All posts made by FUKT in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 3744877 (copy this link) (by FUKT) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.30h):

Quote from: seanneko on November 27, 2013, 09:15:52 PM
Why aren't businesses adopting bitcoin payments like crazy? we really should start with this now. Amazon, get on with it. We have to make this sustainable and not reliable on the fragile human psychology.

Because its still actually shit as a simple currency. Check reddit story of guy who buys a burito and has to wait an hour for confirmations, ends up paying them fiat aswell just to get home.

Uh, 0-confirm transactions are just fine for small purchases. Vendors need to get on with the program.

Yep. 4-6 confirmations are what exchanges wait for when transferring millions of dollars. Who gives a shit when it's a $1 coffee?

Also, have there ever ACTUALLY been any successful double spends (by that I mean someone lost their money/product)? I hear that they're possible and all, but I've never heard of someone doing one.

Good point, imagine trying to do a double spend at a coffee shop? If mainstream adoption occurs and some idiot does manage to do it then it basically becomes fraud/theft.