All posts made by marto74 in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 2503636 (copy this link) (by marto74) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.05h):

Quote from: Its About Sharing on June 17, 2013, 09:44:54 PM

Wait, Slovenia is where Bitstamps bank is located. And Slovenia is close to a banking crisis? Info here please, that is bad...

Yes, Bitstamp uses Unicredit in Slovenia, so any fiat is at the mercy of the Slovenian banking system.  I don't have any ref's at hand, but if you do a bit of googling you will see that Slovenia has been claiming they don't need a bail-out (as all good politicians say right up until they do Tongue) and other's say they are the next domino to fall.
I have no idea, but it was one of the reasons that I moved my cash off the exchange when I turned medium term bear. Not that I trust the UK banking system, but I am pretty sure Slovenia will fall before it ! So for now I can play with BTC on Plus500 and when the price is right I can buy here to track price , transfer fiat over there and buy BTC. Also instant and free to deposit fiat. Works for now ...

Thanks and yes I did a search. WOW! I should have checked sooner. But, the good news is that they just got a lot of cash to inject into the system to help the banks out. That should go a while. But I have to come up with a better plan. doesn't have a bank so trades take like 2 or 3 days to finalize and people sometimes won't even send the money should BTC tank after the sale. So, don't sell during a downmove there.
Unicredit is like an elphant in glass store in terms of EU.
ECB will hold this bank alive , otherwise it'll hit Italy, Austria and most of Eastern Europe
I do not think it's a risk with this bank for now