All posts made by Roy Badami in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 4034649 (copy this link) (by Roy Badami) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.42h):

Quote from: Nolo on December 19, 2013, 01:04:06 AM
So do you believe this could be an answer for the Chinese problem?  Why were the exchanges and depositors having to use 3rd party payment processors, if they could just use the banks directly like this anyway?

Localbitcoins?  (Or a local equivalent.)

Cash trades aren't banned right now, I think


2. Post 4034700 (copy this link) (by Roy Badami) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.42h):

Quote from: Nolo on December 19, 2013, 12:36:50 AM
I know huobi is a Chinese exchange.  I know they're saying they are now accepting fiat via "remittance".  What is remittance though?  And they say they support two different banks. Is remittance like a cashier's check form one of these banks?  Is it a bank wire?

In the contexts I'm familiar with, remittance refers to services in western countries designed to help expats send money back to their home country.

If that's what it refers to here, then it's not clear how much help it is to most people in China, as it would require them to have funds in the west to start with (or the ability to transfer funds from China to a western country).
