All posts made by civilufo in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 26913848 (copy this link) (by civilufo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: rolling on December 25, 2017, 03:32:27 AM

Ok, as of right now, the price to send a transaction in the next block is about 140 satoshis per byte and a typical 1 input/2 output transaction is about 225 bytes. At $14k per bitcoin, a satoshi is worth $0.00014. So, 140 X 225 X $0.00014 = $4.41 per transaction.

Value of a Satoshi = Bitcoin price divided by 100,000,000
Typical Transaction Size = 225 bytes
Current fee in Satoshis per byte for next block = 140

Satoshi Value x Typical Transaction Size x Satoshi fee per byte = Transaction Cost.

$0.00014 X 225 X 140 = $4.41

At the peak:
$0.00020 x 225 x 1000 = $45.00

Nice calculation sharing. I remember I have been charged for $30+ on my last transaction this month. Sooner or later the transaction fee will be sky high once bitcoin climbs to a new height.