All posts made by Finski in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 3489241 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.20h):


EDIT: Seriously, though, starting to have the same kind of feeling I had back in february/march. That warm, furry feeling you get when turning into a bear...

2. Post 3495768 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.20h):

1969, how fitting:

3. Post 3522329 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.21h):

4. Post 3590779 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.23h):

Quote from: seljo on November 15, 2013, 12:40:10 PM

This is what I hear when I read this thread!

LMAO I have these in my bitcoin playlist, too.. Cheesy

5. Post 3591139 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.23h):


6. Post 3640500 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.25h):

Quote from: humanitee on November 19, 2013, 04:56:06 PM
Die my friends!

- mccorvic

Would you by chance be working for a tabloid? You evidently have all the required skillz.. Wink

7. Post 3742752 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_11.30h):

Quote from: MAbtc on November 27, 2013, 09:13:31 PM
Why aren't businesses adopting bitcoin payments like crazy? we really should start with this now. Amazon, get on with it. We have to make this sustainable and not reliable on the fragile human psychology.

Because its still actually shit as a simple currency. Check reddit story of guy who buys a burito and has to wait an hour for confirmations, ends up paying them fiat aswell just to get home.

Uh, 0-confirm transactions are just fine for small purchases. Vendors need to get on with the program.
Yeah, this is ridiculous.

There's actually a pretty simple way around this even for bigger transactions: A hardware wallet with an internal balance counter. The hardware wallet would prevent double/overspending and only incoming transactions confirmed by a trusted third party would be added to the internal balance counter. Whenever you'd pay with this hardware wallet the hw would sync the balance with the third party, if possible, and then sign the transaction and asymmetrically sign the transaction with a manufacturer provided private key (inorder to assure the receiver of the payment that this is indeed an authentic hw wallet made by the said manufacturer). This way the receiver of that transaction can check if both signatures are valid and, if so, he/she can be instantly certain that he will receive the coins. This would make offline transactions possible, too.

Of course this means that the private keys can only exist on that hw wallet. (Actually you could have another backup hw wallet which, if used, would revoke the manufacturer certified second signature. This could also be used to spend your coins in case the trusted third party should stop providing the confirmed incoming transaction data.)

All this would be possible without ever having to trust your coins to any third party online service... Basically like your average CC/debit card but better. I actually suggested this to Trezor but they seemed to have issues with understanding the concept.

8. Post 5140267 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_12.09h):

Quote from: JorgeStolfi on February 14, 2014, 01:07:58 PM
From reddit:
He paid for the membership, I'm not sure he can be removed without a refund.
So the Bitcoin Foundation has suspended the withdrawal of board members?

Naah, they probably just have their funds stored at Gox and are now being goxxed themselves. What a clusterfuck....  Undecided


9. Post 8545727 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_13.08h):

The ultra-individualism/liberalism is strong in this thread!

Historically speaking it's almost funny how individualistic we are in the west these days. So much so that I don't think it's going to last.

Just sayin'..

10. Post 27691583 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_15.37h):

Quote from: Peter R on January 08, 2018, 07:02:10 AM
Whatever happened to Risto, BTW?

He was institutionalized due to bipolar before, IIRC. Now he's out of country so nobody's looking after him and he has by all likelihood relapsed into psychotic mania.

11. Post 47670862 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.11h):

Quote from: AlcoHoDL on November 07, 2018, 11:45:28 AM

"We have battomed out..."

Grin LULZ Grin

OH MY GOD!! : DDD That Twitter feed is pure gold. I'm convinced that too few funny posts/memes in this thread led to this bear market in the first place, but the fundamentals have seen much improvement recently what with the hats and videos like that.

12. Post 48030508 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.13h):

Quote from: HairyMaclairy on November 18, 2018, 09:49:35 PM
I would like to hear people’s stories about how they first heard about Bitcoin ?

I read about it in Wired Magazine in early 2013.  I was familiar with gold farming in WOW so it didn’t seem too outlandish.  It took a second mention in the media in November 2013 for me to pay attention and find this forum on google.

I stumpled on bitcoin back in the autumn of 2012 through a random google search: At the time I was thinking of investing my surplus student loan (a few hundred usd worth) and thought about possible industries that I should invest in. I had this notion that the internet revolution wasn't over yet but rather one industry at a time was still being revolutionzed from the less conservative to more conservative. I tried to think of industries that were ultra conservative and hadn't really been digitized yet. Banking was the obvious answer (actually thought of car industry first) and after some random googling I stumpled on Bitcoin through pure luck.

Bought Bitcoin with everything I had to spare at 9usd IIRC. Couldn't believe my luck when Bitcoin started mooning soon thereafter and, of course, sold most like a fool. I hadn't really thought through my investment strategy in the case if I actually was right. You could say I took a big investment risk but hadn't properly planned on how to take profit out of it which was idiotic. In the end, I still have about 25% my original Bitcoin. And, no, I'm not rich as I only had very little money to invest back then. But I did pay back my student loan with profits which was nice.

13. Post 48031051 (copy this link) (by Finski) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_16.13h):

Quote from: Dig Bicks on November 19, 2018, 12:37:02 AM
College is a huge scam.  People are going into debt for thousands of dollars for a useless piece of paper.  You can already learn everything for free with all the resources out there.  It's quite funny, the wealthiest people I know didn't even attend college.

This may be off topic but the majority of wealth being created is going straight to the top.  We are more productive than ever but wages have been stagnant.  Younger generations can barely even afford to live with the rising housing and medical costs.  Capitalism is going to implode on itself. 

Maybe it is a scam for some occupations, but I wouldn't want my doctor to have "learned it on the internetz". Sure, that's not what you ment but...