All posts made by NitroToken in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 24660949 (copy this link) (by NitroToken) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.27h):

I'm posting in the wall observer thread! I can't believe this is finally happening!

I have literally been following this thread for years.

Back when the page count was crashing due to people removing posts detailing their trading or BTC positions.
Back when Professor Stolfi and Risto were posting regularly.
Back when loaded used to post
Back when every other post was that funky market depth diagram
Back when "HODL" was first coined and The first time someone said "This is gentlemen"

I've never lost faith in Bitcoin throughout the ups and downs. CCMF.

Putting that side, I'm here to post about a project I'm now involved in, that will bring a blockchain project to 328 Million gamers! This will only help spread the word about blockchain, cryptocurrency, and bitcoin.