All posts made by klondike_bar in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 5071173 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.06h):

eah something fishy going on.

my biggest concern that i wish i paid more attention to my balance for, is that I dont know if when the second spam txid is broadcast - does it cause my wallet balance to read lower?

Ie: if I have 3BTC and I send 1BTC, and then a spam rebroadcast goes out saying the same 1BTC transaction but never confirms, will my bitcoin-Qt wallet show 2BTC in it or will the client misread this to think that there is only 1BTC left?

imagine if it were to basically abandon coins when it creates te change address - it could be rescanned but there could be serious losses to some people who dont notice

2. Post 5071446 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.06h):

Quote from: shmadz on February 11, 2014, 05:02:10 AM
eah something fishy going on.

my biggest concern that i wish i paid more attention to my balance for, is that I dont know if when the second spam txid is broadcast - does it cause my wallet balance to read lower?

Ie: if I have 3BTC and I send 1BTC, and then a spam rebroadcast goes out saying the same 1BTC transaction but never confirms, will my bitcoin-Qt wallet show 2BTC in it or will the client misread this to think that there is only 1BTC left?

imagine if it were to basically abandon coins when it creates te change address - it could be rescanned but there could be serious losses to some people who dont notice

I'm not sure what client you use, but on the reference client you can hit the "export" button on the bottom left to get a csv of your entire transaction history. You can run this on a spreadsheet just to make sure everything lines up (I did, just a few days ago, and of course it lined up)

You can even go through every transaction in that list and verify them on the blockchain, though these recent unverified transactions look suspicious, once your transaction is verified by the blockchain, it is irrefutable.

the one thing I hope for most in the aftermath of the fall of GOX is that people will learn better about how bitcoin works.

I tell all my friends, when they ask me about bitcoin, and then they ask me how many I have. I always just say "it's not about how much bitcoin you have, it's about how much bitcoin you know"

Meaning, I think the better you understand what bitcoin is, and what it means, the better you will be able to navigate our uncertain financial future.

great - so my exported transaction list DOES NOT ADD UP.

it includes the duplicate transaction of -0.2201 marked as 'Confirmed=FALSE' and a partly-confirmed mining income from an hour ago of 0.1674

please help me out here:

Wallet Status: Balance: 0.2146 BTC   Unconfirmed: 0.00 BTC    Immature: 0.1674 BTC
using the exported csv and adding all the transaction amounts, I get a total of 0.1363 BTC - this includes both the mining income and unconfirmed double spend.
Why does the math not add up? No matter how you add/subtract the renegade values my wallet amount isnt right

3. Post 5841063 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.28h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 22, 2014, 03:19:41 PM
objectively we are in a b*** market.

Horse shit. Objectively we are 40% up from the low less than a month ago, >100% up from where were were 4 and a half months agoince then we've added millions of wallets, features, upgrades, merchants, and ATMs.  

ya but we are like 60% down from the ATH and appear to be continuing to drop.

it doesn't scare me, but its depressing...
i just don't get why people are selling!
even with the current infrastructure i believe bitcoin should be 10K
We can spend them very easily on anything, big shit too, you can pay your rent in bitcoins, you can buy F'ing mammoth tusks FFS, mtgox and other bad exchanges have been weeded out, and now we hear talk of "wall street grade" exchanges coming online. Shit is growing & getting better at a phenomenal rate, it doesn't make any sense to me... we should be at 10K already. this is why i'm a buyer, if you told me last year i'd be buying 600$ bitcoin i'd lol hard and say that i would be a seller at 600$ but here i am buying at 600$, because wow.

thats basically my POV as well. There is nothing fundamentally worse about bitcoin - in fact things are much better with infrastructure, ATMs, and many small retailers getting interested.

The real problem is the public opinion - there has been no good news in a while, everything is blurred or focused ont he incompetence of GOX. and while gox keep shoving its foot in thier mouth, all of bitcoin looks less beautiful.

I have two techniques for this:
1) sell a few coins at btc-e or another exchange, just in case it goes lower. if it doesn't, who cares you hedged your bets slightly in case.
2) step back and look at the big picture: more people know what a bitcoin is. they dont know much about it, and most give me a sly 'hows your bitcoins doing?' recently, but the point is people know. Those who it interests will read up on it and start looking for a place to buy in.

i think we are not yet at the bottom, but that we are close. Weve entered an area with major support twice before, and I feel like we could see one or two more bear rushes to slam BTC/USD down to about $500 before the media decides to turn around and give it a few positive articles to swing it up and get some attention

In decmber, I though we would be $1500 now, and >$3000 by year end. I still think we will be $3000 by the end of the year, but the individual dips are hard to estimate without being in charge of a media outlet (sadface'd lol)

4. Post 5842390 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.28h):

Quote from: tarmi on March 22, 2014, 05:27:44 PM
He nailed one thing for sure:  the no volume part, which is concerning for bull at least. If the coins are really dat cheap, why no volume?

everyone watches the car crash until its over, then they go in to loot the survivors.

I just bought some at $560 - I think we are at the bottom, the charts flattening out and weekends are notorious for random moves on no volume.

take a step back - things are well aligned to start putting out positive spin again and knock this up by 20% in just a few day's work. For traders, that is a golden opportunity, considering its dragged  down 25% or so in the last week of bad news. Most of the money in the markets is traders, rather than new buyers or sellers of old coin.

we have had very few bitcoin days destroyed in the last 2 weeks - this means that old wallets are still staying put and that the trading volume is mostly buying and selling the same coins around

5. Post 5866805 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.28h):

Quote from: mooncake on March 24, 2014, 03:11:33 AM
i'm sure its gonna happen  if not bitcoin it will be another Bitcoin tech currency.

I have been thinking about this. Newer alt coins claim they are better than bitcoin, and rightly so in terms of asic-resistance and faster confirmation. It is also possible a globally central financial organisation like IMF decides to issue its cryptocurrency in future. Therefore, it is possible for bitcoin to be overtaken by its successor.

The interesting part is how events will play out during the transition period. The extreme case is where bitcoin value immediately drops to 0, while its successor replaces it. This is certainly unacceptable to bitcoin holders. Another scenario is where both bitcoin and its successor co-exist for a specified period, while preparation begins for the successor to replace bitcoin completely.

Any thoughts?

asic-resistance is nonsense and any coin touting it will not succeed.

the massive hashrate of the Bitcoin network on ASIC devices is key. If financial entities and professional mining firms are to arise it would be insane for them to be based on hodge-podge GPU mining. ASICs create a slick, powerful design and are already creating a market with good competition, and mining power is truly being dispersed worldwide.  (The cost of saboutauge goes up and up, including the inability to covertly do it because of the huge power draws required making it easy to pinpoint the greater mining firms in a few years from now.

It would be stupid at this point to build a 50-million-dollar, 5,000kW facility in order to attempt to overthrow the blockchain.  A year ago that would have been a real possibility

6. Post 5968848 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.30h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on March 29, 2014, 03:23:14 PM
unless I am a large scale ASIC producer.
I could dump all the coins I produce and make really fast and big profits.

  Even if hardware is free, which it is not, exponentially rising difficulty means it will cost more than $500 in power alone to produce 1 btc this time next year.  It would be utterly insane to sell mined coins into the market.  You only sell if you have a contractual obligation with a fund.  I know miners who do have such obligations.  Their customers are not selling those coins at these prices, no sir.
There's some big operations using renewable power now, I've not done the sums but they should be profitable at much lower levels. Imho its the only direction mining can take as electricity costs translate almost directly into profits.

Renewable energy is expensive to generate and the valuable but somewhat perishable ASICs can't be sitting idle when the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow. I'd like to see the cost calculation of these renewable miners. I highly doubt it makes sense.

i've been looking into solar for fun
and it seems to me pretty much any size system will take about 10years to pay itself off
It almost makes more sense to buy into some guaranteed 1-3% investments...
But there are some real advantages to owning a solar system, when there's a power outage your pretty much unaffected... hmm that is all i guess.
cleaner for the environment is some what debatable took a lot of energy to build the system, the batteries certainly aren't environmentally friendly...
pretty sure solar doesn't make much sense.

one thing that ive rarely seen come up in solar power conversations is the fact that you are capturing a huge fraction of the solar energy onto the black panel, rather then reflecting it back into the air/space like if it hit water or hit green foliage. Solar Panels effectively act like blacktop pavement in that regard.

MO, the future is wave power and nuclear.

7. Post 5972486 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.30h):

Quote from: Chainsaw on March 29, 2014, 08:08:22 PM

I am not saying the causal flow is one direction.  I am saying it is vicious cycle.  When price is low, mining is attractive because it is profitable.  Miners rush in.  Mining becomes difficult and competitive.  As a result, miners cannot sell their coins, because they would take a loss.  Consequently, supply is restricted.  Prices rise.  Again mining is attractive.   It is similar to predator-prey dynamics, or a coupled oscillator system, with all the quasi-periodicity that entails, but in this case, it is confounded with exponentially expanding demand.  As a result it is a vicious rising spiral.

Exquisitely stated.

Not sure if that was phrased properly. The correct (at least in my mind) cycle is this:
1) price is low; mining profits are meager against power costs and effort. Most coins are mined by a few larger farms that use thier size to make a reasonable profit against the lower distributed power/space/cooling costs.
2) The bigger miners are responsible for selling coins or using them to add equipment. Thus, much of the fresh coin supply can be controlled by the miners.
3) price goes up; media attracts new attention, mining becomes more feasible, more small-scale users are interested. Many more people are mining and thus capable of selling their coins for the faster turnaround, price is allowed to slump, which also scares out buyers and puts us in a position like now.
4) mining farms and larger entities are gathering coins. Mining looks less attractive with seemingly overpriced hardware. summer is coming. This should restart the cycle.

This is just with relation to mining. the bigger image is the balance of people who are not scared to invest in a bearish market vs current holders who want to cash out in case it drops further.

8. Post 5996096 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.31h):

Quote from: slapper on March 31, 2014, 05:24:46 AM
Bitcoin is simultaneously Rearden Metal.  It is Rearden Metal because it is better than the status quo, yet the MSM and establishment defame it relentlessly.

Represents a morphing and backfiring of a centralized organization's attempt to manipulate what should be a natural process

So instead of buying FIAT from the FED and Banksters, which I can use everyday, I should buy "Digital Gold" from Bank of KnC and Bank of Butterfly labs? Security right? I need to re-read Satoshi's paper.

don't forget the smaller bank of klondike - 3TH churning up coins like a storm Smiley

I don't want to say we are at the bottom, since i said that at $600 only a week ago. however, I feel like we have fallen far enough outside of the trendlines that there is a major, visible upside that the market has yet to rebound towards.

Bitcoin is in a better place than it was at $130/$1200 - ATMs are out, the IRS appears to have a basic understanding, and more people than ever know about it and can use it for everyday stuff via gfty and overstock/tigerdirect.  We could fall lower, but it should not be difficult to break back above $800 by early summer, and I feel like $3000 is still a reasonable high to be hit in 2014 (possibly as the peak of a brief bubble)

9. Post 6083741 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.33h):

Quote from: mah87 on April 05, 2014, 01:57:35 PM

HAve you voted already Adam ?

noone wants paid TA services when there are many great free options.   Its like paying for the foontass P&D email list

10. Post 6769075 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.45h):

Quote from: aminorex on May 16, 2014, 06:34:59 PM
According to my data, the number of new users learning about Bitcoin is still decreasing.

(This is an index number based on statistics from websites/webpages explaining about bitcoin.)

Today's index (not plotted here but on hourly chart) looks like it's going to be a new yearly low for a Friday.

This is the most interesting thing I've seen on the wall thread in at least a week:  Lots of new bits of data.   Please, please give us more color on what is being charted, otherwise the bits are wasted.


Lots more people were looking up information about bitcoin when it was peaking in price. That chart starts in January when the price was still over $800. As the price relaxed there was less interest (other than when significant, fast drops in price occurred)

The chart would be FAR more meaningful if it extended back to about april of last year, when the price was stable at $90-120, so you could see the change in interest from then through the price jump and to now. I am sure its a few times higher now than a year ago

11. Post 7722110 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.57h):

Quote from: Sandia on July 07, 2014, 05:32:58 PM
That was great timing.  I had just convinced myself to go margin long at 629, then the ISIS news hit and the price dropped to 616 before I could pull the trigger.

This skittishness is cringe worthy.  There is a hint of FUD, so everyone sells.  There is no thought of whether the story is even important (see the auction for a great example).  BTC traders need to put on their big boy pants and stop being pansies.  Or stop trying to make a living from $5 profits.

if you are confident take advantage of the low price, or chase the rally Smiley

I know the time will come, just need to be patient. gains rarely happen overnight

12. Post 8887166 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.14h):

Quote from: Ultros on September 19, 2014, 11:08:26 AM
Finally we got some cheap coins!

you've already bought ? I am going to wait a couple of weeks more, hopefully we will see $100-250  Smiley  

250 is possible as a bottom in a fast-crash. 100 is way below most technical and fundamental supports therefore extremely unlikely, but anything can happen in BTC-land.

I agree that 100 is extremely unlikely since this drop is based on fear/manipulation rather than a failure in the protocol.

300 would be the bottom i expect, the charts already gone from a waterfall to a vertical drop, and i suspect it will bounce hard this afternoon somewhere between 300-350 and get back to 420+  by the evening

13. Post 9036046 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.17h):

14. Post 9186023 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.23h):


Here's a thought - what if the bearwhale was actually a bullwhale?

1) dump some coins and put a massive 30k sell order wall at $300
2) purchase some long position calls on bitfinex or elsewhere.
3) eat it away using at least one other account, including an 11k purchase. Includes buying any coins being sold below $300.
4) remove the sell order for the last ~10k coins
5) watch the markets increase by 50% in a week, while still holding most of the original number of coins, plus extremely high-profit calls.

seems like by sacrificing ~10k coins to others at $300, the bullwhale effectively reversed the price decline, increasing the value of the remaining coins and probably selling the call positions for a tremendous profit.

is this feasible, or is the bearwhale just a bearwhale?

15. Post 9256141 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Quote from: jonoiv on October 19, 2014, 03:13:34 PM

not long to wait now, then upto $490 before consolidation to about $430, and then slow growth picking up pace over the next few months towards the next megabubble.

Just how i see it at the moment. 

these types of intersections are so open to interpretation though. If you created the same model about a week ago, it would show that we fell below the cross and thus right now should be bearish.

IMO long-term we are going up, but short-term its volatility until something happens to change that - either the coins distribute from big holders to dedicated smaller HODLers, or wall street gets involved and opens up bitcoin use to investors

16. Post 9282220 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.25h):

Quote from: abercrombie on October 21, 2014, 08:05:48 PM

Surely $600 is coming before $200 b/c it is NOT too likely that we are gonna see below $350 again in this round of BTC price movements, absent some very catastrophic and unforeseen negative news. 

BitLicense is weighing on BTC into December, like a foot on a bean sprout.  

If Lawsky gets what he wants in its current form, we could easily be back in the 200's.  

no way - the rest of the world is moving forwards, including the rest of the USA, and if the bitlicense ends up being bothersome many will simply avoid operating in New York State, or skip reporting to the IRS in general.

hard not to be bullish when you look at the bitcoin environment only ~12 months ago when it was at $100. A 4x growth in technicals seems like a bare minimum to me.

17. Post 9719523 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.36h):

Quote from: J3VVL on December 02, 2014, 03:38:00 PM

^Bin Ladens' trippy bitcoiner cousin? lol Smiley

Because.... turban?

18. Post 9892955 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.40h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on December 19, 2014, 10:51:30 PM
You Bitcoiners ready for some moon?  Everyone aboard and strapped in?

ive been aboard and buckled in too long it seems. I have to sell about $3k worth of coins soon to cover some $$$ costs but would hate to have to sell coins at this low a price.

19. Post 9950315 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.41h):

Quote from: ChuckBuck on December 26, 2014, 04:23:22 PM  (image display removed due to graphic asshattery)
what the f---? not remotely what i want to see at christmas, thats just wrong.

20. Post 9969630 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.41h):

Quote from: shanecoins on December 28, 2014, 11:52:05 PM
3 years ago I would have laughed if you told me bitcoin would be $300 in 2014. what are you all complaining about  Huh
just under 5 years ago I read an article about something called "bitcoin" and I made a mental note in my brain that it would reach $1000 before or in 2015.
so yea.... depends on one's perspective and expectations...

I also assumed that improvements would be made to the protocol like cutting the time between blocks and other obvious scaling improvements.

I thought that if it hit $1000 by or in 2015 that it could easily go to $10000+ by 2025.

However, again I was under the assumption that the protocol would improve in its scaling factors.

Given the poor performance of the bitcoin dev's and miners to improve these scaling factors, and the fact that a lot of people waste energy on hacks to work around these scaling issues, I am less confident of it reaching $10k.  

However I could see the coin going so low in value that the dev and mining community would risk a hard fork in order to improve those scaling factors as a last ditch effort to shore up this generation 1 tech.
thats  why we have numerous alt coins
assuming that PoW is the decided mining method, you would need it to be an SHA-256 algorithm, to allow the Hundreds of Millions of dollars in existing equipment to be relevant. Interestingly, the brief paycoin rush demonstrated that with minimal co-ordination more than 20% of the bitcoin network moved over to an altcoin in the span of a week.

1minute blocks are the future, but come with a lot more blocks to store on drives, and i hope we see it become an issue by late 2015. right now the system works - improvement is second to security

21. Post 10126831 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.46h):

Quote from: grappa_barricata on January 12, 2015, 04:56:39 PM
suspending cloud mining doesn't necesserily mean that they stop mining internally, does it ?

That's why it will drop 10% instead of 30%+

unlikely it will drop like that. The cloudmining contracts might end, but the hardware will still exist. It may likely just be used for CEX's private mining.

I expect a 0% diff change because a lot of 1w+/gh gear will shut off but be replaced by newer S5/SP20 gear

22. Post 10134138 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.47h):

Quote from: podyx on January 13, 2015, 06:24:10 AM
You guys think we'll see a small rebound?

$280 perhaps?

thats my guess. a push down to meet resistance around $200 is possible, but i think that looking at the past month of chart, a rebound to $300 is appropriate, settling at $280 for the next move

23. Post 10323888 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: camolist on February 01, 2015, 12:03:17 AM
Just bought more at 216. I don't worry. Cheesy

funny enough for some reason that was a buy in point i picked as well

 Roll Eyes

still wouldn't mind further drops

im sick of drops. im loaded up and ready to roll! The dips and bumps are nice because i use 2-3BTC for some fun day-trading (im up ~5% in the last two weeks), but I thought bitcoin would have achieved the $600/BTC plateau again by now.

24. Post 10328670 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.55h):

Quote from: damiano on February 01, 2015, 07:27:36 PM
Going to be hilarious if we do break 230 and make a run for 240

ever since i started daytrading with ~5% of my BTC, ive been enjoying the volatility a bit more Smiley  These 5% daily swings are nice for setting up a few buy and sell orders on each side to see where it goes. I'm up about 3% this week (which is only ~$10, but still) by playing the different LTC/BTC/NMC/USD spreads

25. Post 10512399 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on February 19, 2015, 03:04:59 PM
Shorts going up are bullish or bearish?

Bullish. Big money and people like me following them are waiting for ~25K shorts before we crank up the big pumps for a squeeze to $350.

Please no! I'm scared Cry

IMO it can go either way. On one hand, a high number of shorts indicates a lot of bearish mindsets. On the other hand, an upward move of 5-10% is typically sufficient to cause a lot of shorts to cover or close, and that can make the upwards move even more drastic.

personally, i think we are headed upwards for here, its time to move back into the 280-320 region where there was resistance last month. I really doubt we will see <$200 again with the fundamentals of the blockchain and the hashrate where they are

26. Post 10512997 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.59h):

Quote from: NotLambchop on February 19, 2015, 03:30:01 PM
...I really doubt we will see <$200 again with the fundamentals of the blockchain and the hashrate where they are

Blockchain fundamentals haven't changed since its inception--still in Beta after 6 years* Undecided
Hashrate is driven by the price, not the other way around.  

*Though some patches cludges hardforks are proposed.

more in the way of 'anti-fragility' (which IMO is a stupid expression) - when bitcoin was 2-3 years old a lot of people just assumed it would be hacked or broken wide open. In 2013, there was still the impression that it was new, and would eventually collapse on itself. Its now 2015 and Bitcoin is 6yrs old, and BTC worth over $200/ea

I cant think of any way in which the fundamentals or services offered by bitcoin are any worse today than they were 2years ago, when the price was ~$110. The recent low of ~$160 hit massive resistance at those levels, because it seems entirely reasonable that bitcoin is worth more today than it was 2 years ago.

how much is the question. 1.5x, 3x, 10x, 50x? The market is levelling out above the current $180-220 bottom, and tipping above some of the longer trendlines that it followed down from $1000

27. Post 10596054 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.00h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on February 27, 2015, 04:15:18 AM
I max leveraged short all my funds 3 hours ago

what do i do? what do i do!?!

not much other than consider closing them at a loss or taking your chances.

thats the whole point of the squeeze. weve seen it a dozen times on the way down, maybe its time to punch upwards again

28. Post 10600885 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.01h):

Quote from: Newar on February 27, 2015, 03:11:05 PM

Also can't read much of code but, larger block size is a GOOd thing. Why? more hashed information per unit block. Not just for bitcoin transactions, but for any information to be stored in a block and validated by the network. Can't you see why this is a good thing? bitcoin blocks can be used for more thanjust bitcoin transactions. good thing in my books.

The blockchain is already what? 30Gigs? 40gigs?  That's a lot of storage and a lot of bandwidth. If you were to increase the size of the blocks it will become very costly for individuals to run full nodes, leading to centralization.

Also removes the idea of scarcity in the block. To maintain the incentive for the miners is to maintain the security of the blockchain. Once the reward gets cut down it is imagined that the fees will replace this incentive. Scarcity and an open market fee structure would hopefully provide enough incentive to keep the miners interested.

I'm not fully on the side of either camp just yet, any changes (or stubborn refusal to change) could result in unintended consequences. I'm just saying we should tread lightly.

Just because the block size is 20 MB doesn't mean they will be full at the time. Even with the current limit 1 MB hardly ever hit.

Bandwith and storage are getting cheaper as time goes on.

+1. i expect that technology will scale more quickly than the blockchain.

you can buy a 1TB harddrive for $50 (or a 128GB SSD for $100), and >2MB/s bandwith is pretty common now in major cities.
in 2-3 years from now youll buy a 1TB SSD for $100, and the majority of people in developed countries will have access to 5MB/s or better, with major cities having 10-20MB/s

Ps: i recently moved my blockchain files from my 128GB SSD to an HDD, and was shocked how much longer loading bitcoin-qt took. It went from being about 40-60 second loadtime to 3-4 minutes. SSD drives are the future, and will make read/write/storage of the blockchain quick and simple

29. Post 10641695 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.02h):

Quote from: KryptoFoo on March 03, 2015, 12:24:43 PM
zoom out, looks like a normal pullback. Profit taking, new shorts, TA, whatever the reason, the thing to watch is how this dip is handled - with dip buying or more selling?

its probably going to drop 5% today and find support around $255-260. after that it could push back upwards. later this week it may break $280, $300 will arrive quickly after

30. Post 11573787 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.17h):

Quote from: YourMother on June 09, 2015, 12:08:32 PM

I think i just found a bull's cryptonite.

That graph. Whenever i post that 2012-2015 graph, i just make 'em puke. They are going berserk on me shortly after. The truth...

They can't handle the truth.

I got involved in 2012 and was around for the entire bubble. Your assumption that that bitcoin will reduce to pre-bubble levels is silly.

first, why do you take $100 as the starting point? There was clearly a bubble a year earlier that went from ~$25 to $260 to $80, before another bubble formed.
secondly - if you think $100 was a correct price, how can you look at the mainstream acceptance of bitcoin today and not recognize it to be at least 2x that of what it was then?

theres a lot of resistance sub-$220, and limited upwards resistance if a bull market emerges (small plateaus around $300,$400,$600 are the only major resistance levels on a longterm chart). If the price breaks abouve $260 it could very easily go to $300 and test resistance and a trendline. Breaking that, it would be a bull market

31. Post 11714808 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.18h):

Quote from: saturn643 on June 25, 2015, 10:03:22 PM
What will happen when the wall is gone?
Many would expect new lows, I'm not sure I see that happening, there seems to be a lot of accumulation going on behind the scenes.

this. I just don't see much ability or drive to break lower than 210. Charts have bounced off the 180-200 range several times and it looks like a bottom with decent support. At some point even the bears have to become bullish (they need coins from somewhere)

Most of the coins sold are from two sources: early adopters, and current miners. If someone bought $2000 worth several years back (anything from 200-2000BTC) its only logical that since the peak of 2013 they would have been slowly selling off some of those coins to lock in a profit, while likely retaining at least $5000-20,000 worth and which point they would likely hold and wait to see another price rally.

That means fewer and fewer coins in the sell wall are from early adopters, and instead come from mining (which is becoming more costly and will undergo halving in about a year)

32. Post 12402644 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on September 12, 2015, 06:14:56 PM
Tough question. There are several "features" of bitcoin that seemed good ideas at the time; but now, in hindsight, they seem to be mistakes, and Satoshi himself would probably agree.

So, one problem that would have to be fixed is making it unappealing to hoarders and speculators.  

so make it a bad investment?

Then the value of 1 coin would be determined by its use for e-payments, according to the money velocity equation.

thats basically how it works now. people buy bitcoin for that the market feels it is worth. economics 101

Another problem is ensuring that its value stays in a bounded range, so that ordinary payments can be expressed without too many zeros before or after the point.  Say, between 0.01 and 10 USD.  In the first extreme case (about the value of 1 yen) one would not need decimal fractions, and do all accounting with integers. In the second extreme case, one could truncate after 3 decimals (i.e. use the "milly" as Americans use the penny).

do you mean to keep the value low such that people dont need to use "mBTC/uBTC/satoshis/etc"? Most bitcoin software allows you to send payment in mBTC or $USD (converted to BTC value). having decimals is not a bad thing, and if that is a problem for some people even when thier wallet software does the 'mBTC/satoshi' conversion its an issue of ignorance.

A stable value would seem to attract hoarders and investors, but hopefully the two goals can be achieved with built-in demurrage (negative interest).  Namely, each UTXO loses value at (say) 2% per year, so you can spend only 0.98 BTC of that 1 BTC that you earned 1 year ago.  Those 0.02 BTC would implicitly go to the "Bitcoin Treasury" and would be redistributed as block rewards (so the block reward could remain constant forever while the total amount of coins in circulation would still be bounded.)  

you already pay fees like this via transaction fees and via the network currently inflating at ~12% (dropping to 6% next year). The concept of 'inactivity fees' is sheer insanity and does nothing but make miners rich like bankers.

Hopefully that negative interest would be enough to dissuade hoarders and speculators.  

again, you talk about making bitcoin unappealing so that it is not desirable as a store of value, why?

Another problem is the centralization of mining.  That could be fixed by keeping the block rewards too small to make mining into a profitable industrial activity.  But that may conflict with the need to put more coins in circulation as adoption grows.

when block rewards are low, bitcoin becomes MORE centralised, because only those with cheap power can profit. home users are squeezed out by residential power rates and you're left with only datacenters that get power for <$0.05/kwh. your 'solution' would serve to drastically centralize the network by pushing out the small-scale miners

There are also non-technical problems like anonymity, non-reversibility, lost coins, legal jurisdiction, ... but each would be a long discussion in itself...

anonymitity is a problem? or is the problem that anonymity only goes as far as methods used by the user (such as mixing)
non-reversibility is a fundamental concept of bitcoin. As is the ability to lose coins (or rather, being unable to forcibly remove coins from an address you don't control).

with respect, many of your ideas to improve bitcoin fundamentally damage its functionality and value

33. Post 12402750 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.26h):

Quote from: hdbuck on September 12, 2015, 08:05:52 PM
The Decentralist Perspective, or Why Bitcoin Might Need Small Blocks:
take dat forkers. Cool

whats with the misconception that small miners need to run a fully-validating node?

anyone with <$100,000 worth of mining hardware will be mining through a pool (such as eligius, slush, etc) and only needs to be capable of downloading very basic speeds (<20kBps)
anyone with >$100,000 worth of hardware can afford to pay an extra $200/month to operate a top-of-the-line satellite/fibre node.
any pool with more than <$100,000 worth of hardware mining to it should be getting enough fees to host the pool in a location with insane levels of bandwidth (like a datacenter)

bitcoin becomes decentralised when the mining payout greatly exceeds the network difficulty. everyone, even in places with expensive electricity, can make money when the value of block reward+fees exceeds the deployment of new hashrate. In that case, its desirable to increse the number of users/transactions to produce more fees.

34. Post 12877425 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.31h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on November 04, 2015, 04:06:57 AM
Is BTC-E dead?Huh? oh my hell gap just keeps growing $70 now
Obviously anyone with an in at BTC-E will be buying cheap, and selling elsewhere. This is not a fiat transfer problem situation like Huobi. Arbitrage is easy for anyone having fiat there, unless there's a BTC withdrawal issue we don't know about.

take a look at the canadian exchanges:
     cavirtex; $515 CAD ($395 USD)
QuadrigaCX: $565 CAD ($432 USD)

not sure why the spread, but i just bought 3BTC on cavirtex and am just waiting for them to clear my Quadriga account. If all goes well, easy 10% (minus ~1% fees)

35. Post 12960041 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.33h):

Quote from: pleaseexplainagain on November 12, 2015, 10:08:12 PM
Getting nervous yet bears?  Cheesy

we bears are not nervous in fact I am surprised the price has come down to the mid 300s so fast - i thought it might take a 2-4 weeks.
if you look at an alltime chart that shows the willybot high it took about 12 months to hit its bottom at about $250 (about a 75% drop).

So while I think the rate of the decrease will slow we will be low $2xx within 3 months.

Thats not just bearish but also realistic

That was a bubble with 10x price movement that took about a month to cover most of the volatility.
This time was just a 2x price movement that took about a week to occur in earnest.

I think its safe to say that it bottomed just under $300, and will probably stabilize in the $320-$360 range over the next 2 week. Its obvious theres a lot of support at $300, and moderately around $320 (july peak)

fundamentally, there is no reason for bitcoin to fall below $250 after the way it broke the 2015 price trend, and signifigant evidence for it to be much higher than it was in mid-2013 (waay more venture investment, more legitimacy, more uses, better security and storage methods like trezor or multisig, and insanely higher hashrate. I honestly believe the price should be in the $400-800 range, but its more likely that volatility will send us much higher if the bullish long-term indicators continue

36. Post 14470502 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

weekends always have fairly inconsequential jumps/dips, i dont take them into account for trend direction unless it maintains through monday.

i expect within the next two weeks we will see a "crash" into $410-415 range, bouncing off (or just below) the lower trend line, and then pulling back up to $425 again over the span of another week to the point that it breaches the upper trendline and we see the rally begin.

and then its choo choo MF right up into the $600 range for summertime

37. Post 14470554 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.48h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on April 08, 2016, 06:24:09 PM
Bitcoin stable, ETH about to crash hard (I hope so).
Moved funds to exchange, hoping to catch a falling ethereal knife. Grin

I remain surprised regarding how long ETH has remained "Up"

Really, ETH probably does not deserve a value of much more than $1.50 per ETH, yet I suspect that it is going to remain above $3 , and possibly even $5 for some time, and furthermore, I would not be surprised if ETH gets pumped again to some outlandish and unsustainable value of $25.. hahahahaha..

Kind of crazy seeing how speculation works in the quasi-centralized coins (surely ETH is not as centralized as Ripple, during the Ripple pump from a couple years ago.. and look Ripple seems to remain considerably overvalued, too)

ive learned to not always short the bubble, since sometimes they take weeks to pop, and can even trail higher first.

ethereum as a long list of benefits, but its far less simple than bitcoin. nobody can give you a direct answer for when PoW switches to PoS (before it was said to be july-september, now its being said to happen as late as october-december, if not 2017). Couple that with more 'phases' and codenames (homefront, frontier, etc) than an android phone, and i expect it to simmer back down to the $5-8 range for a while

38. Post 14655832 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: Yakamoto on April 25, 2016, 04:09:32 AM
Time to the middle of the ocean:

Talk about putting your mining hardware through hell.

Sea water would destroy everything, and you can even see the rust on the prototype near the ladder. Imagine what that does to precision electronics...

pretty sure seawater doesnt go INSIDE the structure

39. Post 14849575 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.50h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on May 14, 2016, 02:50:08 AM


As bullish as it sounds, this is also what im seeing in the charts. sometime around May 21st the price will likely begin signalling an exit from the current flag, likely in an upwards direction.

crossing $470 will probably mean little resistance at the $500 mark, then a brief rally into the $620->$520->$580->$540 range depicted, followed by another few months of slow bullish consolidation through halving

edit: the range depicted actually looks like a peak at ~$750, which i dont beleive. $600-$650 range would provide massive resistance and it could take weeks or months to eat through it during consolidation

40. Post 14931971 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.50h):

Quote from: finkelsteinMonster on May 22, 2016, 06:18:56 PM

Bitslandia: much rage and devastation

But in Etheria, great joy and jubilation DANCE PARTY!!

You're thinking of Etheropia:

41. Post 15525327 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: cgt99 on July 09, 2016, 02:44:34 PM

OMG someone take the cat off the LaunchPad!!

my impression was that it was a fox rater than a cat (watch te tail)

42. Post 15527521 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: BenGrooper on July 09, 2016, 05:40:56 PM
Just got margin called. Again. Worst day of my life.

that how margin trading works Smiley

43. Post 15528263 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on July 09, 2016, 06:48:41 PM

And now on this, the worst fucking day of my life, just as I'm at my lowest and most fragile, you return to torment me some more? To rub your poisonous hatred into my wounds?
What kind of a heartless monster are you?

Yo... newbie... buy if u don't have!... Go all in!... Go full retarded! ... I don't see it coming back lower than 620-630$ .. that will likely never happen again in the history of BTCitcoin!

I think we will see it hit a low of ~$580 in a few day's time, when we can see how many miners dropped out and if there's any signs of the feared (and virtually impossible) "death spiral". If 20% leaves, blocks will get longer, fuller, and we will have more fee pressure as the miners look to replace the subsidy's lost value

I plan to HODL because we are bullish longer term, and any halving crisis would simply be a bear trap. I closed my longs at $640 (from $625) and have a bunch of buys set up in the $580-610 range to catch the knife

44. Post 15528358 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on July 09, 2016, 07:02:52 PM

And now on this, the worst fucking day of my life, just as I'm at my lowest and most fragile, you return to torment me some more? To rub your poisonous hatred into my wounds?
What kind of a heartless monster are you?

Yo... newbie... buy if u don't have!... Go all in!... Go full retarded! ... I don't see it coming back lower than 620-630$ .. that will likely never happen again in the history of BTCitcoin!

I think we will see it hit a low of ~$580 in a few day's time, when we can see how many miners dropped out and if there's any signs of the feared (and virtually impossible) "death spiral". If 20% leaves, blocks will get longer, fuller, and we will have more fee pressure as the miners look to replace the subsidy's lost value

Then sell ... put your money where your mouth is!!! ... I see it going to 700$+ in 1-2 days and never coming back to a 3 digit with the number 6 in front of it!

once we break 700, we would be in full bull market and id expect some serious rally in the next 6 months (perhaps less time, but we've been seeing a lot of sideways in the past year.

but i think we will fall below $600 on finex, though i expect it to be brief, quickly bouncing back into the $640 resistance. Theres likely to be some serious FUD in the next 72hrs about blocksize, fees, miners leaving, etc  that are just noise and a few whales throwing weight $600USD is about 4000CNY, and both will be a huge resistance/support level

45. Post 15528948 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.55h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on July 09, 2016, 07:54:45 PM
Network seems to be humming along great, despite mining reward cut in half / inflation getting halved.

There was some FUD about it before the halving, but it seems to be ok, blocks are being found in normal time. It seems there has been no hashrate loss worthy of mention - apparently due to the much stronger price compared to the 250 and 400 levels.

I'm also looking at this:

It seems that yesterday hashrate was going in the 85-87 range, it did a small spike prior to halving, now it's in the 82-84 range (small drop was expected). So everything seems ok, network-wise and incentive-wise.

Next diff retarget in 9 days, it has some upward momentum right now due to the spiked hashrate pre-halving, but it might be corrected to "stabilize" over that period.

Maybe you can explain why changes in the hashrate matters so much, except merely perceptions?

If you look at bitcoin's hashrate, this network is likely closer to 100x more secure than it needs to be in order to prevent attacks and to protect value.  Yeah, if the price of coins goes up 100x, then that extra security will be a good thing, but at present prices, we got a lot of surplus mining power, so it really does not matter if half of them go away, except for nontechnical perceptions, such as public opinion, no?

changes in the hashrate can affect the block time, such as a drop in hashrate making blocks a bit less frequent (lets say 12minutes if ~15% of the network leaves). In turn, full blocks get fuller and transaction fees climb a little as teres more fighting for a spot. As the fees grow, so will the incentive to mine the block. today we see ~0.7BTC/block fees - wit 12min blocks we could see >1BTC in fees - an extra ~3% incentive to compensate. If things got particularly bad with ~15min blocks, fees could reach 1.5BTC, almost a 8% added mining incentive.

I dont see it causing a doomsday - but i do expect we will see some evidence of lower block frequency over the next 10-14 days until the next adjustment. beyond that point, difficulty will change and some miners will probably return.  I expect that a lot of major facilities have a $300-500/BTC production cost right now and will not change thier hashrate. only smaller home miners and older gear like S5/SP3X will leave

as for hashrate security - the halving will disincentive any major hashrate growth in the next few years unless/until the price rises considerably.

46. Post 16935535 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.59h):

Quote from: rjclarke2000 on November 20, 2016, 04:10:39 PM
What's the reason for the dip? Whale decided do to sell?

stabilize at 720-730, for a few days, and then push up again. either passes $760 and goes for $800, or deflects down back to $700 or $680 again

47. Post 17042190 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.59h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on November 30, 2016, 04:33:10 PM
Good morning ladies and gentlemen of Bitcoinland.

Not much change but what little there is, is in the right direction... currently $745USD at Bitcoinaverage.

At least we Canadians are back in quadruple digits... $1001CAD.

We're still basically where we were a month ago. I'd guess that $700 is a done deal.

Time to start moving up again. Let's put $750 behind us and get to work on $780.

it jumped on minimal volume, so it could revert pretty easily back to $730.

IMO, we stay flat in $720-740 range until 2017, then move up. passing $780 would almost certainly mean a runup to a (brief) ~$900 peak

48. Post 17287759 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.00h):

i see it bouncing between $880-925 for a few days, before blowing past the $1000 mark to burn all the shorters hard again

falling under $850  could put the rally on hold for a few months of slow growth again

49. Post 17287768 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.00h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on December 24, 2016, 03:37:08 PM
Dips being aggressively accumulated. Have a feeling the weekly wants to close under 920, so that's a hard trailing stop for anyone doing one of those greedy scalps. I highly doubt next week's lower wick will be in this week's candle much, so buy any dip and get ready to break $1000.

You mean $1,000 will be broke before the new year ?

i think $1000 will come within 24hrs of it crossing $940. but its hard to predict how long it takes to move past the current 880-920 range. maybe 3-4 days, maybe we sit here for a week or two

50. Post 17287895 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.00h):

Quote from: Fakhoury on December 24, 2016, 03:40:53 PM
Dips being aggressively accumulated. Have a feeling the weekly wants to close under 920, so that's a hard trailing stop for anyone doing one of those greedy scalps. I highly doubt next week's lower wick will be in this week's candle much, so buy any dip and get ready to break $1000.

You mean $1,000 will be broke before the new year ?

i think $1000 will come within 24hrs of it crossing $940. but its hard to predict how long it takes to move past the current 880-920 range. maybe 3-4 days, maybe we sit here for a week or two

Let the bulls take their breathe, but I really would like to see $1,000 broken before the new year, we still have one week to go.

i want to say that the realistic next step is a 50% retrace, to ~$820, followed by months of consolidation.  But, i think crossing $900 was too significant a milestone, and likely the start of a 2013-esque bullrun that could go up into the $1400-2200 range within a month or two

Ive learned to just keep clear of leveraged trading though, and am hodling the majority of my coins for a longer duration

51. Post 17288426 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.00h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on December 24, 2016, 04:36:19 PM
I keep thinking about transferring a chunk of my retirement funds into Bitcoin. Would be a good investment, especially with the recent currency manipulation being done by govts.

Your retirement funds are in fiat?

The very first coins I bought for $68 back in early 2013 were bought specifically as a retirement fund, or rather as a nest egg for my old age as I was already mostly retired. I was 64 years old at the time and had no real retirement funds per se.

This is why I accumulate and spend only when absolutely necessary.

Keeping your retirement funds in ever-devaluing fiat is silly. Overall, Bitcoin has increased in spending power while the value of fiat has dwindled.

the trick is the $ retirement accounts are best used to invest in the stock market. basic intelligent investing will have a better return (3-7%) than the rate of inflation (2-3%)

52. Post 17300484 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.00h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on December 25, 2016, 11:45:47 PM

I will admit that I am quite surprised by our current state of bitcoin.. because if you look back at my posts, I was continuing to say that I expected a pretty decent probabilistic chance of a price correction sometime after lower $600s either before reaching the mid $800s or even more probabilistically before reaching $900... and I will admit that I have been proven wrong, or at least BTC prices went into an area that I considered to be less probabilistic (more bullish).

I also said on several occasions, once we pass mid to upper $800s, that we are likely to go  straight (more or less) into the $3k to $5k price territory.  Since we got from lower $600 to lower $900s without any meaningful correction, I am now thinking that it is going to be a bit more difficult to get into the $3k to $5k price territory without a meaningful price correction.  I am going to have to revise my thinking.. so at this time, I am thinking maybe tentatively that if we do not get a meaningful correction before passing old ATH ($1163), then probably our top for this run would be in the $1,900 to $3,500 arena)..

bitcoin doesnt like to do any serious retraces when its in bull mode.

IMO, crossing $940-960 this week would lead to an ATH, and perhaps a peak of 1300-2600. Its pretty bullish, and im not doing any leverage (just HODL), but i dont expect it to peak beyond $2600 (in this rally), and a rally to those levels would probably crash back down to the 900-1200 range for many more months of recovery and profit taking

im trying not to go full bull and leverage my holdings - weve seen in the past that it doesnt take much to make it rally or crash irrationally at the drop of a hat (or attack of the bearwhale)

53. Post 17328307 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.00h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on December 28, 2016, 05:58:25 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

I see we had our "big" correction/profit taking, all the way down to where we were earlier this morning... $958USD at Bitcoinaverage.

How long will the consolidation last before the next leg up? My guess is tonight.

IMO the consolidation looks pretty complete on the upper side, and looks like it will break up in the next 3hrs. only way to prolong that is if it dips to ~$956 and takes a few more hours to bounce around.

my bet is we see $1060USD by the new year (but im too pussy to risk margin trading that hope) as the whales make the short sellers panic in the final days of the year.

the drama is multiplied by the fact that most financial markets are closed so many days this week, and traders only have bitcoin to focus on

54. Post 17329179 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.00h):

Quote from: klondike_bar on December 28, 2016, 06:14:48 PM
Good morning Bitcoinland.

I see we had our "big" correction/profit taking, all the way down to where we were earlier this morning... $958USD at Bitcoinaverage.

How long will the consolidation last before the next leg up? My guess is tonight.

IMO the consolidation looks pretty complete on the upper side, and looks like it will break up in the next 3hrs. only way to prolong that is if it dips to ~$956 and takes a few more hours to bounce around.

my bet is we see $1060USD by the new year (but im too pussy to risk margin trading that hope) as the whales make the short sellers panic in the final days of the year.

the drama is multiplied by the fact that most financial markets are closed so many days this week, and traders only have bitcoin to focus on

well, step 1 complete. we have new high at $973 and the beartrap looks to be finished. $1000 sometime tomorrow?

55. Post 17396890 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.01h):

realistically, i think $1600, then a fall to $1000 and holding that range for at least a few months

56. Post 17464355 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.01h):

Quote from: Spaceman_Spiff on January 10, 2017, 06:33:16 PM
Next 24 hrs are critical  Cool

my triangle says it will tighten towards $910 for Jan 13. itll spend the remainder of the week with people making positions, and then itll pump or dump on the weekend

57. Post 17978936 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.04h):

ATH in price is only one side of the coin. the other is market cap.

in 2013 the market cap was ~12B at its peak, and litecoin was less than $100M.

today bitcoin is almost $19B, and the next 5 top coins have a combined $2B.

cryptocurrency as an entire sector is up 8 *BILLION* dollars, or ~66% since the 2013 peak.

58. Post 17980535 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.04h):

Quote from: sidhujag on February 26, 2017, 12:08:21 AM
ATH in price is only one side of the coin. the other is market cap.

in 2013 the market cap was ~12B at its peak, and litecoin was less than $100M.

today bitcoin is almost $19B, and the next 5 top coins have a combined $2B.

cryptocurrency as an entire sector is up 8 *BILLION* dollars, or ~66% since the 2013 peak.

$8 billion has NOT been poured in since 2013. Supply in all of those coins have risen essentially people hodling = marketcap rising. I bet less than a few hundred million $ has been put in but essentially people are willing to hodl coins more and more as they lose trust in the governments and services appear that allow you to bypass fiat and spend your crypto anywhere fiat is accepted.

duh, thats how market cap works.

59. Post 18063136 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.04h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on March 04, 2017, 05:07:30 AM
My gawd when will the madness take a break? Cheesy  Cool

Rats will get a "burning sh!p sensation" around ~1450$ and will start jumping... but until then... there are very little 'cold feet' people. And at ~1500$ we will probably see a dump / correction for a day or few then go back up again. Smiley

my thoughts are similar. somewhere around $1400 i think china will finally hit that 8888 peak, and price will move quickly into the 1600 range, and then the bubble pops and it slides down to a low of $800 and we bounce around looking for stability at $1000

I dont see this being a massive 10x movement like before, unless the ETF succeeds and some other factor sends new users to bitcoin

60. Post 23322682 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.24h):

Quote from: fragout on October 21, 2017, 02:46:17 PM

Charlie Lee [NO2X]‏

My trade with Roger Ver is all set. Here are the terms we agreed to. Let the chips fall where they may! 🚀

Stubborn man and stupid in this case. Charlie can hedge the bet for 32btc on the 2x futures market

its a relatively clever/fair agreement actually, since the trade will only occur if the segwit2x chain mines 100 blocks. (without an EDA mechanism). If sw2x fails to gain traction on flagday it might not see more then 20-50 blocks mined before everyone essentially abandons back to sw1x. Its tough to see that chain reaching 100 blocks without bringing substancial support on day 1, and if it gets that support then theres a reasonable chance the rest of the network could follow suit.

it at least offers Ver more safety than a day1 trade would

61. Post 23323211 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.24h):

im not seeing many people calling top on this yet, so i think I will:  $6225

I think weve gotr one more push of ~$100 to hit a new ATH, then we see some corrective action down <$5700 and consolidation in the $5800-6000 range while waiting for either a reason to rally (good news/continued buying) or crash (FUD. china banned us again?)

62. Post 23346283 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.24h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on October 22, 2017, 03:08:21 AM
Speaking of, looks like the shitcoin shuffle is back in swing. I really wish I could time these things.

$6150 was a great top to hit, so im pretty sure this will be a 24hr correction to $5500$5650ish

Just in case i set a slew of buy orders going as deep at $5100 in case the market decides it wants to play rough

63. Post 23346607 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.24h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on October 22, 2017, 05:30:57 AM
im not seeing many people calling top on this yet, so i think I will:  $6225

I think weve gotr one more push of ~$100 to hit a new ATH, then we see some corrective action down <$5700 and consolidation in the $5800-6000 range while waiting for either a reason to rally (good news/continued buying) or crash (FUD. china banned us again?)

Good call.

i think itll dip further. this is getting topheavy and im sure a growing group of pre-2017 buyers start needing to seize their gains and diversify at least a portion of the holdings. (ie: the "im a millionaire now" bitcoin owners who only have $50,000 worth of other investment types)

64. Post 29504329 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.41h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on February 03, 2018, 06:42:03 AM
Can't blame them, bitcoin cannot function as a payment system right now, way too slow, outrageous fees.

btc needs to get its shit together, it's a huge embarassment when companies are choosing other cryptos over btc

What’s wrong with sending a transaction across the world for half a cent on the main chain?   Is that too expensive for you?

half a cent? it might be better now than it was a few weeks ago, but BCH and the majority of altcoins are capable of cheaper and faster confirmation times. It shouldnt obstruct BTC being a payment option though, just a costlier one

65. Post 39363298 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.57h):

Quote from: ivomm on June 04, 2018, 12:33:17 PM
I am astonished by the stubbornnes of Jihan Wu. Yesterday he and his sockpuppets pumped bcash 10% with the hope for better mining rewards. For several hours they got it, but after a small percentages of miners switched to bcash, the difficulty rose and again their reward is equal to that of mining Bitcoin. How many attempts he needs, to understand that if Bitcoin is not rising there is NO way bcash should be more profitable. In 1.5 days is the next Bitcoin mining adjustment. A new 12% increase in difficulty is expected (, which means more than 0.6$ loss for an s9 (daily revenue dropping from 6.2 to 5.6$ at the current price). With that pace in 2-3 monts the revenue will drop to 2-3$, not to mention the expenses for electricity and rent, which vary from 1.7$ and 4$. I've been through this situation many times mining eth, zec, etc. Each period, when the mining profit drops to cents, is followed by a period of an extreme increase of the price. The explanation is clear - the miners enter a hibernation state of holding (i.e. not selling everything they mine with a currently small profit). If the rigs are on a loss, they just stop them untill the next increase. Conclusion: The so called 'bear' period is at its end. I expect 2x-4x increase of the price in the coming 6 months/1 year.

I think you underestimate him; in terms of both his contribution to bitcoin and his actual understanding of the consensus mechanisms/mining.

but cool you made a meme

66. Post 39901389 (copy this link) (by klondike_bar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.57h):

Quote from: m0gliE on June 11, 2018, 06:04:58 PM
A few years back, when ASICMiner came onto the scene hardcore, I was chatting with someone of arguable importance, and he made the point "You know, if you believe in this Bitcoin stuff, you should really spend some of it to (blah blah blah turn the wheels of the economy)..."

 Blew 300 Bitcorns on something that never materialized. Gone. Scammed.

 With the benefit of hindsight, I really should have stuck to my guns, and my gut, that were telling me "But HODLing is a good strategy too, but this dude is smart, so... fuck..."

 KnowwhatImean ?


I feel you.
When btc was not even at 400$ I took some money to buy 5 of them even though I was just a student at that time so that was a big investment for me.
Few months after I had a similar "seemgoodopportunity" and saw 4 of those 5 btc leaving me without returning ever.
If I had the guts to keep them... So yeah knowwhatyoumean

Different paths had different results. I made a killing on antminer S1 hardware (huge btc/btc gains, but in terms of fiat/fiat during 2014 it was less impressive but still a solid profit) and some well-timed GPU/ASIC purchases while $0.12/kwh was considered *cheap*.

however, i also put several bitcoins towards a K16 avalon groupbuy and got burned on 100% of that investment. Same for investing in asicminer/friedcat (hindsight, right?)