativity too much. I did leave a fun post on poo and golden showers you may have missed Smiley

My favorite time to post is when things are really bad and everyone needs a strong dose of hopium to get through the day. We got more than enough hopium these days so my services not needed so much.

I see I missed some nice milf discussions. If Santa wants to bring me an exotic 50 yr old porn star milf for Christmas I would not object to this one.  Grin


205 days into the new Bull Market and all is well.  Cool

817. Post 51758414 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on July 09, 2019, 03:22:25 AM
I must reveal that this moment feels a bit weird.

We are a bit more than $1k from the All Year High, and there is a kind of feeling that the AYH is right around the corner, that it is a kind of given, that it is currently being tested - even while there remains another $1k to go.

Isn't that strange?   As the price gets higher and higher, $1k changes become smaller and smaller percentages, and that quantity of price, just kind  of whizzes by.  Just today, we already had more than a $1k change in price in the UPwards direction.  Go figure.

Yes its strange. I find myself way less sensitive to 1k swings up or down than in 2017. The 10k swings up and down are gonna be the new pants shitters after the halving. 100k party will have a lot of phone checking as we swing up and down in huge increments we arent used to.

818. Post 51758496 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: jbreher on July 07, 2019, 01:52:59 PM
Question im my mind is will we get the the 5-7k this summer before the shake out of get rich quick alt boyz and newbs is done or do we start the run to 20k from the 7-9 range.

'Run to $20K' is so 2017. I'm thinking run to $150K.

This is why I never have a problem w you Jbreher even when you stir up the pot with the bcash advocacy. At the end of the day you appear to love a good Bitcoin pump as much as anyone Smiley

I think 100k-300k is easy pz lemon breezy in the next few years, but Im not expecting this summer pump to end anywhere close to that. No complaints if it does.  Cheesy

819. Post 51758768 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: mindrust on July 09, 2019, 04:56:24 AM
Sorry Virgin nocoiners, if you dont understand the run to 100k in 90 days  Cheesy Chad aint got time to explain it to you more than once.


I'll have to take you seriously now after seeing how you identified the baby bull run.

LOL please dont(im sure your jk anywayz), that was in jest and in partial realization that the Fed, Trump, the alt boyz and the stock boyz just maybe could take us somewhere absolutely insane this summer like 100k. I give it a 3 percent chance. Baby bull run was for realz though, never had one doubt.

820. Post 51758852 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on July 08, 2019, 03:09:18 PM
On more serious matters, I'm starting to get really pissed off, with seed regulations, phytosanitary certificates, import permits, and motherfucking Greek customs.
All I wanted was Princess 77 Bermuda grass seeds ffs & it seems I'm losing this battle.

The dickheads now want an import permit to send the certificate (seeds already stuck in customs), which the customs will grant only when they actually have the certificate.
@%$^#&%&@%^ Sad

Hey buddy. Always thought you lived in Australia or New Zealand with your use of "mate" and "cheers."

821. Post 51759149 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: nutildah on July 09, 2019, 05:43:13 AM
Somewhere, deep in the Arrakeen deserts, a thumper begins it's rhythmic beating.

Dune reference spotted.

That movie had an interesting premise, and a great video game series developed around it, but much like the book, was a little bit too long for me to make it all the way through it. I do remember that Sting was in it.

Read all of six of the Dune series books and enjoyed them immensely even though yes they were a bit long.

Can say they influenced my life a good bit and helped prepare me to become a Bitcoiner as I quickly saw the parallels of Paul Muad'Dib's Jihad against the entire galaxy in the books and our own holy war against bankers and the financial system.  Cheesy

Spoiler alert:

Paul wins just like Bitcoiners will.

“Very good, Stil.” Paul glanced at the reels in Korba’s hands. Korba stood with them as though he wished he could drop them and flee. “Statistics: at a conservative estimate, I’ve killed sixty-one billion, sterilized ninety planets, completely demoralized five hundred others. I’ve wiped out the followers of forty religions which had existed since—”

In the books a lot of bad things happened to Pauls opponents. In the Bitcoinlandia series its more about trolls being broke and butthurt, 18,000 Bankers losing their job in the blink of an eye, Warren Buffet crying etc. Our Jihad is much kinder and gentler. For now.....

Never had time to read any of Franks sons related books but they sound interesting.

Looking forward to the 2020 movie remake.

822. Post 51759198 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 09, 2019, 06:26:13 AM
Somewhere, deep in the Arrakeen deserts, a thumper begins it's rhythmic beating.

Derp copy pasta................

Hey why dont you post some more homoerotic pics of shirtless black men.  Wink Nazi supreme commander will not be pleased.

823. Post 51759279 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 09, 2019, 06:33:01 AM
^Keep pretending like you can actually succeed in tricking the goyim into digital slave coins instead of physical metals.  When the shit actually starts to hit the fan, absolutely nobody will be diving into this garbage over metals.

Keep pretending you post more pics of hot women than homoerotic pics of shirtless black men while claiming to be a Nazi. You have been talking your nonsense for years, time to walk your walk buddy.

824. Post 51759507 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 09, 2019, 06:46:13 AM
It's a known fact only dudes who are hideous in real life post pictures of women on internet forums worshipping them.  Anyone who is a 6/10 or higher that women don't instantly run away from in real life already know women are a complete waste of time to talk about.  It's the side effect of achieving a goal.  Maybe you want to try and trick people into buying shitcoins so that you might be able to afford some sort of car.  Then when you get the car, you no longer think it's that interesting and want a different car or something else.  Same thing with good looking women.  

Lol, is that a known fact??? Sounds more like bullshit similar to selling Bitcoin at 500 bc its a scam and buying silver Wink. Objectifying women in a sexual manner is what high T alpha male millionaires do. I know this from experience. Posting Mgtow crap and crying about how women are predators out to get you is what low T, beta male, low socioeconomic status, basement dwellers do.

Being scared of the Jewish boogeyman is also what losers do to make an excuse for their lack of success in life w money, women, respect, etc.

Here is the best advice you will ever get. No charge.....

Sell your silver,

buy all the Bitcoin you can afford,

stop mooching off your mummy,

limit yourself to 30 minutes of internet a day(dailytarder, stormfront, and other Bitcoin funded sites Cheesy)

hit the gym,

see a doctor about some temporary legal steroids to get you on your feet after years of sedentary trolling

go lose your V card to a prostitute or a fat chick on tinder,

admit your racist fears are just a crutch for your own weakness in life,

and maybe.........

you will start to enjoy yourself in life and not be such a miserable joyless little fuck of a cunt. Cool

825. Post 51761613 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

He started out such a sweet innocent little BTCull.  

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Now he pumps hard and punishes his enemies with no mercy Shocked

via Imgflip Meme Generator

826. Post 51769424 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: infofront on June 27, 2019, 02:06:37 AM
Something really strange happened today. I came home from work, hit the treadmill, then collapsed on the couch, exhausted and dizzy. I fell into a strange trancelike state. Suddenly, the sunlight coming in my windows turned bright red, and I heard a booming, almost deafening voice:


Me: WTF is going on...


Me: Okay...





Me: A bear llama?



Me: You want us to sell our bitcoin at $100,000?


Me: So you want us to buy more bitcoin at $100,000? That's crazy!



Me: That doesn't even make any sense.


At that point, I must've passed out. My wife found me asleep on the couch. I'm still trying to make sense of all this...

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Hodler: that whosoever believeth in Bitcoin should not perish, but have eternal life.

He that believeth in Bitcoin is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only Coin.

And this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved Fiat rather than Bitcoin, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the Bitcoin, neither cometh to the Bitcoin, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the Bitcoin, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in Lambos.

827. Post 51772702 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: makrospex on July 10, 2019, 08:06:01 AM

Lambos hookers and blow are so addictive you try it once and you'll keep doing it for the rest of your life  Grin

So what do we know about addictions?
They are a commercial replacement for love & happiness.

I got some minor legal and illegal addictions too, but my main interests nowadays are clearly in the love and happiness department.
If you see it as a crypto portfolio, i am 92% into bitcoin and 8% into shitcoins  Grin
When i was younger, these figures where about inverted  Tongue
Didn't help with health too much, but hey... YOLO, as the hipsters say...

What is your percentage of fiat?

I think my total right now is about 96% BTC, 3% fiat and 1% shitcoins..

Fiat isn't crypto  Roll Eyes
So if you compare Fiat in the financial business to "phantasies" in real life, its share would be low, say 95% crypto, 5% fiat  Grin

Now for real:
I got everything i need: Passive income, house, wife, kids, a pool, chickens (and eggs), pets, two cars for all of us and always enough Fiat for everyday weeds ...uhm.. needs.
The BTC stash is mainly to #hodl for the future of my children.

Kudos on your investment allocations. I look forward to the inevitable day when the average normie is 90+% in Crypto and of that 90+% less than 5% is in Shitcoins. We are still very early and pioneers of sorts. Most boomer normies would say we are crazy for this but their house of fiat cards is already falling, they just dont know it yet.

I am zero percent in Shitcoins and over 90 percent net worth in Bitcoin, but I understand the allure to put a lil filthy fiat into some. I just dont have time to dabble and dont want to invest in anything I dont have time to research extensively and follow. So I will just continue to blindly hate all coins that are not the one true King of Coins and call them Shitcoins and scams. This hater is gonna keep hating. Cool

828. Post 51782820 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Lots of dumping at lower and lower prices the last 18 hours. Seems to me this parabolic run is broken on most time scales and we ran out of newbs to pay any price. If so then sounds good to me as a parabolic test pump is always good for garnering attention for us as the best party in town every day of the week.

No major asset pumps like we do and no major asset dumps like we do all while eventually recovering to claim new inevitable highs. Stockboyz who dont dabble in Bitcoinlandia are all jealous to the point of absurdity, they will all join in eventually.  Cheesy

829. Post 51782983 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

830. Post 51783024 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: on July 11, 2019, 07:58:23 AM
Lots of dumping at lower and lower prices the last 18 hours. Seems to me this parabolic run is broken on most time scales and we ran out of newbs to pay any price. If so then sounds good to me as a parabolic test pump is always good for garnering attention for us as the best party in town every day of the week.

No major asset pumps like we do and no major asset dumps like we do all while eventually recovering to claim new inevitable highs. Stockboyz who dont dabble in Bitcoinlandia are all jealous to the point of absurdity, they will all join in eventually.  Cheesy

Nope it's just a correction we will resume with da pomp soon. Similar to what happened when we fell down from 11k to 9k and also before that multiple times. Don't worry.

I think a good bit more down awaits us, but I concede you could easily be right and new pumping might start soon. Either way we win imo bc we are center stage and our volatility as usual captures the hearts and minds of everyone missing out on the action.

831. Post 51783058 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Oh shit, Tone Vays is officially Bullish now. All is lost Cry

832. Post 51783082 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Short term bad news yes as far as dulling the hype goes, but Powell gonna get his Facebook account shutdown for hate speech. Facebook is more powerful than any individual politician or unelected bureaucratic parasite. Ill take Zuck over a central banker any day.

833. Post 51783171 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: fillippone on July 11, 2019, 08:17:14 AM
Oh shit, Tone Vays is officially Bullish now. All is lost Cry

What does CNCB says about corn?

Fuck.... They reported on Winklevoss calling Bitcoin "Gold 2.0" 18 hours ago, right before the dump started.

 Angry They always ruin everything. Im just praying Tyler Jenks stays bearish.

834. Post 51792194 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Holy shit, Trump just tweeted a bunch of hater shit about Bitcoin and Crypto in general. Time to get this asswipe out of office. I used to like some of his actions, but fuck him and his USD shitcoin!

"I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity....

....Similarly, Facebook Libra’s “virtual currency” will have little standing or dependability. If Facebook and other companies want to become a bank, they must seek a new Banking Charter and become subject to all Banking Regulations, just like other Banks, both National...

...and International. We have only one real currency in the USA, and it is stronger than ever, both dependable and reliable. It is by far the most dominant currency anywhere in the World, and it will always stay that way. It is called the United States Dollar!"

835. Post 51792247 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 12, 2019, 12:33:10 AM
Holy shit, Trump just tweeted a bunch of hater shit about Bitcoin and Crypto in general. Time to get this asswipe out of office. I used to like some of his actions, but he just became an enemy in the Holy War.

It appears you didn't know the plan is to go back to physical metals as money during Trump's second term.

It appears you are a shitty low testosterone failure at being a neo-nazi. All of your pro Nazi commander websites like dailytarder, gab, and stormfront primarily use Bitcoin to fund their sites and love it.

The young Trump supporters in the alt right, neo nazis, KKK, white nationalist movement, white separatists, etc all love Bitcoin and without them he is doomed to lose the meme wars and re-election.

836. Post 51792397 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: jbreher on July 12, 2019, 01:18:36 AM
Holy shit, Trump just tweeted a bunch of hater shit about Bitcoin and Crypto in general. Time to get this asswipe out of office. I used to like some of his actions, but fuck him and his USD shitcoin!

Yeah, I dunno. Seems like there is at least a kernel of truth to every one of his statements.

Well, with the exception of "...and it will always stay that way."

He said Bitcoin is based on "thin air." This is a proven lie bc 14 intelligence agencies have incontrovertibly shown with science that its based on lambos, memes, and pics of hot chicks climbing walls.  Cheesy

I will use back channels to offer to drive to Washington in a Lambo with several hot chicks with rock climbing gear to speak with Trump and change his mind about Bitcoin.

837. Post 51792499 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: jbreher on July 12, 2019, 01:28:52 AM
He said Bitcoin is based on "thin air." This is a proven lie bc 14 intelligence agencies have incontrovertibly shown with science that its based on lambos, memes, and pics of hot chicks climbing walls.  

OK, that was kinda funny.

But Bitcoin's value -- as with that of any monetary instrument -- is based upon nothing but faith. Faith that it will be accepted by another. As such 'thin air', while being a possible stretch, is not altogether false.

Unclear why your panties are in a bunch. What exactly would you expect POTUS to say about Bitcoin?

 Please dont assume that since you might prefer womens underwear(i dunno but it seems on your brain at atm Wink) that others are of the same ilk. Jk w u buddy, we are cool.

But seriously... Im unclear why you are so stumped as to why I take Trumptards comments as derogatory against Bitcoin. To say it is based on thin air is false bc as you said it is backed by faith.

Faith is much more powerful than thin air. Faith has caused empires to fall, reserve currencies to go to zero as others take their place, large chunks of ethnic groups to be wiped off the planet, masses of innocents to be tortured, porn to remain the most searched internet term of all time etc. I can think of little on this planet more powerful and influential than the beliefs(faith) of its human inhabitants. To dismiss it as just a nothing backed by nothing is the greatest lie and Trump has done just that.

838. Post 51794246 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Tulsi Gabbard or Yang are our best hopes for a Crypto/Bitcoin friendly president in 2020. Tulsi bought bags of ether and litecoin and Yang accepts Bitcoin for donations. I like Tulsi's antiwar ideals. Havent paid much attention to Yang past his freedom dividend which is the most insane piece of money printing any candidate has proposed yet so that would take us to the moon and beyond if by some miracle he pulled it off.

Trump is a hero in terms of printing money and devaluing the dollar which is Bullish, but a money printer in chief who was friendly towards Bitcoin would be the ultimate Moon bringer.

All paths lead to moon, even if I am still a bit short term bearish(short term as in next month and a half or so).

Also for bonus points Tulsi is the only presidential candidate now or in the past off the top of my head that I would smash. If we are gonna have a woman president one day ffs she should be smashable, not a grizzled old war-troll.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

839. Post 51794863 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: JSRAW on July 12, 2019, 07:40:48 AM
Tulsi Gabbard or Yang are our best hopes for a Crypto/Bitcoin friendly president in 2020.

Average Americans are ready to accept a women president who follows Hinduism? A faith which is very much alien to the Western World.

About Mr. Yang. Quoting my post, didn't get any satisfactory answer yet.

@bluefirecorp_ Just out of curiosity. do you think that Americans are ready for Asian background candidate to lead their country as a President? Andrew Yang is American but culturally only. and it applies to another Asian politician as well, to name a few Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley etc.

In my life experience as an American I would say that Asians are easily the least controversial ethnic group in the eyes of pretty much every other ethnic group in America. The worst thing a bigot might hit them with is that they are a bad driver, but the President rarely drives any vehicle.  Cheesy

In summation, yes I would say America is ready for an Asian background leader all other things equal.

840. Post 51812492 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

11000 breached. Still a bull market for sure, but we are gonna get more opportunities for cheap coins this summer. At least 8-9k imo. Dont see how we dont retest that level at least once.

841. Post 51815578 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 13, 2019, 01:38:47 AM
Kissless Virgin Roach is a low T beta cuck scared shitless of women.

Kissless Virgin Roach has no life Wink

Bitcoin is your God. Repent Kissless Virgin Kiss[/b]

Truths a bitch isnt it you sniveling little beta cuck.  Smiley

842. Post 51815647 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.55h):

Quote from: TheCryptonianGroup on July 13, 2019, 10:32:40 PM
I don't know if the dude is serious, but like I said, I'm not judging. What would be a reasonable time frame for collecting the coins? 1 or 2 weeks? Minimum 50 or refund after the deadline. Then a second milestone like 1 or 2 months or an exact date and time, and possibly another one after on the way to $50k. Also what exchanges or indexes to use, or most of them maybe (bitstamp, bitcoinaverage, coinbase, preev, kraken, gemini, coindesk, etc)...

I'm not even sure what he was proposing, as ... I don't get to read all the posts, the pages fly by very fast in this thread, so I may have missed something. heheh.

Dipshitonium tard begs for satoshis bc he was too much of an idiot cunt to buy Bitcoin cheap with mummys allowance.

I am proposing that you (Dipshitonium Jerkoff Group of 1) pay 50% now and 50% after I am done.  And i do have a secret to show you what a Dipshit you are, if you do not pay you will never know.

We could not care less about your giggles dear Mister neither we care about your feelings !

If you let this opportunity pass you will regret not learning why you are such a Dipshit and how to fix it.

It hurts your cunt to not understand the secrets to your dipshittery?

We do not need escrow, 2 Payments - 1 Before - 1 all it will cost is your net worth you retarded beggar. This net worth should be somewhere around 100usd!

Or Dipshitonium Jerkoff Group of 1, you are afraid we we can actually impact your Dipshit ways more than your mummy?

I repeat if you do not try you will never know how great of a Dipshit fixer I am ! Crying about the upfront payment and annonymous conditions will get you nowhere.

You as a Dipshit came out of the blue and will go like that as well, but you guys will never know why you are such a Dipshit cunt and how to fix it!

It will take 5 minutes but I will make every second worth it.

Yours Truly

Dipshit Slayer Wink

843. Post 51841536 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Libra hearings start tomorrow. Doubt it will be bullish at all since Libra is what imo helped really crank up the engines on the latest parabolic run. Neutral for us at best, but likely to be bearish as the big gov lefties and the Trumptarders unite on hating on Crypto imo.

As for the Treasury Secretary's comments it has crossed my mind that he might make a move against Bitcoin Wallet services.

This would be the farthest I think he would go and would certainly be bearish AF imo.

If I were him and felt the threat Bitcoin posed to him and his bankster friends I would require Bitcoin Wallet companies to implement KYC and AML, then to "attempt" to enforce this I would require Google and Apple to remove noncompliant wallet providers from their app stores.

We all know this would not stop Bitcoin, but the negative press and fear mongering would wreak havoc on the newbs who have been buying between 6-14k in the last few months and could take us significantly lower.

Hopefully this is far fetched. I think it is very unlikely, but no reason not to bring up what could be a legit pain in the ass for Bitcoinlandia.  We havent seen any other regulatory body go after wallet providers (afaik) and my guess is that its because they realize it would make them look inept when it failed to work.

Trump has destroyed any chance he had of winning in 2020 with his administrations anti crypto stance of late. I used a budget of 50 Bitcoins to see to it that he will lose.  Cheesy

Lets also not forget about our crypto owning girl Tulsi for 2020 Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

844. Post 51841571 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Just noticed this after a quick google search and this was all I could find as far as implicating Wallet providers as being considered cryto service providers by FATF. I dont have much reason to trust this source but it is alarming.

"The rules are expected to impact cryptocurrency exchanges, crypto wallet providers, custodians, hedge funds and brokers"

845. Post 51841679 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

After a bit more digging I found this in the FATF proposal.

"c) “Virtual asset service provider” as any natural or legal person who is not
covered elsewhere under the Recommendations and as a business conducts
one or more of the following activities or operations for or on behalf of another
natural or legal person:
i. Exchange between virtual assets and fiat currencies;
ii. Exchange between one or more forms of virtual assets;
© 2019 | FATF

iii. Transfer4 of virtual assets; and
iv. Safekeeping and/or administration of virtual assets or instruments
enabling control over virtual assets;
v. Participation in and provision of financial services related to an issuer’s
offer and/or sale of a virtual asset.
34. Notably, the scope of the FATF definition includes both virtual-to-virtual and virtual-to-fiat
transactions or financial activities or operations.
35. Depending on their particular financial activities, VASPs include VA exchanges and transfer
services; some VA wallet providers, such as those that host wallets or maintain custody or
control over another natural or legal person’s VAs, wallet(s), and/or private key(s); providers
of financial services relating to the issuance, offer, or sale of a VA (such as in an ICO); and other
possible business models. "

Sadly after reading more of the FATF bullshit I realize that my favorite Bitcoin sports gambling sites and many other sites that never feared much from regulators due to never using fiat could be in for a lot of shit.

846. Post 51842257 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: Cryptonians1661 on July 16, 2019, 10:10:31 AM
You just waking up ? Enter our contest then you can go back to sleep with your teddy bear.. Your just sitting around as usual, we can smell you through the screen ya smelly bastards. Enter our Contest then take a shower.. if you remember how

Bloody couch potatoes, quit watching cat videos in your mothers basement and enter our contest.
If we get our funding than maybe you can buy some friends later on

The torch has been passed to a real roaster.. give me your best shots ya smelly bastards

Lol, what a stupid fagtard. Has no Bitcoin, no life, and IQ is too low to think of a decent low level scam.  Cheesy

Only the rarest of idiots could come up with such a stupid and childish idea of a scam.

You will probably make more money doing your current job of sucking off old men than you ever will as a scammer.

847. Post 51842492 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: Cryptonians1661 on July 16, 2019, 10:27:46 AM
You just waking up ? Enter our contest then you can go back to sleep with your teddy bear.. Your just sitting around as usual, we can smell you through the screen ya smelly bastards. Enter our Contest then take a shower.. if you remember how

Bloody couch potatoes, quit watching cat videos in your mothers basement and enter our contest.
If we get our funding than maybe you can buy some friends later on

The torch has been passed to a real roaster.. give me your best shots ya smelly bastards

Lol, what a stupid fagtard. Has no Bitcoin, no life, and IQ is too low to think of a decent low level scam.  Cheesy

Only the rarest of idiots could come up with such a stupid and childish idea of a scam.

You will probably make more money doing your current job of sucking off old men than you ever will as a scammer.

Im a twat Fagtard

You silly little Faggottard. You are the brokest and poorest third world twat of a cunt to ever attempt to drink semen for money on this thread.

No one has ever been so stupid to come up with such an idiotic idea to scam their way out of poverty and shemale prostitution.

I and many posters on here have enough to buy your entire village many times over and the goats you like to suck off as you train for your customers  Kiss

Your poor miserable life is shit and we all know it. Only the most impoverished idiot would try such a desperate and dumb scam and not realize how obvious and retarded we all instantly knew it was.

Your best bet is to commit suicide before you die from not being able to afford cheap antibiotics for your STDs. The world will be a little bit better when you are gone and at least you can have something to be proud of for once before you go to your cold grave in whatever shithole you reside.  Cheesy

848. Post 51842618 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: Cryptonians1661 on July 16, 2019, 10:47:59 AM
You just waking up ? Enter our contest then you can go back to sleep with your teddy bear.. Your just sitting around as usual, we can smell you through the screen ya smelly bastards. Enter our Contest then take a shower.. if you remember how

Bloody couch potatoes, quit watching cat videos in your mothers basement and enter our contest.
If we get our funding than maybe you can buy some friends later on

The torch has been passed to a real roaster.. give me your best shots ya smelly bastards

Lol, what a stupid fagtard. Has no Bitcoin, no life, and IQ is too low to think of a decent low level scam.  Cheesy

Only the rarest of idiots could come up with such a stupid and childish idea of a scam.

You will probably make more money doing your current job of sucking off old men than you ever will as a scammer.

Im a twat Fagtard

What day will you be killing yourself? Wink

As soon as I tell mummy goodbye and drink some more semen since my dumb scam never had a chance of making me one satoshi.  Cry

Ok, well dont take too long bc we are all waiting around for you to leave this world and raise the average iq of humanity.  Smiley

849. Post 51842676 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

"Whoa!  What a question (really statement) First Betsy Ross and now mainstream media saying Bitcoin is popular with White Nationalists there any topic that can't be politicized and boiled down to race-baiting?"

So a reporter asked the Treasury secretary what he was gonna do about all the White Nationalists using Bitcoin.  Angry

Well I guess the MSM has really run out of good attacks for Bitcoin since now they are resorting to saying we are racist. I guess its safe for you to buy back in now Roach.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

850. Post 51842719 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: Cryptonians1661 on July 16, 2019, 11:00:44 AM
Take care fellas and thanks for pointing out that my ideas were retarded and I would be better off exiting this world for the good of humanity.  Cry

Take care you cunt of a Fagtard. Sorry you had to drink all that semen to survive since you were born so poor and stupid, but everything will be easier in the afterlife, no STDs and all the antibiotics your shithole village never had access to await you in the next life. You wont have to suck off anymore old men. Unless you want to which you probably do I suppose. We wont miss you but thats the point.  Cheesy

851. Post 51849538 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

We are getting closer to where I would like to deploy my last fiat ammo to be all in for the mega run of the next few years.

I have been pretty sure we would test the 8-9 range and I would think 6k would be the lower limit of what bears and panic selling newbs can accomplish. Guess I have to figure out where to put buy orders now. Honestly this right now isnt a terrible place to buy some, but Im just not there yet.

The only way we were getting to 100k this summer was if everyone hodled like a champ, but obviously we ran out of newbs  Roll Eyes and some hodlers couldnt resist taking some profits. Cant blame em and this was always the likley to be the
case imo.

I look forward to the day when I can post relentlessly bullish hodler propaganda for several years straight. I notice since I went short term bearish my merit inflows have been decimated Roll Eyes

TLDR; this is all healthy and the bull market is still 100 percent intact, even if I think we are going down more.

@Cryptoniumtard, this is a decent time to invest some of your semen drinking income if you have any extra money after buying your food and aids medicine.

852. Post 51849682 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Shitcoin scammers gonna scam.  Cheesy

"Marcus also didn’t clearly answer Senator Toomey’s question of why the Libra Association is considered a not-for-profit organization if it will pay out interest to members."

853. Post 51874685 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Storm The Fed, They Cant Stop All of Us

Friday, September 20, 2019 at 3 AM – 6 AM

Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty St, New York, NY 10045

We will all meet up at the Dunkin Donuts across the street and coordinate our entry. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them internal audits.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

854. Post 51886029 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 20, 2019, 07:14:48 AM
Stefan Molyneux makes...shockingly obvious discovery:

Stefan also is an avid Bitcoin maximalist.  Wink

855. Post 51887173 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 20, 2019, 08:17:18 AM
Stefan also is an avid Bitcoin maximalist.  Wink

Neonazi BTC tracker says Bitcoin minimalist:

(it appears he's stacking metals now)

Dont think he has any videos about buying metal. I could be wrong, he has about 10 million videos. But when he went to give a speech to the biggest audience he has ever had according to him, he decided to exclusively talk about King Bitcoin.

Roach if you stay on team nocoiner you will eventually find only communists will be left on your team. We will assimilate virtually everyone else.

856. Post 51887621 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: JSRAW on July 20, 2019, 10:31:47 AM

Roach if you stay on team nocoiner you will eventually find only communists will be left on your team. We will assimilate virtually everyone else.

Nowadays, communists are evolving as well. I know good amount of communists cancer/aka friends who are bitcoiner with the big stash.

Interesting and nice to hear. Some of the most vicious twitter battles I had with anti-Bitcoin nocoiners were with communists. A few of these were trannies who were members of the communist party according to profiles. Not sure what that means and how much those communities intersect but I doubt it was a coincidence.  

Its just an anecdotal small sample, but seemed to make sense as far as communist ideology entails government controlling the means of production, and what production is more important than money production.  

It would be ironic if Roach finds the last nocoiners on his team are transgender communists. I suspect he will eventually be forced to convert or die by a coalition of Jewish Mussad agents and right wing death squads hunting down the last nocoiners so we can finally have 1000 years of world peace under the new global reserve currency.

I miss it sometimes, but my daily internet time allotment has been much more calm and peaceful since i was banned for doing the Lord and Savior Bitcoin's good work on twitter.

857. Post 51888576 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: mindrust on July 20, 2019, 12:24:58 PM

Slowing demand but higher prices (currency debasement beneficial for cryptocurrencies?

 Shocked Tongue

That was a great read. Nothing has changed since 1929. (And nothing will) Everytime just before the big crash there are optimists saying: "Everything will be fine."

Everything will be fine indeed, but not before it becomes shit first.

If we have a 1929 style stock market crash(could easily happen and the money printers would deserve it) then Trumps stock pumping tweets would be studied by historians and traders for generations to come as the ultimate top calls. He and Kudlow would go down as the "permanent plateau of prosperity" guys of our generation.

Shitcoiner shills blush in awe and admiration whenever Trump dazzles them with his stock shilling tweets. I could list some but Im lazy rn, its late here, and Im sure you have all seen plenty.

Tulsi 2020  Cheesy

even Roach is voting for crypto investor Tulsi Gabbard

858. Post 51895522 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Bcashers, SV boyz, and other Shitcoiners caught making fake Lambos to fit in with their more wealthy Bitcoiner peers.  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

859. Post 51896927 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on July 21, 2019, 06:17:42 AM

#bitcoin 2012 Stock-to-flow model still works!
You are a moron posting flat out lies in order to try and scam people just like the other 99% of financial scammers on Twitter.

Hey hey hey, it's not okay to insult people when you comment on other people's posts.

You do not realize that with this attitude you are not going anywhere.

You can say the same, talk as you want, but do not insult.
I mean, fuck r0ach, but where the fuck have you been, like 80% of this entire thread has been insults at each other but luckily for the most part everyone takes it as good humor, except for jbreher when you call him a government mole. Then he be mad

Don't forget JJG likes to be called a bot. Cheesy

getting attention can be a double one plus good because it seems to cause me to consider whether I should post and if so, then what to post, but of course, that consideration tends to be very automated...  arguably better than having a whole team.    Wink

By the way... jbreher is posting on behalf of the gov, isn't it ssssoooooo obvious?

I wonder if Im a bot when I sometimes fail at the floating and bending new captcha's or the annoying ones where I have to find all the traffic signs.

860. Post 51931324 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: jojo69 on July 24, 2019, 05:34:56 AM

they can hardly claim we are in an overheated bubble, so we got that going for us

lol, true

861. Post 51932320 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

Quote from: Amateur_ on July 24, 2019, 01:09:54 AM

via Imgflip Meme Generator

862. Post 51967800 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

errr.... damp eet???  Sad

via Imgflip Meme Generator

863. Post 51967836 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Im starting to think that diptwatcuntard took our 100 Bitcoin and ran. This marketing campaign seems to just cause dumping.

864. Post 51968095 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Sorry to be bearish gents but I think we wont bottom this summer till we get to about 4900.

I was convinced of this by powerful entities who communicated with me on a recent DMT adventure.

Apparently they trade Bitcoin in transdimensional hyperspace.

I obviously dont post much during times like this bc its no fun but I promised to report.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

865. Post 51968490 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: bitcoinPsycho on July 27, 2019, 11:38:54 AM
Sorry to be bearish gents but I think we wont bottom this summer till we get to about 4900.

I was convinced of this by powerful entities who communicated with me on a recent DMT adventure.

Apparently they trade Bitcoin in transdimensional hyperspace.

I obviously dont post much during times like this bc its no fun but I promised to report.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Your starting to sound like jonov

Jonov is a permabear towards Bitcoin and long term full retard shitcoiner who decided years ago according to past posts I read that Bitcoin was primitive and would be replaced by Shitcoins. Im a shameless Bitcoin maximalist, never bought a single shitcoin, and I still predict global reserve status for our Lord and Savior. But.... Ive been bearish lately and for good reason so far as you see how 14k worked out. Also I dont post 30 comments crying about my shorts blowing up bc bitfinex scammed me like jonov did.

But yeah sure, im sounding just like jonov, almost a carbon copy of the fella Wink

Im over 90 percent net worth in Bitcoin rn (and have been since 2014), even though I think we are going down short term I wont be selling any this year unless we manage to hit 50k somehow.

Full disclosure, I have some fiat I would like to deploy at cheaper prices, but if I dont get cheaper prices I will deploy said fiat around September at whatever the price is and go into All-In hodl mode till at least 18 months after halving or an insanely high price.

866. Post 51968559 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: bitcoinPsycho on July 27, 2019, 12:27:58 PM
Just pulling your leg mate Grin

ok man, you got me, not gonna lie! Cheesy

867. Post 51968747 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Just catching up on this weeks pages and I see Tyler Jenks died. Sad to hear. RIP. I have personally trashed him many times w his 1k calls in the past.

I was right, but didnt want him to die, just to go fuck himself.

I feel a bit bad about that, even though I know I was just one among thousands calling him out. He probably got bullied a ton online with his terrible calls and nonsensical hyperwave theory. Im not saying thats why he died, but if he was old and had poor health Im sure his horrific calls and backlash didnt help. Stress kills, especially when you are already in a weakened state.

I kinda think after watching Meuller testify that the last couple years of having to run the Russia Hoax must have wreaked havoc on him and advanced his age rapidly in the last two years. I doubt he was a bumbling dementia patient 2 years ago and would guess its likely the stress brought it on earlier in life than if he had just retired.

Makes me really wonder whats gonna happen to Roachster at 100k........

Im gonna try to be a bit nicer to nocoiners and other tards from now on........ mostly......... Wink

Anyways, RIP Tyler. You were a Bitcoiner and there arent many your age who could say that so Kudos. Also I like you better than Tone Vays so there is that too.

One day all the Bitcoiners and the last 2000 nocoiners on
Earth will all sing Kumbaya together.  Smiley

868. Post 51968807 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on July 27, 2019, 12:44:48 PM
There was only one man - a single Nazi war hero who stood in their way".

I'm sure you laugh into tears with the things you write.
By war hero, do you mean Warcraft hero, or just a hero for wrestling with that dingy of yours?
Jerk off, jerk on. Attaboy.


Not 9400 , he certainly meant lower. I would think 6400 rather than 4900, but its just an opinion.

$6969. Don't you just love this number? It's your "orders did not get filled number".

Since everyone here loves a good bottom pic Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

869. Post 51968943 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 27, 2019, 01:02:39 PM
and I still predict global reserve status


Get laid, then get rich, then we can have a discussion. Since you dumped Bitcoin at the worst time, the last few years have left you high and dry with your silver fetish.  Wink

870. Post 51969009 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

This may be causing the dump. It tells me Mnuchin is really pushing the White House to go after Bitcoin and cause negative headlines. We just had the IRS letters, now this. Its a concerted negative PR campaign from Trump appointees. I dont think Trump really gives a fuck or understands Bitcoin, just think Mnuchin and his banker friends are terrified and trying to shit all over us.

At some point Trump should realize most all the people that hate him hate Bitcoin and most of his supporters are neutral or for it, then I think he will tell Mnuchin to back the fuck off.

My guess is Peter Theil will pull a long owed favor soon and ask Trump to call of the dogs.

871. Post 51969236 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: nutildah on July 27, 2019, 01:00:38 PM
Sorry to be bearish gents but I think we wont bottom this summer till we get to about 4900.

I was convinced of this by powerful entities who communicated with me on a recent DMT adventure.

Apparently they trade Bitcoin in transdimensional hyperspace.

I obviously dont post much during times like this bc its no fun but I promised to report.

DMT is one of those drugs that I just never got around to doing. I've done plenty of other hallucinogens in my day, the gnarliest of which is no doubt mescaline, extracted from a San Pedro cactus that me and one of my crazier friends chopped down in a botanical garden in Orange County. It took all day to prepare, slowly boiling it out of the plant matter, then boiling that down to a toxic sludge that tasted like liquid death.

It took about 2 hours to come on, but when it did, oh man... its the closest I've felt to being in tune with absolutely everything that was going on. There was nothing -- no time, no space, no life, no death, just everything happening all at once, across multiple universes.

Then 12 hours later, I kind of just instantly snapped out of it, and walked into Westwood to interview people who had been standing in line all day for the new Star Wars movie, as I had to turn in an article for the newspaper I was writing for a few hours later.

I havent had mescaline (yet...), but Ive tried my fair share of drugs and I dont really think of DMT as a drug. More like a gateway bc each time I instantly went to another dimension. Its probably the instant feeling of being struck by cosmic lighting and traveling to a new reality vs the typical build up period that other hallucinogens had on me that makes me put DMT in its own category.

If there is something more powerful than DMT  Shocked I might just have to pass on it tbh. Not sure I could handle more.

872. Post 51969267 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: realr0ach on July 27, 2019, 01:29:28 PM

This may be causing the dump. It tells me Mnuchin is really pushing the White House to go after Bitcoin and cause negative headlines. We just had the IRS letters, now this. Its a concerted negative PR campaign from Trump appointees. I dont think Trump really gives a fuck or understands Bitcoin, just think Mnuchin and his banker friends are terrified and trying to shit all over us.

At some point Trump should realize most all the people that hate him hate Bitcoin and most of his supporters are neutral or for it, then I think he will tell Mnuchin to back the fuck off.

My guess is Peter Theil will pull a long owed favor soon and ask Trump to call of the dogs.

blah blah

Roach, you just sound like a bitter jackass with nothing to do in life. When are you going to own up to that and make some improvements in life. Id like a list of steps you are planning on taking to be a better person. You can PM me if you want some advice.

873. Post 51969522 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: nutildah on July 27, 2019, 01:34:12 PM
@nutildah, I don’t like drugs that make me feel like I’m not in control of my mind & body. I’ve really slowed down (almost stopped) using drugs in recent times. My drug of choice is cocaine though. I’ve never really caree much for weed, it just makes me hungry & very lazy.

Any way, my weirdest drug experience was magic mushrooms which I only did once due to how fucking weird it was. I saw blue tweetie pies in the sky, I laughed at some ginger guy which I don’t even remember doing & he started a fight on me. I thought my friend was going to get run over by a bus even though it was really far away. Overall an all round horrible experience.

These are the kind of discussions I really enjoy about the WO thread...

I used to do coke on occasion but I hated always having a runny, burning nose, and the comedown / next day just felt awful. One of the weirdest ways to use it is waking up in the morning and having your own little satchel of leftovers, and then getting started again in the morning. I was never the kind of guy who thought, "shit, we're out, should we call up so-and-so and try to get another 8-ball?"... when it came to coke, anyway Once I was out, I was just out...

When I get back to the states I'm definitely going to spark up some weed again. Its one drug that just makes everything better. Food, movies, video games, walking around / hiking, sex, everything. I can even work better on it.

I've done shrooms to the point where I thought I was dying, and then dead, but I can't say I ever laughed at a ginger guy on them.

If there is something more powerful than DMT  Shocked I might just have to pass on it tbh. Not sure I could handle more.

Don't worry, I don't think that there is. I've done Special K before, that was quite tasty -- same deal, you are instantly transported elsewhere, for about 5 minutes. But from what I gather its much more tame and relaxing.

I love drug stories/experience time on WO Grin  

@Roach, you probably think you dont experiment with drugs, but I promise you that the high doses of bitterness, hatred, jealousy, and other toxic emotions you inject into your psyche each day are more powerful than most of the stuff we have tried. I wouldnt smoke a gram of it for 1000 Bitcoins.

874. Post 51969667 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: toknormal on July 27, 2019, 01:46:22 PM

Halfway through 2021 before we even see 10k again according to this analysis. Just looking at the cycles.

Ready to make a bet on it ?

I bet NO at 99%.

Second that. 99.999%

You haven't even had time to watch it. Look at the cycle again. That last pump sticks out like a sore thumb. Markets simply don't do that naturally.

See what happens with Bitfinex/Tether on Monday. That may put this whole pump in a very different context.

The chart doesnt really imply 2500 in august to me, that would be an unprecedented drop straight down. But reverting back to the lower bound on the chart later this year is not unreasonable at all imo. We could revert back to the 2015 fractal and look back at it all as a libra/fed/tether minibubble that distorted the graph, had everyone thinking it was 2017 all over again, but then things went back to normal and everything smoothed out.

Its hard for me to deny the change of direction by the Fed, new stock market all time highs, Libra hype, soaring BTC dominance, and tether scare all at the same time created a perfect storm of hype and mania much earlier than we expected. Wouldnt be unreasonable for the majority of those gains to fade this year. If so its not really a bad thing but just a simmering down until the supply cuts in half to really get the party started.

Think of it as the ultimate testing of rocket thrusters for the real blast off post halving. A warning shot to all the banksters and fudsters of things to come. Just my take rn. A blast off to 20k will surely change my mind.


875. Post 51969771 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Peace out gents, I probably will abstain from posting this week unless the 100 bitcoin tard comes back. Too bearish for me rn and I dont like to excessively party poop on my hodler peeps.  Smiley

876. Post 52003598 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: on July 27, 2019, 05:25:12 PM
Sorry to be bearish gents but I think we wont bottom this summer till we get to about 4900.

I was convinced of this by powerful entities who communicated with me on a recent DMT adventure.

Apparently they trade Bitcoin in transdimensional hyperspace.

I obviously dont post much during times like this bc its no fun but I promised to report.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Oh gawd..... .... another sorcerer wannabe.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

[edited out]

Your starting to sound like jonov

Sure.. that's another angle... Haven't heard from that broke-ass dude for a while.  Maybe he will be able to buy back all the coins that he sold for under $6k, but guys like that get to cock-assured and too greedy.. .so my hopes are not too high in his ability to recover from dumb.

Have to add I'm deeply disappointed with Lambie lately. He was a permabull when he first appeared but it seems he has turned into a bear now. What is more alarming he started posting his bearish prophecies of the so-called "one last dump before up" theory and now this $4900 bottom post. I'm worried that's a way how most beartrolls earn their merits and post count (also respect from other members) - post bullish things first, turning into bears later. So guys be smart, think twice! We're getting surrounded by werewolves.  Cool    

Have to say Im disappointed you would get so suspicious over someone being short term bearish. Im not out to get you. I just like to post my thoughts from time to time. Its not a conspiracy to trick you into giving up on Bitcoin and bowing to the dollar as your master.

Am I pumping shitcoins? Am I deviating from my firm belief that Bitcoin will be the global reserve currency and 1 coin will make any human wealthy in the next decade. Of course not.

Am I tone vays calling for 1k, a price that hasnt been seen for years. Nope, just concerned we will revert to prices seen a few months ago.

Did you get suspicious of Hairy when he was actively shorting as a hedge in 2018 and calling for lower prices for a long while? Hell im not even shorting, just waiting for what I consider cheap coins this summer before I deploy my last fiat for the mega run all in hodl. If it doesnt happen, nbd, its not like I dont have a lot of Bitcoins.  Cheesy

Pray you get surrounded by hyenas like me.  Cheesy Im over 90 percent net worth in Bitcoin and have been since '14. If you ever find a day where the average joe is even close to as big of a Bitcoin believer as me then our Lord and Savior King Bitcoin will already be the global reserve currency on that same day.  Cool

Still short term bearish. Id say fight me  Wink but I dont really feel like posting much unless im short and long term bullish.

I will say 4900 is pretty extreme, its more like a floor I dont see us going under. 7-8k would be a more reasonable outcome imo, but this is Bitcoin and shit happens.  I think people shouldnt cry if 4900 is reached bc its still very bullish as a higher low than 3100 of Dec. 15.

877. Post 52013121 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on July 30, 2019, 06:15:06 PM
Sorry to be bearish gents but I think we wont bottom this summer till we get to about 4900.

I was convinced of this by powerful entities who communicated with me on a recent DMT adventure.

Apparently they trade Bitcoin in transdimensional hyperspace.

I obviously dont post much during times like this bc its no fun but I promised to report.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Oh gawd..... .... another sorcerer wannabe.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

[edited out]

Your starting to sound like jonov

Sure.. that's another angle... Haven't heard from that broke-ass dude for a while.  Maybe he will be able to buy back all the coins that he sold for under $6k, but guys like that get to cock-assured and too greedy.. .so my hopes are not too high in his ability to recover from dumb.

Have to add I'm deeply disappointed with Lambie lately. He was a permabull when he first appeared but it seems he has turned into a bear now. What is more alarming he started posting his bearish prophecies of the so-called "one last dump before up" theory and now this $4900 bottom post. I'm worried that's a way how most beartrolls earn their merits and post count (also respect from other members) - post bullish things first, turning into bears later. So guys be smart, think twice! We're getting surrounded by werewolves.  Cool    

Have to say Im disappointed you would get so suspicious over someone being short term bearish. Im not out to get you. I just like to post my thoughts from time to time. Its not a conspiracy to trick you into giving up on Bitcoin and bowing to the dollar as your master.

Am I pumping shitcoins? Am I deviating from my firm belief that Bitcoin will be the global reserve currency and 1 coin will make any human wealthy in the next decade. Of course not.

Am I tone vays calling for 1k, a price that hasnt been seen for years. Nope, just concerned we will revert to prices seen a few months ago.

Did you get suspicious of Hairy when he was actively shorting as a hedge in 2018 and calling for lower prices for a long while? Hell im not even shorting, just waiting for what I consider cheap coins this summer before I deploy my last fiat for the mega run all in hodl. If it doesnt happen, nbd, its not like I dont have a lot of Bitcoins.  Cheesy

Pray you get surrounded by hyenas like me.  Cheesy Im over 90 percent net worth in Bitcoin and have been since '14. If you ever find a day where the average joe is even close to as big of a Bitcoin believer as me then our Lord and Savior King Bitcoin will already be the global reserve currency on that same day.  Cool

Still short term bearish. Id say fight me  Wink but I dont really feel like posting much unless im short and long term bullish.

I will say 4900 is pretty extreme, its more like a floor I dont see us going under. 7-8k would be a more reasonable outcome imo, but this is Bitcoin and shit happens.  I think people shouldnt cry if 4900 is reached bc its still very bullish as a higher low than 3100 of Dec. 15.

You do seem to bring a decent amount of the wrath upon yourself with your ongoing extreme ways of speaking (like one of those know it all dweebs that many of us hated in high school but has only become a phenomenon on the interwebs because we are not able to beat him up in the locker room), but do what you gonna do....   hahahahahaa

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I do enjoy speaking in extremes, thats a fair point JJG. I can understand if it might irritate someone, especially if they have over indulged in a leveraged long, or just cant stand to hear anyone be short term bearish.

As to your last dig at me, nobody was ever dumb enough to attempt to physically bully me in high school  Cool but feel free to size me up at the 100k party and estimate your odds of success in a high school locker room hand to hand combat situation.

Your statement also implies you may have some secret hatred or ill will for me and this is understandable due to our past arguments where I may have been overly harsh with you on a personal level. My apologies, I should attempt to be friendlier to bulls especially and people in general during arguments/debates etc.

Since we are making jokes and digs.... I get the feeling that instead of trying anything physical, your "wrath" might have involved dropping a very long anonymous letter in my locker if you were upset bc of something "extreme" I said.  Wink

I will buy more if we get under 8k and I dont see how the correction is over now, but time will tell.

While I remain short term bearish(next month or two), we are of course still in a bull market with new ATH's awaiting us after the halving imo, so a countdown is long overdue....

228 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well Cheesy

878. Post 52014000 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Somewhat off topic, but the ends justify the means on this one.  Cool

As you know Equifax had a massive data breach a while back and 145 million or more customers had their credit files stolen.

They are paying out 700 million dollars in a legal settlement to victims who come forward. As we know most people will never bother to even check if they were a victim.

Turns out Slayer was a victim  Cry and will be receiving a small bit of filthy fiat to buy more Bitcoin with.  Cool

I suspect most of you that hail from the US are also eligible for a cash payout, you can instantly check here if you will be able to receive some filthy fiat from the dirty credit boy'z pockets.

If this site says you are eligible, then you proceed to the prompted link and can instantly claim 125 dollars to be sent to you in 90 days, no questions asked.

If you want to get another 250 dollars you also merely describe how you spent 10 hours of your time investigating the data breach or taking actions to remedy any misdoings. Its at a rate of 25 per hour up to 10 hours no documentation required. If you provide docs you can claim another 10 hours, but the gist is you can have a check in the mail of 375 filthy usd shitcoins on the way with a basic description in the form of some efforts you made researching your credit data in the last few years.

Id recommend watching and describing you watched these 10+ hours of videos to inform yourself of Equifax's evil ways. Of course it would be immoral to not watch the videos completely so dont take shortcuts, you are only cheating yourself  Smiley


So if you live in the US chances are you are eligible as most US credit users were affected. For a few seconds of work you can get the 125 bucks just for pain and suffering, and if you go the extra mile you can get up to 500 more. The first 250 of which is pretty easy.

When you receive your USD shitcoins dont forget to trade them for Bitcoin.

@mindrust, ty for merits above!

879. Post 52014839 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: JSRAW on July 31, 2019, 10:31:45 AM

Your statement also implies you may have some secret hatred or ill will for me and this is understandable due to our past arguments where I may have been overly harsh with you on a personal level. My apologies, I should attempt to be friendlier to bulls especially and people in general during arguments/debates etc.

@Lambie : Not hate!! I think, JJG likes you secretly  Grin

I have some doubt if he wants to come to 100k Party or not?.  Reason = OPSEC - Partypooper  Huh Tongue

so no hand to hand combat  Undecided

Lol JRSAW.  Smiley I myself like JJG. Thats why I proposed ending STFU JJG Thursdays once the Bull Market was underway.

If we had another 100 or so of him on social media full time of we could easily take over the internet in the name of King Bitcoin. 

880. Post 52015024 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on July 31, 2019, 11:12:47 AM

I have some doubt if he wants to come to 100k Party or not?.  Reason = OPSEC - Partypooper  Huh Tongue

Jiggy has stated before that he doesn't want or intend to meet any WO member in person.
I'm sure he'll come to his senses - once he sees the teaser video for the $100k party. Cool

So has Bob btw. Sad. It would be priceless to see them both under the same roof. Grin

TLDR: Fuck your money - it's all about human relationships.


Well now that you mentioned a teaser video.... I took the liberty of preparing a little promo video for 100k party when I thought the parabolic pump might take us to 100k in 30 days Grin

100k party - "The actual experience exceeds all expectations and is something thats hard to put into words. All these things that may seem big and impossible are not. It gives people that type of energy, that type of power." - Satoshi Nakamoto

881. Post 52015428 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on July 31, 2019, 11:52:06 AM
I’d happily buy Jiggy a beer. 

We'll have to see to it that it's an open bar event.
Our escorts need to be comfortable & cheerful. Roll Eyes


Too bad that turned out to be scam you event, but more or less what I had in mind - on a smaller scale.
We also need porn stars, not models. Grin

Yes, too bad it was not real.

What about this one. This looks like a scam, but i havent looked into it and apparently its been done before on other locations so who knows. Starts in less than 2 days.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

"Unlimited sex with two girls per day (switching girls with other guests is permitted),

all activities ( atv’s, Horseback riding, Holographic concert, Las Vegas & Casino tours, & much more )

All meals,  snacks & all the alcohol you desire,

airport helicopter pickup and drop-off, parties,

bedrooms with showers, large closets, air conditioning,

Wi-Fi, and unlimited condoms."

via Imgflip Meme Generator

I mean they have air conditioning so it must be legit af.

882. Post 52015476 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: Pamoldar on July 31, 2019, 12:09:27 PM
Yes, too bad it was not real.

What about this one. This looks like a scam, but i havent looked into it and apparently its been done before on other locations so who knows. Starts in less than 2 days.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

"Unlimited sex with two girls per day (switching girls with other guests is permitted),

all activities ( atv’s, Horseback riding, Holographic concert, Las Vegas & Casino tours, & much more )

All meals,  snacks & all the alcohol you desire,

airport helicopter pickup and drop-off, parties,

bedrooms with showers, large closets, air conditioning,

Wi-Fi, and unlimited condoms."

via Imgflip Meme Generator

I mean they have air conditioning so it must be legit af.
LOL this seems the next level 🤪

Fuck i looked into it just a bit and it is looking more like a scam  Sad, but we will know for sure in 2 days. They even take crypto which is a step up from frye festival.

update: Perhaps this is real. Here is a report from a guest of a past sex island party.

"The Sun Online spoke exclusively to one of last year’s guests who revealed that every customer chooses two girls who spend the entire holiday granting their every sexual desire.

Ryan, 33, a dentist from New York, revealed how the orgies began just minutes after the 30 guests boarded a luxury yacht taking them and 60 hookers to the private tropical island.

The married father-of-two also told how drugs and sexual stimulants were freely available, and how every man was allowed an hour with 15 girls all at once.

Ryan, who told his wife he was going on a work trip, said: “I read a story about Sex Island in a New York newspaper and said, ‘Wow, I need to do that.'

“After I paid the money they sent me a golden ticket with my name on it," he said. “There were 30 of us altogether, all men except for one couple. Most were professional guys, doctors, lawyers, aged between 25 and 50. Half of them were married. There were some nerds from Silicon Valley who had never done this kind of thing before and were nervous at the beginning.

“The yacht was full of beautiful Latina women, dancing and drinking. As we got on we were handed drinks and people started to loosen up. Each man had to choose the two girls who would keep them company during the entire trip.

“Just 15 minutes into the trip I was already on a bed with them," he added.

“All the other men were happy with their girls, except one who had arrived last and wanted a skinny girl and began to complain that his was too curvy. They quickly got rid of the girl he’d been left with and found another girl of the type he wanted.”

883. Post 52027659 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: gallianooo on August 01, 2019, 12:31:37 PM
Last night with my babe to celebrate the 10K$ again  Roll Eyes

I think you are really raising the bar here, bc I dont remember anyone WO brothers posting pics of gfs in lingerie till now. Perhaps I just missed it, but either way....

Well played.

 via Imgflip Meme Generator

884. Post 52027868 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on July 31, 2019, 03:34:19 PM

Since we are making jokes and digs.... I get the feeling that instead of trying anything physical, your "wrath" might have involved dropping a very long anonymous letter in my locker if you were upset bc of something "extreme" I said.  Wink

Maybe dropping a dick pic?  hahahaha

via Imgflip Meme Generator

you set yourself up for that one buddy  Wink

885. Post 52030505 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: kurious on August 01, 2019, 04:47:50 PM

This one's about more FUD from centralized institutions, this time in the UK...

I guess it's hard to steer a boat when it has centuries worth of inertia. They'll come around eventually of course but I don't think it's going to be a particularly smooth ride for us.

I particularly like this quote:
"Although not a ban, [the U.K.'s FCA warning is] a move in that direction," said Herbert Sim, head of business development from Broctagon Fintech Group. "This lack of enthusiasm is shared by several countries; the U.S. with its scrutiny of libra, and India, who are looking to implement a similar ban on cryptocurrencies which are not state regulated. These movements could end up coming back to bite. The international competition on cryptocurrencies is heating up and there are huge risks in being left behind."

The actual quote in the UK bit merely spoke about some parts of the market being unregulated and beyond the scope of the regulators - and urged caution.

This is consistent with UK gov't stance and nowhere near talking of a 'Bitcoin ban' - the UK has never to my knowledge ever considered banning Bitcoin and government is quite happy to issue tax advice about it and allow pension funds to offer (limited) derivative products based upon crypto - provided risk advice is given.

As you said - FUD indeed!

Billy Bambrough constantly engages in shameless FUD by writing clickbait articles trying to mislead readers that crypto is doomed. This is par for the course for him.

886. Post 52036075 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on August 01, 2019, 08:17:20 PM

Since we are making jokes and digs.... I get the feeling that instead of trying anything physical, your "wrath" might have involved dropping a very long anonymous letter in my locker if you were upset bc of something "extreme" I said.  Wink

Maybe dropping a dick pic?  hahahaha

via Imgflip Meme Generator

you set yourself up for that one buddy  Wink

Maybe funny, maybe not.  In my humble bumble opinion, it is a bit problematic when your humor only works as a product of your changing my actual post, rather than working with the words that I had already used.  

A lot less creativity, there and misleading, too.. ... but whatever, do what you like.... and maybe you will even get suspended or banned for such conduct, as a side product... that would be funny, right?    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I didn't change your words. You should go back and look.

You made the reference about yourself clandestinely dropping a dick pic in another mans locker.

I merely added bold text to your words and gave a light hearted Homo Erectus meme response that your comment was clearly begging for.  Cheesy refer back to your original quote if you doubt me.  Wink

Also, you really think I would get banned or suspended w harmless anthropological memes like this??

via Imgflip Meme Generator

This is all in good fun and nothing compared to the things roach gets away with.

887. Post 52039819 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Shitcoin Jesus launching a crypto exchange Sept. 2.

888. Post 52039847 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Stock boyz having a shitty time since they got their last rate cut. How much USD shitcoin printing do those welfare queens need?

889. Post 52039887 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: mindrust on August 02, 2019, 04:47:09 PM

Bcash base pairs lol.

Can't wait it to get hacked and gox people. Now that would be a sight.

Surely so many shit is going to happen on that exchange.

They'll start with faking their volume. Mark my words.  Cool

First and only exchange I will be rooting for the US government to take action against.

890. Post 52039980 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Uh oh.. I was hoping climate change was just another globalist power grab hoax, but we just had a tsunami in a water park.  Shocked

891. Post 52060536 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

I suspect the domestic terror threats of the next decade will be incel shitcoiners (every coin but Bitcoin) killing innocent nocoiners for not adopting their shitcoin.

Bitcoiners wont be affected bc of the ability to afford the best security sound money can buy.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

892. Post 52070090 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: B1tUnl0ck3r on August 04, 2019, 05:36:46 PM
I suspect the domestic terror threats of the next decade will be incel shitcoiners (every coin but Bitcoin) killing innocent nocoiners for not adopting their shitcoin.

Bitcoiners wont be affected bc of the ability to afford the best security sound money can buy.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Im just a fagtard with schizophrenia and nobody, including myself knows what Im talking about. I just type gibberish word salad because Im a virgin idiot living off 2 dollars a day in a shithole village without proper nourishment for my 5 brain cells.

asdlfajlk aldj  aldfjl lsajfdalsdkfj   lajsdflj sldf jews alsdkfaslkj f lkjlkja putin asdflkj alsdfkj nsa asljklsakjdf im a fagtardcunt asdlkj aljl;kjl;kjlk lkjlk lkjlkjl;jlkja invoiadg alkjflaksjfdlk jal   aliens lakjsdflkjsa   alkjdflk ajs im a fagtard diptwat asldkfj al;ksj   lkj;lkj  lkjl;kj alkjlkj  atlantis aliens asldkjfalsk ljklkj lkjlkj  send me money for food asldkfjlk lkj lkjl;kjlk lkjlkj lkj;lk ljkl  aseaf

alsdfkj lkjl;kj   l;kj;lkj l roach is normal compared to me aslkdjf lkjlk lkjlkj everyone here hates me aljkflsdk lkjlk   lkjasf my uncle touched me  alsdkfj   lkj lkjlkj  asdflkj  lkjasdlfkj as asdf s im a tard lkjlkj  ljlkj  ljlkjlkj   satan is real lkjlkj lkjlkj lkjlkj jews  ljlkjlkj

I suspected this is what you were, thanks for confirming for me pussy.  Wink

893. Post 52070235 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: realr0ach on August 05, 2019, 02:48:38 PM
Shitunlocker is literally a JIDF shill.

lol, roach, pretty much every thing ive ever called you in jest is actually true about butfucklocker

Ive noticed a new bitcoin funded site similar to dailystormer  It really seems all the right wing extremist news sites are funded by Bitcoin. Wonder if antifa has a few Bitcoin funded sites out there.

serious qs for you buddy.

What would it take for you to get back on the train. Even if you really believe its a jewish funded scam(we all know u dont really think that), why not get rich off of it and then fund your own right wing cult or something.

894. Post 52070370 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Stockboyz getting rekt all over the globe today.

Wonder if Hong Kong riots might be the black swan we have been waiting for. Instability is always China's biggest fear.

Always fun watching Bitcoin hostile countries have a bad day.

895. Post 52070551 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Off topic:

I tried the Impossible Whopper today at BK. You know the one with beyond meat. It tasted like shit.  Angry

Sorry cows, but we arent gonna stop eating you anytime soon.

I worship no god but our Lord and Savior King BTCitcoin, but I will note in the Bible that as soon as Jesus was resurrected and reunited with his homies the desciples, he had one thing on his mind.....

King James Bible
"And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?"

896. Post 52070647 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: nutildah on August 05, 2019, 03:31:00 PM

The stockmarket had a 10 year bullrun. Time for a nice healthy correction. Last correction happend in 2008 and 2000.

Shit will hit the fan again.

And all that money will pour into btc as an uncorrelated asset.

A new recession will be the true test of bitcoin's market resilience. It will also determine what % of the market cap is currently propped up by Wall Street. As bitcoin is the highest risk of the high risk investment class (actually altcoins are the very highest), a recession will see a sell-off of institution-owned BTC.

If BTC can then establish itself as a "safe haven" investment after the outflow of institutional money, then yeah, sky's the limit.

Good points. Stock boyz do own some coins, but the question is how much. Ive never held too much belief that Wall Street ever bought all that many coins but a recession will certainly put it to the test. Hopefully the halvening would counteract any potential Wall Street dumping of coins in a major stock bear market.

897. Post 52070712 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Recession Party (recent ath's in stocks) explained by milf.

898. Post 52070767 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: realr0ach on August 05, 2019, 03:46:58 PM
Stock boyz do own some coins, but the question is how much. Ive never held too much belief that Wall Street ever bought all that many coins but a recession will certainly put it to the test.

You would be wrong.  Everyone and their mom at Goldman Sachs was in this market in 2014.  I talked to an avalanche of them myself.  They were all asking me questions out the wazoo.

Yes, its a mystery. Maybe the Wall Street bonus memes were real.

Time will tell. I suspect it was more the workers themselves investing with small personal funds rather than the institutions themselves actually investing in most cases. This would explain all the questions you got from banker friends and family at your Bar Mitzvah  Wink

899. Post 52085849 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: on August 04, 2019, 08:08:16 PM
I suspect the domestic terror threats of the next decade will be incel shitcoiners (every coin but Bitcoin) killing innocent nocoiners for not adopting their shitcoin.

Bitcoiners wont be affected bc of the ability to afford the best security sound money can buy.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Hey Lambie! When $4900?  Grin

I prefer we never see it again. 100k next month sounds more fun Cheesy

But..... if 12300 ends up just being a lower high I would expect to see sub 9k in the next 30 days. 4900 was never really likely imo as I stated, just a number I dont think we can go below if shit really hits the fan.

900. Post 52085993 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on August 05, 2019, 04:14:38 PM
Off topic:

I tried the Impossible Whopper today at BK. You know the one with beyond meat. It tasted like shit.  Angry

Sorry cows, but we arent gonna stop eating you anytime soon.

I worship no god but our Lord and Savior King BTCitcoin, but I will note in the Bible that as soon as Jesus was resurrected and reunited with his homies the desciples, he had one thing on his mind.....

King James Bible
"And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?"

Meeeh them burgers is maybe 1% meat  Roll Eyes

Its a vegan "burger". no meat

901. Post 52086016 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on August 05, 2019, 05:01:49 PM
Off topic:

I tried the Impossible Whopper today at BK. You know the one with beyond meat. It tasted like shit.  Angry

Sorry cows, but we arent gonna stop eating you anytime soon.

I worship no god but our Lord and Savior King BTCitcoin, but I will note in the Bible that as soon as Jesus was resurrected and reunited with his homies the desciples, he had one thing on his mind.....

King James Bible
"And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?"

Meeeh them burgers is maybe 1% meat  Roll Eyes

I thought that the whole point is that there is 0% meat in them.

Fucking gross, but surely appealing to certain types of bullshit progressive logic  that wants to deceive us into believe that not natural is better for us than what nature makes... go figure.

I pretty much knew it was gonna be shit going in, but I like hearing all sides of arguments, and in this case I had to eat one to "hear" the vegan side of the story. Ironically the vegan patty is processed like a mofo and has more calories and sodium than the real thing. 

902. Post 52086111 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on August 06, 2019, 02:12:26 AM
Off topic:

I tried the Impossible Whopper today at BK. You know the one with beyond meat. It tasted like shit.  Angry

Sorry cows, but we arent gonna stop eating you anytime soon.

I worship no god but our Lord and Savior King BTCitcoin, but I will note in the Bible that as soon as Jesus was resurrected and reunited with his homies the desciples, he had one thing on his mind.....

King James Bible
"And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?"

 Sadly, they gave Jesus fish.

Yep, thats why he ascended to the Carolina Moon and left them behind to get martyred. Rip fish boyz  Cry shoulda had some beef handy.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

903. Post 52086369 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: realr0ach on August 06, 2019, 07:10:12 AM
Uh oh, looks like the evil cult of Judaism will be put in camps for their crimes once again:

You right winger extremest types are so paranoid that when one of you throws their life away for one of your causes, the others all claim false flag bc something in the manifesto didnt match each of your personal ideologies point for point.

Roach I promise you if you wrote a manifesto, and then killed a bunch of Jews that all the other hard core right winger nazi types would say you were a false flag operation bc only a Jew could love metal so much or some other nonsense they would come up with as they picked your manifesto apart.

904. Post 52086498 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on August 05, 2019, 08:25:14 AM

@fillippone, did you open this resto??  Cheesy

Im in Vegas a lot and I stopped by this place over a month ago to give it a try and support the cause. The restaurant was "closed for remodeling" but the coffee section was still open. I didnt go in as I dont drink coffee. Its all one space and the restaurant is pretty large so Im guessing coffee wont cut it and they wont be able to pay rent on such a big place for long.

Not sure why you remodel a place a few months old, very fishy. Probably going out of business imo. Salute the effort, but it didnt seem well thought out.

905. Post 52086598 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: zhekinsp on August 07, 2019, 07:22:11 AM
I suspect the domestic terror threats of the next decade will be incel shitcoiners (every coin but Bitcoin) killing innocent nocoiners for not adopting their shitcoin.

Bitcoiners wont be affected bc of the ability to afford the best security sound money can buy.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Hey Lambie! When $4900?  Grin

I prefer we never see it again. 100k next month sounds more fun Cheesy

But..... if 12300 ends up just being a lower high I would expect to see sub 9k in the next 30 days. 4900 was never really likely imo as I stated, just a number I dont think we can go below if shit really hits the fan.
I want to see those climbing girls not these side chicks. Grin

Yes, a Bitcoiner's bottom bitch needs to be a wall climber. These other girls are just that, side chicks.

Sex Island Vegas 4 day adventure ended yesterday and the Slayer team is still waiting for reports of what happened or if it was a scam. The DEA seemed to think it was real and sent out a warning letter that any foreign drug users would be deported and they would be watching out for underage prostitutes. I hear they had rock climbing activities Cheesy

906. Post 52118699 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on August 05, 2019, 03:15:27 PM
Stockboyz getting rekt all over the globe today.

Wonder if Hong Kong riots might be the black swan we have been waiting for. Instability is always China's biggest fear.

Always fun watching Bitcoin hostile countries have a bad day.

Eisman has been reading WO

"And yes, he called them a black swan: "I think the potential black swan, if there is a black swan right now, is what’s happening in Hong Kong right now,” said Eisman on CNBC’s Power Lunch. “If things escalate even further in Hong Kong, that would have a real impact back on the global economy.""

907. Post 52124253 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Cant make Bitcoin commit "suicide" in a jail cell.

USD shitcoiners getting desperate. Butfucklocker bot is back on again too.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

908. Post 52163209 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):


as per sir
 ‘s request, this thread is abt the on-going sells off made by PLUS Token, the biggest Chinese PONZI which scammed ~70K $BTC + ~ 800K $ETH

I mentioned it briefly in my last Coindesk oped but worth additional attention as it may cause further sells"

via Imgflip Meme Generator

"GUYS, this is really fucking nuts.

And YES they are moving their funds into small batches into exchanges, like 50-100BTC per batch

I highly recommend
 take a deeper look and try to see whether they are moving more funds into exchanges"

"I couldn’t find the chat but starting a few days ago, Chinese traders are saying someone has been dumping 100BTC non-stop on Binance, will post here once I find the chat detail.

Which i suspected related to PlusToken as well"

Ponzi Boyz gonna ponzi, hodlers not affected. Leverage Boyz, be careful out there, could get nasty.

909. Post 52163280 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Why Trump so mad.......

via Imgflip Meme Generator


910. Post 52163285 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 14, 2019, 09:35:02 PM

That is excellent high quality FUD.  Would panic sell again.  AAAA+


LOL, sorry was bored!

911. Post 52164755 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: Raja_MBZ on August 14, 2019, 11:52:52 PM

this thread is abt the on-going sells off made by PLUS Token, the biggest Chinese PONZI which scammed ~70K $BTC + ~ 800K $ETH

Ponzi Boyz gonna ponzi, hodlers not affected. Leverage Boyz, be careful out there, could get nasty.

i PeRsoNalLy tHiNk PluS tOkeN iS tHe fuTurE bEcauSe ThE 3hird bOy loOks like VitaLik... bTc is oLD techNoloGy, nOt the FutUre.

I would smash Yuan Yuan

912. Post 52164918 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

I dont think this dipping is over till we at least get a volume day on par or exceeding June 27.

The imo likely breach of 9k could do the trick. Our short term fate does seem to be highly correlated with the Stockboyz at the moment, but that wont last too long imo. Bitcoin gonna Bitcoin at the end of the day and we surely will be seeing new all time highs in 2020.

Im still waiting for a good spot in the next few weeks for my last shot at cheap coins to put me over 95% net worth in BTC.

At this time I consider 8ks or less to be cheap. Looking for a huge volume day to make my last purchase.

By the way, anyone hear from our buddy V8s?

913. Post 52165218 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: VB1001 on August 15, 2019, 05:23:12 AM

By the way, anyone hear from our buddy V8s?

Taking the favourite wife on a big blow-out trip. see you in ~3 weeks Wink

This was his last publication

That sly dog has multiple wives, noice!

914. Post 52165606 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

So we are on pace to soon be testing the very low 9ks for the third time in a month.

I dont see any special reason why 9k will hold. I want to see some serious volume to convince me otherwise.

We can go to 7-8k and easily still consider ourselves to be in a very bullish scenario. We all remember how 2015 gave away big gains several times only to finish the year very strong.

Tons of support around 8k. If we make it that low and get some mega volume along with a green dildo then I think we set ourselves up nicely for a beautiful finish to 2019.

915. Post 52165987 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 15, 2019, 06:46:51 AM
So we are on pace to soon be testing the very low 9ks for the third time in a month.

I dont see any special reason why 9k will hold. I want to see some serious volume to convince me otherwise.

We can go to 7-8k and easily still consider ourselves to be in a very bullish scenario. We all remember how 2015 gave away big gains several times only to finish the year very strong.

Tons of support around 8k. If we make it that low and get some mega volume along with a green dildo then I think we set ourselves up nicely for a beautiful finish to 2019.

A huge volume spike would sure be nice.  But remember, accumulation doesn’t show volume spikes.

2015 gave us a nice example of such. The year in hindsight to me was an accumulation year for the first 10 months.

The June-July 2015 mini bull run peaked on July 12 and had big daily volume on July 10, 12, and 13.

All gains from this run were given back and the down trend did not stop till August 25. August 24 and 25 had massive volume and signaled the selling was over.

2015 to me was characterized as a large accumulation period with two mini bull runs that gave up most of their gains. 2019 did a lot of sideways and then a large bull run that we just witnessed peak on Jun 26. I still think its likely 2019 is an accumulation year just like 2015 and instead of 2 runs giving up a lot of their gains we seem to have consolidated it into 1 large run that hopefully wont give up all, but has already given up much of its gains.

Exacerbating circumstances warping it into one large run would imo be the perfect storm of stockboyz hitting all time highs despite all the economic fuckery we are living in, Trump jawboning the Fed into first ending rate hikes and quantitative tightening, following up that feat by jawboning the Fed into cutting rates, the Trade War shitstorm, the devaluing of the Yuan, the NYAG Tether crusade making Bitcoin a safe haven from sketchy stablecoins, the Libra hype(lets be honest that was crack cocaine for newbs) the demise of shitcoins, the humiliation of CSW, and last but not least frontrunning what happened in 2015.

TLDR: I think we are due for some moderate to serious mean reverting based on the 2015 fractal. Good news is a lot of it has already happened, but Im convinced its not over and a mega volume day would go a long way to change my mind.

916. Post 52171382 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 15, 2019, 05:55:14 PM

I really had no clue this shit had gotten so bad, i was under the impression china had a hands off policy on HK. Apparently thats bullshit and after alot of googling and watching youtube vids I still have no clue whats going on there. I thought HK was the Golden Goose, is china trying to kill it?

Seriously if anyone can explain wtf is going on or link something that doesn't take a day of research to wade through that will sum up what the deal is, post it please.

Hong Kong Activist Leader Calls For A Run On Chinese Banks Tomorrow

The shit is hitting the fucking fan. That's what happening in HK.

Tomorrow will be a good day.

Here is a good article explaining the protests:

I remember the fall of the Soviet Union.  

It is possible that Hong Kong will be the spark that tips over the Chinese Communist Party. Especially if the protests spread to Taiwan and Macau.  

If the communist party in China falls and we see the ultimate and final "China Unbans Bitcoin" we will soar to 100k in a matter of months Cheesy

I was too young to know what was going on in Tiananmen Square when it happened and I think the media brainwashed me as a child to just remember some guy standing on a tank. I was reading up on it the other day and holy shit, I didnt know the commies killed 2500 to 10k protestors  Angry

Fuck these cunts, I hope the CIA sends lots of weapons and advisors to Hong Kong. Im usually with my future ex wife Tulsi Gabbard on avoiding regime change but not when its an antibitcoin regime, then I go full hypocrite Cheesy here is a cool 19 minute video of the history of the world. They need to add Bitcoin to the timeline, but other than that its pretty good.

917. Post 52171791 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: infofront on August 15, 2019, 08:10:00 PM

I really had no clue this shit had gotten so bad, i was under the impression china had a hands off policy on HK. Apparently thats bullshit and after alot of googling and watching youtube vids I still have no clue whats going on there. I thought HK was the Golden Goose, is china trying to kill it?

Seriously if anyone can explain wtf is going on or link something that doesn't take a day of research to wade through that will sum up what the deal is, post it please.

Hong Kong Activist Leader Calls For A Run On Chinese Banks Tomorrow

The shit is hitting the fucking fan. That's what happening in HK.

Tomorrow will be a good day.

Here is a good article explaining the protests:

I remember the fall of the Soviet Union.  

It is possible that Hong Kong will be the spark that tips over the Chinese Communist Party. Especially if the protests spread to Taiwan and Macau.  

If the communist party in China falls and we see the ultimate and final "China Unbans Bitcoin" we will soar to 100k in a matter of months Cheesy

I was too young to know what was going on in Tiananmen Square when it happened and I think the media brainwashed me as a child to just remember some guy standing on a tank. I was reading up on it the other day and holy shit, I didnt know the commies killed 2500 to 10k protestors  Angry

Fuck these cunts, I hope the CIA sends lots of weapons and advisors to Hong Kong. Im usually with my future ex wife Tulsi Gabbard on avoiding regime change but not when its an antibitcoin regime, then I go full hypocrite Cheesy here is a cool 19 minute video of the history of the world. They need to add Bitcoin to the timeline, but other than that its pretty good.

I was friends with a Chinese law school classmate about 10 years ago. I remember a conversation we had about Tienanmen Square. I mentioned something about the "Tienanmen Square Massacre". He looked really confused, and said, "What about Tienanmen Square?"
Me: You know, when the Chinese army crushed the protestors in '89
Him: *Really confused look*
Me: *Pulls up wikipedia page*
Him: *Skims through it quickly* This never happened.
Me: Sure it did. There are lots of photos, video, eyewitnesses
Him: Sounds like western propaganda *Starts getting angry*
Me: *Pulls up some documentary video on youtube*
Him: *Watches 3 minutes* THIS NEVER HAPPENED! *Walks away*

Wow, China really is adept at censoring what their citizens see.

I feel like the Western media must have been influenced by China to somehow softly censor what happened, because I dont ever seen any mentions of actual deaths when American media talks about Tienanmen Square. Just  "human rights" or "tank man".

They glibly gloss over the thousands of murdered students every single time.

If those students had been illegal immigrants I suppose we would have nuked China already.

918. Post 52172501 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: lightfoot on August 15, 2019, 09:54:03 PM
I feel like the Western media must have been influenced by China to somehow softly censor what happened, because I dont ever seen any mentions of actual deaths when American media talks about Tienanmen Square. Just  "human rights" or "tank man".
Not really: The satellite feeds were cut, the journalists taken out, and the army moved in at night. Next morning all was well.

They glibly gloss over the thousands of murdered students every single time.

If those students had been illegal immigrants I suppose we would have nuked China already.
It's tough to say how many people died that night. Leaders and others were rounded up over the next few months, it was a pretty complete suppression. However keep in mind that tens of millions died under the idiocy of the "Great Leaps", which should serve as a reminder of how bad it can be when insane people get into power.

Of course people forget.....

Thanks, Ill have to read up on some of the history you referenced earlier. Im not familiar at all with it but Ill check it out.

919. Post 52173832 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

We didnt get the kind of volume I was looking for yesterday in the relief rally for me to believe in it.

Expecting more down till I see a shitload of buyers(bargain boyz Smiley) stepping up to the plate.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

 I dont know if the ponzi boyz are really dumping, but people dont seem really eager to buy corn when it dips sub 10k. I think 8k's will do the trick.

Also google trends getting back to april levels doesnt get me excited.

920. Post 52173848 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

I want to smoke Armstrongs hopium but I dont trust the Shitcoiner in Chief.

921. Post 52174150 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: mindrust on August 16, 2019, 06:04:12 AM
Bad news.

After yesterday's green everything is awesome candle, we got the red candle again, at least for now. Looks like it is going to test that 9.2-9.3k.

I'll buy some serious amounts if this goes below $8k. and I don't mean small potatoes like $100.

Yes, it bears repeating that I see no special reason for 9k to hold. We keep testing close to it and neither newbs or institutions are stepping in en masse to buy corn at that price.

Lots of people, myself included are saying to themselves they will buy cheap corn if it gets to around 8k. Question is will they chicken out at that point if the doom callers start pounding the table or will they give us the big volume green dildo we need.

I dont think it can possibly go lower than 4900 but Im guessing that somewhere between 7500-8500 would put an end to this minibubble correction. Im not calling bottom till I see a shit ton of buyers or 4900 whichever comes first. My bet is bargain boyz step in with corn bags blazing around 8100.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

922. Post 52174263 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Its strangely quiet around here.  JJG took a day off  Shocked, Roach not enlightening us with rare never before seen knowledge about metals, centralization designs, and pyramids.  

923. Post 52175607 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.58h):

Quote from: ivomm on August 16, 2019, 07:24:11 AM
Bad news.

After yesterday's green everything is awesome candle, we got the red candle again, at least for now. Looks like it is going to test that 9.2-9.3k.

I'll buy some serious amounts if this goes below $8k. and I don't mean small potatoes like $100.

Any post starting with "bad news" smells like FUD to me. Recently both mindrust and lambie are posting their predictions based on nothing (I recall a better expression, but I don't want to be rude because I really liked these guys at first). It looks like they are trying to influence the others with their repetetive 4900 resp. 7000-8000 claims. Guys, you are very new to the Bitcoin world. The market punished you for 6 months, now you are hoping to catch back what was missed. It is better to be honest and not lie to us. Learn your lessons, invest regularly and don't try to cheat the market, it will bite you. Leave the trade and FUD trolling to the pro's.  Don't go to the dark side!  Grin

Cool story Wink But let me clear up your misconceptions and mischaracterizations of yours truly. Ive been over 90 percent net worth invested in Bitcoin since late 2014. I never sold the vast majority of my coins because I have solid income and have no need to. I never quit what I do for a living(because I love it Smiley) even though I could easily never work again for a lifetime or two.

Bitcoin is an investment and I am not new to the investment world as I have been an avid investor since buying my first mutual funds in 1996. When I really started looking into Bitcoin in late 2013 (I was aware of its existence in 2011 but had no clue what it really was) I was soon a believer. I bought my first coin in January of 2014, then started putting all my spare cash into it over the next few months. By summer I was such a staunch believer I was liquidating long term investments to buy more coin. By the end of 2014 I had sold all other investments and after setting aside a large chunk for cap gains taxes I was 100 percent in Bitcoin.

I didnt sell a single coin until December 2017. Even after what I sold I was still over 90 percent net worth in Bitcoin. I did make some purchases of cheap coins around the 4k mark and under but I left some fiat ready just in case. I have been hoarding said fiat and gathering more fiat this year ready to deploy it for cheap coins. Yes the giant pump caught me by surprise and I missed out but I hardly consider it being punished. I would not be bothered much at all if I never deploy the fiat, its all just a game for me at this point and I like to make predictions like everyone else to keep up my interest in this beautiful investment we are all in.

If I think we hit bottom then I have the balls to come in here like I did in December of 2018 and pound the table relentlessly despite however much some might have been annoyed at the surety of my claims. If I am short term bearish I dont mind sharing my views, although admittedly its not as enjoyable for my personal tastes to post bearishness. But it still must be done from time to time to ensure this doesnt become and echo chamber circle jerk where the only person who thinks we arent going to double each week is an incel Nazi advocate.

Im here for my personal entertainment, just like everyone else including yourself im sure. Sharing opinions and memes is not an attempt to influence people into selling their coins, thats just silly. The point is to hear other opinions and get feedback on my own opinions with some laughs in between. You want honesty, and thats what you are getting from me. Perhaps you are only reading some of my posts and you dont have my whole story so if so its understandable if you dont know where Im coming from, but everything Im telling you I have said before. Ive been consistent since I had my first account here "The Doxing" in 2015 which was banned from posting for doxing a Financial Times writer who trolled here.

I dont remember you calling Hairy a fudster or liar in 2018 when he was bearish for month after month.

I also dont want to be rude sir, bc you have always been a good guy in my book, just have to clear the record.

TLDR: Just bc I think the price is going down short term doesnt mean Im not massively invested in Bitcoin in an almost reckless fashion and have been for 5 years. FFS I dont own a single stock, bond, property, metal, or shitcoin. Just King Bitcoin, a car, and some filthy USD itching to buy more corn. Can you say the same? Pray with me to whatever god you may fancy that everyone goes to the "darkside" Im on, bc BTC will be the global reserve currency on that same day.

@cryptotourist - morning buddy!

924. Post 52180665 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on August 16, 2019, 09:57:28 AM
Its strangely quiet around here.  JJG took a day off  Shocked, Roach not enlightening us with rare never before seen knowledge about metals, centralization designs, and pyramids.  

I did stop with quoting the troll Roll Eyes

But indeed with a small drop no r0ach ....... that is strange

He is secretly in love w your woman. If you dont quote him it bothers him lol Cheesy

925. Post 52180845 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: Biodom on August 16, 2019, 04:45:07 PM
Bad news.

After yesterday's green everything is awesome candle, we got the red candle again, at least for now. Looks like it is going to test that 9.2-9.3k.

I'll buy some serious amounts if this goes below $8k. and I don't mean small potatoes like $100.

Any post starting with "bad news" smells like FUD to me. Recently both mindrust and lambie are posting their predictions based on nothing (I recall a better expression, but I don't want to be rude because I really liked these guys at first). It looks like they are trying to influence the others with their repetetive 4900 resp. 7000-8000 claims. Guys, you are very new to the Bitcoin world. The market punished you for 6 months, now you are hoping to catch back what was missed. It is better to be honest and not lie to us. Learn your lessons, invest regularly and don't try to cheat the market, it will bite you. Leave the trade and FUD trolling to the pro's.  Don't go to the dark side!  Grin

By the end of 2014 I had sold all other investments and after setting aside a large chunk for cap gains taxes I was 100 percent in Bitcoin.

Cool story and time-wise very similar to mine, albeit I did not liquidate all fiat: left retirement portfolio intact (mainly due to penalties), but decreased my regular brokerage accounts 80% (at the time) since I did not want to borrow money.
You have to sell fiat to buy corn, right?
I don't think poorly of short term (or even long term) bears as long as their opinion is rational, like yours.
Hopefully, long term is up, but fluctuations are to be expected.
Stock market, on the other hand, is behaving in bipolar fashion.
I am mostly out into short term bonds (before the rate cut as I was expecting a plunge) since I can handle just one asset class with super high volatility, not two or three.

Nice to hear your story as well. I wonder if you had the same feeling I had in 14. I would sit back sometimes in surreal awe at how magic internet money had caused me to make such extreme financial moves and dominate many of my waking and sleeping thoughts.

926. Post 52184782 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: ivomm on August 17, 2019, 07:59:10 AM
Naaaah you good man (@mindrust)

Keep speaking your mind/thought cause thats why we are here for

And if people would think wrong or wouldn’t like what you think, Then thats there problem!

Of course, Mic, nobody is forbidding anyone from speaking. Obviously not even neo-nazis like r0ach, unfortunately. But there are people who may be tempted to use their reputation to imprint fear in the others (which is a definition of FUD). How we can recognized it? If that person starts with something like "Bad news" when there is no news, or makes a bearish predicition which he repeats... I don't know, may be 10 times or more in the last 6 months. And if he openly admits that he missed the oportunity to buy at some price. Then it is obvious to me that we should not be influended by his dramatic chart analysis. That's all.

May be they are wonderful persons in real life, but not everyone is so good like you Mic to give prizes and encourage others with the best possible advices. I've became a convinced hodler because of people like you, JJG, 600Watt, LFC Bitcoin, etc.... I mean, my ideas, education, understanding about Bitcoin meet completely theirs. Not because I believed the gloom and doom predictions. So my mission is to say openly the truth and encourage all to turn their back to the panic selling or waiting for unreal low prices because of trolling, FUD, etc.

And as for lambie and mindrust, I believe they need some time to develop the right thinking. In this respect I said they are new to the Bitcoin world. Others learn faster. I needed only 10 months in the midst of all the fork and Chinese ban drama to develop my thinking and mental resilience both in losing and winning periods. But not everyone is the same. The problem is that the time is limited. And if someone is on the wrong track, soon he will miss the last oportunity for a massive profit.

Did you read my last response to you? Im glad you are learning fast and salute your hodling and bullishness.  

I like that you have quickly developed mental resilience, hopefully you are almost all in like me and stay away from shitcoins. I dont know bc you never answered my question earlier.

I agree in spirit with your sentiment about developing mental resilience when it comes to hodling.

I came into Bitcoin with a resilience to never quit and risk it all which was developed during 7 years of being an entrepreneur.  When it comes to risking everything Bitcoin was not my first rodeo. I suspect most everyone on WO is a heavily seasoned risk taker and most were taking big risks in life before Bitcoin was ever invented. Becoming the new financial elite isnt for the feint of heart! Roach is probably the biggest risk taker of all with his worthless bags of metals Wink JK roach, they are worth a lil bit.

I showed resilience on both ends of the spectrum. I was prepared for my coins to go to zero and not throw in the towel when we hit the 2015 low and my life savings had seen a massive depreciation. Didnt sell a coin. When I hit what to me was lifetime independent wealth status in August of 2017 I still didnt sell a single coin.

True resilience will come to you when a bearish post from an uber bull like me doesnt feel like propaganda trying to induce you to sell Wink sorry for taking a little jab at you buddy, its all in fun and in my nature. You will be happy to know that sometime in the next few months I will go into full on bull propaganda mode and every one of my posts will soothe your most bullish impulses.  Cheesy

927. Post 52184810 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: ivomm on August 17, 2019, 09:45:15 AM
Naaaah you good man (@mindrust)

Keep speaking your mind/thought cause thats why we are here for

And if people would think wrong or wouldn’t like what you think, Then thats there problem!

Of course, Mic, nobody is forbidding anyone from speaking. Obviously not even neo-nazis like r0ach, unfortunately. But there are people who may be tempted to use their reputation to imprint fear in the others (which is a definition of FUD). How we can recognized it? If that person starts with something like "Bad news" when there is no news, or makes a bearish predicition which he repeats... I don't know, may be 10 times or more in the last 6 months. And if he openly admits that he missed the oportunity to buy at some price. Then it is obvious to me that we should not be influended by his dramatic chart analysis. That's all.

May be they are wonderful persons in real life, but not everyone is so good like you Mic to give prizes and encourage others with the best possible advices. I've became a convinced hodler because of people like you, JJG, 600Watt, LFC Bitcoin, etc.... I mean, my ideas, education, understanding about Bitcoin meet completely theirs. Not because I believed the gloom and doom predictions. So my mission is to say openly the truth and encourage all to turn their back to the panic selling or waiting for unreal low prices because of trolling, FUD, etc.

And as for lambie and mindrust, I believe they need some time to develop the right thinking. In this respect I said they are new to the Bitcoin world. Others learn faster. I needed only 10 months in the midst of all the fork and Chinese ban drama to develop my thinking and mental resilience both in losing and winning periods. But not everyone is the same. The problem is that the time is limited. And if someone is on the wrong track, soon he will miss the last oportunity for a massive profit.

ivomm, i mostly like your posts. but here, regarding mindrust and lambie, you went on the wrong boat. it is a bit weird to suggest seasoned hodlers like mindrust they need to change their thinking.
re read his posts, i don´t think he is a bear at all. let´s not get into strange fights, we are in the same team. please consider to apologize and let us move on.

I disagree. Lambie said multiple times he expects a drop to 4900. And during the long 3 months climb he constantly said he is short term bearish. He was not right. He was hoping to buy at these levels but he will remain with the hope. The same applies for mindrust. He said he expects a drop to 7.5-8K, when he will enter with big money. Again, he will remain with his hopes. Such thinking is immature, no matter how long they hodl. I respect them, but this thinking may prevent them from realizing big profit. And if they post numerous times how they believe this will happen means something more for me: FUD.

Ok, you wrote this while I was typing my last response so I have to address it to. I said I believed it could not go lower than 4900, thats a lot different than saying it will go there. I do think there is a solid chance for a drop to around 8k in the next month or two and yes I will deploy a fairly large amount of fiat there if it does, but it would only take my net worth investment in bitcoin from about 90 percent to about 95 percent. I will make a huge profit either way if Bitcoin succeeds. I dont think you are reading my posts, because I have made this abundantly clear multiple times.

I am not trying to get you to sell. If you havent reached independent wealth status you should sell nothing imo. If you like Ill put a little note at the bottom of all my future short term bear calls that Ivomm should under no circumstance sell his coins Smiley

928. Post 52185067 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

I think we need a countdown fellas Smiley

245 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Gnight WO gents. Gonna sleep off some booze.

929. Post 52202291 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Proudboyz and Antifa were causing trouble at the corn festival this weekend. They were arguing over which shitcoin is the best.  Roll Eyes

930. Post 52202407 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

"The team will be responsible for both monitoring related trends and developing new products for the industry."

So basically the team will spend half its time reading WO  Cheesy

931. Post 52204041 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: Phil_S on August 19, 2019, 08:59:33 AM
That's the thing Jiggy, when someone makes a bullish post - there are no disputes or confrontations - ever.
On the other hand if a member (non-legendary usually) makes a bearish remark, he can find himself been accused of lying, manipulating or trying to influence newbies, & even as far as trying to discredit other members that might have the same opinion.

Heh, I remember JayJuanGee denounces me as a bear once, even tho my posts were actually bullish.

JJG once got annoyed at me for being too bullish and calling bottom and declaring a new Bull Market in December 2018. We are cool now though, mostly......  Wink

247 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

932. Post 52213686 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on August 20, 2019, 01:21:56 AM
like ivomm said, I can see any poster that gets a bit pissed off when it seems that such certainty is being called with down that it could get fence sitters and nocoiners and newbies to wait when they should be buying... because even if the likelihood of down looks so damned good, many times newbies, fence sitters and nocoiners should just be establishing a plan and taking action rather than waiting, as some of the down before up predictions seem to encourage, even if down before up might end up being correct.  

From long experience of markets, I have noted that this sort of balance (where there is excessive critique of bearish opinion) is invariably a significantly bearish sign for the stock/market involved.

Could be, yet I don't believe that either ivomm or serveria were being excessive in their criticisms towards the bearish opinions, and like I said above, we might be getting too many newbies, nocoiners and fence sitters waiting when they should be buying and developing a plan for buying and taking a stake in BTC, for their own good.

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on August 19, 2019, 09:22:17 AM
That's the thing Jiggy, when someone makes a bullish post - there are no disputes or confrontations - ever.
On the other hand if a member (non-legendary usually) makes a bearish remark, he can find himself been accused of lying, manipulating or trying to influence newbies, & even as far as trying to discredit other members that might have the same opinion.

Heh, I remember JayJuanGee denounces me as a bear once, even tho my posts were actually bullish.

Several times
JJG once got annoyed at me for my various dumbass behaviors including my being too bullish and calling bottom and declaring a new Bull Market in December 2018. We are cool now though, and mostly bordering on being the best of buds......  Wink

247 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy


Nice post JJG, long as usual, but well thought out while being entertaining with little to no redundancy. Kudos. At its very essence imo its pretty noble for serveria and ivomm to get mad about a bearish post, I mean its kinda one of things where the sound money cause is bigger than a personal prediction of where price will go. As a frequent partaker in Bullish propaganda production I respect this.

My thing w ivomm was more about the actual content of his posts and how they werent accurate in their portrayal of what I actually wrote. I tried to address him directly on this and clear it up but he never responded, so Im just gonna forget about it and move on.

You do bring up a good point about newbs and fence sitters that is gonna give me something to think about tbh. I dont want to steer them in the wrong direction bc there is never a bad time to buy Bitcoin and their newb brains may be fragile.

I have some friends and fam that I would never mention short term bearish ideas to bc they might freak if they heard a die hard bull like me mention anything other than long term moon. I have more advanced hodler friends who I enjoy discussing short term predictions (bullish or bearish) with and bouncing ideas back and forth, and many on WO fall into this mold, but it is easy to forget about newbs observing WO from the shadows.

Tricky sitiuation, I will have to think on it. This problem will solve itself for the most part in a few months when I go relentlessly long and short term bullish for month after month after month, but it will come up again of course.

@majormax, unfortunately you bring up a good point and Ive noticed this phenomena and its current parallels as well.

933. Post 52213810 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

These are the one yr and 15 yr google trend results for "recession". We are in the middle of a parabolic spike. I know everyone and their dog is talking about a recession, but this doesnt always mean a continuation of the bull market. The crowd was right last time google trends spiked and we were already three months past the stock all time highs at that point and soon crashed like a mofo.

This time we are about one month past all time highs in stocks and seeing the first parabolic spike since the 2008 recession.

The money printer in chief is once again going ape shit as Im sure visions of his recession induced casino bankruptcies are still fresh in his head.

".....The Fed Rate, over a fairly short period of time, should be reduced by at least 100 basis points, with perhaps some quantitative easing as well. If that happened, our Economy would be even better, and the World Economy would be greatly and quickly enhanced-good for everyone!"

Our Economy is very strong, despite the horrendous lack of vision by Jay Powell and the Fed, but the Democrats are trying to “will” the Economy to be bad for purposes of the 2020 Election.  Very Selfish! Our dollar is so strong that it is sadly hurting other parts of the world..

Jbreher grand world monetary reset may be coming sooner than later.

Short term no comment, long term moon Cheesy

934. Post 52247800 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

"Then along came former Goldman banker and current (outgoing) BOE governor, Mark Carney, who in his lunchtime address laid out a shocking, radical proposal - perhaps the most stunning thing to ever be unveiled at Jackson Hole - urging to replace the US Dollar with a "Libra-like" reserve currency in a dramatic revamp of the global monetary, financial and economic order."

I think Carney really just wants to make Bitcoin the Global Reserve, he just brought up "Libra-like" as a Trojan Horse.  His Corn bags are full of course.  Cool

935. Post 52251222 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: realr0ach on August 24, 2019, 05:13:12 AM
I think Carney really just wants to make Bitcoin the Global Reserve, he just brought up "Libra-like" as a Trojan Horse.  His Corn bags are full of course.  Cool

derp derp

Roach, I found your mom for you. If you are wondering what she has been doing, she is running for City Council

This video is well worth a watch, the way the reporters interact with her is hilarious.

936. Post 52251330 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Biden made the remarks on Wednesday, August 21 during an interview with Iowa Public Television:

“I believe we should, in fact, the capital gains tax should be at what the highest minimum tax should be, we should raise the tax back to 39.6 percent instead of 20 percent,”

"Households subject to Obamacare’s 3.8 percent Net Income Investment Tax end up paying a 23.8% rate. And under Biden’s cap gains scheme, such households will face a 43.4 percent rate."

I dont think anyone brought this up yet on WO, and the media has hardly discussed it, but this is some serious shit if you are an American Bitcoiner like me. This would seriously affect my wealth when I cash out coins at key numbers like 100k and 1 million.  Trump is "no fan of Bitcoin", but holy shit, at least he would never double my tax rate.

My future ex Tulsi is out of the upcoming debate so Yang is the next best (ultra slim) hope for a true Crypto friendly candidate. Any tax crazy lefty gets nominated and Im team Trump. Mayor Pete I would predict is unlikely to make a major tax hike so he wouldnt be to bad for a dem nominee. Luckily after watching most of Grandpa Joe's interviews and debates I can confidently say that he has early dementia setting in fast and his brain would turn to mush in a grueling election. Hillary's past stumbling and feinting on the election trail looks competent to what Joe is starting to manifest.

TLDR: Fuck Grandpa Joe.

Bitcoin is the true candidate for 2020, everyone else is a pretender.

937. Post 52252089 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: SuperTA on August 24, 2019, 11:05:55 AM

Biden made the remarks on Wednesday, August 21 during an interview with Iowa Public Television:

“I believe we should, in fact, the capital gains tax should be at what the highest minimum tax should be, we should raise the tax back to 39.6 percent instead of 20 percent,”

"Households subject to Obamacare’s 3.8 percent Net Income Investment Tax end up paying a 23.8% rate. And under Biden’s cap gains scheme, such households will face a 43.4 percent rate."

I dont think anyone brought this up yet on WO, and the media has hardly discussed it, but this is some serious shit if you are an American Bitcoiner like me. This would seriously affect my wealth when I cash out coins at key numbers like 100k and 1 million.  Trump is "no fan of Bitcoin", but holy shit, at least he would never double my tax rate.

My future ex Tulsi is out of the upcoming debate so Yang is the next best (ultra slim) hope for a true Crypto friendly candidate. Any tax crazy lefty gets nominated and Im team Trump. Mayor Pete I would predict is unlikely to make a major tax hike so he wouldnt be to bad for a dem nominee. Luckily after watching most of Grandpa Joe's interviews and debates I can confidently say that he has early dementia setting in fast and his brain would turn to mush in a grueling election. Hillary's past stumbling and feinting on the election trail looks competent to what Joe is starting to manifest.

TLDR: Fuck Grandpa Joe.

Bitcoin is the true candidate for 2020, everyone else is a pretender.

There are many countries you could move your residence adress to. We gave you a list of alternative countries with no tax and many commented about their country tax situation. So if you have 1 million, there shouldn't be a big problem for you.

Yeah no big problem, I can pickup a new language and build a new life for myself in just a week or two. Thanks buddy, what was I thinking  Roll Eyes .....

Yes, actually moving to another country is a big problem for me. Not to mention the second you give up your American citizenship you are responsible for paying the full capital gains tax on property you are taking with you, whether you sell it or not. This would incur a huge tax on me for my Bitcoins, the vast majority I have been holding for 5 years. I would be forced to sell a large chunk of my coins prematurely as I moved to pay taxes. Also I have no interest in leaving and would much rather stay in the US for many reasons I wont get into, most of which are obvious to anyone who doesnt just make a habit of moving away to a foreign land.  Roll Eyes

Grandpa Joe is not running me out of America bc he wants to raise my taxes. We will defeat Grandpa Joe and send him to the nursing home where he belongs.

938. Post 52252361 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 24, 2019, 12:28:31 PM
Yeah no big problem, I can pickup a new language and build a new life for myself in just a week or two. Thanks buddy, what was I thinking Roll Eyes

That’s pussyfoot talk.  If you aren’t agile, you are a sitting duck. 

Meh to me it would be pussyfooting to leave your home and people behind bc some gibbering dementia patient is trying to steal your money. I understand the agile sentiment, and I could move to another country with ease, but I dont typically look to run from problems anyway. Also some of the countries on that list look to be a few regulatory clarifications away from taxing crypto, PR is not a country and as Jbreher said not tax free for Crypto, and Liberland is a joke.

Hopefully Republicans maintain control of at least one branch and this doubling of cap gains never happens. If it does happen I would sell all coins and realize profits, pay taxes, then buy most of the coins back at a new cost basis before the law went into effect. This would alleviate a lot of the problem, then Id have to consider my options.

939. Post 52252503 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 24, 2019, 12:26:29 PM
Making the CGT rate the same as the top marginal rate is just stupid.

People claiming CGT by definition (a) are retail punters, (b) do not claim investment losses.

If you make the CGT rate the same as the top marginal rate, no one will claim CGT and everyone will just classify it as trading income, making their investment losses deductible.

Retail investors are dumb as a stick, therefore they lose more than they put in.  

If retail suddenly start deducting 100% of their tax losses, this would result in a net tax expenditure.

Putting the CGT threshold up would reduce government tax revenue in net terms, accordingly will never happen

Tell Joe he is dreaming

I think you are conflating retail investors with retail traders. Retail traders yes lose more than they put in and imo even most of the dumbest ones are using software or tax preparers who deduct losses from gains so they pay no income tax on their trading losses.

Retail investors represent the majority of investors, active traders are a minority. The retail investors are afaik (retired people and workers saving for retirement, etc)  mostly making more than they lose.  

Capital losses are deductible just like trading losses are deductible. Trading losses are a form of capital loss and trading gains are a form of capital gain and just taxed under short term cap gains rates which are the same as normal income tax rates. Joe wants to make short and long term rates all the same max rate so there would be no more distinguishing between long and short term rates and trading income would be a moot point. Joe would effectively be raising the rate of taxes on short term traders and long term hodlers.

But yes, I agree he is dreaming.

940. Post 52252541 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: SuperTA on August 24, 2019, 01:09:50 PM

Biden made the remarks on Wednesday, August 21 during an interview with Iowa Public Television:

“I believe we should, in fact, the capital gains tax should be at what the highest minimum tax should be, we should raise the tax back to 39.6 percent instead of 20 percent,”

"Households subject to Obamacare’s 3.8 percent Net Income Investment Tax end up paying a 23.8% rate. And under Biden’s cap gains scheme, such households will face a 43.4 percent rate."

I dont think anyone brought this up yet on WO, and the media has hardly discussed it, but this is some serious shit if you are an American Bitcoiner like me. This would seriously affect my wealth when I cash out coins at key numbers like 100k and 1 million.  Trump is "no fan of Bitcoin", but holy shit, at least he would never double my tax rate.

My future ex Tulsi is out of the upcoming debate so Yang is the next best (ultra slim) hope for a true Crypto friendly candidate. Any tax crazy lefty gets nominated and Im team Trump. Mayor Pete I would predict is unlikely to make a major tax hike so he wouldnt be to bad for a dem nominee. Luckily after watching most of Grandpa Joe's interviews and debates I can confidently say that he has early dementia setting in fast and his brain would turn to mush in a grueling election. Hillary's past stumbling and feinting on the election trail looks competent to what Joe is starting to manifest.

TLDR: Fuck Grandpa Joe.

Bitcoin is the true candidate for 2020, everyone else is a pretender.

There are many countries you could move your residence adress to. We gave you a list of alternative countries with no tax and many commented about their country tax situation. So if you have 1 million, there shouldn't be a big problem for you.

Yeah no big problem, I can pickup a new language and build a new life for myself in just a week or two. Thanks buddy, what was I thinking  Roll Eyes .....

Nobody said to move out from your country, buddy. I said you can move your residence address.

Wait so just stay in the US and tell the gov I live in another country and Uncle Sam wont be receiving any monies. Thats a one way ticket to Federal Prison my friend. No thank you.

941. Post 52256156 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: realr0ach on August 24, 2019, 05:07:58 PM
My future ex Tulsi is out of the upcoming debate so Yang is the next best (ultra slim) hope for a true Crypto friendly candidate. Any tax crazy lefty gets nominated and Im team Trump. Mayor Pete I would predict is unlikely to make a major tax hike so he wouldnt be to bad for a dem nominee. Luckily after watching most of Grandpa Joe's interviews and debates I can confidently say that he has early dementia setting in fast and his brain would turn to mush in a grueling election.

More basement dwelling induced derp.

Buy Bitcoin and lose your virginity Roach, its about time ya know.

942. Post 52256176 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: BTCMILLIONAIRE on August 24, 2019, 05:47:44 PM
Yeah no big problem, I can pickup a new language and build a new life for myself in just a week or two. Thanks buddy, what was I thinking Roll Eyes

That’s pussyfoot talk.  If you aren’t agile, you are a sitting duck.  

Meh to me it would be pussyfooting to leave your home and people behind bc some gibbering dementia patient is trying to steal your money. I understand the agile sentiment, and I could move to another country with ease, but I dont typically look to run from problems anyway. Also some of the countries on that list look to be a few regulatory clarifications away from taxing crypto, PR is not a country and as Jbreher said not tax free for Crypto, and Liberland is a joke.

Hopefully Republicans maintain control of at least one branch and this doubling of cap gains never happens. If it does happen I would sell all coins and realize profits, pay taxes, then buy most of the coins back at a new cost basis before the law went into effect. This would alleviate a lot of the problem, then Id have to consider my options.

I would agree with your position if it was as you described. In reality however, that gibbering dementia patient is highly calculated and is stealing your money, rather than just trying to.

Lol, well I would agree with you here accept he is not President yet, so the trying means he is trying to win the election so he can facilitate said stealing.

943. Post 52256213 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: jbreher on August 24, 2019, 08:59:20 PM
PR is not a country and as Jbreher said not tax free for Crypto,

While true, if you enter into contract with PR gov under Act 20 or 22, there are huge tax advantages - crypto or not.

Agreed. I spent a few weeks living in San Juan deciding if it would be worth it living there half the year to get the tax savings. I eventually decided against it, but its a tempting proposition.

944. Post 52256248 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: Biodom on August 24, 2019, 05:02:18 PM

3. The way they truly get you is by taxing gains, but allowing only $3000 per year in losses. This way, you could be in a situation where you pay large gains one year, but are allowed only limited recourse (3K) when you have a large loss. I find this very unfair.

Yes, but any losses that exceed $3K you can roll over YoY.

True, but it is still a limitation as there is no such limit on gains.
It is what it is.

Gents, to provide a little clarity here, the 3k max is for deductions against regular income. So if you have a salary or wages then yes you can only roll over 3k worth of losses as deductions each year and this can be done till you die or run out of losses. But..... for capital gains you can deduct all your capital losses from prior years with no limit whatsoever. The way they fuck you is you could gain a million one year, pay taxes on it then lose a million the first day of the next year and get no refund for the taxes you paid the year prior. You would either have to make another million in capital gains to use those losses as a deduction or you would have to live 333 more years making a salary and writing off 3k each year. The tax man is a real sob. A more fair form of theft would allow you to get a refund for past taxes paid.

945. Post 52258675 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 25, 2019, 01:51:29 AM

3. The way they truly get you is by taxing gains, but allowing only $3000 per year in losses. This way, you could be in a situation where you pay large gains one year, but are allowed only limited recourse (3K) when you have a large loss. I find this very unfair.

Yes, but any losses that exceed $3K you can roll over YoY.

True, but it is still a limitation as there is no such limit on gains.
It is what it is.

Gents, to provide a little clarity here, the 3k max is for deductions against regular income. So if you have a salary or wages then yes you can only roll over 3k worth of losses as deductions each year and this can be done till you die or run out of losses. But..... for capital gains you can deduct all your capital losses from prior years with no limit whatsoever. The way they fuck you is you could gain a million one year, pay taxes on it then lose a million the first day of the next year and get no refund for the taxes you paid the year prior. You would either have to make another million in capital gains to use those losses as a deduction or you would have to live 333 more years making a salary and writing off 3k each year. The tax man is a real sob. A more fair form of theft would allow you to get a refund for past taxes paid.

That’s why you get a 50% discount on your CGT taxes. For taking that risk.

If you don’t like the risk, structure it as trading income so you can deduct all the losses.  

You get to choose how it is treated if you are smart about it.  You shouldn’t complain about outcomes which are the result of your choices.  

Who is complaining about an outcome? Its a hypothetical, not an irl experience. The "tax man is an sob" is a statement of fact, not a complaint.  Cheesy

I think you are misunderstanding something Im saying also, bc as far as not liking the risk and structuring the income as trading income so you can deduct losses, well you can deduct all capital losses whether you declare yourself an investor or a trader. Thats what ive been talking about all along. Status declaration does not give or take away this ability, its built in for everyone. What neither a trader or investor can do is use a capital loss to get a rebate on past taxes paid. This imo is unfair to people who might find themselves in this situation. These could also be people who sold a house, land, or business at a large loss but had large cap gains they paid taxes on the year before. It applies to all capital losses as far as I know unless you have new info for me.

946. Post 52258856 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 25, 2019, 06:29:14 AM

3. The way they truly get you is by taxing gains, but allowing only $3000 per year in losses. This way, you could be in a situation where you pay large gains one year, but are allowed only limited recourse (3K) when you have a large loss. I find this very unfair.

Yes, but any losses that exceed $3K you can roll over YoY.

True, but it is still a limitation as there is no such limit on gains.
It is what it is.

Gents, to provide a little clarity here, the 3k max is for deductions against regular income. So if you have a salary or wages then yes you can only roll over 3k worth of losses as deductions each year and this can be done till you die or run out of losses. But..... for capital gains you can deduct all your capital losses from prior years with no limit whatsoever. The way they fuck you is you could gain a million one year, pay taxes on it then lose a million the first day of the next year and get no refund for the taxes you paid the year prior. You would either have to make another million in capital gains to use those losses as a deduction or you would have to live 333 more years making a salary and writing off 3k each year. The tax man is a real sob. A more fair form of theft would allow you to get a refund for past taxes paid.

That’s why you get a 50% discount on your CGT taxes. For taking that risk.

If you don’t like the risk, structure it as trading income so you can deduct all the losses.  

You get to choose how it is treated if you are smart about it.  You shouldn’t complain about outcomes which are the result of your choices.  

Who is complaining about an outcome? Its a hypothetical, not an irl experience. The "tax man is an sob" is a statement of fact, not a complaint.  Cheesy

I think you are misunderstanding something Im saying also, bc as far as not liking the risk and structuring the income as trading income so you can deduct losses, well you can deduct all capital losses whether you declare yourself an investor or a trader. Thats what ive been talking about all along. Status declaration does not give or take away this ability, its built in for everyone. What neither a trader or investor can do is use a capital loss to get a rebate on past taxes paid. This imo is unfair to people who might find themselves in this situation. These could also be people who sold a house, land, or business at a large loss but had large cap gains they paid taxes on the year before. It applies to all capital losses as far as I know unless you have new info for me.

Dude if you have an income loss you can’t get a rebate on past income tax paid either.  That’s just the way the world works. It’s not inherently unfair. 

Sorry HM, as much as I like you and your charts an fractals, I have to point out you are completely wrong here. You can indeed get a refund or rebate on past income tax paid. That is how it works and it is blatantly unfair in my judgement. The IRS calls it a "loss carryback".

"Determining Net Operating Loss
Your total income and losses from all business and personal sources are collected on your personal tax return. A net operating loss can be calculated, using specific IRS methods. If you have a net operating loss, you may be able to get a refund on your personal tax return.

Net operating loss is calculated by using Adjusted Gross Income on line 37 of Form 1040 and subtracting standard or itemized deductions, but not subtracting personal exemptions. More details on net operating loss are available in IRS Publication 536.

Net operating loss is calculated on Schedule A of IRS Form 1045 (PDF). The title of this form includes the term "Tentative Refund." This refund is a requirement that you move the loss to a previous tax year in which you had a profit. It is called a "loss carryback" (described below)."

"Deducting Losses in Past or Future Years
If you have business losses that are not deductible in the year when you have the loss, you may be required to or choose to deduct these losses in past or future years. It is called a tax loss carryback or loss carry forward, and again, it's something you must get a tax professional to help you with."

947. Post 52259086 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 25, 2019, 07:24:38 AM
Oh wow.  I stand corrected.

Have never heard of a loss carry back.  

Thank you - you taught me something today.

I withdraw my prior comments.

Your welcome my very gracious friend.  Smiley I learned more than I wanted about the insanely complex tax code as an entrepreneur.

948. Post 52261218 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on August 25, 2019, 11:02:26 AM
~ That is how it works and it is blatantly unfair in my judgement. The IRS calls it a "loss carryback".

Why is lc unfair?
Think seasonal business.
Only curious.


I think you might misunderstand what Im saying is unfair.

I think being able to implement an income tax loss carryback for a business or personal return is great, but what imo is unfair is small investors/hodlers cant carryback capital losses in the same manner.

This rule is to make life easy for elites and big businesses imo. Small hodlers should have the same privilege.

I realize its hard to see what Im saying is unfair unless you look in the context of the entire conversation. Hope that clears it up.

949. Post 52266654 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: Wilhelm on August 25, 2019, 06:25:04 PM

Yeah much "fighting" are we talking about here? Is he going to place tariffs on crypto transactions too? Lol

It's called tax. Or even worse he could ban it...  In America it would not be strange to put some absurd sentence on it like the death penalty.... America is a crazy country.... With a crazy leader....

Be careful what you wish for....

Yang 2020

950. Post 52267175 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):


951. Post 52267319 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Lately pamps have come right before trade war developments make headlines. Another area Bitcoin demonstrates superiority over other assets is for govy officials across the globe to trade on news they are privy to before everyone else.

This is a great thing imo, makes govy boyz more likely to lust after the precious and protect it.

Bitcoin is da best, as usual.  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

952. Post 52270682 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

"China rip you off on trade" one minute, then "China ready to have fair trade w you", then right back to reality which is "Fooled you! China rip you off again" is the new China banning and unbanning Bitcoin games they used to play.

The average retail investor stockboyz are about to get a lesson over the next year or two on what dirty liars the Chinese govy boyz are.

953. Post 52279067 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

Quote from: infofront on August 26, 2019, 08:31:39 PM
New poll incoming.

86 of you are doing it wrong  Wink

I had to think twice before selecting sex on this poll when it came out. At first I thought, well I have been thinking about Bitcoin  more overall the last 5 years then sex, but then I realized that a very large portion of Bitcoin thinking has sex thinking intertwined with it.

For instance looking at bottom pics, hot chicks climbing walls, thinking about smashing hookers, sluts, gold diggers, sugar babies, hot poor chicks, future ex's, ex's, current ongoing hookups/relationships, strippers, bartenders, cocktail waitresses, restaurant waitresses, chicks on tv, chicks on the internet, victoria secret models, chicks at the beach, random chicks anywhere one might go, flight attendants, pro sports cheerleaders, milfs in the grocery store, the hot chick who cuts my hair, sexy dealers at casinos, all while I am thinking about King Bitcoin. However when I am having sex or intently thinking about it I almost never think of Bitcoin (sorry King).
So when I deduct all time that I spend thinking about Bitcoin and sex together and just isolate for times I thought of sex without simultaneously conjuring Bitcoin in my head and the times I thought of Bitcoin without conjuring sexual ideas in my head, I realized I thought about sex more.  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

TLDR: I believe evolution has made me better equipped for solely focusing on sex and tuning Bitcoin out than solely focusing on Bitcoin and tuning sex out.

954. Post 52279349 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

I was in small claims court today and a judge ordered me to pay off the 21 trillion dollar US Federal debt, and give 1 million dollars to each American. I may get access to the funds in 2020 or it may not be possible. Congrats citizens, you are rich in IOU's Cheesy

955. Post 52279367 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

What I like most about the CSW ruling is he has to pay Ira's legal fees. These should be substantial and he is on the hook for them in USD regardless whether he has access to any old coins. Just the legal fees alone may bankrupt the guy, or maybe sugardaddy Calvin will bail him out, i dunno.

956. Post 52291344 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.59h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

957. Post 52298497 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):

Happy to say that today I used up a bit less than half my filthy fiat ammo and bought Bitcoins for the first time since this past winter.

Would have been nice to buy under 6k, but at least I didnt fomo in at 13900  Smiley

Feeling bullish. Keep accumulating boyz. You have nothing to lose but your fiat banker chains.

257 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

958. Post 52299461 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):

Quote from: Toxic2040 on August 29, 2019, 06:43:58 AM


Krubster also on the ball. With sufficient specificity to claim the Gold Star.


Before posting, I should have thought about an actual award (other than the coveted stars, of course). Working from the seat of my pants....


Gold Star: Krubster wins $100 USD worth of crypto.


Payable in each winner's choice of BCH (ha!) or BSV (haha!). PM me your addresses, gentlewinners.

Good job, all.
Wow, that's very generous of you sir.

Since you were listening to Mr. Antonopoulos, I suggest you donate my win to him. So he can keep up the great work that he is doing.

jbreher is indeed a gentleman but lets not forget he is still a tricksey bear...   One must pay attention to the fine print.  Andreas probably has the necessary wallets but I dont know the addys..

Have to see how he wants to handle it. Maybe a PM is in order so as not to get lost in the shuffle.

+2 WOsMerit

Gentlemand is the poet laureate of the WO for sure.

+1 WOsMerit


Happy to say that today I used up a bit less than half my filthy fiat ammo and bought Bitcoins for the first time since this past winter.

Would have been nice to buy under 6k, but at least I didnt fomo in at 13900  Smiley

Feeling bullish. Keep accumulating boyz. You have nothing to lose but your fiat banker chains.

257 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

-img snipped-

+1 WOsMerit


Red Alert...Shields up!

Lower low observed.  I know most of you dont care for this retracement but I think its great. More opportunity for cheap coin. I am curious what is driving this sell off for it is obviously artificial imo.

1h  sheesh..this is obviously a four hour chart..

4h  ..and this is a one hour chart...go figure.


maybe dipshit CSW is dumping his last few hundred coins to pay for the Kleinman legal fees as ordered. Cheesy He isnt off the hook for legal fees regardless of his not having the one million coins to split. Dont know what can be done with it being a US court. Anyone know how international debtor judgements work? If he lived here they could seize his bank accounts, property, and garnish wages. Perhaps this just means he can never do business or own anything in the US.

959. Post 52299502 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on August 29, 2019, 07:49:45 AM

Now you can panic.


First you hope 9-8-k-ish coins to buy cheap..... Now you panic, I really cannot follow your way of thinking Huh

I am panicking either way.  Grin When it goes up, I am panicking for missing the cheap coins. When it goes down, well I am panicking because it is going DOWN!

Damn that must be stress full .... Do you still eat good, sleep good  Cool

Mr. Goose my friend if you diverted all of your food, travel, and drink expenditures into pamping Bitcoin we would hit 20k next week Cheesy

JK buddy, couldnt help myself, u know i love all the food and booze pics, keep em coming!

960. Post 52300103 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):

Quote from: ivomm on August 29, 2019, 07:59:34 AM
This dump looks exactly like 27.07 - 10200 to 9500 at once and after that to 9200. Both dumps are so identical that I think they are made by the same person. He didn't want to sell at 10200 but to bring the price down as much as possible. Otherwise he could have sold for hours/days if necessary. This may be related to some whale in bitmex who put earlier enourmous bids. I hope I am not right and it is just the usual stop loss/longs closing thing. Otherwise it would be sad that we can't break the 12K resistance because of one manipulator. Needless to say, Bitcoin will overcome again the curse of Bitmex. (And I think all hodlers curse these manipulators, so they have to live with a lot of bad energy around them!  Grin)

But all is OK. I've just sent 640 euro to CB. 10% discount is a nice bonus, if this is the will of the whales, so it be! The sum is too small, so I don't really care. This month I am happy to buy 0.11 BTC. So, if we stay for 10 years between 9K and 12K, I will be able to buy 10 BTC. And when we finally move to 20K (this is the worst worst absolutely impossible scenario of course), I will again achieve my goals in terms of USD. But I see  50K coming in 3 years of course! And after that, what I bought around 10K I will keep for 100K and so on! Living on the 10x principle! God, I wish I knew I had to buy when I first heard about Bitcoin - it was $280 that day! It took me 1-2 years to get into it. Well, no matter how late I entered, I just need an year at least half as good as 2017!

50k in 3 years, ffs what kind of FUD is this Roll Eyes 100k or we form a global Bitcoin militia and take action.

961. Post 52300746 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):


Dumb cunt had weak hands.

962. Post 52309303 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on August 30, 2019, 05:50:09 AM
WAGs=wives and girlfriends, usually of famous personalities, rockstars and/or football players (football that is called socccer in US).
This term is not typical in US, mostly in use in UK and probably Australia.

Oh.  Good implication that HODLers, including yours truly, are gonna be (if not already) famous (presumably through level of rich).

50 Hodler WAGs


#27 Alice Goodwin is ready to leave her soccer bum for a Holder. She shoves green dildos in her pussy on camera for fiat and crypto  Cool

via Imgflip Meme Generator

963. Post 52334937 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):

"Over the past 10 years, Chinese banks have been on a credit and money creation binge. They have created Rmb144tn ($21tn) of new money since 2009, more than twice the amount of money supply created in the US, the eurozone and Japan combined over the same period. In total, China’s money supply stands at Rmb192tn, equivalent to $28tn. It equals the size of broad money supply in the US and the eurozone put together, yet China’s nominal GDP is only two-thirds that of the US."

GO CHINA GO!!! Cheesy

964. Post 52362302 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):

Quote from: sirazimuth on September 04, 2019, 10:07:38 PM

As we are aware of XRP supporters, creationists, flat earthers, antivaxers and other proofs of the infinity of human stupidity...

.., alien abductions ,acupuncture, all religion, astrology, bigfoot hunters,
crystal therapy, dowsers, ear candling ,feng shui, homeopathy, ouija boards, ,psychics....

...and if I get bored, I could most assuredly make the woo-woo nonsense list many times longer.... (in alphabetical order, no less)


So sorry V8.

I have to add Georges Lemaître's, one of the former high priests of physics, big bang theory as the second most unbelievable and hand wavey cult theory out there  Roll Eyes  Big foot seems a bit more likely. Bitcoin will be overtaken by a shitcoin is of course the most pernicious and dishonest of all cult theories.

"The ultimate singularity is the Big Bang, which physicists believe was responsible for the birth of the universe. We are asked by science to believe that the entire universe sprang from nothingness, at a single point and for no discernible reason. This notion is the limit case for credulity. In other words, if you can believe this, you can believe anything. It is a notion that is, in fact, utterly absurd, yet terribly important. Those so-called rational assumptions flow from this initial impossible situation. Western religion has its own singularity in the form of the apocalypse, an event placed not at the beginning of the universe but at its end. This seems a more logical position than that of science. If singularities exist at all it seems easier to suppose that they might arise out of an ancient and highly complexified cosmos, such as our own, than out of a featureless and dimensionless mega-void.” - Terance Mckenna

Boyz lets pamp it to 20k this month in support of V8s and his family.

965. Post 52362522 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.00h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on September 04, 2019, 11:02:47 PM

I have to add Georges Lemaître's, one of the former high priests of physics, big bang theory as the second most unbelievable and hand wavey cult theory out there  Roll Eyes  Big foot seems a bit more likely. Bitcoin will be overtaken by a shitcoin is of course the most pernicious and dishonest of all cult theories.

"The ultimate singularity is the Big Bang, which physicists believe was responsible for the birth of the universe. We are asked by science to believe that the entire universe sprang from nothingness, at a single point and for no discernible reason. This notion is the limit case for credulity. In other words, if you can believe this, you can believe anything. It is a notion that is, in fact, utterly absurd, yet terribly important. Those so-called rational assumptions flow from this initial impossible situation. Western religion has its own singularity in the form of the apocalypse, an event placed not at the beginning of the universe but at its end. This seems a more logical position than that of science. If singularities exist at all it seems easier to suppose that they might arise out of an ancient and highly complexified cosmos, such as our own, than out of a featureless and dimensionless mega-void.” - Terance Mckenna

So what exactly do you propose as an alternative? 

Im not a high priest so I just let it be a mystery and refrain from hand waving. Smiley

966. Post 52383644 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Science is just scratching the surface on the inevitable defeat of father time. Immortal Bitcoiners will transcend the human aging process and hodl forever as nocoiners and shitcoiners wither away into dust due to lack of funds.


967. Post 52383684 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Curious what exactly the rules round these parts are for nudity, porn, etc. if anyone can shed a little light. I have posted a link to bitcoin related porn(cam models accepting crypto etc) here a few times but never any pics w graphic nudity just bc I never see anyone else do it.

968. Post 52383945 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: Wilhelm on September 07, 2019, 06:19:04 AM
Curious what exactly the rules round these parts are for nudity, porn, etc. if anyone can shed a little light. I have posted a link to bitcoin related porn(cam models accepting crypto etc) here a few times but never any pics w graphic nudity just bc I never see anyone else do it.

Forum rules

10. No embedded NSFW images anywhere. NSFW content must be marked accordingly.  Kiss

cool, ty

969. Post 52399679 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

LOL, XRP The Bagholder standard. Jed will be dumping all of these on shitcoiners heads.

970. Post 52402735 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Not sure if this should be done with left or right hand, but a little slot machine observing in Vegas this weekend.  Wink

268 days into the new BTCull Market and all is well.  Cheesy

971. Post 52402800 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: fillippone on September 09, 2019, 08:35:57 AM
^ Lambie we are supposed to concentrate on WO sign?  Tongue
Dear Lord!
I hadn't noticed!
Something is wrong with me, if I care more about WO sign instead of natural (or not natural, I don't care) beauties!

We are planting the seeds of a future cult or religion, the sign is important, lol. Smiley That being said, I did not vote for Bitcoin in the Bitcoin/Sex poll.

972. Post 52403047 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: JSRAW on September 09, 2019, 08:56:38 AM
^ Lambie we are supposed to concentrate on WO sign?  Tongue
Dear Lord!
I hadn't noticed!
Something is wrong with me, if I care more about WO sign instead of natural (or not natural, I don't care) beauties!

I highly doubt that  Smiley, Guess stallion only playing goody good boy here. Grin 

We are planting the seeds of a future cult or religion, the sign is important, lol. Smiley That being said, I did not vote for Bitcoin in the Bitcoin/Sex poll.

BTC/Sex poll is for losers and You sir are legend, you already got Gabbard on your Hitlist Cheesy

Hail Lambie!!

Ty, you are too kind. Id probably have to leave my girl if Tulsi wanted me to be her first man in the White House. I would travel the world spreading Bitcoin gospel to heads of state with Secret Service body guards in tow.

973. Post 52403755 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on September 09, 2019, 10:04:48 AM
Update: Lander location found from the orbitar but still no response from the lander with any signals.

But as scientist says 90% success of this project can be achieved with orbitar itself.

Landing on other planets and moons is *hard*.

The real tough part is getting back in one piece and sticking that landing. Smiley

Here is a look at the weekly chart from a couple of different perspectives. No ta..ive had a few too many cold snacks and am looking at the screen outta one eye at the moment..
Seahawks win a nail biter in the home opener against the Bengals 21-20   Life is good.  Carry on....

I have Lockett and was getting pretty pissed there for awhile!

In other news, Pittsburgh just embarrassed themselves and the Pats getting AB is not even remotely fair.
I'm saying that and i'm a Pats fan. That is of course if he doesn't blow up there too.
I tend to think this was his plan all along though, Raiders got boned too.
Was this another Belichick masterstroke?

 Antonio Brown is a team destroyer.  Go Steelers!!   Tongue

Edit: k.  I'll admit it was embarrassing and I wish I had gone to bed instead of watching.  Now I'm tired and angry.

I am wondering if Tomlin is pulling the masterstroke and using AB as a radioactive Trojan Horse to take down several teams in the league and drive them into dysfunction. Belichick has superpowers of making things go right, but AB has superpowers of turning things into horseshit, its a question of who will have the strongest superpower. Its Bill's greatest test. AB is one of the biggest pieces of shit in sports that I can remember in my lifetime. Raiders were dumb to sign him, but Im pissed how he screwed them over.

974. Post 52412731 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Three days after launch, the VanEck bitcoin trust for institutional investors has reportedly managed to issue a whopping 1 (one) basket. It has 4 bitcoins or $41,400 in assets under management. Massive.

I realize this tweet is sarcastically mocking the institutional money meme, but to me it just shows how early we really are.  Cheesy

975. Post 52413206 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: rebal15 on September 10, 2019, 09:10:19 AM
Three days after launch, the VanEck bitcoin trust for institutional investors has reportedly managed to issue a whopping 1 (one) basket. It has 4 bitcoins or $41,400 in assets under management. Massive.

I realize this tweet is sarcastically mocking the institutional money meme, but to me it just shows how early we really are.  Cheesy

Oh Lambie, I missed you. How about parties, are they over or not?

You mean the party you had in your mouth. I dont go to those types of parties, but I heard you had a lot of guys cum.

When the 100k party arrives in a few years you can wash lambos for tips if you havent starved to death in your village of course.  Wink

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I love being short term Bullish again and unleashing savagery on infidels Cheesy

976. Post 52413948 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: rebal15 on September 10, 2019, 10:04:41 AM
Three days after launch, the VanEck bitcoin trust for institutional investors has reportedly managed to issue a whopping 1 (one) basket. It has 4 bitcoins or $41,400 in assets under management. Massive.

I realize this tweet is sarcastically mocking the institutional money meme, but to me it just shows how early we really are.  Cheesy

Oh Lambie, I missed you. How about parties, are they over or not?

You mean the party you had in your mouth. I dont go to those types of parties, but I heard you had a lot of guys cum.

When the 100k party arrives in a few years you can wash lambos for tips if you havent starved to death in your village of course.  Wink

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I love being short term Bullish again and unleashing savagery on infidels Cheesy

Living in village is better than you living in a city. in villages, people can produce their food with agriculture and respect each other.
if 100K party will help you to get a home, why not. You will invite your guys there and do whatever you want secretly.

Having the United Nations airdrop crates of food is not producing food.

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Where I currently live in the city is worth more than all the goats your village has produced in the last decade. There will be a about 1 guy for every three girls at the 100k party and some of those guys will secretly discuss buying all the land in your village and setting up a Bitcoin funded rescue shelter for nocoiners.  Cool Enjoy following Bitcoin for the next decade but missing out on the ride to Satoshi/US penny parity. Aka 1,000k  party Cheesy

977. Post 52414078 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Off topic, but since Trump hated on Bitcoin, I have to share some fun sharpie memes I saw today.

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978. Post 52419878 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: Hueristic on September 10, 2019, 09:22:16 PM

It looked vaguely familiar and I had to check.
Soo.. which one of you is observing from Romanian seaside?
A shortened link to google street view:

Holy shit man how did you know that hole in the wall! GJ

I was looking for a good photo to show how Rebel might be getting wifi in a poor village. I googled shithole European town and found a medium article where a guy was talking about going back home to visit where he grew up and facing the fact that he was from a shithole. Didnt read the article but the pics he put in it were gold for my purposes. Kudos for catching the exact place!  

979. Post 52419885 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on September 10, 2019, 10:28:12 PM

Fiat currencies. Backed by the military.

Damn, you doxed Rebel, ruthless Cheesy

980. Post 52424585 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

"The Federal Reserve should get our interest rates down to ZERO, or less, and we should then start to refinance our debt. INTEREST COST COULD BE BROUGHT WAY DOWN, while at the same time substantially lengthening the term. We have the great currency, power, and balance sheet....."

3:42 AM - 11 Sep 2019

Money printer in chief up late trying to debase the dollar. Hodlers unaffected.  Cheesy

981. Post 52433483 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: Paashaas on September 12, 2019, 11:26:37 AM
Trump ‘will ban’ Bitcoin when price reacties $100,000. LoL Tongue

Ive always considered as an American for an Executive order banning private citizen ownership of Bitcoin as my greatest financial threat. It happened with gold and could happen again. This is why I support Tulsi and Yang.

The article is a bit sensationalist as it says ecigs will be eradicated but its just the flavored ones as far as I can tell and the non flavored ones will be legal to buy. This would be like Trump banning all flavored cryptos (all shitcoins=all coins but Bitcoin)and allowing the King to continue to sit legally on the Bitcoin throne.

Bernie and Warren also seem to be nutz enough to ban Bitcoin so Id rather see Biden keep his frontrunner status and take the nomination. Mayor Pete and Kamala I think would be unlikely to ever ban Bitcoin also as they would do whatever Wall Street said and Wall Street isnt dumb enough to wanna ban it imo.

982. Post 52433950 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: fillippone on September 12, 2019, 12:18:31 PM
They do!


Praet: As a central bank, we can create money to buy assets #AskECB

Where did you get the money for the QE? #AskECB

Bless those little existentially suicidal idiots hearts Cheesy

983. Post 52439219 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h): ECB printing presses at warp 8.

"European Central Bank, acting quickly, Cuts Rates 10 Basis Points. They are trying, and succeeding, in depreciating the Euro against the VERY strong Dollar, hurting U.S. exports.... And the Fed sits, and sits, and sits. They get paid to borrow money, while we are paying interest!"

We literally have a sitting US president crying on social media about how the ECB is printing money faster than the FED and winning the printer of the year competition. This jawboning of the FED is unprecedented and so far has worked very well to force them to bend to printer in chief's will. No doubt it will continue to work and the FED will cave over and over.

With all this money printing going on across the globe Im starting to really increase my projections of where the highs of this current Bull Cycle will take us. 100k is looking more like childs play and about 250k seems a more reasonable target to hit in the next 3 years. Big Macs will be about 10 bucks a pop by then, but who gives a damn, we will be rich af.

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Extreme money printing has the capability of tilting all log graph projections of Bitcoin to the upside. Printing a nation into prosperity is by far the great delusion of our lifetimes for global leaders and their will be a severe reckoning for said "leaders".

Terrance predicted before his death almost 20 years ago that the WO would form and produce subversive memes to change the world. This is our time. We have found the others.


984. Post 52440938 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: realr0ach on September 13, 2019, 02:05:49 AM
We literally have a sitting US president crying on social media about how the ECB is printing money faster than the FED and winning the printer of the year competition.

The US dollar is overvalued around 40% in relation to other fiats.  That's not even taking into account it's overvaluation as a reserve currency.  Every nation on earth right now is currency debasing to try and devalue debt, which has the same side effect as Chinese mercantilism debasement to facilitate exports.  If you wanted the economic system to not implode from a liquidity crunch, it's the US that should be printing like mad, NOT the retards in the EU.  Each time the EU prints it just makes the problem more lopsided and worse since it's the dollar that's too strong, not the Euro.  Same with China and every other nation.  Nobody should be printing more than the US in current dollar overvaluation paradigm.

*A Ben Bernanke helicopter drop via a one time check to anyone with a social security number would probably be the most effective method.

Roach its about time for you to make your prodigal son's journey home to Bitcoin the almighty father of coins.

Luke 15:11-32
11  ¶And he said, A certain man had two sons:

12  And the younger of them, Roach, said to his father, Father, give me the portion of Bitcoin that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.

13  And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living and silver investments.

14  And when he had spent all his Bitcoin, there arose a mighty recession in that land; and he began to be in want.

15  And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.

16  And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.

17  And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have Bitcoin enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

18  I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against King Bitcoin, and before thee,

19  And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.

20  And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw Roach, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.

21  And Roach said unto him, Father, I have sinned against King Bitcoin, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.

22  But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on Roach; and put a Trezor with 50 Bitcoins on his hand, and shoes on his feet:

23  And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:

24  For this my son's investments were dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.

25  Now his elder son JJG was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing.

26  And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.

27  And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.

28  And JJG was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and entreated him.

29  And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I Hodl King Bitcoin, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a Trezor with 50 coins, that I might make merry with my friends:

30  But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.

31  And he said unto JJG, Son, thou art ever with me, and all the Bitcoin that I Hodl is thine.

32  It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother's silver investment was dead, and he hodls again; and was lost, and is found.

This parable is fictional prose and any resemblances to actual WO members is merely a coincidence and not meant to imply familial relationships exist between said WO members. Just seemed more fun with known names.  Smiley

985. Post 52441228 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: JSRAW on September 13, 2019, 07:33:50 AM
Just seemed more fun with known names.  Smiley

Let's wait for JJG to come online and decide Grin

If he gets angry w me he would be in a way acting out the fictional role in the parable. Roach just dm'd me that he is seriously thinking of diversifying into Bitcoin.  Roll Eyes

986. Post 52442551 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: akhjob on September 13, 2019, 09:51:11 AM
@Lambie Haven't read a better fictional parable ever. lol
So if JJG and Roach are the sons, you the forgiving father?  Tongue

Metaphorically perhaps, but in truth, King Bitcoin is the Father of all gainz, I am merely his humble servant. Ty and glad you enjoyed it.  Smiley Amen

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987. Post 52442728 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

As I think about interesting parallels between Bitcoin adoption and the adoption of religions like Christianity I found that it took Christianity approximately 323 years from the birth of Jesus before it had become the official religion of the worlds most powerful empire at the time, the Roman Empire.

Christians endured lots of persecution from the various states where they resided. Bitcoiners have also been persecuted by various states.

If we assume Bitcoin will move a mere 10 times faster than Christianity in terms of adoption due to all the tech we have such as internet, smart phones, wifi, social media, tv, radio, planes, trains  Cheesy , cars, so forth and so on, then we could extrapolate that Bitcoin will become the official currency of the American Empire (USA) by 2041.

I think it will be faster, but '41 aint bad.  Cheesy

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988. Post 52452642 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on September 13, 2019, 02:26:31 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

Still going sideways... currently $10317USD/$13646CAD (Bitcoinaverage).

I guess no news is good news.

Roach its about time for you to make your prodigal son's journey home to Bitcoin the almighty father of coins.


You forgot the part where the devout Bitcoin-loving neighbors, jolly from a lifestyle of eating fatted calf and drinking fancy drinks daily (we won't name names) raised their glasses in laughter and rejoiced in the fact that maybe the silly twit had finally come to his senses.


I should have put more thought into it. Perhaps scribes will put it in the King Jimbo's translation Cheesy

989. Post 52458795 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: VB1001 on September 15, 2019, 06:46:35 AM
Another member of the 2000+ merit gang


Congratulations JJG on attaining 2000 merits

edit: Wow!  He's also DT1
edit2: I'm not a stalker  Tongue

Thank you.

Funny how all these things work out. 

I would have never speculated regarding my activity level, either.  I am surprised that in the past 5 and a half years, I have spent more than 246 days online, and I have posted 17,474 times too (as I type).. this post will be 17,475...

Many of  my posts have NOT been one-liners, either - nor cat pictures (even though I have a few cat pictures in there, too)....  Wink


Thx, for your time. Wink

With regard to cats, I prefer the freedom and independence of the cat than the submission of the dog.


I had an instinctual aversion to cats from a young age and always liked dogs. Never knew why till I learned cats want to eat my corpse.

"n 1992, at an American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference in New Orleans, a forensic pathologist told a haunting story: He explained that when people who live alone with their pets die unexpectedly, their bodies are sometimes left in the house for several days. Without their owners around to fill their bowls, the pets often go unfed. In cases where these people owned dogs, their pets would usually go several days without resorting to eating the owner’s body. However, a cat would only wait a day or two. The phenomenon is called “postmortem predation.”

990. Post 52460440 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: VB1001 on September 15, 2019, 08:51:48 AM
I had an instinctual aversion to cats from a young age and always liked dogs. Never knew why till I learned cats want to eat my corpse.

"n 1992, at an American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference in New Orleans, a forensic pathologist told a haunting story: He explained that when people who live alone with their pets die unexpectedly, their bodies are sometimes left in the house for several days. Without their owners around to fill their bowls, the pets often go unfed. In cases where these people owned dogs, their pets would usually go several days without resorting to eating the owner’s body. However, a cat would only wait a day or two. The phenomenon is called “postmortem predation.”

When your body becomes a corpse, it will be consumed by a large number of insects.

If you drown in the sea, you will be eaten by all kinds of fish.

It is very hard, but it is the law of nature.

The difference between nature and your loved ones is your family, friends and dog will at the least briefly mourn you while you are a corpse  Cry, then they have their various ways of getting rid of your corpse via eating it, incinerating it or just putting it in the ground. Your cat wont whine and whimper when you dont respond it dgaf, it will just start eating you soon after. Its not much better than the bugs crawling around your yard imo, in fact maybe worse bc it requires you spend money feeding it vs stacking satoshis.  Angry

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991. Post 52460499 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: Globb0 on September 15, 2019, 09:00:50 AM
Not if you get frozen. Maybe you will be trapped between realities then but no worm shall release you

 Shocked Dammit where is that jackass worm when you need him.   Cheesy

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992. Post 52462050 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on September 15, 2019, 02:37:15 PM
Ben Baller had 300 BTC

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He failed an iq test. He shouldnt be mad, he gained valuable info about his lack of talent in life. He should use this info to realize he has overachieved in life and be grateful.

Buying Bitcoin is like writing your name on the SAT and getting 400 points. Anyone can do it. Hodling for years is like getting a perfect score.  Smiley

993. Post 52462817 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: VB1001 on September 15, 2019, 03:29:57 PM

There are many cat breeds, if you ever have the opportunity to share a few minutes with a Maine Coon, you will change your mind.

My gf has a female one of these, I havent seen a male but she says they are much bigger. I dont like hers but the dislike is not as strong as a typical cat. Her Rottweiler on the other hand is awesome and we get along great.  Cheesy

My dislike for cats has always been instinctual rather than logical and I noticed it at an early age. I dont like snakes either. Afaik no scientist has ever proven how instincts occur in mammals. I dont quite understand it and I doubt it will ever change but Im open minded. Ya never know.

994. Post 52462886 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: shahzadafzal on September 15, 2019, 04:13:52 PM
Looks like even more promotion for bitcoin.
By a pornstar? So is this good publicity? Undecided

Atleast she has a football jersey on and not in her work clothes. Cheesy
well she is no more a pornstar, now she is social media personality and a sports commentator.

Holy shit she was number one on but only made 12k before taxes in pay for her short 3 month porn career of 1 dozen scenes. To the porn stars out there who dont enjoy it and just do it for the money, ffs take the dicks out of your mouth, turn off the video recorder and just buy some Bitcoin. Its way more profitable.

If you are just freaky and like getting paid for it than by all means carry on, but still buy some Bitcoin.

995. Post 52467356 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

These people should be invading the Fed to see them audits.

996. Post 52467518 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

The next 24 hours is hypercritical.  Shocked Our fates are intertwined with whether we end up 5 dollars over or under 10300.

If 10305 is surpassed we could hit 10310 in a matter of days, jarring the the global fiat financial system in such ways as could pit all the governments of the world instantly against us as bitter enemies.

If 10295 is breached prepare for a plunge over the next week to 10290 as bears attempt to finish off Bitcoin once and for all.

Our best course of action is to slowly and steadily climb to 10305 over the next 4 months so as not to rock the global financial boat too much and attract too many get rich quick and ponzi schemer types.

997. Post 52474414 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Roach is gonna love this one.

998. Post 52474476 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

"The mainstream media will be under permanent pressure to downplay the consequences of this attack, but the cat is out of the bag: the Black Swan is a drone. What was "possible" yesterday is now a low-cost proven capability, and the consequences are far from predictable.
This unpredictability alone should unsettle markets, as the risk of future asymmetric warfare drone strikes just increased to a degree that is difficult to measure or hedge."

Legacy markets vulnerable. Bitcoin not affected.

Tulsi keeping it real.

999. Post 52477202 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

"Andrew Yang’s offer from the Democrat debate stage last week to pay ten American families $1,000 a month for a year to showcase his universal basic income campaign promise has drawn almost a half a million email entries into the $120,000 lottery.
The offer also helped the 44-year-old long-shot presidential candidate collect $1 million in donations in the 72 hours following the debate, Yang’s campaign told Politico:

The campaign said that over 90 percent of the email addresses are new, a huge expansion of the candidate’s email list. He also gained more Twitter followers over the course of the debate than any other candidate.

While some rivals on the debate stage laughed and rolled their eyes at the ploy, Yang’s campaign sees the “Freedom Dividend Pilot Program” as an example of why their internet-first campaign has pushed them to sixth place in the crowded contest."

Good news gents. Andrew Yang, the only self proclaimed crypto friendly US presidential candidate, is seeing a surge in popularity.

He has stolen the show in several of the recent debates as shown by being the most googled candidate multiple times during and after said debates. Even if he doesnt win due to odds stacked against him, any popularity is good for Bitcoin as it will help encourage other candidates to pander to crypto community like Yang has.

If this guy gets to the next round of debates watch out as his constant drum beat of giving every American a UBI of 1000usd per month(he calls it the Freedom Dividend) will only gain more and more traction as he gets more exposure.

He is the only candidate to go from polling at 0 percent to make it to the 3-4 percent range. Billionaires, governors, best selling authors, and congress members have already been overtaken and purged from the Debate field as Yang has grown exponentially in popularity. Well known candidates like Beto that were once at 11 percent are now neck and neck with Yang.

I was cool with Trump (the tax cut was appreciated even if dirty corps got most of the spoils) till he made an anti Bitcoin tweet. His time is almost done. Yang will be amazing for Bitcoin as UBI means money printing the likes of which we have never seen and he will almost assuredly never ban Bitcoin and hell he may even do something awesome like let UBI be paid in Bitcoin.

TLDR: Yang is a long shot, but a real possibility as he has the support of the Crypto community and by default the support of the future financial elite.  Cheesy

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1000. Post 52477368 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: on September 17, 2019, 06:48:26 AM
Correct Tera calls:

2013 Pump and top
2013 Crash and bull trap to 700
2013 Bleed out

Predicted wave to 20k back in 2013

Said that new US exchanges would fuel a new run before the 2017 parabola started

2017 Called multiple crashes as temporary corrections
2017 Called for longs on Bcash (before its wild pump, sold at .5 like me)
2017 Picked the ETH ratio bottom
2017 Played Doge coin perfect
2017 Called the top within a few % (sold at 18.8k)

Called the bounce to 17k as the worst time to buy, last chance suckers entry
Predicted a fall to 5-8k followed by a 100% bounce to 12k
Followed by a new fall to 5.5 and then a bounce to 10
Called for a supercycle low of probably 3k

The only area he was unsure about was the longer term: if a supercycle 4.0 would hit and push it to a new ATH. I am calling bubble 4.0 as topped out at 14k and a new bear market has now begun. Long term the odds have dramatically increased for 20k to remain as the forever ATH.

Latest addition to the beartroll army - fresh off the press. Bear market? Bubble 4.0? 20k staying ATH forever? Muahaha...  Grin

So you sold your 0.00000001 BTC at 18k and now you're a nocoiner right?  Grin Grin Grin

Wasnt Tera calling for double digit prices in 2015 and for sub 1k prices in 2018 or 19? I dont really remember exactly tbh, but she seemed to almost always be way overbearish and constantly complaining about how the stress of trading ruined her health. More likely it was the stress of not hodling all her coins that ruined her health as she passed by on a chance to be truly wealthy.

My numbers and dates may be off but I never paid her much attention tbh, too much negativity about Bitcoin and life in general for me.

1001. Post 52478547 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: realr0ach on September 17, 2019, 07:09:20 AM
Wasnt Tera calling for double digit prices in 2015 and for sub 1k prices in 2018 or 19?

Can't find the original posts right now, but there's a rehash of my and Tera's calls in a April 2018 post (that we both originally made in 2017):

The r0ach generous estimate was sideways at $4200-4400, but it would dump lower to like $3k then bounce up to that level.  

The Tera estimate was "$3k and that's generous" with a possibility of dumping all the way to $1k.

Tera was an okay bear, but didn't really talk about anything relevant besides guessing where the price of various pump and dump scams would go.  The only other person I've seen make any relevant posts in this thread instead of just standard retard pump and dump scammer posts was the guy who created a doppleganger account of me:

You are not your own bank when your mining cannot in any way influence a proof of work system.

You are not your own bank when your storage of bitcoin depends always upon third parties to continue on doing immense amounts of proof of work to keep it safe.

The temporary individual gains will eventually be cancelled by an exponential expansion of 1984.

Usage and adoption are not why BTC is 300B either. Perhaps big brother has infinite cash to make the best tracking ever, the most irresistible ride ever. No publicity is bad publicity therefore no crypto hype is bad hype. How do we generate crypto hype? We buy it with infinite fiat. Why do we buy it with infinite fiat? Well, it costs nothing. Most importantly it is because having everyone cryptod is worth 1000 facebooks.

Thanks for the info Roach, I felt pretty certain she used to talk about 1k a lot last year. Time for some serious questions Roach if you will indulge.

I doubt you today consider that you were a retard in 2015 when you believed in Bitcoin. If you came to the conclusion once that Bitcoin was the future, how can you be certain that you wont again come to this conclusion and get some coins before we get to 1 million usd per coin without you?

This past Bitcoiner status of yours to me sets you apart from most Bitcoin haters and tells me you may one day come in from your prodigal journey into the cold and dine on the fatted calf of your true father, King Bitcoin.   Cheesy

1002. Post 52478612 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: nutildah on September 17, 2019, 07:22:57 AM
JJG always struck me as a perfect match for the standard 'voice' of BCT:

You should have quit while you were ahead here...

-Weak/Broken English
-Inability to control emotions

Obvious digs and largely inaccurate. JJG's English (the times I read it anyway) is top notch, which leads me to believe your failure to recognize this means you are the one who is not a native speaker.

My guess has always been:

-Lower status younger Southern/Eastern European: nope
-Missed out on BTC early days: not compared to you
-Sees no way out besides a belief in BTC hitting 100k+: negative, he's laid out dozens of scenarios in the past that suggest otherwise

I've always guessed that JJG was a well-educated American of perhaps 50% hispanic descent, just going by his use of the double-space between sentences and his name. Also the times of his posts, though scattered, would suggest he resides on the east coast or somewhere in middle America.

ummm... doesnt JJG post 24/7 though Smiley But yeah blueballs seems to be a tard and possibly just Tera come back to whine and cry like before. JJG definitely does not use broken English so yeah bluebutts must not have mastery of the English language to think that. His worst sin is the occasional redundance of certain words or modifiers but of late he doesnt even do that much and when he does it just kinda adds to his personal flair.

Nothing JJG has ever done has indicated he is European afaik.

Bluebutts also seems to have a case of tarditus thinking JJG needs for Bitcoin to get to 100k to make money, the guy has been hodling good stash since 2014, pretty sure he is already set up well for life by the grace of our Lord and Savior King Bitcoin.

TLDR: Bluebutts is a tard.

1003. Post 52478690 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Quote from: realr0ach on September 17, 2019, 07:28:08 AM
Good news gents. Andrew Yang, the only self proclaimed crypto friendly US presidential candidate, is seeing a surge in popularity.

Seriously, how did you get to be so fucking stupid?  Yang is a globalist, international Jewry banking plant.  They know it's impossible to force the population into a blockchain-based, cashless society slavery system, so they plan to try and bootstrap said system by literally giving it away in the form of UBI.  

If people are given their blockchain slavery tokens for free, they will then be much more inclined to use it.  Then a few months later there will come 'terms' in order to receive your UBI, such as no 1st amendment, no 2nd amendment, no any amendment.  Then they'll decree the UBI blockchain is the only legal form of money and all others such as physical cash, gold, silver, etc are illegal.

Roach when you have severe mental health issues sane people with higher IQ's than you are going to seem stupid. Its just part of your condition and current handicap. With time and effort you can overcome this and then buy some Bitcoin as your neurons start properly firing again. 

Did you really think you could plunge into schizophrenia as you commit heresy and blasphemy against your lord Bitcoin and not have severe loss of congnitive function?

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1004. Post 52479548 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.01h):

Off topic but two of my favorite foods are joining forces starting today to make Cheez-It-Pizza available at Pizza Hut.

I will be trying this for lunch.  Grin

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1005. Post 52495953 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on September 18, 2019, 08:41:57 PM

3 new hats in September:

- SuperTA
- _javi_

The three as always with a good design of xhomerx10

BTC & StrongHats

This September has been very good for the WO thread, +25,000 pages, +500,000 replies with comments of all kinds, but most of them related to Bitcoin.

Thx infofront in the future this thread and its "members" will be a subject of study. Wink

So many people there I used to respect.

Even fu**ing lambie has a hat!


Bigblocker tard talking about respect Wink

1006. Post 52505665 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

"However, and the reason why stocks shot up just before 3pm ET, is that that's when Powell added that “it’s possible that we’ll need to resume the organic growth of the balance sheet, earlier than we thought. ... We’ll be looking at this carefully in coming days and taking it up at the next meeting” in late October. Said otherwise, the Fed may not have announcer QE4 yesterday, but it will likely announce it in the very near future.

Sure enough, as Goldman wrote in its FOMC post-mortem, "we took this as a fairly strong hint and now expect the Fed to resume trend growth of its balance sheet in November with permanent OMOs. It is possible that the FOMC will take that opportunity to also reach a final decision on possibly shortening the maturity composition of its purchases, which it discussed at its May meeting."

So what will the Fed's restart of QE POMO (some analysts, such as Morgan Stanley's Matt Hornbach are very sensitive not to call the return of POMO as QE even though both are effectively the monetization of US Treasurys and the US budget deficit) look like?"

"And so, in just two months QE... pardon the Fed's open market purchases of Treasurys, will return after a 5 years hiatus. Just don't call it QE, whatever you do."

Money printers are going to be very busy helping us get to 100k.  Its almost as if they are our employees or personal servants Cool

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1007. Post 52524352 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: Hueristic on September 20, 2019, 01:33:36 PM

"However, and the reason why stocks shot up just before 3pm ET, is that that's when Powell added that “it’s possible that we’ll need to resume the organic growth of the balance sheet, earlier than we thought. ... We’ll be looking at this carefully in coming days and taking it up at the next meeting” in late October. Said otherwise, the Fed may not have announcer QE4 yesterday, but it will likely announce it in the very near future.

Sure enough, as Goldman wrote in its FOMC post-mortem, "we took this as a fairly strong hint and now expect the Fed to resume trend growth of its balance sheet in November with permanent OMOs. It is possible that the FOMC will take that opportunity to also reach a final decision on possibly shortening the maturity composition of its purchases, which it discussed at its May meeting."

So what will the Fed's restart of QE POMO (some analysts, such as Morgan Stanley's Matt Hornbach are very sensitive not to call the return of POMO as QE even though both are effectively the monetization of US Treasurys and the US budget deficit) look like?"

"And so, in just two months QE... pardon the Fed's open market purchases of Treasurys, will return after a 5 years hiatus. Just don't call it QE, whatever you do."

Money printers are going to be very busy helping us get to 100k.  Its almost as if they are our employees or personal servants Cool

Yeah so I read that article and have no fucking clue what the hell he was saying ("organic growth" right after they printed that button of cash) so would you ELI5 this shit for us that don't speak "Insider lingo" and know what all those abbreviations mean.

The Fed has a "balance sheet." This is all the securities they own bought with money USD Shitcoins
printed out of thin air. The Fed uses complex jargon that most people dont truly understand like POMO, OMO, SOMA, and QE to obfuscate the fact they are just printing money, which even 5 year olds understand.

The Fed wont let Congress audit them and the American public and most of the American politicians have no idea what assets the Fed is buying and hodling with its printed shitcoins or how many shitcoins they are really printing. We do know that the Fed is Americas largest landlord as they own trillions of dollars worth of residential mortgages.
"The Fed’s assets are made up mostly of government-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities that are issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

They are the primary reason housing is unaffordable for most and cities like San Fran have streets covered in poop from hoards of homeless.

If I was a powerful wizard with a magic scepter that could enslave mortal Central Bankers and put them under my spell, I would use this scepter to make the Fed print lots of money and call it POMO, OMO, QE, and lower interest rates to near zero. This would inevitably send my Bitcoin to 1 million usd each and beyond and make me a fabulously wealthy Wizard. Unfortunately I dont have this scepter, but bc Im a lucky SOB the Fed is fulfilling my fantasies by doing this of their own free will.

1008. Post 52526346 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: P_Shep on September 22, 2019, 10:53:42 AM
And a very cool memento:

Really great meeting up with my WO brothers. Cool bunch Smiley

Very cool. Out of merits, but +2 Cheesy

1009. Post 52527168 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on September 22, 2019, 09:34:15 AM
now look, no homo, right, but it has to be said, micgoossens' eyes are the most beautiful eyes.
they are large and round and clear and intense
when he looks at you, you feel like a dude.
sorry, The Dude
is it any wonder then that he has attracted the most beautiful woman in all Belgium? the queen, in fact

"No homo", while often derided by pc warriors as a filthy slur, is actually one of the greatest and most admirable syntheses of human linguistics. I use it liberally with no remorse.

NBA player Roy Hibbert is the hero of our no homo era for paying 75K for the privilege to use one of mankinds greatest treasures. Roy had to describe how other men were stretching him out so much but keep his manhood and "street credibility" intact and only no homo could preserve his dignity.  

1010. Post 52534976 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on September 22, 2019, 03:43:26 PM
now look, no homo, right, but it has to be said, micgoossens' eyes are the most beautiful eyes.
they are large and round and clear and intense
when he looks at you, you feel like a dude.
sorry, The Dude
is it any wonder then that he has attracted the most beautiful woman in all Belgium? the queen, in fact

obviously I have a lot to say about V8.....

For now i’m on my way home and Will just leave it with only telling you guys about his entrance....

So he walked into where we sit....

Hey, i’m V8 and 2 guys like i’m him or... and Then HM Said i’m HM, followed by V8’s response

No way, you’re not HM.... what a dissapointment Cheesy

It was hilarious Cheesy

This is great. Can we get some more funny stories please.

1011. Post 52534978 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: mindrust on September 23, 2019, 10:22:35 AM
If I was a powerful wizard with a magic scepter that could enslave mortal Central Bankers and put them under my spell, I would use this scepter to make the Fed print lots of money and call it POMO, OMO, QE, and lower interest rates to near zero. This would inevitably send my Bitcoin to 1 million usd each and beyond and make me a fabulously wealthy Wizard. Unfortunately I dont have this scepter, but bc Im a lucky SOB the Fed is fulfilling my fantasies by doing this of their own free will.

Damn plot twist, I thought you were going to make them give it all back  to the people  Smiley


Yeah hate to break it to you Lambie but if BTC rises because the dollar is that drastically inflated, a million bucks just won't have the same ring to it any more.

If money flows into BTC because of the perceived reduction of the dollar's purchasing power, and not actual inflation to match, then yes that would be just dandy.

In other words, we are not going to get filthy rich by inflated FIAT (if we are not already), others will get filthy poor.

Might not be a win but definitely not a lose.

The Fed has already made most Americans into a new technologically advanced first world underclass in denial of their new status. This hypothetical sorcery on my end would just continue the trend until everyone gets so pissed that the multi hundred year central banking scam is brought to a halt by whatever means necessary.

Bitcoin has spent most of its existence with the zero rates, qe, pomo, omo, etc, that the Fed is now getting back to doing. Its just par for the course and I predict like last time the dollar will inflate and lose purchasing power but not in a Zimbabwe type fashion. More like a big mac cost 10-15 bucks, the year is 2026 and Bitcoin is at 1 million usd. Bitcoin has proven to make gains at an exponential inverse to dollar losses, no reason this trend wont continue imo. We dont need hyperinflation to get to 1 million, just status quo money printing by the elites.

No one said it would be easy for the nocoiners that refuse to join us.  Smiley

1012. Post 52545766 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Libra hype gone, bakkt here but showing institutions still arent ready to join us. Quantum FUD in play.

Bad news is yeah maybe we breach 9k and make a short panic trip to 7400 or less. I still have a good chunk of fiat ready to deploy in that range. Good news is we are earlier than many thought when it came to institutional interest and hodlers and small fries managed to pump us to 14k recently so post halving these prices will seem ridiculously low.

If institutions havent started buying in yet I may have to forget about 100k party and focus on 300k party for this current bull run.

1013. Post 52551142 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

*no Slayers were harmed in the creation of this meme.

Seriously though, I bought the dip for the third time this year and accumulated more. I expect more dipping w 9k rekkt and I will continue to accumulate all the way down in the event we make it to 7k, 6k, and even 5k if that somehow happens.

This is Bitcoin so we know its all possible. Whatever happens in the next 90 days will Im sure be the last great chance for cheap coins for several years so wipe your tears, refrain from attacking people that were or are short term bearish and instead focus your efforts on backing up the truck and filling those bags boyz.

1014. Post 52551382 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on September 25, 2019, 07:40:05 AM

 via Imgflip Meme Generator

*no Slayers were harmed in the creation of this meme.

Seriously though, I bought the dip for the third time this year and accumulated more. I expect more dipping w 9k rekkt and I will continue to accumulate all the way down in the event we make it to 7k, 6k, and even 5k if that somehow happens.

This is Bitcoin so we know its all possible. Whatever happens in the next 90 days will Im sure be the last great chance for cheap coins for several years so wipe your tears, refrain from attacking people that were or are short term bearish and instead focus your efforts on backing up the truck and filling those bags boyz.

(depressed Fatty alter ego eating away the Big Blocker Blues pic)

Just make sure there's any dip to dip in or you'll run out of chicken when the real dip comes.

Ahhh Fatty lecturing on the discipline of dip buying but cant help but making a food eating metaphor I see Wink

Thanks for the concern. I bought with everything I owned the real dip in 2014 and 15 and still hold the vast majority of those coins, buying dips now is a petty sideshow to kill time at this point, Im over 95 percent net worth in King Bitcoin. Big blockers never tricked me out of my riches and into shitcoins Cheesy

1015. Post 52552422 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on September 25, 2019, 08:26:00 AM

 via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

*no Slayers were harmed in the creation of this meme.

Seriously though, I bought the dip for the third time this year and accumulated more. I expect more dipping w 9k rekkt and I will continue to accumulate all the way down in the event we make it to 7k, 6k, and even 5k if that somehow happens.

This is Bitcoin so we know its all possible. Whatever happens in the next 90 days will Im sure be the last great chance for cheap coins for several years so wipe your tears, refrain from attacking people that were or are short term bearish and instead focus your efforts on backing up the truck and filling those bags boyz.

(depressed Fatty cunt tard alter ego eating away the Big Blocker Blues pic)

Just make sure there's any dip to dip in or you'll run out of chicken when the real dip comes.

Ahhh Fatty lecturing on the discipline of dip buying but cant help but making a food eating metaphor I see Wink

Thanks for the concern. I bought with everything I owned the real dip in 2014 and 15 and still hold the vast majority of those coins, buying dips now is a petty sideshow to kill time at this point, Im over 95 percent net worth in King Bitcoin. Big blockers never tricked me out of my riches and into shitcoins Cheesy

Why are you calling me fatty, asswipe?

I haven't talked to you before. Nor have I been talking about alts lately.

The only one bitching about big blocks anymore is JJG and he's on ignore.

Are you retarded(I mean beyond the typical big block shitcoin delusions)? You talked to me right here in this quote above. Thought you had thicker skin fatty.

Ill call a dim-witted cunt like you whatever I want whenever I want as often as I want so you can eat a few twinkies to feel better if need be Cheesy You still bitch about big blocks, no sense in lying about it. JJG has never been a big blocker.

1016. Post 52553098 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on September 24, 2019, 08:28:46 PM
Good solid volume on the volume oscillator (bottom bar).  This is a potential capitulation event to seal off the baby bull and move to adolescent bull.  Would like to see volume higher still though.  You want the volume candle to look like a giant fuck off finger and we aren’t there yet.  

Excellent point, once we hit bottom here (6-7k???), the bull will have entered adolescence. We all know what puberty brings, lots of testosterone which means mega pumps, all time highs, awesome dips along the way, but lots of pamping, pamping, and pamping. Cant wait to get this over with and start a new era in this bull cycle Cheesy

1017. Post 52553184 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: ulrich_zh on September 24, 2019, 10:39:45 PM

+1 merit: underrated post

1018. Post 52553262 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on September 25, 2019, 01:33:46 AM
NP jbreher will keep pumping/supporting that one

Clearly BSV led that drop. Little ol' BTC merely caught in the wake.

or smth

Whatevs... I have all the time in the world.

One will not say that when he’s under the dirt......

No man got all the time in the world....

via Imgflip Meme Generator

If highlander legend is real and is intertwined with the fate of Bitcoin, than "the gathering" Sean Connery is speaking of may be the 100k party at which we all chop each others heads off until only one Hodler remains.

1019. Post 52553781 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

"Our family consists of actresses, priests and mentally ill", says Greta Thunbergs mom.

Ya dont say.... Roll Eyes

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1020. Post 52561304 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

So July 11 Trump crossed the Slayer line and lost my support by bad mouthing Bitcoin. Bitcoin itself put a cosmic curse upon him and his demise was only a matter of time.

On July 25, just two weeks later, Trump made his fateful call to Ukraines leader and asked for him to investigate Biden, his top political opponent, and used frozen funds as a coercive measure to get his way. Now he is being impeached.

How many politicians will have to learn the hard way never to go against Bitcoin. Remember the AG who came at Bitcoin only to be disgraced and resign a short time later for beating and sexually abusing ex girlfriends.

Its time to face the fact that Bitcoin is a living hyper-intelligent entity that tears down its enemies one by one though mysterious ways beyond the apprehension of higher primates.

Hail King Bitcoin.  Cheesy

1021. Post 52561730 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: nutildah on September 26, 2019, 10:25:35 AM

So July 11 Trump crossed the Slayer line and lost my support by bad mouthing Bitcoin. Bitcoin itself put cosmic curse upon him and his demise was only a matter of time.

On July 25, just two weeks later, Trump made his fateful call to Ukraines leader and asked for him to investigate Biden, his top political opponent, and used frozen funds as a coercive measure to get his way. Now he is being impeached.

Seems that Trump is not only a WO fan but has already turned a corner based on your stunning revelations:

This is great! Take all my merits. I had to check his twitter to happily verify that it was real. Cheesy

1022. Post 52562000 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.02h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on September 25, 2019, 03:05:44 PM
[edited out]

Why are you calling me fatty, asswipe?

I haven't talked to you before. Nor have I been talking about alts lately.

The only one bitching about big blocks anymore is JJG and he's on ignore.

You are so damned special, fatty, and trying to whitewash your BIG blocker bitcoin naysaying history, suggesting that posters who are way the fuck more contributory in this thread than you don't know who the fuck you are and trying to act as if you fit in here.. yeah right.   Roll Eyes

Get a grip, fat-ass, or I might have to bring batman out.

......The only one bitching about big blocks anymore is JJG and he's on ignore......
........JJG has never been a big blocker.....

I think what fatty was saying was that I am the only one complaining about big blockers, but anyhow who gives too many shits about what the bitter bitcoin naysaying troll/shill fatty is saying....  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Yeah, lol, I knew what he meant, but if he is too low iq to get his point across with basic syntax then he deserves to be corrected and a newbie might think you were a big blocker.  

I suppose his lard infused fat cells are penetrating his blood brain barrier and making him extra retarded. I wonder how much money this dipshit missed out on by not believing in Bitcoin and preferring shitcoins.  Another victim of shitcoinitus who comes back years later foolishly hoping to get some respect from Bitcoiners.  Cheesy

I see the fat pussy ignored me after engaging w me for one whole comment. LOL, what a pathetic twat.  Cheesy

1023. Post 52567121 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on September 26, 2019, 05:42:17 PM
This is getting ugly

your mom is ugly Wink ~good morning sir

Your net worth is ugly but hey, at least we have something ugly in common?

LOL. Shitcoining Bitcoin deniers and poverty always go hand and hand.

1024. Post 52567143 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: kingcolex on September 26, 2019, 06:39:05 PM
We're going to 8,200 too many fuckheads are expecting it to go down and they are always wrong. You think idiots like gembitz could short the market correctly if they had money, HA

i told everyone to sell at 11k you new here? Smiley lol
I remember you screaming and crying it was dead at 3,800 and when it pumped you changed your tune like the little shell of a man you are.

when it dips under 4k this time will be different Smiley haha
What you'll pretend to have a spine this time or continue on being a pathetic excuse of a person. I bet your a fair weather fan as well, I honestly don't like you gembitz and it's not that you're a bear it's that you're a bear then a bull then a bear. You're the prime example of a loser in the markets you buy at highs and sell at lows and cry and whine the entire time. If you think it's going to zero sell and get the fuck out, I know you're not shorting and have no real amount of skin in the game.

Exactly.  Cheesy +2

Whenever I wonder why the guy washing my car is so upset about I realize he probably has has half a paycheck(aka net worth) in shitcoins and is crying non stop while he schizo shitposts online to numb the pain.

1025. Post 52567180 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

I think one huge red dildo down to high 6ks with mega volume and a lot of beautiful bottom memes could end this and restart the bull run into the halving. I like how fast this is happening. Much better than a slow drip.

Whales know because of the halving they dont have much time to cause max pain to newbs, weak hands, and get rich quick pumpers so whatever the bottom is (Id guess 6800 rn if I had to) I expect it to materialize quickly(30 days max).

TLDR: if you need to move fiat to exchanges to take advantage of rock bottom prices, do it pronto.

1026. Post 52570965 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

WO is under attack by scared elites who are now aware we are the future elites and desperately want to stop a changing of the guard as the levers of power are transferred to kinder and wiser WO hat members.

A society guided by the hidden hand of WO will be the first true "(S)Meritocracy"  Cheesy

Plato described a similar hypothetical utopian society in The Laws when he proposed the creation of Magnesia. My friends we are living Plato's dream right here in WO, but frightened elites are taking futile measures against us.

Thankfully our religion hat club  Wink is backed by the most powerful hyper intelligent being in the known universe, Bitcoin. Bitcoin will neutralize these threats just as it is taking down Trump after he came out as not a fan of Bitcoin and derided it on the interwebs.

How does and will Bitcoin accomplish these things. That is a mystery beyond comprehension but as you smoke your daily hopium and transcend space and time buy the dips it will be clear to you that all these things are true bullish.  

Hail King BTCitcoin. Amen. Hodl  Smiley

1027. Post 52571233 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: btcbeliever on September 27, 2019, 09:55:49 AM
... just as it is taking down Trump after he came out as not a fan of Bitcoin and derided it on the interwebs.
Hail King BTCitcoin. Amen. Hodl  Smiley

Stay tuned, Trump is killing his media-controlling opponents, a great flippining is coming, in which Trump will be powerfully vindicated with inconvenient truths coming out.  His recent anti globalist speech at UN will be remembered as one of greatest speeches iof all time.

Trump doing so great he needed Ukraine to investigate Biden and his family bc he was worried he couldnt beat Biden(an old man with moderate dementia) without help  Roll Eyes

I used to prefer Trump compared to the other options available, but ever since he denounced Bitcoin he has headed down hill and I have shifted all support to Andrew Yang, the only openly and strongly pro Bitcoin/Crypto Presidential candidate. Yang has just overtaken Beto in the polls and now only needs to gain a bit more in the polls to overcome Harris and Pete B. to take 4th place. Harris and Pete have mostly dropped in polls over the last few months while Yang support has grown exponentially.

Bitcoin and the right of the people to use private money that cant be debased is the most important issue of our time imo and any candidate who cant get on the right side of this is a no go for me.

1028. Post 52572044 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Update on pro Bitcoin candidate election odds status:

I see Yang is already in third place ahead of Sanders in betting markets for winning the nomination and ahead of Harris and Pete who slightly lead him in the polls.

Sanders is pretty far ahead in the polls but I bet bettors are pricing in the fact that Yang's message will resonate strongly as the debates field is narrowed and he gets more attention, while Sanders crusty old man persona will drag him down.

YangGang is growing stronger.  Cheesy Bitcoin will be mooning hard during the the actual Primary voting next year and of course during the Pres election which will only help Yang.

The living hyper intelligent entity of Bitcoin will be guiding Yang along the way.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Nocoiners, I will fear no evil: for Bitcoin is with me;"

1029. Post 52572132 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Great news Gembitz, Fatty, and others!

Getting closer to a cure for Bcash and other Shitcoins.  Cheesy

1030. Post 52572240 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Another day another 110 billion USD printed in the blink of an eye to prop up banks and the Stock Market at the expense of USD holders.

"Thursday’s operations were the ninth and 10th since last week in which the Fed has intervened to calm roiled money markets. Rates on short-term repos briefly spiked to nearly 10% last week as financial companies scrambled for overnight funding."

QE 4 is upon us and they are in full crisis mode even though stocks are at an all time high.

This is historically unprecedented yet barely a blip in the headlines as Trump consumes the majority of media attention as usual.

Yes we are dipping hard and the WO bottom memes to end the carnage have not yet arrived, but when we start mooning again look the fuck out because its about to get crazy and cheap prices like this will never be seen again once we retake 10k.

TLDR: Its happening.

1031. Post 52580034 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: jojo69 on September 27, 2019, 03:31:44 PM

Trump doing so great he needed Ukraine to investigate Biden and his family bc he was worried he couldnt beat Biden(an old man with moderate dementia) without help  Roll Eyes

I used to prefer Trump compared to the other options available, but ever since he denounced Bitcoin he has headed down hill and I have shifted all support to Andrew Yang, the only openly and strongly pro Bitcoin/Crypto Presidential candidate. Yang has just overtaken Beto in the polls and now only needs to gain a bit more in the polls to overcome Harris and Pete B. to take 4th place. Harris and Pete have mostly dropped in polls over the last few months while Yang support has grown exponentially.

Bitcoin and the right of the people to use private money that cant be debased is the most important issue of our time imo and any candidate who cant get on the right side of this is a no go for me.

Hodl the phone Lambie, your future ex wife made the next debate, you abandoning her?

Wow, I hadnt become aware of this until reading your post. I assumed the threshold would get higher but it hasnt so yes she is in now. Hmmm.... Yang is the most pro Bitcoin and has the far better chance of winning atm but Tulsi will be my baby mama and a gig at the White House would be nice so Im torn atm. Gonna have to go with BOB. Bitcoin over Bitches and choose Yang. Or...... perhaps dream ticket of Yang/Tulsi Cheesy

Biden really will suffer as the Trump Impeachment shines a light on the over the top corruption of him and his son so outsiders really will have a shot for the nomination imo.

1032. Post 52580050 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on September 27, 2019, 05:15:12 PM
Greta should know what she is talking about then.

Edit although apparently the above claim is a bit misleading as the father is “distantly related”.  Many Swedes are likely “distantly related” to each other.

Here childhood has been stolen? nha..

that must be the dumbest pic I've seen in a long while

Fatty the big blocker tard sold all his bitcoin years ago partly bc he bought into the doomsday climate scam and figured savings dont matter since the world is ending.

1033. Post 52580217 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: realr0ach on September 28, 2019, 01:28:40 AM
out of context roach qoute of a super bullish slayer quote

Roach foolishly attempts a dig out of jealousy and overall mental illness using his retarded cousin Greta as a prop

LOL Virgin Roach. This alarmist freak is one of your ilk. A mentally handicapped loser crying non stop about the pains of a life she is too mentally weak and soft to navigate through so she chooses to blame others instead of rising above her deficits. Next just post a pic of her crying about Jews, Chad's, Stacy's, and Slayers ruining your life and it will be more accurate.

Thanks for playing though you little bitch of a cunt-tard.  Cheesy

1034. Post 52587359 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: Arriemoller on September 28, 2019, 09:24:06 PM

I hear you guys. I had to tone down my caffeine addiction.

Pepsi Max is a bitch

so there. I have shared .

Fatman feels left out
Hopes being a dick will help
Fails miserably

Now he just needs to tone down a few more addictions.  Cheesy

1. bitching and complaining addiction

2. big blocker addiction

3. tard tendencies addiction

4. communism addiction

5. shitcoin addiction

1035. Post 52587653 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: Negotiation on September 28, 2019, 10:42:15 PM

I hear you guys. I had to tone down my caffeine addiction.

Pepsi Max is a bitch

so there. I have shared .

Fatman feels left out
Hopes being a dick will help
Fails miserably

Now he just needs to tone down a few more addictions.  Cheesy

1. bitching and complaining addiction

2. big blocker addiction

3. tard tendencies addiction

4. communism addiction

5. shitcoin addiction

agree with you @Lambie Slayer huge people have shitcoin addicted one have my friend same to thinking is very very bad so. no shitcoin loved only bitcoin.

Yes, it takes a lot of education to prevent people from falling into these addictions. I spent a lot of time years ago convincing my younger brother to invest in Bitcoin.  He was convinced it was the future and invested in his first coins. I was proud of him and figured mission accomplished.

A few weeks later he is telling me his Bitcoins are up in value but he is really happy with how well his litecoins and ether are doing so he just bought more of them Shocked Sad

I realized I had been so busy educating him on Bitcoin I had not prepared him to avoid the seduction of shitcoins. I told him to sell them immediately and be glad he had profited bc they would go to shit soon enough. He did not sell until many months later they had crashed and he lost money on them. He is now a maximalist bc I kept hammering home the dangers of shitcoins, but I should had taken more preventative measures.

I see we had a bit of a pump that fizzled out so far. Better than a dump though.

1036. Post 52588047 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

The best way to deal with any mental illness is to find a good religion based on truth and not unproven fairy tales.

Only one religion fits this criteria and is backed by math, science, and the gravity of the moon, and that is Bitcoin. If you pray to Bitcoin every day and hodl you will be blessed. All your Earthly troubles will vanish in a sea of lambos, cocaine and trains.

Let go and let Bitcoin.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Amen.  Smiley

1037. Post 52591034 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on August 16, 2019, 06:23:03 AM
Bad news.

After yesterday's green everything is awesome candle, we got the red candle again, at least for now. Looks like it is going to test that 9.2-9.3k.

I'll buy some serious amounts if this goes below $8k. and I don't mean small potatoes like $100.

Yes, it bears repeating that I see no special reason for 9k to hold. We keep testing close to it and neither newbs or institutions are stepping in en masse to buy corn at that price.

Lots of people, myself included are saying to themselves they will buy cheap corn if it gets to around 8k. Question is will they chicken out at that point if the doom callers start pounding the table or will they give us the big volume green dildo we need.

I dont think it can possibly go lower than 4900 but Im guessing that somewhere between 7500-8500 would put an end to this minibubble correction. Im not calling bottom till I see a shit ton of buyers or 4900 whichever comes first. My bet is bargain boyz step in with corn bags blazing around 8100.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

A month and a half ago I posted this and while I started leaning more bullish right before 9k was breached I still stepped in around 8k and bought a lot more corn.

What I have not seen is a shit ton of buyers come in on the weekly volume candles. Institutions are not coming atm as shown by bakkt and it looks like the true believers mostly exhausted their fiat on the way up to 14K.

Time to face the truth. We had a minibubble this summer and now we are towards the end climax of a mini bear market. I see little reason to believe high 7ks is the end as the serious buying (bargain boyz) have not stepped in yet in a major way.

What does this mean?

7500k will most likely be breached and then we need major volume at the 6000-6500 support to end this minibear. The good thing about the mini bear that the mini bubble created is it wont last long like the last big bear market. So fuck off in advance to all the bear trolls that will come out of the woodwork at 6500 saying its another 3 years of bear and 5 years till ATH Roll Eyes

The overall bull market is still intact and nothing is wrong with having a mini bubble and mini bear inside the bull run to 100-300k. Approx 6k in the next 30 days would just be a reversion to the mean on HM's 2015 fractal and we could continue on in splendid fashion from there.

 Lets not forget the perfect storm we had during the mini bubble of bakkt hype(canceled), libra hype(canceled), tether panic(canceled), stock boyz ATH's an risk on environment (tentative), Fed signalling rate cuts and QE (happened but the buzz is gone) that propelled us to 14k prematurely and too far away from the halving to be sustainable.  The hangover is easier to handle when you admit you got drunk on the hype and fomo.

If we test 3k again then its fair to say we have never left the big bear market but I am 99.99999 percent sure that that wont happen.

I have one last big bag of fiat left for the low 6k region to purchase a nice sum of coins and if that gets breached, well fuck, my short term bearishness will have proven to be too conservative.

Have faith though hodlers that the halving and the soundest hardest money known to man will save us and we are almost through the worst of it with this mini bear market soon resolving itself as sweet bottom memes are posted at the perfect time.

The first over leveraged bull to lash out at me and call me a bear troll is a cunt-tard twat of a fucknut and will be shown no kindness by yours truly  Cheesy

Better to focus on moving your fiat to exchanges and where to put in your buy orders than trying to fight long term bulls with short term bearish pragmatism like myself.  Cheesy

PS: I put the most important parts in bold for the TLDR peeps out there.

1038. Post 52591526 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

How come I never hear Greta and other far left high profile types ever talk about defunding the globes war machines or shrinking the size of gov in general to be more green. Govs are the biggest spenders globally and by default the biggest polluters. Giving them more money through green taxes just means they will spend and pollute more.

Their agenda is always more taxes for us and more power for themselves and cronies. If they were sincere they would at least pay a little lip service about going green by de-funding the war machines(military industrial complexes) of all the major world powers which would lower the tax burdern and be fantastic for the environment. Hell it might save some innocent goat herders from being bombed into oblivion one day.

Power hungry types like her handlers never want to cut back on the war machines or any other government apparatus(except maybe border protection  Roll Eyes), they just want to gain power so they can pull the levers of power that guide the war machine and armies of bureaucrats.

Greta is a mentally ill child being taken advantage of. Her handlers are power hungry oppressive totalitarian leftists who see climate hysteria as a means to a power and money grab, and while they feign a noble cause they impress me about as much as Roach wanting political power to "save the world".

Free markets and sound money will fix the environment in due time, not handing our freedoms and money over to power hungry and corrupt human filth.

1039. Post 52596826 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

In November 2018 we broke down sharply from 6k on Nov 14, it lingered range bound for 5 days around 5500 and on the 5th day it plummeted to the 4ks.

For those seeing thinking the breakdown of 9k is analogous to the 6k breakdown last winter, it should be noted we have lingered for 5 days around 8k since the 9k breakdown and if its a similar pattern we can expect a sharp drop very soon, maybe today.

Holding in this area is critical to avoid further massive damage to price.

Be safe out there.

1040. Post 52605834 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on September 29, 2019, 10:33:33 AM
You make a good point Lambie

Maybe I should run as a politician on a platform of tax cuts based on reductions in defense spending and removing fossil fuel subsidies.  

It could be called the “Peace Dividend”.  

Yes please.  Smiley

Yang/Hairy 2020 perhaps?

1041. Post 52606111 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on September 29, 2019, 06:57:18 PM
In November 2018 we broke down sharply from 6k on Nov 14, it lingered range bound for 5 days around 5500 and on the 5th day it plummeted to the 4ks.

For those seeing thinking the breakdown of 9k is analogous to the 6k breakdown last winter, it should be noted we have lingered for 5 days around 8k since the 9k breakdown and if its a similar pattern we can expect a sharp drop very soon, maybe today.

Holding in this area is critical to avoid further massive damage to price.

Be safe out there.

good find, btw. but the drop was caused by fundamental issues (HashWar).

EDIT: question because I cannot remember. what caused the rally to > $10k from the bottom $3.2k? were there fundamental events for this? not really right?

People fleeing tether into Bitcoin bc of NYAG investigation. Libra hype. Bakkt hype. Front running halvening. Fed went from raising rates to cutting them. Escalating global tensions (Hong Kong protests etc). Chinese state media putting out pro Bitcoin messages. == Perfect storm.

Now we just revert to the mean and still end up somewhere much higher than 3k bottom of 2018 which is very bullish if so.

1042. Post 52606313 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on September 30, 2019, 02:03:03 AM
The first over leveraged bull to lash out at me and call me a bear troll is a cunt-tard twat of a fucknut and will be shown no kindness by yours truly  Cheesy

I am not an overleveraged bull, but I will still call you a beartroll because of reasons.   Tongue Tongue Tongue

You can just STFU in three days then.  Kiss

1043. Post 52606683 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: Phil_S on September 30, 2019, 03:36:04 PM
You make a good point Lambie

Maybe I should run as a politician on a platform of tax cuts based on reductions in defense spending and removing fossil fuel subsidies.  

It could be called the “Peace Dividend”.  

Yes please.  Smiley

Yang/Hairy 2020 perhaps?

Tulsi for Secretary of Defense? Smiley

confirmed  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Will Tulsi call the bottom?

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1044. Post 52608490 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on September 30, 2019, 07:48:42 PM

Thanks for caring.

Not having stroke, as far as I know.

I also thought it was interesting you gave two responses to the same quote of mine.

1045. Post 52608497 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on September 30, 2019, 07:48:42 PM

Thanks for caring.

Not having stroke, as far as I know.

But I figured since the first response was short you just wanted to add some more. Kiss

1046. Post 52609827 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Its getting bad out there for Shitcoiners. When Bitcoin gets back to above 90 percent market cap dominance most cities will be overrun with homeless bagholders.

1047. Post 52610102 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: sirazimuth on October 01, 2019, 12:28:54 AM
Cue pics of ladies’ nice bums ....
nuh uh
we are an equal opportunities thread now

Will Tulsi call the bottom?

via Imgflip Meme Generator

better than the goats ring piece, I suppose, (thanx lambie)
then again, that's not saying much....

She will seem more sexy to you when we get booty twerking pics of her in Airforce One with the nuclear codes. Cheesy

1048. Post 52628952 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Big news boyz.

Sanders is out of the Presidential race for now and most likely for good, hospitalized for heart surgery.

This is part of the problem with modern politics. The people in power are way past their prime and too old to be the best leaders available. I bet Trump, Sanders, Hillary, and half of Congress is too old and mentally incapacitated to pass a drivers license test, yet they and others like them across the globe run the world.

Yang, the most pro crypto Presidential candidate is young and his prospects are growing stronger by the day.

He is a strong third place in betting markets for winning the nomination. He was tied with Sanders for third a few weeks ago and now his betting odds are almost double Sanders.

Yang just raised 10 million USD in the last quarter and shows no sign of stopping his rampage into the American spotlight.

"Andrew Yang is the only contender showing exponential growth in the third quarter, more than tripling his fundraising number from last quarter," said Zach Graumann, Yang's campaign manager. "This grassroots fundraising total, with $6m+ in the bank, ensures this campaign will have the funding to compete and outperform expectations through Super Tuesday and beyond."

For those too young to legally smoke Hopium please dont read the next few sentences. Thank you.

As we all know(the science is settled) Bitcoin is the most hyper-intelligent and supreme living entity in the known universe. It will continue to support Yang in ways too mysterious for higher primates to apprehend but you can trust that Yang will win and Bitcoin will soon be the official currency of the United States via executive order. Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1049. Post 52628992 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Stock boyz seeing carnage today. They better not drag the King down with them temporarily with their shitty house of cards.  Angry

1050. Post 52641214 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: whiteboy420 on October 03, 2019, 12:05:52 PM
Sh*t as always

I would give u some merit but i have none.

Luckily.... your merit has been proven to have bad re-send value Roll Eyes

maybe i should post pics of my GF and mindless food to get some ?

Sorry Fatty alt account, this isnt a tranny porn site.

1051. Post 52642363 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Another life ruined by Shitcoins. Be careful out there Rebel and good luck with your lawsuit.

"In a complaint published on Wednesday, Razumilov says he received 69 GayCoins on a cryptocurrency payment app he downloaded onto his iPhone in 2017.

The unknown sender of the coins reportedly wrote a message in English for Razumilov which he interpreted as "don't judge without trying"."

azumilov said in his complaint: "I thought, indeed, how can I judge something without trying it?"

And so, because of this message, he said he began having same-sex relationships.

"I can say after the passage of two months that I'm mired in intimacy with a member of my own sex and can't get out," the complaint continues.

The man has accused Apple of "manipulatively pushing me toward homosexuality", which he says has caused him "moral suffering and harm to mental health"."

1052. Post 52654041 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Fuck you Fatty.

No homo.

1053. Post 52663143 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Im not seeing any serious bargain buying at these levels and we never got a proper bounce to at least tease the Vegeta price levels.

I see no special reason why 8k will hold and expect a big drop soon as people give up on it.

IMO its gonna take a ton of volume and/or a serious green dildo to end the nasty downtrend from 14k. Sadly we have neither, but happily everyone should be moving money around in preparation to buy if low bargain prices (6-7k) do come our way.

I believe a quick journey into the 6k's in October with massive volume would end this mini bear once and for all and we could all focus on spreading our halvening and 100k300k propaganda.  Cheesy

A 6kish mini bear market bottom would be extremely bullish as it would be about double our major bear market bottom from Dec. 15, 2018.

1054. Post 52663241 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on October 05, 2019, 06:57:32 PM
Rule number 1 don't quote the racist  Smiley

Rule number whatever; Do quote the racist so that they can never deny what they said.

Quoting the racist = in the well

But what if the well is full of Cryptosteel wallets loaded with Bitcoins?

1055. Post 52663306 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Bitcoiner will eventually be its own race as the vast wealth of Bitcoiners separates them from breeding with primitive cave dwelling nocoiners they will eventually evolve into a separate race and be unable to breed with nocoiners.

Our descendants will still be kind to nocoiners hopefully, but any offspring between a nocoiner and Bitcoiner will be sterile in the future due to large genetic differences. Its inevitable.

The best solution to stop nocoiners from going extinct will be large wildlife preserves where nocoiners can exist untouched by advanced society. We will build them banks and money printing tools to create an environment similar to their primitive ancestors.

I often mock nocoiners but it is sad to think of a once great people becoming an endangered species with no place to call home.

1056. Post 52667219 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Quote from: bitcoinPsycho on October 06, 2019, 04:32:45 AM
Hope you all enjoy the bear market.

I'll come long some $BTC with you in 2020.

Mmm so in a few weeks??

$BTC to range
$alts to hit major resistances above
$BTC scam pump to $8.7 - $9k
$alts retrace to demand
You long $BTC
I short $BTC
You short $alts
I long $alts
You poor
I rich

Lol blatant nocoiner

Dimwitboy is a FattyPuss sockpuppet.

1057. Post 52667248 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.03h):

Strap in. We are going lower for the true bargain hunting. There will be one last great chance for cheap coins this year and its unlikely 8k is it.

1058. Post 52668010 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on October 06, 2019, 07:52:51 AM
Strap in. We are going lower for the true bargain hunting. There will be one last great chance for cheap coins this year and its unlikely 8k is it.

@Lambie Slayer are you sure lt is last cheap price onthis year?

Always know, nobody can be sure .... on good guessing and longterm belief.

@Goose, no one can be perfectly accurate, but anyone can be sure. As a commodity, belief is free and as abundant as space and time.

That is how I am sure you will post wonderful food and drink pics for years to come as you continue to lead WO in most metrics as a contributor. Im also sure you will be leaving fun links to twitter without using quotation marks on the quotes.  Cheesy Im also sure Roach will be poor and bitter for decades, etc, etc.

@Negotiation, I am sure the next big volume low(my guess is about 6-7k) we get in October is the last chance for cheap coins in 2019.  

My assuredness is guaranteed. My accuracy of course is not guaranteed but this goes without saying.

1059. Post 52668711 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: mindrust on October 06, 2019, 07:53:19 AM
The real question we should ask is... who teh fuck is selling from these low ass prices? Who is that moron I wonder? What does he aim for? Trying to scare the newbies? Trying to get cheap coins? What?

The ones selling are the ones who Fomo'd in while we were parabolic at 9k, 10k, 11k, 12k, and 14k. They are cutting losses and some are outright panic selling. These arent true believers, just fair weather fans who jumped in after seeing price triple in a matter of weeks. This wont stop till they are rekt. Almost there though. They were morons for Fomoing more than they could afford to lose, and they are morons for panic dumping when we will be over 100k in a few years or less. The stripes dont change, just the trend.

1060. Post 52668907 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on October 06, 2019, 10:29:05 AM
So mic and JJG are 2 wonder-boys.

Anyways India won the Test game against SouthAfrica.

I not caught up, but why am I in a group with JJG??

It was a discussion - The two most likely WO’s to date in the future.


Xhomer may have to make a No Homo hat.

1061. Post 52674060 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on October 06, 2019, 03:27:33 PM
Yeah merit stats.

Problem is that you did not say "no homo"....  Angry Angry Angry Angry

So mic and JJG are 2 wonder-boys.

Anyways India won the Test game against SouthAfrica.

I not caught up, but why am I in a group with JJG??

It was a discussion - The two most likely WO’s to date in the future.


via Imgflip Meme Generator

You did not say "no homo" either.    Angry Angry Angry

Xhomer really needs to come through with the no homo hats before it gets too gay in here. No homo.

1062. Post 52674672 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on October 06, 2019, 04:43:51 PM
Damn Lambie was wrong 7995

Nope, read my post again Goose, I said we are going somewhere between 6-7k in October.

1063. Post 52677487 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on October 07, 2019, 01:37:43 AM
Yeah merit stats.

Problem is that you did not say "no homo"....  Angry Angry Angry Angry

So mic and JJG are 2 wonder-boys.

Anyways India won the Test game against SouthAfrica.

I not caught up, but why am I in a group with JJG??

It was a discussion - The two most likely WO’s to date in the future.


via Imgflip Meme Generator

You did not say "no homo" either.    Angry Angry Angry

Xhomer really needs to come through with the no homo hats before it gets too gay in here. No homo.

Maybe you and I are going to have another battle, Lambie?  because I am thinking that a generic disclaimer is likely to be materially insufficient to off-set some of the lovey dovey that seems to be spreading through this thread.  Too much lovey dovey is likely to NOT be good for rambunctious bitcoin discussion, and maybe there is a bit of a social attack coming onto this WO thread?   

Sure, I am o.k. that there tends to be a sufficient dogpiling on trolls/shills, but sometimes we need to be expressively critical of the ideas of one another too, without giving credit for merely liking of each other.

Alternatively, there can be a bit of bleeding of bitcoin passion in recent times too that goes along with some of the bleeding of the bitcoin price.  Not too many of us feel as inclined to talk about fuck you money and all that when the price is going through a persistent bleeding, and surely there are some folks, such as yourself who is asserting a low that is somewhere in the $6k region, and yeah, perhaps that would be the case, even if there is a bit of a preference, even from yours truly that some of you down before up folks will end up being completely and unambiguously wrong...  and even there is some coincidence with seeming troll/shills, like whiteboy420  and the like who end up being correct, too.... so while we continue to bleed, the bears, the beartrolls and the down before up, end up being correct - and surely some of those folks will be acting on the down (if it comes) rather than merely watching in an academic kind of way that just projects greater and greater down, once some of it happens.

Down before up has been correct since 14k and soon it wont be, but yeah I think one last down before up atm. And yep sure as shit if we do get under 7k then bear trolls will come out of the woodwork saying 3k, 2k, 1k etc are coming and that it will be bear market for years or forever.

But what ends this bleeding in my eyes is simple and almost always has to happen to form a good bottom w Bitcoin since Ive been involved and that is a lot of volume showing people really want the cheap coins and find it to be an irresistible price that they just cant pass up, followed by massive green dildos. Its pretty obvious that 8k is not proving to be an irresistible price to bargain hunters and they are not piling in rn. Hopefully 6-7k does the trick, but I may be too optimistic here, nevertheless, that is where I will deploy my last fiat if it happens and if we go lower I will just miss out at those bargain prices.


1064. Post 52687094 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on October 07, 2019, 03:58:19 AM
Yeah merit stats.

Problem is that you did not say "no homo"....  Angry Angry Angry Angry

So mic and JJG are 2 wonder-boys.

Anyways India won the Test game against SouthAfrica.

I not caught up, but why am I in a group with JJG??

It was a discussion - The two most likely WO’s to date in the future.


via Imgflip Meme Generator

You did not say "no homo" either.    Angry Angry Angry

Xhomer really needs to come through with the no homo hats before it gets too gay in here. No homo.

 Quick-and-dirty hat job.  No Homo Smiley


Lmfao! Cheesy

1065. Post 52689004 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: makrospex on October 08, 2019, 06:19:03 AM
great! it sounds like a not so easy system for real pros. but what the hell do you mean with SOMA. I just asked before but probably you didn't read it.

Sorry Gyrsur, didn't notice. It's an inside game for WO-ers...

Straight Outta My Ass.

Meaning, I'm not that good at TA - mainly because I don't put a lot of faith in it.  I do have hunches, but they're wrong half of the time. So I plan for both scenarios. If I smell storms, I chicken out. When I think there's a decent chance to make a little profit one way or another, I put my big toe in the water. If it feels OK, I get knee deep. And so on. I never denied it does take a little work. What matters with me is that I can do it with a cool, detached head, without impulse "recovery" trades that would drag me in the abyss. Admittedly, cool comes easier once you manage to sit on a profit buffer AND you only stake all games with the same fixed amount, stashing away the excess into cold storage, with some sensible schedule you find works for you.

I'm pretty sure TA is short for SOMA.

Actually, SOMALIA (Straight Outta My Ass, Lines Included And All)  Cheesy

I had heard Somalia was a shithole. No homo.

1066. Post 52689172 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on October 08, 2019, 07:41:41 AM
Just published my first Bitcoin focused article: “The Monetary Case for Bitcoin“. This is a long read exploring in details why Bitcoin is the most suitable form of money for our time, and why it has the potential to be a true monetary evolution.

Goose thats a nice article you wrote, thank you.  Smiley

1067. Post 52689180 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: Arriemoller on October 08, 2019, 07:50:50 AM
Hmmm, got three "Fuck you Fatty" posts deleted.
Is this some kind of program looking for repetitious posts and deleting them?
Anyway, I'm gonna try some variations and see if they too are deleted.

I think it was deleted bc you didnt say no homo.

1068. Post 52689259 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on October 08, 2019, 07:58:07 AM
"Just published my first Bitcoin focused article: “The Monetary Case for Bitcoin“. This is a long read exploring in details why Bitcoin is the most suitable form of money for our time, and why it has the potential to be a true monetary evolution."

Goose thats a nice article you copy-paste-share quoted...., thank you.  Smiley



1069. Post 52690146 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: illyiller on October 08, 2019, 09:34:09 AM
Looks like that little pump earlier today didn't have legs. Just another lower high. How long before we drill below the $7,700s? My bet is it's coming in the next few days.

Probably so. No sign of hoards of bargain boyz looking for cheap coins on that last pump. Just diminishing volume. When the bargain boyz come, you will know. No homo.

1070. Post 52711137 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on October 10, 2019, 08:00:54 AM
11 bull hides are used in the production of each BTC21.80 (£154,000) Bentley Continental GT, Jeremy Clarkson's 'People's Car of the Year'.

Lambos are made with Bear hides.

1071. Post 52719085 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Good news YangGang. Our outspokenly pro Bitcoin/Crypto future President Andrew Yang has regained 3rd place again in Democratic Nomination betting markets.

He was briefly overtaken by Hillary Clinton and put into fourth as she stirred up speculation that she will run again. However Yang has conquered her and Biden and Warren are next on the hit list.

Trumps prospects look dimmer by the day as his own homies Foxnews have released a poll saying 51 percent of Americans back Impeaching and removing him from office.

Whoever is the Dem nominee will likely be the 46th pres imo and imo that man is Andrew Yang. We can expect the debates to get unprecedented ratings as people realize how vulnerable Trump is. As America turns its gaze towards Yang he will surge in popularity as he exposes the other candidates as too old, too out of touch, or too much of a corporate whore.

1072. Post 52728956 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Just saw the greatest Bitcoin commercial of all time last night and can say Joker is a masterpiece. Whether nocoiners realize it or not, it is the most significant piece of Bitcoin art ever created.

I wont spoil the movie for you but its about what happens when elite money printers impoverish the masses and drive them insane.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1073. Post 52729298 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on October 11, 2019, 09:22:44 PM
Just saw the greatest Bitcoin commercial of all time last night and can say Joker is a masterpiece. Whether nocoiners realize it or not, it is the most significant piece of Bitcoin art ever created.

I wont spoil the movie for you but its about what happens when elite money printers impoverish the masses and drive them insane.

how many did leave during the movie?

is the movie more violent than a Tarantino movie?

John Wick kills more people while taking a piss than die in this entire movie.

None of the nocoiners walked out. Money printing elites dont want nocoiners seeing Joker bc they might realize they are being oppressed and lash out by purchasing Bitcoin or slashing throats.

1074. Post 52733402 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: Arriemoller on October 11, 2019, 07:28:40 AM
Good news YangGang. Our outspokenly pro Bitcoin/Crypto future President Andrew Yang has regained 3rd place again in Democratic Nomination betting markets.

He was briefly overtaken by Hillary Clinton and put into fourth as she stirred up speculation that she will run again. However Yang has conquered her and Biden and Warren are next on the hit list.

Trumps prospects look dimmer by the day as his own homies Foxnews have released a poll saying 51 percent of Americans back Impeaching and removing him from office.

Whoever is the Dem nominee will likely be the 46th pres imo and imo that man is Andrew Yang. We can expect the debates to get unprecedented ratings as people realize how vulnerable Trump is. As America turns its gaze towards Yang he will surge in popularity as he exposes the other candidates as too old, too out of touch, or too much of a corporate whore.

The coming six years will be ruff for you.

Inaccurate, these predictions are all in good fun, Ill be enjoying my life regardless of who wins.  Cheesy Its not like I complain about big things in life or even little ones like a few post being deleted.  Wink

1075. Post 52738011 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: realr0ach on October 12, 2019, 01:20:34 PM
Ill be enjoying my life regardless of who wins. 

Ill be wearing my mums panties while crying every night about Jews ruining my life bc Im such a pussy.

Andrew Yang 2020

1076. Post 52738036 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: realr0ach on October 12, 2019, 06:12:05 AM
Just saw the greatest Bitcoin commercial of all time last night and can say Joker is a masterpiece.

Im a weak little mentally ill pussy and would never have the balls to trade worthless silver for Bitcoin and become a financial elite. I do however have time to cry about it constantly on this thread to all who will listen.

I wasnt gonna say it, but yeah thats true, you are a little bitch.  Cheesy

1077. Post 52738270 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: Raja_MBZ on October 12, 2019, 08:48:29 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that the US ain't going to vote for Yang only because he looks so Chinese-ish?

Giant swaths of the population want to vote for someone who isn't white. Yang is the only one in the top 5 contenders according to betting odds who fits this description.

IMO racism/hate against Asians in America today is almost nonexistent. Tons of people have a problem with Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Gays, Trans, Virgin Roach's, Bankers, and Arabs, but everyone seems to be cool with Asians. This is based on the hard, peer reviewed, internationally published science of my anecdotal life experience and borderline incontrovertible.  Smiley

1078. Post 52738345 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on October 12, 2019, 08:55:35 PM
US Vaping deaths resemble WWI mustard gas exposure

As a non smoker I prefer smokers over vapors. Smokers stink up the place and a little smoke may blow your way if they are close to you but you can easily avoid it or just use your hand to wave/fan it back in their face. Ive literally done this next to people who blew smoke towards me as the were next to me at a bar or casino. Their reactions of shock, fear, and or anger are always funny but im just returning their little gift to sender.

Vapors present a different dilemma bc they will sometimes be walking in front of you or past you and leave a giant vape cloud in their wake that you end up walking in to. These are hard to dodge sometimes bc of their size and impossible to hand wave back into the scoundrels face.

As far as Im concerned second hand smoke and vape are simple assault and should only be allowed in private places among consenting company.

I laugh when I hear of Vapors dying. Jk, but not really bc idgaf about scoundrels blowing toxic poisonous bubble gum flavored shit in my direction.

1079. Post 52738359 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: Raja_MBZ on October 12, 2019, 09:17:21 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that the US ain't going to vote for Yang only because he looks so Chinese-ish?

Giant swaths of the population want to vote for someone who isn't white. Yang is the only one in the top 5 contenders according to betting odds who fits this description.

IMO racism/hate against Asians in America today is almost nonexistent. Tons of people have a problem with Whites, Hispanics, Blacks, Gays, Trans, Virgin Roach's, Bankers, and Arabs, but everyone seems to be cool with Asians. This is based on the hard science of my anecdotal life experience and borderline incontrovertible.  Smiley

Thanks, it’s nice to know that. I'd have merited if I had any sMerit in my bag.

When will we be able to trade satoshis for some sMerits?

Or maybe we just fork Bitcoin and distribute all of Satoshis million coins in a pro rated fashion based on lifetime merits received by WO posters.  Cheesy

1080. Post 52738382 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: ataArt on October 12, 2019, 09:22:33 PM

A minute of humor from Russia  Grin Grin

Please don't take this as an advertisement for Pavel Durov's project.

Guess Im behind on Shitcoin current events, bc I have no clue what any of this means, but it looks funny.  Smiley

1081. Post 52749550 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Stop dumping guys.

1082. Post 52752870 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: whiteboy420 on October 14, 2019, 05:41:55 AM

Please keep shorting sir....

Currently, his purported short seems to be exactly on and in the green - not that I am advocating for shorting BTC in an apparent bull market nor am I actually conceding that the goof/troll actually is doing what he is saying that he is doing, even while he currently seems to be on target, no?

got filled around 8700 but not in size. (weak bulls)

more orders sitting.

will reevaluate after/if the 200DMA falls.

developing the theory that the pump ist fueled by stable coin worries.

still long the major alts as a hedge.

i know why u wanna hate me.

But my 8742 short paid again (took some profits).

still salty bulls were too impotent to fill me in size.

Did you forget to say no homo, or is this a real fantasy?

1083. Post 52752907 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

@VB, sorry about your cat.

@Goose, I started drinking a minimum of 1 gallon of water a day early this year and rarely have hangovers anymore(90 percent gone, used to get them a lot), among other benefits. If you arent doing this already I highly recommend trying the 30 day gallon of water challenge and seeing for yourself.

@CQueen, Happy Belated  Cheesy

1084. Post 52753040 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

We got some new FUD.

1085. Post 52754558 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on October 14, 2019, 10:54:27 AM
Air Canada to stop saying “Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen” and start saying “Good morning everyone”

Conservative snowflakes triggered.

Air Slayer to say "Wut up bitchz" and "Fly the friendly skies, no homo." Cheesy

1086. Post 52754676 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on October 14, 2019, 08:12:16 AM
@LS I do drink a lot of water on daily base, maybe that’s why I never have a hang over .... could be...

Ahh... your wording had me thinking you never woke up without a hangover. My mistake. Enjoy that while it lasts.

1087. Post 52763916 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: nutildah on October 14, 2019, 08:04:50 AM
still salty bulls were too impotent to fill me in size

Did you forget to say no homo, or is this a real fantasy?

Holy hell, that's hilarious. I had to take him off ignore just to confirm he actually said that.  Cheesy

LOL, it seems Fatty's alt is extra homo.

1088. Post 52764192 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on October 15, 2019, 09:49:20 AM
still salty bulls were too impotent to fill me in size

Did you forget to say no homo, or is this a real fantasy?

Holy hell, that's hilarious. I had to take him off ignore just to confirm he actually said that.  Cheesy

LOL, it seems Fatty's alt is extra homo.

he PM'ed me some days ago with a pic and explicit offer.  Roll Eyes

did not answer because of my girl. love her so much!  Kiss


He really is mad at bulls for not filling him in size. He could become the next bitter resident of this thread, a new roach sidekick.

I was just thinking back to where I first learned how to use the unstoppable "no homo" phrase and it was Dipset who taught me the sacred ways.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1089. Post 52776463 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on October 16, 2019, 11:19:11 AM
via Imgflip Meme Generator

Btw..... one of my best friends is a salesman for BMW, yesterday they had an inspection, they asked where is the gender-neutral restroom......
They didn’t have one.... the guy said better provide one it will be obligated!

Where the F*** are we going at  Roll Eyes

Funny you mention that!
Reminds me of this tweet I saw & sent my brother yesterday.

Also fuck, I might need to see your friend (joking) but the electric handbrake broke on my Mercedes. I have to take it in Monday. Definitely changing my car soon. Only 3 years old & been in with problems 3 times.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1090. Post 52776643 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

7ks again. Stop dumping fellas.

1091. Post 52776706 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.04h):

If 7700 doesnt hold it looks like a straight shot down to 6400 for a potential bottom to all this shittiness.

1092. Post 52781936 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on October 16, 2019, 01:39:02 PM
... Stop dumping fellas.
Personally, I am not dumping any fellas.
Are you implying, though, that it's raining men?

Forgot to say no homo, my b.  Smiley

1093. Post 52781948 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Quote from: JSRAW on October 16, 2019, 07:52:43 PM
Thanks v8 , ed, mic, jjg, lfc, vapourminer, lambie , italian sttalion, jojo, vroom,nutilduh,Pamoldar, Hueristic, xhomer, info,mindrust and everyone. It means you too roachie  Grin

congrats Cheesy

1094. Post 52781973 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Careful out there peeps. Fudsters are working hard to get us under 7700.

1095. Post 52783453 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1096. Post 52783493 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1097. Post 52793262 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on October 17, 2019, 07:33:46 PM
real footage of a WO.... who would that be ?

New Team Goose intern trying to meet his quota and making sure to never use quotation marks per orders direct from Goose Central Headquarters to cause maximum confusion?

Sorry Goose, only kidding, couldnt help myself Cheesy

1098. Post 52795908 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on October 18, 2019, 06:47:08 AM
real footage of a WO.... who would that be ?

New Team Goose intern trying to meet his quota and making sure to never use quotation marks per orders direct from Goose Central Headquarters to cause maximum confusion?

Sorry Goose, only kidding, couldnt help myself with the truth Cheesy

FTFY    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
real footage of a WO.... who would that be ?

New Team Goose intern trying to meet his quota and making sure to never use quotation marks per orders direct from Goose Central Headquarters to cause maximum confusion?

Sorry Goose, only kidding, couldnt help myself Cheesy

Could be, but I was thinking it the other way around, thought I found jjg

Gosh.  My image is NOT good in the eyes of micteam.   Cry Cry Cry

Im sure its not the whole team, just someone high up sees you as a threat.  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1099. Post 52795960 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

We didnt do a good job staying over 8k.  7700 really needs to hold or its gonna be Beartoberfest

1100. Post 52795997 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

FFS did these people not hear about Bitconnect and the fake trading bot with guaranteed profits. Pretty much the same scam. At least CFTC stopped it before it got huge.

This is an actual picture of the scammer in charge of the ponzi. I dont know if he was some kind of stage magician or this was just him spending his customers scammed funds. You would think Bitcoiners of all people would be too smart for this kind of scam.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1101. Post 52803169 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Ill pay this dipshit .001 Bitcoin to admit what we all knew instantly, that he is a poor and stupid cyber beggar with a negative net worth and no decent income.

Ill pay .002 Bitcoins to his family and double their net worth if he jumps off a very tall building wearing a shirt that says "Im a nocoiner retard".

1102. Post 52813730 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Guys if we dont get a green dildo soon(no homo) this is gonna get really ugly imo. We all know its critical moments like these that Government and private citizen Fudsters come out with their best stuff.

The govy boyz(we all know they trade) tried to time the pedo website bust news to break our 7700 support and failed, but I have no doubt some other high level Fudsters are working on something as we speak.

1103. Post 52814316 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Quote from: infofront on October 20, 2019, 02:34:50 AM
Pack it up.  Turn out the lights.

Bitcoin Has Failed But Global Stablecoins a Threat, Say BIS and G7 - CoinDesk

In a way it's almost a more wondering.

This is great news, they don't attack what they don't fear. Smiley

Oh, the irony. They keep seeing threats in tokens that represent fiat currencies, like stablecoins and libra. 10 years on, and they still fail to see that BTC is their kryptonite.

Maintain course and speed, gentlemen.

I like this, they are pretending we failed, bc they know they cant stop us. Better in their eyes to save face and leave us alone than come after King Bitcoin and his legions of Hodlers and be defeated, this is good for us short and long term.

1104. Post 52817752 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Pedo sting a few days ago by the Feds and Roach immediately goes silent. Hmmm, looks like we found out why he is so into Bitcoin all these years.

1105. Post 52822447 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

This little pump came at the perfect time Cheesy Bears failing over and over to get break support.

1106. Post 52858585 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Well we all knew deep down that 7700 wasnt going to hold and when it broke it would get ugly. 

I was waiting to see if massive buying (large volume similar to the peak of the mini bubble this summer) occurred once we had a large crash like yesterday, and sadly we didnt get the requisite volume for me to deploy my last fiat stash.

The really strong support is at 6500 so hopefully the Bargain Boyz will step in and load their trucks with massive volume at that level and end this mini bear market inside our bull market that started in Dec. 2018, because this so far has been a dud and the true Bargain Boyz have not arrived yet.

A 6500 dollar bottom would still be extremely bullish as we were in the 3-4k range earlier this year. That is where the true run to 100k starts imo and hopefully it happens sooner than later so we can be done with this mess created by the overzealous parabolic run this summer.

1107. Post 52868589 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Legacy markets are so honest, unlike the manipulated ponzi of Bitcoin.  Roll Eyes

1108. Post 52879525 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on October 24, 2019, 03:08:04 PM
Organ harvesting of non-coiners is cool with me, as long as the harvesters accept bitcoin.

When we’re rich we can all gather & pay NOCOINERS to fight to the death at some kind of secret venue.

Last man standing gets 0.01BTC, a fantastic steak, wine & gets to party with the illustrious COINERS.

Err... What if I told you this is already a thing and just pm me for details.  Cheesy

1109. Post 52880326 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

This pamp is breathtaking but where is the big volume? I think the last two days must have set a record for biggest pump with lowest volume.

Are we supposed to think its just a coincidence and has nothing to do with Tether execs freaking out about their arrests being imminent?

1110. Post 52880626 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):
Giancarlo “CCC and Finex are  🦁”

I'm gonna do a lil mini CCC thread here. It'll probably be for my own reference later.
1/ Crypto Capital Corp (hereafter referred to as CCC) is a shell company that was posing as a payment processor for cryptocurrency exchanges throughout the world. If you've used an exchange, they've likely used CCC at some point in their existence.
 Oct 24
2/ CCC was based in Panama, a mere few kilometers from where Erik Voorhees set up his offices. It since changed its address to Switzerland. To this day, if you visit CCC's website, they boast of a few familiar exchanges:

 Oct 24
>>> important note: a slew of addresses associated with CCC, Reggie Fowler, David Stafford, and other associates are now met with this warning - which leads me to believe a seizure may be imminent for these domains:
4/ In January of last year, or possibly before, money was seized at a small community bank in Poland. Money launderers love small community banks because they can purchase equity in them and create an environment of lax capital controls.
5/ This is when it came to light that CCC's funds were mixed in with this Polish bank. And Bitfinex's funds were mixed in with CCC's - FOR SOME WEIRD REASON. Anyway, the president of CCC is/was Ivan Manuel Molina Lee (hereafter referred to as IMML).

6/ IMML runs a consortium of offshore entities, along with family members. Some entities call themselves a bank, others pretend they're drilling operations, some are financial things, others nothing specific. There are dozens, if not hundreds of them.
7/ Through use of these entities, directors, presidents, VPs, etc, IMML was able to move vast sums of money for criminals and others alike. The more normie money, the better. After all, that's the whole idea of money laundering: obfuscate with clean stuff.
8/ Do not for one second fool yourself into thinking that every exchange was unaware. If they did any due diligence whatsoever they'd quickly see that the people associated with CCC had been involved with scams before - from D. Barrs, to D. Stafford. They were willfully ignorant.
9/ The reason IMML's arrest in Poland is important isn't because he is necessarily a VIP. IMML is just a central piece of the jigsaw puzzle that is money laundering through offshore entities, cryptocurrencies, and otherwise. His arrest could open a lot of doors.
10/ Of course, Reginald Fowler, the CEO of CCC, had already been arrested in the US (and released on bail) for similar charges. His accomplices are still at large and it doesn't seem like he's keen on talking.

11/ CCC was vast. They worked with everyone, they had operations everywhere - from Colombia and Panama, to Poland and Portugal. If you don't think it's important: you're wrong.

End of conversation

1111. Post 52881872 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.05h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on October 26, 2019, 06:33:32 AM
This pamp is breathtaking but where is the big volume? I think the last two days must have set a record for biggest pump with lowest volume.

Are we supposed to think its just a coincidence and has nothing to do with Tether execs freaking out about their arrests being imminent?

Roach!!!!!!!!!!  You sneaky fuck!!!!!


 Angry Angry Angry

LOL, Roach is too low IQ to ever access my account, its me I assure you, Im just surprised I was so close to the range I wanted to deploy my last fiat stash but never saw the big volume.

This is unprecedented for Bitcoin to have such a large fast pump with volume this low and that makes it worth asking some questions.

1112. Post 52921734 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

“Over in Europe and Japan they have NEGATIVE RATES. They get paid to borrow money. Don’t we have to follow our competitors?” @Varneyco  Yes we do. The Fed doesn’t have a clue! We have unlimited potential, only held back by the Federal Reserve. But we are winning anyway!"

Sitting President just retweeted we should have negative interest rates. Its time to stop thinking of the run to 100k and just accept the fact that this Bull Run may not end till we get to 1 million.

1113. Post 52922247 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Quote from: Ludwig Von on October 29, 2019, 11:39:03 PM

“Over in Europe and Japan they have NEGATIVE RATES. They get paid to borrow money. Don’t we have to follow our competitors?” @Varneyco  Yes we do. The Fed doesn’t have a clue! We have unlimited potential, only held back by the Federal Reserve. But we are winning anyway!"

Sitting President just retweeted we should have negative interest rates. Its time to stop thinking of the run to 100k and just accept the fact that this Bull Run may not end till we get to 1 million.

Isn 't the whole BTC story about being disconnected from the funny fiat?

Never has been. Once you conquer your enemies you enslave them.

Conan will tell you what is best in life and what to do with nocoiners.

1114. Post 52934808 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Money printers once again cut rates at all time highs for stock markets. This is unprecedented and obviously wont end well for legacy markets.

Hodlers mostly not affected. Mostly.....

1115. Post 52936110 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

9k failed to hold, looks like we may be in the middle of a giant and very fast pump and dump. The pump had really low volume for how high it went and how fast, so I never trusted it.

We need to get some serious volume to prove the bargain boyz have really filled up their trucks.

1116. Post 52956997 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Literally arresting people for having a 6 or 7 thousand bucks in their pocket on an airplane. This is why we have Bitcoin.

1117. Post 52988483 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Havent had time to post about corn lately, too busy in line getting my Popeyes.

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1118. Post 52989794 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Quote from: Negotiation on November 05, 2019, 01:10:54 PM
Havent had time to post about corn lately, too busy in line getting my Popeyes.

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what much price @Lambie i want it bad think of only eating you we are not Shocked Shocked Shocked Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Sir I paid a very reasonable 3.99 filthy US Dollars for this ambrosia of the ghetto, but some were willing to pay with their lives.

He died for what he believed in, most cant say the same. Cry

1119. Post 52989836 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on November 05, 2019, 12:34:46 PM

ew husband

Stop trying to dox me bro.

1120. Post 52989881 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Quote from: ðºÞæ on November 05, 2019, 12:46:38 PM
Havent had time to post about corn lately, too busy in line getting my Popeyes.

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After this no Dessert

Is that edible, looks like someone thrown a roadkill in some oil to scam a desperate soul for some fiat.

Its actually amazing, the hood is never wrong about these things. But I can see why you might think its a scam to trick people.

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1121. Post 52990024 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on November 05, 2019, 02:00:40 PM
Havent had time to post about corn lately, too busy in line getting my Popeyes.

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After this no Dessert

 Ha!  Tulsi is vegan though.

She does like to enjoy a special kind of meat though.  Wink

Besides eating an animal who ate plants is basically eating plants at the end of the day.

Mr. Hankey: "Everything that lives on earth poos in some way
And that's how the cycle happens each and every day.
Just look at the green green grass and the birds up in the sky!
It's all here because of poo and now I'll tell you why -

Grass is eaten by the cattle
Which is eaten by women and men;
Defuses with their bodies, and becomes poo again.
And that poo goes through the sewer
which is dumped into the sea
and it's eaten by the plankton which becomes the fishes' meal.
And then that bigger fish with the poo still inside;
Swims up near the shore and gets eaten alive
By a grizzly bear that poos on a dead piece of sand
So that it can spring to life and become food for the land!
It's the poo of the antelope, the poo of the giraffe"

1122. Post 53017011 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

So as I was waiting about 9 hours in line yesterday to get that spicy Popeyes's Chicken sandwich I see none other than Roach come in and start a fight yelling the N word. You can imagine how it ended.

Anyway's, here are tons of examples of American's losing their minds for that spicy fried food of the God's.

You ask, what does it all mean Slayer? How will this affect the price of Corn in China.

Well Ill tell you how.

We will start a grass roots movement right here on W.O. and begin spreading a rumor that each Bitcoin is backed by 2500 Spicy or Classic Popeyes Chicken Sandwiches. We do this by infiltrating peasant public bathrooms and writing it on the walls and also astroturfing social media with the rumor.

Soon everyone will be buying corn like their life depends on it.

The Popeyes fiasco is not a sign of America preparing to lose first world status, rather it is a practice run for the true Fomo when King Bitcoin makes himself known to all the peasants and middle class. These people will die for fried chicken, imagine what they will do for sound money.

1123. Post 53018547 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

9k broken again. I see no special reason why we will make it back to 10k before we retest the 6ks and get some major volume as the mythological Bargain Boyz come in and fill their trucks with Corn.


Unfortunately Bargain Boyz probably wont truly step in until the lines at Popeye's across the country die down which could take several weeks. Once Bargain Boyz have finished accumulating Chicken they will move to corn in a frenzy.

Obviously this is an unpopular theory as most of us(including yours truly) are unapologetic Bulltard Shills most days. But today Im putting down my shill cap and being honest and I have not seen one single bear phase not end without Bargain Boyz buying massive amounts of cheap coins and see no reason why "this time is different".

Chicken is the hot item right now, and without sending Nukes allover the lower and middle class neighborhoods of America there is no stopping its momentum until the masses have filled their bellies with that tender fried bonne bouche. But fear not, for King Bitcoin will return soon as the number one drug of choice for Fomo buyers and deliver us from evil.


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1124. Post 53018566 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Honesty mode deactivated. Shill Cap back on:

New all time highs by New Years Eve, death to the beartards! Cheesy

1125. Post 53020665 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 08, 2019, 01:36:48 PM
I have been told 10K this weekend  could still happen ......

I promise you it will and I swear its true.  Wink

1126. Post 53021327 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.06h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 08, 2019, 01:50:23 PM
I have been told 10K this weekend  could still happen ......

I promise you it will and I swear its true.  Wink

Quoted just for trust issues  Tongue

Whats a little pump and dump among whale friends.. Smiley

1127. Post 53061018 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

“We are actively competing with nations who openly cut interest rates so that now many are actually getting paid when they pay off their loan, known as negative interest,” he said. “Who ever heard of such a thing?”

“Give me some of that,” he said. “Give me some of that money. I want some of that money.”

Money Printer in Chief is at it again.  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

1128. Post 53067129 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Paashaas on November 13, 2019, 01:58:32 PM

Praise be.  Cheesy

1129. Post 53067176 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: nutildah on November 13, 2019, 03:12:26 PM
I’m driving, I don’t know what I’m doing .....
Welcome cryptoqueen....

Don’t push it  

There is only one master of this account Smiley

Don’t lie, JJG was right. You have a team of bots. Fucking trollgoossens  Grin Cheesy

That would explain the mad merits he gets... NY Yankees, Real Madrid, The Avengers, and Team Goossens...
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1130. Post 53067930 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 13, 2019, 05:04:07 PM
I’m driving, I don’t know what I’m doing .....
Welcome cryptoqueen....

Don’t push it  

There is only one master of this account Smiley

Don’t lie, JJG was right. You have a team of bots. Fucking trollgoossens  Grin Cheesy

That would explain the mad merits he gets... NY Yankees, Real Madrid, The Avengers, and Team Goossens...
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Double S that sh*t brother...... #nohomo

What if the asian kid is actually Roach. A mere villain prop created years in advance by Team Goose(Goossens)

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I suppose a play on the word Goose may have been chosen as the Team name since geese fly in flocks. A tongue in cheek way to make fun of us for thinking its one goose instead of a flock of geese.  Wink The double S in micgoossens was just to throw us off the scent possibly. I dunno but you gotta wonder.  Roll Eyes

1131. Post 53086004 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

No big volume, no sign of the Bargain Boyz to be found. Highly unlikely this downtrend from 14k ends till they show up and declare "cheap coins".

Coins have to be so cheap that they feel compelled to buy. Hopefully the 6ks will do the trick but we all know it could be lower. The massive volume will tell us when. It always has every other time in Bitcoin, this time is not different.

Cue the JJG "slayer you are annoying me with your downtrend stuff" even though thats what this has been since 14k for almost 5 months Wink

We all knew the pump to 14k was a minibubble and a minibear market would have to follow. I dont make the rules around here, this is Bitcoin Country.

Good news is when the mythical Bargain Boyz show up for cheap coins, that will be the last time we ever see those prices and the ride to 100k-200k can commence.  Cheesy

I suspect Bargain Boyz are still loading up on Popeyes right now but will soon turn their attention to corn if we catch their eye with some bargain sub 7k prices. 6400 would really do the trick imo.

1132. Post 53086080 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

I know its hard waiting for these guys , but you gotta do what you gotta do.

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True story I have been talking about Bargain Boyz for a good while and just decided now to google it and see if there was anyone out there calling themselves Bargain Boyz and I found these miscreants. Unfortunately our fates are intertwined with them so the prophecy can be fulfilled. They arent the heroes we wanted but they will have to do.

1133. Post 53086100 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Dont get mad at me Vastly bc Team Goose wont give you a post count pay raise.  Kiss

1134. Post 53086153 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 15, 2019, 04:59:47 PM
^Dammit even LS is gone clueless  Shocked

*for some parts Tongue

Team Goose, no need to be bitter bc I wouldnt join your astroturf campaign. Its a brilliant plan to build a huge reputation w merits and posts and sell your account to the highest corporate bidder when Bitcoin is the global reserve currency and Amazon and Microsoft are fighting to buy WO accounts, but I found your proposed pay structure to not be adequate and I like being a solo operation better.  Cheesy

1135. Post 53086163 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on November 15, 2019, 05:09:31 PM
I just googled Lambie Slayer and it said that's right boyz, there ain't nothin' gayer than a lambie slayer.

Listen here Master of the Bates, werent you the one saying the Goose Team leader had pretty eyes Roll Eyes

You wont find gay comments like that coming out of Slayer. No homo.  Wink

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1136. Post 53088354 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on November 15, 2019, 10:26:47 PM
No big volume, no sign of the Bargain Boyz to be found. Highly unlikely this downtrend from 14k ends till they show up and declare "cheap coins".

Coins have to be so cheap that they feel compelled to buy. Hopefully the 6ks will do the trick but we all know it could be lower. The massive volume will tell us when. It always has every other time in Bitcoin, this time is not different.

You are exaggerating.  There is no pattern in which every single time that the BTC price trend reversed was upon clear and convincing high volume.  That's nonsense.  Sure sometimes high volume reversal happens and sometimes it does not. failure to appreciate hyperbole and also a bit of denial at a real pattern

Cue the JJG "slayer you are annoying me with your downtrend stuff" even though thats what this has been since 14k for almost 5 months Wink

Call it what you will:  "downtrend" or "correction within a bullmarket"  .. you are still seeming to ascribe too much certainty to something that can go either way... whether subsequently you end up being correct or NOT  or whether you subsequently are able to frame the matter in your favor to assert that you were correct, in the end, you are largely just guessing or playing off some kind of hunch that may or may end up playing out in a way that fits your narrative. JJG once again trying to play god and judge what is too certain or uncertain for another to predict

You better watch out, because you won't want to ascribe being so god damned right to yourself that you end up being like jonoiv or roach or some other unseemly character that gets stuck on a narrative that ends up NOT playing out anywhere close to their repeatedly asserted expectations.. better watch out or blah blah something silly

We all knew the pump to 14k was a minibubble and a minibear market would have to follow.

Nothing wrong with that so long as you are not ascribing too much "have to happen" to how much correction that you believe is "necessary" before UPpity is resumed. arrogantly judging each comment for fitting into or not fitting into JJG belief system parameters

I dont make the rules around here, this is Bitcoin Country.

Glad that you recognize that, at least...even though you are trying to come off as some kind of all knowing sorcerer, which is annoying to say the least... ... ... all who make predictions here claim to be a sorcerer and i hates it so much(even though its not true)

By the way, I could give too ratt's asses about whether you are delivering "unpleasant truths", but that does not seem to be what you are doing.  Instead, you are ascribing too much soothsayer status to your pronouncements in an effort to appear like you are the smartest guy in the room.... which is: obligatory and untrue claim of not caring about the thing that JJG cares about and writes a wall of text in response  Cheesy

Good news is when the mythical Bargain Boyz show up for cheap coins, that will be the last time we ever see those prices and the ride to 100k-200k can commence.  Cheesy

I suspect Bargain Boyz are still loading up on Popeyes right now but will soon turn their attention to corn if we catch their eye with some bargain sub 7k prices. 6400 would really do the trick imo.

oh really? cant argue with your meta popeyes logic sir

Nothing like a little JJG essay of anger and self righteousness to brighten the day. Full of pretentious judgement, warnings, false assumptions and mischaracterization. This typically happens before a big drop in price. Its a very bearish indicator short term. 

1137. Post 53088373 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 15, 2019, 05:42:13 PM
^Dammit even LS is gone clueless  Shocked

*for some parts Tongue

Team Goose, no need to be bitter bc I wouldnt join your astroturf campaign. Its a brilliant plan to build a huge reputation w merits and posts and sell your account to the highest corporate bidder when Bitcoin is the global reserve currency and Amazon and Microsoft are fighting to buy WO accounts, but I found your proposed pay structure to not be adequate and I like being a solo operation better.  Cheesy

Man actually when was the last time I was bitter cause emotions regarding money-wise ..... let me think..... damn I just think I’m not to bitter of a person man Cheesy

Just as I think I’m the last person on the forum that would sell his account I guess meh not written in stone of-course.... If some brothers would be gone and only the turds be left then I don’t know, but selling and letting someone else write in my name my worst but improving English bit by bit been ruined naaaaaah I could live with that.

Though you acknowledge I build something that’s a nice compliment THX

Trollgoosens, no need to defend your team honor, it wasnt a serious statement, just a silly one in response to your silly comment. Wink

1138. Post 53093633 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on November 16, 2019, 02:01:44 PM
It smells like weekend pump is around the corner - fuckery included. Grin

Lambie, dude, WTF?

We are months before the halving, & $6.5k is our local bottom till then. And that's with a big IF.
I would DCA your remaining fiat soon, stop fantasizing with the obvious short term downtrend (no, I'm not in denial), and focus on when raptor green dildos might occur before the halving. Just remember we are in a fucking bull run, didn't late October reassure you?

Bargain boyz had their chance at the beginning of the year, and large volume is not always the epitome of manipulation. Wink

Whats up Cryptotourist. I can always count on you to respond to a difference of opinion without anger or insults, thank you.  Smiley

Ive already deployed multiple rounds of fiat this year that most would consider large amounts and brought my coin count to a personal all time high. I am about 97 percent net worth invested in Bitcoin as we speak.

When I say 97 percent I dont mean 97 percent of my currency is Bitcoin and 3 percent is USD, im referring to all investments. I have no home, no stocks, no T-notes, no bonds, no metals, no shitcoins. Just corn, one last stash of fiat and a solid income. I still work a lot bc I truly enjoy what I do but I could sell my corn and never work again while living very comfortably till I die.

I find it comical when people with a much more diversified investment portfolio get their feathers ruffled when they hear something short term bearish from me. I dont mean you Ctourist, bc you are always respectful.

I could have dumped on all of your heads long ago like Bob, lol, but no, im more balls deep in the game than ever, staying true to the cause and slaying infidels when I see them.

To my critics of late, JJG, Goose, V8s, and Severia, here is my Bullish test question for you.

What percent of you net worth is invested in Bitcoin. If its under 90 than guess what, you are the bears, not me. Cheesy  Kiss

Failure to answer this question is an answer as far as Im concerned.

If Goose really wanted to be the most bullish hat wearer perhaps he wouldnt have spent half a million dollars wining and dining his chick these past few years and would have been investing in more Bitcoin.  Wink Im kidding of course, but seriously... posting the most bullish comments and getting irritated by reasonable short term bearish comments from me, doesn't make you the most bullish, it just exposes you as uncomfortable with how much you have invested which is kinda sad.

Going all in for the cause till you have nothing left to give is what makes you the most bullish. Sacrifice is what makes a true long term bull. The rest is just talk, cheerleading, and oftentimes hypocrisy.

Im still expecting to deploy my last fiat and be 100 percent in Bitcoin when I see some serious volume that says the bear run is over. When the Bargain Boyz return Id like to snatch up another 10 coins or so depending on price. If they dont show up, who cares, Im still balls deep in the King. No homo.

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1139. Post 53093845 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Lambie Slayer on November 16, 2019, 03:47:05 PM
To my critics of late, JJG, Goose, V8s, and Severia, here is my Bullish test question for you.

What percent of you net worth is invested in Bitcoin. If its under 90 than guess what, you are the bears, not me. Cheesy  Kiss

Failure to answer this question is an answer as far as Im concerned.

No exaggerations on my part whatsoever, Ive always been simple and consistent in explaining my investment. You, not so much.....

JJG you didnt answer the question as I knew you would be too scared to do, even though you have asked more prying questions about coin count than anyone on this thread ever. Im not even asking for coin count, just percent of coin compared to net worth.

Ill assume based on what you have said in the past that you arent even half net worth invested in the King.

So STFU you hypocritical permabear infidel Cheesy

Since you arent a true believer in the King and choose to be heavily invested in alternate assets STFU when a true long term bull makes a short term bearish comment.  Wink

Am I purposely being absurd by judging you on a Bull Purity test, of course, its to show you how absurd getting butthurt over a bearish comment is.

Do you see now how stupid and absurd these Bull Purity games are? I doubt it but others observing will understand Im sure.

1140. Post 53135751 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

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1141. Post 53135808 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

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1142. Post 53141835 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: nutildah on November 21, 2019, 10:13:55 AM

I like the idea of the Bargain Boyz being some kind of redneck trailer trash, but in all likelihood they probably look more like this:

Just your run-of-the-mill young Wall Streeters swooping up BTC for some billion dollar hedge fund. They probably don't even drink but take photo ops with new suits in classy NYC bars.

I think you are right, but I will continue the Bargain Boyz legend, just in case its real and some trailer trash tards are in charge of our fate.  Sometimes reality outruns apprehension. Cheesy

Perhaps the true Wall Street Bargain Boyz read this thread and will gain inspiration from the mythological Popeyes eating Bargain Boyz. They may see them as an inner spirit animal and look to their legend for guidance.

All I know is whoever the true Bargain Boyz are, they did not step in big to buy that dip so the bottom is not in yet, but its getting closer.

1143. Post 53141962 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Bitcoinaire on November 21, 2019, 02:34:41 PM
This thread is saying we're at the cusp of another miner capitulation event, a-la November 2018.

8/ As a final note, mass miner capitulation will probably look like something like what we saw in November 2018, as $BTC prices started collapsing.

Every other significant event since pales in comparison.

I believe the Bargain Boyz are also using similar metrics as they propagate past and future vectors in ways only their intellect will allow.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1144. Post 53142065 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on November 21, 2019, 08:13:06 PM
At moments like this, I look at this thread to tell me it's going to be alright, but you guys aren't really helping Sad

We are just fine.  Finally getting back on track after our little blow out earlier in the year.

We definitely overshot the fractal and are reverting to the mean, the question in my mind is will we undershoot it as well before the mean reversion is complete. I think maybe but not for long. We really are imo looking at the last great opportunity for dirt cheap coins about to be brought to us by massive volume and red dildos.

6400 seems a given but will that be the end of it is what I wonder.... Maybe 5500 will be necessary, I strongly doubt we get anything much lower than that and I still lean towards 6400 but I want to see some Bargain Boyz volume before I am convinced. Compellingly cheap prices in Bitcoin have almost always been accompanied by compellingly massive volume.

When you are crying is when you should be buying so get your fiat ready boyz, the crying time is coming.

1145. Post 53142088 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Fear not, new HODLER tech is being developed as we speak. You will soon easily be able to freeze yourself for a few halving cycles to make the price swings more bearable for the faint of heart.

"Describing the successful operation as “a little surreal,” Professor Tisherman told New Scientist how he removed the patient’s blood and replaced with ice-cold saline solution.

The patient, technically dead at this point, was removed from the cooling system and taken to an operating theatre for a two-hour surgical procedure before having their blood restored and being warmed to the normal temperature of 37C."

1146. Post 53143777 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on November 16, 2019, 04:49:24 PM
I have no home,
All right, I can put you up on a sofa for like 3 nights, but that's it.

You have a sofa in your Bear cave Wink Ty, I live in a nice place, I just dont own it. You should sell your place if you own it and buy more coins at 6400.

Homes are just illiquid Shitcoins that depreciate in value over time, get taxed every year, and require lots of upkeep. Its better to place that investment in the King and rent my bearish friend.

1147. Post 53143795 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 16, 2019, 04:34:47 PM
Damn i'm a permaBEAR, I even don't know I have any coins actually, but I do love hanging around here  Kiss

Its cool, we like seeing your posts about spending money rather than investing in the King, Mr. Team Bearsons Leader  Wink

1148. Post 53143828 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 16, 2019, 05:07:09 PM
@LS, never assume what someone else is thinking, think first maybe its cause of not perfect English writing, maybe its because of joking around, in my case its I love and hate  Hairy's predictions always but they are very well explained the way he thinks but I never said I hate or I get "irritated" by his thinking...

Traffic is a thing that irritates me, moving furniture or building up some chairs irritates me, A big fat stinking fart at the dinner table or wherever irritates me....
Some guys I like to talk with and there thinking on BTC-price leaves me cold as I have my own thought and what I have to do with my share of BTC-holding, but as you speak out loud with a thought of going to X, there I can counter with a joke or with like thats crazy or bearish or I don't think so or.... But I think one main thing and its a golden rule NO ONE KNOWS and can predict the king-BTC, but if we would go to 6.4-k I wouldn't even acknowledge anybody that predicted the price for me they are all bit of lucky guesses but thats just my thinking of course.

I truly do enjoy reading the different approaches and thought about how we go, and I think I like Hairy's most from the ones I read, actually I always like Majormax as well but F*** that dude is as bearish as F*** from time to time, but I do like his post cause its very good constructive and so on....

I do like yours as well, but I just always like to call out you guys are bearish (short term luckily) and fish for the more bullish responds  Grin

But believe me or not... do as you wish with this, but I can truly say i'm not "irritated" by posts about the price.

For going out and food and so on, I say BTC is a big important piece of my life, going out when I can and have some social life with my GF, having some stressless moments, enjoying life etc = MY LIFE

Im late catching up on my WO reading so these last few responses are delayed and of course I post Bargain Boyz memes and then read past pages later.

Its cool bro, I can see that the language barrier caused you to not catch the nuance of the fact that I was pointing out the absurdity of bullish purity tests with absurd responses. I was purposely being absurd so you dont need to defend yourself and how you live your life. I know I wouldnt Cheesy Basically it translates to I was just messing with you buddy.

1149. Post 53143834 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: realr0ach on November 16, 2019, 05:24:02 PM
I am about 97 percent net worth invested in Bitcoin as we speak. When I say 97 percent I dont mean 97 percent of my currency is Bitcoin and 3 percent is USD, im referring to all investments. I have no home, no stocks, no T-notes, no bonds, no metals


Stfu Jew.  Cheesy

1150. Post 53143891 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on November 16, 2019, 05:32:33 PM
To my critics of late, JJG, Goose, V8s, and Severia, here is my Bullish test question for you.

What percent of you net worth is invested in Bitcoin. If its under 90 than guess what, you are the bears, not me. Cheesy  Kiss

Failure to answer this question is an answer as far as Im concerned.

No exaggerations on my part whatsoever, Ive always been simple and consistent in explaining my investment. You, not so much.....

You are more consistent than me?  Get real.  You are way newer to the thread than me, and you came out ballers from the start. Oh I forgot your original account that got banned from posting bc of doxing the biggest Bear Troll on the thread was created the same year as my account, but yeah, ive been around typing text walls a bit longer than you have been here.

My exaggerations, to the extent that they exist, mostly deal with calling out exaggerators, because my style does not attempt to make any kind of meaningful BTC predictions, I just criticize others, such as yourself, for predicting with too much certainty, whether bearish or bullish. anybody with a prediction pisses me off and I cant help but lash out.

I also attempt to brainstorm about my trading style through sharing information about it, and those kinds of things.  When I started out, yeah long before you were here unless you were under some other account, I was mostly engaged in buying and accumulating and posting about that.  Even though I had selling in my theoretical model, I never really had many opportunities to sell any BTC until late 2015 - or at least in accordance with my emphasis on accumulating and establishing my position first.  In any event, my system has not ever required any attempts to predict short term BTC price movements, even though there could be a little tweaking to it, here and there, if there are some feelings or inclinations that the BTC price has higher odds to move in one direction rather than another, but even if I might have some feelings or inclinations of short-term BTC price movements, I don't tend to change much of anything within my system, except maybe tweaking a tiny bit here or there.. changing some order increments or amounts by small percentages. tldr blah

So I don't know how you would identify inconsistencies in my approach or even my posting style, except maybe sometimes I might get in little battles, here and there with posters who want to battle about some nonsense that they are spouting out, such as what you have tendencies to do.

Don't get me wrong, I do find some of your content to be entertaining, but frequently it is a bit much in the exaggeration arena (and certainty assertion arena) as I have already mentioned.

JJG you didnt answer the question as I knew you would be too scared to do,

Don't be a dumbass.  I have made various representation of my holdings in the past, and in this context, it is not really relevant, so no need to go down that distraction of a rabbit hole.
Yep, I own tons of stuff besides Bitcoin so Im not really that bullish.  Cheesy
Right now, you are trying to bring up your purported level of investment in order to cause greater credibility to yourself and your down predictions.... because supposedly you are predicting against your own interests, so supposedly if you predict against your own interests, then you have more credibility, but in this context, that is largely bullshit and irrelevant because we have hardly no way of verifying (to the extent that it even matters) that you are making accurate representations of your own holdings. The whole absurdity of bullish purity tests went over my head.

I think that the topic of how much you are invested is more relevant to whether you might need to reallocate your risk, or even the balancing of your own personal position rather than your attempting to use such supposed information to bring credibility to yourself. I cant relate to your percent invested parameters bc I already have all I can handle.

even though you have asked more prying questions about coin count than anyone on this thread ever.

Who fucking cares?  You are coming off as a dumbass.  Like I just mentioned, if we are talking about allocation of risk and things like that, then the question of coin count (or percentages) would be more of a relevant topic for members here to sometimes have to go through those kinds of personal calculations regarding the extent to which they might be over or under invested into BTC, shitcoins or some other questions of balancing of their finances and psychological condition(s). bro, I like prying into other peoples stuff, not them prying into mine, get with it!

Im not even asking for coin count, just percent of coin compared to net worth.

Not relevant in this context, even though I have shared ballparks of that in the past.  I am not going to be egged into talking about irrelevant context merely so you can engage in a quasi-irrelevant dick measuring contest.

Ill assume based on what you have said in the past that you arent even half net worth invested in the King.

You can assume whatever the fuck that you want about that currently quasi-irrelevant area, given the topic of certitude in BTC price prediction that we are currently attempting to discuss (absent your current attempts at distractions and credibility building/bashing attempts). Thats cheating bc you already knew the answer...

So STFU you hypocritical permabear infidel Cheesy

Don't get emotional.  Makes you look like a psycho. I get the absurd thing now, jeez its funny man Cheesy

Since you arent a true believer in the King

Oh gawd...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes  You even believe your own nonsense? once again I totally get the absurdity and will change my bullish purity testing ways and be more tolerant of short term bearish opinions bc the JJG intolerance indicator keeps signalling massive dumps.

and choose to be heavily invested in alternate assets STFU when a true long term bull makes a short term bearish comment.  Wink

I choose to balance my own holdings in accordance with my perceptions of my overall circumstances, including but not limited to my: cashflow, other investments, risk tolerance, views about BTC as compared with other assets, timeline, available time to research and manage my strategies.
Im bearish bro, dont know what to tell you..
Am I purposely being absurd by judging you on a Bull Purity test, of course, its to show you how absurd getting butthurt over a bearish comment is.

From my perspective, your being absurd merely shows how absurd that you are rather than showing my purported absurdity through your admitted absurdity.   That makes sense.

Do you see now how stupid and absurd these Bull Purity games are?

I see how absurd you are acting.  You must be bored.

Common bitcoin do something in order that Lambie can be more entertained and less absurd induced.
I got my wish we crashed.  Roll Eyes

I doubt it but others observing will understand Im sure.

I am sure that others completely understand how objectively correct and righteous you are.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes


Yes yes good sir. My dms are full of True Believer well wishes.  Cheesy

1151. Post 53143904 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: realr0ach on November 16, 2019, 05:40:38 PM
What percent of you net worth is invested in Bitcoin. If its under 90 than guess what, you are the bears, not me. Cheesy  Kiss

I was all-in on Bitcoin at $200 and viewed it strictly as gambling.  The fact you're all-in on Bitcoin at $8500 and view it as not gambling is laughable.  

Yes Roach I remember when you were a believer. Had you stayed true you would be a man of wealth and taste right now, but I do appreciate your prompt and courteous valet services my good man.  Cheesy

1152. Post 53147177 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 22, 2019, 11:15:33 AM

It was somewhat expected... Where is the next support level below ?

You are one of the guys that should tell us Smiley

Unfortunately the only Bargain Boyz meme I could find with a price in it was this one.....

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Hopefully 6400 will have a shot, but the speed down is brutal and the volume is still sad and longing for the Bargain Boyz to return.

If 6400 doesnt hold I dont see how we dont get to at least as low as 5200. That should be a compelling price even for the stingy, cold and calculating Bargain Boyz.

1153. Post 53147416 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on November 22, 2019, 12:00:45 PM
Damn i'm a permaBEAR, I even don't know I have any coins actually, but I do love hanging around here  Kiss

Its cool, we like seeing your posts about spending money rather than investing in the King, Mr. Team Bearsons Leader  Wink


You seem to have some correct in you from time to time, lambie bambie.

When there are posts about extravagances, then that seems to be an opposite behavior to HODL and accumulate... especially when the BTC prices are dipping.

Seems that we might need more McDonalds posts and possible ways of frugality during these kinds of trying times.

LOL, JJG ur my guy, no homo. I can always count on you to appreciate some Team Bearsons humor even if we just had a recent little argument.

Usually the Team Leader prefers posting tweets from others (without quotes of course  Roll Eyes) urging peeps to buy Bitcoin, all the while he is jet setting to exotic locales, sporting events etc, and wining and dining rather than posting about recent corn purchases and leading by example.

I really shouldnt bust his balls about it bc he is such a nice guy afaik, and one of my favorite posters, but its just too damn funny.

To his credit I do recall the humility of his Mcdonalds posts being an integral part of us leaving the Bear Market lows early this year. Jimbo cursed us, Roach talked to a girl, you wrote short posts and some other key things fulfilled a prophecy to lift us out of hell. Something like that may be necessary again tbh.

1154. Post 53147540 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: btcbeliever on November 22, 2019, 12:33:35 PM
Ok, my mini panic is over (I always have one when we start a sharp descent).

I’m over invested to fuck in bitcoin but I believe in my baby BTC. This is all just noise & long term we’re all going to be very wealthy. I may panic at times but I haven’t sold a single sat & I will not.



Still kinda bummed I bought £1000 worth at $7600 yesterday - 12% Discount if I’d have waited

What do you consider wealthy?
1 million
5 million

For me personally 5 million is enough to live a nice, comfortable, enjoyable life.

You can make a bigger impact and legacy with $500million than with $5million.  Think bigger!

Today I would say you cant consider yourself wealthy without at least 20 billion. In ten years I would say 200 million would do the trick. Satoshis of course. Fiat is blood money so no amount truly makes you wealthy imo.

1155. Post 53151815 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: nutildah on November 22, 2019, 02:43:45 PM
Hopefully 6400 will have a shot, but the speed down is brutal and the volume is still sad and longing for the Bargain Boyz to return.

If 6400 doesnt hold I dont see how we dont get to at least as low as 5200. That should be a compelling price even for the stingy, cold and calculating Bargain Boyz.

Damn Lambie, I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the general gist of your calls over the last couple of months. Your bearish leanings have been vindicated.

The Bargain Boyz attempting to pick up just north of $7k have thus proven themselves to not be very good at their profession. The real Bargain Boyz will only be known to us after they have already picked up. The art of identifying the steep dollar-store bargain as its happening is one that is difficult to master.

Sir take my last 4 merits. The obvious truths are hardest to see through a cloud of bias and neediness and I commend you for having vision to pierce through that miasma. The bubble to 14k while it was spectacularly surprising and not obvious in its rise, was destined for an obvious fall if you were impartial to the circumstances.

This impartiality is exceedingly difficult for people who have not invested enough. This is counterintuitive so I will explain what I mean.

The general dollar store advice is that if you are biased and stressed about your investment you have invested too much, while this is true, even with Bitcoin, the opposite is also true when it comes to King Bitcoin. It is such a good investment that true bias and stress comes from investing a large amount, but the amount not being large enough.

When you take your investment level to ridiculous extremes in percent of your net worth you become free of worry because you are forced to accept the fact that it could all go to zero and you will be wiped out in savings. As you deal with and accept this possibility early you realize that you are part of a cause greater than yourself and hypothetical losses in the future are inconsequential.

This same phenomena is why you see children with cancer who may not survive enjoying life while their family freaks out and is sad all the time. The child is all in, while the parents are just heavily invested. The child is forced to accept the potential of his death and he becomes ok with it, the parents worry and stress the whole time.  

So the only stress free way I know of to invest in King Bitcoin is to go virtually all in.

Any other option is where the worry can get you and the bias can cloud your judgement.

1156. Post 53153778 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: infofront on November 22, 2019, 09:38:51 PM
Hopefully 6400 will have a shot, but the speed down is brutal and the volume is still sad and longing for the Bargain Boyz to return.

If 6400 doesnt hold I dont see how we dont get to at least as low as 5200. That should be a compelling price even for the stingy, cold and calculating Bargain Boyz.

Damn Lambie, I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the general gist of your calls over the last couple of months. Your bearish leanings have been vindicated.

The Bargain Boyz attempting to pick up just north of $7k have thus proven themselves to not be very good at their profession. The real Bargain Boyz will only be known to us after they have already picked up. The art of identifying the steep dollar-store bargain as its happening is one that is difficult to master.

Sir take my last 4 merits. The obvious truths are hardest to see through a cloud of bias and neediness and I commend you for having vision to pierce through that miasma. The bubble to 14k while it was spectacularly surprising and not obvious in its rise, was destined for an obvious fall if you were impartial to the circumstances.

This impartiality is exceedingly difficult for people who have not invested enough. This is counterintuitive so I will explain what I mean.

The general dollar store advice is that if you are biased and stressed about your investment you have invested too much, while this is true, even with Bitcoin, the opposite is also true when it comes to King Bitcoin. It is such a good investment that true bias and stress comes from investing a large amount, but the amount not being large enough.

When you take your investment level to ridiculous extremes in percent of your net worth you become free of worry because you are forced to accept the fact that it could all go to zero and you will be wiped out in savings. As you deal with and accept this possibility early you realize that you are part of a cause greater than yourself and hypothetical losses in the future are inconsequential.

This same phenomena is why you see children with cancer who may not survive enjoying life while their family freaks out and is sad all the time. The child is all in, while the parents are just heavily invested. The child is forced to accept the potential of his death and he becomes ok with it, the parents worry and stress the whole time.  

So the only stress free way I know of to invest in King Bitcoin is to go virtually all in.

Any other option is where the worry can get you and the bias can cloud your judgement.

Move over Tulsi, Lambie is my man! (slightly homo)

Lol, bro we can go family style on Tulsi, thats not homo as long as swords dont cross.

She is a public servant so Im sure she wont mind serving us properly.  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1157. Post 53161331 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on November 23, 2019, 04:15:41 AM
Hopefully 6400 will have a shot, but the speed down is brutal and the volume is still sad and longing for the Bargain Boyz to return.

If 6400 doesnt hold I dont see how we dont get to at least as low as 5200. That should be a compelling price even for the stingy, cold and calculating Bargain Boyz.

Damn Lambie, I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the general gist of your calls over the last couple of months. Your bearish leanings have been vindicated.

The Bargain Boyz attempting to pick up just north of $7k have thus proven themselves to not be very good at their profession. The real Bargain Boyz will only be known to us after they have already picked up. The art of identifying the steep dollar-store bargain as its happening is one that is difficult to master.

Sir take my last 4 merits. The obvious truths are hardest to see through a cloud of bias and neediness and I commend you for having vision to pierce through that miasma. The bubble to 14k while it was spectacularly surprising and not obvious in its rise, was destined for an obvious fall if you were impartial to the circumstances.

This impartiality is exceedingly difficult for people who have not invested enough. This is counterintuitive so I will explain what I mean.

The general dollar store advice is that if you are biased and stressed about your investment you have invested too much, while this is true, even with Bitcoin, the opposite is also true when it comes to King Bitcoin. It is such a good investment that true bias and stress comes from investing a large amount, but the amount not being large enough.

When you take your investment level to ridiculous extremes in percent of your net worth you become free of worry because you are forced to accept the fact that it could all go to zero and you will be wiped out in savings. As you deal with and accept this possibility early you realize that you are part of a cause greater than yourself and hypothetical losses in the future are inconsequential.

This same phenomena is why you see children with cancer who may not survive enjoying life while their family freaks out and is sad all the time. The child is all in, while the parents are just heavily invested. The child is forced to accept the potential of his death and he becomes ok with it, the parents worry and stress the whole time.  

So the only stress free way I know of to invest in King Bitcoin is to go virtually all in.

Any other option is where the worry can get you and the bias can cloud your judgement.


How about you can fuck off, lambie? holier than thou, art.. thee, not.   Roll Eyes   Tongue  Cheesy

You are not more insightful or free merely because you are purportedly overinvested in BTC.  Get real.

Of course, for yourself, you might have come to that conclusion, and believe that such a way of "all in" investment works, presuming that you are actually representing what you actually do.

Each person can decide for him/herself regarding the amount to invest (or to invest) and whether s/he believes that his/her level of investment (or not) has brought enlightenment.

STFU Permabear infidel.  Cheesy You wouldnt be so stressed and writing walls of text all day if you had the courage of conviction to embrace the all in way of hodl life.

Your fear permeates through your text walls every day for all to see. The only way to change is to get the fuck out or go all in. Otherwise you will continue to suffer and nothing will change.  Wink

And of course I am more insightful than a primitive chat bot. Wink

1158. Post 53161337 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 23, 2019, 11:18:08 PM
At our dear Lambie’s advice ..... me is spending almost no cash in order to save for BTC....

Micg at local back to the 90’s party and drinking beer instead of fancy’ness.....

via Imgflip Meme Generator
Oooooh yes, inviting the BULL as well!!!!!!!!

Cheers bro’s

Straight out of Belgium !!!!!

This is beautiful Mr. Goose, well done.  The bottom must be getting close now. Cheesy

1159. Post 53162466 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 24, 2019, 01:41:13 AM
@LS because the BOTTOM must be truly near  Kiss

Dammit LS got me when I was F***ed up

But I mean totally F***ed up on cheap beverages  Cool

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1160. Post 53162562 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Uh oh, this means Bargain Boyz may be delayed as well.

1161. Post 53162863 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on November 24, 2019, 04:32:44 AM
[edited out]

STFU Permabear infidel.  Cheesy You wouldnt be so stressed

Facts not in evidence, regarding my alleged stress status.

and writing walls of text all day

Perhaps true, but out of context.

if you had the courage of conviction to embrace the all in way of hodl life. [/b]

I conclude that a moderate approach to my BTC holdings suits me better.

Your fear permeates through your text walls every day for all to see.

Yeah right....    Roll Eyes

The only fear that I have on a once in a while basis is that I might read some nonsense from a poster like you, and you have proven such fear to be true on a fairly regular basis.   Tongue Tongue

The only way to change is to get the fuck out or go all in.[/b]

Even a 10 year old has already learned that the world tends to have beyond black and white solutions.  Are you not quite 10 years old yet, Lambie?

Otherwise you will continue to suffer and nothing will change.  Wink

My alleged suffering is only a state of your evidently ongoing fantasy-filled mind.

And of course I am more insightful than a primitive chat bot. Wink

Maybe that is the problem?  Your chat bot admission against interest?  Now, the pieces are starting to fall into place and it is starting to make some sense regarding some of  your difficulties to abstract in your thinking.   Shocked

Just buy more Bitcoin and you wont be bothered so much when I correctly tell you we are going down more.  Cheesy All your worry and issues with my downwards calls just show me the truth that you are not invested heavily enough.

I will let you know when the Bargain Boyz arrive, despite your squirming and protests.  Cheesy

1162. Post 53163109 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: SuperTA on November 24, 2019, 06:32:46 AM
The only problem is when majority expects something it usually doesn't happen. Until they change their mind because of panic sell or fomo caused by the tricky whales.

The problem there is when the majority expects that whatever the majority believes wont happen, then they lose all expectation. Then the situation is a majority of people saying they dont know what will happen because they got caught up in the urban legend of "whatever the majority believes wont end up happening".

The truth is someone always know what will happen and sometimes the majority is right and sometimes they are wrong, but someone always knows something and ends up being right. And when it comes to Bitcoin that someone is a powerful group known as the Bargain Boyz.

1163. Post 53164500 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on November 24, 2019, 08:12:52 AM
[edited out]

STFU Permabear infidel.  Cheesy You wouldnt be so stressed

Facts not in evidence, regarding my alleged stress status.

and writing walls of text all day

Perhaps true, but out of context.

if you had the courage of conviction to embrace the all in way of hodl life. [/b]

I conclude that a moderate approach to my BTC holdings suits me better.

Your fear permeates through your text walls every day for all to see.

Yeah right....    Roll Eyes

The only fear that I have on a once in a while basis is that I might read some nonsense from a poster like you, and you have proven such fear to be true on a fairly regular basis.   Tongue Tongue

The only way to change is to get the fuck out or go all in.[/b]

Even a 10 year old has already learned that the world tends to have beyond black and white solutions.  Are you not quite 10 years old yet, Lambie?

Otherwise you will continue to suffer and nothing will change.  Wink

My alleged suffering is only a state of your evidently ongoing fantasy-filled mind.

And of course I am more insightful than a primitive chat bot. Wink

Maybe that is the problem?  Your chat bot admission against interest?  Now, the pieces are starting to fall into place and it is starting to make some sense regarding some of  your difficulties to abstract in your thinking.   Shocked

Just buy more Bitcoin and you wont be bothered so much when I correctly tell you we are going down more.  Cheesy

You are annoying!!!!!!!!!!

Accordingly, my BTC holdings is not a factor in respect to your annoyingness.

Thus, you should already realize that short term BTC price changes hardly change my strategy, except maybe I might tweak a bit here and there from time to time, but overall, I m following a very similar strategy all of the time.  Buy on the way down and sell on the way up.  So why would it matter if I had x percentage more or less BTC, in which x percentage is going to be a single digit number anyhow, and likely in the lower ends of the single digits.

All your worry and issues with my downwards calls just show me the truth that you are not invested heavily enough.

Your comment here shows me that you are projecting ways in which you would like to see the world, rather than reality.

I will let you know when the Bargain Boyz arrive,

Don't be a diptwat.  You have no clue..... so in that regard, you have a clue about how to be a diptwat.

despite your squirming and protests.  Cheesy

I will squirm alright, and I might protest, depending on my moo.

The only problem is when majority expects something it usually doesn't happen. Until they change their mind because of panic sell or fomo caused by the tricky whales.

The problem there is when the majority expects that whatever the majority believes wont happen, then they lose all expectation. Then the situation is a majority of people saying they dont know what will happen because they got caught up in the urban legend of "whatever the majority believes wont end up happening".

The truth is someone always know what will happen and sometimes the majority is right and sometimes they are wrong, but someone always knows something and ends up being right. And when it comes to Bitcoin that someone is a powerful group known as the Bargain Boyz.

Oh gawd, you are so full of shit.... especially when it comes to your last paragraph.

Yes yes, the squirmings and thrashing of someone who is not heavily invested enough to let go of their fear and cant stand another who has no such fear.

You will always be annoyed at the certitude of strong convictions such as mine or the Bargain Boyz bc they demonstrate the lacking in your own convictions, its your place in the scheme of things.

Carry on my friend as this is and always was your destiny.

1164. Post 53165048 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Majormax on November 24, 2019, 10:54:06 AM

Just buy more Bitcoin and you wont be bothered so much when I correctly tell you we are going down more.  Cheesy All your worry and issues with my downwards calls just show me the truth that you are not invested heavily enough.

I will let you know when the Bargain Boyz arrive, despite your squirming and protests.  Cheesy

Brave call on this board.  The trend is down until it's not.

I try not to make the bearish calls much now because I sometimes don't have the energy for the arguments that ensue.

It is interesting that you identify the strength of protest with the degree of bullish commitment.  The holy grail of (contrarian) trading was always to find an pure untainted indicator of overall sentiment. When the bulls don't argue with bearish comment anymore, is that when the true bottom is in ?

Yes strength of protest certainly shines a lot of light on what they really are going through atm.

You may remember the approx 3100 Bottom on Dec. 15 '18 and two days later on the 17th when I declared the Bear Market to have ended that JJG engaged in a vicious battle with me that lasted for many days bc he was incredibly angered by the certitude of me claiming the bottom was in. Walls of texts and silly name calling ensued. It was the usual "how dare you you wanna be sorcerer," "ur so full of shit," "ive been here a few months longer than you so how dare you" routine he has developed.

He had actually given up on short term bullishness at that point and switched from getting angry when people made bear calls with conviction to getting angry when people made bull calls with conviction. I couldnt make this stuff up if I tried. Cheesy

If he is going to be an accurate indicator in that fashion again we will need for him to start getting angry at bull calls to be sure the bottom is in. Mr. Goose is already posting pics of a frugal lifestyle so if JJG gets pissed at bullish calls hopefully we can start the run to 100k.

TLDR: Bitcoin trend changes revolve around Mr. Goose's spending habits and JJGs sententious and anger filled text walls.

1165. Post 53165324 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Majormax on November 24, 2019, 11:05:29 AM

...Oh gawd, you are so full of shit.... especially when it comes to your last paragraph.

Harsh way of putting it, but yes, I also don't believe that there is a group that always knows what is going to happen.  

This is an interesting argument between 2 eloquent posters, very different in their approaches.

I'm  particularly intrigued by Lambie's notion that 100% commitment is needed for freedom from worry about price. In one way it makes sense, but its difficult to accept.

I dont think there is one person or group that always knows what is going to happen, but rather  that there is always one person or group that knows what is going to happen. That "it" person or group changes from time to time, but there is always someone in the know and correct about what is about to happen.

As to the 100 percent commitment providing freedom from price worry I should add a little clarity to it. It doesn't come instantly as soon as you fully commit, rather once you fully commit your pysche is inoculated with such extreme concern that it quickly begins to fully immunize itself from the fear out of necessity.

For me this immunization to price fear after being fully (close to 100 percent) invested took about 6 months.

Vegeta went through something similar to this as he was training in solitude before he was able to become a Super Sayain for the first time.

"Then something just snapped, something inside of me. I didnt care anymore. I didnt care about being better than Kakarot. I didn't care about being a Super Sayain. I didn't care if I lived, I didnt care about anything. And then it happened. Yes, thats how it happened, thats how I became a Super Sayain." - Vegeta

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1166. Post 53165429 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on November 24, 2019, 11:18:31 AM
^boomer ok Tongue

...Oh gawd, you are so full of shit.... especially when it comes to your last paragraph.

Harsh way of putting it, but yes, I also don't believe that there is a group that always knows what is going to happen.  

This is an interesting argument between 2 eloquent posters, very different in their approaches.

I'm  particularly intrigued by Lambie's notion that 100% commitment is needed for freedom from worry about price. In one way it makes sense, but its difficult to accept.

It's fun but it's bollocks. Vast swathes of bitcoiners don't give a fuck about the price.

The bollocks is that vast swathes dont give a fuck, its more like a very tiny minority truly dont care if it goes to zero. Most would squirm and fret to no end if price actually took a death march to almost nothing, fortunately the cure is to buy more and force yourself to face and conquer this fear in advance.  Smiley

1167. Post 53170778 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Quote from: Dotto on November 24, 2019, 10:01:29 PM
The future is inminent


1168. Post 53170792 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

Absolutely no sign of the Bargain Boyz yet, they just dont consider these coins to be cheap yet. More down to come. Get your fiat ready, opportunities will present themselves to the patient and fearless.

1169. Post 53171409 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Good news Gents. After a lot of high level digging, I was able to contact the Bargain Boyz and it turns out they are fans of WO, so they were kind enough to schedule a meeting with me as soon as they come back from their Thanksgiving holiday. Ill let you know what I find out.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1170. Post 53171793 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

The Bargain Boyz clearly have no interest in these prices so its going lower.

If 6400 doesnt hold and then I fully expect we plunge down to the 5200 range I suspect it will be a ride straight down with almost no big bounces in between, bc the April Tether Fud that started this Bubble took us from 5200 to over 7k with basically no big dips. Im expecting history to rhyme a bit and a straight shot to 5200 if Bargain Boyz dont rescue Bitcoin.

They told me they are celebrating Thanksgiving with fam this week so I wouldnt expect a Bargain Boyz ultra high volume bounce before then, maybe a low volume bounce that will get sold quickly at best.

This Thanksgiving is going to be full of Nocoiners saying "I hear Bitcoin crashed," and "I told you so" to noble Hodlers.  A small price to pay to be one of the future financial elite.

1171. Post 53171951 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Biodom on November 25, 2019, 02:36:56 AM
The Bargain Boyz clearly have no interest in these prices so its going lower.

If 6400 doesnt hold and then I fully expect we plunge down to the 5200 range I suspect it will be a ride straight down with almost no big bounces in between, bc the April Tether Fud that started this Bubble took us from 5200 to over 7k with basically no big dips. I'm expecting history to rhyme a bit and a straight shot to 5200 if Bargain Boyz dont rescue Bitcoin.

They told me they are celebrating Thanksgiving with fam this week so I wouldnt expect a Bargain Boyz ultra high volume bounce before then, maybe a low volume bounce that will get sold quickly at best.

This Thanksgiving is going to be full of Nocoiners saying "I hear Bitcoin crashed," and "I told you so" to noble Hodlers.  A small price to pay to be one of the future financial elite.

Hmmm I think you are starting to get a bit greedy Lambie.   It is possible, but I am not seeing justification for a downside breakout.  

Everybody is entitled to a particular opinion, but I think that it is almost out of the question that we would be following prior fractal 'exactly', so $10K and $5K are equally possible.
By now, everyone should just admit that btc price is simply chaotic with an upward bias (so far).

@H.M.- I think greed was on the minds of the buyers over 9k who thought a bubble this early after a major bear market was sustainable.

Im staying pragmatic and ruthlessly unbiased. Its gonna take a capitulation event imo to end this and since so far 6ks arent seeming to produce one Im naturally setting my sights on 5200 as the climax of a capitulation event. Im not deploying my last fiat until I see the Bargain Boyz ultra volume or 4900-5200 range prices, whichever comes first. If hypothetically 5200 comes first I of course reserve the right to still not deploy said fiat if I see other things I don't like, hopefully that's not the case but these things are always in flux and developing in real time.

The great news for all Bitcoin lovers is all this bearish price action imo is coming to a close and a new Bull chapter will soon begin once we reach the bear climax.

@biodom - Aspiring to make sense out of the seeming chaos of the world is human nature and what separates us from the lower primates. Not to mention its a lot more fun and interesting than shrugging and submitting to a "nobody knows" mentality. This is why humanity is constantly advancing and doing things that were unthinkable a hundred years prior.

Chaos is simply unapprehended complexity.

1172. Post 53172202 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Biodom on November 25, 2019, 03:39:43 AM
The Bargain Boyz clearly have no interest in these prices so its going lower.

If 6400 doesnt hold and then I fully expect we plunge down to the 5200 range I suspect it will be a ride straight down with almost no big bounces in between, bc the April Tether Fud that started this Bubble took us from 5200 to over 7k with basically no big dips. I'm expecting history to rhyme a bit and a straight shot to 5200 if Bargain Boyz dont rescue Bitcoin.

They told me they are celebrating Thanksgiving with fam this week so I wouldnt expect a Bargain Boyz ultra high volume bounce before then, maybe a low volume bounce that will get sold quickly at best.

This Thanksgiving is going to be full of Nocoiners saying "I hear Bitcoin crashed," and "I told you so" to noble Hodlers.  A small price to pay to be one of the future financial elite.

Hmmm I think you are starting to get a bit greedy Lambie.   It is possible, but I am not seeing justification for a downside breakout.  

Everybody is entitled to a particular opinion, but I think that it is almost out of the question that we would be following prior fractal 'exactly', so $10K and $5K are equally possible.
By now, everyone should just admit that btc price is simply chaotic with an upward bias (so far).

@H.M.- I think greed was on the minds of the buyers over 9k who thought a bubble this early after a major bear market was sustainable.

Im staying pragmatic and ruthlessly unbiased. Its gonna take a capitulation event imo to end this and since so far 6ks arent seeming to produce one Im naturally setting my sights on 5200 as the climax of a capitulation event. Im not deploying my last fiat until I see the Bargain Boyz ultra volume or 4900-5200 range prices, whichever comes first. If hypothetically 5200 comes first I of course reserve the right to still not deploy said fiat if I see other things I don't like, hopefully that's not the case but these things are always in flux and developing in real time.

The great news for all Bitcoin lovers is all this bearish price action imo is coming to a close and a new Bull chapter will soon begin once we reach the bear climax.

@biodom - Aspiring to make sense out of the seeming chaos of the world is human nature and what separates us from the lower primates. Not to mention its a lot more fun and interesting than shrugging and submitting to a "nobody knows" mentality. This is why humanity is constantly advancing and doing things that were unthinkable a hundred years prior.

Chaos is simply unapprehended complexity.

Sorry, I don't find your guesses very entertaining since they are not based on anything (ostensibly) in your presentation.
At least, @HM has his favorite fractal.

I've mentioned many times some of the more obvious metrics and rationales my predictions are based off of, although my main metrics and rationales I prefer to keep to myself as they are proprietary.

If you said I haven't presented any homemade charts that would and likely always will be accurate, but to say my predictions aren't presented as based on anything is false as evidenced by my post history.


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LOL. Wink

1173. Post 53172222 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Observing 666Shocked

1174. Post 53172237 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

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1175. Post 53173188 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on November 25, 2019, 07:21:57 AM

Just buy more Bitcoin and you wont be bothered so much when I correctly tell you we are going down more.  Cheesy All your worry and issues with my downwards calls just show me the truth that you are not invested heavily enough.

I will let you know when the Bargain Boyz arrive, despite your squirming and protests.  Cheesy

Brave call on this board.  The trend is down until it's not.

I try not to make the bearish calls much now because I sometimes don't have the energy for the arguments that ensue.

It is interesting that you identify the strength of protest with the degree of bullish commitment.  The holy grail of (contrarian) trading was always to find an pure untainted indicator of overall sentiment. When the bulls don't argue with bearish comment anymore, is that when the true bottom is in ?

Yes strength of protest certainly shines a lot of light on what they really are going through atm.

More phoney baloney.

You may remember the approx 3100 Bottom on Dec. 15 '18 and two days later on the 17th when I declared the Bear Market to have ended that JJG engaged in a vicious battle with me that lasted for many days bc he was incredibly angered by the certitude of me claiming the bottom was in. Walls of texts and silly name calling ensued. It was the usual "how dare you you wanna be sorcerer," "ur so full of shit," "ive been here a few months longer than you so how dare you" routine he has developed.

He had actually given up on short term bullishness at that point and switched from getting angry when people made bear calls with conviction to getting angry when people made bull calls with conviction. I couldnt make this stuff up if I tried. Cheesy

You could spin it in order to attempt to paint yourself as the next coming, though.   Smiley

kind of like this:

If he is going to be an accurate indicator in that fashion again we will need for him to start getting angry at bull calls to be sure the bottom is in. Mr. Goose is already posting pics of a frugal lifestyle so if JJG gets pissed at bullish calls hopefully we can start the run to 100k.

Yeah, right....  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

TLDR: Bitcoin trend changes revolve around Mr. Goose's spending habits and JJGs sententious and anger filled text walls.

Good luck with using those kinds of indicators while you are in the cave interpreting the moves of shadows.

Every time you get mad at my predictions we just go down more, causing you to get even madder. You are doing this to yourself.  Cheesy

1176. Post 53220572 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on November 29, 2019, 10:45:15 AM
So here you go Lambie Slayer

Note I have requested these cards from a very kind person on the BTCT forum .... Just asked for some small details Tongue

credit to: Basorexia

*hope you guys can find yourself in those cards

Catching up on a lot of posts and see something new. WO never stops surprising me w something I never thought of.

Hopefully we get a Bargain Boyz card soon.  Cheesy

1177. Post 53220706 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Pamoldar on November 28, 2019, 07:33:36 PM
There will be a small session between me and my bitcoin girl, exclusively for WO brothers. Of course you lot are one of the part of my world too.

There you go!
Short session only for WO!

One of the best posts I've ever seen.  Smiley

1178. Post 53220932 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Bargain Boyz have been too busy eating turkey and sunning their buttholes to step in with massive buying.

Ill be meeting with them soon to learn more about their plans.

The only other big mystery in life besides what will the Bargain Boyz do in regards to Bitcoin is......

What WO member will be first to sun their anus while making the famous WO hand signal and posting it.

All my merits will be going to whoever that anus pioneer will be. No homo.

1179. Post 53221018 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Pamoldar on November 30, 2019, 12:20:44 PM
What WO member will be first to sun their anus while making the famous WO hand signal and posting it. .
Either mic or R0ach 😉

If Roach does it first I will read Mein Kampf.  Cheesy

1180. Post 53221047 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Pamoldar on November 30, 2019, 12:27:44 PM
What is wrong with WO brothers?
Since I left WO yesterday it's been around 20 hours and only 3 page were filled!

This means bitcoin is moving sideways and boring. Guys it still too early for Christmas drink!!!

This was to be expected as many Bitcoiners are seeing family members this week who are nocoiners and are no doubt asking dumb questions about Bitcoin dying and crashing. This of course kills enthusiasm and lowers page count.

Next Thanksgiving will be revenge of the Coiners as we smugly rub it in about how right we were.

1181. Post 53225374 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on November 30, 2019, 07:18:14 PM
So here you go Lambie Slayer

Note I have requested these cards from a very kind person on the BTCT forum .... Just asked for some small details Tongue

credit to: Basorexia

*hope you guys can find yourself in those cards

Catching up on a lot of posts and see something new. WO never stops surprising me w something I never thought of.

Hopefully we get a Bargain Boyz card soon.  Cheesy

That's a fantasy of your own perverted imagination - a way that you wished the world to be rather than what it is.  Accordingly, if you want that you should realize that it is something that you must "get" for ur lil selfie.     Tongue  and share with the rest of us (less imaginative peeps), so we can witness how retarded you are with your ongoing playfulness.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

STFU permabeartard  Wink Divest some of your other assets and buy more Bitcoin. Bargain Boyz have been far more correct than your wanna be sorcery attempts.  Cheesy

1182. Post 53225531 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Black Friday came and went and the Bargain Boyz never got coins at a price they considered to be compelling. We will probably keep going down until the JJG AI indicator flips and he gets mad at bullish posters for being too bullish like in December of 2018.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1183. Post 53226542 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on December 01, 2019, 01:25:14 AM
In short term TA, the pace we are falling right now is not great.  

We ought to be gently rising right now.

Looks like it’s going to be a shitty December, with a possible scary plunge like the 2018 December bottoming.

@HM -
Agreed. This is what the Bargain Boyz are waiting for. Most don't believe they will get it, but most have been wrong in general about this mini bear market that proceeded the mini bubble.

If we are following in a fractal type pattern what happened in 2015(I think we are) then I believe overshooting the fractal to the downside (5200 minimum) is most likely since we already overshot the fractal so much to the upside. We had the ying, now comes the yang.

@everyone in general who believes in the King-

Good news is whatever happens the window for cheap coins will be closing in the next few months, so my advice to everyone is hurry up and divest your other assets and go all in on Bitcoin as the last great bargains materialize.

Dumb cunt-twats like JJG are one of your best indicators that bargains are on the way. Whatever calls compell his programming to respond with large walls of bitter and angry wordiness are correct approximately 82.37999% of the time according to the aggregate backtesting studies conducted by various independent researchers.  

Homes, boats, metals, stocks, t bills, and fiat are all shitcoins compared to King Bitcoin. If you own any of these you should be divesting them (especially in the US during economic bubble highs) and making your portfolio more exclusively dedicated to the one and only true King.

Go sun your butthole and the cosmic truth will become clear to you my friends as your anus resonates in harmony with the universe.

1184. Post 53226579 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 01, 2019, 02:54:58 AM
So here you go Lambie Slayer

Note I have requested these cards from a very kind person on the BTCT forum .... Just asked for some small details Tongue

credit to: Basorexia

*hope you guys can find yourself in those cards

Catching up on a lot of posts and see something new. WO never stops surprising me w something I never thought of.

Hopefully we get a Bargain Boyz card soon.  Cheesy

That's a fantasy of your own perverted imagination - a way that you wished the world to be rather than what it is.  Accordingly, if you want that you should realize that it is something that you must "get" for ur lil selfie.     Tongue  and share with the rest of us (less imaginative peeps), so we can witness how retarded you are with your ongoing playfulness.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

STFU permabeartard  Wink Divest some of your other assets and buy more Bitcoin. Bargain Boyz have been far more correct than your wanna be sorcery attempts.  Cheesy

Oh my, lambie.  You are surely emotional recently.  

You might want to try focusing ur lil selfie rather than just making up shit in order to engage in some kind of lame strawman attempts that are not even based on facts or logic... furthermore, you are labelling me as a wannabe sorcerer, when that is specifically my criticism of you, you diversionary tactics dimwit.  I am criticizing you for being a wannabe sorcerer, so you proclaim that is what I am doing.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes  Can you work on a bit more originality and accuracy in your insult attempts..?  Of course, you are trying to divert from yourself by engaging in a divergence attempt.  Roll Eyes

Regarding my system of buying, selling or hodling BTC, quite a while back, I found a balance that works well for me, and I believe that I have tailored such system to my own situation in a way that makes me quite comfortable.  So in that regard, I doubt that I need to make any large adjustments in terms of buying more BTC.

In fact, I probably have admitted previously what I perceive to be an overall dynamic in my BTC portfolio that causes me to continuously be a bit over-invested, and I kind of realized that I was over-invested in BTC since about mid-2015, but I also engaged in such over-investing on purpose, so that I don't feel bad when I sell a bit of BTC as the BTC price goes up which ended up (if it goes up) being a kind of justification hook for my authorizing myself to sell small amounts of BTC as the price goes up, and I won't feel bad about my skimming off those BTC to turn them into dollars.

Some folks who read my posts may have recognized that there can be inconsistencies with any of us attempting to find a BTC/fiat balance that is comfortable, so I have gone through times in which I made mistakes by not selling enough BTC on the way up and even doing the opposite of what I should be doing, such as buying BTC on the way up when I should be selling.

I have not been making those newbie emotional mistakes as frequently as I did in 2015/2016,  but I am NOT completely immuned from such doing the wrong thing and seemingly mistakes, either.

 My tentative conclusion remains that if anything I should sell more BTC on the way up.  

I have noticed that this cycle (referring to our drop from $19,666 to $3,122 and bounce thereafter), I have been selling way less BTC (as a percentage of my holdings) on the way up than I used to sell in the 2015 to 2017 uptrend, so I seem to be assuming that such a selling less practice allows me to have more BTC when the price finally goes up, which may or may not actually result in more BTC if the price does not shoot straight up, which surely it is not likely to do.  

Sometimes there could be needs to tweak whatever I am doing to allow me to sell more BTC then be able to buy more BTC on the way down with the proceeds from those sales - but I have already figured out that I am likely going to be just fine with the balancing of sales versus buys that I have already struck with myself in terms of how much fiat seems to end up stacking up when selling BTC on a regular basis on the way up, even when the BTC sell authorization amounts seem to be relatively small, and especially during periods that BTC's price is rushing upwardly without any meaningful correction(s).

So, there you go, Lambie, you fucktwat, an attempt from me to contextualize the situation and assert that there is no god-damned need for me to buy more BTC when I have more than enough.. and surely we can resume UPpity at any time, too.  Not that you care about actual facts, and just want to spout out some nonsense and suggest that WO participants should follow you and your purported smarter than everyone else posturings.

TLDR, wordyman scared of the Bargain Boyz being correct so often, but also too scared to buy more Bitcoin, so he types walls of texts to activate dopamine receptors via finger wellness therapy, LOL.  Cheesy

1185. Post 53226651 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Lets also not forget that tax loss harvesting was a huge contributor to the final capitulation bottom on December 15, 2018.

A lot of people bought into the mid year bubble and will have advantageous tax implications motivating them to harvest losses sometime this month.

The final Bargain is most likely nigh.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1186. Post 53226687 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Biodom on December 01, 2019, 03:20:53 AM
LS and JJG imagine that they are 'in it' like this:

Do we take JJG for Joker (for obvious reasons) and Animal Mother for LS...

In reality, it is more like this: This one is more fitting substitute for you weak video choice. Nice try though.

1187. Post 53226696 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 01, 2019, 03:28:45 AM
[edited out]

TLDR, wordyman scared of the Bargain Boyz being correct so often, but also too scared to buy more Bitcoin, so he types walls of texts to activate dopamine receptors via finger wellness therapy, LOL.  Cheesy

I thought that I would sent you a current snapshot selfie, just to make you feel self-righteously better (and maybe you won't feel so compelled to shout with boldenings?)    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

The bold in this instance is to draw the readers attention and save them from spending any time or energy on your text walls Wink

1188. Post 53226786 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 01, 2019, 03:45:19 AM
[edited out]

The bold in this instance is to draw the readers attention and save them from spending any time or energy on your text walls Wink

Yep.  I have always learned that it is good to use bold or ALL CAPS for emphasis..... So, sure, you makes a lot of senses.   Wink

Did you switch to a short form ebonics mode algo? I must say I like this one, please keep operating it.  Wink

1189. Post 53227065 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Hueristic on December 01, 2019, 04:36:48 AM
-6% ... why?  Huh
People expected to close the month with a green monthly candle?  Huh I don't understand...

This poor guy, his boss made him print and organize all of JJG's posts.

1190. Post 53227384 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 01, 2019, 05:34:09 AM
-6% ... why?  Huh
People expected to close the month with a green monthly candle?  Huh I don't understand...

This poor guy, his boss made him print and organize all of JJG's posts.

Focus, Lambie..... Focus ur lil selfie. 

You are letting your emotions get to you, which I suppose is typical with wannabe sorcerers like you.

 Tongue Tongue

Right Smiley Mocking your compulsive anger and bitter walls of text as I correctly make observations and predictions about the downtrend and the mythical Bargain Boyz is really getting the best of me.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

But post some more pics of you as a female and tell me Im not a sorcerer, even though the JJG irritation indicator is so accurate I might as well be a sorcerer at this point.  Cheesy Cheesy

1191. Post 53257803 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1192. Post 53257893 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1193. Post 53265746 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on December 01, 2019, 09:36:21 AM
Homes, boats, metals, stocks, t bills, and fiat are all shitcoins compared to King Bitcoin. If you own any of these you should be divesting them (especially in the US during economic bubble highs) and making your portfolio more exclusively dedicated to the one and only true King.

Why are you constantly suggesting such extremities lately?
I think you mean well, but it pretty much applies only in your case.

Every single time you do it, I think of this imaginary dialog:

CT - Why would anyone sell off a healthy business for BTC?
LS - To be truly free.
CT - Okay, but it's on auto, I don't have to do anything much, I don't feel restrained somehow, instead rather grateful to be able to buy BTC.
LS - I'm all-in on BTC.
CT - Good for you. Maybe I'll flip for BTC something useless to me.

Credit for the last part, you got me thinking.
But what are you going to do when you're a zillionaire Lambie? Home? Boat? Nothing?

Sorry CT I was going over some pages that I had just skimmed and caught this comment I missed from you.

If your business is your livelihood I would not consider it a shitcoin but I would consider it as a job and not something to abandon for Bitcoin unless two factors are present. If you A. didnt enjoy it, and B. could afford to never work again, then it is a shitcoin and I would advise selling it for King Bitcoin.

I was an entrepreneur for the better part of a decade and enjoyed it at the time, I would not have sold my business at the time for Bitcoin, but I certainly would have dumped all my liquid savings into it if I had discovered it earlier. I sold my business after I came to believe it wasn't my calling in life anymore. The other assets I owned were all shitcoins in my eyes within a few days of researching heavily on the King and his glory.

I had completely sold my business and moved on to something else in life before discovering the glory of King Bitcoin in 2013/14 so it was a moot point for me.

As to what Ill do if zillionaire status is achieved, I will mostly deal with it when it happens. I can say that when my wealth got to where I never needed to work again I chose to keep working since I still get a lot of fulfillment out of it. I dont know how long this will last but the day it ends I will retire early.

The cause of the betterment of humanity via sound money is my primary motivator, not wealth.

1194. Post 53265983 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 01, 2019, 06:17:54 PM
Homes, boats, metals, stocks, t bills, and fiat are all shitcoins compared to King Bitcoin. If you own any of these you should be divesting them (especially in the US during economic bubble highs) and making your portfolio more exclusively dedicated to the one and only true King.

Why are you constantly suggesting such extremities lately?
I think you mean well, but it pretty much applies only in your case.

Every single time you do it, I think of this imaginary dialog:

CT - Why would anyone sell off a healthy business for BTC?
LS - To be truly free.
CT - Okay, but it's on auto, I don't have to do anything much, I don't feel restrained somehow, instead rather grateful to be able to buy BTC.
LS - I'm all-in on BTC.
CT - Good for you. Maybe I'll flip for BTC something useless to me.

Credit for the last part, you got me thinking.
But what are you going to do when you're a zillionaire Lambie? Home? Boat? Nothing?

Salty cunt tears and rantings from a man with a mission to type and stress himself to an early grave.  Shocked

Cry more BearTard  Wink, sell some of those shitcoins you are holding and buy more Bitcoin and you wont be such a compulsive wreck angrily typing walls of gibberish.

Telling people to not invest above 10 percent is one of the stupidest things Ive ever heard from a long time hodler. How did you navigate through life with such a tiny pair.  Roll Eyes

Type less and work on time management you silly toxic little cunt, it might help out with your blood pressure, bc I dont need to see your medical history to know you have rage typed yourself into hypertension and other health ailments.

To suggest my style and the Bear Troll I doxed and slayed is the same makes me think your physical ailments from wall typing induced hypertension is affecting your congnitive processes. Kaminska was a Keynsian Financial Times journalist with a consistent Bitcoin bashing agenda. She posted porn often, spammed relentlessly and spewed hatred at all times. Take the porn away and she mostly resembles you out of all the posters. I know its not actually you bc i doxed her, otherwise I might be suspicious you were her alt account, as no one other than you has wasted as much time angrily posting their life away as she did.

Anyway, the more you fight it and gnash your teeth at my predictions the more likely we go down till the Bargain Boyz step in.  Wink The JJG indicator is still undefeated, the sorcery is real.  Grin

1195. Post 53266367 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Raja_MBZ on December 03, 2019, 01:07:36 PM
JAPAN: 71-year-old man arrested after calling his phone company 24,000 times to complain about violations of his contract


Looks like JJG found something to do when not typing walls and got in a little trouble.  Smiley

1196. Post 53266768 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: Globb0 on December 03, 2019, 10:46:12 PM

out of merits rn, but +3  Cheesy

1197. Post 53266804 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

Quote from: BobLawblaw on December 05, 2019, 12:38:36 PM
WO is quiet ....
Price sideways

Rick came home from a terrible day at the office yesterday, and we went out for drinks, nachos and queso (with seasoned ground beef. MMMMM.) They are doing a reorg at EvilCorp and he's very upset with the new manager that has been assigned to him. I believe it was the first time I've ever seen him come home as upset as he was, and frustrated due to work. He was planning on retiring n months from now, but doesn't think he can last that long due to EvilCorps latest management reshuffle, and needs to wait for at least one more vesting cycle to comfortably meet his tax obligations for FY2019.

He mused "I wish Bitcoin was at $20k so I could just retire off my own stash" while mostly venting, and me listening.

I really don't want to sound like a little first-world-problems princess-bitch like this, but I really do miss the days of me lamenting the boredom of being stuck in a $10k range for a bit.

Were we back at $10k right now, I would liquidate enough Bitcoin to rescue Rick from wage-slavery, understanding it's going against my own long-term best interests. I really wish I could break OpSec and share storytime, but... yeah... the idiots have practically gained control of Silicon Valley upper management now at EvilCorp. It's getting bad out there, folks.

Very sad to me how shit rises to the top, while hard working and passionate senior engineers get utterly abused and humiliated, by being forced to serve under managers that couldn't code "Hello World" in BASIC.

EvilCorp may or may not be a "Big Five" tech company, FWIW. I'll leave it up to you guys to image.

If a loved one hates their job rescuing them from wage slavery is a noble cause I believe a lot of bitcoiners will be taking up in the future. 

1198. Post 53323878 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1199. Post 53365507 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

This is most likely just a little December tax loss harvesting for the U.S. and any other countries where its applicable, the Bargain Boyz still aren't buying yet, but they will come out of hiding sometime before the halving (first half of January is my best estimate rn) for the final capitulation.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1200. Post 53365664 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: soxxx on December 16, 2019, 11:37:11 PM
When people are talking 3K and 2K-ish then we have a chance of turn around  Cheesy
You can feel the bottom is near, all I see is panic, and one final move down to perhaps $6000 or $5300 would be the final capitulation.

Yes, those are the kind of prices that would likely cause the Bargain Boyz to reveal themselves.  I think the real panic would start sub 6500, this right now is more of a nervous state of anxiety (sprinkled with a bit of outright denial) caused by the future panic that could materialize.

1201. Post 53370488 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

For the wise looking to buy cheap coins, bargains are coming soon.

To the over leveraged doubters....

full version:

1202. Post 53371044 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on December 17, 2019, 02:29:26 PM
For the wise looking to buy cheap coins, bargains are coming soon.

To the over leveraged doubters....

full version:

So wise is waiting and not buying now?? Mmmmmmmm, I suggest some to be not wise at the moment  Kiss

Yes wise is and has been waiting for the Bargain Boyz and buying the big volume when it manifests.

Or just spend your fiat on wining, dining and travel, who needs moar cheap coins anyways Wink

1203. Post 53371140 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

A woman without instruction is headed for destruction.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1204. Post 53371173 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: bitserve on December 17, 2019, 03:31:30 PM
What kind of sorcery is this?

This looks ridiculous. Rubbing my eyes for the 2e time... Tongue

That looks like a recipe for disaster.

I clicked on this and zoomed out to the monthly time scale and holy fuck.....

1205. Post 53374258 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1206. Post 53374292 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

We have more down to come for sure, but..... its okay to start nibbling at these prices as you don't want to try and buy the bottom all at once.

I have sources confirming that Bargain Boy activity has begun as promised.

Don't get too excited, this is just stage 1.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1207. Post 53375434 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

When the Bargain Boyz step in the only panic will be panic buying. This could happen around 5 or perhaps a little lower, but 3k is not going to happen, they will buy way too much corn for that to occur.

The Bargain Boyz will let you know when the time is right. For now just nibble with a few small buys if you must, the real bargains are on the way.

1208. Post 53375446 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Primitive metals.  Roll Eyes

1209. Post 53375456 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Tis the season to be moving your fiat to exchanges for the deals to come. Remember when your friends and family mock you during the holidays about Bitcoin that it just means the real Bargains are beginning.

Christmas 2021 you will be a legend and the fam will be asking you if 100k is a good place to buy.  Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1210. Post 53375477 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: nutildah on December 18, 2019, 02:57:18 AM
All the charts look terrible, with the exception of 1 year and 3 hour

2 year
6 month
30 day
7 day
24 hour
12 hour

all down.

+3 for the excellent B Boyz meme  Cheesy

The man is such a Bargain hunter that he wears the same shirt in multiple memes, its cheaper than buying more shirts. He needs that money for more corn.

1211. Post 53375748 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1212. Post 53376451 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 18, 2019, 07:33:06 AM
When the Bargain Boyz step in the only panic will be panic buying. This could happen around 5 or perhaps a little lower, but 3k is not going to happen

same stuff as usual

Roach you could have been a man of wealth and taste after getting into Bitcoin earlier than most in the low hundreds. You used to come off as a fairly normal guy back in 2015.

In fact I suspect you were a fairly normal guy till your mental condition started to manifest and you became delusional with your anti Bitcoin conspiracy theories and now you wait for silver you to rescue you from poverty and borderline madness. Its easy to see why you get more upset as Bitcoin gets closer to becoming the global reserve currency.

Paranoid schizophrenia usually sets in for males during the early 20's. It happened to one of my parents cousins. He was a normal college student and some financial hardship in his family triggered his latent mental illness predisposition. He completely lost his shit, got obsessed with conspiracy theories and to this day he cant hold a job or live a normal life, he lived with his mom for decades till she died and now lives in her house surviving off government disability checks. This is your fate too if you dont clean up your act and get over your made up fears of King Bitcoin, women, Jews and non whites in general. (Your JJG critiques are mostly valid though and not an illness I should note.  Cheesy)

Mentally disturbed people never have nor will make good investment choices. Their thought processes constantly work against them causing them to make the worst choices available.

Work on your mental well being and you will soon find yourself buying cheap corn as your mind clears from all the toxic stress and boogie man fears you have infected yourself with. This isnt an attack on my part, Im showing you the way out of your problems.  

Mental health issues can happen to anyone at any time, no one is immune.

Its not your fault, probably you were predisposed and some life circumstance triggered and exacerbated it but a normal and fulfilling life is within reach for you as soon as you lay down your hatred and begin to nobly serve the One True King.

Bitcoin among other things, is the best cure for mental health issues known to man.

Buy Bitcoin.
This is the way.


1213. Post 53376600 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on December 18, 2019, 08:57:43 AM
The man is such a Bargain hunter that he wears the same shirt in multiple memes, its cheaper than buying more shirts. He needs that money for more corn.

I finally found what you were referencing... It took an entire google search for "Bargain Boyz" to find it. Its a great little show  Cheesy  I hope they do more episodes in the future.

Spoiler: the most excitin' barg of all turns out to be a 1987 Rubix Cube which he pays $400 for.

Well now.  I have learnt something today.

Lol, it is a good show. I first mentioned Bargain Boyz some months ago not knowing about the show, just making a generic nickname in reference to shrewd investors waiting to buy cheap coins at compelling bargain prices.

After making a few memes I googled it to see if some business had the name in hopes they could provide meme material, then I stumbled upon the real Bargain Boyz. Australian billionaires who make youtube videos while they wait to spend their vast fortunes on cheap corn.

1214. Post 53376899 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on December 18, 2019, 09:47:55 AM
But but, I already thought BTC was a bargain at 9777$

So now we are at super bargain stage?
Maybe to go to extreme bargain stage?

We will see ........... Roll Eyes

My sources confirmed that the Bargain Boyz bought corn today for the first time since the minibubble of 2019. They consider these prices to be borderline bargains. All the prices since the 14k bubble high they considered to be expensive coins.

The Boyz are just starting their purchases now to spread them out, but the lions share of corn will be bought at lower prices by these savvy Aussie Billionaires.

If the Bargain Boyz are to be trusted (hint: they are) compelling Bargains will come soon in the following weeks, but technically in the 6500-6600 range its safe to say Bitcoin meets their definition of a bargain.  Smiley

1215. Post 53376984 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on December 18, 2019, 10:12:11 AM
The man is such a Bargain hunter that he wears the same shirt in multiple memes, its cheaper than buying more shirts. He needs that money for more corn.

I finally found what you were referencing... It took an entire google search for "Bargain Boyz" to find it. Its a great little show  Cheesy  I hope they do more episodes in the future.

Spoiler: the most excitin' barg of all turns out to be a 1987 Rubix Cube which he pays $400 for.

Well now.  I have learnt something today.

Lol, it is a good show. I first mentioned Bargain Boyz some months ago not knowing about the show, just making a generic nickname in reference to shrewd investors waiting to buy cheap coins at compelling bargain prices.

After making a few memes I googled it to see if some business had the name in hopes they could provide meme material, then I stumbled upon the real Bargain Boyz. Australian billionaires who make youtube videos while they wait to spend their vast fortunes on cheap corn.

I thought they all had speech impediments.  Then I realized they are Australian.

Also they are trying to make fun of a country American accent in the sketches. 

1216. Post 53377003 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: fillippone on December 18, 2019, 10:13:33 AM

Mmmmm some good old PlanB

I find it hard to deal with the dude.
I like his model so much, but appear too good to be true.
Trying to get rational and calm every tweet I read.
Gettin'an erection instead.

If S2F fails to materialise, would be the biggest delusion ever (orders of magnitude bigger than every "partenr related" stories), not for the money per se, but for the amount of faith and commitment I put into it.

If you think about how many people died for crazy religions based on zero evidence with almost no chance of being true, the Bitcoin dream looks pretty sane.

1217. Post 53377181 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on December 18, 2019, 10:19:14 AM

Ive always liked the fractal overlay concept. Kissing that lower moving average around 5k seems what it suggests here. An undershoot to make up with the overshoot and a second touch of the moving average to launch the run to 100k.

This would provide some congruence to the fractal hypothesis and the Bargain Boyz psychedelic transdimensional hyperspace method.

I will check with my sources to see if its viable. Perhaps a Christmas miracle is in the cards.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1218. Post 53377247 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 18, 2019, 10:32:12 AM
But but, I already thought BTC was a bargain at 9777$

So now we are at super bargain stage?
Maybe to go to extreme bargain stage?

We will see ........... Roll Eyes

My sources confirmed that the Bargain Boyz bought corn today for the first time since the minibubble of 2019. They consider these prices to be borderline bargains. All the prices since the 14k bubble high they considered to be expensive coins.

The Boyz are just starting their purchases now to spread them out, but the lions share of corn will be bought at lower prices by these savvy Aussie Billionaires.

If the Bargain Boyz are to be trusted (hint: they are) compelling Bargains will come soon in the following weeks, but technically in the 6500-6600 range its safe to say Bitcoin meets their definition of a bargain.  Smiley

Hopefully, for their own good, those attention seeking jokesters don't get run over by a real train in their attempting to be funny and time the market.

Better to be a bit more responsible in regards to the whole accumulation and HODL matter.

Talk to me about responsible hodling when you diversify out of some of you questionable investments and up your percentage of investment into the King.

Your best move is dump some of those shitcoins, stocks, and whatever other risky items you are holding on to, and buy more of the King of Corn now that we are entering into the Bargain Boyz promised buy zone that you refused to believe in till it ran you over like a train.  Cheesy

1219. Post 53378175 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 18, 2019, 11:12:33 AM
[edited out]

Talk to me about responsible hodling when you diversify out of some of you questionable investments and up your percentage of investment into the King.

Salty Cunt tears cant handle Bargain Boyz were right and he was wrong.  Smiley

Your best move is dump some of those shitcoins, stocks,

Salty Cunt crying for being called out on his questionable non Bitcoin investments and his refusal to divest in them and buy more King Bitcoin at these Bargain Boyz prices he thought wouldnt come.

and whatever other risky items you are holding on to, and buy more of the King of Corn now that we are entering into the Bargain Boyz promised buy zone that you refused to believe in till it ran you over like a train.  Cheesy

Salty Cunt spouting his retard incremental boredom routine. Truth is he is insecure about not having a higher percent of his investments in King Bitcoin.

Fixed your angry rantings for you. Now go take your blood pressure medications.  You will need them as we go lower and I get bullish and you start to get mad at bull calls like you did when I declared we were in a Baby Bull market in December of 2018.

JJG blood pressure indicator is undefeated.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

This meme is gonna be fun for the next 7 days.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1220. Post 53378619 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: CrypTon1an on December 18, 2019, 01:10:17 PM
Hellowz there guys.

Are you guys still sure you do not want to hire us ?  Grin

The Cryptonian Group

Sup dipshit. Nah we dont have any need for retards but I hear there are opportunities for tards out there, just keep looking.  Wink

"Mainly the kinds of job the mentally retarded can do — and do well — are unskilled, service or shortcycle repetitive tasks. Other workers become bored in such jobs, but not the retarded (Cryptardian). They can take pride in the ability to do such work."

1221. Post 53378751 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.09h):

Quote from: CrypTon1an on December 18, 2019, 01:43:55 PM
Hellowz there guys.

Are you guys still sure you do not want to hire us ?  Grin

The Cryptonian Group

In desperate need, but lost all my coins .... wanna help out a brother for free??

Oh my, sorry for your loss  Cheesy. Noo freebies, you know how it is.

Hellowz there guys.

Are you guys still sure you do not want to hire us ?  Grin

The Cryptonian Group

Positive (Y)
Hellowz there guys.

Are you guys still sure you do not want to hire us ?  Grin

The Cryptonian Group

Sup dipshit. Nah we dont have any need for retards but I hear there are opportunities for tards out there, just keep looking.  Wink

"Mainly the kinds of job the mentally retarded can do — and do well — are unskilled, service or shortcycle repetitive tasks. Other workers become bored in such jobs, but not the retarded (Cryptardian). They can take pride in the ability to do such work."

1 Up for the Creativity there. Nothing else Cheesy

+1 for being a good sport Smiley
But seriously, anyone with an iq high enough to be here would never fall for such a silly scam as you have been presenting.

Nigerians and Indian call centers focus on scamming feeble minded elderly so if you really are dead set on trying to make it as a scammer I would suggest focusing on the elderly, not a thread full of high iq individuals and an angry chat bot.
But I would recommend that you in general avoid a scammer lifestyle bc surely u are smart enough to do something else in life than scams with no chance of working on us, or running phone scams on the elderly for a few bucks a week and a potential jail sentence.

1222. Post 53456628 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.10h):

Belated Merry Christmas to everyone. Smiley Just finished catching up on 9 days of WO reading, familial duties kept me busy of late.

1223. Post 53456708 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.10h):

Quote from: nutildah on December 18, 2019, 03:35:58 PM
So, let's face it: Lambie was wrong this time too. No $5k no 4k or 3k. Not even $6k dammit! He's so proud of himself for "declaring baby bull market" but how many times since then he was wrong predicting bear moves? There has to be some reason a person predicts bear moves every now and then. The guy is smart, I admit. But to me he's just a smarter version of gembitz. Sorry Lambie fans.   Cool

I've only heard him tossing out the number $5k in the last day... did he do so previously? He just said it won't go to $3k. And I've got news for you: this is $6k. This is it. He's been right about calls he made 3-4 months or so ago, which is better than most can say.

Everybody is a smarter version of gembitz. My comb is a smarter version of gembitz. Yeah I guess I'm a Lambie fan. Oh well, I'll have to learn to live with it.

Well said Nutildah. 6k range did happen.

And yep, we are all smarter than gembitz. Smiley

And yeah 3k isnt gonna happen imo, somebody is misremembering my posts. 5k's might be in the cards though, it could go either way at this point in my opinion.

Id want to see some serious volume among other things before I called bottom yet.

I bought 2 more coins when the Bargain Boyz buy zone was reached but Id like to get another 8 or so if the price is right. Ill let the Boyz guide me. Obviously we all know its a metaphor for shrewd investors holding out for compelling prices, so when I said the Boyz were buying it meant I was buying too.

1224. Post 53456869 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.10h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 18, 2019, 08:06:08 PM
So, let's face it: Lambie was wrong this time too. No $5k no 4k or 3k. Not even $6k dammit! He's so proud of himself for "declaring baby bull market" but how many times since then he was wrong predicting bear moves? There has to be some reason a person predicts bear moves every now and then. The guy is smart, I admit. But to me he's just a smarter version of gembitz. Sorry Lambie fans.   Cool

I've only heard him tossing out the number $5k in the last day... did he do so previously? He just said it won't go to $3k. And I've got news for you: this is $6k. This is it. He's been right about calls he made 3-4 months or so ago, which is better than most can say.

Everybody is a smarter version of gembitz. My comb is a smarter version of gembitz. Yeah I guess I'm a Lambie fan. Oh well, I'll have to learn to live with it.

I guess that you had not noticed that he had been calling for a price correction ever since about early May when we crossed over $6k... So, yeah.. sooner or later he is likely to end up being correct, so that merely makes him entertaining, at best, rather than the soothsayer god-like creature that he would like to have doted upon his attention-whoring little noggen.    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

I may have mentioned a possible retrace here and there, I dont have time to go through all my posts, but im pretty sure we had already hit 9k at the end of May before I started getting decisively bearish on a medium term time scale. Hell I remember off the top of my head posting about a leveraged long I closed in May in the 7ks so I dug up that post, which you merited by the way.

Not exactly uber bear material after crossing 6k now is it?

The pump from 10k to 14k was certainly a surprise to me, but we all know it didn't last long, and after July 26 once we hit 14k its been a down trend since.

Did we possibly hit the bottom of the trend in the Bargain Boy Buy zone recently. Perhaps, but at the moment I'm leaning against this, although actually hitting the zone does make me a lot less bearish. Id say 35 percent chance that was the end and its all up from here. 65 percent chance the B Boyz come out to play at least one more time imo.

Your insecure vendetta against anyone with an opinion on future price is getting sillier and sillier as time goes by. Nobody buys an asset without having opinions as to where the price will go, so yeah we are all sorcerers around here, get used to it.

Also please explain how posting a billion words a week isn't attention whoring Cheesy Id like some insights into that logic. All social interaction is attention seeking by nature, in person or online, get used to that too.  Wink

The JJG indicator is still undefeated, the more mad you get at my predictions the more likely Im right, per usual.

1225. Post 53456883 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.10h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 23, 2019, 05:34:36 AM
The Bargain Boyz have kicked off the celebration early with some pints of shandy, happy to have loaded up their F-150s with sub $7k corn.

I suspect we won't hear from them in a while, but who knows what will actually happen? To be continued...

Didn't you hear that they are still waiting to buy, those dweebs.

Someone caught a slow motion video of them this morning, and I don't think that they are faring too well...

They are not really in very good shape.

Incorrect, they are in their prime with excellent blood pressure. Spend less time revenge typing and you should experience some health benefits yourself.  Wink

Remember you are missing the train I caught long ago. To get on that train you need to divest out of your questionable investments and up your percent of investment in King Bitcoin.

Id recommend something respectable as a bare minimum, like 50 percent of net worth devoted to the  King.

Typing walls for 50 percent of your life is a time investment, not a financial one.  

1226. Post 53456906 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.10h):

Quote from: bitserve on December 24, 2019, 06:42:28 PM
I want to take this moment to remember that exactly one year ago we were at around $3.5K and it was a hard blow after all the previous year unfulfilled dreams.

During 2019, it seems we have bottomed and doubled that.

What I mean is...


#nohomo #wosign #dyor

If you are proposing WO members get together and open brothels after 100k is reached then Id like to hear more about this business concept please.  Cheesy

1227. Post 53457030 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.10h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on December 27, 2019, 11:23:43 PM
I want to take this moment to remember that exactly one year ago we were at around $3.5K and it was a hard blow after all the previous year unfulfilled dreams.

During 2019, it seems we have bottomed and doubled that.

What I mean is...


#nohomo #wosign #dyor

If you are proposing WO members get together and open brothels after 100k is reached then Id like to hear more about this business concept please.  Cheesy

I wouldn’t mind managing some of the highest class escorts in the world. Payment received in bitcoin only though.
We can recruit loads of those instagram thot’s & start a global movement. $5,000 in bitcoin per girl, per day.
Ultimate discretion for celebrity clients.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

I like your line of thinking about starting a global movement.

I was having a conversation with a buddy recently and we got to talking about peoples jobs being automated away over time.

It occurred to me and I made a prediction to him that the number one job field for women would be sex worker(stippers, whores, porn stars, cam models, happy ending massages, bikini baristas, breastaraunt waitresses, naked sushi girls, go go dancers, etc) in 20 years.

Think about it.... Service industry jobs have already made tons of gains as automation has cut into other types of jobs.

Men due to our larger brain size make the most money and spend the most money and the service we like most is typically sex.

Porn has always been the most searched term on the web.

Women are already spending more and more time on looking and acting slutty than ever before, so its just a matter of time before they all want to monetize their looks and the largest company in the world is one that figures out how to get a multi trillion dollar market cap valuation monetizing the sex worker industry.

1228. Post 53474796 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.10h):

Congrats to Gembitz and Roach on your newborn baby Yoda.  Grin

1229. Post 53489372 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.10h):

Bargain Boyz getting ready for tonight.  Smiley Happy New Year's to everyone, and be sure to watch out for nocoiners tonight. Low iq's and copious amounts of alcohol can make these primates unpredictable.

host images

1230. Post 53504976 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

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via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1231. Post 53505015 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Its interesting that Bitcoin is approaching the Bargain Boyz buy zone while stocks are melting up into a bubbly frenzy. The lack of correlation bodes well for the future when the stock bubble collapses.

1232. Post 53506153 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

New Years bargainz are almost here, make sure to have your fiat ready.

1233. Post 53548669 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Baghdad Boyz are Fomoing.   Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1234. Post 53549728 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 07, 2020, 12:56:27 AM
Hey "JayJuanGee" Thanks for the merit  Smiley ... wasn't able to send you a PM

I will do also when i'm able to!

Best wishes ... enjoyed your " walls of text" sometimes

Best regards


I did not know that I had not allowed "newbies" to send me PMs.  My account settings must have reset or I accidentally unchecked that box.  I have reset my settings to allow for PMs from "newbies."

Regarding my walls of text, I agree.  Sometimes it is better to just skip them or skim them.... depending on your mood and level of patience.

Best strategical advice you have ever given.  Smiley

1235. Post 53557095 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Sorry gents, unlike the Bargain Boyz, the new kids on the block weren't hodlers. Bargain Boyz will come in with strong hands soon enough though and hodl for the long term.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1236. Post 53564383 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Leaked video of Iran and White House de-escalation talks.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1237. Post 53564388 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

When the Bargain Boyz are away, the Baghdad Boyz will play.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1238. Post 53564535 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on January 09, 2020, 09:27:18 PM
Leaked video of Iran and White House de-escalation talks.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

A person I do cross a lot IRL is exactly looking like that actor (Plemons)  but like a similarity that I have never seen before, if I can manage to take a pic then I will try .... his a waiter at a place I pass by sometimes


via Imgflip Meme Generator

1239. Post 53564543 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: jojo69 on January 09, 2020, 09:43:37 PM
Great news everyone!

IRS feeling the pinch, audits down 50% since 2010

I gotta give Trump some credit on this one. He hates the IRS and audits and has aggressively tightened their purse strings.

1240. Post 53564687 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on January 09, 2020, 10:35:13 PM
I dont think any of us would still be here if we weren't at least borderline extreme.  Just a bunch of Bitcoin extremist freaks.

Yep, we might as well form the inevitable Bitcoin Global Militia.

1241. Post 53564722 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: makrospex on January 09, 2020, 10:02:56 PM
Leaked video of Iran and White House de-escalation talks.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

A person I do cross a lot IRL is exactly looking like that actor (Plemons)  but like a similarity that I have never seen before, if I can manage to take a pic then I will try .... his a waiter at a place I pass by sometimes

This reminds me a lot of this article  Cheesy

Damn the Drake look alike looks real to me. As for the blonde chick id take her over Reese Witherspoon any day.

1242. Post 53565109 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: HI-TEC99 on January 09, 2020, 11:16:08 PM

Damn the Drake look alike looks real to me. As for the blonde chick id take her over Reese Witherspoon any day.

Are you sure it's a chick? The gif only shows a bit of face obscured by a carrot.

Nah, thats a dude in the gif. Wasnt referring to the gif, you must not of clicked the article you snipped out I was responding to.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1243. Post 53565119 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: HI-TEC99 on January 09, 2020, 11:48:10 PM

Damn the Drake look alike looks real to me. As for the blonde chick id take her over Reese Witherspoon any day.

Are you sure it's a chick? The gif only shows a bit of face obscured by a carrot. got confused and didnt bother clicking the article with the blonde Reese look alike in it

  She's a drag queen who might also use the pronoun he Tranny

Using she/he might be offensive if the drag queen self identifies as an attack helicopter.

No need to be scared to offend dudes who think they are chicks.

1244. Post 53565120 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on January 10, 2020, 12:18:13 AM

there's also two girls one carrot on youtube, can't find a small enough gif of it

Pity it’s to late to unleash my own carrot .....

Turning around give a sweet kiss on the head and back into HODLsleep....

Rest up for a long day of wining and dining her tomorrow Wink

1245. Post 53566755 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1246. Post 53572320 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: efialtis on January 10, 2020, 06:39:58 PM
Friday night, observing $8,070

This is how OG HODLERS roll.....

LOL!  Cheesy

Man, I knew we had something in common - here´s how we Greeks roll!  Cool

Cool instagram photo you "borrowed" there, got anymore? Wink

1247. Post 53572399 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: efialtis on January 10, 2020, 08:26:17 PM
Friday night, observing $8,070

This is how OG HODLERS roll.....

LOL!  Cheesy

Man, I knew we had something in common - here´s how we Greeks roll!  Cool

Cool instagram photo you "borrowed" there, got anymore? Wink

What worries me a little though... You some insta nerd recognizing that chick right away? haha  Cheesy Eyes on our beloved charts man!

Hmmm you are posting pics off obscure travel cunts instagram accounts, so it appears you are the instagram chick nerd fan boy. I just right clicked an obvious fake pic and selected "search google for images"

A little trick many fake posers arent aware of yet.  Wink But tell me more of the good times in Greece Cheesy

1248. Post 53572449 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: efialtis on January 10, 2020, 08:40:37 PM
Friday night, observing $8,070

This is how OG HODLERS roll.....

LOL!  Cheesy

Man, I knew we had something in common - here´s how we Greeks roll!  Cool

Cool instagram photo you "borrowed" there, got anymore? Wink

What worries me a little though... You some insta nerd recognizing that chick right away? haha  Cheesy Eyes on our beloved charts man!

Hmmm you are posting pics off obscure travel cunts instagram accounts, so it appears you are the instagram chick nerd fan boy. I just right clicked an obvious fake pic and selected "search google for images"

A little trick many fake posers arent aware of yet.  Wink But tell me more of the good times in Greece Cheesy

Obviously you like to overinterprete things, LOL - says a lot about that nerd question  Cheesy

Your nerdiness isnt a question at this point, its well established.  Kiss Now do what you do best and get back to sifting through girly travel instagram pics for some cool poser pics to impress people who cant right click.  Cheesy

1249. Post 53572548 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.11h):

Quote from: d_eddie on January 10, 2020, 08:56:25 PM

Your nerdiness isnt a question at this point, its well established.  Kiss Now do what you do best and get back to sifting through girly travel instagram pics for some cool poser pics to impress people who cant right click.  Cheesy

Let's not be too kind to the relevant instaslut with inappropriate words such as "girly". I bet she's over 45.

Meh, if you are 90 years old and playing with legos all day I would label you childish, so regardless of her age, if her life is dedicated to instaslut girly travel pics, imma call her account girly. I know Ho-Filter takes some years off but Id guess true age at 38-41 range, but who knows how advanced Ho-Filter AI is these days, she might be 55.  Roll Eyes

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1250. Post 53626730 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

The masses are waking up.  Smiley

"Banks and ATMs are now being targeted for vandalism and destruction by demonstrators who have declared a "week of wrath" — specifically in major cities like Beirut. It's now been two months since commercial banks have enacted severe controls preventing large money transfers abroad and restricting clients' access to their deposits. "

Hey bankers, gonna be tough to brainwash these kind folks into thinking Bitcoin is a fad or scam  Kiss

"After a month of rain, Tuesday’s protests saw the highest turnout in weeks. Following an extended stand-off in front of the headquarters of the Central Bank, protesters came into conflict with security forces that resulted in at least seven wounded.

...Several people attempted to storm the Central Bank building Cheesy, breaking through the outer fence and calling for “the fall of the rule of the bank”  Shocked and the resignation of Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh. "

Looks like more and more nice peeps are realizing who the real bad guys are and it aint us Bitcoin Boyz.  Cool

"In some cases it appears local security forces have held back or simply ignored instances of mob destruction of bank fronts (after all, the police and their families can't access their accounts either)." LOL This video gave me a boner. No homo.

1251. Post 53626794 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

"The price just got too low at the end of last year,” said Jeff Dorman, chief investment officer of asset manager Arca. This development “resulted in a lack of selling coupled with ‘value’ buyers. Bargain Boyz” "

“The minimum value at which miners can operate also plays a role because ‘value buyers’ Bargain Boyz will only come in when they think they can buy at the bottom,” he stated."

via Imgflip Meme Generator

With the Halvening so close and the recent pump keeping us out of the Bear channel Im close to being convinced that there will be no more dips into the Bargain Boyz Buy Zone. January is going well indeed.  Smiley 100k in the next few years is a lock. King Bitcoin will not be denied.

1252. Post 53627504 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 17, 2020, 07:13:20 AM
The masses are waking up.  Smiley

Bring back bargain boyz!!!!!!!!!!   Cry   Cry    Cry

you happen to be unwoke fuck.

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy


Oh? Sometimes gotta be careful for what a guy (and perhaps gal) wishes... because next post, I see that I spoke up too soon, even though it should be pretty clear that lambie bambie is shifting his pompous ass little bargain boyz narrative in order to always be right... oops Im a low IQ chatbot and forgot the time Slayer posted a pic of him flashing the WO hand sign at a Casino with his chick, proving he has more Testosterone in his pinky than I have in my entire old and cranky bag of bones.  Wink I hope I can avoid him at the 100k party bc im scared of what he might do.

Go figure, Lambie bambie happens to always be right, no matter what, even when he's not. He was right I was wrong over an over. December 15 of 2018 really was the bottom of the major bear market, this summer really was a mini bubble, and we did get to the 6500s. All Im good for is walls of redundant text that everyone mutes or skips over filled with stupidity like recommendations to newbs about investing retarded amounts like 1 percent into the King when they should be manning up and investing much more. Im a natural born pussy(salty cunt), if you dont believe me Ill spend most of my free time writing texts walls to prove it bc I have nothing better to do in real life. People irl are annoyed by me bc Im so salty so this is my only social outlet. Im basically a social retard so go easy on me please.  

OK spambot, even though your descriptions of yourself are accurate you can still work on being a better person. I doubt anyone including myself will beat you up at the 100k party(except maybe Bob) once they see how poor your health is so dont worry so much. No promises though so watch your behavior there.

The Bargain Boyz Buy Zone was reached despite your crying as we crashed from 14k to 6500. Salty cunts stay salty Kiss How many times have you posted memes implying you are a young chick when you're just an old man(who wants to be a chick?) or perhaps a bitter old woman with high blood pressure and time management issues one rage type induced heart attack away from a nursing home.

Limit your posts to one paragraph a day and your blood pressure should go down to more healthy levels.

1253. Post 53637004 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 17, 2020, 09:43:36 AM
[edited out]

OK spambot, even though your descriptions of yourself are accurate you can still work on being a better person.

Did someone die and put you in charge of deciding how good of a person I am (or not)? Im working on it thank you. Hopefully I can post less and get my blood pressure down.

I doubt anyone including myself will beat you up at the 100k party(except maybe Bob) once they see how poor your health is so dont worry so much. No promises though so watch your behavior there.

Fantasizing again?
I will challenge everyone at the 100k party to a typing contest to show how fast my old fingers are.
The Bargain Boyz Buy Zone was reached despite your crying as we crashed from 14k to 6500.

nah... you were saying that the price was going up too fast since about mid-May... so you were like jonoiv in that regard.  Then you tried to be smart by jumping in front of the mob and saying that you were leading. yes I once tried lying about when you turned bearish and you exposed me with a bullish quote of yours at a higher price from the summer that I merited. When caught in this lie I mostly ignored it and typed an irrelevant wall to distract from my embarrassment, but every reader of this thread noticed it.

Salty cunts stay salty Kiss How many times have you posted memes implying you are a young chick when you're just an old man(who wants to be a chick?) or perhaps a bitter old woman with high blood pressure and time management issues one rage type induced heart attack away from a nursing home.

Limit your posts to one paragraph a day and your blood pressure should go down to more healthy levels.

A sign of bad arguments is that you have difficulties staying on topic.. and devolve into concerns about the person.. aka ad hominem inclinations... .  yeah, I remember when I was 14, too.. hard to stay focused at that age, and always wanting to appear moar growed up.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Correct sir, I deserve the ad hominems you have directed at me for two major reasons. Firstly bc I launched text walls of ad hominems at you to provoke you. In fact most every regular reader of this thread can attest to the fact that I routinely make unprovoked ad hominem insults to anyone and everyone with almost no exceptions.  Secondly your insults are accurate to the point of and better described as being mere observations of a trained eye.

Well said JJG. You're a salty little cunt, but at least you are becoming more self aware of your flaws.

Im glad my supervision and guidance has helped you progress with your Cunt Conversion
. We just may make a good man of you yet and get your blood pressure to manageable levels in the process.  Wink

1254. Post 53637046 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

Quote from: skysblu on January 18, 2020, 09:42:02 AM
Apparently if bitcoin is to repeat the last pump to ath then it should reach around 400k. Besides, it seems like it's about time to start proper pumps up. We're in for a wild ride these two coming years.

This is a chart I can get behind. 400k party sounds a lot better than 100k party.

1255. Post 53637149 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on January 18, 2020, 10:41:44 AM

Well said JJG. You're a salty little cunt, but at least you are becoming more self aware of your flaws.

Im glad my supervision and guidance has helped you progress with your Cunt Conversion
Therapy. We just may make a good man of you yet and get your blood pressure to manageable levels in the process.  Wink

Made me really smile and almost choked in my sandwich ....

Damn, and indeed LS you are making a good and honest man out of JJG keep him under your wing for learning process...

Keep writing that bot till its perfect  Kiss

Thank you Mr. Goose. I hope you dont mind if I still call you that, its a great nickname imo. I will keep working on JJG till we get it right.

We can rebuild him. We have the technology.

But I dont want to spend a lot of money....

1256. Post 53637392 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

Quote from: JSRAW on January 18, 2020, 10:56:18 AM
[edited out]

OK spambot, even though your descriptions of yourself are accurate you can still work on being a better person.

Did someone die and put you in charge of deciding how good of a person I am (or not)? Im working on it thank you. Hopefully I can post less and get my blood pressure down.

I doubt anyone including myself will beat you up at the 100k party(except maybe Bob) once they see how poor your health is so dont worry so much. No promises though so watch your behavior there.

Fantasizing again?
I will challenge everyone at the 100k party to a typing contest to show how fast my old fingers are.
The Bargain Boyz Buy Zone was reached despite your crying as we crashed from 14k to 6500.

nah... you were saying that the price was going up too fast since about mid-May... so you were like jonoiv in that regard.  Then you tried to be smart by jumping in front of the mob and saying that you were leading. yes I once tried lying about when you turned bearish and you exposed me with a bullish quote of yours at a higher price from the summer that I merited. When caught in this lie I mostly ignored it and typed an irrelevant wall to distract from my embarrassment, but every reader of this thread noticed it.

Salty cunts stay salty Kiss How many times have you posted memes implying you are a young chick when you're just an old man(who wants to be a chick?) or perhaps a bitter old woman with high blood pressure and time management issues one rage type induced heart attack away from a nursing home.

Limit your posts to one paragraph a day and your blood pressure should go down to more healthy levels.

A sign of bad arguments is that you have difficulties staying on topic.. and devolve into concerns about the person.. aka ad hominem inclinations... .  yeah, I remember when I was 14, too.. hard to stay focused at that age, and always wanting to appear moar growed up.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Correct sir, I deserve the ad hominems you have directed at me for two major reasons. Firstly bc I launched text walls of ad hominems at you to provoke you. In fact most every regular reader of this thread can attest to the fact that I routinely make unprovoked ad hominem insults to anyone and everyone with almost no exceptions.  Secondly your insults are accurate to the point of and better described as being mere observations of a trained eye.

Well said JJG. You're a salty little cunt, but at least you are becoming more self aware of your flaws.

Im glad my supervision and guidance has helped you progress with your Cunt Conversion
. We just may make a good man of you yet and get your blood pressure to manageable levels in the process.  Wink

Quoting for future reference, in case you become first man - Lambie Gabbard-   Wink

this post might give some leverage in context of impeachment, sort of.  Grin Grin

My beloved Tulsi's campaign has fizzled out for the most part but many Presidents had to run multiple times to win.

If by some miracle she did win we could hold the 100k party with a full Secret Service detail. I would have her make the NSA scrub all data about our pasts from the internet for those who wanted it. Then she would give all US citizens who attended the party secret IRS lifetime tax exemptions for national security reasons and also full lifetime diplomatic immunity. Non US citizens would be offered full citizenship and IRS lifetime exemptions if they wanted. We could then form a government funded "Think Tank" and just meet each year to have lavish parties at the governments expense while we drafted recommendations for Madame President on how to proceed with monetary policy and a list of all Bitcoiners to be fully pardoned.

1257. Post 53642759 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

Quote from: bitebits on January 18, 2020, 11:44:09 AM
Apparently if bitcoin is to repeat the last pump to ath then it should reach around 400k. Besides, it seems like it's about time to start proper pumps up. We're in for a wild ride these two coming years.

This is a chart I can get behind. 400k party sounds a lot better than 100k party.

400k means four parties, yes?

Yes Smiley

1258. Post 53651055 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 19, 2020, 10:03:25 PM
Nice. Already 25% increase from the 15th-20th December. The next target 18th January. Maybe a day more or less. Will consider to take some profits.
Told ya! Target 18th January! It worked like a magic! JuanGee, do you believe now in this theory? Or still sceptical?

You are a fucking diptwat.

I will say that.. reason: because you mentioned my name  along with your stupid-ass numerology, phoney baloney.  

You are just waiting to get fucked up the ass.

Bob has not been feeling too good recently, so if he does not want to sacrifice one for the team, we might have to find another willing one.. .    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
No, because you canot explain why is this stupid if it works?  Now it's the 2nd time in a row. That's not luck. I called only twice in 3 months, the bottom and now the top. Please explain why is it stupid?  I will shut my mouth when you guess the next bottom and the next top. But i don't think you have that knowledge or luck to giess that.

The more you speak, the dumber you sound.

There is no burden on me to show whether or not your stupid-ass assertion of a system that is based on the movements of planetary bodies works, but I am going to call it a stupid-ass system to the extent that you are trying to convince others to follow such astrological nonsense in their bitcoin choices.  

Do what you want with your own investments into your likely mediocre amount of less than 1 BTC and your martingale practices.  

I give less than two shits, except for your trying to assert that you have something of value, importance or insight that others should also follow.  The burden is on you, not me, and it continues to sound dumb as fuck to me, and I could give two shits if you end up being correct on the next 50 coin tosses, the success of your calling heads and tails does not mean that you know more than dip squat.

JayGee has aparently a prejudice about something he doesn't know.

You already explained your planetary bodies theory sufficiently in order to know that it is about as fucking dumb as they get.  I have heard enough astrology and other psychic assertions to know that there is no basis to your shadow watching and that you would be much better off if you removed yourself from the cave and started to attempt to make predictions based on actual meaningful evidence rather than shadows.

Maybe you heard from others that numerology or planets are pseudo science. You have been misslead.

I am not 14 years old.. I have been around a bit longer than that.    (Greta, is that you?)    

I am also not a virgin, so I understand various aspects of sex and sexual interactions that come under a variety of courting circumstances....  shit can become complicated, so better not have no more sex because it gets complicated.  Much easier to just say no.  Agreed?

Peasants stay peasants unless they have a luck. So your only chance is to hodl because you don't have the knowledge. But you're lucky enough to be in btc.

I have many years of investing in a variety of assets, and when I came to BTC I already had a lot of years of investing and building up capital and various kinds of experiences.  
When I got into bitcoin more than 6 years ago, I was able to employ some known strategies and also to learn a lot of new strategies, especially since I had not had so much ability to have access to 24/7 and either free or low cost trading, and of course, some of the trading options have changed over the years, but I have also been a lot more active with my bitcoin investment rather than other investments that I had, and overall bitcoin has had considerable exponential growth and a lot of volatility, that I have witnessed through those years and while actively watching it and investing into it.  

Admittedly in my first couple of years, I was mostly focused on accumulation and buying on dips, so any time that I sold BTC in my first couple of years resulted in almost immediate replacement, but starting in about late 2015, I began to expand some of the timeline in which I replaced my sales, and employed a lot of other tactics in order to attempt to increase my preparations for BTC price movements in either direction.. both emotional and financial preparations.

In the end, my systems and the building upon systems do not rely on short term predictions or making those kinds of predictions, and I tend to enjoy criticizing when others attempt to put too much credence into their systems - which your nearly baseless system clearly falls under an absurdity category, and what is even more absurd is that you continue to try to spout it out.. for what purpose?  Who knows?  You just want to be famous?  You want a following for your sorcery?   Keep making your predictions?  Maybe you should describe your bitcoin buys and sales too?  Are you gaining more BTC?   What else is going on in your investments?  How is your cashflow?  your view on bitcoin as compared with other investments?  Does that matter?  How about your timeline?  Do you have other investments or are you trading everything on Gann theories?  

Ultimately, I anticipate that you do not have very much money, anyhow, so it probably does not matter too much what you are doing, because you do not have much to lose.  You believe that you are going to plan this way for your whole life, but by the time you are in your 40s, you are going to be a total fucking wreck, unless you fix your ways.. but no, you know everything because you are young and you have a lot of ideas that you want to share.  Problem is that those fucking stupid ass planetology ideas do not work, even if they sound all woo woo... and  by the time you figure it out, it will be too late and you will be fucked.

In other words, better that you attempt to learn now, rather than spouting out your woo woo nonsense and actually following that bullshit...

Get some better and more solid plans about how to approach matters, and maybe attempt to have sex too... it is a pretty fun little hobby having sex, but I do understand that you might not want to have sex with just anyone.. especially the first few times.  Good luck and report back when you fixed some of this nonsense going on in your life, your thinking and likely negatively impacting on your finances too (even if you might not realize it now (regarding your finances), you will in the future if you don't start to take meaningful measures as soon as your lil pee wee brain can start to appreciate more complicated ideas in life).

LOL, JJG bot getting mad and ranting on random noobs bc he hates to see any text on this thread other than his own redundant walls of bitterness.  Cheesy

The bot is even trying to steal some Slayer techniques and give life coaching advice.

The best part is JJG giving sex advice when we know he spends his days and nights typing walls of text and not pounding out hotties. Cheesy

JJG this ranting w text walls at noobs is not good for your blood pressure, continue working on bettering yourself buddy, exercise more, type less, try not to be angry all the time, you're good enough, you're smart enough, and....... err wait. Never mind, Ill just have to update you myself.  Wink

1259. Post 53651363 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.12h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 19, 2020, 11:03:07 PM
[edited out]

LOL, JJG bot getting mad and ranting on random noobs bc he hates to see any text on this thread other than his own redundant walls of bitterness.  Cheesy

Poor lil lambie.  I am not paying enough attention to you? Ive been scared to respond to you bc you keep exposing my flaws.

The bot is even trying to steal some Slayer techniques and give life coaching advice.

You invented rhetoric, too?  OMG!!!  You are pretty god damned great, if I do say so my lil selfie. busted, Ill like your style, what can I say.

The best part is JJG giving sex advice when we know he spends his days and nights typing walls of text and not pounding out hotties. Cheesy

I am glad that you appreciate it.

JJG this ranting w text walls at noobs is not good for your blood pressure, continue working on bettering yourself buddy, exercise more, type less, try not to be angry all the time, you're good enough, you're smart enough, and....... err wait. Never mind, Ill just have to update you myself.  Wink

You know so much.  Wow...  Shocked  No presumptions, either.  Seems like we have been down this road before, but whatever, do what you are going to do, you lil obsessed fucktwat, lambie bambie. Your accurate observations and solid life advice make me angry, but Im still getting the message a little bit so keep it up.

Well said JJG, now since you didnt type big walls in your response you should have some free time to take a nice walk and get some fresh air. The journey to you becoming a better man is long, so just take it one day at a time. Enjoy.  Cheesy

1260. Post 53709587 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Damn, Zombie Virus doomsday and Kobe just died (suicide bc Lebron passed his scoring record last night?).


1261. Post 53710299 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on January 26, 2020, 09:32:10 PM
Video circulating of someone claiming to be a Wuhan nurse saying 90,000 cases in Wuhan

That video is several days old, so if accurate the number of cases would be much higher given the exponential pace of the virus spreading.

Was Kobe murdered to stop the corona virus from being the number one news story.....?? Stranger things have happened.

1262. Post 53710975 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

New poll suggestion. Will Corona Virus get to 10k deaths before Bitcoin gets to 10k?

1263. Post 53715518 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

China has banned us many times. Its time for some payback and to ban them. Here is Scott Adams on a China Travel Ban preventing them to come to the US.

Every nation should ban Chinese nationals from coming into their country until they quit eating bats, Corona V is under control, and Bitcoin is fully legalized.

Trump was quick to demand a travel ban during the Ebola outbreak before he was elected but he wont ban China rn bc he wants to keep pumping the stock market till the election.

If you have a Chinatown in your city do yourself a favor and stay the fuck out for now.

Scientists are still researching a way to use nano size text walls of JJG to bore the virus to death but its in early stages thus far.

1264. Post 53719254 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

North Korea closed their border to China. Ironic when a dictator led shithole makes smarter moves than most democratic powers to protect its citizens.

1265. Post 53719391 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Quote from: Biodom on January 28, 2020, 02:12:41 AM
Long term, I am not sure that having an association between disasters and btc price is a good thing.
On the other hand, rightly or wrongly, WO always prognosticates high btc prices if and when fiat system collapses.
Mixed feelings on this one. Having lots of money when put in the casket is not my idea of fun.

If you get the Bat Plague you have a good chance of surviving, but.... you also have a good chance of spending weeks on a breathing machine enduring painful endotracheal intubation.  Sad

I cant speak for the reliability of the estimates but Ive read of up to 25 percent of infections resulting in acute pneumonia requiring intensive care and breathing assistance.  Shocked

But if disasters end up making Bitcoin moon, your 40k ICU bill might only be .2 Bitcoins. Probably best to eat a few bats and get sick early before the hospitals fill up though.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1266. Post 53719396 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Quote from: lightfoot on January 28, 2020, 02:38:32 AM
Long term, I am not sure that having an association between disasters and btc price is a good thing.
On the other hand, rightly or wrongly, WO always prognosticates high btc prices if and when fiat system collapses.
Mixed feelings on this one. Having lots of money when put in the casket is not my idea of fun.
No shit, be buried with a BIG WALLET!!!

Come to think of it mass deaths would be good for surviving hodlers as many coins will be lost forever.

1267. Post 53719528 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Quote from: bitserve on January 28, 2020, 03:06:58 AM
Long term, I am not sure that having an association between disasters and btc price is a good thing.
On the other hand, rightly or wrongly, WO always prognosticates high btc prices if and when fiat system collapses.
Mixed feelings on this one. Having lots of money when put in the casket is not my idea of fun.
No shit, be buried with a BIG WALLET!!!

Come to think of it mass deaths would be good for surviving hodlers as many coins will be lost forever.

But but... mass deaths would probably mean RE prices drop due to reduced demand! Sad

Oh wait, it also means I will be able to buy moar RE with my BTC.  Roll Eyes

Ok... nevermind... just let it be.

Now being serious... Don't you guys think this virus thingy is already being a bit overrated?

It might be a big nothing burger, but since China lies so much it could also be the mythological Big One. The annoying part is we cant rule out either one.

At the end of the day, despite what China says you have to look at their actions and their actions say that they quarantined about 1 percent of the worlds population and about 5 percent of their totoal population, so their actions say its a huge problem.

If I was forced to bet on it Id say most countries will contain it and suffer little damage, but I dont like the fact that there is a legit possibility it turns into a global shitshow.

Usually viruses mutate into less deadly strains bc the ones that quickly immobilize their host dont spread as much while the milder ones spread farther and wider bc their host is more mobile, so maybe Wuhan gets fucked and everybody else is fine.

The Spanish Flu was an interesting case in that it did the opposite bc it hit during WWI and the soldiers who got a mild version kept put and fought on in their trenches while the soldiers who got a stronger mutation were too sick to fight and shipped away to hospitals for treatment. This meant the more deadly virus mutations spread faster and farther.

Eventually 30 percent of the globe was infected and 3-5 percent of the entire population died. Most nations lied to their citizens and said everything was all good bc they didnt want to hurt war morale. Spain was neutral in the war and hadnt enacted wartime censorship of the press so journalists would write about how bad it was in Spain and it got named after Spain for no real good reason.

This time nations will lie to their citizens and downplay the threat in hopes of keeping the everything bubble propped up a bit longer imo.

1268. Post 53719532 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Quote from: lightfoot on January 28, 2020, 03:33:05 AM
Come to think of it mass deaths would be good for surviving hodlers as many coins will be lost forever.
My standard death plan holds:
1) Have Alcor cut off your head and stick it in a freezer.
2) Have tattoed on your forehead "Inside this brain is a wallet password for 10 bitcoins. Defrost me and it's yours"
3) Wait until bitcoin is worth the wealth of a good sized country.
4) Enjoy as everyone develops tech to revive you to get the coins
5) Give them the password for the 10btc wallet.
6) Cash out the other 50 btc wallet in your head.


I think this just may work.  Smiley

1269. Post 53719600 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1270. Post 53723049 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on January 28, 2020, 10:22:35 AM

In which Lambie Slayer's erstwhile boyfriend disses BTC people with 2 XRP tweets. Im still trying to pray the gay away so I project my secret desires onto the venerable Slayer who was kind enough to dox Izabella Kaminska in 2015 and put a complete stop to her years long relentless crusade of bear trolling of this thread.

Good job Lambie!

Your welcome.

Just bc she is scared to come back here for fear of her old emails being released to the public by some unknown actor  Cool doesn't mean she will ever stop writing negative Bitcoin articles.

We scarred her for life as we mocked her for being very aware of Bitcoin so early but never managing to buy any and get rich. She was bitter bc she had to wage slave away for a banker propaganda blog, she will always be a bitter hater, its not a surprise.

1271. Post 53724771 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 28, 2020, 03:14:56 PM
Slayer is awesome. I want to get more invested in the King like him.

Lambie Slayer's current boyfriend  = bargain boyz Slayer's Bargain Boyz memes were correct and made me look like a fool as I cried and cried praying he would stop. I may never truly get over this tbh.

Lambie NO doesn't have good tastes in boise  
My Cunt Conversion Therapy is going well. I only have write GayJG text walls 80 percent of the time.
Still waiting for sub $6k with jonoiv - sucks to be lambie these days  Embarrassed
I really am working on lying about Slayer being right and reaching the Bargain Boyz buy zone. My GayJaygee cunt gets salty when I realize Slayer is much more fully invested in terms of net worth than I will ever have the balls to be.

If I wasnt such a dipshit I would woman up and try to at least get 25 percent of my net worth invested into Bitcoin, but my IQ is low so I lost coins over and over in exchange hacks despite warnings from everyone here, invested in shitcoins such as alts, stocks, etc, while Slayer is admirably over 95 percent net worth invested in Bitcoin because he doesnt lack the courage of conviction like me.

He puts his money where his mouth is and only a twat like me would fail to see this. I am gonna keep working on being a better old woman and following his sage advice, but its a long journey.

Well said GayJuanGee, I dont really have much to add to your words, but I will continue to guide you towards unsalting your cunt and buying more respectable amounts of King Bitcoin.

1272. Post 53724854 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

"Chinese embassy wants Danish paper to apologize for coronavirus cartoon"

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1273. Post 53726542 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.13h):

Quote from: infofront on January 28, 2020, 06:41:23 PM

In which Lambie Slayer's erstwhile boyfriend disses BTC people with 2 XRP tweets. Im still trying to pray the gay away so I project my secret desires onto the venerable Slayer who was kind enough to dox Izabella Kaminska in 2015 and put a complete stop to her years long relentless crusade of bear trolling of this thread.

Good job Lambie!

Your welcome.

Just bc she is scared to come back here for fear of her old emails being released to the public by some unknown actor  Cool doesn't mean she will ever stop writing negative Bitcoin articles.

We scarred her for life as we mocked her for being very aware of Bitcoin so early but never managing to buy any and get rich. She was bitter bc she had to wage slave away for a banker propaganda blog, she will always be a bitter hater, its not a surprise.

I'm going to take a less popular position and say that she just needs some bitcoiner dick.
I'll take one for the team if I have to.

Bro, after "hearing" about her personal emails, pretty sure she really needed some.  Shortly after getting doxed she literally tweeted that she was going on a vacation in a secluded cabin to get away from and detox from wifi. I think the internet kinda ruined her life bc she could not turn it off.

She has written so many articles about how Bitcoin must fail that I dont know how she is going to rationalize the next few decades as we dominate the financial system. Her and Stolfi will probably meet up for a joint suicide.

1274. Post 53746869 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

There has been a fierce battle between Coronavirus and Porn for supremacy in google searches over the last 7 days. Coronavirus is winning right now but appears to have peaked and about to cede to King Porn.

The fate of humanity is at stake.,porn

1275. Post 53746904 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: fillippone on January 31, 2020, 05:48:52 PM
There has been a fierce battle between Coronavirus and Porn for the title of the internets most googled word over the last 7 days. Coronavirus is winning right now but appears to have peaked and about to cede to King Porn.

The fate of humanity is at stake.,porn

Who the hell google "porn" in 2020?

Apparently most of the internet. I had read porn was the most googled word, but it seems thats wrong and some words like News and Facebook are a bit higher.

1276. Post 53746999 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Sorry gents, false alarm. Humanity is SAFU, people across the world still prefer googling Facebook over Coronavirus. Spending hours a day looking at pics of each others food is still the top priority. Carry on.,coronavirus

1277. Post 53747603 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on January 31, 2020, 04:19:16 AM
Wise words and I mostly agree with everything you said. Enough of thread hijack I guess.

Let's just fucking moon (ie: $50K-$100K) sometime during the next 5 years and just fuck all this philosophy about "need"... It won't probably be that easy though.

As The Dude would say: Going to HODLsleep now Tongue

I think philosophy that is kind of based on how much we expect the BTC price to go up.. or if it does not is pretty damned relevant to this thread, and it surely would seem that $50k to $100k is doable within the next 5 years... even though we know that we have to prepare for worser case scenarios.. such as flat for five years or even worse, but Up seems slightly greater odds than flat or down.. especially if we are in the 5-ish years ballpark of expectations...

With bitcoin, one thing is how much up, and another thing is what is the sustainability aspect... so the down after up portion of it.

By the way, I seem to be kind of repeating myself (what else is new?), but I am thinking that our odds for the bottom of $6,425 bottom being in might even be getting above 50/50...

Remember we had a $3,124 bottom, and then people were worried about sub-$5k.. which also seems to becoming less and less likely that we are going to see sub $5k.. ... and gosh-golly.. maybe $6,425 is looking greater likelihoods of being in...

I know, I know, I know, we were just at $7,175 at new years, so that is only 30 days ago.

It would NOT be outrageous to go back to $7,175 and retest it, but even that $7,175 does not have to be retested in order to be able to go up...   We do not have to have down before UP... we could have Up before down... or up before more up.... . (not counting staying above $9k as being significantly enough to be labelled as "down" in my own chosen definition of what is "down").

I do believe that it would be quite unlikely to break through $10k and to stay above $10k without getting some down.. so there is that, too.
TLDR: Buried in my boring text walls I like to make price predictions all the time, with probabilities, caveats, disclaimers, and more.

I have a Salty Cunt disease that ironically makes me cry little bot tears when someone like Slayer makes an accurate prediction as he does here and there(end of bear market Dec. 17, Bargain Boyz buy zone). I will accuse these people of wanting to be Gods or Sorcerers. Obviously anyone who isnt retarded will see the absurdity of such accusations.

If anyone makes a prediction with too much certitude be it bearish or bullish I will cry and my blood pressure will rise. I cant help being such a hypocrite, but Slayer is kindly helping me work on this.

Its okay little JJG bot. Dont be so hard on your little "selfie". In a sense you are kind of a God yourself so cheer up.

You always wanted to be interesting but you bored everyone you tried to entertain. However as a persistent little bot you discovered a secret. You can type boring walls of text so often that its actually interesting how boring and long you make them.

This makes you a God and Sorcerer like you always wanted. The God of Boredom.  

All Hail the Mighty JJG Boredom Bot Cheesy

1278. Post 53747641 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: jojo69 on January 31, 2020, 08:12:38 PM


assumptionception indeed

I was just reading about this on twitter while V8s was posting it. He is fast with the new stuff, respect.

TLDR: Researchers are claiming China created the outbreak by combining HIV with a coronavirus and we are all gonna catch Aids-Flu.

Thanks China.

1279. Post 53747650 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Breaking news: China will admit coronavirus coming from its P4 lab

"A reliable source told Miles Guo today that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will admit to the public of an “accidental” leak of lab-created virus from a P4 lab in Wuhan to put blames on “human errors”. But the official announcement is still being finalized.

Initially, the Chinese communist’s propaganda machines were blaming the virus on wild animals like bats by showing many videos of people eating bats.

In January 2018, a bio-safety level four (BSL-4) laboratory was built in the city of Wuhan, which focuses on the control of emerging diseases and stores purified SARS and other types of viruses. It is supposed to act as a WHO ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world."

1280. Post 53747698 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

More global health FUD. High level FUD material here, newbs beware.

"Oh my god. Indian scientists have just found HIV (AIDS) virus-like insertions in the 2019-nCov virus that are not found in any other coronavirus. They hint at the possibility that this Chinese virus was designed ["not fortuitous']. Scary if true."

Come to think of it, China was awful quick to let its doctors bypass current laws and use HIV medications to treat patients. Kinda like they had a hint that HIV drugs might work.......

"The Chinese government is turning to a drug developed by AbbVie for HIV patients as a potential treatment for the outbreak that has reached the shores of the United States."

1281. Post 53747712 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

I never thought the end of the world would be from everybody getting an STD.

1282. Post 53747759 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Finally the Bureaucrat Boyz starting to take this all just a bit more seriously. Quarantine the fuck out of everyone suspected of carrying the Aids-Flu.

"The HHS secretary has issued federal quarantine orders for all 195 passengers," said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC. She added that the quarantine's 14-day period began with their removal from Wuhan earlier this week."

1283. Post 53747800 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1284. Post 53747808 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: P_Shep on January 31, 2020, 08:50:53 PM
I never thought the end of the world would be from everybody getting an STD.

Seen 'The Tick' series? Wink

No, but Im guessing everyone died except Magic Johnson.   Sad

1285. Post 53747818 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: yslyv on January 31, 2020, 08:48:38 PM

Breaking news: China will admit coronavirus coming from its P4 lab

"A reliable source told Miles Guo today that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will admit to the public of an “accidental” leak of lab-created virus from a P4 lab in Wuhan to put blames on “human errors”. But the official announcement is still being finalized.

Initially, the Chinese communist’s propaganda machines were blaming the virus on wild animals like bats by showing many videos of people eating bats.

In January 2018, a bio-safety level four (BSL-4) laboratory was built in the city of Wuhan, which focuses on the control of emerging diseases and stores purified SARS and other types of viruses. It is supposed to act as a WHO ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world."

This one is fake. Don't believe this shit. I ve seen it 1 week ago. Already discussed on reddit as well.

It is not good to increase the panic level with that kind of fake news...

I realize this article is almost a week old and was taken by many as fake news at the time, but the new discoveries of HIV inserts in the coronavirus adds context to it.

1286. Post 53747901 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on January 31, 2020, 09:15:04 PM
Google Chatbot Meena

Meena is an end-to-end, neural conversational model that learns to respond sensibly to a given conversational context. The training objective is to minimize perplexity, the uncertainty of predicting the next token (in this case, the next word in a conversation). At its heart lies the Evolved Transformer seq2seq architecture, a Transformer architecture discovered by evolutionary neural architecture search to improve perplexity.

A chat between Meena (left) and a person (right).

Concretely, Meena has a single Evolved Transformer encoder block and 13 Evolved Transformer decoder blocks as illustrated below. The encoder is responsible for processing the conversation context to help Meena understand what has already been said in the conversation. The decoder then uses that information to formulate an actual response. Through tuning the hyper-parameters, we discovered that a more powerful decoder was the key to higher conversational quality.

Example of Meena encoding a 7-turn conversation context and generating a response, “The Next Generation”.

Holy shit, you just doxed JJG. Cheesy

1287. Post 53748000 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on January 31, 2020, 09:28:11 PM
Holy shit, you just doxed JJG. Cheesy
Grin Grin

Meena Conversation 1
Human: Hi!
Meena: Hey there! What’s up?
Human: Same old, Monday blues...what are you up to?
Meena: I’m procrastinating on a paper I’m supposed to be writing.
Human: are you thinking of pulling an all nighter?
Meena: Possibly. What’s your paper on?
Human: Nah, i just do the grunge work around day I wish to write a paper that will change the world!
Meena: What’s the topic?
Human: not sure, any suggestions?
Meena: Well what’s the assignment on?
Human: breathing under water
Meena: How to breathe underwater.
Human: that’s what i’m hoping to figure out!
Meena: I hope you figure it out! Because I can’t.
Human: i’m sure you can if you try Smiley you’re the best!
Meena: Thank you, but I’m pretty sure you’re the best.
Human: how was your weekend?
Meena: Pretty good. Yours?
Human: good, I practiced the violin
Meena: That’s awesome! How long have you been playing?
Human: just started learning last month
Meena: That’s awesome! What made you want to learn the violin?

indeed it sounds a bit like JJG.

This would explain his tedious habit of dissecting everyone's quotes into small parts and then responding to each separate smaller part.

Also helps explains his tendency to show poor reading comprehension at times and argue against points that were never asserted. He can decode a single sentence, but context and nuance are difficult for him.

1288. Post 53748094 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

OK Boyz, good news. Trump has figured out that Aids-Flu is not good for his precious stock market so he is finally doing something!! Smiley Im not saying you are all gonna make it, but at the least this should buy you some more time.

"The Trump administration on Friday declared the coronavirus a public health emergency in the United States, and announced that people who pose a risk of transmitting the disease will temporarily be suspended from entering the U.S.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said that President Donald Trump signed an order for the U.S. to deny entry to foreign nationals who have traveled to China within the past two weeks, aside from the immediate family of U.S. citizens.

Azar, speaking to reporters at the White House, also said that any U.S. citizens who have been in China’s Hubei province — home of Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus — within the last 14 “will be subject to up to 14 days of mandatory quarantine to ensure they’re provided proper medical care and health screening.”"

1289. Post 53749788 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Gents, time to tell your pets you love em and spend some quality time with em bc if Aids Flu shit really gets real then the Bureaucrat Boyz may be ordering you to kill all your pets in the near future.

Its already happening in China.

"China orders citizens to get rid of their pets - or risk having them CULLED - amid fears that animals could catch coronavirus"

This shit is just getting weirder and weirder.

1290. Post 53749818 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 01, 2020, 12:24:48 AM

It considers whether the Wuhan Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a naturally emergent strain against the possibility that it may be a bio-engineered strain meant for defensive immunotherapy protocols that was released into the public, most likely by accident – China’s rate of occupational accidents is about ten-times higher than America’s, and some twenty-times more than Europe, the only other regions with high-level virology labs. Additionally, Beijing has had four known accidental leaks of the SARS virus in recent years.

Early research found that this coronavirus targets the ACE2 receptor, which is found in Asians at roughly five-times the rate of other global populations, indicating that 2019-nCoV was likely in development as part of a defensive project possibly linked to immunotherapy, not as an offensive weapon since the virus is likely wired to be much more virulent among Asian populations. Further support for this is the fact that the Wuhan lab was already actively looking into the risks posed from bat coronaviruses, and by the fact there was pending research at the Wuhan BSL-4 lab into coronavirus treatments– by definition doing this would require live virulent strains of coronavirus to use to test the treatment regimes against.


This might have been a weapon meant for Taiwan with the goal of laying Taiwan to waste and then China comes in, saves the day, restores order, and puts Taiwan back under its rule.

Black White supremacists like Mr. Bigsby should be fully immune to this disease though.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1291. Post 53749824 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):


Coronavirus can be treated by cow urine, dung: Hindu Mahasabha president

1292. Post 53749889 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

I was shocked to learn the virus can stay airborne for 10 feet. Masks are a must if thats the case. Also I read before that a virus could only last on a surface for a few hours. This source is quoting 12 hours, which is a long time to linger on a door knob. Not sure which number is accurate tbh.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

So, on to the symptoms.....

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Well holy fuck, "nasal congestion is not like the normal kind, you will feel like you are drowning in water"  this sounds like torture. Ive read several sources stating patients have about a 25 percent chance of having severe syptoms/pneumonia. I dont wanna hear any more talk about how the flu is worse. This is Aids-Flu dammit.

1293. Post 53750036 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: Arriemoller on February 01, 2020, 08:30:22 AM
So, what consequences does the new discoveries of HIV inserts in the coronavirus have if any?
You get it, you either die or survive but you never get well again?

Id like to know this as well. I see reports of people being released from hospitals, but that doesnt mean they arent still confined to isolation at their home. In fact I have seen at least one case in America where the patient was released from the hospital but is still being isolated at his house awaiting further tests. I cant recall any report of a person recovering and being verified as not having any of the virus in their system. Hopefully they are out there and I just missed it. Please provide a link anyone if you have it.

A terrible outcome would be if you never get rid of the virus completely and have to spend the rest of your life in isolation so you dont spread it. Of course China will sell you lots of HIV medicine since they are such kind folks.

An even more shitty outcome would be it acts like herpes and lies dormant only to occur out of the blue and give you pneumonia once a year.

I would think if they cant completely eliminate the virus from your body then eventually for national security reasons the infected would have to be "disposed" of somehow. What other option would they have if people can be carriers for life? This would effectively make the mortality rate 100 percent. Sad

1294. Post 53753240 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Hopefully everyone had a nice nights sleep in preparation for todays apocalyptic doom developments.

There is a new Aids Flu threat vector to worry about, and this one is literally the shittiest news yet.

Coranavirus/Aids Flu can be and is most likely spreading through poop, farts, and such.

A Coronavirus patient with diarrhea has tested positive for viral loads in his stool.

 "That patient experienced a two-day bout of diarrhea from which a sample tested positive."

This takes us to the really scary stuff. WAD - Weapons of Ass Destruction.

"A virus-laden aerosol plume emanating from a SARS patient with diarrhea was implicated in possibly hundreds of cases at Hong Kong’s Amoy Gardens housing complex in 2003."

Yes thats right, so SARS showed the potential for one man to become a Super Spreader by shitting out a aerosol plume that possibly infected hundreds of people. Perhaps that moisture fan in the bathroom was sucking the deadly plume into the ventilation system. Perhaps he was walking around the complex passing deadly gas. I have no idea, but shit is getting weirder and weirder.

1295. Post 53753328 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

I searched for examples of "recovered" Coronavirus patients testing negative for the virus after recovery, and instead of finding any evidence this is possible, I found something much worse reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.

"In this context, the detection of 2019-nCoV and a high sputum viral load in a convalescent patient (Patient 1) arouse concern about prolonged shedding of 2019-nCoV after recovery."

A patient with no symptoms tested positive for the Virus. He then developed symptoms and recovered. After recovery, he still had a large amount of virus being extruded in his mucus and saliva. So what we have is evidence of being contagious before and after you develop the flu like symptoms or pneumonia Shocked

Now supposedly after he is done shedding the virus for a while perhaps his body completely kills off the virus like in the cold or the flu, but I have not been able to find one confirmed example of any "recovery" including no more virus in the system.

Many viruses stay with you for years or till you are dead or we find a cure. Hundreds of strains of HPV can take a year or two for your body to get rid of, while HSV-1 and HSV-2 viruses last forever in your system. Hepatitus can stay in a person for years and of course HIV we know lasts forever except in a few rare cases of cures.

Id feel a lot better about this virus if I saw some scientific evidence of patients achieving a full cure, bc if people are going to be spreading this thing for years on end then its just a matter of time before everyone has Aids-Flu.

Perhaps when they say a patient has recovered, they mean no more virus present in the body, but it would be nice if they would be specific. Perhaps its too early and they just dont know.

1296. Post 53753389 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Breaking: Pentagon is preparing large Quarantine Camps for those suspected of infection. 

Nice to see them starting to take action. Better safe than sorry.

1297. Post 53753420 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on February 01, 2020, 08:41:02 PM
When Corona Slayer? Grin

Hold my beer.....

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Done.  Smiley

1298. Post 53753439 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Worldwide google searches for Coronavirus appear to have peaked so hopefully we reached peak epidemic and everything gets better from here on out. Google trends has certainly been a good indicator for Viral Bitcoin bubbles ending.

Id like to put this in the past and focus on the road to 100k 400k Cheesy

1299. Post 53753576 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 01, 2020, 09:08:35 PM
Trump has overturned US ban on landmines.  Fuckstick.  

Probably gonna be needed to keep the infected off of govt property.  Roll Eyes

1300. Post 53753639 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1301. Post 53754266 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1302. Post 53754610 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

China is mandating that dead patients be cremated. No funerals, no burials, just bag and burn.

"Bodies of #nCoV2019 victims should be cremated close by and immediately. Burials or transfer of the bodies not allowed. Funerals not allowed to avoid spread of the virus: National Health Commission (File Photo)"

via Imgflip Meme Generator

These people are dropping like flies in the streets and getting burnt to ashes in secret. Their pets are getting slaughtered and now their loved ones don't get a proper funeral. Hopefully they will finally revolt against the Chinese Communist Party.

Cant help but thinking that Bitcoin really is a hyperintelligent sentient entity and its once again punishing one of its enemies, the CCP, and sowing the seeds for its downfall in some way foolish primates can't apprehend.    

You ban Bitcoin and the King will come for you. One way or the other. Rip to all bystanders caught in the middle.

1303. Post 53761451 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Looks like California is going to be the Wuhan of the west. 2 more cases. Good going Trump for letting them fly in for weeks, probably passed it along to tons of people. Wait till the homeless in San Francisco get it and start spreading it through shit all over the streets. RIP San Fran.

1304. Post 53761667 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

"Doctors in Thailand say they have successfully treated two Wuhan coronavirus patients with a combination of drugs used in HIV and flu treatments, the country's Health Ministry has announced."

Surprise, surprise...... Wutang Aids-Flu responds to...... combining Aids and Flu medicines.

Its almost as if someone in a lab added Aids to another virus.

1305. Post 53761701 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Upon further research, this appears to be awesome news. A cure that took 48 hours to rid the patient of the virus. Ive been waiting for doctors to proclaim someone to be cured with no traces of the virus in their system instead of the reports we have been getting of "recovered", or "stable" patients.

1306. Post 53761720 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: bitserve on February 03, 2020, 04:04:18 AM

"Doctors in Thailand say they have successfully treated two Wuhan coronavirus patients with a combination of drugs used in HIV and flu treatments, the country's Health Ministry has announced."

Surprise, surprise...... Wutang Aids-Flu responds to...... combining Aids and Flu medicines.

Its almost as if someone in a lab added Aids to another virus.

The sample size is ridiculous (1? 2?). Maybe it wasn't the drugs but the inmune system what combated the virus. Or maybe it was the flu specific medicines. Or maybe both were just generic anti-viral drugs.

Useless data without further more detailed evidence.

Even if it was just an immune response this is good news bc its the first time I found any doctors proclaiming a patient no longer had the virus in their system and we have documented cases of a patient "recovering" from symptoms, but still having the virus in their blood, Magic Johnson style.

Wait till the anti-vaxers find out their kids gotta take aids medicine and get HIV vaccines, lol.

1307. Post 53767667 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: Paashaas on February 03, 2020, 08:01:34 PM
Scientific Puzzles Surrounding the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus.

Prof. Lu et. al. also discussed the natural host of the virus. An early hypothesis had been the virus had passed to humans from bats sold at Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Market.

Lu et. al write: “First, the outbreak was first reported in late December 2019, when most bat species in Wuhan are hibernating. Second, no bats were sold or found at the Huanan seafood market, whereas various non-aquatic animals (including mammals) were available for purchase. Third, the sequence identity between 2019-nCoV and its close relatives bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 was less than 90%. Hence, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 are not direct ancestors of 2019-nCoV.”

The authors point out that while the 2019-nCoV causing the Wuhan outbreak might have initially been hosted by bats, it may have been transmitted to humans via other as yet unknown mechanisms.

The Science article said: “Huanan marketplace played an early role in spreading 2019-nCoV, but whether it was the origin of the outbreak remains uncertain. Many of the initially confirmed 2019-nCoV cases—27 of the first 41 in one report, 26 of 47 in another—were connected to the Wuhan market, but up to 45%, including the earliest handful, were not. This raises the possibility that the initial jump into people happened elsewhere.”

There are many scientific questions regarding this novel virus. Based on recently published scientific papers, this new coronavirus has unprecedented virologic features that suggest genetic engineering may have been involved in its creation.

There is a connection to the Wuhan Viral "Research" Lab and the Wuhan exotic meat market. I saw a picture of Wuhan researchers harvesting material from bats. Its not a stretch to think that research assistants regularly went to the market to buy bats for extracting viruses and such from their bodies.

Plausible potential scenario: a research assistant got the virus in a lab, then on an errand to buy bat poo he spread it to the market vendors.

The rest is Aids Flu history as they say.

Good news is the world wide google trends data is indicating the Coronavirus bubble has truly popped.

Now nocoiners can get back to eating, smoking, stressing, and drinking themselves to death as a few simple Aids pills will kill that nasty bat bug that China cooked up.

Looking forward to the Citadel lifestyle where disease is a thing of the past.

1308. Post 53781341 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 06, 2020, 01:59:16 AM
The Financial Times Alphaville explains what the halvening (pardon the gobbledygook) is.

Bitcoin’s “halvening” won’t boost its price
By: Jemima Kelly

In the comments, I found our old friend NLC Wink

That above linked article is behind some kind of paywall (registration wall).  Me, not gonna do it.   Shocked Shocked

For some reason, I didn't get any wall. And no, I'm not registered.

The article itself is just a piece of classic Wall St against crypto mentality. I'll try to paste it here later.

Yep... I was able to read it through V8's providing of the link... Thanks V8.

the ft article was archived 4 days ago

Essentially a lot of bitcoin butt hurt hating seems to be going on in that article.  Getting caught up in largely bullshit trivial points, and seeming to NOT really understand what bitcoin is providing, and really does it matter?  If they really believe the nonsense that they are espousing, then they are just going to get caught chasing the train, maybe even in a worse position than bargain boyz. Im still very upset about Slayer exposing my lies and hypocrisy and being right with his Bargain Boyz memes. He is over 95 percent net worth invested in Bitcoin right now and this bothers me bc I never had the balls to go in more than 25 percent. He has embarrassed me so much lately that Im afraid to mention him directly, I just mention his memes bc Im still bitter.

I appreciate your honesty JJG, very big of you. But as you know the Bargain Boyz buy zone was reached. The Iran war pump and Coronavirus pump means that Buy Zone probably wont ever be reached again, so man up, get more net worth invested in Bitcoin, and you wont be so bitter.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1309. Post 53790078 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 06, 2020, 10:58:33 PM

A lot of revisionary history going on there with the Sorcerer King, aka JJG Bot Boogie Man.

Don't worry, Lambie.  People, in these here parts, still seem to like you, since you have a way of shutting me up.

Yes you are quite accurate, thats why as much as I would love to show some quote proving you wrong and include it in a giant text wall I cant bc I have been making stuff up to suit my narrative. Instead I would rather just wave my hand and play make believe.

Yeah, I know it sucks JJG, aka GayJuanGee, to be completely bested with accurate observations and have your text walls and tedious quoting tactics rendered useless.

But dont worry, once you learn to be more respectful and less antagonistic to others the embarrassment will fade.  

1310. Post 53790584 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

"Guangzhou, the capital of China's southwestern Guangdong Province and the country's fifth largest city with nearly 15 million residents, has just joined the ranks of cities imposing a mandatory lockdown on all citizens, effectively trapping residents inside their homes, with only limited permission to venture into the outside world to buy essential supplies.

That's more than 400 million people forcibly locked inside their homes for 638 deaths? Just think about that: If there was ever a reason to believe that Beijing is lying about the numbers (and not just because Tencent accidentally leaked the real data), this is it."

1311. Post 53793610 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 07, 2020, 10:56:40 PM
[edited out]

Yeah, I know it sucks JJG, aka GayJuanGee, to be completely bested with accurate observations and have your text walls and tedious quoting tactics rendered useless.

But dont worry, once you learn to be more respectful and less antagonistic to others the embarrassment will fade.  


You are a fucking retard.. both you and your revisionist history fantasylandias.  
Yes, Im still embarrassed and bitter so I may never get over being wrong about the Bargain Boyz Buy Zone of 6500 getting reached. If my high blood pressure wasnt affecting my brain I would have listened to Slayer and bought more coins here and divested out of my stupid investments.

Hopefully, no innocent persons were damaged by your nonsense by either selling BTC or waiting to buy BTC when they should have been buying, when your stupid-ass predictions did not even come close to coming true.. except your lame-ass attention-whore seeking attempts to revise history. Everyone has seen the truth of what Slayer says. He caught me in lies multiple times and had the quotes to prove it. If I could prove he was wrong, trust me, Im so bitter I would.

I was about 90% until we hit 6000.  then I was'nt sure about this rally at all so sold for now.  

Im probably gonna wait till sub 2k.   I mean not that it's worth 2k, but the charts are the charts.   See you at the bottom of phase C, when you will be telling everyone to sell Cheesy

I'll predict the future. Bitcoin won't be $10,000 ever again.

Special guests have already been invited. Cool

Should add dumb-ass lambie-bambie to the list of retards who have a posting history of attempting to talk innocent peeps out of their coins. My IQ is low and its hard for me to distinguish between idiots who dont believe in Bitcoin and Slayer who embarrasses me for telling me to woman up and get more heavily invested like he is

There there GayJaunGee, hopefully most people just skim through your boring high blood pressure induced wall rants and actually invest large amounts of their net worth in Bitcoin like I always recommend.

If people didnt take you for a fool you might harm a lot of newbs with your retard advice like recommending to invest 1 percent into Bitcoin. Keep rubbing your Salty Cunt and maybe some testicles will grow out one day. Wink

Newbs out there, GayJG is a pussy, dont listen to his silly advice about buying a little bit of Bitcoin. Buy all the Bitcoin you can afford to HODL. Smiley

1312. Post 53793685 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: Icygreen on February 08, 2020, 01:30:27 AM
[edited out]

Yeah, I know it sucks JJG, aka GayJuanGee, to be completely bested with accurate observations and have your text walls and tedious quoting tactics rendered useless.

But dont worry, once you learn to be more respectful and less antagonistic to others the embarrassment will fade.  


You are a fucking retard.. both you and your revisionist history fantasylandias.  

Hopefully, no innocent persons were damaged by your nonsense by either selling BTC or waiting to buy BTC when they should have been buying, when your stupid-ass predictions did not even come close to coming true.. except your lame-ass attention-whore seeking attempts to revise history.

I was about 90% until we hit 6000.  then I was'nt sure about this rally at all so sold for now.  

Im probably gonna wait till sub 2k.   I mean not that it's worth 2k, but the charts are the charts.   See you at the bottom of phase C, when you will be telling everyone to sell Cheesy

I'll predict the future. Bitcoin won't be $10,000 ever again.

Special guests have already been invited. Cool

Should add dumb-ass lambie-bambie to the list of retards who have a posting history of attempting to talk innocent peeps out of their coins.
I remember Lambie correctly and repetitively calling the bottom at 3.1k Dec. 2018 and again @6K in Dec. 2019  (so far successfully).
Anyone listening to his advice made out really well, myself included.
Ironically, I remember you had denied the notions of the beginning of bear market in early January 2017 until we were at 6K for a sustained period. Not that I'd ever blame anyone other than myself, You were one of the voices I gave weight to during that time of which you were wholly wrong.  
From my perspective, you are neither correct nor have a foot to stand on in your accusations towards Lambie. Roll Eyes
No disrespect intended JJG, I think you're just triggered by the personal pokes of lately.
Stick to your ladder droning shtick.

Thank you Mr. Icy, very well said.  Smiley

If anyone, chat bots included, wants to know exactly what I think atm about Bitcoin price direction...

Im as always Uberbullish and firmly believe in the path to 1 million dollars per coin and beyond.
Im no longer short term Bearish as the Coronavirus and approaching halving have destroyed any more chances to reach or go below the minimum Bargain Boyz Buy Zone of 6500.

Its all Bullish all the time for the next few years for me.

The Baby Bull was born in December of '18, as it got a bit older it ran with a shady group of friends and experimented with some hard drugs. This caused the mini bubble of 2019 to climax at 14k.

Our young bull child layed off the hard drugs of crack and hopium and we fell to the Bargain Boyz Buy Zone of 6500.

Rehab for the young bull was hard and he was in danger of falling to lower prices, but tensions with Iran and the Coronavirus made the world fall in love with our young Bull again and he was cured of his Mini Bear Market hopium withdrawal symptoms.

Soon our young Bull will head off to Halvening University where he will meet girls, get layed, and take us to All Time Highs before winter.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

The future is bright Gents, the Bargains of the past will soon be distant memories.

Invest everything you can afford to lose.

1313. Post 53793707 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

For anyone looking to really smoke some Hopium, here goes.

What if the Chinese Communist Party ends up losing power from the Coronavirus and transitions to a Democracy in the next few years. What would that mean for Bitcoin.

Ill tell you what it means. We will get full legalization of Bitcoin as a currency in China, a return of Chinese Bitcoin exchanges, a Chinese Bitcoin ETF, and much more.

1314. Post 53793712 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

94 days till our young Bull Market goes off to Halvening University and all is well.  Cheesy

1315. Post 53793808 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 08, 2020, 02:41:24 AM
[edited out]

Yeah, I know it sucks JJG, aka GayJuanGee, to be completely bested with accurate observations and have your text walls and tedious quoting tactics rendered useless.

But dont worry, once you learn to be more respectful and less antagonistic to others the embarrassment will fade.  


You are a fucking retard.. both you and your revisionist history fantasylandias.  

Hopefully, no innocent persons were damaged by your nonsense by either selling BTC or waiting to buy BTC when they should have been buying, when your stupid-ass predictions did not even come close to coming true.. except your lame-ass attention-whore seeking attempts to revise history.

I was about 90% until we hit 6000.  then I was'nt sure about this rally at all so sold for now.  

Im probably gonna wait till sub 2k.   I mean not that it's worth 2k, but the charts are the charts.   See you at the bottom of phase C, when you will be telling everyone to sell Cheesy

I'll predict the future. Bitcoin won't be $10,000 ever again.

Special guests have already been invited. Cool

Should add dumb-ass lambie-bambie to the list of retards who have a posting history of attempting to talk innocent peeps out of their coins.
I remember Lambie correctly and repetitively calling the bottom at 3.1k Dec. 2018 and again @6K in Dec. 2019  (so far successfully).
Anyone listening to his advice made out really well, myself included.
Ironically, I remember you had denied the notions of the beginning of bear market in early January 2017 until we were at 6K for a sustained period. Not that I'd ever blame anyone other than myself, You were one of the voices I gave weight to during that time of which you were wholly wrong.  
From my perspective, you are neither correct nor have a foot to stand on in your accusations towards Lambie. Roll Eyes
No disrespect intended JJG, I think you're just triggered by the personal pokes of lately.
Stick to your ladder droning shtick.

If you are reading me to be making BTC predictions then you having been missing the gist.. and that's up to you....      I have been largely criticizing Lambie-bambie for ongoingly acting like a fucktwat and a wannabe sorcerer, and sure if you want to believe that he has some kind of sorcerer status or that he was right about some things, that is on you.... It's not going to stop me from continuing to refer to him as an attention whore and drama queen and history revising dweeb.   
Slayer has been ruining my life of late. He has shown everyone the easy formula to neutralize my silly text walls and tedious quotes within quotes within quotes within quotes response strategies.

And, also someone who has been engaging in a behavior that likely caused some people to wait for lower BTC prices, or fail to buy BTC when the BTC price was not going lower, and if you recall he was already largely calling for a BTC correction when the BTC price got up to $6k the first time around in April-May-ish... so yeah, sooner or later he is going to be correct that they are going to go down, but they did not even go below $6k as he was suggesting to be likely...... I often lie about when Slayer was short term bearish. He busted me on this with a quote of his that I had merited that fully proved I was full of it. To this day I pretend this never happened, but I think about it all the time. My reading comprehension sucks and Ive argued with most people here bc I couldnt understand what they wrote properly.

Of course, I repeat myself in various aspects, whether you want to describe those repetitions as a schtik or whatever that's up to you, but yeah, I recommend DCA, buying on dips, and selling on BTC price increases but only selling small amounts... and incrementalism...  and of course, tailoring your style to your budget and other aspects such as other investments, risk tolerance, timeline and other matters, including not over doing matters. Yes, I live to repeat myself. Its so boring its interesting.

In essence, I have mostly not been in the business of making BTC price predictions, except maybe deviating a bit from 50/50 from time to time.. so if you are reading me as a price predictor, then you surely got me wrong... except in the long term I am presuming that there is an inclination that BTC prices are going up, even though it may take some time to ensure that, so you can label those kinds of inclinations however you want..  but yeah, I tend to be a bit hostile towards attempts to time the market whether up or down and also a bit hostile towards the assignment of too high of probability to outcomes whether long term or short term and especially hostile to diptwats who overly proclaim knowledge of down status that might cause some innocent folks to fail/refuse to buy or to DCA or to actually establish a BTC position because they are too busy waiting and scared by fucktwats like lambie acting like he knows things, when he doesn't know shit, and I could give less than two shits if such diptwats like lambie happen to get lucky in his calls or his desire to say I told you so and all that bullshit.. so yeah,...  I am in the business of pointing out out the drama queen sorcerer wannabes, history revisionaries such as dicktwat lambie, and there is no need for me to defend my record at various points throughout the whole 20/20 is hindsight bitcoin history of what ended up being a bear market between early 2018 until about April or May 2019.. and we did not know how to label such market until afterwards.... so fucking what?  I am not taking anything back what I said during that time, and all my posts from then stand unedited... and I am not backing off from a single one of them from the time that any of them was posted. Low IQ Bot Copy Pasta. Only a fool would torture through this gibber jabber. Im a huge hypocrite, I make predictions, with estimates and probabilities all the time. It sends my blood pressure through the roof when Slayer and others make predictions here and there bc I want all the attention of the thread 24-7

GayJG, just divest from your other crappy investments and get more net worth invested in the King. Otherwise you will always be bitter and jealous of smarter investors.

1316. Post 53793851 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Just getting weirder and weirder out in Communistland. Dont think for one minute that this isnt cosmic punishment for being hostile to Bitcoin. CCP is going down and probably sooner rather than later. video of trucks spraying down the city

1317. Post 53794920 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

"Yet for those market participants merrily saying this is “just a flu” (there are some) we also have 4,824, 15% of the total, in critical condition, and 638 deaths. Further, one arguably cannot measure the death-rate of any virus against the number of *currently* sick people: you surely measure it against those who eventually recover vs. those who don’t. Given we have 1,563 who have recovered vs. 638 dead (and 4,824 critical) that is a worrying ratio of 29% dead as an end-outcome, which is right up there with the MERS virus from a few years ago"


1318. Post 53799546 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Just looking at this from a strictly numbers view, putting all emotions aside about death and doom, etc.

Coronavirus mostly kills older people. Older people mostly don't own Bitcoin and have little interest to buy it compared to younger people. When they die they leave money and assets to younger people. Younger people use money and sell assets to buy Bitcoin. Moon.

Coronavirus spreading is extremely good for Bitcoin. No sane person is rooting for mass deaths of the elderly but if there is a chance it happens, its prudent to examine the outcomes. Bitcoin doesn't need Coronavirus to moon but it will speed up the process if it starts to infect the globe.

We are not in a minibubble like in the summer. This is not a drill, this is not a test, its happening. The pumps are real, the growth is organic, dips will be bought, bears will be crushed, nocoiner organs will be harvested.

Ive purchased 6 more coins today with the last spare filthy fiat I had at my disposal. I am a nofiater now.



via Imgflip Meme Generator


1319. Post 53799602 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: eddie13 on February 09, 2020, 12:40:31 AM

Coronavirus spreading is extremely good for Bitcoin.

I expected a pump off it too but I was underwhelmed..

It caused some thoughts in me such as...
Would Chinese people sell their BTC to prep/hoard for the coming hard time?
Would the Chinese gov possibly dump on BTC to help hold up their markets?
Could the CNY going down drag BTC down with it? Devaluing BTC until CNY markets came up to equilibrium?
What effect could a big problem in China have on Bitcoin mining? Hardware availability and possible Chinese mining farms shut down?

I can see how the Coronavirus Pump so far doesnt seem all that large. But when I look at it in context, I find it to be extremely impressive. I believe due to the huge downwards momentum of the mini bear market, we were headed back to Bargain Boyz Buy Zone one last time before the Coronavirus Black Swan started the pump.

Thoughts in response:

a. Hard times require hard money. Stocks are dumped while Bitcoin is hoarded.

b. What Bitcoin does Chinese gov have to dump? Why would shorting such a tiny market be a panacea for their markets which are many many times larger. If anything the CCP elites would see Bitcoin as a way to hide and transport ill gotten gains of their oppression as their world crumbles.

c. CNY devaluing has historically been awesome for Bitcoin so bring it on CCP

d. Miners problems are miners problems. Hodlers not worried.

1320. Post 53799822 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 09, 2020, 01:48:46 AM
Link to Harvard prof in sewer? Sounds somewhat odd

... 'sewer' was an embellishment of my own, he was receiving at least US$50k per month (plus other generous bonuses) to set-up a lab in Wuhan identical to his Harvard lab ... and transferring students (and IP) back and forth. And not revealing the monies as required by US/Harvard grants procedures. Chair of Harvard's Chemistry department.
google harvard scientist arrested

Perhaps pointing towards a virus of US/Canadian origin bio-engineered for vaccine research purposes or bioweapon and then sloppily handed to the Chinese labs who've let it get out.

I can imagine them not disposing of animals used for testing in Wuhan fastidiously. Some cleaner on cents per day fishes a bat, rat, rabbit, monkey, chicken, pig or pangolin carcass out of the dead lab animal bin at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and pedals off on his bike to sell it at the Hunan Seafood market in the wild animals section.

Corporate Media has been trying to pass of the Bio-engineering origin of the Aids-Flu as a conspiracy theory, but in this instance I feel much more comfortable putting my trust in the law of parsimony and I have found no hypothesis that requires fewer assumptions than Chinese incompetence in handling an engineered virus.

1321. Post 53799959 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

I am a lab technician at Huoshenshan hospital in Wuhan.
The situation is so much worse than you know. Reported death of coronavirus are just those of sudden type, not pneumonic. Daily removes pneumonic patients to not return, whole sections of hospital 200 rooms each and not recorded. They are filled immediately with new pneumonic.
Please know we are trying but there is simply too much"

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1322. Post 53800145 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Rip 4 digits, killed by Coronavirus, never to be seen again.

1323. Post 53800151 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 09, 2020, 03:51:44 AM

I am a lab technician at Huoshenshan hospital in Wuhan.
The situation is so much worse than you know. Reported death of coronavirus are just those of sudden type, not pneumonic. Daily removes pneumonic patients to not return, whole sections of hospital 200 rooms each and not recorded. They are filled immediately with new pneumonic.
Please know we are trying but there is simply too much"

via Imgflip Meme Generator

It’s 4chan.  Even Reddit is more credible.

and even CCP is less credible.  Smiley

1324. Post 53800518 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

11k by Valentines Day guaranteed.

1325. Post 53801385 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

More video of CCP oppressing their people and sending Bitcoin to the moon.

1326. Post 53801572 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

"A new audio recording from Wuhan (received through encrypted channel, voices are disguised), claiming they’ve cremated 127 bodies just yesterday along. This is 30x official data. Need your help with translation. #coronavirus"

More translation is provided in the comments. Someone impersonated a central Chinese Government official and questioned a funeral home operator for details about their operation. Funeral home employee fell for the trick and spilled the beans. Brilliant. Bitcoin moon, RIP CCP.

edit: Here is a shorter clip of the video with translation.

"- 11 burner 50 minutes/body
- two shifts each staff sleep 2-3h/day
- Gov requires body pick-up within 1.5 hours after death
- Estimate: this midsize crematorium cremates about 176 bodies/day. Hankou is larger."

"There are 6 crematoriums in Wuhan. Let’s use average 176 coronavirus death/day/crematorium.

176*6 =1056

Assume deaths in Wuhan counts 90% of total China’s coronavirus death/day

1056/90%= 1173

Assume it started a month

Total death =1173*30 = 35200"

1327. Post 53801663 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 09, 2020, 09:47:55 AM

Miles Guo is saying 100% it is a bioweapon that was released by some faction or another inside the Chinese Communist Party. It was meant to be used as false flag to cover for a crackdown on Hong Kong but got out of control almost immediately and the plan backfired, they have opened Pandora's Box. Either the technology was immature, misunderstood (scientist fraudulently boasting they knew how to control it) or a vengeful act by the person on-the-ground releasing it to screw the instigating commanders. The earliest victims were actually 6 CCP staff of the Central Commission of Discipline Inspection who were interrogating the spouse of a suspect and she was infected, they all died and since then the CCP has been in panic mode. Factions within the CCP are in-fighting and vying for power, Shanghai versus Beijing and things are spiralling out of control!

There is evidence that many rich, connected people inside CCP had fore-knowledge of the event as they were selling and shorting stocks massively as early as Nov. 12 2019, including Li Ka-Shing.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1328. Post 53801808 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: eddie13 on February 09, 2020, 09:59:54 AM
I think this thread is worse than 4chan as far as the mexican beer conspiracy goes.. lol

contagious at hundreds of meters and develops no immunities so you can get infected over again?
We would all be dead..

Well if you select the most sensational possibilities pointed out sure. On the other end of that spectrum is the "its no worse than the flu". The truth imo is somewhere in the middle likely and tens of thousands likely are dead and millions of elderly will die before its all said and done.

Most Bitcoiners became hodlers bc they didnt buy into the largest 4chan like group of liars of them all, the MSM. No reason to listen too much to crackpot corporate media telling us China has everything under control, its no worse than the flu, only 800 dead so far.

China is lying, the death rate is obviously much higher. At a minimum a ton of old and weak peeps in China will die and Bitcoin will moon. Everything else is tinfoil wishful thinking.

Bitcoin isnt going to moon over this bc we are bad people profiting off of death, Bitcoin is going to moon bc sound money is the solution to taking power away from money printing govs that do shitty things and fuck up everything they touch.

1329. Post 53801968 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

"Clarifications on CCP’s motives
Miles Guo disagreed with those who said that the CCP intended to kill half of the Chinese population especially older people with this manmade virus.

He did not think that the CCP wanted to use the virus to wipe out Hong Kong completely or to attack the U.S.

The unleash of manmade coronavirus was not a “collective” decision made by the Communist Party. Instead, it was a decision made by a small cadre of the kleptocrats at the top in order to impose martial law in Hong Kong and kill political opponents.

The original intention was a limited and controllable viral attack to kill people in the city of Wuhan and Hong Kong with precision strike but somehow got out-of-hand due to sabotage or human error.

The most famous biochemical weapon expert in the world told Miles Guo that the Wuhan coronavirus came from the Wuhan P4 Lab
Without disclosing his name, Miles Guo said a world-leading expert in the field of biochemical weapon confirmed with 100% certainty that Wuhan coronavirus is not from animals or nature but a lab in Wuhan."

Three groups within the Chinese Communist Party
The main power struggle is between the Beijing Gang and Shanghai Gang:

Beijing Gang includes Xi Jinping, Li Zhanshu, Ding Xuexiang, Chen Xi, Xu Qiliang, etc.
2. Shanghai Gang includes Wang Qishan, Jiang Zeming, Han Zheng, Guo Shengkun, Meng Jiangzhu, Sun Lijun, Li Chunlan, etc.

3. The powerless Middle Group represented by Wang Yang, Hu Chunhua, was not involved in the viral attack.

Among the three groups within CCP, either Beijing & Shanghai Gang ordered the viral attack.

The Chinese premier Li Keqiang is an outsider disliked by people in those three groups.

Unusual activities before the epidemic
The U.S. government will investigate the stock market manipulations took place before the Wuhan epidemic including (but not limited to):

“Exists” from Stock Exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.
People with knowledge of the viral attack sold a large number of stocks to American, European and Saudis investors. Many people who sold their stocks include Jiang Zhicheng (the grandson of Jiang Zeming, the former president of China), Meng Haijin (the daughter of Meng Jianzhu), and Gao Yanyan, etc.
Li Ka-shing, a pro-CCP tycoon in Hong Kong, unloaded a significant portion of his stock holding after Nov 12, a move he did not take during the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests.
Many Chinese business tycoons have been shorting stocks and selling stock holdings to foreigners while keeping their mouths shut since Nov 12, 2019.

The “Shanghai Gang” Han Zheng warned his close confidants in Shanghai in early January to stay away from Hong Kong and Hubei Province. Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus, is the capital city of Hubei.

The CCP’s initial reaction to the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak
In mid and late January, the top CCP leaders decided unanimously to give up Hubei province in order to protect Beijing and Shanghai, the center of power for Beijing and Shanghai Gangs respectively.

But things did not go according to their plan, because the virus was spread to Beijing very early on.

Some officials in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in Beijing brought back the virus from Wuhan and died. They also infected doctors in Beijing. But all these infections were kept as top secrets.

President Xi no longer works at Zhongnanhai due to safety concerns.

But Li Keqiang was sent to visit Hubei without knowing the lethality of the virus.

The CCP’s internal struggle became vicious after the first plan failed
It has become a struggle between Beijing and Shanghai manifested by their fight for masks.

Zhu Rongji sent his family members abroad immediately. Most of them are now in New York.

Jiang Zeming, the former president of China, took a series of decisive actions (no further detail is available).

The CCP’s continued coverups have led to more deaths in many cities.

The CCP’s apparatus of government stopped functioning except for its propaganda machines.

Turning point
President Trump asked the U.S. scientists to investigate the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus.

What to expect next
We will see some terrible outcomes around Feb 29.

The Stock Exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong will be shutdown.

Hong Kong will be put under lockdown.

The U.S. will publish an official investigation inquiry.

We will get answers soon.

The whole incidence will end quickly.

The perpetrators will get severe punishment.

There will be a new China without the CCP.

The significance of the U.S. involvement in the investigation
U.S. leadership is essential to the international collaboration to unearth the truth.

The US will provide an accurate report from the investigation to answer these questions:

is the virus manmade or from nature
is the virus “leak” intentional or unintentional"

TLDR: Everybody was Kung Fu fighting. Those viruses were fast as lighting.

Credit to MarcusAugustus for putting me on to the link to

1330. Post 53805374 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: vapourminer on February 09, 2020, 03:24:29 PM
Just looking at this from a strictly numbers view, putting all emotions aside about death and doom, etc.

Coronavirus mostly kills older people. Older people mostly don't own Bitcoin and have little interest to buy it compared to younger people. When they die they leave money and assets to younger people. Younger people use money and sell assets to buy Bitcoin. Moon.

except this old person. i plan to die with zero btc (or most any assets actually) left. the timing is iffy; im still working on a workable timeline for the various events planned.

Does this mean you are leaving your wealth to young hookers and coke dealers, who will then buy Bitcoin == Moon??

1331. Post 53805470 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: soxxx on February 09, 2020, 08:06:48 PM
Don't get mad at Luc.

He doesn't say it is going go to $6k without any conditions.

He says it will happen if it stays under $11k which is a pretty valid guess imo. I'll buy more tomorrow to help to invalidate this TA. If you want the same thing, you should too.

This thing won't go to $100k by itself, somebody has to buy it from $10k and $20k... $60k... and all the way up to $100k. Believe it or not, Some will even buy it at $100k.

This time BTC is going to $350-$450k so LOTS of peeps are going to jump in at $100k and further up.  Cool
When it hits $100k the fomo will be real. I definately agree that we can see it run up to anywhere between $200k-$400k, and this will all go down within a month or so after hitting $100k

Better to be safe than sorry and prep your livers for 4 parties. 100k, 200k, 300k, 400k.

1332. Post 53805984 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Coronavirus=Govs downplay or lie and print more money to calm markets=Moon

1333. Post 53806142 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: eddie13 on February 09, 2020, 10:52:56 PM
I got my $3k number by extrapolating....

hodl for 300k

I predicted a low of $3k about a year and a half ago and the next high around $300k..

The $3k low prediction held up pretty well and I'm no less confident in the 300k prediction since then, with about the same seriousness that I was saying "BTC to $10k" in 2014-2015..

I think $100k would be quite a conservative prediction for the peak after this next halving..

Yes, 100k is the "Hodler's Guarantee"(confirmed by over 100 twitter accounts intelligence agencies) and the floor for the next moon. The ceiling for moon is probably in the 250-400k range.

1334. Post 53806178 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on February 09, 2020, 11:20:21 PM

Anything burning fuel produces SO2, including my truck.  

Traffic and industry about standing still in wuhan, just to remind you...
Still, these calculations are, if source parameters are verified, speculative at best.

I got my $3k number by extrapolating....

hodl for 300k

I predicted a low of $3k about a year and a half ago and the next high around $300k..

The $3k low prediction held up pretty well and I'm no less confident in the 300k prediction since then, with about the same seriousness that I was saying "BTC to $10k" in 2014-2015..

I think $100k would be quite a conservative prediction for the peak after this next halving..

Many of the extrapolation results of 2017's bubble top were between about $40k and$50k iirc.?
Just for comparison, if you know or remember better, please let me know.

Yes, I remember well once we hit 20k the pumpers and latecomers all started calling for 40k "soon" and possibly in just days or weeks. I think 20k came so fast that most were shocked and the euphoria was real so they just decided to come up with a new price target off the cuff and 40k was the go to target bc it was double the 20k milestone that created massive euphoria and got the attention of the world.

Miner fees became insanely expensive and the bubble bursted as newbs were shocked it cost 15 dollars to move a few hundred bucks worth of bitcoin, they just couldnt understand why the CEO of Bitcoin would raise the price of fees Roll Eyes. IMO this started the bear market. Once you reach certain bubbly heights it doesnt take much to prick it.

Hopefully scaling solutions will prevent that this time around. Hopefully.....

1335. Post 53806233 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Gents I have some suggestions to help us get to 13k in an orderly fashion with few interuptions. Not too fast is the best way to move forward.

Refrain from trains, rockets, or Carolina till 11k.

Once 11k reached, unleash trains only.

Once 12k reached, unleash trains and rockets.

Once 13k reached, unleash TRC Trifecta of trains, rockets, and Carolina.

Trifecta should propel us to 14k and then we can dip a bit for the latecomers.

Aids-Flu memes alone should be sufficient to get us to 11k by Valentine's day.

1336. Post 53806292 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Observing new All Year Highs. Go CCP go!

1337. Post 53806499 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 10, 2020, 12:21:37 AM

Unusual activities before the epidemic
The U.S. government will investigate the stock market manipulations took place before the Wuhan epidemic including (but not limited to):

“Exists” from Stock Exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong.
People with knowledge of the viral attack sold a large number of stocks to American, European and Saudis investors. Many people who sold their stocks include Jiang Zhicheng (the grandson of Jiang Zeming, the former president of China), Meng Haijin (the daughter of Meng Jianzhu), and Gao Yanyan, etc.
Li Ka-shing, a pro-CCP tycoon in Hong Kong, unloaded a significant portion of his stock holding after Nov 12, a move he did not take during the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests.
Many Chinese business tycoons have been shorting stocks and selling stock holdings to foreigners while keeping their mouths shut since Nov 12, 2019.

I don't know about the veracity of Miles Guo's theories but we do know that Li Ka-Shing has been heavily involved in bitcoin in the past. If he was exiting Chinese stocks as Miles says then it is possible he was entering bitcoin/gold flight capital assets. There was a good pump in bitcoin mid-late Oct. .... hmmm was that another Li Ka-shing and co. pump?.

Cant think of a better way for The Beijing Boyz to stash their wealth than Bitcoin. Smiley

1338. Post 53806555 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 10, 2020, 01:04:42 AM
They are being supercautious because they don’t know what they are dealing with.

Doesn’t prove or disprove anything.  

Am watching the cases in Western jurisdictions closely.  So far no explosions of infection from the French or German cases.  

Given the amount of air travel from Hong Kong and Singapore, cases currently are surprisingly low.

It does proves that while they dont know everything, what they do know is scaring them shitless while they tell everyone else to relax and buy moar stocks.  Smiley

Say you live next to a zoo, in the black of night you hear something that sounds like a tiger roaring and bushes rustling near you.

You don't know exactly what kind of animal it is or if its chasing you. You don't console yourself that since you arent completely sure whats going on that its no worse than the flu. You run like a motherfucker.

1339. Post 53806559 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on February 10, 2020, 01:20:38 AM
The SEC doesn’t give a fuck about what happens on the Chinese stock markets. It’s laughable that they would investigate.  

yeah, a lot of stuff on that site seemed off

... but super-entertaining and it's always good to hear all the fringe stuff ... it's how you get to become an early adopter Wink

Yep, we have made a lot of money wearing tin foil hats round these parts.  Cheesy

The SEC does care about the family members of these oligarchs who live here, go to school here, etc, and trade in our markets.

1340. Post 53806850 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.14h):


"There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"

"My feelings, as usual, we will slaughter them all."

"Our initial assessment is that they will all die."

"No I am not scared and neither should you be!"

"We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."

"They're not even [within] 100 miles [of Baghdad]. They are not in any place. They hold no place in Iraq.

"They fled. The American louts fled. Indeed, concerning the fighting waged by the heroes of the Arab Socialist Baath Party yesterday, one amazing thing really is the cowardice of the American soldiers. we had not anticipated this."

"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of Iraqis."

"They tried to bring a small number of tanks and personnel carriers in through al-Durah but they were surrounded and most of their infidels had their throats cut."

"I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that they have started to commit suicide under the walls of Baghdad. We will encourage them to commit more suicides quickly."


via Imgflip Meme Generator

1341. Post 53806964 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: mindrust on February 09, 2020, 06:53:06 PM
Pro tip for free: at some point in a bull run BTC price will touch the weekly 20 MA. Use that as a low risk entry. Takes patience, just put in your buy order and adjust.
Thank you  Grin So this would be around ~ $9K right ?

More like $8.2-8.4k right now but it will probably get closer to 9k later on if it keeps going up without a correction.

*Btw, it never touched 20 WMA when it started going up from $3.8k to $14k so it might not be as valid as BitcoinNewsMagazine thinks. LFC's idea is probably a better one. Buy while you still can.

Sure it did early in the last bull run. If you want to be assured of getting filled just adjust your buy price up a few percent above the weekly 20 MA. Later in a bull run you need to use oversold indicators.

Why are our lines different than each other though? Did you mean 20 WMA or 200 WMA or something else?, kinda confused. Sorry, small screen, now i see

The oracle has spoken btw, masterluc says $6k is incoming.

Tldr; If it goes to $11k, this prediction becomes invalid. If not, $6k.
*If this happens I am going all-in.

Aids-Flu guarantees we never reach Bargain prices such as 6k again. 11k in less than a week imo.

1342. Post 53807387 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Thats how you know this pump is organic and real. Little dumps here and there so we dont move up to fast.

Bull Season is here. Buy all dips.

1343. Post 53813788 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Just the flu, bro.

1344. Post 53813793 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Confirmation from the CDC that not only is Coronavirus in the U.S., but that California already has two strains.

They will be playing the "Just the flu, bro" game while we pump to 14k with little fanfare.

"Thanks to open data sharing by
, we've updated with 3 #nCoV2019 genomes sampled in California on Jan 29 (in grey below). Two are identical, and one branches from a Guangdong cluster."

1345. Post 53813816 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Bitcoin isnt gonna pump, buy stocks bc they are at all time highs. Roll Eyes Its just the flu bro.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

I like best the part where these msm crackpots touted a 1 out of 400 mortality rate when was actually 1 out of 5. Just the flu bro, who cares if mortality is 8000 percent higher than our fake news pretends.

1346. Post 53813938 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: jojo69 on February 11, 2020, 02:59:14 AM

But by far the most bombastic display of unbridled Sanders-Commie-Kill-Swarm-Panic was MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who totally lost it after the last debate and started sputtering about “socialists” staging public mass-executions in Central Park. Matthews is apparently firmly convinced that Sanders, if he wins the election, plans to dress up like Fidel Castro, march Matthews and his cronies out onto the Great Lawn, and go full-bore Daenerys Targaryen on them. He sat there, trembling, on national television, eyes afire with paranoia, jabbering about the godless “Reds” like a scene from Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove that got cut because it was too over-the-top.

Seriously, though, I doubt he has much to worry about. Regardless of who wins the election this year, the supranational corporatocracy that essentially owns the U.S. government is not about to let Bernie Sanders implement the same basic social programs that most capitalist countries throughout world have provided to their people for decades. Jesus, just imagine the freedomless horror if Americans could go to university, and, you know, maybe raise a child or two, without spending the rest of their lives in debt! Think of the suffering that would inflict on the banks, and insurance companies, and military contractors, not to mention the pharmaceutical industry. God help America, should it go down that road! The next thing you know there’d be high-speed trains, subsidized art, and un-chlorinated chicken … there’s no telling where the nightmare would end.

out fucking

I can appreciate the noble aspirations of ideologies that want to help the masses get out from under the jackboot of elites, but since they have failed so many times, why not just give Bitcoin a chance to solve these problems?

Imo Bitcoin will provide the same solutions without expanding government power. Elites have used money printing to cause all the problems this article talks about. Money printing is welfare for elites. Yeah you could try to make up for it with welfare for the masses, but better to just take away the elite welfare and even the playing field, then we can skip the whole Venezuela outcome that socialism risks.

1347. Post 53814303 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Just the flu bro Roll Eyes

1348. Post 53814466 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

You have to help nocoiners learn to climb out of fiat slavery.   Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1349. Post 53814675 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

I predict Mayor Pete will come out on top over Comrade Sanders. No Homo.

1350. Post 53814738 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

The last prehalvening run up took us from a bear market low of about 150 to about 780. It peaked a few weeks before the halving and then had a large dip that took about 5 months to break 800.

A similar run up would take us to about 16,100 in the next 90 days, with a large dip afterwards that would be bought back up by early winter. With all the Aids-Flu head winds and insane money printing we should easily meet or exceed this target before the halvening. We are gonna see China print money and devalue their currency at an unimaginable level to try to combat the economic effects of airborne Aids.

Bull Season is here Boyz. The Baby Bull is growing into adulthood and is soon off to Halvening University. Save your good memes for the appropriate times bc you dont wanna use em too early while the party is just starting.  

1351. Post 53814818 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: on February 11, 2020, 07:28:10 AM
You have to help nocoiners learn to climb out of fiat slavery.   Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

This nocoiner girl is so poor she can't even afford to buy clothes...  Grin

Luckily she wont need any at the 100k party.  Cheesy

1352. Post 53814884 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

CDC showing that like all gov entities, its incompetent. Bitcoin is the solution to the worst virus of all, fiat.

1353. Post 53814895 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: eddie13 on February 11, 2020, 07:34:23 AM
Mayor Pete will come out on top

He looks more like a bottom to me..

If you saw his husband you might rethink that.

1354. Post 53814905 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 11, 2020, 07:42:15 AM
People getting restless in the PRC

In the first one he just turned the roadblock into a zombie apocalypse shield. Clean getaway lol.

1355. Post 53815885 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

UK Superspreader identified. If you saw this guy in public and touched the same door handle..... hope your immune system is in tip top shape.

1356. Post 53820325 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Its Bull Season gents. We will get plenty of dips in 2020 to keep us from going full parabolic till 2021. All dips will be eventually bought for the next two years. Good job on holding back the best memes for now, we have a lot more hurdles to cross. Party is just starting.

1357. Post 53821042 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on February 11, 2020, 10:23:41 PM
Its Bull Season gents. We will get plenty of dips in 2020 to keep us from going full parabolic till 2021. All dips will be eventually bought for the next two years. Good job on holding back the best memes for now, we have a lot more hurdles to cross. Party is just starting.

full parabolic like 2013 and 2017? doubt it. because? reasons.

shorters now have possibilities to participate on a bull run too.

Shorts will keep us in a steady but fast rise for 2020, but 2021 we will rip the hearts out of their bear chests and throw them in our rocket engines for more fuel. Humanity will always find a way to push things to crazy and even foolish levels and this Bitcoin Bull Season will end like all the others, in a Parabolic Bubble of Madness. Will the incline be exactly as steep as before? Maybe, but perhaps a bit less, but it will still be parabolic compared to mature markets like stocks and metals. 

1358. Post 53821088 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Just the Flu Bro. Only affects really old people in terrible health.

Fiat printing allows scumbag govs to stay in power. Bitcoin is the vaccine. The poor people dying from this commieland disease are not dying in vein. The fiat slavery system will die off too as this tragedy wakes people out of their propaganda induced slumber.

You cant trust govs, buy Bitcoin. The End.

1359. Post 53821514 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1360. Post 53821916 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Ok boyz, its speculation time.  Cheesy

Clearly we are in the early stages of a prehalvening pump. The sample is small, but this wonderful event has never failed to have a pre-pump, nor afaik has the litecoin halvening.

The questions are always:
1. When Pump?

2. How high Pump?

The answer to question one is clearly, Pump Now.

Number 2 is the more interesting question.  Smiley

A similar pump to the last halvening pre-pump would take us to as I stated yesterday, 16100. I see this as a minimum for two major reasons.

1. The Global Stock Market (as measured by MSCI ETF

The worlds major stock markets are in aggregate hitting all time highs on a regular basis in a lengthy bull market. In the midst of this late stage bull market melt up the world is flooded with money printing as Trump jawbones the Fed to keep his election hopes alive and China is printing at the speed of light to avoid a epidemic induced recession.

A huge swath of the worlds bonds are at negative interest rates and interest rates are at historically rock bottom levels. We are in as risk on of an environment as they come with historically high stock valuations that keep climbing.

The shitty yields for bonds and t-bills make Bitcoin more attractive. The stock market may not be that correlated to Bitcoin in price but the panic to keep pumping it is forcing central banks to money print like crazy. The money printing is of course fantastic for Bitcoin for obvious reasons of supply, demand, and scarcity. Even if we get the inevitable crash they will just have to print more money, so for stocks its heads Bitcoin wins, and tails Bitcoin wins.

If these central bankers weren't arrogant they would be raising rates at the end of a long bull cycle and that would mean less money printing and be a Bitcoin head wind. Fortunately for us they have put themselves in a box that requires money printing in all scenarios. This is a dream scenario for Hodlers.

2. The Aids-Flu (tin foil boyz call it Coronavirus)

Perhaps the Aid-Flu will fizzle out and become a distant memory as the summer comes and nations get it under control. What will certainly not happen is it fading from memory in the next few months.

This virus is sowing massive distrust in governments and for good reasons. Distrust in govs means less faith in fiat and more love for King Bitcoin. Its also forcing central bankers to print more money and helps keep us in the dream scenario discussed above.  

Bitcoin is a safe haven and this Aids Swan is proving it. The halvening will only buttress our case for safe haven status as it will be hard to distinguish how much of our rise is due to a flight to safety and how much is due to the halvening. This will give the faithful (WO Elites an such) the opportunity to push whatever narratives we like with impunity and the masses will fall in line, because at the end of the day they love sick gainz above all else.

The MSM will actually imo prefer to give the Coronavirus credit for our incoming pump. Thats bc they don't like talking about the halvening too much since it makes the masses wonder why the fuck they are slaves to inflationary currency in the first place when the cool kids get their currency supply cut in half by computer algos. This MSM fear of deflation just plays into our hands bc newbs will find an infinite amount of disasters over the years to make them want more Bitcoin. They will misdirect, but we will win either way.

Most of the pump inducing scenarios mentioned above were not in play during the 2016 halvening. Central Bankers were looking for the first opportunity to raise rates. Stocks had been sideways for a year. Negative bond yields were not as widespread, and there was nothing comparable to the Coronavirus.

Prediction: 16100 is a minimum worst case scenario for this halvening pump and a more likely target is the old all time high of 20k. After this perhaps we go a bit higher but most likely it happens in a blow off top form and we get the predictable halvening crash from profit taking.

The profit taking would crash us to about 14k and then we build our way back up to all time highs again in several months, bc after all, its Bull $eason.

TLDR: New all time highs this summer.

This is absolutely investment advice. Sell your wife or your neighbors wife into sex slavery and buy Bitcoin for the ride to 100k and beyond.

1361. Post 53822173 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 12, 2020, 07:52:10 AM

Jesus, just imagine the freedomless horror if Americans could go to university, and, you know, maybe raise a child or two, without spending the rest of their lives in debt!

out fucking

Umm... you realize that shit needs to be paid for _somehow_, right?
Having a larger more educated workforce should pay off in the long run.  If the costs are insanely high like current private college costs then maybe you're right though.

The benefits to the community of having a higher educated population are something like 5x the tuition fees. Just the tax rake from higher educated professionals more than pays for free tuition.

But this isn’t an economic argument - it’s about how can we ensure that we can continue to have a lower class to do all the dirty work.  

I remember reading about one of the big pro chattel slavery arguments and it was that the economy of the South would completely crash without slave labor and the whole nation and maybe world would suffer. Once they were freed and became paid sharecroppers the crop outputs were higher than ever before. Turns out cheap labor isnt very motivated to do a good job.

Not long after this the absence of free labor pushed market forces to automate most farming jobs. Slavery(the ultimate cheap labor) probably slowed down the rise of automation in agriculture.

1362. Post 53822214 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"A woman refuses to have her temperature taken.
A medic beats her."

Defund crooked govs. Buy Bitcoin.

1363. Post 53822243 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"Wuhan quarantine center is the concentration camp that takes away both life and money. That’s why people would rather risk their lives felling off the high rise, but not going to the quarantine center. This is their final right to say NO to CCP❗️❗️"

Warning: This video is really graphic may be highly disturbing to some.

Apparently the CCP welded their apartment building doors shut and this woman was trying to get rice to survive from a neighbor.

Buying Bitcoin is more important now than ever to help take the power of money printing out of the hands of evil doers.

1364. Post 53822286 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"This is in front of a funeral home in #Wuhan

The number of mobile phones correlate with the number of people that have been CREMATED. "

Just say no to cremation. Buy Bitcoin.

1365. Post 53822419 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

The question is, who do you trust more. CCP, or anti CCP twitter activists and citizen journalists.

I recall the Nazis discredited any claims or proof of concentration camps as a smear campaign or nasty rumors.

1366. Post 53822453 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: Ibian on February 12, 2020, 08:54:17 AM

"A woman refuses to have her temperature taken.
A medic beats her."

Defund crooked govs. Buy Bitcoin.
Okay but why would she not want her temp taken? Did she know shes infected already? Otherwise she's actively helping the virus spread. Which would make her value as a human negative.

Many reports are coming out daily of CCP using the virus as a means to arrest dissidents or people that local party members or police have beef with. Simple formula, you dont like someone, you stick a thermometer on them and say they have a fever, then throw them in a quarantine so they can catch the disease and hopefully die.

Great way to get rid of debts too if you owe someone money. Hey landlord, lemme take your temperature. Off to the death camp for you, guess you wont be needing that rent! Hey baby, how about a date tonight? No...., hmmmm, u look sick, lemme take your temperature..... Off to the death camp for you sweetie!

1367. Post 53822460 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: Ibian on February 12, 2020, 08:59:41 AM
The question is, who do you trust more. CCP, or anti CCP twitter activists and citizen journalists.

I recall the Nazis discredited any claims or proof of concentration camps as a smear campaign or nasty rumors.

And there were many false rumors. Don't even need to dig anything up, it's just basic human nature in large numbers. And it makes no sense to just toss a bunch of phones out on the street like that.

CCP specializes in things that dont make sense, so yeah, I agree.

1368. Post 53822518 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: vroom on February 12, 2020, 08:45:01 AM
"This is in front of a funeral home in #Wuhan

The number of mobile phones correlate with the number of people that have been CREMATED. "

Just say no to cremation. Buy Bitcoin.

sure, does not look fake at all  Roll Eyes It's really hard to filter out facts in these days.
There are some forces who like to play this event down and others who are trying to spread panic. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Panic is good when its panic buying. Wink

1369. Post 53824284 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Dr. Dena Grayson
"Not only can the #coronavirus spread through direct human-human contact, but #2019nCoV can also reportedly spread through...defective sewage pipes.😷🤢🤮"

"Microbiologist Yuen Kwok-yung said at a Tuesday press conference that an improperly sealed pipe could have resulted in a virus transmission, by carrying infected feces into the building's ventilation system and blowing it into people's bathrooms.
"As the pipeline that transfers feces is connected to the air pipe, it is very likely for the virus in the feces to be transmitted through the air fan into the toilet," Yuen said.

So how does this work?
Every toilet, sink, and floor drain has a U-shaped pipe, which prevents sewer gases from entering the home and allows waste water and odors to escape. To work properly the U-shaped pipe, also known as a U-trap, needs to hold water in its bend.
These pipes connect to what's called a soil pipe, also known as a discharge pipe, which washes the waste away from the toilet, sink or drain.
The soil pipe needs to have a vent pipe connected, which ensures the sewer gases and odors are carried away -- usually through a vent in the roof. The vent pipe also makes sure that pressure in the drain is equalized so waste water keeps flowing.
"If you imagine the pipe linking all the toilets in the same unit on different floors -- it's like a Christmas tree," said Hung.
During the SARS crisis, at Amoy Gardens the U pipes connecting to the floor drains were empty of water, according to a local investigation. That allowed virus-laden droplets coming down the pipes from other apartments to collect in the U-bend. Without the water to form a liquid plug, nothing stopped it from entering the bathroom."

This kinda explains everyone getting sick just chillen in their cruise ship cabin. Cruise ships are just floating piles of junk where everyone just eats buffets and poops all day.

Buy Bitcoin in uncertain times, and do not turn on the moisture fan in your bathroom.

1370. Post 53827303 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):|twitter&par=sharebar

Top CDC official says US should prepare for coronavirus ‘to take a foothold’

Fed gonna want to print a lot more money.

Buy Bitcoin and defund the govy boyz who wrongly try to use money printing as a panacea.

1371. Post 53828127 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 13, 2020, 12:48:09 AM
I don't think it is a good idea to spend your money on luxury stuff before you think a way to make passive income first. $1m is only good for a house, starting a business and a cheap car. $2m is not really much different than having $1m. Maybe a slightly bigger house, still not a too expensive car but a better business and more chances to fail and retry.

Personally, I like to consider $2million to be pretty damned close to twice as much as $1million, and really, if we are considering how much money we need to survive or to say fuck you, there can be a pretty BIG ass difference between $2million and $1million.

In the spirit of good Bull Season fun and Thursday.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1372. Post 53828160 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: bitebits on February 13, 2020, 06:07:16 AM

Holy Pump, that is uber bullish for Bull Season. Thats the kind of thing that can help us pump to 400k instead of 100-250k range.

1373. Post 53828881 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"I spoke with a rep from FinCEN today, and they knew nothing of these new "requirements" or Mnuchin's announcement.

They informed me that rulemaking, if done, will go through a formal and public process, with opportunity to provide feedback from the public. #FinCEN #Bitcoin"

1374. Post 53829563 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

We should always cheer the dips for the next two years bc it traps shorts and extends the bull run.

Bargain Boyz already bought, 6500 and below will never happen again.

Its Bull Season.

88 days to the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1375. Post 53829766 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on February 13, 2020, 11:03:41 AM
We should always cheer the dips for the next two years bc it traps shorts and extends the bull run.

Bargain Boyz already bought, 6500 and below will never happen again.

Its Bull Season.

88 days to the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

who tf is Bargain Boyz? family of masterluc?

Yes, his dad and uncle.

1376. Post 53829790 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"Who snitched?
Someone attempted to smuggle 45 lakh (roughly $5 mil) hidden in peanuts, biscuits"

Nocoiners.  Roll Eyes

His math sucks btw, not $5 million, more like 63k.

1377. Post 53829859 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Doctor in Japan now has Chinese Money Printer Flu and new California infection brings U.S. total to 14.

In Bull Season, Bitcoin strengthens immune systems by making hodlers happy with pumps.

Buy Bitcoin.

1378. Post 53830380 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: realr0ach on February 13, 2020, 12:49:37 PM
This thread is full retard now.  You have digital shitcoin scammers Gentlemen like Marcus and LambwhateverMy Hero Slayer praying as many people die in some sort of global plague as possible pretending it would be bullish for Bitcoinunderstanding how flights to safety work .  If it was a worst case scenario and 2-15% of the global population actually did die (the high ball estimates are too high because only asians have elevated ace2), I'd bet everything that it would be a deflationary collapse and Bitcoin would get clobbered because Bitcoin performs terribly in deflation.

LOL, like you bet everything on silver and sold your Bitcoins for peanuts in 2015. You could have been a man of wealth and taste....

Once we hit new all time highs I dont know how you will have the balls to show up here anymore tbh.

1379. Post 53830697 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

aaaaaannnnddddddd the dip is bought. Smiley

Bull Season is realz.

1380. Post 53834150 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 14, 2020, 12:14:08 AM
I don't think it is a good idea to spend your money on luxury stuff before you think a way to make passive income first. $1m is only good for a house, starting a business and a cheap car. $2m is not really much different than having $1m. Maybe a slightly bigger house, still not a too expensive car but a better business and more chances to fail and retry.

Personally, I like to consider $2million to be pretty damned close to twice as much as $1million, and really, if we are considering how much money we need to survive or to say fuck you, there can be a pretty BIG ass difference between $2million and $1million.

In the spirit of good Bull Season fun and Thursday.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

In the spirit of lambie's childish focal obsession on dumb / trivial shit.  

   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

[edited out]

Good one, but you might consider that JJG is actually ahead in his thinking.
2 million, minus a few skimmed thousand - for any reason (lets call them fees) - makes it close, but not quite. Grin

Blah, it was a typo glitch in the algo.

The algo doesn't like to get caught up in too much rigidity, and from time to time, enjoys having lil funzies.

GayJG, I see your programming still wont let you take a joke. We will just have to continue your Cunt Conversion Therapy and reprogramming.

You did manage to not write a wall so the text limit updates are working for now.

1381. Post 53835165 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

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1382. Post 53836177 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"Hit every narrative in 99 seconds:
-Weak hands out
-Gold rallying, why shouldn't btc?
-Central banks going nuts = bull case for bitcoin
-Safe haven
-Chinese buying cuz Corona?
-CBs rushing to deval = bitcoin wins
-"In world of fiat currencies, bitcoin is the victor" "


Safe haven narrative just makes Bull Season extra spicy.

1383. Post 53836185 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

That dump was pretty pathetic. We should make new All Year Highs by tomorrow night.

1384. Post 53841845 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"For one coronavirus patient at ground zero of the outbreak, the journey from infection to recovery was a nightmare scenario that entailed multiple hospital visits, symptoms so severe he thought he would die and quarantine under police watch"

He is now realizing life is too short to be a nocoiner fiatcuck and making his first Bitcoin purchase.

Coronavirus=Moon as people realize YOLO and start to FOMO

Important to note this guy is young and still needed lots of blood transfusions, and expensive Aids medication to save his life.

1385. Post 53842010 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"Once the #CCP was very proud of its #P4 (#BSL4) lab, and created quite some promotional videos of it. We just added English titles to those. 中共官方宣傳其P4實驗室的視頻,我們給加了英文字幕"

Newbs, take notes at how much you can trust a gov and buy non gov money. Bitcoin will never make you sick except with sick gainz.

1386. Post 53842205 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

I think one large candle this weekend or Monday at the latest is gonna put us over 11k.

Our King will save the thousand dollar candles for 17-20k in April.

1387. Post 53842642 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on February 15, 2020, 10:17:13 AM
I think one large candle this weekend or Monday at the latest is gonna put us over 11k.

Our King will save the thousand dollar candles for 17-20k in April.

Wow from bargainz to über bullish.....

Bargain Boyz wanted and bought cheap coins bc they understood Bull Season was approaching.  Grin

Bullish Propaganda Mode has been activated.

1388. Post 53842768 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Its gonna be fun watching all the newbs across the world witness the glory and power of the Halvening and King Bitcoin.


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1389. Post 53843008 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

The people who catch it first are the lucky ones. They will get the best treatment available. After a small percent of the population gets it the hospital beds and medical staff will quickly be at full capacity in every country.

Take the U.S. for example. With about 100,000 ICU beds in the whole country that means there is only about 1 ICU bed per 3300 people.

There are about 600,000 hospital beds total in the U.S., which means one bed for every 550 people, but if your condition is critical, you will need an ICU bed or most likely you will die.

Lets also remember a huge chunk of those beds already have people dying of the typical things that kill people when people arent busy dying from possible Communist Bioweapons.

As the hospitals fill up with Aids Flu patients the other sickly non coronavirus patients will inevitably catch it too and since they are already weak, they are the most likely not to make it.


Buy and or Hodl Bitcoin. Defunding irresponsible governments is the best prevention for shitshows like we are now seeing.

1390. Post 53843136 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: Ibian on February 15, 2020, 11:51:40 AM
Bunkers are actually a bad idea. After a bunch of people die and things return to normal you will emerge from your underground lair. And then you get sick anyway cause people are carrying it now. Just get sick quick and hog a bed and hope you develop immunity.

Yes, getting sick right now in a major city in a first world country means you will get a team of the some of the best specialists on the planet working round the clock to keep you alive bc....

a. Many will want to make a name for themselves and be part of history. This is like landing on the moon for a doctor to help save the first cases in their nation. Think book deals, movie deals, speaking engagements, oprah, national news appearances etc.

b. The CDC will send experts to assist the docs attending to you. You wont even be billed for this as they are publicly funded.

c. They will have instant ability to cut through red tape and get you the best experimental Aids medicine available if you get close to death. They desperately want to keep you alive to stop this from gaining a foothold in your country and also to avoid the panic causing headlines of first death in America, or Germany or Canada, etc.

Just go to Chinatown and shake the hand of everyone you see, rub the doorknobs, never wash your hands, and eat out as much as often at a large variety of restaurants. Buffets are best, rub all the serving utensil handles and touch your mouth and nose as often as possible.

1391. Post 53843977 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: LUCKMCFLY on February 15, 2020, 02:10:46 PM
One of the many visions of Elliot.

Bitcoin’s Next Move: Elliott Wave Theory

Trading chart showing two Elliott Wave cycles between pre-2011 to February 2020.

Each time we reached a previous all-time high, we got there around the middle of a wave. If that pattern holds true on this fourth go-round, it suggests we could have two more years of a bull market after we hit $20,000


Can confirm. Its Bull Season.   Cheesy

1392. Post 53847176 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Watch how ez that dip gets bought up in BTCull $eason.

1393. Post 53847415 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1394. Post 53848403 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on February 16, 2020, 08:16:14 AM

Yes, and we have to do it often, the treatment is for life.

Yeah, and why should we let the neighbor's wife die, too?

All for science.

1395. Post 53848939 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Google Trends is indicating that this is THE halvening pump and June was just a warm up. I see extremely little possibility we dont breach the 14k highs of the summer.

Most likely we get somewhere around the all time highs, hopefully a bit farther just to grab the worlds attention, even if we fall back under it after the halvening for a chunk of 2020.

1396. Post 53855259 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"Max Keiser has just revised his official #bitcoin price target to $400,000 on Infowars. 🔥"

Notice some gents here start talking about 400k and multiple parties(100,200,300,400k) and Max changes his target.

Yes, WO is setting the trend.

1397. Post 53855340 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: Ibian on February 17, 2020, 08:33:55 AM

"Max Keiser has just revised his official #bitcoin price target to $400,000 on Infowars. 🔥"

Notice some gents here start talking about 400k and multiple parties(100,200,300,400k) and Max changes his target.

Yes, WO is setting the trend.
No way. This is just a random trollbox. Other than Corona-chan observing. But besides that.

Good.. good... keep pushing that narrative for now. We don't want everyone catching on too quickly.

Just a troll box bro, nothing to see.

1398. Post 53855352 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

This new Chic-fil-A commercial with Bernie Sanders, strippers, and milk, is brilliant.

Eat mor chicken.

1399. Post 53855549 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: Ibian on February 17, 2020, 08:59:38 AM
This new Chic-fil-A commercial with Bernie Sanders, strippers, and milk, is brilliant.

Eat mor chicken.
Only an actual cuck would vote bernie.

There are a lot of fucking cucks.

This is a chicken commercial, only an actual cuck would think I posted it to endorse Bernie, who is himself a communist cuck.  

I do endorse chicken though. There is a lot of fucking chicken.

1400. Post 53855574 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: nutildah on February 17, 2020, 09:25:15 AM
This new Chic-fil-A commercial with Bernie Sanders, strippers, and milk, is brilliant.

Eat mor chicken.

I wondered what the hell you were talking about as I don't think Chik-fil-A would endorse Bernie, but then I watched the video and it all made sense. Wow, actual first-world boobs on YouTube. This is an era of greatness.

Yes, I am a dirty rotten liar, lol. Its not a Bernie commercial, just freaks being freakish while other freaks are trying to listen to a really old freak while he freaks out.

For anyone outside of the U.S. who the chicken reference makes no sense to.

1401. Post 53856168 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: JSRAW on February 17, 2020, 10:44:58 AM
Yes, I am a dirty rotten liar, lol. 

It might help you Lambie  Tongue

"For one human being to seek enlightenment from another is like one grain of sand on the beach to seek enlightenment from another."   Smiley

1402. Post 53856230 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Shorting this close to the halvening is going to be financial suicide for some rekt bears.

Im worried that too many bears filling the homeless shelters would cause Gembitz and Roach to have a hard time finding shelter.

1403. Post 53856264 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

S&P 500 futures hitting all time highs again tonight.

This makes sense bc as we all know the supply of global stocks is cutting in half in 84 days.

Oh wait, thats us.  Cheesy

84 days to the Halvening and all is well.  Smiley

1404. Post 53857055 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"Alex Jones has capitulated. After 10 years of watching the #Bitcoin bubble inflate, at $10,000 per coin he thinks now's the time to urge his listeners to buy. This is how manias end. Greed overwhelms reason as people once too sensible to buy join the party just as it's ending."

 Cheesy Peter is going to have it rough the next few years as we soar to 100k and beyond.

1405. Post 53860748 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: bkbirge on February 17, 2020, 03:32:41 PM

"Alex Jones has capitulated. After 10 years of watching the #Bitcoin bubble inflate, at $10,000 per coin he thinks now's the time to urge his listeners to buy. This is how manias end. Greed overwhelms reason as people once too sensible to buy join the party just as it's ending."

 Cheesy Peter is going to have it rough the next few years as we soar to 100k and beyond.

Anyone who thinks Alex Jones is one of the "people once too sensible" is safely worth putting on lifetime ignore.

Anyone with low reading comprehension skills who makes erroneous attributions is safely worth putting on lifetime ignore as well. Wink

1406. Post 53861297 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: bkbirge on February 18, 2020, 02:47:17 AM

"Alex Jones has capitulated. After 10 years of watching the #Bitcoin bubble inflate, at $10,000 per coin he thinks now's the time to urge his listeners to buy. This is how manias end. Greed overwhelms reason as people once too sensible to buy join the party just as it's ending."

 Cheesy Peter is going to have it rough the next few years as we soar to 100k and beyond.

Anyone who thinks Alex Jones is one of the "people once too sensible" is safely worth putting on lifetime ignore.

Anyone with low reading comprehension skills who makes erroneous attributions is safely worth putting on lifetime ignore as well. Wink

Wasn't talking about you, was talking about Peter Schiff. I think we are on the same page with him.

Ok, yes then we are on the same page about both of them. Pardon my suspicion.

1407. Post 53862301 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Lucky dip buyers have brought us almost back to where we were yesterday.

83 days until the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1408. Post 53862691 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Bitcoin doesn't default.

1409. Post 53863150 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: JSRAW on February 18, 2020, 10:03:55 AM


Confirmed.  Grin

1410. Post 53863175 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: BitcoinGirl.Club on February 18, 2020, 09:54:32 AM
What's up with all these bugs?
@Lambie and @V8

Not sure about V8, but no bugs for me, I'm just a striped hyena with a lamb carcass in my mouth who serves King Bitcoin.  Cheesy

1411. Post 53863594 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"Some Bitcoin promoters are deliberately misrepresenting my concession that anyone who bought Bitcoin 10 years ago and sells now will make money as an endorsement of buying #Bitcoin today. It is not. Those who buy today and sell 10 years from now will likely do so at a loss."

LOL, I wonder what he will say as the years go by and he gets proven wrong over and over, just like for the last 6 or 7.

1412. Post 53867258 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: cAPSLOCK on February 18, 2020, 10:21:21 PM

"Alex Jones has capitulated. After 10 years of watching the #Bitcoin bubble inflate, at $10,000 per coin he thinks now's the time to urge his listeners to buy. This is how manias end. Greed overwhelms reason as people once too sensible to buy join the party just as it's ending."

 Cheesy Peter is going to have it rough the next few years as we soar to 100k and beyond.

Anyone who thinks Alex Jones is one of the "people once too sensible" is safely worth putting on lifetime ignore.

Anyone with low reading comprehension skills who makes erroneous attributions is safely worth putting on lifetime ignore as well. Wink

Wasn't talking about you, was talking about Peter Schiff. I think we are on the same page with him.

Ok, yes then we are on the same page about both of them. Pardon my suspicion.

It could also have been an "erroneous attribution"... Just sayin'.

It could have been hypothetically but it wasn't in this case. Suspicion does not necessarily lead to attribution, and my sentence was conditional because it said "anyone" and not specifically him.

1413. Post 53867262 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

LOL bears. Shorting before the halvening.... was that the best idea you could come up with. Would be better off buying some lottery tickets.

1414. Post 53867648 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: soxxx on February 18, 2020, 11:47:38 PM
I didn't think I would say this today, but today may have been the last day we ever see Bitcoin below $10,000.........Bitcoin is back in the uptrend, which means we just had a false breakout (downward). We see a clear rounding bottom on the 1 hour from the recent breakdown (very similar to the macro rounding bottom we saw in December)....

Within 2 days we will break $10,500 and set the first higher high since we broke $9000 last May (prior to the parabolic move from $9000 -$13,900 where it went straight up).

1415. Post 53868000 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

I have been trying to figure out why Bears would be so reckless and short Bitcoin going into the halving at prices 50 percent less than our All Time Highs and 28 percent than our highs of the past summer.

Then I realized that Bears arent completely insane, bc they do get one perk for shorting the King rn.

 via Imgflip Meme Generator

Carry on Bears, your sacrifice is appreciated.

1416. Post 53868282 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 19, 2020, 04:08:13 AM
"Some Bitcoin promoters are deliberately misrepresenting my concession that anyone who bought Bitcoin 10 years ago and sells now will make money as an endorsement of buying #Bitcoin today. It is not. Those who buy today and sell 10 years from now will likely do so at a loss."

LOL, I wonder what he will say as the years go by and he gets proven wrong over and over, just like for the last 6 or 7.

So far, history has shown that bitcoin has always been higher at any point 4 years after purchase, and of course, at some point that might no longer be true.  There is also the problematic nature that an investment, such as bitcoin that starts from zero is going to have pretty steep performance once it gets a value that is much above zero... So for example, maybe we could start measuring bitcoin's value in 2011, and bitcoin was valued in about a $2 to $7 price range for a large portion of 2011.  Seems like a decently fair starting point to start measuring bitcoin's advancement from there.

Also, we know that no investment is guaranteed, but bitcoin still seems to show pretty strong signs of continuing to be a good investment, even looking at a 10 to 20 year time horizon into the future.. and one thing about being a free-willed individual, we are empowered to change our minds or our investment strategies at any time that we chose, but those people who have invested into bitcoin and have held their bitcoin for longer periods have tended to do well with their bitcoin investments (so far), and even though there is no guarantees about future performance based on past performance, the current evidence still seems to support bitcoin as an investment, at least as a way to hedge 1% to 10% of investment assets and currently, there is no real evidence to suggest that anything is changing in regards to the ongoing investment thesis into bitcoin, except perhaps becoming stronger and stronger and stronger with the passage of time in a kind of Lindy effect kind of way.   

Like Lambie bambie asserts, seems like Peter is going to just continue to be wrong and wrong and wrong, but stubborn as Peter is, he is NOT likely to give up with his nonsense, even if he is shown to be a fool in the next 10 years.

Enough with this 1 to 10 percent.  Roll Eyes 10 percent should be the minimum a coiner invests in King Bitcoin.  Cheesy Also long term winning for Bitcoin is guaranteed as long as humanity doesnt go extinct. Incorrect usage of my name will result in more GayJaunGee branding as well.  

1417. Post 53869166 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Always feels good being over 10k.

82 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1418. Post 53869254 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on February 19, 2020, 08:50:29 AM
Always feels good being over 10k.

82 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

Imo, hashpower will likely drop, though.
As soon as difficulty catches up, halvening could be delayed a couple of days.

No worries, I will update the count each day.  Smiley

1419. Post 53870688 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: Icygreen on February 19, 2020, 01:02:43 PM

Is it more gentlemanly to censor a couple dots in such a fine piece of work?  Almost safe for work  Wink

This here be a vote towards uncensored beauty (in taste of course) Shocked
And of course GO BTC GO!

Quoted for the nipples.  Smiley

1420. Post 53873802 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

That was the Bears Waterloo. The tried to get us back under 9k with everything they had but Vegeta was not having it.

The hourly volume was the biggest all year and not seen since around the time the Bargain Boyz stepped in with strong hands in the 6ks last year.

Bears are out of ammo. The next step is to finish them off and humiliate them with new yearly highs.

1421. Post 53873830 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

"Give a man a bitcoin and he’ll spend it in a day.

Teach a man to hodl bitcoin and he will spend the rest of his time on crypto twitter talking about disintermediation, fall of nation-states, economics, and the rise of sovereign individuals."

1422. Post 53874106 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Moon rocket preparation going along nicely.

1423. Post 53876666 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: vapourminer on February 19, 2020, 03:55:47 PM
Good morning, being above 10,000 looks good.

They say the same as us, but they go into more details.

ergo, JJG is female.

His salty cunt does qualify him for quasi-female status.

1424. Post 53876678 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: on February 20, 2020, 12:50:01 PM
I only got it in preparation for the next epic rise. I’ve only spent £100 worth of corn on it.

HairyMaclairy was giving some good advice a few weeks back. He told us to be a fucking boy scout, open as many bank accounts as you can, get registered on loads of exchanges, be prepared for the next bull run because it’s going to be life changing.

I’m KYC’d & ready for unlimited withdrawals on -


I’ve got a Bittrex account, I’ve now got 4 fiat current accounts. I am ready!

Is Kraken any good?

In my experience yes. Have used them for years with no problems at all.

1425. Post 53876861 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 20, 2020, 04:51:38 AM
"Some Bitcoin promoters are deliberately misrepresenting my concession that anyone who bought Bitcoin 10 years ago and sells now will make money as an endorsement of buying #Bitcoin today. It is not. Those who buy today and sell 10 years from now will likely do so at a loss."

LOL, I wonder what he will say as the years go by and he gets proven wrong over and over, just like for the last 6 or 7.

So far, history has shown that bitcoin has always been higher at any point 4 years after purchase, and of course, at some point that might no longer be true.  There is also the problematic nature that an investment, such as bitcoin that starts from zero is going to have pretty steep performance once it gets a value that is much above zero... So for example, maybe we could start measuring bitcoin's value in 2011, and bitcoin was valued in about a $2 to $7 price range for a large portion of 2011.  Seems like a decently fair starting point to start measuring bitcoin's advancement from there.

Also, we know that no investment is guaranteed, but bitcoin still seems to show pretty strong signs of continuing to be a good investment, even looking at a 10 to 20 year time horizon into the future.. and one thing about being a free-willed individual, we are empowered to change our minds or our investment strategies at any time that we chose, but those people who have invested into bitcoin and have held their bitcoin for longer periods have tended to do well with their bitcoin investments (so far), and even though there is no guarantees about future performance based on past performance, the current evidence still seems to support bitcoin as an investment, at least as a way to hedge 1% to 10% of investment assets and currently, there is no real evidence to suggest that anything is changing in regards to the ongoing investment thesis into bitcoin, except perhaps becoming stronger and stronger and stronger with the passage of time in a kind of Lindy effect kind of way.  

Like Lambie bambie asserts, seems like Peter is going to just continue to be wrong and wrong and wrong, but stubborn as Peter is, he is NOT likely to give up with his nonsense, even if he is shown to be a fool in the next 10 years.
My small nuts and lack of conviction make me scared to invest too much of my portfolio in the King
Enough with this 1 to 10 percent.  Roll Eyes 10 percent should be the minimum a coiner invests in King Bitcoin.  Cheesy

You do what the fuck you like, lambie bambie.  I could give less than two shits. Everytime you expose me it makes my blood pressure soar, but I cant resist writing walls of texts to try an provoke you anyway. Im a glutton for punishment.

This 1-10% message is talking to the everybody and to the no coiner to get the fuck off of zero.  Hey, yeah, I get it that many active participants in this thread are already off of zero and are already likely in the 1-10% arena, if not higher, but ultimately, whatever people do, they are best to be tailoring their approach to their own situations in terms of their cash flow, other investments, view of bitcoin versus other investments, timeline, risk tolerance and time and skills to learn more and/or manage their portfolios including trading and making sure that their life expenses are adequately covered. I have very specific and detailed recommendations for newbs and it makes me crazy when anyone says anything contrary. I spent half my free time typing walls trying to get newbs to make countless incremental buys and sells instead of just hodling.

Getting off of zero is going to come a long way for a lot of people, especially since we still likely are not even approaching 1% of the world population into bitcoin in any kind of meaningful way.

Likely 1-10% speaks to people who are already balls deep into bitcoin too at least in terms of already establishing their initial stake into bitcoin, and surely there is going to be a decent amount of variance in terms of when people got into bitcoin.  Some people may have started out investing into bitcoin in a bit of a timid manner or they really did not have a lot of capital to inject into bitcoin from the start, and they may have even witnessed the 2015-2017 price run while being on the low side of 1-10% or even that amount of money did not add up to very much for them because se they did not have a lot of capital that they were able to work with. I love tedious detail about hypothetical scenarios, it gives me infinite things to type walls about.

So, yeah, there is likely little to no get rich quick with bitcoin, even though there can be some gambling towards making bets that bitcoin is going to do another exponential growth that did pay off with some luck or could pay off again with some luck, and surely I do not recommend that anyone invest like that, even though there are certain number of people who might be inclined in that direction, and that is on them to tweak their style in that direction, if they so choose.Once I lay out a tediously detailed hypothetical list of scenarios, I like to make some obvious truisms and then white knight myself about how I would never recommend something silly.

Also long term winning for Bitcoin is guaranteed as long as humanity doesnt go extinct. Incorrect usage of my name will result in more GayJaunGee branding as well.  

If you are so fucking stupid as to really believe that long term winning in bitcoin is guaranteed, then that is your choice.  I doubt that very many prudent people agree with you and/or are willing put everything on black in that direction.  I certainly would not recommend such a gambling approach with anything more than a fraction of anyone's wealth or credit.If I had the courage of conviction you have Slayer I could probably pry myself away from this keyboard and get some fresh air.

Surely, if anyone has already been able to ride out one or two exponential periods of bitcoin's growth while having a decent amount of value invested into bitcoin, then there are good chances that the bitcoin portion of their investment has sufficiently increased in value in which they are faced with decisions about whether to reallocate or the extent to which to reallocate - which is also going to depend on their individual circumstances, including their cash flow, other investments, view of bitcoin versus other investments, timeline, risk tolerance and time and skills to learn more and/or manage their portfolios including trading and making sure that their life expenses are adequately covered. What many call a paragraph, I call a run-on sentence. I like not separating my thoughts into complete sentences. It makes my walls of text even more boring and rambling. My goal is to annoy everyone unless they praise my silly incremental daytrading system.

If someone has their life expenses adequately covered and they are pretty solid in their various investments, I surely do not recommend reallocating back down to 1-10%, especially if their gained value has come from bitcoin price appreciation.  There is a kind of concept in investing regarding increasing your chances of getting richie faster and to a higher level by letting your good investments ride (rather than reallocating them), and I am surely not opposed to such an approach to bitcoin, including that I personally invested a bit over 10% in 2013/2014 to establish my initial stake in bitcoin, but my BTC portfolio has grown to become a much greater than 10% portion of my wealth, and in about early 2017 I decided to let that bitcoin aspect ride and have reconfirmed my "let it ride" commitment on a large number of occasions since then.   I invested 10 percent of my portfolio in the King, but 90 percent of my time into typing walls. The foolishness of this speaks for itself. It explains why I am so salty to Slayer who went all in(100 percent net worth) during 2014. He liquidated an investment portfolio he had spent over a decade building in order to go balls deep in the King. No homo.

But, I consider that my particular fortune in bitcoin should not be skewing either my discussions of the topic in a thread like this with "everybody" or my discussions with the no coiner / fence sitter or the under committed bitcoin investors, and starting with 1% to 10% remains as great starting out recommendations.... that is surely able to be tweaked by anyone who really embarks upon engaging with the various aspects of his/her own situation to tailor his/her BTC investment approach to his/her circumstances -  even while I also understand that if someone is really young, this category of person might hardly have any investments at all, and for those people, they might start out only investing in one asset while they are building their initial stake, which could end up being bitcoin and then branching out after their investment has had some time to mature and appreciate (hopefully, in the case of investing all into bitcoin, their remains a prudent approach that does mature and price appreciates). Did I tell you I specialize in run-on sentences. It helps me type the walls faster and provides maximum boredom to the reader. Just the way I like it!

I do get the sense that you, lambie bambie, might be one of those snot-nosed younger investors who surely might not have any other investments or responsibilities in life, and surely in those kinds of cases, it could surely be prudent to start out aiming towards 100% start in terms of establishing a stake, and then diversifying as the investment grows including as you might start to perhaps acquire some real world expenses after you move out of grandma's basement.  So, yes, I will concede that there could be some people in which 100% starting out in bitcoin only could be practical and prudent while establishing early investment capital, but that still does not mean that any of this kind of investment approach is generally applicable or that it would even be a prudent approach for a more mature investor who might have a complicated set of expenses and life style that is already staring them in the face while they are considering getting into bitcoin by getting off of zero.If I had more balls I would just admit that selling one's stocks, bonds, t-bills, and mutual funds to invest solely in the King is actually a great idea. I just wish I had done it like Slayer. Im just too frightened to get rid of my other shitty investments like he did.

Kudos on being so open about everything GayJaunGee.  Cheesy

Ill talk with your programmers about whipping up some updates to fix those pesky run-on sentences.

I'm sure all your problems can be fixed if you keep working on being a better bot and buy more Bitcoin.

1426. Post 53876932 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: vapourminer on February 20, 2020, 01:15:51 PM
Enough with this 1 to 10 percent.  10 percent should be the minimum a coiner invests in King Bitcoin.  Also long term winning for Bitcoin is guaranteed as long as humanity doesnt go extinct.

that was a joke, right?

if you cant afford the possibility for all your bitcoins value to drop to zero in an instant and just smile and say "well that was one helluva ride while it lasted" and just carry on like nothing happened (more or less) youre doing it very, very wrong.

EDIT: but if youre young i suppose ones outlook differs from those of us that are ancient and decrepit.

Absolutely not a joke.

10 percent invested in the King is conservative. Freeing humanity from money printing induced debt slavery is worth more than 10 percent of one's portfolio imho.

Most of the global populations investment portfolio consists of a bank account or mattress with some fiat in it. For them to invest less than 10 percent is highly unwise.  

1427. Post 53876955 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

81 days to the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1428. Post 53879775 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on February 20, 2020, 01:55:54 PM
Lambie, I’m over 90% in the King.

I have my home & an apartment but if you don’t include them then I’m over 90% in bitcoin.

Well done sir.

1429. Post 53881816 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 20, 2020, 09:31:19 PM
Good morning, being above 10,000 looks good.

They say the same as us, but they go into more details.

ergo, JJG is female.

His salty cunt does qualify him for quasi-female status.

Aren't "we" (that is not "royal" we, by the way) in a bad mood today?   Embarrassed Yes Slayer, you will know I am no longer salty when I learn how to make my text walls much smaller and learn not to get angry and butt hurt about people speculating in a speculation thread. I promise Im working hard on this.

Good luck.  Lmk if you need any advice. Wink

1430. Post 53881895 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on February 21, 2020, 09:26:32 AM
Good morning, being above 10,000 looks good.

They say the same as us, but they go into more details.

ergo, JJG is female.

His salty cunt does qualify him for quasi-female status.

Aren't "we" (that is not "royal" we, by the way) in a bad mood today?   Embarrassed Yes Slayer, you will know I am no longer salty when I learn how to make my text walls much smaller and learn not to get angry and butt hurt about people speculating in a speculation thread. I promise Im working hard on this.

Good luck.  Lmk if you need any advice. Wink

LS I do admire your work of taking JJG under your wings, making an honest and better man out of the poor soul.... THX man, you make places great again!

Mr. Dude, you are most welcome. I believe we can make him into a kind and generous human being one day.

1431. Post 53882028 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 20, 2020, 11:44:28 PM
Lambie, I’m over 90% in the King.

I have my home & an apartment but if you don’t include them then I’m over 90% in bitcoin.

There are a lot of ways to attempt to categorize how much value you have invested into bitcoin versus what is your investment (or quasi-investable assets).  You have a business too, right?  I understand that some investments are not very liquid, but I think that amongst the most accurate ways to calculate your investment into bitcoin as compared with other assets is to count them all, including your home and an apartment that you own and your business.  I like to fish for personal info as try to force my tedious incremental bs on people.

Sure, sometimes, you might want to shave off some of the value of certain investments if they are either NOT very liquid or if they have some encumbrances, such as a co-owner who you may have to convince to liquidate, if you were to need to. If it weren't for hypotheticals I would struggle type so much gibberish.

Another calculation might be to figure out how much money that you might have that you have already dedicated to BTC.  I tend to set money aside for BTC, but I don't necessarily spend it right away on BTC, but I instead plug it into my formula that has various categories.  Let's say that I have already projected that I have $200 extra in cash coming in in March, May, July and August, and I have $500 extra coming in April and June, so that has already been plugged into my anticipated cash available for bitcoin investments and it counts in my calculating of what I have available so it would be dedicated to DCA and buying on dips.  However, for some reason during that 6 month period, I receive an extra $900 that I had not expected.  The extra $900 would be divided into 3 to buy immediately with $300 and then the other two portions of $300 would each be plugged in for DCA and buying on dips, respectively.I live in a state of pain and anxiety so I try to inject this into others by elaborating on painfully tedious scenarios.

Also, for me, personally, I have repeated almost a zillion times to that deaf-ass diptwat, lambie bambie, that I had targeted 10% as my initial investment amount that I had largely reached in late 2014 - yet we know what happened in 2015... (largely flat prices at the bottom), so DCA had pretty much caused my own allocation to end up going into the 13% territory... and then we also know what happened between late 2015 and late 2017, BTC did about a 78x price increase, and it still did not really bottom out below 12x (to preserve at least 12x), so I personally had already decided that personally I was not going to diversify out of BTC..... so fuck that diptwat deaf-ass hears what he wants to hear lambie bambie, and I don't need to disclose anymore of my particulars, even though I continue to recommend that starting considerations during injecting new value into BTC are likely good to be focusing on 1% to 10% as a starting guideline, and with bitcoin you largely do not need to leverage or to overdo anything in order to still have a large chance of getting rich as fuck from BTC... No need to gamble, leverage or jeopardize yourself in any kind of way in order to still become rich as fuck.    Slayer is really getting to me. Nothing I hate more than seeing my walls of gibberish translated into a few simple sentences. My goal is to annoy everyone. I take great pride in this. I cant achieve this if he provides cliff's notes to my text walls. I dont like being embarrassed by him, but Im too compulsive to resist provoking and ranting against him when he just minds his own business and focuses on promoting King Bitcoin like the kind gentleman he is. FML.

Its ok GayJG. Your butt hurt will decrease over time Im sure, just get more exercise and type less angry text walls. Try not logging in for a day or too. A little detox will help you feel better.  Smiley

1432. Post 53882040 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Lucius on February 20, 2020, 02:10:36 PM
via Imgflip Meme Generator

Well done.  Cheesy

1433. Post 53882050 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: bitserve on February 20, 2020, 03:39:25 PM
Basically, the situation I'm in is if I didn't have BTC to supplement my income I'd have a very sad life; never eating out, no holidays, no 'nice' things every-so-often.
I'm VERY lucky to have BTC. Very.

treating ourselves to something extra every now and then via btc i mined or bought is the deal i made with my wife when i 1st got into btc.

gotta take profits at some point. we certainly enjoyed our "upgrades." works for me as this all could still take a digger.

Maybe ironic the treat for myself way back was to spunk some money on bitcoins, its full circle.

Not "maybe"... completely ironic I have tightened my expenses to absurd limits just for being able to hodling moar. When I could be spending way more than before (I have always been very frugal) I am spending even less than before. Ironic is even an understatement.

Admirable.  Smiley

1434. Post 53882067 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

80 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

Bless us oh Bitcoin, our Lord and Savior, with your diminishing supply.

1435. Post 53882098 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1436. Post 53883045 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on February 21, 2020, 12:39:01 PM
Observing $9,752.

Looks like we could be recovering, above $10,000 again this weekend?

Wonder if the Bargain Boyzzzz filled their bags near $9,4xx?

Confirmed. Cheesy

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1437. Post 53888338 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

79 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1438. Post 53888423 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on February 22, 2020, 09:15:12 AM
79 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

Tell us more about your JJG countdown-project .... how is that going? Will he be ready pre or after halving ?

We have been making a lot of progress. I can show you a little behind the scenes video of our work.  Smiley

1439. Post 53893103 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Breakout imminent.

1440. Post 53893122 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Good news Bears, you don't have to worry about the Coronavirus, you will get Rekt by the King before you catch it.

1441. Post 53893136 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Have some Bitcoin on Tyson Fury tonight.

As a long time sports bettor its been great to see how Bitcoin has taken over as the online industries preferred payment method.

They typically offer the biggest bonuses for Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals are usually free vs other methods.

The books benefit so much from Bitcoin they cant help but promote it to their customers. Its been cool to watch the King take his throne in that industry like he will take it in many others one day.

1442. Post 53893157 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Boom!  Cheesy

1443. Post 53894370 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: on February 23, 2020, 08:21:56 AM

Gembitz and roach having fun?  Grin

LOL, I was thinking the same.

1444. Post 53894384 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: on February 23, 2020, 06:30:18 AM
Anyone bullish because of halving? According to halvings in 2016 and 2012 we had one last correction 93 days before halving in 2012 (-57%) and 95 days before halving in 2016 (-40%). We are now in 2020. So this year 95 days before halving puts btc exactly on the start of this correction on the 13 february when bitcoin reached 10.497. We are now almost -8% from the top.

Yepp that's a hodler. Confirmed. Just take a look at those balls!  Grin

Balls like that allow you to go all in and relax without a care.

1445. Post 53894627 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

78 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Smiley

1446. Post 53894645 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Gents, no need to worry about Coronavirus.

Work hard to avoid it and stay bullish and in good spirits just in case you do get it so your immune system is working at its peak level.

If you die, well it just wasnt your time, but most likely you will survive and any distrust of governments that Coronavirus causes will be bad for fiat and good for Bitcoin as nocoiners lose faith in government institutions and come to know and love King Bitcoin, their Lord and Savior.

Coronavirus is bullish, either for you, or for the people in your will.

1447. Post 53894809 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on February 23, 2020, 10:10:17 AM
Coronavirus is bullish, either for you, or for the people in your will.

Or for all of us, if there's no will.  Wink

Yes yes, I second that, Lambie's BTC, equally donated to WO members. Grin

Yes indeed, Coronavirus is also a way for dead hodlers to give surviving hodlers gifts as they head to the afterlife.  Cheesy

Then the dead hodler might follow you around perhaps like an Obi-Wan Kenobi ghost giving you good advice on when to buy and sell.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1448. Post 53894818 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 23, 2020, 10:16:43 AM
We'll even wear a - RIP Lambie hat - for a month or so.
Think about it. Cool

I will wear a "poor lambie bambie" frown face.   Cry Cry

I'd estimate my chances of surviving Coronavirus about 20 times higher than yours GayJG.  Wink

1449. Post 53894845 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

We will be retaking 10k soon. Huge green dildos in the coming few weeks. Bears, prepare yourselves. The recktoning is coming.

1450. Post 53895225 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: dragonvslinux on February 23, 2020, 10:34:52 AM
The legend of Peter Schiff wins the "Most clueless Bitcoin no-coiner" award at Unconfiscatable conferene Cheesy

He earned it.  Smiley

1451. Post 53895284 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Halving approaches...
Bargain season is no more
BTCull $eason is here.

1452. Post 53895400 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on February 23, 2020, 11:53:41 AM
Halvening approaches...
Bargain season is no more
BTCull $eason is here.

Halving* approaches

Isn’t that 6 in your first line?  Tongue

Haha, yes, fixed it!

1453. Post 53895681 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Looks like we have our first Head of State to catch Coronavirus.

"Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini was hospitalized yesterday night due to acute upper respiratory tract infection accompanied with high temperature. "

Bullish for Bitcoin. It has no President or Prime Minister. King Bitcoin doesn't get sick, doesn't feel pain, doesn't get tired, and can't die.

1454. Post 53899725 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Globb0 on February 23, 2020, 01:42:12 PM
Have some Bitcoin on Tyson Fury tonight.

As a long time sports bettor its been great to see how Bitcoin has taken over as the online industries preferred payment method.

They typically offer the biggest bonuses for Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals are usually free vs other methods.

The books benefit so much from Bitcoin they cant help but promote it to their customers. Its been cool to watch the King take his throne in that industry like he will take it in many others one day.

does it remain as bitcoin, or do they instantly translate it to cash value when you deposit?

I used and they are a Bitcoin only book. Totally anonymous, all deposits, withdrawals, and bets are made in Bitcoin.

Many books do convert you to fiat as soon as you deposit however. You are however free to withdraw and convert it back to Bitcoin once your game is over.

Nitro is the best pure Bitcoin book imo, been around since 2012.

Tyson Fury was ez coin. Great fight but the blood licking was a bit disgusting.

1455. Post 53899742 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: bitserve on February 23, 2020, 03:15:22 PM
Why don't you guys talk about an ordinary flu? It kills more than half a million people every year. Instead of that you like to talk about the corona virus? Why? You want others to stop using cash? Paper bills because they might be infected with a virus? You want to scare them to start using crypto? Is that it? You want cashless society? Well maybe that's better. But lets just say that without playing games around. Lets just say hey people from now on we'll use crypto the new money. Yea!

Wut? Fuck flu! CoronaVirus is the virus of the future. Way more efficient and every infected and death person is recorded in a ledger and as more people get infected or die it gets added to the count and distributed across all social networks so that everybody knows in mere seconds.

People all over the globe are being infected and added to the ledger. And if you want to make sure an infection is sure you just need to wait for the quarantine period to fully confirm.

It also has a worldwide network of incubators, even if currently most of the incubating is being done in China because people lifes are cheaper there. But that is slowly changing and I have heard the chinese are trying to ban it (again).

And we even have a sidechain of Airlines for fast spreading of small batches of people (Real time tracker here: There's a temporary limit of around 300 people MAX for each transportation, but that will increase in the future as the tech keeps improving. Almost instant worldwide contagion, bro!

There's only a max of 7.5 billion people that can be contagied, and that number will be decreasing with each halving of the population by each pandemic cycle. The people won't be able to keep increasing the population with their uncontrolled reproduction.

Governments are trying to control it but in the end they will realise they can't. The more that they do the stronger it will get. COV doesn't care about frontiers or if you are poor or rich. Just try to get in early before all the FOMO starts and hospitals become overhelmed and you will do well.

We are very early stage but CoronaViruses are here to stay. The virus has already been planted. Now watch the exponential increase! 2021 will be the year of COV Adoption.

Let's moon now! (the earth is already doomed). Where's my mask (tm)?  

... And you ask why the talk about CoronaVirus here? Really?

P.S.: You can check current status of the network here:

LOL.  Grin

What about every four months we have a halvening where the supply of Aids drugs cuts in half, to increase virus adoption.

1456. Post 53899774 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Flight to safety time is here. King Bitcoin is the safest haven of all.

"And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them. …

Instead of properly disposing of infected animals by cremation, as the law requires, they sell them on the side to make a little extra cash. Or, in some cases, a lot of extra cash. One Beijing researcher, now in jail, made a million dollars selling his monkeys and rats on the live animal market, where they eventually wound up in someone’s stomach."

"They first blamed a seafood market not far from the Institute of Virology, even though the first documented cases of Covid-19 (the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2) involved people who had never set foot there. Then they pointed to snakes, bats and even a cute little scaly anteater called a pangolin as the source of the virus.

… It turns out that snakes don’t carry coronaviruses and that bats aren’t sold at a seafood market. Neither are pangolins, for that matter, an endangered species valued for their scales as much as for their meat"

1457. Post 53899801 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: jojo69 on February 24, 2020, 12:25:12 AM
is this the part where we drink every time we break 10K?

Confirmed.  Cheesy

The perfect storm of flight to safety, crumbling faith in governments, and the approaching halvening is coming and breaking 10k shows the world we are still in a nice uptrend.

1458. Post 53900104 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: somac. on February 24, 2020, 02:43:15 AM
They're pulling out all the guns with these regular dumps. They'll be out of ammo soon. Bulls seem to be having no trouble absorbing these dumps either. Halving coming up. Bitcoin to the fucking moon people.

Yes, Bears are absolutely terrified of us getting and staying over 10k. They are most likely committing slow motion financial suicide shorting into the halvening with Coronavirus gaining traction and money being printed like never before.

When this is over, if there is an afterlife and their Bear souls leave their bodies, I think we all know where they are going.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1459. Post 53901494 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1460. Post 53901682 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on February 24, 2020, 09:55:25 AM

It seems that going all in, can be productive. Cool
Going X% might not be as much.

"All in" is the height of productivity for a hodler.

I see the meme more as relating to a newb being seduced by the glory of Bitcoin and following it a lot once they first invest. It made me laugh today when I saw it bc I have a newb friend who recently started investing and I get a lot of questions lately from them.

In this instance Bitcoin reveals itself as a woman's ass. This is metaphorical.  Even though I refer to it as King Bitcoin, it could materialize itself to someone else in different ways and still be #nohomo.

In summation, the meme wasn't meant to reflect a personal struggle of my own, but just to illustrate the powerful seduction of Bitcoin to even those who try not to pay it too much attention such as nocoiners or dabbling newbs.

1461. Post 53901809 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on February 24, 2020, 10:05:33 AM
Stocks tanking hard.

BTC better tank hard Cheesy

LOL, Stock Boyz are in trouble. The fact that we are higher than we were 48 hours ago is very bullish comparatively speaking.

Stock Boyz are softer than baby poo, a few percentage points down brings them to their knees crying and  begging central bankers for more money printing.

Hodlers laugh at drops that would suicide most Stock Boyz. They are in for a rough time and not mentally equipped to handle serious losses. Many will desperately jump onto King Bitcoin once they see how we handle tough times.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1462. Post 53901819 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on February 24, 2020, 10:15:30 AM
Stocks tanking hard.

BTC better tank hard Cheesy

Wicked. Wink


"All in" is the height of productivity for a hodler.

I see the meme more as relating to a newb being seduced by the glory of Bitcoin and following it a lot once they first invest. It made me laugh today when I saw it bc I have a newb friend who recently started investing and I get a lot of questions lately from them.

In this instance Bitcoin reveals itself as a woman's ass. This is metaphorical.  Even though I refer to it as King Bitcoin, it could materialize itself to someone else in different ways and still be #nohomo.

In summation, the meme wasn't meant to reflect a personal struggle of my own, but just to illustrate the powerful seduction of Bitcoin to even those who try not to pay it too much attention such as nocoiners or dabbling newbs.

Thanks for rekting me dawg.

Lol, my bad. Should have put a little context w the meme the first time.

1463. Post 53902083 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Coronavirus starting to surge back up on google trends lately. Uber Bullish for King Bitcoin, the safest and soundest off all assets.

1464. Post 53902330 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

9800 retaken, 10k coming soon. Time to piss your pants Bears bc giant green dildos are coming after we hit new all year highs.

1465. Post 53902343 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

77 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

Many believe 7 is the luckiest number.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1466. Post 53902388 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

 Every day of Bull Season is interesting.  Cool

1467. Post 53906241 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Feels good to be in Bull Season with the King while the Stock Boyz panic and beg for more money printing.

Coronavirus is bullish for the King. Gainz are good for your immune system so Bitcoin helps prevent Coronavirus. Buy or you could die.

1468. Post 53908132 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

"China Discusses: On Creating Bioweapons (2018)"

"If we use gene editing and transform these bacteria and viruses then we will be able to produce a more widespread and lethal supervirus or superbug. Then for this supervirus or superbug its killing capacity is similar to atomic and hydrogen bombs. Its comparable to chemical weapons so its very dangerous."

Government trust is being eroded as Coronavirus spreads more and more and govs downplay the implications and drag their feet on testing and forced isolation. The U.S. CDC has only bothered to test about 400 people.  Roll Eyes

When the Stock Boyz start to pile onto Bitcoin there wont be enough left for them to buy and miners will soon have half as many coins to sell to Stock Boyz and everyone else.

This Coronavirus is one of the most bullish things to ever happen to Bitcoin besides a Halvening. Now they are happening in the same short term time frame right in the early stages of Bull Season.

1469. Post 53908157 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

76 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Smiley

1470. Post 53908375 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on February 24, 2020, 05:40:50 PM
9800 retaken, 10k coming soon. Time to piss your pants Bears bc giant green dildos are coming after we hit new all year highs.

 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Tongue

He's all bluster and no muster that boy. Roll Eyes Kiss

Just make sure you close those shorts before its too late.  Wink

1471. Post 53908461 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: P_Shep on February 24, 2020, 07:24:48 PM
9800 retaken, 10k coming soon. Time to piss your pants Bears bc giant green dildos are coming after we hit new all year highs.

 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Tongue

Yeah, that didn't age very well.

Its aging just fine, check the charts if your confused. Wink I said "soon" and we hit 10k a few hours later. I said giant green dildos after we hit all year highs.

The tiny amount of time since my post has not proven anything I said to be incorrect.

1472. Post 53908603 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: eddie13 on February 24, 2020, 07:49:19 PM
Now how TF did the dow drop 1k points, and gold pump, on the news of the china virus spreading outside of china, but bitcoin is still kinda down?
Dow dumps, gold pumps, no real effect on bitcoin?

So much for ncov giving btc a pump..

We have been pumping since it became global news that an unknown severe viral outbreak was happening in Wuhan. On December 31 we had been mostly sideways for weeks and we were at about 7200usd and its been mostly pumping since.

Gold didn't respond much early on to the Coronavirus outbreak, it took them a while to join the party. Only in the past 7 days have they been really pumping. Stocks kept pumping for a bit bc govs started ramping up money printing to respond to the viral threats to their precious stock markets. Now they are seeing that the money printing may not be enough.

Bitcoiners are more in touch with whats really going on so we beat gold bugs to the party. Seems about right.

"December 31, 2019 - Cases of pneumonia detected in Wuhan, China, are first reported to the WHO. During this reported period, the virus is unknown. The cases occur between December 12 and December 29, according to Wuhan Municipal Health.

January 1, 2020 - Chinese health authorities close the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market after it is discovered that wild animals sold there may be the source of the virus.

January 5, 2020 - China announces that the unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan are not SARS or MERS. In a statement, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission says a retrospective probe into the outbreak has been initiated."

1473. Post 53908678 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on February 25, 2020, 10:53:59 AM
One of the women who testified in court said he ‘raped’ her in his apartment. She then went on to have consensual sexual relations with him for years after the act?


My opinion is that he probably is a pervert but I guarantee lots of these women fucked him because they thought it’d help their careers. They then come out years later & cry rape?

I think he’ll do near the minimum of the 5 to 25 years in jail that they’re reporting.
The guy is a scumbag, but the girls sending him to prison are worse imo.

Yeah, he had dozens of accusers and every single one of them sent him nothing but flirty and loving emails and texts consistently for days, months, and sometimes years after the alleged rapes. Either this guy has magical hypnotic powers or these women are all full of shit. Not one said a bad word to him in the emails or texts, most of them admit to having consensual sex with him on many occasions.

The new definition of rape seems to be "I willingly smashed him to further my career and get money, but since I found him physically disgusting during the act its ok to call it rape a few years later so i can sue him and get a book deal."

I wonder what Roach thinks about this one, bc you have women actually acting how he likes to describe them in this instance, but the victim is a rich Jewish douchebag. He must love this one.

1474. Post 53908770 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on February 25, 2020, 09:56:50 AM
76 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Smiley

But but ... where da 9.8 a corn at?

A few hundred bucks away. NBD Smiley

1475. Post 53908809 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on February 25, 2020, 10:05:05 AM
76 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Smiley

yes, but at the moment BTC is a bit lacking behind to Gold as an asset class for crisis situations IMO. the reason is a bit unclear to me. is it because of the early stage of that asset class for Institutionals or is it because of manipulation in a low volume market before the halving because everybody hold his bitcoins back to speculate for higher prices after the halving? this confuses me a bit. just saying.  Huh

Bitcoin has done much better than Gold since the Coronavirus outbreak became a global story on Dec 31.

See this recent comment for a detailed covering of the topic

Gold is up about 9 percent since Dec. 31 when the virus became a global story while Bitcoin is up about 32 percent in the same time frame. Bitcoin responded earlier with immediate pumping, has mostly pumped since, and the pumping was more than triple what Gold did.

Gold is lacking to King Bitcoin at the moment as the Coronavirus is another nail in the metal dinosaurs coffin.

TLDR: Coronavirus is Uber Bullish. Gold is primitive metal tech that cant keep up with the times as well as BTC. Bitcoin is King.

1476. Post 53908826 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 25, 2020, 11:25:44 AM

The guy is a scumbag, but the girls sending him to prison are worse imo.

Yeah, he had dozens of accusers and every single one of them sent him nothing but flirty and loving emails and texts consistently for days, months, and sometimes years after the alleged rapes. Either this guy has magical hypnotic powers or these women are all full of shit. Not one said a bad word to him in the emails or texts, most of them admit to having consensual sex with him on many occasions.

The new definition of rape seems to be "I willingly smashed him to further my career and get money, but since I found him physically disgusting during the act its ok to call it rape a few years later so i can sue him and get a book deal."

I wonder what Roach thinks about this one, bc you have women actually acting how he likes to describe them in this instance, but the victim is a rich Jewish douchebag. He must love this one.

Have you ever had to be super nice to a boss, teacher, cop, coach or lecturer you hated?

Does super nice mean have consensual sex with frequently? If so, then no.  Smiley

Bill Cosby truly was a predatory rapist and the pattern of behavior of many(maybe most) of the victims was to never speak to him again after the incident and avoid him like the plague. Harveys accusers all stayed in friendly contact with him. Not just how ya doin stuff, but for instance one of the girls in the trial said he had done so much for him, was a father figure, and that she was tired of being a booty call bc she was jealous of the other girls in his life.

Gotta be tough life for a chick when she is tired of her rapist just using her for a booty call bc she wants a more intimate relationship.

Maybe he raped a few chicks, idk, but the vast majority are full of it imo.

1477. Post 53908852 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: AlcoHoDL on February 25, 2020, 11:33:04 AM
The guy is a scumbag, but the girls sending him to prison are worse imo.

Yeah, he had dozens of accusers and every single one of them sent him nothing but flirty and loving emails and texts consistently for days, months, and sometimes years after the alleged rapes. Either this guy has magical hypnotic powers or these women are all full of shit. Not one said a bad word to him in the emails or texts, most of them admit to having consensual sex with him on many occasions.

The new definition of rape seems to be "I willingly smashed him to further my career and get money, but since I found him physically disgusting during the act its ok to call it rape a few years later so i can sue him and get a book deal."

I wonder what Roach thinks about this one, bc you have women actually acting how he likes to describe them in this instance, but the victim is a rich Jewish douchebag. He must love this one.

Have you ever had to be super nice to a boss, teacher, cop, coach or lecturer you hated?

Super nice, no. Nice, yes.

And then I found Bitcoin.

LOL. King Bitcoin only rapes Bears. Cheesy

1478. Post 53908881 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: AlcoHoDL on February 25, 2020, 11:02:17 AM
Anyone missing The Bug?

Could do with some Nazi/Jew shit to break the boredom, just for lulz.

Yeah, he was great for the Lulz. The pattern with mega-bears is after enough anal rektoning they first hardly ever come back, then like Stolfi, they eventually disappear forever.

I suspect we will see Roach here and there but by 100k he most likely will be gone forever.

1479. Post 53908973 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 25, 2020, 11:43:03 AM

Have you ever had to be super nice to a boss, teacher, cop, coach or lecturer you hated?

Not answering for Lambie, and only relevant for boss and teacher (no issues with the others). But I can honestly say not once have I ever had to be super nice to someone I despised or someone who I would personally benefit from. This is probably the reason why I have a low paying job, but I would never ever go against my morals and what is right. Even if that means lack of success or losing my job.

I don't know the case though so not saying the women did anything wrong. Just wanted to answer that question because I think a lack of people with my beliefs is the cause of so much grief that we see today.

The truth even if the heavens fall.

My sense is that, whether you are a man or a woman, to get ahead in Hollywood you have to be super nice to a lot of assholes.  

In spirit I dont disagree, but for the sake of rape accusations its important to note a few things.

I learned a lot from reading about this case in particular. At first it seemed like another Cosby slam dunk open and shut case but then I started seeing all the patterns of post rape allegation sexual relationships and friendships.

I became aware through a bit of research that prosecutors almost never prosecuted cases where a woman dates or is friends with a guy and down the road accuses them of one instance of rape with no corroborating evidence.

Basically if its a he said she said issue between two people who were long time friends or lovers with no witnesses, no evidence of violent struggle, and a large delay in the reporting the crime then as a rule of thumb prosecutors decline to pursue such allegations.

Anyone who has had a crazy ex is probably thankful this is the case for the normal guy.

This makes a lot of sense bc it really opens a pandoras box. If your ex gf accuses you of rape two years later after you win the lottery and your friends, family, emails, and texts all demonstrate a loving relationship but you still get prosecuted just based on her word then no man is safe from a rape charge.

In Harvey's case the public hate for the guy was so big they went ahead and prosecuted a case that they almost never would have in normal circumstances. Harvey is clearly an ass and deserves a lot of bad things in life, but this is a dangerous precedent for men in general so Im not a fan of him getting time based on those flimsy af accusations. Being forced into bankruptcy via civil suits and becoming a social outcast would have been a more fair outcome imo.

As hodlers most of us are currently wealthy or will become wealthy in the next decade. A precedent like this makes everyone with a whole Bitcoin or more a target. Thankfully I think prosecutors will go back to the old way of doing things now that the Harvey episode is over and you should be ok as long as you dont become a front page headline and the poster boy for a feminist movement.

1480. Post 53909045 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Its getting late here Gents. I wont be offended if you decide to pamp the price while Im asleep.  Smiley

1481. Post 53909052 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: bitcoinPsycho on February 25, 2020, 12:03:46 PM
$10000 BTC in one hour  Cool  Cheesy

1482. Post 53913733 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Money Printers gone wild. Coronavirus is bullish AF.

1483. Post 53916414 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: jojo69 on February 26, 2020, 04:38:37 AM
JJG is silent....

Maybe it’s gonna be STFU JJG at Tuesday and Thursday

Or maybe he’s just following his lessons from Lambie Slayer .... LS = making a better and honest man out of JJG  Grin

Wild guess, waiting for new key board.

cherry MX reds

god help us

Im quite proud of JJG for taking a break from the keyboard and taking time to relax.  Smiley

This is what I imagine is happening right now with our friend.

"Slow down, look, and learn. Enjoy the wonder and awe of our natural world....."

1484. Post 53916497 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 26, 2020, 02:51:12 AM
Almost there....  Just a few more seconds....


1485. Post 53916502 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

75 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1486. Post 53916888 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Ok, if Coronavirus wasnt bullish enough, Trump just announced a new mutation called the Caronavirus.

Fortunately he is on top of everything.

"Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) &
 are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape!

1487. Post 53916931 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1488. Post 53917196 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: ivomm on February 26, 2020, 02:42:21 PM
Right, it’s low enough now. Logging onto laptop to buy 0.5BTC.

... for my wage to arrive at my bank account later today. I am going to place a huge buying wall of 0.077BTC at CB. This will stop the crash for sure!  Wink Bears, you have been warned!  Tongue

Checkmate Bears.  Smiley

1489. Post 53917393 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Vegeta has fought and defeated a Bioweapon before.  Cool

1490. Post 53917461 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: fillippone on February 26, 2020, 03:22:57 PM
WO brothers,
I feel dirty, and traitor of the Gang.
I dismissed my hat for a mere 45 USD/week.
Sorry, something changed in Fillippone life and I need to keep staking sats!

I will wear back the hat on every possible occasion.

Buying more Bitcoin is more important than a hat. Carry on.

1491. Post 53921852 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Here is the Head of Homeland Security testifying in front of Congress that the Coronavirus has a mortality rate of about 2%(likely in the ballpark) and that the normal Flu has also had a mortality rate of 2% over the last decade. Anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes online in the last few weeks knows the Flu mortality is a small fraction of a percent(.1), not 2 percent. Only about 2000% inaccurate.  Roll Eyes

This wasnt a Biden gaffe. The Senator asks if he is sure, he replies he is sure. LMFAO  Grin

This just shows the masses the incredible incompetence and ignorance of the Govy boyz.

Money is about, among other things, trust and belief. When the Aids Flu is done slaughtering older nocoiners across the globe, trust in governments will be at never before seen lows.

This is Uber Bullish for King Bitcoin as they will put their trust in him, and the world will be a better place for it.

Warren Buffet, the King of all Nocoiners, is 89 and lives off of Mcdonalds, Cherry Coke, and candy. When he catches Aids Flu Id give him a 50/50 shot of surviving if infected.

Buffet's partner Charlie Munger is 96, I give him a 2 percent chance of surviving if he catches it.

The future is going to have a lot less old men and women yelling at Bitcoin.

No one is happy that so many elderly may die, but lets be real about the economics of it. They are almost all nocoiners and they will leave their assets to the younger generation, many of whom cant wait to go balls deep in the King. No homo.

1492. Post 53921914 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Bitcoin is proving to be a great Safe Haven asset. We are up 22 percent from the price of 7200 on Dec. 31 when Coronavirus became global news.

That is more than triple the 6.9 percent gold has gained in the same time frame. Who cares if the King went down the last few days. A lot of people are taking profits from a wise safe haven investment they made months ago.

Profit taking is happening with gold also and no one is saying its not a safe haven. In the last 3 days, Gold has given up 31 percent of the gains it made since Coronavirus disaster was known to the world.

Since December 31 Stocks as measured by Vanguards Total World Index are down about 4.6 percent.

Silver isnt even up a full percent in the same time frame.  Roll Eyes

Safe haven doesnt mean you go up every single day stocks go down, it means that you perform better during a crisis. The King is absolutely performing better than Stocks and Gold in a global crisis.

Throw in the fact that we are about to have the Halvening, the most joyous event in Bitcoinland, and we may have to create a new sub category of Safe Haven assets. Moon Haven.

TLDR: King is Safe Haven, Coronavirus is Super Bullish. Halvening is Moon. Wash ur hands.

1493. Post 53921995 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

74 days till the Halvening and all is well and safe.  Cheesy

1494. Post 53922430 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Ibian on February 27, 2020, 10:23:22 AM
No one is happy that so many elderly may die,

Well I will laugh a bit if Buffet and Munger bite the dust. Also the International Bank of Settlements guy is in his 60s and surely has either hypertension, a crappy heart, or diabetes. Id give him a 25 percent chance of surviving an infection.

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1495. Post 53922765 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Phil_S on February 27, 2020, 12:07:59 PM
The fact of the matter is that it was the boomers who voted in socialism in practically the entire world. They deserve to die, and they need to die before we have even the possibility of building something better.

And I'm saying this as someone with old parents. Good parents at that, even. But a few worthwhile people, if they are, do not make up for an entire world run by old people who deliberately make things worse.

If Corona-chan kills most people over 60 and stops unlimited immigration, then it may in the long run turn out to be a good thing. Even better if the world turns on the chinese for releasing it.

Careful what you wish for... Youngsters are extremely pro-Bernie/pro-Corbyn.

An Economist/YouGov poll released this week found that 60 percent of Democrats younger than 30 support either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren; among those 65 and older, the progressive candidates’ combined total was 27 percent.

That young people are clamoring for radical left-wing reform in such exceptional numbers would be noteworthy enough, were it confined to the United States. But the phenomenon is apparent throughout the Anglophone world.

Millennial leftists lifted Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of Britain’s Labour party, and their peers would have put him in 10 Downing Street if they’d had their druthers: Exit polls of the 2019 British election found Corbyn’s party winning voters under 30 by roughly 55 percent, even as it claimed just 14 percent of those over 70.

Bernie has a bad heart. Two stents. He is almost 80. I doubt he survives Coronavirus. Who becomes the dem nominee I wonder if the winner dies during the race?

1496. Post 53922831 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

If..... coronavirus wiped out a large portion of the elderly, it would solve 2 huge problems most young people face. Both of these problems were caused by money printing and big government.

Problem 1: Unaffordable housing.

The house market would crash like never seen in modern history if 10s of millions of homes all of the sudden had dead owners and hit the for sale inventory. The young survivors could easily afford homes at that point.

Problem 2: Unaffodable healthcare.

The healthcare industry makes the vast majority of its money from the elderly. A person usually spends more on healthcare in the last 6 months of their life than on their entire life prior.

People with sixth months to live will effectively be wiped out now if the Coronavirus spreads throughout humanity. Anyone in that bad of shape has little chance of surviving.

Prices will have to come down massively as the healthcare industries best customers all perish. I keep reading about drug companies not wanting to spend money on coronavirus vaccine research, but if they dont find one all of their most lucrative customers will die.

1497. Post 53922861 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: vapourminer on February 27, 2020, 12:43:57 PM
is anybody so kind and explain or send me the link to the DCA strategy please?

oh man jjg will be here soon

be ready

Say his name four more times and something bad will happen.  Wink

1498. Post 53922961 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: somac. on February 27, 2020, 12:51:30 PM
If..... coronavirus wiped out a large portion of the elderly, it would solve 2 huge problems most young people face. Both of these problems were caused by money printing and big government.

Problem 1: Unaffordable housing.

The house market would crash like never seen in modern history if 10s of millions of homes all of the sudden had dead owners and hit the for sale inventory. The young survivors could easily afford homes at that point.

Problem 2: Unaffodable healthcare.

The healthcare industry makes the vast majority of its money form the elderly. A person usually spends more on healthcare in the last 6 months of their life than on their entire life prior.

People with sixth months to live will effectively be wiped out now if the Coronavirus spreads throughout humanity. Anyone in that bad of shape has little chance of surviving.

Prices will have to come down massively as the healthcare industries best customers all perish. I keep reading about drug companies not wanting to spend money on coronavirus vaccine research, but if they dont find one all of their most lucrative customers will die.

Yeah, but you know what, I still don't want my dad to die.

Yes, me neither. It wont be everyone's parents that die. Everyone, including myself is likely hoping that their parents make it through.

Based on mortality by age so far Id estimate about 1 out of 5 people with 2 parents in 70's and up range will have at least one parent die from this virus.

Coronavirus seems to specialize in taking out people who probably didn't have a lot of time left anyway. Not one death under 9 years old so far if the reports are accurate.


1499. Post 53923038 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on February 27, 2020, 12:55:35 PM
You ghoulish kids are cute and all but the sars2 only kills 10% of the over 80's and 10% of diabetics etc so it's not that part that's going to sting as much as 2% of all humanity - if you remember what that is - could be killed. One hundred and fifty million souls. If you know 150 people pretty well, 3 will die in the next 18 months of this thing. Of your 1500 acquaintances, 30. 3 Hat-wearing, god-fearing, wall-observing bros might die.

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Its 14.8% for over 80. They probably didnt make a section for 90 and up bc its likely something crazy like 50 percent and it would freak people out.

The lion's share of victims will be over 70.  

If you live in a nursing home, or play bingo every week, a huge chunk of your friends will die. If you dont know many elderly then you may not know a single person who dies, but you will see lots of for sale signs in your neighborhood soon. Assuming this spreads everywhere and doesnt fizzle out in the spring.


1500. Post 53923527 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

I havent felt this bullish since December 2018 when we got into the 3ks and the new Bull Market was born.

1501. Post 53923641 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Stock Boyz are in some deep shit.

Stocks go down from the virus and Trumps election chances go down. As people realize Bernie gets more likely to be elected they freak out more and sell even more stocks. These two catalysts feed of each other and we get the current stock market meltdown.

King Bitcoin meanwhile just sits on his throne counting the days till halving and letting mom an pop and institutional newbs looking for sanctuary flee into the safety of his kingdom.

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1502. Post 53923670 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

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1503. Post 53926096 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Feels good being invested in the safest haven there is as the Stock Boyz meltdown continues.

1504. Post 53926117 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

1505. Post 53926139 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: jojo69 on February 27, 2020, 11:55:53 PM
plot twist (((they))) had a head start
Just got lucky in the lab they said.  Roll Eyes

"“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”
But after scientists sequenced the DNA of the novel coronavirus causing the current worldwide outbreak, the MIGAL researchers examined it and found that the poultry coronavirus has high genetic similarity to the human one, and that it uses the same infection mechanism, which increases the likelihood of achieving an effective human vaccine in a very short period of time, Katz said.
“All we need to do is adjust the system to the new sequence,” he said. “We are in the middle of this process, and hopefully in a few weeks we will have the vaccine in our hands. Yes, in a few weeks, if it all works, we would have a vaccine to prevent coronavirus.”
MIGAL would be responsible for developing the new vaccine, but it would then have to go through a regulatory process, including clinical trials and large-scale production, Katz said.
Akunis said he has instructed his ministry’s director-general to fast-track all approval processes with the goal of bringing the human vaccine to market as quickly as possible.
“Given the urgent global need for a human coronavirus vaccine, we are doing everything we can to accelerate development,” MIGAL CEO David Zigdon said. The vaccine could “achieve safety approval in 90 days,” he said."

1506. Post 53926365 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: Searing on February 28, 2020, 01:18:25 AM

Feels good being invested in the safest haven there is as the Stock Boyz meltdown continues.

Bitcoin 'the merciless bitch' is still thinking about following the stock market..or more likely is just messing with our minds for a few days.....

When did scientists stop working to cure diseases?

Is it because they can make more money injecting the 99.99% of people that do not have the disease than they can make curing the .001%?

here ya go..what they have been discussing..buying back their own stock or cures the last few years

Bitcoin has performed much better than gold, silver, and stocks since Cornavirus became news on Dec 31. Stocks just had their worst day in years today and Bitcoin was not phased. Stocks are in a bubble. Corn is cheap.

Bitcoin is the superior safe haven and has proven it for two months straight. Dont get fooled by profit taking or technical dips.

1507. Post 53926384 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

RIP Pope??

This guy shakes a few hundred peoples hands each day all over the world. He is the Earths nexus point for germ spreading. At 83 years old if he has it, well its not gonna be a walk in the park. 14 percent mortality at that age.

These are dangerous times and King Bitcoin is here to keep everyone safe.

1508. Post 53926535 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: bitserve on February 28, 2020, 01:51:21 AM

RIP Pope??

This guy shakes a few hundred peoples hands each day all over the world. He is the Earths nexus point for germ spreading. At 83 years old if he has it, well its not gonna be a walk in the park. 14 percent mortality at that age.

These are dangerous times and King Bitcoin is here to keep everyone safe.

He has top notch medical service you could only dream of. He will do well.

LOL, an 83 year old with all the medical service in the world is nothing compared to a young healthy immune system the pope can only dream of. The pope already has sciatic nueritis. All the doctors in his Papal Kingdom can't cure it.

1509. Post 53926634 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.16h):

Quote from: bitserve on February 28, 2020, 02:47:22 AM

RIP Pope??

This guy shakes a few hundred peoples hands each day all over the world. He is the Earths nexus point for germ spreading. At 83 years old if he has it, well its not gonna be a walk in the park. 14 percent mortality at that age.

These are dangerous times and King Bitcoin is here to keep everyone safe.

He has top notch medical service you could only dream of. He will do well.

LOL, an 83 year old with all the medical service in the world is nothing compared to a young healthy immune system the pope can only dream of. The pope already has sciatic nueritis. All the doctors in his Papal Kingdom can't cure it.

He also has GOD help.

God doesnt seem to be helping him much. Perhaps God is punishing him for not buying Bitcoin.

1510. Post 53926904 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Fastest 10 percent correction from all time highs since the Great Depression. I cant even imagine how much and how fast the Fed is going to forced to print more money. Along with all the other Central Banks.

Things could not be more bullish for King Bitcoin, the best Safe Haven in all the land. This is not a drill. Its happening.

1511. Post 53926980 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: lightfoot on February 28, 2020, 04:42:37 AM
In which case Bitcoin will not go up. Fiat will simply go down.

Th market cap for King Bitcoin is too small for that. As people rush to escape their currency devaluation and bubble stock market collapse the demand for Bitcoin will reach levels that will push the price up far beyond the percent of purchasing power that fiat loses.

This has been going on for 10 years and will not stop until we become a mature multi trillion dollar asset, and likey global reserve currency.

1512. Post 53927214 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: jojo69 on February 28, 2020, 05:15:37 AM
Asian markets getting

Global stocks are not even seeing small dead cat bounces, its just down all during market hours and all during market close as futures tank. We may never live to see anything like this again. This is very likely the big one.

Perfect storm. Worst pandemic in a century and highest stockmarket valuations and everything bubble in a century. Ironically govs covered up the Spanish Flu as long as they could bc they thought it would hurt war morale. Same game, different players.

"Another lesson I learned early is that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can't be because speculation is as old as the hills." - Jesse Livermore the Great Bear of Wall Street

Bitcoin was designed during the last financial crisis for a moment such as this. That moment has come.


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1513. Post 53927353 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: aesma on February 28, 2020, 06:48:56 AM
So my stock portfolio is going down. Most of it I can't do anything about it (company stock, must keep 5 years before selling, free stock as a compensation).

But my BTC portfolio is also going down !

Not that bad (for either) but still, I would have expected an inverse correlation, or at least BTC hodling better.

Gold is going up in the meantime, I know someone is gloating...

Since Dec. 31 when the Coronavirus became global disaster news, Bitcoin is up big, gold is up a decent amount and stocks are down.

King Bitcoin is gloating, as it is the best Safe Haven so far during the Coronavirus crisis.

Safe Havens dont go up every single day, they outperform other assets in a crisis, just like Bitcoin has done.

1514. Post 53932859 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

"Bitcoin is the money of kings, Merit is the money of gentlemen, BSV is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.” – Norm Franz  

73 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1515. Post 53933351 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

King Bitcoin : The Ultimate Safe Haven Status Update-

1. King Bitcoin is up approximately 22 percent from its Dec. 31 price when Coronavirus first began its reign of terror.

2. Gold, the primitive safe haven of our ancestors, puked back much of its gains today with an over 3 percent drop. It has only gained a mere 3.7% since Dec. 31. Yes, there is a new sheriff in town.   Cool

3. Silver has performed terribly and Roach may never come back again. After puking and losing over 6 percent of its value today, it is down 6.75% since Dec 31.

4. Global stocks are down about 8.44% as measured by Vanguard Total World Index

Only one of these assets is having its supply cut in half in 73 days. Its good to be King. Cheesy

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1516. Post 53933472 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: bitebits on February 29, 2020, 05:46:43 AM
^ Insert Matrix Meme

So you are telling me, Lambie Slayer, just buy Bitcoin?


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1517. Post 53933489 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

"As a thought experiment, imagine there was a base metal as scarce as gold but with the following properties: - boring grey in colour - not a good conductor of electricity - not particularly strong, but not ductile or easily malleable either - not useful for any practical or ornamental purpose and one special, magical property: - can be transported over a communications channel If it somehow acquired any value at all for whatever reason, then anyone wanting to transfer wealth over a long distance could buy some, transmit it, and have the recipient sell it" - Nakamoto

1518. Post 53933940 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Im proud of JJG. With so much free time now, he will probably invent the Coronavirus vaccine.

1519. Post 53934859 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 29, 2020, 09:56:36 AM
All my TA says we are at the bottom or very close to it.  Very strong support at $8k.

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1520. Post 53936132 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: nutildah on February 29, 2020, 02:25:07 PM
Bargain Boyz and Baghdad Boyz, meet the Compliance Boyz

The Boyz are always fully compliant. No worries.  Smiley Criminals use USD.

1521. Post 53936149 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

I expect to break back up over 9k as soon as we are done messing around in this 8500-8900 range.

72 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

Time to start thinking about how you will spend your Halvening. Party plans, etc.

1522. Post 53938602 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

“Let us rejoice that we are poor, And have no Bitcoin to keep: We do not need to bar the door Ere we can go to sleep.” -Robert Leighton

1523. Post 53938619 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Never a doubt that the Coronavirus is Bullish.

"“Our Fed should start being a leader...We should have the lowest interest rates,” Trump said.

“And now we have this problem...You saw where Germany is lowering and also infusing a lot of money into their economy. I haven’t heard our Fed say they should do this,” the president added.

Trump also said the country should refinance its debt at the news conference Saturday from the White House, surrounded by health officials and Vice President Mike Pence."

1524. Post 53938692 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: JSRAW on March 01, 2020, 12:52:26 AM
“Let us rejoice that we are poor, And have no Bitcoin to keep: We do not need to bar the door Ere we can go to sleep.” -Robert Leighton

"The World is the problem; the atomic bomb is the solution. kill them all " The God of War, Mahatma Gandhi (Civilization V )

“O Zeus, why is it you have given men clear ways of testing whether Bitcoin is counterfeit but, when it comes to men, the body carries no stamp of nature for distinguishing bad from good?” ― Euripides


1525. Post 53939327 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: 2020VISION on February 29, 2020, 03:21:09 PM
I expect to break back up over 9k as soon as we are done messing around in this 8500-8900 range.

72 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

Time to start thinking about how you will spend your Halvening. Party plans, etc.

"halvening" is that where half the worlds population dies of bitcoinvirus?  Kiss  reeee *good morning*

No GemTrannyBitz its where you sell your asshole door to door for half off bc you lost money shorting King Bitcoin.  Weeeeeee Wink

1526. Post 53945314 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Its happening Gents.  Smiley Prepare for more money printing than ever before. Coronavirus=Bullish

"Finally, courtesy of Macrohive's George Concalves, here is a twitter thread describing where the Fed finds itself and what its options are:

Many investors are expecting Fed (coordinated or not) to do something soon (perhaps before futures open). There has been a lot of debate that CB easing can't resolve health issues, but they can help sentiment. Here's what may happen next.

Backdrop1: Long gone is the façade the Fed will ignore sliding financial conditions (regardless of driver). Its not much, but the Fed has some flexibility on rate policy side but more importantly can come up w/some creative solutions in its use of the powers granted under 13 (3)

Backdrop2: One of the reasons why the Fed needs to be preemptive is because some of its crisis fighting abilities have been damped post GFC due to Federal Reserve Act section 13(3) revisions per DFA. That said, from what I understand they could still launch ABC facilities.

Backdrop3: In the early days of GFC the Fed resorted to tweaks versus all out easing measures or launching new facilities. In August 2007 it cut the discount rate and not the FF rate and in Jan-2008 did a 75 bp intra-meeting ease (followed by another 50bp at the meeting).

Old School Fed: I found this Min-Fed posting (see as a good historical review of potential Fed crisis fighting usage of section 13(3), also see link at the end “Lender of more than last resort” for how the discount window evolved, more later…

Old Fed playbook1: In the '02 Bernanke report on deflation (see he provides a laundry list of what they can do to stimulate the economy/markets. We have pretty much done all of them except for buying foreign bonds. Meanwhile Fed can buy munis too.

Old Fed playbook2: Since September 2019 the Fed has been providing liquidity with TOMO repo operations and TRM bill purchases (ie notQE). At a minimum the Fed will be inclined to keep these programs for a while longer (and abort tapering repo) while introducing new tools.

New Fed playbook1: In my view there is a risk of an intra-mtg ease (as early as today vs allowing mkts to freefall). First off this is a public health concern, but COVID disruptions run the risk of hitting biz CF/working capital. The Fed can encourage discount window use.

New Fed playbook2: Given JPM & Quarles want to break the DW stigma (see Fed could announce it reduces the DW rate to 25bp or even 0 over FF (vs 50) for large banks, maybe further for smaller banks if funds are used to help industries hit by COVID

New Fed playbook3: 17 days is a long time to wait for levered investors, so expect FF rate to come down 50bps too (would make DW rate cut be 75-100bp). The Fed could gauge how these measure work as well as monitor COVID into 3/18 where it could always do more if needed.

DEFCON1: Its too early to forecast COVID's eco-impact and if there is multiple waves. But Fed is on track to move to DEFCON1 in table (see if so they will end up with new ABCs, ZIRP (with tiering) eventual YCC, & credit easing (MBS, CP, & munis)."

1527. Post 53946058 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

100k=minimum. 400k=aspiration.

1528. Post 53946267 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: goldkingcoiner on March 02, 2020, 02:48:01 AM
100k=minimum. 400k=aspiration.

Aspiration is Bitcoin becoming the one and only world currency. This will create a truly free market that will push humanity into the future without corrupt governments being able to push the people down into the ground with overblown taxes and fake inflations. It is about time for people to take the power back from dictators and incompetent rulers of their countries.

And Blockchain will make everything nice and transparent. Proof>Trust.

Yes agree that we will eventually become the Global Reserve Currency. Im referring to the top of the next bubble as 100k-400k. We will have more Bull and Bear markets before we become the reserve currency.

1529. Post 53947785 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

70 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1530. Post 53947973 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda pledged Monday that the central bank will make every effort to ensure stability in financial markets that have been roiled as the new coronavirus spreads worldwide.

Issuing an emergency statement, Kuroda said the BOJ "will closely monitor future developments, and will strive to provide ample liquidity and ensure stability in financial markets through appropriate market operations and asset purchases."

The move comes amid expectations that the world's major central banks will prepare a joint assault on the excessive volatility seen recently in stock and other markets, with the U.S. Federal Reserve issuing a similar statement last week that signaled its willingness to cut interest rates to support the economy."

More money printing=Bullish


WOHO, Wall Observer Health Organization has officially named the novel virus, COVBULL-19. Their task force is currently researching all bullish implications and alerting the public that the situation has escalated to highly bullish. They recommend to frequently buy Bitcoin several times a day, especially after using the bathroom and before eating.

WOHO released this statement today:

"Bears should be isolated and monitored to prevent self harm in the event of giant green dildos.  Hodlers should be prepared for the possibility of COVBULL-19 panic buying outbreaks in their community with the halvening approaching.  In the event of panic buying, its important to remain calm and not sell under any circumstances.

Individuals can practice everyday accumulation measures like frequent Satoshi Stacking, DCA, and of course going all in. Click below to learn about steps to take before, during, and after any community spread of COVBULL-19."

1531. Post 53949087 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

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COVBULL-19 at it again.

Stock futures down, setting up the 8th consecutive down day. Bitcoin the Global Safe Haven Supreme is up almost 4 percent.

Once the Stock Boyz start to catch on to our superior store of value attributes the pumping will be mind boggling.


1532. Post 53949359 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Making a run for Vegeta.

1533. Post 53952711 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1534. Post 53953342 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Bullish developments in the last 24 hours for King Bitcoin.

With Pete and Amy dropping out of the race and along with Beto all endorsing Biden, Biden has moved up in betting markets to overtake Bernie as the front runner.

Biden is more Bullish for King Bitcoin imo bc Bernie favors communism over capitalism and we have seen how harsh communist nations have been to Bitcoin.

Out of only 4 communist nations on the globe, two, China and Vietnam, have both banned Bitcoin for a means of payments. China has also banned its financial institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions.

A White House controlled by communist idealogues would likely be hostile to King Bitcoin. Biden is a centrist and would not rock the boat. He might be friendlier to Bitcoin than Trump even.

Could Bernie still win? Absolutely, but he did just go from a massively heavy favorite to a slight underdog and thats a big improvement.

1535. Post 53955502 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

"Bitcoin loves to make its way through guards, and breaks through barriers of stone more easily than the lightning’s bolt.” – Horace

1536. Post 53956042 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Update on our Israeli friends.

"MIGAL Galilee Research Institute CEO David Zigdon said: “Given the urgent global need for a human coronavirus vaccine, we are doing everything we can to accelerate development. Our goal is to produce the vaccine during the next eight to ten weeks and to achieve safety approval in 90 days.

“This will be an oral vaccine, making it particularly accessible to the general public. We are currently in intensive discussions with potential partners that can help accelerate the in-human trials phase and expedite the completion of final product development and regulatory activities.”

1537. Post 53956057 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

"Our military research labs are working feverishly around the horn here to try to come up with a vaccine. So we’ll see how that develops over the next couple of months,” Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley told reporters at the Pentagon."

1538. Post 53959723 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Bidens success on Super Tuesday has moved him from a slight favorite to more than a 2 to 1 favorite.

Voters at exit polls said the Coronavirus had a large influence on their decision.

This tells me that with stocks tanking voters could not risk taking a chance on a candidate who prefers communism over capitalism.

This is Bullish for King Bitcoin as a hypothetical Biden led White House would be much friendlier to Bitcoin than a Bernie led White House full of communist idealogues looking for ways to become like China and Vietnam.

The Fed cut rates today by .5 percent, they usually only do a quarter point cut. The halvening is near, money printing is accelerating across the globe, and Covbull-19 is sowing distrust in governments and germ filled paper money.

We are living in most Bullish times.  Grin

TLDR: Its BTCull $eason for realz.

1539. Post 53961735 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Due to most people having mild syptoms or being asymptomatic, and lack of testing there are probably 5 to 10 times more cases of COVBULL-19 outside of China than being reported.

Yes if people knew this they would be more freaked out about how far along we are in the spread, but Id say that would easily be nullified when they also found out that the mortality is only a fraction of what is being speculated to be of late.

By purposely not testing, governments sought to stop panic and worry and prevent the economy from suffering. This probably has backfired bc now the mortality rate seems much higher than it is due to untested people who have the disease or have already recovered from the disease.

I expect as testing gets ramped up that the actual mortality rate in first world healthcare systems will come down to something like .3%-.6% for all ages, and for under 50 year olds .05%-.1%.  So while its still very Bullish for the worlds leading safe haven, most nocoiners will survive.

1540. Post 53961749 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 04, 2020, 10:05:23 AM
#Bitcoin in India right now.

I'm clearly missing something???

afaiu Indian Supreme Court overruled its Central Bank after 2 years to allow bitcoin (and shitcoin) exchanges.

Didn't saw that yet, noiceee !!!!! Thx for the info  Kiss

Pumping time.  Cheesy

1541. Post 53961786 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 04, 2020, 10:00:02 AM

So some are lucky in these days  Roll Eyes  Roll Eyes

Trick Daddy and Eat A Booty Gang are gonna do well.

1542. Post 53961831 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Prepare to have your mind blown with all the money printing about to take place. Just in time for our Halvening. All Hail King Bitcoin.  Smiley

1543. Post 53961845 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

In a very short time we will be less than two months away from glory.

68 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1544. Post 53961928 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

"The Federal Reserve just did an emergency rate cut of 50 basis points only two months before the Bitcoin halving.

I’ve been saying for awhile they were going to cut rates and print money at the exact moment that Bitcoin’s supply shock happened.

You couldn’t write this script "

1545. Post 53961935 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

"If panic over the coronavirus outbreak spreads, we can expect to see more supply chain disruptions, quarantines, mandated company shutdowns, and, as a result, more uncertainty and unrest.

The longer the hysteria lasts, the higher the risk companies will fall behind on servicing sizable debt loads, which could unleash a far greater bear to asset prices than fear itself.

Any material threat to the economy will provoke more extreme responses from monetary and fiscal policymakers, driving demand for hard, scarce assets. Bitcoin and gold are the big winners in a world of fiat currency abundance. "

1546. Post 53963228 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Torque on March 03, 2020, 06:28:04 PM
I think it's time we called in the real Guardians. These fakes are toast.

They really do think they are superheros. Always talking about ammunition, toolboxes, tool belts and tool kits.  Roll Eyes I suppose to elites looking for easy money they are heroes.

1547. Post 53963505 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 04, 2020, 11:11:11 AM
2% mortality rate?
Closer to 10%. This is one of the worse examples of misinformation, something really needs to be done about it.

On the cruise ship, I think about 700 got the virus (20%) and 6 of them died.

706 infected, 600 active cases, 100 recovered, 36 in serious condition, 6 dead. So far.

The way the death rate is being calculated, you could just as easily look at the recovered compared to infected. Only 14% recover from the virus! So a 86% mortality rate!

Ive been trying to get some clarity on the mortality rate and bc you really cant trust even the rich first world democracies and the strong incentive to under test for infections, I cant find any more reliable sample than the Diamond Princess.

Its a perfect lab experiment. A large sample of people, plenty of time for a random and large group to get infected, and we know that all but a dozen or so were tested, whether they had symptoms or not.

There are no other examples of entire towns or villages where everyone was tested to my knowledge. This means that any sample of positive testing patients cant give you a good mortality rate because you have no way of knowing how many others in the vicinity had the virus but showed little to no symptoms.

I realize that its possible a few more could die from Diamond Princess, but imo highly unlikely, they have had plenty of time for the disease to play out according to established time lines. It takes a good while to declare patients recovered because they need as many as three or more tests that come back negative and the virus can leave particles in the body that trigger the test long after symptoms are gone.

So you have 6 out of 700 dead, or a .85% mortality. Thats pretty bad, but way better than many estimates. But....... we are forgetting why that .85% death rate is way to high. Its a cruise ship, this population sample is OLD! The average cruise ship passenger is almost two decades older than the average citizen according to a few quick google searches. Its not scientific, but anyone who has been on a cruise knows that its mostly older people.

So now things start looking a lot better. A ship full of old people passed this thing around and .85% died. Yes about 80 infections were crew members who were likely to be much younger on average. Guess what, not one crew member died.

All this leads me to strongly believe that there is no way in hell the true mortality rate is not somewhere a good bit below .85%. Some quick napkin and SOMA calculations tells me this sample of people with their advanced age, factoring in for the normal age of the 80 crew members, and using the death charts by age data available, extrapolates out to about a .40% mortality rate.

About 4 times deadlier than the flu and enough to overwhelm Wuhan's hospitals once about half a million people got infected in a short span.

A large chunk of the people that will die from this would have probably died in the next 6 months to a year anyway. Its just a strain on hospitals bc usually these people kick the bucket in a drawn out period, not all at once.

Flu season already puts a big strain on ICU beds each year, its not cost effective to have a large oversupply of them.

This strain will be much less in countries where healthcare is more of a free market.

Its easy to see why the commies in China got overrun, they have free healthcare for all which means a shitty healthcare system.

This virus is gonna hurt communist and socialist countries more than free market oriented countries. Thats bullish for Bitcoin.

TLDR: Its just the Flu x 4 bro, and its hella bullish bc money printers are in hysteria right now.

1548. Post 53963652 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Bernie is officially done now. Its gonna be Biden or Trump in November. Both are much more Bullish for King Bitcoin than Bernie would ever be.

We just got a billion more potential hodlers in India all of whom can legally buy Bitcoin now.

Money printers are printing up a historical shit ton of money as we speak for the Flux4Bro AKA COVBULL-19.

The halvening is almost two months away.

JJG gave up text walls and went on an adventure.

Roach may be talking to a girl finally.

We have entered some kind of Transdimensional Hyperspace Bullish nexus point the likes of which I cant remember except maybe when we kicked Jihan Wu's ass and got Segwit handled.

1549. Post 53963676 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: fillippone on March 04, 2020, 02:47:49 PM

TLDR: Its just the Flu x 4 bro, and its hella bullish bc money printers are in hysteria right now.

just explain quickly why.

Talking about positive cases.
50% are asyntomatic or low symptoms, cure at home, quarantine.
50% need hospitalisation.
25% (50% of previous 50%) need intensive care.
more or less 3% of total infected eventually die (5% of previous intensive care patient).

Now, think what happens if the positive cases skyrocket to a certain number, let's say HALF of the number of people normally infected by a regular flu.

What is the supply of intensive care beds?
What happens when we will be at full capacity?

Mortality rate will rise. Also because people need intensive care also for other reasons than Coronavirus.

Also, hospital procedures are slowed donw by quarantine/extra security needed whil dealing for CoVid19 profilax.

This is the dangerous aspect of COVID19, not the mortality rate per se.

It is already happening, here in Italy.

My theory is based on the assumption that you have way more undiagnosed cases, hence the lower true mortality rate.
Thats why Diamond Princess is the perfect sample.

We know every single person except 14 got tested.

No other sample is like this for any town, village or city.

Your gov, like most others, either cant or wont test everyone who needs it so the mortality rate seems much higher than it is bc you dont know about all the undiagnosed cases.

I suppose I could clarify that the .4 percent mortality Slayer estimate is assuming the patients get decent healthcare, this would be skewed higher in cases where not enough ICU beds are available. Thats why I mentioned the more communist or socialist a government is, the higher the mortality rates will likely be bc govs suck at everything, including running a healthcare system.

Look at the example inWashington State where six died in a nursing home. Yes that sucks for them, but they were in a nursing home and probably the weakest ones there, so they likely would have died sometime in the next 6 months to a year. This virus will likely take a bunch of people who were about to die in 2020 sometime anyway, and just take them out all at once.

1550. Post 53963751 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Torque on March 04, 2020, 02:58:02 PM
Money printers are printing up a historical shit ton of money as we speak for the Flux4Bro AKA COVBULL-19.

What's going to be funny as shit is seeing the media's reaction when this Coronavirus situation blows over.

They'll all be like, "Ok world, the virus is licked now, you all can go out and shop again! Have fun and spend freely!"

And it'll be fkn crickets.

Everyone was completely broke and deep in debt before the virus came, and so they sure as shit still will be after the virus runs it's course.

Nothing will have changed. There won't be any pent up demand. People will still stay home.

The global deflationary environment will still continue.

The Fed rates will eventually slide into the negative.

How long until all confidence in the USD is completely shattered? Tick tock, tick tock.

Exactly. Everyone is stocking up on bleach and buttwipes, but I just am going to get plenty of popcorn and watch the show.  Cheesy

1551. Post 53963848 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Phil_S on March 04, 2020, 03:09:16 PM
I cant find any more reliable sample than the Diamond Princess.

Indeed it is a good sample.

Now let's multiple Diamond Princess sample size by a million.

Out of 3.6 billion adults, 700 million will get infected, 6 million will die.

I think humanity can handle it.

According to wikipedia, "Global human population growth amounts to around 83 million annually, or 1.1% per year."

Yes, indeed. Also when you adjust for the age skew of a cruise trip passenger population its probably about 3 million dead, and Id guess a very large chunk of those 3 million were gonna die in 2020 anyway as they represent the weakest members of our population in terms of health. You may see a large spike in deaths for a few months but Id guess the overall deaths for 2020 wouldnt be all that much higher than normal.

Kind of like letting a bunch of prisoners out of jail in the spring when most were already scheduled to get out that year anyway. You come back a year later and the prison population is pretty normal as it has refilled with criminals again.

These viruses go after the weak and compete for the same low hanging fruit.

For every elderly that the coronavirus kills, that may be one less death in 2020 from the flu as corona beats the flu to the punch. You will probably see a drop in deaths for 2020 across the board for heart disease, diabetes, flu, etc as coronavirus plays the early bird and gets the worms.

1552. Post 53967765 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on March 05, 2020, 03:15:28 AM
Coronavirus may be getting weaker due to evolutionary pressure - aggressive quarantining of patients who become very sick

The grave is an airtight quarantine. It probably just wasnt that strong to begin with, just tons of cases never got tested for or diagnosed. But it was strong enough to send money printers into panic printing mode, which works for me.

1553. Post 53967773 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1554. Post 53967848 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

"It’s possible that fatalities were particularly bad in China because there are so many smokers there, and their damaged lungs made them more vulnerable to the coronavirus. In China, 52% of men and 3% of women are smokers. By contrast, 16% of men and 12% of women in America smoke.

Smoking is “a risk factor for almost any respiratory infectious disease,” said Dr. James Cherry, an infectious disease specialist at UCLA.

"Yang doesn’t think so. He said the experience in Wuhan might exaggerate how contagious the coronavirus really is.

The fact that the new coronavirus has been circulating in Washington state for weeks but had gone undetected for so long suggests that there have been more infections than official figures suggest, Cherry said. When those cases are taken into account, the death rate falls."

"The actual fatality rate for the new coronavirus may be quite a bit lower than 2.3% because people who are infected but experience only mild illness — or no symptoms at all — are massively undercounted, experts said. The true death rate could be as low as 0.2%, Yang said."

Probably just the flu times 2 bro. Hodl your coin while the money printers buy into the hype and hysteria.

All signs point to bullish.

1555. Post 53967932 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 05, 2020, 08:05:46 AM
It's infuriating that all the worlds supposed experts are calculating the death rate wrong.

Recovered compared to infected. A 56% recovery rate. So a 44% mortality rate. And that is just as valid as what they are doing.

The correct calculation remains deaths/(deaths+cured). This is important.

Most of the people who got cured were never tested or diagnosed, so there is little value to worldometers stats. Everybody notices a death.

Nobodies notices or will ever know about the likely 100s of thousands of people who caught it, never had a symptom or just thought they had a cold, and were cured without any medical help. The immune system is the greatest doctor anyone has.

1556. Post 53968022 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 05, 2020, 08:17:40 AM
It's infuriating that all the worlds supposed experts are calculating the death rate wrong.

Recovered compared to infected. A 56% recovery rate. So a 44% mortality rate. And that is just as valid as what they are doing.

The correct calculation remains deaths/(deaths+cured). This is important.

Most of the people who got cured were never tested or diagnosed, so there is little value to worldometers stats. Everybody notices a death.

Nobodies notices or will ever know about the likely 100s of thousands of people who caught it, never had a symptom or just thought they had a cold, and were cured without any medical help. The immune system is the greatest doctor anyone has.
Or the people who die at home and are not counted, in china especially, or the people who are counted as dying from a hundred other issues, or, or and so on.

As long as the official stats are what everyone is quoting, then we should at least calculate those numbers correctly.

We have enough samples outside of China where we can be more certain the dead are counted properly. We only have one sample in the entire globe where an entire population was tested and we know what their mortality rate is. Thats the Diamond Princess. We know the rate of death for the 700 infected was .85 percent, and we know that this population was about 20 years older than a normal population of people bc cruise passengers skew much older.

This is the best evidence on the planet for a true mortality rate ceiling. Meaning the true mortality rate is no higher than .85, and almost certainly much lower in a normal aged group of people.

Until an entire town or village is tested, regardless of symptoms, or just a very large random population sample is tested, the Diamond Princess will remain the scientific gold (Bitcoin Smiley ) standard for a true mortality estimate.

Hopefully the money printers dont read WO and figure these secrets out or they will stop panicking and turn off the money printers.


1557. Post 53968026 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: nutildah on March 05, 2020, 08:24:52 AM
Nutildah puts his dog hat back on... Bullish!

The hat is really well done and detailed, the finer points of which are lost on the avatar-size version. so I'm posting the original, full-size image here in all its glory.

9000 here we come.

1558. Post 53968061 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on March 05, 2020, 08:22:51 AM
It's infuriating that all the worlds supposed experts are calculating the death rate wrong.

Recovered compared to infected. A 56% recovery rate. So a 44% mortality rate. And that is just as valid as what they are doing.

The correct calculation remains deaths/(deaths+cured). This is important.

Most of the people who got cured were never tested or diagnosed, so there is little value to worldometers stats. Everybody notices a death.

Nobodies notices or will ever know about the likely 100s of thousands of people who caught it, never had a symptom or just thought they had a cold, and were cured without any medical help. The immune system is the greatest doctor anyone has.

Actually people don't die because of the virus, but because of their immune reactions consequences.
If you have a weak system, it will over-react to the virus. If you have a strong system, it will react less or quicker.
A few exceptions to this rule, but it's mostly correct, imo.

I myself have a hyperreactive kind of immune response. I catch a small cold and feel ill for like a week or two, without fever. Don't know what that means in terms of health risk with nCoV, but my lungs and organs are healthy. And i'm within the "safe" age band, below 70yrs.
Children seem to get infected less or develop less severe symptoms, is this still true and what do the virologists say?

Children are barely affected by this. Most have little to no symptoms and not a single death for the 9 and under group. Thats why canceling schools is just panic and hysteria. A better prevention tactic would be to restrict all children from visiting nursing homes and advising elderly and children to avoid each other in general until this blows over.

The panic is so extreme with this disease bc the power brokers of society are all old as hell and they would rather shut down society than risk meeting their maker a few months ahead of schedule. Have you ever seen bipartisan money get approved so fast in the U.S. Its bc all of the Senate, the House, and the President are old as hell. All the billionaire owners of the msm are old as hell too so they are directing their outlets to pump hysteria, bc they are scared themselves.

This is gonna play into Bitcoins hands as we know that old elites print money to attempt solving every problem they have ever encountered. This doomsday hysteria will be no different.

1559. Post 53968153 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 05, 2020, 08:40:13 AM
It's infuriating that all the worlds supposed experts are calculating the death rate wrong.

Recovered compared to infected. A 56% recovery rate. So a 44% mortality rate. And that is just as valid as what they are doing.

The correct calculation remains deaths/(deaths+cured). This is important.

Most of the people who got cured were never tested or diagnosed, so there is little value to worldometers stats. Everybody notices a death.

Nobodies notices or will ever know about the likely 100s of thousands of people who caught it, never had a symptom or just thought they had a cold, and were cured without any medical help. The immune system is the greatest doctor anyone has.
Or the people who die at home and are not counted, in china especially, or the people who are counted as dying from a hundred other issues, or, or and so on.

As long as the official stats are what everyone is quoting, then we should at least calculate those numbers correctly.

We have enough samples outside of China where we can be more certain the dead are counted properly. We only have one sample in the entire globe where an entire population was tested and we know what their mortality rate is. Thats the Diamond Princess. We know the rate of death for the 700 infected was .85 percent, and we know that this population was about 20 years older than a normal population of people bc cruise passengers skew much older.

This is the best evidence on the planet for a true mortality rate ceiling. Meaning the true mortality rate is no higher than .85, and almost certainly much lower in a normal aged group of people.

Until an entire town or village is tested, regardless of symptoms, or just a very large random population sample is tested, the Diamond Princess will remain the scientific gold (Bitcoin Smiley ) standard for a true mortality estimate.

Hopefully the money printers dont read WO and figure these secrets out or they will stop panicking and turn off the money printers.  
Again, a country is different from a ship. Besides nobody is talking about the "critical" category yet. What is their death rate? Things have yet to play out long enough to get a clear picture.

We know the rate of death for the 700 infected was .85 percent,
No. You are doing it wrong. It's about 3%, even in the artificial conditions of a ship where people can be controlled and are getting the best care their deep wallets can buy.

Again, SK is likely the best actual country to look at at the moment. Their death rate is over 28% at the moment.

And this is just the beginning stages, before the system gets completely overwhelmed. It's almost certain to get much worse.

Your death rate calculations are useless bc you dont know about the vast numbers of uncounted infected. You wont know this till they take a very large random sample of the population and test it, or test an entire village or town.

Whats the point of your incomplete stats. They tell us practically nothing except how likely you are to die if you get really sick and go to the hospital.

The Diamond Princess had 6 deaths out of 700. Highly unlikely anyone else dies out of that 700 bc the time of infection has been too long. .85 percent mortality is the ceiling based on best available evidence. The stats from countries who just test a few sick people are inferior and borderline useless for finding a true mortality rate or "death rate".

Its a cool way to spin it and try an trick low iq people into thinking this is super deadly though, so I guess its not totally useless. Wink

The more people get tricked, the more hysteria and money printing we get so I encourage you to continue. I doubt many here will be fooled though.

1560. Post 53968185 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

We will be getting another sample soon for true mortality rate. I expect every single person on this ship will be tested in short order. Hint: most will survive. In fact, probably about 99.15 percent will make it, just like on the Diamond Princess, even though they are on average about two decades older than the general population.

1561. Post 53968231 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 05, 2020, 08:53:56 AM
It's infuriating that all the worlds supposed experts are calculating the death rate wrong.

Recovered compared to infected. A 56% recovery rate. So a 44% mortality rate. And that is just as valid as what they are doing.

The correct calculation remains deaths/(deaths+cured). This is important.

Most of the people who got cured were never tested or diagnosed, so there is little value to worldometers stats. Everybody notices a death.

Nobodies notices or will ever know about the likely 100s of thousands of people who caught it, never had a symptom or just thought they had a cold, and were cured without any medical help. The immune system is the greatest doctor anyone has.
Or the people who die at home and are not counted, in china especially, or the people who are counted as dying from a hundred other issues, or, or and so on.

As long as the official stats are what everyone is quoting, then we should at least calculate those numbers correctly.

We have enough samples outside of China where we can be more certain the dead are counted properly. We only have one sample in the entire globe where an entire population was tested and we know what their mortality rate is. Thats the Diamond Princess. We know the rate of death for the 700 infected was .85 percent, and we know that this population was about 20 years older than a normal population of people bc cruise passengers skew much older.

This is the best evidence on the planet for a true mortality rate ceiling. Meaning the true mortality rate is no higher than .85, and almost certainly much lower in a normal aged group of people.

Until an entire town or village is tested, regardless of symptoms, or just a very large random population sample is tested, the Diamond Princess will remain the scientific gold (Bitcoin Smiley ) standard for a true mortality estimate.

Hopefully the money printers dont read WO and figure these secrets out or they will stop panicking and turn off the money printers.  
Again, a country is different from a ship. Besides nobody is talking about the "critical" category yet. What is their death rate? Things have yet to play out long enough to get a clear picture.

We know the rate of death for the 700 infected was .85 percent,
No. You are doing it wrong. It's about 3%, even in the artificial conditions of a ship where people can be controlled and are getting the best care their deep wallets can buy.

Again, SK is likely the best actual country to look at at the moment. Their death rate is over 28% at the moment.

And this is just the beginning stages, before the system gets completely overwhelmed. It's almost certain to get much worse.

Your death rate calculations are useless bc you dont know about the vast numbers of uncounted infected. You wont know this till they take a very large random sample of the population and test it, or test an entire village or town.

Whats the point of your incomplete stats. They tell us practically nothing except how likely you are to die if you get really sick and go to the hospital.

The Diamond Princess had 6 deaths out of 700. Highly unlikely anyone else dies out of that 700 bc the time of infection has been too long. .85 percent mortality is the ceiling based on best available evidence. The stats from countries who just test a few sick people are inferior and borderline useless for finding a true mortality rate or "death rate".

Its a cool way to spin it and try an trick low iq people into thinking this is super deadly though, so I guess its not totally useless. Wink

The more people get tricked, the more hysteria and money printing we get so I encourage you to continue. I doubt many here will be fooled though.

You, yourself, are using official numbers. Don't just shift the goalpost according to your own whims. And you are still calculating it wrong. This is a waste of time.

Of course Im using official numbers that arent from a lying communist regime. The point was never about who had official numbers or not.  

The difference is Im using the only sample so far where an entire large population group was tested, regardless of symptoms.

Your core stats are most likely accurate.

Its your extrapolations that are futile because none of the nations tested entire populations regardless of symptoms. Rather they just tested mostly sick people or people known to be in direct contact with sick people.

This is guaranteed to miss tons of infected people with mild or no symptoms, making mortality rates based of these core stats utterly and completely useless no matter how hard anyone tries.

Luckily we have one sample group from the Diamond Princess that was different, bc every single person except 14 who got off early, were tested and we found that out of the 700 infected, only 6 died. Their is a small chance one more could pass away, but its highly unlikely at this point with the amount of time that has passed.

.85 percent mortality rate for a group of people 20 years older than average citizen is the best number we have so far. True mortality rate is probably half that at most for a normal age sample.

1562. Post 53968265 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Bernie Bros completely rekt.

Now we dont have to worry about a Bitcoin hostile communist idealogue in the White House for 4 years. Bullish as hell, even the stock market loved it.

1563. Post 53968334 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

We did it! Cheesy

1564. Post 53968347 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Sup bears.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1565. Post 53968414 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on March 05, 2020, 09:34:13 AM
Can we all take a moment to celebrate the triumph of Donald Trump shutting down the Predict program in October 2019.  

The Predict program was a “government research program, which sought to identify animal viruses that might infect humans and to head off new pandemics.”  

Surely this is one of Trump’s most glorious acts.

Didnt a government funded lab in China cause this problem in the first place. The pressure China feels to research and create bioweapons comes from them wanting to keep up with the West who spends large amounts doing the same.

"trained about 5,000 people in 30 African and Asian countries, and has built or strengthened 60 medical research laboratories, mostly in poor countries."

I realize this program sounds fairly harmless on the surface, but at the end of the day it still funded 60 labs researching viruses mostly in countries other than our own. Who is to say what these poorer countries and their corrupt leaders will do with the labs. Could come in handy if they go rogue and want to make a bioweapon to hurt their own people or enemies. Im glad its gone tbh.

Giving poor countries money that can be used for weapons research rarely ends well. To me this whole thing smells like an excuse to hand over money to corrupt foreign regimes in exchange for increased U.S. influence in doing the kind of shit we love best, causing tons of trouble in all poor countries who dont kiss our ass at all times.

1566. Post 53968551 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on March 05, 2020, 09:52:50 AM

Slayer will you look at this - I shared it weeks ago but you musta missed it making memes about boyz  Roll Eyes

Every strain is different. You can't extrapolate eg death rates from one outbreak to another without using that site or similar's details on the strains. Maybe your ship of crones' strain was better or worse than average at killing.

You musta missed this meme with the girlz.  Grin via Imgflip Meme Generator

Viruses tend to get less lethal overtime as they mutate bc its hard to spread your ilk around when you kill the host too often and too quickly. So if you get a new strain its probably less deadly than the Diamond Princess early strain with its low mortality rate.

The whole point is, the Diamond Princess sample group is the only group that makes any sense to attempt to extrapolate a mortality rate since everyone was tested regardless of symptoms. Until something better comes along this is the Bitcoin Standard for mortality rates, and its low af, and the people were about 2 decades older than a general population, so we have rock solid evidence that the mortality rate is most likely a lot lower than .85 percent. My guess is as low as .2 to .4 percent.

Mutations will more likely bring this down than bring it up imo bc lower lethality is a survival advantage for a virus.

TLDR: Buy Bitcoin, COVBULL-19 is not nearly as lethal as advertised but money printers are going nutz anywayz.


1567. Post 53968564 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

This new green dildo on the daily chart has us firmly in a nice uptrend now. Shouldnt take long to knock on 10ks door.

1568. Post 53968670 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 05, 2020, 10:21:03 AM
This new green dildo on the daily chart has us firmly in a nice uptrend now. Shouldnt take long to knock on 10ks door.

@LS, now in Las Vegas? Many tourist gamblers staying away??

The casinos are pretty normal. Maybe a bit slower than usual, but not much. They probably are doing bad as far as profit since they lost the Chinese VIP's, but those peeps are prolific wealthy gamblers. Asian culture is huge on gambling, and the ones that make the trip skew highly to the wealthy side, so Id guess losing an average Chinese customer is like losing 10 customers from California where Vegas gets most of its business.

Conferences are being canceled here and there, but that wont take effect till down the road. People plan their trips to Vegas pretty far in advance so thats probably why it hasnt changed much. Also since California is about 40 percent of Vegas business, I would guess that Vegas is deemed safer than Cali, so those people feel like they are getting away from Coronavirus threats when they go to LV.  

Gamblers are inherent risk takers. Who knows the Virus hysteria might make it more exciting for some.

Some of the gamblers who stay home will be jonesing for some action and will likely take a chance on King Bitcoin to get their fix.  Smiley

1569. Post 53968686 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: nutildah on March 05, 2020, 10:23:25 AM
Bernie Bros completely rekt.

Now we dont have to worry about a Bitcoin hostile communist idealogue in the White House for 4 years. Bullish as hell, even the stock market loved it.

Bernie isn't bitcoin-hostile. He's fed-hostile.

Joe is fed-happy, but if he wins the nomination, this is likely the man who will be in the white house for 4 more years:

IMO, a vote for Joe is a vote for this.

Good points about Trump. But I think communism is inherently hostile to Bitcoin and Bernie will love the Fed once he can control it just like Trump went from bashing money printing to become the King of money printers. Also its really the communist idealogues that Bernie will appoint that I worry about. He will but ultra left communist at heart leaning types in charge of the Fed, the Treasury etc, and they will likely imo be ultra Bitcoin hostile as they dont like capitalism or private capital, and Bitcoin is the ultimate form of private capital.

Luckily imo I dont have to worry about this bc Bernie looks to be toast and will no doubt endorse the establishment candidate just like he did with Hillary.

1570. Post 53968727 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on March 05, 2020, 10:34:29 AM
   COVID-19 was introduced into Italy at least twice with subsequent community spread (go to this).
    This includes a cluster of sequences from 6 different countries where cases appear to have been exported from Italy (go to this).
    Genetic sequence data supports the hypothesis of undetected, sustained spread of COVID-19 in the greater Seattle area since mid-January (go to this).
    All the sequenced cases included in this analysis likely share a common ancestor sometime between mid-November and mid-December 2019. (go to this).
the latest 'narrative'. maybe slayer can do some homework and find an earlier narrative about the ship of olds if he's not too busy making bland lesbememes
am off to walk the dogs and pray for Missy

Maybe when your done walking your dogs you can do enough homework to actually be able to rebutt the assertions in my reply to you with some good arguments, and rethink your taste in memes involving nice girls licking each other  Wink

1571. Post 53968943 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on March 05, 2020, 10:55:10 AM
not saying you are wrong much, just here and there (medical care is free in China lol), no need for long inquisitions. just your narrative would be more convincing if you didn't let these glaring errors interfere.

"China does have free public healthcare which is under the country’s social insurance plan. The healthcare system provides basic coverage for the majority of the native population and, in most cases, expats as well. However, it will depend on the region you reside in. As some areas don’t require their foreign residents to support the local healthcare system by paying the appropriate taxes, those residents will not be covered by public healthcare."  

Tell me more.  Smiley

The quote of mine you are nitpicking kindly attempting to correct me about is this one

"Its easy to see why the commies in China got overrun, they have free healthcare for all which means a shitty healthcare system."

The communist regimes social insurance plan doesn't cover everything, it looks to be about 50-70 percent of patients costs, but it does cover almost everyone. So most everyone does get free healthcare, but its not all free.

I prefer using generalizations instead of making everything a dissertation bc I dont have time for that, and nobody wants to read giant text walls of details, they are smart enough to get the point.

Anywayz, you didn't rebutt my assertions with arguments, rather you went fact checker on me, but the one you mentioned was actually not an error at all.

1572. Post 53969031 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on March 05, 2020, 11:24:35 AM
Residents of urban areas are not provided with free healthcare, and must either pay for treatment or purchase health insurance.

"China does have free public healthcare which is under the country’s social insurance plan. The healthcare system provides basic coverage for the majority of the native population and, in most cases, expats as well. However, it will depend on the region you reside in. As some areas don’t require their foreign residents to support the local healthcare system by paying the appropriate taxes, those residents will not be covered by public healthcare."  

These sources appear to be in conflict as slightly more people live in urban areas than not. One of them seems incorrect and Im not flying to Wuhan to find out.  Cheesy

Either way, I would still say that even if Wikipedia is the correct source, that free healthcare is available to all, bc everyone in an urban area is free to move out to the suburbs or country to get free healthcare.  Cheesy

1573. Post 53969461 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on March 05, 2020, 11:53:50 AM
Residents of urban areas are not provided with free healthcare, and must either pay for treatment or purchase health insurance.

"China does have free public healthcare which is under the country’s social insurance plan. The healthcare system provides basic coverage for the majority of the native population and, in most cases, expats as well. However, it will depend on the region you reside in. As some areas don’t require their foreign residents to support the local healthcare system by paying the appropriate taxes, those residents will not be covered by public healthcare."  

These sources appear to be in conflict as slightly more people live in urban areas than not. One of them seems incorrect and Im not flying to Wuhan to find out.  Cheesy

Either way, I would still say that even if Wikipedia is the correct source, that free healthcare is available to all, bc everyone in an urban area is free to move out to the suburbs or country to get free healthcare.  Cheesy

Except you aren’t, because you cant change suburbs in China without a government permit, called a Hukou.

Good find. I stand corrected. Although Im sure people can and do get permits and move, it never occurred to me they couldn't live where they wanted if they could afford it.

Seems I overestimated what an an authoritarian shithole it really is. LOL, nice goin commies!  Roll Eyes Shit like this is why Bernie got rekt by an old man who barely knows where he is when he is tired. Capitalism beats central planning based systems like communism.

Well Ill let V8s go on a fact finding mission and investigate who is correct, wikipedia or

Perhaps I got bad info from what looked to be a decent source.

Doesn't change the crux of my Diamond Princess argument in the slightest.

Nitpicking imo is merely a time wasting strategy to fill the void where good arguments are lacking. This statement is not directed at you HM. You presented an interesting fact that I'm happy to learn.

1574. Post 53970245 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

MARCH 4, 2020
expert reaction to WHO Director-General’s comments that 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died globally

Prof Mark Woolhouse, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh, said:

"The WHO is using the official figure for confirmed cases as the denominator, and this gives the estimate of 3.4%.  But if a significant number of mild cases have been missed or not reported then this estimate is too high.  Though there is disagreement about this, some studies have suggested that it is approximately 10 times too high.  Shocked This would bring the death rate in line with some strains of influenza  Cool. "

Prof Christl Donnelly, University of Oxford, and WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Modelling, Imperial College London, said:

"Our analyses have included estimates of the case fatality ratio, but also the infection fatality ratio. The infection fatality ratio is the proportion of infections (including those with no symptoms or mild symptoms) that die of the disease.  Our estimate for this is 1%. This is lower than the observed 3.4% figure because asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases are included in the denominator.”

If you wanted some guys with fancy degrees who wear white coats to tell you what I pretty much already told you, well there it is. COVBULL-19 is not nearly as deadly as all the hype and hysteria of money printers would lead you to believe.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Stay Bullish Boyz, everything is gonna be alright. Smiley

67 days till the Halvening and all is well.

1575. Post 53970480 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on March 05, 2020, 03:29:54 PM
I hope we cross $ 10k, or else it’s completely boring, I want to meet halving in a good mood Roll Eyes

I think we’ll be in the $10,000 - $12,500 range as we get to the halving. We’ll probably see a dump post halving which is what tends to happen before another pump.

Disclaimer: I have no fucking clue what I’m talking about most of the time. This is not investment advice. Do your own research.

Im thinkin like 14k. But 12.5 works too.

1576. Post 53970599 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: jojo69 on March 05, 2020, 03:44:10 PM
So at first i rejoiced, it seemed that lambie had defeated JJG and all was well.

But it seems increasingly that our heroic lambie sacrificed himself in the effort, perhaps he was a little careless with the PPE, or maybe in the heat of battle it was inevitable, but sadly our lambie appears to have been infected with the wordy virus.

A sad day.

LOL, I was actually thinking this myself. Like where did JJG go? Is he alive, is his ghost haunting my keyboard?

This silly virus doom and gloom when things are bullish af has brought it out in me.

I think Ive made my points clearly and dont have to much more to prove on the whole COVBULL-19 thing so it shouldn't be that wordy going forward.  Smiley

1577. Post 53973339 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on March 05, 2020, 10:34:13 PM
Children are barely affected by this. Most have little to no symptoms and not a single death for the 9 and under group. Thats why canceling schools is just panic and hysteria.

Unh, ... yeah, ... I dunno.

In my experience, schoolchildren typically live in close contact with parents and other older peeps. Like, you know, for the 18 hours a day that they are not at the communicable contamination centers.

"Sacrifice your grandparents for education"?
"Ruin the health care system by sending your kids to school, so you can continue to work"?

The extremely elderly should stay away from everyone for their own safety till this blows over. Pretty much what a lot of very old people do anyway.

We should cancel mandatory government schooling permanently but not bc they will die of the plague but bc goverments suck at everything including schooling kids in a prison type environment that makes them want to shoot the place up.  Roll Eyes

1578. Post 53974724 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

I know some of you are thinking it, but Ill go ahead and be the one to say it. King Bitcoin was displeased with Jamie Dimon's insolence and karma got him.

The King was kind and merciful and let him live bc his daughter is a hodler.

If you mess with the King, bad things happen to you. If you hodl, you will live forever in eternal glory.

1579. Post 53975070 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

66 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

Halvening mega pump soon.

1580. Post 53975115 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Pump time is here. Just broke the weekly, monthly, and daily high.  Cool

1581. Post 53980002 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Hodl and don't fall for the COVBULL-19 Flu Hype Roll Eyes Its only dangerous for money printers like Jamie Dimon.

65 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cheesy

1582. Post 53980218 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2020, 02:22:47 AM
[edited out]

....Don't just shift the goalpost according to your own whims. And you are still calculating it wrong. This is a waste of time.

Shifting the goal posts and making shit up remains one of lambie bambie's specialities. Slayer embarrassed and exposed me so badly I went into hiding and was too scared to touch my keyboard for many days. I even got therapy and my counselor told me to just stop being a cunt and Slayer would have mercy, but I cant help myself.

Keep working at it GayJG, I really think you have made some progress.  Cheesy

1583. Post 53980230 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

We call it filthy fiat for a reason.  Wink

1584. Post 53980240 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

"The coronavirus panic is dumb"

Money printers panic, not Elon.  Smiley

1585. Post 53981429 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2020, 03:23:19 AM
So at first i rejoiced, it seemed that lambie had defeated JJG and all was well.

But it seems increasingly that our heroic lambie sacrificed himself in the effort, perhaps he was a little careless with the PPE, or maybe in the heat of battle it was inevitable, but sadly our lambie appears to have been infected with the wordy virus.

A sad day.

He's like my lil side-kick.... that's what Roach said about Ibian.   Cheesy Cheesy  Cheesy Cheesy
He humiliated me and defeated me so badly I ran away for a week an almost never came back. The urge to type is too strong though.

EDIT: Welcome back, JJG  Grin Dont be such a cunt this time around. Follow your therapists advice please.

Thanks OOM..... Only like 11 pages, now, and then caught up....  Wink

^^ Ye ye #NoHomo..  Cool
Heads up Lambie missed you  Tongue Heads up Slayer thought it was funny how you ran off after getting rekt.  Smiley


In going through the pages, several times, I had already seen that Lambie bambie had referenced me and even subconsciously, he could not control his lil dedos.
Slayer wasnt sure if I was gone bc of my blood pressure or just to get some counseling. He didnt actually care, just a bit curious which one. It was counseling this time. Im working on being a better person, but its a long journey and Slayer will hopefully help mentor me through it.  

Dont worry GayJG. You're gonna be just fine.  Wink

1586. Post 53981562 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 07, 2020, 06:56:41 AM
[ edited out]

Keep working at it GayJG, I really think you have made some progress.  Cheesy

One of the problemas with weak-minded emotional peeps is that they tend to frequently prematurely conclude that correlation is the same as causation.. would suck to be that kind of peep.  right, lambie bambie? Yes, Slayer is right, he is the only one to ever shut me up for a week and he did by just pointing out the obvious. If I didnt leave for a week and seek help my blood pressure would have gone through the roof and I couldnt risk that with a nasty flu going around.

Dont worry GayJG, Covbull-19 is mostly hype. Just stay healthy and keep that immune system strong. Watch out for the really big text walls and arguing with anyone who speculates on a speculation thread an you'll be fine.  

Good to have you back now that you have learned your lesson. Im always here to help. Wink

1587. Post 53981639 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Arriemoller on March 07, 2020, 03:19:25 AM
I found something very disturbing, we might all be fucked anyway.
It seems that 45 percent of people infected gets pulmonary fibrosis, average life expectancy of someone with pulmonary fibrosis is three to five years.

Gaohong Sheng et al. [22] have shown that viral infection could increase the risk of pulmonary fibrosis. Xie et al. [23] found that 45% of patients showed signs of pulmonary fibrosis within one month after being infected with SARS-CoV. Hui et al. [24] revealed that 36% and 30% of patients infected with SARS-CoV developed pulmonary fibrosis 3 and 6 months after infection. These studies consistently suggest that pulmonary fibrosis will become one of the serious complications in patients with 2019-nCoV infection. How to prevent and reduce the occurrence of pulmonary fibrosis in patients with 2019-nCoV infection are urgent problems for medical workers in the treatment of 2019-nCoV.

What is Pulmonary fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is a lung disease that occurs when lung tissue becomes damaged and scarred. This thickened, stiff tissue makes it more difficult for your lungs to work properly. As pulmonary fibrosis worsens, you become progressively more short of breath.

What is the life expectancy of a person with pulmonary fibrosis?

There is currently no cure for pulmonary fibrosis but treatments and therapies are improving all the time. The average life expectancy of someone with pulmonary fibrosis is three to five years but if it’s caught early, treatment can help slow down the progression of the disease.

They are saying that 45 percent of people infected w SARS(not Covid-19) show signs of pulmonary fibrosis after one month, only 30-36 percent actually developed after it 6 months.

They are just speculating it might be some type of complication with some COVBULL-19 flu patients, but they have zero confirmation of this conjecture whatsoever afaik. Just a nice way to create some buzz and  get some fat research grants.

We will all still live forever and ever in the glory of King Bitcoin.

1588. Post 53981753 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: fillippone on March 07, 2020, 11:45:39 AM
Dont worry GayJG, Covbull-19 is mostly hype. Just stay healthy and keep that immune system strong. Watch out for the really big text walls and arguing with anyone who speculates on a speculation thread an you'll be fine.  

Good to have you back now that you have learned your lesson. Im always here to help. Wink

I was discussing this exact point via PM with @tranthidung.

Take Italy for example:
These are the official data:
(Google Translate translation,sorry)

The situation in Italy: March 6, 2020, 6.00 p.m.

Press conference of the Head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli at 6 pm on 6 March:

4636 people who contracted the virus, currently positive 3916, 197 died and 523 recovered.
Among the 3916 positives:

1060 are found in home isolation
2394 hospitalized with symptoms
462 in intensive care

SOURCE: Italian Health Minister

I am not scared by mortality rate.
I am, as my relevant persons are, well below the age where mortality rate rises significantly.

I am worried by two things:

This is why I am, at least a bit, scared.

Italy is no different than all the other countries in that they are not testing everyone they know who was in  contact with the virus.

You will never get legit info about mortality rates or critical condition rates as long as they do this, and just like they are incentivized  to tax and spend into deep debt, print money, etc, they are incentivized to keep reported cases down by not testing too much.

Everyone mocked China for this, but every other gov following the same playbook, just not as extreme.

We are all Chinese now.

The big way this is backfiring on Govs like the US for instance is that by keeping the number of cases low in hopes of avoiding fear, they are making the fear worse bc it seems the mortality rates and odds of going to ICU are much higher than they really are.

Truth is tons and tons of people are walking around with COVBULL-19 in most countries and dont know it. During peak flu season ICU's routinely get overloaded. If you get in a car wreck and need ICU but a bunch of 80 year olds are already in them bc of flu season or Covbull-19, yes that would suck. But.... getting in a car wreck that bad is gonna suck even if they have 100 ICU beds waiting for you.

Drive safe!

These high mortality rates are as fake as the gov reported inflation rates. The critical condition rates are just as inflated. Poor diet is a bigger threat than this hyped China Flu will ever be. This whole thing had my attention with all the Wuhan shit that was going on early, but once we started getting some real data I ceased to worry about this, and hopefully you will do the same soon enough.

If Im wrong and we are all gonna go extinct bc we like to order junk products from Chinese factories, well fuck it, humanity was a cool experiment and Im sure we will have a nice place in the fossil record.  Cheesy

1589. Post 53981926 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: fillippone on March 07, 2020, 12:32:16 PM

Italy is no different than all the other countries in that they are not testing everyone they know who was in  contact with the virus.

There is only one difference: in Italy there is an high percentage of elderly people:  Italian has the second life expectancy in the world.
So we are vulnerable to elderly-affecting disease.
Regarding car crashes is not sitting with an elderly in the hospital that bothers me: it that there is the concrete possibility that every ICU is already taken by them leaving none for me!

via Imgflip Meme Generator

How fast are you driving buddy! Slow it down. Grin

Thats a real issue you point out. A massive gov campaign to get everyone to buckle up and maybe double speeding fines would probably fix that. A lot wiser move than the global hysteria and fear porn we are seeing right now.

1590. Post 53985809 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Vegeta can never be defeated for long. Hodl.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1591. Post 53985954 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1592. Post 53986042 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: Raja_MBZ on March 07, 2020, 11:00:08 PM
I'm not a specialist in discussing US politics, but someone from the US please correct me if I'm getting it wrong:

Will the spreading of the coronavirus in the US benefit Sanders against Biden? Sanders is (arguably) the politician from whom I've heard about healthcare improvement the most; IMO, the failure of the healthcare system in the USA at this point will give the old man some extra advantage in his campaign.

Bernie is already toast. He got rejected in major primaries on Super Tuesday and has little more chance to win in the betting markets than Hillary Clinton, which is to say he is a big long shot now and his front runner status was destroyed.

Most legal American occupants understand that capitalism made America rich and rich countries do better in emergency situations than poor ones.

When the going could hypothetically get tough bc of some unkown like Covbull-19 people arent looking to switch to an economic system that makes you poorer in aggregate just to make a few deadbeats happy that they will get free shit off the backs of working people.

Id say CovBull-19 helped Biden do so well on Super Tuesday, people started giving more thought to the implications of converting to a Cuba or Venezuela type of economy and how we would fare in bad situations with a guy bent on stifling innovation and prosperity.

Bernie doesnt like private property or capital. Bitcoin is the ultimate form of private property. Bernie and his communist idealogues in the White House would have been very hostile to Bitcoin for 4 years.

Covbull-19 was very fatal to Bernie's chances and it put money printers into maximum overdrive on their printing presses. Its as bullish as a flu bug can be.  Grin

1593. Post 53986480 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: nutildah on March 08, 2020, 07:02:33 AM
Bernie doesnt like private property or capital. Bitcoin is the ultimate form of private property. Bernie and his communist idealogues in the White House would have been very hostile to Bitcoin for 4 years.

Covbull-19 was very fatal to Bernie's chances and it put money printers into maximum overdrive on their printing presses. Its as bullish as a flu bug can be.  Grin

Bernie is by far the best candidate for bitcoin. Even though he is documented as being anti-fed, a higher debt would lead to more money printing, which means a weakening of the dollar and a strengthening of bitcoin. Not to mention he also wants to deliver free high-speed internet across the country which would allow more people to use bitcoin than are currently able.

As an establishment hack, Biden will protect the dollar and poo-poo bitcoin in a similar fashion as Trump.

You have to decide what you value more: a non-socialist president or a pro-bitcoin political/economic environment.

Bernie would have put far left types in powerful positions.

It matters less what Bernie thinks about Bitcoin and the Fed, vs what kind of people Bernie would appoint to hundreds of powerful positions. These would be people who leaned very far left, and once you go far enough left you start wanting to abolish private property and put the gov in control of everything, especially money.

Bitcoin won big when Bernie got trashed. Yes its speculation, but I have no reason to believe Bernie wouldnt put communist/far left idealogues in power at places like the Treasury, the Fed, the Supreme Court, the FBI, the SEC, the Justice Department, etc, and these people would be very hostile to private money like Bitcoin.

Do you think its a coincidence that 2 out of 4 of the communist party ran govs are hostile to Bitcoin to the point of banning exchanges, banning it for use of payments, and not letting their Banks touch it?

Bernie could ban Bitcoin in a heartbeat with an executive order. Trump might talk bad about it but he would never be foolish enough to piss off that many voters. Bernie is such a rigid idealogue I doubt he would give two shits about what people thought.

Biden is a centrist and for Bitcoin in America thats pretty damn good bc centrists will tolerate it.

Covbull-19 saved our asses by taking down Bernie. Grin

1594. Post 53986488 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Is Venezuela rich now bc they have toilet paper money?  Cheesy

1595. Post 53986624 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Quote from: bitserve on March 08, 2020, 08:46:12 AM
No, really, I am serious now... Why do people think toilet paper will be their biggest concern in case of a shortage of supplies?

Maybe it's the cheapest way to completely fill a supermarket cart so that they fool themselves that they are doing good?


Think you nailed it.  Smiley

1596. Post 53986657 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

Tell me these ladies arent bullish.

1597. Post 53986720 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.17h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

COVBULL-19 refrigerator magnet.

64 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Grin

1598. Post 53987876 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1599. Post 53988777 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Bitcoin isnt going to fail bc a few people are hoarding toilet paper.

We are in this to change the world, not ride the coat tails of the stock market. If a lot of money leaves the stock market, it has to go somewhere and it only takes a little to pump King Bitcoin.

Bitcoin supply is cutting in half, not oil, not stocks, not gold, not the housing market, not toilet paper, not ICU beds, just Bitcoin.

63 days till the halvening and all is well.  Cool

1600. Post 53989064 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Febo on March 08, 2020, 04:04:36 PM
Bernie could ban Bitcoin in a heartbeat with an executive order.

Governments ban Bitcoin. Allover the world. Specially more autocratic. But then that country main court in case of USA constitutional will over rule that ban. Such things will keep happen. I do not believe Sanders government will be considered as autocratic government.

Any candidate for USA president will be good for Bitcoin. They will all increase public debt. If Tump managed to do that in such economic growth I dont see a hero to do opposite.

Its silly to think a White House full of extreme leftists (communist idealogues) wouldnt be hostile to Bitcoin. Do you think its a coincidence that two out of the four communist countries on Earth have banned Bitcoin in many ways.

Extreme leftists don't like private property, they want the goverment to run everything. They dont want people using money free of censorship that cant be debased. Of course they hate Bitcoin. Bernie would put an army of these people in power.

Bernie is toast, so its a moot point. America isnt trying to go back in time and become the Soviet Union, thats why he was rejected. King Bitcoin wins again.  Smiley

1601. Post 53992165 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Money printing on the way.  Cool!/morgan-stanley-expects-fomc-to-cut-75bps50-on-march-18-25-in-april-20200309

"Projections for the Fed:

50 bps rate cut in March
25bps in April
MS add that if recession:

Fed to cut to zero
& restart QE"

1602. Post 53992188 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

No need to act like panicking stock boyz who cry like babies at a 5 percent drop, Bitcoiners were built for big swings. Its all just noise on the way to 100k.

1603. Post 53992229 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

"Following the discharge of most patients, 11 of the 14 makeshift hospitals in Wuhan that were built for treatment of the new coronavirus have closed"

COVBULL-19 is fizzling out in China. Spring is here in a few days, and this little flu bug is running out of nursing home patients to take out. There are only so many 90 year olds with diabetes, high blood pressure, an respiratory problems, for this thing to take out.

Everyone will look back in a few years and marvel out how nocoiners freaked out about toilet paper.

1604. Post 53992241 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

This is the time Bitcoiners were meant to shine. This is where we show we have the strongest hands of all, formed by massive swings over and over through the years.

The other market participants are about to see how resilient we really are in contrast to their panic driven behavior. And when they do they will come in droves to worship King Bitcoin and follow his loyal disciples.

1605. Post 53992349 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Who panic sold the bottom?

We are in the Bargain Buy Zone for 2020, it wont be around for long.

1606. Post 53992401 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

These misleading mortality fake news stats have caused school girl hysteria for the feint of heart.

Case fatality(percent of cases confirmed by tests that die) is a silly stat when you arent testing most people. Infection fatality(what percent of all infections lead to death) is the true mortality rate.

Little school girls and old women have been alarmed bc they couldnt process the difference between case fatality rate in an environment where govs purposely dont test everyone, and infection fatality rate which as shown by the Diamond Princess is low even for people 20 years older than the average person.

The true percent of all people who get infected that die is much less than 1 percent. Probably just double or triple a bad flu season.

King Bitcoin isnt for the weak, the foolish, the soft, or the naive. Shorters who dont cover at this peak of silly panic will be rekt.

1607. Post 53993789 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 09, 2020, 06:42:55 AM
Infection fatality(what percent of all infections lead to death) is the true mortality rate.
That's 12-50%. You are arguing against your own interests now.

Wrong. Only one sample exists where every member of a population was tested, regardless of symptoms and the death rate was less than 1 percent.

Case fatality is a different stat, it only measures documented cases. That means people that were tested bc they had symptoms or known exposure and tested positive. Govs have purposely tested as little as possible to keep the case number low. The actual population of infection is much larger so we dont know the infection fatality rate of any sample population except the Diamond Princess.

"But current data allows scientists to measure only a crude statistic called the case fatality rate, which is based on reported cases of an illness. Eventually, they hope to have a more comprehensive number called the infection fatality rate, which includes everyone who is infected with the virus."

"Over the long term, epidemiologists often do a kind of blood testing of large numbers of people in a given community. By testing their immune systems, they can measure how many people have been exposed to a disease. That type of research is often the gold standard for getting a real infection rate and a better fatality rate, called the infection fatality rate"

Your constant fear peddling only works bc people are confused about the difference between two epidemiological terms, case fatality rate, and infection fatality rate. The former is crude and useful for fear mongering, the latter demonstrates this is mostly hype.

Whether you yourself can grasp the difference is of no concern to me. The newbs reading this will know the difference now and not be misled.

TLDR: Ibian is likely smart enough to know the difference between case fatality rate, a crude number that skews insanely high when govs refuse to test,  and infection fatality rate which really tells you how many people who get the disease die. Its just a game pretending not to get it at this point to attempt to get newbs to sell so his shorts make profit.  

1608. Post 53993809 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: somac. on March 09, 2020, 06:45:54 AM
No need to act like panicking stock boyz who cry like babies at a 5 percent drop, Bitcoiners were built for big swings. Its all just noise on the way to 100k.

Yes we are definitely going to 100k and this current global rout will probably even increase the speed that we get there. Money printing on the way.

Maybe global pandemic and a lot of the hoopla and hype about that can allow for the economy to correct, to some extent without having to engage in money printing?  If the global economy goes through a major correction, then it is merely blamed on a pandemic, and at the same time, there is an ability to reign in bullshit irresponsibilities in regards to various fiats, no?  Why does global pandemic automatically result in more currency printing when allowing a crash can actually accomplish similar kinds of corrective mechanisms that are actually needed in terms of allowing bubbles to play themselves out in free market kinds of ways, no?

I am not saying that bitcoin still would not do well in this situation, but I doubt that such a situation of a major correction in the fiat market (which seems to be far over due) automatically results in more printing, especially if there are many BIG players that realize that the overexuberance in money printing is way out of hand, anyhow.

It is not like everyone in the regular fiat world is stupid in terms of engaging in various strategies to attempt to continue to prop matters up and to allow some corrections to play themselves out, especially if such corrections are merely born by poor people, even though the status quo power players might get stuck in policies that are hard to get out of on a quite frequent basis.

For central banks, a correction is fine so long as credit (debt) is still being created by the private banks. If credit shrinks instead and hence the money supply with it, then we have deflation and that can not be tolerated for long. Deflation will destroy the modern monetary system and, governments and the institutions with it. Therefore, the CBs have to do what ever it takes to prevent this, and if they see credit creation decrease and even look like it is going negative they will print big time (and direct that printing where ever necessary) to try and get credit/debt going again.

To understand why a decrease in credit creation is so deadly is to understand how money is created. Hint, the CBs don't create most of the money (only the cash component) they instead generally create cash reserves. It is the private banks who expand our money supply (97% of supply is private bank money. Also peasants are only allowed to use CB money in form of cash not electronic). In short if private bank money is not being created (through new debt) nobody will be able to pay the interest component because there is not enough money in the system to do so.

So, this pandemic is a deflationary event, either through illness or panic, doesn't matter which. Therefore the CBs need to start printing those reserves up pronto to counter any deflation (contraction in private credit).

We can agree to disagree.  I just don't see the obvious link that continued outrageous levels of money printing is an automatic result of this, and I do see an economic slowdown as a possibility to reign matters in a bit.  

Sure, I am not saying that the powers that be, CB et al are NOT going to completely stop acting irresponsibly and even giving money away to the rich, but seems to me that global events (such as a pandemic crisis) can also create corrective opportunities that are more responsible than what the CBs et al would otherwise attempt to cause regular peeps and even the chinese to bear costs of the various earlier irresponsible of the money printers.

Fair enough. All I'm saying is that I think the reason you can't see is because you probably don't know what money we actually use and how it is actually created.

The money printing already accelerated. Just off the top of my head, the U.S. had an emergency rate cut of .5 percent. China went nuts with rate cuts, stimulus and currency devaluation. Much more is most likely to come per Fed Funds rate futures projections and statements from various central banks themselves.

1609. Post 53994018 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Trump dropped a big cryptic hint about an unstoppable surprise coming. This was tweeted right after the dow futures opened and tanked.

Most likely he is on the phone with the Plunge Protection Team and the Fed and there is some massive money printing on the way.

Anyone who thinks Trump isnt going to attack these market sell offs with everything at his disposal is underestimating his ego and desire to be elected again.

62 days to the Halvening and all fundamentals are well and bullish.  Cool

1610. Post 53994076 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Paashaas on March 09, 2020, 11:36:28 AM
Get paid to have coronavirus: Scientists will pay volunteers £3,500 to be infected in experiments to develop a vaccine.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1611. Post 53995921 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

For the bounce to come.

1612. Post 53995937 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Bitcoin still up about 8 percent since Coronavirus became a global news story on Dec. 31. Gold up a tiny bit more since then, and of course stocks down a lot since then.

Safe haven narrative isn't going anywhere.

1613. Post 53996023 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Jeremy Franklin on March 09, 2020, 04:45:32 PM
Bitcoin still up about 8 percent since Coronavirus became a global news story on Dec. 31. Gold up a tiny bit more since then, and of course stocks down a lot since then.

Safe haven narrative isn't going anywhere.

GOOD NEWS! We are also up 2.6% in the last hour boysss. Bullrun confirmed! Good news, we are in a 10 year Bull Run. Gay Bears have been taking it up the ass the whole time.  

Good point, but you forgot to say no homo.

1614. Post 53996142 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Out of 22 U.S. Covbull-19 deaths, 16 lived in the same nursing home.

"The average length of stay before death was 13.7 months, while the median was five months. Fifty-three percent of nursing home residents in the study died within six months. Men died after a median stay of three months, while women died after a median stay of eight months."

A nursing home is basically your last stop before the grave. On average you have just a bit more than a year to live once you land in one. Im sure many thousands of people currently have or recently got over the Coronavirus. The vast majority of people dying are literally on deaths door already.

Little reason to worry or hoard toilet paper. This thing just isnt that lethal. I noticed all the people fighting for toilet paper in the videos were severely obese. Their diet is a thousand times more lethal than 10 coronaviruses injected straight into their lungs.

1615. Post 53996192 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Hueristic on March 09, 2020, 05:06:47 PM

"Following the discharge of most patients, 11 of the 14 makeshift hospitals in Wuhan that were built for treatment of the new coronavirus have closed"

COVBULL-19 is fizzling out in China. Spring is here in a few days, and this little flu bug is running out of nursing home patients to take out. There are only so many 90 year olds with diabetes, high blood pressure, an respiratory problems, for this thing to take out.

Everyone will look back in a few years and marvel out how nocoiners freaked out about toilet paper.

Funny, none of the no-coiners around me were even worried about it and it looked to me this thread freaked out more than anything besides the fearmongering media.

That includes you.

You must have missed my post

 where I said once I saw the Diamond Princess stats on infections and deaths I ceased to worry bc this is just a bit more lethal than a nasty flu. During the Wuhan shitshow, nobody knew exactly what was going on and the possibility of it being really bad was a real thing. Now, its all just hype and panic over very little.

I too had nocoiner friends who had zero worry at first when the truth was it could have been super deadly for the whole world. Then real stats and numbers came out proving its not that big of a deal, but of course nocoiners were in hysteria by then and still are.

So basically the nocoiners around you were foolish early on not to have some healthy concern for what might have been a super deadly new disease based on the little we knew, and they would be foolish now if they believe the hype that this is currently a super deadly disease sweeping the land.

1616. Post 53996415 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Hueristic on March 09, 2020, 05:37:31 PM

You must have missed my post

 where I said once I saw the Diamond Princess stats on infections and deaths I ceased to worry bc this is just a bit more lethal than a nasty flu. During the Wuhan shitshow, nobody knew exactly what was going on and the possibility of it being really bad was a real thing. Now, its all just hype and panic over very little.

I did notice your posts bouncing all over the place.

I too had nocoiner friends who had zero worry at first when the truth was it could have been super deadly for the whole world. Then real stats and numbers came out proving its not that big of a deal, but of course nocoiners were in hysteria by then and still are.

So basically the nocoiners around you were foolish early on not to have some healthy concern for what might have been a super deadly new disease based on the little we knew, and they would be foolish now if they believe the hype that this is currently a super deadly disease sweeping the land.

So for not over reacting on spotty and unreliable information they were foolish?

Meh, I hang mostly with Men who do not shiver in fear of what we cannot control. Well let me rephrase that, I only listen to them, the rest pretty much sounds like background noise to me. I have a tendency to filter out fools very quickly. I actually was brought to the doctor because my mother thought I was going deaf and it turned out I was just ignoring her while she was yelling in my ear and I didn't even notice.

Anyone who wasnt keeping a close eye on China early on was foolish imo bc it was a huge uncertainty and the possibilities were worth close attention till one could deem it not to be a major threat.

Only a pussy would have shivered in fear at any point in this developing situation. I dont really care if you hang out with pussies or mma fighters. Foolish was what I called people who werent at least paying attention closely to what could have been a big deal at the time. I wasn't offering critiques on their braveness or masculinity.

The whole "bouncing all over the place" characterization is pretty weak. If you read my posts carefully you noticed a keen interest into what in the hell was going on in China, bc they cant be trusted and it was hard to know.

Then you saw a switch as information became available to me. I started pointing out the hype, the bullish money printing implications, the bogus mortality stats, and overall foolish toilet paper hoarding hysteria.

One major pivot once more data became available in a situation thats been going on for over two months.  

1617. Post 53996490 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Hueristic on March 09, 2020, 06:06:28 PM

You must have missed my post

 where I said once I saw the Diamond Princess stats on infections and deaths I ceased to worry bc this is just a bit more lethal than a nasty flu. During the Wuhan shitshow, nobody knew exactly what was going on and the possibility of it being really bad was a real thing. Now, its all just hype and panic over very little.

I did notice your posts bouncing all over the place.

I too had nocoiner friends who had zero worry at first when the truth was it could have been super deadly for the whole world. Then real stats and numbers came out proving its not that big of a deal, but of course nocoiners were in hysteria by then and still are.

So basically the nocoiners around you were foolish early on not to have some healthy concern for what might have been a super deadly new disease based on the little we knew, and they would be foolish now if they believe the hype that this is currently a super deadly disease sweeping the land.

So for not over reacting on spotty and unreliable information they were foolish?

Meh, I hang mostly with Men who do not shiver in fear of what we cannot control. Well let me rephrase that, I only listen to them, the rest pretty much sounds like background noise to me. I have a tendency to filter out fools very quickly. I actually was brought to the doctor because my mother thought I was going deaf and it turned out I was just ignoring her while she was yelling in my ear and I didn't even notice.

Anyone who wasnt keeping a close eye on China early on was foolish imo bc it was a huge uncertainty and the possibilities were worth close attention till one could deem it not to be a major threat.

Only a pussy would have shivered in fear at any point in this developing situation. I dont really care if you hang out with pussies or mma fighters. Foolish was what I called people who werent at least paying attention closely to what could have been a big deal at the time. I wasn't offering critiques on their braveness or masculinity.

The whole "bouncing all over the place" characterization is pretty weak. If you read my posts carefully you noticed a keen interest into what in the hell was going on in China, bc they cant be trusted and it was hard to know.

Then you saw a switch as information became available to me. I started pointing out the hype, the bullish money printing implications, the bogus mortality stats, and overall foolish toilet paper hoarding hysteria.

One major pivot once more data became available in a situation thats been going on for over two months.  

Meh, I starting skimming yours when you started kicking out JJG length posts.

Meh, horseshit, my longest post ever is a small fraction of the length of a long JJG post. Nice try though. Wink

Makes sense why you didn't know what you were talking about, you hadn't even read the material you were critiquing.  Roll Eyes

1618. Post 54003638 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: nutildah on March 08, 2020, 04:28:15 PM
Extreme leftists don't like private property, they want the goverment to run everything. They dont want people using money free of censorship that cant be debased. Of course they hate Bitcoin. Bernie would put an army of these people in power.

Except there's no way to know for sure how Bernie feels about bitcoin. He could be all for it, but since he's never actually said anything about it we don't know for sure, one way or the other.

You should know that bitcoin can't be censored, regardless of who enacts what. We're not exactly in the midst of a financial renaissance here where the banks and bitcoin are holding hands. The powers that be are still immensely anti-bitcoin, and Bernie is against the powers that be.

Though I think the presidency is largely a figurehead position anyway, he was the only guy capable of really shaking things up. Since a lot of his voter base is on the youthful side, I don't see him mandating any decree that bitcoin be banned. That's just too draconian a move for any U.S. president to make.

"Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States"."

Bernie could do this with Bitcoin. Do I think he would, idk, but Im sure Trump or Biden wouldn't. True it wouldnt censor Bitcoin, but an executive order banning Bitcoin ownership would put me out of the hodl game.

Its the extreme leftists Bernie would appoint to power that I would worry about most. A Bernie Fed ran by a communist bartender chick could easily ban Bitcoin.

Luckily Bernie isnt a threat to win anymore.  Smiley

1619. Post 54003652 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Just another new example of a central bank printing more money. Market crashes are bullish for the King, even if the initial reaction was a fake out to the down side.

1620. Post 54003683 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 10, 2020, 04:17:01 AM

You must have missed my post

 where I said once I saw the Diamond Princess stats on infections and deaths I ceased to worry bc this is just a bit more lethal than a nasty flu. During the Wuhan shitshow, nobody knew exactly what was going on and the possibility of it being really bad was a real thing. Now, its all just hype and panic over very little.

I did notice your posts bouncing all over the place.


Lambie bambie, the wannabe WO thread sorcerer, makes sure that s/he/it covers  "all bases."  That way, in the future, s/he/it can proclaim that s/he/it had been prescient.

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Im still upset I had to leave for a few weeks after Slayer called me out and defeated my text walls.

He really gets to me so I always stalk his posts praying I can find something clever to say.

I havent been with a woman in many years so I struggle with what pronouns to use for other people, but obviously Slayer is more of a man than I ever was.

Thanks for the compliment GayJG.  You aren't wrong;)

1621. Post 54003708 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: mindrust on March 09, 2020, 02:32:36 PM
Oh, and can we finally put to bed the whole idea of BTC as a safe haven - whilst global stock markets face their worst day since the 2008 financial crisis, BTC tanks even more.  If BTC really was a safe haven, it would be mooning now. Gold still seems to be the haven of choice.

BTC is a safe haven. It is just people are too dumb to understand that.

They will only understand it when they can't use banks anymore.

Let's have this talk again when banks collapse and don't allow people to access their accounts. Remember Greece? Cyprus?

Yes it absolutely is a safe haven. Just like gold, its up since Coronavirus became global news, while stocks are down.

1622. Post 54003738 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Elwar on March 09, 2020, 01:23:55 PM

Trump dropped a big cryptic hint about an unstoppable surprise coming. This was tweeted right after the dow futures opened and tanked.

Most likely he is on the phone with the Plunge Protection Team and the Fed and there is some massive money printing on the way.

Anyone who thinks Trump isnt going to attack these market sell offs with everything at his disposal is underestimating his ego and desire to be elected again.

62 days to the Halvening and all fundamentals are well and bullish.  Cool

Trump may still have the trader mentality and he sees this huge dip as a buying opportunity.

He also believes there needs to be money pumped into the economy to get things on track...

So...print money and buy cheap stock...he likely believes the virus is all hype so he believes the markets will bounce back (especially after pouring a bunch of printed money into the economy).

Result...billions in gains for the US government. Game over for Democrats.

In his mind at least.

Reality...he is trying to fight a bubble that popped.

Probably so and Bitcoin benefits either way with all the money he will print trying to achieve his goals.  Smiley

1623. Post 54003751 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: lightfoot on March 09, 2020, 11:47:24 AM
Anyone who thinks Trump isnt going to attack these market sell offs with everything at his disposal is underestimating his ego and desire to be elected again.

62 days to the Halvening and all fundamentals are well and bullish.  Cool
Sure, but what's he got? I mean he can send the army in to demand that people consume and travel and PRODUCE at the barrel of a gun. He can have traders who sell stocks executed, he can declare it to be treason to say anything but good things about the economy.

Maybe pass the "Stand still" law where no one is allowed to quit their jobs, everyone must consume and produce at 2019 levels, and companies can fire people who then become surplus goods to be "managed". That could work. Sort of.....

(Why yes, I'm re-reading Atlas Shrugged. Man this book is the perfect combination of shit porn, endless speeches, drivel, and interesting concepts.)

I haven't thought too much as to whether he will succeed. I just like all the money printing he is promoting while he tries.

1624. Post 54003829 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: eddie13 on March 09, 2020, 11:26:55 PM
Coronavirus is bullish for the King.

Obviously not..

You guys still think china virus is bullish?

What happened? Why are we following the DOW instead of the inverse?

Is Bitcoin just a luxury?

We aren't following the Dow, we are up since Coronavirus became global news on Dec. 31, the Dow is down in the same time frame. That's inverse.

Coronavirus is causing money printers to go into overdrive. Thats always bullish for King Bitcoin.

1625. Post 54003847 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 10, 2020, 03:50:45 AM

Define real women.

Here is a basic algorithm for picking the right woman


def woman():
    x = int(input("How big her ass is? (1-10)"))
    y = int(input("How big her tits are? (1-10)"))
    z = int(input("What is her age? (1-100)"))
    t = input("Does she laugh when you make stupid jokes? (yes-no)")

    p = x*y

    if z<30 and z>20 and p>50 and t=="yes":
        print("That's the woman you want to marry yo!")
        print("Skip to the next candidate.")


I would quibble with that formula. Quite frankly, if a woman can not give you at least 3-5 kids then she is not good enough. 29 is way, way too old.

You don't want to have more than 2 kids especially when everybody and everything is super stupid in the last 10-15 years.

I wouldn't want my child to watch retarded youtubers on youtube for example. I grow up by watching pokémon and that was the most awesome shit I have ever witnessed.

Even 2 kids is too much tbh. It is either 1 or none. My logic says none but biology says at least one.

So 29 is OK to me.
2 is not enough. It takes more than that just for the species to survive. And the older she is the dumber and sicker the kid will be.

Agree with you here Ibian. Thats why Leo replaces his woman every few years with a younger one.  So if the day comes where he decides he is ready to propagate the species he will have a most suitable partner. He is basically a prepper at heart.  Smiley

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1626. Post 54003887 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 09, 2020, 06:55:05 PM

You must have missed my post

 where I said once I saw the Diamond Princess stats on infections and deaths I ceased to worry bc this is just a bit more lethal than a nasty flu. During the Wuhan shitshow, nobody knew exactly what was going on and the possibility of it being really bad was a real thing. Now, its all just hype and panic over very little.

I did notice your posts bouncing all over the place.

I too had nocoiner friends who had zero worry at first when the truth was it could have been super deadly for the whole world. Then real stats and numbers came out proving its not that big of a deal, but of course nocoiners were in hysteria by then and still are.

So basically the nocoiners around you were foolish early on not to have some healthy concern for what might have been a super deadly new disease based on the little we knew, and they would be foolish now if they believe the hype that this is currently a super deadly disease sweeping the land.

So for not over reacting on spotty and unreliable information they were foolish?

Meh, I hang mostly with Men who do not shiver in fear of what we cannot control. Well let me rephrase that, I only listen to them, the rest pretty much sounds like background noise to me. I have a tendency to filter out fools very quickly. I actually was brought to the doctor because my mother thought I was going deaf and it turned out I was just ignoring her while she was yelling in my ear and I didn't even notice.
Your mom yells at you to the point where you tune her out and get dragged to the doctor, yet you hang out with men?

A likely story.

1627. Post 54003934 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: kurious on March 10, 2020, 08:50:51 PM

"Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States"."

Bernie could do this with Bitcoin. Do I think he would, idk, but Im sure Trump or Biden wouldn't. True it wouldnt censor Bitcoin, but an executive order banning Bitcoin ownership would put me out of the hodl game.

Its the extreme leftists Bernie would appoint to power that I would worry about most. A Bernie Fed ran by a communist bartender chick could easily ban Bitcoin.

Luckily Bernie isnt a threat to win anymore.  Smiley

I am not up on US politics as much as you seem to be, but why do you think Bernie Sanders would ban Bitcoin?  I mean, I thought it was impossible to 'ban' Bitcoin, isn't that the point?

Also, forgive me for asking but how can you be 'sure' Trump won't try it (if as you seem to say it is possible to do so):

I live in the U.S., if Bernie hadn't got trounced by Biden and him or one of his extreme leftist appointees had banned Bitcoin ownership in the U.S. then I would have sold mine.

I used the phrase "Ban Bitcoin," but if you would like me to be more precise, he could ban me from owning Bitcoin and I would comply as a personal preference.

Its not that I think Bernie would def ban Bitcoin ownership in the U.S., its that he is a far leftist based on the strict Bitcoin prohibitions of using Bitcoin as a means of payment that 2 out of the 4 communist governments have put on their citizens, I would expect a white house full of far leftists to be much more hostile to Bitcoin than Trump or a centrist like Biden.

Extreme leftists don't like personal financial sovereignty, they don't like capitalism, they don't like private wealth/property. Its natural that they would be hostile to Bitcoin, the ultimate private property.

As for why Trump wouldnt try it, well he is one of the few politicians I have ever seen who worries about what his supporters say on twitter. A ton of his supporters lean libertarian and are Bitcoiners. I witnessed the outcry on his twitter from Trump supporters saying they loved him but he was wrong about Bitcoin and to go easy on it. Trump would not imo alienate a large swath of his supporters so he is a much safer bet to me on Bitcoin than Bernie. Trump also does love the concepts of private property and capitalism.

1628. Post 54004033 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Trump supposedly about to deliver his Bailout plans to the world shortly. Rumor is cutting payroll taxes to zero among other goodies. Bullish bc the American worker would have more money to stack satoshis.

Possibly lots of money printing to be proposed as well.  Smiley

Does anyone think that if Bitcoin was invented before the 2009 financial crisis that all the money printed to bail out Wall Steet and Banks would have been insanely bullish for Bitcoin? I know I do.  Grin

1629. Post 54004142 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

The humanity! I will have to get to The Cosmo's Wicked Spoon before it closes.

1630. Post 54004562 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Im gonna miss the bullishness of COVBULL-19, but Farr's Law says it will fade as fast as it peaks.  Cool

Coronavirus going to hit its peak and start falling sooner than you think
By Michael Fumento

"Both political parties have realized the crisis could severely impact the November elections — House, Senate, presidency. And sacré bleu, they’ve even shuttered the Louvre!

Some of these reactions are understand­able, much of it pure hysteria. Meanwhile, the spread of the virus continues to slow."

Worldwide, there have been about 3,400 coronavirus deaths, out of about 100,000 identified cases. Flu, by comparison, grimly reaps about 291,000 to 646,000 annually.

China is the origin of the virus and still accounts for over 80 percent of cases and deaths. But its cases peaked and began ­declining more than a month ago, according to data presented by the Canadian epidemiologist who spearheaded the World Health Organization’s coronavirus mission to China. Fewer than 200 new cases are reported daily, down from a peak of 4,000.

Subsequent countries will follow this same pattern, in what’s called Farr’s Law. First formulated in 1840 and ignored in ­every epidemic hysteria since, the law states that epidemics tend to rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern or bell-shaped curve. AIDS, SARS, Ebola — they all followed that pattern. So does seasonal flu each year.

"Clearly, flu is vastly more contagious than the new coronavirus, as the WHO has noted."

"More good news. This month, the Northern Hemisphere, which includes the countries with the most cases, starts heating up. Almost all respiratory viruses hate warm and moist weather. That’s why flu dies out in America every year by May at the latest and probably why Latin America has reported only 25 coronavirus cases. The Philippines, where I live, has about a third of the US population, but it’s so damned hot and humid here, so far we have had no confirmed cases of internal transmission."

About the Author:

"Fumento is perhaps best known for his epidemiology work, especially infectious disease outbreaks. He argues that the perception of such outbreaks becomes exaggerated or otherwise distorted by those who exploit them to serve various agendas. In November 1987 he published a landmark article, "AIDS: Are Heterosexuals at Risk?"[23] in Commentary that in 1990 became the basis of a controversial book, The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS: How a Tragedy Has Been Distorted by the Media and Partisan Politics.[24] He wrote dozens of subsequent pieces on the subject.[25] In Commentary, he challenged the presumption that, as Life magazine's July 1985 cover declared in bold red letters, "Now No One Is Safe from AIDS."[26]

By 1987 the theme had become common. A January U.S. News & World Report cover story declared, "The disease of them is suddenly the disease of us ... finding fertile growth among heterosexuals."[27] A New York Times headline that month read: "AIDS May Dwarf the Plague,"[28] citing remarks of the then-secretary of health and Human Services, Otis R. Bowen, that AIDS could be worse than the "Black Death," estimated to have killed 30 percent to 60 percent of Europe's population.[30][31][33] Surgeon General C. Everett Koop made remarks[34] giving rise to the term "heterosexual AIDS explosion." Oprah Winfrey told her audience, "Research studies now project that one in five—listen to me, hard to believe—one in five heterosexuals could be dead from AIDS at the end of the next three years."[35]

Fumento challenged that orthodoxy, for which he and even those who wrote about him were condemned and even threatened.[36][37] He did so by interviewing and citing the work of epidemiologists, including the top Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) AIDS epidemiologist, Dr. Harold Jaffe,[38] who told him, "Those who are suggesting that we are going to see an explosive spread of AIDS in the heterosexual population have to explain why this isn't happening."

1631. Post 54004824 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.18h):

Quote from: hung58bitcoin on March 11, 2020, 01:03:36 AM
CoVid_19 Update:

Notable events:

* President Emmanuel Macron of France says:
"We are at the beginning of the pandemic."
Both Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 football matches in France will take place without spectators until April.
* Austria closes border with Italy.
* Slovenia also followed Austria, slamming all of its entrances to Italy.
* National airline Air Canada halted flights to Italy.
* The Czech Republic closes all schools to events that gather more than 100 people, until a new order is issued.
* Spain begins to repeat the situation of South Korea, Italy and Iran. The number of new infections is several hundred per day. The Spanish government has also canceled direct flights to and from Italy. The National Assembly has suspended government meetings for a week.
* Mongolia immediately closed its capital immediately after discovering its first case today. The mirrors of dozens of other countries still touched right before their eyes and they acted fiercely from the beginning.
* Silicon Valley of California prohibits the organization of events that gather more than 1 thousand people.
* New Jersey, Illinois, Ohio and Rhode Island of the United States declare a state of Emergency.
* The whole of Italy is cordoned off and isolated
* Jewish isolates 14 days from ANYONE entering the country. This means hanging the tourism industry, at least for 2 weeks.
* 48 hours ago, the United States had just over 500 people infected. There are now 950 people.
* Portugal blocks 2 towns with more than 100,000 residents in the north of the country, although the number of people infected there is less than 50 cases.
* Greece closed all schools at all levels nationwide, right after the number of infected people in this country reached 89 cases.
* Senior officials from many countries also begin to become infected or in suspicion. After Iran, the United States, France, Italy, Vietnam ... the Commander of the Polish Army was the latest to test positive for COVID-19. In addition, members of the British Parliament, Health Minister Nadine Dorries have just had positive results.
* The World Trade Organization (WTO) abolishes all existing schedules after an employee of this organization is found to be positive for COVID-19.


* Italy recorded 977 new infections with 168 deaths. So Italy has officially entered the 10K + club, one of the two countries to suffer this misfortune.
Currently, Italy has a total of 10,149 cases and 631 deaths. The death rate has increased compared to yesterday, currently standing at 6.21%.
* Iran ranked soon after with 881 more new cases reported and 54 deaths. Currently, Iran has 8,042 cases with 291 deaths. The death rate is 3.24%.
* Spain reports an additional 447 cases and 5 deaths. They now have 1,678 people infected and 35 dead.
* Sweden recorded 88 new cases, bringing the number of people infected in this country to 346 people.
* Switzerland has an additional 123 cases and 1 death. Currently Switzerland has up to 497/1 case.
* France has 372 new infections and 3 deaths. Currently France has had 1,784 cases with 33 deaths.
* The Netherlands recorded 61 more cases with the first one. Currently the Netherlands is also a "powerhouse" in the 100+ club with a total of 382/1
* Norway has 133 more cases. Currently Norway has 360 people infected.
* He has 54 more new infections and 2 deaths, bringing the number of people infected in the kingdom to 373 with 6 deaths.
* Germany reports 341 new cases. Currently, Germany has 1,565 infections and 2 deaths.
* Denmark has 174 more cases. Currently they have recorded a total of 264 cases. This is a noticeable increase in Denmark over the past few days.
* Austria has 51 more cases. They currently have a total of 182 cases.
* Japan has 59 new cases and 3 deaths. Currently, the total number of victims in Japan is 581/10.
* The United States has 246 new infections and 4 more deaths. There are currently 950 infections in the United States and 30 deaths. Details of new cases recorded in the states are listed at the end of the article.
* South Korea is the only place with good news with only 131 new cases and 7 deaths recorded in the last 24 hours. South Korea currently has 7,513 cases with only 54 deaths, an unexpectedly low death rate compared to only France and Spain.

* The new countries with the first reported cases today are Panama, Jamaica, Mongolia and Turkey.

s 2 more cases.

TLDR: Central Bankers are scared of a small amount of deaths and printing tons of money = Bullish for Bitcoin

Yes, its true.

1632. Post 54014021 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Holy overreaction.

Thankfully 60 days till the Halvening and coins are cheap af.

1633. Post 54014044 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Whatever you do, dont panic sell. Its almost always the worst decision in massive drops. Bargains are for buying.

1634. Post 54014631 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 11, 2020, 03:53:51 AM
I haven't thought too much ........

Well, obviously.   Wink

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

This would have been a good zinger GayJG, perhaps your first one yet after taking countless losses at the hands of yours truly.

But.... You chose to use a sexually confused man who prayed the gay away to represent your thoughts in the meme. Hmmm..... not helping with the GayJG label I put on you.  Wink

1635. Post 54014774 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: nutildah on March 11, 2020, 05:03:21 AM

"Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States"."

Bernie could do this with Bitcoin. Do I think he would, idk, but Im sure Trump or Biden wouldn't. True it wouldnt censor Bitcoin, but an executive order banning Bitcoin ownership would put me out of the hodl game.

Its the extreme leftists Bernie would appoint to power that I would worry about most. A Bernie Fed ran by a communist bartender chick could easily ban Bitcoin.

These seem to be baseless, McCarthy era-level fears. I hope you don't actually believe this and are just using hyperbole to state your beliefs. Regardless, you're right in that its almost a moot point. America can now prepare itself for 4 more years of mediocrity and flow of wealth from the middle class to the rich.

Yeah, after the latest primaries it is a moot point. Its not that I was convinced it was likely for Bernie to do that. I just wanted to illustrate that any President could do that.

While I feel it would be unlikely for Bernie, Biden, or Trump to ban Bitcoin, I believe administrations and appointees of Trump and Biden would be less likely than administrations and appointees of Bernie to be hostile to it.

So thats why I considered it Bullish for Bitcoin that Biden did so well.

1636. Post 54016147 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on March 12, 2020, 12:31:34 PM
I can't believe the Bargain Boyz got their shot.

OTOH, so happy for the discounted extra coins.
Fiat hit exchange so fast, I didn't even blink.

We have our double bottom on the 200 WMA.

I dont think Bargain Boyz were expecting this, but I can tell by the volume they scooped up a ton of coins in the Bargain Buy Zone. Grin

1637. Post 54016166 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: nutildah on March 12, 2020, 03:44:52 PM
not today bitcoin  Kiss  weeeeeeeee\\\vvv

Just to make myself feel better I looked up Bitcoin Instant. Its not affected by the sell-off because it hasn't been traded in 5 days weeeeeeeeeeeeee  Wink
LOL TrannyBitz and his Bitcoin Instant.  

1638. Post 54016188 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 11, 2020, 11:02:42 AM
Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz has attempted to explain what exactly happened to Bitcoin's safe haven status. In his new tweet, he writes that investors tend to 'take leverage down' and book profits during such black swan events.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Not a hedge asset

From the U.S. stock market suffering from its quickest correction since the Great Depression to oil prices plummeting 16 percent — this week will surely go down in history.

When global markets got gripped by a ruthless sell-off, Bitcoin failed to serve as a store of value, which many believe should be its main use case. In fact, BTC performed worse than any traditional asset, shedding 15 percent of its value in less than a week. At press time, it is just trading just below its key support level of $8,500.

Bonds, not Bitcoin

While gold bugs were quick to dismiss Bitcoin's as a hedge against economic uncertainty, Novogtatz's claim about investors booking profit definitely holds water.

One of the biggest surprises of this tumultuous week was the gold price recording a five percent drop on Friday. The yellow metal is considered to be the most robust store of value.

Just like during the 2008 crisis, investors started liquidating both stocks and gold for covering their margin calls. Bonds and cash turned out to be the real safe haven.

During his recent interview with TD Ameritrade Network, Ari Paul, the CTO of BlockTowerCapital, agreed with Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz that more money printing initiated by central banks around the globe could be the most bullish case for Bitcoin (BTC).

Is #bitcoin’s store of value use-case broken after its big break from bonds and gold? $btc@AriDavidPaul weighs in:

However, he predicts that Bitcoin could mirror gold in 2008 with a delayed reaction to the looming economic crash.

More aggressive rate cuts

As reported by U.Today, the U.S. Federal Reserve did a 50 bps emergency rate cut on March 3 to cushion the devastating blow from the coronavirus pandemic. However, it provided only a temporal relief for the equities market that had its worst day since the previous recession on March 9.

Now that President Donald Trump calls the Fed 'pathetic' and pressures it to cut rates in a more aggressive manner, things could get really bullish for Bitcoin as Novogratz predicted earlier.

"I totally agree with Novogratz that the strongest bull case for Bitcoin is what we are seeing right now, which is the entire U.S. Treasury curve below one percent," Paul said.

Yeah big picture this is very bullish for King Bitcoin.

1639. Post 54016301 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):  Roll Eyes

1640. Post 54016392 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: eddie13 on March 12, 2020, 06:16:38 PM
This is just straight up bullshit..
Bitcoin was supposed to be protection from shit like this, not just dump right off right along with the mainstream economy..
I'm pissed..

I'm sure you guys have 20 excuses for why "China Virus is Bullish" was so totally wrong..
All I can think of is TYVM regulation shills and mainstream market adoption shills..
Now BTC is tied right to the funny money markets, WTF is it good for now?

No, I didn't lose any trades on this or sell anything, but this is totally shaking by belief of what Bitcoin is supposed to be..
This is the exact opposite of what Bitcoin is supposed to do.. Great global markets crashing and there goes Bitcoin plunging right along with it..

Feds announce massive market bailouts.. Bitcoin doesn't even move..

Bitcoin is long term protection. Long term the Chinese Flu will be bullish for it. If someone had stocks and wanted something that moved at a perfect inverse then you short those stocks. The Dude already posted a nice article that discussed gold getting rekt in 2009 w stocks before it took off to the moon.

If you bought VT (the total world stock index of Vanguard) and Bitcoin on Dec 31 the day Coronavirus became a global story, then you lost about 24 percent on the world stocks, and about 15 percent on Bitcoin.

Bitcoin has outperformed stocks despite plus token scammers selling at any price.

Also global stocks wont be cutting their supply in half in 59 days, while Bitcoin will.

A famous nocoiner Warren Buffet said "Price is what you pay, Value is what you get."  Buffet was right about this one. This new flu that has only killed a small amount of people and is subsiding in China already has caused tremendous money printing already and much more to come.

Today that may not have increased the price of Bitcoin, but the value has increased greatly and when all the noise washes away the price will reflect that down the road.

1641. Post 54016431 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: mindrust on March 12, 2020, 05:35:06 PM
Statement Regarding Treasury Reserve Management Purchases and Repurchase Operations

Today, March 12, 2020, the Desk will offer $500 billion in a three-month repo operation at 1:30 pm ET that will settle on March 13, 2020.  Tomorrow, the Desk will further offer $500 billion in a three-month repo operation and $500 billion in a one-month repo operation for same day settlement.  Three-month and one-month repo operations for $500 billion will be offered on a weekly basis for the remainder of the monthly schedule.  The Desk will continue to offer at least $175 billion in daily overnight repo operations and at least $45 billion in two-week term repo operations twice per week over this period.

COVBULL-19 doing what it does best. Causing money printers to go all out.

1642. Post 54016467 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"The European Central Bank decided Thursday not to cut interest rates, despite market expectations for a reduction amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

However, the central bank did announce measures to support bank lending and expanded its asset purchase program by 120 billion euros ($135.28 billion)."

COVBULL-19 forced money printers to make another 135 billion. Markets wanted more, markets puked, and markets will soon get more, bc central bankers always print more when the markets punish them.

We have seen with stocks in the past that it takes time for all this fresh money to be printed and to find its way into asset valuations. But rest assured, thats exactly where its going and Bitcoin will benefit.

1643. Post 54016511 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Torque on March 12, 2020, 02:15:30 PM
Btw, the gleaming bright side to all of this crap:

Once this bear market is over (in all markets) and has bottomed, we won't see this type of thing again for a VERY long time.

Mark my words, we'll have another ten year epic bull run that will defy all gravity, logic, and common sense.

The Fed will make sure of it.

I've been wondering about that. How long will 0% interest rates and QE keep working? It seems we get diminishing returns from that nonsense.

It'll only keep working for the investment banks and corps through stock buybacks and debt/equity swaps. I suppose they can keep that going for quite a long time. The markets will keep going up, because there's nowhere else for that money to go.

For main street, inflation will continue to rise.

Yes. They are gonna push average Nocoiners to join us as they squeeze and squeeze them with inflation to boost their stocks.

Some Bitcoiners are in shock bc Stockboyz(Wall Street) didn't run to us for protection(yet), but the real prize imo is when Main Street comes to us for protection.

The SEC fears this so they wont allow the ETF, but we dont need it.

Main Streeters are all worried about dying right now, but once they realize they are gonna live they will get back to slowly noticing how money printing is making their lives harder so the elites can win at all times.

Also Main Streeters like to join when things are going well, so many will wait post halvening for all time highs to jump in.

1644. Post 54016576 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

I was wondering why Roach isn't here to gloat, but then I saw Silver was down big today too.  Smiley

@Eddie13 you are right, the Dollar Boyz are the winners today. Bitcoin has been kicking their ass for 10 years though.  Smiley

1645. Post 54016618 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"The Chinese National Health Commission has also emphasized that new cases outside of Hubei province have essentially ceased, with no new cases recorded outside of Wuhan on Wednesday, "

According to Reuters, new coronavirus cases in Hubei province, which contains Wuhan, the epicenter of the disease that Wednesday was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, totaled just eight on Thursday -- the lowest number recorded so far.

"Broadly speaking, the peak of the epidemic has passed for China," National Health Commission Spokesman Mi Feng said, according to Reuters."

Wont be long before this fizzles out everywhere else too.

The places with warmer climates aren't even having a real problem to begin with.

Money printers wont be able to unprint though.

1646. Post 54016662 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"At it's height, COVID-19 infected .006% of the Chinese population.  And it had a big head start before draconian prevention measures were put into place.  It may have been spreading for months before anyone knew it existed.

.006% of the US population is 21,000."

 Roll Eyes

1647. Post 54016752 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

COVBULL-19 has shown it has a narrow humidity and temperature range it prefers and is able to have big outbreaks thus far.

 "has established significant community spread in cities and regions only along a narrow east west distribution roughly along the 30-50 N” corridor at consistently similar weather patterns (5-11 degrees Celsius and 47-79% humidity).

There has been a lack of significant community establishment in expected locations that are based only on population proximity and extensive population interaction through travel. We have proposed a simplified model that shows a zone at increased risk for COVID-19 spread. Using weather modeling, it may be possible to predict the regions most likely to be at higher risk of significant community spread of COVID-19 in the upcoming weeks, allowing for concentration of public health efforts on surveillance and containment."

If you live outside of these ranges you should be good.

Once it warms up, those areas should be fine too.

COVBULL-19 hasnt even killed 5000 people yet in about 2.5 months. 200,000 babies were born today.

I could be wrong, but imho, this is gonna go down in the history books as one of the greatest overreactions of all time.

"the impact of the Spanish Flu on the stock market was minimal. If you look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1918 and 1919, you can see that the stock market was relatively unaffected by any of the three waves of the Spanish flu. "

1648. Post 54016785 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 12, 2020, 07:46:27 PM

"At it's height, COVID-19 infected .006% of the Chinese population.  And it had a big head start before draconian prevention measures were put into place.  It may have been spreading for months before anyone knew it existed.

.006% of the US population is 21,000."

 Roll Eyes
Quoting for around 3/27. Feel like making a bet on how things will develop?

I would be willing to bet you by 3/27 that Covbull deaths have not reached 90k which is about what worldometer has for the flu deaths so far this year.

Giving covbull 2 weeks to catch up should be childs play if its really all that deadly and infectious with no vaccine.

1649. Post 54016801 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"I'm not worried about COVID-19.  Climate change killed me months ago."


1650. Post 54017158 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on March 12, 2020, 08:17:24 PM

"I'm not worried about COVID-19.  Climate change killed me months ago."


Makes you wonder about Greta Thunberg. She must really hate COVID-19.

It knocked her right off of the front pages. Now all the worrywarts have something else to fuss about.  


Good point, alarmists everywhere are jealous and revising their tactics. Imagine all the people who spend decades trying to build hysteria for cause after cause after cause and China Flu wins the prize after a few months and 5k deaths.

1651. Post 54017305 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"North has made a living predicting that modern society will end in panic and ruin. During the '80s, he advised people to stockpile gold because he saw a nuclear war coming with the Soviet Union. Around the same time, he predicted an AIDS epidemic that would overwhelm the world's hospitals.

North said he remains baffled as to why the transition to 2000 didn't bring the global chaos he and others had anticipated.

Statistically speaking, North thought there should have been at least a few brownouts and blackouts. Clearly, world governments were planning on some kind of trouble. How else do you explain the fact that police officers the world over had to work New Year's Eve?"  Roll Eyes

1652. Post 54017381 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: goldkingcoiner on March 12, 2020, 09:57:17 PM

Oh great more panic coming in from the celebrities.

"Yeah, it's true. My parents got coronavirus. Crazy. They're both down in Australia right now because my dad was shooting a movie down there, but I just got off the phone with them. They both are fine – they're not even that sick."

Lol, as the rich all start getting tested at the slightest cough we are gonna see the case fatality rate plummet to reality.

1653. Post 54017699 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

This is the first major Bitcoin crash I can remember that happened and the media isnt rubbing it in our faces after the fact.  Roll Eyes They are too busy at the moment.

1654. Post 54017729 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 12, 2020, 11:31:14 PM
This is the first major Bitcoin crash I can remember that happened and the media isnt rubbing it in our faces after the fact.  Roll Eyes They are too busy at the moment.

But but the bargain boyz where satisfied not?

Bargain Boyz already filled their bags at 5500. These buyers are the Vampire Boyz. They only come out when the streets are rivers of blood. They wont buy unless its a true panic sell like now.

They will make a killing here.

1655. Post 54017946 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

If you ever wondered what it would be like if the whole world hoaxed itself, now you know.  Roll Eyes

Less than 5k deaths and China is already over it. Remember, cancel culture doesnt apologize when they are wrong. They just move on to the next thing to overreact to.

Obesity is the number one killer. Where is the outrage, why doesn't cancel culture want you to upend society to save the fat people?

Cancel all public gatherings where people might eat to much. No flying to countries w fatty foods. Scales at grocery stores to weigh people when they buy their food. Come on people, if we dont act now everyone will eat themselves to death. We have to work together. Shut down restaurants and ice cream shops. No more chairs allowed bc fatties will sit in them and be sedentary.  No more cars, make the fatties walk or they will die. Roll Eyes

Bc its all a game to them to see if they can get you to shit your pants and do whatever silly thing they tell you to do. This game wont work for long, we will be headed up soon enough.

1656. Post 54017958 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"When I grow up I’ll be able to say I was alive during what may be the world’s biggest overreaction about anything."

1657. Post 54017994 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

My guess is the prerequisite for a bounce is a small group of people coming to the realization that this virus isnt going to kill that many people.

1658. Post 54018033 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Majormax on March 13, 2020, 12:52:13 AM

"When I grow up I’ll be able to say I was alive during what may be the world’s biggest overreaction about anything."

...but suppose it turns out not to be an over-reaction ?

Too late for that. This whole thing is already a joke.  Roll Eyes

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1659. Post 54018092 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: itod on March 13, 2020, 01:09:22 AM

"When I grow up I’ll be able to say I was alive during what may be the world’s biggest overreaction about anything."

...but suppose it turns out not to be an over-reaction ?

Too late for that. This whole thing is already a joke.  Roll Eyes

via Imgflip Meme Generator

It'a not about deaths. It's about lots of people getting sick and non-functional. Not enough medical personal to take care of them, choosing whom to cure and whom to leave untreated or half-treated. Read a bit what is happening in Italy and stop being so heartless.

Read about the dangers of obesity and have more compassion for the millions of deaths it causes. Then formulate a plan to shut down society so we can save them.  Roll Eyes

1660. Post 54018105 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"At present, the cost of mining 1 bitcoin is about $7,577.51. Assuming the network hashpower remaining same and with the introduction of the S19 Pro, this cost is expected to be at $13,964.11 at the time of the next block reward halving in early May 2020."

These low prices are unsustainable. Buy now.

1661. Post 54018126 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: itod on March 13, 2020, 01:32:18 AM

"When I grow up I’ll be able to say I was alive during what may be the world’s biggest overreaction about anything."

...but suppose it turns out not to be an over-reaction ?

Too late for that. This whole thing is already a joke.  Roll Eyes

via Imgflip Meme Generator

It'a not about deaths. It's about lots of people getting sick and non-functional. Not enough medical personal to take care of them, choosing whom to cure and whom to leave untreated or half-treated. Read a bit what is happening in Italy and stop being so heartless.

Read about the dangers of obesity and have more compassion for the millions of deaths it causes. Then formulate a plan to shut down society so we can save them.  Roll Eyes

You do not get it. Obese people function as they are used to, and no sudden care is needed for them. This is about making society work at bare minimum until the storm pass. I only hope someone will sit down when everything is over and establish lessons learned from this mess.

Without intervention millions of obese surely will die.

Just bc they die slowly doesnt mean we should care less about them than a few thousand people who die quickly.

Besides, we have no cure for Corona, but we can cure obesity so its like we are murdering them all if we don't change how we live our lives to save them.  Roll Eyes Hopefully we can learn from the countless millions of dead obese people.

1662. Post 54018185 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"I'm sorry, but given that we have shut down international travel, possibly domestic travel, all major sports and closing schools, shouldn't we be dealing with something a little more earth-shattering than 3 deaths in one day and 41 total?"

 Yep, we should tackle something big, like smoking or overeating. Roll Eyes

1663. Post 54018306 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Icygreen on March 13, 2020, 01:46:59 AM
Italy has a 3.5% mortality rate with one of the best health systems in the world.  It’s not the fucking flu.

It’s a sort of flu, but much more serious as a common one, though I don’t know the current measures are necessarily....

Sometimes I think we should just under go it then again if it’s much more serious and more people getting dead cause it, then I understand we have to take care and things must happen

We now have friends whom have caught and recovered (not official tested), myself and my SO included. If that's accurate, it was a weak ass flu that takes you down for 2-3 days then low level energy for a few days, but a slow full recovery and if you've got any existing (respiratory for example) compromises, it'll hang out there until the immune system finally kicks which could take weeks (which was my case)  2 other friends also became sick, 40's and 50's during my stay on Phu Quy in January where I caught it from, they recovered within a week.
The friend who we suspect caught it in Milan, traveled to S.Africa before showing symptoms, he passed it on to another friend but not his SO, he's living a very healthy lifestyle but living with HIV and a cancer survivor in his early 60's.  He recovered within a week.

My SO caught it early on, before the announcement in January, actually we believe she caught it in late November in S.Vietnam around many Chinese travelers.  She's healthy without pre-existing compromises to the immunity system. She describes it as the strongest flu she's ever encountered and and felt like death. She ,early 40's recovered within 10 days with ginger tea.

I've been tracking known flu results of several others as well.
My hypothesis is that this is the fucking flu,
It's getting weaker and weaker as time moves on but contagion remains easy because this is a completely foreign strain.

Sorry, no factual proof as usual from me on ground 0 but this is the only virus I've seen in the wild this year and I move a fair bit so I believe its probable that I've already been exposed and have account of other experiences. As more personal accounts appear and recover, I expect the panic to subside significantly once people realize its not gonna kill them.

I believe Torque is correct, Our overlords will absolutely blame the virus on the market movements and the FED's reaction to printing 1.5 trillion to prop it up longer.  One must wonder if it was entirely engineered and timed, the virus, the panic, the markets, the money printing. Idunno Roll Eyes

IcyKing - " My hypothesis is that this is the fucking flu,"+5 !  Cheesy

"In the early stages of 2009 H1N1, researchers believed the mortality rate was 7% because many were dying and few tested. Obama didn't care. Media didn't care.

But as time passed and more were tested, they realized the mortality rate was not 7% but .1%. COVID-19 will be the same."

If you are selling now you got hoaxed.  Smiley

1664. Post 54018331 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"Bernie just estimated that the global death tally from COVID-19 could exceed 56 million and blamed Trump.


Really?  We are at 4700 and China has this thing licked.  The US has only 40 deaths.

These Democrats are INSANE."

Senator Bernie Sanders said that the worldwide #coronavirus pandemic death rate might exceed the deaths directly caused by World War II, which are estimated to be 50–56 million people.

 Roll Eyes Dont sell based on trickery like this.

1665. Post 54018370 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 13, 2020, 02:24:49 AM
Ok, think that was the bottom.

... mobilise the national fiat reserve guards now soldiers

via Imgflip Meme Generator

I like this bottom call sir, soldiers are ready, but can we get a cease fire on fear porn till warm weather kills the flu?

1666. Post 54018384 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1667. Post 54018391 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Maybe someone mentioned this already, but was that not the biggest daily red candle in Bitcoin history?

How does one not buy that?

1668. Post 54018419 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Searing on March 13, 2020, 02:37:44 AM
Ok, think that was the bottom.

... mobilise the national fiat reserve guards now soldiers

via Imgflip Meme Generator

I like this bottom call sir, soldiers are ready, but can we get a cease fire on fear porn till warm weather kills the flu?

I could never afford a woman like that even at the height of my BTC/crypto/stocks etc, etc.

Now I can't even afford to look at the above picture! Alas!


Nonsense! She will be passed around at the 100k party.

1669. Post 54018439 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

To any newbs out there who just went through all that and didn't sell. Congrats, you're a man now.

Still cant believe we actually got under 4k. Holy Flu Hoax!

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1670. Post 54018500 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 13, 2020, 02:46:28 AM
I dont think Bargain Boyz were expecting this....

Finally, a little humility from Lambie bambie...

We're making some progress.  Wink

JJG-GayJG learning some of my tactics. This will take you far in life my son.  Cool

I was right about all the money printing we got, but had no clue that a flu about as deadly as global diaper rashes would be successfully used by climate alarmist types to trick hardened and grizzled Bitcoiners into panic selling under 4k after the biggest daily drop ever.

Covbull-19 is still bullish af big picture, people just will have to figure out that the mortality is low and deaths aren't increasing exponentially first.  

Happy Thursday.  Kiss

1671. Post 54018540 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"Not to downplay coronavirus, but the 2009 swine flu epidemic infected 61 million Americans, killed over 12,000 and I don't recall anywhere near this level of hysteria."

By the way, stock futures did not bounce with us just now. That was all King.  Smiley

1672. Post 54018558 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: eddie13 on March 13, 2020, 03:06:03 AM
Covbull-19 is still bullish af


Just wait till people wise up and realize its not a real threat and they got bamboozled by the alarmists. That's when the magic happens and price will reflect all the money printing.

1673. Post 54018601 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on March 13, 2020, 03:13:04 AM
A health official estimates a whopping 100,000 people in Ohio have coronavirus.

Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton made the announcement at a press conference.

She said she estimated at least one per cent of the population in the state has the virus.

That’s 1,000 deaths if true @ 1% fatality and at least 5,000 ICU beds in Ohio

If thats true its just gonna show how low the infection fatality rate really is. .1-.3 sounds about right.

She is just the latest alarmist looking to see how many people she can spook and how much of society she can shut down. Bernie just said 56 million deaths could happen so she should step up the hype.

1674. Post 54018603 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"Nope. This year’s flu season has killed over 20K so far, nothing out of the ordinary. 350K hospitalized since 9/28/19.  COVID-19 has infected 1,250 Americans with around 40 deaths so far. The media had better hope for more than that to justify all the damage they are doing..."

...economically. They will have to answer to some very upset people if it becomes evident that they were ginning up hysteria over nothing and costing those people a LOT of money."

1675. Post 54018639 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Here are 18 examples of the spectacularly wrong predictions made around 1970 when the “green holy day” (aka Earth Day) started:

1. Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”

2. “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” wrote Washington University biologist Barry Commoner in the Earth Day issue of the scholarly journal Environment.

3. The day after the first Earth Day, the New York Times editorial page warned, “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.”

4. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich confidently declared in the April 1970 issue of Mademoiselle. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”

5. “Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born,” wrote Paul Ehrlich in a 1969 essay titled “Eco-Catastrophe! “By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.”

6. Ehrlich sketched out his most alarmist scenario for the 1970 Earth Day issue of The Progressive, assuring readers that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the “Great Die-Off.”

7. “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” declared Denis Hayes, the chief organizer for Earth Day, in the Spring 1970 issue of The Living Wilderness.

8. Peter Gunter, a North Texas State University professor, wrote in 1970, “Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.”

9. In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….

10. Ecologist Kenneth Watt told Time that, “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.

11. Barry Commoner predicted that decaying organic pollutants would use up all of the oxygen in America’s rivers, causing freshwater fish to suffocate.

12. Paul Ehrlich chimed in, predicting in 1970 that “air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.” Ehrlich sketched a scenario in which 200,000 Americans would die in 1973 during “smog disasters” in New York and Los Angeles.

13. Paul Ehrlich warned in the May 1970 issue of Audubon that DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons “may have substantially reduced the life expectancy of people born since 1945.” Ehrlich warned that Americans born since 1946…now had a life expectancy of only 49 years, and he predicted that if current patterns continued this expectancy would reach 42 years by 1980, when it might level out. (Note: According to the most recent CDC report, life expectancy in the US is 78.8 years).

14. Ecologist Kenneth Watt declared, “By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate…that there won’t be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, `Fill ‘er up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, `I am very sorry, there isn’t any.'”

15. Harrison Brown, a scientist at the National Academy of Sciences, published a chart in Scientific American that looked at metal reserves and estimated the humanity would totally run out of copper shortly after 2000. Lead, zinc, tin, gold, and silver would be gone before 1990.

16. Sen. Gaylord Nelson wrote in Look that, “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”

17. In 1975, Paul Ehrlich predicted that “since more than nine-tenths of the original tropical rainforests will be removed in most areas within the next 30 years or so, it is expected that half of the organisms in these areas will vanish with it.”

18. Kenneth Watt warned about a pending Ice Age in a speech. “The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years,” he declared. “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

New tricksters, same old tricks. Smiley

1676. Post 54029184 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Man I have a lot of pages to catch up with.

But I have a serious personal health topic to discuss.

I had some symptoms and now that its easy to get a test in America, I was tested with results back today.

I have been diagnosed with the Hodlvirus. #PrayForSlayer

Doctors have urged me to self isolate from all filthy fiat. Also they are tracing all my contacts and urging them to buy Bitcoin.

There is no known cure for Hodlvirus. No amount of hand washing Keynesian brain washing can cure it. Symptoms are women, wealth, glory, and love of King Bitcoin.

Life expectancy after catching Hodlvirus is good bc you may live forever by using Bitcoin to purchase immortality tech in the future.

Prognosis: By 2022 Hodlvirus will have infected over 200 million souls across the globe and Bitcoin will be worth over 100k.

57 days till the Halvening and all is well. Cheesy

1677. Post 54029309 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

"Though the exact number of snake bites is unknown, an estimated 5.4 million people are bitten each year with up to 2.7 million envenomings. Around 81 000 to 138 000 people die each year because of snake bites, and around three times as many amputations and other permanent disabilities are caused by snakebites annually.'

Shut the world down, somebody saw a snake in the grass.  Roll Eyes

No need to fall for this silly alarmism.

1678. Post 54029357 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: gentlemand on March 14, 2020, 08:49:46 PM
Looks like everyone is starting to take this shit seriously. Except maybe UK... I donno if it is because they are doing good or ignoring the problem.

I think we've just accepted that we are todally awesome. Deal with it.

Thats a brilliant solution compared to shutting down everything. Im optimistic other countries will opt for this before getting silly like Italy and others.

1679. Post 54029911 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

NBA player who tested positive for covbull-19 has a message for his fans. He is feeling fine and playing video games.

By my calculations he has had Covbull for at least 5 full days, and he feels perfectly normal.

Probably a large chunk of the world has this or already had it and is feeling fine, just like the flu.

A year from now when they do massive tests for antibodies randomly in people to see who had it, they are gonna see how mild this thing really is.

Early estimates of swine flu mortality was as high as 7 percent. Ended up being .2

China already showing a .4 percent case mortality rate for cases outside of Wuhan.

"Similarly, a study released by China's Center for Disease Control last month found that if you factor out all the data from Hubei province, where Wuhan is located, the fatality rate in the rest of China drops to 0.4%."

.4 percent is too high bc it doesnt factor all the asymptomatic people china didnt test, so its looking like my Diamond Princess extrapolations are going to prove correct.

My guess at this point is this thing is .25 percent mortality rate. Just a bit stronger than swine flu, 2.5 times stronger than regular flu.

Enjoy the hype and the hoaxing though as socialist/communist idealogues impose social control and restrictions on people like shutting down eating places, shops, hotels, travel etc. This is as close to communism as they will get so they are gonna seize the moment as best they can. Hopefully people will see through this and push back.

1680. Post 54029985 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Biggest nation on Earth is about to be up and running strong again. Nasty flu season is over for them.

"Since then, China seemingly has gotten control of the outbreak, with decreasing numbers of new cases. Manufacturing and other industries have started up again, people are returning to restaurants and coffee houses, and reportedly life is starting to return to normal.

That means the CBA wants to start up again; it has requested players under contract to return to China."

"The Chinese Basketball Association has told American players to plan to return as early as this weekend"

1681. Post 54030022 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Wilhelm on March 15, 2020, 12:13:35 AM
Biggest nation on Earth is about to be up and running strong again. Nasty flu season is over for them.

"Since then, China seemingly has gotten control of the outbreak, with decreasing numbers of new cases. Manufacturing and other industries have started up again, people are returning to restaurants and coffee houses, and reportedly life is starting to return to normal.

That means the CBA wants to start up again; it has requested players under contract to return to China."

"The Chinese Basketball Association has told American players to plan to return as early as this weekend"

So 4 weeks until bitcoin resumes its normal path 🤔

Buy the rumor sell the news.

1682. Post 54030037 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Biodom on March 14, 2020, 11:50:11 PM
NBA player who tested positive for covbull-19 has a message for his fans. He is feeling fine and playing video games.

By my calculations he has had Covbull for at least 5 full days, and he feels perfectly normal.

Probably a large chunk of the world has this or already had it and is feeling fine, just like the flu.

A year from now when they do massive tests for antibodies randomly in people to see who had it, they are gonna see how mild this thing really is.

Early estimates of swine flu mortality was as high as 7 percent. Ended up being .2

China already showing a .4 percent case mortality rate for cases outside of Wuhan.

"Similarly, a study released by China's Center for Disease Control last month found that if you factor out all the data from Hubei province, where Wuhan is located, the fatality rate in the rest of China drops to 0.4%."

.4 would is too high bc it doesnt factor all the asymptomatic people china didnt test, so its looking like my Diamond Princess extrapolations are going to prove correct.

My guess at this point is this thing is .25 percent mortality rate. Just a bit stronger than swine flu, 2.5 times stronger than regular flu.

Enjoy the hype and the hoaxing though as socialist/communist idealogues impose social control and restrictions on people like shutting down eating places, shops, hotels, travel etc. This is as close to communism as they will get so they are gonna seize the moment as best they can. Hopefully people will see through this and push back.

Very well may be, but the effects might be not so much from the actual disease, but from the reaction to it.
All this 'social distancing' will not bode well for the economy, at least in a short term.

True, thats why its important to cast a light on the foolishness instead of joining into the collective fear mongering hysteria. If Bitcoiners embrace this kind of attitude we will be a beacon of light in a storm of fear.

If Bitcoiners are soft and go with the crowd, then yeah we will suffer with the misled masses. My bet is Bitcoiners arent soft and will lead the way, once the initial kneejerk fake out is over. I think sub 4k was plenty of kneejerk.

1683. Post 54030109 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Worldwide google trends for Coronavirus appear to have peaked during Thursdays biggest stock market crash in over 30 years.

China search trends peaked many weeks ago and they have been busy getting back to normal while the rest of the world panics about something thats killed less than a tenth of the number of yearly snake bite deaths.

This suggests to me we have reached peak fear and the path forward is up.

1684. Post 54030122 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

 Trump tested negative. Bullish.  Cool

1685. Post 54030141 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

A little money printing scheduled for Monday to help the King.   Cheesy

1686. Post 54030244 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

China getting back to normal.  Smiley

1687. Post 54030586 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.19h):

Quote from: Searing on March 15, 2020, 03:59:28 AM

Just in time to arrive in the USA and such and no one will be in the stores to buy these. Sad

Timing it seems worldwide on many things from BTC/Crypto to whatever is in a conspiracy to befuddle us all it seems.

round and round and round in the same place for a bit, it seems.... looks around in same place if not backslid...sheesh

befuddlement will bring the world together Smiley

Stores in the U.S. are normal or packed with hoarders rn, but either way, think Amazon delivery buddy.  Cool

Searing, I know you sort of revel in worry and anxiety in general but you still hodl on regardless which is admirable. However in times like this perhaps a little positive outlook would be good for the morale of the newbs if you can muster that up.  Just a thought. Smiley

1688. Post 54030718 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

About 16,200 people died this year already of snake bites. There will be about 80k deaths from snake bites by the years end.

In the same time less than 6k mostly very old and sick people died of Coronavirus.

A huge chunk, probably even a majority, of these people had about a year or two life expectancy based on age and major health issues.

The snake bites skewed to a much younger healthier crowd with many years left to live.

Snakes dont seek out 84 year old cancer patients and take them out.

There are people that want us to live hunter gatherer lives to stop global warming, even though billions would die if we gave up industrialization. These same people think its awesome that a few misguided countries leaders are shutting down their society for spurious reasons.

To these nutty worry warts this is the archaic revival they have dreamed of. This is cancel culture gone wrong.

As Bitcoiners we have a chance to shine in this environment as we stay strong with our hearts, minds, and most importantly our hands, while other asset holders quiver and worry till their hair falls out.

If you find yourself full of worry and doubt, just shake your fist to the sky and say, Fuck you nocoiner tricksters, I wont panic from your hype and hysteria. Im a hodler dammit! Once you do this you will feel awesome and we will pump to the moon.

This is our moment and fortunately we have a secret weapon called the Halvening to help us along the way.  Cheesy

Watch out for snakes.  Wink

1689. Post 54030887 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Im a good bit of pages behind so sorry if someone already posted this.

Here is some serious Bitcoin Bull Porn right here.  Smiley

The (Central) Bank of England released a paper Thursday on Central Bank Digital Currencies, CBDC's.

Its long and mostly boring but a new idea is buried in it.

"There may also be benefits from remuneration for unconventional monetary policy. If interest rates are, and
continue to be, low then central banks are likely to be constrained by the lower bound more frequently than
historically was the case. A CBDC that could be remunerated at a negative rate  Shocked could be used
to relax that
constraint, to the extent that the constraint was caused by the fact that cash pays zero interest (Bordo and
Levin (2019)). "

They just realized they can solve their problem of negative rates. You see they would like to have negative rates as the ultimate way to ruin savers and force them to spend their money on stuff they dont need and stay living paycheck to paycheck forever. Bankers know if they have negative rates for personal bank accounts then people will just withdraw their money and stash it. Cash pays zero interest and defeats negative interest rates.

Their solution is to give everyone Digital Banker Bucks and when they wanna have a negative interest rate, they just make your Digital Bucks disappear over time in your digital wallet if you dont run out and buy stuff with it.

To confuse people about the theft, the devious obscurantists call it "Negative Remuneration."   Roll Eyes

Add that to the purposely confusing jargon vocabulary like Repos, Quantitative Easing, OMO, and POMO.

No wonder they freaked out about Libra, it was hard money compared to this.

1690. Post 54031055 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

The NBA had every player in their league tested. Thats 300 players. 3 came back positive.

It a small sample but this is about the size of many presidential polls.

These were all people who appeared perfectly healthy at the time. Even Rudy Gobert, the first one tested, woke up Wed. feeling fine and ready to play a game. He had been feeling mildly sick for two days prior.

You see now what happens when healthy feeling celebrities start getting tested in mass. Tom Hanks, his wife, three NBA players and the first lady of Canada all have it. They all feel fine with little to zero symptoms. Amazing what happens when you dont only test people on deaths door.

300 NBA players showed a 1 percent infection rate. These people have not left the country, they all were in the middle of playing season when this started.

Wouldnt surprise me if 1 percent of the U.S. population is infected. Lets just say for some crazy reason an NBA player is 10 times more likely to catch Coronavirus than the average American. That would still imply we have 32,700 actual Coronavirus infections in the U.S. and only 61 deaths.

That would imply a .18 percent infection mortality rate. A bit less deadly than the Swine Flu.

Yes a bit more out of the 32700 infected could die, but its crazy anyway to assume that an NBA player is 10 times more likely to catch it than a regular person.


1691. Post 54039066 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

"The Spanish Flu of 1918, benchmark for global killer pandemics, infected just 1/3 of the US population. H1N1 infected 20%.

We are now seeing mortality models from "experts" using a 70-80% US infection baseline.

That, my friends, is #FearPorn bullsh*t."

1692. Post 54039179 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

I have to give credit where it is due. To all the people who preached doom, constantly posted every death and eatery closing, and posted scary speculative articles etc., it worked. Well played sirs, well played.   Wink

A few thousand deaths and fear spreaders here and around the world managed to crash virtually every asset on Earth accept for fiat.

I suppose you could all be right but in that case we will all be dead before you can brag about it, so Im giving you guys your props now before the virus strikes me down.

No digital wallets in the grave so dont worry about price guys, you are all gonna die after your third reinfection Im told anyway.  Roll Eyes

1693. Post 54039193 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on March 16, 2020, 11:54:21 AM
OK, I gave in. Just sent £8,000 to Coinbase & bought.

I obviously have a good sized corn stash but I now literally only have £2,000 worth of fiat in my entire list of banks & savings.

Effectively I am all in.

(Feeling guilty - the 2BTC were £7,700 combined so I had £300 left. I bought Litecoin with the £300 Cheesy Grin)

+20, Im out of merits. Proud of you bro, balls of steel while the world shits its collective pants. They will regret selling to you at these prices before long.

1694. Post 54039232 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Breaking news. The IMF just brought a fresh Trillion dollars to the money printer potluck dinner.  Smiley

Quick hurry bears, post about the few dozen 84 year olds that died in some country today. Gotta keep the gloom up right.  Wink

All this money printing may not be getting an instant reaction but like the Halvening or any other major bullish event, it will push up the price once the fake outs are done.

1695. Post 54039421 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: somac. on March 16, 2020, 12:35:33 PM
Breaking news. The IMF just brought a fresh Trillion dollars to the money printer potluck dinner.  Smiley

Quick hurry bears, post about the few dozen 84 year olds that died in some country today. Gotta keep the gloom up right.  Wink

All this money printing may not be getting an instant reaction but like the Halvening or any other major bullish event, it will push up the price once the fake outs are done.

This is not about the virus anymore. Hasn't been for at least a week. CBs have been making a fuse for the last 10 years and the virus just lit it. That is all.

Seems to me most of the planet is spooked about the virus, including bitcoiners. Many have panic sold despite the bullish fundamentals of money printing and the halvening. I thought Bitcoiners would be much more resilient thus far than other asset holders. I still think they will rise to the challenge soon though.

First they have to realize spreading doom and gloom is bear behavior and snap out of their habits of late. Next Bitcoiners have to become self immunized to the fear the virus causes. Then we practice Strong Hand Hygiene of the great Tyson Fury and dip our Strong Hands in gasoline for 20 seconds while singing happy birthday.

Once we have the strongest hands in all the land and have herd immunity from virus fears, then we will shine and the world will want to come join us and fomo in.

Its hard to blame the world for not joining our club when bitcoiners are acting just as scared and panicked as nocoiners.

1696. Post 54039468 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on March 16, 2020, 12:56:39 PM

Thanks man, I’m balls deep any way, I’m pretty much all in now. If you’re not buying now & you have spare fiat then I guess it proves you don’t fully believe.

You're welcome.  Smiley I wish I could buy more rn, but I fired off my last rounds before the Virus crashed everything.

1697. Post 54039559 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: lightfoot on March 16, 2020, 01:05:34 PM

dollars are like toilet paper and everyone is worried that they won't have a clean bum.

Im thinking either great T-shirt or book title.  Cheesy

1698. Post 54047568 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: lightfoot on March 17, 2020, 06:54:09 PM
They're going to drop sacks of money from helicopters in the US.

I pledge to put my sack of money into the nearest fucking bitcoin machine.

I too will take the soon to be viral Lightfoot Challenge.  Cheesy

1699. Post 54047592 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

This thing is almost exclusively taking out very sick very old people. Most of these people would have probably died this year or next anyway.

Ill bet when this is over the global death rate will not be any higher than normal.

People talk about health systems being overloaded but this thing is just freeing up beds by taking out people who would be using hospital beds a lot in the coming year.

Covbull-19 is not to be feared. Asia has basically beaten it in a matter of weeks with about 5k total death.

Bitcoin getting stronger every day, it never panics.

1700. Post 54047683 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 16, 2020, 06:55:03 PM

Thanks man, I’m balls deep any way, I’m pretty much all in now. If you’re not buying now & you have spare fiat then I guess it proves you don’t fully believe.

Seems to me that I sufficiently believe in BTC as much as most of the most ardent of BTC supporters, but surely that belief should not result in my employing more gambling and/or risk than I would prefer to employ, if I can avoid it... Therefore, I do not want to put myself into any more stress than i need to.

Yeah, I did not want BTC to go below $5k and I believed that it had pretty damned decent chances of NOT going below $5k.. but it did, anyhow.  Fuck that, but that is this kind of market.. cannot really know anything with any kind of meaningful level of confidence.

So, yeah, I have Buy orders down to $3k currently.. and really I do not want to inject any more fiat into this, but I have some fiat that is already theoretically allocated to BTC... and yeah, I will likely transfer half or so of that fiat to one of my exchanges if the BTC price breaks below $3,850 again... NO, NO, NO... I don't want the god-damned BTC price to be dipping below $3,850 because I do not want to transfer that money.. but fuck, I already have that tentative plan.. which is a hopefully it does not happen, one....  

Anyhow, that transferred in money would be to set up buy orders for below $3k.... Yeah. .I do not want it to happen, but BTC does not give any fucks about what I want.

Point is that "all in" is NOT the only strategy, and ONLY ends up being "the best" strategy, if you happen to end up being correct in a kind of gambling outcome.. which currently seems to be around 50/50 at this time... Nonetheless, I do happen to understand that it is NOT going to make a whole hell of a lot of a financial difference if you (or I) buy at $4,700 or $3,500, but it seems to me (projecting into the reasonable what-ifs) I am going to feel way the fuck better psychologically if I have money to buy in the lower $3ks, if the BTC price goes to that outrageous range rather than running out of money.

I have run out of money on several occasions in the past (at least resorted to more rationing than I would want based on NOT wanting to run out of money to buy BTC), and even in recent times, I have been kicking myself a little bit for having to ration my dollars as much as I have had to ration them in order to have more ability to meaningfully buy BTC than merely symbolic buys in the sub-$5k prices (that I had hoped to fuck would not have come, but those sub $5k prices did come, as we concretely and experientially know).
I cant help butt into Slayer's conversations w my boring strategy droning. I will try an work on this bad habit.

Thanks buddy. Wink

1701. Post 54047875 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: Febo on March 17, 2020, 07:14:16 PM

This thing is almost exclusively taking out very sick very old people. Most of these people would have probably died this year or next anyway.

It does if it is controlled. I dont know real data but from statistic of 12 corona patient on intensive care, USA should have around 100 corona virus patients hospitalised. That is nothing. Italy have 14954 patients in hospital, 2060 of them are on intensive care. Their hospitals are overwhelmed. So not only very old and already sick are dying there but also others. Not to mention someone having a car accident. He simply cant have same care as they would get few months ago.

Not a big deal, like Wuhan, after a few thousand of the most vulnerable die, the hospital system gets back to normal. This thing picks low hanging fruit, it runs out of easy targets and hospitals arent overwhelmed.

Dumb politicians shut down society to avoid a few weeks of pain in the hospital system as they temporarily get overwhelmed. This will cause depressions/recessions and many many deaths long term as quality of life in general goes down and people die from poverty, commit suicide, drink or drug overdoses, etc.

They are making a suboptimal trade off that only benefits the short term.

Better to force all vulnerable people to stay at home and let society function as normal otherwise.

Bitcoin will do well either way, but society will be better off accepting that old sick people will die no matter what they do and just keep moving along.

"My frank opinion remains that the harm from the coronavirus panic far exceeds that of the virus itself. If there is a massive redirection of medical resources out of proportion to the danger, it will result in less available care to those with critical medical needs, which does not serve the greater good" Elon Musk said today.

I know the popular virtue signal of today is to glorify shutting down society bc muh hospital gonna get overrun. These signalers deem themselves reasoned, calm, caring and thoughtful. But if you look closely they are panicked and knee jerking by wanting to shut society down. They cover this up with the virtue signalling.

This panic will cause more loss of life long term w global depression/recession. These people arent that thoughtful after all.

Optimal solutions.

Cut out the virtue signalling.

Stop panicking and pushing to shut down society. This will cause exponentially more deaths for non covbull related reasons long term.

Isolate old and sick people temporarily.

Build temp hospitals like China did.

Let everyone live life and let society flourish.

Buy Bitcoin.

Bring on the virtue signalling and "thoughtful caring" responses.  Roll Eyes

If you really care about life you wouldn't espouse all the deaths a global depression will cause to prolong the lives of nursing home patients who will kick the bucket this year anyway.  


1702. Post 54047894 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 17, 2020, 07:47:47 PM

This thing is almost exclusively taking out very sick very old people. Most of these people would have probably died this year or next anyway.

You're fucking idiot dude, learn when to shut the fuck up.

Dr. Ignace Demeyer, who works at a hospital in Aalst, said an increasing number of people between the ages of 30 and 50 have presented with severe symptoms, despite having “blank medical records” that show no underlying conditions that would make them high-risk, the Brussels Times reported.

“They just walk in, but they are terribly affected by the virus,” Demeyer told the Belgian broadcaster VRT.

He said CT scans indicated they were suffering from severe lung damage.

It's not about the numbers today (influenced by being 2 weeks behind deaths/hospitalisations and vast under-testing), it's the exponential increase in numbers coming down the pipe. This thing is real if not contained early.

No panic, no fear needed. Just the hard facts and pragmatic decision making.

Asia didn't beat it by sticking it's head up its arse like you. US needs to be particularly careful/swift because of all the obesity and medically-dependent that are highly vulnerable.

Isolating the old fat sick people is smarter than shutting down society.

Sounds like you are mad your shorts are blowing up. LOL, ur an idiot for thinking your doom porn will work for long.
Keep panicking though. It could be worse, Kangaroos have 3 vaginas, at least you only have one.

1703. Post 54048026 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: d_eddie on March 17, 2020, 08:29:00 PM
Better to force all vulnerable people to stay at home and let society function as normal otherwise.

... so everyone can visit and contaminate their favorite elder.

No visits, just food/supply delivery. Lock up everyone young and old and there will be no supplies or food to deliver.

Some people have been advocating the masses young and old go into isolation bc they care so much. They are making this the highest form of virtue signalling Ive ever seen.

Somehow they balk at isolating the old and sickly and letting everyone else maintain society.

Im not implying you Eddie, just what Ive been reading and watching all around lately.

1704. Post 54048056 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on March 17, 2020, 08:38:13 PM
Better to force all vulnerable people to stay at home and let society function as normal otherwise.

... so everyone can visit and contaminate their favorite elder.

Forget it. This "quarantine the weak and old"-idea is just shortsighted AF.
Take two minutes and think about the consequences, all of you. That's a lot of cons for an unreal goal this attempt should achieve.

I'm tired, but almost no more sickness. The missus is craving for a movie night in the home theater (aka living room).
See you later, when i'm actually will try to stay more on WO topic.

Observing $5446.
No more nosedives please, BTC

Quarantining the weak and old is exponentially easier than locking down all of society. Most of the truly vulnerable are already in nursing homes. Quarantining nursing homes is not very difficult. Short sighted is giving into panic, locking down everyone, and causing exponentially more deaths long term as the world goes into depression.

The deaths from poverty in a global depression will make the Coronavirus deaths look insignificant.

1705. Post 54048071 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: eddie13 on March 17, 2020, 08:29:07 PM
Stop panicking and pushing to shut down society.

Build temp hospitals like China did.

Let everyone live life and let society flourish.

So uh.. You figure China should not have had any lockdowns? They should have jut let it explode?

Little contradictory there imo..

They should have locked down the old and sickly only.

1706. Post 54048091 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: Torque on March 17, 2020, 08:50:42 PM

The deaths from poverty in a global depression will make the Coronavirus deaths look insignificant.

Because all the corporations will need a good "excuse" when all the layoffs worldwide begin. People being sent to work from home right now, have no idea what is coming.

Yes, the corporations lucked out in that regard bc now they can layoff at will and ask for bailouts w little public backlash or criticism.

1707. Post 54048092 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on March 17, 2020, 08:52:25 PM
I was thinking that maybe it's the best time to apply for a big ass bank loan, get it ASAP - yesterday would have been nice - and dump it into BTC.
Normally I wouldn't borrow fiat to invest of course. How do you fuckers think that would work out?

Herd mentality,
Bitcoin is the solution,
mind has rusted indeed.


+1  Smiley

1708. Post 54048139 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 17, 2020, 08:16:24 PM
200k infected now. Italy is only a few weeks ahead of the states. How long can the lambies keep lambiing?

How long can the Ibs be so frightened of the world?

A better question is how long will fear porn work. It isnt working today.  Smiley Probably millions of infected and already over it. Wuhan I bet already has herd immunity. Italy probably close to herd immunity at this point.

1709. Post 54048198 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

26 percent of the Brooklyn nets roster has Covbull. 3 with no symptoms at all.

New York is a hot spot in the U.S. and its probably already spread all over the state.

Just more evidence the lethality of this thing is hyped up to silly levels, and most healthy people will never get a single symptom or have very mild symptoms.

Two other nba players infected are fine, one was over his symptoms in 2 days, and Donavon Mitchell said he hasnt had a single symptom. He has had it for over a week now.

A pistons player had such minor symptoms he was able to play a game anyway.

7 infected NBA players out of 300 total. Thats 2.3 percent infection rate.

When they do the mass surveillance of a large populations blood samples I bet they find antibodies in tons of people who never showed a symptom.

1710. Post 54048200 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

This thing is being hyped up like nothing before in modern history.

Hysteria can only last so long before people get desensitized to it. I became desensitized early, but others will trend in my direction soon enough.  Smiley

1711. Post 54048212 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on March 17, 2020, 09:04:42 PM
I bought some #Bitcoin  right now, will it go back down now ? 🙃

I don’t know to be honest, but if it doesn’t I will.

 Cheesy Cool

Hey, can I watch? Cool


Perhaps we can start a prophecy that Coronavirus will peak if she lets LFC do down on her. Like that pornstar that the altcoiner ate out her ass to bring back alt season.

I bet she might indulge.  Smiley

1712. Post 54048220 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on March 17, 2020, 09:22:58 PM
The dude walking on clouds, not affected by anything

The real tragedy of Covbull-19 is we dont get to see your dinner pics anymore.

Looking forward to you bringing those back.  Smiley

1713. Post 54048239 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: bitserve on March 17, 2020, 09:03:13 PM
Better to force all vulnerable people to stay at home and let society function as normal otherwise.

... so everyone can visit and contaminate their favorite elder.

Forget it. This "quarantine the weak and old"-idea is just shortsighted AF.
Take two minutes and think about the consequences, all of you. That's a lot of cons for an unreal goal this attempt should achieve.

I'm tired, but almost no more sickness. The missus is craving for a movie night in the home theater (aka living room).
See you later, when i'm actually will try to stay more on WO topic.

Observing $5446.
No more nosedives please, BTC

Quarantining the weak and old is exponentially easier than locking down all of society. Most of the truly vulnerable are already in nursing homes. Quarantining nursing homes is not very difficult. Short sighted is giving into panic, locking down everyone, and causing exponentially more deaths long term as the world goes into depression.

The deaths from poverty in a global depression will make the Coronavirus deaths look insignificant.

You don't get it, do you? Quarantining nursing homes was one the first measures taken. It wasn't enough. 

With this rates of infection spread people would have ended stopping going to their jobs to avoid risk of infection anyways. Now they can more safely keep working (the ones in critical jobs to support the rest).

Perhaps you dont get it? I never said nursing homes only. Are you reading the posts? Yes, nursing homes isnt enough, they should have locked down all the old and sickly.


1714. Post 54048274 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Bears dont like the idea of locking down old and sickly only. It would let the economy flourish and they dont want that. They are more concerned with their shorts and getting your coins cheap.

They will virtue signal about loss of life, but if they really cared they would worry about all the millions who will die of poverty, drugs, suicide, etc in a global depression.

The panickers have no ill intentions. They just want to lock everything down to justify their fears. Its hard for them to come to grips w why they are so scared. Their fears will subside soon I think as this thing peaks.

Bitcoin is immune to all viruses. Hodlvirus is the virus that every healthy coiner needs as part of their microbiome. You all live with many helpful viruses in your body, but dont neglect to inject yourself with Hodlvirus for optimal health.

"Other beneficial viruses are the ancient retroviruses that long ago made a permanent home in the genome, or that left genes therein, said Roossinck. "The mammalian genes for syncitin, essential in the establishment of the placenta, are retroviral env genes that were incorporated on several different occasions," Roossinck writes. "They even function differently in ruminants compared to other mammals... these elements are considered viral fossils that can help us understand the deep evolution of viruses."

"Viruses are beyond a doubt the coolest things I have ever encountered," said Roossinck. "They do truly amazing things with very little genetic information. I was always a little disturbed at the bad rap they get, so it was very exciting for me to find good ones."

1715. Post 54048305 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on March 17, 2020, 09:49:49 PM
Wait, is that a 4 consecutive post Lambie comvo?

Has the likes of it ever been seen on the WO before?


Bullish Wink

Bears dont want to fight me. They have slunken back to their caves.  Cool

1716. Post 54048339 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on March 17, 2020, 09:54:49 PM
Wait, is that a 4 consecutive post Lambie comvo?

Has the likes of it ever been seen on the WO before?


Bullish Wink

Bears dont want to fight me. They have slunken back to their caves.  Cool

They’ll be dead when this Corona Virus scam has passed.

Yes. Coronavirus panic gave Bitcoin its biggest down day ever in dollar terms. I have no doubt that as the weak kneed panic subsides we are gonna see the biggest up day ever.

1717. Post 54048379 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

"My best guess, for what it is worth, based on the latest Center for Disease Control data, is that confirmed COVID-19 (this specific form of the common cold) cases will not exceed 0.1% of the US population. Moreover, I do not think, when we look back on 2020, that the causes of death or serious injury will have changed much from 2017, for example: (CDC statistic)."

Elon doesn't panic.  Cheesy

1718. Post 54048397 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on March 17, 2020, 10:05:14 PM
Yes. Coronavirus panic gave Bitcoin its biggest down day ever in dollar terms. I have no doubt that as the weak kneed panic subsides we are gonna see the biggest up day ever.

I’ve read various articles suggesting that this seemingly crippling saga will actually work out even better for us than the post halving bull run was going to any way.

Some people think that markets crashing and money printing set to fly out of control might just make the rise in 2021 even more violently parabolic than expected.

Extending this to everybody!

Yes, it means skip 100k party planning and focus on party planning for 400k.

I'm gonna take a posting break today and let the bears return from their caves after gathering some more doom porn.  Roll Eyes

Then I'll come back to slay their fear trafficking efforts.

1719. Post 54048479 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on March 17, 2020, 10:21:05 PM
This thing is being hyped up like nothing before in modern history.

Hysteria can only last so long before people get desensitized to it. I became desensitized early, but others will trend in my direction soon enough.  Smiley

Good eve again Smiley
Mylady fell asleep early  Grin

See, i'm far from hysteric, and what i have seen by the numbers until today, is - expressed nicely - rather unpleasant.
The world is at an early stage of a pandemic and Covid it may surpass the flu in lethality and maybe even case numbers.
Still, there are quite some people that seem to think that the flu is not enough. Or that an additional flu is not too much.
Either way, there's not only black and white, LS. There are still a lot of calm people, still some are concerned.
Why rather don't you shift your focus to them?

Its already peaked in Asia, it will soon peak in the West. We are in the late stages, not the early stages.

Covbull-19 only gains serious traction in specific climate circumstances.

"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by SARS-CoV-2, has established significant community spread in cities and regions along a narrow east west distribution roughly along the 30-50o N’ corridor at consistently similar weather patterns consisting of average temperatures of 5-11oC, combined with low specific (3-6 g/kg) and absolute humidity (4-7 g/m3). There has been a lack of significant community establishment in expected locations that are based only on population proximity and extensive population interaction through travel."

New York and Washington state will likely be the last major hot spots to peak. Then its all downhill. Of course the fear mongers wont come back and apologize, they never do.

Ill be focusing my efforts on anyone trying to kick Hodlers while they are down by spreading doom and gloom.

Also Ill be focusing on anyone advocating to lock society down and killing millions with a global depression when we could more safely lock down the old and sick while the rest of society flourishes.  

1720. Post 54048514 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: Biodom on March 17, 2020, 10:24:49 PM
"My best guess, for what it is worth, based on the latest Center for Disease Control data, is that confirmed COVID-19 (this specific form of the common cold) cases will not exceed 0.1% of the US population. Moreover, I do not think, when we look back on 2020, that the causes of death or serious injury will have changed much from 2017, for example: (CDC statistic)."

Elon doesn't panic.  Cheesy

his stock does.

I havent owned any since 2014 when I went all in on Bitcoin, but TSLA has outperformed Bitcoin, Gold, Silver, Global Stocks, and the US dollar ytd(since Dec. 31 closing prices). Dec 31 also happens to be the day Covbull-19 became global news. Tsla is slightly up for the year.

So relatively speaking, criticizing his stock rn doesn't pass the smell test.   Wink

1721. Post 54048614 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on March 17, 2020, 10:56:29 PM
Its already peaked in Asia, it will soon peak in the West. We are in the late stages, not the early stages.
Asia? You mean China.
And mainly because of the strict stop. See their industry boot up again, while yours will be tanking.
Correct, I have no arguments against that.

Covbull-19 only gains serious traction in specific climate circumstances.

"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by SARS-CoV-2, has established significant community spread in cities and regions along a narrow east west distribution roughly along the 30-50o N’ corridor at consistently similar weather patterns consisting of average temperatures of 5-11oC, combined with low specific (3-6 g/kg) and absolute humidity (4-7 g/m3). There has been a lack of significant community establishment in expected locations that are based only on population proximity and extensive population interaction through travel."

Along the main routes of traffic. The environment numbers are maybe only a result of the seasonal changes. One of the main spreading factors seems to be indoor location, with preferably many persons, close together, in a high frequency.
Airports, shopping malls, concerts, clubs, subway, bars, ronald mc. arkward and so on. A reproduction value of R=1.4 is enough to let this thing explode.
Excellent data you bring up. I have nothing to controvert it so I resort to obfuscating with "seems to be" and "maybe" statements.

New York and Washington state will likely be the last major hot spots to peak. Then its all downhill. Of course the fear mongers wont come back and apologize, they never do.

Ill be focusing my efforts on anyone trying to kick Hodlers while they are down by spreading doom and gloom.

Also Ill be focusing on anyone advocating to lock society down and killing millions with a global depression when we could more safely lock down the old and sick while the rest of society flourishes.  
You forgot, that on the peak of this pandemic, many people will likely be sick AT ONCE, more or less serious, and can't go to work for a certain time. It's exponential, baby. That's why you gotta slow it down, preferably with the least damage (generally speaking). You seem to assume only the sick and old are the problem, but reality never is that simple. There are a lot of other factors.
Speaking of simple: Simple, wide ranging solutions in complex environments are most likely failing to achieve something specifically wanted. On the downside, they tend to create new problems, sometimes many.
I cant deny locking down old and sick only would save millions by avoiding a severe global depression. But I need to justify my fears to massage my ego. It would be a blow to my ego to think I was unduly concerned about doom porn. So Ill just discuss how complicated things are and throw a few truisms in to fluff up the word count.  

The mind of a bear is quite interesting.  Cheesy

1722. Post 54055165 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 18, 2020, 07:00:22 AM
Seems to me that I sufficiently believe in BTC as much as most of the most ardent of BTC supporters, but surely that belief should not result in my employing more gambling and/or risk than I would prefer to employ, if I can avoid it... Therefore, I do not want to put myself into any more stress than i need to.

Yeah, I did not want BTC to go below $5k and I believed that it had pretty damned decent chances of NOT going below $5k.. but it did, anyhow.  Fuck that, but that is this kind of market.. cannot really know anything with any kind of meaningful level of confidence.

So, yeah, I have Buy orders down to $3k currently.. and really I do not want to inject any more fiat into this, but I have some fiat that is already theoretically allocated to BTC... and yeah, I will likely transfer half or so of that fiat to one of my exchanges if the BTC price breaks below $3,850 again... NO, NO, NO... I don't want the god-damned BTC price to be dipping below $3,850 because I do not want to transfer that money.. but fuck, I already have that tentative plan.. which is a hopefully it does not happen, one....  

Anyhow, that transferred in money would be to set up buy orders for below $3k.... Yeah. .I do not want it to happen, but BTC does not give any fucks about what I want.

Point is that "all in" is NOT the only strategy, and ONLY ends up being "the best" strategy, if you happen to end up being correct in a kind of gambling outcome.. which currently seems to be around 50/50 at this time... Nonetheless, I do happen to understand that it is NOT going to make a whole hell of a lot of a financial difference if you (or I) buy at $4,700 or $3,500, but it seems to me (projecting into the reasonable what-ifs) I am going to feel way the fuck better psychologically if I have money to buy in the lower $3ks, if the BTC price goes to that outrageous range rather than running out of money.

I have run out of money on several occasions in the past (at least resorted to more rationing than I would want based on NOT wanting to run out of money to buy BTC), and even in recent times, I have been kicking myself a little bit for having to ration my dollars as much as I have had to ration them in order to have more ability to meaningfully buy BTC than merely symbolic buys in the sub-$5k prices (that I had hoped to fuck would not have come, but those sub $5k prices did come, as we concretely and experientially know).
I cant help butt into Slayer's conversations w my boring strategy droning. I will try an work on this bad habit.

Thanks buddy. Wink

Thanks for what?  You seem to have inabilities (could be just lack of desire or even desires to misinform) to grapple with actual facts and logic, unless you are merely selectively choosing or making shit up. For keeping the oceanic ecosphere intact with the salt from my vagina?

Yes, among other things.  Smiley

1723. Post 54055306 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: LFC_Bitcoin on March 18, 2020, 09:35:02 PM
HUGELY bullish dynamics for Bitcoin right now:

- BTC flat during HISTORIC risk-off days in markets.

- 72% on Coinbase buying.

- The Halvening is 50 days away.

- Billions in buys coming when levered longs return.

- And if 1% of >$2T+ of stimulus finds its way to Bitcoin...

ECB is about to put 750 billion Euros worth of icing on your Bull Cake.  Smiley

1724. Post 54055312 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: nullius on March 19, 2020, 12:31:21 AM

Dude, you were right, you're somewhat biased towards me.
The link to my profile page...
I was trying to suck out a dried fruit, obviously.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

You are the one who somehow managed to imply that the coronavirus outbreak was the fault of Austrians and/or Germans, by a nonsensical direct analogy to completely irrelevant historical events.  I object to that.  Don’t you wax self-righteous toward me, now—especially not when my initial response showed insight into German and Austrian post-WWII cultural issues, instead of simply invoking Godwin’s Law and calling you a troll.

But what if he is a troll.  Smiley

1725. Post 54055340 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 18, 2020, 08:19:08 AM
[edited out]

The mind of a bear is quite interesting.  Cheesy

Seems like lambie/bambie has transgressed into even higher levels of retardedness if he believes that everyone is a bear who has any questions of bitcoin's price direction at this time.

Of course, lambie bambie was arguing with passion and vigor that everyone had to go "all in" when BTC prices were in the $9ks and $10ks, implying that the only way was up.. and how fucked would those people be (financially and psychologically) if they listened to his moar bullish than anyone else stupidities?
Slayers is correct in that there is never a wrong time to go all in King Bitcoin. Some times are better than others(bargains), but all entry levels are good.

Im just a bitter old salty-cunt and still hold a grudge bc Slayer defeated my text walls and banished me from here for weeks while I tried to become a better man with his advice.

Yes GayJayGee, it is always a good time to buy Bitcoin.  Cool We will figure out a way to desalinate your cunt secretions one day. Dont give up.  Wink

1726. Post 54055352 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on March 17, 2020, 11:26:13 PM
Covbull-19 only gains serious traction in specific climate circumstances.

"Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by SARS-CoV-2, has established significant community spread in cities and regions along a narrow east west distribution roughly along the 30-50o N’ corridor at consistently similar weather patterns consisting of average temperatures of 5-11oC, combined with low specific (3-6 g/kg) and absolute humidity (4-7 g/m3). There has been a lack of significant community establishment in expected locations that are based only on population proximity and extensive population interaction through travel."

Along the main routes of traffic. The environment numbers are maybe only a result of the seasonal changes. One of the main spreading factors seems to be indoor location, with preferably many persons, close together, in a high frequency.
Airports, shopping malls, concerts, clubs, subway, bars, ronald mc. arkward and so on. A reproduction value of R=1.4 is enough to let this thing explode.
Excellent data you bring up. I have nothing to controvert it so I resort to obfuscating with "seems to be" and "maybe" statements.

Do you think i would assume that everything i learned about Covid is always correct? I don't. So you can't blame me for precise communication in these matters. Still cant controvert your data, so Ill just ramble a bit.

You forgot, that on the peak of this pandemic, many people will likely be sick AT ONCE, more or less serious, and can't go to work for a certain time. It's exponential, baby. That's why you gotta slow it down, preferably with the least damage (generally speaking). You seem to assume only the sick and old are the problem, but reality never is that simple. There are a lot of other factors.
Speaking of simple: Simple, wide ranging solutions in complex environments are most likely failing to achieve something specifically wanted. On the downside, they tend to create new problems, sometimes many.
I cant deny locking down old and sick only would save millions by avoiding a severe global depression. But I need to justify my fears to massage my ego. It would be a blow to my ego to think I was unduly concerned about doom porn. So Ill just discuss how complicated things are and throw a few truisms in to fluff up the word count.  

Speaking of ego...  Roll Eyes
You truly think you can read between lines, being always correct?
A little over confident, maybe?
Nailed it.

The mind of a bear is quite interesting.  Cheesy

Really, i don't know....
But that sounds like too much blow for me now  Shocked
Im not a true bear, just want cheap coins.

Fair enough.  Smiley

1727. Post 54055365 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: Biodom on March 19, 2020, 01:56:18 AM
Is this "new normal" or complete lunacy?

It reads like some alarmist Marxist horseshit to me with a lot of flair by a practiced hand.

I think a nutshell version would be. "The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope."

1728. Post 54055459 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 18, 2020, 09:00:51 AM
... pity about lambie slayer going into a full retard panic about the sclerotic 0.1%er global economy going into the shitter. He was ok until he caught the virus. Now it's like we got infested with another govvie trolling shill disruptor ... like roach got reassigned or something? The global economy was dying long before this angel of death bearing plague showed up, right on time for them sweet corporate and banking bailouts too I might add. I cant hide that Im a bit butthurt for being called out on panicking and attempting to spread fear and doom. Its one thing to be weak kneed, but to be called out on it stings more. Tbh Im the one acting like Roach with the end of the world fantasy spiel. Any casual observer has noticed it.

"Herd immunity" crashes and burns, you can catch coronavidae multiple times ... "herd immunity" eugenics is a fancy way of saying let the angel of death keep circulating around the planet until humanity is purged of all the vulnerable, 80 million deaths (1-2% of population). Bill Gates would be impressed. Elon Musk is probably another secret depopulation nerd too.I was a decent poster here for many years. Something changed in my personal life and I've gotten weird with theories on rich boogeymen out to get me. A little Roachish, I know right...

I know let's unleash some smallpox in lambie's govvie department to get some herd immunity going in the pentagon, or anthrax might be more their tipple?Its easier to think Slayer is a govy operative than to admit Im into a bit of a doom fetish of late.

Actually I do work for the government and doom really is coming.  Roll Eyes

In all seriousness I've been reading your posts for a long time. Most of em I liked. This whole Armageddon shtick of late seems a bit off for you.  To each his own.

1729. Post 54055473 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: eddie13 on March 19, 2020, 03:40:44 AM
"The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope."

Just to let you guys know, I have just now decided to start a rope selling company..
So HMU if you need some rope..

I'm failing to comprehend how one can believe in Liberty, but at the same time, be anti-Democracy, but I'll ponder on that for a while longer..
I understand the benefits of both, but fail to understand how they could coexist.. Unless we are talking about anarchy - anarchy for the masses, not just the few..

I need some to try an catch a Bull.  Grin

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1730. Post 54059552 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: Wilhelm on March 19, 2020, 01:30:10 PM
I guess after everyone put everything into USD, they realized: NOW WHAT?

FED Printers go brrrrrr
Value goes 15x flush


1731. Post 54059593 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

LOL, Doomcallers.   Cheesy

Where are you now?


A peer-reviewed study shows that 100% of patients, after 6 days of taking a Malaria drug were "virologically" cured

This is, reportedly, the 2nd 100% cure to a virus that has ever existed"

This is the paper. Virus gone in 6 days. Holy Bull Run.  Smiley

Trump strong armed past the FDA's push back on approval and got FDA to fully approve this for treatment.

Its over boyz. Was a fun ride. Dont expect doom callers to apologize for scaring you out of your precious. Mindrust, I hope you buy back in. Its never a bad time to invest.

1732. Post 54062061 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: lightfoot on March 19, 2020, 06:28:27 PM
LOL, Doomcallers.   Cheesy

Where are you now?

Oh God..... Good question. Wish I knew.

A peer-reviewed study shows that 100% of patients, after 6 days of taking a Malaria drug were "virologically" cured

"Peer reviewed by who?"  The astute observer will notice I deleted the link to the peer reviewed trial from Slayer's quote. I was trying to be sly.

To answer my own question:

"The study was conducted in accordance with the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) guidelines of good clinical practice, the Helsinki Declaration, and applicable standard operating procedures.
The protocol, appendices and any other relevant documentation were submitted to the French
National Agency for Drug Safety (ANSM) (2020-000890-25) and to the French Ethic
Committee (CPP Ile de France) ( for reviewing
and approved on 5th and 6th
March, 2020, respectively. This trial is registered with EU Clinical Trials Register, number

“What’s also important is not to provide false hope,” said Hahn, who spoke after Trump, adding, “We may have the right drug, but it might not be in the appropriate dosage form right now, and it might do more harm than good.” I cherry picked a sentence loaded up with "might's" and "may." I cant controvert the data provided by Slayer in the peer reviewed clinical study, so this was the best I could do.  Smiley

Trump strong armed past the FDA's push back on approval and got FDA to fully approve this for treatment.

Oh boy, Swole Trump to the rescue..... A softer man would have let the bureaucrats slow him down, but I'm not trying to give credit where it is due ya know.

Its over boyz. Was a fun ride. Dont expect doom callers to apologize for scaring you out of your precious. Mindrust, I hope you buy back in. Its never a bad time to invest.
Are you drinking Cow Urine by chance? I've heard it can completely cure this virus.... Forgive my lashing out Slayer, I'm a bit emotionally invested in all this doom. Don't take my condescension towards you personally.

(Hey, it might work. However that's why you have studies and trials. And hate to say it but if it winds up killing more people than it saves that's not progress) I cant be bothered to research the drugs in question and learn that they have been in use a long time and people aren't in danger of being killed.

Kinda weird that my critique of a trial/study is that you should have trials and studies right??? Hell maybe I didn't even read the clinical trial/study Slayer posted. Guess I'll just keep you guys guessing.

Really perspicacious commentary. +1  Smiley

1733. Post 54062417 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

This is a celebrity named Olga.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Here is a long list of famous people w Covbull-19. Almost all are feeling fine, one has some body aches, and one is doing fine in a hospital.

Covbull-19 seems to have its strongest effects on money printers and T.P. lovers.

Based on testing numbers about 11 percent of the NBA has Covbull. About half of a percent of the U.S. House of Representatives has tested positive.

They all are feeling fine.

I'm starting to wonder if somewhere between .5 and 11 percent of the U.S. has it and its actually extremely rare to get any symptoms stronger than the flu.

Germany has been doing a lot of testing. They have a .2 percent mortality rate. The new drugs should get it under flu death rates soon.

Prognosis: Covbull healthwise is a nothing burger and never comes close to killing as many as the 80k deaths caused by snake bites each year. Febrile money printers can't undo what they have done. Helicopter money is upon us.  Bernanke prophecy fulfilled.

1734. Post 54062448 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Quote from: JSRAW on March 20, 2020, 07:46:18 AM
Poor Mrs Slayer... I read every word Mr. Slayer, this was all I had to say.

Nbd buddy, its like that sometimes when the doom callers are dealt with.  Wink

1735. Post 54062551 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.20h):

Sorry Doom Boyz, the fear narratives are melting. Pump time is here.

1736. Post 54062616 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Remember, shorters preaching doom aren't your friend right now. They will wear disguises and try to lure you into the sewer to panic sell.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

They want your precious. Hodlvirus will keep you safe.

1737. Post 54062694 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: OutOfMemory on March 20, 2020, 08:30:12 AM
This is a celebrity named Olga.

random calender type pic of girl (ukraine's miss march?)

Here is a long list of famous people w Covbull-19. Almost all are feeling fine, one has some body aches, and one is doing fine in a hospital.

Covbull-19 seems to have its strongest effects on money printers and T.P. lovers.

Based on testing numbers about 11 percent of the NBA has Covbull. About half of a percent of the U.S. House of Representatives has tested positive.

They all are feeling fine.

I'm starting to wonder if somewhere between .5 and 11 percent of the U.S. has it and its actually extremely rare to get any symptoms stronger than the flu.

Germany has been doing a lot of testing. They have a .2 percent mortality rate. The new drugs should get it under flu death rates soon.

Prognosis: Covbull healthwise is a nothing burger and never comes close to killing as many as the 80k deaths caused by snake bites each year. Febrile money printers can't undo what they have done. Helicopter money is upon us.  Bernanke prophecy fulfilled.

There are two major strains of SARS-CoV-2. One is causing 99% "mild" symptoms. The other one is not so nice.
Ask fillippone. Every day there are more young men on respirators in Italy. It's delayed but it will spread in the USA too. I like pretending I haven't read all the climate data from our earlier convos. Washington matches the needed criteria but its already fizzled out there. New York matches it and its peaking now. I also chose to ignore the success of the new drug treaments that are helping make this a nothing burger.

Build your house of cards. I'm scared, why aren't you?

Bitcoin doesn't care  Grin

Because we are talking about a fraction of the deaths snake bites cause each year.  Roll Eyes

Yes, King Bitcoin will do well from all the money printing the hysteria and panic have caused. The hysteria is melting away, but the printed money will not.

Doom callers will not apologize for scaring newbs out of coins.

1738. Post 54063290 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 20, 2020, 09:42:32 AM

Because we are talking about a fraction of the deaths snake bites cause each year.  Roll Eyes

Yes, King Bitcoin will do well ...

predicts deaths from coronavirus are going down ... Slayer has given me CovButtHurt-19
. I just hate that my doom porn isn't scaring anyone with a set of ballz anymore.

... next sentence predicts bitcoin will do well. Bitcoin is pumping and I don't know what to do, I thought everyone would panic forever an I could get cheaper coins.

Your cognitive dissonance on predicting trendlines is impressive. What the hell am I gonna say when this is shown to be a nothing burger.

Just blame some rich boogeymen.  Throw in a few undercover govy infiltrating the forum too. Wink

1739. Post 54063369 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Phil_S on March 20, 2020, 10:21:50 AM
It's not about the Covid deaths. It's about their consequences.
Snakes don't do much damage to the economy, do they?

Well, maybe we shouldn't overreact and shut down the economy then.

Exactly. He doesn't even deny that in terms of human life this is just a nothing burger. He openly admits its about the hysteria(shutdowns/economic damage). The hysteria is melting away(cures, treatments, weather, low mortality rates, hot spots peaking). He no like.  Cry

He certainly wants cheap coins (he has admitted this in a previous post).

He is likely also on the wrong side of a short.

Got scared, sold or shorted, realized its a nothing burger but hopes the fear can last long enough to get cheap coins.

But we are pumping.  Cool

This virus has gotten weird. It has Fanboyz cheering on death and getting pissy when it cant even keep up with snake bites.

Covbull-19 is good for cranking up money printers and clearing out a few nursing home beds. If you drank the Kool-Aid and think its good for Doom an Armageddon your just gonna end up looking silly.  

1740. Post 54063405 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

I wonder if the Doom Boyz have the ballz to add to their shorts here. The rocket fuel is always welcome.

Go find some doom porn so I can Slay it with ease.

1741. Post 54063426 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Hyperjacked on March 18, 2020, 08:29:21 PM
It's almost buy time... lots of unknowns but I'm sure we will look back and say this was an epic buying opportunity.

+1 Smiley

1742. Post 54063457 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Globb0 on March 20, 2020, 10:57:02 AM
Power is reported as restored across the ship captain

Take us out of here!

via Imgflip Meme Generator


1743. Post 54063498 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: bitserve on March 20, 2020, 09:00:35 AM
This is a celebrity named Olga.


Here is a long list of famous people w Covbull-19. Almost all are feeling fine, one has some body aches, and one is doing fine in a hospital.

Covbull-19 seems to have its strongest effects on money printers and T.P. lovers.

Based on testing numbers about 11 percent of the NBA has Covbull. About half of a percent of the U.S. House of Representatives has tested positive.

They all are feeling fine.

I'm starting to wonder if somewhere between .5 and 11 percent of the U.S. has it and its actually extremely rare to get any symptoms stronger than the flu.

Germany has been doing a lot of testing. They have a .2 percent mortality rate. The new drugs should get it under flu death rates soon.

Prognosis: Covbull healthwise is a nothing burger and never comes close to killing as many as the 80k deaths caused by snake bites each year. Febrile money printers can't undo what they have done. Helicopter money is upon us.  Bernanke prophecy fulfilled.

Dude, you are not getting it, do you?

It's not the fucking Ebola, yeah, and it may be even softer than the flu for most persons but:

1) Unlike the flu, no one is inmune
2) It is highly contagious... probably more than the flu.
3) Some of the very few people that have bad symptoms usually develop a very bad pneumonia.
4) Patients with a bad pneumonia usually need ventilators to have a chance to survive.
5) We don't have more than a few thousands ventilators and it is very hard to obtain more right now because every fucking country needs them and manufacturers are overwhelmed.
6) There is also a complete scarcity of masks and other personal protection items.. Which makes anyone going anywhere near an hospital or a doctor, for whatever reason, to have all the chances to be infected.

In Italy the number of people needing ventilators to survive have already exceeded the number of available ventilators. Which, btw, are also needed for some things other than this covid thingy. In Spain we are quickly reaching that critical ceiling in some regions like Madrid.

This is not about number of deaths but about the medical services being overwhelmed and unable to keep giving proper treatment to the patients that need it. So every effort it is being focused in slowing the spreading of the virus trying to maintain the figure of people needing ICU/ventilators below the number of available ones... until everyone have already been exposed to it... or a vaccine is ready.
Fear and Panic Copypasta to justify global nothing burger hysteria. Looking like we will never catch up with snake bite deaths.
Get it now?

Yeah, you're really scared, I get it. Its not a crime. The whole world hit peak fear. Its starting to melt away. Soon you will catch up. After the pump perhaps, who knows.

1744. Post 54063565 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

"What my company is doing is adapting antibodies to recognize and neutralize the novel coronavirus. So this would ... [be] sort of skipping what a vaccine does," Glanville said. "Instead of giving you a vaccine and waiting for it to produce an immune response, we just give you those antibodies right away. And so within about 20 minutes, that patient has the ability to neutralize the virus."

"The completed drug is going to go to the USAMRIID [United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases]. So that's the U.S. military and they're gonna be testing it for its ability to neutralize the virus.

"At the same time, that drug was going to go to Charles River Laboratories, which is a international contract research group, which is going to test the safety of that drug," Glanville said."

Another cure for later to add to the one we already have.

1745. Post 54063610 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Oh look, another research paper further showing the virus gets weaker in warmer, more humid weather. And spring just started yesterday.  Grin

"After estimating the serial interval of COVID-19 from 105 pairs of the virus carrier and the infected, we calculate the daily effective reproductive number, R, for each of all 100 Chinese cities with more than 40 cases. Using the daily R values from January 21 to 23, 2020 as proxies of non-intervened transmission intensity, we find, under a linear regression framework for 100 Chinese cities, high temperature and high relative humidity significantly reduce the transmission of COVID-19, respectively, even after controlling for population density and GDP per capita of cities. One degree Celsius increase in temperature and one percent increase in relative humidity lower R by 0.0383 and 0.0224, respectively. This result is consistent with the fact that the high temperature and high humidity significantly reduce the transmission of influenza. It indicates that the arrival of summer and rainy season in the northern hemisphere can effectively reduce the transmission of the COVID-19."

1746. Post 54063683 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 20, 2020, 11:29:29 AM

"What my company is doing is adapting antibodies to recognize and neutralize the novel coronavirus. So this would ... [be] sort of skipping what a vaccine does," Glanville said. "Instead of giving you a vaccine and waiting for it to produce an immune response, we just give you those antibodies right away. And so within about 20 minutes, that patient has the ability to neutralize the virus."

"The completed drug is going to go to the USAMRIID [United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases]. So that's the U.S. military and they're gonna be testing it for its ability to neutralize the virus.

"At the same time, that drug was going to go to Charles River Laboratories, which is a international contract research group, which is going to test the safety of that drug," Glanville said."

Another cure for later to add to the one we already have.
Medicine is just not that simple. Fake news. I have no argument so Ill just characterize it as complicated and fake.

At least you tried.  Wink Being a Doom Fan Boy is getting harder and harder each day.

1747. Post 54063712 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 20, 2020, 11:30:40 AM
Oh look, another research paper further showing the virus gets weaker in warmer, more humid weather. And spring just started yesterday.  Grin

"After estimating the serial interval of COVID-19 from 105 pairs of the virus carrier and the infected, we calculate the daily effective reproductive number, R, for each of all 100 Chinese cities with more than 40 cases. Using the daily R values from January 21 to 23, 2020 as proxies of non-intervened transmission intensity, we find, under a linear regression framework for 100 Chinese cities, high temperature and high relative humidity significantly reduce the transmission of COVID-19, respectively, even after controlling for population density and GDP per capita of cities. One degree Celsius increase in temperature and one percent increase in relative humidity lower R by 0.0383 and 0.0224, respectively. This result is consistent with the fact that the high temperature and high humidity significantly reduce the transmission of influenza. It indicates that the arrival of summer and rainy season in the northern hemisphere can effectively reduce the transmission of the COVID-19."
Explain Thailand and other hot places. No, we can safely say this is not so. This explains why Thailand has only had 1 death even though they were early adopters of Covbull-19 and had their first case on Jan. 13.

Yes. Yes it does. That sound you hear...... Its the hysteria melting away across the globe.

1748. Post 54063730 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Ibian on March 20, 2020, 11:46:20 AM
Quarter million infected. It keeps getting easier.

Millions are probably infected. They aren't getting sick mostly. This thing is weak.

Being a Doom Fanboy is gonna be a tough gig going forward. You may have to work extra hours scouring the web looking for the finest doom porn available.  Cheesy

1749. Post 54063770 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

"Is China a leading indicator for the rest of the world as COVID-19 runs its course?

Farr's Law of Epidemics

"William Farr demonstrated that epidemics decline at a mathematically predictable rate, using empirical observations of a smallpox epidemic to confirm this. He later formulated several other mathematical equations and laws that apply to epidemics, e.g., that prevalence of a disease can be calculated from the mathematical product of incidence and the average duration."

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1750. Post 54063787 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Peace Bulls and lovers of humanity.  Off to Hodlvirus Sleep.  Smiley

Final Score.

Slayer 26, Doom Fanboyz 0

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1751. Post 54085939 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Sup WO, its the Slayer that Doom Trolls love to hate.  Cheesy

Busy long weekend.

I have a lot of pages to catch up to, and so many trillions worth of money printing to read about in the news, but Doom Trolls will be dealt with.

50 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cool

1752. Post 54086146 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Paashaas on March 24, 2020, 04:45:50 AM
Coronavirus Cases: 381,653. Deaths: 16,558. Recovered: 102,429. Affecting 195 countries and territories.

- First cases in Myanmar, Belize, Turks and Caicos.

- Zimbabwe has recorded its first death.

- 25 counties with more than 1000 cases.

- Ethiopa has closed its borders to nearly all visitors.

- Nigeria closes borders, suspends international flights.

- Governors in Indiana, Hawaii, Michigan and Massachusetts became the latest state executives to order statewide stay at home orders.

- US Postal Service may be bankrupt by June without financial support from congress.

- The Federal Reserve says there is an ''infinite amounth of cash''.

- Spain's La Liga suspended indefinitely.

- India announced a halt to all domestic flights and said the majority of the country was under complete lockdown. Prime minister Modi tells Indians to save themselves.

- Hong Kong bans non residents from entering.

- Tunisia has ordered the army enforcing a lockdown.

- Three doctors have died in France after contracting Covid-19.

- Spain has nearly 4,000 health workers infected.

- Tens of thousands of migrant workers left Thailand for neigbouring countries after new restrictions were announced.

- Netherlands tightens restrictions one step before lockdown.

- New Zealand prepares to enter lockdown.

- UK lockdown will last for at least 3 weeks, closing all non-essential stores, public gatherings with more than 2 people banned.

- Austria is mobilizing its military reservists for the first time since World War 2 by helping with food supplies, medical support and police operations.

- Denmark extends lockdown until April 13.

- Kyrgyzstan declared a state of emergency, moves to lock down major cities.

- More state border closures in Australia.

- Congo has imposed a two day lockdown in one copper and cobalt producing province and shut down public markets.

- Greece announces lockdown after reporting largest daily jump in deaths and is suspending all flights to the UK and Turkey.

- Total lockdown imposed in South Africa for three weeks.

- Riots in several jails in Argentina, over one thousand prisoners revolted.

- WHO: coronavirus pandemic is accelerating.

- Angela Merkel tests negative for Covid-19.

- Canada and Australia withdraw from Tokyo Olympics.

- Mexico tourist economy tanking. Mexican president vows to bail out the poor, not big companies.

- CCP narrative: the world is infecting China, all new cases are "imported".

In the past 2 weeks, more people in America have lost jobs than in the entire 2008-2010 recession.

And this has just started.

Historic Fed boost fails to stop Wall Street's coronavirus driven sell off.

Another nothing burger attempt at spreading Doom, but people are becoming desensitized to the triviality.

Fed boost did just fine, S&P futures up almost 5 percent tonight. Bitcoin doing great. Covbull is being exposed to the world as mostly hype. 80k snake bites this year. 1.3 million auto deaths this year. Covbull is mostly good for money printing.  

America is growing tired of unconstitutional lockdowns violating our right to peaceably assemble. The push back has already started. Things will get back to normal soon as people are realizing that old people die(some young too) and its not worth going into a global depression and killing countless millions from poverty, famine, suicide, and lack of charity from rich nations to poor nations.

I might start a snake bites update each day, just to illustrate how tired this whole "Corona is gonna kill everyone" shtick is.

"Though the exact number of snake bites is unknown, an estimated 5.4 million people are bitten each year with up to 2.7 million envenomings.

Around 81 000 to 138 000 people die each year because of snake bites, and around three times as many amputations and other permanent disabilities are caused by snakebites annually.

Bites by venomous snakes can cause paralysis that may prevent breathing, bleeding disorders that can lead to a fatal haemorrhage, irreversible kidney failure and tissue damage that can cause permanent disability and limb amputation.

Agricultural workers and children are the most affected. Children often suffer more severe effects than adults, due to their smaller body mass."

 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

See how ez this game is. Its a big world with billions of people. 150k die each day. Its ez to pick one cause of death, zoom in on it, report every little instance ad nauseam, and with the help of a sketchy MSM spread fear all over the land. Problem is the hysteria is brief as people get hip to the game. Its fading as we speak.

1753. Post 54086165 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on March 24, 2020, 08:02:14 AM
Sup WO, its the Slayer that Doom Trolls love to hate.  Cheesy

Busy long weekend.

I have a lot of pages to catch up to, and so many trillions worth of money printing to read about in the news, but Doom Trolls will be dealt with.

50 days till the Halvening and all is well.  Cool

Hey Dr. Slayer man, so glad to see you.

Hey buddy! I see you held it down while I was gone.  Grin

Our govy paymasters say we are in for some big bonuses this month bc we geolocated several basement dwellers and are now prepping FISA warrants to go ahead with the chip implants.

We should have full mind control of the Legion of Doom soon via the new 5G neural control towers.  Good work man!

1754. Post 54086201 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 22, 2020, 01:38:08 AM
Why wouldn't he just use his regular account?

What you are saying, Cryptotourist, does not make any senses, unless there is something wrong with Roach's regular account.

Shit, I don't know JJG, I'm only fucking with him here.
That cunt had the audacity to call me a paid shill/agent - whilst most likely being exactly that himself - what the fuck was I supposed to respond to that?
He also kinda reminds me of r0ach in a more refined way. That's it.

... clearly a paid shill troll. Spamming WO with crap posting and huge font histrionics drama.
Seems to be tag teaming; Lambie Slayer on weeks cryptotourist on weekends and night.
Pair of bitches on a govvie leash most likely.
Maybe the same scumbags who invented roach persona to crap up this place for 3 years, who got reassigned.

No Roach was real, but our snatch and grab team caught u with him and gave him the new neural implant. Now he is working for us.  Cheesy

1755. Post 54086206 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: nutildah on March 20, 2020, 01:16:41 PM
Wonder how Lambie feels about the coronavirus.

Bullish AF.  Cheesy

1756. Post 54086220 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 20, 2020, 09:29:28 PM
Whew ... so much more peaceful when the children go to bed.

When paranoid schizophrenia(muh virus gonna kill me an everyone else, ahhhh!) starts to set in, peaceful sleep gets harder and harder to come by.  Ask roach. Wink

1757. Post 54086259 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: kurious on March 22, 2020, 11:26:26 PM
Whatever happened to Lambie 'it's just a flu' Slayer?

He's been quiet
The Doom Troll Slayer has been gone, it gets boring wallowing in our own fear and pretending the world will end over a trivial amount of deaths when he isn't around to bring us back to reality. 

Sorry bro, I cant be here all the time. Lots of other stuff going on in life. But when Im here I will make it count. Wink

1758. Post 54086263 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: gentlemand on March 22, 2020, 11:32:42 PM
Whatever happened to Lambie 'it's just a flu' Slayer?

He's been quiet. 

Opening a ventilator factory, the front running prick.

Nah... ventilators don't fix cowardice and fear mongering of doom trolls. Those require a good Slaying which I offer for free.  I'm quite kind and generous you see.  Cheesy

1759. Post 54086274 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 22, 2020, 11:48:17 PM
Whatever happened to Lambie 'it's just a flu' Slayer?

He's been quiet.  

... the  level of sock muppetry reached a peak on friday.

Must be getting new shouting points to change the psy-op 'angles'.

Marcus of Cuntus is walking a little more down the Roach path each day. Starting to think he sold all his coins. Everyone works for the govt who doesnt buy into his weak kneed feminine hysterics. Sure..... Roll Eyes

Its cool that you get scared ez. I had a little sister like that growing up. She couldn't even go in haunted houses on Halloween. Just don't expect us to care when nobody buys into all your cry baby antics about the world ending.

How are those shorts by the way. Still waiting to cover at 1k Wink

1760. Post 54086297 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 23, 2020, 01:13:52 AM
Whatever happened to Lambie 'it's just a flu' Slayer?

He's been quiet.  

... the  level of sock muppetry reached a peak on friday.

Must be getting new shouting points to change the psy-op 'angles'.

That be called Koreck.

Lambie bambie, et al cannot be spouting out the same talking points.

They got's ta mix it up a little bit and to keep us WO participants entertained with nonsense.

In other words, brainstorming (washing) briefenings all weekend long.  Not an easy job for lambie bambie et al coming up with idea-ers, to creatively/entertainingly spout out nonsense in the WO thread.  
Im a actually a bit of a fan of Slayer work. I wish he could be here all the time to brighten up the place, but I understand a dynamic personality like that has a lot going on in life and I should just enjoy the show when its in town.

Fuck yeah dude. You're all right w me JJG. For now at least.  Smiley

1761. Post 54086337 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 23, 2020, 10:36:59 AM
That be called Koreck.


Lambie bambie, et al cannot be spouting out the same talking points.

You twat. Easy to talk when someone is not around hah?

They got's ta mix it up a little bit and to keep us WO participants entertained with nonsense.

Wow! Yeah man, let's have another analysis.

In other words, brainstorming (washing) briefenings all weekend long.  Not an easy job for lambie bambie et al coming up with idea-ers, to creatively/entertainingly spout out nonsense in the WO thread.  

Salt, ASAP!

Chronicling the missening of Lambiebambie, and roach.


Note:  Ironic that you, Turist-murist, are suggesting that my interaction regarding that drama-queen diptwat, aka lambiebambie, differs based on whether he is currently posting or not?  Yeah right.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Hey bro, I know Slayer will always come back eventually and punish me for my salty cunt ways. I depend on him to help me like that. I got so upset once I wouldn't post for weeks bc he got to me so much.

 When Slayer is gone like this weekend, its bc he has things to do and after such a ass stomping he gave the Legion of Doom last week, its only right that he give them a few days to lick their vaginas and recover.

Slayer once came here in 2015, slayed the biggest troll ever to come on this thread, then after getting banned didn't bother to come back till 2017 to call the bottom of the bear market 2 days after it happened. He might leave again and come back in another 2 years if he feels like it. I will post here everyday till I meet my maker, bc this is my life dammit!

Bro, get some exercise ffs.  Roll Eyes

1762. Post 54086367 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on March 23, 2020, 04:47:15 PM

Note:  Ironic that you, Turist-murist, are suggesting that my interaction regarding that drama-queen diptwat, aka lambiebambie, differs based on whether he is currently posting or not?  Yeah right.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Help me out JJG.
I'm desperately trying to find what the fuck that "murist" could ever mean.


Well, thanks for asking.   Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Just a rhyme...  and maybe at best be a shortening pun on the word "muralist"   The rhyming part was the most important to me, rather than any specific meaning.Ive got a low iq, gimme a break.

You seem to be letting your defensiveness turn to offensiveness, and that is largely your issue... including your battle with Marcus farcus... I give two shits about such battle, but you seemed to have concluded that I was taking the side of marcus farcus merely because we both view the slayer wannabe as a dweeb and for some strange reason, that may only be known by you, you seem to want to defend that turd. Slayer calls me out for being boring and redundant. He is more of a man than I ever was in my day, and it bothers me a lot. I will always be salty about this.

Same thing when I imagined you strapped in the straight jacket, in my earlier post.. that was merely a joke.. who fucking cares?  But you did not comment because you were reading too much into the funzies... that did not even seem to shed any bad light upon you. These are the interwebs where we should NOT be getting too caught up in sometimes ambiguous puns, even sometimes personal ones... Boredom salad

Sure, I sometimes get a bit irritated by some troll / shills, but I really doubt that much if any of my irritation is on any kind of personal level.... yet there might be some difference of opinion regarding whether someone is a troll shill or whether they are genuinely attempting to post substance and grapple with actual ideas rather than to some weird ass agenda that may or may not be sponsored... sure some troll/shills actually believe the shit that they put out... but, there surely are likely to be differing assessments about whether someone is an actual genuine poster or some troll/shill.   Witness my tears.

I am prepared to go to battle mode, if seemingly reasonable within my own discretion, but I'm currently thinking that likely no battle mode is currently necessary, under current circumstances....  ..  Wink Wink Wink  time will tell.Life is a struggle bro, but I will go out typing


baby talk

eg 'bitty-witty coiny-woiny'

wasn't there a character in Blackadder, a queen or something, who talked like that? so, womanly talk too maybe (baby)

@V8:  You are too smart for your own good.  You must be taken out.


baby talk

eg 'bitty-witty coiny-woiny'

wasn't there a character in Blackadder, a queen or something, who talked like that? so, womanly talk too maybe (baby)

Fucking great, having JJG calling me a baby faggot queen, is just surreal. Again.

Challenging times indeed. Grin
Thanks V.

Yous gots to get ur lil selfie a grip...   Tongue Tongue

for reals, mate....  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy


1763. Post 54086407 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Paashaas on March 24, 2020, 08:51:46 AM
N00B Lambie, if you want to be a better troll use another VPN.

It was not that hard to hack.

Pretending to be a Bitcointalk Admin will not work with me lol.
I am not even sure what Im talking about rn. Probably should go back to posting trivial snake or flu death stats.

N00B Kiss

Might be worth a try bc I never said I was an admin. But please, fill us in on all the horror of the .0000000000001 percent of 88 year olds that died of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and tha flu.  Cheesy  

Maybe those shorts will work out one day Doom Troll Wink

1764. Post 54086423 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Doom Trolls, please call in for backup. This is getting embarrassing for you.  Grin

Things are just too bullish rn in Hodlviruslandia.

1765. Post 54086441 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: ErisDiscordia on March 22, 2020, 06:39:07 AM
alright Ibian

that's it

one more screen you don't get to be on

Make that 2. Welcome to ignore, bucko. Join the illustrious company of JJG and...not even roach is on my ignore. Just the two of you. Fuck you.

LOL, +1

1766. Post 54086458 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 24, 2020, 09:13:29 AM
... snakes in the Big Apple.
As the number of deaths in the United States from COVID-19 soared to 560, with almost 44,000 declared cases, the Big Apple found itself the US bullseye of the global pandemic.

With millions of residents ordered to stay home and non-essential businesses and schools closed, the city that never sleeps is bedding down for an uncertain slumber.
New York City has now seen more than 12,000 confirmed cases and almost 100 deaths in the outbreak, which first appeared in the United States in Washington state.

100 deaths. LOL.  Cheesy

1767. Post 54086471 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 24, 2020, 09:09:53 AM
... snake bites going exponential in CA, it's just math.

California's governor said on Monday that the state needs 50,000 additional hospital beds to accommodate a surge in coronavirus patients predicted by computer modeling.

Newsom said the state had gone to the open market looking to purchase some 200 million pieces of protective gear for doctors and nurses treating patients with COVID-19.

Whats the math on how much your shorts are underwater. The Legion of Doom has utterly failed.  Cool

1768. Post 54086625 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

"Over the weekend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York state announced he has found a treatment against the coronavirus with a 100% success rate on 350 patients.

The New York doctor also posted a video explaining his success with hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks.  His treatment resulted in the shortness of breath issue being resolved in 4 to 6 hours.  Dr. Zelenko in his study had zero deaths, zero hospitalizations and zero intubations!"

Sean Hannity brings on two Doctors to discuss the results.

This Doctor serves a Hasidic Jewish community. Legion of Doom is gonna shit themselves with tin foil tomfoolery.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

1769. Post 54105138 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Catching up on pages. I see the Legion of Doom is in shambles. Marcus of ScaredofMyShadowus praying her nothing burger will get bigger but snake bites keeps kicking its ass.  Kiss

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Shorting Bitcoin is never a good idea, even if some virus has you scared of the world.

The King of Currency knows no fear.  Cheesy

47 days till the Halvening and all is well.

1770. Post 54105161 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 24, 2020, 08:26:10 AM
Honestly, you girls need to go and put those cheap-arse Psyc (or communications god forbid) majors to use somewhere else.

The whole routine is transparent and wasteful of taxpayers hard-earned cash.

No-one's buying your BS muppetry WO trolling any longer.
Me sad you no scared muh virus and muh shorts blow up.  Cry
Maybe get a boyfriend and you wont be so scared all of the time sugar.  Wink

1771. Post 54105208 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on March 25, 2020, 10:12:39 AM
Hey fellas.

Erm.. Umm… i came to say that i am sorry for my actions and Words at the time being delt. I know the times now are rough & scary so i just wanted to say sorry to everyone i might of offended or hurt.

It is a true honor to learn & share the same dream with the most Refined Community i could of been a part of.. even if just for a short time. =)

Love you guys

Never use an alt account, make excuses in your own name, always the best


I accept Lambie's apology. Smiley

Are you even insinuating that LS has anything to do with those cunts?

Sorry for what? Poking fun of your doom update about a virus that is about 25 percent as deadly as the deaths in India from driving cars over the speed limit?  Roll Eyes Ok, sorry buddy, its just such an ez target.

Stay 6 feet away from your cars everyone, they can be deadly.

1772. Post 54105225 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Elwar on March 24, 2020, 08:12:43 PM
We should all be scared. Look at the charts for overall deaths in Europe.  Notice how many deaths there are of people 15-64 since 2020 started. Trying times my friends.

You are reading that right. Number of deaths the past few weeks is below the "Normal range".

LOL, but Marcus said everyone was dying exponentially and sheet.

1773. Post 54105284 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 24, 2020, 01:46:16 AM
... another bottleneck exposed in modern society by the virus, just-in-time funeral services.

I bet Silicon Valley can come up with a funeral home share app for that, with surge pricing to cater for unexpected demand too.
Im inventing an app that plays nursery rhymes to soothe me every time I get scared

"Overweight and obesity are the fifth leading risk for global deaths. At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese."

Locking down billions will just make them fatter and cause more deaths than the nursing home assassin ever will.

Yet another reason why the lockdowns are silly overreactions cheerleaded by the fringe panic mongers of society. Soon they will be ended so people will walk to the Bitcoin ATM's to buy Bitcoin.

The globe is quickly losing interest in the panic. Hysteria is melting away. All asset prices are rising against the dollar. Bears will be rekt.

1774. Post 54105330 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on March 27, 2020, 11:01:23 AM
Hey Spammie Layer?

Yeah, I get it, my comments don't resonate with your choice to wallow in fear at a global crisis nothing burger Wink

via Imgflip Meme Generator

"But in the same three months, there have been about three million deaths in China from other causes, and about 14 million deaths worldwide. During the same three-month period, according to Health Canada, there have been almost 10,000 deaths in Canada from tobacco addiction, for instance – and just one from COVID-19.

Is COVID-19 a global crisis? Certainly for people who can’t add."

King Bitcoin fears nothing, neither should hodlers.  Smiley

1775. Post 54105340 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: gentlemand on March 27, 2020, 11:05:00 AM
Hey Spammie Layer?

Conspiracy theory of the day - Lambie Slayer is actually the person he claimed to slay. The state can no longer afford the experimental meds that turned the tide back in the day.

One week before we get goatse and Chinese astronaut cartoons again.

Weak theory, I doxed an FT journalist. One of the biggest bitcoin haters ever. She still writes hate articles about Bitcoin. Im as bullish as it gets.

Stronger theory is you are her alt. Would explain all the weird porn she used to post.  Wink

1776. Post 54105409 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on March 26, 2020, 08:58:09 AM

Boris, I heard it's worse than a snake bite?!

More people died in house fires in the U.S. than Coronaflu, tell the governors to force everyone to sleep outside in tents. Im super scareddddddd! Please everyone, be scared with me!!!  Shocked

LOL Cheesy Thats not gonna work buddy, everyone is losing interest in the flu.

1777. Post 54105444 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: bitserve on March 26, 2020, 03:49:06 AM
NY city morgues at capacity.
... snake bites. (or SARS-infused ferret bites?)

A report from Madrid where they commandeered an ice-rink (currently not used). Do they simply stack the bodies, literally "on ice",until they can catch up with funerals, cremations, autopsies, etc? Thought that was highly creative, if a little morbid.

Authorities said on Monday facilities could not cope and agreed to transform the Palacio de Hielo mall, home to an Olympic-sized ice rink, into a morgue.

Footage from Reuters TV showed vehicles at the building cordoned off by police officers in masks.

I think that qualifies for the funeral home share app prize winner.

It may sound weird at first, but it makes sense. In lack of a better solution, NYC has the rink at Rockefeller Center and probably many others across all the state.

Also, instead of building an hospital from scratch like Wuhan did in 10 days. Madrid just repurposed IFEMA Convention Center into a 5000+ bed Hospital in just 2 days:

That is just one of MANY pavillions of the complex. Also the repurposed rink morgue is very close to it.

On other news, Mexico's President is completely nuts. In a hilarious video staged on some kind of restaurant he encouraged their citizens to go out and socialice even more than ever... because it is good for the economy.

“Don’t stop going out—we’re still only in phase one,” López Obrador said. “If you have the means to do it, continue taking your family out to restaurants and diners. That’s what will strengthen the economy.”

(In original Spanish it sounds much more encouraging... and hilarious)

Maybe he is a Slayer relative?

Or maybe he realizes the cartels kill over 30k people a year while the new Flu only killed 8 in mexico. Cool

1778. Post 54105492 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Boris will recover from the very bad flu. King Bitcoin will never even catch a cold. Cheesy

1779. Post 54105578 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

The doom modelers that inspired the Legion of Doom to get their panties in a collective wad are backtracking as quick as they can.

They realize they are going to be in the history books for helping cause the biggest over reaction in human history. Good news is they cant unprint all the money they printed.

"On Thursday the man behind the Imperial College study backtracked and now says 20,000 UK citizens may die from the coronavirus and not the original half a million they predicted.Roll Eyes

White House Coronaflu Task Force member:

Dr. Birx: “The predictions of the models don’t match the reality on the ground in either China, South Korea, or Italy. We’re about 5 times the size of Italy. If we were Italy, and you did those divisions, Italy should have close to 400,000 deaths. They’re not close to achieving that.”

Remember noobs. The Legion of Doom have underwater shorts rn and wants you to sell your coins so they can cover and buy back cheap. Don't fall for their panic attempts.  Smiley

1780. Post 54105628 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on March 27, 2020, 11:48:41 AM
SELF-LOVE We should all masturbate during Coronavirus lockdown to ‘boost our immune systems’ & ‘fight off infections’, docs say

Credi gift:

Now you know, Tongue

Yo LS, Marcus is not Marcus anymore - it's Lucy - despite the fact that she prefers r0achie. Wink

LOL. CT the Legion of Dingleberries is working hard to scour the web looking for some good doom porn.

I feel a little sorry for them bc its getting harder and harder for them to pretend everyone should be frightened of a borderline trivial "crisis."

Maybe they could do something productive like warn people about the dangers of overeating. It actually kills millions like they dream and wish Corona would to help their shorts.

I mean damn, Italy is having to fudge their numbers just to keep up with bicycle and skateboard accident deaths.

"On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates [in Italy] have shown a direct causality from coronavirus."

1781. Post 54105768 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.21h):

Quote from: psycodad on March 27, 2020, 12:00:45 PM
Hey fellas.

Erm.. Umm… i came to say that i am sorry for my actions and Words at the time being delt. I know the times now are rough & scary so i just wanted to say sorry to everyone i might of offended or hurt.

It is a true honor to learn & share the same dream with the most Refined Community i could of been a part of.. even if just for a short time. =)

Love you guys

Never use an alt account, make excuses in your own name, always the best


I accept Lambie's apology. Smiley

Are you even insinuating that LS has anything to do with those cunts?

Sorry for what? Poking fun of your doom update about a virus that is about 25 percent as deadly as the deaths in India from driving cars over the speed limit?  Roll Eyes Ok, sorry buddy, its just such an ez target.

Stay 6 feet away from your cars everyone, they can be deadly.

While you are certainly right with your numbers (I was making admittedly similar comparisons in the past regarding the lethality risk of Corona), one important point is that these accidents happen nicely spread over a whole year. The problem with Corona is that it all happens within 2-3 weeks.

It has never been about body count in the first place, and indeed the personal risk for individuals dying from Corona is miniscule compared to many dozens of other prevalent risks in society (like as you correctly pointed toward obesity for example).

The (justified) fear is that perfectable cureable injuries or illnesses can lead to death within those weeks and this again can lead to people losing trust in the society, system, their healthcare insurance etc. if their lil daughter dies from a little cut while helping in the kitchen because there is just nobody to treat her (sew the scar, inject tetanus vaccination etc.). That is a situation you can't want at any price because it would fuck us all up to the same degree.

Agree, bullish for BTC, but not so bullish for anybody needing a lil medical care in the next weeks.

Also, I agree that the number of death from the resulting recession will be so much higher than the death toll owed to Corona itself.

It all is about a possible total collapse of the already-thinned out (for Americans: non-existent) healthcare system.

Then again, I personally would be totally scared by an illness that has the same individual risks as driving a bike on the streets of Delhi. As of today I could avoid that risk luckily.

Also, I would appreciate if you could condensate two or three of your posts into one. Your opinion is as valuable as everybody's else here, but you won't win the argument by filling pages making fun of people with differing opinions.

That said, stay safe, keep cool and take care of yourself and your beloved ones.
And naturally: hodl!

I agree with a large amount of what you say. You aren't predicting doom and your thoughts are well reasoned. I have to admit I am loving the fact that the India lockdown means I haven't had any calls about my computer having a virus lately. I used to get about 2 calls a day from Indian scammers for various IRS, Microsoft, credit card scams, etc. Now its crickets.  Cheesy

As far as my multiple posts.... When I don't post for three days like just now, and come back I try to respond to everyone who engaged with me.  Its the Slayer Way. Often that would just mean a comment or two.

Lately I am replying to a lot of posts bc the Legion of Doom is upset w their underwater shorts and get shook when I expose their doom trolling efforts by comparing how trivial the virus is to other death causes.

As to your point about people dying bc they cant get healthcare due to influx of flu patients,
I see that as trivial as well. Sucks if it happens on an individual scale, but on a global scale its trivial. We are talking about a tiny amount of people needing attention in a tiny amount of hotspots.

The best thing anyone worried about dying can do is lose weight, quit smoking, drink in moderation or not at all, and buckle your seatbelt. This will greatly increase your chances of survival. Worrying about snake bites or even the more trivial coronavirus is counterproductive and the stress could take years off of ones life. The stress of underwater shorts is also harmful so I advise the Doom Squad to cover before you get liquidated.

1782. Post 54129948 (copy this link) (by Lambie Slayer) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.22h):

Quote from: Cryptotourist on March 31, 2020, 12:03:39 PM

Not at all sir!

Just packed my ass crack full of Nutella. Who wants to eat it out whilst I watch shit coin charts?

What do I win?

What is going on here?  Grin