All posts made by Colonel Panic in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 6857436 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.45h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on May 21, 2014, 02:33:08 PM
Jorge retains some fantasy illusion that his posts affect the behavior of some marginal newbies
Rua Santa Ifigênia is the traditional "electronics street" of São Paulo, some 5-10 blocks with tiny to medium-sized shops selling from transistors to consumer electronics, with sidewalks lined with street merchant stalls selling all sorts of accessories, cartridges, software, etc.. A large part of it is contraband, pirated, or counterfeit (you can surely find a "legitimate" copy of Photoshop or Autocad there for a few bucks). Once in a while the police raids the place, confiscates a couple of tons of merchandise, gves out fines and maybe some arrests, just to justify their salaries; but that is all "priced in" as you might say.

Some 10-15 years ago a Ph.D. student of mine bought for her project a Sony camera that had a CD burner built-in and recorded images directly on small 3" CD-Rs.  (There was a short time window when that camera made sense, because flash memory cards had about the same capacity as those CD-Rs but were much more expensive.) She was running out of the original supply of CD-Rs, and could not find then in Campinas; so one day we happened to be in São Paulo we thought of checking at Sta. Ifigiênia.

When you buy anything in Brazil the store is supposed to give you a "fiscal note", an official serially numbered receipt, of which they keep a copy.  Those receipts are used by tax auditors to check whether the state sales tax is being paid.  Obviously street merchants and  stores selling contraband don't give no friggin' fiscal notes, especially for a small purchase like a box of blank CDs; but since we were paying with federal grant money we needed the fiscal notes, and moreover we had to pay with a check from the government account.  We had to walk the whole street, asking at half a dozen computer supply shops, until we found a store that had those 3" CD-Rs, accepted the check, and gave us a fiscal note.

While we were walking back, people started shouting "tax inspectors, tax inspectors" all over the place.  In ten minutes (no exaggeration) half the small shops in the entire street closed their doors, and all the sidewalk stalls had been hastily folded and thrown into vans that disappeared from view.   For, you see, they had spotted two odd-looking people entering random shops and asking to buy some trinket with a fiscal note -- what else could they be?

So: don't underestimate.

2. Post 7544460 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.55h):

Praying to BitChick's God and listening to Aminorex's Monkey serve the same psychological function. No point mocking either.

And windjc is right in his analysis of wealthy entities at the auction. It's very clear that most of the shouting here is by people who have never come into contact with money, and have no idea how it thinks.

3. Post 7555262 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.55h):

we may not know the auction prices paid, but some people have clearly bid at a premium.

They now know that either

a) they didn't win so someone paid even more - so buy now or
b) they won, so buy and tell your friends to buy because many of those that underbid will be buying Tuesday

4. Post 7555378 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.55h):

Quote from: aminorex on June 27, 2014, 11:11:00 PM
we may not know the auction prices paid, but some people have clearly bid at a premium.

They now know that either

a) they didn't win so someone paid even more - so buy now or
b) they won, so buy and tell your friends to buy because many of those that underbid will be buying Tuesday

Why Tuesday?

Non-winners have to wait till end of Monday to find out for sure.

Edit: and of course those who bid at a discount won't be doing this current buying because they see it as a relief rally. They'll wait for their rejection.

5. Post 7679259 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.57h):

Quote from: dreamspark on July 04, 2014, 01:32:24 PM
But seriously - the dumps and hesitancy to rise despite all the good news. There has got to be a limit to the amount sellers can sell (weak hands, strong hands argument).
So what is going on? Where are all the sellers coming from? Twitchy day-traders or early adopters with big stashes taking advantage of better liquidity?
Anyone have any insights, ideally backed up with some evidence like days destroyed or exchange data?

My thoughts always gravitate to it being mostly to do with people just making a bit of extra money but more importantly more coins.

There are very few investments where you aren't trying to come out with a bigger pile of fiat, in general when you trade a normal stock you tend to buy a position and then sell (or buy if you were short) and leave with the profit.

With Bitcoin however people are trying to make more of the 'stock' than fiat (obviously a generalization but can you draw any parallels?) a lot of people are also all in in terms of how much they are willing to invest, to make more BTC and not more fiat without leverage you have to sell and buy back at a lower price. I seriously think this is one of the reasons people are so willing to sell their BTC for the chance to buy it back lower even though the majority of them would have been better to buy and hold.

Also, occasional and opportunist traders aren't keeping their fiat on the exchanges, so if there's sudden action the most efficient way (in fact the only way fast enough) to get money on is with btc. For example with Silk Road last year - when the news came out everyone saw there'd be a buying opportunity, but the only way to buy was to send over btc and sell first. You miss the first hour of the move (the price of security), but can still turn a buck.

edit: The implication of course being that when we finally get a "grown up" insured exchange, there will be less "flash crash" pressure because fiat will be happily left pre-placed

6. Post 7681166 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.57h):

Quote from: aminorex on July 04, 2014, 09:25:48 PM
we finally get a "grown up" insured exchange, there will be less "flash crash" pressure because fiat will be happily left pre-placed

like MF Global?

Puh-leeze. You can do better than that.

7. Post 8104473 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on July 30, 2014, 04:13:36 PM
Tomorrow GABI trust opens...
No, they open on Friday so we are going down till the weekend.

No, they are not buying.

It really isn't complicated: they will make money on the increase in the value of their fund (probs mainly long with some downside hedging). Hence it is in their interest for the price to be as low as possible on Friday. They have decades of commodity trading experience and deep funding. We are going down till the weekend.
If they are like SMBIT, a steadily rising price will make their fund more attractive to clients; but if they play strictly by the rules, the company's revenue will be only from fees (SM collects a few percent when the client buys SMBIT shares, when he liquidates those shares, and for every year that they keep his money).  So GABI's managing company will make some profit whatever happens to the price.

GABI's managing company will have a bigger profit margin if they don't play by the rules and speculate with clients' money: if they buy coins beforehand when they think that the price will rise and there will be more clients buying fund shares, or sell beforehand when they think it will go down and more clients will liquidate.

Creating such a fund is a great way to sell a large stash of old cheap bitcoins without immediately depressing the price.  SMBIT started last September with some 17'000 BTC of seed reserve, presumably "bought" over the counter from some founding investor. (Note the difference between "clients" who buy shares of the SMBIT fund, and "investors" who own stock of the company that manages the fund, which is either SM or some subsidiary.  Clients may gain or lose depending on what happens to the price of bitcoin, but investors will gain no matter what.)  Those seed coins were effectively sold to SMBIT clients over the next month, but are still locked out of the open market (together with the other 90'000 BTC that SM supposedly bought since then).

Does GABI have any features that make it better than SMBIT and PBP?  IF not, then I don't think it will have much immediate effect.  GABI will divide the future clientele with them, and I would not expect them to buy on exchanges at first.

You should look up 2+20 before playing the expert.

8. Post 8107150 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Chef Dong does the best sea cucumber in Beijing


9. Post 10483256 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on February 16, 2015, 08:43:00 PM

(Before the first USMS aution, some people speculated that those ~30'000 bitcoins would be worth more than ordinary bitcoins in the future; both for having been "blessed" by the US government, and for their historical value, having been through SilkRoad and its takedown.  But no one mentions that now.  The "collectors overprice" of those bitcoins now must be the same as that of the the dollars that once were in Al Capone's bank account: none at all...)

I don't remember it ever being considered that seriously.

Far more important was the point that the U.S. Govt was selling them at all. That for the first time the powers were de facto admitting bitcoins' legitimate right to exist, as it were. Illegitimate spoils of busts - the drugs themselves for example - aren't auctioned, but destroyed.

The beauty of fungibility then extended that 'blessing' to all bitcoins.

10. Post 11365864 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.15h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on May 13, 2015, 01:09:29 PM

But why won't the same people more consistently invest directly in BTC? It wouldn't take much for all those VC investors to prop up the currency/token such that their more indirect investments stands a much better chance of succeeding.

3 main reasons

1/ Practically all VC money (and this applies to the 'Wall Street' money people here talk about) is not someone with a pile of money who can spend as he pleases. It is constrained and monitored and designed/structured for investing in companies.

2/ The hope is that the investment will generate an income stream (BTC in itself won't) as well as capital growth.

3/ The returns could be multiplied (a successful company x a successful new asset class)

Of course, what the individuals involved (or their families) might do with their own play money - once they see where the investments are going - is another matter. A little side-bet always keeps things interesting.

11. Post 11419038 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.15h):

Quote from: Norway on May 19, 2015, 11:19:41 AM
Thanks, I see the ratio down left on the page. I still don't get it because there is allways a buy for every sell. Maybe it's trades with bids registered versus asks registered? This is probably obvious to a seasoned trader, lol.

There's a bid and an ask (a would be buyer and a would be seller) with a small difference in price between them. The party that decides to finally jump that price gap and 'do the deal' determines whether its logged as a buy or a sell. So if you're selling a coin and you wait all day for someone to accept your ask, that counts as a buy. If you decide to move towards someone's bid offer and accept that for your coin, that counts as a sell.

12. Post 18960836 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.09h):

Quote from: BitcoinNewsMagazine on May 10, 2017, 04:29:07 PM
Ok. I'll admit yours is better advice. I'm just not into hardware wallets for now. (My computer is essentially a large hardware wallet; but that's another story.)

you can't trust your phone or your computer.

I don't trust anything.

A guy using the official wallet with passphrase protection lost 16 bitcoin to malware last week posted on reddit. I see these posts more often now. I can appreciate the reasons to run a full node but security of your bitcoin is not one of them until Bitcoin Core supports hardware wallets. Sure you can use Armory cold storage but that is not very convenient.

Armory still the best. Rewards the effort with unbeaten security and subtlety like coin control. Master seed can be split onto two stamped steel plates then stored in separate bank vaults in two different jurisdictions.

13. Post 18965840 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.09h):

Quote from: yefi on May 11, 2017, 01:18:02 AM
Armory still the best. Rewards the effort with unbeaten security and subtlety like coin control. Master seed can be split onto two stamped steel plates then stored in separate bank vaults in two different jurisdictions.

Talking about secure wallets, are there none with 2FA? I thought I remember reading about a technique that would make this possible. Signing transactions with Authy or the like would be awesome.

You need to think that* through.

*relying on a third party to authorise your transactions.

14. Post 18968302 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.09h):

Quote from: yefi on May 11, 2017, 02:06:38 AM
You need to think that* through.

*relying on a third party to authorise your transactions.

It wouldn't require entrusting stuff to a third party. Your keys would be shared between two devices and you'd need both to sign a transaction. I think this was the paper:

Thanks, I'll have a read. I thought you wanted to trust Authy.

15. Post 18968405 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.09h):

Quote from: DaRude on May 11, 2017, 06:05:18 AM
Good morning, gentlemen.  Still at it I see?

The good ole days.

I hope we can laugh about it now. He really was a professional.

I member, 280 and bellow did hurt...for a bit. Not sure if i'd say s/he was a professionally but s/he was definitely something. Where did Stofi go is he still around here?
Jstolfi is active on r/btc, the BU crowd loves him.

Huh so he finally found his crowd. Thought he'd get bored singing to a choir there. On a side note, Segwit on LTC is a major win for core, r/btc will need bigger guns to put a negative spin on that

Stolfi had/has deep seated issues that crave recognition both from the establishment (his parents) and a set of followers (the other kids).

The Mayor played Lambie very well. Take that whichever way suits.

16. Post 19178782 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.10h):

Quote from: 600watt on May 24, 2017, 04:39:56 PM
You guys are so rich now. It's embarrassing. I hope you're giving to the poor. Angry

i have to walk to the local bank on a daily basis (part of my job). there are beggars sitting on the sidewalks. i always gave them change. since december, when price rise started to accelerate i decided to give em more as long as bitcoin is rising. not long ago i had to start handing out € 5 notes which raised some eyebrows. last week i switched to € 10 notes. they must really wonder what kind of freak i am, because next week i will start with € 20 bills and if this sucker keeps rising there are still € 50 and € 100 bills. not sure what price level must be reached until i pull out the € 500 bill. but i am commited.   Cool

Yeah, been tipping 20-30% these last few weeks. Feels good. Spread the love!

17. Post 19239271 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.11h):

Quote from: simmo77 on May 28, 2017, 10:29:42 AM
i don't know why anyone here's currently trying to second guess things. with every exchange bursting with new users, the only thing you can be sure of is that the usual traders are not in the driving seat for now.

It's a speculation thread  Roll Eyes

Edit: Plus, you think adding more sheep will change the behaviour of the flock? That's hilarious.

Some of those 'sheep' might only be wearing the clothing.

If the institutions are sniffing (hell, even CNBC recently mentioned bitcoin as a non-correlated asset) but can't get in because regulations, that doesn't stop their best getting in on a 'personal' level to front run their employers and clients. And some of these folk could scythe through the current whales without breaking a sweat, on both resource and skill levels.

18. Post 19392450 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on June 06, 2017, 05:45:19 AM
NotLambChop sock spotted ^^

Lol. How many times do I have to tell you it wasn't me? He was a professional, a brilliant wordsmith, and a sociopath. I'm none of those things.

... precisely what NLC would say ... i'm just doing the math.  Grin

One of us here is NLC, it's like the hunt for satoshi, it will never end

When you first turned up here, it was always a few posts after NLC, often to be the 'reasonable' alter-ego, though not always just commenting on him. We watched the construction of today's hero.

You both have a very similar widely-read set of references.

You both have witty photoshopping skillz - viz money bear just a few posts up.

You're too proud of your NLC success (for yes, it was) and can't help the slightest knowing winks (see above).

But, hey, it's not the first time in a canoe for any of us and we're making more money than we can spend.

19. Post 19392801 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on June 06, 2017, 08:46:37 AM
NotLambChop sock spotted ^^

Lol. How many times do I have to tell you it wasn't me? He was a professional, a brilliant wordsmith, and a sociopath. I'm none of those things.

... precisely what NLC would say ... i'm just doing the math.  Grin

One of us here is NLC, it's like the hunt for satoshi, it will never end

When you first turned up here, it was always a few posts after NLC, often to be the 'reasonable' alter-ego, though not always just commenting on him. We watched the construction of today's hero.

You both have a very similar widely-read set of references.

You both have witty photoshopping skillz - viz money bear just a few posts up.

You're too proud of your NLC success (for yes, it was) and can't help the slightest knowing winks (see above).

But, hey, it's not the first time in a canoe for any of us and we're making more money than we can spend.

Who's to say it was a success? Do you think anyone actually sold any coins on account of geezer porn?

Well, you did or you wouldn't have kept it going.

The geezer porn was just the farewell supanova, how else should such an ego leave the stage?

20. Post 19579236 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.12h):

Quote from: Ibian on June 15, 2017, 04:16:41 PM
I have made my point sufficiently. People can make their own judgments going forward.

Indeed they can

21. Post 20634925 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.16h):

ViaBTC stop moving BCH (if and when a block turns up) because malleability.

Beyond hilarious. Coffee across keyboard.

22. Post 20635578 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.16h):

Quote from: gentlemand on August 05, 2017, 10:26:06 AM
ViaBTC stop moving BCH (if and when a block turns up) because malleability.

Beyond hilarious. Coffee across keyboard.

It would be shame if they copied all of Gox's moves.

Well Ver did take a good look at Gox's account books when he announced they were A-OK, no problem here folks! Perhaps he mistook them for a play-book?

btw, does he remind anyone else of Jim Carrey?

23. Post 20646167 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.16h):

Quote from: jbreher on August 05, 2017, 06:42:37 PM
ViaBTC stop moving BCH (if and when a block turns up) because malleability.

Beyond hilarious. Coffee across keyboard.

While that's all lulzy and shit, it may be pointed out that -- at this moment -- core is vulnerable to the exact same attack.

Well indeed, but since Gox I don't think anyone making automated transactions (i.e. an exchange) has used code so badly written as to be vulnerable to this old hack.

Not until these ViaBTC jokers, their second division coders, and their laughable, clumsy, politically motivated attempt to hijack bitcoin.

24. Post 20646317 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.16h):

Quote from: jbreher on August 05, 2017, 07:26:33 PM
ViaBTC stop moving BCH (if and when a block turns up) because malleability.

Beyond hilarious. Coffee across keyboard.

While that's all lulzy and shit, it may be pointed out that -- at this moment -- core is vulnerable to the exact same attack.

Well indeed, but since Gox I don't think anyone making automated transactions (i.e. an exchange) has used code so badly written as to be vulnerable to this old hack.

Not until these ViaBTC jokers, their second division coders, and their laughable, clumsy, politically motivated attempt to hijack bitcoin.

I don't think you understand how malleability works. Nor how widespread and cooperative the Bitcoin Cash movement is.

Think what you like!

25. Post 20996144 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.18h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on August 18, 2017, 07:24:19 PM
I for one have started to migrate my coins out of their old private keys slumber. I'm tired of being forced to own fork coins.


At 20% it'd be rude not to.

26. Post 20998046 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.18h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on August 18, 2017, 10:18:41 PM
I for one have started to migrate my coins out of their old private keys slumber. I'm tired of being forced to own fork coins.


At 20% it'd be rude not to.

It's cheaper for Roger to spam the chain than buy all this crap

27. Post 21938783 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.21h):

micgoossens, kindly put me down for 24/10/17*

*by then we'll have had five weeks for China to show they can route round exchanges loss with one or more OTC variations, and Segwit 2x - another wing of the ongoing Chinese attempted take over of protocol decision-making power - will have climbed down because of rejection from all independent economic players. They might even (ironically) blame the 'turmoil' in China to postpone.

edit: name misspelling. sorry

28. Post 21998069 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.21h):

Quote from: empowering on September 19, 2017, 11:28:14 AM

John McAfee‏Verified account @officialmcafee  15h
 "Yes. Get your head out your ass. I am a realist. Developers have never had power. they can be replaced. How do you replace Jihan? Get real."

(oh and bonus from tweet "Jihan Wu enlightening Roger Ver and Myself about China's cryptocurrency intent at my birthday party in Hong Kong."   hmmmmmmmmmmmm has this entire Bcash thing been part of a bigger Chinese plan ? which the recent bans are all part of? what are these sneaky ferrets up to?)

John seems to fail to realise that miners can and will be replaced, and mining manufacturers too- it is literally about to happen (Japan for one) we  can live without China, without Bitchmain, without Chinese miners... all of that is replaceable and not just replaceable but with an upgrade (legalised , no bureaucracy in Japan the home of tech - not the imitators - amongst others)

But John seems to think good solid Devs are easily replaceable  and not important.

I think John is proving to be a bit of a Douchette.....

This has to be trolling, or at least stroking Jihan to get an early shipment. No one who has ever run a venture would put a commodified equipment supplier above the proven creative talent. Not even a meth head.

29. Post 22001228 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.21h):

Quote from: BobLawblaw on September 19, 2017, 01:28:02 PM
within this twitter dialoge mcAfee said that jihan had tried to fork his NY-wife...  Cheesy

Well, there we have it. The world's first crypto-cuck, in John "Bath Salts" McAfee.

Now what could a "Power Top" possibly know about "Bath Salts"?

30. Post 22001614 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.21h):

...and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

Good luck to you, only teasing.

31. Post 22002006 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.21h):

Quote from: Meuh6879 on September 19, 2017, 02:38:21 PM
The combined forces of Roger Ver, John Mcafee and Jihan Wu are far, far greater than anything the propagandized, Brainwashed sycophants over at BlockstreamCore can possibly summon.


They're just hired cab drivers. Sure they can control the car for a bit, even try and take us to where they want to go, but ultimately the users will just get another cab. Leaving them on the wrong side of town, alone, and unable to make the payments on their leased E-class.

32. Post 22354538 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.22h):

33. Post 22446262 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.22h):

Quote from: sirazimuth on October 01, 2017, 08:27:35 PM
Guilty. My partner calls me a jerk at least once a week, and I definitely don't mince words around people.
So suck my balls, k ?  Kiss
Ok, lets have a gay-off!!

Ok. Assuming you've sucked my balls, I then proceed to tongue your taint.

Your move.

a Trump voting taint tonguing bitcoiner eh?
 You have my utmost respect my friend... (btw...sorry for my rude  interruption...please continue...)

BLB makes more sense when you recognise him as one of NLC's BMB's more amusing alts

34. Post 25329104 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.29h):

Quote from: realsteelboy on November 27, 2017, 01:43:59 PM
Is the only way to get your Bitcoin Gold to use Coinomi. Is there not a web wallet like Electron Cash but for Mac?

You can use an Android emulator for Mac called BlueStacks. It's free and looks like a Galaxy 5 (I think) to the world of apps. It downloads and runs Coinomi just fine.

Move your real bitcoin, type the private key into "sweep" and you're done.

35. Post 25543611 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.30h):

Quote from: CornCube on December 01, 2017, 10:17:56 AM

BitcoinSegWit is not Satoshi’s immutable protocol, i.e. it is not Bitcoin. It is a “pay to anyone” shitcoin. I smell a rat on the horizon combined with shorting on futures markets.

It's the ledger that's immutable, not the "protocol"

Jeez, Rog needs to improve the 1hr induction session.

36. Post 25552106 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.30h):

Quote from: strawbs on December 01, 2017, 10:26:04 AM
Do you know why Bitcoin is doomed to reach one million per coin?
Because that way everybody will probably don't mind paying CG on a single bitcoin.


On a different note...
considering all the many txs I made and all the different adds I used and all the keys/wallet that I compromised (yes, that happens as well you all know that) I don't even fucking remember how many BTC I touched in my life.
How on Earth am I supposed to pay CG?

[Money out] minus [money in]

Everything else is a wash. 

That's my thinking too.  There's no way I could provide details of every transaction I've made over the last 4 years, especially bct to alts to btc, etc.  And also considering that there's now no way for me to access any records from Mt.Gox.  So presumably the tax authorities (HMRC in UK) would reasonably accept the "$out minus $in" figure. That's my hope anyway.  But still, paying Capital Gains Tax on crypto profits would grate, a lot.

Just wondering if anyone here has yet made a CGT return to HMRC and how it was dealt with? They're massively under-staffed (up to 45 minute waiting time when phoning them, if you manage to get through at all).  My guess is that they would accept pretty much whatever method you decide to use (i.e. a "$out minus $in" figure) as long as it seems justifiable, and they would only rarely investigate further to see if your figures are accurate, in the way that usually just accept at face value most people's regular self-assessed tax returns. I doubt they have the resources to do anything further.

Has anyone here actually dealt with HMRC yet regarding btc profits? It would be interesting to hear about your experiences.

The entire MtGox database was (pretty) freely available a couple of years ago. A bit of looking should turn it up. If you know your account details it was starightforward to find your transactions.

In any case, if you transferred money in to buy then that'll be on your bank statements (assuming it was back when you could still do that). HMRC are likely to accept (all the money you sent)/(all the bitcoins you took out) as your CGT starting point. You also only pay 10% on the first taxable amount that takes you to the higher tax bracket, so that approx £0-11k at 0%, 11k-44k at 10%, 44K+ at 20% assuming no other income.

37. Post 26309408 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.32h):

Quote from: Logic-Elliven on December 14, 2017, 11:08:20 AM
Thx for the replies and advice guys.

I was phoned by a friend who does gold mining.  Plant setup etc.
He has an investor who wants to put in 700 BTC in a hurry. (Probably due to the ever present, almost universal price correction concerns)

He is worried about the volatility of BTC and wants to get it changed into USD and into a company acc (HSBC) in the UK asap.
(Personally I think he might be surprised at just how many businesses would be happy to accept BTC for the required equipment, but he does not think that way)

I found this:

And have contacted

It goes without saying that these institutions need to properly checked out and be legit.
Does anyone have any experience here?

I am way out of my depth here and would not have asked so publicly had time not been of the essence.

Let's see if I get it correctly... Your friend does not have the BTC, but someone wants to invest in his business using BTC and he wants to convert it to USD inmediately?

If that is correct, your friend better do the deal with a broker that could also carry on the due diligence over those Bitcoins or he could end up with some sort of "tainted" ones and be in big trouble. Maybe Gemini or any other of the big ones with dedicated OTC desks who will also be able guide him through all the steps of the transaction.

Thats correct.
He is worried about the volatility of BTC and also says his suppliers etc "haven't even heard of BTC!" Smiley  
(I think he should ask them before jumping to conclusions)
Thx for the advice.
Thx everyone who replied!  Smiley

legit as stated?

I am adding
to the list of possibles.
Any other recommendations?

For the UK (well, GBP) there's also Coinfloor.

I'm surprised they get so little love round here, never had any problems or delays or stupid questions. Money in bank in 3-4 days. They also have an OTC desk.

38. Post 28353101 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.39h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on January 17, 2018, 07:28:15 PM

I had a look at Notlambchop’s post history. Doesn’t look sufficiently literate to be an FT journalist.  More of a word salad type like Roach.  We do have a track record of attracting the mentally ill.  But I’m sure it’s worse elsewhere.

I’m always amazed when this comes up: as if a working journalist would have the time, let alone the inclination, to fart out 7000 posts here.

NLC was a professional fudder working  in what was then the main trader’s pit to get the price as low as possible for as long as possible while he or his employer accumulated. He stopped (or rather transformed into other long con characters) when the bear market had run its course.

39. Post 28355226 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.39h):

Quote from: explorer on January 17, 2018, 08:25:11 PM
NLC was a professional fudder working  in what was then the main trader’s pit to get the price as low as possible for as long as possible while he or his employer accumulated. He stopped (or rather transformed into other long con characters) when the bear market had run its course.


And he's probably still here, just using other account(s). Could have even been a bull account in here somewhere the last few years.

he was a goodish scambuster though as well

Not so hard when 19 out of 20 in this space is a scam...

He was a bright man, well read and culturally literate. This was just business, nothing personal.

He’s definitely still playing.

40. Post 28666808 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.39h):

Quote from: explorer on January 22, 2018, 08:48:02 AM
On a tangentially-related matter, does anyone know why the forums got rid of the glowing ignore color, based on how many people have a particular user marked for ignore ?
Oooh.  I had never noticed this but would enjoy it.

Disappeared around the end of 2013, IIRC, about the same time avatars were locked (for years).  Avatars became changeable again within a couple years, but the forum just couldn't afford the expense of glowing ignore buttons.  There's the new software to develop, you know!  Can't be robbing from that for trivial things.

It was the computational expense of the lookups as the user and post numbers grew.

41. Post 28767051 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.39h):

Quote from: BobLawblaw on January 23, 2018, 05:06:16 PM
So what do you think, guys ? Sell my next block @ $11.5k or hold out for $12.5k (likely within 24 hours...)

You're awful needy for a top.

And we get it with the mill or two already. Meh.

42. Post 28788327 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.40h):

Quote from: OWZ1337 on January 23, 2018, 11:42:28 PM


Cypherdoc that you??

Can you recommend a miner?

43. Post 28930816 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.40h):

Quote from: Biro Bob on January 25, 2018, 09:32:11 PM

On a different.. wall observing kinda note, the UK annual self assessment tax MUST be paid by January 31st. I’m sure many people that spent well in 2017 (knowing they had massive BTC profits to fall back on) didn’t really plan ahead so needed to cash out a few Bitcoins to pay their tax bill... I’m one of these people. I cashed out at £10600 (approx $14k) but I’m sure others have been holding to the last minute hoping.... it goes a bit higher than now...

31st Jan payment deadline is for tax year 16-17, so CGT on sales before last April

Edit: so your tax is due Jan 2019. No rush.

44. Post 28934073 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.40h):

Quote from: Biro Bob on January 25, 2018, 11:56:37 PM

On a different.. wall observing kinda note, the UK annual self assessment tax MUST be paid by January 31st. I’m sure many people that spent well in 2017 (knowing they had massive BTC profits to fall back on) didn’t really plan ahead so needed to cash out a few Bitcoins to pay their tax bill... I’m one of these people. I cashed out at £10600 (approx $14k) but I’m sure others have been holding to the last minute hoping.... it goes a bit higher than now...

31st Jan payment deadline is for tax year 16-17, so CGT on sales before last April

Edit: so your tax is due Jan 2019. No rush.

This wasn’t my Capital Gains. This was just the tax on my self employment that I frivolously spent on hookers and blow rather than saving for my tax bill. I have CGT to look forward to next year.

Sorry, didn’t realise you were still feigning the need to work. And you misspelt “well” as “frivolously”.

45. Post 29199000 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.40h):

Quote from: d_eddie on January 29, 2018, 08:42:55 PM
In order to be fully transparent I admit that the active Bitcoin (BTC) addresses have also dropped in this time
frame, but not by such a big percentage.
Old bitcoiners consolidating small amounts into segwit addresses?

Old bitcoiners are splitting their addresses (and going to segwit) as the old units are beginning to look cumbersome and revealing. You don’t want to flash a wad of €500 notes for a coffee in the dodgy side of town.

46. Post 29589373 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.42h):

All these old economists coming out to gloat at the correction and grumble on about tulips really should know better:

This is price discovery. Pure and Simple. For a new decentralised good. With largely unregulated markets.

This is what it looks like - how the hell else would it look?

Decentralised means that there was never a committee or marketing team that worked out what the launch price should be, or at what point to move into different geographical areas, or when to move into some next phase. This was just released. At zero. Or whatever anyone would pay. That's it.

The market will discover what its worth, and along the way manipulators and crooks and charlatans will join the ride, scamming a buck as they would anything that involves money and gullible people. It's ok. And there will also be bitter left behinds that should have known better, but were so convinced they knew it all that couldn't imagine something outside.

If you understand that the bitcoin blockchain cannot be uninvented and will last forever, that no one needs permission to use it, that its record of money (amongst other things) transcends langauage, governments, continents, generations, us - then frankly you'd be foolish not to buy and hang on to your little corner of it.

47. Post 31423428 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.46h):

Quote from: BobLawblaw on March 02, 2018, 03:58:56 PM
I wish I had one of those, then I wouldn't have lost 4 terrabytes worth of old sentimental grade data by having two hard drives die simultaneously for no fucking reason.

Ugh. This is tragic to hear. Coming from an IT background in a former life, I've learned about having redundancy for redundancy.

eg: All my main storage is via two Thunderbolt Promise RAID chassis DAS units running RAID5, that are backed up hourly to two Synology NAS' with massive storage capacity with Synology Hybrid RAID.

I've, blessedly, not had a catastrophic failure that I could not recover from within a few hours, over the last 10 years.

With no irony or snark, I'm sorry for your losses.

Without commenting on your particular case, often folk put together their multi disk / redundant setups with drives bought at the same time from the same manufacturer and so from the same batch. When one goes, another may not be far behind. It may be one tiny extra bit of security to try and avoid that.

Edit: Wouldn't want to try to teach anyone here to suck eggs

48. Post 32151956 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.48h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on March 12, 2018, 03:51:48 AM
Just look for the guy with the black tape for eyeballs. Smiley

I know how it is. Sometimes you get so "tired" you've gotta hide behind black tape and drown your sorrows. Mmmm, Cerveza Sol.

You can spot me 'cause I'm the guy with the black tape and the BTC ballcap.

You can also see why I need dental work.  Roll Eyes

Hey Jim - you hanging at Popol Vuh's place? Loved what they did for Aguirre, Wrath of God. The music they did for the opening scene climbing up through the misty jungle... in my top 10 of cinematic moments

edit: incredibly the film is on youtube
I suppose Werner doesn't need no stinkin' royalties nomore

49. Post 32157159 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.48h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on March 12, 2018, 04:56:03 PM
Hey Jim - you hanging at Popol Vuh's place? Loved what they did for Aguirre, Wrath of God. The music they did for the opening scene climbing up through the misty jungle... in my top 10 of cinematic moments

edit: incredibly the film is on youtube
I suppose Werner doesn't need no stinkin' royalties nomore

You made me Google Popul Vuh.

I never heard of the band or the movie. Seems Popul Vuh is the Mayan book of creation.

That photo was taken in the village near my land, in the heart of Mayan country. It's actually on Mayan land.

This is how I was able to buy it. Mexican law requires 100 years of family residency to own land. Being on Mayan land, my purchase was strictly between me, the former owner, the Mayans and the blockchain.

Please tell us you paid directly in bitcoin!

The band are more 70s krautrock than Mayan, the film a typical Herzog exploration of greed, stubbornness and insanity. If you're into that kind of jungle movie, also dig out his Fitzcarraldo where an opera lover drags a ship over a jungle mountain. And the accompanying 'making of' docu, Burden Of Dreams.

A wonderful taster:

That whole Herzog/Kinski/Jungle world will make your jaw drop (dentist approved)

50. Post 32162889 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.48h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on March 12, 2018, 05:55:09 PM
Please tell us you paid directly in bitcoin!

About half and half, the rest in cash.

Way to go Jim. Borderless, trustless transaction without a third-party’s mediation.

51. Post 32163062 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.48h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on March 12, 2018, 05:34:48 PM
If you want to be thoroughly depressed, listen to Whalepool from about 20 mins ago.
tl;dw no moon this year, down to 2900 blah blah blah

Lol, do people really follow these clowns? They sound just about as clueless, and no more reassured of anything, than the average crypto kiddie that trolls the /r/BitcoinMarkets page.

That being said, sure there's a possibility of no moon this year. But in that case the big whale insiders would already know that, and would milk everything and throw in the towel by mid-summer. If true, then we should see a bottom by then. Volatility should fall to only $100+/- moves per 2-3 weeks once we have reached a bottom.

However, if not and we are still floating around this level by July, then something bigger is coming later and the insiders are already aware and planning for it.

I've done quite well by following them.

They’re honey badger lunch

52. Post 32440179 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.48h):

What name tag to wear?

Will we have to buy tickets on a per person or per username basis?

If we having changing booths round the walls, all four of us can attend. Then every hour the lights go out and we scramble into alt identities at the same time (in a kind of coinjoin manner).

Might need a whole weekend to get through everyone

53. Post 32714049 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.49h):

Quote from: scum on March 19, 2018, 10:33:26 PM

WTF is that shit?? lol

Car history and a great V12 (Countach) engine. Just because you can. But the tires of this baby aren’t cheap and don’t start about fuel consumption  Roll Eyes

But... but... what about aesthetics? That thing is one of the ugliest cars ever. A Lambo should be pretty. And sporty. Not like that ridiculous fat box on wheels. SCAM! SCAM! I WANT MY MERIT BACK! :_(

A secondhand ridiculous fat box on wheels could be worth more than the one you want.

A very special secondhand 1990 Lamborghini LM002 sold for $467,000 via RM Sotheby’s in New York.

This cheaper secondhand white version is for sale at $399,950.

The LM002 was about attitude and a lot of money. The rear ‘pick up’ section was actually seating for your quick response bodyguards. There were only a couple hundred made, perhaps they’d suit as access carriages for the $100k party?

54. Post 32714174 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.49h):

Quote from: BobLawblaw on March 20, 2018, 12:06:26 AM
Ironic that everyone here wants a Lambo yet has utter contempt for Roger Ver and CSW:
The only two narcissistic shitheads in the crypto space that actually drive those tool wagons.  Roll Eyes  Tongue

LOL. Do they ? TIL !

I think Goat drives one too, speaking of tool wagons.

Goat’s one started all this IIRC, but he didn’t drive it - he just containered it home to Thailand where he could sell it for a quick double

55. Post 32746708 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.49h):

Quote from: nanobtc on March 20, 2018, 03:32:33 AM

Goat’s one started all this IIRC, but he didn’t drive it - he just containered it home to Thailand where he could sell it for a quick double

With all due respect, you are mistaken. He drove it to see his brother, about a 2 hour drive. I used to have pics, but I think I lost them in that terrible canoe accident. I tried to get him to come see me play live music near there (a packed blues jam, in a non-town of 50 people), but it was a long and curvy rural blacktop, and the weather/road surface was bad, for that winter.

Thanks for the correction, I have no doubt you're right. My grasp of old detail has slipped away into the gloom, much like the cargo in my own boating accident.

56. Post 32746904 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.49h):

Quote from: Rosewater Foundation on March 20, 2018, 10:38:14 AM
Merited by RayX12 (12), LFC_Bitcoin (5), suchmoon (3), fragout (2), Wekkel (1), cAPSLOCK (1), xhomerx10 (1), ssmc2 (1), doc12 (1), Dunkelheit667 (1), BobLawblaw (1), Last of the V8s (1), Arriemoller (1), bitserve (1), HairyMaclairy (1), vroom (1), mfort312 (1), Phil_S (1), SidETH (1), cofefeGandalf (1), dakiller (1), Colonel Panic (1)

22 lambos so far. the "cheapest" ones start selling for about €160k. That makes €3.5 mil.  Cool
I guess I´d need to contact them for bulk rates.  we should team up then and buy the entire company. from then on lambos will only be soldgiven to veteran WO posters.

Good to see the Colonel up there. But as far as usernames go he could take some drills in panic from yours truly

You've always been an inspiration, whatever the day's suit

57. Post 32747187 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.49h):

Quote from: Rosewater Foundation on March 20, 2018, 11:19:48 AM
His username leads me to believe he might not be as committed as he could be.


I do my best work after lunch. Undecided


surely you didn't miss the Hal Finney pun?

58. Post 33675655 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.50h):

Quote from: explorer on April 01, 2018, 10:26:46 AM
So many pigs in here, trying to hope a trend reversal out of nothing. Just like in 2014.

2014 went up a 100% during one 3 month period. Did you forget that, or are you just blabbering something just to hear yourself talk?

What I remember about 2014 and 2015 were all the beartards chanting "$99, $99, $99." It was incessant and for months and months. Meanwhile smart people - like myself divested into small upstart cryptos and three years later were rewarded with 25000%+ gains.

So, yeah, I love a mutha fuck'n bear market as much as the next guy. I'm just not stupid about it.

windjc gave excellent advice back then.  I remember clearly, thinking it was probably a good idea to follow.  Wish I had  Tongue

Windjc is one of the best here. His long term views and shorter term calls are always worth hearing.

The other guy, not so much.

59. Post 33790810 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.50h):

Quote from: jbreher on April 02, 2018, 06:41:34 PM
Where are all the GENTS/SIR’S/BOSSES off the merit sources to help out the little man, in This context like me 

One simple rule. Make me laugh, get a merit. It's automatic.

A Quisling, now realising he picked the wrong side, dares to walk back into his old bar...

60. Post 33838180 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.50h):

Quote from: gentlemand on April 03, 2018, 12:30:34 PM

He appears to live in an industrial unit on an industrial estate. I presume he sleeps under the Lamborghini to stay warm at night on a bed of precious metals.

If it were me I would've spent the money on a house but we all have our priorities.

Nah, you wouldn’t. They come with addresses.

61. Post 33862672 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.51h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on April 03, 2018, 05:08:45 PM

I never saw the problem with telling what BTC I have....1) in safety deposit box....try to get into that .thru the bank

Just on this point, and not personal to you, but for info for all: it's the bank who can steal from you 'safety deposit box'. Have you read a contract with them?

It is common for banks only to insure a box for up to 25k usd. and specifically exclude damage from robbery, fire, water... virtually anything (via @ascilifeform).

And "We will not have any liability to you or any third party for incidental or consequential damages.  If an arbitration proceeding is commenced, evidence that tends to prove that something was left in the Box on last authorized entry, and was found to be missing on the next entry, will not create a presumption that it was lost because we were negligent, intentional did anything wrong or failed to exercise ordinary care.  Nor will we be required to prove that the loss was not our fault."

Then there are executive orders and any number of men-in-black shenanigans.

Boxes are great, of course, for giving up a few coins to put them off one's trail.

I think they can work if you use partial (m of n) encrypted backups, and store them across n bank vaults in separate jurisdictions. I think this is what the Winks do, btw.

62. Post 34173077 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.51h):

Quote from: El duderino_ on April 07, 2018, 04:43:11 PM
very quick short list  for a small "game list" or how i have to call it..... only  when breaking 12288 dollar price.....  almost same rules as the list before just a winning date AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .15 BTC for correct date
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              only accounts with minimum 5 Merit and 20 activity (last time to many new pop't up Roll Eyes  )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LIST CLOSES tuesday 12 CET allways CET time  no execptions
just for quick enjoyment

normal tommorrow i look @the dates.... firts one posted has the choosen date , some one with the same date have too take another one so look out a bit....
DATES sended in PERSONAL MESSAGE will    NOT count

let us break back 5-digits

26th May. Thanks Mic!

63. Post 34291654 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.51h):

Quote from: d_eddie on April 09, 2018, 11:06:55 AM
The argument for taint and title is strong
The authors don't detail much experimental evidence about their new taint model (basically FIFO accounting for taint), but they do offer a couple of numbers which, if supported by more testing, would be quite impressive. At any rate, there's ample food for thought.

If the legislative landscape they hint at really comes into being, I don't know where I'd stand on the line between "hard" and "soft" approaches. Bitcoin enthusiasts? Investors? Law enforcement? All of these positions would entail both "good" and "bad" practical consequences from my self-interested point of view.

Nice piece of work. Computer scientists discussing legal implications with a practical, technically sound background. A rarity.

Tasty find merited.

One of the problems with such a 'taint' system that it doesn't address, is what of coins falsely declared stolen? In the paper they seem to assume all such declarations to be honest, but in practice it just moves the arguments to the lawyer-enriching 'how to get these coins declared stolen or not' level.

64. Post 34299318 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.51h):

Quote from: d_eddie on April 09, 2018, 12:30:54 PM
The argument for taint and title is strong
The authors don't detail much experimental evidence about their new taint model (basically FIFO accounting for taint), but they do offer a couple of numbers which, if supported by more testing, would be quite impressive. At any rate, there's ample food for thought.

If the legislative landscape they hint at really comes into being, I don't know where I'd stand on the line between "hard" and "soft" approaches. Bitcoin enthusiasts? Investors? Law enforcement? All of these positions would entail both "good" and "bad" practical consequences from my self-interested point of view.

Nice piece of work. Computer scientists discussing legal implications with a practical, technically sound background. A rarity.

Tasty find merited.

One of the problems with such a 'taint' system that it doesn't address, is what of coins falsely declared stolen? In the paper they seem to assume all such declarations to be honest, but in practice it just moves the arguments to the lawyer-enriching 'how to get these coins declared stolen or not' level.

Hm, I hadn't thought of that.

Can you name a scenario where the game of falsely reporting a crime ("someone stole my coins!") has a positive probabilistic sum? Penalties can be harsh, and partners in crime won't be happy to see their newly tainted coins decrease in value.

Just look at the endless similar scenarios in day-to-day business, deals that go wrong, counterparties accused of all sorts variations of theft, bad faith, lies, non-delivery etc, even in the strong legal cultures of the first world. Let alone what goes on in places like Russia or parts of Africa.

No, write access to 'the list' of in-dispute coins would very soon become the salient issue. And who could dispute cleanliness? Only the immediate previous owner? Or how owners many back? Or not directly involved parties as well? Me? You? Pretty soon everything could be 'tainted', and thus nothing would be.

I think the only way Bitcoin can work longterm is as a bearer instrument: you possess it, you own it. In fact, I think this - (Roger notwithstanding) - is the key "cash" part of the "peer-to-peer cash" description.

65. Post 34303306 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.51h):

Quote from: d_eddie on April 09, 2018, 02:02:52 PM
The argument for taint and title is strong
The authors don't detail much experimental evidence about their new taint model (basically FIFO accounting for taint), but they do offer a couple of numbers which, if supported by more testing, would be quite impressive. At any rate, there's ample food for thought.

If the legislative landscape they hint at really comes into being, I don't know where I'd stand on the line between "hard" and "soft" approaches. Bitcoin enthusiasts? Investors? Law enforcement? All of these positions would entail both "good" and "bad" practical consequences from my self-interested point of view.

Nice piece of work. Computer scientists discussing legal implications with a practical, technically sound background. A rarity.

Tasty find merited.

One of the problems with such a 'taint' system that it doesn't address, is what of coins falsely declared stolen? In the paper they seem to assume all such declarations to be honest, but in practice it just moves the arguments to the lawyer-enriching 'how to get these coins declared stolen or not' level.

Hm, I hadn't thought of that.

Can you name a scenario where the game of falsely reporting a crime ("someone stole my coins!") has a positive probabilistic sum? Penalties can be harsh, and partners in crime won't be happy to see their newly tainted coins decrease in value.

Just look at the endless similar scenarios in day-to-day business, deals that go wrong, counterparties accused of all sorts variations of theft, bad faith, lies, non-delivery etc, even in the strong legal cultures of the first world. Let alone what goes on in places like Russia or parts of Africa.

Just make an example, please. I still don't follow you. Remember, once a coin is successfully disputed, it is tainted. This is not always desirable. Furthermore, if they bust you bullshitting the system, it's trouble that goes beyond losing some coin.

No, write access to 'the list' of in-dispute coins would very soon become the salient issue. And who could dispute cleanliness? Only the immediate previous owner? Or how owners many back? Or not directly involved parties as well? Me? You? Pretty soon everything could be 'tainted', and thus nothing would be.
With LIFO tainting, there's no taint spread. WHICH addresses get tainted might be arbitrary in some cases (coin mixers/tumblers, especially).

I'm thinking how this would work in a world where LN has taken hold. LN is a bit of a tumbler in itself. Once a coin reaches, say, Amazon or Starbucks... who takes the hit when the taint hits the fan and some customers rightly complain? They haven't considered this - or maybe that paper is pre-LN, I haven't checked the date.

I think the only way Bitcoin can work longterm is as a bearer instrument: you possess it, you own it. In fact, I think this - (Roger notwithstanding) - is the key "cash" part of the "peer-to-peer cash" description.

In that paper, this is called the "bitcoin enthusiast" (or supporter?) position.

Really? You can't think of people making false accusations in business? On the border of wasting my time here, but, off the top of my head...

Alice sells Bob, a landlord/developer, an occupied building for bitcoin. Chuck, a tenant, wants to stay and declares that some rent paid to Bob elsewhere was earned on Silk Road. Now what?

You say "successfully disputed", I say that "successfully" involves a new layer of lawyers.

You say "they bust you bullshitting the system, its trouble..." I say "ho ho, Deripaska, Zuma..."

66. Post 42541428 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.02h):

Quote from: xhomerx10 on July 20, 2018, 02:26:01 AM
the only actively managed crypto fund in the lumber colony is 90% in cash

He’s watching Bitcoin’s 30-day moving average for a clear indication of longer-term trends and said the crowd will return quickly as soon as the price perks up.

 Well, one day we'll laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again.

    The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
    That's how it goes
    Everybody knows

Thanks for the pic of laughing Len. A much missed poet.

I sang my song,
I told my lies,
To lie between your matchless thighs

67. Post 47897623 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.12h):

Popped out for some air a few months ago, come back to full-blown Hatopia!

xhomerx10 - would you do me the honour?

A delusional, crazed, bombed, psychopathic artist - on black please.

Many thanks

(and may the due Mother Of All Breakouts be UP)

68. Post 47897948 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.12h):

Quote from: d_eddie on November 14, 2018, 02:55:10 PM
What happened to goat?
There was this user "goat" on Bitmex. He was very active in the trollbox. He defined himself as an old guy, at least in comparison to the juvenile crowd there. Boasted a lot about his riches and his profits. Gained an awful lot lot, until one day he got very, very, very badly rekt. That was a few months before the drop from ~20k down. Unseen until then (like 18 or so months ago).

Could it be him?

Doubt it - our "goat" was well diversified into LTC (where he got in very early), PMs (especially silver) and RE (SE Asia). Then again, he did tend to boast and bet large...

69. Post 47898124 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.12h):

Quote from: infofront on November 14, 2018, 03:52:12 PM
Popped out for some air a few months ago, come back to full-blown Hatopia!

xhomerx10 - would you do me the honour?

A delusional, crazed, bombed, psychopathic artist - on black please.

Many thanks

(and may the due Mother Of All Breakouts be UP)

I think you need 100 merit to have an avatar.

Can I aggregate my other, earlier, accounts??

70. Post 48575903 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.20h):

Quote from: infofront on December 09, 2018, 10:51:20 PM
I wasn't around in 2011.  Can you tell us more about what it was like?

My brain is frazzled and running on caffeine. Here are some loosely organized thoughts:

I started GPU mining around May 2011. BTC bubbled to ~$32 somewhere thereabouts (June-July?) and then collapsed to ~$2. The bear market was swift and brutal.

There was practically no infrastructure or major investment, aside from early ASICs that would soon come online. Hell, Roger Ver's was one of the few places you could even spend bitcoins. Mt. Gox was basically the only exchange, of course.

Home GPU miners like me were a major part of the ecosystem, and we were purged at this time, as decreasing prices and skyrocketing difficulty soon made mining unprofitable. There was a sort of loss of innocence as we were wiped out and large industrial mining farms took over.

The overall feeling was similar to other bear markets - agony, despair, etc. However, many of us took to heart the rumors of bitcoin's demise. It seemed likely that bitcoin would, at best, remain something of a hobby for cypherpunks. OTOH, the despair was different. It was more about the loss of a dream, and less about the loss of money. Since BTC was so cheap, most people only had like a few grand invested, at most. Unlike Dec. 2017-18 when even the shoeshine boy lost $100K+.

Pretty sure I was still GPU mining till the end of 2012. IIRC the upgraded card in my MacPro would earn about a third of a coin a day. Hardly seemed worth it, but as you say, it was a hobby thing, not so much about the money. And I think it was FPGAs in 2011, not yet ASICs.

71. Post 48575980 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.20h):

Quote from: empowering on December 10, 2018, 12:02:06 PM

Pretty sure I was still GPU mining till the end of 2012. IIRC the upgraded card in my MacPro would earn about a third of a coin a day. Hardly seemed worth it, but as you say, it was a hobby thing, not so much about the money. And I think it was FPGAs in 2011, not yet ASICs.

"Kernel" would have been a nice touch

Best to let the audience do a little work!

72. Post 48705527 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.21h):

Quote from: d_eddie on December 16, 2018, 04:34:01 PM
Partially related: how or how much is bitcoin banned in China? I've been offered bitcoin payments with outrageous fees, about 70% of the effective amount. The guy there says it's because of the ban.

It's not banned in the slightest. Centralised trading and merchant use certainly has been. Everyone's doing P2P or OTC happily enough as far as I know.

Where's this fee being applied?
It's a merchant. I can pay by bank transfer, which I imagine will be slow and expensive, or by Bitcoin, with a nice 70% surcharge. I feel like I'm being bullshitted with bitcoin, though.

You are. I had a 5 digit merchant payment a couple of months ago. IIRC, the bank transfer option had a 1% charge (plus senders fees), the credit card option was 3%, and bitcoin was 1%. China's favourite tho of course is cash (no charge). You can get good rates on bricks of £10 equiv notes in the UK, depending on amount might be worth a cheap flight for a friend.

73. Post 49354244 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.27h):

Quote from: wachtwoord on January 21, 2019, 02:00:41 PM

Litvinenko's poisoning in London with Polonium was a not dissimalar MO.  One must ask cui bono, surely?

Wait. You believe Putin would poison someone with Polonium in the UK while having him stabbed by a random hobo in a botched 'hit 'n run' would have the same effect? Do you think Putin is retarded? Emotional? He has always seemed the most intelligent and emotionally composed of all world leaders so that seems rather silly.

I think you have been drinking the western cool-aid a bit to much. What's next? You also think Brexit is bad and that there's any evidence for human caused global warming?  Cheesy

74. Post 50469381 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: Paashaas on April 04, 2019, 03:42:52 PM
Billionaire Brock Pierce takes out first-ever Bitcoin-backed mortgage to buy a $1.2m home in Amsterdam.

The guy's a billionaire and he's taking a mortgage?

 Shhhh!  He's causing more fiat to be printed thereby increasing our Bitcoin value.  Don't tell him about the compound interest!

It is cheaper to take a mortage than paying the full price directly, even for a billionaire Undecided

He's actually doing what a true believer should do. It means he doesn't need to sell (or, indeed is able to buy another) 250 or so coins in this case, while putting up the coins in collateral.

He probably has to put up double or so to mitigate against the market going down, but still, he gets to buy the house and still enjoy the moonshot which he clearly thinks is on the cards.

Its good to make the coins work for you, though there is de-anonimisation and counterparty/seizure risk of course.

75. Post 50469433 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: StartupAnalyst on April 04, 2019, 04:43:41 PM
Bitcoin we love!

He did the right thing. It's very important to find the other half who understands you.

simple rule: if they didn't tell you when to buy, they can't tell you when to sell

76. Post 50469682 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

Quote from: bitserve on April 05, 2019, 10:28:48 AM
Billionaire Brock Pierce takes out first-ever Bitcoin-backed mortgage to buy a $1.2m home in Amsterdam.

The guy's a billionaire and he's taking a mortgage?

 Shhhh!  He's causing more fiat to be printed thereby increasing our Bitcoin value.  Don't tell him about the compound interest!

It is cheaper to take a mortage than paying the full price directly, even for a billionaire Undecided

He's actually doing what a true believer should do. It means he doesn't need to sell (or, indeed is able to buy another) 250 or so coins in this case, while putting up the coins in collateral.

He probably has to put up double or so to mitigate against the market going down, but still, he gets to buy the house and still enjoy the moonshot which he clearly thinks is on the cards.

Its good to make the coins work for you, though there is de-anonimisation and counterparty/seizure risk of course.

Not only that. The property is also collateral... Plus all his net worth... present and future income. It's all just a publicity stunt. A good one though.

Indeed, and with the debt denominated in fiat the risk to the coin is small (esp as he no doubt has plenty more to meet a margin call). I have to say I think its more than just a publicity stunt: why not have an extra (not insignificant) BTC250 staked for the next run?

For the rest of us its also 250 not sold and potentially many more not sold as OGs dont need to dump to buy islands etc

77. Post 50469712 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.40h):

...also not selling means means no CGT due, which could be quite a saving

78. Post 50574945 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: Pamoldar on April 12, 2019, 03:31:19 PM

My new Wallet !!!  Wink

It may be that many who read WO, have never seen it.

Floppy disk >
The mighty Floppy disk
The only mobile storage available back then.
Who had one/some?

These modern ones aren't even floppy.

8 inches of truly floppy is the only way to move data

79. Post 50575043 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.41h):

Quote from: Pamoldar on April 12, 2019, 04:01:54 PM

These modern ones aren't even floppy.

8 inches of truly floppy is the only way to move data
Are you saying the Floppy disks are still in the market?

don't think so. Haven't flapped one in er, decades I should think

just always seemed odd that they were still called floppy when after the 5 1/4 they weren't. I suppose "hard" had been taken...

80. Post 51028315 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 13, 2019, 11:50:11 AM
But why is that finex whale making it so obvious he's selling so much?

There's some kind of "fuckery" going on there today. Another whale has completely crashed the BTC swap rates by posting 4k (3k & 1K) at about a hundrerth of the recent level. As if begging bears to take more shorts...

81. Post 51028494 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 13, 2019, 12:02:13 PM
But why is that finex whale making it so obvious he's selling so much?

There's some kind of "fuckery" going on there today. Another whale has completely crashed the BTC swap rates by posting 4k (3k & 1K) at about a hundrerth of the recent level. As if begging bears to take more shorts...

It's not a Finex whale.  It's finex.   They buy on Bitstamp where it's lower volume but high influence, push the price beyond finex to get the sheep to buyl the walls on finex and get shorters to close or to get margin calls if they can.  

It's pretty obvious.  They will go as high as they can before the natural price resumes and the price crashes.

They have all the data on what possitions are held and can thake calculated risks on how high they can pump the price an other exchanges will follow before a crash.  But it will crash hard sooner or later.  

I may be dim, but I can't see how practically free bear fuel supports that.

82. Post 51028562 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 13, 2019, 12:12:18 PM
But why is that finex whale making it so obvious he's selling so much?

There's some kind of "fuckery" going on there today. Another whale has completely crashed the BTC swap rates by posting 4k (3k & 1K) at about a hundrerth of the recent level. As if begging bears to take more shorts...

It's not a Finex whale.  It's finex.   They buy on Bitstamp where it's lower volume but high influence, push the price beyond finex to get the sheep to buyl the walls on finex and get shorters to close or to get margin calls if they can.  

It's pretty obvious.  They will go as high as they can before the natural price resumes and the price crashes.

They have all the data on what possitions are held and can thake calculated risks on how high they can pump the price an other exchanges will follow before a crash.  But it will crash hard sooner or later.  

I may be dim, but I can't see how practically free bear fuel supports that.

Im not going to explain that to you.  Ask your boss at bitFinex he/she will explain it better

Hilarious! Thanks for contributing.

83. Post 51028900 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 13, 2019, 12:30:57 PM
But why is that finex whale making it so obvious he's selling so much?

There's some kind of "fuckery" going on there today. Another whale has completely crashed the BTC swap rates by posting 4k (3k & 1K) at about a hundrerth of the recent level. As if begging bears to take more shorts...

It's not a Finex whale.  It's finex.   They buy on Bitstamp where it's lower volume but high influence, push the price beyond finex to get the sheep to buyl the walls on finex and get shorters to close or to get margin calls if they can.  

It's pretty obvious.  They will go as high as they can before the natural price resumes and the price crashes.

They have all the data on what possitions are held and can thake calculated risks on how high they can pump the price an other exchanges will follow before a crash.  But it will crash hard sooner or later.  

I may be dim, but I can't see how practically free bear fuel supports that.

Im not going to explain that to you.  Ask your boss at bitFinex he/she will explain it better

Hilarious! Thanks for contributing.

You registered April 9th 2014 ,  the day of the crash that kickstarted phase B of the 2013 bubble elliotwave!    On june the 3rd of the same year you are telling people to buy coins just before the crash to $160

You do work for, or are affliated with BitFinex so please FUCK OFF OFF THIS FORUM YOU LYING DISINGENUOUS TWAT!  Along with your army of Finex Bull Trolls

Move on, man. the markets are what they are and you're just no good at it. Buy a few coin and get on with something else that you enjoy.

In 10 years time you'll still be BlamingTheWhaleConspiracy to any barfly who'll listen. CouldaBeenRich, but, but...

Deary me. Triggered much? Is this how you go through your life?

If you'd put that effort into explaining how absurdly low swap rates supported your "hurr, durr sheeple manipulation" nonsense, we'd have all learnt something.

But, hey, you are who you are.

84. Post 51029103 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 13, 2019, 12:46:29 PM
But why is that finex whale making it so obvious he's selling so much?

There's some kind of "fuckery" going on there today. Another whale has completely crashed the BTC swap rates by posting 4k (3k & 1K) at about a hundrerth of the recent level. As if begging bears to take more shorts...

It's not a Finex whale.  It's finex.   They buy on Bitstamp where it's lower volume but high influence, push the price beyond finex to get the sheep to buyl the walls on finex and get shorters to close or to get margin calls if they can.  

It's pretty obvious.  They will go as high as they can before the natural price resumes and the price crashes.

They have all the data on what possitions are held and can thake calculated risks on how high they can pump the price an other exchanges will follow before a crash.  But it will crash hard sooner or later.  

I may be dim, but I can't see how practically free bear fuel supports that.

Im not going to explain that to you.  Ask your boss at bitFinex he/she will explain it better

Hilarious! Thanks for contributing.

You registered April 9th 2014 ,  the day of the crash that kickstarted phase B of the 2013 bubble elliotwave!    On june the 3rd of the same year you are telling people to buy coins just before the crash to $160

You do work for, or are affliated with BitFinex so please FUCK OFF OFF THIS FORUM YOU LYING DISINGENUOUS TWAT!  Along with your army of Finex Bull Trolls

Move on, man. the markets are what they are and you're just no good at it. Buy a few coin and get on with something else that you enjoy.

In 10 years time you'll still be BlamingTheWhaleConspiracy to any barfly who'll listen. CouldaBeenRich, but, but...

Deary me. Triggered much? Is this how you go through your life?

If you'd put that effort into explaining how absurdly low swap rates supported your "hurr, durr sheeple manipulation" nonsense, we'd have all learnt something.

But, hey, you are who you are.

If you could eplain why you joined on that date?  why you were telling people to buy bitcoin before the crash, and why you're back now doing the same?

You don't have a very good track record of being correct, so what is you current purpose of posting on the forum ?  What is your prediction of the price?   Off couse you can always log in on one of your other usernames to back yourself up if you feel im picking on you.  Just remember i can see your last log in time Wink

Dammit jonoiv, you've got me. There'll be hell to pay at finex now I've been unmasked.

It was that terrible advice (to MatTheCat, IIRC) to buy bitcoin in 2014 and hold for 10 years that pushed aside my mask, wasn't it?

Be careful with those super-sleuth powers, won't you? Please, for the kiddies.

85. Post 51029657 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

Quote from: jonoiv on May 13, 2019, 01:10:10 PM
But why is that finex whale making it so obvious he's selling so much?

There's some kind of "fuckery" going on there today. Another whale has completely crashed the BTC swap rates by posting 4k (3k & 1K) at about a hundrerth of the recent level. As if begging bears to take more shorts...

It's not a Finex whale.  It's finex.   They buy on Bitstamp where it's lower volume but high influence, push the price beyond finex to get the sheep to buyl the walls on finex and get shorters to close or to get margin calls if they can.  

It's pretty obvious.  They will go as high as they can before the natural price resumes and the price crashes.

They have all the data on what possitions are held and can thake calculated risks on how high they can pump the price an other exchanges will follow before a crash.  But it will crash hard sooner or later.  

I may be dim, but I can't see how practically free bear fuel supports that.

Im not going to explain that to you.  Ask your boss at bitFinex he/she will explain it better

Hilarious! Thanks for contributing.

You registered April 9th 2014 ,  the day of the crash that kickstarted phase B of the 2013 bubble elliotwave!    On june the 3rd of the same year you are telling people to buy coins just before the crash to $160

You do work for, or are affliated with BitFinex so please FUCK OFF OFF THIS FORUM YOU LYING DISINGENUOUS TWAT!  Along with your army of Finex Bull Trolls

Move on, man. the markets are what they are and you're just no good at it. Buy a few coin and get on with something else that you enjoy.

In 10 years time you'll still be BlamingTheWhaleConspiracy to any barfly who'll listen. CouldaBeenRich, but, but...

Deary me. Triggered much? Is this how you go through your life?

If you'd put that effort into explaining how absurdly low swap rates supported your "hurr, durr sheeple manipulation" nonsense, we'd have all learnt something.

But, hey, you are who you are.

If you could eplain why you joined on that date?  why you were telling people to buy bitcoin before the crash, and why you're back now doing the same?

You don't have a very good track record of being correct, so what is you current purpose of posting on the forum ?  What is your prediction of the price?   Off couse you can always log in on one of your other usernames to back yourself up if you feel im picking on you.  Just remember i can see your last log in time Wink

Dammit jonoiv, you've got me. There'll be hell to pay at finex now I've been unmasked.

It was that terrible advice (to MatTheCat, IIRC) to buy bitcoin in 2014 and hold for 10 years that pushed aside my mask, wasn't it?

Be careful with those super-sleuth powers, won't you? Please, for the kiddies.

Respect to long HODLers if thats the risk they want to take,  thats up to them.  But please tell me how you see the rest of 2019?  But why didn't you tell mat to buy after the crash not in June 2014 when every man and his dog knew it was going to crash?

Please explain that one.  

Please explain why Bitsptamp always leads people to buy the finex walls then it crashes.  Please explain why you are here on those dates?  


Er, No. For one thing there's too much (money-making) to be done in the markets today and for another, well, you're a bit dim for me. Sorry.

Unless you have another, better, theory about the crash in BTC funding price today?

Else /end

86. Post 51031158 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.46h):

So the last 900 or so of 4000 BTC swaps offered for free shorting just got pulled on that rise.

Seems they were handed out to delusional bears just so they could be set on fire as booster fuel for the pump.

Earlier question answered.

87. Post 51296089 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Quote from: alevlaslo on May 31, 2019, 01:02:37 PM
If BSV was a scam, why would
 invest $300 Million dollars into mining equipment that loses all its value in less than 2 years?

That’s $300 000 000. Take just 2 seconds to think about it.

Open your eyes people, the  train is full steam ahead, so get on board!

One fun recent rumour was that CSW somehow has an encrypted copy of Satoshi's wallets. He and Ayre are trying to bruteforce the passwords using this supposed "minng" equipment. They reckon it could take another year or three, at which point the "Tulip Trust" narrative will explain why CSW, nee Nakamoto, can now sign and spend...

88. Post 51318737 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.49h):

Definitely not the States or Middle/South America or Africa or Asia or Russia or the Stans.

So Europe. Suggest mainland rather than an island for those who, for whatever reason, prefer not to fly and like the ability to leave at any time without anyone else's permission.

Portugal hasn't been mentioned, though it has stunning beaches, legal Jah Weed, and is used to visitors.

89. Post 51404927 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.50h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on June 09, 2019, 06:55:36 AM
thanks so much
and Google
and of course
dear Mr Maclairy
how very kind
looks like you had excellent weather
do give me a bell next time you're in town
we could go for a drink
with roach
another 3some made in heaven
no but seriously
i don't do London
maybe like if you can get to

Thanks Mr 8.  I would be delighted to have a beer with you. Oxford looks like it is very doable by train from London so will give you a holler next time I am in the region.


90. Post 51553640 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

...not manipulation, the $10mm wall is soaking up all the sells it can, 340 so far...

91. Post 51553657 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

...there goes another 200 BTC chunk in one go....

92. Post 51553665 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

...rope-a-doping the bears...

93. Post 51553696 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

"Ali - BTC - bumbaya!"

- for those of a certain age

94. Post 51553883 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

real whale fight, huge sell walls also being flashed, but quickly pulled. The buyer is just soaking it up

95. Post 51554037 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Quote from: vroom on June 21, 2019, 10:34:05 PM
what is the best resource for a full view of buy and sell walls? is there a better site than ?

Logging in to your exchange account will let you see it all or something like

96. Post 51578125 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on June 23, 2019, 09:41:08 PM
CME will open in an hour... will be interesting to see what happens; must suck to sit on a short and not being able to get out over the weekend  Tongue

Does somebody know how the price limit works? I mean halting BTC futures trading will not get BTC price changing.
Will the be forced settlements?
here Smiley i like that:
must suck to sit on a short and not being able to get out over the weekend

not sure what you mean with how "the limit works"
when futures trading opens there will be i think gap up, instant gap up
so if shorters had close limit on 10500 and gap up instantly put price to 11000, they will close with 11000 and not with least i think so

Good question.
Can they sell if the limit is hit? This would mean that the longs are forcefully pushed out of the contract?

Could be setting up for some major carnage at the CME that's for sure. ... bulls have got it back to the AYH right before the open too so it might spark a massive surge up on the short squeeze at the open.

When CME went live with the contract in Dec. 2017 I recall an ex-CME head or regulator warning that CME had never dealt with a truly hard asset like bitcoin and it was a real risk for it to cause major failures ... which is a joke because he was admitting that gold was not a hard asset in the way it has been papered out of existence.

Edit: meant to add that there will be a battle to get it back closer to friday's close before the open to stem the bleeding.

Genuine question: can you have a short squeeze in a cash-settled market? Given that the shorter's buys aren't actually fed back in to the (edit: physical) market?

97. Post 51595465 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Quote from: gentlemand on June 25, 2019, 09:08:00 AM
I’ve never sold moderate to large amounts of coin before (fiat wise) so I’m a bit nervous about that in the future.
I don’t want to get caught with my pants down so I admit that last week I verified my UK bank & ID with Coinbase in preparation.

If there was a De-Merit action I presume you’d all be giving it to me right now Cheesy

I think you'd have to be a legitimate crazyhead to use Coinbase for sums above the holiday/car level.

Imagine how seized up and overloaded they'll be. Imagine how many get caught up in their obscure trigger mechanisms that even they don't understand.

The last thing you need is to wind up some forgotten ticket number. You should sound out proper OTC operations.


For GBP you can also use Coinfloor. Not quite the liquidity of Coinbase, but decent support and no problems cashing out. I've used both and localbitcoins over the years.

It's hard to comment on amounts, but Coinbase would have no qualms locking you up for gawdknowswhat, LBC sales would probably involve a series of bank payments that might be more likely to cause alarms at your end, whereas Coinfloor's payments clearly arrive from a finance operation.

If you haven't gone one already, get one of those "premier" type bank accounts where you can call a human and they're more used to dealing with larger sums.

98. Post 51595685 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.52h):

Quote from: gentlemand on June 25, 2019, 11:16:29 AM

For GBP you can also use Coinfloor. Not quite the liquidity of Coinbase, but decent support and no problems cashing out. I've used both and localbitcoins over the years.

I've not read good things about Coinfloor. They also don't seem professional in the slightest. Some of their policy changes have been so extreme customers thought it was an April fool until they confirmed it. I wouldn't want to touch them either.

Don't forget about UWOs.

You never know if/when the government might decide you don't deserve your nice house.

I can stand on my own two stumps and point to every penny.

Yeah, I read all that as well. But what can I say? I tried a couple of test amounts (before Coinbase's GBP facility) and it was fine and then used them for larger amounts and it was fine as well. Their changes were badly handled (like finex they wanted to lose the lo-money people who cost them tons in support and forum complaints, but bring no profits). Who knows why all the hate, its the internet, there could be any reason. Sour grapes, competitors, even the truth and I've just been lucky. Before them I used LBC, but unless you like giving it away you have to sell to retail, not one of the dealers, and its not worth the grief (to me).

99. Post 51609878 (copy this link) (by Colonel Panic) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.53h):

Quote from: P_Shep on June 26, 2019, 12:57:44 PM
This is unsustainable. The price will be under $10k before the end of the year, and stay there until Libra takes over. Bitcoin is done. Short bitcoin.

Yay! Proudhon is back!

Tell us all your stories!
