All posts made by BitCinderella in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 15569569 (copy this link) (by BitCinderella) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: ClassicCommodity on July 13, 2016, 12:04:10 PM

lucky the price is $666 and not $0 that would be bad

waiting on those walls

$666 is not a great sign.. that's some illuminati banker luciferian shit right there. It keeps going back to that price for ages now. They're just taunting us.

At least it gives time to keep accumulating. They won't be able to hold it there forever.

Most likely an athiest early adopter.

It is probably losing him money to troll Christians (which is the purpose of the athiest religion).

Don't fall for the cognitive dissonance psychology associated with the words 'conspiracy theory'.

A majority of bitcoins are held by a small pool of people. Central banks waste $billions suppressing the gold price by short-selling gold derivatives. Don't just assume 100% that they don't have their dirty hands in the Bitcoin market as well.

I hear they paid Satoshi to concoct a cunning "magic money machine, one that runs on nothing but greed and electricity."