All posts made by PestoQuinty in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 9116390 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: MrPiggles on October 07, 2014, 02:00:45 PM

I laughed more than I should have. LOL

Yea i'm not bein racist but those two countries are known for havin shitty economies. I don't take financial advice from homeless people and i don't care what their central banks think.

Well i am from Serbia, but i share your sentiment.

2. Post 9122651 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: ag@th0s on October 07, 2014, 11:00:19 PM
I can confirm

Sad truth...

I wish we all live forever, and see "the next critical 24h" in 1500 years from now...
What do  you think the price will be then?

3. Post 9364113 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.27h):

Quote from: magicmexican on October 29, 2014, 02:32:46 AM
Looks like the calm before the storm.. Low volume.. something is going to happen very soon.

I bet the price will go up or down, dont tell me i didnt warn u all, you better listen now.

I guess you were right... Should have listened to you...

4. Post 9450703 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.29h):

Quote from: stereotype on November 05, 2014, 09:57:47 PM
careful NotLambTroll will troll his way into your hearts with those little pink ponies (bit creepy no?)


dude, this kid looks kinda like little Karpeles...

5. Post 10051706 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.44h):

Quote from: gotmilk_ on January 05, 2015, 11:12:23 PM

This is f* unbelievable???  Roll Eyes

This dude is the hacker???

Nvm, i get it now...

6. Post 10169062 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Someone should make a great movie about all this... The wolf of Mt. Gox or something...

7. Post 10169195 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: JamesBrown on January 15, 2015, 10:53:31 PM

The Homeland Security agent’s theory was that Karpeles, as owner of Mt. Gox, held an enormous amount of Bitcoin. He used Silk Road to leverage that price and raise it, which it did by several hundred times over during the course of Silk Road’s lifespan. Bitcoin was worth around $2 at Silk Road's launch and hit as high as $290 by 2013.

What the hell do they mean by "leverage that price and raise it"?
Can anyone here come up with a scenario how keeping gox money at silk road could have raised the price?

Less supply, more demand...

8. Post 10169248 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.49h):

Quote from: WeltMaster on January 15, 2015, 10:58:38 PM

The Homeland Security agent’s theory was that Karpeles, as owner of Mt. Gox, held an enormous amount of Bitcoin. He used Silk Road to leverage that price and raise it, which it did by several hundred times over during the course of Silk Road’s lifespan. Bitcoin was worth around $2 at Silk Road's launch and hit as high as $290 by 2013.

What the hell do they mean by "leverage that price and raise it"?
Can anyone here come up with a scenario how keeping gox money at silk road could have raised the price?

My guess is that (assuming this whole thing is true) Mark used the bitcoins from SR to pump bitcoin on gox, then when shit hit the fan he seppuku'd SR with the help of the FBI (remember this caused the huge bubble up to $1k)

It's sadly actually looking plausible but I still remain sceptical about the whole thing, DPR is a VERY opinionated and idealistic guy which Mark really isn't, their characters just don't match in my opinion.

Unless it was all a ruse..

How does one uses bitcoins - to pump bitcoins?

9. Post 30285288 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.44h):

Quote from: realr0ach on February 14, 2018, 03:55:13 PM
Good job willingly entering yourself into a digital prison cucks!

Where do you think that you can go with your silver coins?

You should have spent more than 2 seconds thinking that post through.  In terms of civil asset forfeiture, bitcoin is non-fungible and everyone's coins will be tainted in some manner, so the govt can arbitrarily label anyone they want as a criminal and then steal your funds.  There is no reason whatsoever for a non-fungible currency to exist besides the creation of a digital prison.

There's still counterparty risk involved if you consider the possibility of either the cost of synthesizing silver dropping significantly or silver becoming worthless due to the emergence of a better material in the future. And if you believe that this risk is nil you're deluding yourself.

Bullshit.  Humans are not inventing magical infinite energy machines to transmute pure energy conjured from thin air into matter.  It requires two neutron stars colliding to make silver and gold.  Even if you make believe humans are going to turn into the living gods you claim, it's definitely not happening in your lifetime or several ones after.  That was by far the worst disinfo attempt I've ever seen to try and shill for digital prison cryptocurrencies and against sound money like silver and gold.

You are clearly not familiar with the concept of counter-space, and the dielectric field, and that the mass of any element is just a dielectric condensate. But oh well, screw Tesla, Maxwell, Heavyside and other dudes that invented the modern world... Sry about off topic tho...

10. Post 30514723 (copy this link) (by PestoQuinty) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.44h):

It will be interesting to see when people start utilizing their TDAs, Cestui Que Vie/status correction procedures, and start pouring that infinite fiat into BTC.
Anyone ever thought about this? Maybe that is the thing behind this tether conspiracy.