All posts made by muhrohmat in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 10344761 (copy this link) (by muhrohmat) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.56h):

i guess btc will stabel for the next 2 months in 300 dollara and then will rise a bit over the diff rise in mining. but theres no new mining possibilites soo its just the stable btc produce and the already in market will be more rare into dollars or euro now its the investmen couse its low soo it will rise in 3 mothns like april 2015 to prob 400 dollars my guess

2. Post 11629923 (copy this link) (by muhrohmat) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

well in small amounts of time theres possiblity of leverage no i mean in this case from yesterday to today bitcoin rised acording to euro/usd