All posts made by Bittings in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 8002315 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.00h):

Quote from: mmitech on July 24, 2014, 12:37:19 PM
how easy it became to bring the price to its knees, a 1000 BTC dump cause so much attention, there is no more interest in buying Bitcoin .... I have a feeling that the adoption rate is decreasing instead of slowing down or stopping, many people are getting out.

if things keeps this way, I will have to cash out everything in a month or so, better take my profits while I can.

Well shows almost all important metrics as still going up.

Taking profits is never a bad thing either. As it seems plenty of people are still willing to buy $600+ Bitcoins.

2. Post 8005745 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.00h):

Damn, this thread took a turn for the worst. Everyone take a step back for a second and take a deep breath.  Roll Eyes

Can we please, pretty please, stop talking about religion, no one is going to swayed by anyone's arguments here.

EDIT: That was the last time we will ever see sub $600 coins. Everyone be sure to wave goodbye on our way up.

3. Post 8005950 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.00h):

Quote from: BitChick on July 24, 2014, 04:47:59 PM

I would love to answer but it will have to be a PM at this point because everyone seems to be getting a bit annoyed.  Wow.  Who would have thought that religion was more annoying than all the trolls combined!?  Interesting. Wink

Bravo! You trolled the trolls. I'm not one to agree with your religious views, but at least you were civil. Can't say the same for the "humanity inspired moral loving" people who attacked you.

Bye Bye sub $600 coins, it was nice knowing you.

4. Post 8006398 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.00h):

Quote from: eratta on July 24, 2014, 05:03:57 PM

I would love to answer but it will have to be a PM at this point because everyone seems to be getting a bit annoyed.  Wow.  Who would have thought that religion was more annoying than all the trolls combined!?  Interesting. Wink

Bravo! You trolled the trolls. I'm not one to agree with your religious views, but at least you were civil. Can't say the same for the "humanity inspired moral loving" people who attacked you.

Bye Bye sub $600 coins, it was nice knowing you.

Stupidity and ignorance should be attacked, otherwise you're enabling them.

True. But this was more like someone saying "bless you" after you sneeze, and instead of just saying thank you, and going on with your day; you instead start berating them and showing them cartoons of child porn on your phone.

Let's buy some BITCOIN!

5. Post 8065691 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Only 22000 BTC left at Stamp. I smell a sell-out!

Sub $100 by Tuesday.

6. Post 8099605 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on July 30, 2014, 11:09:27 AM
Are there still people here who believe this is just "shaking out the weak hands" and that we're about to go to the moon?

Let's call it what it is. Bitcoin is failing. People are getting out. Moving on to other things.
The peak is over. This WAS the bubble you all were waiting for.

There isn't massive user adoption that will raise the price. Companies aren't standing in line to use Bitcoin. Wallstreet isn't dying to get it.
Everybody has been saying that to the point where everyone thought it was true Well it isn't. You've been lied to.

The price won't bounce back. Feel free to give me one valid reason why it should. You can't.

Smart money is getting out. Just like i just did. But i won't go away. I will keep on coming here to see how you fools will post charts every day to show how we are about to go to the moon while in the meantime the price goes down and down.
I will probably laugh as well.

I see your transformation is complete. Enjoy your fiat.

7. Post 8103179 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on July 30, 2014, 02:56:31 PM

Nothing to worry about. Only a few dollars. Just some weak hands. We're going to the moon as the new deadline expires. The big boys are getting in. Wallstreet can't wait to get in.

Shroomy, you come off as a very emotional/dramatic person. First you pissed off the uber-bears, now you've switched to bating the uber-bulls. Your basically making "enemies" of everyone on here. I fear for your emotional state, I don't think you can handle what you are doing to yourself.

8. Post 8104776 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on July 30, 2014, 03:31:16 PM

Nothing to worry about. Only a few dollars. Just some weak hands. We're going to the moon as the new deadline expires. The big boys are getting in. Wallstreet can't wait to get in.

Shroomy, you come off as a very emotional/dramatic person. First you pissed off the uber-bears, now you've switched to bating the uber-bulls. Your basically making "enemies" of everyone on here. I fear for your emotional state, I don't think you can handle what you are doing to yourself.

Enemies? I think you take this internet thing a little bit too seriously.

Well I put enemies in quotes because I agree this site is not a place to be taken seriously. And I'm sure you understood that.

9. Post 8248324 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.03h):

Not mine, but interesting Fibonacci pattern. Go down on 1.0, super bubbles on 1.618

10. Post 8313906 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.04h):

Quote from: Richy_T on August 12, 2014, 02:56:02 PM
Sigmund Freud may have said it, but it was originally spoken by Mr. Carl Sagan.

Sigmund Freud
Born: May 6, 1856, Příbor, Czech Republic
Died: September 23, 1939, London, United Kingdom

Carl Sagan
Born: November 9, 1934, Brooklyn, NY
Died: December 20, 1996, Seattle, WA

So unlikely to be the case. Likely it's apocryphal but I always heard it attributed to Einstein.

11. Post 8329938 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.04h):

Quote from: Erdogan on August 13, 2014, 12:53:11 PM
If this is a dump of the ethereum investment, someone is going to lose. Is it ethereum, or is it the investors dumping coins via bitpay?

not directly at least:

12. Post 8331171 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.04h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on August 13, 2014, 02:12:09 PM
Can we get a forum option of auto-ignoring people with <10 posts? That would be sweet


 Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Cool


13. Post 8421748 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.06h):

Today's the day men are made. Play the waves if you want, but this is nothing but the Bitcoin gods testing your resolve. Repent and be saved.

14. Post 8421969 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.06h):

Quote from: Chuckee on August 18, 2014, 06:43:00 PM
Bubble isn't going to happen... probably never, but it's certainly going to be a long time at least. People cutting their loose now, Much better places to stick your cash for the next 6 months while we wait to see where this goes.

Bubbles come when you least expect them.

Bitcoin and this forum need to be forgotten again! and maybe a new bubble will happen...

Sure, but we're still in an enormous bear trend, and we're not even at the blood in the streets phase yet. Litecoin definitely is, and bitcoin will follow it down I suspect. When you see the bulltards here give up hope and admit the folly in their thought processes, then maybe, just maybe a few months later it will happen again.

That is, if we don't break $300. If that happens, all bets are off for the future of crypto. It would be a huge strike to the confidence of the crypto economy.

The whole 'blood in the street' being necessary is what is going to bite the bears in the butt when the time comes. I don't remember much blood last year before the autumn rise.

15. Post 8422334 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.06h):

Quote from: inca on August 18, 2014, 07:11:03 PM
Bubble isn't going to happen... probably never, but it's certainly going to be a long time at least. People cutting their loose now, Much better places to stick your cash for the next 6 months while we wait to see where this goes.

You registered here two days ago. Forgive me if i take every word you write with a pinch of salt. If it isn't going to rise again, why do you want to buy in lower?

You can trust me because I bring forth an outsider's view of bitcoin. For the past year, people here have been brainwashed by the echo chamber, they have no ability to think rationally anymore!

Fairly sure you are a) not an outsider, and b) probably operate more than one similar account on btc. Who are you really?

Pretty sure this entire thread is just Adam talking to himself with alt accounts. Even I'm not sure I'm real.

16. Post 8437530 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.07h):

Quote from: Richy_T on August 19, 2014, 03:21:52 PM
I really didnt think that we were going to see the $400s again

Bitcoin doesn't care what you (or I) think.

Fret not my friends, I care what you think  Grin

17. Post 8440856 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.07h):

One Year Ago

Quote from: ElectricMucus on August 21, 2013, 12:30:37 AM
Now is the time to go all in!
Who listened to EM?

Quote from: adamstgBit on August 21, 2013, 01:06:39 AM
Buy the walls guys, 180 is just around the corner.
new prediction new all time high will to be set in September
Not bad, off by a couple weeks!

Quote from: ShroomsKit on August 19, 2013, 07:21:07 AM
Why do people suddenly start selling after the price has reached 120? Doesn't make much sense to me?
Shroomy, always looking on the positive side  Grin

18. Post 8472772 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.07h):

Quote from: fonsie on August 21, 2014, 04:46:41 PM
Idiot dumpers.

Says "King Dumptard" himself.

says princess trollmuch herself...

im good

It seems ShroomsKit has bought himself another account.

No I didn't....oops.  Grin

19. Post 8486078 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

I'm getting old. I pulled a muscle dumping the dog food bag into the big container. No half day at work and golf in the afternoon anymore.

But hey Bitcoin... uhmmm.... any chance we can speed this whole process up?

I was fine when it was under $30, all my dreams of early retirement and relaxing days of luxury, were just that, dreams.

No, Bitcoin had to go all $1200 tease, and I had to actually think about what prices to diversify at, and when to pay off debt.

I tried being a day trader for a while, but then the whole IRS tax stuff came along and I just don't want to deal with it. Plus I realized I don't have the stomach for it, anytime I wasn't 100% Bitcoin, I just worried.

I am more the buy and hold type, and fine with it. Yet I still check this thread everyday, I'm like a masochistic in that regards.

What's wrong with me? (besides the shoulder)

20. Post 8486235 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on August 22, 2014, 02:36:31 PM
I'm getting old. I pulled a muscle dumping the dog food bag into the big container. No half day at work and golf in the afternoon anymore.

But hey Bitcoin... uhmmm.... any chance we can speed this whole process up?

I was fine when it was under $30, all my dreams of early retirement and relaxing days of luxury, were just that, dreams.

No, Bitcoin had to go all $1200 tease, and I had to actually think about what prices to diversify at, and when to pay off debt.

I tried being a day trader for a while, but then the whole IRS tax stuff came along and I just don't want to deal with it. Plus I realized I don't have the stomach for it, anytime I wasn't 100% Bitcoin, I just worried.

I am more the buy and hold type, and fine with it. Yet I still check this thread everyday, I'm like a masochistic in that regards.

What's wrong with me? (besides the shoulder)

not a damn thing.

normalcy bias is strong with you that is all

Hmmm normalcy bias, what is that?

Quote from: wikipedia
The normalcy bias often results in unnecessary deaths in disaster situations.

Oh... I'm the old lady in my house on the side of a mountain who refuses to leave while the whole forest burns around her.  Cheesy

21. Post 8488384 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

If I was a bear, I would be scared of missing out on the inevitable rise in price. There should be a term for that feeling.  Kiss

22. Post 8526672 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Just look at all this stability.

23. Post 8544335 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Hey let's change subject to something was all can agree on... how about religion?

24. Post 8545155 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

So Bitstamp wall at $517 is calling in reinforcements. Still less than $4mil to $600 though.

25. Post 8545384 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: seljo on August 26, 2014, 07:37:43 PM
bitfinex trying to lead us the wrong way?

but why!?
Have no idea why... someone is keeping us in mid orbit for what reason you can only guess...

To keep the prices cheap for their lord and master's final plan?

26. Post 8555484 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

The takeaway is that people who sit out for long stretches while waiting for the perfect entry point into the markets are giving up their single most precious asset: Time.

27. Post 8557995 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on August 27, 2014, 04:16:46 PM

As a bitcoin fan, you obviously want to stick as many applications as possible into the Satoshi2009 blockchain, in order to get more support for it.  But there are other blockchains in existence, and the bitcoin network's hashing power could be harnessed for other protocols and applications if offered suitable rewards.

nice, attaching the year to the blockchain to imply its old. Quite the troll shot.

28. Post 8558250 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: mmitech on August 27, 2014, 04:53:06 PM

As a bitcoin fan, you obviously want to stick as many applications as possible into the Satoshi2009 blockchain, in order to get more support for it.  But there are other blockchains in existence, and the bitcoin network's hashing power could be harnessed for other protocols and applications if offered suitable rewards.

nice, attaching the year to the blockchain to imply its old. Quite the troll shot.

What is wrong with his post ? why do you think he is trolling ?

Yes the block chain is more than 5 years old, and this mean that you missed the point of his post, any attempt to change/add anything to the Bitcoin protocol at this point or in the future will be hard and will get harder when the adoption rate continue to increase, even a simple task to fix a bug or to release a newer version will get harder, but there are working alternatives (chains) that attempts to solve and add new  features that we think will be  crucial in the future... so the question is: is it worth it ?

LOL. why do I think he is trolling? because that is what he is. He may disguise himself as a scholar and a skeptic, but he doesn't fool me.

P.S. You're almost as trolly as him.

29. Post 8558810 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: Nightowlace on August 27, 2014, 05:08:37 PM
30 days in and he's calling out the trolls. Amazing. You should google the people you speak about prior to commenting on their intentions. He is in fact a scholar and a skeptic and I actually welcome his comments even though I often disagree. It is important to have people of different opinions offering up thought out, educated, comments. Too often you hear "BItcoin is a pump and dump" "Bitcoin will fail" "This is the last time we will see $500 buy now" and it is based solely on their current trading/holding position, emotion, and just to be an asshole.

I am not advocating for him to stop posting, I don't care what he does, plus I have no control over it anyways. You welcome his comments, great, I don't.

I don't need to google him, I've been here longer than you (just not this account) if I go by your join date on your profile.

30. Post 8558826 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: mmitech on July 25, 2014, 06:08:55 PM

I just had enough of the stupidity of some and the malicious and scammish behavior of others (there is plenty of them here around), and I see that most of people here don't agree with me, they get even offended because I crash their dreams sometimes,

so this will be my last comment in this forum, enjoy all of you Smiley

Hey I googled mmitech like you mentioned, guess he is a liar. Smiley

31. Post 8559396 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

Quote from: mmitech on August 27, 2014, 06:15:26 PM

I just had enough of the stupidity of some and the malicious and scammish behavior of others (there is plenty of them here around), and I see that most of people here don't agree with me, they get even offended because I crash their dreams sometimes,

so this will be my last comment in this forum, enjoy all of you Smiley

Hey I googled mmitech like you mentioned, guess he is a liar. Smiley

Congrats, you won the....wait, what did you achieve here ?

Post count increase? Legendary here I come.

32. Post 8569845 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.09h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on August 28, 2014, 01:10:21 PM

But I suspect that the May/20 mini-bubble and the subsequent relative stability will bot be enough to impress clients and the SEC.  On the other hand, those buying spurts should add up to a lot more than they could earn from fees.  

Now trying to subconsciously reference the willy bot from MtGox, nice try Jorge, I'm still onto you, its not going to work.

Yes I'm joking

33. Post 8574586 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.09h):

I can feel it in my nether regions, $510 is going to be so amazing!

34. Post 8641337 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on September 02, 2014, 03:03:49 PM
I just wish more people here who cheer about cheap coins with every dump would realize this. There is nothing to cheer about this situation. Unless you are a troll and want Bitcoin to fail.

Plenty of folks think they can make more money on the failure of Bitcoin than on spending and holding it. They will make their piddly amounts of profit, and be left with some lovely fiat that they can leave to be inflated away while the whales laugh at everyone from their yachts.

"But hey I shorted LULZ smiley wink" so screw the enormous benefits that a world where Bitcoin is a major player would have, I can't think with all this money in my face.

35. Post 8641473 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Quote from: Chuckee on September 02, 2014, 04:59:55 PM
Wait a tick! It's September!

Isn't GABI supposed to be investing billions of dollars into bitcoin right now? Don't tell me that it was all just more bullshit from the regular gang of hold-tards.

Fortunately, hardly anyone is interested in bitcoin anymore, and there are very few new comers. When a commodity drops in value consistently all year, that tends to happen. So less people that can be persuaded by the snake oil salesmen here, which is a good thing.

Yep you're right! Nothing but snake oil in these here parts. Hear that everyone, we've been done found out. It was fun while it lasted, time to pull up the tents, the locals are onto us.

36. Post 8641525 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Quote from: Torque on September 02, 2014, 05:04:14 PM
Let's make a new rule in this thread.  Let's don't cheer and bring out rocket/moon photos ever time the price rises $5-10.  Mmmkay?

I bet this rule would be dropped if the price rises to 510$. Cheesy

I've been nothing but disappointed since April's $420 month long bottom --> $680.  It's been nothing but down ever since.  So wake me up when we hit $680 again.  Otherwise I'm completely ignoring rockets/moons until then.

Hey at least mining difficulty never stopped going to the moon, in fact its currently hovering around the moons of Saturn.

37. Post 8641589 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on September 02, 2014, 05:05:36 PM
..."But hey I shorted LULZ smiley wink" so screw the enormous benefits that a world where Bitcoin is a major player would have, I can't think with all this money in my face.

>Speculation subforum
>Trading thread


Sorry if I offended the bear/bull traders with my remarks. I know how sensitive we are to straying off topics in this thread. I'm so glad all we ever talk about is day trading and charts and lines. I'm sure I'd be hanged if I was to even dare attempt to discuss something other than trading, like politics or religion, thank god we never have. You're right this thread is only for speculation on trading, it is in no way the troll box of the entire forum. Nope! Thanks for putting me in my place.

38. Post 8652836 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Credit Card Breach at Home Depot

God dammnit trolls and manipulators!  Cheesy

Can't you just let Bitcoin take over already so we can stop with all these credit hacks?

39. Post 8674161 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.10h):

Quote from: ssmc2 on September 04, 2014, 04:38:44 PM
Poor wittle bears

Nah, look at how much more they can sell their coins for now!

40. Post 8732469 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

Quote from: edwardspitz on September 08, 2014, 06:20:08 PM
Shorts on Bitfinex almost up by 1000 BTC today and is now at 9960 BTC in total. Shorting 1000 BTC at this price level... talk about confident bears  Shocked

If I imagine being a big mighty manipulator, and I knew it was time to switch directions, I would do one last big sell-off to convince the bears we are going down even more, let the shorts pile up, then let the good times roll.

P.S. Stop Losses are your friends.

41. Post 8733062 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

Quote from: Chuckee on September 08, 2014, 07:02:44 PM
Smart money understands that this will create more sell pressure, hence the price is dropping already. Don't be a maroon and a bag holder, cut your loose.

42. Post 8743946 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

Quote from: klee on September 09, 2014, 12:06:27 PM
How many coins where bought between 150$ and 350$ ?
That is the question..

According to just MtGox history (ignoring the February 2014 stuff) the price was in that range from roughly Oct 15, 2013 to November 11, 2013, with a volume of ~840k BTC. Obliviously that is just one exchange (albeit the most prominent one during that timeframe). Extrapolation left to the reader.

43. Post 8748358 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.11h):

Quote from: BitChick on September 09, 2014, 05:46:59 PM
Apple is talking about replacing wallets right now.  Please say Bitcoin.  Please say Bitcoin.  Smiley


44. Post 8794211 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.12h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on September 12, 2014, 06:17:07 PM
really liking that not a shit is given about that wall on bitfinex.

its just stopping the rally, i wonder how long it will hold.

What rally?  I see us maybe being in the 300s in November hopefully when ETF gets announced.  And NOte I am PermaBull

feels like thats all thats left.



EDIT: I don't know whats worse on this forum, the trolls or the god damn invalid image.

45. Post 8844006 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

46. Post 8844809 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: Skinnkavaj on September 16, 2014, 01:57:46 PM
Ristos little baby XMR is going to rally at any time now. So much fight, talk, troll about it yet it is a coin that has attracted a lot of early bitcoiners with the anonymous mentality. The whole altcoin section of this forum is like a war of children screaming for attention by the one who can troll the most.

Monero featured in LetsTalkBitcoin podcast here, around 20 minutes in:

i tried to mine it once, but never got any of it, stopped caring after that.
I am not a miner myself, just amazed by the fact that XMR have really brilliant crypto graphers such as Wladimir van der Laan (lead developer of Bitcoin, took over after Gavin), Gregory Maxwell, nanotube, phantomcircuit and others involved. Although I am not a developer myself, but seeing the core developers of Bitcoin uniting behind XMR is unique to me and speaks a lot of about the anonymous tech.

Honest question, how are they involved? Are they the lead developers for Monero? or are they just contributing code here and there?

One thing I've noticed is whenever alt coins are brought up on this thread its usually right before a big dump.

47. Post 8845769 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on September 16, 2014, 03:17:39 PM
cut your looses now  Huh  Undecided  Lips sealed  Cry Cry Cry Cry  Tongue


48. Post 8859598 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

49. Post 8862606 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: mmitech on September 17, 2014, 05:14:26 PM
buy all the bitcoins now, wow $450 is for cheap, the price "should" be at $2500, sell your house, your car, your wife and kids and buy Bitcoin, because to THE MOON.
if anyone said the above, he wouldnt be considered as a troll, but because I speak common sense and use my brain cells I am a troll. well a troll is a common adjective in this sub forum, so be it Smiley I am a troll  Cheesy

You're not a troll, however you do come off as an asshole.

I can't imagine you care, but in case you are wondering why you get the responses you get from people on here, that's probably the reason.

50. Post 8873778 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: messibtc on September 18, 2014, 12:41:32 PM
If we reach sub $400 I'll sell all my bitcoins, adieu...

Just sell now if this is scary for you, you can get an extra $40 per BTC.

51. Post 8874568 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on September 18, 2014, 01:38:27 PM
That might be the fast-crash we need. Alot of powerful forces want to buy lower. Let them, buy with them, ride the wave wherever it goes, and chill. Bitcoin did that multiples times already, and always recovered.

I've been reading about these mysterious forces that want to get in for 9 months now.
So who exactly are they and when exactly are they gonna buy in?

I believe they will buy in right after they kill the golden goose, and everyone will lose. Humans are doomed to destroy the planet and we can't do anything about it.

Despair. Repent. Rejoice.

52. Post 8875128 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on September 18, 2014, 01:58:09 PM
That might be the fast-crash we need. Alot of powerful forces want to buy lower. Let them, buy with them, ride the wave wherever it goes, and chill. Bitcoin did that multiples times already, and always recovered.

I've been reading about these mysterious forces that want to get in for 9 months now.
So who exactly are they and when exactly are they gonna buy in?

I believe they will buy in right after they kill the golden goose, and everyone will lose. Humans are doomed to destroy the planet and we can't do anything about it.

Despair. Repent. Rejoice.

Could it be there is no big mysterious force that wants to get in?

There very well be a mysterious force that wants in, but you have to wondering if crashing the price to sub $100 will get them what they really want. Bitcoin is still in the early stages and needs its evangelists and cult like behavior; you need people to believe the impossible at first to keep the walls from caving in. If you crush the dreams of all those people in the process of getting in at your price, you'll be able to get your sub $100 coins, but no one will be around to care, or buy them back from you.

There are plenty of people who bought in back in 2011/12 that are still up on their investments. We've got a long way to go before those people give up, I'm one of them and will just stand here holding that bag. It got me to where I'm at, Bitcoin helped my life out immensely, it doesn't owe me anything. I'm not a trader anymore, just an observer.

Good luck everyone. This feels like a bottom.

53. Post 8875236 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: gnode on September 18, 2014, 02:42:49 PM
Why is bitcoin going down?

The answer is simple -- the coins being sold are Hal Finney's coins.

Think about it.

Thinking..... * Checks Bitcoin Days Destroyed (*   .... NOPE!

54. Post 8875384 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: gnode on September 18, 2014, 02:47:53 PM
Why is bitcoin going down?

The answer is simple -- the coins being sold are Hal Finney's coins.

Think about it.

Thinking..... * Checks Bitcoin Days Destroyed (*   .... NOPE!

This means nothing, Hal moved his coins around through many different addresses over the last few years.

Where did you see that? Regardless the BDD is not showing very many old coins moving anyway. I can't imagine Hal left the coins with people he thought would crash something he held in high regards. But I don't know, its your theory, I have no real proof to discount it, nor the desire to analyze the blockchain to see where the coins are currently, have fun.

55. Post 8876526 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: adaseb on September 18, 2014, 04:29:14 PM
Why is it that almost everybody in this thread is long and I am probably the only one short ?

The trend was down, it hit major resistance, it failed to rally on good news. Why would you be long in this market?

Why is everybody saying "YAY! Cheap coins" ??

Why are you trying to catch a falling knife? This might be the bottom but its highly unlikely its the bottom. It could go down another $50,$100 or $200 before it reaches a bottom and finds support.

ery1 b trollin'

56. Post 8876629 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.13h):

Quote from: oda.krell on September 18, 2014, 03:38:12 PM

Problem is, it's simply not true. In fact, that post is pretty much contradicting itself:

>There are plenty of people who bought in back in 2011/12 that are still up on their investments.

Exactly. After price dropped from $32 to $2. And people bought back anyway. Less people, maybe, but they stuck around.

In all likelihood, that's what's going to happen again this time... More despair. More people leaving for good. Some staying around. Eventually, a new rally. New people coming around because of the rally. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

(And, of course, as always the non-zero chance that this is after all the last bubble, and the experiment failed. There's a reason why there's a substantial growth potential in price - because there's a substantial risk that it'll all go tits up.)

That's the hope. However its possible to beat people down enough that no one sticks around, and any new people just see a blood stained street and say no thanks.

57. Post 8887720 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.14h):

People complain about bulls/hodlers as being greedy and delusional. Well now its the bears turn to be greedy and short-sighted.

Instead of FOMO fueling a bull market, we have here ROMO (regret of missing out) cheering this bear market. We have all the people who were mad they missed out on the price rises the past years.
The early adopter Hero Members, Legendaries, and even some Moderators who sold way too early and are butthurt that these newbies could come in and make all this money, when the newbs haven't even been here as long as them. Then the other group of late arrivers who never had the chance to purchase sub $300 coins. They complain about distribution of coins and how unfair that is to them, and love the trolls who are just here to bash Bitcoin.

The bears are banking on it reaching "their" price, the price they feel they deserve to buy at, and then, only then will the price rebound and the moon is allowed to happen. They cling to the TA that tells them the price "must" go down because CAPITALIZATION and COILED SPRING, just as much as the bulls cling to their exponential price curves.

The bears think the price will rebound because it has too, that is what is supposed to happen. Never once contemplating maybe if the price actually reaches their perfect bid, Bitcoin would be irrevocably harmed, to the point that no one gives a damn, and no one wins.

This too shall pass. Maybe Bitcoin is stronger than all this and the bears will get their prices and then everyone will be a bull and $100000 coins are here by December.

Yep that's whats going to happen, right bears?

58. Post 8887894 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.14h):

Quote from: mmitech on September 19, 2014, 12:19:07 PM
I bought $10K worth of another coin (not really an alt) that I am not going to reveal so no one will call me a pumper or have some agendas for "fulfilling my books"... when time comes I will talk about it Smiley

59. Post 8954125 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.15h):

Quote from: Dump3er on September 24, 2014, 02:22:01 PM
Lol @bears getting bled out on stamp Smiley

I see, you already read the picture book about market behaviors for infants where complex bearish and bullish market behaviors are simplified to a cowboys vs. indians game. You should also read the episode two about the good vs. the evil and where the one manipulator enters the game.

Picture book and fantasy finance markets!

Stand back everyone! A TRUE trader is amongst us. Please let us know if you prefer us to bow before you, or simply avert our eyes.

60. Post 8955430 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.15h):

Quote from: Dump3er on September 24, 2014, 03:59:20 PM
Walls of Text (.....NOT....NO......NOT.....NOT.....NOT....NO....NO......NOT....NOT)

Damn you for quoting the walls!

This is the wall observer thread.  Grin

61. Post 8979493 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.16h):

Quote from: Dump3er on September 26, 2014, 12:18:20 PM
it means the mission to infest bitcointalk and sway it into a bitcoin-negative site is working ... Jorge and the team will get their bonuses from Uncle Sam

I wonder why it turns out this way. Initially it was such a quality forum.

LMAO. Cowboys vs Indians. The one manipulator. Troll agents entering bitcointalk. What kinda freakshow is this?

What about aliens? We have no aliens here  Sad


Yeah, that's crazy talk Dump3er, you fit in so nicely.

62. Post 9020147 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Bears seem a little defensive today.

Circle is definitely a long-term win for Bitcoin. The friction of buying a Bitcoin just went down a lot. Regardless of short-term price movements, today is a good day for Bitcoin.

63. Post 9020242 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: TeeBone on September 29, 2014, 07:09:08 PM
Calm down guys, SuperCircle is here. No worries, Krypton landing around the corner. Let's do jumping jacks and celebrate SuperCircle, our savior.

Yes everyone, keep that sentiment negative. We can't let a positive feeling exist longer than 3 posts in this forum. God forbid such a horrible travesty ever occur, or suffer the wrath of the great manipulator.

64. Post 9020352 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: mmitech on September 29, 2014, 07:19:24 PM
BTW, I just bought $100 worth of bitcoin from circle, and processed a withdrawal which went instantly... which means that they possibly have their own Bitcoin Stock, and this makes me think that they rushed with going live when they saw the price declining, maybe as a move to lower their "loses"?

Nice one! Quality negative theory. You have pleased the great manipulator. May your shorts ever prosper.

65. Post 9028600 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

EBay to Spin Off PayPal

And PayPal has grown more independent of its parent over time. Less than one-third of the total dollar volume of payments it processed last year came from eBay, as the business pushes into new outlets. In particular, it has looked to its acquisition of the start-up Braintree to handle mobile payments for hot e-commerce services like the car ride app Uber and the room rental site Airbnb.

66. Post 9030659 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: InvestorPerson on September 30, 2014, 03:57:20 PM
if you dump on this rally just because you can you are PURE EVIL

sell now, or regret later

well duuuh, what sounds better Roll Eyes

rally my *ss, those are your everyday small bumps on the way down

My doctor said the small bumps on my *ss were nothing to worry about. What do you think?

67. Post 9033067 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

Quote from: InvestorPerson on September 30, 2014, 07:15:44 PM
aah beautiful

"manipulators" eating their own walls, you guys go euphoric, gain confidence and start buying back. guess what happens next


68. Post 9041558 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: Blitz­ on October 01, 2014, 01:11:47 PM
I've noticed that "bearwhale" is now some sort of deity cult figure. Apparently he has a huge power over the markets. Reminds me of KARHU, but that one was a joke.

Repent! Cheesy

Bow before your new God.

EDIT: I wonder how many people in this thread don't also frequent r/BitcoinMarkets.

69. Post 9045683 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on October 01, 2014, 07:05:40 PM

correct, you see the point and The Winkelvoss EFT is a dump. They bought a lot of Bitcoins and can't unload them without crashing the market. The EFT is a way for them to exit Bitcoin.

Please back up your claim with some kind of proof.

You don't want to see his proof, its covered with shit, because he just pulled it out of his ass.  Grin

70. Post 9066435 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: Richy_T on October 03, 2014, 01:32:33 PM

Hmm. Looks like moving to imgur was not the correct choice.

Trying to actually get an image to show up on this rinky-dink forum was probably not the correct choice.  Roll Eyes

71. Post 9066454 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

72. Post 9066587 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on October 03, 2014, 01:25:33 PM
I think a government or bank can do it way easier than this. I don't think that's what happening here.
I have no clue who else would do this and why. It's just that i can't find another plausible explanation for this kind of market behaviour.
Maybe our mod who kept crying how there is no manipulation can explain it to us.

Hmm, plausible, I don't know? One guess I could think of is maybe its BitPay/Coinbase. If I knew I was in a bear market, or was tipped off by my exchange buddies that the bear whale is "real", I might sell off portions of my bitcoin stash. That way I have the cash on hand to pay Overstock or whomever uses my services. With the added benefit of also contributing to the decline in price, so when Joe Blow buys something at Overstock I actually get more bitcoin back than I used to pay Overstock with when I cashed out earlier (when the price was up $5). Worst case is the market goes up and I just market sell Joe Blow's bitcoin.

73. Post 9066781 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.18h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on October 03, 2014, 02:06:05 PM
Told you it was going down more yesterday. Hope you listened (and one week ago too and before that too)

Thanks Nostradamus. We've been going down for 10 months.
But unlike you I tell folks to sell at the right time not just randomly like you whenever your bear personality kick in.

I hope nobody listens to anyone on this thread for trading advice.

74. Post 9106544 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on October 06, 2014, 06:01:50 PM
...what bitcoin needs is a hot market place where poeple are using bitcoin as a medium of exchange in a P2P manner, without middlemen taking a cut etc. etc.. as it was indented. this will gr8ly improve confidence, and joe blow will have more faith in the system as a whole.

Sounds like SR...

ya thats one market place, where poeple are already using bitcoin as intended, but it doesn't inspire confidence for joe blow, only Mr. Smokey Mc Pot, once people see bitcoiners trading all kinds of collectibles, second hand stuff, homes and cars, using bitcoin, a real proper economy, this will do wonders for investor confidence.

Adam, don't worry, I can read between your lines!

P.S. Gavin says there will be another bubble,  Cheesy :

My best guess is that we’ll run into the 1 megabyte block size limit during the next price bubble

75. Post 9106718 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: Ivanhoe on October 06, 2014, 06:32:06 PM
Amir Taaki, goes ate shit thinks big on Keiser Report.

Anybody know where to buy that shirt? I need that shirt so bad.

or  Grin

76. Post 9118236 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Maybe we really are at the bottom, the troll quality is definitely at an all time low.

77. Post 9118335 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: hamiltino on October 07, 2014, 04:28:38 PM
People are so stupid, bitcoin is the primary currency of most darkmarkets, that is, a multi-billion dollar industry. It may go lower than 300 at some point but it is not going to die overnight or in the near future. Only when these darkmarkets transition to a superior more anonymous currency/platform we will see the true end of bitcoin.

You're gonna need to go through bitcoins though to convert those "darkcoins" to fiat. Not saying it wouldn't be a blow to Bitcoin, but Bitcoin is bigger than the dark markets.

78. Post 9119502 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

I think the bearwhale just outsourced some more trolls. I wonder what the going rate is to act like a tool on the internet.

79. Post 9132704 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.21h):

Quote from: stan.distortion on October 08, 2014, 07:10:34 PM

...delays possible

EDIT: @ posters mentioning bulls and train pics, this is the first train pic since the weekend Tongue

If you added it up, I bet there would be more posts of bears talking about train/moon pics, then there are bulls posts of actual train/moon pics.

80. Post 9142408 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.22h):

Double Digits for sure... right after ISO 4217 approval moves the decimal place  Grin

81. Post 9144235 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.22h):

I think a couple trolls forgot to check their email this week to see that the bearwhale stopped paying for their services.

82. Post 9152917 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.22h):

Quote from: tarmi on October 10, 2014, 01:17:55 PM

+1 internet so fucking annoying and stupid that it is pretty much obvious he is the biggest bag hodler here.

Yeah, he's so stupid, doesn't he realize that Bitcoin works just great at $5 a piece. The sentiment at that level will be so great, we can short it all the way down to $0.005 just like Satoshi imagined. Fuck him for believing in Bitcoin. Everyone knows the ultimate goal is to suck the marrow out of the Bitcoin core, put that sweet sweet fiat into our banks, and let the good times roll.

83. Post 9153096 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.22h):

Quote from: btcney on October 10, 2014, 01:48:15 PM

+1 internet so fucking annoying and stupid that it is pretty much obvious he is the biggest bag hodler here.

Yeah, he's so stupid, doesn't he realize that Bitcoin works just great at $5 a piece. The sentiment at that level will be so great, we can short it all the way down to $0.005 just like Satoshi imagined. Fuck him for believing in Bitcoin. Everyone knows the ultimate goal is to suck the marrow out of the Bitcoin core, put that sweet sweet fiat into our banks, and let the good times roll.

Bagholder detected.

What does that even mean? Its an insult I guess right? A bagholder is the one left with the worthless stocks. So you are saying Bitcoin is a worthless stock. Great! You're so smart. Forgive me if I think Bitcoin has real value.

84. Post 9153649 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.22h):

Quote from: tarmi on October 10, 2014, 02:13:10 PM
if bitcoin goes to 5 $ and fails then it probably deserves it.

I dont stand those cultist' and ideological speeches in the speculation forum.

those speeches make me dump.

Ehh, this thread has always been more than just a speculation place. And to expect people who are interested in Bitcoin to ignore a subset of the Bitcoin ecosystem is probably a little naive. Price discovery is an important part of the story of Bitcoin. I think most people understand the day trading is a necessary evil; to find out if Bitcoin is going to be just money to buy your doobies with or will become a stable store of wealth. But to expect people on a Bitcoin forum to take kindly to people who are here only to pump and dump it is also something I don't understand. And if people really do think Bitcoin will keep rebounding, and you can make money of the bounces, you really should be interested in the bagholder sentiment anyway, because eventually you'll break everyone and if your not in fiat you'll end up being a bagholder yourself.

You are free to dump your coins because I posted something, but I would hope your trigger finger is not so sensitive.

85. Post 9156615 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.22h):

Peter Gibbons: What would you do if you had 1000 BTC?
Lawrence: I'll tell you what I'd do, man, two chicks at the same time, man.
Peter Gibbons: That's it? If you had 1000 BTC, you'd do two chicks at the same time?
Lawrence: Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I had 1000 BTC I could hook that up, cause chicks dig a dude with digital currency.
Peter Gibbons: Well, not all chicks.
Lawrence: Well the kind of chicks that'd double up on a dude like me do.
Peter Gibbons: Good point.

86. Post 9199792 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.24h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on October 14, 2014, 04:14:44 PM
We will see 450 before weekend just saying  Cheesy

We're going down. There are gonna be some massive dumps before or early weekend.

whats wrong shooormie ? short squeese scare u no ?

I can not share any details but those who are smart get out now.
This is confirmed.

Shrooms trying a little reverse psychology on the market I see. Let's hope it helps.

87. Post 9200364 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.24h):

Where's Adam... CannabisCoin pump in progress  Shocked

88. Post 9200582 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.24h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on October 14, 2014, 05:39:38 PM
flopping back down.  

89. Post 9278585 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Quote from: podyx on October 21, 2014, 02:27:14 PM
That moment when you realize we are headed for $10k


10K you say? Sup?

90. Post 9294310 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Quote from: mmitech on October 22, 2014, 06:35:08 PM
price seems very stable. in the next month there will be an opening of an etf and we will see a new bubble  Grin. however, don't sell now.

How the ETF is going to push the price up ? Winklevoss already owns a shitload of coins that will be liquidating at that ETF, with this kind of really slow demand and with the amount of coins they own it will be a long time before anything could happen, them holding that shit load of coins is one of the reasons the price is still holding.

Beside, don't even mention wall street and this ETF until we see how the Bitlicence is going to look like, if it will be remotely close to what the regulators of NY state are aiming for, then you just kiss wall street and that ETF goodbye.

I see you are being your normal abrasive self. Stating your opinion as undeniable fact.

But its also possible an ETF opens the world of Bitcoin to millions of people who can't be arsed right now to figure out how or why to buy a bitcoin.

Just like when Dwolla made it easy to transfer money in and out of Mt Gox, which in turn bubbled the price up from $2 to $30.

91. Post 9306668 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Quote from: empowering on October 23, 2014, 07:42:19 PM
I sincerely apologise for trolling the troll (but I will continue to troll nlC from time to time)  I am not usually a total troll... I am a little miffed that NLC has been given a free reign to troll away, all very well ignoring the poor little dear, but that does not seem to cut the mustard when the brat keeps trolling and trolling and trolling and trolling, week after week after week after week with the same ol tired disingenuous shyte.

There's no need to apologize, you're only hurting yourself (and the mod who's got to come around and delete this stuff later).

The thing is, you're not being funny, you're being condescending, which means you're feeding him. It doesn't help your case that your post suggests you are frustrated with him, which encourages him further. Even if you don't believe that, he will, and that's all he needs for encouragement if he's a troll.

If you think they're a troll, ignore them. Pretty simple stuff. Otherwise you're just contributing to the spam, and to their enjoyment.

I think I will ignore that... (joke)

Hmm.. I am not hurting myself at all, and yes I am being condescending, very very much so... that is the whole point.

I do not think lambchop is a troll, I know he is, we all do.

I admit I find lambchop irritating, who would not? the only thing that would actually help  would be for him to go for a long walk on a motorway somewhere, apart from that I have no case, apart from maybe it would be nice to have a conversation on this thread without not lambchops, meaningless, pointless, disingenuous, little bits of tat every one or two posts, that is right every one or two posts..   and frankly I think some of the ribs I have given lambchop, have been quite amusing, maybe not your humor but each to their own.   I am well aware what a troll is, and I am well aware I am trolling a troll which is kind of pointless, but it will have no effect on if he stops or not, and you are free to ignore me, I do actually contribute from time to time (less and less these days, because, well.. becoming more and more pointless, because of people like nlc and the KKK clan)

Point is, little lambie has already been off his game recently, and I am not sure he likes me talking about doing things to his mum.... which as I say is a little reward, and frankly ignoring him, is great apart from he keeps going... pissing all over this thread and over any real discussion... that is the whole point.

I would prefer that a newb looking at this thread, sees me and everyone else handing NLC's own ass to him on a regular basis tbh, we all tried to be nice about it, we all tried to ignore it, but the little  dipshit keeps going, and the most annoying thing is 9/10 what he says makes no sense and is not in context...  

I really could not give a hot about nlc, but I had started to grow quite fond of this thread in someways... and now.. well.. not so much, it is like the notlambchop show, and frankly that is not funn or entertaining..

I will most likely delete my own posts...

Everyone is free to ignore me or lambchop or free to continue to lap up lambchops bs, up to them at the end of the day... the Bitcoin price is nto doing much so I decided a little bit of lambchop bashing would be fun for a little bit.

thanks for the advice, but I think I have got this.

Don't stop! Even though I have Lambie on ignore, I enjoy people giving him shit, even if that means I see his posts quoted.

92. Post 9317396 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.26h):

Quote from: superresistant on October 24, 2014, 05:39:37 PM
Good fkn god.  Can anyone, I mean anyone, who is a buy-and-hodl person buy a SINGLE bitcoin in the year 2014 and NOT be in the red the following week/month?
Money of the future?  Jesus fk.  No wonder people are now leaving the bitcoin community and not coming back.

I bought in 2013 and I in the green like damn green.

Wait for 2015 if you bought in 2014.

Is one year like impossible for you guys to wait ?

I bought 7 bitcoins on June 9th, 2011 for $30.49, almost the very top of that bubble. I was in the RED about an hour after I bought them until February 23rd, 2013.

And I still have those bitcoins.

93. Post 9317528 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.26h):

Quote from: BitChick on October 24, 2014, 06:02:27 PM
Good fkn god.  Can anyone, I mean anyone, who is a buy-and-hodl person buy a SINGLE bitcoin in the year 2014 and NOT be in the red the following week/month?
Money of the future?  Jesus fk.  No wonder people are now leaving the bitcoin community and not coming back.

I bought in 2013 and I in the green like damn green.

Wait for 2015 if you bought in 2014.

Is one year like impossible for you guys to wait ?

I bought 7 bitcoins on June 9th, 2011 for $30.49, almost the very top of that bubble. I was in the RED about an hour after I bought them until February 23rd, 2013.

And I still have those bitcoins.

And you should have bought 1000 knowing what you know now. Wink

I am sure it was painful for that long period of time though.  There was even more uncertainty then about where Bitcoin was going and how successful it would be than there is now.  Now we can see the infrastructure growing everyday.

If only! It was right after the birth of the first daughter, so money was tight, I couldn't go hog wild with frivolous purchases anymore. I think if I had discovered Bitcoin pre-kids I would have been one of those people who bought 1000s back then. But still I was able to slowly buy over the next few years anyway and have enough now that I am satisfied with my holdings.

And its actually more painful now, believe it or not, back then I just figured oh well if this all fails I blew a couple thousand in the end who cares. Now I'm second guessing not selling any at $1000, at $800, at $500. Its a lot more money. But I sleep fine, I still believe Bitcoin is going to change the world for the better, and a side effect of that means my investment will be fine.

94. Post 9317604 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.26h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on October 24, 2014, 06:16:06 PM
The recent mini crash is recovering. In come the trolls.

I don't see anything recovering?

< 12 hours without a huge dump = Recovering  Cheesy

95. Post 9359509 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.27h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on October 28, 2014, 05:41:04 PM
I will leave this place soon. Bitcoin is dead, it's only down from here and i sold everything i got quite a while ago so there is nothing for me here anymore.
I tried to help the few delusional bulls who just won't give up but they don't appreciate my warnings very much. Ah well, your money. I don't care really.
I'll come back every 50 dollar drop for some entertainment. So long and thanks for buying my coins at 400. Poor schmucks.

Good luck with your pump and dump coin.

Shrooms you were always good entertainment around here during this downtrend. But you have been slowly descending into madness as of late, so I say its a good thing for you to step away for a bit. Have fun on the other side.

96. Post 9370120 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.27h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on October 29, 2014, 03:05:34 PM
I believe that last point is a bit much, and merely seems to be playing into concepts that BTC is a ponzi scheme, which you should realize by now that it is NOT a ponzi scheme, even though you want to continue to project theories and to see data that are in support of those kinds of ideas and the spreading of those kinds of frameworks.

Once again, YOU are saying "BTC is a ponzi scheme", not me. 

Those entrepreneurs obviously have substantial interest in making people believe that bitcoin has a bright future and is going "to the moon" any time now.   They are selling their funds, services, and bitcoins; and no one expects salesmen to provide unbiased evaluations or sponsor impartial data gathering and publication.  That is all.

It should be noted also that no one should expect a balanced view of the market/Bitcoin from people who define their identity on Bitcoin being a failure either. Someone who claims they have no stake in the game, and is skeptical of Bitcoin (to the point of having it included in every post) should be viewed in the same light you are projecting on the these "salesmen". That is all.

97. Post 9371751 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.27h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on October 29, 2014, 05:06:15 PM
It should be noted also that no one should expect a balanced view of the market/Bitcoin from people who define their identity on Bitcoin being a failure either. Someone who claims they have no stake in the game, and is skeptical of Bitcoin (to the point of having it included in every post) should be viewed in the same light you are projecting on the these "salesmen". That is all.

Touché.  However, the stakes are very different...

Draper invested 18 M$ to buy the 30'000 BTC at 600$/BTC or so.  On paper, he lost at least 4 M$ so far.  SMBIT may have sold almost 100 M$ in shares (at the then-current price) and therefore earned at least 2 M$ in fees, but has sold very little for the last 6 months.  For them (and other bitcoin investors and entrepreneurs), convincing people that bitcoin will go to the moon means millions of dollars.  They  will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in BloombergTV and advertorials in Forbes to push that view.

On the other hand, skeptics like me, Krugman, "Prof Bitcorn", and millions others out there will not earn or lose a dime, whetever happens to bitcoin.  (Actually, IIRC, Prof Bitcorn said that he does own some BTC.)  We will only have to deal with bruised egos (but economists like Krugman and Bitcorn are quite used to being wrong).  Apart from that, skeptics have no reason to try to influence the price; and they will not spend even 10$ to have their opinion published.

By the way, while I belive that bitcoin will not survive in the long term, I would not risk any prediction for the price in middle term.  It may even go back to the 1000$ range or more, who knows.  All I will risk saying is that, unless and until a large new market opens, the price will probably keep falling towards the pre-bubble level of ~120$ (or even ~20$, if the Feb/2013 bubble too was made in China).

Everybody has an angle I suppose, which is why its dangerous to listen to anyone on this forum, or in life for that matter.

However as far as stakes go, Draper and his like are multi-millionaires/billionaires, their paper loss of a couple million is probably not keeping them up at night. But you are right it is in their best interest to see the prices rise.

And if we are to worry about paper losses, the skeptics have more to lose than their untarnished egos. For example, you have been around these parts since December of last year, you've had plenty of time to accumulate some bitcoins for sub $1000/$600/$300 prices. Your lack of buying over the past year means you've forgone the chance to reap the benefits of a sudden bubble to say $6k. That's a 10x increase in paper gains you are betting on not happening. Which I would guess would have more impact to your life than the loss of a couple million would to the Draper family. Fear of missing out is as good a reason as any to try to influence the price down for a skeptic.

98. Post 9372484 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.27h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on October 29, 2014, 05:55:31 PM
And if we are to worry about paper losses, the skeptics have more to lose than their untarnished egos. For example, you have been around these parts since December of last year, you've had plenty of time to accumulate some bitcoins for sub $1000/$600/$300 prices. Your lack of buying over the past year means you've forgone the chance to reap the benefits of a sudden bubble to say $6k. That's a 10x increase in paper gains you are betting on not happening. Which I would guess would have more impact to your life than the loss of a couple million would to the Draper family. Fear of missing out is as good a reason as any to try to influence the price down for a skeptic.

I am not sure I understand the logic.  "I may have an oportunity to make more than 1000% ROI in the near future, but since I did not bet on that opportunity before, I will try to prevent that opportunity from arising."

By the way, note that my strategy -- NOT buying a single satoshi -- has put me in a much better position, vis a vis that fabulous possible opportunity, than all those who went "all in" since last November, when I first learned of bitcoin.  In the unlikely chance that I decide to invest now, I will get twice as much return on the dollar than those who bought in January and have been hodling since then.

I think you understand the logic fine and are being a little facetious, but is quite believable for trolls/skeptics try and prevent a rise in price.

Trolls like to make comments like "How will you look your family in the eyes when you have to tell them you lost all our money when Bitcoin crashed."

They don't want that type of comment applied to them. "How will you look your family in the eyes and tell them you knew about Bitcoins when they were worth under $1000, now that they are worth $100k. We could have been set for life, and not left with all this worthless fiat".

Trolls/skeptics live with that fear everyday. They want see price go down to make them fell good that they made the right call. No one wants to be on the wrong side of history.

P.S. Invest now, its fun.

99. Post 9524050 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.31h):

Quote from: fichtn12345 on November 12, 2014, 08:18:13 PM
Remember remember,

5th of October!

Well, 6th on this picture.

nice lol. but why it says 6th of October in the picture?

Probably because of timezone differences.

100. Post 9571693 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.32h):


Anybody want 50000 BTC?

101. Post 9571772 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.32h):

Quote from: ShroomsKit on November 17, 2014, 04:54:09 PM


Anybody want 50000 BTC?

Not this shit again. Let me guess, this is gonna control the market till the auction again? Like the "deadline" last time. It was the only thing people talked about and when they were sood nobody cared anymore and moved on.

Well at least the actual auction takes place on December 4th, so its not that far away.

102. Post 9741176 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.36h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on December 04, 2014, 07:38:08 PM
The site tries to analyze the blockchain by clustering addresses into "wallets", where a "wallet" for them is a set of addresses that appear to belong to the same owner.

I could not find an explanation of their algorithm, but I would guess that two addresses are assumed to have the same owner if both appear as inputs to the same transaction -- since both private keys are needed in order to sign such transaction.  Thus, if even if a bitcoin-accepting business uses a separate address for each customer, once some coins in those addresses are dumped at the same time into a common bucket, this algorithm will identify them as belonging to the same owner.

The person running that site has identified several famous "wallets", such as the receiving addresses of BitPay, Coinbase,Bitstamp, etc.. Thus, for example, the following link shows all the traffic into or out of all the addresses that they associate to BitPay, merged together (instead of separated by address):

With some kludgy hacking, I have collected the data of that "wallet" and plotted the number of transfers into or out of them, per day, and the BTC volume in those operations:

[ Click on the images for the full-size versions. ]

Beware that there may be addresses that belong to BitPay but were missed by the algorithm, so those plots may undercount the actual traffic.  on the other hand, some famous transactions (like the 0.5 M$ house purchase by Josh Zerlan of BFL, or the alleged downpayment of 1 M $ by hashTrade to BFL) can indeed be found in that "wallet".

There are a number of puzzling features in those plots, such as the nearly flat number of deposits per day over the past year (apart from weekly variation).  Basically, those addresses have been receiving 1000--1500 deposits per day, amounting to 500-1000 BTC per day on the average.

There is a Black Friday spike in the number of input transfers (3190 on Nov/28, about 2x the usual number) but not in the total amount of BTC transferred; which presumably means that the ~1500 additional Black Friday purchases were mostly small.  

The data file used in that plot is here.
The coumns are the date and 3 groups of 4 numbers: outputs, shuffles (coins moving between addresses in the same wallet, with zero change in its BTC value) and inputs.  In each group, the four numbers are op count and total BTC moved in that day, then the same accumulated since the start of the file.

Hope it helps.  I hope to post more details later tonight.

Pretty cool site. I plugged in one of my addresses and it picked up on a couple additional ones. Still only found about half my coins, so I feel good about that.  Grin

103. Post 9750992 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.37h):

Quote from: Fatman3001 on December 05, 2014, 07:27:01 PM
Why do people rack up thousands of posts on a forum for something they....

1.) Don't think will succeed
2.) Don't seem to really enjoy

I don't get it.

how cares its entertaining

Adam is drinking, that's bullish!

He must be drinking, because lampchop hasn't been entertaining in months. In fact he is a cancer to this forum and will be the death of it. If Bitcoin fails, its because of lampchop. landhop killed my grandma.

104. Post 9799335 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.38h):

Quote from: jaredboice on December 10, 2014, 06:30:14 PM
The only thing better than an Ignore Feature, might be a stat that showed the number of people ignoring a particular user.  And then maybe the ability to auto-ignore users who have been ignored by a specified number of members. That would shut down these trolls and shills REAL fast.

Feature request???

In the past the Ignore text used to have a yellow box around it, and it was a deeper yellow depending on how many people ignored the user.

But they removed that feature when they decided to let the trolls take over the place.  Undecided

105. Post 9808211 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.38h):

Somedays I wonder if its worth it to continue to watch this thread. Its seems I'm pressing the ignore button on newly minted troll accounts more than anything these days.

Then I think that's the goal of the troll accounts, to drive people away, and prevent any meaningful conversations from occurring.

Then I think I should get back to work.

This Microsoft news is good, one more place to spend your coins is not a bad thing. Like Richy_T said, its all infrastructure being built.

106. Post 9881825 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

Quote from: Torque on December 18, 2014, 08:17:53 PM
Its definitely going below 300.

Who are you again? You might want to stop using superlatives, unless you have a crystal ball.

I took some super laxatives before my colonoscopy.  Shocked

Cleaned me right out (after 12 straight hours on the toilet).

107. Post 9889534 (copy this link) (by Bittings) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

Quote from: kenji on December 19, 2014, 03:24:25 PM
do you guys expect a price to sub $200? Huh

Hör auf so ein Troll Dude.