All posts made by roach_lost in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 26625415 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.33h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 19, 2017, 08:29:50 AM
Here's another problem Marcus isn't going to want to deal with:

The r0ach report 29: Bitcoin is similar to the double slit experiment in practice - It only works if you don't use it

At it's heart, bitcoin is nothing more than a variable number multisig. With current mining centralization, it's probably a 2 of 3 or 3 of 5 multisig. So the only question is how big of a multisig is needed for it to be considered "decentralized"?

The fact that bitcoin is nothing more than a multisig in practice also makes it kind of bogus because a multisig is obviously not an open entropy system. For it to be an open entropy system, instead of using 6 confs, you would probably need to use literally infinite confs. That's kind of how bitcoin is a con in practice, because given an infinite timeline, you can attempt to make the claim bitcoin is a decentralized, open entropy system, but if you actually try to use it on a finite timeline, it morphs into nothing more than a centralized multisig. People claim that's "probabilistic", but no, it's just a centralized multisig when a finite timeline is applied.

So there you go folks, the only way for bitcoin to properly function is by not using it because the act of a human using it applies a fixed timeline and makes it's mechanics fall apart.

(and anonymint is going to argue the confs can be rolled back at any time during the middle of this process making whatever number of confs pointless in the first place)

You are not incorrect. So what?

2. Post 26637874 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.33h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 20, 2017, 02:50:04 AM
Don't listen to the fools thinking that any coin comes close to Bitcoin. There is no coin that is even close to solving the scalability problem.

Well duh, Lauda.  It's just like Hal Finney says, bitcoin can only function as a settlement network.  You would have people hoarding their life savings in bitcoins and then transferring say, $10k at a time or whatever to a 3rd party centralized service so that they can spend it (oxymoron since bitcoin itself is designed to centralize so both are centralized services in reality).

The problem here is even if you make believe bitcoin is decentralized, you can do the EXACT SAME THING with gold and silver - transfer a small amount at a time to a 3rd party service to spend it, and gold and silver are far superior stores of value while bitcoin isn't a store of value at all.  Metals also actually remove middle men when being spent in native coin format while there's no way possible to remove middlemen (transaction validators) from bitcoin.  Those transaction validators can also do things like pick and choose which transactions to block so it's not even a permissionless system!

As you can see, there's no reason for bitcoin to even exist compared to gold and silver.  It will never defeat metals as the base of Exter's pyramid.  Claiming an imaginary object (bitcoin) can be a superior store of value is the most laughable statement in the entire history of mankind.

1 - bitcoin is "decentralized", "finite" and set to increase in fiat value by design to attract the herds for tracking purposes. Everyone is doing it and your talk is not as valuable to anyone as incredible fiat value from simply having BTC. Your talk has no value to the herds when compared to the incredible handouts from the "decentralized" bitcoin.

2 - It is a lot easier to believe one is anonymous when transacting BTC than it is with gold and silver. The logic here is the same as the one that leads people to be ok with having their location continuously sent to servers because they can pretend it isn't real.

3 - There is every reason for bitcoin to exist compared to gold and silver for the same reason that there is every reason for garbage to be manufactured in China vs. being quality products of American manufacturing.

3. Post 26638588 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.33h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 20, 2017, 03:15:46 AM
Don't listen to the fools thinking that any coin comes close to Bitcoin. There is no coin that is even close to solving the scalability problem.

Well duh, Lauda.  It's just like Hal Finney says, bitcoin can only function as a settlement network.  You would have people hoarding their life savings in bitcoins and then transferring say, $10k at a time or whatever to a 3rd party centralized service so that they can spend it (oxymoron since bitcoin itself is designed to centralize so both are centralized services in reality).

The problem here is even if you make believe bitcoin is decentralized, you can do the EXACT SAME THING with gold and silver - transfer a small amount at a time to a 3rd party service to spend it, and gold and silver are far superior stores of value while bitcoin isn't a store of value at all.  Metals also actually remove middle men when being spent in native coin format while there's no way possible to remove middlemen (transaction validators) from bitcoin.

As you can see, there's no reason for bitcoin to even exist compared to gold and silver.  It will never defeat metals as the base of Exter's pyramid.  Claiming an imaginary object (bitcoin) can be a superior store of value is the most laughable statement in the entire history of mankind.
Except that metals can be mined indefinitely. And if the price of them increased beyond a certain point people would just research ways to create them in a lab. Meanwhile Bitcoins will never go beyond a given amount.

WRONG.  Earth for all intents and purposes is a CLOSED ECOSYSTEM.  The only difference is bitcoin is FLASH mined while it takes longer to corner all metals on the planet.  And don't give me some sci fi bullshit story about how people are going to live on the moon 2 years from now and mine crap there.  NOT HAPPENING.  People said the same nonsense in the year 1950.  Where's your flying car at?  Only thing that's changed since then is larger televisions and a few electronic gimmicks like iphones.  Even if you did mine in space, the cost of production will be several orders of magnitude higher making it pointless.  You would mine on the fucking ocean floor first before doing that.

And claiming bitcoin is finite isn't even true.  Bitcoin has low scalability, thus small amounts of transactions for high fees.  This means bitcoin has an INVERSE Schelling point.  People are incentivized NOT to use bitcoin and instead use an altcoin in order to avoid usury fees.  There is absolutely no fucking reason in this universe people are all forced to use one chain, NONE.  Advocating people do so is only promoting USURY because it's possible for people to just make a new chain and avoid being extorted.  This action eventually leads to the entire sector dying by dilution.

Gold and silver are the exact opposite.  They have no scaling problem, and they also have no altcoin problem.  It's not possible for you to just invent a new noble metal in your basement like you can an altcoin, so the noble metals actually do have a functional Schelling point instead of bitcoin's inverse Schelling point.  And no, there are not zillions of different metals that can take gold and silver's place.  They belong to a special category of metals called "noble metals" (platinum and a few others as well), and due to the traits of this group of metals such as anti-corrosiveness and scarcity, there are no better alternatives.

It takes two neutron stars to collide to make gold and silver.  It takes an idiot in his basement to create an altcoin.  What's in your safe cucks?

Metals not hoarded will be taken by attrition or force. Metals hoarded will be taken by attrition or force. How exactly do you defend against this unless you can command more force or generate more attrition than them? Both are achieved by issuing fiat and you don't issue it, they do. Neither of you issue metals but their fiat takes it from you. No defense possible over a long enough period. It is their game. They won and your free will is just the totality of possible moves you can make in their game because you had lost before birth.

4. Post 26639131 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.33h):

Quote from: AlexGR on December 20, 2017, 04:02:32 AM
Don't listen to the fools thinking that any coin comes close to Bitcoin. There is no coin that is even close to solving the scalability problem.

Well duh, Lauda.  It's just like Hal Finney says, bitcoin can only function as a settlement network.
As you can see, there's no reason for bitcoin to even exist compared to gold and silver.  It will never defeat metals as the base of Exter's pyramid.  Claiming an imaginary object (bitcoin) can be a superior store of value is the most laughable statement in the entire history of mankind.

Regarding settlements: The impact of, say, 1 million transactions of 226 bytes (226.000.000 bytes) is different in 1990's, 2000's, 2010's, 2020's, 2030's, 2040's etc as hardware and networks scale.

What is impossible in one decade, becomes feasible in the next, easy in the next decade, and trivial in the decade next to that. Blockchains will scale along with technology. Transactions will perhaps be only the lighter-load type of duty blockchains can perform, by even extending their capacities to hold a plethora of photo or video content. This is the reason why one can never say "never" - because hardware and network scaling is a given and it minimizes the impact of given data storage, data transmission and data processing requirements as time moves forward.

On the other hand, we know for a fact that PMs can't transmit value over the Internet. That's not going to change, because it's their nature as solid objects.

Bitcoin might not be the ultimate store of value, but both PMs and crypto compete against scam-fiat money, and this makes them both better options, suited for different cases. When full blown digitization of the economy takes place, and all fiat transactions become electronic, at that point the sale and purchasing of gold and silver will become a permissioned system. It is at that exact point when cryptocurrencies will become the most useful, as they will bypass the digital-fiat-controls barrier and work as parallel money. If you want to buy an ounce of metal without the establishment knowing it, you'll have to go through crypto.

Double plus good propaganda, little brother

In this sense, PMs+crypto will be complementary to each other, and even now they are both diversification against quickly devaluing* fiat scam.

* In some countries, much more than in others - which is reflected in huge BTC premiums, gold-import/gold-purchase restrictions, etc.

5. Post 26639650 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.33h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 20, 2017, 04:12:57 AM
Don't listen to the fools thinking that any coin comes close to Bitcoin. There is no coin that is even close to solving the scalability problem.

Well duh, Lauda.  It's just like Hal Finney says, bitcoin can only function as a settlement network.  You would have people hoarding their life savings in bitcoins and then transferring say, $10k at a time or whatever to a 3rd party centralized service so that they can spend it (oxymoron since bitcoin itself is designed to centralize so both are centralized services in reality).

The problem here is even if you make believe bitcoin is decentralized, you can do the EXACT SAME THING with gold and silver - transfer a small amount at a time to a 3rd party service to spend it, and gold and silver are far superior stores of value while bitcoin isn't a store of value at all.  Metals also actually remove middle men when being spent in native coin format while there's no way possible to remove middlemen (transaction validators) from bitcoin.

As you can see, there's no reason for bitcoin to even exist compared to gold and silver.  It will never defeat metals as the base of Exter's pyramid.  Claiming an imaginary object (bitcoin) can be a superior store of value is the most laughable statement in the entire history of mankind.
Except that metals can be mined indefinitely. And if the price of them increased beyond a certain point people would just research ways to create them in a lab. Meanwhile Bitcoins will never go beyond a given amount.

WRONG.  Earth for all intents and purposes is a CLOSED ECOSYSTEM.  The only difference is bitcoin is FLASH mined while it takes longer to corner all metals on the planet.  And don't give me some sci fi bullshit story about how people are going to live on the moon 2 years from now and mine crap there.  NOT HAPPENING.  People said the same nonsense in the year 1950.  Where's your flying car at?  Only thing that's changed since then is larger televisions and a few electronic gimmicks like iphones.  Even if you did mine in space, the cost of production will be several orders of magnitude higher making it pointless.  You would mine on the fucking ocean floor first before doing that.

And claiming bitcoin is finite isn't even true.  Bitcoin has low scalability, thus small amounts of transactions for high fees.  This means bitcoin has an INVERSE Schelling point.  People are incentivized NOT to use bitcoin and instead use an altcoin in order to avoid usury fees.  There is absolutely no fucking reason in this universe people are all forced to use one chain, NONE.  Advocating people do so is only promoting USURY because it's possible for people to just make a new chain and avoid being extorted.  This action eventually leads to the entire sector dying by dilution.

Gold and silver are the exact opposite.  They have no scaling problem, and they also have no altcoin problem.  It's not possible for you to just invent a new noble metal in your basement like you can an altcoin, so the noble metals actually do have a functional Schelling point instead of bitcoin's inverse Schelling point.  And no, there are not zillions of different metals that can take gold and silver's place.  They belong to a special category of metals called "noble metals" (platinum and a few others as well), and due to the traits of this group of metals such as anti-corrosiveness and scarcity, there are no better alternatives.

It takes two neutron stars to collide to make gold and silver.  It takes an idiot in his basement to create an altcoin.  What's in your safe cucks?

Metals not hoarded will be taken by attrition or force. Metals hoarded will be taken by attrition or force. How exactly do you defend against this unless you can command more force or generate more attrition than them? Both are achieved by issuing fiat and you don't issue it, they do. Neither of you issue metals but their fiat takes it from you. No defense possible over a long enough period. It is their game. They won and your free will is just the totality of possible moves you can make in their game because you had lost before birth.

When the cost benefit analysis of non-compliance outweighs the cost benefit analysis of compliance, that is when the goyim strike.  It's getting near.

Lofty dreams based on a story that is a distortion of reality. You are a lot more alone than you realize and you may never realize it but that did not happen the way you wish it did and it will not happen as you wish it would. What will happen is the idea of that as the means to you and yours living and dying for their goals; again.
You are a cell in a body in which they are the brain. We would all be worse off if you didn't perform your function, as whatever cell you are, out of delusion so why do you keep wasting time chasing a dream that can never bring you any upside in reality? Is it a fetish?

6. Post 26640247 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.33h):

Quote from: TERA2 on December 20, 2017, 04:39:14 AM
Good lord what is the fundamental reason for bch to be worth $50b, or even $5b? There are no bch futures. There is no bch for sale on major exchanges. There is no bch adoption or bch merchants. You cant buy lambos, hookers or blow with bch.

Usage and adoption are not why BTC is 300B either. Perhaps big brother has infinite cash to make the best tracking ever, the most irresistible ride ever. No publicity is bad publicity therefore no crypto hype is bad hype. How do we generate crypto hype? We buy it with infinite fiat. Why do we buy it with infinite fiat? Well, it costs nothing. Most importantly it is because having everyone cryptod is worth 1000 facebooks.

And everyone will be cryptod soon...

7. Post 26812596 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Quote from: 404Revolution on December 23, 2017, 02:01:07 AM
Listen, I know these are difficult times. But let's try to remain civil. Remember why we're here.
To crush souls and steal their money? Yeah, most of us seem to have forgotten.

I may be interpreting this incorrectly but you seem rather passive aggressive. How much in fiat have you lost so far?

8. Post 26814799 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Quote from: LewisPirenne on December 23, 2017, 03:56:28 AM

It is possible to synthesize silver with modern equipment, though. Although I concede that the production cost would end up being magnitudes of order greater than any value received. Our civilization would have to be on the Dyson Sphere level to even come close to making that economical.

I think the fact that years ago, everyone knows that solar energy requires massive amount of silver and yet silver failed to stage even a meaningful rally is quite bearish.  Even China, which is on Silver Standard for a millennium and was one of the largest silver producer in the world (still is), doesn't care about silver.  It just means that silver has been demonetized.  A study on why something would be monetized (like bitcoin) or demonetized (like silver) is an interesting topic in itself.  But now days, I just give away those silver maples/eagles as souvenirs.  Pretty much no one has a clue on how much these lovely coins are worth.

As for Dyson Sphere, I suspect that if they are ever built, they would be for powering bitcoin hashing rather than synthesizing silver at the rate we are going with hashrate.   Wink

Silver is demonetized because the sovereign wants it to be demonetized. Similarly to how the UK drivers use the side of the road opposite to the side of the road used by the US. Different rulers; to a degree.

9. Post 26815174 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Quote from: jojo69 on December 23, 2017, 02:57:00 AM
This was on Seth Myers last night too.

wow...they actually packed a lot of information in that, and finished with a zinger...I like it

Yes, yes and the characters are on point too with the black woman being logical and inquisitive while the blonde woman is naive and emotional. It just fits the narrative so perfectly one almost forgets this is actually an ad for bitcoin trying to get more people to adopt it than the apparent criticism that is somehow expected by most to come from a sarcastic sketch show forever used as an extremely effective source of extremely powerful commie poison.

10. Post 26815340 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 23, 2017, 04:35:33 AM
I think the fact that years ago, everyone knows that solar energy requires massive amount of silver and yet silver failed to stage even a meaningful rally is quite bearish.

That has zero to do with it.  The US produces BARELY ANY silver at all.  They rigged the price of silver to both try and prop up the debt based scam dollar, plus it means the US pays nothing for all the silver it imports.  It also means nations like Mexico give away some of their most precious assets for nothing.  All that is now changing.

Many of these other nations they tried to impoverish on purpose started hoarding gold (like India and numerous arab states).  So now there is no real incentive for organizations like the Pilgrim society to prop up gold and suppress silver.  If anything, there's now more incentive to let silver rise and suppress gold.  None of the world powers want places like India to all become millionaires overnight.  That would just mean the other nations are their slaves, and why would anyone be a slave to India?  The fact India has lots of gold means the price of gold is capped at a certain point but silver can moonshot.

Fort Knox doesn't have the gold there either and JP Morgan has acquired an enormous amount of silver on behalf of the US govt as part of their plan B, C, D, E, F, G when the monetary system blows up; that and strategic reserve. So as you can see, silver is not going to be suppressed much longer since there's no real reason to.  When the metals sector breaks free, they aren't going to try and stop silver from ripping people's faces off.

Even China, which is on Silver Standard for a millennium and was one of the largest silver producer in the world (still is), doesn't care about silver.

There is a reason China now issues silver in the same acrylic, protective capsules as they do gold.  You just haven't seen why yet.

Silver as well as all precious metals have a long future of suppression at least until full blockchain adoption is in place. By then only the inner party will be able to use their blockchain money for pm purchases so everyone will be happy by default.
You will learn not to even want it eventually, particularly when there is absolutely no way to use your tokens to get it and everyone you know was born in the same system.

11. Post 26817093 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 23, 2017, 05:04:01 AM
I think the fact that years ago, everyone knows that solar energy requires massive amount of silver and yet silver failed to stage even a meaningful rally is quite bearish.

That has zero to do with it.  The US produces BARELY ANY silver at all.  They rigged the price of silver to both try and prop up the debt based scam dollar, plus it means the US pays nothing for all the silver it imports.  It also means nations like Mexico give away some of their most precious assets for nothing.  All that is now changing.

Many of these other nations they tried to impoverish on purpose started hoarding gold (like India and numerous arab states).  So now there is no real incentive for organizations like the Pilgrim society to prop up gold and suppress silver.  If anything, there's now more incentive to let silver rise and suppress gold.  None of the world powers want places like India to all become millionaires overnight.  That would just mean the other nations are their slaves, and why would anyone be a slave to India?  The fact India has lots of gold means the price of gold is capped at a certain point but silver can moonshot.

Fort Knox doesn't have the gold there either and JP Morgan has acquired an enormous amount of silver on behalf of the US govt as part of their plan B, C, D, E, F, G when the monetary system blows up; that and strategic reserve. So as you can see, silver is not going to be suppressed much longer since there's no real reason to.  When the metals sector breaks free, they aren't going to try and stop silver from ripping people's faces off.

Even China, which is on Silver Standard for a millennium and was one of the largest silver producer in the world (still is), doesn't care about silver.

There is a reason China now issues silver in the same acrylic, protective capsules as they do gold.  You just haven't seen why yet.

Silver as well as all precious metals have a long future of suppression at least until full blockchain adoption is in place. By then only the inner party will be able to use their blockchain money for pm purchases so everyone will be happy by default.
You will learn not to even want it eventually, particularly when there is absolutely no way to use your tokens to get it and everyone you know was born in the same system.

Haha.  The jews have far overplayed their hand and everyone knows it's them pushing for a cashless society slave system and all the other horrors they're behind. The more they push from here, the faster the rest of the planet will dispose of them for good.  They are the biggest paper tiger that has ever existed and will be shocked at how fast they're exterminated.

Hating another group the actual owners want you to hate isn't very enlightened and it is a little disappointing.

Are the odds not very high that the Jews are just another one of the groups they hide behind? It would be too obvious otherwise.
The owners have been generating hatred for groups they can hide behind for all of history, what would be different now?

Having you hate whatever group that is too broad to isolate them is very productive for them so why have you fallen in this trap so deeply despite seeing so much? It would be much easier to realize the reality that is the owners are too small of a group to ever be correctly identified when the scale is that of a major religion or race. It would then be very obvious too that you are being played and there is no meaningful power to you or yours, only occasional appearance of power when someone wins the lottery or does well in the casino. All by design to keep reality going.

If you were part of the owners you would do to others exactly what they do to you, just with a different label, so why not just admit jealousy and live without hatred and always improving yourself, enjoying every tiny amount of real power anonymity allows you to enjoy as long as you keep your thoughts to yourself?

12. Post 26817652 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Quote from: OWZ1337 on December 23, 2017, 06:05:32 AM
hooo boy, here we go again

R.I.P. BITPAY  Cry ===>

BTC winter starts now.

13. Post 26817878 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Quote from: TERA2 on December 23, 2017, 06:20:02 AM
The only reason any merchant accepts bitcoin is because of services like Bitpay that instantly dump for fiat

Having merchants take bitcoin was retarded anyway. Centralization will always be required for dust. bitcoin is for the ultra nation, not the commoners. Bitcoin as a protocol is for everyone.

14. Post 26818653 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.34h):

Quote from: TERA2 on December 23, 2017, 06:44:51 AM
Creation of fiat is neccessary because they amount of goods, services, and people are constantly growing. If there was no new fiat, fiat would be deflationary and then nobody would spend it - only hoard it like bitcoins.

hold the phone there Tex.

this sphere is finite.  An economy that has to grow to survive is not sustainable.
At that time the creation of fiat can decrease. It's not like it's hardcoded.

But maximum confiscation requires always increasing the issuance so let's be realistic. The blockchain that you will end up using for all your money will have the same exact properties and the economy will continue on increasing infinitely in perception. In reality, if your group is on the chopping block, you just keep getting less and less for more and more output. If your group is not on the chopping block, the opposite is true.

It's a very complex game and they spend a lot of time making sure the ones that could see it keep on being worried about solving the technical problems that allow the sovereignty of the owners to increase infinitely in perception. In reality they just become so powerful as to eventually never having competition. It's a Brave New World kind of scenario, just no fordism yet.

15. Post 26818846 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: jojo69 on December 23, 2017, 06:48:33 AM

At that time the creation of fiat can decrease. It's not like it's hardcoded.

The inflation incentivizes immediate consumption resulting in the tsunami of disposable crap we see today.  It is not just that we CAN build a deflationary economy, we HAVE to.

This is one of the main things Bitcoin has the potential to help fix.

You really see it. Eyes wide open. BTC is the big carrot today for the ones like you indeed. Unfortunately your type will end up being the first in line for purging once they accomplish full blockchain adoption. You can take that to the decentralized-Nash-equilibrium-unregulated-unhackable-deflationary-blockchain-one-of-the-greatest-inventions-in-history-true-freedom-antifragile-personal bank.

16. Post 26819198 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: jojo69 on December 23, 2017, 07:03:49 AM
your type will end up being the first in line for purging once they accomplish full blockchain adoption.

certainly possible, so enlighten us, oh guru, how do we identify and fight the real masters?

You do not.

17. Post 26819687 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: TERA2 on December 23, 2017, 07:23:38 AM

It includes a consumer and bonus cash.

18. Post 26860576 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: Neo_Coin on December 24, 2017, 12:54:58 AM
Buywall broken.   BCH falling.

If BTC were to lose the number 1 position, it is highly unlikely that it would be replaced by another PoW coin. PoS is more likely and it actually would make for a more elegant ultimate track and control blockchain based fiat than bitcoin which is already a close approximation to this monster in itself.

Now if BTC were to be abandoned by the miners in favor of BCH then I could see BTC continuing in that form for some time longer. It is a legitimate fork, this is just a weird (considering the amounts involved) and temporary situation.

19. Post 26862613 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: Torque on December 24, 2017, 01:38:09 AM
That was the opposite of well said.  He didn't explain ANYTHING about how LN is going to solve any of the problems I listed in the quote below.  Bitcoin is a god damn cult of idiots, I swear.  Look at this sirazimuth's guy signature for fucks sake:

"Bitcoin...the future of all monetary transactions...and always will be"

That looks like it was written by a 3 year old.  No reasoning, no nothing.  Just "buy my centralized pump and dump scheme because ...I dunno!"

Explain how I can securely send gold or silver across the world for payment without any friction/transaction fee or middleman to have to trust, or GTFOOH you idiot.

You cannot securely or insecurely transfer any quantity of information across the world for payment or any other purpose without friction, transaction fees, middlemen, gravity, thermodynamics and other things alike which are part of how reality works. The same reality that has been developing for billions of years in which you and I are just one infinitesimal part.

Bitcoin is not a perpetual machine. You are buying into the illusion sold to you by the ones who want to enslave, at best, you and your descendants.

You are not your own bank when your mining cannot in any way influence a proof of work system.

You are not your own bank when your storage of bitcoin depends always upon third parties to continue on doing immense amounts of proof of work to keep it safe. Do you think they will always be happy with just fees and block rewards?

You could never securely send bitcoin across the world without any friction/transaction fee or middlemen. Friction was always there, transaction fees were always there and miners, ISPs, Operating Systems, computer hardware architectures, were all there as middlemen all along.

20. Post 26862774 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: realr0ach on December 24, 2017, 01:46:48 AM
That was the opposite of well said.  He didn't explain ANYTHING about how LN is going to solve any of the problems I listed in the quote below.  Bitcoin is a god damn cult of idiots, I swear.  Look at this sirazimuth's guy signature for fucks sake:

"Bitcoin...the future of all monetary transactions...and always will be"

That looks like it was written by a 3 year old.  No reasoning, no nothing.  Just "buy my centralized pump and dump scheme because ...I dunno!"

Explain how I can securely send gold or silver across the world for payment without any friction/transaction fee or middleman, or GTFOOH you idiot.

I can explain that easily.  Have you ever noticed that systems like Steam the game platform don't let you resell games you buy?  Probably because it would turn it's customers into competitors.  Why?  Because their model is based around the scam of pretending intellectual property has scarcity when it doesn't.  When you remove the artificial scarcity, their business collapses.  

What the fuck is bitcoin?  Absolutely nothing but the same artificial scarcity scam.  You're buying into a con and pretending artificial scarcity has value just like on Steam (unless your goal was to donate money to the game developer instead of participate in functional economics).  The lesson from Steam is that wealth does not exist in the digital world.  Everything digital is inherently valueless because it doesn't have scarcity.  No, artificial scarcity is not scarcity, it's a con job.

The answer is, you cannot send "money" digitally because money and wealth does not exist digitally.  The only thing you can send digitally are...IOUs....or valueless 0's and 1's, pick one.

Intellectual Property has scarcity. What has very limited scarcity is the ability to copy digital IP and by getting highly educated users to rent it in a way they cannot copy it works great as a way to keep charging fees for artificially scarce copying ability. The same is true for Netflix and others.

Everything is asymptotic. The closest to money and wealth commoners ever experience is the shadow on the wall of the cave projected by the owners. Whether it is in the form of taxed land, state currencies, company stocks or a heavily regulated productive business, they are all allowed to exist by the grace of the owners. Consequently, land, businesses, stocks, currency, digital or otherwise, are the truest form of money and wealth the vast majority of people anywhere will ever experience or even understand as such.

21. Post 26863249 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: DaRude on December 24, 2017, 02:56:22 AM

When I first showed back up you gently, but firmly, advised me not to feed the troll.

I'm here to return the favor.

I'm done. By confronting the troll directly and him not directly answering my question, I think anyone else reading this thread will understand that he's just wasting people's time.

But I ask you this then in return, why has he not been perma-banned from the WO thread? Or at least his posts deleted, if we ALL can agree that he's just a troll? Why should we all suffer this idiot whilst he constantly spams the WO thread with his drivel?

i second that. infofront, ban him.

Why make the decision for the user, there's an ignore button that's just as useful, unless of course s/he manages to get another noob to quote him/her.

This is reasonable. Also, I am not realr0ach. I am certain he has lost, he is not.

22. Post 26913066 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: nikauforest on December 25, 2017, 03:04:08 AM
First of all, there is no perfect competition. Some businesses will always gain an edge. As happens over and over again, an oligarchy is eventually formed. If left unchecked, a cartel is then formed. Then the cartel can charge whatever price the market will bear. For some products and services, this price is quite high indeed. As can be seen from the current tx market with Bitcoin, the cost people are willing to expend on a transaction is quite high. Pennies is not going to be that price. It will be magnitudes of orders higher.

This is actually a good point.  TX fees are extremely high right now because BS/Core has formed a cartel in order to limit the production of block space.  What is confusing (and ironic) is that the miners (those who one would naively suspect to attempt to form a cartel) want the production quota lifted!  So, yes, experience is showing that Bitcoin is somewhat susceptible to cartel formation (it's just surprising that it's cartels of developers rather than cartels of miners).    

 Oh yes, this recent growth in the mempool is totally organic.  Roll Eyes Or do you think Bitcoin Core may be deliberately spamming the network even though AFAIK, it would have no benefit to them? Seems like a pretty pricey demonstration for them to demonstrate why LN is needed. Cheesy Of course, Saint Jihan Wu and friends would never consider stuffing the mempool with lower fee transactions so they can collect the higher transactions piling on top of that. We all know Saint Jihan Wu is much too altruistic to even consider doing something like that.  Roll Eyes

Does it matter the reason who or why transaction fees are high? To me the high fees are a weakness which is being attacked. It is completely predictable.
Bitcoin Cash sees an opportunity and it is attacking Bitcoin . (a predictable result)
“the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.” ( Core's high fees)
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
tags: defeat, enemy, opportunity, strategy, war

All of this makes sense. The correct conduct is to just abstain from indulging in the grand promises from Satoshi's Bitcoin. This game was rigged, is rigged and will be rigged. The temporary individual gains will eventually be cancelled by an exponential expansion of 1984.

23. Post 26913300 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.35h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on December 25, 2017, 03:11:58 AM
The price of Bitcoin, it's too low. I liked it when it was higher. The world liked it when it was higher. This shouldn't even be an argument.

The world wants it to be higher. It will be much, MUCH higher. Consider it the cost of a PR giveaway vs. other forms of PR. It will be worth it to the ones giving it away. This is similar to free email or free social networking, a bargain to you and a bargain to them. Fortunately they want you in the blockchain about 1000 times as much as they want you on Facebook so here comes the money.
It's a sell your soul kind of deal but it seems like they have all been for most of us during the past seventy years or so. The question is, do we actually have a choice?

24. Post 27186720 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.36h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 30, 2017, 02:36:13 AM
Hi, new to the thread. Could you guys give me an opinion?

Have a little XRP, around 1k. What are you thoughts on moving to BTC now? Enjoying the BTC low and XRP high to try to buy it back later on?


Makes hardly no sense to be asking about what the fuck to do with your banker coin in this thread.

The vast majority of thread participants herein would have never bought such a stupid dumbass centralized manipulated coin, and even if they did, they would not have hung onto it nearly as long as you have, because it would have largely been considered to be like a hot potato.. so maybe you are trolling here, no?  There is only one fucking correct answer that you should expect, so why ask?

Sell the fucking thing. and/or get the fuck out of here.

"stupid dumbass centralized manipulated coin"

The biggest "stupid dumbass" I see is the one who believes there is any coin that isn't a shitcoin and/or a "centralized manipulated coin".


25. Post 27187345 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.36h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 30, 2017, 03:02:10 AM
Hi, new to the thread. Could you guys give me an opinion?

Have a little XRP, around 1k. What are you thoughts on moving to BTC now? Enjoying the BTC low and XRP high to try to buy it back later on?


Makes hardly no sense to be asking about what the fuck to do with your banker coin in this thread.

The vast majority of thread participants herein would have never bought such a stupid dumbass centralized manipulated coin, and even if they did, they would not have hung onto it nearly as long as you have, because it would have largely been considered to be like a hot potato.. so maybe you are trolling here, no?  There is only one fucking correct answer that you should expect, so why ask?

Sell the fucking thing. and/or get the fuck out of here.

"stupid dumbass centralized manipulated coin"

The biggest "stupid dumbass" I see is the one who believes there is any coin that isn't a shitcoin and/or a "centralized manipulated coin".


Speak for yourself, silver, gold, pm pumper.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes  You are so dumb that you cannot even figure out how to find a proper thread for your posts.   Cheesy Cheesy

It's a nice touch that you cannot tell realr0ach != roach_lost.

This is worth the nested quote, which I hope you someday are able to understand and enjoy, "dumbass".

26. Post 36343774 (copy this link) (by roach_lost) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.54h):

Quote from: Last of the V8s on May 04, 2018, 09:51:09 PM
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Anyone in a fighting mood?

“Congress gave the Fed a monopoly over money,” Mr. Warsh said. “

Which was fraudulent and in violation of the US Constitution

ok, perhaps. but it's been accepted as normal, allowed, and legal for... what, something like 100 years now? what, precisely, do you expect to be done about it? to remove the fed's power is nigh impossible. it would likely require literal war and revolution to bring down the government as we know it and build something new, or at least closer to the original constitution if that's the goal.

i say the same thing to any theory - like faked moon landings or flat earth or less insane ones like this Fed thing. ok, so maybe you're right. what's your point? what do you want to be DONE about it, and what will that change? are you going to do it? do you think you can actually effect change at all?
Many folks, myself included, are fascinated by bitcoin because a belief that it can take down the Fed and the other central banks.  The concept of bitcoin is very powerful.

Maybe 10,000 us$ by the end of the weekend?

...well, ok, yea. that's... very true. i... er... right, shutting up.

am a bit drunk to respond fairly to this convo, but you both have valid points and shouldn't back off. Bitcoin itself will do a lot of the heavy lifting in ending the Fed and creating an honest society. But it also us - what are we doing to those ends? holding, running nodes, mining, building infrastructure? keeping the USG out (cf scams like eth/bcash/intel/google)?

personally, all i can do is run a node at the moment. which, come to think of it, might not even be a full node - i think i need to open a port of the router or such... but i enjoy mining and hodling. just no money to get decent gear, and my 100 gh's isn't exactly worth running these days. i used to dream about having a big farm, but i've had a rather rough decade, financially, so it hasn't happened. might finally have a decent job though, so who knows.
sure man i read about some of your heyday early group buy, but you can still educate people after the day job and you can maybe put some $ aside into btc each month. you need a bit of money for a full node for the uphill b/w, but hey we all do what we can do

So it is a consensus then? Everyone believes that Bitcoin is a tool against the owners? This is exactly wrong and if you have minimally studied Bitcoin you know it is wrong.

Are all of you so drunken on unearned profits that you cannot see how Bitcoin is made by them running on the machines they have developed from scratch? We are users and pushers, not the creator.

You would not believe an entrepreneur is a legislator but you believe anyone doing work that is descendent from Bitcoin is actually writing the laws which the sovereign will adopt? I am sure you do not believe it. Let me put it more succinctly.

Bitcoin is the Fed 2.0. Got that?

One more time.

Bitcoin is the Fed 2.0.

Beware of the paradise which you seek to create. It is a stronger hell than the hell you seek to escape.