All posts made by traderCJ in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 3777230 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Quote from: revans on November 30, 2013, 02:35:13 AM
With the announcement that gox and possibly coinbase is accepting litecoin trading. Do you think altcoins are going to affect bitcoin negatively? I mean people looking to get rich quickly would probably rather buy the cheaper coin than bitcoin. This is going to get complex.

Oh noes. Competition!

Do you think the prevalence of silver, platinum and paladium on the PM market puts upward or downward pressure on gold?  Instead of having only a "gold" market, you now have a "precious metals" market.  Here, you transition from a Bitcoin market to a cryptocurrency market.  It wouldn't surprise me if the rise of alt-coins actually attracts more investors than would have otherwise put their money into Bitcoins only.  There are some newcomers who simply do not like Bitcoin for whatever reason, but may be lured in with an alt-coin ("this one's cheaper", "this one has <some feature>", etc).  Eventually, they will buy some Bitcoin to hedge their bets.  Alt-coins could very well become a gateway drug ..

2. Post 3779044 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

I don't think I've ever seen the markets this calm.

3. Post 3779379 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Quote from: niothor on November 30, 2013, 12:39:25 PM
I don't think I've ever seen the markets this calm.

And you're following them since ? Smiley

Since Janurary .. I guess it was a bit choppy earlier.  I've had stamp open the past 8 hours and it's like watching a glacier Smiley

4. Post 3786828 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Quote from: rpietila on November 30, 2013, 11:00:04 PM
When the crash comes, I think not many in the forum is buying. After going to $2k and crashing to $1k, would you really buy? Everybody is shitless by then. It is completely at the mercy of the new money then.

Are you being serious?  A crash is precisely what 90% of this forum wants.  How many times have I heard people screaming for "cheap coins"?  It's a sign that we all want more coins (faith in BTC's future) but we feel like we didn't quite get enough of them at the price we wanted .. ($0.01)

5. Post 3788924 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Quote from: aminorex on December 01, 2013, 03:04:30 AM
I am amazed to still find people posting about currency deriving its value from "faith".  That is a  preposterous  big lie which gains currency only from its constant repetition.  A currency per se derives its value from its use.  Not from faith orconfidence or backing in quatloos or fairy dust.  This is accurately and adequately described by the quantity theory of money:  PQ=MV.   The value thus derived is kept connected to the currency by the faith or confidence that the utility conditions described in this equation will persist over the users discounting horizon.

Bitcoins have uses other than use as currency, i.e. a medium of exchange, and therefore the fundamental value of  bitcoin is greater than the total M might naively imply,  but of course the quantity theory adequately accounts for this in the V factor.

Why would someone accept a piece of currency in exchange for a good?  Because they expect that the currency will have value tomorrow.  Put another way, they have faith that the next time they use the currency, its value in terms of goods will be more or less the same (or greater, in the case of BTC .. hopefully).  Mass psychology.  People speculate on the sentiments of others whenever they accept a unit of currency whether they know it or not.

6. Post 3800964 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Quote from: rpietila on November 10, 2013, 08:35:03 AM

A real crash will have the following characteristic:
- price will have risen really high, really quickly over several weeks
- 100,000s of bitcoins are brought to the market by large manipulators that are sure of their ability to tip it over
- Some bitcoins will be sold to induce the forced closure of leveraged positions, resulting in a flashcrash
- Price will quickly bounce back to almost where it was
- The following day/night lots of bitcoins will be sold to destroy the market sentiment and start a panic
- Exchanges, information services, this forum, etc. will be ddosed, mass media publicity will be enormous and negative
- Price will plummet so that about 3 weeks' gains will be erased (about 75% from the high), although it will remain above the previous ATH (in this case $266) by a clear margin.

I won't go into details why it happens this way, but a big reason is that exchanges utterly lack liquidity and btc/usd-rate is therefore at a mercy of manipulators.

The only thing he got right is that we had a correction and this forum was hacked (this has happened several times).  Those who hacked the forum are rolling deep enough to drop BTC markets 25% or so.  Regarding the forum, people tend to assume the worst when all the price discovery information you have is a ticker tape bleeding red.  Community shores up the prices.  Consensus.  On Sunday, the community was muted.  Weak hands were slaughtered.  They will probably come sulking back after a few months.  Smart traders have fiat on exchanges waiting to snatch up cheap coins.  Each correction flushes out the weak and strengthens already strong hands.  I think most people here can agree that the biggest mistake they made in BTC was selling.  Will this hold true tomorrow?  No one knows.  Throw money you can part with at this grand experiment and buckle up.

7. Post 3801434 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Quote from: Chaang Noi (Goat) ช้างน้อย on December 02, 2013, 10:51:32 PM
i had 320,000 that i sold recently. wtf are people thinking?  i made like $2,000,000 more or less on accident. this sort of thing makes me worried. no fucking way that should happen. that alt is not worth much at all, its why i got so much of it in the first palce.

On what exchange did you sell 320,000 PPC?

8. Post 3803567 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Quote from: macsga on December 03, 2013, 07:33:41 AM
i have to agree, ive noticed this ones as well, really nice observations there
Thanks! Sometimes it "pays" to be a physicist. Wink

Nicely done.  Is that Mathematica?

9. Post 3803694 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.31h):

Quote from: macsga on December 03, 2013, 08:01:18 AM
i have to agree, ive noticed this ones as well, really nice observations there
Thanks! Sometimes it "pays" to be a physicist. Wink

Nicely done.  Is that Mathematica?

Most possibly yes. It refers to Free-Surface Synthetic Schlieren (FS-SS) an optical method developed for the measurement of the instantaneous topography of the interface between two transparent fluids (search in google for: Bubbles and Spikes in the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability). A great article can be found here:
Oh one last thing:

(looks familiar doesn't it?...)
You'll be amazed how many things econo-metrics and fluid mechanics have in common. Grin

Now THIS is some interesting analysis.  So much more satisfying that people drawing red and blue trend lines on a chart.  Can you explain exactly what is plotted on that graph you posted back there?  I'm guessing Z is price and one of the axes is time?  What is the other?  Why does it look like there are two different data sets being graphed (smooth vs noisy)?

10. Post 3845512 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.32h):

Quote from: seleme on December 06, 2013, 04:11:37 AM
Am I the only one completely unfazed by this drop?  Perhaps it is a sign that I have been involved with BTC long enough to understand that what goes up must come down but will eventually go up again?  As a newbie I pretty much panicked in April and was depressed when the price dropped after that epic rise but now it just feels normal and almost welcomed to have some drops.  Corrections have to happen in the growth process I believe.  The great thing I am seeing is that the drops are getting smaller percentage wise.  Perhaps due to the larger number of holders and less whales that can manipulate prices?  

Well, it certainly helps when the price is several times above your initial investment. The Silk Road Crash was terrifying for me, and while I made some profit from it it would've been a lot better without the emotion.

But I think you're right. Whales have less influence and apparently cannot topple the market on a whim. We will have to rise much higher for that to happen. I'll be ready.  Cool

Bold part is very true, just wrote about it on other thread.

The only people that are shitting their pants at each 20$ or so dip are those that invested in last month or two and are scared to death that their investment might be wiped out. Most of us were there and acted like that. But with time, you just learn that BTC always come back and only governments banning it could make a difference. Since most important government basically gave a green light 2 weeks ago the only point is if we are going to take advantage of those dips, flash crashes or bear markets.

Agreed, I'm pretty jaded.  I got in around $250 and threw some money at alts.  For me to lose money, we'd need to drop deep into the $200s.  That's just me, so I tend to shrug off a lot of this.  I remember back before April when I jumped in around the $100 point and was not a happy camper.  I suppose going through all of that steels one's resolve.  I suspect most of the people here have been through similar trials and tribulations.

If we already had a perfect technology with 100% acceptance, it would already be too astronomically expensive to afford in bulk.  People seem to expect they're going to get a deal.  Nope.  You get what you pay for.

11. Post 3845675 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.32h):

Quote from: gizmoh on December 06, 2013, 04:36:28 AM
Ya.  Just spent some fiat.  We'll see.
My $1010 prediction was perfect.

Hats off man, now i gotta give credit to this algo trader theory.There is some higher power above controlling the coin  Roll Eyes

I must have missed Larry King Live, what's the grand prediction here?  I believe that this most recent sell off is simply an expectation that more Chinese investors would dump in the morning .. so all the European night owls and Americans start dumping as the Chinese awaken ..

12. Post 3846232 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.32h):

Quote from: bitboyben on December 06, 2013, 06:08:58 AM
Word on the street: India.
And they hate being out done by China.
$1300 next week

Source please.  Hell, you can't even legally import gold into India.  I don't think Indian regulators will take too kindly to Bitcoin, but I could be wrong.  I don't know why India didn't jump in earlier .. compared to China, they have a much higher English literacy rate so you'd think they'd already be all over the existing exchanges.

13. Post 3847766 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.32h):

Quote from: Vycid on December 06, 2013, 06:43:41 AM
It's not reasonable to expect a second "China effect" out of India. Our attention now should be focused on Wall Street.

Truer words have never been spoken.

14. Post 3848111 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.32h):

Quote from: seleme on December 06, 2013, 10:01:39 AM
The daily charts look horrible - EMA violated, MACD down, parabolic sar flipped, RSI below 70. But it looks like perhaps we're still being supported by "choo choo mofo" trendline we've had since day 1 of ATH break. I wonder if this trendline could slowly drive us to ATH? This would probably be the last breakout since that trend would be moving too slow to keep up with any significant higher levels.

Technical people have done absolutely horribly in the past in this forum. I don't know of anyone who has made more bitcoins compared to buy&hold over any extended period of time (even 12 months, which does not prove anything really).

Yes - I mean it: I don't know any technical trader who has not lost money, meaning that all his effort has been in vain and harmful, compared to one who just holds.

If I did buy and hold I'd still have 7 BTC. I didn't, I traded like there's no tomorrow (alts vs btc mainly) and if everything goes as planned I'd probably own 300-400 BTC some time Q1 2014. 200 almost guaranteed if I'd be live at that time.

It had nothing with TA though. Making money on alt pumps and dumps has heck all with TA, it's much easier than that.

Hmm 7 BTC -> 300-400 BTC is pretty extreme, however I do agree that alts are the way to go with a portion of one's stash.  My strategy is focus on the ones with unique features and you'll do just fine.  What is interesting is that they tend to act like an extreme version of BTC.  BTC down -> ALTs way, way down .. BTC up -> ALTs way, way up.  I  had hoped they would act as a decent hedge but they're pretty much the opposite.  In any event, they serve their purpose.

rpietila: I agree, I think those forecasts are an order of magnitude off, however .. if one were to go from 7 -> 300-400 in alts I'd say it's more luck than anything else.

15. Post 3858264 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Davyd05 on December 07, 2013, 12:24:53 AM
Is it agreed, that a lot of overnight bears got slaughtered like pigs today?

If the prediction that this weekend will be a buyers weekend.. oh god.. it would be like a genocide.

At least let the show run it's course before guessing the ending! We got 2 full days to go, time will tell!

Yeah I called it slaughter for today.. on overnight bears. I mean if your long term sure maybe we visit 600 - 700 there is no doubt we've run up quickly.. but how long we stay there is probably like an hour.. 2 max.. to many bullish or long term investors showing up. I mean maybe the billionaires are colluding to short.. but they're doing it to get cheap coins..

Agreed.  Once people are comfortable that these developments have been fully digested by the market, they will buy back in.  Price discovery is a beautiful thing.  I predict that those who cashed out for good will regret it in a few months.  I've got some fiat on the sidelines waiting to jump in.  Eh, picking bottoms certainly is a dirty business Smiley

16. Post 3858808 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: John999 on December 07, 2013, 01:32:52 AM
Look at them. They still think $800 is the bottom. Hahaha
I'll bet you a coin I can call the bottom more accurately than you can.

I don't know what the bottom is, I just know it is lower than this.

Way lower than this.

It's a lot of speculators cashing out thinking they can buy in lower, creating both a self-fulfilling prophecy and an extremely unstable system.  Lol.  Easy to laugh when you get in really low.

17. Post 3859269 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):


18. Post 3859382 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: Vycid on December 07, 2013, 02:20:20 AM
I just got an SMS reminder that I had set a couple weeks ago for 4100 CNY so I'd wake up if we passed it in the middle of the night.

That put things in perspective...

Let's see .. on Nov 1, stamp was right around $200.  Lol.  Hard to believe that was a month and change ago.

Now all the chickuns are on the sidelines with fiat looking at each other to see if this is the time to buy back in.

19. Post 3859676 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: pokerman on December 07, 2013, 02:51:57 AM
This is the kinda sentiment I'm talking about, but this will not fly in the real world.

Didn't you say BTC was done for?  What are you still doing here?

20. Post 3859764 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Look how twitchy Bitstamp is.  When BTC China drops 50 RMB, Bearstamp drops a good $20-30.

I think perspective is important.  The first time BTC China broke 4800 RMB was .. 11/18.  Less than a month ago.  As usual, the market goes into absolute closed-loop, positive feedback hysteria and the whales eat the plankton.

21. Post 3859826 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: mvidetto on December 07, 2013, 03:07:47 AM
Dump #2 incoming most likely, when you least expect it.

Could be that same guy who bought in heavy @ 3800 hoping to create another panic.  Why not?  He will make a killing again.

22. Post 3859894 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Quote from: beaconpcguru on December 07, 2013, 03:10:52 AM
As you have constantly said this whole course.  It only going to matter to those that made it a loss at an attempt at shorting only to buy back higher, doom and gloom may be around but you should notice the posts are of a whole different quality from a completely different set of people (posters), lately in the midst of the fear that had taken grip.  The volume is still short on the buy side... its going to take back off once people realize there really aren't that many extra coins for sale (this could change later) but for now there has been alot of attempts at actually trading what was a quick slide and is far from the worse in terms of sheer loss nor the amount of volume it took to get here but it will go up much easier than down. Lots of timid money waiting at the sidelines for the go sign

It will take a few days before that timid money jumps back in, I think.  But yes, the climb will be through familiar territory, and the people here who only pop out during corrections will go back into their holes.  I'm seeing the other exchanges are much more reluctant to follow China's familiar dump pattern now.  Stamp was leading BTCN by 50-100 USD during the first drop.  This could get interesting.

23. Post 3862451 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

Looks like a bot run amok, haha.  I'm betting bad news + people running for the hills + people cashing out to buy lower + bots are going to make this a real headache.  Can't help but chuckle.  Well hopefully this will scare all the pussies away for awhile.  The trolls wanted cheap coins, well here you go kids.

Sooooo .. this takes us back (price wise) to 11/18 or so.  Not even a month ago.  Heh.

24. Post 3862956 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.33h):

People will buy back when the price returns to a steady rise over the course of a few days.  How low we have to go to get there is anyone's guess.  What you're seeing here is a combination of stupidity and greed at its finest.  I look forward to the day when institutional investors dominate Bitcoin and morons/whales can't move the price like this.  Irrational market participants .. gotta chuckle.

25. Post 3885947 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: gandhibt on December 09, 2013, 03:45:33 AM
I made 20 btc on this dip but now i had to buy back with 10 btc loss, this rally is maybe bull trap but im all btc again, lets see what follows

I made 15 initially, but still hold fiat, I'll risk losing those 15 (it's about there already) and few more for eventually better gain if it dips again.

Im ready to sell if this starts to smell trap

This mentality is precisely what leads to flash crashes.

26. Post 3888716 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: Loaded on December 09, 2013, 09:28:18 AM
Another insight:

Above a certain volume, TA is absolutely worthless. Large holders can and do draw whatever pattern they want on the charts, sometimes to push the masses into buying or selling.

TA is BS

27. Post 3889438 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: marcelus on December 09, 2013, 10:59:51 AM
Another insight:

Above a certain volume, TA is absolutely worthless. Large holders can and do draw whatever pattern they want on the charts, sometimes to push the masses into buying or selling.

TA is BS

TA foresaw this crash. It was a clear double top. And until we break through the neck, TA will tell us that this recovery is a bull-trap.

You sound like a psychic giving a cold reading.

28. Post 3889505 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.34h):

Quote from: marcelus on December 09, 2013, 11:16:02 AM
Another insight:

Above a certain volume, TA is absolutely worthless. Large holders can and do draw whatever pattern they want on the charts, sometimes to push the masses into buying or selling.

TA is BS

TA foresaw this crash. It was a clear double top. And until we break through the neck, TA will tell us that this recovery is a bull-trap.

You sound like a psychic giving a cold reading.

Or somebody who made a killing selling at $1000 and buying back at $600.

I remember the first time I made a good trade, too.

29. Post 3900978 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: tHash on December 10, 2013, 04:50:55 AM
Remember, every person, without exception, who is calling for major drops in price, has sold at least a portion of their stash and are wanting YOU to sell your coins to them for cheap.

You left out those with no stake in Bitcoin who just like trolling.

I used to absolutely hate seeing dips.  Now, I see them as a way to kick out the weaklings.  What doesn't kill BTC seems to make it stronger.

30. Post 3901329 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 10, 2013, 05:23:39 AM
Look at them... they are still trying to push this over $1000. These people are mentally ill.

Just like they pushed it down to $600 a few days ago?  Are they mentally ill for doing that, too?

31. Post 3901499 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 10, 2013, 05:50:28 AM
Look at them... they are still trying to push this over $1000. These people are mentally ill.

Just like they pushed it down to $600 a few days ago?  Are they mentally ill for doing that, too?
That was reason talking, but not that it needs to be that low. Insanity is trying 3 times in the last 24 hrs to go to $1000, especially when you see the price tanking. That isn't the time to buy back in and then go up again. There are buyers still trying to ride the euphoria of greed to make profit. that is the point... the bubble hasn't fully burst yet.

You're not the one who decides the price of a bitcoin.  We all collectively determine that.  There is no reasoning here.  There is no "correct" price besides what the market dictates.  Like all things which can be priced, the price is determined by all market participants.

32. Post 3901872 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: bitcodo on December 10, 2013, 06:49:27 AM
We have Ripple. Most here don't like it.

Than this MorganCoin JPMorgan Chase Building Bitcoin-Killer.

But I'm waiting for true coin. The KeiserCoin.

Sooooooooooo, if this shitcoin doesn't have fess, all is hunky dory!!!! And, of course, Chase gets to "print" as much of it as it likes!!!  Cheesy Cheesy

Gimme bitcoin man, anytime!!!  Smiley

The problem I see is, that big players will not invest in bitcoin. They will just rob it, rape it, colonized it, patent it,...

I think big players will and are investing in it.  However, I do agree that other investors are likely to try crushing what they cannot control.  I can't imagine the banking system is terribly thrilled with bitcoin.  Technology like this could easily replace most of the banking system in a few years, if left unchecked.  The real question is: how can their efforts to destroy crypto currency be mitigated?  One thing to consider .. as adoption becomes more widespread, the USD to BTC exchange rate will become increasingly meaningless.

33. Post 3902542 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: windjc on December 10, 2013, 08:26:32 AM
However, if/when we go to ATHs that $100 million sitting on the sideline is going to jump back in. And its goina get crazy up in here.

Agreed.  Hitting the ATH will trigger a firestorm of buying I believe.  The markets are still very skittish.

34. Post 3913346 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: stan.distortion on December 11, 2013, 12:04:22 AM
Hate to take the bears side but whoever did the dumping will be buying back to do it again. No idea when though, strong rises have often been closely followed by long downward pushes but interest has gone up a couple of orders of magnitude since then and the publicity just keeps on coming. Either way its likely bear coins will be running near empty unless there's some big movement on days destroyed.

Manipulation is something BTC will have to live with for the time being.  Weak hands are shed in the process, so it may not be a bad thing in the long run.

35. Post 3915079 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 10, 2013, 04:14:58 AM
Mark it. $200 by Friday.

'nuf said.

36. Post 3915126 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Looks exactly like the rally on 12/9 @ noon PST which took us from 5400 to 5900, then settled to 5700.  Perhaps we will settle at 5800 this time around.

37. Post 3915145 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 11, 2013, 03:14:21 AM
Mark it. $200 by Friday.

'nuf said.
Uhh... that was a joke, nitwit. Made obvious by the tone. I was quoting someone else.

Hard to tell what is and isn't a joke with you, I guess.  Sorry bud.

38. Post 3915854 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 11, 2013, 03:14:21 AM
Mark it. $200 by Friday.

'nuf said.
Uhh... that was a joke, nitwit. Made obvious by the tone. I was quoting someone else.

Quote from: Vigil on December 11, 2013, 02:46:00 AM
Here we go. Its crash-a-thon time.

So ... was that a joke too or ... ah never mind.

39. Post 3917471 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.35h):

Quote from: bootlace on December 11, 2013, 08:32:05 AM
Did Keiser dump his coins?

Max Keiser ‏@maxkeiser 5m
JPM will attempt to use patent trolling (the way MPAA uses copyright trolling) to terrorize BTC users. Is BTC community up for this fight?

Max Keiser ‏@maxkeiser 9m
Based on JPM's patent trolling initiative combined with TPP global IP capability we are lowering our BTC target price from $1,700 to $1,400

Hmm.  Who would they file suit against?  Cryptocoin developers themselves?

40. Post 3918187 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.36h):

Holy moly, dumb luck.  I cashed out a bunch of BTC on stamp for profit raking right before this happened.

41. Post 3918233 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.36h):

Quote from: EuroTrash on December 11, 2013, 10:13:54 AM
what was that? Sharp knife on all three major exchanges at the same time?

China definitely led this one.

42. Post 3931300 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.36h):

Quote from: windjc on December 12, 2013, 08:55:40 AM
After studying these markets daily, I believe I have a pretty good pulse on where things are going. Here are my 2 cents currently.

There is a groundswell of buying pressure sitting off to the sidelines and its growing. Its growing for 2 reasons. First, most traders are not 100% bitcoin at the moment. Just look on this mostly bullish forum. Most of us are partly fiat right now. We have $$$ sitting on the sidelines. Second,
there is a lot of new money coming into the exchanges that are not buying right away. That is why the bid sum is increasing. People want to invest, but do not necessarily want to invest if the price is going to go lower.

So every possible mid term scenario (minus a catastrophic one, which always exists) has one final result - an strong upswing in which the money is forced to come back into the market. This will eventually cause another large rally. To where, I do not know. But it is coming.

I think there are 3 near/mid term scenarios. I will list them most unlikely to most likely.

A.  Incredibly bullish news spurns the market upward suddenly forcing the money on the sidelines back in causing a new huge rally.  

B. The market consolidates where it is (around $900) for 1-4/5 weeks. This would be the most bullish scenario and would be similar to the consolidation around $120-$130 a few months ago.

C. The market ebbs sideways and downward over the holidays as the holiday season wins the news cycles and people hold off on investing and sending more funds to markets.  In this scenario, we DO NOT reach another low past the $600ish already established. This would be very similar to the April rally where people expected it to test the low of $50s but it only got to $66, because everyone wanted to buy low.

I think C is most likely given the holidays. We will trend sideways to down, we will start a slow upswing sometime before $600. Somewhere from Dec. 30th to Jan. 31st that upswing will gain momentum and by sometime in February we will be in full fledge rally mode again. I also think this scenario could happen before February as well.

I agree with everything here, however I believe we'll bounce between $800-900 for the new few weeks.  When the new year begins, I expect a serious rise.  Perhaps $2k by February even.  We'll see.

43. Post 3931485 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.36h):

Quote from: John999 on December 12, 2013, 10:04:14 AM
We are in a full bear market now and wishful thinking won't change a thing. Expect the price to go down for a long while (except the bounces here and there).

The best you can hope for is a sideways to downward movement lasting 2-6 weeks, but never going below $600. Thats best case scenario for you.

Money is flowing into the exchanges and massive amounts are accumulating on the sidelines.  When the market starts to go up again (after its found the new bottom its searching for now) that money is going to be forced back into the market and ATHs will be days away at that point.

I'm not eager to buy back, as it will take a really long time (several weeks to several months) to find a low. And yes I think it is going below $600. Anyway we will find out soon enough.

Yeah, my guess is if that does happen, it'll be between now and the New Year.  I don't think it will break that low, though.  We'll see.

44. Post 4002437 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.40h):

Quote from: Vigil on December 17, 2013, 01:56:13 AM
And Gox refusing to play along.

Nearly $200 spread between gox and BTC.

45. Post 4020455 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

This has nothing to do with a bubble.  The Chinese government is simply shutting down Bitcoin for all intents and purposes.  Calling this a bubble would be like saying Silk Road was a bubble or Liberty Reserve was a bubble.  They're things that once had value and no longer have value due to gov't intervention.

46. Post 4020491 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on December 18, 2013, 06:18:13 AM
This has nothing to do with a bubble.  The Chinese government is simply shutting down Bitcoin for all intents and purposes.  Calling this a bubble would be like saying Silk Road is a bubble or Liberty Reserve was a bubble.  They're things that once had value and no longer have value due to gov't intervention.

wow FUD should make price drop even lower

You can call it FUD, but based on what I'm reading, you cannot deposit to BTC China from a Chinese bank account.  You can, however, deposit into a Chinese bank account.  There's a reason the Chinese are dumping like no other now.  If the gov't did this, what's to stop them from barring banks from accepting deposits in the future?  It's a big shit sandwich for all of us Bitcoiners.

47. Post 4020517 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: Mirsad on December 18, 2013, 06:20:26 AM
This has nothing to do with a bubble.  The Chinese government is simply shutting down Bitcoin for all intents and purposes.  Calling this a bubble would be like saying Silk Road was a bubble or Liberty Reserve was a bubble.  They're things that once had value and no longer have value due to gov't intervention.

This year was a huge bubble...
There was no correlation between price and increase in transactions.
It was pure speculation. If you don't see that, stop trading  Tongue

Buy and holders (bought @ 10-15$) will be ok, but buyers @ above 1000$ will get punched in the face.

There's no such thing as a bubble.  Only a rapid change in speculated value.  "Bubble" implies that there is a nominal value (no bubble -> bubble -> no bubble after the pop).  What caused this is gov't intervention.  By your argument, anything that can be made illegal is a bubble.

48. Post 4020584 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Where the hell is revansHuh??

49. Post 4020607 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: Vycid on December 18, 2013, 06:20:22 AM
Fuck's sake. I go abroad for a couple days and China decides to trigger the apocalypse.

And I have no access to my stash so I can't even trade this.

Bitstamp better not break $500 or we're gonna have Risto all up in our faces acting like this announcement was foreseeable.

Good to see you back, hope you don't lose your ass here.

50. Post 4020639 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

I'm curious .. what is the rationale behind people buying on BTC China right now?  Are they thinking "no inflow, legal outflow = priceless BTC" ?

51. Post 4020765 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on December 18, 2013, 06:42:52 AM
my avg price is 588

fuck i'm good!

Don't blow your load too early, son!

52. Post 4020836 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: Mirsad on December 18, 2013, 06:48:41 AM
my avg price is 588

fuck i'm good!

Don't blow your load too early, son!

and i'm only like 25% in


i need to check my sums, this is to good to be true.

We will drop at least 20-30% more. Europe wakes up. 7:45am here. Not all are up or @ computers.
Wait 2-3h for the next selloff.

Based on the deep sell offs due to previous news from China which was not nearly as bad, that's probably conservative .. who knows.

53. Post 4021193 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: Vycid on December 18, 2013, 07:27:21 AM
Risto to post in 3, 2, 1  Grin

"Durrhurr silly bulls, my exponential trend clearly predicted the Chinese government would curbstomp Bitcoin"

Has anyone confirmed whether or not Risto even is a whale?  It doesn't take much to take a photo of yourself in front of some fancy shit and say "yeah! all mine!".

54. Post 4021294 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: MicroFi on December 18, 2013, 07:34:05 AM
So this is the moment where we buy, right?  Grin

Based on how bad Chinese news was digested in the previous weeks, it will take a day or so to get priced in.  Be patient.

55. Post 4022091 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

As painful as this is to watch, we are witnessing history.

56. Post 4022120 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: Vycid on December 18, 2013, 08:43:45 AM
Where is Mr. Risto?   Grin

Let him finish jerking off, jeez.

Rofl, classic.

57. Post 4022187 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: seleme on December 18, 2013, 08:52:36 AM
China didn't move in last 100$ or so of Gox drop.

They have decided to not sell at the "low" exchange rate on BTCN?  Might as well crash the "inflated" foreign markets and figure out how to get fiat out later.

58. Post 4022567 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: crazy_rabbit on December 18, 2013, 09:13:30 AM

Fuck me dead.

Thats ummm 120 USD rise in about 3 minutes.

let it settle first.

Looking at the next few blocks add up to nearly 100K in Bitcoin. So, this ain't over.

Is there a tally on there somewhere?

59. Post 4022676 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: Davyd05 on December 18, 2013, 09:32:01 AM
Ok, we've been stable for 20 minutes. Time to go all honey badger again.

there have been many of these moments lately. I'll chill the fuck out when someone buy 2.5k coins in a single buy.

also to the doom and gloom about China.. why don't we wait for them to actually say something. We know they were asked to stop using third party deposit systems and Chinese companies love to self censor so we just need to let them show us what their Government decided was the new way to deposit as well if they do.

That's just the thing.  The Chinese gov't announces very little.  What they do behind the scenes is another story.

60. Post 4022820 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: jl2012 on December 18, 2013, 09:42:47 AM
Things look similar to April.

On 12 Apr 12pm (UTC, same below), it made the first low at $54.25 (gox), or 1.70x of the last ATH of $32

Then on 16 Apr (Tuesday) 7am, it made a lower low at $50.01, or 1.56x of the last ATH, or 0.92x of the previous low. This is also the all time low so far.

On 7 Dec 7am, it made the first low at $542.38 (bitstamp), or 2.04x of the last ATH of $266

Then today, on 18 Dec (Wednesday) 8am, it made a lower low at $473.01, 1.78x of the last ATH, or 0.87x of the previous low

Do the underlined figures look very similar?

For those who stayed here long enough should remember what happened after the $50.01 low. If the history will repeat, US people will decide to buy when they wake up.

jl2012, "this time it's different"  Smiley  No really, it is.  The system is adjusting to this news from China.  It won't just blow over in a few hours.  Buyers will wait to see what happens.  This is precisely what happened when bad news dribbled out of China over the past few weeks.  Bad news.  Big dump.  Calm.  Big dump.  Calm.  Bad news, etc.  Of course this is all just speculation, but this is how I see things.  Time will tell.

61. Post 4023075 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: RAJSALLIN on December 18, 2013, 10:06:59 AM
Technically we look much better off now than 3 days ago.

Technicals, schmechnicals.  This is 100% mass psychology.


62. Post 4023225 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: RoooooR on December 18, 2013, 10:08:48 AM
guess Chinese people don't understand that disabled exchanges will mean price will sky rocket for bitcoin because there will be no easy way to buy them. And they will need them to move wealth out of the country.

Good point.

This occurred to me, too.  But I don't think this will be the overwhelming sentiment:

1) Chinese regulators have been saying one thing and doing another behind the scenes.  What else do they have cooked up?  You can deposit from an exchange to a bank account still, but for how long?
2) De-coupling exchanges from banks is a blow to the legitimacy and value of the coin.
3) No easy channel for fiat -> exchange means a serious limit to speculative capital coming in from China.
4) The Chinese anticipate a big drop because of this regulation and will dump their coins on whatever exchange they can.
5) Sure, Bitcoin will still act as a vehicle for moving wealth out of China, but it gets to a point where it is so difficult to do that your typical person will find other options.

Basically, if the typical Chinese bitcoin investor wore his long-term thinking cap, there wouldn't be much of a correction.  I just don't think that will be the case.

63. Post 4023259 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: RAJSALLIN on December 18, 2013, 10:12:15 AM
Technically we look much better off now than 3 days ago.

Technicals, schmechnicals.  This is 100% mass psychology.


Hehe I've basically called this drop exactly how it's happened using technicals. If you want to trade using mass psychology be my guest. If you want to sell some coins to me now I'll buy them.


Oh really, your technicals indicated Chinese regulations inbound?  Go sell your bullshit somewhere else.


64. Post 4023416 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: seleme on December 18, 2013, 10:38:55 AM
Why does the price of LTC/BTC also tank during this? Is it because if you lose faith in BTC (with the BTC/USD price crashing) you loose even more faith in alts?

LTC is tied with BTC pretty much always since March (bar a short period of 2-3 weeks below it's huge rise recently).

Most coins are now tied with BTC unfortunately, and that's something new. They were usually going in opposite direction of btc and that's where big money could be made.

Yeah, an unfortunate trend.  I was hoping the alt coins could be used as a hedge against BTC :/

65. Post 4023535 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: Searing on December 18, 2013, 10:47:28 AM
BTCChina CEO saying that no deposits is not official stand but third payment one's.

yeah.........they are just allowing folks to get their cash out before they close down the exchanges imho

just doing this in stages imho

I think that's the reason they started charging fees.  Make some money before closing up shop.  Also notice that he didn't deny that banks would be severed from exchanges, only that there hasn't been an official statement to that effect yet.  Roll Eyes

66. Post 4023617 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: rpietila on December 18, 2013, 10:49:43 AM
I don't think it will go much lower anymore in the short term. Even if they sell it to zero in China does not mean that the west would not have competition on who would get the cheap coins. Short term we are very oversold and it is only a liquidity/waking hours issue to go back up. The fact that there is a huge arbitrage coin influx from China dampens it a "little bit", though, but this is already in prices in the west.

The exponential trend (now at $437) was touched, which means that longer term bitcoin is no more overvalued. I regard this as a good entry point and have bought thousands of bitcoins yesterday and today, closing all speculative short positions at a nice profit and gone speculative long with funds I need in 1-2 months.

My last bid in Bidstamp is sitting at 421.42, please somebody sell into it! Smiley

This just in .. the Chinese care not about your exponential trend line.  I hear you predicted this one.  Either you got lucky or had insider info.  That's the only way to game black swans.  Generally I have found your predictions to be lacking .. that is to say, I generally find myself doing the opposite of what you do and I succeed.  No offense intended.  In this case, I ended up selling in anticipation of more noise from China.  Lucky guess.

67. Post 4023717 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.41h):

Quote from: Mirsad on December 18, 2013, 11:04:16 AM
Well it just keeps getting fucking worse.

Yup, still some big sells coming through!

Double Digits incoming.
Sell now and gain much coins.

We will drop very low.

Eh dude you said double digits last time.  Your double digit quota has already been consumed.

68. Post 4036127 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.42h):

Somewhat surprised and honestly relieved to see that we didn't have another massive sell-a-thon this morning in China.  I'm guessing people are realizing several things:

1) There is plenty of time to liquidate into a Chinese bank, if that is what you prefer.
2) You can liquidate at a foreign exchange and work out a way to have the fiat delivered to you.
3) For long term investors, you can move coins to another exchange or a cold wallet and just sit on them.
4) The Chinese exchanges are working on legal ways to have money deposited/withdrawn.
5) There is a lot to be said for holding onto something which will be harder for other Chinese to get for the time being.
6) Bitcoin has a future and it doesn't make sense to sell out at a deep discount if you think there is a solid chance it will recover from this slump.  In fact, for many Chinese who got in early, it's a unique opportunity to own a quirky investment that might pay off incredibly in the future.
7) Investors are salivating over these prices.  I'm betting there is a lot of big money that was waiting for a big correction like this to go all in.

69. Post 4036150 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.42h):

Quote from: KFR on December 19, 2013, 03:37:05 AM
Is Loaded buying China?


70. Post 4316281 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.50h):

Quote from: Chaang Noi (Goat) ช้างน้อย on January 04, 2014, 11:58:06 PM
And in the end we know we have to keep the girls happy so we buy the silly rocks... 

Depends on the woman you marry.

71. Post 4339353 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on January 06, 2014, 06:22:13 AM
There are about 25,000 coins left on all the exchanges put together.  Just guesstimating -- didn't actually count them.

For about 40 million you could get a corner on bitcoin.

That's about 9 days of mining output.

If this is correct this makes the current market price meaningless. BTC is ridiculously thinly traded.  

Further you cannot extract a market cap out to 12 million coins based on trades of 25,000 coins.  People saying BTC has a market cap of $12 billion fail to appreciate what would happen if one whale stirred.

People will probably flame me for saying this but whatever.  I am contributing by buying and hodling.

You're right.  In theory, one coin could be sold for $100k USD and for that brief moment, the market cap would be ~$1.2 trillion.

72. Post 4339373 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

Is there some good news out of China or something?  They seem to be pushing aggressively.

73. Post 4339678 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

Quote from: Loaded on January 06, 2014, 07:12:31 AM

Go away, thanks.

74. Post 4339831 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

As much as guys like loaded think they move the markets, all they can hope for is a temporary price movement.  These so-called whales are merely plankton in this ecosystem.

75. Post 4339855 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on January 06, 2014, 07:34:42 AM
There are about 25,000 coins left on all the exchanges put together.  Just guesstimating -- didn't actually count them.

For about 40 million you could get a corner on bitcoin.

That's about 9 days of mining output.

If this is correct this makes the current market price meaningless. BTC is ridiculously thinly traded.  

Further you cannot extract a market cap out to 12 million coins based on trades of 25,000 coins.  People saying BTC has a market cap of $12 billion fail to appreciate what would happen if one whale stirred.

People will probably flame me for saying this but whatever.  I am contributing by buying and hodling.

You're right.  In theory, one coin could be sold for $100k USD and for that brief moment, the market cap would be ~$1.2 trillion.

You guys realize as the more and more big players and funds get involved the more BTC will be sold OFF EXCHANGE and that the # of bitcoins sold on exchanges will DECREASE overtime?

Its these little obvious facts that seem to evade people who doubt the price of bitcoin can't go much higher.

I am perfectly aware that the price will go to 1 billion dollars per BTC when there is only 1 bit coin left on Mt Gox.  I am also perfectly aware that this price will instantly halve when some whale releases a second bitcoin on Mt Gox because "the market can't handle the volume".

It's laughable and I am quite enjoying it all.  

What discount do you think the big off-exchange trades are going at?  My bet is that they are at least a 50% discount to market (still an enormous sum).

30% is typical for large off-market stock acquisitions.

76. Post 4340202 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

Quote from: keewee on January 06, 2014, 08:00:31 AM

The strange thing is that the last time he said anything like this was "Large movement possible soon. Guess the direction." on Dec 14. Then between Dec 16 and Dec 18 the price fell from about 900 down to 450. That's a pretty decent dump so I'm surprised you didn't make a killing on it

Edit: beaten to it  Smiley

Note that he doesn't say anything concrete in his posts.  That's so he can weasel out of people calling him on his BS.  Much like a palm reader.  My hunch is if he wasn't just pulling that Dec 14 advice out of his ass, he had inside info on Chinese regulation.  He doesn't move the markets.  Governments, businesses and sentiment move markets.  But that won't stop him from making people think he does.

77. Post 4340853 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

Quote from: sir faps on January 06, 2014, 08:54:36 AM
Rpietila said there would be a drop to low 400s in December. I held my fiat and waited. Sure enough, my phone started blowing up with notifications of falling BTC price. I waited, it hit 400, I bought, and it immediately rose hundreds of dollars. I said thank you to Rpietila for his advice. I am now up over 100%. Some fool I am...

Look at his predictions before that.  I don't have a list of them in front of me, but I went through a few months of his speculation posts when he made that December prediction and found them to be generally wrong.

78. Post 4341150 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

Quote from: windjc on January 06, 2014, 09:31:21 AM
We are going to correct soon, imo. This is unsustainable. Unless masses of new fiat hit the exchanges tomorrow, there is going to be a snapback. If we blow through ATHs like butter, I will be as shocked as anyone.

Unless there is a legitimate reason for this climb besides panic buying, I agree.

79. Post 4341278 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

Quote from: sir faps on January 06, 2014, 09:41:02 AM
We are going to correct soon, imo. This is unsustainable. Unless masses of new fiat hit the exchanges tomorrow, there is going to be a snapback. If we blow through ATHs like butter, I will be as shocked as anyone.

Unless there is a legitimate reason for this climb besides panic buying, I agree.

I think Zynga may have something to do with it

Possible, but I don't think a game company testing Bitcoin payments would account for this much movement.

80. Post 4341342 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.51h):

The debt crisis would be terminated by a mixture of "taxes on savings, loss of taxpayers through cuts debt, inflation, capital controls and other measures of financial repression."

Cyprus reloaded.

81. Post 4361774 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.52h):

Quote from: Rampion on January 07, 2014, 07:55:25 AM
What about  repietila? Is he bull or bear now? Need to know to do the opposite he says Smiley

LOL no kidding!

82. Post 4383887 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.53h):

Quote from: T.Stuart on January 08, 2014, 09:03:23 AM
Doomsday traders in a panic! Today is the day we really screw 'em HODLERS! Let's go!! Ha ha ha!  Grin

Looks like Chris Kattan.

83. Post 4421153 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.54h):

Quote from: TERA on January 10, 2014, 12:45:40 AM
Why is nothing happening? Overstock not enough to take us back to >1000? WTF?
Fiat must hit the exchanges first, so give it some time.

I think Overstock news isn't market moving news.
Its been in the works for some time,and the market tends to price things in b4 they happen.
it does give me more confidence to buy more cheap coins ( if coin ever cheap happen... come on poeple SELL MORE COINZ! )
at this point whats really going to move the market into a 10K + bubble is the news of random bank bail-outs or bail-ins or wtv global financial problems. slowly but surely more and more poeple will wake up to whats really going on, get mad, and invest in bitcoin paper wallets.

But why on the other hand every fart from China has bigger effect than these news? I would think that we are already 100% over it, but i have feeling we are not yet...?

PS: How can I help to create some global financial problems?   Huh

Because nobody knows what the price is without China. China is responsible for the entire rise from $110. The silk road crash ended when China started buying. There are people who think even that the silk road crash would have continued lower without China, below $110, maybe all the way back to $60. Then China brought the price all the way up to $1250. For the past 3 months every exchange has simply followed the Chinese price like a slave. Now every time there is bad news the price just drops like a rock without any resistance. Then the price recovers because China started buying again - every time. People think "oh now China news has been factored in" but it hasn't. I STILL observe all exchanges following every movement of China like a salve - it is wired into all the bots and the strategies of all the traders - like an automated process. Anyone who thinks China isn't still leading is fooling themselves. So what happens if China is removed from the equation completely? Nobody knows where the drop would end, where real support on other exchanges would kick in, and what the true value is without China. It is some variable anywhere from $90 to $900. It is a mystery. Sure the news adds value but from what basis? Let's say overstock adds $50. $900 + $50 = $950. But also $90 + $50 = $140. Nobody knows so they are cautious.

Another source of bearishness is the long-term feasibility of relying on the good will of mining pools to "do the right thing".  When you see people pleading on reddit for miners to leave a pool in order to maintain some degree of decentralization in the mining infrastructure, you know you've got problems.  Many people who invested in Bitcoin don't realize how fragile it really is.  I didn't.  I'd like to see a Bitcoin that is impervious to a 51% attack, but that simply is not realistic.  People who have a fortune in Bitcoins must seriously ponder the implications of this.

84. Post 4421295 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.54h):

Quote from: mellowyellow on January 10, 2014, 01:30:17 AM
Lol that stamp dump

Huobi went the other way Smiley

I have no idea which way this will go by tomorrow. Could be anywhere, 50/50 for me for now.

When I see stamp leading a drop, it tells me people are taking fiat profits off the exchange, not trading.  Stamp is the place to go for that.  My hunch is those three big dumps we saw at 3:15, 10:45 and 17:15 PST were guys cashing out.  All triggered by the mining centralization issue, in my opinion.

85. Post 4421603 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.54h):

Quote from: windjc on January 10, 2014, 02:35:53 AM
Lol that stamp dump

Huobi went the other way Smiley

I have no idea which way this will go by tomorrow. Could be anywhere, 50/50 for me for now.

When I see stamp leading a drop, it tells me people are taking fiat profits off the exchange, not trading.  Stamp is the place to go for that.  My hunch is those three big dumps we saw at 3:15, 10:45 and 17:15 PST were guys cashing out.  All triggered by the mining centralization issue, in my opinion.

This mining centralization thing is ridiculous. Its not an issue for so many different various reasons, the most obvious one is who wants to take a gun and shoot themselves right between the eyes?  You find me that person who is also a powerful miner and I will start worrying too. Actually I won't. Because the whole issue is retarded mentally handicapped.

If you're content relying on all "powerful miners" having the same interests as you do, there's nothing much more I can say.

86. Post 4436131 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.54h):

At what point will the frequency of the word "hodl" be greater than the frequency of "hold" on the forum?   Cheesy

87. Post 4455168 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.54h):

Quote from: ElectricMucus on January 11, 2014, 10:01:02 PM
Anyway anybody with half a brain probably gets it by looking at this chart:

Of course when you purposefully deny the possibility that what the economic collapse next week bloggers tell you is wrong you might choose to ignore it.

Lol, that article is a hoot.  For instance:

Or, rather, all the money that's been created is sequestered from the actual economy and may as well not exist for most purposes.

That chart shows the monetary base expansion under TARP and QE1,2,3.  The money is used to buy gov't bonds or other financial assets.  That is the official claim from the Fed.  Either the Fed is lying or the author is an idiot.  If the author is correct, the Fed is lying.  In this case, the money is probably parked in the banks waiting to cover a massive, anticipated run on bank accounts.  Chances are, however, that the author is a moron and the money is simply being injected into the world economy at some unknown rate.

88. Post 4456030 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.54h):

Quote from: ElectricMucus on January 11, 2014, 10:33:22 PM
Anyway anybody with half a brain probably gets it by looking at this chart:

Of course when you purposefully deny the possibility that what the economic collapse next week bloggers tell you is wrong you might choose to ignore it.

Lol, that article is a hoot.  For instance:

Or, rather, all the money that's been created is sequestered from the actual economy and may as well not exist for most purposes.

That chart shows the monetary base expansion under TARP and QE1,2,3.  The money is used to buy gov't bonds or other financial assets.  That is the official claim from the Fed.  Either the Fed is lying or the author is an idiot.  If the author is correct, the Fed is lying.  In this case, the money is probably parked in the banks waiting to cover a massive, anticipated run on bank accounts.  Chances are, however, that the author is a moron and the money is simply being injected into the world economy at some unknown rate.

Even if the FED is lying and the author is an idiot the US doesn't appear to head into an area of hyperinflation.
And actually there is an article which explains what the FED actually think it is doing, it's too complicated for me but since you claim to know all about economics perhaps you get something out of it.

Inflation is inevitable once that money fully enters into circulation.  Precisely where that money went and what it's being used for is not a matter of public knowledge.  But you can bet that it won't just sit somewhere.  All the goldbugs are saying is "They created a tremendous amount of money over a very short period and it will eventually be used.  The question is when and how."

89. Post 4477619 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: gentlemand on January 13, 2014, 02:30:37 AM
And a negative news report on a Chinese state business news channel telling the world about all the people who've lost money through the recent correction. I assume the state news didn't remind people that they were the cause of it.

Lol.  What's sad is the only thing really standing in Bitcoin's way is the government.

90. Post 4477834 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: portfail on January 13, 2014, 02:35:19 AM
Bizarre story of a penny stock gold company switching to bitcoin mining and to develop an exchange; claim to have 550k bitcoins already!!  Huh

Pump and Dump?  Wink

Another bitcoin related pennystock having a good day:

1) Create Bitcoin-related company and issue penny stocks.
2) ?
3) Profit.

And that actually works! Smiley

91. Post 4478659 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: Davyd05 on January 13, 2014, 03:35:17 AM
I skimmed through the last few pages but couldn't find anything new. We're going down because people still panic about that huobi account thing?

There is no buying pressure. So after our new "Weekend Buyer(s)" is done, we go back down.

So weird to be going back down after the weekend is done rather than on Friday night.  Very weird weekend IMO.

not at all, we resume our new year trend of positive growth on the weekend. then fud about huobi came out and we're experiencing turbulence, I would postulate that we've made it through the rough patch  until China re-releases a statement and or go after the business account of huobi

Agreed.  The question is when will the news hit?

92. Post 4478775 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: mb300sd on January 13, 2014, 04:07:39 AM
houbi just needs to go bi bi already

overstock taking us to the moon on monday as soon as funds arrive

Agreed.  If Huobi goes bi bi, what will the price stabilize at in the short term?

93. Post 4478806 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: Walsoraj on January 13, 2014, 04:06:48 AM
Cross post, because: brilliant.

Immediately converting bitcoin through a payment processor is not "accepting bitcoin." It is accepting fiat, both functionally and literally.

Newegg and Overstock are irrelevant.

You idiots.

Correct they accept fiat and allow bitcoin users to ay with their bitcoin. I think it is pretty awesome that they would completely adjust their accepted payment methods to include the bitcoin community.

You are a stupid person and have missed the point.

Awe cute. Instead of positing an intelligent response you just resort to name calling. I never knew you were still in middle school and had limited intelligence. This explains a lot.

What would be the point of an intelligent response when the first statement I made was so easy to understand?

You idiot.

As I stated in the other thread, your point is incorrect.  People converting USD -> BTC, transferring to retailer, then retailer converting BTC -> USD will result in a price increase when spread across an ever-increasing user-base.  Use of a currency forces its price to increase.  Basic economics.

94. Post 4478893 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: notme on January 13, 2014, 04:15:15 AM
Cross post, because: brilliant.

Immediately converting bitcoin through a payment processor is not "accepting bitcoin." It is accepting fiat, both functionally and literally.

Newegg and Overstock are irrelevant.

You idiots.

Correct they accept fiat and allow bitcoin users to ay with their bitcoin. I think it is pretty awesome that they would completely adjust their accepted payment methods to include the bitcoin community.

You are a stupid person and have missed the point.

Awe cute. Instead of positing an intelligent response you just resort to name calling. I never knew you were still in middle school and had limited intelligence. This explains a lot.

What would be the point of an intelligent response when the first statement I made was so easy to understand?

You idiot.

As I stated in the other thread, your point is incorrect.  People converting USD -> BTC, transferring to retailer, then retailer converting BTC -> USD will result in a price increase when spread across an ever-increasing user-base.  Use of a currency forces its price to increase.  Basic economics.

Unless there are early adopters sitting on millions in profits waiting for places to spend them.


95. Post 4478919 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on January 13, 2014, 04:19:04 AM
More bad press from China. (Note at bottom says it was published in a Chinese newspaper, doesn't say when):

A quote from TFA.  Actually the first line of his article:

Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme masquerading as a futuristic currency.

If this guy turns out to be right about XBT collapsing, he was right for the wrong reasons.  It's not a goddamned Ponzi scheme.

96. Post 4479549 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: Richy_T on January 13, 2014, 05:26:03 AM
And a negative news report on a Chinese state business news channel telling the world about all the people who've lost money through the recent correction. I assume the state news didn't remind people that they were the cause of it.

Lol.  What's sad is the only thing really standing in Bitcoin's way is the government.

Actually, that's kind of exciting in a choo-choo kinda way.

Did my observation give you a raging choo choo?

97. Post 4480882 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.55h):

Quote from: Jren on January 13, 2014, 07:42:00 AM
good morning, so what is it "again" ? where is the people who yell "really low volume" when the price is going up ? why dont they do the same and yell "price will not go down on low volume" ?  ah sure they want the market to act on their desired direction.....  Cheesy
They're just, like, opinions, man.

opinions and wishes are not the same Wink  I wish the price to be $5000 in a week or so but in my opinion it wont go that high in a week Wink

They are just stating a fact that the volume was low. The volume was extremely low during the initial run up being under 10k in most of the exchanges. Right now most of the exchanges are above 10k and it is still the weekend. Last time there was a run up the volume was low on a weekday. You do not have to be so butt hurt about it.  

wrong, wrong, wrong.... it is already Monday here in EU and I am already at work, Bitstamp had +10K most of the time and the day when the price went up the volume was more than 40K Wink and why would I be butt hurt ? I would really love to see the price moving and I don't care which direction, both works for me up or down Wink

This was funny Smiley.
You started the week at work with bitcointalk open?

yes, Bitcoin addiction, and I am an IT engineer so I am on my computer most of the time, so why not check Bitcointalk while working Wink

Well , I'm doing the same , but I can't really claim I'm working while browsing the threads here Smiley)))

Me 3. No better way to start the day with more bitcoins comming my way

Electrical engineer and working from home.  Same Smiley

98. Post 4968217 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.03h):

Quote from: Shak on February 06, 2014, 07:40:54 AM
looks like a massive manipulation attempt.

first: 1500 dump on bitstamp, at the same time bitcointalk went down
it didn't crash the price

next: hack of bitfinex, 2000 dump on stamp

someone desperatily wants the price to plummet down to slaughter sheeps in the resulting panic

Lol.  Or someone knows something you don't.  Hubris is a bitch.

99. Post 4982641 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.03h):

Quote from: kkaspar on February 06, 2014, 08:27:44 PM
I think that this will be too hard and this project will fail. It will probably pick up again with new cryptos that have more favorable properties for keeping the price stable.

I concur.  I used to be a bull, but I am more bearish as the days wear on.  There are myriad technical, economic and regulatory problems which stand in the way of this particular crypto.  If I were at the helm of a particular country's government, I'd be looking hard at pegging a proprietary crypto currency to my currency.  It will take a government actually integrating a crypto currency into their infrastructure for it to be widely accepted.  I do not believe it will be Bitcoin.  The vast majority of people on this forum are hoping to be part of the next wave of Bitcoin millionaires.  Can't blame them, but tread lightly, folks.  Bitcoin is intended as a medium of exchange, not a reliable store of value.  After all, you're just swapping ledger entries.  If you want a store of value, look elsewhere.  Bitcoin's value is a combination of the effects of monetary velocity due to commercial transactions and (primarily) pure speculation.  To rely on the speculation of others to secure the value of your wealth is foolish.  Consider what props up the value of these ledger entries.  Fiat currencies suffer from the same built-in speculative value, however the value is guaranteed to some degree by government coercion, right or wrong.  Be realistic.  Take profit on a regular basis.

100. Post 4990463 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.03h):

My God, it's full of sell.  Shocked

101. Post 4991293 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.03h):

Quote from: windjc on February 07, 2014, 07:56:27 AM
Man, once Gox can process btc withdrawals again, this price is going to shoot back up. This fall is based on nothing tangible at this point.

Are we sure they will process BTC withdraws anytime soon?  What if their audit routine is fucked and they literally have no more BTC left?  A talented hacker or perhaps someone on the inside could certainly bleed the exchange dry if they understood how the circumvent gox's safeguards.  There would be no mass migration of coins to see, just an empty, desiccated husk left.  /tinfoil hat removed

102. Post 5008095 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.04h):

If BTC can't leave Gox, why would the other exchanges drop?  I'd say that if coins can't leave an exchange, it is no longer a player.

103. Post 5008222 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.04h):

Quote from: Vigil on February 08, 2014, 12:15:35 AM
How many of you really think Gox doesn't have the coins/money to cover the transactions? or do you think this is just a technical issue with their wallet?

I think the probability is North of 50%.  Mark Karpeles is a lousy coder and it wouldn't surprise me if the ship has been leaking BTC for quite some time now.  My hunch is they have been tapering fiat withdrawals and now BTC withdrawals simply because the auditing program is poorly designed and there isn't enough BTC/$ left to cover withdrawal requests.  That's not to say they won't find a workaround on Monday.  Plenty of big investors would lend BTC to Gox just to keep them above water, with the promise of company shares, better quality control, etc.

104. Post 5008649 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.04h):

Quote from: MatTheCat on February 08, 2014, 12:37:54 AM
If BTC can't leave Gox, why would the other exchanges drop?  I'd say that if coins can't leave an exchange, it is no longer a player.


All this talk of Gox driving down the market but the lionshare of sell-off volume has been on the exchange where fiat is cashed out the easiest and fastest, Bitstamp.


105. Post 5111978 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.07h):

So is the general consensus that Gox is insolvent and fiat obligations will be more likely honored than BTC obligations?  Or are Goxers simply speculating that the price will go lower?

And does the current price on the other exchanges assume Gox is solvent and will eventually recover?  I believe this is the case.

106. Post 5112078 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.07h):

Quote from: c0dex on February 13, 2014, 02:18:39 AM
Poor Mt.Gox, close to its low again.

i hadn't looked at the gox chart in a while, my god does it ever look ugly

That's a glimpse of the future @ stamp
Sub 500$ coins are in a few days overpriced.
Poor souls that bought too high.

Posts like this are useless with nothing to back them up.

Gox dragged the market kicking and screaming down to a "stable" $650.  Assuming Gox continues to slide, it isn't unreasonable to expect the market to be dragged down yet again .. especially if it turns out that Gox is insolvent.

107. Post 5115391 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.07h):

Quote from: windjc on February 13, 2014, 07:26:22 AM
If the day ever comes that you spend your time learning about the bitcoin eco-system and the developments that are happening across the world and stop staring at time tables about when the Chinese sleep, you will have a lot less doubts.

You're a believer.  You'd hold on to your coins even if they dropped to $1.  Fair enough.  Meanwhile, many of us are speculating, and doing quite well at it.  Don't let my join date fool you, I went all in awhile back and have done quite well.  The trading patterns of the Chinese (at one time) were extremely predictable and anyone with half a brain could expand their stash by dumping before they woke up to whatever bad news was awaiting them.  There is nothing wrong with being reasonably skeptical about Bitcoin and profiting from other people's mistakes.

108. Post 5115483 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.07h):

Quote from: OldGeek on February 13, 2014, 08:13:12 AM
I'm long-term bullish, short-term bearish, and completely mercenary.

I as well .. and I hate picking bottoms.

109. Post 5115571 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.07h):

Quote from: OldGeek on February 13, 2014, 08:18:01 AM
I'm long-term bullish, short-term bearish, and completely mercenary.

I as well .. and I hate picking bottoms.

I don't think I've ever hit the bottom or the top.  Close counts.

So what's your take on Gox?  Insolvent?  Fix right around the corner?

110. Post 5126514 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on February 13, 2014, 07:55:19 PM
Bitcoin's doing just fine, up over 2000% in the last year alone. Its longer term growth has been even more impressive.

LOL.  Jimbo, by this sort of reasoning, all investments are doing "just fine".  You can always rewind the clock and claim a gain between then and now.

Why is it that even during downtrends, the bears always seem so stressed and serious?

And bulls are so carefree when their bullshit predictions fizzle?  Enough with the fanboyism.

111. Post 5127044 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: fonzie on February 13, 2014, 08:51:42 PM
Well well well  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

seems like another 80000 going to hit market anytime soon:

together with the 100k from sheepmarketplace, they could dump and hold the price down to 10$ for the next months, lolol

Edit: Bullish note

You don´t have to fear the FBI anymore, lol
They are just another small fish right now

Any confimred sources how much have been stolen on MtGox or maybe even Bitstamp?

People are threatening to track down whoever stole these coins.  And .. do what?  Call the cops?!

112. Post 5127285 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on February 13, 2014, 09:03:55 PM
Bitcoin's doing just fine, up over 2000% in the last year alone. Its longer term growth has been even more impressive.
Jimbo, by this sort of reasoning, all investments are doing "just fine".  You can always rewind the clock and claim a gain between then and now.

It depends on how myopic one is. Obviously dismissing Bitcoin on a mere 2 months worth of dip is just foolish.

If you look at the relatively short time of only one year, "all investments" are not doing "just fine" to the tune of 2000% growth.

Similarly, how many investments have gone from a penny to a g-note in less than 38 months? That's over 3,000,000% per annum on the average.

I understand your point, and you can marvel at the growth as much as you like.  Many of us have profited handsomely from it.  But this is a speculation forum, not a Bitcoin museum.  The question we should be asking (with a realistic, non fanboy mindset) is, what happens from here?

113. Post 5127960 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: Davyd05 on February 13, 2014, 09:43:05 PM
600 wall holding up for now, maybe next bounce will eat it. I can watch these charts for hours when there's action like this

I wonder if the hackers plan to use the coins stolen from sr2.0 to sell into rallies, or sell after large rallies

They actually stole the coins? I thought it was complete BS after a quick glance. I guess it depends if they are bulls or bears  Cheesy

seems to be 4400 coins, the admins claiming they used the malleability issue which I don't believe at all this is one of the articles I've read.

edit: answers lay here Adam

No one knows exactly how many were stolen yet, just estimates so far.

114. Post 5128139 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: Davyd05 on February 13, 2014, 09:54:34 PM
600 wall holding up for now, maybe next bounce will eat it. I can watch these charts for hours when there's action like this

I wonder if the hackers plan to use the coins stolen from sr2.0 to sell into rallies, or sell after large rallies

They actually stole the coins? I thought it was complete BS after a quick glance. I guess it depends if they are bulls or bears  Cheesy

seems to be 4400 coins, the admins claiming they used the malleability issue which I don't believe at all this is one of the articles I've read.

edit: answers lay here Adam

No one knows exactly how many were stolen yet, just estimates so far.

"Update: The amount of BTC that was stolen was calculated by Nicholas Weaver @NCWeaver – Computer Security Researcher, to be around:  4474.266369160003BTC that are with the value of about $2.7 Million."
This seem like a good estimate I'd love to know what the calculations he used we're

Right, I'm wondering how he arrived at such a precise number ..

115. Post 5129197 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: Rampion on February 13, 2014, 10:42:41 PM
Here they tell "only" 4,474 bitcoins were stolen. Not 40,000-80,000 like Forbes says.

What do you think?

4,000 coins is the sum of all the transactions published by the alleged sr2 admin:

40k - 80k its completely unrealistic IMO. And there is no way this isn't an inside job.

Where is the support for the 4k coins claim?

116. Post 5130557 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: delphic on February 14, 2014, 12:07:25 AM
Gotta say, the Silk Road 2 news is pretty amusing.

Really surprised that only 4k coins were stolen.  Still skeptical ..

117. Post 5130916 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: fonzie on February 14, 2014, 12:30:54 AM

"The most direct contributor to the day’s decline was the revelation that more than 4,500 BTC were reported stolen from online black market Silk Road 2.0, which failed to adequately respond to transaction malleability issues that were earlier reported by Mt. Gox, Bitstamp and other exchanges."

All coins might be stolen! Even Stamp. Oh my God!

Edit: Gox below 450$!!!!!!

Edit: China below 3700

LOL .. did you get into the liquor cabinet again?

118. Post 5132038 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: kkaspar on February 14, 2014, 01:45:02 AM
Guys who are determined to hold,
Don't do this to yourself! Sell your coins or move away from the computer, you shouldn't watch this..

Remember, that you still have your health!

I also have millions in fiat, so I don't really need your advice. Thanks though.

How come you don't need my advice when you have millions in fiat? Don't you need any advice or just mine? When only mine, then why do I get treated differently? Sad

Bitcoin nuveau riche mentality .. sort of like a lottery winner thinking they've figured something out.  A fool and his money are lucky to get together in the first place ..

119. Post 5132052 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: windjc on February 14, 2014, 01:41:50 AM
Guys who are determined to hold,
Don't do this to yourself! Sell your coins or move away from the computer, you shouldn't watch this..

Remember, that you still have your health!

I also have millions in fiat, so I don't really need your advice. Thanks though.

Wow! Tell us more! What a high roller!

120. Post 5132173 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: windjc on February 14, 2014, 01:52:59 AM
Jealous much?  My point was, your fellow troll was giving us all condescending advice. And we don't need it. I've got my health and I've got bitcoins. If they go to zero, I. really. do. not. care. I'm not just holding. I'm getting ready to buy more. Lets compare notes in 6 months. Ready?

If not, then fuck off.

Most of the trolls on here are thrift shop whores with hardly any coins. They desperately want lower so they can turn their 3 coins into 8. And its just annoying.

What makes you think I'm not just as well off?  Roll Eyes  You're just as much of a condescending troll as all the others.  I'm not going to dismiss someone's opinion just because they don't have as much coin/fiat/gold/whatever as I do.

121. Post 5132273 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: windjc on February 14, 2014, 01:59:13 AM
I can tell you're not that well off because you are here just to trade. Its even what you named yourself. And wealthy traders aren't spending time on bitcoin forums. Most don't even trade bitcoin, they trade stocks and commodities. Most of them are too risk adverse to trade bitcoin and if they do, they certainly don't engage in conversation here. Most of the wealth on this forum are people who already have lots of bitcoin and trade in and out of some from time to time.

Most of the wealth on here is also pro-bitcoin. They are here because they actually believe in the idea and technology. You don't. You are only here to make money. Because you don't have enough of it yet.

Those who pursue money must not have it.  I see.  Any other gems you want to dispense upon us, oh wise one?

122. Post 5132382 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: windjc on February 14, 2014, 02:06:46 AM
I can tell you're not that well off because you are here just to trade. Its even what you named yourself. And wealthy traders aren't spending time on bitcoin forums. Most don't even trade bitcoin, they trade stocks and commodities. Most of them are too risk adverse to trade bitcoin and if they do, they certainly don't engage in conversation here. Most of the wealth on this forum are people who already have lots of bitcoin and trade in and out of some from time to time.

Most of the wealth on here is also pro-bitcoin. They are here because they actually believe in the idea and technology. You don't. You are only here to make money. Because you don't have enough of it yet.

Those who pursue money must not have it.  I see.  Any other gems you want to dispense upon us, oh wise one?

What did I say that was incorrect? I noticed you did not dispel any of my assumptions about you.

What's the point?  What do you want, a bank statement?

123. Post 5132505 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.08h):

Quote from: hyphymikey on February 14, 2014, 02:19:55 AM
Bottom? Or lower during the weekend?

I'm betting windjc's vast, vast, vast, immense and huge fortune on lower.

124. Post 5148879 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.09h):

Quote from: kkaspar on February 14, 2014, 09:31:52 PM
Ol' Gil is not worried, even if he bought in at 700$.
Ol' Gil sees that the price is going down very slowly, so it's not dangerous at all! Soon there will be an upwards wave and Ol' Gil will finally catch his big break with bitcoin investments!

LOL  Cheesy

125. Post 5172556 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Anybody just see what happened on gox about 5 mins ago? For about 10 seconds there were about 1k coins to 100.  Then the book was rapidly rebuilt. Shenanigans.

126. Post 5172782 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: RicePicker on February 16, 2014, 07:16:18 AM
Ah, so unexpected. The sheep on Stamp are starting to poop their pants. Because panic selling on Stamp is the smartest thing to do if Gox goes down, right?

What is stopping Mtgox from buying up all the cheap coins personally and dumping it on Bitstamp?

Nothing, and this is what will happen.  Gox will pull down the other exchanges through selling pressure if withdrawals are re enabled.

127. Post 5172943 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: traderCJ on February 16, 2014, 06:51:52 AM
Anybody just see what happened on gox about 5 mins ago? For about 10 seconds there were about 1k coins to 100.  Then the book was rapidly rebuilt. Shenanigans.

Anyone? Anyone? What the hell happened?

128. Post 5173540 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: windjc on February 16, 2014, 08:36:29 AM
Anybody still doubt that Gox traders are the dumbest in the world? Anyone with more than half a brain cell over there who is keeping a close eye on the first withdrawal confirmation or announcement is going to get coins at 30cents on the dollar. They will get coins for $260-300 that will go up to $800 in minutes. Actually anyone with half a brain cell already bought within the last 36 hours to secure their easy money spot.

Gox bitcoiners = the ultimate level of stupid.

That's an awful lot of stupid people with an awful lot of money.

129. Post 5173592 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: creekbore on February 16, 2014, 08:41:43 AM
Anybody still doubt that Gox traders are the dumbest in the world? Anyone with more than half a brain cell over there who is keeping a close eye on the first withdrawal confirmation or announcement is going to get coins at 30cents on the dollar. They will get coins for $260-300 that will go up to $800 in minutes. Actually anyone with half a brain cell already bought within the last 36 hours to secure their easy money spot.

Gox bitcoiners = the ultimate level of stupid.

That's an awful lot of stupid people with an awful lot of money.

Well, Windy's a millionaire....

but he just seems very angry these days though, which just shows money can't buy you the most important things in life.

A million isn't much these days. Certainly not enough to buy happiness.  That takes 10!

130. Post 5173665 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: molecular on February 16, 2014, 08:45:44 AM
Anybody still doubt that Gox traders are the dumbest in the world? Anyone with more than half a brain cell over there who is keeping a close eye on the first withdrawal confirmation or announcement is going to get coins at 30cents on the dollar. They will get coins for $260-300 that will go up to $800 in minutes. Actually anyone with half a brain cell already bought within the last 36 hours to secure their easy money spot.

Gox bitcoiners = the ultimate level of stupid.

That's an awful lot of stupid people with an awful lot of money.

Well, Windy's a millionaire....

but he just seems very angry these days though, which just shows money can't buy you the most important things in life.

A million isn't much these days. Certainly not enough to buy happiness.  That takes 10!

A million BTC?

Depends on whether those are goxtc or not, hah!

131. Post 5173683 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: creekbore on February 16, 2014, 08:51:34 AM
Anybody still doubt that Gox traders are the dumbest in the world? Anyone with more than half a brain cell over there who is keeping a close eye on the first withdrawal confirmation or announcement is going to get coins at 30cents on the dollar. They will get coins for $260-300 that will go up to $800 in minutes. Actually anyone with half a brain cell already bought within the last 36 hours to secure their easy money spot.

Gox bitcoiners = the ultimate level of stupid.

That's an awful lot of stupid people with an awful lot of money.

Well, Windy's a millionaire....

but he just seems very angry these days though, which just shows money can't buy you the most important things in life.

Oh no. I am not angry. I'm just amazed by the immaturity that drives some of these market moves. I am actually only annoyed by two things on this forum. One, trolls that lie. And, two, paranoid and "worst caser" personalities that lead people to feel like constant victims and without power or control. Which leads directly to things like $270 bitcoins on Gox.  I'll add a 3rd peeve. People like Mark K. who obviously are not emotionally equipped to run a professional business. It just makes Bitcoin look stupid. Which slows everything down in the promotion of this incredible technology.

But besides that I am happy as a lark. Smiley I'll try to add more smiley faces to lighten the tone of my posts.

I just wish I had a good way to get fiat to Gox. But, alas, hopefully this will all be over in a few days and we can get back to normal around here. Smiley Smiley Smiley

"Apart from all the trivial inconsequential things that make me really angry.... I'm happy..."

 Wink Cheesy Wink Cheesy

Beware those who must profess their happiness ..

132. Post 5173785 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: windjc on February 16, 2014, 08:56:08 AM
Anybody still doubt that Gox traders are the dumbest in the world? Anyone with more than half a brain cell over there who is keeping a close eye on the first withdrawal confirmation or announcement is going to get coins at 30cents on the dollar. They will get coins for $260-300 that will go up to $800 in minutes. Actually anyone with half a brain cell already bought within the last 36 hours to secure their easy money spot.

Gox bitcoiners = the ultimate level of stupid.

That's an awful lot of stupid people with an awful lot of money.

Well, Windy's a millionaire....

but he just seems very angry these days though, which just shows money can't buy you the most important things in life.

Oh no. I am not angry. I'm just amazed by the immaturity that drives some of these market moves. I am actually only annoyed by two things on this forum. One, trolls that lie. And, two, paranoid and "worst caser" personalities that lead people to feel like constant victims and without power or control. Which leads directly to things like $270 bitcoins on Gox.  I'll add a 3rd peeve. People like Mark K. who obviously are not emotionally equipped to run a professional business. It just makes Bitcoin look stupid. Which slows everything down in the promotion of this incredible technology.

But besides that I am happy as a lark. Smiley I'll try to add more smiley faces to lighten the tone of my posts.

I just wish I had a good way to get fiat to Gox. But, alas, hopefully this will all be over in a few days and we can get back to normal around here. Smiley Smiley Smiley

"Apart from all the trivial inconsequential things that make me really angry.... I'm happy..."

 Wink Cheesy Wink Cheesy

Beware those who must profess their happiness ..

Beware those who would judge others happiness through an internet forum Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Shocked Cool Tongue Kiss

Or those who speculate on other people's bank accounts eh windy?

133. Post 5174636 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.10h):

Quote from: xulescu on February 16, 2014, 10:04:42 AM

This is something we can speculate on freely.

1. Who would put buys at <10$ and just leave them there?
2. Who would put buys below 1M coins in the orderbook? Below 10M? Are there ("Should there be") 1M coins on Gox?

And while on the subject, is there any reason why Gox could not trade on itself with a virtual account? Any reason that account could not be unlimited? While Gox are separated from reality they could literally move the price anywhere with no cost. That conjecture is consistent with Willy's behaviour. Also traderCJ noted that bid book sometimes thins to 100-500 coins. That happened a few minutes ago and someone took a deep dump then put the bid walls there again.

My opinion is the majority of activity we've seen in the 300 to 270 range has been the result of just one player. It's a charade.

134. Post 5192648 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.11h):

Quote from: creekbore on February 17, 2014, 06:03:08 AM
The only conceivable scenario in which BTC won't succeed is if somebody like Google creates their own copy and it overtakes BTC.

It doesn't need to be Google, we now have hundreds of alt-coins, it could be any of them, or any company - traditional or new economy that runs with the protocol.  

Often with innovation the trailblazer is not the one that succeeds, but merely clears the path for others who often have better marketing/advertising/people skills.

No bitcoin clone will ever supercede bitcoin. Will. Not. Happen.

No corporate backed coin will ever supercede bitcoin. Ever.

It would have to be a different non corporate open sourced (at some point) alt.

Less than a handful of those exist today all in fledgling states. Bitcoin is in the clear for at least a couple more years.

Because. using. full. stops. makes. it. so.   Cheesy

As Blitz and TERA pointed out a few pages back being open source is not an advantage, indeed has many disadvantages while the events of the last week show why the alts (the serious ones such as LTC and PPC or even FTC) are needed - a single black swan event could wipe BTC out but the concept will remain, and those players will be able to take advantage.

Never. Say. Ever.

At the end of the day, it's just a coin popularity contest.  Invest accordingly.

135. Post 5192779 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.11h):

Quote from: FTWbitcoinFTW on February 17, 2014, 06:06:28 AM
single black swan event could wipe BTC out
Tell that to all gov, hacker, bank trying to wipe btc out since 2 years

The technology is only as good as the people maintaining both Bitcoin and the infrastructure surrounding it.  Vulnerabilities will be found.  They will be fixed.  The price will do whatever it does, and so it goes.

Banks are the government and government are the banks.  If they were determined to crush confidence in Bitcoin, it would be simple.  Close the exchanges for violating whatever silly banking regulation you like.  The price will do whatever it wants, and so it goes.

Clever inventors will find better ways to tackle the currency problem.  Bitcoin may take a back seat.   The price will do whatever it wants, and so it goes.

People will continue to break Bitcoin, fix Bitcoin, regulate Bitcoin, unregulate Bitcoin and beat Bitcoin at its own game.  There is nothing to wipe out.  Bitcoin is simply an idea.  May the best idea win.

136. Post 5206147 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.12h):

Quote from: dreamspark on February 17, 2014, 08:59:14 PM
Wouldnt it be hilarious if they just started fiat withdrawals as well.

It'd be even funnier if the announcement stated that there had been a huge misunderstanding: work is only being done on improve the fiat withdrawal system and that they were previously unaware of BTC withdrawal issues.

137. Post 5208948 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.12h):

Quote from: fonzie on February 17, 2014, 11:54:17 PM
I´ve done some more analysis and we can clearly see the puking vultures formation right now. Again, it doesn´t look very good for Bitcoins future  Undecided


138. Post 5210371 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.12h):

Quote from: BitThink on February 18, 2014, 01:27:39 AM
No offend, but a speculater like you contributes nothing to bitcoin, no matter you win or lose money. Therefore, your interest on BTC really matters no so much. If anyone interested in bitcoin is just want to buy low and sell high, then BTC better to die now.

Well then pretty much everything traded under the sun is doomed ..  Roll Eyes

The hodlers have no more high ground than the sodlers.  Each is speculating on a particular outcome.  One group is flexible in their opinions, and one group isn't.  You're treating this more like a religion than an investment.

139. Post 5210550 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.12h):

Quote from: Erdogan on February 18, 2014, 01:39:23 AM
Wait a minute... a speculator that is wrong all the time, amplifies the ups and downs. A speculator that correctly foresees the highs and the lows and take corresponding action, will dampen the swings. If all speculators were really good, the swings would be wiped out. You could also say that a bad speculator is good for the good speculator. A buyer and holder (or a holder and buyer...) dampens the grand shock of implementing the whole thing.

Derivatives stabilize the underlying.  Speculation is both good and unavoidable.  There is a contingent of people who will support Bitcoin no matter what.  As a result, they naturally clash with speculators from time to time.  This happens in all markets.  Believers vs speculators.  Moving on ..

140. Post 5212454 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.12h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 18, 2014, 04:08:44 AM
i have no clue what you've all been trolling about, i've been a busy bee..
but CCMF sounds right.
with this new higher low, that bottom is looking solid.
we're seeing a rising price when the market isn't taking heavy fire.

1800$ in 14 business days?

i think so....


$100k/BTC in a week from very reliable sources.  Confrimed.  Very confrimed.

141. Post 5267490 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.14h):

I don't think Gox is dead.  I'm pretty sure Gox will get things fixed to the point where people can withdrawal, subject to BTC outflow throttles.  Several things will happen when withdrawals are enabled:

1) People will dogpile on Gox BTC, driving the Gox price up a few hundred dollars within a few minutes.
2) People will immediately transfer to other exchanges and convert to fiat.
3) Price will stabilize somewhere between the Gox and Stamp prices prior to withdrawals being enabled.  Unsure of how long this will last.  Depends on the general market sentiment.

If I'm wrong and Gox is dead, expect a prolonged period of sub $500 coins.  Respect the FUD, psychology moves markets.

142. Post 5267724 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.14h):

Quote from: Mythul on February 20, 2014, 08:58:10 PM
I wonder what Marks mom thinks about his son right now...

She's probably thinking that breastfeeding him to the age of 10 was a bad idea.

143. Post 5268993 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.14h):

Gox wall @ 110 briefly pulled.

144. Post 5269478 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.14h):

Quote from: Arcas on February 20, 2014, 10:25:58 PM
I'm still waiting for the suicide watch sticky on /r/bitcoin.

This and the .. "Send me 1 BTC or the bunny gets it".

145. Post 5272700 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.15h):

Quote from: fotosonics on February 21, 2014, 01:58:15 AM
Buy now on Stamp. Because this is as good as it's gonna get, and it won't get that good again.

Sounds extremely CONFRIMED to me.

146. Post 5345600 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.18h):

Quote from: Walsoraj on February 24, 2014, 08:55:03 PM
Stamp below BTCe? What is this sorcery?

Gox coins being dumped on stamp.  Those are some "lucky" beta testers ..  Roll Eyes

147. Post 5347276 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.18h):

Quote from: MatTheCat on February 24, 2014, 10:21:46 PM
We have just had a break down from pennant formation on short term chart (generally bearish signal)........I myself just came out a very successful short, went back in, came back out during period of uncertainty, and then went short again at $547.

I jumped back in at $560 but pulled out just a minute ago in the low $530s.

I'll believe a break of $530 when I see it, then probably ride down towards $500 - $510 and load up. I don't think we'll see mid-400s unless we get full confirmation of GOX implosion and even then...

Yeah..I just came out again....looks the Bitcoin brigade are coming to the rescue once again (I honestly believe that Bitcoiners move to 'protect' their fav asset). If we can get up to $570 region though, I would short that in a minute.

Don't have enough confidence in potential break up to go long though........even if it transpires, be a max of $30 in it......not very good is it.

We'll be going much lower in the next few days. /hunch

148. Post 5354065 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.19h):

Quote from: Blitz­ on February 25, 2014, 05:46:09 AM
I hope people are under no illusion that other exchanges are any more safe.

And it wouldn't take a burgle like this.  All it would take is a government deciding to confiscate the accounts and computers of an exchange operating on their soil.  A legit reason would not be necessary.

149. Post 5354832 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.19h):

Quote from: TERA on February 25, 2014, 06:37:40 AM
Large buying activity on stamp in 200-400 blocks. Walls getting demolished. Looks like bottom.


150. Post 5355123 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.19h):

Quote from: versace on February 25, 2014, 06:59:51 AM
last call for cheap coins

Still too expensive.

151. Post 5356681 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.19h):

The irony here is that if instead of being insolvent Gox enabled withdrawals today, we'd be well under $400 right now just from the arbitrage action.  In an odd plot twist, Gox insolvency actually saved the day on a very short term basis.

152. Post 5368903 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.20h):

Quote from: billyjoeallen on February 25, 2014, 06:41:44 PM
If it's not a major player or group of players in the tech/finance spaces buying out Gox, then it will not survive. Gox needs to reorganize, recapitalize and rebrand.  Someone like Peter Thiel of PayPal worth billions. Ironically, They would need to keep Coffee Boy on the payroll for quite a while to aid with the transition. That clown didn't give a shit when it was his own money on the line, so he'll probably be even worse as an employee.

No news is bad news here and I think it's safe to assume the worst. Nobody is coming to the rescue. That way the only surprises are pleasant ones. Really hope I'm wrong, but there are only a handful of people who could pull it off and I doubt any of them want to. MtGox may very well be liquidated and claimants will get pennies on the dollar.

Incorrect.  Absolutely, flat out incorrect.  Gox won't require a "big name" to survive.  It's survived this long with a world class jack off at the helm.  All of these exchange owners were no names until Bitcoin became popular.  We don't know exactly how much debt Gox owes, but it's likely that the debt could be paid off in a year or two from exchange fees.

153. Post 5412510 (copy this link) (by traderCJ) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.21h):

Quote from: MelMan2002 on February 27, 2014, 07:04:35 PM
Great time to be lending BTC on bitfinex - it is sitting at an incredible 0.35% daily right now!  That is around 127% APR - compounded daily which would make it an effective annual rate of over 255%!!  Why are more people not lending BTC over there??

Where the eff are you seeing 0.35% on Bitfinex?  0.10% is the going rate