All posts made by scv00 in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 15253337 (copy this link) (by scv00) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.53h):

Quote from: DaRude on June 17, 2016, 02:37:57 PM
Finex is down for scheduled? maintenance. Upgrade will last 45-60min  Undecided

* on topic speculative comments

Thanks for the heads up.

I thought it was having a quiet period, then after 20 minutes realised something was wrong. They could have picked a worse time for maintenance like in the middle of a pump or a dump. The price has stabilised over the last few hours. I hope it stays stable until finex is back up.

2. Post 15524679 (copy this link) (by scv00) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: European Central Bank on July 09, 2016, 01:13:05 PM
that was an excellent call. i guess it's either $6666 or $66666 for the next one unless that displeases the satanists who don't like the extra sixes.

The Satanists will already be displeased , Bitfinex's daily high has moved up from 666.6 to 666.7 One less 6 is nothing to us but it might mean a lot to them.

I think the daily high might move even higher, maybe even up to 667.

3. Post 15528638 (copy this link) (by scv00) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: BitcoinLoan on July 09, 2016, 07:05:05 PM
I expected more movements on markets today. It looks like, now will be few waves and later slowly growing to $1000 in December Wink

Give it a few months for the reduced rewards to make the miners life miserable and the price should slowly increase. As the run out of coins from their 25 BTC reward blocks they mined last week they won't be able to dump as heavily.

4. Post 15686770 (copy this link) (by scv00) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.56h):

Quote from: chesthing on July 23, 2016, 11:58:22 PM
The current poll, as usual, tells us how f'g clueless those here are. By far the highest number of voters say btc will be over $1k in a week, and the lowest number of voters at $650 will turn out to be right. Yes, this is an utterly worthless source of info as usual. Entertaining though!

It's not utterly worthless, it's an almost perfect reverse indicator of what the price will be in the future. If you bet on whatever price gets the lowest number of votes it's almost a guarantee you will win. The lowest number of votes probably gets it wrong less than 10% of the time.