All posts made by DaveJones in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 13864554 (copy this link) (by DaveJones) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.43h):

Quote from: BitUsher on February 12, 2016, 08:29:29 PM
....  one than the following would likely be the fallout-

1) Some devs would leave bitcoin altogether abruptly or just stop contributing and slowly selling off their large investments
2) Some devs would join classic and be equally motivated
3) Some devs may attack the HF or create a competing alt
4) Some devs may participate with classic but be less motivated

It would also set a dangerous precedent where a contentious HF's would start to become the norm and we have more to look forward to with regard to politics and arguing every year... ...

...Classic devs even wanted to HF in segwit when a soft fork is available!

What a load of fucking shit. You really are a spoon.

If Core devs decide to fuck off because they don't get their way, well they can fuck off now. That sort of mentality is about power grabbing and ego.  If you believe in a decentralized currency, who cares how it wins, as long as it wins.

Segwit is a fantastic addition to Bitcoin. But the idea that you can soft fork now and hard fork later is stupid. Hard forking later means more people are on the network and therefore there are more people to piss off.  Hard fork now is common sense. Segwit as and when its ready.

Stop being a spoon.

2. Post 13920795 (copy this link) (by DaveJones) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.44h):

Going back to the future: