All posts made by Leina in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 7754121 (copy this link) (by Leina) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.58h):

Quote from: Richy_T on July 09, 2014, 03:08:28 PM

Are you in the market for a new used car or a new car? You might be stuck if your looking for the later.

Used. New cars are poor value.

Ai, someones gotta buy em though so the smarter ones amongst us have something to buy.

Although I do have to say there are some really good deals with new cars in the UK at the moment with 100,000 mile warranties, free insurance (Which for a young driver can save another £1500) and 5 year 0% finance deals, still not enough to interest me but its slightly more understandable than it was a few years ago.

Snopes has this as "false" but it seems like a rather weak and hand-waving debunk to me.

Why don't they sell these car at discount?