All posts made by hamiltino in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 5128410 (copy this link) (by hamiltino) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: rezilient on February 13, 2014, 10:08:35 PM
dead bull

can someone please ban this guy? wtf

you eat meat everyday, what are you afraid of?  Undecided

2. Post 5128563 (copy this link) (by hamiltino) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

3. Post 5209085 (copy this link) (by hamiltino) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.12h):

People are always talking about trolls and how they are doing it on purpose. But what you define as a troll is simply a person with a view against the majority (not always) which automatically puts him in the troll category. Isn't this another form of dictatorship where anyone with an opinion against the majority, no matter how wrong, right or emotionally driven his opinion is, gets completely dismissed without any logical arguments against his claims but just simply labled a troll like an automatic knee jerk reaction.  

4. Post 5209326 (copy this link) (by hamiltino) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.12h):

Quote from: octaft on February 18, 2014, 12:08:51 AM
People are always talking about trolls and how they are doing it on purpose. But what you define as a troll is simply a person with a view against the majority which automatically puts him in the troll category. Isn't this another form of dictatorship where anyone with an opinion against the majority, no matter how wrong, right or emotionally driven his opinion is, gets completely dismissed without any logical arguments against his claims but just simply labled a troll like an automatic knee jerk reaction.  

There is a difference between "I think bitcoin is going down, here is my objective analysis" and "OMFG SELL SELL SELL BITCOIN IS DEAD!" If you say the first one, and I disagree with you, I will calmly explain why. I will dismiss the second one as ridiculous and ignore it.

Notice that the same can be said for bull trolls, it's just that they get less heat because they're saying what most on here want to hear.
Well the more you acknowledge someone is a troll the more they will want to "troll you". Its the law of the ego.