All posts made by Oblodo in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 3503017 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.20h):

What the fu...  6169 BTC  ask $266.9.. who is selling 6k of coins.. how far down will that take us?

2. Post 3637704 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.25h):

Psycology.. remember.. panic is cool.. lets buy at $100

3. Post 4967591 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.03h):

I never had problems getting fiat or BTC out of Gox. 5 days to transfer fiat into my account . 30 min to transfer BTC.  I use EURO and JPY and live in Europe. Gox transfers from Poland. I guess it is only americans hating Gox? This fall to 830 seems good, since the less of a gap between excanges, the better.

I do however not use them anymore since I am holding and have my BTC in cold storage now..

4. Post 4967776 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.03h):

Quote from: Holliday on February 06, 2014, 06:56:06 AM
I never had problems getting fiat or BTC out of Gox. 5 days to transfer fiat into my account . 30 min to transfer BTC.  I use EURO and JPY and live in Europe. Gox transfers from Poland. I guess it is only americans hating Gox? This fall to 830 seems good, since the less of a gap between excanges, the better.

I do however not use them anymore since I am holding and have my BTC in cold storage now..

So, why didn't you make a small fortune for yourself arbitraging Gox and the other exchanges the past few months?

I did. Now I am holding. 5 -14 days is not the best for arbitraging, it would ofcourse be better with hours...

I do trade activly in LTC and NMC now, and hold BTC. Never did any large or heavy trading on MtGox, so I could just be lucky. I know about friends in my country that have had problems with MtGox, so I am not denying problems, but i think its a bit over hyped.

5. Post 5207870 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.12h):

I do agree after reading some of the posts here. Not as bad as the Trollbox at BTC-e, but still... I think this is just a little bump on the road. Everyone should chill, and wait. Holding!!

6. Post 5254845 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.13h):

$134 lol.. this is just wrong... I am a bit worried now..

7. Post 5486317 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.23h):

Well fu*k me backwards over a railroad track.. this is fun. Popcorn time Smiley

8. Post 5544403 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.24h):

In China the number666 is considered to be lucky and is often displayed in shop windows and neon signs... is someone keeping BTC prices lucky?

9. Post 5568079 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.25h):


10. Post 8973499 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.16h):

Quote from: yokosan on September 25, 2014, 10:03:08 PM

Only 18th century kids will get this.
Oh... need a tinfoil hat? Conspiracy theories are sooooooo lame and just bullshit spewed by the ignorant.. Next, I guess you are going to say something about a group of ppl from the middle east, based on 12 tribes and an extra long trip in the desert......  

11. Post 8973752 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.16h):

Quote from: Bios Optimus on September 25, 2014, 10:50:06 PM
yeah cause EVERYBODY is on the up and up and there is no corruption in the world so yep I guess there is never a shred of truth in any "conspiracy theories".    Good one

Sure, there are shitloads of conspiracies int his world. Just not that big... I never said all ppl are on the up and up, but hey... Just tired of the gold standard and Federal Reserve theories, from ppl who do not seem to understand how the brain works.. we are hardwired to see patterns in EVERYTHING...

12. Post 9016228 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

I hope, that like me, a lot of ppl will jump at the opportunity to buy with a CC... I just added 2 cards to Circle with good amount of credit. (over $50.000) and I am going to buy BTC. This has been the biggest hurdle for me and my Scandinavian friends. I have at least 10 friends that now are going to buy. Even if they just buy a couple of coins, it is going to be good. The whole SWIFT bank transfer and waiting days for it to show up on an exchange was to slow and lost me money. If Circle works, I bet you this is going to be big. Setting up something in the middle, and selling coins should also be easier. I now think I will put up that ATM in Oslo after all...

Scandinavians, especially Norwegians have shit loads of fiat, and will react if they see this as a good thing. Most ppl I know, have been waiting for this. So a good day. Now if I could only deposit via the cards...

13. Post 9016286 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: ImI on September 29, 2014, 01:40:28 PM
I hope, that like me, a lot of ppl will jump at the opportunity to buy with a CC... I just added 2 cards to Circle with good amount of credit. (over $50.000) and I am going to buy BTC. This has been the biggest hurdle for me and my Scandinavian friends. I have at least 10 friends that now are going to buy. Even if they just buy a couple of coins, it is going to be good. The whole SWIFT bank transfer and waiting days for it to show up on an exchange was to slow and lost me money. If Circle works, I bet you this is going to be big. Setting up something in the middle, and selling coins should also be easier. I now think I will put up that ATM in Oslo after all...

Scandinavians, especially Norwegians have shit loads of fiat, and will react if they see this as a good thing. Most ppl I know, have been waiting for this. So a good day. Now if I could only deposit via the cards...

i thought thats whats circle all about??

I could add the cards, but my keyboard does not respond when I try to enter the amount. So it could be that my Norwegian cards are not getting accepted yet, but I did not get a msg, like other about only US cards working. It will be solved I think... I just want to buy BTC, and its not the easiest to do. I think that is the biggest reason for BTC not going up..

14. Post 9016443 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Oh Glory! Just got 10 BTC of Circle. If this works as sweet as I think, I will now open my BTC site and get that ATM. Let the new economy begin!!

15. Post 9019919 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

 Grin Grin Grin

Lose vs Loose

A lot of people are mixing up lose and loose. In particular, a lot of people are writing loose when they really mean lose. Here are the definitions of the two words from my Penguin dictionary:

loose [lOOs] adj not fastened or pre-packed; not tied up or confined; able to move freely; not tight, not firmly fixed; not close-fitting; careless, inaccurate, vague; dissolute, immoral; not closely woven; flabby; (of bowels) inclined to diarrhoea; l. box stable or van in which an animal can move about; at a l. end uncertain what to do next; unoccupied ~ loose adv in a loose way; play fast and l. behave rashly or unscupulously ~ loose n release; on the l. free from restraint; on a spree; ~ loose v/t untie, undo; release from confinement or constraint, set free; detatch; fire (gun); shoot (arrow); (eccles) absolve.

lose (p/t and p/part lost) [lOOz] v/t and i no longer have; be deprived of by accident or misfortune; mislay, fail to find; fail to get or win; be too late for; be bereaved of; waste; be defeated or beaten; suffer loss, become worse off; fail to hear, see or understand; cause or allow to perish; (of clock or watch) go too slowly; (refl) miss the right path; become absorbed in; l. one's head become flustered, panic; l. one's temper grow angry; l. one's way fail to find the right path; l. out (US) be defeated after a struggle.


   This knot is too loose.
   Please do not lose my book.
   I had better not lose that file.
   many BTC owners are facing the prospect of selling their BTC for a loss

 Grin Grin Grin

16. Post 9020025 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: calim on September 29, 2014, 06:55:31 PM
Grin Grin Grin

Lose vs Loose

A lot of people are mixing up lose and loose. In particular, a lot of people are writing loose when they really mean lose. Here are the definitions of the two words from my Penguin dictionary:

loose [lOOs] adj not fastened or pre-packed; not tied up or confined; able to move freely; not tight, not firmly fixed; not close-fitting; careless, inaccurate, vague; dissolute, immoral; not closely woven; flabby; (of bowels) inclined to diarrhoea; l. box stable or van in which an animal can move about; at a l. end uncertain what to do next; unoccupied ~ loose adv in a loose way; play fast and l. behave rashly or unscupulously ~ loose n release; on the l. free from restraint; on a spree; ~ loose v/t untie, undo; release from confinement or constraint, set free; detatch; fire (gun); shoot (arrow); (eccles) absolve.

lose (p/t and p/part lost) [lOOz] v/t and i no longer have; be deprived of by accident or misfortune; mislay, fail to find; fail to get or win; be too late for; be bereaved of; waste; be defeated or beaten; suffer loss, become worse off; fail to hear, see or understand; cause or allow to perish; (of clock or watch) go too slowly; (refl) miss the right path; become absorbed in; l. one's head become flustered, panic; l. one's temper grow angry; l. one's way fail to find the right path; l. out (US) be defeated after a struggle.


   This knot is too loose.
   Please do not lose my book.
   I had better not lose that file.
   many BTC owners are facing the prospect of selling their BTC for a loss

 Grin Grin Grin

/*that's the joke meme*/

/*I know, I am HODELING*/ thats why the smiley's were there... talk about meta.. :-) 

17. Post 9020156 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: Bittings on September 29, 2014, 07:06:28 PM
Bears seem a little defensive today.

Circle is definitely a long-term win for Bitcoin. The friction of buying a Bitcoin just went down a lot. Regardless of short-term price movements, today is a good day for Bitcoin.


18. Post 9066101 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

I guess I am a fool, but I am buying more coins with my fiat. I think we will end up where we all want it to be. Just not as fast as some of you want.

19. Post 9066235 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

So BTC-e what is your game.. that $10 difference between Stamp and the Russians, is just irritating. Someone needs to get down to 350 it seems. Still buying and Holding. (Hodling... hedelei hodelei hei hihi)

20. Post 9070378 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: hd060053 on October 03, 2014, 07:11:17 PM
I don't understand why holders are selling their btc

People that hold btc are doing so because they believe that it will be used worldwide by pretty much everybody, right? (="going to the moon")

This means that each btc will be worth thousands (or millions) of dollars, according to this thery.

In this view, btc are underpriced now... so why sell?

The only possible answer would be that they don't really believe in this technology, I guess

hodlers are not selling, only one entity/manipulator/mark karpeles is selling
please post your evidence of that...

21. Post 9070743 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

DEFINITION of 'Arbitrage'

The simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset in order to profit from a difference in the price. It is a trade that profits by exploiting price differences of identical or similar financial instruments, on different markets or in different forms. Arbitrage exists as a result of market inefficiencies; it provides a mechanism to ensure prices do not deviate substantially from fair value for long periods of time.

Buy at BTC-e and sell over at Huobi.. $20 difference now...

This is just another hurdle.. RIGHT? Right... oh, I am still mining, and buying. So I must be a bit retarded...or maybe just not shortsighted?

22. Post 9070908 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

"Ohio-based trader Dan Mercede buys from exchanges, including Bitstamp and Lake BTC, and sells mostly in the form of over-the-counter (OTC) transactions to his own regional customer base of private clients. He said former long-term holders of bitcoin that sold out in weeks past are getting back into the market in a big way now the price is dropping further.

“Demand is really high with low prices and all the sellers that [were] holders before are actually returning buyers again right now,” he said.

Mercede, who is CEO of Cryptocoin Capital Management (CCM), claims he has made an average return of between 8%–15% per day mostly by buying off Chinese exchanges and selling locally, or vice-versa.

“I can get some crazy returns right now,” said Mercede, who cited a trade this weekend where he purchased 20 BTC at $375 and resold the units at $560 to a client within hours. CCM has been executing similar trades for amounts up to 50 BTC per trade a number of times in September, according to Mercede.

It is common practice in North America for retail investors to buy at premiums via local trusted brokers in the case of many asset classes. What is unusual is that customers are happy to pay such large premiums. Many speculate this is the direct result of exchanges being associated with countries such as China and Russia, which do not resonate well with the American public."


23. Post 9072426 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Why are there so many conspirationist in here? Whales and Illuminati my ass. Just a bunch of amateurs with greed in their minds and herd behavior. Chill, this is a looong project, not something to be retarded over. It will be fine, and it will be dandy!

24. Post 9072502 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):


Can we please leave religion out of here.  There is enough polarization on these boards already  Smiley.


25. Post 9075823 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.19h):

Quote from: BitAddict on October 04, 2014, 12:29:13 AM
Most important thing:

Will Silkroad switch to another coin if Bitcoin goes to 0$? Will it be Doge?

why would bitcoin goes to 0$???

You dear sir is right! It won't or shant go that low. The only (killer) argument to buy bitcon is to buy drugs. So it shall stabilise around $10 like it was for so long (the only true demand). But then again I could be wrong.. According to Adam Africa is buying BTC. We might indeed see $10k soon.

Yeah! And because in Africa they nearly don't have smartphones or internet they will use the rockchain  Grin
Wait until they dump "all" their fiat to buy bitcoin.

Jokes aside, Africa needs lot of development before they can consider buying or using bitcoin. Now it is only for lucky people with internet access.

You do know that there are more mobile phones in Africa than you think? Do you live in the 1960's sir? You probably also know that most Africans use the mobile phones to connect to internet? You should try to open your mind to the idea that Africa is moving forward...

26. Post 9080090 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.19h):

"More Bitcoin Acceptance (by big e-commerce sites) is the chief reason for the current fall. I even pointed this out in a comment on another blog over 2 weeks ago. Big online merchants aren't keeping the market balanced by using their BTC to purchase inventory, goods, and services. Instead, they're simply dumping their daily intake on the exchanges.

But it gets worse! If a large merchant has sold their goods online that day for, say, 10% under current exchange rates, then they can dump that day's intake of BTC for 9.5% under market and still make dollar profit, but pushing the BTC market down even more in the process.


27. Post 9080262 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.19h):

I want to buy, but it take too long to get fiat to exchanges. FUCK. Circle limit is shit. Hope I can buy a few coins of the ball less kids that panic now..

28. Post 9082881 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.19h):

On the other side.. I am quite happy that I did a short over at plus500, I just made a shitload of fiat. So even if I loose all my BTC, I still go to bed richer than last night... Not rich, just not poor. Will buy more BTC, and think the panic ppl should move to the troll box over at BTC-e... Why are you all posting if you are out of BTC, and do not participate any more. I sense a lot of resentment and envy among the "BTB is dead" and "oh no the sky is falllllling" crowd.

Chill, we are still here, and please do not act like children.

29. Post 9082931 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.19h):

Popcorn popped. Eyes on bitcoinwisdom. Getting a bit of an adrenaline rush.

30. Post 9082947 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.19h):


31. Post 9092213 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.20h):

Hope this low price holds until Monday,so I can buy. This is not the end

32. Post 9094309 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.20h):

33. Post 9102651 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: TheKoziTwo on October 06, 2014, 12:04:14 PM
Does anyone remember or clarkmoody that was used for mtgox before it shut down?

Is there any sites like that for bitstamp? (I don't want to use bitcoinwisdom or similar)

34. Post 9104426 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

wow, up 12% so far this 24 hors.

35. Post 9187627 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.23h):

Quote from: Hunyadi on October 13, 2014, 05:18:32 PM


Seems like the troll-box over at BTC-e moved over here.. FUD seems to be the new cool.. Where are the serious posters? Why is it only gambling Chinese talking nonsense about predictions and such..  This is just turning in to a bullshit thread.

36. Post 9188660 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.23h):

How did this thread turn in to a fanboy war? WHO FUCKING cares what OS you use on your devices? This is about Bitcoin. The FUD about ApplePay and it being a BTC killer, is just nonsense. It does not mater what kind of "money" ApplePay use, and you guys do not understand the basics about Bitcoin. You think its a game and a commodity, something to use to get rich quick, since you are lazy and clueless.  

37. Post 9203772 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.24h):

I hope we climb slowly. BTC needs to get less volatile.

38. Post 9203831 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.24h):

Quote from: janos666 on October 14, 2014, 10:30:01 PM

LoL. Is this an unedited footage?

No... Mix of real news conference and a Jay Leno skit...

Edited, because I remeberd it wrongly as a SNL skit...

39. Post 9208388 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.24h):


40. Post 9315797 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.26h):

I am a social liberal, I believe in government and democracy. I also believe in BTC. It seems like there are a lot of antiestablishment and nutcases in here. I understand the need to form ideas of enemies to explain your own fallacy. We are hard wired to see order and system. Even when there are none. The world is relying on that. The illusion of order is what keeps society structured. Take the Ebola scare atm, most governments do not fear Ebola, they fear the panic it can set off. There are no real order, just small tribes, call them your friends and family, interacting and pretending to work for a better tomorrow. We are primates. We act like primates and are driven by the same desires as our other primate cousins. We do have self awareness, and languages that enable us to post stuff on Internet forums like this. But it's all just a pissing contest and battle for mates and offspring. Individuals matter, empathy matter. I think we are the evolutionary winners because of empathy. We enjoy working with other humans. Of course there is always never a rule without exception. A lot of egotists in here. Then again, it's the speculation forum..

41. Post 9568748 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.32h):

Still holding..

42. Post 10136903 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.47h):

I am buying atm. So go a head and make fun of me. I do not understand why so many people post negative stuff about bitcoin on this forum. If you do not like the smell in the bakery, why do you not leave? Is your life so uneventful, that you have to post on this forum about something you hate? I do not believe anyone feeding the FUD here on the forum have any good intentions. I bought at 30, at 180, at 266, at 700 and now at 231. I mine also. I use BTC, I trade, and I make a living of it. A good living. If it go to 0, thats is just life. Life is so fantastic and improbable, that we should all be happy to exist. Hate us, fine. Just why not start a forum called Why not start an echochamber of your own.

43. Post 10164829 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

So CHF is up 30% against ERO. USD is growing. BTC is volatile as ever. Just be patient. Glad to be holding CHF today btw..

44. Post 10220677 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

45. Post 10231112 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

BTC up 15 % vs USD the last 7 days. Pretty ok...

46. Post 10231266 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

Quote from: Eamorr on January 21, 2015, 07:21:48 PM
BTC up 15 % vs USD the last 7 days. Pretty ok...

BTC up 0% vs USD in the last 6 days.

BTC down 35.19% vs USD in the last 30 days.  I'm okay with that Cool

BTC up 1000% since Jan 2013. What's your point?
Just that I wanted to post something positive.

47. Post 10231306 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.51h):

My view is that NO ONE knows the future. Humans are humans. So just some positive vibes. That is all. And please make sure you know who you are trying to talk to..

48. Post 10265138 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.53h):

Hm, think we are going down to 280. Just a feeling.

49. Post 10327872 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

50. Post 10725612 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.03h):

and there we have 300

51. Post 10999520 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.09h):

Quote from: sporket on April 06, 2015, 02:50:57 PM
"LEOcoin has real anonymity, not 'almost' anonymous like its predecessors.
When the idea of cryptocurrencies emerged, one of its purposes was to create a truly anonymous system that requires no bank or centralised operator. ...
The anonymity of LEOcoin is assured and will always remain so thanks to the advanced technology supporting it."
--Dan Andersson and Atif Kamran, inventors of LEOCoin.

How will this affect BTC price?
Do we still have time to exit gracefully?

52. Post 11158211 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.12h):

Oh OK... That was fun for a few min.. I still think it is going to take years before we see a real rise in value. Volatility is still the game. Holding and buying while mining alts. Fun to read the troll posts here. It's like anti-gay people surfing gay porn and posting comments about not liking gay sex... Why surf those pages if you do not like gay sex? Same with BTC haters. Why are you here? Oh, wait, you guys get payed to troll... But who would pay for that  "Cui bono".......

53. Post 11634574 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Oh my.....

I just found an old LTC wallet with 35 LTC and I forgot that I forgot the key/password I used....

Would have been so good to change those LTC in to more BTC. I transfered 35 LTC to the wrong wallet, and I have NO clue what I used as free or password. Even had it running on a few months with a software that recovers keys.. But even after I entered all my 100s of usual passwords and frases, it still had no luck opening it, and with LTC going down and down, I just ignored it. But a 25% raise in one day.. hey, I might try to see if I can open it again. I was being too clever.. so clever that I can not figure it out.

Lets hope BTC continues to go up.

54. Post 11717482 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

Wow China stock marked just crashed 6%, BTC still not moving down. Let's hope the Chinese use BTC as a safe haven. Oh, the next 48 hours may be critical ™©®

55. Post 11718226 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

China stock marked down 8%. 95% of the stock traded has been stopped. They reached the 10% loss that triggers a suspension. Bubble might burst. Chinese stock has gained over 100% last year and start to look like the old dot com bubble. Not sure if this is going to have influences on BTC trading, but I would not think it will be a huge move, but if BTC holds, the Chinese might see BTC as safe]

56. Post 11718413 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

There seem to have been som dumps on the Chinese BTC exchanges the last hours, and I guess that it is not going to look good for BTC since investors like to withdraw from volatile investments once the marked starts to move down the way it is atm. Wonder how the authorities in China is going to handle this. A big crash can be dangerous for the stability. Oh, and then there is the Greeks... so the next 48 hours are critical™®

57. Post 11862570 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.20h):

Quote from: Dump3er on July 12, 2015, 08:07:55 PM
I’m so disappointed. I wished bulls would suffer a lot more, but it all looks like the bleeding has stopped. Angry

No more bear market  Cry  Cry  Cry

I'd like a dump back to $290's so I can get back in on the trading simulator.

Any weak hands wanna help a brother out?

Oh shit! The trading simulator! The dump3er forgot the fucking trading simulator for various days while analizing the market development. Now I can’t boast with my gains! Fuck it!  Angry

I hate to see you like this. Maybe you can take an evening walk in the park and kick some pigeons? That'll cheer you up!

I’ll give it a try! Thanks for your comprehension.

what does anal fucking the marked, do for you?

58. Post 12031990 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

59. Post 12050423 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.22h):

Quote from: Blazin8888 on August 04, 2015, 05:34:12 AM
woah this looks cool...great way to bring your "average joe" on board to crypto !

Huh? A fat dude playing an old type video game? Wtf does this have to do with BTC? Nothing about BTC in that video?  Game credits.. I guess, but way to convoluted for ppl to understand

60. Post 12436079 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

 Down we go. I hope this ends soon. Better have stable prices, than the fear of doom. Wonder if I should be looking at an alt coin or just give up. Best thing to do is probably to turn of the pc, forget about BTC, and hopefully be positively surprised in a few years. Cold storage here we go..

61. Post 12439125 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: Hopalong on September 16, 2015, 11:19:47 AM
Down we go. I hope this ends soon. Better have stable prices, than the fear of doom. Wonder if I should be looking at an alt coin or just give up. Best thing to do is probably to turn of the pc, forget about BTC, and hopefully be positively surprised in a few years. Cold storage here we go..

Cold storage for 10+ years I think & then hope to see some significant progress then. If not then at least we tried.

And what have you tried to do?

As i see it you dont do anything but expect others to do it for you with this metod...

Oh, I have been mining since the begining... Lost a wallet the hard way. Continued to mine, lost some time waiting for a BFL rigg.. Trade BTC in the country I live in. Try to encourage ppl to use BTC. Have a wallet I use when I travel for BTC ATM's. Not looking to get rich quick, that would be a bonus. Will continue to support BTC, just thinking that we are a bit early. I have circulated my share of coin since 2012, being an early adaptor. Just tired of the, moon/doom cat fight here in this sub forum.....

62. Post 12535900 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: cjmoles on September 27, 2015, 12:50:47 PM
Well, I'm worried about the effect the new Circle stance on bitcoin will be...It's harder to buy BTC with USD now, but why would Circle do that to us???  

What new stance on Bitcoin? Did I miss something?

63. Post 12535988 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: gentlemand on September 27, 2015, 01:52:53 PM

What new stance on Bitcoin? Did I miss something?

They're pushing a stabilised dollar balance rather than a BTC one, but it is an opt in type of thing. They also seem to have restricted how many coins people can withdraw per week in certain cases.

Ah. Thanks. Did not know that. I have some coins there. Might just have to move them. I liked the simple way of buying coins a bit more expensive than the exchanges... But if they are a loose canon on deck...

64. Post 12720765 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.28h):

I like that we are climbing slowly. A few corrections is expected. Better slow and steady than rocket and crash.

65. Post 12776690 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.28h):

Oh myyyy! Takei style. So when are we going double digits again? Never? Where are the bears? Oh that's right, on my ignore list. This thread is so much more fun as one gigantic echo chamber.....go BTC. Yeah you go, run like Forrest Gump.

66. Post 12785497 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

BTC-e the vortex of strange behavior.. Fun that there is som action over at Gemini too. Volume is up. Acquired some more coins. Going to be fun to watch the Chinese Monday morning.

67. Post 12785547 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: Morecoin Freeman on October 25, 2015, 09:30:11 PM
And back to $320 we go. Wink

There, fixed it for you.

68. Post 12809331 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Quote from: !! pop on October 28, 2015, 09:30:26 AM
Almost 2k CNY, this is crazy....
Doesn't surprise me. People need to start realizing that in e.g. the US you lose 2% of your net worth each year. Bitcoin helps you avoid these things losing up to 75% a year.
and it has many more benefits besides this one, allowing you to fund USMS through various DNMs. Also terrorists Smiley

You are just pathetic. Nobody ever used fiat for terrorists funding. Yea right. Do you beat of to every other response you get? Troll like you are just a poor looser. Get a life

69. Post 12819651 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Aha... The Chinese now allows more than one child per family. More Chinese to invest in btc. Good news

70. Post 12857052 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.30h):

Hm, Circle has a $339 price when you sell. Wonder why that is. Slow system? Tide to Chinese exchanges? Good, but strange. The average price at Bitcoinwisdom and Coinsesk was 329 atm of sale.

71. Post 12923468 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.32h):

Wow, we broke $500  Grin Grin

To bad its CAD

72. Post 12923976 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.32h):

Quote from: fonsie on November 08, 2015, 10:23:30 PM
Patience people, 250$ is just around the corner

ok. sure.

73. Post 12948235 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.33h):

Like I have stated before, too fast a raise is no good. 25% every 30 days is fine by me. 300 will hold, we might dip under for a short time. BTC is here to stay. Some nice trades last days, got myself 2 digit number of coins by just trading. Do not like  to trade much, since I am almost Golum with my precious BTC. So hodl hodl that 300 line. The next 24 hours are critical 😏🙄

74. Post 12954674 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.33h):

BTC sure is one hell of a ride...

75. Post 13006090 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: r0ach on November 18, 2015, 03:53:40 PM
Yet racism continues to be deeply rooted in the "standard American mindset", as betrayed by the "race" field in forms.

Who would have thought Stolfi would be an ivory tower Marxist?  Probably everyone?

Race is a real and not imaginary construct.  There were seven main haplogroups in Africa, L0-L6.  L3 split into haplogroup M & N.  N being the precursor to caucasians, and M being the precursor to everything else not African.  The amount of time that haplogroup M+N have been separated from L is something like 100,000 years.  It's not a question of "do races exist", or "are races different", it's only a question of how large of changes can occur in that time span.

That's only a conservative estimate of genetic isolation though.  In America, plenty of Caucasian and Africans live near each other, yet the interbreeding between groups is something miniscule under 5%.  Since white genes are recessive, the white race would not exist if this ratio was higher.  Due to this, whether your Marxist mind acknowledges it or not, if you advocate that everyone on earth interbreed with each other with no regards to race, you are in fact advocating white genocide due to white genes (and Asian) being recessive.

It's pretty easy to verify this with virtually any interracial relationship that exists.  Take Heidi Klum for example.  Here's her with two of her kids, each from different fathers.  She's supposed to be a supermodel, yet has passed along virtually none of those supermodel genes onto one child, while clearly having done so for the other.  This is because white genes are recessive and it's hard to even tell the child on the left is related to her at all.  

When people like Richard Dawkins use terminology like "the selfish gene" to describe how and why organisms reproduce, in the example above, you're effectively throwing your genes out the window, accomplishing nothing, and effectively eliminating yourself from the gene pool due to your genes being recessive.  This is one of the big reasons why intermarriage rate remains low.  Even if they don't understand the science behind it, people subconsciously know this and instinctively avoid it so as to not purposely erase their lineage from history.

I do not think you should use as a source of science. If you ever paid intuition anywhere, ask for your money back.

76. Post 13006340 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

Quote from: r0ach on November 18, 2015, 04:38:14 PM

Sorry, but mindlessly throwing out the term "Stormfront" in an attempt to insult someone who has never looked at that website before does not invalidate the objective reality of what I've typed.  You'll have to actually address the subject of what I've typed instead of using fake strawman tactics.

Well, i just mentioned that site so you could understand that I think it's pure nonsense and not science, things are not real just because YOU think so.


A Troublesome Inheritance by Chris Smith

The Emperor's New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at the Millennium. Joseph L. Graves, Jr.

And please stop using a bitcoin forum to spew out hate...

77. Post 13022758 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.34h):

whow.. someone fucked up big in china... look at the ltc price..

78. Post 13220377 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

Oh well, that was fun. Now we go down to about $350. Just hold on.

79. Post 13230167 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.37h):

The volume the last days! Cool

80. Post 13369944 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

BTC-e now $425 and Bitstamp is at $423... I smell a rat or a dump coming...

81. Post 13412969 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.39h):

Aaaargh , I am all for a rocket to the moon, but not today. Please drop at least $100 before midnight CET. I have to pay tax on the value of my BTC based on what they are worth in my currency at midnight today. I know I am getting audited this spring because of the BTC I own, so please drop.

82. Post 13951882 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

I leave for a few weeks and log on again today.
Mr duck sauce please explain this. Dead cat bounce? You said BTC was dead.
Looks rather alive, even if the kids and tards are arguing the block sizes. Looks like BTC is here to stay.

Btw anyone know where Jorge S from South America is? I liked his style. Good to see this forum still have a life.

83. Post 13999937 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Wow. I do feel stupid. I believed in Bitcoin from the start. I got so thrilled, I forgot  the frigging human factor of greed and stupidity. Now we are looking at hard forks and alt coins confusing the public. The banks won. Fuck this shit. I will go and watch the movie Idiocracy, or just be amazed that there are people in this world voting for orange oompah lompas with huuuuuuge comb-overs... So selling most of my coins, keeping some in cold wallets, (just in case I am wrong), fuck this.

84. Post 13999997 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on February 25, 2016, 12:23:00 AM
Wow. I do feel stupid. I believed in Bitcoin from the start. I got so thrilled, I forgot  the frigging human factor of greed and stupidity. Now we are looking at hard forks and alt coins confusing the public. The banks won. Fuck this shit. I will go and watch the movie Idiocracy, or just be amazed that there are people in this world voting for orange oompah lompas with huuuuuuge comb-overs... So selling most of my coins, keeping some in cold wallets, (just in case I am wrong), fuck this.

Another weak hand bites the dust.

Isn't that song by Queen?

85. Post 14000070 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.45h):

Still going to keep more coins than most on this forum owns.. So not all gone. Just venting a bit. Frustrating to watch this project having so many clowns.. The terminology "weak hands" is a bit childish. We are not playing poker. Some of us have invested a lot of time to this, and for me it has been my main source of income the last 3 years. I could still make huuuge, I mean huuuuuuuuuge sums of fiat, trading. I have done so in the past. I moved a lot of coin out of Gox, days before the end. Only a network error at work prevented me from moving them back. I am happy that happened. I only had pocket lint on Gox in the end. So I am carefull.

86. Post 14022520 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: toknormal on February 26, 2016, 11:53:11 PM

Main engine ignition. All charts clear.

Say goodbye to sub $400 Bitcoin.


GORF crossing awaits over the next few weeks.

nah..just a little weekend pump

87. Post 14036107 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: Ibian on February 28, 2016, 09:32:27 AM
Wow. Just wanted to read somehting about the BTC price coiling like a snake, instead I get treated to some utterly naive racist bullshit. I just can't believe someone is on the internet and still believes these kind of things that stem from a time when people only knew the people in their own town. Just wow. Troling or just stupid? It hurts my brain either way. This thread has really become bitcointalk's trollbox.

Coiling like a snake right guys?
In Cologne 1000 immigrants sexually assaulted women, including a handful of rapes. This was organized online beforehand.
In Berlin a thirteen year old girl was abducted and raped for 30 hours straight.
A ten year old boy was raped, with the rapist giving the excuse that he had a Sexual Emergency. It had been several weeks since the last time he had sex.

These were all done by muslim immigrants, and they are just a small number of the cases we know about. As immigration continues to increase, so will incidents like this.

That's europe. In the states the knockout game will keep getting more popular and so will other forms of violent crime.

In the west as a whole, our economies are going to implode, likely around 2020, and when that happens and the welfare teat dries up there will be an explosion in crime that makes the problems today seem like a distant memory of happier times.

The problem here is you. We are importing hundreds of thousands of military age men from countries we are at war with. And you consider that a good thing. That makes you a traitor.

Get your FACTS straight you angry little person.

Most rapes in the world are done by men. So by your logic, all men are dangerous. Face palm moment...

88. Post 14095979 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

$410 in 48 hours is my speculation for this weekend.

89. Post 14098233 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.46h):

Quote from: Oblodo on March 04, 2016, 05:40:27 PM
$410 in 48 hours is my speculation for this weekend.

I should have said minutes 😀

90. Post 14123108 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

The forking or not stalemate....

91. Post 14179222 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.47h):

WTF, 7 years in prison for using BTC in Russia???

92. Post 14197138 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

And so this forum slowly dies. WTF is up with the censorship? Do the owner of this forum want to kill BTC and push some sort of premined  alt-coin? This whole block debate is getting stupid.

93. Post 14340781 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

And so it goes. Dump and fall. Fuck this shit.

94. Post 14341657 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: Denker on March 28, 2016, 12:08:02 PM
And so it goes. Dump and fall. Fuck this shit.

What you're talking about?!
426 on Finex and Stamp also around 425. That's a plus of at least $7 compared to yesterday.
Maybe we will go down to 420 again in the next few hours or days for a test but it looks bullish to me over the long run.
A run to 500 will not happen over night. We will make several small steps forward, then one or two backwards and again a few forward.
That's how I see the coming gaines.

We were at $430, now its down to $423. I call that a dump. Since there is still no consensus on block size, and headless chickens running the show, we have not reached a point of take off. This pump is just a bull trap. Shorters are going to short, Bulls going long. The game is still the same. I hold, an "gamble" a bit on alts. No new money coming in. We need to get moving and get consensus on the block size. The technology needs to be healthy.

95. Post 14402855 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Hi hi, you primitive nationalist you. I forget sometimes that some groups of eukaryotes are so stupid that they believe in lines on maps.. We live on the same fucking planet, and have evolved from the same cells. Talking about who's "best" is stupid.

96. Post 14688705 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Not volatile anymore.  Stable. Yea right.
This is starting to become farcical. Let me guess, back to 420, then up to 460, back to 380. Then the halving. Then crash?

97. Post 15007392 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Oh no.. Here we go again

98. Post 15012613 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Da' Fuck?

99. Post 15036661 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

hm...I voted 520 in the poll. looks like 19% was right..

100. Post 15042017 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on May 31, 2016, 10:07:32 PM
hm...I voted 520 in the poll. looks like 19% was right..

What poll? The Earth is flat! There is no other topic than this one out there! Noise!

Are you on drugs? Please share....

101. Post 15181866 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.52h):

102. Post 15419675 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

103. Post 15419699 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.54h):

104. Post 15506913 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Oh shit.

105. Post 15790586 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

Oh therer 600 goes. Now at 599. When the Coinbase rumors are settled and the block size debate over, and ETH and ETC dies, we are going to the moon... Whenever that is..

106. Post 17091821 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.59h):

Quote from: r0ach on December 05, 2016, 07:10:56 PM
Or maybe, y'know, not everyone out there is a foaming anti semite? There are people out there with different points of view.

It looks like you might be a:

Scarey conclusions ya make. Why in hell do u talk about Jewish mental health establishment on the speculation-nebulation topic?

Meet our local nazi. He's been trying to rally up people to start another holocaust. Something about murdering innocent children that somehow purifies you. No one knows wtf he's talking about, but there's an Ignore button that makes him stfu for good

Ignore these people at your own peril. At the moment they are monopolizing the public anti-establishment narrative and framing it in simplistic terms. Thanks to vocal people like these we now get to pick sides being either cuckold-zionist-sheeple-puppets, or antisemite-nazi-hatemongers. RIP intelligent debate and nuanced political positions. Hello brave new world of information bubbles and simplistic dogma... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You are not men, you are children.  Now the men have to come in and fix things.  Look at this EU "senior official" passing legislation that got his own daughter murdered this week:

We're not sitting around for delusional, leftist cuckolds to get us impoverished through socialism then murdered next.  You children and cuckolds are out.

The only reason this stuff is going on is because the Zionist bankers are trying to preserve their power and decided to flood Europe with rapefugees as a divide and conquer strategy.  Homogeneous nations like Iceland always overthrow their bankers, while nations with a bunch of warring factions can't.  Soros has been caught as one of the actors behind it already.  You have Jewish bankers openly practicing genocide against all 1st world white nations while cuckolds like you cheer them on.  Pure trash.  

So why is crime rates in your home country dropping?  Why do you ignore the fact that most violent crimes happen in families, and that alcohol plays a major role??

Oh, that's right I forgot the  that make it impossible for you to understand anything

107. Post 17281536 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.00h):

I guess you guys also forgot how 2013 ended. I will still be a bit more patient...

108. Post 17716953 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.03h):

So BTC is still down 3.74 % last 30 days.....

109. Post 17733422 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.03h):

Quote from: machasm on February 04, 2017, 08:29:18 AM

i am not a techie. no IT guy at all. i came across bitcoin by means of a historic perspective. what strikes me most is the blatant ignorance of most of the IT guys that i talk about bitcoin. they always laugh. i mean those guys are professionals, the make their income because they figured out that digitization is a mega trend, but they refuse to see the elegance of bitcoin. how can this be?

They do see it. That laugh is a nervous one, that covers up a little bit of anger, and feelings of 'missing out'.

Hey, I am an ex-IT guy (changed career in 2009) and I am in! Granted though, it took me a while to start seeing the true disruptive potential of Bitcoin and the Blockchain. Started mining scrypt in 2013 just before the meteoric rise to ATH before jacking it in when the returns began to diminish drastically. Exchanged my LTC for BTC and have been accumulating and Hodling ever since.

Cool. I did the same. Worked with IT for 20 years, got out around 2012. Mined LTC and got my BTC that way, and bought a lot around $160 a few days before the ATH... holding and spending a bit, but mostly holding.

110. Post 17801326 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.03h):

Nobody think this drop kinda correlate with the fact that Norway just removed VAT on BTC and suddenly made it waaaaay easier for Norwegians to sell their coins? 25% VAT is a lot. Loads of first miners and adopters in that filthy rich country... a friend sold 2000 coins yesterday to an known investor. And more like him did the same.

111. Post 17801394 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.03h):

Quote from: bitcoinvest on February 10, 2017, 11:00:44 AM
Nobody think this drop kinda correlate with the fact that Norway just removed VAT on BTC and suddenly made it waaaaay easier for Norwegians to sell their coins? 25% VAT is a lot. Loads of first miners and adopters in that filthy rich country... a friend sold 2000 coins yesterday to an known investor. And more like him did the same.

you mean he sold hand to hand right? without any VAT applying to this transaction as i understand and the investor has to deal with the VAT?

To do a legal OTC deal no VAT now. The seller had to add 25% VAT before, making legal sales very few before. Some very wealthy investors now saw this as an opportunity to buy in.  Just saying. Not all China. But then again China...

112. Post 18065818 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.04h):

Quote from: Torque on March 04, 2017, 06:00:51 PM
Insiders (and therefore the media) *always* know the outcome of something ahead of the Average Joe public. This is how they cheat the system. So they would already know if the COIN ETF was disapproved.

So if they already know it is disapproved, why in the last 2 weeks have the media gone into overdrive with the "it's unlikely to get approved" and "low chance of approval" and all the "warnings" and "risks" articles? Wouldn't their behavior be quite the opposite? (meaning no effort need to be expended)

I.E., they wouldn't need to expend so much effort to dissuade the public away from Bitcoin, if the disapproval was already known to them. Correct??  Wink

Paranoid and off your medication? No order, just chaos and coincidences. Read a bit about neuropsychology and stop with the conspiratory nonsense..

113. Post 18703177 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.08h):

Nice page with combined order books.

114. Post 19028293 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.09h):

Fun while it was going up. Now we are going to see a correction.. back to 3 digits.

115. Post 19028695 (copy this link) (by Oblodo) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.09h):

Quote from: steelboy on May 15, 2017, 08:19:59 AM
Fun while it was going up. Now we are going to see a correction.. back to 3 digits.

Care to make a wager on that?

No.. I hope we stay above 1500 USD. But anything is possible and right now we are 4% down in less than an hour.