All posts made by Room101 in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 2600250 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.07h):

So what's the general consensus here guys?

Will gox resume USD withdrawals in a week, or will the "extend the deadline"?

Will gox ever resume them, or is there excuse BS, and they are being regulated out of existance?

If they resume, what will happen to the price?

If they don't, what will happen?

2. Post 6758123 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.44h):

What does the community think of

IN techcrunch today:

3. Post 6885187 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.46h):

Quote from: beetcoin on May 23, 2014, 01:16:13 AM
i guess i'm in the minority in that i find apple's o/s to be counter-intuitive. it slows me down using it. on the other hand, i still fucking hate windows 8 on my laptop.. so damn annoying how the metro screen accidentally pops up, and how i have to resort to a third party software to have a start button.

Why do you need a start button? I hated 8 in the beginning but would never go back now. Instead of using mouse to find programs/functions in start menu, you just hit windows button, type first 2 or 3 letters of program and hit enter....and program starts. Plus search is way quicker than any other windows/mac/linux ever.

People just seem to hate change. I code using ubuntu cause for c/c++ its just better, but it suxs as an operating system. And lets face it, if you are worried about the NSA, use TAILS or give up.

4. Post 7397719 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.54h):

Don't post very often guys, but been around for a while, got most of my coins in the 80 -120 bracket. Because of that i have pretty much just hodl through a few of the ups and downs and never had to worry about losing money cause it has rarely dropped below that whilst i have owned. Knew it was a bubble late last year but just didnt want to sell at gox where i had an account, and was just too lazy to set up stamp, so i have just kept hodling though the up and down.

Just wanted to say it feels a lot like it did when it was in the 120 -150 range for a while, before exploding to 1000. Occasionally i have doubts cause my coins are worth a reasonable chunk of change and it would suck to lose my bitcoin nest egg, but i have to say, from a rational perspective, bitcoin has lot more going for it now than it did 12 months ago.

Trade if you think you are smart AND lucky. Otherwise buy, hold, and look forward to the future!!

5. Post 7500810 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.55h):

apologies if this has already been asked and answered, but will we know what the coins have sold for on the 27th? I didn't think such things were reported?

6. Post 7539585 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.55h):

$800 by the end of June

Can i get a amen confirm?

7. Post 7594165 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.56h):

Quote from: Room101 on June 27, 2014, 03:59:33 AM
$800 by the end of June

Can i get a amen confirm?

Not out of the question  Roll Eyes

8. Post 7633794 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.57h):

Quote from: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on July 02, 2014, 06:47:48 AM
There will be a day.. when the price has stagnated for too long, and a hacker who stole the mtgox coins (or some other hacker/scammer/drug dealer from the past, for that matter), feels that this is as good as it gets, and then he starts to dump his coins. And this in turn will invite all the other past criminals to dump their coins because they don't want to lose their promised wealth.

Most of the bitcoin cultists don't understand the psychology of criminals. They usually don't think long-term and they go after quick fixes. I highly doubt it that many of them are as fanatical about bitcoin as the people here are. The only reason why they haven't dumped their coins yet, is that there is hope that the price will rise more. This has made bitcoin into an asset, that's value has to be constantly rising or else it will face doom.
Your assuming the coins got hacked to begin with

I consider it naive to think that the coins just got lost and isn't controlled by someone.
The lack of interest, that the bitcoin market shows towards finding out what happened to those coins, shows how immature the market really is.
I think they got stolen by Mark  Wink

Anyway, if criminals were that short-term, wouldn't they have dumped them before the collapse happened?  They would have got the highest price possible for them at the point

I'm also not ruling out of the chance, that the coins were stolen by Karpeles & accomplishes.

As long as there is hope in the general sentiment, then there won't be a big dump coming. I meant short-term more in the context of this forum, where most believe that bitcoin will be used for hundreds of years, and who are ready to go down with the ship, sort of speaking.
The loud cultists and lobbyists are giving hope that the price will rise, because the price hasn't stagnated for too long. If the cultists will start to have doubts, then the end is nigh.
And I don't think that the end will come in the coming months. Before the end happens, bitcoin has to fail in Wall Street, because WS is the main pilar of hope right now. As long as there is hope that simpleton billionaires will start to buy up bitcoin, then the criminals are also on hold with their coins.

lol...."simpleton billionaires" "Stupid criminals" sure every single billionaire and probably most criminals are a lot smarter than you are.

"Most of the bitcoin cultists don't understand the psychology of criminals."..... but you do right? You have a deep understanding, dammit you understand them better than they understand themselves don't you? It's because you are so smart right? And the only reason you are still poor, still wasting your time trolling blogs in your parents basement, is because you have been unlucky right? The world is full of morons who just don't understand the deep insights you have to offer. One day, everyone will acknowledge your brilliance, because you just know how much smarter than everyone else you are. And the fact that you are a broke loser does not at all change that fact.

I get it.

Could you please tell me some more of your brilliant insights into the criminal mind? Please?

Oh and thank you for coming here and so brilliantly pointing out all we had missed. What would we do without you?

Actually you can do it later, i think i hear mummy telling you to clean your room.

9. Post 7648158 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.57h):

Just had to buy my girlfriend a 128gb card to boost her macbook air storage. Used ebay and paypal ( newegg doesn't let Australians use bitcoins yet Sad )

Paypal fees are one thing, their exchange rates are another. Currently it is 0.944. Paypal gave me 0.91. So another 4 bucks on top of the fees. Bitcoin may not yet be better for lots of US customers, as you don't save anything and it can be a bit of a hassle, but for the rest of us poor shmucks around the world, getting rid of exchange rate ripoffs is a big fucking deal. I'm planning on buying a new Thinkpad this year, at those kind of rates it would be $75 dollars worth of exchange rate rip off!!

10. Post 7648229 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.57h):

should add i bought the macbook from CoinsforTech. Awesome service.

11. Post 7648285 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.57h):

Quote from: sidhujag on July 03, 2014, 12:19:07 AM
Just had to buy my girlfriend a 128gb card to boost her macbook air storage. Used ebay and paypal ( newegg doesn't let Australians use bitcoins yet Sad )

Paypal fees are one thing, their exchange rates are another. Currently it is 0.944. Paypal gave me 0.91. So another 4 bucks on top of the fees. Bitcoin may not yet be better for lots of US customers, as you don't save anything and it can be a bit of a hassle, but for the rest of us poor shmucks around the world, getting rid of exchange rate ripoffs is a big fucking deal. I'm planning on buying a new Thinkpad this year, at those kind of rates it would be $75 dollars worth of exchange rate rip off!!

U can buy this acer with bitcoins:

Ofcourse you can buy at retail using buy it now or you can buy using bids to try to buy cheaper.

I have an unhealthy attachment  with my thinkpad keyboard. Love the 16:10 screen on the gf's macbook compared to my 16:9, but i code all day, and nothing beats the thinkpad keyboard. 

12. Post 7713083 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.57h):

Article in the NYT today about how the government is making international transfers so difficult for banks that they are simply no longer doing them:

Another reason for people to start using BTC. As more and more merchants accept BTC, hopefully people can leave the USD further and further behind. Get paid in USD, convert to BTC, send home, family spends BTC directly on everything they need.

Given the rampant inflation in South America, hopefully soon the local supermarkets will start accepting proper hard currency instead of toilet paper that may not be worth anything in a months time!!

13. Post 7760833 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.58h):

So much good news, so little movement.

What are the odds that .gov hacked Mt.Gox, and they have half a million BTC to keep suppressing the price. Maybe with a few massive dumps to come to really shake everyone's faith in what is rapidly becoming a very real threat to the dollar hegemony?

This is a country that invaded Iraq when it started talking about selling oil for Euro's, destroyed Gadahfi when he tried to set up the gold backed currency to trade oil in, cuts Iran out of swift for not following the petro dollar.

Note i am not arguing that BTC will replace the dollar. Just that the almighty dollar is being attacted from all sides, and it seems the USA is getting a tad desperate in its attempts to consolidate it. Any threat to the reserve status of the dollar is akin to war for the USA, for it would do far more damage, possibly even destroy the currency as trillions of overseas held dollars flooded back into the states, unleashing a tsunami of inflation.

From a self preservation perspective, I doubt there is much it would not do.

14. Post 7850366 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.59h):

until the thief/hacker/karples/NSA have finished liquidating the 500,000 coins they stole from gox, it is going to be difficult to rise I think. A lot of downward selling pressure, especially with bugger all volume.

That said, I will wait it out. Unless you are a day trader, who really cares what happens over the next 12 months, eventually BTC has to go up.

15. Post 7995819 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.00h):

As an Aussie, I have to say, all these retailers offering BTC payment are completely missing the point. Why would an American pay with BTC? A credit card is surely much much easier. It's us foreigners that need it, we get screwed by the currency conversion. At the moment the only person paying with BTC is someone that already had them, probably purchased much much cheaper, and is in effect cashing out. Nobody in their right mind would buy BTC just to purchase something online, the hassle and time involved is still ridiculous. But for something like a laptop, where currency conversion is usually around 3 -5 % of price, it could make a $100 dollar difference to everyone overseas, which would definitely drive adoption.   

Dell, Overstock et al, get your shit together!!

16. Post 8192371 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.02h):

this is boring

17. Post 8325670 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.04h):

I'll hodl.

18. Post 8325684 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.04h):

up 500% yoy. Dying i tell you. lol

19. Post 8445405 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.07h):

BTC please stay here for the next month, then go to $2000......if you could do that I would be most appreciative. Amen.

20. Post 8510650 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

If either TA worked, or you guys were actually any good at it, you would be too busy flying around the world in your lear jets to post comments on this two bit forum.

Reminds me of one of those seminars about TA I went to 10 years ago. Guy talked lots about how wonderful TA was, how good at it he was, how much money he was making, and we could be as good as him too, all we needed to do was sign up for a $99 a month course with him, only 12 month minimum.

Anybody who can actually make it work it not trying to sell shit, just like they aren't trying to make other people believe in it. They are sitting back and making money.

21. Post 8510659 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

I on the other hand do have a fool proof TA method....

....... buy bitcoin. Hold......

.....been working for the last two years....

.....not so much with precious metals though. lol

22. Post 8511060 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: Wandererfromthenorth on August 24, 2014, 11:31:14 AM
I on the other hand do have a fool proof TA method....

....... buy bitcoin. Hold......

.....been working for the last two years....

.....not so much with precious metals though. lol
So you you never sold anything even when price was at $1200 to rebuy lower?

You had a lot of occasions to more than triple you whole BTC stash with basic TA in a couple of moves.
Nothing out of this planet, nothing difficult.

I'm sure that's a compelling idea if your are not talking large numbers, but given what was going on in the BTC world at the time, which exchange would you trust with 6 figure sums of money? I store my BTC with my gold, in a secure vault. I can ride out the ups and downs until BTC reaches its potential, if it doesn't, it does not matter how many BTC i have. And if it does, i will be filthy rich regardless of whether i have x or 3x BTC. The only time I sell BTC is when i swap it for gold bullion, and i'm pretty happy with how it has turned out.

How smart are the traders feeling who sold at $1200 on Mt.Gox?

23. Post 8511470 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: falllling on August 24, 2014, 12:26:42 PM
Ask side is getting bigger. We're going down. What is it with the constant need of going down? Annoying.

the bubble has burst, bitcoin is going to nowhere but down

Yes the sky is falling. I wouldn't worry though falling, the communists under your bed will probably get you first.

24. Post 8635234 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Quote from: nanobrain on September 02, 2014, 07:46:14 AM

This. If nothing else there is truly a problem for the brand when exchanges malfunction, when markets are manipulated by margin hunters, and when the price is more or less set by a Junta of pot heavy insiders. The new money is, almost by definition, not of the hodler/true believer mentality. They can be converted, but it takes a while... again, they are new. So, if they lose a bit here and there while learning that is great. If they get whipsawed to death by market activity that is unexplained by TA or news... you lose them. We are skirting near the territory where you are facing the potential of a long-term setback for adoption and support.

I think we are losing adoption NOW.  User numbers don't seem to be rising at all, and the main complaint is losing money on their investment.  I literally know no one else who owns coins anymore.  This manufactured drop from $600 is killing the tech. (Tes, exchange rates matter, trolls.)

Note that game theory says the price will trend to zero.  As long as there are hundreds of people with enough coins to play the dump game, one of them will continue doing it to make their extra 20 or 30 coins per day.  If you gave me 3k btc today, I could guarantee I would have 6k in 90 days.  The game is too easy.  

Those posters who say that the only people who care about the price (exchange rate) are get rich quick dreamers are deluded.  If I could buy a laptop with 2 bitcoins 3 months ago, but now need to use 3 btc, there is a serious problem.  And as long as 99.9% of goods require USD to purchase, the exchange rate is important.

I left out one point before: look at how much concentrated effort it took to break through support at 500.  Thousands and thousands and thousands of coins dumped to break support and make the dump game possible again.  How many of the big guys had to help to break through?  I sincerely thought it was impossible to reach 490...forgetting that there are single individuals with 50k coins who could wipe out the entire order book.

Now, explain to me how it is possible to have another bubble.  It will be a race to see who can dump fastest and hardest to make the biggest percentage gain on a thin order book.  IIRC, to cut the price 40% in November only took a 1k dump; stops triggered, margins called, panic selling, huge profit with no risk.  They won't be able to control themselves when the opportunity arises next time .

I will say this with all honesty: I no longer believe btc has any chance of being a serious currency due to its users.  I have always been a short term agnostic and long term bull.  I am full bear now.  I doubt that we will ever see 700 again, and 300's will be here soon.  The big guys are warning everyone everyday that they want lower prices.  Believe them.

Congratulations on being the most recent in a long line of thousands who have predicted the end of bitcoin. There have been many before you and there will be many after you. Thanks for being a part of it all.

There will always be "end of worlders" and there will always be "end of bitcoiners."

And yet you (Windjc) are always promoting "logic" and "dispassionate" trading but the numbers don't lie: we have been going down all year, are still going down and there appears to be little new blood in the market.

So, BTC's ultimate success becomes an article of faith -- the antithesis of what you claim drives your involvement in Bitcoin.

All this has happened before and will happen again....

25. Post 8635262 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

BTC still serves several purposes nothing else can. What price it should be i am not sure, but the darknet alone is growing by a 1000% a year. Retails offering BTC payments to overseas buyers will be huge, i am frequently frustrated i have to eat paypals 3-4% currency conversion fee, plus the world being what it is at the moment, i imagine BTC will find a place quite low on Exters Pyramid.

26. Post 8635303 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

In boom times of rapidly rising stock markets like now, counterparty risk is not something people think of, return on investment reigns supreme. Sometime soon return of investment will take primary place in peoples minds, and how many places can you park your money with little to no couterparty issues? Nobody can print more BTC and nobody can change a law and say you no longer own it. Outlawing it like they have with gold in the past is the only real issue, and gold confiscation has never worked out so well for governments.

27. Post 8648341 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Mozilla is releasing their $30 smart phone throughout India, Africa and other parts of asia, which runs BTC quite well. BTC was never a good idea for rich westerns, credit cards are better for almost all circumstances. The un-banked is where it is for BTC, especially since those cultures know very well not to trust their governments with their money, you think Indians buy gold cause it looks pretty?

Lots of people here seem pretty depressed about BTC at the moment, but if you ask me it is only just starting to find its feet. So you are not all going to be rich enough to retire in the next 6 months. Suck it up, this is not about you.

28. Post 8648991 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Quote from: Newbie1022 on September 03, 2014, 04:22:32 AM

This along with the Junta periodically engaging in dumps means... lower, lower, lower!


You're not going to get rich overnight. Poor baby. Weigh your options, then make a decision. Being a little bitch is not only unbecoming, it means you have no real faith in yourself or your decision making. Worst case you lose some money. Big fucking deal. Best case you make some your case you will still be a little bitch.

29. Post 8712424 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

Personally i hope BTC stays where it is for another 2 months, then goes bananas

30. Post 8735662 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

I've said it before and i will say it again. BTC is not for rich, well banked countries. I, like many people here, use it mainly for political reasons. Suggesting it is easier to use BTC than a credit card is just ludicrous. Got a friend to buy a couple recently. He has an old slow laptop with mediocre internet connection. Took 3 days to download the blockchain for gods sake.

BTC will come to fruition as it penetrates places like india. Like solar power, it enables people to use modern technologies without the need to spend trillions building up legacy infrastructure. Solar power is expensive if you already have a grid, it's cheap if you have to build power and transmission lines everywhere.

Things like the mozilla smartphone, combined with decent, secure online wallets for mobile, will revolutionise the life of the unbanked. Eliminating expensive cross currency fees will save billions.

So everyone here pat yourselves on the back. We got BTC to a place where it is taken seriously enough for people to start building the next wave of apps, apps for the unbanked. These apps are being built and rolled out now, they will take time to come to full fruition. Stop waiting to be made rich in a matter of months, those heady days are over. Sit back and expand your horizon to years. Those that maintain the faith will be rewarded richly. Those that spit the dummy because they thought they would get rich with no effort, risk or time involved, will miss the coming wave.

31. Post 8754674 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

The slow climb is beginning. Average $1 or $2 for the next 2 months, then $10 for a month, then it goes crazy!

32. Post 8757763 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on September 10, 2014, 09:30:29 AM
apple pay... is going to flop.

I can't even use it, because its for US only

I can't use receive 1$ payments because it will cost 5$ in fee to do so

I can't use it to send money to africa because ...well idk why not...

I can't use it as a hedged its USD's

I'm sure the user interface will literally be 1 button "BUY NOW!", and this is very wow, but i dont care...

I can't believe i feel compelled to state such obviousness...

Apple products have generally been decent in their ease of use arena, and if bitcoin can learn and steal from apple in these regards, that could be helpful to bitcoin...   

I am really looking forward to the days when various ease of use apps become more common in the bitcoin space - whether it is for buying, selling, trading, purchasing, storage of value, transferring, etc.


this. i feel we are getting there though. Everything that is happening over the next 12 months looks pretty bullish to me

33. Post 8759181 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

Quote from: ongel on September 10, 2014, 11:30:30 AM
You guys still keep falling for these traps??

No trend has been broken on Huobi/Okcoin. Don't think this is the start of a new rally, just more people getting suckered into buying bitcorns from bagholders.

You guys are getting still Goxed.

You sir, have been goxed.

agreed, just another dead cat bounces

agreeing with yourself is a bit like talking to yourself in the 3rd person. Time to check yourself in to the ward. Don't worry, I hear electro shock therapy is hardly used there any more

34. Post 8842546 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):


35. Post 8895965 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.14h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on September 20, 2014, 01:03:59 AM
I think bitcoin dropped has been dropping and might continue to drop ( Cry  Embarrassed  Lips sealed  Undecided  Cry )  for many many reasons, none of which I or anyone else could predict and so I and a lot of poeplez bought in too early...

I honestly thought the "bubble" would "pop" and then blow up again and just get bigger as larger and larger waves of poeple started to convert their fiats to bits!!!

Sadly a lot of things blew up in our faces ( the bubble(we kinda saw that one coming but still it went KA-FUCKING-BOOM), mtgox, china, bitlicense, etc... ) needless to say things didn't go as planned, and people lost shit tons of money and or "net worth" (  unrealized profits ).

Now Investor confidence is extremely low, traders are playing hot potato trying to get 1% on a quick bounce, and early adopters and or large BTC whales are cutting loose, and even I am having bearish thoughts!!

I don't have to tell you things are bad, everyone knows things are bad...

hoist the colours.

Relax man, BTC is still toiling away, slowly moving towards what it is meant to be: a trustable banking solution to the billions of unbanked. The infrastructure is being laid down faster and faster. Like a train line that is expensive and useless until it is finished, BTC is going through the growing pains that accompany moving from speculative asset to useful asset. Think about all that has happened in the last year, and realise we have a lot less to be worried about now than we did then.

Plus if all else fails, the darknet is still growing strongly, and BTC will always reign supreme there, soon the kiddies won't remember buying drugs any other way.

36. Post 8899064 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.14h):

BTC please feel free to stay at this price for another month or so, then a several order of magnitude rise would be nice. Thank you.

37. Post 8911348 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.15h):

Quote from: mooncake on September 21, 2014, 10:15:25 AM
It's a slow day today relative to the past few days, so just something to think about:

We all know that due to the QEs, the major countries like the US, the EU and Japan are printing massive amount of money. As a result, these governments carry with them huge burden of debts which some think that there is no way of repaying.

The smart people in the government of these countries must be thinking how to solve this problem. Because there is no way to repay this massive debt within the financial system (as we know it), the debt must be repaid outside the system. What is outside the system, you ask?

The debts are denominated by the respective country's currency. Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency exist outside the system. Hypothetically if the government is Satoshi, and eventually, the world uses Bitcoin as the global currency, there would be no problem for the government to repay its debt because by that time, country's currency would be worthless and the government would have become the single largest holder of bitcoin.

This is purely speculation. There is nothing to support the hypothesis.

Pretty sure there is not a single instance in history where a government stops digging, and fixes what it has fucked. I mean why would they? The government is not some intelligent, powerful's a group of socio-paths who only care about their own powerbase. These types of problems can always be kicked down the road for the next guy, right up until they can't, and by then it is way to late.

38. Post 8921396 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.15h):

number of transactions per day continues it's relentless march higher. Bitcoin is fulfilling its function. Cheap fast transfer of value. Still feeling bullish, will continue to hodl.

39. Post 8924050 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.15h):

Quote from: BitThink on September 22, 2014, 10:55:58 AM
I think this will be the last couple of days that 400 holds, I think we will be visiting 300-360 soon enough.

same, generally, but the time part is so hard to nail down. it's impossible to get the short term details right, but everything has been pointing for me to that general range. we could bounce a bit, hell, given all the shorts taken out at 400, we could bounce 30 or 40 points, but i think low-mid 300s are coming in the next couple weeks.

There are no buyers. It's that simple. The result of 9 months of dumping and chasing cheap coins.
Everybody thought that after crashing down tons of buyers were dying to get in with cheap coins. Nope. There is nobody.
Now of course i keep reading we need to hit 350 before we can get back up. And after that 260. Well, these new buyers won't suddenly appear then. Also there is no guarantee we will go back again. As i keep saying one day it will stop. People will get tired of losing money. Of getting dumped on by traders every time they invest some money.
For now the Bitcoin hype is over and we better hope for something good to happen or all your cheap coins will be just that. Cheap coins.
The question is will we learn from this situation. And the answer is most likely no.  

There has been tons of buyers that is why the price recovered to 600$ + a few months ago and there is still a lot of buyers but there is a lot of sellers as well and a lot of new coins hit the market

The Bitcoin hype will come back when the fiat currencies will show what they truly are : manipulated, inflated and unreliable for store of value

But this is not a few months ago. A few months ago tons of people started buying because they expected the price to go up. Instead they got dumped on, day after day. They sold and left and won't make that mistake again. Neither will all the people who watched it happen from the sidelines. You see, that's the "problem". These people actually do learn from their mistakes.

Keep in mind that pretty much everyone who invested in Bitcoin this year lost money. Almost a full year. Exactly at the time everyone expected something great to happen. This damaged Bitcoin so much. So many here underestimate this. They think they just can keep crashing the market, pick up cheap coins and go back up again. You can't.

After 5 or 6 years now investors are gonna say fuck it. I'm not gonna put money in something and get dumped on day after day by greedy traders obsessed with cheap coins. The previous years was ok for that. Not anymore. This year was the year to get serious. But everyone who tried to invest lost their money because of traders and dumpers. What do you expect them to do? Invest again?
From what you wrote, BTC seems a pure bubble and people buy it only because it will rise overnight. If that's sure, it's better to see BTC dies now than later. Maybe your account was newly bought, otherwise really sad to see a Hero Member saying such thing here.


40. Post 8924437 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.15h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on September 22, 2014, 11:23:03 AM
I think this will be the last couple of days that 400 holds, I think we will be visiting 300-360 soon enough.

same, generally, but the time part is so hard to nail down. it's impossible to get the short term details right, but everything has been pointing for me to that general range. we could bounce a bit, hell, given all the shorts taken out at 400, we could bounce 30 or 40 points, but i think low-mid 300s are coming in the next couple weeks.

There are no buyers. It's that simple. The result of 9 months of dumping and chasing cheap coins.
Everybody thought that after crashing down tons of buyers were dying to get in with cheap coins. Nope. There is nobody.
Now of course i keep reading we need to hit 350 before we can get back up. And after that 260. Well, these new buyers won't suddenly appear then. Also there is no guarantee we will go back again. As i keep saying one day it will stop. People will get tired of losing money. Of getting dumped on by traders every time they invest some money.
For now the Bitcoin hype is over and we better hope for something good to happen or all your cheap coins will be just that. Cheap coins.
The question is will we learn from this situation. And the answer is most likely no.  

There has been tons of buyers that is why the price recovered to 600$ + a few months ago and there is still a lot of buyers but there is a lot of sellers as well and a lot of new coins hit the market

The Bitcoin hype will come back when the fiat currencies will show what they truly are : manipulated, inflated and unreliable for store of value

But this is not a few months ago. A few months ago tons of people started buying because they expected the price to go up. Instead they got dumped on, day after day. They sold and left and won't make that mistake again. Neither will all the people who watched it happen from the sidelines. You see, that's the "problem". These people actually do learn from their mistakes.

Keep in mind that pretty much everyone who invested in Bitcoin this year lost money. Almost a full year. Exactly at the time everyone expected something great to happen. This damaged Bitcoin so much. So many here underestimate this. They think they just can keep crashing the market, pick up cheap coins and go back up again. You can't.

After 5 or 6 years now investors are gonna say fuck it. I'm not gonna put money in something and get dumped on day after day by greedy traders obsessed with cheap coins. The previous years was ok for that. Not anymore. This year was the year to get serious. But everyone who tried to invest lost their money because of traders and dumpers. What do you expect them to do? Invest again?
From what you wrote, BTC seems a pure bubble and people buy it only because it will rise overnight. If that's sure, it's better to see BTC dies now than later. Maybe your account was newly bought, otherwise really sad to see a Hero Member saying such thing here.


+1 what? An opinion of a guy who doesn't understand what he reads?

+1 at the guy pointing out you are acting like a little bitch, throwing a tanty because BTC is not going up in a straight line, saying shit that clearly gives the impression that speculating is all bitcoin is good for. Guess what moron, btc will go up again, and thank god it won't be from speculating morons who just think it is their ticket to riches, it will be because it is, you know, a useful technology, and it remains that no matter what the price. It will rise when metcalf's law says it will, not because greedy speculators get in a tizzie because they have got rich yet for doing nothing.

The price will rise as BTC is used for what it is supposed to be used for, and it does not matter one iota what speculators are thinking.

41. Post 8998793 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.16h):

Quote from: TeeBone on September 28, 2014, 01:50:48 AM
perma-bulls... perma-bulls everywhere...

perma-bulls are always bullish, if your waiting for us to be bearish... you're gonna be waiting a long time...

And that's why there's nearly no difference between trolls (like me) and perma-bulls. It's a extreme position far away from reality on the markets. Delusion.

The only real difference is that most trolls only fake their bearish delusion, while perma-bulls are serious with their bullish outlook at any moment. Cheesy

Perma-bulls ARE (serious) trolls.

Spot on. The beartrolls are pretty much out in the open and easily detected. otoh....bulltards are dead-serious, covert sociopaths who lack one iota of empathy. They eat, breathe, sleep with one goal in mind - manipulate you into buying a btc at whatever price, no matter what the circumstances. Very, very dangerous people to be around. I see the same kinds of evil scum in silver stacking circles, but i must say it is at least 10 times worse with the BTC cult.

Well i've been stacking gold, silver and BTC for quite some time now, so i guess i am worse than Charles Manson. I don't really give a shit what other do though, to be honest the less people buying the more i can buy before the revaluation. Only so many BTC, only so many ounces......never ending supply of fiat and political bullshit.

42. Post 8999080 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.16h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on September 28, 2014, 02:06:45 AM
perma-bulls... perma-bulls everywhere...

perma-bulls are always bullish, if your waiting for us to be bearish... you're gonna be waiting a long time...

And that's why there's nearly no difference between trolls (like me) and perma-bulls. It's a extreme position far away from reality on the markets. Delusion.

The only real difference is that most trolls only fake their bearish delusion, while perma-bulls are serious with their bullish outlook at any moment. Cheesy

Perma-bulls ARE (serious) trolls.

Spot on. The beartrolls are pretty much out in the open and easily detected. otoh....bulltards are dead-serious, covert sociopaths who lack one iota of empathy. They eat, breathe, sleep with one goal in mind - manipulate you into buying a btc at whatever price, no matter what the circumstances. Very, very dangerous people to be around. I see the same kinds of evil scum in silver stacking circles, but i must say it is at least 10 times worse with the BTC cult.

Well i've been stacking gold, silver and BTC for quite some time now, so i guess i am worse than Charles Manson. I don't really give a shit what other do though, to be honest the less people buying the more i can buy before the revaluation. Only so many BTC, only so many ounces......never ending supply of fiat and political bullshit.

i've been thinking of buying some silver coins, been waiting years, i don't buy that the economy is going to implode soon, maybe the markets will have a strong pull back... but in any case i like the fundamentals of silver and stacking just looks fun!

Precious metals are less about the economy imploding to me, and more about energy. It takes a shit load of energy to mine and refine, and as ore grades continue to decline, the amount of oil used for each ounce just continues to rise. Silver and gold are already very close to cost of production, so as a long term investment, it makes sense to me. the other thing about stacking that is different to bitcoin is you actually get something to put in the safe, and it's hard to sell, so even occasionally when i am broke, its not like i am going to go sell any. I used to waste a large proportion of my income, now i think in term of oucnes, kgs and BTC. Do i really need to spend 3BTC/1 ounce/ 2 kgs on a new laptop, or can i just keep using my sandy bridge based thinkpad? What is the better decision, a second hand hyundai for 10 ounces, or a new mazda for 25?

43. Post 8999493 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.16h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on September 28, 2014, 02:46:06 AM
perma-bulls... perma-bulls everywhere...

perma-bulls are always bullish, if your waiting for us to be bearish... you're gonna be waiting a long time...

And that's why there's nearly no difference between trolls (like me) and perma-bulls. It's a extreme position far away from reality on the markets. Delusion.

The only real difference is that most trolls only fake their bearish delusion, while perma-bulls are serious with their bullish outlook at any moment. Cheesy

Perma-bulls ARE (serious) trolls.

Spot on. The beartrolls are pretty much out in the open and easily detected. otoh....bulltards are dead-serious, covert sociopaths who lack one iota of empathy. They eat, breathe, sleep with one goal in mind - manipulate you into buying a btc at whatever price, no matter what the circumstances. Very, very dangerous people to be around. I see the same kinds of evil scum in silver stacking circles, but i must say it is at least 10 times worse with the BTC cult.

Well i've been stacking gold, silver and BTC for quite some time now, so i guess i am worse than Charles Manson. I don't really give a shit what other do though, to be honest the less people buying the more i can buy before the revaluation. Only so many BTC, only so many ounces......never ending supply of fiat and political bullshit.

i've been thinking of buying some silver coins, been waiting years, i don't buy that the economy is going to implode soon, maybe the markets will have a strong pull back... but in any case i like the fundamentals of silver and stacking just looks fun!

Precious metals are less about the economy imploding to me, and more about energy. It takes a shit load of energy to mine and refine, and as ore grades continue to decline, the amount of oil used for each ounce just continues to rise. Silver and gold are already very close to cost of production, so as a long term investment, it makes sense to me. the other thing about stacking that is different to bitcoin is you actually get something to put in the safe, and it's hard to sell, so even occasionally when i am broke, its not like i am going to go sell any. I used to waste a large proportion of my income, now i think in term of oucnes, kgs and BTC. Do i really need to spend 3BTC/1 ounce/ 2 kgs on a new laptop, or can i just keep using my sandy bridge based thinkpad? What is the better decision, a second hand hyundai for 10 ounces, or a new mazda for 25?

Its not like you can buy a laptop or a car directly with gold and silver, its more about the cool factor for me, i want a collection of shiny coins, i see these youtube video of poeple with stacks and i'm envious, that is all. I think the fundament are strong and it will hold its value long term, and probably a sizable gain if i can get a good price and hold long term.

I hear what you are saying, my maple leaves are much nicer than kg silver bars, its just with gold coins i pay very little premium for coins over bullion, for silver you pay something like 15% extra for a coin than just bars.

44. Post 9023296 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

So who believes it will break the previous $340 low of April? I think? If it does then not much to stop it falling a lot further.

45. Post 9023492 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on September 30, 2014, 12:43:57 AM

a bunch of models in the background, i like it

who needs models look at that sexy machine

lol i have to admit......i didn't even notice the women. I am a truly sad bitcoin fanatic

46. Post 9035604 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: fonzie on September 30, 2014, 10:50:57 PM
i'm waiting... but i can afford to lose.

Adam you greedy b. , how much cheaper do you want the coins. May shroomskit hunt you in your dreams  Angry

What's a "greedy b?"  The only thing that I can think of starts with b and has coin in the middle..  Huh

"bipolar satanic nudist". I thought that´s common sense

first thing i thought of

47. Post 9048739 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Number of unique addresses used per day hits all time high:

48. Post 9048759 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: Raystonn on October 02, 2014, 01:20:39 AM
Already reported here:


didn't realise thanks....still...exciting news I think

49. Post 9051721 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: phoenix1 on October 02, 2014, 08:37:23 AM

Perhaps this would cause some lessening of buying in the Chinese markets. But then it would also cause less selling in the Western markets. Net effect = 0, imo, but I'm no expert and would love a second opinion.

Long term this is bearish for the dollar. It will contribute to the fall of the Petrodollar and the rise of the Renimbi to full reserve currency status.
As the recent fall in BTC is directly correlated with USD strength, this is possibly bullish for BTC as we may see the USD weaken on this news. The cynic in me thinks this may actually explain part of the recent run-up in the dollar ... a pump and dump by the big players with insider knowledge.

Watch for a turn around in $ ...

Interesting times.

You do realise you can't be a creditor nation and be the reserve currency at the same time yes? For Renimbi to achieve reserve currency status China would need to run massive deficits, which i don't see happening anytime soon.

50. Post 9052035 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: prophetx on October 02, 2014, 09:25:00 AM

Perhaps this would cause some lessening of buying in the Chinese markets. But then it would also cause less selling in the Western markets. Net effect = 0, imo, but I'm no expert and would love a second opinion.

Long term this is bearish for the dollar. It will contribute to the fall of the Petrodollar and the rise of the Renimbi to full reserve currency status.
As the recent fall in BTC is directly correlated with USD strength, this is possibly bullish for BTC as we may see the USD weaken on this news. The cynic in me thinks this may actually explain part of the recent run-up in the dollar ... a pump and dump by the big players with insider knowledge.

Watch for a turn around in $ ...

Interesting times.

You do realise you can't be a creditor nation and be the reserve currency at the same time yes? For Renimbi to achieve reserve currency status China would need to run massive deficits, which i don't see happening anytime soon.

yes indeed.  however this article from 2013 is interesting, talking about US current accounts possibly being positive at some point in the near future

Good article thanks

51. Post 9052368 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: Schickeria on October 02, 2014, 10:13:20 AM
This whole year Bitcoiners were telling me daily that the dollar is about to collapse. Instead the dollar is getting stronger by the day.

It's even not certain that a dollar collapse would necessarily boost Bitcoin. There are some assumptions and some hints, but it's not that certain as some people say.

Regardless of whether it does or doesn't,  if the dollar collapses everyone in the west is going to be a lot worse of than before..... no matter how many btc they own

52. Post 9089185 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.19h):

Quote from: macsga on October 05, 2014, 11:07:06 AM
Good morning people... Hope not all of you has SODL yet.

haven't sodl...... feel a bit sodomised though

53. Post 9098065 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.20h):

Us Government selling DPR's coins to crash the dollar competitor? When it comes time for the auction they could just pretend they sold to some shell corporation.

54. Post 9109836 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: Blitz­ on October 06, 2014, 10:09:35 PM

Note the quote. Exactly what i was thinking. It makes the most sense of all theories i've heard yet it's the hardest to believe for most here for some reason.

"Seems pretty clear to me. An early adopter decided $300 is their breaking point. They want to cash out their $9m before they miss their chance. They’re not experienced with handling this amount of money because they’ve never been rich before; they just got lucky. They don’t have the connections to sell off-market so they decided to sell the way they know and the way that’s guaranteed to work: a Bitstamp sell order below market. They could maybe get more money with a more sophisticated trading strategy but who cares? They’ll take their $9m and retire on a beach somewhere for the rest of their lives.
That’s what I’d do if I had 30,000 BTC right now and I bet you would too."

The guy was looking at the price going down every hour and basically panic sold. Below 300 was just too much for him. He was losing 10.000's per day.
He moved the coins to Stamp, right away did a 5k dump to secure a good amount of money (his aim was a million) and when he saw there were buyers he put the rest up at 300.
Perfectly reasonable explanation.
He wasn't the bearwhale. He also isn't buying back. Just a guy who wanted out. Yes, that happens.
I agree this is true, it turned out that this was no manipulator but a mere fool who wasn't patient or experienced enough to split his selling upon multiple markets and over time, in addition to selling into a short-term highly depressed price. Yet you have to ask yourself where all this buying pressure came from that devoured 30k BTC @300.

Hint: It involves cheap coins.

a mere fool with 10 million bucks or so in the bank. I expect he can sleep Ok tonight despite your poor opinion of him. Even if his accumulation was down to luck rather than brains ( which i don't concede ), yet more proof you are better off being lucky than smart.

55. Post 9136091 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

so with the alleged DPR trial not far away, what effect will a few hundred thousand BTC being auctioned off in the next few months have?

56. Post 9158423 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.22h):

Quote from: octaft on October 10, 2014, 11:01:43 PM

You clearly don't know what someone like Neil Strauss or Nick Savoy actually means by "game," and I take issue with basically every single point in your post. But if you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.

Don't be sorry, you'd be wasting your time, because I know enough about this shit to know something you either don't understand or are in denial about: the whole fucking thing preys on men with low self-esteem to get money out of them. "Don't be an AFC, faggot! Pay us money or be a loser who never gets laid!"

Meanwhile, they turn you into a douchebag who thinks women like men who treat them like shit, and that nice guys finish last. I got news for you, only the psychos like being treated like shit (and you definitely don't want any of those), and nice guys don't finish last, only guys who let women walk all over them do.

The problem is, men with low self-esteem equate being nice with being a kiss-ass and a doormat. Truly self-confident people don't take anyone's shit -- without having to be talked down to by some fuckface in a fedora and hand over hard-earned money to these assholes, and without having to become an asshole, themselves -- and they are respected for it.

The guys that use this shit score with a few lunatics, get fucked up in the head by said lunatics, which makes their self-esteem plummet further, then they cry all over the place about how "all women are bitches and they deserve this shit." It's a never ending cycle that these PUA marketers RELY on to get you to keep handing over money.


"game" is a good way for ugly desperately insecure men to pick up hot desperately insecure women. Not a way to find happiness, but hey, if you're butt ugly, it can be good for your self esteem to fuck a hot women on occasion. I think the whole thing came from watching sociopaths go about their business. 

57. Post 9204916 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.24h):

Quote from: jaberwock on October 15, 2014, 12:56:52 AM
Why the fall?
Because of mintpal?

because people are selling after a 40% rise in week?

58. Post 9218018 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.24h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on October 16, 2014, 02:06:42 AM
Anybody think gold will ever hit its all time high again. Charts look like twins

idk gold was pricing in a zombie apocalypse...

honestly expect gold to lose a lot of its speculative value to bitcoin in the coming years. silver is a far better choice for long term value store, for many reasons.

but i expect both this things to perform horribly for a little while longer

looking for 12$ silver!

yes thats why central banks around the world hold 1000's of tonnes of gold and 0 tonnes of silver.
Gold is money.
Silver is an industrial metal.
Commodities that are used in industry make terrible money

59. Post 9249634 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Number of unique bitcoin addresses used per day is now at all time high

60. Post 9249645 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Number of transaction excluding popular address continues its relentless march higher, another month and it will hit all time high

61. Post 9250478 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on October 19, 2014, 01:32:46 AM

If only you "sexy senior citizens" knew how revolting that is to the rest of us.  I remember being on the West Coast for the first time, driving the coastal highway with my (still recent) GF.  Pulled over for a walk on the beach as the sun started to set.  Stuff Harlequin Romance is made of:  Sunset, walking  barefoot down an empty beach hand-in-hand, love, thinking we're the only ones who matter in the whole world as we came onto a cove.
...With fricking aging naked hippies playing Frisbee, tits and dicks flapping all over the place and the fuckers start grinning at us, they throw us their frickin' Frisbee!
Just please, NO!

you're a bit uptight aren't you?

62. Post 9250647 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on October 19, 2014, 02:08:01 AM

If only you "sexy senior citizens" knew how revolting that is to the rest of us.  I remember being on the West Coast for the first time, driving the coastal highway with my (still recent) GF.  Pulled over for a walk on the beach as the sun started to set.  Stuff Harlequin Romance is made of:  Sunset, walking  barefoot down an empty beach hand-in-hand, love, thinking we're the only ones who matter in the whole world as we came onto a cove.
...With fricking aging naked hippies playing Frisbee, tits and dicks flapping all over the place and the fuckers start grinning at us, they throw us their frickin' Frisbee!
Just please, NO!

you're a bit uptight aren't you?

D00d, a whole rest home's worth of naked old people, do you understand what I'm saying to you!?!
This weren't just some gangly teens or just homely adults--I'm talking flapping, sagging, swinging, shameless frickin' old hippies!  Playing Frisbee!  And grinning at us like it's not even the grossest thing in the world!

well i'm not saying i would go out of my way to see that shit....... just that when i'm that age, that kind of shit is exactly what i plan to be doing

63. Post 9274374 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on October 21, 2014, 04:54:09 AM
Can't decide whether to take a nap. How important are the next 24 hours? Serious responses only, please.

Without the next 24 hours, Tuesday would be severely compromised, and Wednesday may have to be rushed into service before it is fully tested and debugged.  I don't know how much you care about the orderly passage of time, but that seems pretty serious to  me.

Well, sorry, but it looks like no one has a serious response to offer...

I LOL'ed

64. Post 9311176 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.26h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on October 24, 2014, 04:56:41 AM
What about growth in existing markets?

If we look at previous bubbles, after a month or two of roughly exponential growth, and another month or so of oscillations, the price usually settled down to a nearly constant value.  I take that as a sign that the markets responsible for those bubbles were saturated and stopped growing.  Maybe they started to grow again this year, but I have not seen any real evidence of that.  (Neither the number of stores that "acecpt bitcoin", nor the blockchain traffic, nor the venture capital investments imply growth of any market.)

All the charts on blockchain show very steady growth, transactional volume is up 300% since this time last year. Number of transactions is all time high, as is daily wallets used

65. Post 9399194 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.28h):

number of transactions just hit an all time high, first time we have been above last Decembers bubble peak....only this time is has got there from steady growth. Number of wallets used daily has been at an all time high for some time.....bitcoin continues to grow slowly and steadily.

66. Post 9400032 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.28h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on November 01, 2014, 01:01:33 AM
number of transactions just hit an all time high, first time we have been above last Decembers bubble peak....only this time is has got there from steady growth. Number of wallets used daily has been at an all time high for some time.....bitcoin continues to grow slowly and steadily.

But the total daily value of those transactions, in USD, has been pretty much the same since April, and is ~30% less than it was in Jan--Feb:
Estimated USD Transaction Volume

But, anyway, we STILL do not know how much of that traffic is "fake" (between addressed that belong to te same person; e.g. hotwallet/coldwallet flow, tumbling, deposit/withdrawal at exchanges, gambling sites and other "bitcoin banks"...)

UDS volume is up around 300% since last year may-december though, which ties in nicely with the price, and the steady growth in transactions means it's very unlikely to be fake.

67. Post 9527462 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.31h):

Jesus, this kind of action brings back memories.....was beginning to think I would never have these make $1000's whilst i sleep BTC nights again.   Smiley

68. Post 9528189 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.31h):

Been a long time since i got so many positive bitcoin paranoid notifications in such a short space to time. Now if only gold would stop tanking....

69. Post 9531234 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.31h):

another $50 rise while i sleep would be good bulls. Buy now or forever miss out.

70. Post 10148310 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.48h):

all this has happened before and will happen again....

71. Post 10261096 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.52h):

Quote from: spooderman on January 26, 2015, 01:30:17 AM
someone put some btc up for sale asap! bitfinex and bitstamp books are running out!

they never put it up for sale. they just market dump it to piss me and shrooms off.


72. Post 11199211 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.12h):

Quote from: Tzupy on April 26, 2015, 07:37:40 AM
12h PSAR flipped to bearish on Bitfinex and BTC-E and very close to flip on Bitstamp and BTCChina.

Sometimes, when it looks too bearish, it's actually bullish.

Just sayin'

And sometimes if it looks mildly bearish, it's just a prelude of crashes. Wink
12h PSAR flipped to bearish on all exchanges, also 1d PSAR flipped, so we're not going up significantly for a while.

In a market this small and illiquid, we are going up when someone decides to buy lots of BTC, and going down when people decide to sell lots of BTC.

In 4 years of watching BTC prices, have yet to see any chart predict any of BTCs large moves.

73. Post 11750657 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

well we've broken into the 260's. Onward and upward fellow bitcoiners

74. Post 11751012 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on June 30, 2015, 05:46:17 AM
Closing in on $265.

Gotta stay up a little longer. See how far it goes before the inevitable correction.

You've been around about the same amount of time as me Jimbo.... there were times when there simply was no correction...they are not always inevitable, although the last 18 months does tend to give one a pessimistic demeanour.  

75. Post 11770113 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

a corrupt police officer??? Shocked I tell you, shocked!

76. Post 11792637 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.19h):

Slow and steady up to $600 over the next 3 months.


77. Post 12816758 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Stopped paying any attention to BTC for a few months, nice to see my stash is back on the up and up. Need to buy a whole heap of PC gear when i visit USA in Jan, so please feel free to double bitcoin.

78. Post 12826849 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Ok this shit is getting crazy

79. Post 12826867 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

Maybe whoever stole all the gox coins has finally finished selling them all.

80. Post 12827871 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.29h):

hard to keep a good coin down Smiley

81. Post 12837510 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.30h):

Happy if it stayed around here for the next month or so, rising to $500 by mid jan. When you look at blockchain charts, it seems adoption is still proceeding steadily.

82. Post 12867089 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.30h):

Quote from: Globb0 on November 03, 2015, 09:30:39 AM

All In ... checked out of fiat... you really don't get it do you? It's not about the money, its about sending a message to petty would-be tyrants.

Noone's "waiting to cash out"

No one? OK I guess I don't get it. Every bitcoin owned is a political statement, not an investment, right.

The people with thousands didn't buy them, they mined them. And they did that either because they are interested in all thing crypto, or all things non-fiat.

83. Post 12877223 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.31h):

Jesus, this is full crazy mode, I remember this from back in 2013. Nice to be making money for a change, this HODLING business can get stressful as you see yourself making or losing money so fast. Glad I got in at less than $60, or I think i would be selling now just to easy the stress.

84. Post 14521498 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

I sent a friend 2BTC last night from my core wallet, and used 0.001 fee ( so around 50 cents), stupid transaction took 8 hours ( not to be confirmed, just to appear at all). Funny thing is, he sent me money via internet banking at the same time, and it arrived inside 2 hours!

Something is not working the way it is supposed to!

85. Post 14521689 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: lyth0s on April 13, 2016, 06:07:37 AM
I sent a friend 2BTC last night from my core wallet, and used 0.001 fee ( so around 50 cents), stupid transaction took 8 hours ( not to be confirmed, just to appear at all). Funny thing is, he sent me money via internet banking at the same time, and it arrived inside 2 hours!

Something is not working the way it is supposed to!

An unlikely claim. Please post the transaction ID.

Honestly curious how that will give you any info? I was getting pretty worried, so i kept checking the transaction ID on, and it kept saying not a transaction. Once the coins appeared unconfirmed only then did recognise my the transaction ID?

The only other thing i could think it might be was my core wallet was not completely up to date ( ie I had not downloaded all the blocks because i was on a metered connection, and didnt want to waste bandwidth, so i just opened core, waited till i had a connection to network, then sent). The coins showed as sent, there was a transaction Id, but not record of it anywhere for hours)

86. Post 14994736 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

3 years since i bought my BTC.

Has been some ups, some downs and some boring bits in the middle.
Still an excellent decision, and looking back i really can't believe the insane adoption that has happened over those last 3 years. Daily transactions, USD volume etc etc. Never really thought it would get this far, and when monitoring BTC on a day to day basis it is easy to get get caught up in all the bullshit and forget just how far we have come.

87. Post 17396880 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.01h):

feels like 2013 again.

88. Post 18029987 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.04h):

Quote from: rjclarke2000 on March 01, 2017, 10:24:49 PM
gawd, is it ever bearish around here ... just a little euphoria maybe, everyone seems a bit bored with ATH these days, ho-hum.

I think we are all aware the ETF won't happen and there will be a dump at the end of next week which the mainstream media outlets will love and report on no end.

ATH is great but next week I think will piss on everyone's fire.

Just my opinion from a pessimistic bull.

I don't think the ETF will be approved, but I think we will be stable above $1K a few days afterwards.

89. Post 18039915 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.04h):

Up up up.....

90. Post 20267714 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.14h):

Quote from: r0ach on July 20, 2017, 07:48:34 PM
Now you know why TPTB don't even attempt to try and stop bitcoin with people like Larry Summers even actively promoting it.  It's part of the jewish banking scheme to de-cash society and bring in the cashless slave system:

lol, everytime I have got gold from someone, it cost me >$100 in postage and insurance. Or 4% over spot for cash in hand.

91. Post 20269350 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.14h):

Quote from: doc12 on July 20, 2017, 10:14:40 PM

Didn't forgot anybody?
What to win?
ATH BTC date = 0.25 BTC + 0.25 BTC EXTRA for a specific reason why this date!

****ATH by bitstamp****

20/07 Siggy
21/07 Mr Frog
22/07 Protokol
24/07 Lost_in_base
26/07 Globbo
31/07 Infofront

02/08 Steelboy
03/08 D_eddie
04/08 Bitserve
05/08 Bikerleszno
06/08 Last of the v8s
07/08 Pajulapoiss
10/08 Machasm
19/08 Elwar
28/08 Vamos1

09/09 Edgar
11/09 Buwaytress
15/09 MinermanNC
17/09 Spaceman_spiff

01/10 K.Ehleyr
04/10 Herman Hesse
13/10 Cryptoqueen

12/12 Kurious
23/12 Fractaluniverse

Greetz, your Bitcoin sponsor                                  

12/08 for me por favor.

I'll have 25/07 if it's still free  Smiley Thanks

92. Post 20269383 (copy this link) (by Room101) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.14h):

Ok looks like it's taken,

I'll try 28/07 if possible. Because the markets Segwit hardon will be fully raging