All posts made by urwhatuknow in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 7602338 (copy this link) (by urwhatuknow) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.56h):

Quote from: derpinheimer on June 30, 2014, 03:54:58 PM
have to cash out a few btc. better now or in the morning? whats the odds its hits 650-660 tonight?


thats a very exact percentage? :L how did you come up with that?

Well, I took a piece of paper and rammed it real hard up my ass. Just as you asked, I noticed a tickle around my butt. Sure thing, the answer was out. However, that was for $635. $650 is only 12.4106%.

best post of the month!


2. Post 10112539 (copy this link) (by urwhatuknow) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on January 11, 2015, 05:36:21 AM
Let's cut to the chase, which altcoin do you recommend?  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

None especially at the moment, but Paycoin seems interesting, perhaps it will be even more interesting than Neo & Bee.  I had great hopes for Brock Pierce's RealCoin, but I have never heard of it again.  I wonder if Autumn Radtke was working on one.  Perhaps Sergei Mavrodi will launch something, now that he is in the Bitcoin Foundation?

Realcoin became Tether.
You can find all the infos you need here:
It's still in beta now, but it will soon launch.
We as Bitfinex will adopt it and I believe a few other trading platforms will do the same ( Huobi, Okcoin etc.).
Not sure about Bitstamp, but they probably will at the end if adoption goes well......

3. Post 10112611 (copy this link) (by urwhatuknow) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: ejinte on January 11, 2015, 06:21:08 AM
Let's cut to the chase, which altcoin do you recommend?  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

None especially at the moment, but Paycoin seems interesting, perhaps it will be even more interesting than Neo & Bee.  I had great hopes for Brock Pierce's RealCoin, but I have never heard of it again.  I wonder if Autumn Radtke was working on one.  Perhaps Sergei Mavrodi will launch something, now that he is in the Bitcoin Foundation?

Thanks for the highly researched information. I've just traded all my bitcoin for Paycoin. Looking forward to the interesting ride. Going to get paycoin logo tattooed on my ass now. Hopefully they wont change it again.
Realcoin changed name to tether and it's possible to ask for an invite to the trial right now. However I've waited for it for over a month but still didn't get any.

You should have received an invitation ( I did ).
Check your spam folder and if it's not there please send me a PM.
I will look into it.