All posts made by theguy39 in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 33657485 (copy this link) (by theguy39) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.50h):

Yup, my recommendations to sell for several months already have been especially damaging to noobs. The bitcoin pig recommendations to just hold have worked like a charm in the meantime.

I had to post a lol to this. Why would anyone sell a long term investment if i had listened to that advice wheb btc crashes from 700$ to 400$ and when my business partner got cold feet and made us sell our terra miner that we lost out on 660,000$ btw id be broke today but instead i kept the one month of btc we mi ed and boigjt hin out and that 2k worth of btc is worth 50k today 5btc (CND) and it was worth 120k couple months ago bit im gonna be holding for another year or  two becauae thats what people do with long term investments they bought into becauae they did there own research. Now for all the eople who bought in above 16k and were hoping to become millionairs in a month another lol to you. Greed will never make you money nor will being impatient pick a stance and don't let anyone talk you out of it. Dont buy into something you have bo clue about because a blogger told you too and for gods sake dont sell btc becauae someone told you too. Stick to your own guns based on the research and information you have gathered for yourself.  Ps still up 2500% on my position even after the fall from 24k per coin so meh