All posts made by alecmerkel in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 38375191 (copy this link) (by alecmerkel) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.56h):

Quote from: mindrust on May 24, 2018, 08:46:40 AM
Going further down than expected. Anyone know why?

A small possibility buy It may be that people finally realized bitcoin is nothing more than a pump&dump get rich quick ponzi scheme maybe?

Joke joke. That'not it. USD is gaining power against everything now because of the expected rate hikes. USD will get so powerful in the end it won't carry that power and explode.

I agree with you. My question is what is the expected time table for this? I know it will only be based on your knowledge and really only opinion based. But this drop is making me feel weird...