All posts made by romneymoney in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 6240904 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.38h):

Quote from: pjviitas on April 16, 2014, 01:42:12 AM
There is only one flaw with this reasoning...with only a 5 Billion dollars is peanuts for these countries...if China or Russia or the USA for that matter wanted all the Bitcoin there wouldn't be much we could do about it.

There are no counties that seriously give a shit about Bitcoin because if they did none of us would have any right now.

That's the market price.  If someone wanted ALL of it
the price would rise to near infinity
I know if demand is that high, I will hodl for the moon

2. Post 6374388 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.40h):

Quote from: seleme on April 24, 2014, 02:41:33 PM
Wow, this guy is the king of the bears:

Is it someone from here? He sounds like he really hates Bitcoin.

Wanna be smart arse TA-er...

The smiley face, the grammatical errors, the overconfidence.
"sorry bitcoiners"
Why would they set a troll to moderator?

I'd like to hear how this guy committed his fortune to futures of BTC at under $50 in 2015
It's easy to draw trendlines to anywhere without any skin in the game.

3. Post 6746565 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.44h):

4. Post 6935043 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.47h):

Quote from: chromosoma on May 25, 2014, 07:02:16 PM
Yes, that is why, and non-paypal methods are expensive with high fees, or too slow (few days).
I am not a scamer. Maybe troll, but not a scamer:)
Scammer and off topic.. Go to Currency Exchange

5. Post 6997347 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.48h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on May 28, 2014, 04:19:05 PM
Look, the thing is that although you make some useful points, and you are consistently polite in doing so, you are becoming increasingly strident. The fact that you very selectively choose what to argue - and a lot of people have made some very good points against some of your mistaken assumptions recently - means that it's not really worth engaging with you. Literally no point, because you appear to ignore anything that doesn't fit with what you already believe and move on.
Obviously I argue while I believe I am right.  If a reply is convincing, I let the poster have the last word.  Isn't that enough?

But there are MANY reasons why I am skeptical of bitcoin's success, and many of the replies that I get are not only unconvincing, thet are just countering facts with statements of faith:

   Me: "Goevernments can effectively ban bitcoin, see China for example."
  Them: "Bitcoin is like the internet, it will find a way around any obstacle."
This ship appears to be sailing in the USA on the side of no ban.  This is a real concern, but trend is good IMO.

   Me: "Bitcoins may be scarce, but there are plenty of cyptocoins with equivalent or better protocols"
  Them: "Cryptocoins will die and bitcoin will not."
Bitcoin adds more users per day than the entire user-base of all the alt-coins combined.  The network effect just widens the gap further.  (source: BITCOIN 2014 - Wences Casares (Xapo).  I did not verify these numbers, is this true?.

   Me: "Bitcoin is now more prone to theft and fraud than credit cards, see the numbers."
   Them: "Bitcoin will be much safer when it matures."
Bitcoin is becoming safer, check out Circle for one example of an insured BTC wallet.  Multisig is a nice solution to some of the problems.  The investment money pouring in now is working on that problem with much promise (not just faith).

   Me: "Mining is already concentrated in a few companies, they may form a cartel and become like the bankers."
   Them: "It is a free market so that will not happen."
Seems like a legit concern.  The small amount of collusion required to attain 51% seems dangerous.  This  Bitcoin 101 - The Nightmare of a 51% Attack   goes over some other scenarios where a malicious player could break the protocol

   Me: "The Satoshi 2009 blockchain already assigns XX% of all the money to a few thousand people."
   Them: "Wealth distribution will improve with time."
While not ideal, I don't see this as any major impediment.

And so on and on.  Obviously I am not convinced by such answers, but how can I argue with statements of faith?
1. Agree to disagree and move on
2. Admit that you may not be infallible and that perhaps it's not "faith" but rather reasoned thinking.  This is extremely hard for many on this forum to give respect to conflicting ideas.
3. Get convinced that you were in fact incorrect.  You need to start with number 2.

You obviously have so much ego and animosity that I am pretty sure it's affecting the accuracy of the conclusions.

6. Post 7073136 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.49h):

Quote from: oda.krell on June 01, 2014, 02:50:23 PM
Who the fuck would be selling right now?

Those who are not bulltards..

Careful with that. You'll be put on 'ignore' by a newbie poster who will declare so in a post, full of indignation

(the same type of newbie who will sell all at a loss when the inevitable 15%+ drop happens eventually Cheesy)
I'll bite.  Calling people "tards" reflects very poorly on the person writing it.  Doesn't make it incorrect, but an immature jerk is probably less likely to have stellar analysis.

7. Post 7076176 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.49h):

Quote from: MahaRamana on June 01, 2014, 02:51:16 PM
New poll:

700 by Friday?

At this rate, 700 by Tuesday - if not tomorrow evening.

I somehow just cant see this happen, but I've been wrong before...

So lets see.

The current trend since the breakout would bring us to 800 by next Sunday.
But I don't think we'll maintain the same speed. It's been too linear which is unusual. I think we'll either stop and correct soon, or accelerate towards 1000 with growing volume.
Can you post a chart of more detail about how you arrive at that?  Been playing with different time-spans and Log always seems to fit better.

8. Post 7077991 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.49h):


9. Post 7078300 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.49h):

So good when it hits the lips  Grin

10. Post 7079412 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.49h):

BTC rose $30 in the time it took me to drink that beer.  

11. Post 7094611 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.49h):

wtf unsolicited health advice
gee, rpietila can be healthier if he eats better, exercises more, don't smoke/drink.   Like anybody with a pulse isn't already aware of that

12. Post 7238710 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.51h):


13. Post 7529709 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.55h):

It feels good to make a prediction that works out.  Good enough that some (overconfident, young, ego driven) take it as a signal that they've got it all figured out and their next prediction will work out as well. 

14. Post 7880327 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.59h):

Speculation inherently runs the risk of being wrong.  That's no excuse not to participate.  Stop beating around the bush and make a price prediction, Stolfi.

15. Post 7979061 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.00h):

How does one calculate and mitigate external impact in a free market without some governing body and regulations?

It is more profitable for a widget factory to dump the chemicals and other waste they produce into a river than to pay to have it hauled away.  However there is an impact on everyone downstream from them, maybe worldwide if they happen to destroy a Salmon fishery or some other critical thing.
There are plenty of examples of similar basically everywhere you see regulation.
I'm not saying the current systems are right or fair or the best way to do it, but we ended up here because the free-for-all wasn't working out so well for actual people.

16. Post 8072020 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

I've been feeling bearish for the first time since entering this spring, but I am trying to be clever and take that to mean that it's actually bullish.

17. Post 8122835 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.02h):

Quote from: fallinglantern on July 31, 2014, 05:37:54 PM
I don't believe it was even possible to have lost 1 BTC in 6 trades.

maybe with 10:1 leverage?

18. Post 8188894 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.02h):

The fact that you provide all the private information required to access the entire account with every CC transaction is a HUGE disadvantage vs. Bitcoin.  If there's one thing I am positive of, it's that all financial transactions will eventually move away from that model to bitcoin or something else that doesn't have this glaring hole.

19. Post 8314101 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.04h):

Quote from: kireinaha on August 12, 2014, 03:00:42 PM
Sigmund Freud may have said it, but it was originally spoken by Mr. Carl Sagan.

Sigmund Freud
Born: May 6, 1856, Příbor, Czech Republic
Died: September 23, 1939, London, United Kingdom

Carl Sagan
Born: November 9, 1934, Brooklyn, NY
Died: December 20, 1996, Seattle, WA

So unlikely to be the case. Likely it's apocryphal but I always heard it attributed to Einstein.

Yes, an earlier poster attributed it an Alcoholic Anonymous handbook from 1979, which may or may not have been penned by Carl Sagan Smiley
I'm pretty sure they said Narcotics Anonymous but not going back to confirm that  Tongue

20. Post 8314992 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.04h):

It's a whole lot easier, cheaper, and faster to paste some code from a casino and integrate a BTC wallet than it is to convince un-banked Africans to convert their tiny amount of FIAT to start using Bitcoin.  However the latter has the potential for explosive growth once if it can reach some critical mass due to the real benefits it's users will gain.  A difficult project that requires significant capital and time requires a different kind of investor and timeline.  I think we see so many shady projects like that now because it's what people have been able to complete and release successfully so far.  The more ambitious things take longer and haven't occurred yet.

21. Post 8429451 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.06h):

Quote from: BTCtrader71 on August 19, 2014, 05:00:02 AM
Chinese sending their coins to exchange to dump into this small rebound. Get ready for huge dump! cut your loose before it's too late!

Are you aware that "cut your loose" is not a recognized expression in the English language?
He made the same mistake in his sig too. 


22. Post 8429514 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.06h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on August 19, 2014, 04:58:00 AM
Seems I was not clear. 

Sure there has always been volatility, and large drops before, but until two months ago it was "expected volatility" that fitted the grand model: namely, average 1000% growth every year, through a series of bubbles more or less regularly spaced in time.   The drop after the November peak was eevn seen as a good thing because it was seen as a repeat of the drop after the April 2013 peak, and thus confirmed that pattern.  And the rise from May/20 to Jun/10 and the following plateau recalled what happened  from July through the end of September last year.

But this drop does not fit that pattern any more.  It is not the panic drop from ~125$ to ~85 on Oct/02, that was quicly reversed.   Analists were expecting the next bubble a month ago, but instead got a week of almost steady drop that brought the price down to the same level as the bottom of the "2014 Silk-Road-Like Dip".   So, what is the grand model now?

The bubble failing to materialize reminds me of the scene in Back to the Future III which answers your question well I think:

Jennifer Parker: Dr. Brown, I brought this note back from the future and now it's erased.

Doc: Of course it's erased.

Jennifer Parker: But what does that mean?

Doc: It means your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one, both of you.

Marty McFly: [Marty wraps his arm around Jennifer] We will, Doc.

23. Post 8702248 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Quote from: oda.krell on September 06, 2014, 03:27:29 PM
Oh, now I get your name.

Italian cuisine is master race cuisine. Italian liquors though are... meh, at best.

There, I said it Cheesy

I partially agree, but i have to work with what i got...  and Grappa Barricata work man, it work great Grin

Actually, Grappa isn't half bad, imo.

It's the limoncello (and similar super sweet liquors) I despise. Liquid toothpaste, I'm telling ya!
I discovered Solerno Blood Orange Liquor and it is super sweet and Italian.  Nothing like liquid toothpaste though.  Excellent in many mixed drinks.  Tastes like orange soda when mixed with seltzer.

24. Post 8764075 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.12h):

I bought some stuff with bitcoin on Newegg to resell with coins I had been hodling.  I'm expecting the price to go up while I'm trapped in goods and fiat  Tongue

25. Post 8876593 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: adaseb on September 18, 2014, 04:29:14 PM
Why is it that almost everybody in this thread is long and I am probably the only one short ?

The trend was down, it hit major resistance, it failed to rally on good news. Why would you be long in this market?

Why is everybody saying "YAY! Cheap coins" ??

Why are you trying to catch a falling knife? This might be the bottom but its highly unlikely its the bottom. It could go down another $50,$100 or $200 before it reaches a bottom and finds support.

My excuse is lack of confidence in ability to increase holdings through trading.  Also my original plan was only to sell at profit and allow for swings, accepting the risk that the price may never rise.  It would seem foolish to change it at this point, down around 20%.
If I were all in, I'm sure the panic level would be higher.

26. Post 8946029 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.15h):

27. Post 9019302 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

I ended up making my own customized live ubuntu iso to run on my laptop connected to a usb printer in order to print an offline wallet.  One issue I faced was that armory wouldn't run with the default iso file, so you are stuck connecting to the internet in order to install the necessary packages .  Most of the various tutorials I read didn't even mention this issue, like they never tried to actually do it themselves.
So, IMO the paper wallet solution kind of sucks at least as I've seen it implemented.  If you don't compromise on something it's a real pain.
I like the idea of for an online storage solution.  Didn't look into coinbase vault, but that's another option maybe.  

28. Post 9091992 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.20h):

The way I see it, either this is the fall to 0 or there will be a significant bull run at this point.

I am really having trouble believing that it will go out this way, but the last few months have been pretty clearly telling me that my predictions are not likely to be accurate.  Maybe we need to crack the old ATH at 266 and have a year where the prices are always lower than 12 months ago so all the historical patterns are broken.

Another question is how much damage is being done when the price falls so much so quickly? Is this the impetus to get more people involved or are we losing people to the price action?

29. Post 9092380 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.20h):

Quote from: magicmexican on October 05, 2014, 04:18:17 PM
The way I see it, either this is the fall to 0 or there will be a significant bull run at this point.

Really? Personally i think the chances of either are pretty shit
Well the next thing I said is that I have a really bad track record making predictions with BTC so far.  Probably my top feelings are lost and confused, so it wouldn't be a surprise at all if I'm wrong about this too.

30. Post 9118423 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: Bittings on October 07, 2014, 04:33:47 PM
People are so stupid, bitcoin is the primary currency of most darkmarkets, that is, a multi-billion dollar industry. It may go lower than 300 at some point but it is not going to die overnight or in the near future. Only when these darkmarkets transition to a superior more anonymous currency/platform we will see the true end of bitcoin.

You're gonna need to go through bitcoins though to convert those "darkcoins" to fiat. Not saying it wouldn't be a blow to Bitcoin, but Bitcoin is bigger than the dark markets.

Exactly.. There seems to be very little to no competition to bitcoin in the crypto world as far as fiat exchanges go.  IMO if there ends up being a legit competitor in that space (years away at very least) it's more likely to be be a less anonymous coin that is somehow more appealing to banking and governments.

31. Post 9130030 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

People who got in in the upper 200's and 300 looking at 15-20% gain in a short time period.  I know in BTC people want 1000% gains, but that is nothing to shake a stick at.
Of course all this activity happens when I have no fiat available.

32. Post 9521030 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.30h):

33. Post 9533120 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.31h):

Not so sure, just like there are buyers at an ATH expecting the moon, plenty of people felt the lowest price in a year was an indication that it would keep falling.

34. Post 9719442 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.36h):

I predict a major rally around early January.  Reasoning is that I will be receiving some money that I intend to invest in BTC at that time and I find it likely that the price will rise sharply just before that.

35. Post 10035815 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.43h):

This seems pretty bad so I'm byuing.  Just got my cheapest BTC yet.  Of course I'm fearful that it will just lose it's value also, if that weren't there, the price wouldn't be so low.

36. Post 11551078 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Having my stack reduced to 40% of it's peak fiat value has burned burned some of the stress off.  There's that much less on the table to worry about now.

37. Post 20693207 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.16h):

JFC I come back here to check out the action on BTC and you assholes are having a Jew bashing session.  WTF does that have to do with BTC? and "Jews own the banks" is not an useful or accurate answer.  

38. Post 26799633 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Guess for the game, 02/20/2020

39. Post 29250443 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.40h):

Quote from: gentlemand on January 30, 2018, 03:37:43 PM
This is reminding me of the $800 phase in early 2014. I'd prefer a violent plunge to rip everyone's baby blue panties to shreds and then we can get down to business.
That's when I started buying so I remember it well.  I've thought the same many times.

40. Post 29687328 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.42h):

I said we were going to 4k when we were at 19k (sold a % around that value) but the way this fall has happened so fast and all the news and fud has me a bit worried.
We all had the opportunity to liquidate at that price, so there will be questions in our heads until it makes a full recovery to above those levels assuming it ever does.

41. Post 29689457 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.42h):

42. Post 29735115 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.42h):

2nd Highest volume in terms of BTC.  There were a bunch of higher volume days if you are going in USD.

43. Post 30001070 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.43h):

Quote from: Torque on February 10, 2018, 02:51:11 PM
BTC dominance is sinking and sinking.

I don't really like this.

Altcoins are thriving just as before the crash and it gets worst.
That's to be expected considering that there is only one Bitcoin and over a thousand altcoins. I don't really see an issue with that though, especially when considering that most altcoins are bound to eventually evaporate like dot com companies and the likes.

Yeah, the % dominance thing on coinmarketcap is a complete farce. Since they count literally every new shitcoin they add to the list, then every time a shitcoin gets added to their listing, and then it wash trades a few coins up to a $1M market cap, Bitcoin's % dominance goes down. So '% dominance' is a meaningless metric now.

There were 1400 coins listed in Nov. Now there are 1516. So 116 new shitcoins added to coinmarketcap in the last two months.

What does that tell you?
I think that's a good fair point I hadn't considered before really.  Many of these coins with small to mid "market caps" on cmc are probably worth a fraction of the reported value.  I don't think it necessarily applies to the larger cap coins though.  If you remove the "other" from the chart it's still a fairly major chunk of dominance that has shifted.

44. Post 30006016 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.43h):

Quote from: bitserve on February 10, 2018, 04:11:14 PM
Breaking 24777$ prediction game      FINAL LIST       



BITCOIN??   Just ———-> hodl that shit  keep innovating/ adapting/ learning/buying/ not panicing/decentralize and So on .........

And get quick @24777 Just for new future list games getting bored on This one Wink

And Some say same old shit please like NEXT 24 h are critical Wink or .......

I think the game will become very exciting again as much as we are closer to the target price. It's funny that even if the prize is worth a VERY considerable amount (more so when the price is reached) many people would prefer someone else to win if that means we reach the price sooner than our expected date.

To put things in perspective, when the prize is claimed, it will have a worth in FIAT of more than $6000USD!... And everyone will be enjoying the party, probably still celebrating having broken $20K just a few days/weeks before.

Really anxious for that day to come Smiley
Damn straight.  I am on there for 2 years + 10 days from now.  Would love to be very wrong.

45. Post 30440015 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.44h):

Quote from: infofront on February 16, 2018, 08:45:45 PM
I thought this was a really good comparison: Striking similarity between Ellen DeGeneres' 2018 "Bitcoin Explanation" and 1994 Today's Show "What is the Internet, Anyway?"

Perhaps 2018 is bitcoin's 1994.
In 1994 I was a freshman at college.  The campus had recently been wired for data, so we had an always on internet connection in the dorms.  Despite that most of my activity was local/offline on my 486 dx2 playing Mortal Kombat.   I recall using gopher to retrieve a radar image during a snowstorm and accessing my files on the "cloud" at the computer lab, but that's about it.  The internet was there, but without a browser it wasn't much like what we think of now.
By 1998 things had changed alot.  Win 95/98 IE/Netscape made it much more useful and simple to use the internet and sites began to proliferate.  I had dropped out to take a 35k job at a search engine optimization company (which seemed like alot at the time) that quickly went out of biz, but my connections from that job led to other connections that have kept me working for the 20 years since.

tldr; if it's 1994,  buckle up, things will be unrecognizable in 4 years.

46. Post 30574713 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.44h):

"Discussing" politics in 2018 is pretty much an exercise in proving everyone else is mislead and dumb, and therefore my position is correct.
I've got it all figured out so the next step is shaming and belittling everyone else. 

47. Post 30777719 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.45h):

The climate change garbage in here talking to someone who doesn't understand bitcoin but thinks they do.

48. Post 32710193 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.49h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on March 19, 2018, 10:05:55 PM

Fine, you backwater, slack-jawed yokels. Just sit there pompously in your poverty with your unsold electricity. Nobody cares about your town, and it will probably be bulldozed down in a few years to make way for landfill.

 Awwww New York with their bit licence and now this! Plattsburg is already a shitholecountry though maybe not quite as bad as Schenectady and I usually stop there for a bite to eat or to use the facilities when taking the ferry over lake Champlain but now that I see they are hostile to Bitcoin miners, I am going to hodl it until I get into Vermont.  In fact, I might only use their roads to get through New York and not stop at all!  Bastards.

Mining wasn't banned in Plattsburgh.  They will not allow new mining operations to use the subsidized local utility.  Maybe try getting a slight understanding of a topic before freaking out.

49. Post 33693571 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.50h):

What a load of shit.. You anti-Semites are a sad bunch.  Shame on all the members here who allow this shit to go on non-stop.

50. Post 41324910 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.00h):

This thread isn't even worth lurking in anymore.  Have a nice life people, enjoy the conspiracy theories and Jew scapegoating.

51. Post 48164457 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.14h):

I have a hard time understanding why people worry so much about race/ethnicity/etc and how so many people seem to think behaving like a sociopath online is somehow cool or ok.  
What causes a person to spend so much time and effort advancing negativity and hate?

52. Post 51858027 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.56h):

If you have a rooted phone you can backup GA with Titanium Backup (and copy/move the backup file to a safe backup).  If you lose or destroy the phone it's no problem, just restore the backup to new device.  

53. Post 52060583 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.57h):

Quote from: Torque on August 04, 2019, 04:28:03 PM
I'd like to see any of these shitcoin lovers that come and grace this thread, answer this one question:

If Bitcoin functions securely, has the most and widest user/broker/exchange/merchant/miner support, and does everything it needs to do for both e-commerce transactions and SoV, why look elsewhere for anything else?

If you can't answer honestly without throwing in " 'cause speculation reasons", then you are full of shit. Because outside of that, trying to get rich on a flyer or something, you'd have no valid reason.
BTC isn't ideal for small/fast transactions and has proven to be conservative as far as making changes to address such problems.  Waiting around a random amount of time from a few minutes to much longer for a single confirmation is awkward and confusing in a world where most things are nearly instantaneous.  I feel like that at least leaves the door open a bit.

54. Post 53821826 (copy this link) (by romneymoney) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.15h):

Quote from: jbreher on February 12, 2020, 05:37:04 AM

Jesus, just imagine the freedomless horror if Americans could go to university, and, you know, maybe raise a child or two, without spending the rest of their lives in debt!

out fucking

Umm... you realize that shit needs to be paid for _somehow_, right?
Having a larger more educated workforce should pay off in the long run.  If the costs are insanely high like current private college costs then maybe you're right though.