All posts made by Deathwing in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 53146411 (copy this link) (by Deathwing) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.07h):

It is sad to see BTC dropping as soon as I wake up. Some random whale is probably vibe checking the market right now. We may see a sudden bounce upwards after going to levels about 6500~ but that's just my two cents.

2. Post 53199164 (copy this link) (by Deathwing) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_17.08h):

There has been a good amount of rise in the past few hours. I feel bad for people who were afraid and sold their coins a few days ago, they'd have a good amount of money now. Not to mention that although I don't have much experience in observing charts, there is a possibility of it rising.

no guarantees.