All posts made by Morgenst3rn in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 17477023 (copy this link) (by Morgenst3rn) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.02h):

Broke through 800 $, broke through 770 $,
what's the next artificial & magical barrier from where on we can expect a magic turnaround & the next moon moment?

2. Post 18112178 (copy this link) (by Morgenst3rn) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.05h):

What's the reason for this sudden drop ?

No ETF rejection, no more BU shilling, exchanges are still closed in China ?

3. Post 18235790 (copy this link) (by Morgenst3rn) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.06h):

Quote from: york780 on March 18, 2017, 07:13:43 AM
The charts are still saying 900 EUR. So i keep being pacient. First a little up move to 1000 EUR, after that we go down to 900 EUR according to the charts. They were right so far so why not !

So far york780 seems to be right. It dropped further.
From 1070 € yesterday to 987 € @ Kraken right now.

4. Post 18278183 (copy this link) (by Morgenst3rn) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.06h):

Quote from: york780 on March 21, 2017, 01:44:05 PM
Bitcoin is now batteling to restore its value of march 18. If bitcoin cant break trough this its a major bearish signal.

I'm quite amazed how quick the price of BTC rose again after the mayor FUD during last Thursday - Sunday.
Has someone an idea how this happened despite the threat of a hard fork & the (new) rumors from China, regarding PBoC and regulations of the exchanges?

5. Post 21198618 (copy this link) (by Morgenst3rn) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.19h):

Quote from: r0ach on August 18, 2017, 05:55:48 AM
That and to try and prevent people from buying gold and silver because the market is stretched too thin and they're running out of metals to deliver which would blow up their ponzi.

What do you actually think of Peter Schiff?

Excuse me, if i portray you in a wrong light, but he shares a lot of your views on precious metals & bitcoin.

6. Post 26788129 (copy this link) (by Morgenst3rn) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

This must be Hyperbitcoinization.

Yes, yes, FIAT will be replaced by yesterday & all people around the world will dance under one rainbow united in a loving friendship.