All posts made by cro in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 8057780 (copy this link) (by cro) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

I am wondering whether it is time to buy or not. No sleep for me, I guess.

EDIT: I am here for my I-was-on-7777 screenshot.

2. Post 8058905 (copy this link) (by cro) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Quote from: beetcoin on July 28, 2014, 01:06:37 AM
I am wondering whether it is time to buy or not. No sleep for me, I guess.

i guess a good night sleep isn't very valuable to you?

most common rookie bitcoiner mistake.

set an order and get some sleep...

yeah, after being sleep deprived and feeling deranged, i don't think you'd be in the best situation to make the right call.

Thanks for your concern.  Wink I would buy some BTC straight away as I was about to for some time if it wasn't for this "will it fall terribly low or go up?" situation, really. I'm not afraid of fluctuations, but when people say the price may fall to 500$ it may be better for me to wait for a while...

3. Post 8059160 (copy this link) (by cro) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on July 28, 2014, 01:41:42 AM
I am wondering whether it is time to buy or not. No sleep for me, I guess.

i guess a good night sleep isn't very valuable to you?

most common rookie bitcoiner mistake.

set an order and get some sleep...

yeah, after being sleep deprived and feeling deranged, i don't think you'd be in the best situation to make the right call.

Thanks for your concern.  Wink I would buy some BTC straight away as I was about to for some time if it wasn't for this "will it fall terribly low or go up?" situation, really. I'm not afraid of fluctuations, but when people say the price may fall to 500$ it may be better for me to wait for a while...

This BTC investment matter does NOT need to be all or NOTHING, and really it remains quite risky to attempt to predict the market exactly.

Let's say that you have $1,000 that you want to invest in BTC;however, you are worried about whether the price will go down to $500.  Well, why don't you use approximately half of the $1,000 ($500), and buy some BTC now?  If the price goes down to $500, then you can use the other $500 or at that point you may have more to invest.  or if at that point you believe it is going down some more, then buy another $250 and wait to see if BTC prices go down more.

It is generally less safe to attempt to time the market and attempt to bet all or NOTHING b/c inevitably it remains difficult to predict.

I just didn't wanted to wake up with knowledge that I could have waited one day and buy for a better price. It's hard to argue with your logic, though. I will follow your advice. Cheers.

4. Post 8059777 (copy this link) (by cro) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.01h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on July 28, 2014, 02:30:51 AM
I am wondering whether it is time to buy or not. No sleep for me, I guess.

i guess a good night sleep isn't very valuable to you?

most common rookie bitcoiner mistake.

set an order and get some sleep...

yeah, after being sleep deprived and feeling deranged, i don't think you'd be in the best situation to make the right call.

Thanks for your concern.  Wink I would buy some BTC straight away as I was about to for some time if it wasn't for this "will it fall terribly low or go up?" situation, really. I'm not afraid of fluctuations, but when people say the price may fall to 500$ it may be better for me to wait for a while...

This BTC investment matter does NOT need to be all or NOTHING, and really it remains quite risky to attempt to predict the market exactly.

Let's say that you have $1,000 that you want to invest in BTC;however, you are worried about whether the price will go down to $500.  Well, why don't you use approximately half of the $1,000 ($500), and buy some BTC now?  If the price goes down to $500, then you can use the other $500 or at that point you may have more to invest.  or if at that point you believe it is going down some more, then buy another $250 and wait to see if BTC prices go down more.

It is generally less safe to attempt to time the market and attempt to bet all or NOTHING b/c inevitably it remains difficult to predict.

I just didn't wanted to wake up with knowledge that I could have waited one day and buy for a better price. It's hard to argue with your logic, though. I will follow your advice. Cheers.

He's telling you to catch a falling knife.  LOL.   Bad advice

thats not what hes saying

hes saying, realize you are not a god and there for cannot predict price movement, so dont try, just have a plan should it go lower.

Exactamente!!!!!  The plan of investing while the price is going down does NOT need to be exactly how I described it b/c I quickly outlined a viable way to think about preparing for downward BTC price manipulations.

For example, I have had about $800 of BTC allocated in fiat for over a month, and I have been just waiting and waiting and waiting for when to buy with that $800.  In about a week, I have another $2,000 coming in.  That $800 will become $2800.  I will probably buy about $1,400 with that, and just wait to see what happens regarding the other $1,400.  I hate to run out completely of BTC allocated fiat - just in case the BTC price goes down some more.

'Twas a good read, gents. Thank you. I guess that I'll observe charts for a while and then I'll decide how much to spend on my first BTC order.

5. Post 8116420 (copy this link) (by cro) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.02h):

To buy, or not to buy: that is the question.

6. Post 8116939 (copy this link) (by cro) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.02h): from panic to ecstasy Wink

I already have some BTC, and hoping that we will go up for a few days at least, for me it's a choice between dumping it all for a good price or long-term waiting for a journey to the moon. It's really hard to decide when one day you see people foretelling our doom and another day the same scaremongers are suddenly sure we go up.  Oh, my goddess.  Shocked