All posts made by debar in's Wall Observer thread

1. Post 10887822 (copy this link) (by debar) (scraped on 2020-04-04_Sat_14.07h):

Quote from: podyx on March 25, 2015, 08:09:39 PM
         HAIL LEOCOIN!

The final piece of the LEO puzzle is the launch in June 2014 in Dubai UAE of LEOcoin. This is a cryptocurrency that is inspired by the success and notoriety gained by Bitcoin since its creation in 2009. The advantages of anonymity, security and user friendliness of a decentralised currency are nothing short of revolutionary and many experts are predicting that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are set to become our generation's ultimate disruptive technology. "We studied Bitcoin, saw its strengths and weaknesses, and launched LEOcoin on the shoulders of its achievements, while improving on just about every aspect of it," Dan says. "But we also have a unique platform on to which we can launch LEOcoin – our Associates and the Global network of real people in the real world that are part of LEO.

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