All posts made by beaconpcguru in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 2900836 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.13h):

Love how those fake steps (walls) are going to disappear.  Not attempting to spread any FUD, brainwaves just doing there mojo, aside from that.. anyone else notice that there is roughly 8,000 more coins available  up to the 115$ mark than there was 7 hours ago?

2. Post 2901006 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.13h):

quit being existentialist philosopher

Demand (fake or real) = demand

supply (fake or real) = supply

it works out in end so that it doesn't matter one way or the other

Of course it will all work out, but saying supply and demand doesn't affect one another does not hold the snake venom for me.  When supply is greater than demand then there is a surplus that works its way down the latter (ie - down) when demand is greater than supply it goes up the latter (ie - up) I always choose a constant and keep variables to a maximum offload, that being said my own personal bitcoin stethooscilloscope says were are going to see a lower price than the prior two weeks has offered.

3. Post 2920564 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.13h):

Glad plenty of people just saw how many coins M.Kapelas just bought Smiley

4. Post 3603976 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.23h):

bitstamp still down after 3 hours... hmmmmm

5. Post 3604078 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.23h):

Thanks, indeed back for me, maybe they tired of my repeat logins.  Appreciate the attention.

6. Post 3604384 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.23h):

Quote from: haightst on November 16, 2013, 07:03:06 PM
Thanks, indeed back for me, maybe they tired of my repeat logins.  Appreciate the attention.
buy @ stamp sell at Gox ? LOL  Wink
No have just been trying to change account password, keep getting incapsula unable to connect screen everytime I go to hit confirm on change password.  Rinse/Repeat. 

7. Post 3604459 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.23h):

Finally got password changed, stamp still creeping along, will wait till later for any further action with that account.  Time to go work on the car.

8. Post 3619353 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.24h):

Quote from: bassclef on November 18, 2013, 04:04:34 AM
Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, is also weighing in on the hearing, saying that it has no plans to regulate the currency.

“Although the Federal Reserve generally monitors developments in virtual currencies and other payments system innovations, it does not necessarily have authority to directly supervise or regulate these innovations or the entities that provide them to the market,” Bernanke wrote in a letter to the committee.

Whoa. Nice.

Federal reserve has nothing to do with regulation of anything other than the printing presses, bond rates against those presses and interest rates...

9. Post 3638892 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.25h):

When is the DHS hearing today?  All sorts of good news pumping in through media, eyes on the prize Smiley

10. Post 3639599 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.25h):

Hmm, China sitting at 900 again.. doesn't look down for maint.

11. Post 3643497 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

Sen. Heller wants to know when he can get his hands on the DPR coins ^^

12. Post 3643526 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

Quote from: beaconpcguru on November 19, 2013, 09:10:09 PM
Sen. Heller wants to know when he can get his hands on the DPR coins ^^

Sounds like he is doing his due diligience in researching ^^ "Why is China buying coins?"
Yay, take conversation away from the illegal..

13. Post 3643639 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

All (*most) of the senators seem to have only positive questions.. ie How do I file taxes for my bitcoin profits, My constituents would like to know where to buy some Smiley

14. Post 3643912 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

Learning from Bitcoin Smiley

15. Post 3645213 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

Everyones watching those that are chasing the prices lower, same amount of coins as on the books 8 hours ago but they keep lowering their price.  Its funny to see, the bears are winning in driving down the force, it was well timed this morning and again over the past couple hours with a slow and steady selling going on.  I personally hope it will go on for weeks!  Its a shame but those who chose to gamble, do so intentionally and its usually greed that blinds them.  Free market at its finest.

16. Post 3645562 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

price goes down 10%.. coins on the order books dont change, just the coins that are panic sold in combination with the bears attempting (sucessfully to drag it down) China is not pursuing... interesting.. China has 3,000 coins dumped in the last 8 hours compared to ~20,000 that sold on atleast Gox

17. Post 3645664 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

Come on bears and panic sellers.. and the ocassional profiteer... only a 10% drop in price today, you can do better than that! Come on let those coins roll, gotta diversify the population some more!

18. Post 3647253 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

Wont go down as much as it went up, thats for sure!  Its just going to bounce around in the three digits for a while before ensuing its journey to four digits,  next few weeks or so is will be leveling off. Refueling from the profits people don't want to actually withdrawal, while some gamble, bears will be fighting bulls.  Participate at will.  If you notice a 15,000 coin drop, just ignore it and try to buy more, if you can't just wait it out.  You can ascertain peace of mind by putting your coins offline and ignoring the charts for a year or two, or you can join the frey.  Unless someone uses some vulcan mind meld and jedi hand tricks, the market will be fought over for a time.

19. Post 3647315 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

Quote from: hyphymikey on November 20, 2013, 04:06:08 AM
I am confused.

This new downtrend was due to the price rising too fast? And someone sold a shit ton of coins because why? Makes no sense. Why not just let the momentum buy through your ask wall.

The only reason I can think of, is that with these past few days being in such a huge spotlight, might as well crash the price down and discourage new buyers, giving me more time to accumulate coins.

I mean seriously! Am I just stating the obvious or am I way off track?

Just because the market cap hit ~9 Billion doesnt mean there is enough money to buy a certain amount of sell orders.  An all time high isn't an average price and people want to take profits, when there is more sellers, or profiteers, than buyers then the price goes down.  I dont know how much CNY is on the books but if someone wanted to sell 40,000 coins, worth approximately 16,000,000 usd, the slippage on a single sell would cause it to drop to half of that amount.  If they slowly sold over the course of hours/days/weeks they still have a chance of scaring the market or dropping the price in a single sell to $300.  There are 12 million coins, what if 10% of those holders wanted to cash out?  They couldn't, not for a period of months anyway, there simple isn't enough money in the market (at the moment), in fact 320,000 coins would fill every order on every exchange down to a 1$, would make alot of people happy but would eliminate any liquidity for a while.

20. Post 3647505 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.26h):

Looks like Gox is shutting down under this smokescreen... Kapelas Midas engine taking all the coins and washing them before sending them off to oblivion!

21. Post 3670980 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.27h):

Its funny how the ATH is stated on the books as far as funds go... How many people do you think sold in this range and how much money was made and subsequently re-bidded?  5 million dollars more appeared after some decided to sell.  So where do you think the money went from the coins sold?  Sure some may be tied up in postponed wire transfers and some more re-bought.  Some just leave it sitting in their accounts and the rest... well, I feel its pretty confident to say its sitting right there on the order books.  Almost 14,000 coins dropped continuously in a row in an hour long period after the all time high means atleast 11,200,000$ .. order book was at 25 million before hand and now is around 34 million.  The numbers make sense well anyway.. to follow the consensus.. we're off to Alpha Centari, but don't worry we'll come back to visit. Cool

22. Post 3677315 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.27h):

Quote from: bitcodo on November 22, 2013, 06:32:50 PM

DPR's mother?

I'm scared.

Has ties to Silk Road coins, and .. interesting

23. Post 3677841 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.27h):

Quote from: italeffect on November 22, 2013, 07:26:04 PM
$34.8 million now on the Gox order book. This is up from around $13 million at the start of October.

I understand continuing to use Gox as I've been using them since the very beginning, but I certainly wouldn't be sending them additional $ if I wanted to buy BTC in the last few months.

Is this perhaps USD that was always there, but not on the order book? Or are folks really sending new $ there? Perhaps the Second Market guys? Other large investors? I could see them not going to Bitstamp due the lack of liquidity. I still believe (no evidence) that Gox has private deals with large players for USD withdrawals. But they can't risk opening up that faucet to everyone and having it turned off until their issues with the US Gov and CoinLab are addressed.

If the price right now is over five times higher than it was at the start of October and the money on the order books has grown almost three times.. where do you suspect these additional funds came from?

24. Post 3680351 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

Quote from: ardana123 on November 22, 2013, 11:43:43 PM
I think it's hilarious people think bitcoin is going mainstream. It's no way near ready to go mainstream, not the exchanges, not the protocol, not the services built around it. No way the price is going to stay at 1000+ for very long. Hordes of speculators will cash out. Yes i'm as bearish as it gets at the moment.

BUY BUY your about to left behind trying to hitchhike on the cannonball run!

Its unfortunate you sold in July... but you can still join the mile high club with your leftover proceeds.  Theres a difference between being a bull and just being a constant downer.

25. Post 3680738 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

When are people going to learn that large exchanges can and will manipulate to their pleasure?  This is not governed and neither are they, there isn't any SEC violations, they can do what they want.  "Oh thats our security protocol preventing sells in a free market.."  "Yea we are experiencing/mitigating DDOS attacks while the price fluctuates and are currently performing mental calculations to see when it will end"  "Our buy button always works when its rising but we have a lag of 900 seconds because everyone is hitting buy so much"  People should have inate trust in the hash of a bitcoin but that trust should not autonomously be extended to the brokerage firms around it.

26. Post 3680808 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

China is not "safer".  Funny how you think charts from a communist country inviting "free trade and money here" with a government bent on control is a "safe" thing.  Oh well, minds all work in their own determined ways.

27. Post 3694751 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

The money currently floating the prices is from both the profits that have been taken and money that was already sitting on the sidelines.  Sure, the capital can come at some point to continue to keep us up here, but for now its not here to stay without a day to day change in the 10-30% range, whether it be up or down.  The people who have a significant amount of coins switched to a significant amount of fiat and are currently going in and out.  I couldn't have believed that the money I spent in January and February would be what it is now if you had told me.  There are very experienced traders here and they will manipulate to their satisfaction.

28. Post 3694862 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):


Which moon do you think these are waiting for?  If you owned them would you sell with 70% slippage or wait until there was enough orders to fill them?  Have you calculated just the amount of money on the exchanges books (all of them).  Or the amount of coins on the sell books at any one time?  You will find alot of greed here in this field, do you think there is 11,750,000 coins that everyone has already cold stored?  Greed makes everyone look at slippage.  If Loaded were to un(load) (one) of his 40,000 bitcoin wallets it would sink us back to $300 and he would lose more profits in slippage than he could sell.   Everyone talks about being the wealthy elite and there are quite a few now, heres to hoping they don't flush it all and actually do some good with it.

29. Post 3694876 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

Its 5 am, there should be some more happy people waking up to "cheap" coins soon Smiley  Panic buying shall ensue shortly.

30. Post 3702738 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

Quote from: hyphymikey on November 25, 2013, 12:23:53 AM
Somebody is using a lot of coin to keep the price suppressed on Gox. Once all the money on the sideline finally starts buying in, I don't see any stoping it (worth stopping). Buy in before the "suppressor" completes his plan. All signs point up.

Where is there alot of coins "suppressing" the price?  I'm not seeing it...

31. Post 3703379 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

Quote from: hyphymikey on November 25, 2013, 01:49:36 AM
Somebody is using a lot of coin to keep the price suppressed on Gox. Once all the money on the sideline finally starts buying in, I don't see any stoping it (worth stopping). Buy in before the "suppressor" completes his plan. All signs point up.

Where is there alot of coins "suppressing" the price?  I'm not seeing it...

Looking at the bigger picture.

We haven't even had enough volume to say "alot".  In the past three weeks we have had an average of roughly 40,000 coins going back and forth between hands.  Liquidity is low, atleast in the high end segment.  When we have 20,000 bids above 1,000$ and a million coins change hands in the course of a day, then I will see the volume, until then.. a few coins tossed around here and there for 5-10% here and there is not practical volume.. Rome wasn't built in a day but it certainly can be destroyed in that time.

32. Post 3703457 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

Patience is your friend

33. Post 3703749 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

Quote from: Vigil on November 25, 2013, 03:21:17 AM

What is the point of this...over and over again? That shizzle changes every second.

What would be the point of a chart that never changes?  You have a point though, perhaps someone or Richy_T should program the chart for the future.

34. Post 3704575 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

A million traded in a day, not every day.  Or the liquidity for the market to absorb such an amount.  5% of the current holdings would saturate the entire order book of every brokerage, not that any holder that huge would want to do that, but thats not liquidity atleast not towards our market cap goals.  I feel very lucky to have contributed and experienced this, thus far, and plan on trying to make others as happy as I have been.  I started a few cold wallets at the beginning of this year for my kids' college funds to that end as well as some other plans to diversify to some non-believers in the future just to try and get more of the word of mouth around.  I'm not the type that would be rich very long in an ultra rich position. I would want others to experience the joys of a debt free life, or atleast a shot at a clean slate, as well.

35. Post 3704792 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.28h):

Quote from: macsga on November 25, 2013, 05:54:29 AM
A million traded in a day, not every day.  Or the liquidity for the market to absorb such an amount.  5% of the current holdings would saturate the entire order book of every brokerage, not that any holder that huge would want to do that, but thats not liquidity atleast not towards our market cap goals.  I feel very lucky to have contributed and experienced this, thus far, and plan on trying to make others as happy as I have been.  I started a few cold wallets at the beginning of this year for my kids' college funds to that end as well as some other plans to diversify to some non-believers in the future just to try and get more of the word of mouth around.  I'm not the type that would be rich very long in an ultra rich position. I would want others to experience the joys of a debt free life, or atleast a shot at a clean slate, as well.
You can't be happy when everyone near you is sad. That's what I'm facing everyday the last 5 years. Sad

I know it, a little benevolence goes a long way and I think we can all succumb to greed every now and then.  I try to recognize when I do instead of justifying my greed with my ambitions.  If I had a few percent of this market, I would not play it the way of the ultra-rich, as soon as the order books filled up with hopes and dreams I would fufill them all with a rain fall of a market sell that would help to "de-centralize" some of the (potential/perceived) wealth that some of the bigger players in this market currently experience.  I do believe in the fact that helping others encourages others to do the same and can only hope I can play some small part in that chain.  What can I say, I'm a hopeless idealist.

36. Post 3714261 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.29h):

One person can move the market much more than 10%

37. Post 3714891 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.29h):

Quote from: BitchicksHusband on November 26, 2013, 12:23:36 AM
One person can move the market much more than 10%

Who?  Satoshi?

Last I thought was the "Satoshi" stash was around 1,070,000 Bitcoins.  Loaded doesn't have 2-3 wallets ranging from 40,000 - 80,000 bitcoins.  There wasn't just 200,000 coins shuffled for a few laughs.  Estimated individuals holding more than 10,000 coins each is in the hundreds.  Exchanges don't profit in both bitcoin and fiat and have no reason for either.  A 10% market change right now would take ~2,500 coins but your right, Mr/Mrs/Ms Nakamoto must be the only person capable of such a feat.

"Buy All The Bitcoins!"

38. Post 3787797 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Same effect 4,000$ had 6 months ago

39. Post 3787915 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

No sell hinders BTC

40. Post 3810687 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Sure, use bitcoinwisdom on your phone

41. Post 3853884 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

I see the GoxLoop ™ is going again

42. Post 3855254 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: seleme on December 06, 2013, 07:56:02 PM
I am afraid the only play here was the latest bounce, I see this going down more this weekend.

But BTC-e 25$ over Stamp constantly is ridiculous.

Bitstamp always follows Gox, so with Gox MIA at the moment of course they are going to sit there with no guile.  BTC-E follows China so of course they will go up..

43. Post 3856598 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: manfred on December 06, 2013, 09:01:15 PM
Gox leaking market share every day. The last days of an era.

bitstamp     31.010%   45152.250   0.850 USD
mtgox*   30.000%   43688.600   0.871 USD
btce           29.750%   43320.360   0.880 USD
Seems that data is lagging too. Mtgox is less than halve of BTC-e bitcoin volume plus over 1 million litecoins as well

That includes all BTC pairs .. so not very accurate

44. Post 3856721 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 06, 2013, 09:13:57 PM
Massive dump incoming, price is stabilizing and no buyers...

Its amazing how there are no buyers, yet the price is going up.. bids keep filling to the lower postions.. 900 coin sell wall moved 200$ back... your right, nothing to see here, move along.

45. Post 3856867 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: seriouscoin on December 06, 2013, 09:31:37 PM
so 850 is the new floor imo.

We saw total panic tonight and yet once we approached 850 buyers started perking up.

From my experience since 2010 in Bitcoin economy, the mining always lag behind and its always catching up to ATH.

In short, it raise the level of support. Mining is getting more costly so is the bottom of btc price.

Not sure how you can say mining is getting more costly.  This causes me much humor, pardon me whilst I partake it it.  Okay, anyhow so I was mining with 8 7970s ($350/ea) in March with an electric bill of 270$ and then I switched to a Blade with twice the hashrate and a tenth of the power consumption and this has somehow cost me more money.  My brain, bank account, trade acc and my electrical bill are all wrong.  Going to have to figure out how this happened.  

46. Post 3857204 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: manfred on December 06, 2013, 10:10:08 PM
Gox leaking market share every day. The last days of an era.

bitstamp     31.010%   45152.250   0.850 USD
mtgox*   30.000%   43688.600   0.871 USD
btce           29.750%   43320.360   0.880 USD
Seems that data is lagging too. Mtgox is less than halve of BTC-e bitcoin volume plus over 1 million litecoins as well

That includes all BTC pairs .. so not very accurate
That is exactly why it is very accurate because it includes all BTC pairs. Or is a Russian bought bitcoin somehow not a full bitcoin. Must it be bought with USD to be counted?

No, its not accurate because if I shuffle 10 bitcoins over there, trade 10 bitcoins for cash, buy some LTC and then trade it back to Bitcoin or vice versa each one of those transactions can count for as many pairs there are available (19 in this case) observing that the bitcoin traded simple in the BTC/USD category at a volume of ~30,000 means that 90,000 btc may or may not have been traded and or intermixed with any other pair including BTC/USD

47. Post 3857240 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 06, 2013, 10:11:16 PM
Massive dump incoming, price is stabilizing and no buyers...

Its amazing how there are no buyers, yet the price is going up.. bids keep filling to the lower postions.. 900 coin sell wall moved 200$ back... your right, nothing to see here, move along.
And it has done this many times before crashing in just the last 12 hrs. The price was about to fall through the floor with no sign of stopping - eating thousands of bitcoins in under a couple minutes. The only reason we are sitting here is because Gox engine failed. we have barely moved from the rebound spot.
You mean you were hoping that the price was going to crash through the floor while watching a single entity drop 5,000 coins in hope of causing a panic but instead of him being able to potentially influence the market he was instead robbed by MtGox of the opportunity to do so.

48. Post 3857672 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

These dumps aren't going to last for long, gettem while you can

49. Post 3857878 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: John999 on December 06, 2013, 11:51:18 PM
Get ready for the 700s.
Don't think you can spread enough fear, Sir, I respect your tries though!  You have like 50 posts just today trying to encourage the drop, wonder why that would be.. I don't and neither do you, but others might.

50. Post 3857940 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 06, 2013, 11:57:16 PM
The morons jumping in at $840 cause they think they are getting cheap coins.

Starting to think your the one Gox robbed by stopping your 5,000 coin drop, sucks to get robbed by someone doesn't it?  Going to be really hard to get back into that exit point.. exit only says some straight fellas, otherwise I'm sorry for your loss.

Actually it seems to be holding for the 4th time!
[/quote]It didn't hold last time. Gox suspended the trading with its crappy servers. It was artificially "held".

51. Post 3859252 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

This dump is almost equivalent to the one three days ago... you bears go!

52. Post 3859329 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Krabby on December 07, 2013, 02:20:59 AM
Look at the sell side... 1000 coins to go up 100$... 4000 to go down 100$.. 3000 coins just disappeared from the ask side... at Bitstamp and Gox

53. Post 3859362 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Krabby on December 07, 2013, 02:20:59 AM
Look at the sell side... 1000 coins to go up 100$... 4000 to go down 100$.. 3000 coins just disappeared from the ask side... at Bitstamp and Gox

54. Post 3859432 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Sell side on Gox and Stamp just thinned by another 4000 coins.. Achoo

55. Post 3859632 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Searing on December 07, 2013, 02:47:14 AM

sorry but have not gone back in the thread to check..but briefly ....what is the consensus on here for the floor on this? or its anyones guess?

myself I figure 500....but then I know diddly


During the push down there was over 8000 coins added to several exchanges sell sides to make it look like it was losing demand.. those coins have since been removed and buying is commencing on the way... UP

56. Post 3859728 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 07, 2013, 02:50:52 AM

sorry but have not gone back in the thread to check..but briefly ....what is the consensus on here for the floor on this? or its anyones guess?

myself I figure 500....but then I know diddly


During the push down there was over 8000 coins added to several exchanges sell sides to make it look like it was losing demand.. those coins have since been removed and buying is commencing on the way... UP
Its a bounce.

Your hoping because the reality of being wrong is setting in fast

3rd floor please elevator

57. Post 3859944 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

I dont think it will make it to 650$ but it may if the greed captures people in the moment as it can to the inexperienced but going back up is going to go alot faster as it will only take a couple buys in to change the price by hundreds while people lose thousands in the process by actually making it so and selling.  They will learn, still feel bad for them.. greed, a twisp that should be ignored.

58. Post 3867712 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: Davyd05 on December 07, 2013, 05:47:41 PM
Anybody find it VERY interesting that BTCChina is more resistant to the downtrend and at a fairly higher price than the other exchanges.

Seems like a disconnect to me. If this rally is predicated on China's bitcoin policies, then why are the chinese less bearish right now?

It's interesting, noticed it earlier.

All I can think of is that the China news gave us the pop that we all wanted, sooner we crashed the sooner we get back to break 2k.

Edit: someone suggested BTChina may have temporarily suspended some transactions until verifications are processed?

What do you guys feel about the volume of buying over sat post 5am-6amest so far.. It's looking healthier for buy support on the north american exchanges as well.

Bearstamp seems most skiddish still

Everyone here is going to tell you that the price is going down until they close their shorts or re-entry positions.  When the price is going down, get back to the fundamentals and the actual numbers.  Some bears took advantage of the doom and gloom they were able to post all around and got a bunch of inexperienced traders to leave their original positions at far greater losses, there will be some good natured people spreading this doom and gloom now to further their own positions now that they got caught with their shorts down.  Someone is dropping ~100 coins every 10 minutes for the past 4 hours now in an attempt to cause a second wave of panic when the only reason the panic started in the first place was because of two well timed 5,000 coin drops that have since re-entered.. their are some very big coin holders in here that would love more people to give in to the illusion of the lower entry greed.  The normal uptalkers right now are busy starring at charts while the normal downtalkers are attempting to take advantage of the lack of confidence instilled.  Patience in your friend.

59. Post 3868396 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: UnDerDoG81 on December 07, 2013, 07:05:16 PM
I´ve $50k coming on stamp @tuesday/wednesday. To be honest, I´m not sure if BTC is at its end or will it rocket up any time in the future? Should I risk the $50k on this BTC game and maybe double it one time or should I buy a nice car and waste my FIAT in another way?

I dont need that cash in near future so it can be a long time investement but after all this shakings I´m not sure about the BTC future. It seems like the BTC price is too easy to manipulate. If big banks or governments gets into BTC they can shake all the money out of poor peoples pockets with their huge BTC amounts. If they not did this already the past 2 days.

It can only be shaken if you let it go, nobody ever had a loss that they didn't create themselves.  Don't follow greed.  BTC isn't going anywhere and it will rise again to higher highs and higher lows.

60. Post 3869134 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: MickeyT2008 on December 07, 2013, 08:11:35 PM
And the biggest winners in these bubbles/corrections are... EXCHANGES no higher risks, but probably sky high profits on shit loads of volumes when sheep panic not knowing what to do constantly buying and selling few cents apart.
Which makes it seem a bit silly when people claim that MtGox are going bankrupt, they must have earned a small mountain of BTC and USD since they set up which should easily cover their recent losses.

The would have made no less than 400,000$ in just the 24 hours we went from 900 - 450.. extrapolate

61. Post 3871100 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: Davyd05 on December 07, 2013, 10:59:11 PM
sat down to see the most recent dumping..another loop

edit 2200 sell wall at 700 and its gone but not munched

You mean, it was said whale's wall and he just took it down so he could give a shot on another run down, bounce incoming Smiley

62. Post 3872823 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Bears are getting nervous about their shorts, I can smell the fear. 

63. Post 3874663 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Look at them scared bears forming them ask walls.. your fear induction has no effect on those who know better.  

64. Post 3874712 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: MahaRamana on December 08, 2013, 08:08:27 AM
Looks like we've hit a solid floor at $700 right? So tempted to buy up a few more :/

700 is still far from solid. If it holds another 24h then yes, it will become solid.
Problem is, if 700 holds for another 24h, we might be at 900 then.
But the potential downside is more pronounced short term than the upside so it is risky to buy now.
Short term we could go from 750 to 900 on the upside but we could also go from 750 to 450 or less.

For this reason this 750 is more like a sell right now. If the outlook is long term then buying now is fine.

Its more likely we will travel down the Bid side > 30000 BTC than going up to 900 that only takes another 7,000 (counting the fake ask walls ~4,000 without)  Fun to watch either way, though your arguement makes me want to deposit all my bitcoins and sell them before they are worthless, I think I shall be sufficient just to buy more next week when the funds arrive.  Slow usd/BTC usd needs to hurry up

65. Post 3874794 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: OldGeek on December 08, 2013, 08:52:28 AM
Okay.  I'm officially sick of Gox.  This last few days have been awful.  I'm thinking of moving to BTC-e.  Anything in particular I should watch out for?

Are you depositing USD? BTC-e is not accepting USD wire transfers.

No.  Depositing BTC.

Maybe I'm lucky but I've never had anything disappear from any of the exchanges.. I have 2-FA on all accounts at Stamp, Gox and BTC-E and never had any issues.  Though I have never been unable to login to BTC-E I can't say the same about Gox and Stamp.

66. Post 3875058 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Tallie hoe on we go, every time we have gone through 700 it has taken 24 hours ^^

67. Post 3879978 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Wow, you can tell by the postings that already so many have sold below their buy, the secret is to either hold or know you can close a short before you open it.  Just because 100 other people who have no reason to want to profit off of your loss tell you that 100$ BTCs are right around the corner, you get blinded by greed.  This party is just getting started, going to be legendary and define the past blips in the radar.

68. Post 3880409 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

We're all gonna die!  On another note, I chopped down a tree this morning, well chainsawed it anyway.  Was indeed fun.  I don't think a lot of those that expect a crash greater than 61.8% understand the sheer amount of money that was and is still coming in.  Over 225 Million dollars has changed hands in the last three days alone, just on Mt. Gox along with 2.25 Billion Yuan (~367,000,000 USD) on BTC China.

69. Post 3881383 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: hd060053 on December 08, 2013, 07:55:47 PM
why are normal people (not manipulators) still selling on gox at this price???

They are shorting their coins, aka selling them with the intention of buying at lows that won't exist because they will follow their greed to the bottom of their wallet.  Bitcoin is like a slot machine with a guaranteed winning day if you can walk away, but stay at the machine and you walk away empty.  Moral of the story = Shorting BTC is very difficult to do and maintain a profit.  You will hear a lot of gloating from people who claim to be king at it but if you review their post history you will see they always predict that its the end of BTC and the end is nigh.

70. Post 3883641 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: John999 on December 08, 2013, 10:59:46 PM
I would say last time testing resistance in the 800s then down we go. To be confirmed.

We got it.. all 42 of your posts have said its going down.  In other news.. figured I would check the downloads on bitcoin qt to see if there was anything there..

71. Post 3884739 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: gandhibt on December 09, 2013, 12:41:25 AM
anyone just buy in the last hour over $800? If so, how are you feeling?

I bought one or two coins for 900+ last week, still feel good. whats there to worry about? I bought bitcoin in general cause I think its robust and undervalued.

I wonder how people who sold at 650-700 are feeling right now to be honest.

Depends on what they bought at, if they shorted in hopes of rewinding time, well I imagine they are feeling a little bitter and that evidence presents itself.

if those people buy now they have "lost" money just like you "lost" when you bought 900+ and not now, i'm not trying to be a smart ass, just telling numbers

I think the term you meant is unrealized loss... an unrealized gain is just that as well

72. Post 3884769 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: jonoiv on December 09, 2013, 12:43:14 AM

Could someone explain in simpleton terms this type of chart please.  I have seen it 100's of times but never understood it.

bid and ask depth of an exchange

Thank You!

So from the chart it means there are more people waiting to sell above the current price than there are people wanting to buy below the current price?

Is the chart Gox or another exchange ?

It gives a vague idea but it must be interpreted as such, going by the order book on gox, there is 10,000 buy orders placed down to 650$ on the ask side there is 10,000 coins available up to 1100$

73. Post 3884822 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Now why would these articles be placed side by side...

74. Post 3901719 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on December 10, 2013, 06:21:15 AM

In these charts, are the outer edges real, or just plotting artifacts?

I mean, does the leftmost edge of the green plots indicate the lowest extant bids in that exchange, or just the lowest bids that were considered by the plotter?

Ditto for the right edge of the red (ask) plots.

It goes back by ratio... say 100$ one way and 100 the other the valley is where trades have been executed in order from most recent in the front to older in the rear.. each line dictates another trade in that timescale..

75. Post 3916233 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):


76. Post 3916479 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: Vycid on December 11, 2013, 06:11:26 AM

Anybody that would agree with this guy doesn't own Bitcoins, so they haven't got any to sell.

Hopefully the disinformation stops by the time anybody with a brokerage account can short.

I was going to highlight all the parts he was wrong about but then I realized I would just be copying and pasting the whole thing.

77. Post 4012443 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.40h):

Quote from: TheCoinBull on December 17, 2013, 06:03:01 PM
btce and gox are going down while stamp and china doesnt care
As of yesterday, they are all going up, and all going up fast, turbulence is expected, aka weak hands

I'm seeing almost a 20% spread with Gox Bux leading and China Bux behind.  Lost ~30% in a day, but its going up fast?  I see ~5.5% rise vs said selloff.  Are you sure your looking at BTC charts and not some other alt coin?

78. Post 4129187 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.46h):

Merry Christmas all, will be totally disconnected from the net due to the holiday area, so all have safe trips and merry christmas no matter where and if you plant a tree.  As far as observing the wall, wait there are no walls just as there is no spoon.  Good luck to all and a Merry Happy New Christmas Year

79. Post 5164564 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Has the warning always been there?  I only noticed it now.

80. Post 5164763 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Those are all my favorite hobbies though along with always removing the vacuum hoses from my brake booster in my car before long drives in the country side.

Also, don't play with fire. Don't have unprotected sex with hookers. Don't stick you finger into the electrical outlet. Don't piss into the wind. Seat belts save lives.

81. Post 5165577 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: spooderman on February 15, 2014, 08:19:33 PM
8k btc just disappeared off gox asks.

You mean approximately the same number of coins that was added to it seven days ago is now not there again?

82. Post 5352342 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.18h):

Nobody would suspect that Gox just shut down to fix itself.  Irony incoming.

83. Post 5432374 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.22h):

Quote from: Adrian-x on February 28, 2014, 07:21:30 PM

Fortress Financial Group, a publicly-traded asset manager with a market value of $4.26 billion, reported its 2013 results yesterday—and its biggest investment loss was bitcoin.

in my opinion it is a good thing that big money is getting in. so thumbs up for fortress. but..


to effectivly create your biggest loss of all assets in bitcoin during 2013 is an outstanding example of bad timing.

Wow, to screw up like that they would have bought in after November 15 (say at the peak November 30)  and sold at the bottom December 15)  and dropped around $7 bar into the game and be totally out before Q4 ends.  

Assume they put in the minimum nesesary for the loss they account for about 20% of all volume invested in Bitcoin.

Not the behavior of a competent investment firm.

The report specifies unrealized losses

84. Post 6181272 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.36h):

Red is China, Green is rest of the world.

85. Post 8086609 (copy this link) (by beaconpcguru) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Quote from: dreamspark on July 29, 2014, 12:35:22 PM
Wow discus fish looking to overtake Ghash soon!

Wow Ghash have moved a load of their mining power to discuss fish to make it look as though they don't own 50% Wink

I subscribe to this theory as well.  Catalyst to change coming.