All posts made by Lowryder in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 6237411 (copy this link) (by Lowryder) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.38h):

Quote from: rpietila on April 12, 2014, 07:35:28 PM
Also every day there are 3,600 new freshly mined bitcoins, and part of them are sold to pay electricity bills, try to recover money invested on the miner, investing on more mining power or present/future panickers.

That means it is needed up to $1.5 million daily deposits to maintain the price stable. (Actually less because some will hold no matter what, so you can guess something like 25%-50% of $1.5 million)

I would put it this way:

Only about $0.5 million of the daily bitcoins generation enters the market. Of that, the following are interested:

20 G20 countries
50 midsize countries
70 small countries
70 very small countries
500 billionaires
10,000 100-millionaires
1 million 10-millionaires
30 million millionaires
500 large corporations
500,000 midsize corporations
500 million Europeans with <1M net worth
300 million N. Americans -..-
300 million S. Americans -..-
200 million ex-Soviet -..-
1,700 million in Indian peninsula
1,600 million in China
1 billion in other parts of Asia
500 million more in Asia
1 million existing bitcoin investors thinking it is cheap

It is mathematically certain that everybody cannot get many bitcoins. The list above included so many entities that it is certain that some of them realize that acting before others is an advantage, like any one reading this has realized. Then they start to want the bitcoins, and as the daily interest exceeds $0.5 million, the price starts to rise.

Bitcoin will fail due to its natural scarce nature.
It WILL not work:
-as mean of transaction
-store of value

If the technology is so unique and outstanding, the scarce nature
Will ultimately destroy it.

The value will be zero.

Wake up!!!!!!!

2. Post 6392686 (copy this link) (by Lowryder) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.40h):

Quote from: rpietila on April 25, 2014, 12:17:58 PM

Yawn. Bit is an option to a brave new world. Some of its characteristics:

- Assuming 10 billion people, everybody has a quota of 2,000.
- No inflation
- No storage cost
- No confiscation
- Does not expire
- Your quota costs $1, or a little less. Previously it was $2, some time last year $0.05.
- If you want to be shrewd, buy the quota of others because they scorn it, and sell it to them when the price is right.

Anything that happens before just has to happen.

Here's the thing. Events that took place was IT.
Bitcoin will not change the world anymore.

People always think "this time it's going to be different, because..."
Sell your tulip bulbs. That was it.

3. Post 6393201 (copy this link) (by Lowryder) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.40h):

Quote from: Jomppe on April 25, 2014, 03:13:43 PM

Hello guys,

I'm french, ( french forum talk about everything except coins...)

-I placed an order at 448 this morning on Kraken, and I realised that it passed while I was eating at restaurant...I would have canceled it when I see how it's going down, but it's done, my first BTC !

So what would you do if you had about 950 dollars to buy BTC? Buy now ? Wait ?

There is a high chance BTC will be priced 7000 USD by the end of this year. When the rise starts, it will be tremendous based on previous rises.

7000 USD? Are you insane? Don't see a bubble here? What's the point owning "play money" worth 1M USD.
Will you oder a high voltage dildo from Thailand by using the coin or wait till it reches 10M USD?


4. Post 6404304 (copy this link) (by Lowryder) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.40h):

Quote from: rpietila on April 26, 2014, 10:14:30 AM
Based on my research, I don't believe we will see 435 ever again (Bitstamp). If someone is willing to bet (I naturally expect much better than 1:1 for me), PM please.

Chart1 & Chart2.

This is just the 2013-7-18 again. No looking back (when you least expect it).

No PMs. Lets talk openly. What kind a bet? For how much about 1BTC? Or 1 oz gold coin?

5. Post 6408737 (copy this link) (by Lowryder) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.40h):

Quote from: rpietila on April 26, 2014, 03:48:02 PM
2 bank days?

thats in like 100hours

bitcoin will be at 520 by then!


That is because Bitstamp.

windjc need 1.1M to take it to 435.
I need 1.45M for 500.

If he has lots of money, he will catch my bid at 435.01, and I will lose the bet unless 30 days turns it back up. Buying slippage-free at such a good price is still ok, but losing a bet hurts my pretty face.

Can I put in a short position of 1M USD with 1:17 leverage? Platform is plus500.
Thats ~ 38000btc

Will it make a dent?

"What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss?" Smiley

6. Post 6408919 (copy this link) (by Lowryder) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.40h):

Quote from: rpietila on April 26, 2014, 04:39:18 PM
Can I put in a short position of 1M USD with 1:17 leverage? Platform is plus500.
Thats ~ 38000btc

Will it make a dent?

I was thinking of that. First off - I don't think they offer more than 2:1 leverage, they got burnt pretty badly in the runup in Nov-13.

Second, the slippage you take is about equal to the bet amount, unless you can start an avalanche (which I don't believe).

Third, the bet is not won by just hitting the opposite goal. You need to defend yours for 90 days.

=> You can perhaps use this to make the final push and manipulate the market as usual, but not make it +EV for you

7. Post 6409382 (copy this link) (by Lowryder) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.40h):

Quote from: damnek on April 26, 2014, 05:07:53 PM

Thanks, I will use that during the runup $1,000->$5,000. With 10:1 leverage and 1 million initial investment, that'll be... 40M profit.

I doubt that you'll ever get that kind of money from those guys. They're like a grown up version of mtgox.

Risto will know me by now. I had a LARGE buy position there last year. With leverage of 1:10.
They phoned me and basically kissed my ass to close my positions. We agreed I close them, they paid
my money. Every cent. 2-3 business days. They also change te leverage to 1:2 and later 1:1.

Plus500 is listed in London stock excange. Always worked fine.
I use it for gold trading. Last week made about 200.000€ profit.

8. Post 8420870 (copy this link) (by Lowryder) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.06h):

Quote from: rpietila on August 18, 2014, 01:46:39 PM
Ah the day (2013-4-10) when BTC crashed from $266 to $105 (-60%) in 7 hours.

Then snapped back to $203 (+95%) in 2 hours.

Then took a slide back to $120 (-40%) in 17 hours, after which the trading in Mt.Gox was halted for 10 hours.

When the exchange opened at $130, it soon crashed to $65 (-50%) in 1 hour, after which it recovered to $130 (+100%) in 1 hour.

9 hours later we saw $54 (-60%). In 12 more hours it was already $130 (+150%) yet again.


What am I teaching? That price does not matter. Number of bitcoins matters, and low prices are to be used for buying them, not selling.

Thank you Smiley

What's the main purpose for Bitcoin?
Mean of monetary transaction?

I personally just don't see it happening in a long run.

This volatile madness will continue for a while.
Some will win, some lose.

But in the long run, +10 years, it's a no go.
Because it won't fit the sole main purpose.

Thank you Smiley