All posts made by Venusianism in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 10263611 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

If we can just hit $319-327 I can load up the juiciest short & enjoy profit-taking as it dumps back to low-mid-$200's.

Why not sub-200? Well, because I'm afraid CBase+Gemini, as well as the gigantic funding round recently, have truly changed the landscape - this bullishness is now embedded at multiple deep layers, and it should take several months to even have a chance at bringing in another huge capitulation like we just had..

2. Post 10263871 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Quote from: solex on January 26, 2015, 09:07:41 AM
I sold my last coins at $293.

I'm out (trading acct only) at $285, but so much energy in the market now, can't see a retrace below 255-260 anymore...

 I know, sold mine @ $307.7 & just really afraid of shorting anything below $340 actually..this has power.

3. Post 10273383 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on January 27, 2015, 01:05:23 AM
A fair few longs being liquidated on 796 futures. Another sleepless night coming up I think.

When there is blood in the streets!

Blood is like 200. I was there

False. There's less than 1.5M bitcoin users on the entire planet. Blood is $115.

4. Post 10275612 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on January 27, 2015, 02:28:03 AM
A fair few longs being liquidated on 796 futures. Another sleepless night coming up I think.

When there is blood in the streets!

Blood is like 200. I was there

False. There's less than 1.5M bitcoin users on the entire planet. Blood is $115.

1.5M with what, an average of less than 10 coins each? if we all wanted an average of 11, there wouldn't be enough to go around, even if the price hit $10,000.  

This too shall pass, Gentlemen. Be greedy when others are fearful.

Oh no. Not the bulltard-edition BJA. I liked you better as a bear ;p

Most users have less than 10 .5* coins each, as they're southeast-asian or latin american - forget ever affording 'an average of 11' - these third-worlders beg on dice sites for .001. Even as a lucky first-worlder I've never even had more than 1.2 btc =/

5. Post 10276019 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Idc I just want a fat grexit compounded by a follow-up portuguexit so I can ride an abyssal EUR/USD short all the way down to 0.87xx then set some buy orders for 0.78 xD

..Yeaa.. Not happening - XA only won about the same amount of votes/seats as other minor parties got.. they pale compared to Tsipras' & Samaras' majorities.. ;o

6. Post 10324086 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

KK guys y'ready? Put on your Depends & get primed for that sweet ~$120-137 all-in leveraged buy on 'Finex/BTC.SX, it's gonna be =BROWN= <3

Just a few days more, or maybe a couple weeks of sideways around $180-200 first.

Also, ^post above me speaks truth.

7. Post 11901016 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: hdbuck on July 17, 2015, 08:33:18 AM
people that did not see this casual pump&dump pattern and thus did not take the opportunity to maximize their btc holdings are retards.

ps: shrot @314

I just hope we didn't skin too many Greeks in the process. I imagine some were actually sold. Undecided

Bitcoin wont save Greece.

 ..So incredibly true.

 Just as how Greece won't save Bitcoin Wink

 Nor will China's or the US/EU's stock market troubles ;

 Nor would (for any lasting adoption and/or price gains) any further P&D's by large-scale Ponzi promoters like that LTC pump chinese guy ;

 ..the only thing that can save BTC is 1. Global apocalyptic event -or- 2a. Another 2008 Subprime-Style global fiat financial meltdown -&- 2b. The BitcoinCore & Blockchain Tech fundamental technical problems have been addressed & Bitcoin is vastly easier to use & features a more secure/stable blockchain network.

 After all, just a few days ago, people like me were shaking our heads as the degenerates in this thread were howling for CCMF as if those fundamental human psychology & sociological factors were suddenly not applying anymore [General public(plebians) are lazy | Mediocrity-minded/Tolerate corrupt & inefficient fiat banking + traditional payments | Soft/Don't like change/Prefer Status Quo], & blockchain's core challenges were magically solved thus enabling global mass user adoption all of a sudden ~ Meanwhile I loaded shorts @ $315 (but I got scared & closed them at 300 ;p), because after all :

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on July 11, 2015, 01:49:04 PM

The bitcoin protocol is a great advance towards an old computer science problem, and was a very interesting experiment in payment technology.  As a computer scientist, I could like that.  

But I wrote "was" because that experiment has been turned into something that is not nice at all.  Mainly, a huge pyramid scheme that is sucking millions of dollars every day from hundreds of thousands of ill-informed people, burning much of it in useless computations, and giving the rest to some smart and/or lucky people.  That scheme has ruined the experiment, by pumping up its value to 1000x what it should have been, and centralizing mining into a handful (literally, 5) of companies.

Bitcoin could still go back to being a nice computing experiment, as it was in 2009, if the price crashed back to cents. It should do that eventually, because the investment pyramid cannot go on forever.  But now there is a new unexpected threat: Blockstream has taken control of the reference implementation (BitcoinCore) and intends to turn it into a channel for settlements among big entities, drive all person-to-person traffic off the bitcoin network, to offchain solutions like Coinbase, Circle, or the hypothetical Lightning Network.  To achieve that goal, they are refusing to make what should be a no-brainer maintenance fix (raising the block size limit), spreading FUD about centralization, and trying to descredit Gavin and Mike Hearn.

So I am taking side in this dispute because it is a technical computer science question, and I cannot avoud giving my technical opinion about it.  Plus, I have this psychological problem about scammers and cheats -- and I feel that the Blockstream guys are getting pretty close to that...

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on July 14, 2015, 01:35:54 AM

Trying to put myself in place of the typical user, I would think that many who tried to use Bitcoin these days, and were not aware of the need to pay higher than normal fees, must have concluded that the system was broken, and did what any user of free software would do: gave up on it.  Note that only a few thousand bitcoin users read the forums or the bitcoin "news" sites (an the latter tend to hide or minimize problems).

8. Post 11932050 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.21h):

Quote from: Somekindabitcoin on July 21, 2015, 09:53:12 AM
This thread is really useful for me and especially the charts from ChartBuddy. I check this thread daily and I'm glad to see new and new informations coming. I like to read about Bitcoin price, speculations and stuff like this. I like the poll at the of this thread and I hope Bitcoin will be around $350 or more at the end of July. I've invested a lot into Bitcoin and I'm already in profit, but you know, I want more.. Smiley


[ WB ;p  Just got destroyed on a NFLX long btw, & I knew it had been coming ;/

Then I lost even moar on gold long's ;// ]

 Oh & btw, this fellow here's username is truly apt ;o :

Quote from: gentlemand on September 29, 2014, 01:30:54 AM
I'd sell off a thousand a day. Buyers would send payment at the market rate to a rotating set of charities.

I'd set up a faucet with random payouts of 50 BTC every few hours.

I'd finance and set up mobile-based banking for the most desperate third world economies. Each account would come with an equal amount of coinage.

I'd keep going until I had 10,000 BTC left. That should be more than enough for anyone.

9. Post 12957895 (copy this link) (by Venusianism) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.33h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on November 12, 2015, 05:19:07 PM

..Ladies & Gentlemen this thread^ now has^ a =WINNER= !!!!!!!@11!!!1!1!!!