All posts made by coinling in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 17547158 (copy this link) (by coinling) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.02h):

Quote from: bitcoinvest on January 18, 2017, 09:06:11 PM
I see something that can be also nothing but i want to share this with you and have your opinion as this is attached to the price movement.

For the past couple of days i see many sell order of 25 exactly btC on Kraken. (i did not check other exchanges )

Looks to me that this i strange... i have the feeling of people NOT selling at this momment, i mean ordinary people..
And general in the past only some orders was round, but not i see many orders of 25 and again 25 and again 25 and some 35...

you can see this now if you go to Kraken and see the order book...

This is nothing?? or is something? Who can put this orders? Somebody who has many maybe?Huh Is some kind of luquidation or something...??

Any ideas how you see that?

seems like a bot.
on the sell side it is an order on every 0.5% increase

2. Post 20539113 (copy this link) (by coinling) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.15h):

Is it ok to send segwit Bitcoin already and be able to send BCC later ?
Or it is necessary to wait for first block, which might never occur?