All posts made by clopoterian in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 14672589 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

^What is siege mentality?

2. Post 14672979 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Dear Bulls: If you ever decide to start a deathmetal band (u no u wanna!), just thought of an ultimate name:

CöwCatchör <==click

3. Post 14673115 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.49h):

Quote from: JimboToronto on April 26, 2016, 05:01:43 PM
MicroSD cards are really easy to hide lose.
Now if there was a way to secure our bank accounts... jk, no need. Nobody wants that filthy fiat government scrip Smiley

4. Post 14909855 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.50h):

Remember when BTC wasn't super depressing? Good times, good times...

5. Post 14963912 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: JayJuanGee on May 25, 2016, 10:40:30 AM

No offense but you are an economic illiterate (we have all weak spot, myself I am bad at computer science and coding).

What you are saying about supply moving along with demand makes no sense whatsoever in the context of the blocksize limit. You don't understand what perfectly inelastic means, it means fixed with no way to moving it. In order to learn you first need to understand what you know and what you don't know.

I might not be expressing myself very well, but I know economics sufficiently well, and actually I had done quite a bit of work around various economic ideas in the past... so you seem to be making wrong assumptions about me.

  Currently, I am attempting to use layman's expressions to describe that there is no problem rather than getting caught up in technicalities in which you are suggesting various technicalities without explaining what you mean, so instead of suggesting that I don't know what I am talking about possibly you need to explain what you perceive is the problem.. and explain the problem because you are the one suggesting that there is a problem and that we should be concerned about it.  So the burden is on you to show the problem and to convince others about the problem that you perceive.  Such burden is not on me to identify the problem that you perceive.

 I am suggesting that behavior is going to change with a shrinking supply that will allow for sufficient and acceptable adapting that will be sufficient to manage while seg wit and any other changes are being implemented that may not include a blocksize limit increase, and you are suggesting that some unacceptable results will occur if the block limit is not increased.   Ultimately we disagree about impact and we also disagree about whether there is currently a problem... so it may not really matter whether I am using one term differently from you... because we are going to likely come to different conclusions.  I think that many people in this space understand the issues sufficiently and disagree on the means forward, and XT/classic supporters are still arguing about a case they lost... but don't want to give up.
   On the Circle

    1. Do not take offense at the following argument, for there is nothing offensive in it, unless one does not consider that the circle may be spoken of in a geometrical sense. If I say that the circle describes four identical radii, and you say: not four, but one, then we have a right to ask one another: why? But I don't want to talk about that kind of description of the circle, but of the perfect description of a circle.
    2. The circle is the most perfect flat figure. I am not going to say why in particular that is so. But this fact arises of itself in our consciousness in any consideration of flat figures.
    3. Nature is so created that the less noticeable the laws of formation, the more perfect the thing.
    4. Nature is also so created that the more impenetrable a thing, the more perfect it is.
    5. On perfection, I would say the following: perfection in things is a perfect thing. It is always possible to study a perfect thing or, in other words, in a perfect thing these is always something not studied. If a thing should prove to have been completely studied, then it would cease to be perfect, for only that which is incomplete is perfect -- that is to say the infinite.
    6. A point is infinitely small and thereby attains perfection, but at the same time it remains inconceivable. Even the smallest conceivable point would not be perfect.
    7. A straight line is perfect, for there is no reason for it not to be infinitely long on both sides, to have neither end nor beginning, and thereby be inconceivable. But by putting pressure on it and limiting it on both sides, we render it conceivable, but at the same time imperfect.
    If you believe this, then think on.
    8. A straight line, broken at one point, forms an angle. But a straight line which is broken simultaneously at all its points is called a curve. A curve does not have to be of necessity infinitely long. It may be such that we can grasp it freely at a glance and yet at the same time remain inconceivable and infinite. I am talking about a closed curve, in which the beginning and the end are concealed. And the most regular, inconceivable, infinite and ideal curve will be a circle.


6. Post 14975345 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on May 26, 2016, 11:02:37 AM
Are you all sleeping or what ?

nobody cares anymore ... it will only wake up the trolls, this thread is such a dump now.

What are you talking about, I CARE! We've broken through the $450 electrical fence, we're free, fellow cattle!

7. Post 14975465 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on May 26, 2016, 11:12:59 AM
The bitcoin market is a dump that is full of scavengers who didn't get the memo, that it isn't 2013 anymore.

Yeah, wateva, ether shill!
Bitcoin bull herd has broken free from Jewish meat packers (get your mind out of the gutter, statist stooge! I'm talking about the captive bolt terrorist genociding meat on the hoof sovereign cattle into delicious ground beef for their Saurian masters in bovine concentration camps).
We're starting a stateless cow society. Under the sea!

8. Post 14975942 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: Paashaas on May 26, 2016, 12:10:35 PM
Goldman Sachs admits Bitcoin is ‘Ideal Vehicle’ for public transactions..but what happend with there GS-coin Cheesy

Lol, not quite: "The distributed ledger used for Bitcoin is a public ledger that can be read from or written to by anyone who wishes to transact, making it an ideal vehicle for public transactions between individuals"
Nice try tho Cheesy

9. Post 14976050 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: hdbuck on May 26, 2016, 12:17:32 PM
bitcoin is not about public, nor transaction.

bitcoin is about privacy and holding up the only safe asset left in the world.

Sometimes bitcoin is about transactions. Here's an example of bitcoin entrepreneurs price-discovering the value of their disruptive services in free market space:

Ransomware attackers refuse to decrypt hospital's files after being paid off

"Negotiating with criminals doesn’t always work out, as Kansas Heart Hospital in Wichita learned last week. The hospital paid to get files back after falling victim to ransomware, but only got “partial access” and a demand for more money, Techspot is reporting.

That’s right: the criminals got their ransom, and then decided they wanted more money. The hospital’s president, Dr. Greg Duick says the hospital is not paying up."

10. Post 14976606 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on May 26, 2016, 01:00:42 PM
It's a brave new world ... organisations who have become dependent upon mission critical IT infrastructure should pay for better IT security and if they don't even understand what that means they should pay someone who knows to help them out ... instead of playing victim after demonstrating willful negligence.

How about you scumbags just stop extorting hospitals before you get a jackboot up your ass, to demonstrate your willful negligence in securing it?
How would that be?

11. Post 14976915 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: marcus_of_augustus on May 26, 2016, 01:44:01 PM
It's a brave new world ... organisations who have become dependent upon mission critical IT infrastructure should pay for better IT security and if they don't even understand what that means they should pay someone who knows to help them out ... instead of playing victim after demonstrating willful negligence.

How about you scumbags just stop extorting hospitals before you get a jackboot up your ass, to demonstrate your willful negligence in securing it?

You must be talking about these scumbags thugs?

There are powerful, determined government intelligence agencies intentionally undermining computer systems security and wantonly leaving holes and 'backdoors' open for all kinds of nefarious actors to exploit so if hospitals/schools/police/city-hall/courts/etc haven't got their systems locked down tight and backed up they are going to fail in one way or another.

No, I'm not talking about your inflamed paranoiac delusions of ev0l gubermints and lizard jews.
I'm talking about sociopathic douchebags extorting hospitals, and, after getting paid, demanding more money.  And you, the douche defending them by shifting the blame.
That's what I'm talking about Smiley

12. Post 14977031 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: becoin on May 26, 2016, 01:57:32 PM
It's a brave new world ... organisations who have become dependent upon mission critical IT infrastructure should pay for better IT security and if they don't even understand what that means they should pay someone who knows to help them out ... instead of playing victim after demonstrating willful negligence.

How about you scumbags just stop extorting hospitals before you get a jackboot up your ass, to demonstrate your willful negligence in securing it?
How would that be?
What if hospitals are extorted in dollars? Will you threaten Federal Open Market Committee getting a jackboot up their ass? How would that be, scumbag?

But that's the point -- it would be incredibly difficult to do it in dollars, that's why dollars aren't used to extort hospitals & bitcoin is.
But yeah, if FOMC designed a financial instrument ideally suited for extorting hospitals (like BTC), and then proceeded to extort hospitals, that would be a totally dick move.

13. Post 14977218 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: becoin on May 26, 2016, 02:17:22 PM
It's a brave new world ... organisations who have become dependent upon mission critical IT infrastructure should pay for better IT security and if they don't even understand what that means they should pay someone who knows to help them out ... instead of playing victim after demonstrating willful negligence.

How about you scumbags just stop extorting hospitals before you get a jackboot up your ass, to demonstrate your willful negligence in securing it?
How would that be?
What if hospitals are extorted in dollars? Will you threaten Federal Open Market Committee getting a jackboot up their ass? How would that be, scumbag?

But that's the point -- it would be incredibly difficult to do it in dollars, that's why dollars aren't used to extort hospitals & bitcoin is.
But that's the point -- before bitcoins extortionists did that in dollars. It was incredibly difficult to do it in physical gold. That's why physical gold wasn't used to extort hospitals & dollars were.
Well no, they didn't. And actual IRL money has continuously evolved to make such asshattery more difficult.
And then along comes beedcoin and makes all the criminal shit that got burnt down ages ago fresh again: Ponzis, gambling, junk stock offerings, extortion, money laundering, etc., etc.
Thanks guys!

14. Post 14977612 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: becoin on May 26, 2016, 02:41:51 PM
Well no, they didn't. And actual IRL money has continuously evolved to make such asshattery more difficult.
And then along comes beedcoin and makes all the criminal shit that got burnt down ages ago fresh again: Ponzis, gambling, junk stock offerings, extortion, money laundering, etc., etc.
Oh, well, before bitcoin there were no ponzis, gambling, junk stock offerings, extortion, money laundering, etc., etc...
From which planet are you coming, buddy? Where did you live before 2008?

Lol, the boldface part, the stuff you expertly edited out. if it was a snake, it would'a bit you.

Criminals constantly evolve ("innovate," claw out new rat holes), and law evolves alongside, plugging up those holes. Laundering IRL money was once trivial, as was selling junk securities, promoting ponzis, numbers rackets, etc., etc. Those rat holes were plugged up, until you gentlemen came up with beetscoins and uncorked them again.
Of course, society is not going to regulate the shit out of beadcoins & let you proceed with your antics unmolested, because disruptive technology.
And you wonder why you get no love from the press & banks refuse to deal with you Roll Eyes
You're mostly inept criminals, that's why Cheesy

15. Post 14977812 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

EU Parliament Approves Proposal for Digital Currency Task Force
Party vans en route. Bullish!

16. Post 14978505 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: yefi on May 26, 2016, 04:04:44 PM
But that's the point -- it would be incredibly difficult to do it in dollars, that's why dollars aren't used to extort hospitals & bitcoin is.
But yeah, if FOMC designed a financial instrument ideally suited for extorting hospitals (like BTC), and then proceeded to extort hospitals, that would be a totally dick move.

What are you going to do un-invent it? Whilst you're at it, expunge John Browning, Manhatten Project, etc. from history so we can all live with ponies singing Kum Bah Ya, My Lord.

Why would we need to uninvent beadcoin? Did we have to uninvent ponzis? Bearer bonds? Heroin? Murder? Rape?

Ban/regulate the shit out of it, works good 'nuff Smiley

17. Post 14978650 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: becoin on May 26, 2016, 04:21:24 PM
Criminals constantly evolve ("innovate," claw out new rat holes), and law evolves alongside, plugging up those holes. Laundering IRL money was once trivial, as was selling junk securities, promoting ponzis, numbers rackets, etc., etc. Those rat holes were plugged up, until you gentlemen came up with beetscoins and uncorked them again.
Nah, just on the contrary. Those rat holes were getting bigger and bigger before bitcoin. Just to mention one - the 50 (fifty) billion Madoff ponzi scheme!

If those ratholes were actually getting bigger, why would the noble bitcorn extortionists resort to using beetcoins? Just to make their lives difficult? Or to shit things up for other righteous bibcoiners?
As far as Madoff, he's doing time, thanks for statist thugs. The possibility of getting V& is a deterrent beetcoin sorely lacks. Bleetcoin thieves are only brought to justice when the jackboots you so abhor take pity & do it for you.

18. Post 14978921 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: clopoterian on May 26, 2016, 11:11:32 AM
We've broken through the $450 electrical fence, we're free, fellow cattle!
Come, bull friends, the way is clear, let's frolic! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
We're on the cusp of sovereign cow society! Follow mee!!

19. Post 14979179 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: yefi on May 26, 2016, 05:06:07 PM
Why would we need to uninvent beadcoin? Did we have to uninvent ponzis? Bearer bonds? Heroin? Murder? Rape?

Ban/regulate the shit out of it, works good 'nuff Smiley

You need to un-invent it because "banning/regulating the shit out of it" isn't going to make it disappear, any more so than the illegal drugs trade has disappeared.

Of course it's not going to make it disappear. Murder and rape are still with us too  -- that's why I said "works good 'nuff" rather than "perfect."
I choose my words berry berry carefully Smiley

20. Post 14987617 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: becoin on May 27, 2016, 11:54:56 AM
So, we really go +$500!
Everything's coming together, the final jigsaw pieces are locking into place!
21 Unveils Vision for Bitcoin-Powered Weather Data Market

Called Sensor21, the prototype outlines specifically how a precision altimeter can work with a 21 Bitcoin Computer to create a miniaturized weather tracker capable of monitoring data points such as air pressure, altitude and temperature.
The company explained:
    "With this short set of commands, you were able to turn a small sensor into a passive income stream. The value from the sensor comes from the fact that it is not locked up in a datacenter like a cloud computer, but out in the real world and part of a compute grid."

21. Post 14988085 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: yefi on May 26, 2016, 08:06:26 PM
Of course it's not going to make it disappear. Murder and rape are still with us too  -- that's why I said "works good 'nuff" rather than "perfect."
I choose my words berry berry carefully Smiley

I would have chosen the words "not nearly good enough" to describe it.  Tongue
I'm not usually worried about myself/those I care about getting murdered or raped, so good 'nuff for me.
But sure, it's possible to get crime rates down, though this typically involves more $ on policing &/or laxer policing standards. This does happen when crime rates become unacceptably high (think "stop & frisk," airport body searches, etc.), so careful what you wish for Smiley

22. Post 14989933 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: yefi on May 27, 2016, 03:24:52 PM
I'm not usually worried about myself/those I care about getting murdered or raped, so good 'nuff for me.
But sure, it's possible to get crime rates down, though this typically involves more $ on policing &/or laxer policing standards. This does happen when crime rates become unacceptably high (think "stop & frisk," airport body searches, etc.), so careful what you wish for Smiley

Despite all the regulations and penalties during the Prohibition, alcohol was still easily obtainable. Despite all the dollars spent policing illegal substances, they are still easily obtainable. How do you suppose cryptos can be banned, regulated and policed so that they are sufficiently difficult to obtain as to deter an extortionist? The law and even the state has limits, and your proposal is not going to work nearly good enough.

Comparing bitscoins to alcohol (documented history of use going back ~5000 years) is as much of a stretch as comparing beadcoin to the internet: ridiculous.
Banning betcoin would certainly make it less attractive to extortionists bitcoin entrepreneurs. No hospital would break the law (by buying illegal beetcoins) to pay ransom Smiley

23. Post 14990117 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Getting this from

"Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG"

API also ded. Guys, what's going on?!

24. Post 14990215 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: adamstgBit on May 27, 2016, 04:15:53 PM
Getting this from

"Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG"

API also ded. Guys, what's going on?!
there server crashed?
nothing to worry about if you ask me...

Just looks a little like a MITM attack to me... What if API data is just a big hoax? Sad

25. Post 14990536 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: yefi on May 27, 2016, 04:31:04 PM
Comparing bitscoins to alcohol (documented history of use going back ~5000 years) is as much of a stretch as comparing beadcoin to the internet: ridiculous.
The documented history of the use of something means nothing. Books have been banned before publication yet still disseminated. You can't stop what people want, and people want crypto, whether rightly, whether wrongly, whether ridiculously...
Of course history of use matters. Otherwise the cigs I'm smoking would have been banned a long time ago.
And sure, if people want something bad enough, be it raping, shooting people, shooting dope, or using bleatcoins, they will get it. OTOH, when things are made illegal, they become less desirable. Not to pubescent children with daddy issues, but to most people.

Banning betcoin would certainly make it less attractive to extortionists bitcoin entrepreneurs. No hospital would break the law (by buying illegal beetcoins) to pay ransom Smiley

I was here before you: surely a better way to stop extortion would be to make paying any ransom illegal. This is strangely at odds with the last advice I heard from the FBI...
Not looking for the optimal solution, simply pointing out that you're factually wrong: making bitscoin illegal would discourage beetcoin extortionists Smiley

26. Post 14991063 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: yefi on May 27, 2016, 05:35:00 PM
Of course history of use matters. Otherwise the cigs I'm smoking would have been banned a long time ago.
And sure, if people want something bad enough, be it raping, shooting people, shooting dope, or using bleatcoins, they will get it. OTOH, when things are made illegal, they become less desirable. Not to pubescent children with daddy issues, but to most people.
The difficulty of enforcing regulation is not a result of the length of a thing's history. It is a product of its distribution, prevalence, concealability etc. and these things can develop from a long history or a very short one. Gnutella and Kad network are relatively novel, yet I would like to see you regulate them away, even with all the $ from the MPAA in your pocket.
I'm not suggesting that regulation of everything is trivial. Merely that regulating bit-coin is trivial. As far as piracy goes, regulation works well enough Smiley

Not looking for the optimal solution, simply pointing out that you're factually wrong: making bitscoin illegal would discourage beetcoin extortionists Smiley

But it won't. What will happen more often is that the crime simply won't be reported, and that the victims will be criminalized. Good 'nuff?  Wink

Explain to me the mechanics of paying off a bitcoin ransom for the case in question:
Quote from: clopoterian on May 26, 2016, 12:24:51 PM
Ransomware attackers refuse to decrypt hospital's files after being paid off

"Negotiating with criminals doesn’t always work out, as Kansas Heart Hospital in Wichita learned last week. The hospital paid to get files back after falling victim to ransomware, but only got “partial access” and a demand for more money, Techspot is reporting.

That’s right: the criminals got their ransom, and then decided they wanted more money. The hospital’s president, Dr. Greg Duick says the hospital is not paying up."
The hospital director would use his personal money, ask his drug-addicted nephew to hook him up with BitcoinPro7569, meetup with BitcoinPro7569 to exchange $30k US in unmarked, non-sequential 20s for BTC-coins behind Wendy's dumpster?
Or would he cook the hospital's books?

27. Post 14991109 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: Karartma1 on May 27, 2016, 05:38:52 PM

holy crap! they were doing something around 5% of the global hashrate. That's bad news really. Chinese competition is tough on everything which requires big numbers: no quality involved. Bitcoin is about doing calculation before others and they have too much power on it, unfortunately

Don't worry brah, BitFury still got 8% Smiley
*Not4long tho...

28. Post 14991155 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

^Makes zero sense. Please delete your post and read before posting in the future. ty.

29. Post 14992747 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: yefi on May 27, 2016, 09:10:28 PM
I'm not suggesting that regulation of everything is trivial. Merely that regulating bit-coin is trivial. As far as piracy goes, regulation works well enough Smiley
Hey, bring it on. Just as with piracy, you may find that it isn't as trivial as you think.
No doubt that growth is entirely non-infringing Wink
What am I looking at? BitTorrent traffic*? Which is not regulated and is perfectly legal? You're telling me that while internet traffic is increasing at exponential rate, the perfectly legal & unregulated BitTorrent traffic is also increasing, albeit at a much lower rate? This is, indeed, amazing Roll Eyes

Explain to me the mechanics of paying off a bitcoin ransom for the case in question:
I'm not going to hypothesize how that transaction would work, suffice to say that it would deter payment if crypto were illegal.
Now you're starting to get it. And lower likelihood of getting paid lowers the profitability of your khrymez. Q.E.D., my rebellious friend Smiley

*In November 2004, BitTorrent was responsible for 35% of all Internet traffic. As of February 2013, BitTorrent was responsible for 3.35% of all worldwide bandwidth, more than half of the 6% of total bandwidth dedicated to file sharing."--Wikipedia

30. Post 14993709 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: yefi on May 27, 2016, 11:36:39 PM
What am I looking at? BitTorrent traffic*? Which is not regulated and is perfectly legal? You're telling me that while internet traffic is increasing at exponential rate, the perfectly legal & unregulated BitTorrent traffic is also increasing, albeit at a much lower rate? This is, indeed, amazing Roll Eyes

P2P traffic. It is mostly a poke at your Gnutella chart,
Quote from: clopoterian on May 27, 2016, 06:02:45 PM
Gnutella and Kad network are relatively novel
You give me e.g., I give you chart.

as the preferred method of piracy has obviously shifted. If piracy is consuming a smaller percentage of global bandwidth, I'd suggest this is due to streaming services such as Netflix which reduce the incentive, rather than due to anti-P2P endeavours.
You give me an e.g. (file sharing), I explain to you that not only is file sharing legal, but despite of it being legal, it's still getting less popular.
And still you complain Sad

Now you're starting to get it. And lower likelihood of getting paid lowers the profitability of your khrymez. Q.E.D., my rebellious friend Smiley

Banning ransom payments isn't going to work because enough people will pay to still make it a profitable venture. This is why it isn't good enough, beside the fact that you're criminalizing the victims who do pay, a fact exploitable by the still-not-discouraged hackers.
I have not suggested "Banning ransom payments," that was you. I did suggest that making beetcoin illegal would make it less attractive to ransomware scumbags disruptive beadcoin entrepreneurs who extort hospitals.
Because demanding to be paid in Bleetcoins would assure that the aforementioned paradigm-shifters will not get paid, making their douchebaggery objectively unprofitable, all for naught.
Jeesh Roll Eyes

31. Post 14994099 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: finkelsteinMonster on May 27, 2016, 11:17:01 PM
Question: Anyone playing with Lisk? Might actually float up ~30% before heading back down, but what do I know...
Lisk (LSK) $0.368027 (-22.92%)
Lisk (LSK)  $0.352384 (-35.37%)

32. Post 14994187 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: BlindMayorBitcorn on May 28, 2016, 01:45:26 AM
JJG broke even. Finally. Huzzah! Smiley

And PatientBear found a friend. BFF. Forever. Smiley

33. Post 15002372 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

^Goldstein. Is that an African American name?

34. Post 15002951 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: r0ach on May 28, 2016, 08:13:33 PM
< snip >
Is that really you, r0ach? You probably think you look pretty cool, but you don't Undecided

Quote from: ahpku on May 28, 2016, 03:56:22 PM
Oriental dog does not approve of dishonorable behavior of anti-bitcoin jew shills in Bitcoin speculation thread
Oh, BTW, that's totally not me in the picture. I just posted my selfie by accident that so you'd know what a Jew looks like.

Zionist buttcoin infiltrator uses false flagery. It's not very effective. Try again, Jew?

35. Post 15002981 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: Dotto on May 28, 2016, 08:26:38 PM
545@houbi. What the hell does the chinese smoke??  Grin
Google "British East India Company."

36. Post 15003549 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: r0ach on May 28, 2016, 09:40:32 PM
Our Chinese overlords duped us again. They but baited the hook, and we bit. Boy howdy!
Now, our hopes shattered, we have to go back.

37. Post 15014303 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Gentlemen. Etherians are watching.
And laughing Cheesy

38. Post 15014377 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: Ted E. Bare on May 29, 2016, 10:23:27 PM
Gentlemen. Etherians are watching.
And laughing Cheesy

How come? Bitcoin is doing great. Look at the daily chart to see for yourself.

Because ETH is up by over 1,000% (one thousand percent) in 2016, and bitcoin is struggling with 20 (twenty) percent Cheesy

39. Post 15019917 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Venezuelan Pastry Shop Accepts Bitcoin Despite Public Distrust
"Hernandez acknowledges there is distrust of cryptocurrency, which he thinks explains why he has yet to conduct a sale in cryptocurrency in the two years he has accepted it." Cheesy

Let's see, if adoption keeps growing at the current [dizzying] rate, in another 2 years he should have ...~pulls out pocket calculator, punches in some numbers, confirms~ ... exactly 0 (ZERO) sales Smiley
Pretty good.
The road to universal acceptance is jut around the corner.

To understand the China/West spread...
"This will fix you right up.
Wen you want more, you'll have to buy more bitcoins" Smiley

40. Post 15020291 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: AlexGR on May 30, 2016, 01:16:06 PM
Let's say you live in Venezuela. What do you dump for shopping? Local fiat that is being printed like no tomorrow, or BTC that will increase in value (compared to local fiat)?

At Venezuela btc has much higher store of value characteristics than a shopping currency.
I'm not sure I understand your objection.
Are you telling me that it's smart for Venezuela stores to accept bitcoin, because no one uses it, or that it's stupid for stores to accept bitcoin, because no one uses it?
Please be specific.

P.S. WTF is a "shopping currency"? Money you can actually use?
As opposed to money you don't use as money, like BTCeanies?

41. Post 15020484 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: practicaldreamer on May 30, 2016, 01:38:54 PM
Let's say you live in Venezuela. What do you dump for shopping? Local fiat that is being printed like no tomorrow, or BTC that will increase in value (compared to local fiat)?

At Venezuela btc has much higher store of value characteristics than a shopping currency.
I'm not sure I understand your objection.
Are you telling me that it's smart for Venezuela stores to accept bitcoin, because no one uses it, or that it's stupid for stores to accept bitcoin, because no one uses it?
Please be specific.

P.S. WTF is a "shopping currency"? Money you can actually use?
As opposed to money you don't use as money, like BTCeanies?

Hey, whored.

How much have you lost to BTC buttercup ? Not in time BTW, which you continue to haemorrhage, but in $'s. A couple of k ?

Tell the truth now - don't be a deceptive as well as an ineffectual troll.

Friend, there's no need to be upset, I'm quite open about my bitcoin gambling, which is to say I haven't gambled meaningful sums for almost three years, after cashing out in mid-600s, on the way up.
How about yourself, Honey Bunny, you leveraged long?

42. Post 15020559 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: AlexGR on May 30, 2016, 01:31:50 PM
Let's say you live in Venezuela. What do you dump for shopping? Local fiat that is being printed like no tomorrow, or BTC that will increase in value (compared to local fiat)?

At Venezuela btc has much higher store of value characteristics than a shopping currency.
I'm not sure I understand your objection.
Are you telling me that it's smart for Venezuela stores to accept bitcoin, because no one uses it, or that it's stupid for stores to accept bitcoin, because no one uses it?
Please be specific.

You have a situation with rampant inflation in your local currency.

You can "spend" dollars as well (if you have them) for shopping, but that would not be wise (for you as a spender) but it would be very good for the shop. It's the same for BTC.

So a store can "accept" anything that is better than Venezuelan currency (let's say you have a shop and you put a sign on it "Now you can buy your groceries with gold, silver, USD and BTC") but the store owner can only wish a client would spend such, instead of using local currency.

So much I can teach you about economics Roll Eyes The store owner can do much more than "only wish a client would spend such, instead of using local currency." He can give discounts for the currency he wishes to be paid in. That's not even econ. 101, that's kindergarten 101. Duh.

The "non-use" of hard assets and currencies for buying stuff in an inflationary economy is simultaneously a use for storing value. You can't have both at the same time.
Thanks for that bit on insight, Professor Gresham.

So to answer your question: If you are a store and you accept bitcoin its smart for you (since you will take the BTCs of the client) but dumb for the BTC-holder to spend it. He should spend local fiat that will go down in rates in like ...the next day or week. This is what must be dumped (the fastest the better).
And logic fails you once again. It is *NOT* smart for me to accept BTC if no one uses it, just like it's not smart for me to price my goods like this:
"$1.99, but you can pay me $2.99 if you want. Or you can give me an ounce of gold, but you probably won't want to, but no harm in asking, amirite?"

P.S. @practicaldreamer: Come, Pumpkin, how's about sum #? I'm waiting.

43. Post 15021525 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Lol, you don't have to take my word for it, my angry friend.  
Quote from: clopoterian on May 30, 2016, 01:43:32 PM
Friend, there's no need to be upset, I'm quite open about my bitcoin gambling, which is to say I haven't gambled meaningful sums for almost three years, after cashing out in mid-600s, on the way up.
How about yourself, Honey Bunny, you leveraged long?

Still waiting tho...
P.S. Buy some beetcoins Cheesy

44. Post 15023377 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: zimmah on May 30, 2016, 06:01:27 PM
More than 90% of exchange volume is happening in China.
Almost 80% of bitcoin mining is in China.

Where's the most "powerful national firewall"? In China.

That's hilarious, by the way.

you know, if we really have to we can make the bitcoin protocol work without the internet.

just because we use the internet now doesn't mean we have to, there are so many other networks that can support bitcoin, or we could just make our own network.

Exactly. We can always use POTS modems and set up our own internet. I'm sure we can pull off 3tps even with one of those 1200baud jobbies.
All the mining is done in China anyhow, so that's taken care of.
I remain cautiously optimistic.

45. Post 15023598 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: practicaldreamer on May 30, 2016, 06:22:10 PM

Wow, you're annoying. Let me repeat. Again:
Quote from: clopoterian on May 30, 2016, 03:16:59 PM
Lol, you don't have to take my word for it, my angry friend.  
Friend, there's no need to be upset, I'm quite open about my bitcoin gambling, which is to say I haven't gambled meaningful sums for almost three years, after cashing out in mid-600s, on the way up.
How about yourself, Honey Bunny, you leveraged long?

Still waiting tho...

Let me try to dumb it down, maybe you're one of them nonverbal types ...visually enabled?
Here you go kid, you like pictures?

46. Post 15023954 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: practicaldreamer on May 30, 2016, 07:07:11 PM REEEEEEEE!!!!!

47. Post 15024081 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

^Yeah, doubt anything big is going to happen before tonight, more likely tomorrow (EST)
Quote from: isabella kaminska on May 30, 2016, 07:16:08 PM
sexy bitcoin keeps me going
Hate to break it to you but...

48. Post 15024184 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: inca on May 30, 2016, 07:31:11 PM
... latest clones from that idiot.

I wonder why that idiot doesn't troll that Roger Ver forum, where you big-block enemies of bitcoin hang out? Huh

49. Post 15030258 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Good morning, Godless abominations Gentlemen!
Had your fun, monstrocities? Good. Time to put an end to your unnatural shenanigans and come on down.

The power of Christ compels you!!

50. Post 15030392 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Not even your Dark Lord Satoshi can save you from His righteous vengeance!

51. Post 15030476 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: Gyrsur on May 31, 2016, 10:37:50 AM

Not even your Dark Lord Satoshi can save you from God's righteous vengeance!

this is not satoshi.

Satoshi is the Great Falsifier, takes many a form to deceive the Righteous.
The Ancient Ones are but one of his disgusting manifestations, that slimy leach serpent obscures his true hideousness behind many veils of lies!

52. Post 15030501 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: zimmah on May 31, 2016, 10:37:55 AM
BTC price doesn't depend on the production cost. Market sets the price at which one is willing to purchase BTC not miners at which they're willing to sell BTC. Market couldn't care less how much in electricity it took to produce 1BTC, simple supply and demand, where supply is fixed

the main sellers are miners...

If 25 BTC changed hands every 10 minutes, you'd have a point. I believe the value is somewhat greater Smiley
Edit: Less than 50 BTC, to validate your "main" claim. I guess they still could be "main sellers" if the other sellers add up to < 25 BTC.

53. Post 15034402 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: GreekGeek on May 31, 2016, 04:39:26 PM
Dear bears

Thanx for the loading opportunity...
No need to thank us.

54. Post 15036411 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

China is dropping like a rock.

55. Post 15036697 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: SnokkomBTC on May 31, 2016, 08:02:34 PM
Oy yoy yoy... There's no bottom!
Zay gesunt, my shekels Cry
we're going to die  Roll Eyes

If only someone told us exactly what was gonna happen... OWAIT, I DID!
Quote from: clopoterian on May 30, 2016, 07:26:04 PM
^Yeah, doubt anything big is going to happen before tonight, more likely tomorrow (EST)

56. Post 15043863 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on June 01, 2016, 09:10:48 AM
By the way.. the bears are getting ass raped!!! HARD! .. The last 5 hours they have just been crushed! ... I like it!  Grin
You got your subject & predicate mixed up again. Or somethin'.

That's called afterglow. Restin' up for the next session. U ready?

57. Post 15044185 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on June 01, 2016, 12:35:15 PM
Son! .. Look! ... That Bear penis has herpes!

You totally win. Enjoy butthurt *AND* herpes.

58. Post 15044604 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: savetherainforest on June 01, 2016, 01:07:30 PM
The human was vaccinated and he also had bitcoin medicine! ... But the bear even if he could buy medicine, it wasn't adjusted well enough to inflation so he can afford it!

Bear told you "It's OK brah, you can just get vaccinated"?
Did Bear also tell you that Bear never felt like this for anyone before? Roll Eyes
Have fun being anally preggers & raising a litter of halfbreed monstrosities. Who also have herpes.

59. Post 15044896 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: soullyG on June 01, 2016, 01:37:36 PM
Chooing ahead slowly but surely
What's it like, having to lie all the time? (original below)

60. Post 15044945 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: 2015Bubble on June 01, 2016, 01:39:07 PM
dafuq ETH 132m volume  Huh

Probably this. They're very colose to having a closed-loop economy now: smart contracts, DAO, getting paid in ETH, etc., etc.

Quote from: BlindedByStick on June 01, 2016, 01:01:29 PM
OMG, ETH mass adoption immanent! Shocked

You Can Now Get Paid in Ethereum Thanks to Bitwage and Uphold
Start getting paid in Ether now because getting your salary in Bitcoin is so 2015.

@Elwar: You use BitWage, don't you?

61. Post 15045656 (copy this link) (by clopoterian) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.51h):

Quote from: Elwar on June 01, 2016, 02:22:03 PM
I don't understand why someone would use BitWage to get ethereums.

For the same reason you use BitWage -- because they hate filthy fiat and believe in ETH.
Because if they get paid in Ether, store their wealth in Ether, and DAO companies accept Ether as a form of payment, that's a closed-loop economy right there Smiley