All posts made by wahlburger in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 24504251 (copy this link) (by wahlburger) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.27h):

Quote from: lesfrigosa on November 13, 2017, 11:00:59 AM

Of course, sorry. 
We are a group of rotten codswallops that plan to continue with yet another fishy, ill-advised alt fork.
Following the people with brains, we are now derping different replay protection addition to the fork to avoid hurr durr-ing your coins.
Stay tuned, stupid.

can go one better
Yes it can do you know that the price of bitcoin has gone down because of the work this means that if people buy it now they have profit later and considering bch the people who had it need to sell it now then they will make a big profit because it will not grow a lot anymore.
I agree with you but bhc got what it deserved for wanting to become so big i do not understand why the koreans wanted to make it become so big and that is why i do not understand if it can become big at all.